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File: 256 KB, 500x375, rilakumma_and_little_twin_stars_decoden_by_sw33ti3_l0ve-d6mcigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8940786 No.8940786 [Reply] [Original]

Old about to hit autosage
Post questions, tips, favourite products
If someone was to make a document for decoden what would you want on it?

my favourite decoden help tumblr

Youtuber with glitter, two tone and resin image decoden videos (only one of each)

I'll start with my question, I'm from the uk, what brand of silicone do brit gulls use?

>> No.8940795
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mini dump to get the thread going

>> No.8940798
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>> No.8940801
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>> No.8940808
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I'm digging the chunky whip on this one

>> No.8940809
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>> No.8940815
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>> No.8940819
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>> No.8940821
File: 1.19 MB, 933x622, breakfast_sweets_decoden_by_thepocketkawaii-d6z14oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8941000
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>> No.8941005
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>> No.8941007
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>> No.8941057

>there are people who work with silicone without wearing gloves or a mask
I don't want to point fingers to the few of people I'm talking about but

Isn't that kind of dangerous??

>> No.8941127

I remembered doing this when I was about 12 or 13 when decoden became popular years ago. Didn't think anything was dangerous until the fumes from silicone made my heart hurt. But now there's a lot more information and alternatives to silicone for decoden.

>> No.8941155

Silicone? The stuff they put inside your body? The stuff they make muffin cups out of?

>> No.8941164

There's different grades of silicone...

>> No.8941168

Crafting silicone gives off toxic fumes.

>> No.8941200

Yeah anon. That's silicone. If you aren't making your own muffin cups out of bathroom caulk, you're missing out on the true deco silicone experience.

>> No.8941210

>alternatives to silicone for decoden
Like what?

>> No.8941340

Premade decoden whipped creams like Padico and Whipple.

>> No.8941435
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First time trying to make a decoden case for my coworkers birthday... In the beginning I felt like I picked up enough deco supplies... But now it feels like I'm missing or need more?

Any ideas?

>> No.8941446

Lol it looks like garbage. The top left side looks like a sloppy glue clusterfuck.

Have you considered giving up and killing youself?

>> No.8941475

The design in the corner is cute anon. It's like a focal point. Maybe keep going simple with beads then do a similar design on the other side of the first design or in the corner of the bottom right.

>> No.8941519

>But now it feels like I'm missing or need more?
No joke.

It looks nice so far but you're going to need either a lot more gems and pearls. I wouldn't do anything candy or dessert-themed since you've already got a cute feminine theme going.

I don't know how much time you have between now and your coworker's birthday but you could either order more deco stuff or shop for deco-able things like in craft stores or in nail kits/cheap cute jewelry parts.

I also think >>8941475 is a good idea.

>> No.8941523

Jesus Christ, you're a salty cunt. It looks fine.

I agree with these. The corner design is cute but you definitely need more. Sticking to something a bit more mature would be nice.

>> No.8941592

Pretty sure both of those include silicone if I'm not wrong?
I've heard Whipple deflates quite a lot though

>> No.8941604

There's a difference between piping out premade and mixing silicone with cornstarch first in order to pipe, premade is less exposure to the fumes.

And yeah, Whipple sucks but it looks better than just straight up paper clay. Padico is the best if you can get it.

>> No.8941627

Well yea anything looks better than paperclay

>> No.8941973

I got around 500 more half pearls and pink/white gems (smallish size) still.

I'm thinking I need to order some larger pearls and gems to create some textural variation.

I think I might take a trip down to the local jewelry district to find some more details. Thanks for the input!

>> No.8942632
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Trying to tough through this rn

>> No.8942636

It's looking pretty good so far anon but two things.

1. The odd random 2-3 pearls that are a different color stick out quite a bit and there doesn't seem to be any pattern or reason to it.

2. You've got the pink blank strip at the top but the pearls on the side go to the very edge. Are you going to leave a strip at the bottom as well to at least make it even?

Sorry if it's a little harsh, I work with beads too but I'm not really creative enough to do designs like this without a pattern to follow so major props to you for this and I really love the mix of roses and gems and pearls going on.

>> No.8945765

Looks good, but you really need to remove the different pearls, they stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.8945784

Any advice on rhinestones? I'd like to make a rhinestone case, but I'm still looking to get rhinestones that aren't shit or $30 for 12.

>> No.8945800

eBay and Ali, anon. Buy a bunch, there's always a ton of super cheap bids. There will be some shit ones but not enough to get mad over.

>> No.8945923

Calm down lol

>> No.8945965

Well, in my experience, cheap rhinestones can all have fewer facets, rough edges, or foggy backgrounds. I'm trying to find a balance between those and the Swarovski ones.