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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 36 KB, 320x320, judy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8929531 No.8929531 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody cosplaying Judy Hopps?

>> No.8929561

She's definitely going to be one of the big flavor of the year cosplays along with Rey and Kylo Ren

>> No.8929562

sage for slightly OT but what is with this show? or movie? why is it so popular? The name of it reminds me of a bestiality website and all the eyes of the characters creep me out

>> No.8929570

Cosplaying Nick to an upcoming con but I think a lot of people are rushing to get Judy cosplays done.

It's popular (I think) because it's not a traditional Disney movie for kids. After everything Frozen being a cash cow forever, it's a breath of fresh air and despite how the characters look, the movie is targeted towards older viewers with their references to the Godfather, Breaking Bad, etc. I was reluctant to watch it at first because "Oh boy another animated movie about talking animals like Finding Nemo or something" but I really fell in love with it because it's not dumbed down for kids like you'd expect.

>> No.8929579

Damn, I really want to cosplay Judy but you guys just made me realize that every con will probably have a dozen Judys and Nicks for at least the next year or so. This hurts me.

>> No.8929588
File: 48 KB, 895x1024, b9cd94bbb30fc7ba9f37dc9630fd476f8b9b681b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me anon, most of them will be shit. I thought "Eh, someone is bound to do better than me" and googled Zootopia cosplay. No, no they really won't. 95% of cosplays you can google right now are complete shit or heavily photoshopped, even the Nicks.

Follow your dreams anon, be better.

>> No.8929591
File: 11 KB, 300x198, jude_hoops_judy_hoops_rule63__zootopia_cosplay__by_brandonale-d9vo3vx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it. Dropping some bad cosplays to motivate myself and everybody else to do some good ones.

>> No.8929592
File: 74 KB, 500x374, tumblr_o3c9vcvCls1qgsjw7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929596
File: 149 KB, 810x1080, cosplay-Zootopia-фэндомы-Judy-Hopps-2932085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929597
File: 48 KB, 1024x575, efe6e6eee8c4b0ca607cac1fe3b671f4c1d2d049_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929598
File: 42 KB, 600x441, bo-anh-cosplay-phim-hoat-hinh-zootopia-chuan-tung-xang-ti-met-hinh-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929600
File: 115 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o46ucl9a0X1tp86t7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929605
File: 144 KB, 640x852, tumblr_o40kx9UStp1sruiejo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929606

this creeps me out so much

>> No.8929608
File: 124 KB, 676x1183, tumblr_o42l49pcQ11rjumtko3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929609
File: 575 KB, 500x621, tumblr_o41odl1qBF1tw9nydo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't seen nothing, anon.

>> No.8929611
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>> No.8929613
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>> No.8929614
File: 111 KB, 800x1200, F53c03u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8929618
File: 53 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o42d1gbh6t1s31vjlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929621
File: 85 KB, 500x624, tumblr_o4abjm4rif1sjl076o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929622
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>> No.8929623
File: 445 KB, 907x1219, tumblr_o43th8CTHO1r2r15ao1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929626
File: 163 KB, 734x1087, tumblr_o45ly1ahtT1r458bwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929627
File: 334 KB, 1280x951, tumblr_o497vvnqAZ1t1h9kho3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8929629
File: 99 KB, 470x750, tumblr_o4jjmovXTU1rhzkk8o7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending it with a good cosplay.

>That’s about it for zootopia cosplay.
Thanks tumblr for putting me out of my misery.

>> No.8929631

This one is cute as fuck desu

>> No.8929635
File: 366 KB, 480x543, 16 - 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hurts me physically

>> No.8929638

If you like creepy photoshopped girls

>> No.8929643

You can think it looks cute but the costume is falling apart and doesn't fit right at all. Even her right arm brace is coming apart.

I might cry a little. It's like Attack on Titan exploded on their faces. Also Judy's wig..

>> No.8929657

Holy nose highlight Batman!

>> No.8929683

This is amazing.

>> No.8929694

Thanks for the advice and the bad cosplay dump. If I can actually convince my best friend to do Nick, I'll try to make sure ours isn't one of the crappy ones. <3

>> No.8929706

I've not see this movie yet. And I get that the pigtails are cute and meant to emulate the bunny ears but considering she's wearing what looks like a police uniform logically she would have her hair short or in a bun/ponytail.

>> No.8929708
File: 906 KB, 249x239, 334096a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cosplay zootopia and I see you at a con I will judge the heck out of you because I'm a person who hates seeing other people embarrass themselves (and also I hate fun).

>> No.8929710
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1452623621041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but my friend has said he's going to cosplay Nick to get some Judy ass

>> No.8929711

As a stylistic note, what hairstyle do you guys prefer on a Judy cosplay? People on tumblr all seem to all be going for a super short cropped hairstyle, and asian cosplayers are all going for pigtails/braids/long unretrained cute hair. I'm not 100% sold on either.

>> No.8929713

Fucking furries.

>> No.8929723

This is what bugs me about Judy cosplays because the majority of them do wear ears + pigtails/braids which, if you're doing gijinka, the pigtails/braids are supposed to be there to represent the ears so it's like a rabbit with four ears.

I'd love to see more Judy cosplayers with rabbit ears and short pixie cut hair because logically, that's what she'd wear. Just no one does it well if they bother to do it at all.

>> No.8929725

see >>8929723 and do pixie, short bob, or really any sort of short hairstyle. The pigtails/braids thing only started because one cosplayer did it and then it just caught on from there and people did fanart of it so it became 'canon' on that side of the cosplay scene.

>> No.8929729
File: 49 KB, 564x569, 2ce258c7ebd0fdb71b7618144d565ad8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something like this makes the most sense.

>> No.8929737

Car salesman/10

Not sure if I liked this guy or Mr. Big better.

IMO it depends on what kinda interpret you're going for. If ears, I'd do a pixie cut thing. Braids if you skip the ears. Same as I've seen some people do Nick's ears as hairspikes.

>> No.8929742
File: 3.75 MB, 3160x2619, Zootopia562eb949df2e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good advice, solid reasoning. Thank you. The braids are cute but I definitely agree that the braids in gijinka should take the place of the ears, if you're going to do long hair. I'll probably get a long wig and have a stylist cut it to be short but flattering for my face.

Another thing, what would you call that chest plate thing she's wearing? Is there a search term for something like that? I want to see how many pieces I can pick up online before having to resort to handmaking/altering.

>> No.8929746

Those aren't THAT bad though.

>> No.8929747

That does make a lot of sense (personal bias against that style aside, BLEGH) but I think it would really conflict with her ears when they're lying flat on the back of her head.

>> No.8929758
File: 19 KB, 399x368, M_BodyArmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a womens police vest/body armor.

Overly shooped to hell, anon. That counts as bad.

>> No.8929773

I was gonna go for one or two low buns with ears. One is more police-y but two might be cuter

>> No.8930070

>two buns
>with ears
Why would you do that? It's Judy, not Leia.

>> No.8930093

Holy jew nose.

>> No.8930103

That nose is so huge, it almost looks fake. I really feel bad for that girl.

>> No.8930110

On the one hand it's nice to see. Cause I have a bigger nose too.

On the other hand it makes me want to never show my face again. There's nothing more unfortunate than a big nose.

>> No.8930113

That's a dark path, anon...

>Fucking furries

>> No.8930114

>fucking furries
That's the plan.

>> No.8930118

That was one of my worries about having two. I don't really suit my hair pulled back so I'll have to look up some cute low bun styles, or go for the bob.

>> No.8930128

Fucking hell, trying to find a police/tactical belt with pouches is driving me crazy. Everything I find is ridiculously expensive.

I'm scrolling through eBay now but I'm almost 30 pages in and still finding just the belts, no pouches.

>> No.8930131

That edit makes her look so munted

>> No.8930132

You durty girl, ya>>8930118

>> No.8930133

Maybe leave a fringe\bangs? I've cosplayed a bunny girl before and it was enough to frame my face.

>> No.8930151

And most of them aren't even accurate because they use snap buckles and not metal ones.

My plan is to buy the pouches separately from the belt and clip the pouches onto the belt. You can buy clip on tactical pouches on amazon and ebay.

>> No.8930156

Yeah I think I might have to resort to buying the pouches separately but even buying them one at a time is ridiculous. They're asking around $2-5 per pouch on eBay. I had hoped to just get a snap buckle belt with the pouches and just replace the belt when it arrived.

>> No.8930169

I'd love to do a Zootopia cosplay, but not a character that's likely to be overdone. Like maybe a chief Bogo or someone.

>> No.8930173
File: 287 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o43l4rpDp31tqm1p1o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chief Bogo would be awesome, or Clawhauser who was so adorable. I've only seen one Clawhauser cosplay. Pic related.

>> No.8930176

This >>8930156 anon again. I'm realized how ridiculous this really is. I've found nearly 50 belts made for storing shotgun shells and even three for storing drinks but fuck me if I can find a single belt with pouches yet. I'm up to $14 now.

>> No.8930183

I want to do Clawhauser so bad and I would pull him off really well, but I will probably just stick with wearing lolita instead lolz

>> No.8930190

Do it anon. It's not like you have much competition. Just don't half-ass it on the uniform.

>tfw I'm too stuck up for the Halloween costumes but too cheap to drop $80 on actual police uniforms
I ended up settling on mid-tier getting uniform pants and a work shirt with the same design as the Zootopia police shirts. About $35 all together.

>> No.8930193

These two are probably my favorite so far. Nice subtle animal references, not photoshopped deep into uncanny valley.

>> No.8930199

Yeah these two are the best out of the thread, I just posted them more out of nitpick for the Judy.

>wig needs combing
>undershirt is practically a sweater
>police vest doesn't look quite right

I'm not sure what it is about the vest but it just doesn't look right.

>> No.8930204

Yeah, I'd really like to do The chief, but I'd have to figure out the best way to do the horns. Also I don't feel like hearing bs about not being big and buff like him. (But who really cares about that)

>> No.8930214

are... those leaves photoshopped onto that shirt? the fact that they change place between pictures is bugging me so hardcore

>> No.8930235
File: 397 KB, 235x618, shoopedleaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit they are.

>> No.8930237

Horns are pretty easy to find, anon. You just need to find a good base pair and probably paint them.

>> No.8930252

Just ask the Homestucks >>8871341

I don't blame them, finding a fabric with that kinda pattern that isn't a overdramatic, shitty brocade is hard. They could at least have tried to shoop it with the right kinda leafs if they were going to be so obvious about it.

>> No.8930257

I kinda wanna cosplay Bellweather but I'd need a Lionheart.

>> No.8930270

These two need to stop with this shitty makeup. It's fucking ugly.

>> No.8930271

>first Clawhauser I've seen
>Not fat enough

Fatties, this character is your calling

>> No.8930273

I figured it would be common sense that this was something you'd have to fabric paint. That or buy a premade one, they're everywhere now.

>> No.8930278
File: 64 KB, 1024x337, chief cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy did a pretty cool Chief.

>> No.8930286

Best cosplay I've seen all day.

>> No.8930290

Shiiiit, I think I know this guy, he looks like one of my friends. Smh.....

>> No.8930297

I follow this girl on tumblr, I think this is one of her quickies, since she's pretty much a professional cosplayer.

>> No.8930396


>> No.8930443

>professional cosplayer

>> No.8930476

>Professional cosplayer
>unstyled, uncut wig
>Flat bodypaint
>Ears poorly cut out of what seems to be cheap felt and held up by a giant awkward bump
Calling bullshit on that.

>> No.8930480


I didn't know little people could be this cute.

>> No.8930504
File: 251 KB, 1638x2048, 1458961930099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was at C2E2! Her fb is Dancing Imperial

>> No.8930506

Also sorry, I didn't mean to reply to your post, it's easier to post via replies on mobile.

>> No.8930576
File: 117 KB, 572x856, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8930580
File: 300 KB, 1800x1200, c2f33600e84311e58a5cb7a2004c338a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8930586

shit im planning on doing judy and already have the wig and contacts. i didnt mean to hop onto a bandwagon but desu idgaf

>> No.8930600

Best cosplay in this thread.

>> No.8930985

That's some Lupo Lucio shit right there

>> No.8930996

How is that even remotely a Judy cosplay? Just because of the bunny ears?
And wtf, they even wear boots and long hair.

>> No.8931057

I know this doesb't automatically qualify it for being a good cosplay but holy fuck she is cute

and it is depressingly unfair that naturally good looking people are going to be more positively received in cosplay crafts than less well-off people no matter how hard they try..

>> No.8931059

fucking amazing cosplay

>> No.8931071

Samefag please go

>> No.8931078
File: 31 KB, 400x600, 12809678_1694718090797903_5905332117020093544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8931085

This one is adorable

>> No.8931087
File: 293 KB, 1301x2048, 12829282_815258345274306_515197808617351458_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8931088

Yes it was samefag but...
What does the fact that i posted twice consecutively because of browsing + replying convenience invalidate my statements?

In the first I was saying the girl was cute, and that it's a sad reality that better looking people will be more positively received.

In the second I just said it was a great cosplay.

What's wrong with them? Are they contradictory? Am I trying to justify some invisible argumentative standpoint I apparently have with that second reply by pretending to be someone else? What the fuck?

I realized I made a typo in the first post --
>>8931057 was meant to be a reply to >>8929596, the mobile version fucked that up. If that clears anything up.

>> No.8931109
File: 296 KB, 1536x2048, 12909660_1694718114131234_2455274168856924997_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8931110

>fucking amazing cosplay

It's not though? Her costume isn't that great at all.

>armor vest is wonky
>wig is shedding at the ends and onto her pants
>arm brace is coming off
>she has a gun for some reason?
>face is shooped like crazy

>> No.8931126
File: 485 KB, 800x1100, curious hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who gives a shit she looks cute and there's a cute carrot

>armor vest is wonky
how is it wonky? is it supposed to be a full-on bulletproof vest with pouches and stuff? the way it is in the picture is pretty lightweight not necessarily in a bad way. it gives a feeling of judy hopps anyway without the full-on stuff.

>wig is shedding at the ends and onto her pants
nothing they could've just snipped the fray off with scissors in a second if they wanted to. -- it's not the big picture.

>arm brace is coming off
And I thought that arm brace on her right hand "coming off" towards her wrist was actually quite part of the fasion because it allows for mobility of the hand/wrist, such that you'd be able to move your hand around better with it slightly open that way. It gave the entire picture a pretty solid feel.

>she has a gun for some reason?
Didn't watch the show to know whether she has a gun or not but hey, who cares it's a bonus. it's easier to not have something than to add something to the cosplay.

>face is shooped like crazy
honestly though we're all into less-than-realistic things sometimes.

>> No.8931131

gtfb to /a/

>> No.8931133
File: 812 KB, 844x562, 1453594530165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going this far to rebuff critique
>didn't watch the show

>> No.8931149

If you're attacking me on the basis of me saying we're into less-than realistic things sometimes..

Are you fucking stupid? Cosplaying is the idea of trying to dress up and make one's self look like a character usually of fictional origins, in this case, this thread, my post, and your post is all based on judy hopps, a fucking bunny from a fucking animal cartoon of a movie.

Is that what realistic to you?

Would the movie make sense if it were actually portrayed through real animals and not the fluffy cute talking characters with higher cognitive functions?

Otherwise give a fucking proper reply that invalidates my personal taste in cosplay.

a show, a movie, it's a rough term i don't need to fucking point out for you to understand what i mean.

It's being like that girl that feels the need to point out the fact that she's a girl when and she's part of a group and someone says "guys, can we bla bla bla..."

>> No.8931152
File: 1008 KB, 245x240, tumblr_inline_nlfxznhqO41si1nk5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't see the show, everyone, but let me defend myself to the grave trying to cute some shooped Asian ass for my whiteknighting deeds!!!

>> No.8931163
File: 114 KB, 277x400, giggle holding it in.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek your reaction image gave me a laugh

I'm not whiteknighting man i'm just trying to defend my own personal taste that i'm being told to fuck off with..

I'm not going to be able to have sex with that girl by posting a reply in this thread on 4chan

>> No.8931303

But your own personal taste shouldn't dictate your argument over defending a rushed costume, especially when you admit you haven't even seen the movie they're cosplaying from.

If you'd seen the movie, you'd know their costume is shit.

>> No.8931387

Ah, that's not even her real face. The photoshop game is strong here, Chinese love that.

>> No.8931397

When I see those pictures I always wonder what those people actually look like

>> No.8931399

I don't know, the Asian photoshop seriously ruins it for me. Yeah, most Asian pics are cute, but they are cute because the face proportions were changed completely. They don't even look human at some point. Nah.

>> No.8931407

I lived in Asia for a while. The thing is, a lot of cosplayers still look decently cute. But they want little, very round faces, a "long" nose (preferably high nose bridge, I'm not shitting you, it's true) and very big, round eyes. They always changed a lot in photoshop, but I feel like right now some people are totally morphing into weirdly cute photoshop-beings (you can see it on Asian Judy's here pretty well). I'm not a fan of it. Sorry for unrelated stuff here.

>> No.8931480

My own personal taste shouldn't dictate my argument over defending a rushed costume? I don't understand this.

I just said it looked great and someone called me a samefag on it and to gtfo, I then explained why I thought it was a great cosplay as a reply to >>8931110 giving his points.

Yes I haven't seen the movie BUT, even as a cosplay BY ITSELF -- without any context of where the character came from -- one person has the rights and logic to deem whether something still looks good or bad just by itself, right?

Even if not... yes, I haven't watched the movie, but, I've seen a picture of judy hopps (in OP's pic), surely I have at least a general idea then of what she would look like?
And to me, >>8929614 was what I thought was a great cosplay.

>> No.8931481
File: 104 KB, 600x750, wildehopps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they're official Disney costumes, but man I'd love to see someone make this for a con.

>> No.8931488

Give it until the first furry convention of the summer.

>> No.8931490

I hope they don't fuck it up.

Is it just me or the Nick Wilde here looks off?

>> No.8931632

There's already a few, let me find em.

>> No.8931646

Probably b/c you're used to seeing him with half lidded eyes.

>> No.8931802

The feet look dumb as fuck. Rest of the costume looks good though

>> No.8931947
File: 188 KB, 947x1280, unknown maker nick wilde fursuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be a very small dump because there's basically nothing yet mascot wise.

This first one was made when the trailer first came out.

>> No.8931951
File: 77 KB, 720x960, lunasparkle zootopia costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are actually the costume maker's own kids in the fursuits. She made them for them. Not a huge fan, but isn't the worst yet.

>> No.8931955
File: 154 KB, 720x1280, templa judy hopps wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't posted any updates on this one yet. I'm nervous, especially because I'm not sure if its for her personally or if someone commissioned just the base to finish.

>> No.8931958
File: 235 KB, 800x400, zootopia-introphaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to end it, here's some nightmare fuel.

>this is currently for sale for $200+

>> No.8931962

That's some fnaf shit right there.

>> No.8931966

Fuck I was gonna crop this for more focus on the costume because I personally can't stop looking at the guy in the background.

Yeah I get needing cause but this is also the same person who runs a shop based on making fuckable stuffed animals so... y'know.

>> No.8931968

*needing money cause stuff is rough, sorry I'm shitting up the thread.

>> No.8932276

This looks great though.

>> No.8932281

Not cosplaying, but these things begin to go around already -


>> No.8932290

> There's nothing more unfortunate than a big nose.
are you shitting me anon? you can just have a plastic surgery. having a shitty nose is much easier to fix than say, unfortunate proportions

>> No.8932301
File: 414 KB, 384x387, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending all my money on pic related right now. I'll be happy to be the only Zootopia police officer cosplayer with actual badges/patches at this point. So far I've only seen generic police badges or those plastic toy ZPD badges and no one has had the patches aside from the Bogo cosplayer.

>> No.8932570

It's the proportions. Nick's ears look weird (not sure if it's the placement or just the photo), it doesn't help that it was made for a kid so the head looks almost too big for whoever is under there. The shoulders sort of disappear.

Judy's entire head just bothers me. I'm not a fan of the eyes especially (this is really just my opinion and probably has nothing to do with the craft. The eyelashes don't help.), or the muzzle. The way the mouth was carved looks weird and in other pictures the transition between the grey and white look almost too rough.

It's really personal opinion though. As the chick isn't really a professional (I mean as in doesn't do this for a living, not that she doesn't have skill) and it's not like I can do this, I can appreciate her work. Just isn't my favorite.

>> No.8932583

not anymore, thanks for the idea anon!

>> No.8932616

Live your dreams, anon! I wrote that when I first woke up and meant to type it that "I'll be happy to be the only Zootopia police officer cosplayer at the con with the actual badges/patches at this point." because I'm cosplaying at a con in two months and so far everyone is at closet cosplay level.

There are some police badges on eBay (for about $12-15 right now) but here's the Taobao link for any ZPD gulls and it's about $10 for the whole set:

>> No.8932677


>> No.8932691

Now that you mention it, it seems like furry cosplay fandom is very heavily geared toward making their OCs. I feel like I never seen recognizable characters in furry convention photos.

>> No.8932723
File: 40 KB, 475x475, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned last time for saying this, but
Mfw those are AOT cosplayers

>> No.8932729

does that come with Judy's badge and warrant card? I'm struggling to find two badges for a decent price (one to wear and one for her card)

>> No.8932734

This one just has the generic ZPD badge but there's another listing somewhere on Taobao that sells both regular badges and the wallet badges.

>> No.8932793

I can explain this, actually.

Character based fursuits are a rarity because unless you make it yourself, there's only one to two commissioners who are willing to do copy-righted characters. A lot of fursuit makers refuse to do licensed characters unless its for themself, friends or make it so it only vaguely resembles the character.

>> No.8932806

Thank you anon, I'll nudge my friend who's planning on doing a taobao order in the near future!

>> No.8932862

No prob! I'll drop some pics/reviews when my stuff comes in, in case anyone buys from the listing.

>> No.8933669

I want to Cosplay Assistant mayor bellwether, anyone have a suggestion on what to do about the hair

>> No.8934254


That's not even the same person wtf

>> No.8934272

Jewfro or Afro.

>> No.8934279
File: 14 KB, 220x393, Assistant_Mayor_Bellwether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zootopia related, but what would be a good hairstyle for human bellwether? I don't want a full white afro, and a small curly wig would probably make me look like an old lady

>> No.8934284

If I were a foxy redhead I'd totally do that.

>> No.8934299

White beehive haircut, or that old 50's/60's haircut that was basically a big curl in the front? Let me see if I can find a pic.

>> No.8934303
File: 13 KB, 236x354, 2a8317b62ab4b6627d8103515eb40ea9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.8934320
File: 69 KB, 520x652, 2846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about something like this? nice vintage hairstyles could work

>> No.8934324
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>> No.8934335
File: 15 KB, 300x375, vintage-hairstyles-pinterest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding what >>8934320 is saying. Definitely go for something vintage looking.

>> No.8934350

>Another thing, what would you call that chest plate thing she's wearing? Is there a search term for something like that?

"Flak jacket" or "Flak vest".

>> No.8934486

Thank you guys!

>> No.8934506

Please take some WIP pics of the wig when you get started since I've only seen one cosplay of her and they went for some kind of wool headdress thing that pretty much copied her movie hair so it wasn't really that human looking.

>> No.8934561
File: 690 KB, 552x836, zoonopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured since this is basically a Zootopia thread. This furry is trying to pawn off his stuff by saying it is Zootopia related. Kek.

>> No.8934583

..a...are you joking? They might not all be that great but they're obviously Judy.

>> No.8934614

Ah fuck this dude. He's been trying to sell this fursuit for about two years now and the fact he's trying to label it with something trendy to try and possibly sell it to non-furries?
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.8934676
File: 224 KB, 500x325, tumblr_inline_o0hqna1uyw1rpmvb0_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to act like there was even a recognizable cougar character in Zootopia

>> No.8934797
File: 541 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o4qbk5S2wX1rfprkno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8934800
File: 310 KB, 1280x852, tumblr_o4q77b3KXd1rtxl2wo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thus, the highly unnecessary sexy Judy cosplays have started.

>> No.8934802
File: 88 KB, 500x333, tumblr_o4q77b3KXd1rtxl2wo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those shoes

>> No.8934807
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>> No.8934812
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>> No.8934815
File: 774 KB, 587x595, Gazelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8934816
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>> No.8934818
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>> No.8934823
File: 505 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o4o2tr7PLJ1rw490go2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8935115

I'm making them.

Not using foam tho, I'm using a different technique that allows me more accuracy with the base.

Too bad they will only be worn by December, when the hype is dead already, but it will give me and my bf time to make them right

>> No.8935126

Tuck that shirt in, girl, wtf.

>> No.8935180


>> No.8935229

But she's totes kawaii, anon. What does it matter?????

>> No.8935236

I guess it depends on the cons you're at, but I thought this too and I went to Katsu and AB and I really didn't see as many Reys and Kylo's that I thought I would.

If you can do something good, then just do it, because I guarantee that the majority of them will be shit or really simplistic.

>> No.8935285

That makes sense. I wonder if that's entirely precautionary or if Disney, etc, started breathing down the next of people who'd made their characters on commission. There is a copyright issue that's less applicable to cosplay, plus the non-family-friendly fandom reputation.

>> No.8935579

I lied, this is a different person. Very similar fursuit though. I wonder if that person ever did sell it though.

I think it's both to be honest. The most common thing I've seen is when they call it something else. ex: "white goat" instead of Toriel.

>> No.8935635

Yes, I find it better to work with

>> No.8936362

Any one found a good place for cheap uniform shirts?

>> No.8936738
File: 386 KB, 667x670, 1310497836236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly the police uniform from Free! cosplay

>> No.8938262

>tfw you didn't buy your uniform pants and shirt at the same time and now you're stuck with Navy/Dark Navy pants and 'Midnight Blue' shirt and can't find Midnight Blue pants anywhere
I'm hoping when the shirt arrives the color difference isn't too far off because it'll bug the shit out of me if it is.

>> No.8938285

There was a Nick fursuiter at Animarathon (tiny-ass one-day con in Ohio) this past weekend. I only saw him from a distance, it looked really well-made but something about the face was just creeping me out. No pictures, sorry.

>> No.8938320

Putting in cultural references for parents to enjoy is a common theme in many childrens' films and tv shows, it doesn't mean its targeted towards an older audience.

>> No.8938335

gazelle is a qt
but for fucks sake
regular deadpool cosplayers are bad enough already

>> No.8940572
File: 590 KB, 747x1142, TB2aNSalVXXXXbUXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!16986265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8940574

Mmmmm yes please.

>> No.8940583

Yeah, I saved this for being a cute cosplayer even if it's got so many flaws.

>pants the wrong color
>creamsicle wig
>brown ears
>that wonky bottom eyeliner/eyelashes

>> No.8940836

Ceamsicle wig?

>> No.8940955
File: 74 KB, 500x333, creamsicle-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creamsicle like the icecream.

>> No.8940984

>I really want to jump on this bandwagon but I hate how many other people are already on it

Seems like you lack some fundamental understanding of what bandwagons are if you wish you could have one to yourself.

>> No.8941064


That's the same excuse another group of people who watch a certain show with animal characters give whenever asked why the hell they watch it. Not that anyone's going that crazy over this.

>> No.8941092

Maybe it's because I've only seen two or three episodes of that show (if it's what I think it is) and thought it was obnoxious but I don't see how the two really compare? Or maybe I just saw two bad episodes and thought the voices are awful on top of all that.

>> No.8941105

I like short hair/ponytail better than braids or twintails, it fits her character more. Some of the twintails look like they're recycling the wig from other cosplays anyway, it just makes Judy too animu.

Most of the long haired ones look pretty good though.

w h y

ginger bigby/10

pedophile nick/10

These officials look better than any other fursuit attempt I've seen of these characters.

>> No.8941117


Just thought it was funny that 2 furry pieces of media were both defended in the same way. Me being a shit really is all it was.

>> No.8941148

>These officials look better than any other fursuit attempt I've seen of these characters.
Well, I should hope so since they're official.. that and I think it's a little hard to make a fursuit in a month. Anyone that's made one is probably using an old rabbit/fox one they made new clothes for.

>> No.8941166

There are people who've made fursuits that look better than the original work/officials but finding those are like finding a needle in a haystack.

>that and I think it's a little hard to make a fursuit in a month
The characters of Zootopia have been released to the public since last year, and the movie came out a month earlier for Europe.

>> No.8941312
File: 82 KB, 960x638, 12920425_1073036609426089_1325270407910233349_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8941689

Ahh my favourite series, Attack on Zootopia.

>> No.8941692

I really actually liked this until i stared at those ratty ears..kinda ruined for me to be honest.

>> No.8941715

The makeup on both of them (but especially Nick) is so creepy to look at.

>> No.8942423

Is there a single part of this that isn't photoshopped? Like at all?

>> No.8942445

The ugly curtains.

>> No.8943405
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>> No.8943409
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>> No.8943413
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>> No.8943419

Oh Shooped-chan, you just couldn't stay away.

>> No.8943442

>pull off clawhauser really well
>wears lolita

What size are you? Oh my god.

>> No.8943852
File: 80 KB, 768x960, 12923165_800702486741274_17291298143690899_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baozi and Hana!

>> No.8944166


>> No.8944295


This bitch has the biggest lollipop body I've ever seen. Big head, stick figure body. I know the Photoshop is strong with her, but Idon't know how people are telling her that shit looks good,or even natural.

>> No.8944301

my...my guy....they aren't the same person...

>> No.8944400

Okay that's kinda adorable to see a male Judy that didn't change the costume design to be more manly.

>> No.8946366
File: 1.43 MB, 825x1197, 1459717265779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8946472
File: 99 KB, 960x639, 12888529_952017848227173_5407569017594861909_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dislike the Judy's wig here

>> No.8946474

Have to admit it's a really clever idea though.

>> No.8946478

Oh yeah it is pretty clever, just the way it looks irl is iffy to say the least.

>> No.8946895

>Those legs

>> No.8947517
File: 776 KB, 681x1024, 25507175663_456c6738e6_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8947545

How do you mess Judy's pants up that bad?

>> No.8948396
File: 98 KB, 580x876, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8948446
File: 169 KB, 2000x1125, 12961217_1077827255614218_145668945862387787_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually love this. Maybe it's a little crunchy looking but I like it overall.

>> No.8948465


If their goal is to look like Shrek humans, they've succeeded.

>> No.8949527

I think short hair on Judy is cute but I also think it makes her look a older? More mature. Not sure if I like it or not
>male Judy
>short hair equals male
Anon what?

>> No.8949537

I didn't say short hair equals male? So far everyone seems to agree that Judy should have relatively short hair or a bun/ponytail to be within police/military regulation. I was just commenting that it was kinda cute to see a male Judy that didn't change the costume at all because it might have seemed too feminine as is. Kind of like how female genderswap costumes immediately get tighter and shorter because they're too masculine apparently?

>> No.8949904

>Not AoT
Why are you even here

>> No.8949915
File: 62 KB, 640x960, 12931290_695516520552112_410920517729544715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8949921
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>> No.8949923
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>> No.8949931

Probably my fave cosplays all thread just because I wasn't expecting anyone to do these two.

>> No.8950197

Unfortunately not much emotion there in the faces. Plus not the biggest fan of Bellwether's wig, but that's just me. It is cool to see them however.

>> No.8950214


>> No.8950439

Lol anon didn't realize they're both male

>> No.8950577
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1536, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you reckon this is a good short for the police dress uniform?


Where did you get them from?

>> No.8950579

Scroll down three posts.

>> No.8950582


It's all in Chinese...

>> No.8950583

It's taobao, no shit

>> No.8950591
File: 777 KB, 244x160, tumblr_inline_nymxg1BaHJ1szfz6o_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking shit, dumbass. The picture you replied to was covered in Chinese!

>> No.8950600


Your right, I'm sorry for being stupid, please forgive.

Even with google translator I'm struggle to understand, so what comes with the set?

>> No.8950601

This- sweetie when it comes to cosplay, you're never going to be a special snowflake. Yes there's a fuckton of zoo cosplays right now, but if you enjoy it, that shouldn't stop you from doing it too. My husband and I are going as Nick and Judy to a con in June, knowing there are bound to be at least 30 others doing the exact same thing. Just get over it and do your thing!

>> No.8950604

Man the Asian cosplayers go fuckin ham on the photoshop.

>> No.8950609

Nope, no more spoonfeeding, buddy. Do you even know how to order from Taobao?

>> No.8953458
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>> No.8953485
File: 300 KB, 283x206, good shit m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8953876
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>> No.8953878
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>> No.8953882
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>> No.8954410 [DELETED] 

gazelle is my gf

>> No.8954416

gazelle cosplayer is my gf ;u

>> No.8955046
File: 80 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8955092
File: 597 KB, 2048x1152, 20160409_125135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a police uniform shirt in Midnight Blue (closest to dark Navy I could find for under $25) and the color they sent me is Black and tried to say it was my misunderstanding so they won't refund me fully for it.
Instead, I'm going to RIT color remove the dye out of that shit and dye it (hopefully!) to the shade I need which is closer to a dark-ish Navy like my uniform pants on the right.

>> No.8955233


>> No.8955519

Lol no it's targeted for "all ages," but if that's what you tell yourself.

Are people going to do fursuits or ears? The rest of the costumes for the characters available are practically closet tier. I would assume the Disney character flavor of the year would be Moana.

>> No.8956497

Kind of tempted to cosplay the weasel crook guy. I'm pretty tall,and i always enjoy wearing fake teeth.

I mean he's just a tank top and some baggy pants but I'll definitely bring the duffle bag, would be kind of cool to have the selection of bootleg DVDs. seems searching for him just yields the Frozen guy with the similar name. wonder if anyone cosplayed him yet

>> No.8956503

Please do, with the most ridiculous and animal-punned bootleg titles you can think of

>> No.8956546

Oh yeah i should. that's cool i was only thinking of the ones shown in the film. mix some real fake dvds in their maybe.

Mm, now i'm itching to do it. Perhaps i can gather some cosplay friends to join me, it would probably make more sense if i were stood near a Judy so people recognize what's going on

>> No.8956551


>> No.8956603

I'm dead anon
I didn't expect someone to know lupo lucio here

>> No.8956749

>bootleg DVDs
Do it, do it please.

>> No.8958617
File: 94 KB, 663x960, judy-odiniacosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8959147
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>> No.8959320

>tail looks like it's coming out of her ass instead of sitting on tailbone

>> No.8959337
File: 58 KB, 424x624, 87678989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8959627

>mop cloth ears

I see four ears when people do the braids and rabbit ears

>> No.8959653

I really like the ponytail with the ears though, looks a lot better than braids or twintails

>> No.8959788
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1460064572122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8959875
File: 1.34 MB, 500x255, tumblr_o3spwwcLvX1ulo5ano1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how is everyone's progress so far?

I've got all the pieces of my ZPD uniform either on hand or in the mail except the pouches for the belt. Also trying to get an ears and tail set for under $40 and I'm already thinking I'm going to have to dye it since all I've seen are either bright red or bright orange. My shirt and pants are a few shades off but it took forever to just find a navy shirt that I gave up and figured I'd just wear it anyway and do better for AWA in September.

Anyone else having trouble matching the fur parts to the wigs? So far I've seen a lot of mismatched ears/tail and wig colors like in >>8958617 and >>8948446

>> No.8959886

that vest ain't protectin nothing.

>> No.8959890

is this sheena

>> No.8960448
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>> No.8960545
File: 612 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not getting ready for any cons so I'm just slowly accumulating things for both variations of Judy and Nick. I made my ears ( for Judy) and got lucky that it ended up matching my wig. Generally though everything for Judy I have or is in the mail. Most recent thing to come in was the name tags, which came with a real cute note on my receipt on how the person and their daughter really loves Zootopia.

>> No.8960677
File: 31 KB, 960x640, FB_IMG_1460597744062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cute

>> No.8961876

I think wavy or curly bob would cover human ears and also add to the wideness of a bunny's face (given that you have a small face to begin with I suppose). Mostly the covering of human ears is probably behind short unstyled or unretrained long hair wigs. Personally seeing human ears and the bunny ears just seems weird?

>> No.8961958

what...what is going on with the shoop at her neck...

>> No.8962086
File: 62 KB, 460x200, isitreal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her wig styling is really pleasing to look at. I wish my hair looked like that, otherwise, you're right. It should be a woolly fro.

ugh, I had the original gif, but it's too big for 4chin

>insert "your mom" joke

>> No.8962146
File: 388 KB, 814x1620, ouz5R6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newb cosplayer here. I've got most of my Nick cosplay put together, but I still think it looks kinda...meh.

I found a pretty decent shirt; correct color and has palm tree patterns all over it. Couldn't find the exact color pattern of the tie, so I just went with the next closest thing. Went with a standard orange wig as well.

I did get a tail, but the ears it came with were complete shit, so I bought a different pair; waiting on those to ship now.

Only question now is what to use for footwear. I was thinking sandals of some sort, especially since the con that I'm going to is in the middle of the summer.

>what's with the aviators?
I wear glasses, and don't like contact lenses, so wearing a pair of aviators over them seemed like a decent idea. (Nick does have a pair, albeit only at the end of the movie)

>> No.8962153
File: 2.25 MB, 1918x798, So Fluffy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using gifs
>current year

>> No.8962170
File: 42 KB, 720x405, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks pham

>> No.8963643
File: 18 KB, 200x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b8 go

>> No.8963778
File: 241 KB, 400x549, I want YOU to seriously don&#039;t do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person asking for tips and critique on their cosplay

Not too terrible, for someone who claims to be new to cosplay. I've seen worse.

The shirt looks okay enough, though the patterns are a bit hard to see in the photo. Tie is fine too. Wig is okay; there's no real set style for hair I guess, since Nick doesn't have any recognizable hairstyle, being a fox and all.

The sunglasses are kinda off; Nick does wear sunglasses in one scene towards the end of the movie, but looking at the camrip, they're not aviators. He only wears aviators at the very end when he's in his police uniform. Minor detail though.

Pants could be a bit darker. He does seem to be wearing khakis in the movie, but they're a much darker shade of beige: http://i.imgur.com/FfP5Udt.png , http://i.imgur.com/1kwFkzE.png

As for footwear, that's another thing that's kinda hard to define, seeing as the character doesn't wear any. If you can find a pair of fox paw-feet that aren't huge, go for it, but otherwise, a basic pair of sandals would work I suppose.

Biggest problem though, is that you don't look smug enough! That doesn't even look like a smirk. Nigga, you even trying? You can't cosplay Nick unless you're smug as fuck at all times. Work on it, anon.

>> No.8963789

You need to style your wig, not because he has a set hairstyle but because it's very obviously a wig. Look at the photos in the thread and find something that works with your face and make an effort to at least do something with it so that it doesn't look so out of the bag.

>> No.8963795
File: 124 KB, 576x1024, 20160415_201341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long shot but it beats waiting around on eBay for someone to maybe buy this months down the line.

I bought pic related for a Zootopia Police Department costume, it's an authentic police uniform style shirt but it's way too big for me.

It's a Size Mens Small RG and it's a super dark blue.

If anyone wants it, I'll ship it free anywhere in the USA for $8. It's only been tried on and tossed into a storage bin. Will be washed before being sent out. If anyone's interested, lemme know and I'll drop my email.

>> No.8963800

I think I've got a darker pair of khakis somewhere around here. Also have a pair of plain brown sandals I can wear, so that will work.

And yeah, being the pasty white nerd I am, I'm not too good at looking smug. I'll have to work on that. Might also be because my eyes are hidden behind the aviators, and my eyebrows are partially obscured by them.

Thing is, I have no idea how to style a wig. Mostly because I have no idea how to style hair in general, being that I don't style my hair at all, and never have.

As it is right now, out of the bag, I don't see anything wrong with it. It looks fine to me. Maybe comb it a bit to move some of it around, but for the most part it looks fine.

That and, it's going to be put in my suitcase and in a plane, so I'm not sure if a styled wig would survive being squished like that.

>> No.8963858

her ears look like they're made of towel

>> No.8963863

Different anon chiming in here.

You don't have to do much extensive styling like extreme spikes or anything, just some simple cutting and fixes will do wonders. Like>>8963789 said it looks clearly out of the bag and messy with no stylistic direction. Some points is that you can trim the sides a bit and do something with the bangs, either giving him bangs or do a more pronounced slicked back or parted look.

>> No.8963866

youtube can teach you how to do anything. Not exactly talking about you specifically, but this whole "i don't know how to do it" excuse is so stupid in this day and age. You can google how to do literally anything! NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU FROM LEARNING LITERALLY ANYTHING. How are other people not going mad with power with the sheer amount of knowledge they can now posses? HOW?

Now, not having the desire or talent to do things is one thing, but not knowing how to do it is just ridiculous.

>> No.8963869

It looks clearly out of the bag because it *is* out of the bag. I literally took it out of the packaging about 10 minutes before that photo was taken.

Well yeah, of course I could watch a tutorial on trimming a wig, but I still have no idea what looks good in terms of hairstyles. I'm a nerd with no fashion sense and I never style my hair because I keep it relatively short.

I suppose I could look at some of the other Nick cosplays around here and try to style the wig similar to theirs.

>> No.8963900

Yes, we can tell you just took it out of the bag. That is why people are commenting on it looking like it came right out of the bag.
you can learn what looks good by googling it. "How to find a hairstyle that looks good" is a place to start, and looking at other nick cosplays will also help.

>> No.8964537

I'm personally working on a Judy cosplay rn and this is kind of what I've been thinking of doing because it makes more sense then anything I've seen. Some sort of updo that women in the military/police force typically have. Glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.8964592
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>> No.8964726


>> No.8965188

Relax your shoulders they look way too broad like that. Get your shirt tailored to fit you a little more slim. It might be baggy on him but you're not 18" in circumference.

>> No.8965239

I never style my hair either, styling your own hair and styling a wig is two pretty different skill sets anyway.

It's not about making it super spikey or going full on anime, it's about making it look like it actually has a style as opposed to just being a bunch of orange hair sewn onto a wig cap, and like you'd an intent with wearing it aside from "my hair wasn't orange".
I'm not going to babysit you about this but get a wighead and a razor comb and look at what other Wildes did with their wigs. Go a bit at a time and try it on often, then set it in place with some hairspray.

>> No.8965396

Guys, I just saw Zootopia today, and I want to cosplay the shrew bride so bad.

>> No.8965436

Please do, that would be amazing.

>> No.8965446

Do it, please! Especially if you have a bunch of Zootopia parody designer boutique shopping bags.

>> No.8965973

>Coco Camel
>Dolce & Iguana
>Louis Vultron
>Yves saint Lobster

Please do it!

>> No.8966010
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>> No.8966060

And the two canon ones:

>> No.8966133

The futher I got, the creepier it got. I love the idea but it's honestly really creepy by the end result.

>> No.8966141

I personally don't like these anthro versions, they are kind of uncanny valley for me.

>> No.8966143

she should have stopped at the second picture and just put on some normal cute-girl makeup... the prostetic is just way to much!

>> No.8966173

yeah honestly, the top-right seems fine. It just gets creepier and creepier from there.

>> No.8966194

I think I'm gonna, seagulls. I have an ancient ballgown costume sitting in my closet and some wigs I can harvest, so this should be a pretty quick turnaround. What do you guys think I should do about the nose? I feel like I should add a little something, but I don't want to go too overboard. Maybe a pixie prosthetic?

>> No.8966206
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Had to google what that was but it might just work? Definitely take inspiration from Jersey Shores when it comes to doing the makeup and hair since that's obvious where she gets it from. Definitely make at least one themed shopping bag as well!

And I had to google her name (missed it in the movie some how) and her name is Fru Fru!

>> No.8966222

Agreed x 10. I am unfortunately extremely pale, but I feel like a really bad orange tan might be appropriate in this case.

>> No.8966247

Get one of those tans in a can if you have to or just apply some darker 'bronze' colored concealer/powder for a subtle look. I wouldn't go too dark but you can tell Fru Fru has a bit of an orange tint to her fur.

>> No.8966476
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>> No.8966507
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>> No.8966550

Don't forget Lu Lu Lemmings!

>> No.8967674
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>> No.8967702

ignoring the blindingly obvious, whyyyyyyy do people do the "eyeliner under actual eyes" makeup if they're not even going to wear falsies or if they're doing "natural" makeup for the rest of their face. it looks awful.

>> No.8967820

>worried about my own Nick cosplay
>see pic
>suddenly not worried anymore

>> No.8968099


On this note I think for Judy any heavy make up won't work. She doesn't have a character that cares about her appearence, plus she's a cop she's not going to slather on thick ass eyeliner and lipstick.

>came across a Judy that used fucking fuchsia lipstick

>> No.8969058
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>> No.8969195
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>> No.8969554

PEOPLE, SHAVE YOUR GODDAMN FUR! Ears aren't supposed to have fur three inches thick. Trim it down!!

That's not even… cougars don't really have white tipped tails or paws…

I'm gonna be real, I don't care for how those footpaws look on such a human-looking Judy, but I also think they look super comfy and I love them?

>> No.8970075

Where does one find a pair of large, bright-orange fox ears? Every pair of fox ears I come across is either too small, or the wrong color.

>> No.8971134

>bright orange
No. Don't be as bad as >>8969195

>> No.8973987
File: 258 KB, 2048x1365, yao_alma_tw_cosplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]