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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 106 KB, 1286x1300, HELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8927599 No.8927599 [Reply] [Original]

All questions go here for anything!

Old thread: >>8910564

>> No.8927603
File: 393 KB, 1093x829, komatsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am planning a Nana Komatsu cosplay with a friend who is going to be Nana Osaki. Hachi wears lots of different outfits throughout the series, tending to gear towards modern 50s inspired clothing. She has a lot of very detailed clothes with lots of patterns and then some very simple clothes. Im going for simple. I was curious about what this layout looks like so far. She's known for not matching pinks in the series, so not all my pinks match for that purpose. Im kind of sticking to pink, white, and gold with pearl and gold accents for jewelry. I didn't add in bracelets and stuff because I figured thats self explanatory.

Any critique would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.8927607

Or even this pink dress. http://www.ebay.com/itm/222033362351?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=520898680288&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

>> No.8928056

Anyone know good sites for wigs in the UK?

>> No.8928098

i just bought a wig from coscraft and the quality is okay

>> No.8928262
File: 72 KB, 850x850, BW Pudding Forest Mist Normal Waist JSK 1-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what sort of blouse to pair with BW Pudding Forest Mist Normal Wait JSK? One of the pictures with the listing puts it with a long sleeved black blouse with a high neck but I am not really digging that.

>> No.8928275

A pale cream of white long sleeved chiffon blouse might work really well with this.

>> No.8928482
File: 171 KB, 500x749, tumblr_nmvcjaJ0xc1schoj1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what kind of fabric this cosplayer used for the kagune? I tracked down her tumblr but she doesn't have any information there.

>> No.8928490
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 12832430_592795564203949_7774401783995987751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how many yards of hoopsteel it would take to make a hoop skirt similar to this?

>> No.8928505

Looks like a shiny red spandex to me, anon. You'd probably want 4-way stretch.

>> No.8928519

Quick question. When sewing boning to a bodice, I should sew it to the lining and not the outside fabric correct?

>> No.8928542

Make a tunnel and put the boning there

>> No.8928558

It's cute but personally I'd recommend ditching the inspired look if it's for a con. Try to actually match one of her more signature looks as hachi is a lot less recognizable than nana .

>> No.8928676
File: 54 KB, 1024x533, crescent_rose_by_magnuslk-d6fj4vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when making thin pieces for a prop, what's the best material to use? I think spray on insulation foam would be too brittle, but I also am on a budget and can't use something too spendy for such a large piece
pic related

>> No.8928714
File: 176 KB, 600x397, spajdex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! Do you think this would look good? Also do you know how many yards it would take? I have a lot of sewing experience but this is just way out of my comfort zone.

>> No.8928754
File: 164 KB, 1116x1277, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to do an ORAS Team Magma grunt cosplay. Found a really nice ribbed turtleneck for the undershirt, however it's for a woman and it'd be pretty tight on me I'd imagine.
Would it look really odd?
It's cheap and easy to recycle into the leggings/longsocks if it doesn't go well but I just wanted some opinions before I hit buy.

>> No.8928760

depending on how skinny or lanky you are, i dont doubt that the shoulders will be tight. the sleeves might be too short too, but the gloves could cover that

>> No.8928766

Lolita gulls- Newfag wanting to get into gothic lolita. I've read the lolita handbook and lurked around on a few other sites, but I'd like some tips from real people so I don't ita. Specific tips for gothic? General do's and don'ts for loli?

>> No.8928913

For a stationary design, you could probably construct a lot out of foam core since most seem to be flat pieces layered on top of each other. The handle on the other hand would need something more and likely foam.

>> No.8928938
File: 44 KB, 218x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of material are the name tags on school swimsuits made out of?

>> No.8929088

Suddenly my bust is too big for most of my dresses (I'm wearing a minimizer right now and I'm 92cm). Any ways to get my chest a bit smaller? I really wanted to wear some of my dresses while I was out of town but none of them fit me.

>> No.8929103

Find a binder, that will help flatten your chest more than a minimizer bra. What size do you need to get back down to to fit your dresses?

>> No.8929159

My bust used to be around 89 cm with no minimizer/ braless. Sadly, I don't think I have time to buy a binder as I leave tomorrow. I was packing and trying to decide which coords to bring and suddenly nothing fits. I was really excited to wear my Dozing Cat button down OP but it just wont button for two of the buttons.

Slightly stupid albeit related question, how difficult do you think it would be to find one in Japan? I'd assume very, but I can see a market for them in cosplay shops so I'm not sure.

>> No.8929183
File: 297 KB, 588x361, ifairy-siberian-brown-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear natural looking circle lenses daily
>buy 4 new pair from honeycolor
>ship via DHL
>"great they'll be here in a week!"
>check tracking
>"package seized by customs, please contact DHL"

Am I doomed, anons? I looked back in the archives and it seems like many other people have had this problem but no one has ever posted a follow up with their solution. Honeycolor says they aren't responsible for packages lost to customs, do I have no hope of getting my lenses back?

Or are there any sites that don't have this issue? Help me anons, I'm just trying to be kawaii.

>> No.8929292

Eeh, I could see you having some luck in cosplay shops, but I wouldn't rely on it. It'd be safer to order online. In the mean time, try and compress as much as possible. Minimizer bra, tight tank over the top, you could even use compression tape to help flatten it

>> No.8929590
File: 165 KB, 853x853, 1458769808378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a dress similar to this one in style (but with a different character), but I have no clue how to do the designs on it. Would fabric paint be the right choice, applique, or what?

>> No.8929644
File: 84 KB, 475x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What character is this!? Me and my friend are arguing if it's from Zelda or Tekken lol!

>> No.8929667

Cia's Guardian of Time costume from Hyrule Warriors. Just use reverse image search the next time you can't find the source for a character,

>> No.8929679

Thanks anon! Am on mobile so I can't do that! Unless there is a way to

>> No.8929751

Looks like applique to me anon. Probably the cleanest way to go about it too.
I'd imagine they'd be made out of the same material as the swimsuit. So lycra/spandex.
Foam core, for the handle PVC pipe.
Lurk more, no really lurk a lot. You'll pick up tips over time.

>> No.8929830
File: 454 KB, 859x536, pigtail ref sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, so this might be a dumb/amateur question and i apologize, but i made a little reference sheet so i could get different opinions on this.

the 3 images on the left are official game art, and the rest are fanart, and i was wondering how i could go about making big, exaggerated pigtails like that without it looking disproportionate to my body or just really bad?

i've seen a lot of hate about pigtails for that one girl with the pink hair from dangan ronpa, and so i was just wondering if there's a good way to go about making these look really pleasing and clean to the eye without them being way too heavy for my head or something.

any opinions are appreciated!! i'll most likely go with a short black wig for the bangs, and then clip-in pigtails, but just making those pigtails look on par with most of her art... auuughhhh

>> No.8929832

for the shape of her pigtails you could use a wire frame. there's a really good tutorial for Jesse from pokemon's hair that you could use, anyone have it?

>> No.8929838

thanks! where's the best place to get foam core from?

>> No.8930107
File: 8 KB, 175x246, 2016-03-25_17-30-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about painting a gradient design on a shirt?

I've seen plenty of tutorials for gradient dyeing whole pieces, but none for painting specific areas

>> No.8930120
File: 179 KB, 579x400, ap_367aab5403da1b096f0f6a70670024d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to be posting some resources i foudn super helpful when shopping for cosplay
http://www.rosewholesale.com/ (If you go to clerance you can find some amazing deals that look alot like some cosplay)

>> No.8930123

https://www.etsy.com/shop/BuddhaTheDr (This person has some of the best cs:go models and on the cheap side! Really helpful if your planning on cosplaying something from there)

>> No.8930126

http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/ (Has some extreamly life like foam weapons, but rather on the expensive side)

>> No.8930130

Make a stencil and stipple the paint on with a brush or sponge in the gradient. Or you could print the design out on iron on transfer paper.

>> No.8930259

Borrowing a wig for a friend for a last minute cosplay. Its too long for what I need it for,so is there any ways to pin/tuck it in so it doesn't seema s long,but doesnt look like shit?

>> No.8930802

How would i go about making full poofy harem/genie pants? All the tutorials I can find look quite flat

>> No.8930807
File: 2.21 MB, 2160x734, CR pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowes or Home Depot sell huge sheets of insulation board for like $11 in the plywood section. Pair that with a box cutter and cut each piece out and stick together
Made Crescent Rose last year, and besides the paint job it came out pretty good

>> No.8931165

I'm about to spike a wig and I'm shitting myself. I've watched every tutorial I could get my hands on but I'm still worried about the wig looking crunchy or solid/unnatural or greasy.

Especially as YouTube is full of amateurs thinking they're pros. Anyone got any hints or tips from first hand experience spiking wigs?

>> No.8931195

Seconding >>8930130
Please go with a transfer and just avoid the headache. It will probably look way better for a lot less work

>> No.8931252

Craft stores such as micheals or online. Just search up "Foam board"


>> No.8931534
File: 77 KB, 411x675, Arata_Sanada_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Arata Sanada (pic related).

I have a very similar white jacket with hood like his already but I'm wondering how can attach the "blue stripes" to it. Preferably without sewing cause I suck and Acen is only a month and few away.

Also second question, what exactly is that blue thing he's wearing underneath called? It has pockets and looks to be a one piece which doesn't ring any bells for me.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.8931536
File: 119 KB, 960x544, 2015-05-01-084118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another better reference

>> No.8931566

Can't help you with the stripes, but the blue thing just looks like a pair of (sleeveless?) overalls.

>> No.8931572

id say get some masking tape and paint and try to paint them on as neatly as possible. also agreeing with other anon, i think they're def overalls

(lowkey hoping i see you because i love cyber sleuth)

>> No.8931740

It's funny though I'm 40 hours in but only on chap 10, digivolving/dedigivolving too addictive and the whole nostalgia overload at every corner (OH YEAH I REMEMBER WHAMON). Trying to finish it before Acen and really capture Arata's whole character since there's still half the game to go and he's showing some spoileristic flags (at least from what I suspect) which I won't say. I'll target looking for light blue overalls and blue strips then. Thanks.

>> No.8931750

look up "mechanic coveralls" I feel like that's what the underlayer is.

>> No.8931763

Get Chrome. Just hold tap on the image and select search Google for this image.

>> No.8931890

Is there a difference between decollage clay and paper clay? I'm wanting to make cute food accessories and tutorials say paper clay but the packages they are using are for decollage clay...

>> No.8931909

isnt decollage clay just the brand name?
like with Premo Sculpy clay.

>> No.8931924

I honesty wasn't sure. If it's just the brand name then that answers my question, thanks!

>> No.8931926

so I ordered a package, it got dropped off in LA, and now it's been saying it's "in transit" for over 2 weeks, and this has never happened before
w-w-what do I do

>> No.8931935

I don't think you should look for overalls, they're not going to go up high enough, the shape isn't right, what this anon said would be a better option imo

>> No.8931994

Last night I ordered some contacts for a con in two weeks and got express shipping, the issue is I'm a fucking idiot and clicked 'Aramex' rather than EMS shipping by accident.
After the order had already gone through I googled Aramex and the reviews are terrible and most people never even received their items, am I totally fucked?

>> No.8932620
File: 50 KB, 400x240, c0699afc8e579acfa5c56a085ccf1271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a badge holder like this guy?

>> No.8932633
File: 16 KB, 256x600, overall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mechanic coveralls
When I looked up "sleeveless overalls" I got pic related, which is what I meant. I at least agree what he's wearing is not the denim kind overalls/dungarees, but these work overalls work out I think, going from the artwork.

Probably, sorry anon

I'm sure you can swap out the badge.

>> No.8932675

One of my Bodyline blouses has got stained red from a Bodyline red gingham dress I wore over it. Can I bleach the Bodyline blouse? I think it's a blend of cotton and polyester.

>> No.8932728

How do I make guns?
There's no way I can afford an airsofr sniper rifle. :/

>> No.8932743

that design looks really cute! I like it!

>> No.8932751

Not the anon you replied to but what do you consider some of Hachi's signature looks? I tried thinking of some and Hachi pretty much just dresses like a normie. I can't think of any specific outfit that really indicates that it's Hachi to me.

>match your colors or stick to a small palette. don't try to throw every "gothic" color on at once.
>keep it toned down and grasp the basics of putting a coord together before making OTT/more complicated coords.
>invest in good pieces. "loliables" and replicas are a waste of money.

>doesn't even look like a Tekken character

It'll probably be ok but test it on a corner of the blouse where no one will see first.


>> No.8932753

Hey guys, I'm currently using a catcher's face mask as shoulder armor for my post-apoc cosplay. It looks amazing and I don't want to get rid of it, but it is quite heavy (seeing as it is metal). Are there any methods that I can use to make it more comfortable so I am not sore after wearing it for the entire con?

I was thinking about adding in some type of cushion padding, but then you would totally be able to see it through the catchers mask (being able to see through the meshed face plate is what makes it look so good as shoulder armor). Thanks for any help I get!

>> No.8932757

I'd like to get a design printed on a fabric for a dress. I've heard mixed things about spoonflower. Any recommendations for other places to get custom printed fabric or what I could get from spoonflower that would be the best fabric option to retain the print?

>> No.8932761

Just use spoonflower. It's gonna be your most convenient option but not the cheapest.
Also jsyk, you don't need to put anything in the name field to post.

>> No.8932820

I assume you're wearing a shirt under it, so why not add the padding underneath the fabric? A thin layer can get you a long way.

>> No.8933252

I checked this thread again, that and the mechanic coveralla both look good enough to what I need. I'll be looking to buyem and prepem now. Thanks all.

>> No.8933319
File: 126 KB, 960x720, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished adding wig wefts, how would i go about changing/hiding the wig part? its right in the center and i need it in the top/right/side area where the tiny red "x" is.

any help is appreciated thanks

>> No.8933346
File: 83 KB, 800x571, Legend-Of-Zelda-Skyward-Sword-Link-Android-Wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as link, but I've seen so many bad links and I want to do it justice. Is it worth getting chain maile? What is the best option for a sword? I'm using linen for the tunic, but what should the pants be done with? (skyward sword btw) whatever pointers I can get would be great.

>> No.8933350
File: 152 KB, 900x1211, valentine_by_m16tronaz-d54svop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me with making or finding a thermometer for this? Everything I find it too thin or a huge gag gift.

>> No.8933381
File: 52 KB, 263x800, 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best example to me would be the white dress over black turtleneck that even made an appearance in the live action. However there's pic related and other cover images that people remember even though it's been years since the manga stopped. Not that I don't think the op's outfit isn't cute, just personally I would try to make something so it stands out more as a cosplay.

>> No.8933397

I kind of want to do a Kitsune cosplay. Any ideas/references/such?

>> No.8933418
File: 112 KB, 1210x850, hachi-F04 07 watashi fuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not that I don't think the op's outfit isn't cute, just personally I would try to make something so it stands out more as a cosplay.
Yeah I get that's what you meant. I was just curious as to what outfits were "Hachi" as opposed to "normal wear" since, like you said, her outfits are way less memorable than Nana O's.
The outfit that I personally remember the most is the one she wore when she went to look at 707 with the real estate agent. Pic related.

>> No.8933469
File: 13 KB, 101x131, geese-cvs-intro-fix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for the type of coat Geese Howard is shedding in this gif?

>> No.8933509

Idk if it is the correct way, and since you added wefts which is a higher tier skill this is probably pitifully obvious to you so I apologize if it isn't helpful. I always just do heat styling and then some good strong gel at the very base of the fibers I have heat styled into place to keep them going in the right direction. I have done it successfully even on wigs that aren't meant to be heat styled, just with a lot setting and some patience. It's a lot easier with skin tops, once you get outside of the area where it is then it's a bit tougher.

>> No.8933531

thanks anon! what i was looking for was more of a sewing the partition type thing. idk if that makes sense but if i dont ill just try to see if styling it could work. i had seen some tutorials in the past where cosplayers somehow sew the area where the hair division should be though i have no idea how since i never saved them

>> No.8933532
File: 204 KB, 388x512, T_NeZha_Default_Card-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked this in the last thread but didn't get a response since I was dumb and posted right as it was dying. I'm crossplaying this and have a pretty clear idea how I'm going to go about everything but the wig and the pants. For the wig, I'm planning on getting to clip in buns from arda and attaching them the a base wig, but I can't for the life if me find a lace front wig that will work. Even a lace front pigtail wig or one that was made for clip in Twin tails. Nothing without bangs seems to exist. The pants I found a pattern for elizabethan breeches that might match the puffiness, but it's achieving the little separation lines that makes his pants look like closed lotus flowers buds that's going to be hard, or getting that general closed bud shape, let alone what material would achieve the best outcome. Any advice?

>> No.8933588

Hey guys. Im looking for some nice contacts that can possibly come in a normal, if even SLIGHTLY larger size [not the giant circle lens ones]. I need it within 5 weeks which I assume is a good amount of time. They need to be light blue/icy blue. Didn't see a contacts thread, so hopefully this thread works out fine. Price doesn't matter, but quality does.

>> No.8933628

No one answered my question about ironing/getting wrinkles out of pleather? I bought like four yards of this stuff from joanns, and there's barely 2 months until the con. I've tried ironing it on low w/ a towel over it and it doesn't seem to do too much. I'm a little worried cause the backing started peeling on one part that I ironed.

>> No.8933639


>> No.8933642

Most contact lens sites tell you the millimeter size. Check out the reviews, people will usually mention how large the lenses are in them.

>> No.8933647

Try using something thinner then a towel. Use something like a basic cotton, muslin or a sheet.

Careful of the heat setting, keep it lower to be safe and check it. Do not use the steam setting if your iron has one. After your done, hang the fabric and leave it for a bit.

See if any of this helps.

>> No.8933654

thanks bro!

>> No.8933657

Im thinking I should probably look into 14.2..? Thats seems like a good size. The 15 and then those huge cover all lenses might not give such a natural look. Thank you anon. I think I saw someone mention Pinky so I Googled 'Pinky contacts' and came across Pinky Paradise. Is this a relatively good site? Sorry for so many questions. They have a good selection of blues and I think I found a good icy one, but before I buy I just want to make sure Pinky Paradise is used enough.

>> No.8933664

sorry, late response.
if it ends up being just the brand name you might want to just double check on the material its made out of.
mainly because you mentioned paper clay which is much different than polymer clay. polymer clay is what people usually use when making food charms which im guessing is what you kinda want to make (im guessing in a bigger scale though).

>> No.8933794
File: 240 KB, 1650x960, morganalunarmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on Lunar Wraith Morg, the only thing that has me stumped is how to attach the wings.
I'm the kind of person that makes stuff and then worries about attachments, so I'm actually planning this time.

Normally I'd make a harness, but the dress is backless. I was thinking maybe a front mounted harness? But then it'd have to be really secured under my crotch so it didn't stick out. I don't know.

>> No.8933913

Kind of a weird question I guess but

Are transgirls cosplaying female characters generally accepted at cons?

I'm considering going to one but I hardly ever leave the house as a girl because I'm constantly afraid of not passing (namely because I'm tall. A little over 5'9" without shoes on, nearly 6' in some shoes). There's definitely a few male characters I could cosplay cause anime boys, would it be safer to do that? In terms of not getting harassed/weird stares/etc? Does it vary by con? I live in the Pacific Northwest, so I guess that's probably good, given the general reactions to trans people around here.

Sorry for the weird question but this is kind of the only thread for that.

>> No.8933952

No one can really promise that you'll have a good or a bad experience since it depends on how the people around you react. Crossplaying is a common thing so people could assume that but the stares might just come naturally if you don't appear passable. You should be comfortable in what you're wearing so only do it if you're not going to get too stressed about people around you.
Do you have someone you can go with? If you're spending time with someone then it might ease you a little so you can focus on enjoying yourself.

>> No.8934083
File: 168 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n6u2cp4nTQ1tadyb4o1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm cosplaying Brendan from pokemon ruby and I don't know if he wears a hat or if he has two tone hair (white and brown underneath) .. What do you think?

>> No.8934094
File: 450 KB, 802x996, omega_ruby_and_alpha_sapphire__brendan_and_may_by_drosewood67-d7m58bi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown hair with a weird scarf hat

>> No.8934095
File: 379 KB, 750x783, 2016-Pokemon-Pocket-Monsters-Brendan-font-b-Ruby-b-font-Cosplay-font-b-Costume-b-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However looking at some cosplays, people seem to go with either white hair or the hat. Do what works best for you- Just not the glove hat in the pic attached

>> No.8934100

It's a knit hat. In Pokemon ORAS, he takes it off when he wears his contest outfit.

>> No.8934457
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi all. This is probably one of the worst ideas I have had for a cosplay, since the recent events in Brussels and stuff. But I'm planning to go as a terrorist from CSGO and I have most of the items for it.

I'm just struggling to find the badges that he has for his jacket and I'm attempting to do them on Illustrator and they look terrible so far. A shot in the dark but does anyone have any sources on any exact images for these?

>> No.8934587

oh man that sucks. I can't help but i hope you get your contacts!! best of luck!!

>> No.8934600
File: 18 KB, 480x266, cef87da992a0a88e05f5c31dc3fc6b85_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you go about doing bangs like these? or should i just go for more normal ones?

>> No.8934643

Update: Customs is supposed to contact me in 30 days, so far I've gotten nothing. I've ordered lenses from Lens Village in the meantime with the slowest possible shipping. Hopefully these get through.

>> No.8934928

>Are transgirls cosplaying female characters generally accepted at cons?

i dont see why that would be a problem unless you're some well known person because nobody is going to fucking know if you're trans or not if you're cosplaying.

and since crossplay is a common thing in the cosplay world, nobody is really going to bat an eye.

>> No.8934952

chainmail is really heavy, even an aluminum shirt is going to be 10 lbs. And the way Link wears his is going tobe super uncomfortable for the average person, because he doesn't seem to wear a gambeson or any sort of padding aside from his shirt under it. Chailmail also gets really hot really fast, even without padding under it. While it looks nice in photos, I wouldn't recommend it for a con, unless you've had previous experience wearing it. I'm a larper and I've seen disgustingly sweat soaked gambesons, even in the middle of winter up north.

>> No.8935064
File: 335 KB, 1000x1064, patternsIguess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm making pic related, but when I went pattern shopping these two patterned (also in pic) were the best and closest I could find. Thus far I know that both patterns are fairly inaccurate to what the character is wearing so I tried to make my own and completely failed at it.
So i thought I'd try going back and just using these patterns as a base
(the main thing I don't like about these two patterns are the seems going down the middle)
But I'm going to ask first here.

Will people even notice (or care) about the inaccuracies these patterns have (with the lines)
seeings as everything (fabric and string) will be black?

>> No.8935090

thanks. Is there anything you recommend that would be good? I only see shitty silver fabric it never looks good.

>> No.8935223

>the main thing I don't like about these two patterns are the seems going down the middle
Are you talking about the princess seams? Because your character has them on her dress so idk why you'd want to get rid of them. Plus that's how you get the dress to fit to your body.
Will people care? Doubt it. But will they be able to see that you have princess seams? Yes, regardless of the fact that your fashion fabric and thread are both black. It's just like how you can see hems or darts on a garment.

>> No.8935235

What is this from??

>> No.8935237

Should you put in a zip before or after beading?

>> No.8935257

I'm going to my first swap meet soon. How do I price things? Most of the stuff is brand new accessories that either came in the wrong shade or didn't quite fit (Shoes). I have a few big items but they are Bodyline or Taobao. How would you price for example a Taobao indie brand dress that you paid $120 for and you didn't like the length of it so it's been stuffed in your closet for a year and they no longer sell that dress?

>> No.8935273

>Because your character has them on her dress
No? Im pretty certain the dress doesn't have princess seams. Unless you're talking about the arms., which those arent princess seams

>> No.8935306

before, or you'll have to crack the beads.

>> No.8935319

I bought a pleated skirt a while back (with knife pleats) but it's too big
I've been googling around for a while but I can't really find anything on how to take in the waist
Does anyone know how to do it?

>> No.8935350

So I'm using worbla for the first time, and I made my breastplate (it's one piece, not the bra shape) and it has some dents and wrinkles in it. Just generally not uniform.

I'm using the contact cement/stretch vinyl method to make it the right color/texture, not painting it, but is there any way I can fill it or just generally smooth it out and make it so it's not so lumpy and wrinkled? I've looked everywhere and can't find anything!

>> No.8935368


>> No.8935393

Hmm I haven't heard mention of that yet. I'll test it out! Thank you!

>> No.8935457
File: 63 KB, 647x1024, Ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is this ponytail style? Is it just fluffed out and lightly curled or...?

I've been looking at gyaru clip-ins and they don't really resemble it so I can't get any ideas or insight on what to actually do to it.

>> No.8935467
File: 133 KB, 400x403, modebun4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd say get a ponytail and tease it up a lot. it's probably meant to resemble something like pic related but way less uglier

>> No.8935518

See if you can rip textures from the model or find ripped textures and trace from those.

>> No.8935522
File: 947 KB, 1347x796, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Now that I'm looking again, that makes a lot of sense. But is it better to get a pre-teased wig or to start fresh with a straighter one?

I'm leaning towards no. 3 but...

>> No.8935525
File: 102 KB, 434x800, queen mab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be the best way to go about doing the "hair"? i thought it would be better to make it out of a long pile fur because whatever the "hair" part is made of is exactly the same as the end of the gloves.

that or i was planning to get 2 stevies from arda and teasing the crap out of it

>> No.8935723

Okay, that helps a lot.

Thank you.

>> No.8935807

Ok so since we don't have a bra/lingerie thread, I'll ask here. I have like a super wide rib cage or something, like I seriously have a 2 inch gap between my tits. I can't get cleavage for the life of me. They aren't small tits, my own measurements and what several high end bra shops have set me at a 36E/38DD. But bitches won't touch. I've tried every cut and style of bra and every amount of padding and added cutlets. The "cosplay cleavage" tutorial is the closest thing to working, with 3 bras, cutlets, and a body shaper, but has to be adjusted every hour or so or my tits will just wiggle out every time I put my arms back. Going smaller in cup size just presses them flat, doesn't press them together. And yes I do the 'swoop and scoop' thing when putting them on. Anons please help.

>> No.8935835
File: 311 KB, 640x803, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where I can a this shirt? I've been trying and lurking around cosplay websites and they don't have it.
I'm not too worried about the bottom wear, I just buy a red skinny pants and cut it. but this shirt is the one last thing I need for my cosplay.

>> No.8935839
File: 21 KB, 400x339, 12391215_432287326967517_1564321644846667196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any hot tips on where I can go to get a custom high quality body suit made? Think like spiderman style but a different character.

>> No.8935843

If you can find the top you could just sew a bow on to the top and achieve the pattern by applying bleach.

>> No.8935872

I'm working on Elise from fe fates and I'm having trouble choosing a base wig. I'm deciding between the chibi and katinka from arda. Katinka would be easier to manage and hide the point of attachment on the drills plus it's a bit cheaper, but the chibi would be more accurate..anyone have any opinions? If I were to get the chibi how would I go about hiding the start of the drills seamlessly? I'm planning on attaching them to a headband that would be worn under the wig.

>> No.8935874
File: 34 KB, 330x162, Death_Gun_Face_Design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time planning to making a cosplay here

What materials do I use to make this mask?

>> No.8935878

depends on the material - There's a few people who provide custom printed bodysuit orders that you sew together yourself, and Andromeda Latex does wicked latex plugsuits/bodysuits.

>> No.8935880
File: 138 KB, 894x960, 1443942429248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1" and a redhead, I want to go as hisoka but he is much leaner than me. Also I have tattoos is it a good idea to keep them covered when possible? It's my first time cosplay any general tips? Also what other characters would give me a high chance of doing pictures? I am a larger guy but I'm not comfortable being shirtless is there any other characters I could consider going as?

>> No.8935919
File: 423 KB, 1024x683, 12519678973_3c288d4071_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to cosplay as the doctor from silent hill, but how would i make the lump on the back of the body?

>> No.8935933
File: 225 KB, 900x600, 18ml-snazaroo-face-paint_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you work with Snazaroo body paint?
Tried using it,but ends up giving bad cracks. I've seen it work for other people,but haven't had my own success.
Any good tips/ tutorials or should I just not waste my time with this junk and settle for something quality?

>> No.8935948

The RPC Studios are one of the big spidey suit makers and they offer custom printed suits for $170. Just need to send them the pattern and sew the suit yourself

>> No.8936003
File: 789 KB, 1000x571, seams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NieR: Automata, upcoming game

I think anon meant the seam circled in the picture. Have a render from the trailer, though. The seams are all over the place.

As far as I'm aware, long pile fur wouldn't be long enough even for the glove parts. Not sure what you -could- make it from, though...

>> No.8936006

Can you describe what you did with it? Because I had a friend with the same problem as you, and it turned out that he didn't realize that you're supposed to use it with water and not just on its own.

>> No.8936023

How thickly are you applying it? It works best if you use multiple thin layers and slowly build up the coverage instead of whacking on one thick layer.
Are you using a sealer as well?

>> No.8936105

Yea thats not a princess seam.
Which is why i asked my original question

>> No.8936261

The bodice has very deep side darts (and no underbust seam), so you'd be better off using something like this as a base, cutting it at the right part for the waist.

>> No.8936368
File: 57 KB, 479x351, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really decide which method would be best for these pigtails. Should I make just a pure foam core? Should I put in wire supports that I fill with foam? Should I do a wire support covered with fabric and filled with batting or something? This is the first time I've ever made something so large so I'm a little stuck haha.

>> No.8936403

I'm making them like regular drill curls instead of a solid piece so its lighter and has more movement. I sandwiched a folded piece of wire between two strips of felt and hand stitched each curl together at certain points to keep the curls closed and tight together like hers. Hope that helps!

>> No.8936411

you could try very soft/flexible foam or even a very lightly stuffed sewn base? from there apply a layer of adhesive and begin to wind the wig/wefts around it. Afterwards use more hair on top and wind around to add more volume/cover bare patches and use hairspray to hold those in place?
i'll be using this technique for a wig with oddly shaped parts in the near future, i think it'll give a nice effect and still some movement.
also, i can't tell if those are gaps between the drill curls or ribbon wound around the pigtails- if it's ribbon, the foam/sewn core idea would work well as you can apply the ribbon straight onto the adhesive.

>> No.8936686
File: 308 KB, 1600x900, 35aqhdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be able to point me to a tutorial or any ideas about how to get a hood to stay in a specific shape? I imagine some sort of structure system would be needed. The hoods in this image are the style I'm going for.

>> No.8936732

where do i buy cheap fabric online within EU?

>> No.8936757

What kind of close does it have on the waist or is it elastic?

Sticky bra that clips in the middle plus two bras?

Snazaroo is good quality, but it may not be the right tool for the job you're doing. Snaz is great because its cheap and it washes off easily, but there are other water based cake make-ups if you're not happy with it. To apply Snaz, I recommend using a sponge and stipple/dab it on. You can build coverage and it blends pretty well, so go over spots you're unhappy with more paint (if you're having problems with it not applying evenly, wait until your first layer is dry). You can also improve coverage by using primer and setting spray.

You can also use brushes but it will leave a streaky finish. Try not to smear the paint with your sponge, stippling will give you a cleaner finish.

If you can't get Snaz to work, look for Wolfe FX/Diamond FX/Global/TAG paints (they're all the same paint, branded differently.) Kryolan's Aquacolor and Ben Nye's cream based paints are good too, but the other paints are cheaper and easier to find.

>> No.8936895

local is probably easiest, your location would help. there really aren't a lot of international fabric stores EU from what I know

>> No.8936914

Does someone know how to get more pictures of yourself at conventions? I only get pictures with people but I never get asked by photographers. I just want to post some content on my fb page and not having to cut the strangers from the pics.
It feels so bad to ask photographers, like I'm that bad I have to ask.

>> No.8936919

What about maybe something like feather yarn or really long feather boas or something? Just an idea

>> No.8936921

Eastern Europe

>> No.8936951

Do group cosplays. Do better cosplays. Book your own photographer. Make friends with photographers. Make friends with other cosplayers, mooch off their photoshoots.

>> No.8936978


In my past attempts I've only done two thin layers and then went in with a translucent setting powder over it. I also used a unused sponge brush and just dabbing it on instead of doing it with an actual makeup sponge so that probably affected how nicely my first layer came out. Haven't invested in any primers or sprays yet because I wanted to see how it worked by itself,so I'll probably end up picking them up after I do a few more tests with the snazaroo

>> No.8937000

You don't need an actual make-up sponge, although that will also help. I use potter's sponges cut in half when I apply facepaint.

As for primers and setting sprays, you don't have to "invest" in anything, just use whatever you'd normally use for your foundation.

>> No.8937034

How do I attach a gathered skirt (with an open front) to a bodice with a shirred panel? I pinned it all together last night, but when I got it on before I sewed it, the skirt obviously didn't stretch over my boobs. I can't use elastic because of the open front, but I want to keep the fullness from the gathers. All the resources I've read have said to put in some elastic thread and ease my skirt in, but it doesn't gather as full. Any suggestions?

>> No.8937331

sew in/hide in some wire on the outer rim of the hood?

personally, i dont know why you would want to do that though, it would just look silly. only reason why it looks like in the game is because theres no cloth physics. pretty sure those hoods would be drooping down naturally if they were real.

>> No.8937338
File: 25 KB, 226x301, CLD-0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zipper? Is pic related what you have?

>> No.8937385

i actually thought about that but it doesn't quite look like a feather boa but i do like the yarn idea. i've been looking at yarn wig/yarn tail tutorials and using brushed out yarn might be the closest thing to doing this.

>> No.8937466
File: 197 KB, 500x500, psgboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want a short "Stocking" wig
>can only find them on eBay, where they're dirt-cheap and thus probably shit

Is there a way to make my own from a good-quality wig? Or are the eBay ones good enough?

>> No.8937682



Why the fuck would anyone use bleach for that? Just sew thin white ribbon or bias tape or something.

>> No.8937693

Seconding the yarn thing! I think that's a good idea.
I think they meant the sort of brown/fade speckles/patches that are overlayed on the top anon. Bleach would have that effect.

>> No.8937694

>what is reading comprehension
They meant for the pattern/texture of the shirt. Look at the reference image again.

>> No.8937698

Carve it from spray foam maybe? Doesn't look like it needs to be smooth. That or paper mache could work too.

>> No.8937702
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, steinsgate-10-ruka-kurisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Y'all dumb. The splatter effect is just pasted over the entire image, it's not actually on her (lol his) clothes.

>> No.8937761

>can only find them on eBay, where they're dirt-cheap and thus probably shit
they're probably fine. if you really don't trust them, buy a plain white wig and dye it yourself. there's plenty of wig dyeing tutorials if you look them up on google.

>> No.8937765

thank you both for responding!
Do you happen to have any pictures you wouldn't mind posting? That sounds really interesting!
Do you happen to have any recommendations for soft/flexible foam? the only kind I've ever used has been really firm foam.

>> No.8937773

>Sticky bra that clips in the middle plus two bras?
I can't find any front-clasp locally that fit. Online store suggestions, especially if they have wider bands? Have found that the wider band helps with keeping them in place.

>> No.8937777

Wouldn't it be easier to find a wig in the purple color and then add a few pink wefts into the bottom, and just trim up to match?

>> No.8937780

...I now realize you mean the silicone cup ones. I'll have a look for those.

>> No.8937782

It's something cery similar, but the bodice is maybe 4 inches total, and I don't want to cut in to my skirt and lose the poof

>> No.8938196
File: 1.04 MB, 1752x1401, malepsg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a $12 eBay wig and it's passable enough, but it's total shit compared to something like Arda.

Multi-color wig dyeing looks complicated, but I could give it a try!

Possibly, or take a pink wig and add purple. Thanks!

Followup question: What is this double bow thing on Stocking's pocket? Also, is this a cute design to take most of my inspiration from? The rolled-up pant legs seem a little "farmer" to me.

>> No.8938204

Me and my be are currently thinking about Halloween costumes (gay couple). We hit up a LOT of Halloween parties last year, so we're planning in advance this time. Right now our two favorite ideas are Jessie(rule 63, that natural red hair) and James since pokemon GO should be released, or a deadpool/spiderman couple.

Basically I'm just curious if anyone had any suggestions, for reference:

5'10, slim, red hair, very boyish and young.

5'9 muscled, black hair, mature and scruffy.

I know this is kind of "hey pick something for me" but I thought I'd see if the people always doing this stuff would have anything in mind. Thanks!

P.s. can't find any male jessie cosplay or rule 63 jessie for reference. Lame, not that it should be difficult.

>> No.8938213

You may want to replace the dress pants with shorts? And put a pink cuff on them? Idk, I don't think grown men ever really look good in shorts.

>> No.8938217
File: 549 KB, 1865x720, maxresdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo anon, again, cosplaying pic related.
Now I wanted to have a trick where the screen is completely black (like left pic) and when i flip a switch, it would light up to show my face (like pic right).
I know what lights I'm gonna buy, however I don't know about the screen. Will tinted plexiglass be able to pull off an effect like that?
If there's anything simpler you can suggest, that'd be great!

>> No.8938222

I hate to be rude, but there's a thread for this. >8919260

>> No.8938223



>> No.8938226

So I want to cosplay scanty from panty and stocking, but I don't know how to go about covering my body without bodypaint (I'm worried it will crease or come off, mostly on my tummy) and I was thinking a zentai suit but it's not skin like enough for me, any ideas?

>> No.8938231

Awesome thanks. Will any of the fabric types from spoonflower hold the print well? I've read that going to the higher quality is the best option.
I honestly don't remember adding the title. I might have copied and pasted accidentally from searches I was doing.

>> No.8938237

Zentai or a unitard is your best bet. As much as we hate hamsteaks, you might wanna look up their tricks for paint-less magic and just change yours to be red.

>> No.8938238


Depending on where you live, you can find some places that are really helpful in getting you the best kind of foam for something with movement.
I live in Aus, so we have Clark Rubber, and they've always been super helpful in helping me pick the best kind of foam in terms of stiffness/thickness/density etc. when i've gone into the store.

I would say that potentially try and find a very porous/soft sort of insulation foam? you want to find something you can bend easily, so it won't look so stiff when you have it all finished!

>> No.8938244

Did you try looking for seperate blouse and skirt patterns?

>> No.8938248
File: 1.80 MB, 3150x1755, 683860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo guys, i'm in the process of planning a Miraculous Ladybug cosplay, and i want to be REALLY particular about my fabric choice.

I can't for the life of me find any kind of red spandex/stretch fabric with the slight hexagon print/texture she has on her suit, and i'm set on getting it. (I don't want glittery/sequins like a lot of cosplayers have used)

At the moment i'm thinking of custom printing my own design on Spoonflower with the hexagon texture drawn on, but i want to use their sports lycra and i feel it isn't shiny enough.

Does anybody have any clue of somewhere that would sell the textured spandex/similiar fabric (I've looked extensively and can't find a thing myself), OR a way to add sheen to the sports lycra?

(pic related to give an idea of the texture)

>> No.8938260

New to the board, didn't know sorry! Guess this is more for construction advice.

>> No.8938261

I don't know if window tint will do the trick, but I would like to try that for you when I get home from work. Real curious if it would give the effect you need.

>> No.8938418

I just need advice. So I bought this bag that's 125 years old and matches my dress. It's in great condition and it looks like someone replaced the chain with a pretty strong chain. My friend said I should put it up instead of using for the meetup weeks from now. I think it's strong enough to hold my cellphone and keys for a couple of hours. It's a purse after all. It looks like it's been stuffed in another bag at the bottom of a chest in someone's attic for 100 years. It's hardly worn at all. Would it be wrong to bring it? Or even gross?

>> No.8938449

reporting back, don't do window tint, it doesn't hide things enough

>> No.8938462

well, if it looks good the age would not matter

>> No.8938561

I think it looks in excellent condition and the colors match my dress. I was going for a Victorian feel with my coord. I was mostly worried that someone would think it's gross or wrong. It has a mild oder but I'm airing it out

>> No.8938591

pic? i wanna see it!

>> No.8939029
File: 36 KB, 800x647, DSC_4743_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The double bow thing looks like a two part brooch. Similarly made to pic related but with bows instead of the acrylic and possibly a pearl chain instead of a plain one. Easy to make, just get the bows and the chain and two small pinbacks. Attach chain to pinbacks, glue on bows, donezo. Also instead of the rolled up pants I'd maybe go for something more ouji inspired.

>> No.8939044

Maybe you can line it with black painted scrim? Its an old haunted house/dark ride standby trick, basically just cloth and when lit from behind its almost invisible.

>> No.8939051

I wouldn't think its gross, but I would be very very careful and maybe have a backup plan in case it turns out to be more fragile than it appears. I used to work at a museum and sometimes if you're not trained to recognize it, the damage and age strain is hard to spot.

>> No.8939173
File: 91 KB, 960x720, 12899904_1038811009517956_335562612_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to paint this plastic Tommy gun.
If I put a coat of modpodge down after spray paint will it help from paint rubbing off of the plastic?
Any other suggestions?

>> No.8939178
File: 49 KB, 500x407, 77990c77c7b9d2ce679b174c4bc6c3fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about ouji boystyle shorts?

>> No.8939250

uhh, why not just use spray paint for plastic?

>> No.8939256
File: 430 KB, 720x1050, jasper_by_drawkill-d91hdot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I need to cosplay Jasper.
I have a T-shirt I'm going to convert to her top, and I'm pretty sure for the arms I'll use the stockings trick for her arms or body paint.
Any idea how I can make the legs? I know boot covers are needed for the feet, but what about the leggings?

I'm unable to find any stockings or tights or anything.
If anything, does anyone know the name of the style of yoga pants that you can unfold to make it go up to your waist?

>> No.8939261

Because I already have a can of spray paint at home, comicon is in less than a week and I'd rather not have to buy another.

>> No.8939267
File: 202 KB, 381x635, drill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the weird picture but it's all that I have atm! This was when it was pinned together but it's sewn now and looks exactly the same.

>> No.8939275

Yes, i was able to find a few good skirt patternss but i couldnt find any seamless turtleneck ones.

>> No.8939292

I want to make a sword for Scott Pilgrim, and I've gotten as far as the paper template. What's the best material to make the real thing out of? I got wood recently, but I don't know where I could access a jigsaw.

>> No.8939444

if you're planning to bring to a con at any point, make it out of foam. or else you might not get past peacebonding.

>> No.8939461

Just about every prop sword I've seen at a con has been made of wood.

I just spent the weekend carrying my wooden scissor blade around.

>> No.8939473
File: 22 KB, 342x343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone suggest a pattern for a trunks jacket? I'd really like to give making one a shot. I don't mind if it's not short like this, shortening a pattern is easy.. But I'd prefer one that doesn't need any major changes besides that!!

>> No.8939554

Hmm, maybe cut down plastic sheets then? Your local humble house should have a jigsaw you can use for like $2/hour.

>> No.8939579


Simplicity has one for teens/petite women

>> No.8939580

I just cut a template for a sword I wanted to make, and somehow I made it 48" long. That seems really long to me.

It's Stocking's sword.

>> No.8939626

i know this is dumb, but i'm new to wearing heels and just got my first pair. do any of you have some tips/tricks to keep myself from dying in them?

>> No.8939637

Break them in. Walk slowly until you get better at walking. Avoid uneven surfaces.

>> No.8939660
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way I can fix this myself or should I get this professionally done? The thread that holds the "shoulder strap" part of the JSK is getting strained and coming loose. As far as I can tell the fabric itself isn't damaged though.

>> No.8939710
File: 473 KB, 849x477, phone help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured Id try my luck here since it's for my cosplay. Anyone know what kind of phone this is or what I should be searching besides 'japanese mobile phone 2005/6]?

>> No.8939744

First of all, anon, get some pants clips to hold up that JSK by the bodice for the time being! Sorry, not a sewing anon but you don't want to damage it any more than it already is.

>> No.8939747

This one is gonna be for a guy with some muscle on him, so that won't work. Thanks though.

>> No.8939765

I use clear acrylic spray to seal my spray paint. Also they make spray primer that bonds to plastic and then you can use regular paint on top.

>> No.8939771

I mean it's pretty straightforward picking it apart and putting it back together, though it might be a bit annoying. you would probably need to hand sew it and it wouldn't look as perfect as at first, but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible

>> No.8939781


It's fixable yourself.
Just hand sew a ladder stitch with the same color thread.
That will close it right up and not leave a trace of anything being amiss.

If you can't sew at all take it to the cleaners and they can fix it right up for you. Usually drycleaners have a tailor on hand. Might cost you $10 or 15 bucks.



>> No.8939819
File: 1.29 MB, 776x892, rita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got some fabric suggestions for the base dress? Hopefully something that won't wrinkle easily?

(I know these are different actresses/dresses, I'm just doing my own thing)

>> No.8939993
File: 27 KB, 307x477, sonyericsson_P990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Sony Ericsson P990i phone seems a fairly close match? It doesn't have an antenna, but it's silver and bulky.

>> No.8940045

Wtf is a "humble house?" Google yields no help.

Her sword is pretty fuckhuge in the show, but it may be hard to maneuver.

>> No.8940048

I'm guessing a charity shop

>> No.8940089

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but... do guys actually wear these? The dude said he's doing a genderbend, not a crossplay.

>> No.8940094

Not at all, it's fuck ugly and silver. The point is that Hachi has a cute pink phone.

>> No.8940112
File: 142 KB, 1600x1600, mannequin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want one of these, but they don't seem to come in male variants.

I wouldn't even know where to get one outside of the internet.

>> No.8940124

The screenshot looks silver (slight pink tint now that you mentioned it), bulky and " fuck ugly" to me, on this computer.

But hey, good luck finding a pink flip phone that isn't a Razr, then.

>> No.8940125

Google "male dress form".

>> No.8940132

If you have a local craft/sewing store they should sell both male and female dress forms, which would most likely also be adjustable.

I'm in Aus, so idk where you are, but if you have a Lincraft or anything similiar they sell them there in a range of sizes and both genders!

>> No.8940133

Is there something I can spray on my wooden sword to make it look shiny and metal? Like a clear metallic paint?

>> No.8940181
File: 154 KB, 794x342, pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to create a costume somewhat similar to the image on the right. Image on the left is my pattern for the circled bit in the image on the right.

Does the pattern look like it'd work? I tried to sort of wrap it around myself to 'test' it, but it's paper, so it's a bit of a pain to do that with.

Just wanted to know before I cut it out and waste all my black fabric.

Many thanks!

>> No.8940218

I know you can get silver metallic paint but I'm not sure about clear.

If you weren't fussed with it taking a while, you could mix a metallic tinted nail varnish with a clear one? Dunno how well that'd work though.

>> No.8940364

I'd spray paint it silver, use a matte sealing coat, the go in with acrylic paint with a paint brush to give it depth and dimension. There are lots of painting tutorials, go look some up and come back if you have specific questions.

I'm not sure exactly what your pattern is for. This character is wearing a leotard with a waist coat over top. Commercial leotard patterns aren't hard to find an modify, but you're gonna have a hell of a time if you try to use that pattern.

>> No.8940374

The pattern was to try and make the black part as more like some high waisted pant things. Like I said, wasn't going for the exact look, just something similar.

Any chance you could point me in the direction of a leotard pattern?

>> No.8940381

Kwicksew K3502, Mccall M7217, Mccall K3661. Don't be lazy, I'm literally googling "leotard pattern."

>> No.8940382

Make a fucking mockup. Get some cheapo fabric remnant that's similar to your final fabric and test it out. Jfc

>> No.8940619

Some day, I want to do hamburger lolita. But it seems really hard.

What kind of charity shop has a jigsaw you can use for $2 an hour?

>> No.8940622

Alright. Thanks. I do have a spray sealant on hand.

>> No.8940706
File: 191 KB, 720x1280, Mirai-Nikki-Future-Diary.Yuno-Gasai.Yukiteru-Amano.Hinata-Hino-HTC-One-X-wallpaper.720x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me find the orange coat jacket thing. I don't want to buy the actual cosplay one since I basically have everything else

>> No.8940728

What sewing machine should I cop that isnt like 300-400+ ??

I want to offer to my mom in her birthday and also learn how to tailor my own shit
where to cop machine and where to learn?

i googled and it seems the Brother CS6000i is the best bet

>> No.8940740

There's a sewing machine thread right now. People have been giving suggestions, you might check that out.

>> No.8940744
File: 34 KB, 350x420, ekss003_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just in Love with this outfit.
The character is amazing, i love the outfit, and id love to pose for pictures yelling "EXPLOSION!"

But I'm a 6 feet tall guy. Is there any way I can use this cosplay without looking like a cringefest or ending up in the bad cosplay threads?

>> No.8940753

thanks, I came from /fa/ so new here

>> No.8940803

No worries, this isn't a bad place to ask there's just a bunch of shop talk over there right now.

>> No.8941020
File: 27 KB, 640x426, whiteshuttershades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wear glasses, and I don't generally use contacts, what should I do if I want to cosplay a character that doesn't wear glasses? Worse yet, even if a character DOES wear glasses, it would never match the style I have.

I would never dress as a serious character, however. Last year for a local con, I dressed up as Tingle from Zelda, and wore shutter shades to hide the fact that I was wearing glasses underneath. I personally think it worked out fine, since the character was so goofy, and it in itself was a reference to this flash cartoon:

This year, I want to go as The King Harkinian from the Zelda CD-i games. What should I do about my glasses situation? Should I don the shutter shades again, since it's an equally goofy character?

>> No.8941027

Generally, people just take their glasses off for pictures.

>> No.8941033


I really don't think I could do that. I am completely blind without them. I can only see things that are literally 2 inches in front of my face. I don't think I could take a good picture like that, and besides, I hate the way my face looks like without them.

>> No.8941038
File: 189 KB, 1377x1048, PSX_20160329_173155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a big squirrel tail that's built out of hoops, controlling the shape with the connecting strip lengths. I'd cover it in a layer of foam (or batting?) and that cover, sewn to the fur on top, would be removable for packing so the hoops could be collapsed. There would be an elastic loop coming out of the tail that would connect to a strap on the back of my jacket collar, and the bottom of the tail would attach to a shorts harness.
Is this reasonable? Is there something I'm overlooking?

>> No.8941047

You kind of answered your own question. You should just get contacts then.

>> No.8941048


For one con where'd I probably only cosplay one of the two days? I would have no other use for them.

>> No.8941052

Hey, I'm going to be doing a male Eli Ayase, and I'm looking for a wig like this, but in blonde. I'm gonna put it in a small ponytail too, and try to add some side bangs too. Anyone know where I can get one?

>> No.8941054
File: 37 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot photo.

>> No.8941129

Help! I want to find roomies for Anime Expo so we can party all night and watch anime and have a good time. Help! I don't want to get murdered because I would be by myself cause all my Cali friends are moving out or are not into anime. WonderCon, yes, Anime Expo, no. What do I do!

>> No.8941237

it's been over 24 hours since I bought something on LM and still no contact from the seller

what should I do?

>> No.8941239

check your e-mail to make sure you didn't miss their invoice.
send them a message if there's no invoice just as a nudging reminder.
from there on just check if the seller has even read the message and give them a little time to answer or get back to you.

>> No.8941265


>> No.8941274


>> No.8941308
File: 90 KB, 659x762, Etrian-Mystery-Dungeon-05-02-15-0071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on what these shin guards are made of, and what material I should use to make them?

>> No.8941385
File: 1.47 MB, 400x224, na1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make it clear that I was the one asking about the phone or something similar. I am not the rude anon who replied saying it is fucking ugly. You can always remove all the casings for a phone and spray paint and seal the plastic. Just as easy and altering a DS casing.

>>8940094 You need to not be a fucking asshole.

Thank you anon who found a model close to it. It really helps!

>> No.8941595

Alright phone-chan, glad I could help a little.

I was a bit of an asshole back to that other anon; that said, I don't think you can find that many models of flip-down phones that are AND pink AND have a large screen AND have an antenna.

>> No.8941600

That's a good idea. I also considered making a foam structure and laying the fabric on top of it. I want it to look stylized like it does in game. A lot of the time when I see Star Wars costumes from non-film sources, they end up looking non-authentic due to real world limitations. Going for a replication of what's seen in-game.


>> No.8941601
File: 82 KB, 533x800, a4fe702bbf8bded28660d0513a73d61d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Darth Talon for megacon, I was wondering if I can get any tips on well everything. I don't want to make a latex headpiece, is there a fabric I can use instead? What bodypaint should I use that won't rub off easy on my body, I heard pax is good.
> pic: not exactly canon, but I wanted to do this color reversed version

>> No.8941671

Not to be THAT anon but maybe you should start with something simpler, like maybe body paint with less prosthetics or practice making the head tails. I think those would look good if you made a base and maybe put latex where it attaches to your noggin

>> No.8941694

I'm well versed in prosthetics, I've just never done anything this big before. And I've had my heart set on this for a long time now. I'm planning on making something that wraps around my head to make it sturdier, even though it's not canon per say. I'm more worried about it staying on rather then being 100% true to image

>> No.8941746

PAX is a bitch to get off, and contains acrylic paint, which isn't mean for application on skin. If you do use PAX, do not use it on your face.

There are lots of water and creme based make-up that can look great when sealed properly. Wolfe FX, Diamond FX, TAG, Global, Kryolan, Mehron, and Ben Nye are all professional brands that will give you good results. You can also look into alcohol based paints, although for the most part these are meant to be applied with an airbrush. Proaiir is a great brand if you want to go that route.

>> No.8941981

How good does ironing work with delicate things like JSK? Didn't find anything specific for lolita pieces regarding ironing.

I hope gulls can give a newb some tips to prevent burned frills.

>> No.8942128

Does anyone own a dressform? What brand do you have? What should I look for in a dress form?

>> No.8942175
File: 235 KB, 1069x425, 03-CutMan-Specs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make the body of a Mega Man character cosplay look more like metal and less like fabric? I've got most of the logistics out of the way for the head, feet, and hands of my Cut Man costume, but no clue on how to make a more metallic-looking body.

>> No.8942475


Sorry ML anon. No one has discovered a perfect fabric for Ladybug or Cat Noir.

I think you have the right idea with getting the fabric printed with the hexagon on it and forgoing the sheen.
Besides the shine can look bad in photographs anyways.

>> No.8942484
File: 152 KB, 1075x555, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Find white or off white leather motocycle jacket. Paint it orange with Angelus leather paint. Draw designs on with a careful hand.

You could also make a stencil of the design and use that to make sure it's even.

Sometimes you can find moto jackets made of jean material too. In that case dye it with some burnt orange/terracotta color fabric dye.

>> No.8942486


weight. I think you might be overlooking weight.
What will the hoops be made of?

>> No.8942487

Cheers for the advice!
I'm thinking that's my best bet at this point too. It sucks trying to find something with just the tiniest bit of shine, as I hate the look of super shiny stuff in pics (unless it's good quality latex).

>> No.8942490
File: 588 KB, 1188x792, step20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When ironing something delicate you use something called a pressing cloth on it.

It's just a thin cloth meant to protect the fabric from direct contact with the iron.

Never start with the cotton setting on a fabric. That is WAY too high. Start with the synthetic setting and see how that goes first. Test an inconspicuous area first.

>> No.8942500
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, Electrode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I really hope I'm posting this in the right place, if not please forgive my ignorance, and if its not too much I would love for someone to point mein the right direction. I want to try to make Accelerator's Calculation Assistance Device to use as earbuds. I think I know what I want to use for the neck, but I'm not sure what to use for the device on the left. I saw that you can buy it from a website online, but I'm not too comfortable with doing that, especially after seeing how pricey it is. Does anyone know what might look close enough to the real thing? Also, I'm thinking about just getting bluetooth earbuds and attaching them to said device, so really I have all the materials except for the box on the left. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8942542

I'm going to aim for PEX pipe or possibly drip hose, because I've seen both of those cited in lightweight hoop skirt tutorials. When I go to buy it in person I'll see how weighty PEX is.
There's also the concern of how balanced it'll be with regards to how it attaches, because it could swing around. I'll probably make a small-scale mockup of some sort.

>> No.8942703

ew. all of those prints have painfully low fidelity.

>> No.8942706

Oh god. I've been trapped in this hell before. Where did you order from? If it's somewhere really customer friendly like amazon if you throw enough of a fit you can get your money back. If it's from anywhere else you're pretty much s.o.l.

>> No.8942721

Thank you

>> No.8942727

Anyone have any ideas for this? I've found a bloomer or a breeches pattern and thought about doubling them up one inside the other, essentially sewing two pairs of bloomers together, and before sewing the leg holes I'll sew kind of curved lined patterns that you see on his pants down the leg. Then I'll stuff the pockets it will create and sew up the legs.

>> No.8942764

I'm wanting to cosplay her also but I have no idea how to go about doing the chest cutout....

>> No.8942778

All; the really old models cost over $100 so I'm looking at a basic, slightly modern, model that I can use for the cosplay that is under $20. Do you think that would still be good? It won't look like hers exactly, but I plan to paint the white of the back pink and add a charm to match hers. The top I kind of want to keep white because its one of the ones that blink in a colorful pattern on the front.

>> No.8942787
File: 1.64 MB, 1500x1750, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning out baby's first complicated cosplay and I'm lost,so I have some questions.
1) How would I do the gold embroidery on her sheer skirt and the sheer parts of her sleeve? I plan on using a polyester organza.
2) How do I draft her sleeves if I want it in one piece? Is it even possible? Otherwise I can just make it a 2 part sleeve (the puff and then the rest of the sleeve).
3) Any recommendations on how to get the dress to hold its shape without anything showing? Pocket hoops maybe?

>> No.8942854

Will try this. Ty anon.

>> No.8942901
File: 590 KB, 1275x1920, 1438540628810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this girl have any followable social media? I love her looks but I can't seem to find anything other than a few pictures. I'd love to see more of her creations!

>> No.8942907

Reverse image search next time. Looks like she deleted her pages but you can find his Instagram where there are photos of her.

>> No.8942912

for the skirt: https://ohicosplay.tumblr.com/post/123666969785/open-front-hoop-skirt-tutorial

>> No.8942913

Dafuq I tried that and only came across some old archived threads. My google chakra seems to be blocked today.

>> No.8942914

Tumblr is miradell

>> No.8942976
File: 15 KB, 209x241, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying this char but can't wear those all black lenses. Is there anything I can do makeup wise to get the effect short of just painting my eyelids and closing my eyes?

>> No.8942977

it's now been 60 hours since I won an auction on LM and still no contact from the seller

36 hours ago I sent a message. what should I do?

>> No.8942981

sunglass lenses glued to your face? idk

>> No.8942989

if you cant do sclera lenses, i'd at least get regular blackout lenses. there's nothing you can really do outside of contacts/eyelid paint that won't look like total shit.

>> No.8942991
File: 316 KB, 512x725, Iskander_Child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommended material for the shirt and arm sleeves?

>> No.8943082
File: 267 KB, 900x1496, the_real_doctor_fate_by_darkasylumxxx-d4fpkdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have advice on how I can make an Amulet of Anubis similar to the one in the picture without it looking like garbage?
I know I could possibly turn one out on a lathe, but I don't have access to one, so an alternative method would be awesome.

>> No.8943085

Ty kind anon.

>> No.8943141
File: 33 KB, 580x387, HestiaCosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have some examples of a good hestia cosplay? I need it for references but everything I saw so far was pretty subpar.

>> No.8943149

1) Puff paint
2) I think you need to make it 2 part sleeve. The only way to make it 1 piece if you could stretch/shape the fabric like they do with felt hats but of course something stiff like felt isn't appropriate for the dress.
3) I would make hidden boning work to make the red part of the skirt stand out, then anchor the white sheer part to the red part.

>> No.8943151
File: 218 KB, 496x491, zack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've spent ages looking for a rib knit fabric that looks like this, but I've been unsuccessful so far. I know it exists, cause I've seen other cosplays with a similar look, but the online stores only have like, the really thin ribbing. Am I better off just dealing with the small ribbing?

>> No.8943199
File: 679 KB, 640x960, hestia_logo_2_by_cosbabe-d9nlpz7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch the show so I'm not totally sure of all the details she should have. But this one looks nice.

>> No.8943220

You're better off finding a sweater and modifying it. What is typical sold by the cut is small gauge fingering yarn and this is larger yarn or worsted. Usually the final fantasy rib knits are 2x2 if you want to knit it yourself or hire someone to.

>> No.8943233
File: 91 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are knickerbockers and how do I make them.

Real question. How do I get the puffy thigh to keep it's shape?

>> No.8943258

Assuming you're talking about the thigh parts there. It looks like the best fabric to go with would be wetlook spandex unless you wanna go the PVC route.
To keep the shape I would use/carve thinner upholstery/fabric foam to make the shape.

>> No.8943278
File: 57 KB, 530x438, tintincusack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not know what knickerbockers are?
Look here a famous example of someone wearing them.

>> No.8943305 [DELETED] 

Great. How do I make a pair of my own?

>> No.8943320

I still don't understand them. Are they cut wider on the thigh to give them that puff or are they just wide legged trousers tucked into boots/socks.

And should I go with the idea if padding like >>8943258 said?

>> No.8943331

open front hoop inside the lining
2 part sleeve
satin stitch the edge
tbf you could just foam/worbla them
why not just pattern and cut the foam into that shape? you'd have to stuff it anyway so that you wouldn't see the hoop lines
buy pants in a similar fabric and take apart. You need to allow for the ease of the fabric
crepe wool
I recommend if you're getting it printed to get the circles printed slightly too thin along the stretch so when worn and stretched they become circles, else you'll get stretched out blobs.

>> No.8943341

Honestly from the picture they look more like solid armor than flowing fabric.

>> No.8943478
File: 113 KB, 1105x876, 61mRi2IA31L._SL1105_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out the best way to make the wings for this. Any construction advice welcome! I think it would be easiest to use foam and have chicago screws to connect between petals? Foam might be too heavy and I kind of prefer something with a more translucent effect, so I considering to use an organza covered wireframe for the petals but wasn't sure how to connect? Either way, I'd try to hook up the wingspan with clear thread to a back harness, so the weight wouldn't be all dragging on the arms...

>> No.8943530
File: 152 KB, 900x260, Magicalitems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you anons know of shops or even own a shop that could custom make Madoka rings? Such as the ring in pic related.

The generic ones are tiny (I'm a ring from from 7.5 to 8) and I've only seen an etsy make shitty ones in custom sizes. It'd be cool if I could choose a valuable stone to set in the ring but not necessary.

>> No.8943727

Ah, that's what I figured, thanks for the response!

>> No.8943730

>The generic ones are tiny

I feel you there anon. I have tiny fingers but they don't really fit on my fingers either. My bf bought me the necklace/ring set for Christmas two years ago.
>tried them on
>panicked because they get stuck on my finger and I have to yank them off
Good luck with your search!

>> No.8943740


There are lots of custom jewelers on Etsy. Did you try looking for custom engagement or fashion jewelers and then asking them to make this specific thing?

>> No.8943775

welcome to hell

>> No.8943822

I'm in desperate need of patterns. I'm trying to work on sewing skills but I'm wanting to practice making lolita and cosplay. I know EGL Bibles had patterns in them, anyone have any they've got scanned?

>> No.8943825

tell me what exactly you want and I got you covered
https://misscarolbelle.wordpress.com/list-of-patterns/ is a load of them, I have some more

>> No.8943832
File: 136 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wondering if any one here had any experience/advice regarding Godzilla cosplay/suit making. like how to go about it, best materials for usage/price etc.

>> No.8943910

Looks like what is apparently called a sodetsukibaori, which is just a long sleeved haori.

>> No.8943912

Do you mean the way the bangs flip up and look messy?

>> No.8943917

They sell daily wear contacts. Also as a fellow blind without glasses person I can safely say that posing without glasses on is pretty easy, since you can't see yourself anyway, the only issue I could foresee is if you like did a photoshoot with another person, but even then you can just get into pose and then hide or hand off your glasses.

>> No.8944066
File: 95 KB, 850x590, Pso2_HUmar_turnaround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anyone could help me with how to go about the chest armour of this Hunter from PSO2. I made a rough build out of EVA foam, but I'm not a hundred percent sure on the shape and size of it (It felt too bulky) so could anyone suggest any tutorials and/or materials that would be best for this

>> No.8944073
File: 959 KB, 843x1500, IMG__20160494__104321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you recognize a character that looks like this?

>> No.8944128

>Had to buy a different brand of dye than the one I'm used to
>it's liquid instead of powdered

Is there something I should know before I accidentally ruin both the jacket and the washing machine? I just read the instructions and it seemed simple enough

>> No.8944162

So my boyfriend needed a fairly complex wig. He commissioned this person off coscom after only looking at their reviews on there, which are fairly good. However the progress/finished photo of this wig is absolute shit. I asked their name and upon googling their DA it's very apparent they only turn out shit. Everything is cut poorly and a greasy matted mess. Is he out of line to either request a refund or file a PP claim? He SHOULD have done better research instead of being impatient, but the work this person is shitting out is by no means worth the money.

>> No.8944168

if it's not fit for purpose then sure open a claim

>> No.8944329

Tryna paint a latex prosthetic, internet tells me to use "Pax paint" (a 1:1 mix of pros-aide and acrylic paint).

But in the absence of the pros-aide, would straight up liquid latex work as the adhesive component of the Pax paint?

>> No.8944351
File: 79 KB, 600x448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this dress? It's by AP but I can't find it on lolibrary.

>> No.8944806
File: 170 KB, 550x541, Alois-Trancy-kuroshitsuji-II-2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in another thread but didn't get any replies. Where should I buy a wig for this and where would I find the boots? I'm having trouble picking a wig since I've never had to buy one.

>> No.8944919
File: 349 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-03-21-29-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the boots, you can buy a pair of brown knee high riding boots on amazon or aliexpress for cheap. Just find some dark purple ribbon or non-shiny fabric for his bows.
Or, just type in "Alois Trancy boots" on google and boom!

>> No.8945300

Denim jacket patterns. Will give you all the right seams. I used one back when I made my Seras Victoria jacket (just shortened sleeves and added belt loops). You will of course have to shorten it. I don't remember which brand mine came from (it was either McCalls or Butterick, I think) but take a look on Ebay first cus you can probably find an older 80s/90s pattern really cheap.

>> No.8945302

what other anon said, plus don't forget that you can add moleskin or suede strips to parts that rub your feet and that there's special gel inserts just for heels.

>> No.8945306

They probably were trying to type 'lumber house' and got autocorrected.

Not as often as girls do, but yeah I have seen men in ouji/kodona. It certainly makes more sense for a Stocking boy to be in ouji than in aristocrat, since ouji is the male equivalent of lolita, where aristocrat is more of an older version.

>> No.8945324

Honestly for the collar it wouldn't be difficult to make.
>black soft-backed 1" or 1.5" elastic, good quality
>small plastic box of approximately right size and shape
>black headphones
>single red LED (can buy online, but it might be easier and more cost effective to pick up a toy that lights up and pop it open. just make sure it has a button or switch so you don't wear out battery)

>cut slits on one side of box for elastic to slide through, and small holes for the headphone wire and light
>paint box black if it is not already
>attach light and headphone wire to inside of box
>slide elastic through slits. if the edge of the plastic bothers your neck (which it probably will), glue a bit of black felt or fleece over the edges as a padding
>roll elastic edges over and sew snaps to them so collar can be easily removed if needed

>> No.8945673

Jesus, when will trannies stop being attention whores and realize nobody gives a flying fuck that they're trans.

99% of the time, that little fact about you is irrelevant.

>> No.8948250
File: 403 KB, 418x900, Tharja_(FE13_Artwork).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good type of fabric for Tharja's gold trim?
I thought of using vinyl, but I want all the gold to match on both her outfit and her accessories/shoes, and I'm not sure how to go about using vinyl for everything, especially since I can't exactly use it on the shoes?
Also, if it helps, I'm using velvet for the cape.