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File: 300 KB, 484x885, Con suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8938895 No.8938895 [Reply] [Original]

Belgium's most 'prestigious' convention just decided to commit suicide by not allowing people with bags to enter, ANY type of bag unless it's see-through.

Dashcon, take notes.

>> No.8938905

So people will still know you take medicines, by being the only one with a normal bag. Well, at least they can't read the label I guess.

>> No.8938907

well they didnt really have a choice OP, it was either that or cancel/postpone the event entirely

>> No.8938934

>they are committing suicide
>goverment requirement
Your making it sound like it was their descision to do this. If you actually read the post, it's something that the goverment is requiring. Turn on the news and maybe then you can figure out why.

>> No.8938940

No, screw you.
I'd rather see-through bags than have some snackbar come and murder everyone.

>> No.8938955

Dang. It's like going to an airport.

Good luck and stay safe Flemanons.

>> No.8938967

>ALL belgian events to forbid bags at the register
literally what the fuck.
how is any woman supposed to transport their things then? or any guy for that matter?
shitty plastic see through bags do not a purse or backpack make

>> No.8938972

Okay, how and why?

>seems like a dumb idea

>> No.8938984

Quit samefagging. You must be really out of the loop to not understand why their goverment made this descision. Plus I didn't know I was required to always have a bag with me. I guess just carrying nessecesities only in my pocket or small lanyard isn't good enough.

>> No.8938986

Think for two picoseconds about current global events and it might just dawn on you why the Belgian government might be imposing this nonsense.

>> No.8938991

You obviously don't know what "commiting suicide" is.

>> No.8938994


Are you...somehow not aware of the intentional incidents the took place in Brussels? Spoilers: They were just victim to the most recent act of international terrorism by isis, I commend them for not canceling the fucking thing.

Jesus Christ, get a little perspective they had people blowing up.

>> No.8938997

OP's an absolute idiot. Are you really that daft to not be aware of the crisis that just happened?

>> No.8939422

>letting the terrorists win

Fucking cowards

>> No.8939475

>bags necessary for medical reasons
>Those bags will be checked thoroughly before being admitted
excuse me sir, i'll need to inspect the contents of that colostomy bag

>> No.8939531

Killing a couple dozen people every several months/years is not the terrorists winning, not when the population of the countries being "victimized" is tens to hundreds of millions. Hell, alcohol, tobacco, and cheeseburgers are orders of magnitude more effective at that. The terrorists win by making the populace so afraid of their own shadows that they turn their countries into the same repressive hellholes that the terrorists came from. Once that's accomplished the people will turn on each other.

>> No.8939545

You just don't understand until it's really effected you. Try getting news that your never going to see a family member again trying to leave Belgium to finally come home after 5 years. I'll never see my aunt again. This isn't letting the terrorist win. This is preventing you or someone else having to get that news that someone shot them or they were killed by a nearby suicide bomber.

Just don't come crying to us or anyone else once that happens.

>> No.8939565

Is dying to a "terrorist attack" any worse than dying to cancer, liver failure, or mugging? Because I understand the pain of losing someone, and I understand that there are far more prolific causes of death.

>> No.8939578

I'd be more worried about giant armor cosplays t b h. You can't search them, whereas you can search bags.

Also agreeing that it must suck to have a medical condition and be carrying around an opaque bag.

It's not the con's fault, I'm sure anyone from Brussels can understand this considering it's government law and I'm fairly sure that more attacks have been threatened anyway.

Also stop calling samefag, there are 18 replies and 17 posters, fucking relax.

>> No.8939612


> dying of an incurable disease vs dying of something that could be prevented with clear bags


>> No.8939638

Why are you comparing things that can be prevented with regulations to things can cannot be cured or prevented? Its an apples and oranges situation.

>> No.8939647

Because that's simply not true. We've eradicated smallpox, and are well on the way with Polio. If we can't yet eliminate a disease, it means we need more R&D. That's not the case when you're going up against people, you're fighting human ingenuity. People are pretty smart, and they're not hurting for creativity either. If you mandate everyone have a clear bag, then they'll hide the bomb somewhere else. The only way to remove all hiding places is full cavity searches, and then they'll just do something else, such as compromising the security staff, doing dead drops, etc. If these attacks could simply "be prevented", don't you think it would have been done already?

>> No.8939649

>Is dying to a "terrorist attack" any worse than dying to cancer, liver failure, or mugging?

Yes, having a family member die in a terriost attack can really fuck someone up mentally. Those deaths are unexpected compared to cancer/liver failure where one has time to mentally prepare for the death. Due to the extreme tactics used in the attacks the corpses are often left too fucked up to have open casket/services.
So families get to deal without that final closure. This can lead to grieving issues like denial of the death. Sometimes families can't even grieve properly because their anxiety is so high. Which in lead can turn into some nasty phobias and some shitty complicated grief. Oh don't forget the aggression that can come out of it!
Though whole I hate all "x" because they killed my loved one. It's just all sorts of fucky.

Knowing that it's completely understandable why this con is banning bags. I wouldn't trust you nerds either.Y'all are a weird ass group.

>> No.8939655

You're not American, are you?
Our entire country has gone to shit over the last 15 years because of people taking advantage of people who think like you.

>> No.8939678

While I'll grant the suddenness is traumatizing--that's--definitely fair--I feel obligated to mention that's something that can be mitigated with the right mindset. I myself like Alan Watts, though Plato is another common one.

>> No.8939723

Why do people act like terrorists are gonna strike the same place twice in a short period of time? I think they're smart enough to know after the first time, the city is gonna beef up security and shit

>> No.8939807

chill out and buy a clear bag like the itabaggers use if it tickles your bum so much. you don't even live there, why be second hand butthurt

I feel like it's a bit overkill by the government myself but ah well, what needs to done is done

>> No.8939808

Forcing people to bring no bags or clear bags does literally nothing. If someone is hellbent on killing lots of people, they'll get creative and find ways to do it.

>> No.8939811

forgot to add: this (general events + security getting mad harsh) does worry me a bit since I might be moving very near to Belgium soon, but all the more excuse to shell out for one of those cute jelly bags I guess. OP is an idiot for calling it suicide, and not understanding why it's required, but I agree with the sentiment that it's a bit too harsh. sage for blogpost/OT

>> No.8939816

Not really? I'm not that anon but when airplanesgot hijacked over in my country, the government made a whole ton of strict body checks mandatory. However, none of them actually stopped any terrorist, the terrorists just changed methods. Requiring all bags must be clear or whatecer wont stop them from stapping bombs inside their coat or whatever

>> No.8939820
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exactly this
all the extra security measures is exactly what the terrorists wants, making people more afraid

yup, my friends and I were planning on going until we heard this bullshit. Facts is just not worth all this stress.

>> No.8939823

my thoughts exactly, especially when a lot of people are wearing elaborate cosplays with lots of hiding space

>> No.8939835

>Those deaths are unexpected compared to cancer/liver failure where one has time to mentally prepare for the death. Due to the extreme tactics used in the attacks the corpses are often left too fucked up to have open casket/services.
Because these kind of things can't happen in car accidents or any kind of accident?

>ALL belgian events to forbid bags at the register
please be wrong about this

>> No.8939889

So the retard position is this

>they wouldn't strike again - so who cares
> can't let the terrorists won, so lets so nothing
>is rather endanger public safety instead of a minor inconvenience
>people die erryday what's the different if you're murdered or not

These are the most retarded positions to con security I've ever heard. Most of you people know nothing of the real world, and it's painfully obvious how young some of the responses in this thread are.

Tl;dr it was a good move, and if you don't think so: fuck off, because you don't know what you're talking about faggot.

>> No.8939890

I didn't deny that a death by car accident can't have a similar effect. I only compared it to deaths caused by diseases. Though think of the terrorist attack being similar to having multiple car accidents in one place at one time that fuck with people from around the world instead of just locally. It touches the whole community plus some.
Either way you should be able to understand how mentally fucked communities can be after an event like that.
You can't really blame them for upping security. If your life was at risk you would probably try doing whatever you could think of (at that time) to save it.

>> No.8939902

The only reason it didn't happen twice in a couple of weeks in London is because the second lot fucked up, not because of any extra security.

Besides which this is extra security that gets put in place.

>> No.8939912

I love when someone has to rely on strawmen and ad hominem to make an argument, it gives you real insight to their character. That being said, I would advise you to go to school and study business. They teach a simple concept there, ROI or "Return On Investment". Given the opportunity to put your euro/pound/dollar one way and save a single life, or put it another way and save five lives, which would be better? You seem to favor the one that would save only one life, even though you are by-proxy condemning the other four to death. I'd rather not have that blood on my hands.

And maybe while you're there you can take a class on debate.

>> No.8939914

I'm actually surprised more (or any?) cons haven't been shot up by angry weebs with >tfw no qt cosplay gf

>> No.8939934
File: 1.26 MB, 200x200, goyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given the opportunity to put your euro/pound/dollar one way and save a single life, or put it another way and save five lives, which would be better?

How do you figure that genius? So by doing nothing, we're actually saving money to save more people? Your example is FUCKING STUPID because generalized business concepts take a back-seat to current societal opinion/tone/state.

How about YOU take a basic training or police readiness course to learn security, until then your bullshit.

>I'd rather not have that blood on my hands.
*tips fedora*

>> No.8939963
File: 18 KB, 250x391, prompatdown2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It touches the whole community plus some.
Same for natural disasters.

>Either way you should be able to understand how mentally fucked communities can be after an event like that.
Yes I understand that (since I'm Belgian too) but creating mass hysteria only makes things worse, life goes on after all.

>You can't really blame them for upping security. If your life was at risk you would probably try doing whatever you could think of (at that time) to save it.
Except that it doesn't matter how much they up the security because they will always find a way. Brussels was already at level 4 security so they just struck somewhere else in a different way. The only thing they do is terrorise their own citizens and raise fear.
What we need to do is show pride in our country and that we're not afraid.

>> No.8939968

>your crybaby anger is showing
You are calling the other anon too young for this thread and you reply like this?

>> No.8939970
File: 107 KB, 691x953, FUCK_YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by doing nothing
counter-terrorism is currently the lion's share of most Western European and American budgets. If this is doing nothing, then where the hell is all that money going?

>take a back-seat to current societal opinion/tone/state.
>the truth is the loudest opinion at any given time

>How about YOU take a basic training or police readiness course to learn security, until then your bullshit.
It sounds like you need it more; that training is focused primarily around fireteam/squad level tactics and learning how to shoot straight, unless you really think getting acquainted with the OODA loop will help stop bombers.

>until then your bullshit
your != you're :3

>> No.8939980
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1429000599728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>counter-terrorism is currently the lion's share of most Western European and American budgets. If this is doing nothing, then where the hell is all that money going?

Probably making sure all your precious refugees can get bus passes, but if you want to forgo all personal sense of safety and rely on your governmental agencies (who are doing just a crack job at that, kek) be my guest yuropoor.
>>take a back-seat to current societal opinion/tone/state.
>>the truth is the loudest opinion at any given time

Certain level of fear and instability following a major international incident? Yeah that's just loud people bitching, lets forget their concern

>It sounds like you need it more; that training is focused primarily around fireteam/squad level tactics and learning how to shoot straight, unless you really think getting acquainted with the OODA loop will help stop bombers.

kek you have no idea. It actually teaches you about basic methods of awareness, and threat assessment, i was using it as an example of how you using business models is null comparatively to imperative of public safety, and that your perspective is essentially worhless.
More so, i bet these changes were a compromise so that the thing could go on at all, but that's just speculation.

>your != you're :3

this is an 18 year old + malaysian sock puppet forum, ackmed.

>> No.8939983

It's not suicide for the convention, get out.
I'm not gonna lie that this affects my thought on going; but in the end it's nothing the con can do anything about themselves. It's this measure or no con.

Besides, IF anything were to happen and no extra measures were taken people would just scream about how no one did anything to prevent it.

That said, I'm probably going to sniff around to see if I can throw a vinyl bag together real quickly. Saw someone posting a tutorial on the announcement, seems simple enough.

>> No.8939996

How am I supposed to take my grass with me now?!

>> No.8940000
File: 55 KB, 712x581, a_handy_reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably making sure all your precious refugees can get bus passes, but if you want to forgo all personal sense of safety and rely on your governmental agencies (who are doing just a crack job at that, kek) be my guest yuropoor.
Projecting, ad hominem

>Certain level of fear and instability following a major international incident? Yeah that's just loud people bitching, lets forget their concern
Gosh, that's quite a leap. I'd love if you could point out where I said that.

>kek you have no idea. It actually teaches you about basic methods of awareness, and threat assessment,
You're conflating two pretty distinct training courses, maybe giving you the benefit of the doubt was a mistake. Basic teaches you situational awareness yes, and the police academy'll teach you basic threat assessment, but there's a pretty significant difference between checking for a weapon printing during a traffic stop and spotting a guy in the bushes out a few hundred meters.
>i was using it as an example of how you using business models is null comparatively to imperative of public safety, and that your perspective is essentially worhless.
Because as we all know safety is a simple discrete function that you can achieve 100% on by introducing additional restriction and throwing money at the problem. Remember the Cold War? Those were good days. I'll make it real simple: as a government you have a limited number of resources (manpower and capital) that you can put towards dealing with problems in society. To make gains in one you have to take those resources away from another. Taking resources away from other serious issues to deal with one when you already have severely diminishing returns on it is wasteful and kills people just as surely, if less spectacularly. That's a net loss in lives saved.

Remember this is completely ignoring the moral issues of privacy and liberty.

>this is an 18 year old + malaysian sock puppet forum, ackmed.
ur cute bby, gib me a cl fuccboi kthxbai :3

>> No.8940006

you two are taking this too far and it's annoying how you've both started using big words to sound more intelligent.
srsly stop plzkthnx

>> No.8940019

Maybe we wouldn't have this if Belgium didn't have retarded laws like the police not being able to raid a terrorist's home during work hours.

>> No.8940028

Quads confirmed

>> No.8940051

Do none of you realise the extra security measures everywhere are just to soothe the public? It doesn't matter how much security, as long as we don't take care of the problem at the root, it's gonna keep happening.

>he actually believes they will only raid terrorist's homes
Good job completely falling for their trap of giving up all your rights as a human being.

>> No.8940052

So you want them to tackle it at the root, the extremists, but you also don't want house raids to happen?

genuinely kekking if you think they just at random go for a house

>> No.8940060

kekking right back at you if you think raiding random houses equals tackling the problem at the roots.
Oh no, but you're right about the houses not being random, they carefully pick foreigners or immigrants to make sure they feel even more segregated.

>> No.8940079

Sorry about your inferiority complex, Fatima

>> No.8940097

>implying you need to be foreign to have respect for people not originally from your country
Nope, 100% Belgian here

Why don't you go back to your friend, Filip Dewinter

>> No.8940102

You can have respect for foreigners as long as you're respecting your compatriots as well, which you don't seem to be. Who cares about Belgians being blown up, right? Racist white oppressors, the lot of them.

>> No.8940115

Ok, so what do you suggest they do then, tactical mastermind? In all seriousness, what are they (the government, the police, who-ever) doing wrong according to you? I'm genuinely interested to hear what they can do differently.

And before you pull that right-wing card at me too, I'm from a foreign background myself. Thanks for talking for all of us ;^)

>> No.8940119

Here's a thought:
>the more transparency there is in the government, the better the public will be able to tell if they're abusing their powers

Can we at least agree to that?

>> No.8940137


The threat is overstated. You're at less risk of becoming a victim to crime anywhere in Belgium than the ghettos in America or Eastern Europe.

>> No.8940148

when exactly did I say I don't care?
please stop posting until you learn how to read

>> No.8940156
File: 58 KB, 492x428, bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go, "suicide" over. kek

>> No.8940164

You're an idiot. Did you not hear about the bombings which happened at the airport and one of the metro stations there?

>> No.8940171

>eastern Europe
>not one of the safest areas in Europe
Hahaha good god you're ignorant
Honey just because you see it in a movie doesn't mean it's actually like that irl
You'd know that if you left your mum's basement and travelled around a bit

>> No.8940175

It's an implicit statement. You're more concerned for the lives of terrorists than your own people. I can read just fine.

>> No.8940183
File: 23 KB, 403x389, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to commit suicide
>after suicide bombings

did u just

>> No.8940256

I initially read this as "how to commit suicide at a convention".

>> No.8940276

stop putting words in my mouth, there's no need to imply I don't love my country

I didn't mean to talk for everyone but I've read articles about innocent people getting house raids and they treat them like savage beasts without even knowing if they were guilty or not. In the end, it turned out they were innocent.


>> No.8940289

honey, what? I'm who you replied to, live on the edge of Eastern Europe right now and there are no fucking 'spooky and dangerous' ghettos (and I've been to both ex Soviet and ex Yugo countries). talk shit get hit, yes, but if you keep to yourself and don't try to harass people nobody will do anything to you. it's definitely safer here than in Western Europe right now. come visit us some day, you might realise how wrong you are

>> No.8940541

underrated post. Anyone debating this issue is sheltered as fuck and selfish as well. Get out from behind your computer screens for once

>> No.8940543

This is much better imo

>> No.8940566

This is good.

I dont see how its a big deal in the first place though. Its a government requirement and if you are so butt hurt about it just buy a clear tote or clear backpack online. No one is going to care about the shit youre carrying around in your bag unless you're harboring a bomb or a bunch of dragon dildos.

>> No.8940590
File: 16 KB, 300x297, 20150107_202631_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, don't come to Eastern Europe. It's super dangerous here, what with all the Montenegrin sunshine, sea breeze and oleanders. And good God don't even think of talking to the locals, these old people and skinny college students are absolutely vicious. They might smile at you even, I know you westerners hate that.

>> No.8941002

>. No one is going to care about the shit youre carrying around in your bag
A classic.

>> No.8941010
File: 20 KB, 456x456, 1458809277455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debating (holy shit!!!) useless "security" measures?! Fuck you, you selfish brat!

>> No.8941503

>You must be really out of the loop to not understand why their goverment made this descision.

Oh, we understand. They're cowards compensating for years of criminal neglect and underspending in their military, intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

>> No.8942612

As someone with experience being an angry weeb with >no qt cosplay gf (anymore), I'd wager that anger tends to be too inward-facing to incite an actual shooting.

Plus going to a con is a strong - if temporary - form of escape from "normie living", so I don't see why that would be the kind of event they'd choose to shoot up.

>> No.8942885

I'd rather a con I was going to checked bags or had clear bags. For personal items just put them in a small handbag or toiletry bag and that will probably be fine. If not, put them in socks.

>> No.8943147

wasn't even that bad, lines where a tad longer but in general it was ok.
>be me
>walk to con entrance
>some guy sees my prop weapon (nailed bat) and tells me to go to the weapons check
>they check all weapons and props and will put a brace around if safe
>continue to follow the line
>stood there for almost an hour
>get at bag check
>we all have tiny tactical bags that are part of our cosplay
>one guy has bagpack (even though we said beforehand that the policy changed)
>guy just asks us to open bag so he can have a glance and let's us trough
>continue having an average con experience

>> No.8943177

How were things inside? Bigger than last year or no real difference?

>> No.8943192

smaller than summer edition, more people and each shop had like 3 clones selling the same shit for diffirent prices
after 1 hour everything has been seen and we where just loooking for people we knew or cosplayers to take pics with
was inside at 11 and left at 15 so ye

>> No.8943196

Well shit. I guess I'll see how quickly it goes tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up, anon.

>> No.8943205

well there was a fun arcade and laser shooting
there's also speed dating at the old enterence (the one from summer edition) if I understood correctly

>> No.8948060

Is a a goverment requiriment for security, not a something the con made up.
And even if it's a little over the top or ridiculous (since people could hide stuff inside costumes and props) it probably will make a lot of people safe at the con.
You are just butthurt because you can't show off your new cute and expensive bag.