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File: 222 KB, 1080x1080, 11247922_774657405999178_1067352053_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8925456 No.8925456 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is saging

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide v. 2.1
Read the document first before asking basic questions that have been answered time and time again like "is making a bag for ___ ok?" and "where do i get the heart bags??".

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.8925458
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>> No.8925467
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>> No.8925470
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>> No.8925473
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>> No.8925476
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>> No.8925483
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>> No.8925484

I recently got a heart bag, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to get all of my charms and buttons close enough to the opening to see them. Obviously, using fabric like pic related is the best method, but how should I attach the fabric inside? Velcro? Pins? Snaps?

>> No.8925493
File: 273 KB, 963x992, CeJTC_qUsAAUmWY.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by "close enough to the opening"? Like are you having an issue with the inner layer folding away from the clear vinyl?
What I did was pin the top of it on the inside to the rest of the satin lining, if that makes sense. It helps keep that layer in place a little better.

>> No.8925494
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End dump.

>> No.8925509
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Did you get the replica one anon? Because for the replica one, the inner layer is pretty far from the window so I can understand the question.

An anon posted a fabric board from Daiso and I think it will work well! I don't know where to find it except for the store but now that I think about it, i think a corkboard covered with fabric can work in the same way too.

>> No.8925523
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It's extremely hard to see any of the pins and charms in my bag because the fabric it's pinned too inside is too far from the clear plastic? It's also too heavy and will fold over if I'm not holding it. It also, I guess, isn't helping I have a plushie in there taking up space. I was going to make an insert to get the pins directly behind the clear cutout, but I'm not sure how to attach it.

>> No.8925539

Thank you, anon! I didn't even think of fabric board. The issue is really my plush now, but I'll figure something out.

>> No.8925578
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I was going to make my itabag purely for Kenma but goddamn I love me some Kuroo and Lev has really grown on me along with Yaku, now my itabag is pretty much going to be most of the Nekoma team and I just
why can't I ever choose just one
Someone please save me from this sports anime itabag hell

>> No.8925591
File: 842 KB, 596x597, bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see some people hang it in the zipper but I'll be too afraid of losing the plush to try that. Best of luck, anon.

Does anyone have more insp of itabags with hard cover bags/more elegant looking like pic related?

>> No.8925632

Congrats on having excellent taste, anon. There's so little Raidou merch that I immediately recognized the charms in there haha. But it looks great so far!

>> No.8925652

THIS IS SO CUTE kisumi is such an underrated character

>> No.8925654

Whoa w2c that bag? Having individual pouches for charms/badges is perfect!

>> No.8925686

Is that Alysel's Mei bag?

>> No.8926332
File: 140 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o1szlzdd441sqc2jgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

squad goals

Has anyone gone to an itabag meetup or are planning to host one?

>> No.8926397
File: 130 KB, 444x368, 1456889375411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

received my base bag. i totally underestimated the size of this thing. decided to use it for a neko atsume bag rather than my initial idea
off i go to buy MORE merch

>> No.8926608

A Shin bag! Anyone know where that base bag is from? I'd love to get a Kent one.

>> No.8926614

Ironically these bags are very satisfying to look at

>> No.8926629

I love the pin board! Anybody have more pics of these?

>> No.8926649

Requesting anything kuroko no basket related for inspo purposes

>> No.8926656
File: 76 KB, 600x424, CVbR9oyVEAAOXXu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one of the utapri bags

I did some looking around and I'm not sure if it's available for purchase anywhere now; I only found dead links on auction sites. seems like people were getting it from the Adores Sunshine shop last year.

>> No.8926688

The purple one is a Tokiya from Utapri itabag, I was referring to the pink Shin from Amensia one.

>> No.8926705

oh that's what I get for not reading closely and knowing nothing about amnesia

seems like it's still pretty easily obtainable?


>> No.8926813

Thank you for the help. Sorry about snapping at you.

I'll begin my epic search for a Kent one now.

>> No.8926849

np, I was the one lacking reading comprehension. assuming I got the right dude this time around, seems like there are still bags for him too:


>> No.8926875
File: 40 KB, 642x900, 996678_10209001180977290_1921848150250302029_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phoenix anon if you're still here I'm selling the straps now!

My emails in the field so just shoot me one when your ready

>> No.8926906

It's fine and awesome! Thank you so much. That is indeed the right one.

>> No.8926936
File: 459 KB, 576x456, 48534985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planning on doing a caejose itabag, will this bag be ok or is it too colorful? i actually like the design but i don't know
i'm open to suggestions

>> No.8926945

>forgot to put my email in ...

>> No.8927012

It's Jojo. The more garish, the better.

>> No.8927099

I wanted to bring my Atobe bag to Sakuracon but it looks like my base bag is gonna arrive right when I take off. I could bring my other bag but i'd have to repack my luggage.

On that note, has anyone packed their bag in a suitcase before? Any tips and tricks to keeping your merch safe and neatly arranged?

>> No.8927106

Wrap your bag in a jacket or something to give it a cushion. That's what I plan on doing with mine.

>> No.8927124


I wouldn't just because it's Morioh and not really related to them, but the design is nice.

>> No.8927156

Holy shit that's adorable. Do you have a Maya one by chance, anon? I'm starting to work on a Maya bag and I'd love to have that strap!

>> No.8927168

Depending on how big it is you could try cellophane wrap/packing tape? Might be a bit tighter than just a jacket.

>> No.8927173

Sorry anon I dont (im actually thinking of doing maya next if sell okay). I only made Phoenix and Edgeworth to start off!

If I do make Maya ill post in the itabag thread?

>> No.8927178

that's the same thing i was thiking

i know but choosing a plain design would look kinda off since it's jojo

>> No.8927229

If you do the itabag well its not gonna be plain

>> No.8927231
File: 135 KB, 503x361, Maya_Strap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll keep an eye out! Do you have a shop anywhere?

On another note, I preordered two of these straps, and I'm probably gonna make a small button order from artsmoo with my next check.

>> No.8927240

I dont sadly since I only sell at local cons. But yeah Ill defenitly post if I ever get some maya straps done!

Also you could try make some buttons out of this?
its a campagin image for AA6

>> No.8927271
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>tfw from the thumbnail I thought that was Zura
Where are all the Gintama ita bags...

>> No.8927276

pick a color that matches their badges? For example, Jotaro & Kakyoin are purple and green.

>> No.8927399

I'm still struggling to place my items correctly on mine.

>> No.8927413

I'M HERE ANON! I sent you an email.

I just preordered 2 of those and 3 of the PW ones. I can't wait to see your Maya bag!

Please report back with how your artsmoo buttons come out too.
I've been thinking of placing an order with them since the button makers I normally use have a design minimum that's more than I need for one design.

>> No.8927502
File: 69 KB, 700x700, 16-03-24-14-07-00-372_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that's adorable! I really like how it came out.

Random anon making an Athena itabag here if you don't mind a quick review, I based the design from actual trilogy buttons since Athena doesn't really have a badge.

They turned out pretty well and the colours came out really good! The pictures are slightly blurry if you squint but people are going to see it from a distance anyway so it's not really a problem to me.

The problem is more with the bleeding? I tried to take a picture but it's a bit hard to see but the text is too close to the edge and the widget logo is not as centered as it should be although the digital files are fine. I think there was another anon with the same problem a few threads back, just make sure that your images has a huge amount of bleeding when you set it up and you're fine.

The material is also slightly different from buttons that you usually buy, they feel a lot shinier. Overall though, I'm satisfied with what I get and I'm already ordering a few more.

>> No.8927516


Thank you! I wish I could makes more designs~ Hopefully I can get round to an athena one

>> No.8927646

Thanks for this! I'm planning on putting an order in on artsmoo later this week and I was kinda nervous about the bleed.

>> No.8927791
File: 1.36 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally my DIY Kakihara bag is finished (for now)! I sew the bag myself and it has a snap fastener attachable clear cover. The rosettes I got from ebay, pins from artsmoo and the plushie and the two shrink plastic pins are made by me. I'm pretty pleased with this to be honest! I think it's the best I can do without spending a shit ton of money, since my character has no merch at all. I just hope everything wont fall apart when I finally get to use this...

>> No.8927793
File: 1.28 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the backside! (the bindings relate to the character) I really wanted to add a pop of red to the bag.

>> No.8927795

How did you pop out the groom to be badges?

>> No.8927798

I just ripped them off-- Didn't have any trouble with that!

>> No.8927887

Ugh, anon this is perfect! You did an amazing job with this!

>> No.8927961

>I just ripped them off
Different anon but oh thank goodness you said that because I've got two I need to do and I worried about getting the buttons off without damaging them.

>> No.8927985

The buttons in the rosettes had some sort of paper backing, so when I ripped it off the paper stayed on the rosette and then I just ripped as much of the paper off as I could and hot glued my pins on the top! It was really easy, but I'm glad if I could help!

>> No.8928034
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I'd save you but I'm in hell too. I finally got my Haikyuu bag set up. It was originally just going to be Noya but I really like Asahi as well. I had to make my own clear cover but it was well worth it for the base bag I found.

>> No.8928292
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Very slow progress because i need to buy jump rings for my charms now. Thank to the rosette anon for the advice! Still waiting on two more rosettes to come in.

>> No.8928310

>my itabag still looks like shit
Itabagging is suffering. How do you people get it to look like an organized hot mess?

>> No.8928311

Hours of moving shit around until you're ready to pull your hair out.

>> No.8928315
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Is Japanese shopping service anon here? Or their friend? Lawson is coming out with a Homura strap I need. Pic related

>> No.8928326

>group shit together by size
>group shit together by style
>group shit together by type of merch
>"fuck it, that'll do"

>> No.8928378
File: 402 KB, 768x1024, SAM_7154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My base bag finally arrived! Now that I look at it, it's a pretty busy base, but a rainbow seemed like a good idea at first...
Anyway, here's my current layout. I've got more merch coming in the mail, so it's just temporary but will probably stay the same in terms of where each character goes.

>> No.8928405

Have you considered maybe arranging the characters next to their corresponding color on the rainbow on your bag? That would be super cute and make it a little less busy

>> No.8928524
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I got my first items for my ZTD itabag and I'm so happy! I only bought Snake but the artist sent me Junpei too!

I have to rearrange my plans for my bag to include a second drawing. ^^

>> No.8928619

I'm having trouble finding a good base bag. The WEGO bags seem a little small. Would some of you mind sharing where you got your bases, like links?

>> No.8928698

sorry if i missed it, but what are the jump rings used for?

>> No.8928702
File: 135 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o2vzqs8TGz1qzj7dio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to dive headfirst into a Kuroo itabag but I'm trying to restrain myself until I find a base/pay for my Artist Alley supplies coming up. If anybody had more HQ bags to share I'd be really grateful!!

Also, a question: I've been trying to search for Kuroo stuff on Mandarake and I just keep getting doujin? I haven't picked any specific category and I search using 黒尾鉄朗 but even as I've tweaked this I don't get anything but doujin. Does he just not have keychains on there like I thought or am I missing something?

>> No.8928709

I've got to connect the anchor charms and the rubber straps to the two chains on the bags. I thought I had some (and black safety pins) but now I can't find any of them.

>> No.8928727
File: 143 KB, 600x600, 14843279300014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bidding on one of my main buttons for my Juice bag as we speak.
My check was a tad bigger from working overtime so I'm happy to be finally adding this one to my collection!

>> No.8928742

I can tell it's late and I need to sleep because at first glance I thought this was a condom.

>> No.8928759
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mein sides.
I can totally see that.

>> No.8928895

I'm definitely buying some if you got Athena anon (Trucy too), I'm currently collecting Athena charms from all over the place even though I was holding back before because shipping from America is so expensive OTL

You're welcome Anon! Good luck, I'm sure it'll turn out fine. The bleed is really just a problem when you want to do something precise.

>really worried about that noya figure I hope he's safe
That's a really cute bag though anon, I love the base bag it's really fitting.

>> No.8929006
File: 726 KB, 1036x1286, DSC02328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally decide on a base bag
>submit order with SS
>decide that once my SS gets the bag, no more buying, gonna ship all the shit!
>thought the bag was in stock and ready to ship, it's been over a week since I ordered
>bag's not here yet, so I may as well buy more stuff to put on it.....

just wondering if you wanted any of these HQ birdies, anon? the set I got had double noyas (and no daichi, for some reason), and they came with minor scuffs. you can have all of them or just the noyas and asahi. free of charge, since they're usually dirt cheap secondhand anyway.

they've been rolling around my desk drawer for well over a year, so it's time they flew the nest. offer is open to anybody else who wants them, too!

>> No.8929101

not that anon but sign me the fuck up
I'm thirsty for that suga and yamaguchi

>> No.8929688

Mandarake probably just doesn't have any keychains of him right now.

>> No.8929699

I'd take a noya if other anon ends up not wanting both!

>> No.8929744
File: 40 KB, 600x221, CW9lU4rUMAASSDb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some display itabags.

>> No.8929745
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>> No.8929749
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>> No.8929750
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>> No.8929754
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>> No.8929756

ahh I'm so happy to see a dempagumi.inc bag! I'd love to make one for Pinky, but i'm about to start on a Precure bag so maybe once I finish that one.

>> No.8929763

Did you try suruga-ya?

>> No.8929806

Why the pt4 bag? You could have a custom bag printed via arts moo and have a Battle tendency wallpaper or something printed on it.

>> No.8929837

>asanoya bag
you have the best taste anon god bless

>> No.8929848

not that anon but i'd be down to get a noya!! i already have the asahi one so otp birdies would be ideal t bh

>> No.8929942

That's good to know! I just wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong. God knows I haven't used mandarake in years.

I'm basic af and haven't heard of it until now! It looks like there's a lot of him on it though. Thank you!!

>> No.8929958
File: 65 KB, 298x300, Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 3.48.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh anon you have good taste. I'm starting on my KuroKen itabag soon! But quick question/advice.
I'm buying this bag online as the cover bag:

I'm gonna sew myself a little canvas bag to put inside to attach all my merch to but for all of my red and black nekoma stuff I was wondering if I should make the inside bag black, red or white. If I made it red and the color was slightly off that would also bother me forever...

>> No.8930054
File: 1.16 MB, 1078x1218, Screen+Shot+2016-03-25+at+5.50.38+PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too colorful at all (I mean, it's JoJo) but honestly I think the part 4 bag would be a bit of an odd choice for them. I searched "battle tendency" on redbubble and found something that was pretty much exactly what I had in mind but you could also make your own as >>8929806 suggested.

Either way, I'd love to see pics when you do it! I love caejose.

>> No.8930392

RIP to your wallet. Surugaya killed mine.

>> No.8930411

Yeah, mandarake is mostly good for used figures and doujin. For straps/badges, best bet is suruga-ya or yahoo auctions. Secondarily rakuten or eBay. You can usually find stuff for cheaper on the former two, but it's always worth checking the latter for sets/lots that might be on sale.

>> No.8930531
File: 292 KB, 720x1280, 74562639856329852346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polnareff anon here.
I love arts bovine's $2.99 leggings coupon.

>> No.8930546


I could only imagine what was going through the person's mind that had to print those. lol

They'll look great with your bag. Are you planning on making a whole outfit like the Pearl fan?

>> No.8930549

I'm sure they've had to print way worse. (Looking at you furries)
Yeah, at the very least I'll wear them with my bag.

>> No.8930648

Great stuff anon! You picked some great faces for this haha.

>> No.8930669

Has anyone used Buynosaur for their Taobao goods before? I first heard about it recommended here so I placed a small order of defect rubber straps with them. I haven't heard anything from them since I paid for it ages ago and their site doesn't seem like it's working now.

What do?

>> No.8930673


>> No.8930681

Hong Kong has easter holiday until the 27/28th so it might be why anon

>> No.8930792

I'm using Buynosaur right now and they've emailed me as of last night so I'm not sure why you're having issues? How long is "ages ago"? And their site doesn't work on Firefox, I have to use Chrome to pay for my stuff. Just send them an email or hop on their website on Chrome and send them a message through the chat box.

>> No.8931565

It's called ita clothing for a reason anon. Other than that why not.

>> No.8931667
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 12717891_1688979634706294_668729582155002864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a local printing place that makes cheap buttons, got all of these for $7 (including shipping). They should be enough to finish my hisoillubag and hopefully mi pillarmen bag, too.

I made a Kars swimsuit for myself, so I'm sure they have gotten weirder orders anon.

>> No.8931797

That is so awesome! I look forward to seeing your bag!

>> No.8931882

I'll give the original asanoya anon till the end of the weekend to respond, otherwise I'll let the crows go to you guys.

on an unrelated note, I added an itabagging section to the taobao section under DIY. if there's anything incorrect or needs to be added, just let me know.

>> No.8932051

anon, how do the leggings fit compared to the measurements on the website...spot on or do they run big/small?

>> No.8932614

I have several leggings from them and they've all been pretty spot on for me, I'd say they maybe run a little big even. Either way they're made out of a thicker material than most leggings so.

Ah you have the pillarmen bag! I found these cute pillarmen charms the other day and wanted to share. http://www.ebay.com/itm/JOJOS-BIZARRE-ADVENTURE-Dazhong-KSS-Keychain-Key-Rin-4pcs-Cosplay-Anime-/252330705782?hash=item3ac0150376:g:3-IAAOSwJQdW80c~

>> No.8932673


I already have them anon, ha ha. Except Santana, who was sold out at the time.

>> No.8933223
File: 805 KB, 1516x1572, SAM_2905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to worry about him. He was secured in place with my vinyl bag cover.

My apologies for not getting back to you. I was at Anime Boston this weekend, and the internet was impossible to get on so I gave up and didn't check anything. I am very grateful for the offer, but I am alright and I'm happy for the little birdies to pass on to the other gulls. Thank you!

I am planning on bringing extra merch to the Zenkaikon swap meet. I got the other Haikyuu!! items from the sets I ordered, as well as Yowapedal and some other things. So if anyone's going I'm up for trading for other asanoya things (or cash whatever's best).

>> No.8933278

thanks for getting back to me, and no problem!

anybody wanting any of the birds from >>8929006 can drop me a line at my email.

>> No.8934455
File: 969 KB, 900x965, AzusaItabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished my Azusa itabag and wanted to share!
I finally found a clear cover large enough to fit! I did have to make some adjustments to it though. It was too tall so I chopped off the plastic handles and cut an opening for my bags handles. Then I folded the remaining plastic over the bag and clipped it in place. I'm so happy it came out nicely!

>> No.8934474

Loving the colors on this and all the lace designs.

>> No.8934513

i love this! the cover looks super clean and i'm really digging the colors too. that stella worth lp badge is too cute.

coincidentally- I just finished my ayato daily bag last week as well. so exciting to see another dialover!

>> No.8934556

Eee! I have an Ayato bag too! Please post pics I'd love to see! I will have to post mine as well once I put my new stuff on it.

>> No.8934723
File: 1.47 MB, 2815x1717, murderbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting on my Murderface bag. Just made the lil plus his last night.. I have about 25 more buttons on the way.

>> No.8934725

I meant plushie not "plus his"

>> No.8934738

oh my god i love this. never did i think someone would make a metalocalypse bag.
would love to make one of toki

>> No.8934753

Thanks! I was torn between Murderface and Toki. It would be cool to use a rainbow tote and gummybear/kitty charms for a Toki bag.

>> No.8934774

honestly i'm conflicted over making a toki bag or toki/skwisgaar hahaha

>> No.8934780


> Dethklok bag

oh my god anon, this is the most brutal thing I have seen. Now I'm tempted to start a skwistok one...

>> No.8934803

Lol, yess do the toki/skwisgaar one!
Yes! Someone's gotta do it!

>> No.8934940

That is one cute bag. Makes me want to start a Jojo bag.

>> No.8934959
File: 920 KB, 2048x2046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Heisuke/Hakuouki bag is finally starting to come together. I need more group shot pins and duplicates of pins I already have. I'm also not crazy about the bag but it'll do until I find something better.

>> No.8935032

Isn't it? I'm actually considering making my own vector of that Bloody Stream bg and getting a bag printed cheaper somewhere. I just can't decide if I'd rather do a general series bag (since I have a large variety of different character merch already) or a caejose bag (since I think it looks better to keep it to 1 or 2 characters).

>> No.8935230

I really want to start make an itabag but I have a real hard time deciding what series(character to dedicate it to.

It's either one of the series i really love, but they are a bit "older" now so there's not much merch out, or one of my new favorite shows with more merch but I don't love as much

>> No.8935293

Starting a Dagashi Kashi itabag. That would be so cool if there were fake dagashi keyrings around like those miniature fake food keyrings . I have a mini cup ramen keyring.

>> No.8935370

Do you still have the Yamaguchi! I'm currently working on a TsukkiYama bag and a Yamaguchi one

>> No.8935410
File: 116 KB, 456x592, painful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found the perfect bag to start my Karamatsu Itabag. I'm gonna replace the shoulder straps with better material and turn it into a shoulder bag.

>> No.8935413

this is ugly as sin. please burn it.

>> No.8935415

You must not know anything about karamatsu. The bag fits his personality and fashion sense really well. Go away.

>> No.8935417

that's the point

>> No.8935431

yes I do! so far only one noya has been claimed, so send me an email if you're interested!

>> No.8935461
File: 80 KB, 182x173, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kara would be proud, anon

>> No.8935494
File: 767 KB, 924x522, x1iO5ii (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's beautiful, anon.
Screencap for anons that doesn't know about the beauty that is karamatsu's pants.

>> No.8935515

Are there any good ita bags for dudes? I think my daddy wants one.

>> No.8935541

DD/lg please go

>> No.8935846
File: 441 KB, 1024x768, SAM_7234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing that, and it ended up being really crowded on the right side since more than half of the stuff is blue.

In the end, I turned my bag around and used the other side and arranged everything in a sort of...shrine? style. I can't remember the right term from that series of bag-type pictures.
Of course, I'm still waiting for stuff and will have to rearrange again eventually.

>> No.8935864
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished my Atobe bag and honestly I hate the base bag. Prolly gonna get a new one when zakkamart or wego restocks. Also waiting on a batch of cell phone straps and rings to change all the straps out

>> No.8935887
File: 87 KB, 960x720, sakurasweg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find a lot of stuff for my bags at Sakuracon.
But I got that big as jyushimatsu for my general Matsu-bros bag.

>> No.8935916

There is like no osmt merch stateside. I've gone to three cons in the last couple months.

One vendor said they'd stock up by fanime so fingers crossed.

>> No.8936117

I almost got that base bag for an overpriced price but it sold out before I managed to buy it...if I may ask what do you hate about it anon?
And your bag looks great!

>> No.8936203
File: 56 KB, 600x600, itabag base bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying one of these from ebay as a base bag. The colors are too nice!

>> No.8936229
File: 2.37 MB, 966x966, FEMM buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my FEMM badges have arrived! i'm so happy with the quality. i'm just waiting for the base bag now!
not final layout; i noticed i should swap a few badges around, plus it depends on the size of the bag.

>> No.8936276

Are itabags for an entire series ever done?

I just can't decide which character to do!

>> No.8936315

they look so good anon! please post pics of your bag when its underway, FEMM is the best

>> No.8936423
File: 211 KB, 500x386, Raichu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owned one (the green one) and prepare to find an itty bitty inside bag. You can fit maybe eight buttons on it if they're tiny.

>mfw I still have this bag sitting in a bin because I have no idea what to do with it
Maybe I'll just use the clear bag to house a ton of plushies.

>> No.8936457
File: 101 KB, 640x640, painful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always use the clear bag as a cover for a separately bought tote?

anyway here is a kara cosplayer with their itabag. i think this bag has been posted here before?

>> No.8936478


>> No.8936565

I did try that but the clear bag's proportions are so odd that no standard totes fit it right. I'd hate for it to go to waste though so maybe I will do the plushie idea. Or just use it as a normie bag for beach trips or something.

>> No.8936581

You should sew a custom bag that fits inside the clear one! Even if you don't know how to sew at all, anyone could make one. If you don't have a sewing machine then it might be harder to do a durable one.... Unless you could borrow someone's sewing machine?

>> No.8936585

I do have a sewing machine in the house (not mine though) and that is a pretty good idea. If I can find some theme to use it for, I'll give a try.

>> No.8936669

Anon I'm working on a TsukkiYama bag too!
Some days ago I buy the first keychains for the itabag c:

>> No.8936760

I am so happy this exists

>> No.8936774

God, I love the idea that Kara would have an itabag of himself.

>> No.8936789

How the bag folds in on itself after the clear cover is snapped on is the most annnoying thing about it. Plus I prefer tote bags that are more wider than longer. I still have a lot more merch I wanna put on so I might just get the A3 size tote from zakkamart.

It might be cheaper getting stuff second hand from Y!A via proxy. A lot of keychains and straps I saw were way marked up.

>> No.8936833
File: 126 KB, 600x800, ineedtostop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I have been collecting for a year now but I just got into itabags about two months ago and now have altered how I look at buying merchandise to if I
can implement it into a bag. Here's my current little haul (some of it, not all fit into the photo).

Warning you that Tsukki merchandise is some of the most expensive to find since he's top tier in characters. I've even seen merchandise as high as 80 dollars for him. It sucks when I ideally want exact matching merch for Tsukki and Yamaguchi. I'm currently trying to find the animate cafe casual Tsukki but he runs as high as 3000 yuan when Yamaguchi's is only 800 yuan. So long, my dream for matching merch.

Im thinking of working on one that;s just haikyuu-centric since its so much easier to find things in bulk rather than character specific for it.

>> No.8936922

Not Tsukkiyama anons, but I love your collection! I've been meaning to get a corkboard of my own to hang my extras off too.

And I hate how popular characters are the most expensive (especially shop or event exclusives). I collect for matching Iwaizumi+Oikawa merch (or try to) and Oikawa really kills the wallet when it comes to that secondhand stuff.

>> No.8937181

Hi, I'm the another TsukiYama anon!
I'm a bit jealous of your collection, it's so cool!
I collect Haikyuu general merch but now I want to start buying only TsukiYama merch. But I only buy on Ebay/Aliexpress and cons, never Yahoo!Auctions. I think i'm gonna try it in the future (bc the merch on Ebay is so fucking expensive).

I'm glad to see more TsukiYama fans here! They're my OTP.


>> No.8937197


Have you guys seen Bokuto and Akaashi tho? Ouch. Just ouch.

>> No.8937231

That's ok anon. I plan to replace the bag inside with a character pouch or a cushion cover.

>> No.8937235
File: 24 KB, 258x358, bokutofigure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I have. I'm actually a Bokuto cosplayer and wanted to do a Bokuto / Akaashi bag but since they are the newest characters (and popular to boot) I don't have much because of the prices. Plus their stuff sells out super fast. There is no hope for us Bokuto/Akaashi fans. Luckily Yamaguchi is my favorite character and his stuff is cheap.

I found the Akaashi and Bokuto prize figures for about 1500 yuan each earlier today while looking but I'm moving soon so big bulky things would just add to clutter. Id much rather have stuff for my ita bag rather than more boxes.

You just have to look for opened merch? I was able to snag one of those cute little "coin figures" of Bokuto for 300 yen because the seller opened the box. Pic attached!

What places do you buy your merch from?

Honestly, I got most of it in lots; its where I prefer to buy from rather than singular items. People complain about the YA! buyee fees but when you buy things in bulk, paying that 3-5 dollars extra isnt that much when you consider trying to buy the same things on ebay and would have to pay much much more. Most of those Yamaguchi pins/keychains were for a lot of 40 items for about 20 dollars, but I haven't been able to find a personal sellers collection like that yet. I search every two days for good deals, but his stuff can run as low as 50 yen (then the 3-5 dollar buyee fee), still isnt too bad. Right now I'm looking at getting the little tsum-tsum's and though Yamaguchi's can be as cheap as 1000 yen, Tsukki's is a lot harder to come by.

Ebay pricing can just be as bad as anime con pricing -- I buy most of my things at the Anime Sekai booth but they overcharge and then charge more if the character is popular.

>> No.8937288

Haven't really looked at Bokuto, but I've seen the stuff for Akaashi and yeah, ouch.

Oh man, those Tsum-Tsums. I waited off from finding a proxy to get Oikawa's during the Jump event and now I'm kicking myself because of his aftermarket prices (or being plain sold out). You can actually get Yamaguchi's here https://mekke.shueisha.co.jp/CGI/mekke/shop/s_seq.cgi?code=4-08-021453-7 for less than 1000 yen, but I don't know how fees will factor in if you use an agent.

>> No.8937332

>Are itabags for an entire series ever done?

There are more general bags out there, like for entire teams for shonen series and I'm personally doing a monogatari series bag as well as a general shokugeki no soma bag.

>> No.8937334
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got my dream base bag and spent a few hours placing everything.

My only issue now is I may have underestimated my bag size? Also how big some buttons are...

>> No.8937491

I'm not a Boku/Akaa shipper (KenHina over here). I buy my merch from various places but usually from y!a.

I was lucky enough to run to order Hinata and Kenma tsums when the site first put them up since I didn't like the mark up price after the Jump Fest.

>> No.8937503

Lucky! When I checked, everyone but Oikawa was in stock. Heh.

>> No.8937649

Ah! Whoops. I actually just found some more pillarmen charms. (You probably don't have?)

>> No.8938227

That looks really nice anon! I don't think it looks too crowded or anything, but you could try to remove a few buttons and see if it looks better to you? Sometimes balance and looks can be better than quantity, but I like I said, I think this looks nice!

>> No.8938252

It looks a little bottom heavy to me, maybe move some of the badges right at the bottom to the spaces at the top?

>> No.8938493

I think reducing is out of the question because I have 6 more buttons coming... so I'm going to have to rearrange anyways.

I'll try that when I rearrange my bag. On my old base bag I had the issue of it being top heavy, so I think I over compensated.

>> No.8939751
File: 506 KB, 1327x1080, IMG_20160331_164949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally put together my Haru bag! It's only an itty bitty messenger bag, I might have to upgrade cause it's getting crowded and I've still got more merch to add to it.

I don't know if I can use it as an actual bag, all this merch makes it kinda hard to open and close haha.

>> No.8939994

man I'm envious of your collection! Very impressive.

I have the exact same issue with my own ship bag, one character being more popular and to top it off most of the merch the series produces is always limited/exclusive so its even more expensive. The things we do for the OTP.

>> No.8940330

That looks so cute but I can definitely see how it's become impractical for regular use.

>> No.8940369

haha i know the feeling, i made a small bag for daily use as well and every time i open it stuff gets dislodged a bit..

>> No.8940384

I got that bag too and same anon, my merch is not even here yet and I can barely open it I probably need a new base bag.

I love how you organize your things anon, it's really cute!

>> No.8940400
File: 555 KB, 1000x1000, homuhomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons, I was wondering if I could collect some opinions. I am starting a wego heart bag for Homura, but do you think the lavender or the black bag would look better?
I plan on finding as much of her devil merch as I can but I will probably have plenty of her other forms as well, and maybe an godoka or two.

>> No.8940699

I think the lavender would be better, since her devil outfit is mostly black. The lavender would contrast well. Just my opinion though!

>> No.8941289
File: 33 KB, 363x395, 12741877_10153972810987360_9067881366523929176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where people get the plastic protectors for individual straps like they have in pic related?

>> No.8941309

I'm using a lavender bag for my Homura bag and finding that it works very well against all of her outfits. Like the other anon said, she might blend in too much with a black bag.

>> No.8941374

http://www.coade-net.co.jp/shopping/ has button and strap protectors under the orange and blue headers. I'm blanking on the keyword to look them up tho

>> No.8941935

I love this bag

>> No.8941946

I am 100% sure I saw this cosplayer at a recent con. Pants were 10/10 very painful.

>> No.8942043

>new merch came out
>weeps at your country's weak currency rate

>> No.8942420

Sauce on the bag? Reverse image search isn't of much help.
I'm making a Josuke itabag and this would be perfect.

>> No.8942800

http://slist.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=GOODS-00081617&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3DJojo%24pagemax%3D15%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 here you go, anon

>> No.8942855
File: 1.32 MB, 3021x2370, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landed in tokyo last night and already headed to get some goods in akihabara. Got pic related while waiting for my free! (Gay swimming) cafe time slot. Not a big fan of choro but excited to get a juicy badge! Am trying to hunt for a wego branch for their heart bags too although i've heard their out of stock in some places

>> No.8942894
File: 15 KB, 241x216, shhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juice is adorable!
I'm jelly. Have fun and good luck.

>> No.8942935
File: 192 KB, 712x949, 20160402_151514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the wait for the gay swimming cafe? It's on my list

Was at Nakano Broadway today and there's an Osomatsu art exhibit there right now btw and pretty much every store has their merch and was playing the music. Also check 7 Eleven for Osomatsu buttons that come with certain snack purchases. In Tokyo pretty much everyone but Osomatsu is sold out though.

Didn't see any bags at Nakano broadway but one store had an ita....corner?

>> No.8942948


The free! Cafe only lasts til tomorrow! You need to go there early to check for open slots because seatings are more or less done through balloting online. They get cancelations often and have a board to show you whether seats are available. Usually only single seats are free. You have to let them know which time you'd want to enter.

Also if you do, you can buy merch while you eat. Put the ones you don't want on your table and wait for people to come to you to trade!

Thanks for the tip on the 7elevens! I've yet to come across one (only seeing family marts and lawsons atm)

>> No.8942954

When do they open up? I'm having trouble finding the hours with my crappy AirBnB wifi. Last day is probably going to be nuts.

>> No.8943014

>Gay swimming cafe
The jealousy is real.

>> No.8943155
File: 2.29 MB, 1202x1122, ita bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered some stuff for my Karamatsu bag! I already have the bag and some items, but I'm really excited to get these!!

>> No.8943275


They start as early as 10 i think

>> No.8943287
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime cafes are a blast and a good way to trade your blind goods for your husbandos and waifus. If you guys are heading to tokyo, look at animate cafe or adores anipla cafes for what they have to offer. Because we all know how much we hate blind boxes. It's also normal for there to be single seaters so you don't have to worry about going solo

>> No.8943317

They're so cute! You've reminded me I really need to do an order in amiami for some Ichimatsu merch

>> No.8943439

I suuuper wanna see your josuke bag when you do it. It's gonna be fun when the DiU merch starts flowing

>> No.8943485

anon, if you still have any sousuke merch please let me know
(or anyone else for that matter)

>> No.8943590

You should go for red and white. As the lunes of the bag is already black, it would be more showy.

Though going for all white or black will make your items be more appealing.

>> No.8943614

Went to the Adores Cafe at Ikebukuro and it seems it has already converted to a Yugioh cafe?

>> No.8943617

Thumbs up for best matsu. Looking at your collection made me put together all the stuff I've got on the way. Everything that's not preorder is already in the mail, and that's not including the few I have on my bag already. So stoked.

>> No.8943624
File: 663 KB, 785x643, super painful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I fucked up. Welp.

>> No.8943666
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, CfF-VmfVIAE4eS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at the Adores Cafe in Akiba on April 1st and it was still Free! there.

>> No.8943673

Only akiba is free!. The other branches are of other anime

Free!merch anon here. Will do! I'll be heading to more free! Related areas in the next few days so i'll let you know if i get any sousuke in my blind bags

>> No.8943769

バッジカバー and ストラップカバー are the keywords to look them up

>> No.8943836
File: 52 KB, 640x427, Bakura-image-bakura-36441314-640-427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get the search term for Yami Bakura. I keep failing at it. Is it weird like searching for Yami Marik where you have to search "Darkness Marik" instead? Sorry I'm a little stupid when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.8943933

iirc Yami means darkness...

Is his Japanese name

>> No.8943942

Akiba free ended yesterday, 4月2日。

>> No.8943981


Nah today. It extended by a day lol. Friends went today.

>> No.8944094

Yay!!! I'm super excited to see your bag, I've been totally bingeing looking at other peoples bags for ideas on how to co ordinate everything. Karamatsu best matsu!!!!

>> No.8944411

>that Sousuke/Rin shipping on the wall
All my yes.

>> No.8944527

I knew that. Pardon my stupid morning post I was just having no luck and was frustrated. Thank you so much though anon.

>> No.8944716

/r/ing more itabags with good co-ordination and colour, please!

>> No.8945140
File: 325 KB, 1024x1024, 1458144994352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't do that, just say you're requesting it. this isn't reddit.

here's a bag posted in the old thread, i love the uniform tiling of the badges and color scheme!

>> No.8945144

Pretty sure /r/ing is 4chan slang.

>> No.8945145

have you ever been to >>>/r/

>> No.8945153

/r/ in reddit terms stands for subreddit which is like reddit's different boards.
/r/(ing) in 4chan terms is short for request(ing)

>> No.8945156
File: 150 KB, 640x640, subaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for clarifying, let's not stray so far off topic over my mistake. sorry for the comment!

here's another bag with nice layout and color scheme, this person does a great job with all their bags.

>> No.8945330

>making an itabag mostly about my husbando

bless you, anon

>> No.8945698
File: 1.79 MB, 3024x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me wego heart bags are so popular that it's sold out everywhere i cluding the 3 branches in harajuku. I guess ordering online is the only way we can get our hands on them.

Anyway i got more stuff for my bag today. I don't even have space for them.

>> No.8945700
File: 1.43 MB, 3024x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if any anons are interested in this choro, let me know. I'll sell it to you at buying price +shipping

>> No.8946305
File: 472 KB, 508x270, 1448831633157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I finally got my wego backpack knock off but notice that the top handle was sewn off center and so was the back pocket

it's not too bad but it's driving me a little nuts, oh well at least its super cute

>> No.8946531
File: 2.07 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started my Homura bag with the lavender Wego bag and then ran out of room. I'll actually sell you the back anon (or trade for Homura straps!!)

>> No.8946551

This might sound really rude, but if other anon doesn't want it could I be second in line? dropped my email just incase.

>> No.8946700
File: 729 KB, 1036x1286, DSC02328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting because I know others wanted them, but I haven't gotten any other messages.

postage is free if you're in the US!

>> No.8946968

I may just throw the bag on eBay in the next few days if Homura anon doesn't reply. I'm not sure how much I should charge either since I paid double than the original price.

>> No.8946971

The chain is so cute anon... where did you get it/how is it attached?

>> No.8946984

That's fair enough!

>> No.8947191

Sent you an email anon the please check

>> No.8947196

even though you're switching bags, i wanna say this is still really beautiful anon... i'm one of the madoka bag anons so this is making my mahou shoujo heart weep

>> No.8947287

The chain is 10.9 sized from Michaels. I make resin jewelry so I had extra chain leftover! Everything is attached with safety pins that I cover with other merch

>> No.8947292

I am very interested but I don't have a throwaway email I can access atm. If you're in the itabag FB group, I can message you there? (If not, then good luck selling! Choro is my favorite but I know a lot of other girls are making Choro bags)

>> No.8947296
File: 2.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! My bag is a lot uglier without the heart cutout. I tried making it all look better last night but it's going downhill the more merch I get

>> No.8947315


I've got a few days left on my trip so i might get a few more osomatsu blind stuff on the last few days with my remaining yen. I'll put up a sales post (if it's allowed?) on there when i get back!

>> No.8947333
File: 3.04 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this has already been posted about, I'm not an itabag thread regular, but I saw this in primark and thought it'd be of use to someone here.

The inside bag comes out as well.

>> No.8947349

That could definitely work if anyone here has one near them. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.8947439

I think spreading your merch out would help instead of just keeping it all one the chain. I did the Movic GO with you and that's what I'm doing with my merch.

>> No.8947591

It needs a focal point and then for the badges and charms to be spread out around it a little more I think. Like previous anon said, its too bunched up in one spot.

>> No.8948077
File: 537 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-4404295753341796359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some merch arrived today! I'm so happy.

>> No.8948125

Oh, nice stuff, Anon! I wish I had more of these (I have the Iwaizumi+Oikawa one) as they're perfect for couple bags. Are you making two separate bags or a collective HQ!! one?

>> No.8948578
File: 88 KB, 960x574, 12495113_867725980017071_1968029956357014804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a start.

I'm planning to back the stickers nicely so they'll basically be pins. Looking into making some buttons myself, maybe embroidering a patch, and getting some nice black and red ribbons.

What I really need at this point is more keychains.

>> No.8948747

I'm considering making a Monster High itabag, has anyone here ever attached a doll to their bag? if so did it work out well?

>> No.8948753

cool to see other nz itabags! I think an nz artist I follow mentioned making kylo charms for one of the upcoming geddons?

I have, and a clearbag is absolutely essential esp. for something like monster high because the risk of detached limbs is so high. if you could fix each limb to the bag with clear fishing line or something that might help too.

>> No.8948758

Stupid question about the heart bag like op. Is there a pocket where you can just attach buttons to the lining or something or do you have to put another bag in there? I bought one to put my own pin designs on and I want to know if I should start looking for a bag of if it already has an area to attach things to.

>> No.8948759

I'm gonna make a general Hq bag while I collect merch of my OTPs... Kuroken and Tsukiyama. Maybe IwaOi/OiIwa in the future or Nekoma team.

Haikyuu consumes my soul

>> No.8948763

Thanks anon! I did contemplate gluing the limbs but i just couldn't :'(

I may have to take a look at that primark bag that was posted earlier

>> No.8948767

I glued an original lagoona into a specific pose (because I had a boxed and unboxed version) and I realllly regret it. Don't know how to dissolve the glue without also damaging her as well. )':

>> No.8948783

i dont think i could... mine would be an operetta most likely, but im not sure which id choose

>> No.8948809

Loving that base bag!

>> No.8948811

Not familiar with Monster High dolls (different anon) but when I need to get glue off stuff, I soak it in water overnight to soften it up and then tweezer the glue out until I can pull it apart without damaging whatever it is I've glued.

>> No.8948817
File: 1.68 MB, 3024x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I found the centerpiece for my jyushi itabag lol

>> No.8948827

Ah, Tsukiyama! <3 And definitely share your bag when you're done!

HQ consumes the soul, the mind and the wallet.

>> No.8948904

Hey gulls, quick question. I'm planning to make a Kakyoin itabag, but the original bag I had in mind isn't on Aliexpress anymore. I started to look at the Wego bags, but the last time I checked the red ones were sold out. I'd like to be able to get a small amount together by the time Acen rolls around, so do you think the pastel pink could work for him? I feel like it might as long as I stick with mostly his red/green color scheme, but I'd like some other thoughts

>> No.8948919

Theres a pocket, but I'm still planning on getting a fabric board or something else to pin things to since it seems sort of flimsy. I think the knockoff bags don't have the pocket?

>> No.8948973

I think a black one would actually be better for kakyoin. I don't think pastel pink would really be that fitting to his palette

>> No.8948998
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 984658698756934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently picked up this bag to make a small Stone Ocean or Weather Report itabag,
however pt6 severly lacks merch so if anyone has seen anywhere or has any ideas for my bag please do share!

>> No.8949042
File: 196 KB, 560x560, kak_doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're of a like mind anon, I was planning on using the same bag/same colour for a Kakyoin ita bag as well. I think the colour could work, pink and green go nicely together and Kak is often depicted with reddish to pink hair.

What I really want is to get two or three of those puppet Kakyoin dolls to hang from the zipper!

Also, thoughts on the lavender wego heart bag for a Jotaro and Star Platinum bag?

>> No.8949054

Anon that is so cute, where'd you find it?

>> No.8949064

lavender bag would be perfect for jotaro and star plat!

>> No.8949106

They do have a pocket but it's pretty far away from the heart window (not sure how's the original on this) and also flimsy. The fabric board is a good idea for it.

>> No.8949176
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1452127431630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but I've ordered one as well.
Got mine from Y!J auctions.
I can't wait for all the Juice bag anons to post. Wish we could do a meet up of some kind!

>> No.8949238

Well that would be great! I hope they're prepared for me to buy them ALL

Thanks anon. I found it on ebay

Oh my god that's beautiful

>> No.8949252

This seems like a fun idea, I'd probably make one for Rochelle.

>> No.8949423

is this a throw pillow?

>> No.8949490

A black bag might work a little better now that I think about it. That way I could use both color schemes. Thanks for the feedback!

I've been eyeing those dolls, especially since that was one of my favorite encounters from part 3. I already preordred the glitter acrylic badge they have on amiami, so I might pick one of those up too.

>> No.8949738

It's a really thin pillow with barely any cushion. Got jyushi at an arcade in ikebukuro and was surprisingly easy to catch!

>> No.8949926

Was it near the front of the arcade? Those items are usually easier to catch to draw more people in.

>> No.8949983

>Weather Report itabag
Anon, yes! Wes was a really cool character.
Hit the usual places: artsmoo for buttons, Vograce for acrylic charms. The artist alley thread has a guide for using Vograce and a list of places where you can get things printed.
If you can't draw and you don't want to use only manga caps/screen caps, you can commission someone from the artist alley thread or someone in the draw thread.

Weird question but has anyone else legitimately run out of official merch for your bag?

I'm the Phoenix Wright anon and I've exhausted all of the merch on Y!JA, Mandarake, and preordered the max amount of everything on AmiAmi. Any remaining merch would be the 4th or 5th of that item.
Everything from here on out will be fanmade stuff either by me or someone else.

>> No.8950350


Wait a month anon! The anime just had it's first episode so expect more merch soon

>> No.8950354
File: 73 KB, 600x800, rps20160407_210501resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HobbyStock are selling these gachapon Free! badges and I really wanted Haru, but he was like a 1/14 chance so I bought a few. In the end, not only did I get all my favourite characters, but I got TWO HARUS! I'm over the moon gulls, thank you based kyoani and sorry for blogshitting.

>> No.8950360


Like >>8950350 said, I'm sure there will be new merch cause of the anime. Let's hope that it doesn't have the same QUALITY that the anime does at the moment.

>> No.8950424


Such good pulls! I only got rin, ikuya and nagisa and am planning to buy makoto for an exorbitant amount of price ;-;

>> No.8950522
File: 207 KB, 980x666, PicsArt_04-07-10.16.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with this thing. Just going to line the black straps with metal come spikes and pyramid studs.

>> No.8950535

>line the black straps with metal come spikes and pyramid studs
That is going to be amazing.

>> No.8950912

replied to you a couple days ago but you haven't emailed back, lmk if you're still interested

>> No.8951013
File: 896 KB, 2560x1440, 20160407_165403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kakyoin itabagger again. Some of the pins I ordered came in earlier than expected. They're smaller than I thought they'd be but they're really nice!

>> No.8951052

There's a new AA button set with Phoenix, Maya and Athena on amiami

>> No.8951124
File: 74 KB, 600x600, GOODS-00084205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I SAW any anons interested in splitting them? I really only want Athena, Apollo and Trucy.

>> No.8951130

Lucky! You got super rare Haru badge!

>> No.8951318

Maya anon from before, I wouldn't mind Maya, Ema, and Phoenix if no one would want him

>> No.8951359

Oh my god, they are so cute, especially HG. Did you get them from amiami as well?

>> No.8951386

I actually found them on Ebay. The seller has pree shipping on everything, and the shipping was super fast. I placed the order on Monday and they got here today! The stuff on the shop pretty much ranges between 9 and 11 dollars, which I didn't mind since it had free shipping. Here's the link if you're interested:

>> No.8951397


Thank you so much for this! I'm building a Kakyoin itabag too! And funny enough, I was also going to acen as well! I WAS but the plans fell through at the last moment, but I hope your bag is nice and pretty when the con rolls around!

Also here's the plush if you need it cause i know he's kinda hard to come by


>> No.8951463
File: 637 KB, 1000x704, basebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make baby's first Itabag using this one as a base, by sewing a canvas panel to the back with a plastic sheet cutout similar to the WEGO bags.

Wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a brand or type of plastic sheet that will hold up well without scratching much?

>> No.8951478

PW anon here. I might just get my own set since the ones I want are claimed but if you guys don't want the dlc outfits badge, I'll take it. I think Phoenix's cheesy shirt and giant chain is hilarious.

>> No.8951744

i feel u anon
>tfw every good is overcharged like a 40% in taxes and shit currency rates and maybe more in your country PLUS shipping costs and thus a nendoroid ends up being worth like 100 usd

you could say itabagging in non-1st world countries...truly hurts

>> No.8952113


..Should've expected that nobody would want the kurain people, huh.
I already ordered and will keep them in hold for you anons, since it's not here until June I'll probably post here again when it arrives.

Also, my throwaway email if anyone wants to contact me.

>> No.8952131
File: 160 KB, 600x587, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I also just ordered the anime set (since it has 3 Phoenixes) but if anyone wants any of them other than Phoenix and the Feys, just let me know!

>> No.8952153

A different anon who just happens to love Kakyoin and was about to pick up a set too even thought I'm not doing an itabag for him but then
>48.95$ shipping outside US
>single tear

They look super bice tho, good pick anon!

>> No.8952182

Society6 is having a free worldwide shipping on everything. I instantly grabbed my base bag for Haikyuu

>> No.8952189

Maybe try PVC? Like what those clear skirts are made of. Should be clear and is used in clothing, so should be able to be sewn as well as withstand daily wear- aka scratches and stuff.

>> No.8952198


>> No.8952282
File: 110 KB, 700x700, hoot-hoot-youre-cute-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, anon
now I have to buy something

which bag did you get?
>I kinda want to buy bag in pic related, it's kinda ugly but the message is cute aahh

>> No.8952484
File: 135 KB, 700x700, volley-allstars-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chosen this one!

That's such a cute bag

>> No.8953288
File: 75 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this amazing thing and was thinking of turning it into a little naruto itabackpack

>> No.8953313

that would be so insanely cute, anon. do it.

>> No.8953521

Not a big fan of Naruto but I have to admit, this would be an amazing itabackpack.

>> No.8954045
File: 1.54 MB, 1350x1350, MYXJ_20160409182525_fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent posted here in a while as I have made five bags and though I was done but here I am again...
Tiger & Bunny bag number two

>> No.8954114
File: 505 KB, 1350x1350, IMG_20160409_193957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just a start since there is a lot more stuff I want to get rascal bag be really cute since all the merch matches~
Planning to order the rubber straps and cafe versions keychains next

Im working on a gundam bag at same time now so ill get more charms on next order

>> No.8954268

>loves T&B but not Rascal
And yet.. it's so cute on a bag.

>> No.8954290

This is gorgeous and now I have to go read the manga. Great job anon.

>> No.8954874
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry self post but I was just at kkon this weekend and in a case of ironic, I found an Iruka cosplayer who also had an itabag. Two different series but it was amazing to find someone with an itabag as well.

>> No.8954889
File: 2.48 MB, 3006x3006, IMG_20160408_182105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started one but kinda stucked. All I have are random characters rubber keychains from Yuyu Hakusho with some duplicates. Should I group like characters together?

I think the ultimate plan is to put the finished project in a clear bag with some plushies.

>> No.8954895

You've inspired me anon. The character I want to make a bag for has very little merch that would do well for a bag as well.

>> No.8955096

>that sparkly wonderful thing
Isn't that another gull as well? I know I've seen that bag before somewhere..

>> No.8955100

I'd either group the characters together or (if you have enough buttons) make a square border around the Hiei print.

>dat Karasu button
All my yes.

>> No.8955120

I'm pretty sure that Iruka is >>8936457 they even have the same painful eyebrows

>> No.8955340

I dont really see the point in all this rascal crossover instead of actual merch other than is really cute desu
I wanted to make a the rising bag and ended up with this oops

>> No.8955376

>I dont really see the point in all this rascal crossover instead of actual merch
Oh jeez this is my feeling exactly. Please, no more Rascal and more Lunatic/Yuri Petrov merch please. I want to make a Lunatic bag so badly but so little merch for him as is, much less bag stuff.

>> No.8955547
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 71656424141041th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone here would want to make a Doctor Who themed bag, but I came across this backpack and figured I may as well share it here on the off chance a gull might want it. Hope that's alright!

>> No.8956727
File: 301 KB, 719x921, imggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third? kakyoin ita bag person here. i finally finished my bag! I just need to get more merch and shit

>> No.8956742

New thread >>8955641