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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 343 KB, 720x960, own_larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8914681 No.8914681 [Reply] [Original]

as usual, previous thread is in autosage

larpers larping at larps and more in this thread

>> No.8914695

Any tips for making my own garb? I found some patterns I really like on pintrest.

>> No.8914698

start with something easy and build up stuff from there

>> No.8914710

HEMA, with a focus on I.33, various rapier plays, and German armoured manuals. I have also studied Gatka, and Kendo/Kumdo. I also wrestled in middle abd highschool (folkstyle and greco-roman) and studied Mu duk kwon.

I got into it all of it because I am a total geek, and my dad was into it. Obviously, its helped with my larping, SCA baton, SCA rapier and ACL.

I reenact several periods.

Find someone who can sew already to teach you in exchange for work or the like. Its always better to have someone who can visually show you and help you correct issues.

>> No.8914722

Thank you guys. My girlfriend sews and even made me a little belt pouch for my character so she has been showing me the basics.

>> No.8914723

do you have the medieval tailors assistant?

>> No.8914738

I do not, I had a couple of SCA friends recommend material from the SCA website but I've not checked yet.

>> No.8914742


>> No.8914771

Thank you so much

>> No.8914817

>To all of these add the usual eastern European problems and mindset

Which are ?

Don't have problem with Hema in france, on the contrary, some know dude made a documentary on it last year and a lot of normies swarmed the few club.

>> No.8914838
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france is western europe.
Eastern europe has slavs and hungarians. who think the harder you hit the more awesome you are and protective equipment is for pussies, but actually nobody has money for anything so it's rather just nigger rigging everything or using substandard stuff because "if you can't do it with this you aren't <insert metric of manliness/awesomeness/whatever> enough"

There is a guy for example that thinks fencing helmets are totally not needed and everyone is a pussy who uses them in free sparring, because if you are good enough you can totally stop the weapon before an accident happen.

About the nigger-rigging stuff? look at this larp tier shit on pic.
This SLO is what hungary contributed to the hema community comes from one specific very retarded group which ironically pretty much hate larps, so much in fact that in an older rules of their community there was this stuff that they won't teach any larpers or if they accidentally teach one ou aren't allowed to use those skills at larps, etc.
But they somehow have good contacts so fucking PBT fencing sells this shit tier larp boffer as a hema equipment which are apart from the fact totally shit at simulating a sword also not durable enough, pommels come down all the time and has other issues. I wouldn't even allow it in larps

>> No.8915101

HEMA for me, although I'm kind of on hiatus from it right now for work and financial reasons. I really enjoyed learning the basics of Montante two-handed sword before leaving, and once I get my money situation sorted out, I'm going back to it if possible.

I didn't start it because of larp; the other way around, actually. After I had to stop my previous job, which worked closely with the HEMA people, I needed something to scratch my "hit things with swords" itch. Since I'm already involved with amateur acting as well, larping seemed like a good place to put both sets of skills to work.

>> No.8915106

>There is a guy for example that thinks fencing helmets are totally not needed and everyone is a pussy who uses them in free sparring

The FUCK? I get enough dents in my mask frome half contact rapiers/feders. This gut is retarded

>Boot tucked camo pants and crew cut
He's not quite Clements level.... But damn son.

>> No.8915110
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Forgot my pic

>> No.8915115

> He's not quite Clements level

Never go full Clements.

>> No.8915117

that's just some random guy from that group/community.
The actual leader or you could say "master" is no less retarded though, but not clothing wise. One of my friends once thrown him the fuck out of a fighting ring and he was pretty upset because of this, especially because it was my friend's first (and last) time there. Apparently todays youth doesn't respect their elders nowdays

>> No.8915128
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Sleeves are the devil.

I HATE that. My one dislike of the HEMA community in general, is the ideology that they are not just a different flavour of Geek.

You can wear all the Kevlar and tracksuits you want, you're still practicing sword fighting because you wanted to be one of the three musketeers or a knight as a kid. Just accept it.

>> No.8915137

it was more of a problem how a newbie overpowered him when he wanted to show how awesome he is

>> No.8915139

How dare you not accept that he is the best?

>> No.8915146

there are way more cringe stories about them but it's not that interesting, needs a lot of background explanation and it's a larp thread after all.
I would rather talk shit about the local larpers. Or talk shit about larpers in general. Fuck those guys, they ruined larping

>> No.8915161

Admittedly though, larpthread has always been the haven for discussions of more than larp: Reenactment, recreation, western martial arts and renfaires.

>> No.8915169

there is a difference between allowing other topics because we aren't in the soviet union or making the thread's content about them in 80%

>> No.8915172

The thread just started Hungary Senpai. This is fine to talk about until a new subject starts up.

>> No.8915177
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>there is a difference between allowing other topics because we aren't in the soviet union or making the thread's content about them in 80%


>> No.8915185
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I have stopped before the thread would totally dwell into hema, that's all. Plus as I said those stories aren't that interesting either.

Especially when we can shittalk people like these

>> No.8915189
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>I have stopped before the thread would totally dwell into hema

Ah. Your simile just didnt quite translate well.

We havent done larpfail in a while....

>> No.8915247

I love this. MOAR.

>> No.8915318

Tell us more about people like those LARP dads

>> No.8915336
File: 65 KB, 720x482, ONWARD SPARKLEMANE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose

Oh, my sweet summer child... We've tried our best to shelter you from such ugliness in the world.

>> No.8915339
File: 79 KB, 413x500, larping-413x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8915342

>the baseball cap and zebra hat
Is this actually a LARP or Sigma Alpha Mu has a 'larp' party?

>> No.8915354

same. When I began Hema, I took my brother fencing helmet. modern fencing helmet. I dented it, And I'm not even sure it wasn't with a rawling or a feder.

so, going without... yea, good idea.


About what you said about east european problem. for the west, on Larp, we could do with some nigger rigged stuff. People mostly aren't fond of Do-it-yourself, bar cosplayer.
We got some artisans doing good stuff but everything is expensive as hell, even the simpler stuff, and rules are quite heavy on the security side, can't bash with shield, charge or any physical contact with other with anything else than our foam dildos.

>> No.8915356
File: 73 KB, 462x720, 1185568_635678266467113_354502026_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is indeed, common dress for many US groups.

Common "costume" is simply fingerless gloves and a tabard. If you're lucky.

I really wanna post some fail from the inter-group event I went to(three different groups at once, but some people were not playing by the simplified agreed rules and using their own game's. it was a clusterfuck), but the guys from the group that invited me are legitimately trying, unlike the other two.

>> No.8915358


I'm more triggered by the Adidas trackies.

>> No.8915367

I took a decade off from LARP and it doesn't even seem like anyone tries anymore. I look at kingdom sized events for different groups and it's jeans, camo, trucker hats, hockey pads, etc....

I mean, I can excuse a lot if people are trying, but when people don't try it just kills any enthusiasm for me returning (with my shitty newbish garb).

All I ask is that people try. Like, I don't mind mundane shoes because making or buying accurate shoes can be expensive, but atleast make covers or something and use natural colors over camo or day-glo neon.

...it may be worse for me though because Im thinking of getting back into Amtgard/Dagorhir because all of the weekend event/heavy on rules groups I knew of have died.

Please tell me all hope isn't lost in America!

>> No.8915368
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>> No.8915372

Yikes. I'll consider myself lucky. KR has a pretty decent average compared to that.

>> No.8915374
File: 160 KB, 1600x1200, 2mo1rue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you get why we push for better, cheap costuming and weapons?

>> No.8915376

The hocky and lacross gloves piss me off the most. If hands are a target, and it hurts to get hit in the hands, and armour counts in your system... use armour.

Or, ya'know USE A FUCKING HILT. 90% of people had hiltless dickbats I had several people absolutely gobsmacked that I was using the hilt on my buddy's sword like a hilt should be used

Good. I have seen improvement in the local groups, but its slow and the subculture resists change

>> No.8915387

The gloves kill me. I saw a friend I haven't seen in years in a groups pictures, He used to be so hardcore about proper garbing and he was wearing an unhemmed tunic with no belt, underarmour and a goddamn pair of lacrosse gloves.

A piece of me died that day.
Anyone know any good groups for anything in the Ohio/Indiana/Western PA area?

>> No.8915393
File: 101 KB, 800x535, tripple scythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He used to be so hardcore about proper garbing and he was wearing an unhemmed tunic with no belt, underarmour and a goddamn pair of lacrosse gloves.

I am sorry for your loss.

>> No.8915622

Is there any good alternatives to using genuine leather for larp gear? All the fake leather I find in fabric stores always looks way too shiny

>> No.8915705

Those axes I would be okay with if they replaced the duct tape with hockey tape. The rest, though... ugh, all that uncovered foam. All that... everything.

>> No.8915708

Is there any good alternatives to using genuine leather for larp gear?

Not really. Its like tofurky if to a real turkey.

It is POSSIBLE to find really good PVC leather, but the quality needed to be identical prices it as much, if not more than actual leather, as the main market of such quality pleather is to the non-animal product demographic.

>> No.8915713

I think--and I haven't worked with leather here, so take my advice with a grain of salt--most people who use the shiny fake leather for their costumes age it. Toss it around in a bucket of sand, put it on and roll in the dirt, etc.

>> No.8915728

Ah yes, the "fuck the vegans" price. God wills it.

>> No.8915755
File: 6 KB, 126x225, 600729_977925185625971_2618083187934385037_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when people dump all their high level spells on you the first night you wear your fur mantle

At least people think I'm intimidating I guess

>> No.8915759
File: 47 KB, 540x960, 600729_977925185625971_2618083187934385037_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted thumbnail, fuck

>> No.8915778

Looks luxurious as fuck.

>> No.8915872


>dat underarmour logo

>> No.8915877
File: 91 KB, 712x815, Bacchusbycaravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Bacchanalia, LARPthread! Go have a drink!

>> No.8915934

I can only tell you about the hungarian versions, these are so far all the US versions of shit tier

that guy is from cgl

truth to be told epee fencing helmets aren't as good as the ones that are made for hema, I mean they are made for different stuff.
And security rules are to be laughed around here most of the time. Eastern Europe in general doesn't take seriously the rules of any kind, but hungarians especially in it for the loopholes. There are even proverbs about this.

>Please tell me all hope isn't lost in America!
why do you want us to lie?

>> No.8915937 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420 is the numer of the marijuadrugs
Its funny for various raisins.

Spicy latina butthole
Big wet spicy latina butthole

Come get your big wet spicy latina butthole fresh from the ovens.

>> No.8916109

How drunk are you?

>> No.8916137

please answer to this question >>8916109 on a scale from 1 to rainbow unicorns

>> No.8916166
File: 49 KB, 572x210, 3eeea194295cba11c917c99ea7afca97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your stupidity will live on until the end of the thread.

>> No.8916188
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, Human_Ramen_Complete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when its going to be 30°C this weekend at the daylong larp event
>most likely 70%+ humidity
It's time to cook

>> No.8916199

sounds like perfect weather for larping

>> No.8916208

I fucking with i was in hungary for larp.
apart from the threat of Russian invasion it seems pretty nice

>> No.8916213

>apart from the threat of Russian invasion it seems pretty nice
let's be honest here, that's not a new threat either, and as long as the mushroom elves won't come it's not that big of a problem

>> No.8916218

actually been following/ watching your shit since the early /tg/ larp thread days, making everyone jelly with your irl castle rp's

you inspired me and my m8 to start larp, no homo

>> No.8916233
File: 664 KB, 800x1200, IMG_5383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good to hear, although I have to correct you that there were no IRL castle rp. Only one game at castle ruin's model's ruin (it was a real castle's model in a ruin state that was made for a movie and then decades later the model's ruin still existed) and that game was shit too. But we held too photoshoots there too so there is that

>> No.8916244

Thats the place.

I remember me and my mate being like 16 and mad mirin all your posts, looking at our local larp and crying (it was only a few months old at that point)

You did set unrealistic standards for my opponents though.

>every time i see sunnies/ modern glasses
>muh immersion

>> No.8916255

that's good. "impossible" goals are always good to have, that's what makes you improve. I remember that like 9-8 years ago I was looking at videos from drachenfest and mythodea and I was like "fuck this shit, I never be that good" but also decided that no matter how unrealistic it is I will one day go to a larp like that.
And here am I know, this year will be my 4th time on drachenfest, second in the landsknecht camp (also known as the best camp)

>> No.8916267

Any pictures of the Landsknecht camp and drachenfest in general?

>> No.8916272
File: 829 KB, 4288x2848, DSC_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tons of it.
But feel free to post pics of your stuff

>> No.8916276

How historically accurate does the garb need to be?
is me, and I may be in europe for drachenfest this year

>> No.8916290
File: 2.18 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_2064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not historical in the true meaning of the world but there are high standards as it's a closed camp. Your stuff must resemble a 16th century landsknecht they have a pretty good manual for it although in german, and you have to sign up for the camp in their forum whit photos of your kit or planned kit then they will decide if it's good enough or not and what you should change if changes are needed, plus they help with everything they can.
It's not impossible to get in there, east german larpfag for example did a pretty good job with his beginner LK kit which he put together in a few months, seen here, the red-white one on the far right

>> No.8916295
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1440, 20150729-P7290191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I can't see much of the kit, mostly just the back of the cape and a few parts of other stuff.

>> No.8916301
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>> No.8916304

yeah, it doesnt seem like id be able to get in anyways

>> No.8916318
File: 1.26 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_1952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the landsknecht camp? Well you can always make an LK kit. Or just join another camp, there are a lots of camps out there, some of them with awesome people. Like in the blue camp there is this spanish group who plays ankh morporkian city watch.

>> No.8916508

I thought it was saint patrick's day?

>> No.8916680
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It is, but i'd rather celebrate the bro-god of parties with grappa and brandy, rather than overblown catholic BS with cheap whiskey and green piss beer.

>> No.8916689
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>that guy is from cgl
Really? I can't believe that

>epee fencing helmets aren't as good as the ones that are made for hema

Anything less than a three-weapon mask is just asking to be wrecked.

What the fuck did I miss?

Dude, that sounds gorgeous! What are you, a polar bear?

>let's be honest here, that's not a new threat either, and as long as the mushroom elves won't come it's not that big of a problem

Remove Slav. Also: Mushroom elves?

>you inspired me and my m8 to start larp, no homo

All the homo

>every time i see sunnies/ modern glasses
>muh immersion

Forgive modern glasses as long as they are not neon pink hello kitty frames. Sunglasses are unforgivable.

>> No.8916726

Actual Irish anon here: American Saint Patrick's day is actual cancer.

>> No.8916730

>implying it didn't take fucking ages to even become a "thing" in ireland

>> No.8916741

>implying we actually celebrate it.
I don't go to mass.

>> No.8916746
File: 29 KB, 500x500, mushroom_elves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also: Mushroom elves?
mushroom elves

>> No.8916808

I don't get it. Russians?

>> No.8916811

It's a holiday celebrating the removal of snakes from Ireland. Why is this even celebrated?

>> No.8916829

the mushroom elves were a very infamous group of russians who went to larps for the sole purpose of wreck shit, while they were drugged.
And when I say wreck shit I mean russian style and actually wrecking shit so the "nerds" don't have fun. I'm talking about setting tents on fire, chasing people with chainsaws, beting the living shit out of people, taping them to trees in the russain night in an underwear and leaving them there. That kind of shit

>> No.8916856

There are no, and never have been native snakes in Ireland. The "snakes" are pre-Christian peoples.

Its also another replacement/co-opted holiday. Drunken revelry on the 16th and 17th of March is the Roman holiday Bacchanalia.

Irishanon might be able to affirm or correct, but I have also heard that the two partisan sides of the Irish civil war use it as an excuse to drive out the "snakes" (read: opposing side) in drunken brawls.

What. The. Fuck. Never heard of this. Story time?

>> No.8916866

and you never will. It's russian larping man, way too urban legend to get the actual truth apart from it. But allegedly the leader of the mushroom elves wrote a book about all of this, but it was never translated.
Also this is pre 2000 shit. Old stuff.

>> No.8917424
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atticfag here, got a new attic helmet. Fits my head pretty well, cozy leather lining inside the cheek plates. Only complaint is that it doesn't have any kind of chinstrap so if I bend forward enough the weight of the crest makes the whole thing fall off my head.

>> No.8917451

Oooo pretty, do you have a picture of you wearing it? Do you have any idea what you're going to do for the rest of the kit or did you just buy the helmet for itself ?

>> No.8917458
File: 26 KB, 219x292, MarMule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pics of me wearing it, rest of my kit is all Roman, anything from 3rd century BC to late 1st century AD depending on the helmet, belt, and greaves/lack of greaves.

>> No.8917466

Well good on you, we need more antiquity related posts

>> No.8917472

Antiquity bestiquity medieval barbarians need not apply.

>> No.8917479
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You know it senpai. Where are you located? States or Europe?

>> No.8917480


>> No.8917484

Ahhh I'm a California man myself. Although I alternate between here and greece every year or so

>> No.8917499

How's the heat there? I'd assume that comfy gear from antiquity would be pretty good there.

>> No.8917504

Southern California weather is pretty similar to the mediterranean in the summer months. So yes my ancient gear works well so I don't overheat. Linen is godly. Minnesota must get pretty damn cold. A good cloak seems like a necessity there

>> No.8917509

Minnesota gets pretty damn cold, though I haven't found a larp that runs during the dead of winter all of ours typically start in the early spring and go through fall. Usually only one event will actually have snow still on the ground. Cloaks are actually not common in our local meta, alliance spell flinging faggotry counts hits on clothing as valid so people tend not to want anything long and flowing that might get hit. I've used my sagum more as a blanket than as a cloak in all the time I've had it.

>> No.8917514

Oh how sad cloaks are great and comfy when it's a bit chilly, although I understand in your case

>> No.8917531
File: 143 KB, 1017x1024, Tony Capwell In Modo Antiquo Heroric close up 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Get a brush for your crest. Whos the maker?

In Modo antiquo here: Doing what you did, but better.

>> No.8917534

>Get a brush for your crest
Any other suggestions for crest care? My reenactment sites suggest keeping it in a cardboard box either flat or preferably upside down to keep it from drooping but they don't mention anything else.

>Whos the maker?
Daniyal Steelcrafts

>In Modo antiquo
Medieval wannabes think throwing pteryges and brass over things makes them antique.

>> No.8917557
File: 248 KB, 626x960, tumblr_nqehe829MO1qbpoa4o1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medieval wannabes think throwing pteryges and brass over things makes them antique.
you continue like this and there will be another sacking of Rome and your house

>> No.8917560

Are there 'famous' LARPers, like there are cosplayers?
Would you consider HLF one?

>> No.8917561

It depends, whats the material, animal hair or poly/nylon?

For real hair, a stiff brush and watered down Elmers white glue. Elmers still makes glue out of cow hooves and cartelage, so its actually documentable.

>> No.8917562

No and no.

>> No.8917563

>Would you consider HLF one?
fuck no.

And no, no famous larpers, just some attention whores on the internet but nobody cares about them.
One of the reasons why no famous larpers because there is no big larper community. Every game is different, different rules, different stories, different people etc. At least in cosplay there are some things that stay the same from country to country.
Plus you can't really build up a brand in larping.

So there are well known larpers in some communities at best but I wouldn't call them famous

>> No.8917567

I only know you're very known around here, and you have that blog thing.

What about people like Mo Mo O'brien, LARPgirl, etc?

>> No.8917574

>What about people like Mo Mo O'brien, LARPgirl, etc?
they are the attention whores.
Even in the US relatively few larpers know them, outside of it they are nearly unheard.
Contrary to popular belief, having a youtube channel or blog or posting on a korean drawn cartoon image board doesn't make you famous

>> No.8917576

Supposedly its real horsehair. I can't say I'm knowledgeable about what horsehair should feel like enough to make an educated opinion about it.

>> No.8917578

>What about people like Mo Mo O'brien, LARPgirl, etc?
The biggest attention whores in larping. Bitches making videos unboxing equipment other people bought and sent to them... Maybe I'm just jelly. Can't say I'd complain if someone bought me expensive larping stuff. Maybe I'd finally get to try out archery, or using a calimacil naginta, who knows? When someone else buys shit for you the sky's the limit.

>> No.8917580

Are there any "good" larp channels then? I seem to recall one channel that would give little tutorials on weapons or little knick knacks to use.

>> No.8917582

never seen one that I can show to other people without any kind of regret

the fact that they can't speak coherently is one thing. The fact that they don't do any fucking research on the subject they are talking about is another. Talking bullshit is yet again a problem with them. But most of my hatred goes to the shitheads who accept anything they say and mindlessly following them.
Luckily there aren't many of them but still...

>> No.8917584

Perhaps we could change that, we just need an attractive person who has good screen presence and knows what they're talking about

>> No.8917586

and a fuckton of time, proper cameras, etc. It takes a lot of effort to make this good.

>> No.8917589

Well I have too much time and access to cameras but sadly I have very limited experience. What would even make for good content? What would larpers want to see give a good name for larp?

>> No.8917590

Larpforge isn't bad. Dude never updates anymore but has a pretty interesting backlog of larping stuff.

>Talking bullshit is yet again a problem with them.
"Guys if you rub mustard on your new steel helmet it will make it look old and worn and rusty and definitely won't make it look like you're a fucking retard who can't take care of their shit!" - larpgirl

>The fact that they don't do any fucking research on the subject they are talking about is another.
Neither do their followers, some faggot on the comments of one of Stephanie Twilley's mumblefest tumblr talks said that there was some evidence that sub saharan africans went to scotland or some retarded shit. Asked the fucker for a source and he darts around trying not to give one for days saying shit like "academic sources are typically behind a paywall" kept pressing him and he finally gave some shitty paperback I could find on amazon, not from an academic publisher and with two seconds of googling found was not accepted by geneticists as valid. First time I've ever seen a sjw give up an argument.

>> No.8917591

>good camera
>lighting setup
>good set for shooting
>good costumes
>attractive front man

yellow cape fag here, thought namefagging would help, got quoted three times separately in a post by Gropey

>> No.8917593

>Lorica hamata
This man knows what he's about.

>> No.8917594

Lorica hamata is fucking wonderful. It also lets me not be as specific with my timeframe as a segmentatafag since hamata with a doubler was way more prevalent than segmentata.

>> No.8917596

can you talk coherently? can you write it beforehand? can you edit videos? do you have people who will have you? Do you have any idea what do you want to talk about apart from "larping"?
Plus stuff that are listed here >>8917591

As I said it's not something that could be done good easily.
Of course you can take the shortcuts as most other people does but then you greatly increase your chance to be yet another shit youtube channel.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it, I'm just saying what hardships you face, like we will talk shit about you if it's not good enough.

tip of the iceberg. They have way more fundamental problems too. Did you realized that none of them can give a consistent definition of what is larp? And that they always talk about "what you should do in larps" but actually talk about that one or two game where they go.
It's like talking about cosplaying but only mention how to make wigs

>> No.8917599

>Did you realized that none of them can give a consistent definition of what is larp?
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

>> No.8917600

You don't have to be an attractive girl to get free stuff, anon! Skallagrim gets gifts from his followers occasionally. Find a niche and be not-shit at it, and you may be able to get a following as well.

>> No.8917601

*dun dun dun dun-da*

>> No.8917602

Niche you say? Well greek things are right up my alley.

Well see I definitely wouldn't attempt it unless I had a couple of good videos planned out. I could do videos on less larp specific things and intro to greek reenactment/just arms and armor.

>> No.8917605

HEMAReviews has done one or two videos that have covered larp topics tangentially. Stuff like what sort of armor to buy for HEMA vs. re-enactment vs. larp, etc.

I feel like that's what most channels with good larping info are like. They're not channels about larping, they're always about similar things that happen to intersect sometimes.

>> No.8917614
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>> No.8917619
File: 272 KB, 1200x630, rudk04hg0nu2ialyo9g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she isn't
She may be a fucking retard but she's at least a hot retard.

>> No.8917620

She has a nice face at some angles, but her body is so mediocre

maybe im just a spoiled Australian

>> No.8917622

>implying I don't want to have sex with her in the missionary position, with the lights on, while holding hands.
Faces are important for people who like missionary.

>> No.8917625

Wish I could go for it. I would have a fuckton of time starting next month, and would consider myself good enough for speaking, but I lack the proper knowledge for that stuff.

>> No.8917626

somehow you turned a post about having sex with a female into the gayest shit ive read today.

nah, but whatever floats your boat i guess

>> No.8917631

>having sex with a female
Do those words mean something different in kangarooland?

>> No.8917632

>having feelings
>truly loving anything
>passion for anything other than cars or shitty beer

you know nothing of our plight.

>> No.8917633

She has a resting fake smile and when she starts talking I have an urge to get a brick and smash her face. For some reason all her mimics and metacommunication screams fake to me

well then you can start a channel about greek stuff, and mention larps every now and then, no problem with that, but then you will be held for different standards because as long as you start talking about historical stuff you will be required to do way more research and be historically accurate.

>I feel like that's what most channels with good larping info are like. They're not channels about larping, they're always about similar things that happen to intersect sometim
yes but that's because larping as a whole has a lot of connection to other things simply because it's such a diverse hobby.
So it's easy to find a channel that is relatable to larps in some way, but a channel that is purely about larps is something else.

>> No.8917634
File: 16 KB, 432x291, 1656283_747740878578852_1505353413_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passion for cars and shitty beer
You are weird

>> No.8917635

She is so obviously just another basic girl who's whole personality hinges on being quirky and nerdy (with just a bit of flirt) because they are actually just basic as fuck with no defining/ interesting traits.

oi cunt fuckin fight me in front of the servo

>> No.8917639
File: 904 KB, 3264x2448, DSC02664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bro!

>> No.8917644

What is LARP exactly? I mean I can google the wiki definition of it but I'm interested in peoples interpretations of it.

>> No.8917648

Larp is like playing a good RPG game, but irl.

>> No.8917650

>What is LARP
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

>> No.8917651


What do you mean by a good RPG game? Because I've had some shitty games, but that was mainly due to having a terrible GM, which was me.

>> No.8917653

the trick is that there is no definition right now that EVERYONE accepts, or even the majority.
And when I say definition I mean a clear definition not just something like this >>8917648

In my opinion the best definition is this three criteria:
◆ Role-playing in which a character, not just a social role, is played.
◆ The activity takes place in a fictional reality shared with others.
Breaking that fictional reality is seen as a breach in the play itself.
◆ The physical presence of at least some of the players as their

These three are mandatory, not optional, and all of them has further implications.
And with this definition you can actually define why SCA or reenactment isn't a larp, mainly because of the first one. Becuse not everonye is roleplaying there and even if they do most of the time they just do a social role not a character.
Similarly you can scratch off dagorhir, amtgard and all the other boffertags with this definition

>> No.8917654


I don't get this reference, but I'm going to laugh like I do.


>> No.8917656

>I don't get this reference
Shit taste in music confirmed.

>> No.8917711


>> No.8917726


Shouldnt the name itself be deffinition enough?

Live Action Role Playing. Which implies pretty much all of what you said. I guess you could larp on your own, but that would just be a bit sad, while still probably be larp.

>> No.8917736

names on their own are usually pretty shitty definitions. By that I mean vague as fuck and everyone means something else by them. Proper definitions help that there will be less grey area (there will be always a lot of grey area but the magnitude will be different)

>> No.8917737

>Shouldnt the name itself be deffinition enough?
Maybe if we lived in a reasonable world, but I've heard enough people insisting that the SCA and dagorhir are both larps to know that we don't live in a reasonable world.

>> No.8917802

another perspective:
Imagine a stage play, except where the actors and actress are also the audience.
-The cast, apart form some basic notes about their characters and motivations, have no lines per say to speak.
- the cast are then given a situation, with problems, dilemas and other people, to ineract/confront/defeat

>tl:dr- larp could be seen as a form of improvisational theatre

>> No.8917812

I really like this explanation

>> No.8917843

that's an explanation though not a definition

>> No.8918073

Willing to play a 16th century inspired fighter. What should I have in mind regarding armour/weaponry/clothing etc?

>> No.8918127

depending on which part of the 16th century you want to play, slashed clothing might be in fashion then, puffy cloths, knee socks, etc.
Rapiers, messers, bucklers are also in fashions around this time, although on the rapier front it's the earlier versions, not the overdecorated stuff.
The real two handed swords are also in fashion, like the bidenhanders on german side, montante on spanish side and basically everyone has something similar.
On polearm front halberds are still in use, but as always there are a shitton of other stuff.
Firearms are starting to get more and more widespread, even civilians have them at this time.

So you have a lot of possibilities, early 16th century is more of a transition era armour wise.

Also there is the option of going full landsknecht

>> No.8918129
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, DSC04183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this just come with the mail

>> No.8918622

To make it about LARP.
I've played with one of those two.
While she was annoying as fuck OOC, in game she was fine. But if you thought those fans who would do anything are annoying online, jesus christ in person. Several bands of players willing to do anything for her. Hero Complex galore. Gotta save that pretty* white girl.

>> No.8919193

>enlarge pic before seeing preview contents
>this is just trees?
>scroll down

It's like a rural dump site for unwanted furries.

>> No.8919207


I think the Zebra-hat guy is just cosplaying Trafalgar Law from One Piece.

>> No.8919233
File: 474 KB, 2048x1152, 1522957_479194992280292_5934857158830559887_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we just had a day event, fuck that was fun.

A bard sung a tribute to our clan.
We summoned an inter-dimensional deity and permanently killed off a loved character

I'm the one with the metal jaw.

>> No.8919236
File: 104 KB, 640x960, 12513893_967738699929622_5287517183407732661_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and one more of just me

>> No.8919252

Is there anything particularly bad about fingerless gloves?

>> No.8919301

I see someone favors the russian style codpiece.

>> No.8919444
File: 1.26 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_2113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are several kinds of codpieces in that camp.

>> No.8919479

This is actually Amtgard out of Texas. I know this because I sadly play amtgard in texas too. The red skull.and horseshoe tabbard guys are the Dark Riders. Like skinheads with sticks. The have a hobo village built out of pallets and tarps into a community. Called the Devils Bayou they suck all kinds of dick imagineable

>> No.8919482

The hockey most are for protection because ypu can get them cheap at thrift stores and cut the fingers off. Plus they don't look 'nerdy, also another fashion trend in amtgard is Meks or hard plastic shin guards that make you look Uber cool and you can kneel with out hurting your poor little leggy

>> No.8919486

Those who have been to Drachenfest:
Is there any vegan food rhere? How hard would it be to eat there as a vgan?

>> No.8919494

there are one vendor who sells only vegan stuff IRC and a few other who sells stuff that considered vegan... I think. Like there is a vendor who sells some good grilled potatos or whatever they are called with dried onions and the most awesome garlic sauce I've ever found

>> No.8920207

Alright, thank you!
What about equipment? Any chances for me to find things such as helms, breastplates etc that don't have any leather on them? (I know about chainmail, but I don't know about most other stuff)

>> No.8920252

>be a vegan 300 years ago

muh immersion

>> No.8920287

I play Amtgard in Canada, so I think I have a bit of insight into the gloves thing.

Basically for the rules in Amtgard, any hit to a hand holding a weapon, shield, etc., does not count, so in an actual game it isn't necessary to have armour on your hands in that case.

Now as for the lacrosse gloves, those are mostly worn by people who compete in tournaments or play mostly competitively. In a tournament, there is no armour allowed, so even if you wear it, it does not count for anything. Even so, super competitive players want to protect their hands, so rather than wear heavy/expensive/not as useful armour, they simply wear cheap lacrosse/hockey gloves instead.

Usually only stick jocks do this, and most people interested in role play, or non-competetive players, don't bother with them.

>> No.8920547

lot's of overpriced shit

>> No.8920550

Leather is ubiquitous before modernity. Shoes, belts, the straps on a breastplate, and the chinstrap on a helmet all leather. Your modern hippy fashion sense has no place before modernity.

>> No.8920551
File: 288 KB, 2048x1365, 12672119_479531312246660_4161614707695492180_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one i swear

>> No.8920559

>tfw I have a medical condition that had a 100% mortality rate until a treatment was discovered last century
Guess I better play a dead body from now on

>> No.8920586

>contract a deadly disease through no fault of your own
>insisting on not eating any animal products or using things made from animals
>the same situation
You're retarded and should remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.8920587

it's completely the same in the sense that I don't give a fuck about either of those.

>> No.8920591

Well looks like we haven't reached a definition of LARP although we do have a couple of explanations of what a LARP is and what it might consist of.

I have been looking at the LARPs in my country and at the moment haven't found one I can get to, mainly due to lack of time. Do most LARP games happen in the weekend for you folks?

>> No.8920602

Where do you live?

>> No.8920613

>Well looks like we haven't reached a definition of LARP
I gave you one here >>8917653

>> No.8920710
File: 3.37 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160319_133505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a fun larp training today :)

>> No.8920725

I dig I dig.what's with the metal jaw I can't recall the story

>> No.8920748

It got shot off by a ballista bolt early in my career with my current clan

>> No.8920994

How do I into Landskencht? Got any guide on making their outfits? Where do I read about them? ETC

>> No.8921036

Seconded. I found a couple patterns on Pintrest but would like to know more. Also does anyone have a link/pdf to the medieval tailors assistant?

>> No.8921085

literally the second link if you search on it in google

do you speak german? because there are a very good LK guide for larps, it's the Drachenfest LK camp's guide and written in german.

Apart from that, what kind of Landsknechts are we atalking about? Because there is nearly a 100 years when they existed. Early ones stuff was little different from standard civilian clothings, then in early 16th century it slowly started to change, mid 16th century it went over the top and then calmed down a little, but not much

>> No.8921481

I'm like meh-tier German? Might be able to make something out of it if I put enough effort into it. Do you make the clothes yourself, or buy them?

Speaking of DF, I'm considering going this year, but if I'll go it'll be to the Gold Camp because that's where my friends play. Is it not-acceptable to play a LK outside of they group, or is it cool?

>> No.8921520

german german

everyone made their own cloths or knew someone who can make it. No shop for it so you either do it or find a seamstress.

And there are other people in LK cloths in other camps so it's cool

>> No.8921596
File: 107 KB, 800x1362, Landsknecht_Tellerbrettbarett_(Hat).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooo Jealous. I missed ACL finals, and have to cancel both Pennsic and Bico.

>It's like a rural dump site for unwanted furries.

So all furries then?


Using weight lifting/bicycle gloves at a fantasy game looks edgelordish. Why not just a regular pair of leather gloves, with or without fingers?

Your entire post is just... Wow. Im sorry anon.

Except they are not buying thrift store crap. They are buying fucking $50 high end lacrosse and hockey gloves.

>Plus they don't look 'nerdy,
>another fashion trend in amtgard is Meks or hard plastic shin guards that make you look Uber cool and you can kneel with out hurting your poor little leggy

Jesus wept.

Bring and prepare your own food, and there wont be a problem.

Sikhs, Buddhist, Some Catholic monk sects....

Suggestion for them: use a hilt. Protecting your hands is what its designed for.

Or quit being a pussy. Amtgard boffers don't hurt.

Even the Indians of Hindu worship use leather. The material is a fact of life.

Seconding >>8920586. Big difference.

Nice set up. Looks nice for larp armour.

You only do it once. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mvM6NqRfiA


The "I Want to Be" page of the AA forum has a thread on "I Want to Be a Lansknecht!" with 15 pages of discussion and English research sources.

I also have some patterns.

>> No.8921603

Have you lost any weight yet Diabetes bro?

>> No.8921607
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I don't have diabetes, but actually, I am down three pounds since I got the new chain for rowing machine. Thanks for asking.

>> No.8921616
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Gah! I keep forgetting I can't load PDF to /cgl/


>> No.8921618
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>> No.8921667

I actually ran through a crowd with my ingame cousin (the guy in the picture with me above) and got took it down, but it let off one bolt and hit me right in the mouth.

>> No.8921827

Give it up man. You're not funny. You're not trolling. At most, you are coming off as creepily obsessed with Gropey's naked body. More power to you if you accept that, but it appears super closeted and sad right now.

>> No.8921854

I'd fuck Gropey, no homo

>> No.8922160

So I have a lot of fabric left over from making a couple chitons, what is something to do with the extra fabric?

>> No.8922232

>landsknecht pants
>landsknecht codpiece
nothing lnadsknecht about the pattern

>> No.8922255

more like landsk-shit

>> No.8922267
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>> No.8922343
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More chitons, more tunics, maybe leg wraps, or just save them and use them for decorative stripes on other tunics. Or make a super ragged looking cloak like badass Xenophon. Pic related.

>> No.8922378

No wonder I haven't seen any LARP threads on /tg/ when y'all are hiding over here in polyester-land, when did we move?

>> No.8922381

This crap pisses me off to no end.

Pick one you daft bastard. Unless you have the strength of Hercules himself you're going to be spent in about 3 minutes swinging a weapon around wearing all that.

>> No.8922385

there are still larpthreads in /tg/ but it's a faster board and 404 in a few hours if nobody is posting

I give you the benefit of doubt and assume that you aren't trolling, just clinically retarded

>> No.8922395

Is that you pathfinder devs? Turns out stacking armor really does work.

>> No.8922412

Ok I exaggerated some, but the protection to fighting effectiveness when considering all that weight cannot not be ignored. Thus is why Landsknechts were a vastly superior fighting force in close quarters.


>> No.8922413

bleh typos and misedits... sorry

>> No.8922421

it's not ignored, but you have to keep in mind that those who stacked these kinds of armours were usually on horsback. That changes a lot of things. And even in regular armor you can't fight more than a few minutes before you get exhausted. If you have time to catch your breath a little that increases your fighting potential a lot, so formations are a good thing.

The Landsknechts weren't superior because their armor. They had nothing vastly different armour vise than any other force in that era. What does differed is the new kind of formation (which wasn't unique either) and tactics plus they had more firearms than others.

And even then they weren't really superior, just good with added PR.

>> No.8922681

Yeah, (good) Amtgard boffers pretty much don't hurt at all; the gloves are to protect the hand from other hands, handles, shields, etc.

And the reason that they don't put hilts on the weapons is to have them be as aerodynamic as possible. Amtgard boffers are ultra lite, so the faster your weapon, the better.

Again, this all just usually applies to stick jocks fighting in tournaments. I have never seen someone wear lacrosse gloves outside of a tourney. Also personally I have neither a hilt on my weapon, nor do I wear anything more than leather gloves, and I have never had a problem with hurting my hands.

>> No.8922771
File: 276 KB, 800x600, landsknecht_zpskbhttg5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like im wearing NOTHING AT ALL!

D'aww, how sweet. Just a little homo?

The fuck you going on about? Pic related. Make them in a bright obnoxious color and slash 'em. Sure its no plunderhosen, but it shows off you butt better.

I am sure Dr. Capwell, a world renowned fencer, jouster, researcher etc, wishes he had your insight.

And that is also not mentioning that they DID wear what armour they could afford or scavenge off the field.

And yet, for the same cost as a high end pair of lacrosse gloves, you could get a pair of padded or maille mitten and not look like a tool bag.

>> No.8922783

I'm talking about that it shows only one layer and it should be several layers. One inner lining one outher layer at a minimum and depending on the period it might have more layers, like some of the stuff have separate linings and layers, stuff like that. What you posted is just one version of the usual hose and codpiece. nothing landsknecht about them.

>> No.8922795
File: 167 KB, 612x792, RH502backcover13217435274ec834a74d70b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and its up to you as a landsknect, to take it upon yourself to layer them/line them and all that.

Its bare bones patterns. Its not like I have the RH patterns to upload.

>> No.8922815

the bare bones are the civilian stuff. so those are only patterns for civilian stuffs. The added stuff which makes it into landsknecht stuff.
And even then more ofthen than not you have to consider the final product when you are making the "bare bones" and modify them.

>> No.8922828
File: 34 KB, 543x535, simple shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Civilian stuff"
>Implying Landskneckt clothes did not start as just super exaggerated civilian clothes.

Keep this in mind: The guy is new, and these are easy patterns to start that would be found in regular use by the people he's trying to portray. Its better to start with good, yet simple, than try to go full balls to the wall and fuck it up.

>> No.8922848

there are nothing super exaggerated on those patterns either.
And while early landsknechts did wear simple civilian cloths those were only landsknecht cloths in the manner as a landsknecht wore them.

So do tell me what qualifies on those two pics as "Landsknecht" then?
Also if you really want to help him then tell the important parts too like >>8921607 "coat" is a leather jerkin and as the name implies made out of leather. Would look retarded out of wool.

Or tell him about the most important part of the LK fashion, the slashes, like you can sew around it, but not a must have as long as the slashes are on the wool, but if it's on linen, or silk or anything else you need to sew around them otherwise the matieral will just degrade over time.

Or tell them that a long hose is not a must have, it is in the fashion to made shorter version which is WAAAAAAY easier, less thing to fuck up, etc
And there are a fuckton of other things that might be important depending on what kind of landsknecth they want to make.

>> No.8922869
File: 43 KB, 443x243, 1370548719108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And while early landsknechts did wear simple civilian cloths those were only landsknecht cloths in the manner as a landsknecht wore them.

EXACTLY. Its a starting point.

>Also if you really want to help him then tell the important parts too like >>8921607 (You) "coat" is a leather jerkin and as the name implies made out of leather. Would look retarded out of wool.

Firstly, coat and jerkin are interchangeable in English. Secondly, Why would it look retarded in a heavy wool? I prefer leather myself, but its not saying that a felted wool wouldnt be out of the realm of documentable nature.

>Or tell him....
>Or tell them...
Check your sodium and slow your roll. I am simply posting patterns as I have available, and already linked a 15 page thread of "information and how to's of lanskecht", filled with links and documentation here >>8921596.

Get off your high horse.

>> No.8922873

I hate to agree with clownfag but you are being a jerkbag.

>> No.8922878 [DELETED] 

pls like my video

>> No.8922891

>EXACTLY. Its a starting point.
it's a starting point for making a different cloth that for average eye won't get the stereotypical landsknecht look

>Why would it look retarded in a heavy wool?
wool doesn't keep itself in the way as leather do and too flexible to give it the same look. If you want another cloth on your wool cloths then waffenrock is the way to go for landsknechts

> I am simply posting patterns as I have available
you could simply post everything from the same period with the same effect

>I hate to agree with clownfag but you are being a jerkbag.
and that's a surprise? I always tell you guys that I'm an asshole

>> No.8922904

> I always tell you guys that I'm an asshole

And we still love you, even if you're a dirty slav.

>> No.8922966

Not yet at-least. And that's water weight fatty. Don't fool yourself.

>> No.8922979
File: 94 KB, 836x705, 1289072157622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~Oh, you!

I know you want my sexy, toned body to caress you. I'll work on it just for you!

>> No.8923003

I wouldn't say no.

>> No.8923211

I complete forgot about legetting wraps. I already havery 4 chitons so I think I'm covered for now. I don't think I could pull off the ragged cloak without looking like a street urchin

>> No.8923302

A Greek street urchin in full armor sounds pretty impressive.

>> No.8923409

Yeah, it's toned. toned 50 shades of fat.

>> No.8923418
File: 77 KB, 661x960, 12733468_920736061355397_8837214664932309635_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do to keep the bugs off while wearing a tunic? I assume California has as much of mosquito problem as Minnesota?

>> No.8923425

How so? Are you on the scrawny side? Think of it more as "long campaign lean".

I know sweety, thats why im working on on for you! Just keep on dreaming of me riding through a field to you; shirt open and hair flowing in the wind...

I personally wear clove oil as a habit. Various citrus oils work too. Smell good, smell period and keep the bugs off.

>> No.8923439

I'll put that in my inspiration folder for another day.

We don't really have a bug problem while hiking here in Socal, so I have no idea.

I'm short and skinny with a raggedy look already ripped up clothing won't do me any good. Ahh yes chalking it up to a long campaign definitely works better.

I need to get me a strigil with something to hold my oil in

>> No.8923468

Ok I have a question. I want to start up a Military scifi cosplay airsoft group. Now would this be considered a LARP if we acted out different scenarios like re-enacting the Aliens movie, or conducting a WH40k campaign, like a series of themed battles?

>> No.8923474

Anybody ordered from medieval-shop.co.uk before? They're the only site I can find with gaiters in the style I want (everything else is either cheap velcro costume pieces, overdesigned crap on Etsy, or way out of my price range). Just want to make sure they're good quality before I order a pair.

>> No.8923483

I would say that depends on the scenarios. Re-enacting scenes from Alien? No, that would be re-enactment. 40k? Maybe, depending on how you pulled it off.

One of the usual implied characteristics of LARP is that players can often use their actions to influence the setting/story in different ways, so if you're just having everybody recreate preset scenarios with the same outcome, it's less roleplaying and more re-enacting.

Either way, it sounds fun, so I say go for it!

>> No.8923494


Yeah I was thinking that depending on what our setting was we would have a loosely defined scenario that we would, I guess, play through. How things turned out would be up to how well either team played.

So if it was Aliens, we would have a Colonial Marines group and an Aliens group and then a basic scenario with objectives and then play through until one team or the other 'won'.

I'm still a bit iffy on all the details.

>> No.8923505

I have one from https://www.armamentaria.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=587

I use a bottle from the local Micheal's crafts.

Are you playing a character? One might say...a role? In live action?

>> No.8923509
File: 64 KB, 604x403, alien_queen_by_mandala_studios-d5sn54e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that people actually do nearly exactly what you're talking about, btw. German I think.

>> No.8923523

Oh thanks I can't wait to get it. What type of oil am I able to use with it ?

>> No.8923539

But Gropey, by that logic Amtgard is a LARP!

>> No.8923547

Olive oil, and only olive oil.

Its actually making a big comeback, as it is legitimately good for your skin. Just like they used to do:

1)hot bath/shower scrubbing with soap opens the pores.

2)Oil rubdown and massage, scraped off with the strigil.

3)cold shower to shrink the pores.

Its rather time consuming, but its one hell of a pampering. At Pennsic war, the Greek bath house offers it, and its worth the price. I have a smaller modern one, that I used when I was still performing. Clown face is hell on skin, and I am admittedly oily, and sensitive to minerally water, and it kept me clear in conjunction with a decent scrub.

Yup. And old-school SCA was too, as is in character reenacting. There is no shame in being a larp.

>> No.8923556

Well that just takes us back to the previous issue, about how nobody can agree on what exactly defines a LARP. It's the same logic that says almost every game is an RPG, because in most of them you play a role.

>> No.8923559

Ahhh that sounds very therapeutic, plus my family makes their own olive oil so I have a good supply.

My kit is now very close to completion. The most major item left are my boots, which I'm going to attempt and make myself

>> No.8923568

Forgot my trip.

I know, right?!

Very much so. I will mention though, its easier with a second person, so there is that. And make sure your oil is as virgin and clear as possible.

>> No.8923631


I would say yes we would be playing a role. So I guess it would be broadly classed as a LARP?

>> No.8923637


That's fucking awesome! You got any links to this stuff?

>> No.8923646
File: 76 KB, 378x500, 1237420083166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, no. Try google reverse search.

>> No.8923709 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 640x960, 12523865_10153758660833145_8057446503549810391_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home. Had a great event.

>Be Tarantula's secretly masochistic character
>Be in love with the Dark Elf Empress
>Empress is wise, ancient, beautiful, deeply elegant
>Been allowed to sit in her glorious presence at a table with several others
>Man at the table starts mouthing off to her
>She warns him (elegantly and politely) that if he continues, there will be consequences
>He continues
>She paralyzes him with a spell from across the table
>She stands up, gently pulls a tiny blade from her sleeve
>She crosses, grown flowing, around the table to him, settling herself on the table in front of him
>She takes the blade and begins slowly slicing the mans face open while gently but firmly explaining to him all the ways he had been rude and incorrect
>Hard as diamonds, internally conflicted, consumed with envy

I can't even handle this Empress.
Praise Slaanesh.

>> No.8923719
File: 117 KB, 640x960, 1909582_10153758661008145_1499058439768594893_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home. Had a great event.

>Be Tarantula's secretly masochistic character
>Be in love with the Dark Elf Empress
>Empress is wise, ancient, beautiful, deeply elegant
>Been allowed to sit in her glorious presence at a table with several others
>Man at the table starts mouthing off to her
>She warns him (elegantly and politely) that if he continues, there will be consequences
>He continues
>She paralyzes him with a spell from across the table
>She stands up, gently pulls a tiny blade from her sleeve
>She crosses, grown flowing, around the table to him, settling herself on the table in front of him
>She takes the blade and begins slowly slicing the mans face open while gently but firmly explaining to him all the ways he had been rude and incorrect
>Hard as diamonds, internally conflicted, consumed with envy
>Just wish the Empress would cut me too

Praise Slaanesh.

>> No.8923730

...You talk to Gropey a lot off of 4chan I assume?

>> No.8923748
File: 97 KB, 640x960, 12670752_10153758660513145_8581866537952179585_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talk to most of the namefags outside of 4chan, though 'a lot' is questionable. Has Gropalope been telling tales?

>> No.8923754

No. You're talking like him. Its creepy.

>> No.8923760

All the time.

Yes, about how we totally ran a train on some hot fawn girls.

>> No.8923763

Not >>8923730, but please confirm that Hungarianlarpfag and Gropey are not as dickish off 4chins.

>> No.8923771
File: 62 KB, 640x960, 1001091_10153758657423145_2389658156408620796_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the more tame side
>IG brother and I set up our cabin very nicely
>Stock it to the roof with ginger ale, call it the 'party cabin.'
>Sure enough, late Saturday night over a dozen people all squish inside and sit on our sheepskins and we talk, drink, play a card game, and have a very loud party
>A knock comes at the door
>In game brother calls "Come in!"
>A skeletal general walks in, escorting a cackling cloaked hunched figure
>Holy shit
>Politely ask them to leave
>Get told that we invited them in (fair enough)
>Turned out the cackling hunched figure is the aspect of Death.
>And that is the story about how our party was so awesome that Death itself crashed it.

To be fair, they were there for a specific person, but still.

Fun fact: We're all secretly the same person.

>> No.8923774
File: 220 KB, 600x574, 1350981502819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not >>8923730, but please confirm that Hungarianlarpfag and Gropey are not as dickish off 4chins.

Yeah, we mellow out a good bit. Frenadian is just as... Frenadianish though. And we love him for it.

>our party was so awesome that Death itself crashed it.


>Fun fact: We're all secretly the same person.

>> No.8923791

Anyone got good pics of 'civillian'/everyday clothing for LARP?

>> No.8923792


Will do.

>> No.8923832

Hot faun girls you say? The ancient blood in me loves a good nymph, faun, or satyr girl

>> No.8924149

>Now would this be considered a LARP if
I can only point at this again:
◆ Role-playing in which a character, not just a social role, is played.
◆ The activity takes place in a fictional reality shared with others.
Breaking that fictional reality is seen as a breach in the play itself.
◆ The physical presence of at least some of the players as their

If these are true then it is a larp.
And again I have to point out the first part where playing a character does not equi playing a social role. So if your "character" is "I'm a fighter who does X amount of damage and talks ye olden english" that's actually closer to a social role than to a character

>> No.8924152
File: 373 KB, 1024x768, P1000386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm way more dickish outside of 4chan. Actually talking in english makes me way less dickish

I can post random stuff but if you give me more pointers I will post more relevant stuff

>> No.8924156

Sooooo you area SoCal LARPer huh? Whatcha playing?

>> No.8924163


>> No.8924164

Well the little small group I started out with disbanded over too many people leaving. I was going to join Dying Kingdoms but since I'm heading to greece for 6 months I'm putting that on hold. What about you?

>> No.8924165

Forgot my trip, clearly 3 am is time to get some sleep

>> No.8924169
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>> No.8924171
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>> No.8924176
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>> No.8924177
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>> No.8924178
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>> No.8924189
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>> No.8924191
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>> No.8924193
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>> No.8924194
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>> No.8924236
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>> No.8924259
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>> No.8924574

Chaos templars....kinda give me a weird idea.

>> No.8924588

What's the name of the cloak-thing of the brown dressed guy in the background?

What is this hat on the left guy?

>> No.8924647

>What's the name of the cloak-thing of the brown dressed guy in the background?
which one? The one that looks like a poncho?

>What is this hat on the left guy?
It's a chaperon

>> No.8925203

>We don't really have a bug problem while hiking here in Socal
I'm super fucking jelly right now. If I don't cover myself in cloth I come home bit to shit.

>> No.8925212
File: 2.41 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how I can add a chinstrap to this? Not having one is my only complaint about this helmet.

>> No.8925225
File: 80 KB, 651x323, roman-helm-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you pad it, you attach the strap to the cheek plates, like most helms in antiquity

>> No.8925229

I've seen the inside of most Gallic helmets, most of them don't bother padding the cheekplate and have a metal ring on the inside that the leather is threaded through.

>> No.8925237
File: 50 KB, 560x564, dsc08167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8925289

And I have been hit in the face while wearing a cheeked occular helm.

The best damn thing in the world is to glue in a swatch of sheerling skin.

>> No.8925322

So how secure would it be to glue on a chinstrap? My only experience is with helmets that have rings riveted on so the strap can be tied on. Not saying padding the cheeks out isn't a good idea just not sure how well everything will stay on.

>> No.8925353
File: 25 KB, 533x400, dad69462dd070ff78977f5197ae13d56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rivets, dude. You can either rivet a buckled strap on, a couple of harness tongued D rings, or even just lace leather cord directly through the holes.

Pic related. You're welcome.

>> No.8925356
File: 21 KB, 430x460, 626e7d0df40e7c896ffa62f3619b2d54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another if you want two separate sources.

>> No.8925367

Thanks gropes.

>> No.8925480
File: 1.91 MB, 4128x2322, 20160322_130011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subjects of helmets... New ACL standard now require a minimum layer of anti concusion padding as well as a period liner... Had to restuff every fucking tube by hand to accomodate the new layer.

Linen stuffed with wool and cotton batting.

>> No.8925512

Rate from best to worst, in terms of who do you appreciate more or would like to see and play with.

>A guy who's fighting heroic/flashy, sort of like Witcher/Dark Souls moveset
>A guy who's trying to use his weapon historically accurate as possible, as much as allowed by the game rules
>A guy who's fighting as effective as he can for LARP fights

Assuming they're all decent at what stated above, and none of them look like they try too hard or such.

>> No.8925525
File: 34 KB, 798x450, Resampled_2012-03-16_22-10-13_210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A guy who's trying to use his weapon historically accurate as possible, as much as allowed by the game rules

>A guy who's fighting heroic/flashy, sort of like Witcher/Dark Souls moveset

And assuming you mean hiltless ultralight dickswords with max handle length etc
>A guy who's fighting as effective as he can for LARP fights

>> No.8925574

>>A guy who's trying to use his weapon historically accurate as possible, as much as allowed by the game rules
10/10 would be friends with and shoot the shit about historical swordplay, arms, and armor

>A guy who's fighting heroic/flashy, sort of like Witcher/Dark Souls moveset
Dark Souls is a good game, alot of the reasonably sized weapons have breddy gud movesets. Its only the xbawks hueg weapons that get too ridiculous for most larps.

>A guy who's fighting as effective as he can for LARP fights
faggot/10 wouldn't even have a beer with.

>> No.8925590

>And assuming you mean hiltless ultralight dicksword with max handle length

Could be a masterwork latex boffer with a crossguard for all I care. More of a matter of how he fights, bit yes, Amtgard fighting style.

>> No.8925596
File: 795 KB, 1303x758, 10outof10kingoflarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amtgard fighting style
Is for faggots.

>> No.8925597

>Amtgard fighting style
>masterwork latex boffer with a crossguard
>Anything other than minimum weight, max length, drumstick to game the system.

I stand by it.

>> No.8925779

>A guy who's fighting heroic/flashy, sort of like Witcher/Dark Souls moveset
>A guy who's trying to use his weapon historically accurate as possible, as much as allowed by the game rules
Both of these guys sound equally bro-tier, as long as neither of them is being a dick to the other guy about their preferences.
>A guy who's fighting as effective as he can for LARP fights
Depends entirely on how he's doing it. If he's doing what Gropey said, "gaming the system" type stuff, he's a faggot. If he's just focusing on lower attacks because the head isn't a valid target, building his character with the skills that are considered "the best," etc. well, that's fine, some people have more fun making characters as effective as possible.

>> No.8925793
File: 3.12 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-23-01-02-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my stark costume I made last week for a fair. I think I want try larping

>> No.8925863

pretty damn good. could be a bit more lived in but a great base!

>> No.8925916

Did you make that? Its awesome.

>> No.8925996
File: 54 KB, 500x452, 6a00d8341c464853ef01bb085b3e5a970d-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A guy who's fighting heroic/flashy, sort of like Witcher/Dark Souls moveset
The guy ends up rolling in a ditch and we have to get him out somehow.

>A guy who's trying to use his weapon historically accurate as possible, as much as allowed by the game rules
Aigth that seems go... oh ...oh no no no... you cannot use a miséricorde for real...oh dear...now that dude's eye is bleeding what the fuck is wrong with you ! no we cant bring him to the hospital his mom will get angry!
I dont care if he's 43 he's gonna tell MY mom and i'll get in trouble.
You're the lucky one, your mom is dead.
Fuck stop crying you fag.
i'll beat you up!
no...dont get hard...
stop everybody is looking at us
quick do something!
i apreciate the surprise handjob but i really would like you to stop please.

>A guy who's fighting as effective as he can for LARP fights
- Did you...did you just put a big can of Chef Boyardee as a hilt for your sword?
- No...no...puting 2 or 3 aluminium plaques on a leather coat is not plate armor.
- Please could you atleast cover your running shoes
- okay i know 110cm is the length limit for one hand but that doesnt mean you have to get 2 110cm sword for ''reach'' life doesnt work that way
- I know chainmail count as armor on the head but for your own sake wear padding or an helmet and stop telling me my hits hurt. (this one is so important)

''i'm a blue man! i have 3 armor points on my skin''
(i then proceeded to smash him 3 time on his unprotected head after 4 or 5 seconds of looking at him straigth into the eyes in disbelief of how cheesy this was)

I'm an asshole, but i am an efficient asshole.

Worst thing is, is makeup was mostly gone, this guy legit became a blue man just to stop wearing armor.
The blue mens dont even exist anymore at bico its a cute village for kids, and this dude wear a little makeup and act like he's armored. nah fuck off he deserve to be hit like he was wearing armor.

>> No.8926128

>A guy who's fighting as effective as he can for LARP fights

I just make extremely aggressive parries and jar their wrists until they dont feel like fighting me.

Min maxers can fuck right off

>> No.8926131

looks cool man, wear that shit out a bit though, im doing that with my cape atm, gotta look weathered

>> No.8926247

>Assuming they're all decent at what stated above, and none of them look like they try too hard or such.
then they are at the same level for me, jolly fellows who I'm happy to larp with.

>> No.8926248
File: 91 KB, 903x677, DSCN7594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Did you...did you just put a big can of Chef Boyardee as a hilt for your sword?
>- No...no...puting 2 or 3 aluminium plaques on a leather coat is not plate armor.
No, it's a plastic cup covered in tinfoil and it's protecting my arm!!!

>> No.8926257

It's so dumb....but at the same time, really clever.

>> No.8926271

Why did i buy plate armour again?

>> No.8926278
File: 64 KB, 453x592, 1355938573586 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you wasn't a PRO larper, obviously

>> No.8926345

That looks pretty cool actually

>> No.8926352

yeah, it's a good idea although sadly it won't hold up against anything. But a good start

>> No.8926588
File: 38 KB, 500x630, 1455582643322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know chainmail count as armor on the head but for your own sake wear padding or an helmet and stop telling me my hits hurt. (this one is so important)

People actually do this? Holy shit why.

>> No.8926599
File: 72 KB, 720x540, 10172626_687000581363061_8171135833096424395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? for the love of Satan of course

>> No.8926612

Not bad, but that weird x harness thing has always looked ridiculous to me.

Actually, my mom designed the pattern and did the sewing and the fitting. I just do the grunt work. Im not allowed to get brain damage until she has grandbabies.

This saddens me.

The worst part about this, is that its better than 99% of larp armour you see in the US. His carboard have better drafting, pattern and fit than some steel armour.

>> No.8926976

A couple months ago you guys posted about a wooden dick mug or a similar phallic drinking vessel. Where can I buy one?

>> No.8926978


Thought you lads might be able to give this chap some advice.

>> No.8927220
File: 81 KB, 479x720, 84055fbd09a66e9fd12086358153f201-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that outfit based on anything, historical or not?
Also, what is that skirt thing he's wearing?

>> No.8927238


Looks like a Warhammer Fantasy LARP.

>> No.8927258
File: 509 KB, 633x700, 1303093532989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many factors, and it smells trollish. I pass.

Very loosely based on late15th-early 16th, but with liberities taken. And thats not a skirt, that is the bottom of his robes. He's a Sigmarite warrior-priest.

That is exactly what it is. Its actually very popular. Pic is a high elf white lion.

>> No.8927284
File: 205 KB, 400x363, 060727_prometheus_01.bigpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping warhammer larp stuff. Fuck GW lately, but the setting and background fluff is one of my genuine favorites.

>> No.8927286
File: 165 KB, 900x675, warhammer_greenskiens_and_priest_by_bigbubbasstuff-d51ed1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8927291
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>> No.8927295
File: 391 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ms4t6sEvh31qee7k6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH! More White Lion, and his waifu! Apparently, they are an IRL married couple and like playing the manliest of elves.

>> No.8927299
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_ms4t6sEvh31qee7k6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relationship Goals.

>> No.8927301
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>> No.8927305
File: 1.05 MB, 853x1280, warhammer_night_goblin_warboss_by_bigbubbasstuff-d52rj3i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8927309
File: 315 KB, 1000x1214, Wood elf wardancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8927428
File: 454 KB, 2048x2015, FB_IMG_1458718555818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap! Hot off the facebook, Gulfwar pics incoming!

Rapier tavern tournament first!

>> No.8927429
File: 332 KB, 1370x2048, FB_IMG_1458489115788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viking raid event

>> No.8927432
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Random innatent

>> No.8927448
File: 163 KB, 800x587, IMGP9202-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last two standing from the mounted combat tourney! Counted blows, only shots to the head count!

>> No.8927450
File: 153 KB, 800x587, DSC08321-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Required Wolgemut shot

>> No.8927452
File: 106 KB, 648x968, FB_IMG_1458575991146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badass lady fencer, fighting in full 17thC German.

>> No.8927472

whoops, I meant 16th.

>> No.8927492

I'm not a waifufag, but damn, that's making me close to it.

>> No.8927592

Does anyone have any pictures of larp shields with integrated scabbards?

>> No.8927641
File: 1.23 MB, 3240x4320, SAM_2156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this clay one?
it was made by an artisan in estonia. don't think you can buy it from the shelf

>> No.8927659

the guy's character is from warhammer fantasy, but the larp is Drachenfest

>> No.8927712

like... sword scabbards?

>> No.8927749

What are some good soft-bags for carrying shit in? I don't want to use a luggage case because they're too bulky for what they carry.

>> No.8927754

Depends, how much shit do you need to carry? Is this for moving your shit from camp to car or carrying in game items?

>> No.8927768

My heart weeps. Thanks anyways.

>> No.8927772

I have to take a train ride from where i live to where it's being held. Not wanting to sit in a train for 2+ hours wearing all of my shit. So I have the clothes, a chest-piece, two weapons and all the other gubbins that comes with camping for a few nights like sleeping backs and extra socks. Most, if not all of my in-game shit can be held on the chestpiece

>> No.8927775
File: 201 KB, 2048x1228, 12525264_1112778022107411_2059066956384370282_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I only appear when I have shit to brag with. I just finished my new rapier&dagger set for my character on a game later this summer.

>> No.8927776

I'm pretty sure you can order such item from anyone who makes clay mugs

>> No.8927809

Yeah I'm talking to a few people, I think I found someone willing to make it.

>> No.8927826
File: 850 KB, 798x525, cdc4e84a185f9f53e444be5ff8fe8921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered these gauntlets from celticwebmerchant :) step closer to being a fucking tincan

>> No.8927833

Meanwhile we are in autosage heavily so here is a new thread >>8927832

good. And after that you can go for a regular tincan look

>> No.8929233


I was going to bring this up actually. I want to include vehicles, robots and drones in my sci-fi military cosplay airsoft group, does anybody know what is the rules around Health and Safety for this kind of thing?

>> No.8929236


What did you use to build them?

>> No.8929245

For materials: Fiberglass rods, foam, lots of hot glue to bind the rods together and to the foam, lots of contact cement to bind the layers of foam together, leather for the guard, PVC for the grip. Latex mixed with acrylic for the cover, and some acrylic drybrushing for the finish.

For tools, box cutters, sandpaper, a lighter, and brushes

>> No.8931913
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 1172431_599522140214191_54347314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on a new shield for an orc. weathering nearly done.