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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 514 KB, 595x842, holytheater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8939943 No.8939943 [Reply] [Original]

A release nobody asked for edition

Old general >>8931798

Bodyline >>8921303
Taobao >>8935588
ebay >>8926310
Aliexpress >>8897809
Pricecheck >>8934168
Coord help >>8936569
Dreamdresses >>8898845
CoF thread >>8935366
Otome-kei >>8869640
Draw thread >>8923990

>> No.8939950

Shhh, have some respect. Easter has passed so as you can see from the little wings on the animals, these are the little dead bunnies and lambs who are now angels.

>> No.8939957

that fucking font though... keep reading it as holy cheater

>> No.8939962

Do you think the AP designers know that their designs are failing? Almost all of the new print series still have main pieces in stock, and I don't know about Japan but it seems like a lot of us are disappointed with the quality of the recent dresses

>> No.8939964

aw man
I do think the animals are super adorable, I just don't like the rest of the print or dress cuts. Why no cute angel lamb accessories, AP?

I always assumed the Chinese lolitas were going kookoo over these more recent releases but if they're not even sold out, I don't know anymore.

>> No.8939972

I hope they do. They should release more prints like Sweetie Violet, Donut dresses or Misty Sky in spring and things like Chocolate Rosette, Lucky key and other jewel tones in fall.
I hope they will try to get popularity by rereleasing popular prints like CTP.

>> No.8939973

I'm only getting it because of the cute angel cat. Stupid reason I guess but I get weak when it comes to sweet prints with cats.

>> No.8939975
File: 287 KB, 500x422, english do you speak it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursive Mother Fucker, Can you read it?!

>> No.8939977

Did Baby release the Cardcaptor Sakura collab dress already?

>> No.8939984
File: 27 KB, 700x700, stencil-letter-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the person you're talking to, but a real cursive T has the swirl at the bottom going in the other direction. So AP actually did fuck up their cursive and it does rather look like a C at first glance.

>> No.8940018

>real cursive
I don't know if you're aware but cursive comes in many shapes and forms. There are as many ways to write 'T' in cursive as letters in the English alphabet and it's taught differently in different countries.

>> No.8940024

I think the animals on them look rather creepy. As in yes they made sure they look dead. But okay, if that is what AP wants.

>> No.8940026

no? it doesn't even have a design or stock photo yet?

>> No.8940046

They know for sure. AP always was the brand chasing trends the most. Crosses are trendy? Let's slap them on every print! Chiffon is trendy? Let's make every garment out of chiffon! Chiffon overlays? Hell yeah, at least one cut of every new print release has one.
They let go of OTT pastel sweet prints after a season of really unpopular dresses. They still do them, but not as often as they used to be. I'm sure we won't be seeing OTT sweety religious prints next season.

>> No.8940055
File: 161 KB, 730x493, news_header_sakura_illbook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the design will be the dress of pic related.

>> No.8940057

I really liked Magic Princess and Baked sweets parade.I even really like the design of Holy Theater, I just think the cuts are ugly. But I get why a lot of people aren't feeling their new designs. Hopefully the season will pick up and there will be some pretty new designs released soon.

>> No.8940071

We still have to get through the other releases from the anniversary party so who knows when we'll actually see something new from AP.

Anyone gotten HL yet?

>> No.8940105

Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, but can anyone tell me where to get some cute cake or donut themed jewelry? (Mostly interested in brooches.) I've seen a few cake things, but donut stuff... only a few tiny charms that I guess I could make into accessories.

I really like donuts, everyloli. They're essentially my character item.

I've never shopped Taobao before, but would if you know something really cute.

>> No.8940108

Notice how AP is making more inventory, doing MTOs, and just generally having real stock for once? They're taking advantage of their new factories and I'm personally happy about this. Gone are the days of two minute bloodbaths. Now girls actually have a chance to buy things a week after release.

>> No.8940109

Moonbunny on storenvy has some cute donut things!

>> No.8940114

I guess that's one way to look at it! I just wish they weren't putting out such ugly cuts

>> No.8940118

Ask the tb thread and never say "everyloli" again.

>> No.8940163

I still think it's cute but hoping that I can find it cheaper later. Still holding out for a Chocolate Rosette MTO

>> No.8940176

Is AP USA not going to get a release of Charlotte's Bear? It was so popular on the Japanese release it all sold out in less than 10 minutes...

>> No.8940204

My holy lantern order just got here ahhhhhhhhh

>> No.8940212

Usually takes APSF about two weeks to get the shipment in of a release for their own stock to distribute.

>> No.8940235
File: 113 KB, 576x768, tumblr_o4wqwgISVw1qgfj6lo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dress is so beautiful in person

>> No.8940281

congrats anon! everything looks super cute. ahh, i really regret not getting the bat bag too now.

>> No.8940285

How long is it? Do you reckon it could work for a 6 ft girl?

>> No.8940288

Right? I can't manage to get a picture with my phone that does justice to the color though.

>> No.8940295

The wine is so gorgeous! I was torn between that and the ivory, which I eventually decided on, but now I kind of regret not getting both.
I just checked my tracking number and it's just now changed to updated delivery day today. I'm so excited!

>> No.8940318

I can't wait for this trainwreck to happen.

>> No.8940342

my lavender op and otks are delivered today too! I can't wait.

>> No.8940351

I'm looking to my dress to arrive in a few months.

Buy a black underskirt or you could try an ero coord.

>> No.8940361

Thanks! For some reason I thought it was as soon as a week later.

>> No.8940402

Personally, it is more than just the cut. I do not like this new fabric they have been using. I have Elisabeth Unicron and I love the details, print, colors, but the fabric just isn't my favorite. I prefer the feel of the heavy cotton like on Sweetie Chandelier and those lines. That's why I have been reluctant to jump on any new releases.

>> No.8940422

Same. Nearly All brand x mango collabs has turned out shamefully ita. These dresses are so pretty in the drawings but they just don't translate well into reality.

>> No.8940434


The Innocent WorldxMawaru Penguindrum collar turned out pretty cute, but it was a good design to begin with.

>> No.8940444

Ugh I'm kicking myself for not getting this. Hopefully I can snag one after the hype dies down for a decent price.
I think i remember hearing/seeing that on the original release the crosses and moons and things were not only flocky but also kind of glittery? Do the newer dresses have that or am I completely bonkers?

>> No.8940520

Yup, that's what I thought. That's great too, now if I actually want a new release, I might have a chance at snagging it.
And as far as not being excited about a new AP release... everything has been pretty meh so far but I'm still holding out for Melty Sky. I'd get in on that blood blath but hopefully there isn't one!

>> No.8940521

All I'm gonna say

>> No.8940525


Sounds like you mixed them up with the bat bags, one of the bat pochettes was made from glittery PU.

The dresses themselves are flocky, not glittery.

>> No.8940558

That design is so disappointing desu. I don't see how it would translate well. I love CCS though. I hope there will be a jsk version or something..else.

>> No.8940581

I hate series like that

>burando x gundam collaboration when
I just wanna be a frilly robot

>> No.8940588

Ugh how have I never seen this? I need that set so bad now!!

>> No.8940605

ok but Victory Gundam collab could probably work

>> No.8940606

The blouse and skirt are on y!j if you're willing to shell out for them: http://page12.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/p508119258

>> No.8940648

Oh yes some collabs are very nice, like the ones you suggested. Without a doubt very pretty! But to me those are the exeption that proves the rule. Not all are ugly but many are. Maybe they look better in real life.

>> No.8940712

>after a season of really unpopular dresses
what season was that?

>> No.8940719

Wasn't there an anon searching like crazy for that set a while back? Or am I thinking of another set?

>> No.8940727

That was years ago, but yes. Idk if that anon is still around anymore.

>> No.8940741

Is it weird to wear the few same main pieces to every meet/convention? I only have about 5 main pieces and money is too tight to buy anything new for a while. I still want to dress up in the things that I have, it just might start getting repetitive. Thoughts?

>> No.8940747

i don't think it's bad, just change up the coord a bit so it's interesting maybe?

i have a few main pieces i really like wearing to events because of how comfortable they are.

>> No.8940749

nope not bad at all

>> No.8940760

>years ago
I think I'm losing time, you're right that was ages ago. I wonder if they ever got it or if they gave up?

>> No.8940763
File: 572 KB, 1280x1707, holylantern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine made it! I'm so happy! This is my first AP dress. I hope yours makes it safely as well

>> No.8940784

Not bad at all, it's understandable that some may not be able to have a larger wardrobe. If your really worried, just change it up with different accessories, blouses, tights/otks or shoes.

>> No.8940788

What's a relatively cheap AP dress in the market right now?

>> No.8940791

god damn it gulls, all this posting of HL is making me like the print

>> No.8940792

ur mom

>> No.8940793

You're going to need to be more specific. Are you looking for a certain style? Things that have deprecated in value?

>> No.8940820

I don't like the print as a dress print, and I hate the cuts, but I would love those cute animals on a postcard or something.
I wish AP did more sheep prints.
Also, something about their recent prints makes everything blur together. Clouds, crosses/religious shit, and the pillars or whatever make them all seem like boxes in the sky.

>> No.8940827

I always overlooked the ivory but it's so pretty. Ugh now I wish I got more than one dress.

>> No.8940940

I'm not looking for a certain style so just in general! And yeah things that have deprecated in value.

>> No.8940945
File: 114 KB, 600x842, CecfCymXEAEeUV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still holding off for AP USA to get this. ;____;

>> No.8940958

How stupid and new are you?
Special sets are generally store-specific, and even when they go up on the JP site, the US/intl. site never gets them.
Also gtfo

You're still going to need to be more specific. Do you want new AP or slightly older pieces? Print/nonprint? etc.

>> No.8940966


Get the fuck out.

>> No.8940969

how long does it usually take people to get back to you on LM? I recently signed up and bought my first ever secondhand piece but I've yet to hear back from the seller
to hear back

>> No.8940974

Message your seller if it's been more than a few hours. I personally try to check messages/contact my buyers within 12-24 hours. However, sometimes LM doesn't send out notifications, and other times things get overlooked.

>> No.8940976

Except Luminous Sanctuary special set is up on the us site.

>> No.8940993

it hasn't yet been 24 but it's been over 12 and I haven't heard back. I would just get a message from them right? sorry if my questions are retarded. Like I said, I'm completely new to buying on LM

>> No.8940998

Can somebody help me remember the name of an Angelic Pretty dress that had little M&M's-type candies on it?

>> No.8941014

Polka dot chololate.

>> No.8941015


new or old doesn't matter to me and I prefer print but nonprint is cute too like fairy marine

>> No.8941030

God, thank you. That was driving my nuts today.

>> No.8941036

The tracking for mine hasn't updated in a couple of days so I'm starting to worry.

It's EMS so I think it should have moved by now.

>> No.8941041

Picture OP here, my tracking didn't update once it arrived in the US so it could very much be on its way. EMS has been a little funky recently, or at least with some of my orders.

>> No.8941070

CT hasn't mailed me about HL shipment yet, should I be worried? I didn't have the otks with it or anything, but I have yet to hear anything from her about it.

>> No.8941079

Why wouldn't you just go through Tenso?

>> No.8941087
File: 551 KB, 1504x570, Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 9.34.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She recently emailed all the people with the people who bought the HL Lav or Wine OTK's about her items being held hostage by AP. She says they should be getting them to her soon, but have yet to do so.

I don't know if this also pertains to orders without those problem items in them. I'd message her if you're worried.

>> No.8941090

People that live in Europe like to get items marked down.

I don't but I don't like ordering through AP, in case if I mess up; I don't want to get black listed. I'd rather just let someone else handle it for me. I don't mind paying for the peace of mind.

>> No.8941108

>I don't mind paying for the peace of mind.
This is how I feel about a lot of things. I could go through Taobao's freight forwarder and buy things directly ... or I could pay a shopping service to communicate with the shops for me, and ensure I don't fuck up with google translate.

>> No.8941111

Ah, that makes sense. I've only used Tenso so I understand how nervous it can make you. I constantly check my information to make sure it's right and I still feel like it's wrong.

>> No.8941119
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, tmp_2816-maxresdefault727110995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Character item

>> No.8941132

Different anon but Tenso apparently doesn't accept my ID, and I've also never ordered anything directly from AP japan before. It was just more convenient to order it through CT.

I haven't gone one either and I didn't have any of the problem items. I'm sure tons of people ordered through her, seems like she's just trying to get everyone's packages in order for shipping. I hope she sends them out soon though, if I could get mine before April 9th it would be great to wear it to a con I'm going to.

>> No.8941146

CT hasn't emailed me yet either anon. And I just ordered the bag from the MTO.
But I have the invoice and proof that I paid her so...hopefully soon.

>> No.8941214

Shit, posted in the wrong thread by accident, but, can anyone recommend a good SS to use on Y!J? I usually just use Buyee but what I want to bid on is blacked out for whatever dumb reason. Sorry in advance for the stupid question but who is reputable and who isn't is always changing.

>> No.8941224

I use Japonica Market, they're quite good. A little slow recently, but they're probably overwhelmed with orders or something. They've recently added a cart system to their site which helps a lot.

>> No.8941240

Thanks for that! Auction ends in two days. Hope that's enough time.

>> No.8941266


In general, non-print, older than 3-5 years, simpler dresses are the most commonly cheap dresses. This includes old school, and things like polkda-dots or non exclusive fabric (strawberry print, floral print). Excludes all-lace dresses and anything with hime sleeves. Cutsew dresses tend to be cheaper than proper dresses, as they were cheap to begin with. There are exceptions to this list, things that were popular in their heyday are still going for a fair amount (eg- Rose Toilette, Wonder Party was about 15k last I checked, Sugary Carnival still trading above that, etc)

If you're looking to buy, you're better off trawling the secondhand markets yourself and looking at what's cheap. It's not about naming the dress, a lot of it depends on whether there's anyone willing to sell a particular dress for cheap or if the sellers would rather take them off the market if they can't sell it. I definitely don't suggest going up to a seller and arguing that they need to drop their prices by more than half just because /cgl/ told you the dress was cheap.

>> No.8941286

You can mark things down in Tenso.
And once you put in the details, you literally never have to put them in again. Why would you pay extra to go through a ss only to get your stuff after everyone else.

Have you tried emailing them? They have a much better english staff now, it's not hard to get things like that corrected.

>> No.8941323

I emailed her, basically almost all her orders got held up due to the otk issue.

>> No.8941337

...oh. That honestly kind of irritates me to know since my order has nothing to do with the clothes, unless she did all orders on one bulk account. But oh well, nothing I can do about it anyway.

>> No.8941436
File: 312 KB, 500x584, 192610020039-osaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen anybody mention it, but is anyone going for this Meta dress?

>> No.8941473

>...oh. That honestly kind of irritates me to know since my order has nothing to do with the clothes, unless she did all orders on one bulk account. But oh well, nothing I can do about it anyway.
same. I mean I can kind of understand it, but it's still irritating... especially if we paid for fast shipping/EMS shipping

>> No.8941507


Not that anon, but a couple of girls have posted here in a panic before. One said she messed up her Tenso address when she made her order and was frantically emailing AP to get it changed while praying they allow it and don't blacklist her. Another said she plain didn't know what happened to her parcel, AP said they sent it while Tenso said they didn't receive it, and she didn't know what to do. I didn't follow up to see if either girl got their packages.

I got a scare myself when a couple of my packages didn't arrive. Emailed Tenso about one or two weeks after an item had shipped and it turns out the parcel was at their warehouse, just that nobody had gotten around to entering it into my account. Another parcel went missing when the shop didn't copy down the correct T-number or something, Tenso had me forward my invoice from the shop to them before they put the package into my account.

Things like this are a minority, mind you -- I've been with Tenso since AP revamped their jp store and use it for ordering from other stores (mostly DreamV and Amazon jp, the credit card system in japan is a pain in the butt about foreign credit cards), in all those years these are the only two stories I have. But I can totally understand if some girls prefer not to be that person who gets "lucky" with their Tenso order.

>> No.8941524

Yes, although I don't particularly like the rickrack trim.

>> No.8941549

So my boyfriend just bought this for me and didn't realize he couldn't put it in my name and address for shipping and his information for billing. What should he do, should we email meta?

>> No.8941558

Yeah shoot them an email, meta have amazing customer service.

>> No.8941562
File: 44 KB, 576x576, 11995548_166138983721849_551364561_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyloli reminds me of when bronies say everypony and bronies remind me of a guy I once knew who jumped on me on a trampoline and the trampoline didn't stop bouncing so I had this fatass practically humping me

>> No.8941564

Everyone whines when they put out cuts that are identical to the last. It's like they can't win. They try something new and still get bitched at.

>> No.8941579

I could go for some baked sweet potatoes right about now

>> No.8941594

Tenso marks things down but they won't take out the tags, which is usually just as important (you'll end up paying a pretty hefty fine if Customs finds out you lied about the value).

>> No.8941611

Is that a fuckin hot air balloon print because I am THERE

>> No.8941676

It looks so Taobao though...

>> No.8941701

Fuck Krad man. I wanted that Phantom of the Opera blouse but I'm NOT paying $100+ shipping from Clobba when the Chinese girls can buy it for $50. That's just retarded.

>> No.8941741

How do the Chinese girls even get them? Krad's Taobao store is useless.

>> No.8941762

There are 3 contacts listed on the item page for the blouse and then the dates during which they are accepting pre-orders. I imagine that you contact one of those people for your area.

>> No.8941768

Agreed that it looks very Taobao. Sorry Meta my love, but this is a nope for me.

>> No.8941778

.....what is going on

>> No.8941780

Check yo calendar

>> No.8941811

Why does meta have so many items that are a miss? AP is the most popular, yes, but /why/ does meta not take a leaf from their book and have cohesive prints?
With their plus size measurements, their amazing customer service etc, they could be really loved, but they insist on doing prints that aren't /quite/ right. There always seems to be something slightly off about their dresses.

>> No.8941814

The random sailor collar is a bit much

>> No.8941818

You're acting like CT doesn't have problems. I've heard way more people complaining about her than I have heard complaints about Tenso. If you really struggle putting in an address, just email Tenso to ask for help. It's not hard, you save money and get points to discount items you buy.

>> No.8941826

Do you honestly think AP's prints lately are good? Why the random crosses?

>> No.8941827

Thanks for the help! They helped me and now everything is cool. I really do love meta and their customer services.

>> No.8941836

I'm in Canada but I hope its just the tracking being wonky.

Our mail is notoriously slow but it's been stuck "en route to Canada" for 3 days now. I shipped another package from Tenso at the same time and its the same.

>> No.8941840

That's probably just depending on your taste. I like Meta's style, it has that special touch other brands don't have. And great quality, atleast their shoes are most confortable shoes I have ever had from brands.

>> No.8941843


I used to think this about Meta but as I've been in lolita longer I like them more? AP releases so many similar prints lately, but Meta is always trying new things

>> No.8941845

No I don't, but they're still more popular than meta
Fwiw I like meta, some of my dream dresses are from there and I do love the fact that they're 'unique' in the sense that they don't go with the flow.
I just think they could work on the details that they don't get 'right', and become the superior brand to AP. I guess there's such a strong loyalty to AP/baby that it's not going to change.

Based meta

>> No.8941859

I find lolitas who have been in the fashion a while appreciate Meta on a deeper level

>> No.8941869

I feel this too.

At first meta was that whacky brand with no solid print or theme into their brand but a jsk from them was my first brand piece that I bought second hand. It wasn't until years later I bought from them directly and would help me with completing my order, they became my #1 favorite brand. They have good staple pieces and really good quality in their fabrics. Plus they actually listen to us westerners and made MTOs for that one cat print.

Meta honestly loves their international customers which is nice desu. Wish more people would experience their customer service and other brands like AP and Btssb would take Meta's quality of their customer service.

>> No.8941880

the only reason you start to appreciate meta after being a Lolita for a while is because of Stockholms syndrome

>> No.8941882

oldies definitely love their meta, there's something endearing about their quirks.

their solids/staples are quite top notch though, some of the most comfortable and well made pieces i own. no one does shirring and pintucks like meta. i have a couple blouses from 2008 or so that has held up really well too.

>> No.8941902

I'm a one year old newbie but I already have meta socks and want to start buying their prints.

>> No.8941905

I wouldn't consider myself to be an oldie but I've been into Lolita since 08 and I still think meta shits out dumpster fires

>> No.8941908

There's some Meta I really like and some I'm just like 'what' with. Their quality always seems quite nice though.

>> No.8941920

Meta's attention to detail is remarkable, too. I have a plaid dress from them and the plaid is perfectly lined up at the seams, even on the bodice. I've never seen that from a brand, even with a simpler, repeating print. Their quality, from what I've experienced myself, is better than post-2010 Baby and rivaling the sturdier pieces AP do.

>> No.8941948

I think it's more like Meta does what it does. It doesn't follow trends nor it usually repeats its patterns.

Plus their customer service is just on point.

>> No.8941982
File: 112 KB, 1366x770, what be going on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there is no anon today but is anyone getting this weird looking format on their computers?

>> No.8941993

its april 1 you dumb twit

>> No.8941999


While I can appreciate what Meta do at times, they're not a brand that I would buy from and haven't done so before now on the simple basis that what they produce just doesn't fit my style. I've been in the fashion for roughly five years now. There's a few pieces I quite like, but not enough to buy.

Yup. It's really annoying me to be honest.

>> No.8942005

Check the date yo

>> No.8942030

My mom wants to go to a meet-up wearing a square dancing dress. Please give me some reasons to tell her why it won't work, because I am stumped. Structurally, they appear very similar.

>> No.8942044

>mom you don't know shit about Lolita
>kek do you even into burando
>looks like a taobao nightmare
>fucking itas with their offbrand

>> No.8942057

Tell her that the dresses are made and worn with different intentions. One is a very dance and folk based costume, and the other is a street fashion. While they kinda look similar, it's not the same. Say, you wouldn't go to prom in a Halloween costume that was promish. Kinda a bad example but I can't really think of another way to say it.

>> No.8942061

Tell your mom shes an ita nightmare and you don't want to be seen with her

>> No.8942064 [DELETED] 

ur gay

>> No.8942067

Diff anon but I'm in Canada as well. My package just showed up in Mississauga but was sent for further processing. Hope that doesn't mean customs.

>> No.8942070

I usually only get hit by customs if the shipping says that the CBSA got hold of it at some point. I'm assuming it hasn't been released to Canada Post yet?

>> No.8942082
File: 186 KB, 1440x1029, _20160401_160748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post on mobile, fite me irl

>> No.8942117
File: 452 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-04-01-16-41-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is selling dresses for the biggest markup. There's a reason you haven't sold anything in two years.

>> No.8942121 [DELETED] 

Nice nameget

>> No.8942158

Wow wtf? Does she think people are actually going to pay this much?

>> No.8942185

I think it's a legit april fools prank. I have her added on another social media platform that seems to confirm this.
I can get wanting to prank your friends, that's fine. But to post this shit in sales groups and get people's hopes up for their dream dresses only to see a crazy impossible price is not kawaii.
>mfw hope you're reading this, S.

>> No.8942206

I bet you constantly look for dream dresses under the 50$ mark

>> No.8942208

I think this is quite cute. I'd really love to get my hands on the jsk, but i wont have a free patcheck till May.

>> No.8942215

Yikes. But I do like their new strawberry print.

>> No.8942218

more like that girl has some dresses that should be worth closer to $100-250 (especially the oldschool dresses) and yet she's scalping them when literally no one will buy them for that price
let's not even talk about her $100+ bodyline and $500-$850 Haenuli
it's not even a believable april fools joke

>> No.8942220

Too Meta quirky for me. I was appreciating them being cohesive with prints, putting AP to absolute shame, and having bloodbaths for once. Cute spring print, though, even though it's all over the place. Honestly, it's the rick rack that's the deal breaker for me.

>> No.8942223
File: 24 KB, 275x240, 1455072170627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this even mean, like you know this dress is worth $100 and not $1000, right?

>> No.8942269

>defending fake scalping from someone who has confirmed it's an april fools prank
can we get that OP banned from those sales comms? lbr if everyone suddenly started doing that shit it'd get really annoying really fast (and possibly lead into legit scamming, you have to admit)
>she's also admitted to trolling cgl before when she was posted in ita threads for, surprise, being ita
she can stay in the plus size sales comm kek

>> No.8942276

The day's almost over anyway, Salty McMorton. Pretty sure they'll just slap her on the wrist and remove the post, if they do anything at all.

>> No.8942293

nice selfpost

>> No.8942301

Think what you like. I just don't see why the rest of you are crying over such an obvious joke.

>> No.8942304

maybe because it's tasteless and tacky as fuck? it's not even funny, just annoying.

>> No.8942310

maybe it's just me but i can legit see this leading to scamming as >>8942269 mentioned
>next year, april 1st
>sudden flood of fake sales posts everywhere, fake auctions/BINs on LM, the like
>oh teehee sry its just an april fools prank gais!!! but since you rly wanted to buy it i'll sell it for that (scalped) price!!!
>then scammers taking the (very highly scalped) money and/or not mailing the purchases
>then basically acting like choke when people try to call them out (oh they probably just got lost in the mail teehee!! not my fault!! go through paypal claims!!!)

>> No.8942337

>48 hours since I won a bid on LM
>no contact from seller
>almost 24 hours since I sent them a message
>sitting as unread

I'm dying inside

>> No.8942339


>> No.8942398

Damn, really? I know it's not her fault, but that's really annoying on AP's end. I'm assuming she just made the orders as she got them, I don't understand why AP wouldn't just ship what was ready. Unless she made all the orders on a daily basis (i.e. would wait until the end of the day to make an order, so there were multiple people in one order). Man. Any idea how long it will take to sort out?

>> No.8942399

you sound a little paranoid

>> No.8942408

I'm telling a girl that those prices are a joke, because several of those dresses are her dream dresses, and she was really thinking she was going to have to pay those prices.

>> No.8942410

Just checked tracking again. It was in customs around 11:15am, sent to further processing the same time, then was processed around 3 pm. Could be that customs-dude took a look at it, then it sat in a bin until after lunch.

I'm not super worried but I will be a bit pissed if I get hit with customs. This is my first order with Tenso but I did mark my shit down so...

>> No.8942414

and this is exactly why that girl and that kind of shit in general should be banned

>> No.8942419
File: 43 KB, 595x531, caps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry some of us aren't finding this very funny
in fact you're making me lose respect for you fast, because at the least you could apologize for shit like >>8942408. people are legit upset, not mad just because they're salty or whatever

>> No.8942424
File: 8 KB, 596x94, caps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8942456

And she's supposed to respect you for posting her caps? You might as well remove her, you seem like a shitty person.

>> No.8942465

>being this salty about the girl's caps being posted
if it was anyone else with deets on someone being shit, they'd be posting those caps too.

>> No.8942470

Not over the caps, but the "lose respect" is just hypocritical. Don't pretend to take a high road when you're shitposting on cgl like the rest of us. There's no high road here.

>> No.8942474

there's a difference between shitposting and calling someone out for doing something shitty

>> No.8942479


>> No.8942482

If anyone else decides to pull this sort of prank next year and people pay those prices, that's their own fault for not doing any background checks on brand. Lordy y'all sure know how to ruin the spirit of April Fools.

>> No.8942483

Over someone not getting to buy their dream dress? At the end of the day no one is making you or your friend buy them. It sucks your friend got tricked but it sounds like you're just coming up with worst case scenarios. At the end of the day it's still April fools.

>> No.8942488

>lmao it's ok to knowingly scalp someone unaware because people will buy their dream dress at those prices!!

lmao who cares that people are upset, look at me, i'm soooo funny for pulling this shitty unfunny prank!!

>> No.8942493

People have been scalping dresses at embarrassing prices for a lot longer than today, anon. Some will choose to pay those prices. Some will choose to not pay those prices.

Like >>8942483 said, at the end of the day no one is holding a gun to your head and making you buy the dress. It's no one's fault but your own if you pay those prices without putting thought into it.

>> No.8942494

S is constantly pulling shitty ass stunts and acting like a brat

glad someone is finally calling them out on their bullshit.

>> No.8942495

Has anyone ever noticed that arguing on cgl only makes it worse for the person in question whereas if they stayed quiet and just deleted the post after today, nothing would have escalated?

Jokes aside, keep prank posts out of legit pages. It's courtesy, not everyone cares about April Fools. Additionally, there are people who are naive enough to be taken too far and all it does is create a drama bomb.

>> No.8942497

>calling them out on /cgl/
>not using any identifiers anyone will understand unless fb friends with

yes, calling them out...

>> No.8942498

Fucking this.
Keep your pranks to your personal pages, not sales groups. That way you can prank your friends and not innocent unsuspecting buyers outside of your friends circle.

>> No.8942502

except her post is in a well-known sales group with her name attached if you bother to look for it

>> No.8942506

It's gone now. It's been gone for a few hours. I thought you guys were done but I guess not.

>> No.8942509

Those caps from above aren't even on fb and no one called her out. Literally all you're doing is shotposting.

>> No.8942510 [DELETED] 

well, that's good if she deleted it, then.
still doesn't excuse her for acting shitty with no apology. anyone gets torn apart on cgl for that

>> No.8942513 [DELETED] 

>no one called her out
Exactly. No one has called her out yet you guys are bitching about it and saying "oh man she does this shit all the time". Do something about it? Instead of complaining on cgl? Tell her it's annoying? Otherwise it's probably not going to stop.

>> No.8942516 [DELETED] 

Well considering that she's clearly replying/lurking here she'd be a fool to act bullheadedly again.
>inb4 she wants a name so she has someone to shitlist when multiple people are clearly not digging the joke

>> No.8942521 [DELETED] 

>>8942516 is a complete contradiction from >>8942494. Either she does it all the time or she doesn't, but I still don't see how this is a "callout". Posting behind anon is literally the definition of shitposting.

>> No.8942523
File: 374 KB, 500x600, 04012133_56fe6ab6c7bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this

>> No.8942525

>Posting behind anon is literally the definition of shitposting.
top fucking kek
someone doesn't know what shitposting is
nice try though

>> No.8942526

I think it's cute, in a weird way
Wish they made it into a ring instead

>> No.8942528 [DELETED] 

>tell someone acting bratty, to their face, that they're acting bratty
because ah, yes, that always ends well and will certainly not end with the OP and her friends ganging up on whoever tries

>> No.8942529 [DELETED] 

>is a complete contradiction
Well you are quoting me >>8942516 and a different anon, seems different posts would likely say different things, no?
>either she does it all the time or she doesn't
Let's meet in the middle: She's done it a few times and all it's really accomplished is annoyed a few people at best.
>posting behind anon = shitposting
Um...that's not correct but you won't be convinced otherwise, evidently. You're a shitposter as well by your logic, why should we take you seriously?

>> No.8942532 [DELETED] 

but calling someone out and posting behind anon are also very different so let's stop pretending we're calling anyone out on cgl

>> No.8942533 [DELETED] 

Either call her out if it really bothers you or stop complaining and move on.

>> No.8942535 [DELETED] 

Why are you so #notbothered by an opinion on cgl?
>either shut off your computer monitor or stop complaining :^)

>> No.8942536 [DELETED] 

So yes let's do cgl instead because that works out.
Getting this worked up over an annoyance wow, if she's this bad just stop being her friend?
I'm also not going to lie, I'm also a shitposter.

>> No.8942538 [DELETED] 

I'm not her "friend." I'm a user on 4chan that stumbled upon your incessant whining in the LOLITA GENERAL (note: not the "complain about people who think your jokes are shitty" general).
You won't stop shitposting, so again, why should we even listen to you?
Nobody likes your unfunny jokes, deal with it.

>> No.8942543

>April Fools, this thread is the joke.

>> No.8942558 [DELETED] 

I'm not even her, good job on your stupid

>> No.8942559

everyone who bought holy lantern deserves the hold up for their trash their print

>> No.8942561 [DELETED] 

why do you keep defending someone who, judging by the content of all of this posting and potential selfposting, is obviously an unfunny bratty bitch? you wouldn't be defending her this badly if this was, say, some random in rufflechat who was equally shitty, unless you're her or one of her friends

>> No.8942562

>this guy can't even make a coherent sentence using proper english, kek

>> No.8942563 [DELETED] 

English isn't my first language and I don't proofread my 4chan posts like you

you fucking Autist

>> No.8942566 [DELETED] 

>this guy expects to be taken seriously with his shit posts
>they admit English isn't their first language while they're at it
>they don't proofread
>they capitalize Autist
top fucking kek

>> No.8942568 [DELETED] 

spellcheck automatically capitalized it

>proofreading your posts on 4chan

anon you sound so fucking lame

>> No.8942569 [DELETED] 

>"their trash their print"
>can't proofread single sentences without even trying because it's literally right in front of your fucking face kek

>> No.8942570 [DELETED] 

why would I proof read it? just to satisfy your autism?

jfc you must be miserable

kill yourself you sour cow

>> No.8942571

It's so derpy that I love it.

On a related note, Holy Theater did successful for the most part. Many cuts and colors sold out. Why?? It was one of the most underwhelming releases of 2016 imo.

>> No.8942573 [DELETED] 

>this guy is calling autism when they're the autist kek

>> No.8942575 [DELETED] 

>someone who cares about their grammar in posting on 4chan isn't an Autist


>> No.8942578 [DELETED] 

>still capitalizing autist
Not even any of the anons in the thread, but man, you need to keep that autism in check baito-chan.

>> No.8942580 [DELETED] 

>someone who makes a shitpost that has shit grammar gets mad for being called an autist


>> No.8942582 [DELETED] 

do you not know what autocorrect is?

XD le so not bothered~~ KEK

we're on 4chan, we're all Autists

>> No.8942586

RIP this thread

>> No.8942587 [DELETED] 

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.8942589 [DELETED] 

I'm 22 you dumb cunt

>> No.8942592


It goes both ways, I think. The comment I responded to acts like Tenso is always easy and problem-free as well.

>> No.8942596 [DELETED] 

>"their trash their print"

>> No.8942600 [DELETED] 

capitalizing Autist is autocorrect

what you're talking about is my English skills being not the best since it's not my first language

>> No.8942607 [DELETED] 

calm your tits Tami

>> No.8942609 [DELETED] 

I can't my husband is gone and I'm in panic mode so I have to shitpost

>> No.8942610 [DELETED] 

This entire thread has gone to the dumpster, don't see why we should stop now

>> No.8942614 [DELETED] 

>this fucking blogging
>relying this much on a man to begin with
>being a fucking autist while trying to shitpost

>> No.8942616 [DELETED] 

he's like the only thing I give a shit about irl and most of the time we're in the house together all day for days at a time and it freaks me out when he's goes away for a month

>> No.8942617

>well the thread is derailed anyway so what i did doesn't matter anymore~~~ XDDDD lolololol i'm so funny, so entertaining, i'll just keep on being bratty lolololol

>> No.8942619

girl, see a fucking therapist
at this point you're just fucking sad and i'm almost sympathetic for you, even though you're disgusting

>> No.8942620 [DELETED] 

kek I know you thought that was me but it wasn't

way to look like a dumbass

>> No.8942623 [DELETED] 

I have seen a therapist before but it didn't seem to help

I have bad separation anxiety cause I had my best friend kill himself an hour after talking to me when I was younger and now I think anyone who leaves is going to die

>> No.8942625 [DELETED] 

>you or one of her friends
>admitting to selfposting

>> No.8942626 [DELETED] 

that person wasn't talking about me? the thread got shat up long before I came in

>> No.8942629 [DELETED] 

then check yourself into a fucking hospital temporarily or some shit, take some fucking responsibility
this isn't healthy for you, for him, or your relationship
and overall cgl really doesn't fucking care, i don't see why you don't try trolling rufflechat or something instead, at least they'd take you seriously and maybe even try to legit help you

>> No.8942630 [DELETED] 

I don't need a hospital, I just need time to calm down and realize he's not gonna die in the time he's gone

will probably take a week or two

also you seem to be responding so I've at least annoyed you enough to care about telling me to fuck off

>> No.8942634

Dear mods, can someone please clean this thread of all the shitposts? There's too many to report individually/I'm a lazy bitch. Thx friends, bye.

>> No.8942637

>thinking mods aren't just going to nuke the entire thread
I admire your innocence, Theresa.

>> No.8942639

you sound like a bitch

>> No.8942641

>clean this thread of all the shitposts
nice try. the only actual shitposts were from housewife-chan

>> No.8942642 [DELETED] 

senpai noticed me??!

I-I'm so happy

>> No.8942646

it may be friday night but it's still past your bedtime, andrew

there's tons of other posts before that of people bitching about stupid shit but even with just the housewife chan bullshit, there's a ton of posts that can be eliminated.

i mean, they won't necessarily - I remember hw chan derailed a feels thread with at least like 100 solid posts of her and other anons just going back and forth, and the mods surprisingly didn't nuke the whole thread, just deleted that whole block of posts

>> No.8942647

it's 13:36 silly

>> No.8942651
File: 47 KB, 600x784, 492561-13728-2015-10-19914384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just thought of something that might be a stupid question.

My question is after a brand had a deadline sale of their old prints, where do they put the dresses are in excess of, do they store it in storage for e the next round or do they vault it, burn it?

What do they do wit the unsold old print dresses?

>> No.8942652

lucky packs

>> No.8942654

They vault it in. That's why its good to have "internal contacts" on some stores. They just discard/vault it like fastfoods

>> No.8942658 [DELETED] 

Where did she admit to selfposting?

>> No.8942659 [DELETED] 

nowhere, anon is retarded

>> No.8942660 [DELETED] 

>>8942651 tries to get the thread back on track.
>>8942658 stirs it again

dear lord :D

>> No.8942662 [DELETED] 

> :D

please kys immediately

>> No.8942705 [DELETED] 

Tbqh I wasn't trying to get it on track I just had an honest question since my pic related dress was gone on their site>>8942651
, it had no will power to bring it back

>> No.8942735

I get that it goes ways. But it's kinda like buying from AP USA. Laziness means you're paying a huge markup. It just makes me mad when people then trying to pass that on when they go and sell their dress. While they could be buying direct and saving a lot of money. I've ordered direct 22 times from AP in the past year and I've never had a problem with Tenso. I've only had a single issue with AP and it was sorted out. I don't know why people think they'll get blacklisted. Maybe I just really hate seeing people waste their money.

>> No.8942747

Some people just don't want to deal with that particular stress and prefer to pay extra to make someone else take care of it. I know I have done that.

>> No.8942754

Weird cuts
Colors don't match that well
Over use of crosses?

I'm genuinely curious too. I got it in a heartbeat, I love the deadly look of the animals, and the crosses are not obvious. However the stock photos are bad, tones look terribad
Maybe the chiffon?

>> No.8942768


If you remember the product number, you can still email Innocent World and ask about buying them. If they can find it in stock somewhere they'll sell it to you still, though I don't think they will give you the sale price.

Not my experience, just something someone shared some time ago.

IW does take down out-of-season items and then bring them back with other stock same season next year, but I've never heard them do it with a sales item. The sales items tend to end up in lucky packs. You may have to start checking secondhand sites and see if your dress pops up elsewhere.

>> No.8942772
File: 221 KB, 423x600, 03252113_56f52b8234a74[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually didn't think the dress was too bad. I don't like it, but I've seen girls go gaga over some similar releases I didn't like, so I figure there's just a lot of girls who do seem to like this particular clusterfuck style of artwork.

AP also restocked their special sets. Again. This baffles me more than Holy Theatre.

>> No.8942792

Has anyone had any luck recently with contacting a lace market mod?

>> No.8942794

Nope, I pm'd them on facebook and nothing.

>> No.8942801

to me it's not that much of a markup. maybe a $10 or so PP fee + $20-25 for EMS shipping to the US? not all of us buy 22 new AP dresses in a year. not to mention SS's like CT do have combined shipping with other orders, which can help save on EMS. so paying maybe $10-$15 in fees isn't that much for peace of mind, and it's still a hell of a lot cheaper than buying from AP USA with their shipping prices.

>> No.8942803

>AP also restocked their special sets. Again. This baffles me more than Holy Theatre.
holy crap, that's amazing

>> No.8942837


>> No.8942906

Did you actually do the math? My last few orders it's been $29, $78, and $28 I would have been charged extra. $29 extra for just a dress. Maybe it's somehow cheaper for you, but it doesn't look like just a $10-$15 markup.
Tenso will combine orders as well, so I'm not sure why you're mentioning that.

>> No.8942930

I don't know if you're aware, but you sound like an aspie

>> No.8942945

Why is it so hard to find secondhand moitie?

>> No.8942947
File: 16 KB, 236x314, bloody eye loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up with a sty in my eye, but I have a meet in a couple days (and work). Anyone know of a cute way to cover it so I don't look like a walking infection?
I was thinking of a japanese style eyepatch, it seems like it'd match well enough with a coord, but I have no idea where to get one without having to wait at least a week.

On a different note, has anyone even seen a black melty moon purse for sale? I've seen every color for sale, and every color of knockoff except black.

>> No.8942998

How big is it? I get styes on my waterline so I put non-black eyeliner over it if they're small to cover it up.

>> No.8943001

Anon this happens to me sometimes. I use warm compresses like 5 times a day or so and get more sleep. Usually the stye goes away in a day or two. Doing that is better than trying to buy an express eyepatch.

Also since Im prone to eye infections, I don't actually wear any eye makeup. I wear those big round glasses instead to compensate and get complimented on the glasses. I recommend you do that too since you don't want to irritate your eye again until you're sure you're better.

>> No.8943010


It's day 1, so small, but enough to make it look like I've been punched. It's on the rim of the lid on the top and the entire upper lid is a bit swollen, I'm assuming it's only going to grow for the next couple days too. When I go out today I was going to pick up some medicine for it, and maybe some stick on eye covers. I might be able to do something with them, maybe style a wig to cover that eye? Or sunglasses! I have a few pair that can match my coords. I'm more concerned about work now, maybe I'll get away with glasses...
I've been doing the compresses, haha! They're helping with the pain a lot.

Thanks for the help! Here's hoping it'll go away soon!

>> No.8943012

Small/infrequent releases, expensive so most people don't buy new, people don't want to give up expensive pieces, not much of a market for gothic in general these days...the list goes on.

What piece are you looking for specifically? I've been stalking Moitie auctions for over a year and I've snagged some good stuff for really cheap.

>> No.8943064
File: 161 KB, 668x668, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But country lolita is a thing and lolita hasn't looked like a 'street fashion' in a decade. Pics would help. You could find an objectively similar lolita dress and point out the small details that are more typical of the wider fashion but desu it's hard explaining to people that lolita is not (for example) rockabilly when shit like pic related exists...

>> No.8943069

Lolita only doesn't look like a street fashion when all you see are photoshoots, event coords, and other OTT stuff.

>> No.8943246

where the fuck do you even live that you get a $78 in fees and shipping? what the fuck?
as I said not all of us buy multiple fucking dresses and shipping to the US, especially if you combine orders (which, gasp, many do) isn't always expensive depending on the area you're shipping to. not to mention if you add extra shit to the package (say, a full set or shoes, or if your dress is a fucking heavy ott dress) of fucking course it's going to cost you more than the person who buys just the typical dress.
i'm looking at my invoice for Holy Lantern now and I paid exactly $11.68 in fees and transport. i probably combined shipping with another order. so expensive, yes.

>> No.8943264

I'm talking about CT. That wasn't even including shipping, it's using her calculator for an estimate on her website. I then figured out what I paid to use tenso, again not including international shipping. That's the amount extra I would have had to pay to use her. Where I live has nothing to do with it.

>> No.8943310

The only reason why I want this dress is because I share part of it's name lol

>> No.8943313


>> No.8943352

I'm like that with Maria's catholic nun, Ave Maria, and Sister maria's Hummingbirds.
Is it alright to want a dress just for the name?

>> No.8943362

There's a difference between southern bell country and yehaw country

>> No.8943386

I was talking about CT, too.
Where you live might have everything to do with it. If anything, our expereinces prove not everyone's totals with CT depending on situations are the same, and they shouldn't be compared.
At the end of the day the point still stands some don't mind paying a bit more for peace of mind. I don't see why you even keep arguing about this.

>> No.8943389

there's no reason why her calculator should even be showing a $78 difference unless you were buying something extreme. what on earth were you buying?
also, are you actually paying directly in US dollars or converting to US dollars from a currency that isn't yen (like euros/pounds)? because there's a big fucking difference if you're converting currencies

>> No.8943396
File: 52 KB, 1199x399, ctcalculator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where I live has nothing to do with it.
also, um.

>> No.8943401

Not that anon but
>tfw payment processing for Canada should not cost more but does

>> No.8943402

is meta's site not loading, or is it just me?

>> No.8943404

yeah but she's shipping from japan not us
idk if that makes much difference but it might

>> No.8943408

>itt people don't know how calculations, fees, shipping, and currency conversions for SSs work despite everything being laid out for them to read right on CT's page
also wondering if that anon is outside the US and buying some 100k+ yen AP OTT OP or some shit, because that's the only thing that's coming close to a $78 difference on CT's calculator for me. of course it's going to cost a ton just from the weight and price alone?

>> No.8943416 [DELETED] 


spic pls go

>> No.8943443

Choke posted something about someone ripping of the shoes she was making. Anyone got deets?

>> No.8943451

>oh em gee some bitch is ripping off MY SHOES!!!
>scammer? me? what? hahahahaha
this fucking

>> No.8943497

Okay, yes, the PayPal fee matters where I am. But in that case, it'd be cheaper then, I'm in the US. But I was talking about shipping, it says right there in your screenshot it's not included in the estimate.
It was an Ott dress and a few small things, but like I said it's not including international shipping. Either way, Tenso is a flat rate at 700 yen, not near the amount she charges (percentage based on what you buy and a PayPal fee also a percentage). This means to get your $15 or less, you'd have to spend less than 21,200 yen total, multiple items or not. Already most dresses are above that mark. So unless you're deluding yourself, it's always more than $15.

You asked about the $78? I was explaining that was pure fee on her end. Not international shipping.

>> No.8943515

Is it me or does the past few AP release look legit the same?

>> No.8943533

I'm from the south, and I know exactly what you mean

>> No.8943549

I checked just now and it doesn't seem to load for me either.

>> No.8943552

She can cry everyone a river. What a scamming brat.

>> No.8943596


Some girls from my local comm were discussing this. There's a huge difference in artwork between the last couple of years and S/S 2016. Wonder if AP got a new design/illustration team?

>> No.8943623

I got my Holy Lantern JSK yesterday! It's gorgeous, but I was hoping the zippers would be silver on the black X white. The gold clashes a bit unfortunately. Also kicking myself for not getting the barrette.

>> No.8943671

>This means to get your $15 or less, you'd have to spend less than 21,200 yen total, multiple items or not. Already most dresses are above that mark. So unless you're deluding yourself, it's always more than $15.
So if I ordered Holy Lantern at around 28,944 yen, combined shipping with another item, and had fees totaled to less than $15, what does that mean then, hmm? Because I'm pretty fucking sure I'm not being given special treatment here, I'm not THAT good of a customer for CT.
Anyway, you just admitted yourself it was an OTT dress, and that was why you'd have crazy fees.
>Already most dresses are above that mark.
And yet, around 28k yen is current retail, and I had less than $15 in fees, so explain that.

>> No.8943672

>"and a few small things"
doesn't fucking matter, it still adds to the weight of the package and affects the totals.

>> No.8943674
File: 17 KB, 236x350, c6b76bbc6f7f769e20061a988f2b4eb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visit a craft store and make something like this?

>> No.8943675

I want to see caps of this. Please deliver, gulls.

>> No.8943683
File: 7 KB, 552x177, holylantern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i'll even attach my invoice for proof so you can see i'm not "deluded" in your words

>> No.8943703

Anyone have any ideas of what the japonica app sale is going to be?

>> No.8943705 [DELETED] 

Probably the same as their bi-weekly sale. They've always had it on Tuesdays, the last one was on the 22nd so I'm expecting the 3-day sale that was going to happen anyways

>> No.8943708

Probably just their bi-weekly sale. They've always had it on Tuesdays, the last one was on the 22nd so I'm expecting the same 3-day sale that was going to happen anyways. Maybe the discount will be a little more than usual, but I somehow doubt it.

>> No.8943806

So, how responsive are the LM mods right now and how can I have feedback against me changed?

I bought something from a different country a couple weeks ago; paid for it, seller shipped the item, I received it, left positive feedback (have even worn it since) and today the seller left me feedback saying that I backed out of the sale due to high shipping prices (what????). I messaged the seller asking them why they did that/if they could change it, but how does one change feedback, anyways? I don't want people thinking I'm some asshole that backs out of sales on them.

>> No.8943810

completely unresponsive based on others' words, sorry anon

>> No.8943814

Damn, that's such horseshit. They really need to get more mods on the team, or at least get an actual place to send complaints to that's not a completely dead fb page.

>> No.8943830

I think wearing gold jewelry is the best way to go when coording this kind of thing. That way it doesn't look tacky, but it also doesn't dismiss the gold.

>> No.8943834

Cecilia, would be a Cross would be a sweet surname though.
Good to know I'm not the only one. It's all good in my book, I mean there are girls out there wanting dresses because they have weird or funny names so why not? Matching your name with the name of the print you're wearing is pretty neat.
OT but my mother's name is Maria as well. It's got a very beautiful ring to it.

>> No.8944002

I've just started buying lolita seriously this year and pic related is my wishlist. The pieces that I do have were quite cheap considering, the problem is really finding them! My friend is into AP and started buying lolita around the same time as me and she has already found most of her dream dresses, that's why I started wondering if I'm not looking hard enough or something but a lot of time when you search for moitie on y!auctions or mbok hardly anything comes up.

>> No.8944003
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dropped pic

>> No.8944022

Do you guys think I'd have any success with a Lolita Questions type FB page? Not like the big sister/mentor groups, more like a place to ask anything lolita related. People keep flooding sales pages etc. with questions like "where do I buy x" and stuff, do you think it'd be useful to have a page dedicated specifically to these types of questions?

>> No.8944026

You have good taste anon.
Kinda reminds me I want more MmM in my closet though.

>> No.8944029

I doubt it, unless you can gather a team of people who are willing to spoon-feed newbies repeatedly and hope that your page becomes popular and well known enough to be found easily. Not saying that all newbies are like this but those that post easily google-able questions are the ones that don't bother doing any research and demand being spoon fed, and "helping" newbies like this gets old fast.

>> No.8944031

I sent LM mods emails and messages via facebook when I saw someone had been using others proof pictures, and when a buyer backed out of a sale. Here I am 5 months,later with no reply.

>> No.8944034


I don't mind spoonfeeding hugely, my plan was to make a page and write up a ton of guides on various common questions so more of a page with tons of resources and the option of asking the question in the case of the resources being unhelpful/not answering your question. i imagined not too many people would want to help but i dunno, maybe people would just keep ignoring the page being there and continuing to ask in the wrong place anyway.

>> No.8944056
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here you go

>> No.8944067

Is there a post somewhere explaining cut vs body type? I'm trying to explain it for a newbie who is asking me and I'm trying to figure out how to explain it, and I thought an additional link might be helpful for her to look at, or maybe someone explains it better than I can.

>> No.8944080

someone probably meaning whatever cheap chinese factory she uses stole the design.

>> No.8944089

I didn't even know she was making shoes, what goes around comes around, eh?

Also did Nina buy likes for her Lockshop fb page? I think it's funny how there's roughly 48k people who 'like' the page but her posts only ever get about 8-20 people liking them with almost nil comments.

>> No.8944102

Fucking bitch

>> No.8944109

She wants to look classy, not with an ugly print or anything. She's usually pretty elegant. She just isn't sure about spending more than $20 on a dress, and she won't let me buy her one either.

>> No.8944112

The most success I've seen is Lolita Tips on tumblr and it's run by one person who answers nothing but how to coord Bodyline pieces

>> No.8944121

According to her calculator, you have to pay $8.47 in PayPal fees and 1,447.2円.

I'm estimating with her calculator and I chose the small weight because I don't know the actual weight. If I had chosen the larger weight block, she'd charge me even more, I'm not sure what you're arguing for. It's her estimate.

You're paying more using PayPal's exchange rate or hers. Not to mention her shopping service fee isn't on there which is the 5% that I'm talking about.

>> No.8944129
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I need help. There's a brolita I know and I've been having romantic feelings for him recently. He's a total brandwhore and coords well. I've seen him out of lolita and he's actually gorgeous. I don't want to be a creep/stalk him. How can I go about starting a relationship?

>> No.8944135

This seems like something more suited to the feels thread

>> No.8944138

When I use her estimate calendar I always choose the bigger option as I want to see the max amount I'd be paying.
When I do buy things from her, the estimate is close but never exactly the same as the real cost.

>> No.8944143

start hanging out with him and 'broing' out in a friendly way then see where it goes. if it goes, you're good, if you get friendzoned then you made a good friend. shit sucks but that's how it works.

>inb4 friendzone isn't real! REEEEE
it definitely is, because most(fairly) sane humans don't just talk to people with intent to date/bone them, and some people you become friends with will only ever see you as a friend.

>> No.8944151

Well it doesn't actually matter to me as I won't actually use her. I was only estimating how much more I'd have to pay in order to use her. If her pricing really is as arbitrary as others are saying, then that's even more of a reason not to use her in my opinion.

>> No.8944152

What SS do you know of that gives a more accurate shipping estimate?

>> No.8944160

if they are inactive and don't post often the activity goes down and posts aren't shown to as many followers. she would need to post up to 6 posts per day to activate over 40% of her followers.

>> No.8944186

Ask him out. See if he'd like to get coffee or whatever with you.

>> No.8944193

Is anybody gonna apply for janitor? I figured since you gulls bitch about the janitors doing a shitty job all the time, you'd spring for this opportunity.

>> No.8944198

Why is Facebook so retarded? literally the dumbest system I've ever heard of. bitch, I like pages cause I wanna get updates from them whether they post once a week or 12 times a day wtf

>> No.8944203

yes, even though I'll probably regret it eventually
make cgl great again

>> No.8944252

Are you friends outside of your comm? Just make it a point to try to talk to him daily and gauge how he feels. If you feel confident, you can ask him out. If not,
at least you guys are friends

>> No.8944269

it used to be different, but they're trying to get people to purchase post boost and shit. basically before it was super popular there was no problem, but they decided to milk it for cash.

in any case i'm personally more pissed off about the new selling system, and how groups don't seem to understand how it works now. it ruined like 4 of my sales posts and it pisses me off.

>> No.8944278

what did they change anon? I just made a sales post.. I hope I didn't screw it up.

>> No.8944279

i had to go back and add a comment to each of my pictures within the same post, rather than putting it in the picture description, because it doesn't show up there anymore unless you open each picture separately in a new tab. i had a pretty big post recently and people kept asking all the info i had in each picture description because it wasn't showing up.

>> No.8944314

you're right, i see what you mean now. that's really confusing, wow. luckily i just linked one picture and my sales album- hopefully that's clear enough for people.

>> No.8944319

>48k people
lmao there's no way she hasn't bought those likes
even most convention pages don't get 48k people liking them

>> No.8944330

Would anyone have an idea how much length is lost if you convert a sack dress into a regular waisted dress? I love the Cosmic OP but sack ops look like shit on me so I was thinking of getting it turned into a regular one, but I'm worried it'll become mid thigh length because it's already so short. I'm 5'3" btw.

>> No.8944331

Even at its worst, facebook's rigged exposure system isn't -that- bad about the disparity between likes on a page and the presented opportunities for post engagement. Basically, either she bought them or people really just don't like her content (in which case, why would they still have the page liked??)

>> No.8944334

Maybe, either that or they're riding the trend too hard

>> No.8944339

Any word on that Novala Takemoto novel that's finally being re-released?

>> No.8944342


>> No.8944345

Her shoe design was generic as fuck, I've seen shoes that looked exactly like hers before, there was nothing original about it. Of course there will be copies of it, like there exist copies of heart shaped bags and peter pan collar blouses. She didn't invent that style of shoe, so she has no copyright claim on that design and calling it "knockoffs of my shoes". She copied others designs more than once before and called it her own special invention. She has to get off her high horse and stop being a hypocrite if she wants some reliability.

>> No.8944350

What did the shoe look like?

>> No.8944352
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>> No.8944356

... isn't this basically the JM three-strap shoe everyone loves but with a higher heel?

>> No.8944360

Jane Marple shoes look different. These are more like some generic gothic style shoes you also find in regular stores from time to time.

>> No.8944361

Where's the rip off so I can buy it from them?

>> No.8944362

These look uncomfortable as fuck

>> No.8944375

I want to buy them too, just because they look so generic they are already a knock-off themselves

>> No.8944380

They look like those VWx Melissa shoes also. Not a fan

>> No.8944440


AP has a much bigger fanbase, what this means is that there are more actual AP dresses in circulation (not that they make more releases, but every design will have more dresses owned by more girls). Overall there's just a lot more girls who get into and out of AP, compared to less girls getting into and out of Moitie, so there are a lot more girls sellling off their old AP, while there's just less girls who even buy and wear Moitie, let alone get along far enough to sell off their Moitie when they're done.

If you're really determined to have those exact items, you have to be vigilant, check all the sites and get ready to snag them when they turn up. Most secondhand sites selling moitie can be brutal, I was only ever early enough to see Moitie accessories in stock on Closet Child once and they were gone by the time I tried to check out. Auctions might be an easier bet, if you don't mind the high prices and bidwars.

Otherwise, you could always get your moitie new from either the jp shop or cdjapan. You don't have to ditch your list entirely, just make sure you always have money set aside in case a dream dress pops up on auction, while you fill your wardrobe with newer releases.

>> No.8944442
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Does this help?

>> No.8944446
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It's not impossible to find reasonably priced Moitie that said, if you're lucky. I managed to snag a Moitie EGA gilet recently for only 9K yen, to my amazement, on Alice Fururun, It's out there, just have patience if you don't want to pay a lot for even secondhand Moitie.

>> No.8944447

How original.
I have seen shoes nearly identical to these in normalfag stores for years now. And they look like those fugly ass shoes all gothic lolitas wore in 2011 or so. From Bordello (? don't remember the brand name). Kind of disappointed, was hoping for something less generic.

>> No.8944457


Good taste, anon. I have actually seen a lot of those pieces on both Japanese and western sales within the past year - don't give up hope! Buying Moitie is a game of patience if you want a good price.

>> No.8944465

This must be fucking karma. Delicious.
>calling these original though
Is she serious? I'd actually believe she ripped them from some taobao shop, not the other way around.

>> No.8944472

Also look similarish to some of JetJ's boots.

>> No.8944479

What a boring design. I know she must have seen the amount of love that strap shoes get on here and thought she could cash in on this. Also the materials look cheap from what I can see. Looks like they'd break easily

>> No.8944485

This is such a generic design, Choke overreacts so hard. Remember when some taobao shop did "the same" generic BJD tights as her and she threw a tantrum and stopped making them

>> No.8944510

someone should post the ripoff to lolita updates kek

>> No.8944517

i don't know if you're aware, but you sound like a fucking cunt

>> No.8944582

I guess you could say she spent... years and years on them?

>> No.8944750
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Which Tableau did originally (sheer ones) and then Nude Sox (fully printed). Pic related. Also didn't she just buy in bulk from a Taobao shop that did knockoffs of these?

>> No.8944825

Uhhh.. That's just a higher heel version of that Bordello shoe.

>> No.8944833

Several of those are for sale right now.

>Blue Check JSK

Fight me. It's one of my last dream dresses to obtain.

>> No.8944835

Not defending Choke by any means as they are indeed generic, but the only things they have in common are that they are black and have straps. The shape and materials are totally different.

>> No.8944989

seriously, I'm telling you - whatever factory she used to get her samples from likely just stole the design and started making stuff with them or they sold the design to someone. Actually, I'm surprised whatever factories she's used for her wigs hasn't stolen the designs from those, either.

>> No.8945102

I like them, don't really care if there's similar out there cause the others I've seen always have something about them I don't like. I like these, but I'd never buy from her.

>> No.8945127

Where? I have seen one of the blue JSKs on lacemarket but they don't ship to europe

>> No.8945798

There are things like Rafflecoptor giveaways that require you to like a page for an entry. Aka like a page and never see it again unless it gets sponsored and pops up in your feed

>> No.8948044

Anyone get any updates from Chibi from those of us with the problem OTK's in our orders? My patience is starting to run out.