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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 40 KB, 960x306, closet of frills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8943438 No.8943438 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>8935366

>> No.8943441
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Gonna dump some recent ones

>> No.8943445
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>> No.8943446
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didnt delete my name my newfag is showing

>> No.8943456

I really wish she'd either wear a new wig or take a few steps back so I can actually see the coord..

>> No.8943460

The belt is not my fave. some pops of red or more blue would be nice to break up all the mustard.

>> No.8943468

Why does she feel the need to shoop her face into Oblivion?

>> No.8943477

'cause she thinks that not being kawaii enough is the only thing holding her back from efame; she's not feeling validated enough for the thousands of dollars she's blown on her wardrobe and doesn't realize that it's her bratty, entitled attitude that's turning people off from her.

>> No.8943500

That's a good point but otherwise the mustard is surprisingly cute.

>> No.8943511

The roses make the coord seem off.

>> No.8943513

this would look 1000x better with bangs and any other headdress than a meme crown

>> No.8943518

I'd do different shoes too desu

>> No.8943528
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>> No.8943544

why does she always pose like she has some sort neck pain

>> No.8943547
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i really, really wonder what exactly is happening in the background

>> No.8943560

Utterly horrid

>> No.8943568

Hahahahahaha I wanna see that girl post on CoF
That pose is making me uncomfortable. Needs to work on the hands

>> No.8943597

Her coords get lost behind that wall of hair.

>> No.8943601

Well, she's really not posting for you to see the coords (hence why she never shows the full outfit). She just wants you to see all of the rare prints she owns.

>> No.8943606

wtf is going on with her fingers?

>> No.8943608

Honestly I'm a lot more interested in that blouse she's wearing. Does anyone have a source?

>> No.8943677

Isn't she trying to sell this dress? Why would she post an old coord photo in CoF?

>> No.8943681

She wears that blouse with everything and has been spamming CTP every day. I bet they both reek to high heaven.

>> No.8943713
File: 92 KB, 960x960, 12417730_1716245165325546_4426236994126989625_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna do a dump because no one is contributing any actual outfits.

>> No.8943714
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>> No.8943715
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>> No.8943717
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>> No.8943719
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>> No.8943721
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>> No.8943726

I love this so much

>> No.8943733

very cute but the shoes are a bit jarring and should match the bag, and I'm not sold on the hairpiece

>> No.8943737

Looks frumpy.

>> No.8943742
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>> No.8943743
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>> No.8943745
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>> No.8943747
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>> No.8943773

Why the antlers? They look so out of place here. The bag is also very out of place since the only other brown is her hair. It would probably be cute without those two

Something about the duel colour hair when combined the the jarring blue and black doesn't feel right. It feels to busy. I feel like even just plain black legwear would improve this significantly

>> No.8943977

The coord doesn't flatter this dress at all, much too toned down and boring.

>> No.8943982

I agree with you on the antlers, but her shoes are fine, so is the legwear of the second girl.

>> No.8943998

Why the hell those roses are RED??? imo if they were white or pink or any pastel color would look 100 times better. That red is so fucking random.

>> No.8944000

It's not an OTT dress to begin with though. The cardigan is a bit frumpy, a bolero might be more flattering but it's not a bad coord overall, it's just very simple. Lolita can be toned down too, you know, it IS a street fashion.

>> No.8944033

I'm not talking about OTT, but it has a pretty cute and fancy feel to it, and the bolero is just very plain and simple. The socks and shoes remind me more of something oldschool. She should've picked up on the colors, materials and pattern of the dress, so more rounded, more ribbons, more "modern" materials.

>> No.8944036

God this is horrid. Too much mustard. Too fucking much!

Btw OP you're npt suppose to write in the name field, you were suppose to write in the subject line.

>> No.8944041

I disagree. It's quite cute. It's balanced, the colors compliment eachother, besides, i like seeing toned down stuff. It's nice to have some cute inspiration for my own daily coords.

>> No.8944052

Who even is she...

>> No.8944139

I wanna Dutch? attention whore and annoyance. She literally stalked one of my friends for her CTP a while back, finding her through different usernames on various social media.

>> No.8944144

*wanna say

But I do want a Dutch whore

>> No.8944291

She ragequit unfollowed me after spamming me with likes for days just because I didn't follow her back, it was hilarious

>> No.8944297

Is she squating or something? Or is she just super short?

>> No.8944317

They keep getting bigger. It's only a matter of time until someone gets an eye poked out.

I like it but this looks more otome to me.


What is this pose?

>> No.8944418
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>> No.8944421
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>> No.8944422
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>> No.8944423
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>> No.8944425
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>> No.8944469

I don't know if it's her expression or not but she looks all the same every time I see her

>> No.8944471

Does this scream Tumblr to anyone else?

>> No.8944499

Same expression, same pose, same area, always all black. Yes she dresses elegant (well a few nitpicks) but all her coords are just beginning to be the exact same thing now. Kuro Lolita is neat and all but there must be something she can do to shake it up.

>> No.8944530
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this confuses me.

>> No.8944535

Even if she just did her hair and makeup differently from time to time it would really help to shake things up more.

>> No.8944536

It was posted on April fools but it doesn't really seem like she's joking. Idk though, maybe it is just a joke. She said it was clown themed. Those wigs need to die, this is not a laughing matter

>> No.8944542

it's obviously a joke you autistic fucks

>> No.8944706

cold pink and warm pink, totaly cutesy dress with such a boring cardigan, ankle socks that match nothing... please don't.

>> No.8944832

I wonder if this is how Melva will look when she gets older, still cute though

>> No.8944861

Ditch the headpiece and this would be fine, though the wings look overkill they're not too distracting
I quite like this, mustard is always a tricky colour
This is really clean and presentable, great photo too. Only think I'd maybe change is the tights cos the texture is a little off putting, but pretty solid coord.
Very cute, shame the shoes are the wrong shade to match the rest though
The starkness of the white against the beige really irks me, would look 100% better with off white or ivory instead.
The shoes really chop up her legs with those socks, either different shoes of plain tights/socks would look nicer. Also I quite like her hair but I'd curl those long bits instead of plaiting them personally
Those socks look way too pale for the rest of the outfit, needs a bow and bag the same colour, or to switch the tights for a darker blue to match the dress
m'lady *tips bowler*
Dear god shave that hair off or dye it or something, that washed out patchy nastiness looks radioactive, the shoes are just all wrong and the headpiece really doesn't go, this is a mess
Uh... is there some context to this? Themed meet?

>> No.8944884
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Mini dump

>> No.8944886
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>> No.8944891
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>> No.8944897
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>> No.8944900
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>> No.8944901
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>> No.8944904
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>> No.8944907
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>> No.8944912
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>> No.8944913
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>> No.8944916

oh god not this shit again

>> No.8944920
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>> No.8944922

and that's me done for now

>> No.8944929

Deets? I'm curious now? Fucking shave if you're a brolita

>> No.8944930


>> No.8944931


>> No.8944934

This is gross and that wig is shit.

>> No.8944937

How many likes will this get for being a mediocre coord with a beard?
500? 800? Anyone want to place bets on the sjw thirst?

>> No.8944940

I guess people just want to motivate him. In the end, it doesn't even matte-e-e-er.

>> No.8944951

...what? They should motivate him to shave off the beard and stop trying to get attention by being an edgelord.

>> No.8944955


>> No.8944967

Maybe he looks stupid on his normal life without a beard.

>> No.8944972

What a fucking attention whore. Any guy who can actually coord decently and refuses to shave their fucking gross face hair is just doing it for attention. He probably knows how shit he looks in this. I wish it would stop. If only i were a guy then i could just not shave my facial hair and ill get thirsty tumblrtards all over me praising me! Ugh this is literally the same equivalent of me posting pics half naked in groups for hobbies that are mainly male. Fuuuuuck oooooff

>> No.8944974

I'm sorry but it does not take that long to grow back facial hair he has no excuse.

>> No.8944981

It's not going to happen, some get a pass but he's too far gone.

>> No.8944983

Those shorts are just not the right color. I feel like he's been overshadowed by beard chan, but this is borderline ita. The bottom half makes absolutely no sense

>> No.8944990

Maybe he has allergy after shaving? The hair gets tucked? Guess it's easier to just ask him why he did choose to not shave it after all.

>> No.8944992

Yes, as I said, it doesn't change a thing in our lives if he shaves it or not. The girls praising him must like a bearded man in frills, who knows?

>> No.8944996
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>> No.8945030

I'm 99% sure that beard is a Snapchat filter or something similar

>> No.8945058

It's funny because I love beards with all my soul, every guy I've gotten a crush with has a beard, but in lolita I just hate it to death.

>> No.8945070


Borderline? This guy's always looks like shit to be honest.

>> No.8945076
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 12963671_116854642047842_3614780662245923433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the original post she's 54 years old. She looks so great for her age!

>> No.8945082

Yeah she looks great for her age but would it kill her to style her hair, fix her eyebrows, and wear tights

>> No.8945092


>> No.8945122

Whatever. She looks good.

>> No.8945129

Lay off the sodium anon, I hear it's bad for you

>> No.8945157

She's the oldest Lolita I've seen who openly stated her age. Props for that. But I agree about the hair and leg wear. Both need better attention.

>> No.8945159


>> No.8945192

idk why this is getting so much hate, his effort's commendable. Let the poor guy wear his beard!

I don't like that she did such dark makeup with a blonde wig and a pastel coord. It makes the less than stellar application even more conspicuous, why is the inner corner left like that?
pls keep personal vendettas off of cgl

>> No.8945197

>pls keep personal vendettas off of cgl
Did you quote the wrong person or something?

>> No.8945201


>> No.8945204

nvm i thought this was the cringe thread :|

>> No.8945207

fucking leave you retard.

also the beard looks fucking stupid because he's clearly trying to be a girl, hence the wig.

>> No.8945236


I can't stop thinking of Conchita Wurst. Fugly beard aside, the coord is decent, but needs wristcuffs or bracelets, a purse, and some different shoes. Having a pop of red is fine, but in small quantities (the red and brown are almost the same tone). Ivory or gold shoes would work better.

>> No.8945268

waiting for the hubba hubba comments to come in

>> No.8945274

If only we could learn to ignore the bearded lolita posts they would go away because the shock value and attention would be gone, alas

>> No.8945291

Not everyone wearing a wig is trying to be a girl anon...

>> No.8945313

Ugh, not even.

>> No.8945334

When you get loads of likes because you're male. Guess men will always come out on top, even in a community full of men-hating SJWs

>> No.8945351

His coordinate is seriously so fucking mediocre I don't understand

>> No.8945363

i hate this stupid beard shit, it's a feminine fashion just shave your damn face make a real effort.

>> No.8945402

I love it but the coord itself is meh, face is fucking hot and I'd tap that

>> No.8945414
File: 40 KB, 540x960, 11390446_913087385400531_1742520704327688483_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a closer look, mate. Might want to reconsider.

>> No.8945458

meh, still would
he doesn't have to take off his makeup

>> No.8945471

this makes me want to post a pic of myself with a fake beard.

>> No.8945475

>Guess men will always come out on top, even in a community full of men-hating SJWs

Holy shit, how has this thought never occurred to me

>> No.8945477

yeah, and does look totally good and normal in lolita with a beard... what?

>> No.8945482

I'd still like you better

>> No.8945485

I don't care WHY he doesn't shave. With any other ita, do you care why she makes bad decisions? No. You give concrit so that she may do better in the future.

It does make a difference, because every e-fame attentionwhore who makes the fashion about themselves is a really bad representation and I'm honestly a bit embarrassed to be associated with them.

>> No.8945497

You have low standards anon.

>> No.8945565

This bothers me. It is not that she is not cute, and kuddos for wearing lolita in her age and looking so good, but the coord is just cute. It is not 800+ likes amazing. I am guessing she got the likes because she mentioned her age.

This is so annoying. it is a complete trainwreck and again, without the beard, and him being a guy, he would be getting some severe critisism for this.

I guess I am salty because much more decent coords get burried while bullshit like that gets all the attention.

>> No.8945571

>I don't care WHY he doesn't shave. With any other ita, do you care why she makes bad decisions? No. You give concrit so that she may do better in the future.
But you're not giving him concrit, you're just saying anything behind his back. If you really wanted to give concrit you'd just go there and comment on the pic.

>> No.8945584


but you can't effectively give concrit on something like a beard on COF without being accused of bullying/ muh gender. Saying that, he did post to COF uncensored as well.

>> No.8945594
File: 372 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-04-04-08-04-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk about it, be about it.

I've stopped giving any fucks about trying to asspat people

>> No.8945595

Bless your potentially banned self

>> No.8945599

It's CoF:U, if they ban me for that then it only means they've grown soft and turned into CoF: Lite

>> No.8945647


>> No.8945654
File: 114 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your comment was deleted. Bless u anon.

Also his response.

>> No.8945655

Never mind, I didn't realize you posted in cof:u.

>> No.8945688

Are they serious? There is nothing feminine about a beard. Hating social constructs like femininity and masculinity is one thing, and I respect it. But actually claiming that beards are feminine? Femininity is not something vague. You can be a woman with a beard, but it is not a feminine trait ffs!

>> No.8945695

Sorry, what dress is this?

>> No.8945701

AP's Chess Emblem OP

>> No.8945704

Thank you so much!

>> No.8945711

Of course they're serious, shitlord. Some women have naturally heavy facial hair. Shaving is in natural. Check your privilege.

>> No.8945713
File: 61 KB, 600x900, 12924505_571705976323862_5899150301927947753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this, but I feel like she needs to get brown shoes.

>> No.8945715

Or replace the bag. It's a cute coord otherwise, though.

>> No.8945729

Go back to Tumblr to cry for you bananafluid privilege

>> No.8945733

Nobody said that women don't have facial hair you asshole. Hair is natural. Femininity and masculinity are socialconstructs though, they have nothing to do with nature. And beards fall on the masculine side of the spectrum because this is how these silly constructs work. You can wear your beard with your skirt if you want, and you can rock it, but you don't need to describe it as feminine.

>> No.8945734

Wow fuck CoF:U

I noticed that pretty much none of the posts get comments. Wtf is wrong with them, why make a group for honest concrit and then censor it so that it's useless? I just assumed there weren't many comments because of group size, wouldn't have guessed they can't handle comments

>> No.8945743
File: 187 KB, 750x1120, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me please~

>> No.8945746

This is bait right?

>> No.8945749

Lol I mean rate this coord please. I'm ESL sorry.

>> No.8945757

Rate what coord? All I can see is a shitty wig. There's nothing to rate. 2/8, this is lame b8.

>> No.8945764

You're my hero

>> No.8945773

not really, he's just quite close to my type of guys and wearing dresses and makeup (although shittily, it's a start) just makes it better. probably wouldn't without the lolita though, if it makes you feel better.

I'd actually like to see a bag with light pink/peach detailing, like the ribbon on the front

>> No.8945782

I would've but fb on my phone is shit and I can't do anything before I get home from work.

>> No.8945789

I cannot find him on cof uncensored, but he did ask for concrit, so...

>> No.8945799

oh stfu, beard is literally caused by testosterone. Femininity and masculinity are not social constructs when it comes to biology, go shave.

>> No.8945826

It's the very top post on CoF:U at the moment ...

>> No.8945847

You guys are arguing the wrong part of this.
A beard is a sign of age. Which is why he should shave it off for a certain look.

>> No.8945854

>being uncensored on Facebook
Yeah fucking right.

>> No.8945871

Why do people keep putting these bags in coords when nothing else ties them in?

>> No.8945881

People like stupid trendy things.

>> No.8945891

Ugh. I know that genderfuck is a thing, and as a concept and in execution, it can be cool, but when it comes to lolita, with it already being weird on its own and normies associate it with other fetishes, it doesn't work. I can see it as something at a drag performance or gay bar environment, but a regular meet up would be highly inappropriate.

Even if cgl didn't point it out, it really does scream thirst by pandering to the "alt" crowd.

Brolitas would better benefit from a guy dressed up as well as he is, but actually passing off as feminine.

>> No.8945972

as I said, fb on my phone is shit.

>> No.8946026

Completely agree.

>> No.8946034


>> No.8946036

I think it's cause they're buying all the things they really want without considering how they'll look in an outfit together.

>> No.8946074

I want to hate this wig but I think it really works here.

>> No.8946088
File: 302 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-04-15-34-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually one of the last people to cry "tumblr go home" but honestly this pissed me off
This girl (? Because probably ~genderfluid~) doesn't even look like she wears lolita but she's going off on people who are actually experienced in the fashion about how it shouldn't be femme inclusive??
I'm about clothing being genderless or whatever but lolita is a traditional, female fashion. Beards don't fit. There isn't really any argument to be made. It's about looking young, cute and delicate. Beards aren't delicate and there's no reason why this guy or any of the others can't shave for this fashion.
Yes I'm mad.

>> No.8946095

>plenty of potential to look cute in lolita

It's a mismatched, dark-pube color for fuck's sake.
We're not even talking about guys who might do quirky shit like dye their beard a pastel color and put little deco jewelry on the hairs.
We're talking about men who slap wigs on their faces and walk out the door with their regular fucking beards.

I hate that girl. Just because something bends gender norms it doesn't make it innovative or "cute." I hate how she even mentions that he COULD have done something to make it cute like a ribbon or flowers, but he fucking didn't so how is that relevant?!

>> No.8946099

Beards relate to the male gender since, you know, only man can grow beards. They teach this in fucking elementary school, guys.
Please, let's rise money to give education to this tumblr faggs and make internet a better place.

>> No.8946117

What is a cute beard, I want to know for when I make my own beard coord.
Would a mustache be kawaii

>> No.8946126
File: 362 KB, 1440x1424, _20160404_155945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color balance and makeup are pretty bad in this. Pink or lav tights and black shoes would look so much better, along with a nicer (less normalfag) cardigan

>> No.8946134

i honestly thought that piercing was a nasty mole at first glance

>> No.8946145

Also the way she did her makeup makes it look like she got punched in the face.

>> No.8946146

>Would a mustache be kawaii
Only if it's pink

>> No.8946149

I think it's because the jsk has Alice in Wonderland print, and the rabbit had a pocketwatch.

>> No.8946200

>the idea that beards are unfeminine is some bullshit
>that only men grow(and women with hormone issues)

seriously i'm done. that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.8946222

i thought this was that snapchat filter???

>> No.8946227

because everyone wants to be flavor flav

>> No.8946231

only if its a 1970s style pornstash
it will match perfect with your dreamy baby room dress

>> No.8946251


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

>> No.8946257
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>> No.8946258
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>> No.8946264
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>> No.8946269

It has begun.

>> No.8946271
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>> No.8946277
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>> No.8946281
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>> No.8946285
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>> No.8946293
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>> No.8946298
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>> No.8946300

This dress is soo cute

>> No.8946339

I like her outfits but she's always wearing these pointy shoes and I hate those.

>> No.8946365
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Is it just me or aren't the bows on the socks suppose to face outward from each side?

>> No.8946382
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>> No.8946385
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>> No.8946391


She has such a fucking punchable face.

>> No.8946392
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>> No.8946405
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>> No.8946410
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This is me!

Thank you all! I really appreciate concrit, specially since this dress is one of my favorites. I know I have a lot to learn, so next time I'll tie everything it better.

Just as >>8946149 said, the rabbit in the print had a pocket watch that's why in my mind it was a good idea to wear a clock bag,

>> No.8946415
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>> No.8946419
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>> No.8946436

I really like this dress and most of the coord but not a fan of the bag. Something simpler in a dark brown like her shoes or thecolor of lacing on her dress would be better IMO.

>> No.8946439

This angle is not great for her

I have these same socks in mocha, the bows are in front

Is it just me or do her feet look gigantic

I love the old school vibe of this

>> No.8946440

Same. I follow her on insta and apparently she's in my comm, she has fucking amazing taste... but yeah those shoes. I can't get into them.

>> No.8946442

It's just you. Since when is it desirable to have small feet in lolita?

>> No.8946452

She wears them so the shoe company will promote her and she can get more followers. Just look at her tags on Instagram.

>> No.8946457

burandos don't make shoes for big feet, anon.

>> No.8946459

Or maybe she just likes them and wants to share where she gets her shit from.

>> No.8946477

Sure, cause we're all crazy about those ugly overpriced shoes that don't match.

>> No.8946481

Vendetta chan pls

>> No.8946490

I like her outfits, just not the shoes. Chill with the aggressive white knighting.

>> No.8946492

Flatforms tend to make feet look a bit bigger, but I know for a fact these shoes don't run that big
>tfw my size ten flippers will never fit into cute velvet platforms
Anyway, I like the larme elements of this. Really cute and romantic.

>> No.8946501

>bag sadly sitting on the floor
Why not hold it for a coord pic? Her arm pose is crazy and she could do with holding something.

ooh girl I know you use cgl so I'll advise you here: next time wear a wig or put your hair in an updo. It looks a little sad as is.

>> No.8946517
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>> No.8946542

I don't like it. He needs to shave.

>> No.8946552

Trashiest HL coord I've seen I think.

>> No.8946596

Personally I only think she needs a trim to her ends to make her hair look better. In my opinion, old school always looks best with natural hair anyway.

>> No.8946620

Let me rephrase. Big feet don't affect the look very much considering how chunky some shoes already appear.

>> No.8946634

Looks weirdly ero with that bodice and defined breasts.

>> No.8946686

This looks so...mallgoth

>> No.8946690

That blouse makes her look like she has football player shoulders

>> No.8946711

she always looks cross-eyed to me? I'd recommend maybe trying a eyes closed kinda pose next time.

it would have been less cringy if he kept the heart over his face all the time - bearding for the likes gdi

>> No.8946729

I'm really confused with this because she asked for help in the coord thread a bunch of times and got a lot of advice for this coord, but it doesn't look like she took much advice?

>> No.8946761
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>> No.8946764

well yeah, but it's not like this can really be called oldschool.

I think she didn't have time to get all the pieces she wanted in time for the event or something? I don't get why someone would want to wear an incomplete coord instead of something finished or whatever alternative.

>> No.8946791

That whole thing looks like ass. I never understood why longchamp bags were popular, it looks like a cheap supermarket bag

>> No.8946803


>> No.8946826

lol those shoes do NOT look oldschool wtf are you on? I usually try not to say this, but are you new?

>> No.8946884

It's kind of oldschool lolita x larme? Which is not a combo I would have ever thought of, but I think it's cute and really wearable

>> No.8946892

You're right, I misinterpreted them at first glance. Still, take the cardigan, shoes and socks and put some IW jsk under it, because this one doesn't look good with it. It's not ita or horrible, it's just mismatched imo.

>> No.8946907

>>8946405 here!

My feet are definitely on the bigger side of average but I think it's just the thickness of the shoes making them look massive.

I can usually make my hair a lot prettier and poofier by leaving it braided for a while but for some reason this time it didn't do much besdes give me frizz. Definitely do need to trim my ends though. I'm really just not that big on wigs.

I actually did use a lot of the advice! I switched to an ivory cotton blouse, nixed the bell and bow choker I was originally planning on and made a less loud one with pearls and a rose, and bought a headdress from baby instead of using the tulle and velvet meta one I started with. So thank you to those in the thread that suggested things because I really do think they helped with the look a lot! I kept the bag because I just personally really like how it looks with the skirt, and I'm okay with sacrificing 100% oldschool accuracy if it means I get to incorporate items I love. The only item I wasn't able to get in time was RHS; I have them coming from bodyline but didn't deem it worth it to pay out the ass for shipping to get them here in time for a small meet when I already had shoes that would still work; but I am planning on using RHS next time. I think next time I might also get some lace topped UTKs as well (as someone mentioned in the thread), but I do like the roses on the OTKs I have now too.

Thank you! It was kind of an experiment and I'm mostly pleased with the results but definitely have things to fix.

>> No.8946922

My favorite print...but this is honestly really ugly.

>> No.8946930

I actually really like the shoes, I think they're a cute design. But maybe I like them more as shoes rather than thinking of them as an element of the coord

>> No.8946932

I don't think having a clock bag in general is a bad idea, it's a cute idea. Just maybe one that ties in more colourwise would be better. That print is gorgeous btw

>> No.8946980

Was it deleted? Did he delete it?

>> No.8946986 [DELETED] 

I'm salty this stupid SJW got so many likes and supporters with her goddamn gender studies ~uwu~ arguement. Can't wait until the real world hits these fucking idiots.

Also funny how she tried to "school" someone who has been wearing Lolita for years.

>> No.8947057

EXACTLY what I have been thinking for years now! My family used to have one of those longchamp bags for grocery shopping when I was a kid and I was so confused to see all the girls sporting them all of a sudden.

>> No.8947119
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>> No.8947120
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>> No.8947121
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>> No.8947122
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>> No.8947146

damn, she has a cute face. Her outfit is average but she's cute.

>> No.8947164

I always love her take on the fashion. They always seem very unique to me

Cute for a casual everyday coord, I like this kind of toned down outfits for going out shopping etc etc.

Really cute, love how she toned it down

Not fond of what's happening at the bodice, And I wish the over skirt was the same length as the skirt. She is very pretty though and the hat is gorgeous

>> No.8947326

This is super cute. This is the kind of casual Lolita I'd wear to work.

>> No.8947352

Disappointed in all the comments saying this is cute.

The shoes don't match, the tights are too fancy, and the headdress is sitting oddly or needs to be fixed (maybe interfacing would help). You're trying way too hard if you want a casual look

>> No.8947465
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This shoop is absolutely terrifying.

>> No.8947483

This screams sissy to me.

>> No.8947909
File: 100 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1459897079076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this getting so many likes?

Sometimes I don't understand CoF

>> No.8947915

I'm not usually a fan of ringlets, but I like her hair here.
The only thing I don't like is the underskirt, but at best I call nitpick

>> No.8947921

Because, aside from the underskirt, it's cute.

>> No.8947926

I like the hair shape but I'd like it more in blonde/any other natural color. The underskirt is too long and looks weird under the jsk, not enough petticoat to hold it up. The hat is stupid, looks like those colored sun hats you put on babies with cheap flowers added. But besides that It's pretty neat.

She's getting a lot of likes because of the colored wig and OTT-ness.

>> No.8947943

It is cute, but my guess is, now that I saw what was going on with beard-chan, is that a LOT of girls who browse cof have simply no idea about lolita.

>> No.8948139

those tights and shoes do not go well with this. There needs to be more black for balance.

>> No.8948146

I liked it on my phone. On the computer, nope.

The pinks were much more cohesive on my phone. The tone differences weren't obvious.

>> No.8948191

For some reason she reminds me of Isabella from Paradise Kiss on the left.

>> No.8948383

Everything about this screams 'cheap bo peep' to me.

>> No.8948386

Everything but the JSK is offbrand/high street, right? Too much lolifying, not enough Lolita.

>> No.8948388

I figured out the same thing a bit ago. I miss Daily Lolita.

>> No.8948496

Most of this is just costume dress up, none of this would actually look good in real life unless it was at a convention where you're free to look like an idiot.

>> No.8949692

But it's not an overskirt, it's part of the vest.

>> No.8949709

Reminds me of if one of the Duggar daughters did lolita

>> No.8949733
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Bodyline stock photos always look shit

>> No.8949815

I'm scared

>> No.8949991

Are you blind? The comment is still there. It even has replies.

>> No.8949998

I don't really get the appeal of her coords to be honest. Like her stuff is interesting and it's great to see people getting creative with the fashion, but a lot of her stuff just kind of looks cheap.

>> No.8950028
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That close up was not necessary.

Her coord looks alright though!

>> No.8950034
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Gonna dump some coords to get this thread moving.

>> No.8950038
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>> No.8950041
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I like that they try to incorporate street style but this just doesn't look very put together.

>> No.8950042
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>> No.8950044
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>> No.8950047
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>> No.8950048

I always love this girl's coords so much so perhaps it's rude for me to ask but

damn why she leg so thicc

>> No.8950049

She looks like a street walker in a fancy dress.

>> No.8950052

I see she ignored the advice she was given. Those walmart tights still ruin it for me every time.

>> No.8950061

Does anyone know what dress this is?
I think I might know, but I haven't seen it in that colorway.

>> No.8950094

oh good god

>> No.8950120

...what in that photo is bodyline because you didn't quote anyone.

>> No.8950123

the painting skirt. iirc it's from a jsk+bolero set

>> No.8950131
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>> No.8950156

Read the next comment down, dumbass.

>> No.8950174

Well that doesn't look like the usual shit they put out, I'm impressed.

>> No.8950201

I wish the picture quality was better for this. All those details just blur together and it's a shame because the coord seems lovely.

>> No.8950261

Isn't this the owner of Kawaii Goods?

>> No.8950263

Did she shoop those hearts on her shoes?

>> No.8950264

This looks uncomfortably tight

>> No.8950271
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I think she is wearing these type of shoes.

>> No.8950320

I have this JSK and I'd assume she has it in the L/XL like I do. It's just super long if you're under about 5'7.

>> No.8950325

I'm getting different shoes, those were just a stand-in. I guess I can see how the socks are too fancy but I like that they continue the rose motif. As i sajd im considering some plain ivory lace topped otks as an alternate legware. And I'm not really trying to be casual? It was for a picnic meet, not to wear to work or out shopping with normies or anything...
It is my first time wearing a rectangle headdress though so totally possible I put it on a little strange. I'll be more careful next time.

I love this, that shade of lavendar is really cute with her hair color!the shoes look a little off in color
and a little bit of a different style than the dress but not too bad.

She should have chosen a different color blouse, the stark white doesn't really fit in. The bottom half is a little plain for my liking too.

>> No.8950836
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>> No.8950839
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This coord needs more love.

>> No.8950847

lol why
its fugly as shit

>> No.8950851

It's not a filter - I met him at this convention and the beard was there (he and his girlfriend were really sweet; I get that he was just wearing lolita because he liked it, not as a feminine thing)

>> No.8950858

Hate the hat and tights. The jsk is handmade right? It's really cute.

>> No.8950869

Yikes, I hope you're joking.
The flats, tights, and weird wool hat are terrible. Not a big fan of the cutsew top either.

>> No.8950914

She may have Lymphedema; it's a harmless condition, but basically your legs store a lot of fat and it's incurable. If you get too fat though, it can be really bad for you. I have this and have legs like hers (My bmi is 21.9 so it's not due to being overweight)

>> No.8950930

Who is this, because talk about goals

>> No.8950931

It's an alright simple coord. But not blow-me-silly grand, no.

>> No.8950950

Kate? is that your little sister. that messy hair

>> No.8950992

Lol salt much? It's nothing amazingly special but it's pretty cute.

>> No.8950997

I only know her as mark hubba hubba's gf
This is cute though, and I don't into classic
I really want that dress if it comes in a blackxred colourway

>> No.8951008

Walmart tights? Idk she said they were moi-meme-moitie on her post and I see some lace on her pic so they seem to be otk?

>> No.8951032

Is it my phone screen or are they actually literally just plain black?

>> No.8951075
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>> No.8951081

They look to me as if they're black lace-top OTKs. I have a few pairs of MMM OTKs and they are MUCH longer than other brands, so they can go a lot higher up on people who are taller or have thicker calves.

>MMM OTKs are master race OTKs

>> No.8951725
File: 59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1460103738925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these mediocre holy Lantern coords are making me regret my decision to buy it.

Does anyone actually have a good example of how it's coorded?

>> No.8951738

What a punchable face

>> No.8951740

Just drop the piercing already. It makes small lips look even smaller

>> No.8951776

oh no, she's super cute! Agree on the coord, simple but very nice for casual wear. Does she have a tumblr or something?

>> No.8951808

Is that even Holy Lantern? The red looks so bright.

>> No.8951945

I cant get over that dollar store pink bow by her neckline

>> No.8952061
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>> No.8952079


>> No.8952084

This is so ugly

>> No.8952129
File: 60 KB, 500x480, kermit-frog-reaction-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the clown make up? and the wafro? why would you want to do a clown-themed co-ord it's hideous

>> No.8952130

i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't desu. this is cof

>> No.8952139

It's cute, she just needs to change those tights to match the stripes or the bunny. And get rid of that god awful hat. Shoes are ite. desu what do I actually like about this?

>> No.8952145

>All these mediocre holy Lantern coords are making me regret my decision to buy it.
what a weird attitude, why would that affect you?

>> No.8952149

why do you think?

it was for a costume/horror party.

>> No.8952158

Mine is en route and I feel the need to post a bitchin' coordinate to fight the incoming ita tsunami.

>> No.8952227

replica chan pls go

>> No.8952339

>Does anyone actually have a good example of how it's coorded?
As far as this thread goes, I think this >>8946293 is the best HL coord by far, but only because it's so simple and she didn't try to drown it out with a ton of crosses or other shitty accessories.
There are way better coords out there though anon, I don't know why you're so bent out of shape about the itas.

>> No.8953004
File: 65 KB, 500x750, 11073228_383474761831767_332057356_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coord made me fall in love with this print

>> No.8953005
File: 138 KB, 640x800, 12472560_1587322978225188_2091810291988286039_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she only own super expensive dresses?

>> No.8953209

shawl is hideous, tights are terrible, she looks 50, how awful.

>> No.8953520

This is such a mess. Special mentions to the sleeves though.

>> No.8954865

looks more otome to me