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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 540x720, FB_IMG_1458140874678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8914441 No.8914441 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one on catalog

>> No.8914453

Are you trying to say that aliens aren't kawaii enough

>> No.8914467

10/10 circle lenses

>> No.8914476

Did you at least try? >>8897623

>> No.8914477

it is kind of cute...?

>> No.8914480

Ayyyy lmao

>> No.8914483
File: 320 KB, 480x700, 341453-10117-2015-04-15681457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Plant Rockets by Pumpkin Cat would be kawaii

>> No.8914492

it's saging you dip

>> No.8914547

Are you catalan/spaniard lolita, OP?
That comm is full of nice girls, but most of them have an awful sense of style.

>> No.8914566

If she wore a decent wig and traded the spoopy skeleton otks for some tights I actually wouldn't mind this coord. I think the skirt is kinda nice.

>> No.8914637
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>> No.8914638

This wouldn't be too awful if she took off whatever that top is and replaced it with a blouse.

>> No.8914644
File: 727 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o3wcrfoBcg1ui3kgto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8914647

I really want that dress. Damn that everything else though...

>> No.8914663
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>> No.8914669
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>> No.8914673
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>> No.8914679
File: 392 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ncpny3oXzd1qbs1boo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punk lolita

>> No.8914691

Any gull know the skirt? I have a mighty need

>> No.8914701

Pretty sure it's Bodyline.

>> No.8914702

What with they're body proportions ?

>> No.8914705

Bodyline L543

>> No.8914713
File: 75 KB, 640x480, utena_wakaba017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the bolero, I have it and it really throws off the proportions of my body as well, maybe it's because of the weird shoulders..
It's really cute irl, but it's not really suitable for lolita. I usually wear it with normalfag skirts and pretend I'm one of the girls from Utena

>> No.8914786

Horrid top half, but I'm in love with the socks+shoes.

>> No.8914791

I'm not into the comm, but I follow then in fb just for curiosity. They're nice, but what an awful coords.

>> No.8914793

That face tho

>> No.8914795

I think this coordinate works, but it looks like the blouse doesn't fit her in the wrists and leaving it unbuttoned looks messy.

>> No.8914798
File: 41 KB, 600x600, lolitabutterflys3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found my old lolita inspiration photobucket from long before I wore the fashion. It's a goldmine of ita.

>> No.8914800
File: 44 KB, 768x768, Dress4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>labelled as "dark lolita" lol

>> No.8914801
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>> No.8914802
File: 133 KB, 768x1024, harajuku-093006-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914862

I would wear this, but not as Lolita...

>> No.8914951
File: 83 KB, 640x640, fatgirltightlacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#gothgardening #fatgirltightlacing #tightlacing #corsets #lolitafashion #gothgoth #gothiclolita #ootd #gardening #effyourbeautystandards -

>> No.8914955

I don't even know where to begin

>> No.8914958

what even is she doin?

>> No.8914967

A fucking Saab, in what looks to be the UK. Why.

>> No.8914973

Burying a body?

>> No.8914978

>the camera turned itself on I swear I am not a model

>> No.8914984


Was it the shitty weather or shitty buildings that gave it away?

>> No.8915024

Or, you know, the UK registration plate.

>> No.8915050

>Plus Size corsetry model Queer Intersectional Feminist

>> No.8915058

just honestly no words

>> No.8915125
File: 39 KB, 540x960, 1930404_1026489107397512_8754773539677126422_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wanted to share a casual coord :) I feel like a princess in Romantic Rose Letter <3"

>> No.8915130

>just gardening sensually

>> No.8915135

My god... This was my first ever 'Lolita dress' from about the age of 12. I think back and cringe so much.

>> No.8915170

How can all people be so tall? All my skirts go till my knees at least.

>> No.8915176

Milanoo ita is making a comeback

>> No.8915179

This is kind of cute for casual wear, but not for casual lolita

>> No.8915194

You said this in the last thread too and it still isn't true. It's a bad outfit no matter which way you look at it.

>> No.8915196

Definately the UK, probably the north.

>> No.8915220

this was from the tall lolita group

>> No.8915231

For some reason tall people intimidate me...
Maybe because i'm short

>> No.8915323
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 10923218_10152671008095794_3422874374509860989_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wore this to her own wedding

>> No.8915327
File: 57 KB, 530x960, 1800460_10151946919920794_455949906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8915337

how can be someone so sad and have such a low standards?

>> No.8915363

Personally whenever i see an ugly white person I automatically think UK.

>> No.8915373

I'm only 5'3 but AP does run a little bit short. If I put a petticoat under my AP it'll go awkwardly above my knees/almost mid-thigh. (Nothing to do with bust hiking it up, since I'm a pancake)

>> No.8915378

Everything is terrible but the unironed tablecloth especially kills me

>> No.8915386


Different anon, but I thought it looked pretty cute as well. Care to share what you dislike about it?

>> No.8915405

oh no...

>> No.8915409

I...don't think I'm the anon you're referring to

>> No.8915417

Didn't someone post this in the last thread?

>> No.8915420
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 10944824_10152788273315794_7893602184113858552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8915427

Are you twelve or an actual retard?

>> No.8915444

This is the best thing I've ever seen in an ita thread.

>> No.8915483

The ita disposal man

>> No.8915698
File: 438 KB, 1440x1866, _20160317_013454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this looks good please kys

>> No.8915840

looks like Chlamydia-chan

>> No.8915841

the back looks ok...

>> No.8915923

Is this tiffy or rabbit or whatever the heck her online name is?

>> No.8915932

goth girl gardening, obviously

>> No.8915936

Fuckin salty, anon. I like parts of it, but stuff like the sleeves, red vest, and weird hat thing just confuse me.

>> No.8915946


>> No.8915953


Planting new burando obviously.

>> No.8915955

Looks more like fantasy/ren faire related fashion, doesn't look like lolita or even j-fashion at all.

>> No.8915957

Every time i see a wa lolita pic I'm so glad i couldn't convince my mum to let me order a wa lolita dress off of fanplusfriend back in 2008

>> No.8915959

alexandriawebofficial but maybe she uses morw than one name

>> No.8915961
File: 85 KB, 640x960, 540697_682472838445908_643395819_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8915963

The white front and yellow back plates. Also sort of the buildings, though the weather is hardly that bad in the picture.

>> No.8915969

I'm not sure if this is even Lolita...but I do like that coat.

>> No.8915975

That feels when I was about to start a country lolita life style blog. Was going to include gardening. Now strongly reconsidering after seeing this.

>> No.8915979

Yeah, she was rabbit777 on livejournal back in the day. It's sad that she hasn't improved at all after all this time.

>> No.8915983

How vain do you have to be to include official in your username.

>> No.8915999
File: 433 KB, 603x635, tifferet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is she now?

>> No.8916007

Do it anyway anon. You'll probably be much better.

...do you own any chickens?

>> No.8916119
File: 34 KB, 408x480, 6d1db64eb29e267e6f15d4a59c923576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8916125

White trash at its finest

>> No.8916136
File: 135 KB, 736x1104, ed3134d240e0b9a35b9300e945e0153b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the hat thing is supposed to be a kokoshnik?

>> No.8916147
File: 444 KB, 377x577, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finest wonderfuck

>> No.8916265
File: 537 KB, 533x800, cdc0eb11-c1b3-41d2-a0b8-b35f05bd1f24.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite dress and they have both coorded it horribly.
Shoehorned red, 90's striped turtleneck.
Grey hat, white blouse, maroon socks and pink shoes. There isn't any grey or maroon in the print at all.
Such rage, but it speaks volumes that the dresses alone still look cute. Cute placed over a big hot mess.

>> No.8916285

that poor kitty bag

>> No.8916312


>> No.8916313

wtf is there to be intimated by? We aren't exactly going to use you as a chair or throw you around.

>> No.8916327

wtf is that pose

>> No.8916335

God, I feel like this needs a caption

>> No.8916344

"taking the garbage out"
"taking the pig back to the slaughter house"
also salty because the left girls sock style was on lacemarket and i totally missed it again

>> No.8916349

What's that orange stuff on her head (serious question, please answer)

>> No.8916351

Lol no, those coords are insanely bad. What were they thinking?

>> No.8916365

For fuck's sake, Rabbit

>> No.8916371

That's her hair in a ponytail, anon.

>> No.8916410

Why is it orange and lumpy looking though? Is it permed, in dreads, or what? Is this like a punk thing or...

>> No.8916419

She probably got it bleached. She's got naturally kinky hair because she's black.

>> No.8916423

Just saw this on fanplus friend.

>> No.8916424
File: 835 KB, 1200x1600, 1454341587780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8916428
File: 22 KB, 350x315, 1392781820366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no words for how awful this is
>those socks
>those dirty shoes
>that lopsided crumpled hat with a veil attached
>nothing is ironed
>purple dollar store plastic cover draped over half the wall
>random cards all over
>some sort of childrens blanket
>half-fingered white gloves

>> No.8916458

Good god, why not wear cute natural afro puffs or fancy braids? Black hair is so cute if it's natural and well styled, this is fucking gross

>> No.8916490

Not every black person's hair has the same texture.

>> No.8916497

"I'll be needing to escort you out of lolita"

>> No.8916572


>> No.8916631

Granny kei

>> No.8916633

because it's Wonderbitch and heaven forbid she ever does something that actually makes sense

>> No.8916646

Eh. This doesn't look too bad. They both need some make-up. The one on the left could use an actual blouse, a different headdress and matching shoes. Right needs different stockings.

>> No.8916690

Yep, they even use this term in the article description. It's included in their military-inspired list of products, maybe it references something like this? http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/94726-official-us-navy-tiara/

>> No.8916698

>pull up, skrrrrt, get in the ride

>> No.8916743


>> No.8916770

True but if she's not gonna wear it natural she should keep up the maintenance on it so it isn't brassy and messy.

>> No.8916800

I don't know who she is, but she looks mixed and seemingly has the same hair texture as me.

Trust me, it doesn't 'fro.
(I would just wear a wig, inb4)

>> No.8916839

All the ita threads throughout time have existed so that this picture could be posted. Well done gulls, we're through here.

>> No.8916860

this is years old, wow...you don't have more recent things or just felt like posting her because?? This has been posted and re-posted and picked to death already.

>> No.8916865

The perfect motion blur in this is just killing me.

>> No.8916868

the prob with #fatgirltightlacing is
(how do you tell?)
This is also old, it's Rabbit and is she even in lolita anymore or did she flounce and invent a fashion or become an #altgothmodel? I can't remember, I can't keep up with these manky cows! It's actually nice she's outdoors though because I DO remember her house was one of the most filthy and disgusting things I have ever seen and every time I remember THAT photo of her kitchen I go do the dishes or clean something.

>> No.8916869

What the hell is going on that wall? Did they have a water damage or something? Is it moldy? I don't understand.

>> No.8916873

I like this. I know it's ita but it doesn't hurt my eyes.

>> No.8916876

>Berries and cream

>> No.8916894

Poor guy

>> No.8916897

Just showing an example of her hair, Anon. It's one of the first pictures up in google.

>> No.8916906

well that is true her hair has almost always looked messy like that, but that's a particularly good/bad example of how it doesn't look good most times with lolita. I have seen a couple of photos of her where she did something to it so it fell into these great defined ringlets and it looked so nice (color choices aside)! But that makes it kind of worse since I KNOW it can look nice like that yet so rarely does.

>> No.8916909
File: 79 KB, 666x500, 110pds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8916924

Yuck at the red forced into the raspberry colored one.

>> No.8916941

well it is ita as fuck. didn't realize there is an expiry date on ita

>> No.8916953

there isn't but it's also pointless to post the same photos over and over for 'ita' threads. I get it that photo poster was using it as hair example but there's so much new ita yet to cringe at. Lets give it a chance more too.

>> No.8916986

Do you promise to love each other even though neither of you shower or know how to dress yourselves?

We do <3

>> No.8916996

Really? You think either of these look okay?

>> No.8917003
File: 637 KB, 749x745, tshirt blouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917034

I'm sorry I derailed the fuck out of this thread. Lolita needs more good hair, for real though. Where I live black women have the most amazing hair sculptures and braids which would look so awesome in lolita lol. Tired of everyone wearing the same wavy wigs, but WF definitely has the wrong idea about how to wear her hair if the first picture is recent. I just want to pour color correcting toner on top of her

>> No.8917040

It's a good topic for all hair, how to do natural hair well for lolita. I have seen some good natural hair in many cases, regardless of texture. But we've all seen much bad too.

>> No.8917045

Doing an instagram dump

>> No.8917050
File: 922 KB, 748x756, turtle turtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black turtleneck so rori.

>> No.8917054
File: 676 KB, 748x760, melanie martinez aint lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917057
File: 801 KB, 748x731, jfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Describes her two styles as lolita and cosplay.
>This is her idea of lolita

>> No.8917059
File: 766 KB, 567x736, not enough stickers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop wearing t-shirts with lolita.

>> No.8917078

She looks really young. I would cut her some slack and just calmly explain what lolita actually is.

>> No.8917080

she's wearing a blouse, it's not loliable but it's not a turtleneck

>> No.8917182

parasol is literally from the craft store Michael's.

>> No.8917186

that's the most pitiful wedding i've ever seen. there's a plastic tablecloth and playing cards taped to the wall. such lovely decor. wow.

>> No.8917196

Don't be like that, there are plenty of ugly white people on every continent. I only think UK right away if 'white, bad teeth, no fringe'.

>> No.8917200

Let me guess:
" So yeah, like, I just got this Bodyline JSK in the mail and I don't have any of my other Lolita coord pieces yet because I have to save up but I really wanted to do a photoshoot so I used my cosplay wig and some stuff from my closet, hope it's ok 4 now." (Am I rori yet?)

>> No.8917204

More like digging for it because her whole wardrobe is bad.

>> No.8917265

Actual goths use the tag "gothgoth", because "goth" is overtaken by non-goths or just very bad goths. Kind of like how lolitas use "lolitafashion" to distinguish themselves from people using the tag "lolita" who know next to nothing about the fashion. Whether those people are itas, creeps, or people whose only source of knowledge about lolita fashion is sensationalized bullshit. Of course, eventually outsiders catch on, and you can't completely keep out everything you don't like... But it seems to help a little bit.

>> No.8917303

Why is she retarded?

>> No.8917313

Oh god i am saving this forever

>> No.8917319

I thought the same.. It was so funny because I thought it was just a large, bearded man rocking some Milanoo dress.

>> No.8917331

No it has a child lol but i thought the same thing at first too lmao

>> No.8917353

You have really bad tastes and must be ita yourself if you think either looks even remotely ok.

>> No.8917369
File: 2.04 MB, 1212x1183, gothgoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8915959 >>8916868

Looks like shes still going.

#plussizelolita #lolitafashion

>> No.8917382

Everything about all of this is awful, but the tits are arguably the worst, ew.

>> No.8917390

She's a really nice person but I always cringe when I see her homemade stuff

It never looks flattering, I wish she would just save up for brand or get someone else to make her stuff/coordinate for her cause she just keeps looking like a grandma's fabric scrap bin

>> No.8917400
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>> No.8917455
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>> No.8917456
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>> No.8917459
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>> No.8917461
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>> No.8917462
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>> No.8917463
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>> No.8917465
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>> No.8917467
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>> No.8917474
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>> No.8917475
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>> No.8917482
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>> No.8917485
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>> No.8917487
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>> No.8917488
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>> No.8917490
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>> No.8917491
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>> No.8917492
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>> No.8917494
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>> No.8917497
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>> No.8917502

This girl has potential (Right now, though, that untucked, ill-fitting blouse is killing me.)

>> No.8917612

thats dirndl rape

>> No.8917618

This terrible shoop my god

>> No.8917628

is that a fucking dead fox?

>> No.8917636
File: 70 KB, 609x960, 1460961_997908360295615_4679739992754995959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a fashion show and can't be bothered to iron her dress
and she needs to wear a corset for those fat rolls

>> No.8917655

It's way closer to the tiara you linked than to a kokoshnik... I like it better in your pic

>> No.8917670

Omg, I met this girl a few times....

>> No.8917680

Someone turn this into a reaction image please!

>> No.8917682

Never seen her make a good coord. Ever.

>> No.8917683


>> No.8917700


>> No.8917709

Vendetta? This is a perfectly fine coord with a few nitpicks

>> No.8917722


>> No.8917727

She's wearing cosplay cat ears too.
Boring all black
I suppose it's more cringe for someone to not even iron their dress for a fashion show.

>> No.8917744

I think her given theme was "Cheshire Cat". The fashion show was based on fairy tales.

>> No.8917745

>proving that this is indeed a nitpick / vendetta post

>> No.8917757

No the soild black looks like cheap shit
You can't tell me there are not a million cute pairs of black and pink socks on the market.
No accessories, just a combo of boring, hobo, and weeb.

>> No.8917765

We get that you have autism. Stop.

>> No.8917965

I think if she had a little more support, a bolero and maybe some different shoes this could be nicer

>> No.8917992 [DELETED] 

are you shitting me

>> No.8917997

are you shitting me?

>> No.8918033
File: 154 KB, 555x1024, 25733212606_52d9a9bea5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this beauty on flickr

>> No.8918052
File: 211 KB, 683x1024, 24586741212_c054a571c7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918063
File: 280 KB, 681x1024, 23366127546_63ec3040c1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918078
File: 89 KB, 640x960, 828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showed up to SF Comm's OTT party in pic related

>> No.8918083

oh god is that tifferet?

the dress is cute, where is it from? I feel like this wouldn't be a terrible coord if it was on someone other than tiffy...or if she at least tried to look cute for once

>> No.8918086

This is the best coord she has ever made and it still sucks lol.
How come she's still so horribly ita after all those years she's been into lolita, just like wondercunt it still manages to surprise me she has made 0 progress over the years.

>> No.8918125

Looks like she just took tumblr, mushed it up into a little ball and slathered it on herself.

>> No.8918132

.... Does anyone know what that old school dress she's wearing is?

>> No.8918151

Are you white? You sound like you don't know anything about black hair. That's ok though lol.

>> No.8918174

That replica

>> No.8918179

BTSSB's Millefeuille JSK

>> No.8918251
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 1947644_10156687063740574_9145766306843986426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh from pintucks and lace, for easter.

>> No.8918317

tbf this looks like they were at some concert or something, so I get why they would wear bandshirts with lolita skirts.

>> No.8918326
File: 230 KB, 1390x781, fat princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8918329

She looks like she ate someone out on their period.

>> No.8918338

>for easter

That explains why it's shaped like an egg

>> No.8918345

Sauce on Tiffy, newfag here

>> No.8918353

Oh sweet child...

>> No.8918360

what is that thing she's leaning against? Is that some kind of a bike? Is she to fat to walk or what?

>> No.8918379

Seconding >>8918083, sauce on the dress.

>> No.8918381

iirc, she's had a few of her things commissioned.

>> No.8918394
File: 259 KB, 295x295, wkw-atkw-outside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a knee walker.

>> No.8918616

Those swollen cheek parts, lank hair, and super skinny limbs... someone get this girl to a ED clinic right stat now.

>> No.8918630

Yes! I have 3 silkies, 1 peakin a houdan and a faverolle. I love them so much, however I just found them in my herb patch this morning digging everything up. It was kind of funny.

>> No.8918653

"We can't not eat this for dinna!!!"

>> No.8918663

That's a fucking balloon

>> No.8918669

I would read the fuck out of a lolita lifestyle blog with chickens, just sayin'.

>> No.8918672

>THAT photo of her kitchen
I know I'll regret it but I have to ask you to share.

>> No.8918678

because she probably doesn't.

>> No.8918681

Is she smuggling an actual fucking egg under there

>> No.8918696

We should start a /cgl/ farming group or something, lol. My chickens aren't the same breeds as yours but they do look similar, and my dad is buying me a faverolle hen or two tomorrow.

I'd make one too, but most of my time is spent in the city rather than at my parents' in the country where the chickens are.

>> No.8918851

Her creations are just as unfortunate as her face

>> No.8918874

And to this day, she still cant coord for balls

>> No.8918887


I will definitely start the blog then! I was also going to do topics like 'lolita related crops' with gardening tips. If that makes sense.

I think it would be interesting none the less, I'm sure other lolitas who like or are interested in country would enjoy 'city' country. I.e while my family is from the country, and I have grown up in the country, I live in suburbia now. However, I still do a lot of 'country' sort of things at home, and lolitas who are also from suburbia might find it interesting and be able to apply it to their own homes.

>> No.8918925

Maxicimam. It's one of the dresses from their lovely size line. It also comes in regular size.

>> No.8918936

I would totes join a lolita chicken group or jump on some kind of guest blog haha. My family and I have a whole flock, we have like 15-18 hens and a rooster.

Coop meet anyone? (just kidding. if chickens didn't shit randomly it would be nice though, and I have too many chickens to even want to put those weird diapers on them lol)

Post it when you've set it up!

>> No.8918974

Will post it up on the next tumblr thread. or if I manage to get it done between assignments I will link it later.

>> No.8918998
File: 100 KB, 1257x960, tmp_21339-FB_IMG_14583684686971955485519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Holy lolita'.

>> No.8919021

Is there even such thing as 'good' wa? I've never seen it pulled off well.

>> No.8919024

I've seen like one good coord. I bet there are Japanese lolitas who can make pretty wa coords, though.

>> No.8919028

yes, it's exceptionally rare though and impossible to achieve cheaply.

>> No.8919030

Is that the Bodyline nun dress?

>> No.8919072

Search her name in the group, she posts all the time yet has never made a single remotely okay looking item.

>> No.8919074

Leg surgery, probably stress fracture from carrying too much weight.

>> No.8919081

Looks like a Grimes tshirt and honestly, if she saw them wearing 'lolita' at a show she'd probably love it, being a huge weeaboo herself.

>> No.8919098

I remember her from Livejournal, but seeing her now she looks like the kind of person who'd describe herself as having an "ample bosom".

>> No.8919100

Well... She put in the effort, at least?

>> No.8919113

I kinda...love this? I mean i'm a la parfait loving tacky hime gyaru but she looks cute as heck to me

>> No.8919118

Who told you you could post my picture here?!

>> No.8919131

OT but I'm hoping for her to collab with some Japanese artists....

I love this as a cosplay for an unknown OC. Minus the antlers.

This wouldn't be terrible if it didn't look like the top of her head was a side table with a doile and a knickknack on it

>> No.8919149

I agree, it'd be super cute if she ditched the wig and shoehorned antlers.

>> No.8919153

Eh, lose the clip in twintail part of the wig and change shoes. Nitpick.

Can't even see most of this coord. I'm going with nitpick.

>> No.8919199

Next on Hoarders...

>> No.8919201

Tacky but amazing.

>> No.8919399

this isn't that bad except for the ugly undershirts and the head dressesand they could at least swap shoes

>> No.8919402

its shameful to even call this lolita

>> No.8919420

Why did she do this?

>> No.8919592

No, pick one or the other. T-shirts and lolita skirts should never mix idgaf where you're going.

>> No.8920161

Yes, yes it is. She brings that thing to conventions and shows it to anyone who will listen to her. I told her to get the thing away from me. Really annoying in person from my experience

>> No.8920198

I actually really like this, just not as lolita

>> No.8920221
File: 181 KB, 309x400, 1423250047954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I find soft taxidermy interesting but this is just...weird
At least I hope that IS soft taxidermy and not a stiff as a board dead animal

if it then jesus christ that is some old creepy lady in that house down the street your parents told you to stay away from

>> No.8920232

It is soft and flexible. She likes to wear it around her neck

>> No.8920245

I guess that takes the creepy factor down a couple notches for me but at the same time...It's not a fucking shawl
So this is still pretty weird
The only people I know who have soft taxidermy animals are therians and people who have lost pets
And they keep them at home so no one has to see a dead animal being toted around

>> No.8920423

Fucking nightmare, holy shit

>> No.8920436

So hori lol
that crown was so ignorant. Beautiful, but dumb as fuck

>> No.8920448
File: 87 KB, 640x960, 12671839_1054873261201080_3999279658538108283_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8920451

I'm pretty sure thats just a giant oven mitt attached to her head..

>> No.8920463
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>> No.8920469

Oh no, this looks like someone I went to VBS with when I was little

>> No.8920561

NO, you're so pretty, why would you do that to yourself???

>> No.8920566

This is horrible. I can't believe people actually said the peignoir looked good.

>> No.8920567

Looks like Eugene from buzzfeed

>> No.8920572

Is that a moving blanket hung up as a curtain?

>> No.8920926
File: 399 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_o1fasazcYK1u8u2d6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking about selling this one…Hm.

Can someone please explain to me how she fit in this?

>> No.8920976

Her titties are just jammed in there.

>> No.8921010

She's gonna have a tough time selling with the shirring completely stretched and half the seams ripped.

>> No.8921012

What is it with itas and messy grimy rooms?

>> No.8921017

Why do people not choose to clean their room before taking a selfie. Makes the pic look so much better if its clean.

>> No.8921038

She has improved a lot. I think this was one of her first coords

>> No.8921082

this, atleast try to push all crap out of frame if you are too pig to actually pic anything up.

>> No.8921086

That looks so painful

>> No.8921102

This is SO DAMN CLOSE it hurts. Especially when you can see that so much work was put into making the dress.

Currently we're see a lot of fitting issues in the bodice, with all the wrinkles breaking up the lovely vertical pintucks and lace. Also, the skirt doesn't have enough volume to have the silhouette of lolita.

The dress may be salvageable if she can somehow add fabric in the back, to give the dress more space for her torso and a proper petticoat. Maybe she could add a panel on the back of the skirt, and a lace-up or shirred panel to the back of the bodice.

She definitely needs to get rid of most of the bows (the two blue ones close to her pits are the only ones that don't look like complete shit).

That headbow(headbows?) and anything using that blue-white-and-pink-flower fabric have to go. The blue in that fabric there is a different tone from the blue in the fabric of the dress. Maybe she could reuse these bow accessories in a different outfit, but not with this dress.

Then she has to remove all that wide lace trim from the dress, and the decoration that is on the front panel of the skirt: the blue decorative ruffles, the two mini two roses, and the sewn-in pearls are contrasting too much with the nice cotton lace and pintucks elsewhere in the dress.

>> No.8921121

Left is nitpick, right is...less nitpick.

>> No.8921820

Bc coording takes effort and cleaning takes effort. They're fucking lazy and tacky they see nothing wrong with it, esp if they've lived that way their whole lives. They think it's normal.

>> No.8921951

this is unfortunate since she's pretty. but there is way too much going on here.
>bell around neck
>bows in hair
>shitty front design with pearls
>awkward Mickey Mouse purse
>top too tight
>bottom needs a bigger petticoat
>busy fabric for no reason

but her makeup is really well done. such a shame.

>> No.8922106

holy shit

>> No.8922446
File: 62 KB, 338x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More people asked to take a picture of me at a Melanie Martinez concert than the entire weekend at Anime Milwaukee XD

>> No.8922558

>I'm the queen of nuns!

>> No.8922614

I like it. Better than half the lolita stuff posted on this board. Maybe its too mature for you to get?

>> No.8922653

She looks like a grandma with althimerze (sp) that's confused and lost

>> No.8922683

Where to even start with this? It's not even remotely good.

>> No.8922721

>people saying she's cute.
The overdone eyebrows, thick makeup, and impish face aren't that cute. I think it's kind of thick and doesn't go with this coord.

The coord itself is... really fucking weird? It's not quite normal lolita ita, but it's definitely not lolita either. It's like some weird etsy creation that got really close.

Even her bag isn't lolita, just some Disney purse that doesn't quite hit the mark. The Mickey theme doesn't fit her coord, the slapped on tacky bows do not help it at all, and it's somehow ita'd here, even if I think it'd be loliable in the hands of someone more seasoned.

>> No.8922734

> Jigsaw lolita

>> No.8922739
File: 346 KB, 480x270, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misspelling Alzheimer's this badly
sorry anon

>> No.8922754


>> No.8922805

She always looks like a 40 year old mom

>> No.8922811

She's famous for wearing a cat's tea party dress that she fucked up to a brand hosted party

>> No.8922817
File: 116 KB, 960x1434, FB_IMG_1455631556021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8922850

Before that, tiferet was known on LJ for constantly posting her opinion everywhere and always coming off as really snobby and elitist. She would talk down to people about real vs. fake pearls, brag about owning expensive brand-name scarves etc. From the way she wrote you'd think she was rich and beautiful and really classy but then she started sharing her coords and she looked like, well, this: >>8915999

IIRC there was never any kind of big drama with her but she's just one of those people who has been around for a long time and has gotten on a lot of people's nerves.

>> No.8922868

underrated reply

>> No.8922870

I love this, just not as lolita, and the little hair bow needs to go.

>> No.8922875

Not that big an improvement, it's still the poorth

>> No.8922968
File: 100 KB, 800x1200, 12885765_1741619822734048_1902891379404576672_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I'm afraid of hearing cosplayers saying they want to try lolita

>> No.8923002

There's something about this that's really cool. Just imagine some Mana-esqe ringlets with bangs instead. I call nitpick.

>> No.8923025
File: 50 KB, 300x300, illuminati-symbols-michael-jackson-dangerous-album-cover-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this reminds me of the Dangerous album cover?

>> No.8923029

I like peeking pettis but this
this is borderline illegal

>> No.8923071

You must be a cosplayer or an ita

>> No.8923202
File: 253 KB, 303x836, HeY-_Barbie_GRRL_by_starfaerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Self-made lolita costume"

>> No.8923340

This girl is my ita queen, everything she wears is horrible in a new and exciting way. And naturally all the special snowflake itas fawn over the latest trash pile she calls an outfit.

>> No.8923365


Omgg I remember how RC:U ripped her a new one for saying that fat girls look better than skinny girls in lolita and she would just reply "it's my opinion hurrduurr whateva"

>> No.8923380
File: 154 KB, 640x825, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rabbit ears hurt me in ways I can't explain

>> No.8923382

Ya know, as a fatty kind of wanting to get into lolita, pictures like this always are what stop me

It's like, fuck, that's what I'm going to look like and it's going to be terrible

>> No.8923390



>> No.8923391

Not a good coord but I would def invite her to LARP Vampire the Masquerade with me!

>> No.8923412
File: 9 KB, 236x301, 3a33af0242d608839ec8b3268e79939f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>riff raff goes to a rave

>> No.8923441


pretty sure that's from 90s russian porn

>> No.8923648

>forearm cellulite
I think I just puked a bit in my mouth

>> No.8923657
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>> No.8924109
File: 128 KB, 899x1018, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toilet-San so kawaii

>> No.8924114
File: 261 KB, 528x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even doing

>> No.8924117
File: 887 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can an outfit made up entirely of brand look so fucking garish

>> No.8924118
File: 103 KB, 577x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8924332

Wow. There is way too much going on here.

>> No.8924334

Already posted

But I agree.

>> No.8924338

I'm sure they did. This is just beyond a mess

>> No.8924396

From the thumbnail I thought she was a chicken.

>> No.8924408

These are probably Easter coords or something.

>> No.8924772
File: 58 KB, 505x781, 995361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to start a preorder for $70.

>> No.8924908
File: 9 KB, 193x290, fragole-deformi-00032-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8924912


>> No.8924920

The payless shoes. Those tights. The Petti that doesn't even fucking match (oh.. fuck I have that petti but I use it for my maid cosplays). The cheap belt. That fucking cottonball wig. The chub.

>> No.8925521

I think this is cute? It reminds me of street snaps.

>> No.8925528

I hate everything this girl does.

>> No.8925543

I hated this so much.

>> No.8925556
File: 36 KB, 563x732, FB_IMG_1458701961181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to feel about this
I know I don't like it but there is clearly some effort put into this