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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 149 KB, 952x629, british-feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8908612 No.8908612 [Reply] [Original]

MCM Birmingham next weekend, then Kitacon two weekends after that.

Who's going?

Try not to get the thread deleted this time.

>> No.8908644

Did the thread get deleted? I thought the last one autosaged and no one bothered making a new one.

Anyway, who's ready for Kita?

>> No.8908666

It autosaged but we've had threads being deleted recently for tog dramu. As usual.

Kita hype. Is the pizza ban still happening at the Hilton?

>> No.8908750

Just say your a reg hotel punter not with kita when you pick up food. Are they going to stop everyone in the hotel getting food?

>> No.8908756 [DELETED] 
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So I screen grabbed this to lol at the amount of hash tags she's using. #thethirstisreal
Then I saw the amount of likes its got. Obvious brought likes are obvious.

>> No.8908757

So excited for Kita ahhhh! How strict do you think do you think they are gonna be on alcohol and food? The year before last i went and they were sound about it but apparantly cause whoever went last year fucked it up for the rest of us, i hope its still as good

>> No.8908779

Any progress photos for Kita? Photos from Minami? Any anything that's not old drama

>> No.8908782

If any Lolitas are here, TPC have set up for their next birthday event. No name or theme yet.

I for one am thinking of going. Not planning an outfit yet as I first need to see what designers and brands are coming. And then U-turn and wear nothing of theirs. We all remember the innocent world masses last year.

What trends do you think will be prominent this year?

>> No.8908792

Just be a bit sensible about it. Don't eat takeout in the lobby/bar, keep the pre-drinking to your room or a well-hidden hip flask, and it should all be dandy.

Not that the new measures are going to make any difference whatsoever to idiot weebs not knowing their limits or people getting spiked- that happens in rooms anyway. But that's Kita's problem really, not ours.

>> No.8908828

>Market con as 'the party con'
>Opening video encourages people to drink and party
>Committee are surprised that people drink and party too much

My fucking sides. That patronising talk they gave everyone before the masquerade had me in hysterics. Really, if you promote your con as a drinking/party con, are you honestly going to be surprised when people take it to extremes?

>> No.8908923

so, did anyone go to rai con? if so how'd you find it?

>> No.8909013

I went to rai con. It was pretty decent for a first time. I wasn't exactly counting heads but they seemed to get a good turnout, they had a modest dealers hall/artist alley, and the royal concert hall was an awesome venue given how airy it is and how wide the corridors can be.

I heard some people bitching about stairs lmao bring deoderant.

I have no idea how their panels and masquerade were, I didn't go. Their afterparty looked absolutely gash though lol. Why the fuck would you have it in a huge hall rather than a bar like flying duck? Lmao it looked like a shite school disco

>> No.8910238

i went to rai con, i was one of the anons talking about it last thread. didn't actually get my costume finished, had to pull out an old one i'd retired unfortunately.

otherwise the con was.. alright i'd say for a first time run? they didn't have much to do in my opinion. most of the time i just sat around with friends. i think adding another panel room or two with some more varying events would help a lot. dealer's hall and artists alley were pretty well-stocked. i think the venue is great, it was incredibly spacious and traveling to/from and getting food was easy with it being right in the centre of glasgow.

the masquerade was very lackluster in my opinion. i think adding some music would've helped give it a bit more atmosphere instead of just silence, that and the stage was tiny. some entrants didn't even stand on the stage i don't think? they just kinda stood next to it. not much room for fancy posing either.

as for the afterparty, i went for an hour or two. music choices were pretty good, but the prices at the bar were what made me go back home and drink with friends instead. a vodka coke and a peach schnapps and lemonade set me back £8.70. i was expecting it to be expensive given it was the royal concert hall, but that takes the cake man. classic grand/garage next time pls

>> No.8910289

Because naturally it's the conventions responsibility to monitor everyones alcohol consumption, because it is too much to expect legal adults to act like it and take responsibility for their actions.

I know I can't be held accountable for mine, last time I went to an all you can eat buffet I had to be physically restrained. Otherwise I would have kept going until my stomach ruptured.

Better install some cameras in the hotel rooms so they can keep an eye on the pre-drinking. How the fuck will I know when to stop without someone telling me to. Why the fuck should I be expected to do anything, everything should be label as it would for a small child, it's the only way I understand. Please don't force me to think for myself and act like a reasonable human being, it's just too much god damned effort.

>> No.8910331

Went to MCM Liverpool this weekend.
For a first MCM in liverpool it was an alright con, same basic mcm stalls nothing surprising there. But I was surprised by the organisation for a first con. The staff were very friendly and seemed to know wtf they were doing unlike the shit storm that is London MCM.
I was also surprised by the amount of families there, more than usual. Kinda cute.

>> No.8910369

Any info on EGX I'm hoping to go this year. Getting tired of MCM. Is there usually a lot of cosplayers or nah?

>> No.8910437

Cosplayers are a rare bird, and those that are are usually low quality.
If you bother to do anything game related make it Nintendo, you can get free shit from them that way.

>> No.8910604 [DELETED] 
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Anyone else go to the 100 con? Thought I would have seen more cosplayers there. This Octavia looked like she ate too many pies.

>> No.8910664

Obvious vendetta

>> No.8910700

Not gonna be at MCM Birmingham, instead will be at the Video Games Live thing on Sunday. Any other people planning on cosplaying to it/enter the competition thing? I'm planning to but I've never been before, they don't seem to be very clear about how this all works.

I have 2/3 main costumes done and the last one is nearly there. I gotta finish making my panel though and make the skittle vodka so there's still lots to do.

>> No.8910832

Hyped af for Kita
Got 2 cosplays to finish, but they're both pretty simple and fun
Loving the updates in the social fb group. Ranges from quite impressive stuff (Guilmon suit) to shit no one cares about ("Look guys I curled a wig!") to just plain shit (that yellow diamond)

>> No.8910867

It's not really a competition, I cosplayed to Glasgow VGL and they just get people up on the stage and do it based on audience reaction. One with the biggest reaction gets some merch. There were only 3 of us, haha.

>> No.8910872 [DELETED] 

sperm eyebrows on the right, someone tell her that's old school

>> No.8911012

Anyone take any pictures of the Bloodborne hunters at Liverpool MCM?

>> No.8911027

I'm posting mine in the progress thread

>> No.8911035

And 3...2...1... Vendetta thread is a-go!

>> No.8911039


>> No.8911395

Moving to Scotland soon, and wondering is Glasgow mum good? And are there some good togs I should maybe try to organise some shoots with?

>> No.8911399

Erg fucking phones auto correct I ment Glasgow MCM of course...

>> No.8911413

my first MCM Scotland was last year. It was alright I guess. I'm so used to small cons so I didn't have much of a comparison otherwise. I had a photoshoot with Alasdair Watson Photography. He's quite good, and it was a location shoot rather than hall.

>> No.8912554
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gonna go to London MCM in May for my first british con, what should I expect? Anything or anyone I should be wary of? I'll be cosplaying as well, anything I should know related to that?

I'm a little nervous.

>> No.8912598

Expect lots of people and long crowds. It's more of a dealers hall than a convention.

If you like figs, get a Friday ticket and shoot for the GoodSmile booth

>> No.8912610

Hey guys, I'm a student currently residing in UK & I was wanting to do a photoshoot in London during July. Is there any good photographers for recommendation? I'm really new to the UK cosplay scene so I don't know much names. Thank you in advance!

>> No.8912678

Depends on what cosplay and style of photography you want. Tell us and we can recommend.

>> No.8913014
File: 321 KB, 700x493, True End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, casual style for two characters. I want to incorporate the characters into the scenery as having London as a location is quite important in the series.

>> No.8913177

Good luck. Most areas around London landmarks are private property and you will be asked to leave if security see you taking pictures that aren't 'tourist pictures'.

I'd say Smile250 for the style you seem to be after. But if you're not small, pretty or asian you'll have to pay him.

>> No.8914154

Did anyone post a video of that?

>> No.8914241

Kita timetable is out. Looks like an awful lot of dead time.

>> No.8914259
File: 433 KB, 482x604, nonon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody here be interested in organising a proper /cgl/ meet up at MCM Manchester this year? I know it's kinda far away but last year someone tried to organise one and only 2 people showed up cus it was really last minute (ie: organised on the day).

If anyone is interested in this, what day would be best for everyone and what time? I was thinking possibly the Saturday at around mid-day (2ish-3ish). Depending on the weather and depending on numbers, the best place would be outside but we should have a backup plan for a place inside too incase it rains.

>> No.8914281

Ame falls on the same date as MCM Manchester so you might have a bunch of people miss out

>> No.8914287

Speaking of the Scottish cosplay scene. Why does everyone look and act like they're 14 but are actually 24. I can't look at the mcm Scotland group without cringing anymore.

>> No.8914777
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>hentai panel at on Saturday
>at 11:30am

>> No.8914982

i honestly feel embarassed to attend scottish cons w how bad the community here is

>> No.8915005

There was a daytime one at the previous Kita too.

>> No.8915009 [DELETED] 

Christ almighty have you gulls seen creative edge's latest monstrosity

>> No.8915015

Show us brah

>> No.8915122 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 2000x1766, 12841231_1122907774408603_458573503716810237_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creative edge

You mean this? With the skinniest barbarian alive?

>> No.8915187

tfw your thigh is thinner than your neck

>> No.8915365

oh god zoom in on the paint brushed on abs on the waif

>> No.8915366

Thats so awful. i would be embarrassed if I was shipped into that clusterfuck. Most of his work is just utter nonsense with all the same fire and light fx just thrown all over it

>> No.8915370

Was it any good?

>> No.8915375
File: 194 KB, 750x1044, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has to be some "Give me a shit load of Patreon money and you can be in a Tabitha Lyons Cosplay photo" prize

>> No.8915826

Those painted on abs are hilarious. Not fooling anyone Tabitha.

>> No.8915835

Yet he didn't paint on muscles for this guy?!

>> No.8915897

Tabs has had good abs in the past but she's actually pretty skinny nowadays ... and yet she's twice as big as the nerd she's posing with. Wonder whether she was even in the same room as him?

>> No.8915947

Not even doing the shoot together at the same time would just be so odd.

>> No.8915976

I don't want to believe that this is what the hobby has come to, winning photoshoots with cosplayers?
BUT I haven't seen Tabitha share this photo and the skinny guy has it all over his cosplay page which kinda makes me think. Let's be honest here, he's not exactly someone she would have picked first to do a shoot with.

>> No.8915990

Link the page

>> No.8915995

>Anyone could cosplay whoever they want

Do you gulls agree? I think a lot of people mistake the word "could" as "should"

>> No.8916002

i don't think she was. i think that's from an old shoot with her.

>> No.8916033

No, not really. Saying that, the night time one was shit too.

>> No.8916036

Did someone photoshop an anus onto him instead of a Navel?

>> No.8916043

Search for 'Darklords Cosplay Page'

>> No.8916091


He tagged her in the photo on Twitter and I don't think she's removed the tag yet. I think this guy's a big fan of her's and also looking at his page, he's had some major medical issues, so she's probably happy to help him out, I guess (even if she wasn't there in person).

>> No.8916093

Yep, she retweeted his post. His profile pic on Twitter is of him and Tabs together, so he's definitely part of 'Team Tabby'. So lovely that Tabby's got so many fans, shame she's losing all of her friends in the cosplay community with her 'I WILL BE A STAR' campaign.

>> No.8916104

This. I can't think of anyone in the community whose friends with her. She isn't a cosplayer and doesn't embody any part of it.

>> No.8916124

She's still really good friends with Natasha Mackenzie and then there are the cosplayers she's helping out with props and what not. Her and Stacey fell out though and I think a lot of cosplayers are doing their best to distance themselves from her ... probably doesn't help that she's too grand to attend cons, unless she's being paid to do so. It's kinda sad that her best mates nowadays are her folks and the people who run her Twitch account and what not.

>> No.8916150

Natasha is hardly part of the community though I agree she doesn't attend come for fun and to cosplay with mates. It's only if invited and even then she doesn't hang out with anyone

>> No.8916185

Stacey is all about the fame. She isn't friends with anyone she sees as competition. She used to be bffs with Lucas when SGC was big so she was an admin there and now she has moved onto Sneaky Zebra.

>> No.8916579

>Darklords Cosplay Page
That faggot is anything but the dark lord.

>> No.8916596

The guy is selling prints.....

>> No.8916605

Oh god that fat shit Kerri is doing slave bulma... just wtf

>> No.8916738

literally who

>> No.8916740
File: 138 KB, 750x831, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devastating news

>> No.8916764

She sings out of tune to backing tracks at Animeleague events and has bought likes and followers to try and pretend she is a famous singer

>> No.8916814
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1338040522516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you finish every costume for kita before the last week

>> No.8916818

Well done pal.

>> No.8916931

>not finishing on the day

>> No.8917117

she literally doesn't give a fuck about any one if she can't get something out of it. It's embarrassing that se is seen as a cosplayer.

>> No.8917478

This. I've had the unfortunate experience working with her outside con time with other cosplayers. I can't say she made a great impression, seemed to think she was above everyone else and not as professional as she likes to think she is.

>> No.8917556

Course she's above other cosplayers. She's been on Judge Rinder, not to mention appearing for 5 minutes on some crappy Sky One show that nobody watched.

I've heard stories of her being rude to togs before.

>> No.8917558

To be fair to Stacey, though, she actually gave Tabby her first interview and got her involved in the SCG thing. I'm sure Tabby would be a mega-celebrity anyway, with her unlimited ambition, but it's fair to say Stacey gave her a hand starting off.

>> No.8917573

Tabitha is a fake in every respect. She calls herself a diehard comics fan but any time an interviewer asks who her favourite comic book artist is, she says her mate Dez Taylor. The guy's not even a legit artist, he runs a comic shop but he's drawn a couple of pictures of Tabitha. She did that OOOH SO RACY Vampirella shoot with Creative Edge but admitted afterwards that she's never read a Vampirella comic. Some comic fan Tabby is. She's just a failed model who'll put on any skimpy outfit shoved her way to incite a spotty nerd whackoffathon.

>> No.8917583


Vendetta alert

Met her, she is a pretty nice person and isn't too bad at singing
Get over yourself

>> No.8917657
File: 84 KB, 700x411, shesamadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I thought after seeing this

>> No.8917696



>> No.8917698

I do worry that Harley Quinn is essentially a beacon for people who want to appear interesting and random, forgetting a big factor is whimsy.

>> No.8917762

Not the same person anon

>> No.8917773

As far as I knew the fall out was between Kelly and Stacey, Tabby just took Kelly's side because she saw more fame in it, and now the normal cons are too small for her, plus all her costumes are sexy these days, with the potential exception of the new Harley, they are prop and armour makers, surely impressive armour builds would ram up business? Or just go on Jeremy Kyle now they've done Rinder. "I fell out with the dragon because we can't sell it"

>> No.8917775

It's a shame she put no effort into the costumes because that togs work looks really nice with her

>> No.8917780

In fairness Laughing Orc is a decent photographer, or at least haven't heard any horror stories, she is just not a great muse

>> No.8917790

Personally I think tabbys a cunt! I've experience her first hand! She just uses you then if you don't agree with her views she disown you! You better off not bothering with people like her !

>> No.8917797

I had to laugh when Artyfakes made that swamp monster head for Tabby's cons, partly because it means she's chained to the damn thing and can't really walk freely around cons anymore (and all her con pics have the same 1 or 2 poses) and partly because you know they're going to try and offload that thing sometime and fail miserably.

I always thought Tabby's best costume was her Dragon Highlord armour, and her Bolt cosplay was pretty good too. Unfortunately, her fans probably aren't queueing up to buy prints of those because she's not showing any skin. Honestly, though, Tabby seemed prouder of the Dragonlance armour than anything else she's done.

She's still got a couple of years of posing in tiny costumes left but DESU Tabby in 2016 ain't a patch on Tabby in 2013 in my humble opinion. She's much stringier than she used to be and she looks tired compared with a few years ago.

>> No.8917798

More deets please!

>> No.8917807

Agreed, it's frustrating because I feel like they could be so much more? Like she could do better, also the whole sub with twitch thing, if their business is going so well why the need to expand and stuff? I suppose it could be put down to ambition but she is hardly a gamer. Then there was the whole patreon thing... Give me money and we can skype? really?

>> No.8917820

With out her dad she would be nothing because she's a talentless bitch with personality of a boiled cabbage and the iq of one to! She just latches on to people get what she wants then fucks u off! Been there done that brought the tshirt sadly and will burn the fucker and send her the ashes !

>> No.8917827

Please learn how to use the board before posting.

>> No.8917832

Woah calm down mate. May not like the woman but thats a bit far. What happened anyway? facts please.

>> No.8917856

Yeah he's only recently been getting into Cosplay photography. Nice bloke.

>> No.8917860

aha, his photography is shit, sit down.

>> No.8917865


>> No.8917868

How so?
I just looked at this page most of his stuff looks pretty decent, if a little washed out.

>> No.8917874

Only gripe I have is a tabby spam but guess thats to be expected with a new shoot. Could he be he new Creative edge for her?

>> No.8917879

That's rubbish. Stacey is the Circle Jerk queen and Lucas was one of them so they stuck with him when he was still useful as they wanted to keep getting shared on Sexy Cosplay Girls despite Lucas being a creep with cosplayers.

Tabitha was never really friends with Stacey. The Circle Jerk hates Tabitha and KJ. When Twitch came in it got even more competitive as it is about money now.

>> No.8918004 [DELETED] 

>tfw you used to always finish costumes weeks in advance but your job has taken over your life and you will still be sewing the day before kita

>> No.8918026

Is Tabitha still with that youtuber/gamer Chris? The one she was moaning about over him using her for her fame and he didn't give her enough attention?

>> No.8918250
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She's narcissistic and annoying as shit, stfu

>> No.8918354

That is the least attractive side boob I've ever seen.

It's like her tits have muffin top.

>> No.8918392

Yeah he just shot with her last week or whenever that's to be expected

>> No.8918396

He got a proper job and dumped her.

I laughed.

>> No.8918403


>> No.8918424

I never heard Tabby moan that he was using her for her fame but Chris worked his fucking arse off for her. He was there with her at every single con, filming her panels and acting as a gofer. If I was doing all that shit and she still thought I was piggybacking her 'celebrity', I'd fucking dump her too.

Hate to say it, Tabby's a good looking girl but she was actually the plain one in that relationship too ... bet she was none too pleased about the attention Chris got.

>> No.8918442
File: 32 KB, 642x960, 10625094_10207436875912192_3041373163457720193_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitacon Burlesque guests announced and this is the only not fat one. On the other hand, this is the most dire plugsuit I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.8918466

I would like to see an evangelion striptese where an asuka struggles to get out of a latex plugsuit for 15 minutes

>> No.8918480

I'm brining along wine for pre-drinks and pot noodles to survive at the >Premier Inn

Anyone else staying there since Hilton cocked up over winter?

>> No.8918542 [DELETED] 

You're kidding right?
You could hear her in the background at MCM, it sounded like several cats being strangled.

>> No.8918592

Oh wow. The longer I look the funnier it gets.

>> No.8918603


>> No.8918686

On the plus side, it looks like she's wearing nothing under it.

How's that for authenticity.

>> No.8919034

I'm gonna go watch that, they have a dude so I wanna see what he goes.

>> No.8919038

Is he hot or just the average congoer? I'm down to watch if it's as hilariously awful as the AL ones

>> No.8919164

Didn't she do a strip at an Amecon omake several years ago?

I was convinced she was a guy, especially with making the huge show about covering her chest. I thought the big finale would be her spinning around bare chested and revealing they were a guy all along. I was disappointed.

>> No.8919178

So, guess i'm a little late, but anything/body to look out for at BCC?

>> No.8919188

Looks like an average beardy dude to me. He's not fat or anything, but not super attractive.

>> No.8919337

The weirdest thing happened, some group of lads slapped me on the shoulder saying "well done mate"

Considering my massive social anxiety it really didn't help me

>> No.8919345

Oh turns out they were slapping a sticker onto my shoulder

>> No.8919461

Claire Rainbow is one of the nicest people, always makes time to take a photo with you. She usualy goes as Catwoman on Saturdays, and some other character on Sundays. I think her boyfriend was there as the Red Power Ranger today...

There was also a Power Girl with AMAZING tits. Kinda fat though, but with tits like hers I don't really give a shit.
What a bunch of dicks. Out of curiosity, what did the sticker say?

>> No.8919471

It was a CEX one, i think they were handing them out. But yeah, it totally wrecked me, totally started questioning why they singled me out. I only went alone because my friend was being all smug "the only comic con worth going is san diego, fuck the english ones"

I think my fav cosplay was the giant Necron.

Funniest thing was the jabba the hut, and the princess leia with them.... who was just as far as jabber. weirdest one was possibly the giant cripple tranny super girl?

>> No.8919528

some fucking ass hat stuck one of those on my prop at MCM Liverpool. At first I thought he was an autistic kid judging by how he acted. I turned my prop around and he had stuck 3 fucking CEX stickers on it. They wouldn't come off and when they did it had wrecked the paint job what took me weeks. I almost murdered him.

>> No.8919550

Could be the same assholes, blue hoodie, short hair, in a group of 3 or 4?

>> No.8919555

Sounds like it, only one of them walked up, or at least i only saw one. I saw him again and he ran the opposite direction. Knowing how pissed off i was when the little cunt ran away before. Why pay a good £30 to get into a con just to piss people off and fuck around with props that others have slaved away on, i dont know

>> No.8919580

haha, oh wait, didn't notice the liverpool part. Feel silly now.

I guess they just get day tickets or whatever, which are cheaper, and a way to kill a day for a similar price to a trip to the cinema i guess.

>> No.8919678

Had a good time at MCM today. Got a skeevy motherfucker thrown out for secretly taking pictures of girls tits. How about you guys?

>> No.8919684

Really fun. Gonna enter masq tomorrow. The NEC is a much better venue than the ExCel

>> No.8919690

The NEC is a better venue, but there's just not nearly as many stalls. Our group were there for 7 hours, those of us not at cosplay meets were done in a couple hours, whereas at london, we barely had time to get round everything.

>> No.8919701

I'm willing to bet theres a lot of vendors who are based in London or the south and don't think it's "worth" travelling up "north"

Also, holy hell, those POP figures are like 70% of the merch now.

>> No.8919722

>POP figs
jesus christ there's so many.
But I guess they sell, and aren't hideously expensive.

Unlike any of the food at the place, good god that'd burn a deeper hole in your pocket than any of the weeb trash they sell.

>> No.8919723

I can't wait till pop vinyls go out of fashion. There were too many stalls with the same shit the past 3 years.

>> No.8919728

See this is why I thought Telford was really good, 2 minutes walk from a shopping centre with cheap food.

>> No.8919757

You can always go to the airport area (just take the tram), theres a BK there and a M&S food, which usually have fairly standard prices.
There is also a spoons i think, but i'm not sure if they serve food & if their prices are increased significantly.

Oh and a shopping centre is a walk through the NEC... I had to wait 2 and a half hours recently to pick my brother up for a flight, so i had a LOT of time to explore the complex, lol.

>> No.8919798

NEC spoons is abysmal for food. They don't have good chefs and the prices are hiked.

>> No.8919888

Looking through the MCM brum drama at home is great,
my fave is minachi or beth or whatever kicking off because someone who won in their masquerade ( but won't elaborate on who.) apparently had help on their costume 'and so shouldn't have beaten their satin, unlined, propless costumes.'
JFC, this bitch.
Bitching because she didn't win when she's actually entered store bought props claiming she's made them.

That being said, what did win today? I'm interested to know now.

>> No.8919941

>dat Jabba
Yeah, that was an interesting one... I'm generally against cosplay that takes up a lot of room, but it seemed like he's put a lot of effort into it.
We should suggest that CEX stop handing stickers out, just so we don't have to deal with that kind of shit.
Got some nice stuff from the artist's alley. I probably missed a bunch of nice stuff, but that con's never had the best layout.
Man, and I always thought MCM Birmingham had a decent spread of stalls. I remember one year where they had all the stalls bunched up in two thirds of the hall, with fucking NOTHING at the other end, just so cosplayers could sit down on the fucking floor. That was some grade-A bullshit.
>tfw usually just take a packed lunch and a Capri-Sun
Man, say what you like about the weeb merch stalls, but at least they have some fucking variety. I fucking hate those damn creepy bobbleheaded pieces of crap.

I'm old enough to remember when the "masquerade" was just any cosplayers who felt like it being given the chance to go up on stage, do a dance or whatever; no prizes, just the opportunity to be an attention whore for two minutes.

>> No.8920116

Who kicked off? Got scaps?

>> No.8920588

Brum masq deetz plz

>> No.8920608

who were the street fighter cosplayers on the numbskull table?

>> No.8920636

Masubi and Chris Mason

>> No.8920641
File: 53 KB, 540x960, 10639396_808947912543780_7717345881957550711_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't want to post caps bc it's happening on someone's personal but this bitch is complaining, I can't remember whether she got kicked out of said comp bc she bought stuff, ( she was that person @ animeleague or whatever in london that pretended she made the props to her Ashe btw) or if she entered and didn't win.

But she's claiming (with no source I might add) that someone (but won't elaborate on who,) who won had help with all of it/didn't make half of it.

To me it's hilarious bc she aint getting no facts straight and she's honestly just salty as fuck, and probably desperate for attention.

(and if she's complaining bc she didn't win I will actually laugh my ass of, expecting to win with shitty, satin construction and no prop?)

>> No.8920707

>I'm generally against cosplay that takes up a lot of room
That's... an oddly specific thing to dislike.

>> No.8920712

Who actually takes the mcm masq seriously anymore?
She needs to stop being salty when someone allegedly pulls the same crap that she did.

>> No.8920732
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King of the north cosplays and Masubi I think

>> No.8920773

Yep, definitely is

>> No.8920790


Evee Tales, used to have burlesque page I think


Yes she did, it was pretty good, I'm no burlesque connoisseur but I liked it, it's better than some of the residential con train wrecks we have.

>> No.8920796

Has anyone been keeping up with the Pottercon idiots? They're supposedly doing a Dr Who con as well.

>> No.8920815
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Reminds me of another con where some girl got salty on her personal because she thought her Dagger FF9 dress would win and pic related won the comp (deservedly I might add, the construction on it was really nicely put together for a more simple outfit). Just goes to show that big and flashy does not always equal a win.
Her costume was made out of some satin-y looking material w/ some fraying at the bottom and had average embroidery. The details at the bottom looked kind of tacky too. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a 'bad' costume- just not exactly the winner of a cosplay comp.
Pretty much straight after the event she took to her personal to say she was taking a break from cosplay and all that crap. And about 2 weeks later she was back talking about her plans for upcoming cons.

>> No.8920857

yeah. Somehow they've managed to get an actual guest for the con (zoe wanamaker) which is quite shocking to be honest. Also seem to have cosplay guests which should be a laugh.

>> No.8920862

Considering the scale, quality, ease of transport and location of the NEC, i'm really surprised that MCM don't make it at the very least, their 2nd biggest show, maybe give incentives to vendors and media companies to have stands there or something.

Even eurogamer have switched to the NEC as their main show. Is it just some kind of loyalty to the London show, and LONDON has to be the biggest show because LONDON?

>> No.8920867

I'd say it is the 2nd biggest show though? It's on a par with manc at least

>> No.8920983

The Saturday winners were overall starfox (all made), group winner was the elves from hellboy (entered lscc) and the performance went to some shitty singing Ariel in a brought dress which is who I'm guessing she's bitching about as the Ashe girl in the photo did some sort of ballet on stage so would have been a performance act.

>> No.8920990

and today?

>> No.8920995

Best In show (performance and costume) went to a pair of Alice in wonderland costumes. They had a tear away dress in their skit.
Runner up was some animie Lolita thing and then a kids winner.

>> No.8921051

Runner up was maddie hatter, she won the day before

>> No.8921094

I like the Saitama that was following this girl around. The dead look in his eyes is perfect, though i think i know where it comes from now
I think out of everyone i saw, i like the Astrid with the fur and axe the most

>> No.8921133

The Saitama was really good, had a Genos with him.

Also it was weird being at the Hilton, felt like I arrived 2 weeks too early for Kita.

>> No.8921294

Man, big cons on sundays are way better and more chill. I should do them more often.

>> No.8921298

Wait, so she entered the same costume both days, or did she enter with different cosplays?

>> No.8921401

She was starfox first day and won, maddie hatter second day and came runner up.

>> No.8921410

Did she win best costume/performance or best in show?

>> No.8921422

i think she got best in show yesterday?

>> No.8921423

Best costume on first day. Runner up second. Winning on both days Is supposed to be against the rules.

>> No.8921430

Best costume. 2 judges awards and best performance/costume. It was just today that had best in show instead.

> supposed to be against the rules.
You think the MCM cosplay team even noticed at all? Or give a shit?

>> No.8921440

you would think the judges would notice at least

>> No.8921482

Ignoring the winners the entrants were pretty shit tier today. Probably the only choice

>> No.8921496

On the Sunday at Liverpool last week, the judges were approaching cosplayers on the con floor to enter, because not enough people had signed up.

>> No.8921649

Let me explain - there's only so much floorspace in a convention at the best of times, and having somebody waltz around in something that takes up even more of that floorspace is just kinda stupid. I've mostly seen it done by female cosplayers e.g. Disney princesses, maybe some anime cosplayers. That said, there was a great Godzilla cosplay yesterday, so I guess I can't complain too much.
I remember that guy - damn good Ken! Of course, that Cammy's no slouch, either...
They can be fun, but I kinda miss the hustle and bustle of a Saturday...
To be honest, I'm not sure how they could make it any bigger - the NEC only has so much floorspace, and they already have one hall just for people queueing to get in

>> No.8921722
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>> No.8922309


I am the guy who was in the Godzilla suit you speak of, glad you enjoyed it ^.^

>> No.8922313

Yup, they asked me on Saturday. I asked what the prize was was she just looked at me confused and said "idk, we'll figure it out later"
Needles to say, i passed the offer.

>> No.8922326

>Disney Princesses take up too much floor space
>Godzilla costume fine tho

So that just like...your opinion man.

>> No.8922439

I saw you having your photo taken - it definitely looked like you were having fun!

>> No.8922451

I'm moving to the UK for a few months (April to June) and would like to check out a con or two while I'm there. Are there any good/decent ones during this time? Also any fun or cheesy weeby stores or areas I should check out?

>> No.8922456

Maybe give MCM London a shot (it's worth it at least once)

And it depends which part of the UK you're moving to. Different cities have different stores.

>> No.8922521

I didn't think MCM did Best In Show?

>> No.8922532

What are all the big contests people care about coming up now LSCC is over?

>> No.8922541

ECG WCS and Eurocosplay I guess. Euro qualifiers at manc this year is the same weekend as LFCC. I reckon LFCC is going to be empty of cosplayers this year because of it + costume and plsy drama

>> No.8922560

So are EuroCos and WCS both running together now at MCM?
Do LFCC hold any of the big contests though?

>> No.8922572

LFCC don't hold any contest apart from normal in-house Masquerades. Last year they had that 'championship' trainwreck but as that was a C&P thing I doubt it'll be a thing this year. SO basically showmasters have nothing to get cosplayers to go there instead of manc mcm.

Yeah WCS qualifiers are at may mcm, EuroCos at Manc

>> No.8922578

inb4 someone creates a 'Godzilla/Disney Princess' crossover cosplay

>> No.8922591

Thanks for all the info. How many people usually enter those contests? I'm new to all the contests but thinking about entering a few next year

>> No.8922618

By the way, any fans of /tg/ going to the UK games expo?

I'm sure most of you who went to BCC noticed the posters.

>> No.8922658

Not too sure. Obviously less people enter Euro and WCS and the like as they're much higher quality.

>> No.8922686

Yeah, but not as a cosplayer. I cosplayed at a con in a hotel once... shit felt weird. Besides, I want to do the whole Expo experience (panels, RPG sessions, playtesting, etc) and I'd feel kinda silly doing that dressed as The Spirit.

>> No.8922893

Mcm hand out what they decide on the day and the shit tier cosplays compared to the winners non-shit tier skit and costumes meant they won best In show. So there was no performance winner

>> No.8922906

First time in a few years they've done Best in show though. means there was no costume winner either.

I wonder what the difference in points on both sides have to be for them to win best in show rather than one category or the other.

Would suck to be someone else in the competition though. Because it means there was at least 1 less prize to win and a chance less to win yourself.

I think they should have done 2 judges awards, best costume, best performance, and then the best in show.

>> No.8922952

Who were the best in show winners, do we know of them?

>> No.8922987

UKGE is using the actual NEC as their venue this year, they said they've outgrown the hotel.

Which is understandable, it was packed last year.

>> No.8923011
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said Saitama+Genos

>> No.8923027

yeah, Helen Alice and Captain Amelia. They were sandbagging, to be honest, entering an ECG level skit into a casual masq?

>> No.8923090

>complaining that they were too talented

That's the best compliment I've ever seen on CGL.

>> No.8923097

well come on it's not really fair for people with amazing costumes to enter tiny masquerades, KNOWING they'll win over more casual people, which is what small con masquerades are supposed to be for.

>> No.8923108

>'small con'

>> No.8923120

A Sunday Masquerade is a small competition

>> No.8923136

It's really not, it's one of MCM's biggest shows

>> No.8923184

Its only sandbagging if the costume has previous wins. Obvious that you lost to them

Small cons don't give away £300 a day for first place

>> No.8923198

Looks like a severe case of "hate em cus u aint them"

>> No.8923242

>complains that uk cosplayers can't produce skits
>complains when uk cosplayers produce a good skit

>> No.8923279

Whilst the skit was up there for uk standards it wasn't perfect. From a story telling point of view there's bits that don't make sense. one of them consistently mirrored slower and whilst the tear away dress was a good finish the other girl looked lost on stage and neither of them ended well. they looked confused it was over until the curtsy. However it was still very good, just needed polishing.

>> No.8923304

I think the tearaway needed her to hold it or it wouldn't work for the other to spin out of it.

>> No.8923316

After the holding she looks lost

>> No.8923347

it's only birmingham mcm
if it was wcs then fair it's not good enough

>> No.8923353

didn't they just copy the same Alice skit of spinning out of a dress as the american WCS team that won a few years back?

>> No.8923406

They're still using the Metropole for most of the usual con stuff (tournaments, RPG session, etc) and are shoving the seminars, vendors and the Bring & Buy into Hall 1. Makes sense - the B&B has always been a pain and a half to get into since they moved out of The Strathallan, and the trade hall's always been a traffic jam on Saturdays. I forsee it being a bit of a pain to get from one place to the other, especially if you've got tickets for something and lost track of time, but the Expo's been having teething problems with the NEC since they first arrived.
>first year at the Metropole
>Expo organisers tell Metropole staff that thousands will attend
>Metropole thinks this is bullshit, as they've never had to deal with more than 300 attendees for anything, ever
>Expo opens
>Metropole staff are rushed off their feet, going OH FUCK WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE

>> No.8923419

do you have a youtube link to the wcs entry?

>> No.8923977

It's the same skit

>> No.8924030

It's their local con so... Yeah? I judged Captain Amelia's first costume years ago - at Birmingham. We gave them a runner up award because of the amount of effort they put in and they actually had some stage presence. Birmingham was a small show back then, very few masquerade entries. It's been nice following her progress since then. She just needs to rush her costumes less in the run up to the event. Trying skit ideas at a small event is a great idea to build up experience and practice, really. More people should do it. I did my first ever cosplay skit as an entry for WCS prelims and although it was a great experience and I learnt a lot from it, I really wish I'd done something at another con prior so I knew the things I know now.

>> No.8924206

Git gud

>> No.8924261


>> No.8924306

Try harder vendettachan. Only similarities are that it's Alice in Wonderland and the dress tears away. The clockwork is from the ballet iirc.

>> No.8924323

What? There's literally nothing similar about them apart from the tearaway, which isn't exactly a new feature in Cosplay performances, and the clockwork bit, which is in the ballet of Alice anyway

>> No.8924324

What's the cosplay scene like in Belfast?

>> No.8924422

I'm going to EGX Rezzed, just for the Saturday though. Never been before so I don't know how many other cosplayers there'll be. They told me they don't have changing facilities though so I'm guessing not that many?

>> No.8924425

Most cosplayers come in costume, so changing rooms are never really a problem.

>> No.8924436

Never seen anyone else do that exact same tearaway before

>> No.8924595

Obviously this is the first time in human history that two people have ever had the same idea independently of each other...

>> No.8924615

Probably just bad karma for the all that lion king skit copying bullshit from lscc/lfcc

>> No.8924638

>one is a girl that stalked the people she copied and was a week after
>one is inspired by a ballet and was three years later

It's not even remotely similar situations

>> No.8924648

Hi amelia

>> No.8924649

Didn't say it was the same said it was bad karma, learn to read white knight.

>> No.8924658

Bad karma would mean something bad ie the lion king copy happened to them after they came up with an idea that resembled someone they didn't even know.

Am I the only one who noticed it's also different costumes, one has a queen one has a cat and apart from the twirl it's diffrent in pretty much every way?

>> No.8924661

Who's amelia?

>> No.8924666


>> No.8924667

See guys not everyone on cgl is in from the circle jerk.

>> No.8924668

But bad karma for what? They did nothing wrong in the lion king drama. It was the girl who copied that went on 5 million insane internet rants

>> No.8924672

Actually you mean when they hounded a girl for using a popular Disney song because it was 'copying'.

>> No.8924673

Beth was the one making a fuss. Helen didn't say anything.
And Helen was working with Amelia this time anyway so it's not connected.

But the big question is, who really gives a shit?
The rest of the competition was poor only one of the judges awards looked good anyway.
So whoever is stirring it up probably lost to them and is just a salt mine about it.

>> No.8924693

Beth made one comment, the Emily girl went on multiple giant crazy rants. The screenshots are in previous threads

>> No.8924742

This so much.

>> No.8924744

Yeah and then everyone else in their group and circle jerk chipped in too.

>> No.8924746

Didn't Captain Amelia cosplay date that Kyle shades on guy? I mean enough said, they are as bad as each other when it comes to attracting drama and being posted on cgl.

>> No.8924754


>> No.8924755

She's literally never been posted about before here. If you came out of your mom's basement more often and came to an actual convention you'd see everyone loves Captain Amelia. No drama other than the type you're desperately trying to create now.

>> No.8924759

That didn't happen though? All that happened was the Emily girl embarrassingly ranted about wanting to be Cosplay famous so she could help the lesser people. But noone 'hounded' anyone. Someone made one comment saying 'isn't that such and such's skit' and she blew up

>> No.8924764

Nah they did leave home once. Went to Birmingham MCM and lost painfully to the pair that got best in show and floored everyone else.

>> No.8924777

Who is this Emily? Whats her cosplay page?

>> No.8924778

>thinking beating people wearing cardboard and bought costumes is an achievement

>> No.8924781

The Road to Cosplay

>> No.8924784

what a shit name

>> No.8924820

The idea of travelling on public transport in full costume will never stop being strange to me. I don't know how people do it. Fortunately my costume shouldn't be too bulky so I can get changed in a bathroom.

>> No.8924823

You have to learn the skill of not giving a shit. It works wonders.

>> No.8924830
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is anyone going to dee con this year? it'll be my 6th year but my 1st going to the after party. what's it usually like?
also, what's your opinion on the mascot this year compared to last's?

>> No.8924858

Fortunately I don't give a shit about changing in a bathroom.

>> No.8924867

Sometimes you can't put a costume on in a bathroom.
Depends I guess

>> No.8924913

That's quitter talk right there.

>> No.8924922

Yeah, on my way in on the train i saw someone in a haruhi bunny outfit, with just a body warmer over it.

Pretty brave to walk around a station in a bunny outfit, especially in the cold.

>> No.8924930
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A lot of the time people don't want to waste time transporting then putting on a costume at a con and would rather do it at home, then travel in it.

>> No.8925070
File: 117 KB, 640x480, 1355379070792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Sunday I wore Bloodborne to that Video Games Live but I ended up stuck at Canning Town after missing all the last trains. I experienced my MCM nightmare in that I then had to take a bunch of long ass night buses while in full cosplay to get home. I feel like after this experience, I'll never care about cosplay on public transport ever again.

>> No.8925964

i had to walk from my hotel to a train station for about 15-20 minutes, and then get the train for 10, as a zombie. this was at 8am in the morning, fully covered in fake blood, gross mask and all.
i don't care at all about travelling in cosplay after that ordeal because i know nothing i wear will ever be as outrageous.

>> No.8926006


I was a zombie extra in a small zombie movie, explaining that I hadn't been beaten up to the taxi driver at 2 AM was pretty funny.

>> No.8926075

i'll be at dee anon! it'll be my fourth, and second time at the afterparty. drinks are super cheap from what i remember, music was pretty good and it wasn't overly crowded, i enjoyed it personally. this year's mascot is so much nicer than last years, i love the colour scheme

>> No.8926204

I think it's a good idea they tried out their skit before entering something big. I would do the same if I was to enter Euro Cosplay or ECG

>> No.8926260

nice! what are you cosplaying? would be great to meet other gulls
i agree, last year's mascot was kinda weird? (narwhal/alpaca crossbreed?) the space mermaid is cuter

>> No.8926494

/cgl/ meet at Kita?

>> No.8926498

i'll be cosplaying adiane from ttgl, not sure what i'll be doing for the afterparty though. i'll figure out with whatever doesn't get wrecked at kitacon, heh. what cosplay/s are you bringing?

and yeah, i heard it was originally one of the creator's homestuck OCs. i considered getting a t-shirt last year but i wasn't too fond of the design, but as soon as they announced t-shirt preorders for this year i was all over that desu

>> No.8927163

How many days is it worth going to London MCM? I'll be going alone and it'll be my first time.

>> No.8927165

For the first time? Do 2 days (Sat + Sun)

After that I'd only recommend both days if you have friends going or panels/guests you wanna see, otherwise just do one day.

>> No.8927192

Why not Friday? Or Fri+Sat?

And there's nothing really I want to see. I recall seeing someone say that Good Smile Company has a booth, that's really the only real push I'd go, and maybe to see the AA (do they have one?) for some itabag merch.

For such a big con I'm very surprised at the lack of guests, only 7?

>> No.8927197

Friday has significantly less people going and almost no guests. If you want to get exclusive or new figs, then go on Friday for the Goodsmile booth, but that's all that's going for it.

Yes, there's an artist alley (mainly the 'comic village' and some small stalls outside of it).

Guestlist is usually very low until much closer until the con itself. There's also the Memorabilia section which has separate guests from the MCM show itself, and also Vidfest (if you're into Youtube celebs)

>> No.8927219

Ok! As of yet I'm not interested in the guests so I'll probably stick to Fri+Sat then for merch. How early should I get there? And does it make sense to find a hotel nearby or should I just go home and come back? (I'll be coming from Oxford) Sorry for all the silly questions!

I'm used to American conventions which announce guests months in advance, haha. It's slightly frustrating because it's really only 2 months away!

>> No.8927223

I'll be at deecon. Fourth time this year which is really odd to think about. The afterparty is really good imo, the drinks are cheap and the music is decent. Also since there's two floors it doesnt' get crowded. I love this years mascot though it's so cute.

>> No.8927553

Get the Oxford tube. There's nothing much to do after it closes except hang around and drink anyway and the tube runs more or less all night. Either get the dlr to the district and go to Victoria or the central line and shepards bush depending on what's down that weekend. You'll save yourself at least £150 and all the close hotels will be booked out already anyway.

>> No.8927657

>fourth year weird.
I've been doing MCM 8 years which is longer than secondary school
Brb pally having a mild panic about life

>> No.8928523
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enjoy this bad buffy photoshop

>> No.8928527

everytime I see that Willow I do a double take since she looks so much like her

>> No.8928596
File: 62 KB, 429x520, vogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adiane is a total hottie, i'll ask for a pic if i see you!
i'm doing a gijinka of sulley from MU for the con but a nice casual choroko from osomatsu for the afterparty (i want to be as comfy as possible)

nice! what are you cosplaying this year?

>> No.8929299 [DELETED] 

The one on the left is so bad at make up, every time I see her unblended contouring it makes me cringe. Its like the next stage down from those bad Attack on Titan cosplayers.

>> No.8929488

I'm undecided right now but probably Athena from Borderlands

>> No.8929526
File: 270 KB, 960x1280, bants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to the What Have We Removed panel to win chocolate and have some bants.

>> No.8929527
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I go as The Spirit, so my costume is literally just what most guys wear to the office, with a blue raincoat on top. I keep my hat and domino mask in a bag, and only put them on when I'm in the line for the queue - it gives me a weird little thrill to "suit up" in front of everyone else, just before I actually go in. Pic related, but I've replaced my mask with something less cheap.

>> No.8929615

Not even the next stage down though it's just as bad she just blends with Photoshop. Go look at her Jessica Jones cosplay

>> No.8929646

Was already going to go but chocolate makes it even better

>> No.8930078 [DELETED] 

I have seen her before. She just smudges shit all around her nose and thinks she has transformed her face

>> No.8930780

adiane anon again, nice cosplays! i'll be sure to say hey if i come across you, which i most likely will at the afterparty at least

>> No.8931013

Anyone at i57? Doesn't seem to be much of a cosplay presence there, but the event is al over my news feed. I know its more gaming related anyway.

>> No.8931032

I've seen a big table of Cosplay guests there

>> No.8931035

oh sweet, who is attending? None of the cosplay has shown up for me

>> No.8931048

Kyokyo, Helen Alice, Capt Amelia and a few others

>> No.8931337

The usual lot then. How dull.

>> No.8931676

Oh no
Skilled cosplayers
How awful

>> No.8931904

Skilled? Each to their own I guess.

>> No.8932465

Been ages since I checked /cgl/; odd to see this thtead, did all the brit trips leave or something?

>> No.8932468
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How long have you been gone...?

>> No.8932476

Quite a while.

>> No.8932649

... you? Really? Piss off, some of us still haven't forgotten all the shit you did. Like literally assaulting people at a convention? You're scum, kindly return to /mlp/.

>> No.8933037

Calm down Amber.

>> No.8933040

Some 12 year old looking Azn fuckboy named Vince Kazama Lee got called out in the MCM Group for sending shitty messages to women on Facebook. The entire post exploded with comments and things he's done before the admins got hurt and deleted the entire thing, as well as all other posts about him and screenshots provided of his bs.

Any more shit on him? He has a kid and partner which makes it more interesting.

>> No.8933109

I just wish she'd blend her nose contour

>> No.8933432

Blur tool her face not photos

>> No.8933953

Put your trip back on Lucid. You really think only one person knows about the shit you pulled? It's common knowledge, and you're a complete idiot for trying to stroll back in here with your trip on as if you didn't get banned from a con for assaulting a woman.

>> No.8934046

Never heard of him but I had a look at his FB and it's both hilarious and tragic.

>> No.8934069

What happened?

>> No.8934071

That wasn't my post, actually. I'm not really the type to call out anons.

I didn't get banned from a con for assaulting a woman at all. I got escorted out of a con (that I now work for as part of the animation team - you can see my name in the promo's credits for the year - and am vending at for a second year in a row) for headbutting someone who I was informed tried to sleep with my partner.

Rather a different story entirely.

>> No.8934077

Anyone feeling hyped for Kita yet?

>> No.8934082

Incidentally the security guard who escorted me off premises was fired for doing shit like wandering the con with a beer and the one person who lobbied to get me blocked from the next year (loudly, despite never having met me) was a shit manager and got demoted.

Funny shit.

>> No.8934085

>tfw not got cosplays finished yet

>> No.8934086

He headbutted someone at a brony con, I and recieved almost no repercussions because his friend is head of security for the con.

>> No.8934088

Forget the I, phoneposting a shit.

>> No.8934089

So where did this shit about him assaulting a woman come from?

>> No.8934092

Different incident.

>> No.8934098

Accident I refused to apologise for at the time.

Ex had grabbed Britfag's sweaty ass rubber glove from a cosplay and wiped it in my face while I was angry- I attempted to do the same and anded up knocking her glasses. Never gave her the black eye she claimed though.

Given she was homeless, the only friends she had in the city all knew me and she'd decided I was dangerous due to past abuse from family (and maybe partner's? no idea) the only option was to demonise me with any ammunition she could get. It's a smart move, really.

>> No.8934775

How do you stay in London during MCM on a budget? Fuck spending £400+ on a hotel for two nights.

>> No.8934821

Book early, that's really the only way. Think I paid something like £162 for two nights this year, and I booked in January for October. I was so tense for Kita reg that I went and booked my room for October Expo like a consolation prize while waiting.

>> No.8934824

Really the best way to do Expo is to stay with a mate who lives 2 DLR stops or less away. Expo is about getting shitfaced with your mates anyway really, so staying with friends offsite is probably better than getting a hotel with a smaller group or by yourself.

>> No.8934852

• Hostel
• Room share
• Stay in Stratford, only 10 mins on DLR (£50~ a night)
• Stay with a friend who lives in London

>> No.8936065
File: 43 KB, 477x416, lanyards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to out yourself on social media 101. I'm appalled to think what might have happened at play parties with this caliber of retard.

(for those not in the know, the purple lanyards were used at previous cons to identify people who were into BDSM and might be up for play during the event)

>> No.8936082


Uh whats this about? Is there some secret club meaning behind purple lanyards?

>> No.8936111

>I'm appalled to think what might have happened at play parties with this caliber of retard.

I used to lurk in the uk anime fetlife community and I can promise you that this type of retard is the mildest one. I was kind of forced to hang out with a few of the purple lanyard wearing people a few cons ago, and it was a nightmare. I enjoy weird shit but the people that don't see the problem in openly talking about their kinks are absolute freaks.

>> No.8936140


>openly talking about kinks

Isn't that the whole point of purple lanyards? That its not really open, but in a circle that shares and understands kink life? Or do you mean openly as in public space, and are more of the person who rather keeps all that behind locked doors?

>> No.8936143

I think they mean in a public space. There could be kids around, for instance.

>> No.8936157

That is fate stay night mate good taste

>> No.8936187

Dat willow though. I saw one at NY comic con my dick lost its shit.

>> No.8936194
File: 52 KB, 720x960, 12417574_980615938691471_5796466652613606749_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tabitha was there, debuting her STUNNING latest costume. Look up 'resting on your laurels' in a dictionary and you'll find Tabby. Lazy ... not brilliant.

>> No.8936195

If tabby is the blond I'm okay with that.

>> No.8936197

It's not bad, it's just so very much meh. It looks like she threw it together in about an hour.

>> No.8936202

It's simple as a bald guy I kinda feel the simplicity of costumes I was Hudson from black ops for a few years it's about all I could pull of perfect but now we have saitama..and I have to wear that lol bitches better love me. Probably gonna give saitama a beard or do Hudson then saitama.

>> No.8936250

It literally says what they're about in my post.

Mmmhm. I just don't mix kink and weebery, partly because of the people and partly because I just don't see the point. I have all year to go to kink events, why would I pay for a badge and hotel for an anime event... just to do kink stuff there? I don't even know how they find the time during a con.

>> No.8936484

Is Tasha like Tabs fat friend? That outfit really isn't flattering.

>> No.8936539

Can't tell if they are wearing really bad fitting bras or don't know how to pad properly.

>> No.8936560

I thought she was her mum

>> No.8936696

I'm willing to bet they don't own or know how to use a sewing machine between them to make costumes other than buying clothes and hot gluing stuff together.

>> No.8936931

Anyone else been lolling at the British Cosplay Girls page? what gets me is Eevee gets the most likes on her posts?

>> No.8936979

I've never even heard of half these people. Oh well.

>> No.8937101

So Kitacon are doing badges and wristbands this time. Reckon it's so the Hilton staff can keep better tabs on us or something else?

Personally I'm rather pissed because the main thing I preferred about cons with badges was that you could easily get better cosplay photos. We will have to strategically thing of ways to hide them for photos.

>> No.8937105

Or you know, take them off

>> No.8937115
File: 130 KB, 2000x1000, o-SILICONE-WRISTBAND-facebook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked one of the organisers about it and he said that it's because people started copying the badges, hence why the staff were checking both sides of badges on the Sunday last year.

They will be silicone wristbands, not the shitty paper ones so you will be able to take them off for photos.

>> No.8937119

Oh. When you said badges I thought you meant plastic badges.

If there are both, then why are wristbands needed?

>> No.8937127


To prevent badge swapping imo

>> No.8937132

I'm not quite sure what you mean, I fear I may have said something confusing so let me begin again.

There are usually plastic badges on lanyards, but people were making copies of them to give other people who had not paid for a space, so they are introducing wristbands as well so that even if the badges are copied they know who is actually allowed into the con.

It's shitty that they are doing it, but eh, they probably have to have stuff in place for safety reasons.

The easiest way would be to just have a lanyard that has a specific set of colours and only that type of lanyard is allowed to be used? It would only upset the most serious of con autists and would be far more reasonable than both a pass and a wristband imho.

>> No.8937134

Oh that makes more sense.

>> No.8937187

I thought they said in the podcast that we were getting vinyl ones like at mcm, not silicone ones which were like a little memento from previous events and will be placed on your wrist by a member of staff. Insinuating that they cannot be removed.

Kind of understandable given people would leave panel rooms with badges belonging to other people to get someone else in. I know of at least one person who did it but wouldnt listen to me when I said it'd be a dickish thing to do.

>> No.8937204

That's fine, I'll just get them to place it on my prosthetic.

>> No.8937272

Anyone know if you can park and stay overnight at Warwick Uni? Planning ahead for Ame and need to know if I should drive or get the train.

>> No.8937299

Have you booked a room? If so, then yes. Otherwise you might be able to get a parking permit

>> No.8937312

Yeah, for Friday and Saturday evenings. Good to hear.

>> No.8938059

Or you could just wear it and not be a rule breaking dick? It is people abusing the system that has caused this. Soon we'll have electric collars instead of badges ergo Battle Royale...>.>

>> No.8938060

She looks way better in person ... plus Tabs is anorexic.

>> No.8938113

Calm down autismo, it's perfectly reasonable to expect to be treated like adults at an 18+ con.

>> No.8938123

She looks like the oldest washed up cosplayer the UK has. I agree Tabs looks ill though.

>> No.8938158

I need it on there anyway, I wont be able to remove it if they put it on my real arm.

>> No.8938160

She's definitely not anorexic. She's just lost some weight lately without toning up so just looks a bit skinny and saggy

>> No.8938212

Will this year's Kita top last years?

>Kids drinks got spiked
>Old couple fucking in the pool

>> No.8938219


Who's drinks got spiked? I thought it was all just a bunch of asshats who can't hold their liquor.

>> No.8938230

Well it was probably that, dunno why I thought they were spiked.

I just hope something better happens rather than listen to that elemental and the shitty "dapper rapper" gadge.

>> No.8938245

Yeah except that people have proved time and time again that some people cannot act like adults. Therefore we have nanny wristbands. Nice autist throw there hatflaps.

>> No.8940217
File: 51 KB, 638x960, 12670708_983355305084201_8258754119672385880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tabitha is debuting her new Harley cosplay this weekend. I can tell she's been working really hard on it. She just keeps getting better.

>> No.8940635

Whenever someone praises her I simply cannot tell if they're being sarcastic or not

>> No.8940690

Reminder that this talentless, jobless and never made it as an actor/model is considered a top cosplayer in the UK.

>> No.8940707

I'm in Manchester for a few days.

Any /cgl/ related stores worth hitting? I'm more into lolita and jfash but anywhere cool would be appreciated.

>> No.8940943

Have a look round Afflecks

>> No.8941019

Anyone have any experience with coscrafts lacefront wigs? Thinking if buying one.

>> No.8941514

Not to anyone in the scene she isn't

>> No.8941534

I have one! What would you like to know?

>> No.8941553

New thread: >>8941552

>> No.8941596


Well, not jobless. She gets a handsome salary off her dad.

Rule of thumb with praise is that if it's on her page, it's genuine, and if it's here, it's sarcastic. Tabs can't understand sarcasm though, so she probably thinks EGL LUBS her.

I wonder how many people on Tabs' page would be praising her costume if she looked like a fucking fat heifer.

>> No.8941598

Tabby doesn't visit EGL any more. Last time she did, we made her cry ... I'm not kidding about that.

She gets her minions to do it instead so she gets a watered-down version of any criticism and any praise is massively overexaggerated.