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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8907124 No.8907124 [Reply] [Original]

J-fash for chill daily wear.
Last thread got archived.

>> No.8907126
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>> No.8907127
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>> No.8907129
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I'm sorry I don't have much to post.

>> No.8907369

These are all really good examples though. Last thread was 30% stuff you could wear without being stared at on the street and the rest was stuff that's only normal to us.

>> No.8907449

That first outfit with the striped top and duffle coat is adorable

>> No.8907509

What terms would I have to use to find stuff like this on TaoBao? I tend to stumble across k-fashion stuff there more often then j-fashion.

>> No.8907511

The only thing that separates this from the normie stuff are the boots and the fact that the model is japanese

>> No.8907601

Not really, if you take japanese standards for "showing skin" in consideration. If she was showing cleavage, you'd be right, tho.

>> No.8907611

Actually that's true, I didn't even notice that.

>> No.8907640
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>> No.8907644
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>> No.8907648
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>> No.8907660

If I'm white and I dress like this will I look really strange? J-fashion is my favorite but I don't want to stand out too much.

>> No.8907662
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>> No.8907664
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>> No.8907665
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>> No.8907667
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>> No.8907670
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>> No.8907671
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>> No.8907675
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>> No.8907677

The stuff in this thread is casual enough that south eastern fashion in general applies.

>> No.8907679
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>> No.8907683
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>> No.8907691

Where I live, just wearing anything with more than 2 cutesy details would be strange.

I feel like that's a big part of what separates jfash and western fashion. Like, oversized collars, lace, pintucks, cutesy buttons, scallops, fluffy fabrics, bows...jfash includes these but you won't find them used the same way in western fashion. Not to mention the way things are styled: the boots, socks, short skirt but modest top, and the whole frumpy but cute thing going on is very foreign , at least where I come from.

>> No.8907695
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>> No.8907696

This is true, do you know how hard it is to find ruffly shorts or cutesy tops/dresses for adults? All you find is for kids, at least where I live.

>> No.8907699
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>> No.8907700
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>> No.8907713
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>> No.8907715
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>> No.8907717
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>> No.8907721
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>> No.8907723

Also where i live in Europe it's the same as in US. Here women are seen like weirdos if they wear lace round collars, frilly modest dresses or with cute prints that don't show cleavage or sleeveless, socks in general except for plain black tights. My mom find weird if i wear ankle socks in summer with sneakers or flats to look more flattering with dresses, because for her women never wear frilly socks with any type of shoe (BUT they sell frilly socks for women in every freaking shop here in summer!What the fuck.)Or another thing, it's hard in Western countries sleeveless dresses are worn with blouses, for this in winter no one wear dresses, they think they are just meant for summer or party time. It's so sad feminine fashion in Western countries never looks confortable for me while Japanese normie fashion looks more confortable and pretty compared to its Western versions. Also.... i feel disappointed to never find for women frilly skirts or shorts, also t-shirts with peter pan collars or ruffles.

>> No.8907724
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>> No.8907726

This is just casual enough to get away with. I mean I'm white too and whenever I wear cute casual stuff like this I always get compliments, actually usually from older people too like parents or grandparents surprisingly. You're safe anon.

>> No.8907733

Don't wear super short skirts/shorts, don't wear anything with a sailor collar, and wear the plainest possible pieces until you're more confident. Basically, try to look like the bottom right in >>8907662 and go on from there. Just adding a few details like lace and some interesting jewellery will make the outfit more coherent. Honestly, it sounds like your lack of confidence would get more stares than your clothes, if you feel uncomfortable in your outfit you'll stand out even if you're wearing a hoodie and jeans. That's why you need to start with the barest bones of a J-fash outfit, you'll feel more comfortable wearing more attention-catching clothes and will make them look good instead of awkward.
Sorry for the weird wording, I'm getting too tipsy to be completely coherent.

>> No.8907824
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The US has pretty much embraced slob culture and anything that isn't yoga pants, leggings, pajama bottoms and basic tops will get you stared at.

>> No.8907928

Agreed. I always felt old thinking this way, but sometimes I see a really cute top or dress with a peter pan collar, or pintucks and I am like this is so cute. Why do kids have to be the only one that look cute? I think Americans associate cuteness as solely for children. I think there are different levels of cuteness too. I am almost 30. I am not going to wear an angelic pretty with teddy bears (but for the women who still do, you make it work) , but would love to wear an intricate Axes Femme dress. Cuteness has a broad spectrum. I want to dress cute as long as I still look young.

>> No.8908037

Even kids don't usually dress cute anymore. I see more and more kids basically dressed like slutty adults.

>> No.8908041
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I wonder when this began because from what I can see, up until the 80s (more or less) Western fashions we're SO feminine and girly and cute, and Asian countries took their cues from western styles. I'n fact a lot of the elements in many Japanese fashions today are basically contemporary (or straight on) takes on vintage western fashions. They took the baton and ran with it.

>> No.8908090

I am going to take a shot in the dark, but I am going to guess it's because of how western culture (men and women) view women. Men are told by media they should desire a woman that is sexy. Many women think that cuteness demeans them and by dressing strong or sexy they can reclaim their bodies. Other women think cuteness is just childish and it's okay to dress your children to look cute but not you.

This is going to sound weird, but when I was 10, I had a cousin in her 20s that loved to dress me up. Her argument was always, "I can't wear this, but you can." Even as a child, I thought, "Just buy or make whatever the hell you want."I played along like a good kid to not hurt her feelings. She has been asking about my liz lisa boots and shoes a lot. Maybe I should finally help her make her dreams come true...

>> No.8908114

Yup, my 11 yr old niece is now into surf wear, gone are the days when she thought my cute fashion was awesome. I can't judge her, she's got too much peer pressure from girls her age to dress up older than she should.

>> No.8908122

Do what ever makes you happy. I'm still getting IDed at 33 and totally rocking chocolate APs & otome.

>> No.8908136
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I think you're on the right track. Its a shame, but I think theres an element of discomfort at what I think many westerners consider to be childish clothes in some cases or just old fashioned when you consider a lot of women have people like Kim Kardashian as their style idols. I'm really curious as to whether it will ever again be normal in the western world to just dress like a cute girly girl like it was no big deal and not a hooker in training or a total slob?
Even when wearing something similar to pic related which is a pretty basic casual Jfashion outfit, I get asked if I'm going to a job interview or something. I don't think anyone would've blinked if I wore this back in the 60s.

>> No.8908158

Not that anon, but I agree. I also feel like a reason is how a lot of people consider being feminine is bad because of gender roles and everything, and dressing sexy is claiming your body back like the other anon said.
Not that I can't understand the mindset of comfy and lazy especially, because I'll confess that I walk around in long yoga pants outside sometimes because it's easy and comfortable. I don't go outside a lot though, and would never wear it to uni either.

That said, trying to dress cute is hard when you're too tall like me to even consider getting Japanese brands. Mostly mourning the fact those adorable coats will never be mine.

>> No.8908190

>dressing sexy is claiming your body back
I will never understand that mentality fully.

>> No.8908194
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>I also feel like a reason is how a lot of people consider being feminine is bad because of gender roles and everything, and dressing sexy is claiming your body back like the other anon said.

You just hit the nail on the head, that's pretty much the modern mindset. I also have no issue with dressing down, I have my jeans and t-shirts for days I can't be asssed to make an effort or I'm just walking the dog or whatever but when I do dress in casual Jfashion it'd be nice if it felt like it was just a normal thing to do and not too dressy or wierd or something.

>> No.8908201

I wonder if it has anything to do with the rise of fast fashion...it's more expensive to add details to clothing and somewhat harder to take care of, so maybe it's just left out.

Slightly ot but after following jfash for years, going to a mall seems...really sad and dismal. There's no individuality, and he clothes are so boring. There's stuff for girls who want to be "quirky", but it's still and the same. People consider a statement piece to be a blocky necklace or scrappy booties. Half of the girls in my classes essentially wear a uniform--"leather" jacket, T-shirt, skinny jeans, and ankle boots. I'd even prefer to see tumblr fashion than that terrible outfit copy and pasted on every other girl.

I mourn for the state of our fashion industry.

>> No.8908210

I believe the idea is that you consider dressing sexy as showing that you don't care about what others want you to be like. The idea kind of grew too much though until it basically became mainstream.

Think of it as the reason gyaru fashion became a thing, its a bit similar. However here the mainstream fashion is also seen as the only fashion, with small exceptions like goth but even that's less.

>> No.8908211

I don't understand this mentality either. Dressing sexy is as bland as you can get imo

The other anon also was right I think in that here, you don't wear dresses with blouses or cutsews so they're only seen as a spring and summer option. But honestly, a dress, turtleneck, and tights are a very warm option

I love these conversations

>> No.8908219

Exactly, I just want to be able to find clothes here that can create the most casual of jfash but even that's a massive challenge.

Also as someone who's fat (losing weight at a good rate, but I still like to look presentable in the meantime) mainstream plus size clothing is boring as fuck. It's even worse, at least in my experience, then other clothing. Seeing that marshmallow girl stuff from Japan makes me jealous, at least they can look cute and clothing made to fit the fatness instead of just a larger version of the same thing.

>> No.8908328

I understand your tall feeling. The most I can get in japanese brands are shirt and sweaters sometimes. I've found some cute stuff here and there in thrift stores and other stores. I have to adjust things sometimes though, mainly skirts.

>> No.8908331
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>> No.8908343
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>> No.8908347
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oops i meant this picture

>> No.8908370

Another fatty-chan here working out, but there are a lot of taobao shops that sell plus size, mostly korean fashion. I haven't found much yet in way of j-fash but it's definitely possible to blur the line between the two for casualwear.

>> No.8908391

>feminine is bad because of gender roles
>so let's shit on femininity even more and encourage the toxic 'cool girl' mentality where instead of being open about and taking pride in the effort we put into our makeup and clothes we try to pretend like we 'woke up like this' and give guys the green light to shit on women for not being 'naturally perfect' enough in the process
>then we'll whine how society has too high expectations of women even though we did this to ourselves and passive aggressively continue waxing our moustaches in secret

good goyim

>> No.8908395

"I-I woke up like this, really, I'm not shallow..." and "I'm proud to say that I spend thousands of dollars on makeup and hair" are both bad

Ideally women wouldn't feel pressured to put more effort into their appearances than the average guy and guys wouldn't think women naturally look like soft hairless dolls

>> No.8908413

Well yeah, I agree.
The thing is, women who do spend thousands of dollars on makeup and hair generally do acknowledge that it's a bad thing, they're never really proud of it. Usually I hear them say stuff like "I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop", whereas women who #wokeuplikethis are known to call others 'high-maintenance' and revel in the fact that they're fooling people into thinking they're not wearing makeup. Calling people 'brave' for going outside barefaced is really stupid too. It's not the fucking Vietnam War.

>> No.8908422

Is it ok to include japanese normie fash like cancam?

>> No.8908425

This is legit the style in trying to tap into holy shit so cute!

>> No.8908431
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Anon you are just so right. So I had to analyze this essay on the Japanese Modern Girl "moga" which started in the 1920s and for all intents and purposes was a reflection of its western counterpart. Apparently such fashion failed in the West in the end because war. But the moga held out longer. So now maybe history repeats itself a bit. But I'm not sure why. What happened to the US after the 80s?

>> No.8908437

2nd wave feminism, grrl power etc

>> No.8908445

Actually, that ended in the 80's. Third wave started in the early 90s though. Sage for derailing a bit.

>> No.8908528
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>That said, trying to dress cute is hard when you're too tall like me to even consider getting Japanese brands.
>I understand your tall feeling. The most I can get in japanese brands are shirt and sweaters sometimes.

I also have the 'tall but want cute clothing' problem.
Here and there I can find something on taobao that works for me. But I've had to stick to cute shoes, cute bags, and sleeveless tops at most.

Nothing else is going to fit due to long arms, long legs, and longer torso.

>> No.8908538
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I'd like something like this. But those sleeves are going to be half way to my elbow.

On the bright side since I'm a cosplayer who makes their costumes I've been trying to slowly sew my own nice looking things based on jfash magazines.

I've made a few shirts, a couple skirts, and some cute pajamas. It would be much easier to just buy nice stuff though.

>> No.8908653
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Kind of keeping the discussions going, what brand do you think could have a shot surviving the western market and bringing in a touch of jfash?

I personally think Earth Music and Ecology would have a chance, they have some cute stuff like the collar of this dress shows, but most of their colours are very neutral and don't stand out.

>> No.8908655

I have a few uncommon magazines I was about to throw away, but will go through them tomorrow and snap pics of interesting ones suitable for this thread

For sure EM&E, their clothing is quite simple but very wearable and still put-together
ETC would do well too, since people eat that Alannah Hill replica shit up

Sage for not contributing rn

>> No.8908659

This whole discussion is speaking to me. I have some serious obligations and need to be comfortable. Most of the outfits here look comfy enough to go from place to place and I gotta admit, I absolutely hate swapping around the only 4 plain t-shirts and 2 jeans I have.
However, I always fear that I'll be treated like a lesser person for dressing cute, instead of going for the stereotypical-romcom-movie-lesbian-friend. (Talking about the whole "dress plain with loose clothes = lesbian" bullshit)
Eh. Just wanted to get it out of my chest. I love this thread.

>> No.8908668
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>> No.8908671
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>> No.8908673
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>> No.8908677
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>> No.8908678

I wore a colourful jfash blouse (sweater?) to uni and a collar white blouse under it + dark jeans.
I had literal eastern Europeans laugh at me for 9 hours.

I've burned everything and I'm back to wearing hoodies.

>> No.8908679
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>> No.8908681
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>> No.8908683
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>> No.8908685
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>> No.8908695

isn't being the stereotypical-romcom-movie-lesbian-friend being treated as a lesser person too? it's a stereotype against another...

>> No.8908696
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>> No.8908704
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>> No.8908708
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Adding onto the discussion on why fashion is so toned down in America and Europe these days, I don't have any more reasons to give but I noticed that absolutely everything is plain.

When I do buy a western fashion magazine (though this counts for western fashion bloggers etc. as well) that one time a year, I never feel exited to wear something, or feel inspired and I think THAT is a huge reason why everything looks the same.
Models in magazines always have looks and are on sets that make their style look unattainable, unlike a lot of jfash magazines which shows way more how to wear and style every day clothing, with models and settings that look realistic enough for the average person to see themselves wearing it. That's why looking at street snaps is always fun, they're in some western magazines well but it'll be a single page with the most normalfag people you've ever seen.

Same way that make up is so fucking boring in western countries, it's all the same smokey eye but with different colours, I've resorted to following JungSaemMool and other asian make up artists because they do more then 1 look.

>> No.8908709

>Many women think that cuteness demeans them
>cuteness is just childish and it's okay to dress your children to look cute but not you

It think that nails it. Everytime I show my mother jfashion she gets nearly angry at it, since according to her, it infantilizes grown women, or 'takes away their honor(?)'. It could have derived out of her upbringing, since she was raised to act 'ladylike' and 'like a women of honor' from early on, resulting in her dismissal of the rather soft and cutesy aesthetic. Everytime she sees someone wearing jfashion (doesn't happen that often though and were lolitas only) she gives remarks about the girl being cheap or 'easy'. And desu I understand that, although my mother might be the most extreme example I know. When you look at films from the 50s/60s/70s the cute, feminine blonde girl is always some kind of ditzy idiot messing things up, asking stupid questions etc. No wonder there is a rather negative connotation with dressing/acting cutesy. sry for my english in advance.

>> No.8908723
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I'm wondering if foreigners have a skewed perpsective of what Japanese girls wear since we gravitate towards cutsier styles so mainstream stuff gets ignored. I say this because looking at the most popular coordinates on Wear and Coordisnap have a lot of neutral colored solid pieces with no details. That stuff is surprisingly plain and underwhelming compared to stuff itt. But then popular mainstream magazines like Cancam have alot of cutsier coords compared to the West so idk. Also at least they have alot of cutesy brands available even if they arent as popular as the casual, urban looks I keep seeing, unlike the U.S.

>> No.8908728

Of course it's at least a bit skewed because of bias, not every girl in japan wears jfash, let alone outside of the big cities. But a huge difference alone is that there are so many brands catering to them and surviving to this day, how many of those do you know in the west?

>> No.8908729

Some clarification ''ladylike' from her standpoint means in control of your appeareance, movements, being educated in every field, especially politics and economics and well spoken. It's meant in a sort of 'strict' way. Ah, I can't describe it that well, I hope you get a gist out of it.

>> No.8908730
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>> No.8908733
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You can totally be feminine and ladylike without looking ditzy. Just look at Kate Middleton, she never looks 'sexy', but is always feminine nonetheless. In the West, I feel when women say 'cute shoes' or 'cute' dress they always implicitly mean sexy. And it's not just your mum, I've seen grown ass women feel outright threatened when you say you don't like revealing clothes. One of my former friends felt so insulted when a guy approached me instead of her despite her shoving her tits in his face every time she saw him, and then she said I was slut shaming her despite me not saying a damn thing, in her presence or otherwise.
Exactly! I get no pleasure from reading Vogue the way I do my Anecans and Fudge. Like ok, that's a nice Valentino gown. But when am I ever gonna wear a Valentino gown? When am I ever gonna wear silver spiderwebs on my eyelids or visit Milan in my life? Never. Also I think Cara Delevingne is ugly and her entire personality is very obviously fake and annoying. Same with Kiko Mizuhara who for some reason appears in every single issue of 25ans nowadays, which I used to love.

Japanese casual fashion is a lot more comfortable and there are so many cute low heels available whereas in the west every low heel ever is either too chunky or some ugly orthopaedic granny abomination /rant

>> No.8908735
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Good point. I guess its notable that Japanese girls have alot of options and the cutsier look doesnt seem as frowned upon

>> No.8908739
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>> No.8908743
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>> No.8908745
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>> No.8908747
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End of dump

>> No.8908761

well my mother never shows any skin or décolleté. She doesn't like dressing sexy either. It's about wearing pink/purple etc in combination with cute accessoiries, 'extreme' ruffled/frilled clothing, and so on. She is really conservative.

>> No.8908781

lol what's up with the random white little girl, that's pretty weird.

>> No.8908785

It's very unconfortable i see women outside wearing what i wear at home or worse, me and my mom would never wear yoga pants or pj bottoms outside, nor any slob related clothing. Same it's for men unfortunately, i don't like suit men but at least a well dressed guy with a alternative or normie t-shirt and pants that match perfectly with a good hairstyle makes a big difference. Isn't a big deal dressing nicely but most people seems having forgotten the basics of clothing coordinating and looking nice.
I'm almost 26, it's really sad when only little girls should have frilly and pinks items while for find similar items i have to search a lot online and they could cost an arm and a leg, for example Katie brand. Also in Europe pink and frilly clothing are just for kids, a woman is never allowed to wear this type of clothing, decades ago it was the opposite! I wear AP pastel puke or also modest cute dresses (lol my mom when i dress like this thinks i'm an old woman haha because i say some items i like are vintage related)I would like to wear ETC, Axes Femme or similar for daily wear. Life is too short to dress normie for groceries.

>> No.8908806
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>> No.8908807
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>> No.8908818

Agree with this. I'm a sucker for older movies or picture because i love to see how women dressed, noticed there are many with frilly clothing, even ankle socks, bows on their heads, makeup that look attractive but not like a mask or hooker style. Surprising, i saw many pastels or even ginghams/polkadots in dresses.
In a movie (Pippi Longstocking) there was a woman that wore a brown a-line sack dress with a peterpan collar and polkadots that looked like something straright from ETC or JM!
I think also this caused the decline of frilly fashion for women. It's years i'm into feminism and i see too many feminists (sigh) bashing feminine clothing because it makes women weak while they dress masculine or sexy/normal women fashion. I found myself that dressing non sexy feminine make me feel strong, not self hating (as i did when i dressed masculine) and not subjugated to men's gaze.
Me too, i find it very counterproducting if you don't do it right. There are women that are really strong and dressing sexy but for my body it's the opposite and not empovering at all. I'm happy with my body and happier if i dress as i want.
Yeah it's that, i would have liked more if dressing sexy didn't become the mainstream norm. Still i would like to dress a bit more sexy but with moderation like some gyaru styles. There are sexy but tastelful non vulgar styles, dressing sexy becomes very untasteful if it's you exceed with the elements, like i see with some goth styles like fetish, because romantic goth is amazing for example.
This 1000 times. I see men that nowadays take care of their hair and remove some body hair (and that is nice) BUT always women are pressured to take too much care of themselves that should be perfect hairless dolls with perfect makeup. I never shave my arm hair or shave every day and i wear always skirts or dresses, thank god socks and tights cover everything.

>> No.8908830

This misogynist society delivered to make everyone bash the feminine, for this today we have self misogynist women that hate cute or every feminine style. Usually the ones that hate this type of fashion are very misogynist, i remember i had a ex friend that hated me dressing girly and being hateful also to her own gender, she wanted to be a fakeboi.
You made me remember how my mom called me weird if i like chunky low heeled mary janes or oxfords because are for old women. Sigh, wish i can find with ease decent for walking mary janes that aren't stilettos. I want confy heels not catwalk heels or being confined to sneakers/flats.

>> No.8908832
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Holy shit that's rough anon, where do you live? Asking because I'm Eastern European and am ashamed on their behalf

YES LOW HEELS I don't understand why those are so unpopular in Western fashion. I'm guessing that's because the divide between 'everyday' and 'going out' clothes is so pronounced and there's little to no crossover between the two.

That depends on where in Europe you live. I have the impression that this aversion towards girly/cute details is most of all an American thing, I live in the UK and while a lot of stuff you can find on the highstreet is super generic there are some 'frillier' brands and every now and then I see girls wearing outfits which have a much more twee/feminine vibe than what you'd usually see in continental Europe.
I've worn pic related to work a few times, I got a few 'you're quite dressed up today' comments but they were all positive. Then again one of my colleagues regularly wears a baby pink hard hat so I'm in good company.

>> No.8908836
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>> No.8908838

I have some recs for cute low heeled shoes but that heavily depends on your budget anon.

>> No.8908843
File: 189 KB, 1115x1600, 1454891674269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That skirt is so cute, too bad i look odd with pencil skirts.
Well i live in Italy, sometimes as i said i can find the odd frilly item like many socks or rarely a peterpan collar item but no one nor teens nor young women nor older ones wear these in the streets, just your typical sexy fashion or hipster-y. I don't know why these brands cater frilly items i love but few people buy it.

>> No.8908848

Thank you anon, if they don't cost over 100 but more like 50-60 euro because i don't have much money and chinese shoes are made of cheap hard PU.

>> No.8908853

>I'm guessing that's because the divide between 'everyday' and 'going out' clothes is so pronounced
probably. i've always thought it sad that there's so much clothes that we're not supposed to use on our everyday life…

>> No.8908865
File: 128 KB, 600x401, Ad-Campaign-Dolce-and-Gabbana-Spring-2012-featuring-Monica-Bellucci-and-Biance-Balti-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived in Italy for six years so I can see where you're coming from, in my experience this is one of the few countries where men are almost always better dressed than women.
A lot of the women are very put together but not in a very individualistic way, it's almost like a uniform, black and trousers as far as the eye can see. Always made me laugh when I saw those OTT Dolce & Gabbana ads described as 'a celebration of italian style' as I've literally never seen anyone there wear anything even remotely similar.

>> No.8908872

I feel like the whole Western vs Japanese women's fashion difference mostly boils down to different definitions of feminity, the same way men's fashion in Asia is different from men's fashion in Europe or North America because masculinity is expressed differently there. The ideal of feminity in Japanese culture seems to be more about non-threatening cuteness, purity and a more childish expression of youth, whereas the West seems to emphasize sexual availability, a more mature physical appearance and more aggressive, bold expression of womanhood. I don't think one is better than another, some elements of both conceptions make me somewhat uncomfortable, some others I like, but I feel like that's the main factor.

That being said, less extravagant jfashion looks aren't usually frowned at in my city. Maybe it's because the place is full of pastel hipsters, but westernized toned-down Larme, Mori Kei and Dolly Kei looks tend to blend with the crowd rather well, I feel. I know collections tend to change from cities to cities, but my local Zara/H&M/Forever21 normie chains also seem to cater to girls who like frilly peter pan collar tops and bold pastel dresses, along with a bunch of designer boutiques that seem to capture that soft feminine look that's characteristic of jfashion.

>> No.8908873
File: 69 KB, 750x563, mod45519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8908865 again. Find some Ferragamo flats secondhand. I own a pair and I've worn them for about 5 years now they are surprisingly hard wearing and comfortable. I'd go to one of their shops to find out what size you are and then have a look on ebay (you can find some for around £50 in the UK I imagine they'd be cheaper in Italy), they're all made on the same last so you can't really go wrong as long as you're getting the right size.

>> No.8908879
File: 116 KB, 752x502, 4-Lazzari---Time-To-Move---Spring-2016---lookbook-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ps Italian anon, I think you'll like this


A bit more on the expensive side, but the shoes and bags are cute as fuck

>> No.8908886

I know! But there seems to be a thing like this
>women are lesser people
>women that like women are basically men
>therefore lesbians > women
and that sorta bullshit

>> No.8908887

I replied to myself because I'm dumb. Sorry. >>8908886

>> No.8908896

I was actually like that when I was younger.. fakeboi to the max because I hated everything 'cute' and thought it made people look 'weak' and that I wanted to be 'strong' so I had to be manly

but then.. I met people in my life that changed the way I looked at things, I'm older and more mature, have a broader worldview now and know that shit is just not true

>> No.8908898
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That's my drama Anon! Please tell me more about how you changed your point of view!
Here's a small dump in gratitude.

>> No.8908899
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>> No.8908902
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>> No.8908903
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>> No.8908908

I just liked her outfit really. I couldve posted a few others from that brand but my internet connection was acting up too much

>> No.8908913
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>> No.8908914

that sure is depressingly true, but i mean, if you're going to be forced into a shitty stereotype, might as well pick the one where you like the clothes… or if you have enough closet space, just rotate when you feel like it, there are always occasions when your t-shirts and jeans will come handy.

>> No.8908915
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>> No.8908919
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>> No.8908922

How about posting some brands that have online stores.
Physical stores work too for people traveling or whatever.

>> No.8909036
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>POV change
it actually started in university, I met a very good professor that gave very informative speeches about the entertainment industry
>I'm in a comics degree, so we learn about everything from US marvel/dc comics, franco-belgian stuff to manga, even webcomics and smaller industries in southeast asia.
>I started out as a massive fujoshit weeb btw

anyway so we went on to study manga history, and in the 80~90's it was the girl power! phase of shoujo manga and you had awesome series like sailor moon (first female sentai team), magical knight rayearth, utena, jem and the holograms(?) etc.

so girls back then had lots of role models in terms of comics to look up to; but then fast forwards to the 2000's you start to have series like hana yori dango that lets their female protagonist get run over by cars, abused etc. to then get saved by the boys kind of thing
>fast forward to now and you get diabolik wifebeaters aka japanese twilight you get what I mean right? with the abuse and stuff

so basically as the years went on, female characters/representation was getting more and more dummed down (in general, I'm not saying every single piece of entertainment is like this)
and the more dummed down they looked, the more feminine they were drawn

I think that kind of reflected badly not just in shoujo but yeah, because I simply couldn't identify with those types of characters when I was growing up in the 2000s, and read a lot of shounen instead.

but shounen's target audiences are little boys, and are mostly shows like naruto, one piece etc. of boys going on adventures etc. and though they do have girl charas they often don't do as much as the main protagonists which are male

usually the girls just 'get in the way' of the male characters, and then they need to be saved at the end of the day. this was also the point where I started using the internet, and I remember sakura got lots of hate cuz she got between sasgay and naruto etc.

>> No.8909044
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then so I was like, OK.. so I’m not allowed to like sakura because she’s a girl and she gets in the way. and since naruto and sasuke were both strong and were boys omG sasunaru SO CUTE otpotpotp also man I was super into yugioh ships as well wow anyway, that’s how I started my fujoshit life when I was 12

what I learnt from uni is that, BL is actually a safe place for girls to explore their sexuality because no women are involved and they don’t feel awkward or threatened that way. BUT, when girls start to think like that, you automatically start seeing women as less of a person that way.. at least for me I subconsciously hated myself and wanted to be a boy, and I think this had a lot to do with it

in my mind, I felt like
>girls were useless,
>being girly is weak
>boys were cool
>boys deserved to be loved and they were strong
(one thing I did learn from BL was that love knows no gender tho so that was the good part, probably explains why a lot of girls who like bl are also bi or genderfluid idk tumblr like me)

our culture is just really misogynistic in nature as well, we were born to hate ourselves it seems

>we need more strong female characters or heroines in popular media (that’s recent) for girls that are growing up to have someone to look up to, not just a damsel that needs to be saved by a man
more female leads that save the world and kick butts (props to marvel with gotham academy and miss marvel atm, also steven universe I’m missing a lot of examples)

WOW this was a long post, I didn’t mean to make this an essay

basically I met strong role models in college, and it opened me up to reconsider a lot of things. I was always jealous of girls wearing frilly things and not having this awkward complex of not being able to do the same because I wanted to be a ‘man’.. because of all this I realized I could be strong even in frills so I just went eff that and wore whatever I want on a daily basis from then on

>> No.8909048


>I had literal eastern Europeans laugh at me for 9 hours

I find this amusing because where I come from (East London), East Europeans are known for their shit fashion taste. You can walk around Primark and tell what shit the East Europeans are going to lap up, it's a totally different type of trash compared to chavs.

Sage for OT.

>> No.8909056

What, exactly? I'm curious about what my people do once they get their hands on some money.

>> No.8909068
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I understand what you mean (I'm not the anon you were replying to btw).

I'm 27, and was (and still am sorta) a massive weeb growing up. I grew up reading and watching those same "girl power!" titles you mentioned. Fashion-wise, I've never been very girly or feminine, but that was due to body image problems, but from internal sources and external ones.

I'm slowly becoming more feminine in dress as I get older, I think because I have just been ignoring whatever external sources (such as 3rd wave feminism, family, etc.) and working on all the internal stuff and doing what I want to do.

Applogies for the blogpost, I'll dump what I've got to make up for it.

>> No.8909069
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A little less casual like the rest, but I just really love this sweater.

>> No.8909073
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>> No.8909081
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>> No.8909095 [DELETED] 


Well, think how you might dress up if you went as a hooker for Halloween, and you're not far off.

Basically, any of the trashy, ugly shit you see in cheap places like Primark that you think 'who the fuck would wear that?'. East Europeans and Irish Gypsies. Whilst Chavs are all about tracksuits and fake Uggs, EE's tend to go for tarty, tight fitting, and trashy. None of it matches, of course.

Of course, i'd never suggest all of you lot dress that way. There's just definitely a trend for this 'style' within certain groups of East Europeans, especially those that you find in East London. We have chavs too though, so we were pretty used to people wearing ugly shit anyway.

>> No.8909096
File: 95 KB, 500x667, axesfemme_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few pics from Axes Femme, there's one in Paris

>> No.8909101


Well, think how you might dress up if you went as a hooker for Halloween, and you're not far off.

Basically, any of the trashy, ugly shit you see in cheap places like Primark that you think 'who the fuck would wear that?'. East Europeans and Irish Gypsies. Whilst Chavs are all about tracksuits and fake Uggs, EE's tend to go for tarty, tight fitting, and trashy. None of it matches, of course.

Of course, i'd never suggest all of you lot dress that way. There's just definitely a trend for this 'style' within certain groups of East Europeans in East London, especially those that you find in East London. We have chavs too though, so we were pretty used to people wearing ugly shit anyway.

>> No.8909103
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>> No.8909104


Fuck, repeated East London twice at the end there sorry. Always when I don't proof read my shit.

>> No.8909107
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>> No.8909109
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>> No.8909131
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weird, from what i've seen the whore look is really only preferred by the poorest and most uneducated in society. the vast majority of young girls on the other hand are into the skinny jeans, ankle boots, hoodie and pleather jacket combo and eating big greasy slices of pizza on subway trains. we're classy as fuck.

>> No.8909261
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An anon above posted Silent Siren, so here's a small dump. They usually wear harajuku inspired casual stuff.

>> No.8909262
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>> No.8909266
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>> No.8909267
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>> No.8909269
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End of mini dump.

>> No.8909369
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Yeah, i see nicely dressed men with just a t-shirt and trousers that look well put, not really common guys dressed like metalheads or goth except in anime cons, the same are girls i mean not many alt girls around in cities. But i live in a small town where the most i see is hipsters. I agree about the girls wearing the same-y clothing, also many times frumpy or with no coordination not at sweatpants level but still nothing remarkable. I go to university and my course is full of girls and no one dresses in any jfashion, except my friend that used to live here and wearing lolita at uni!I feel really disappointed the high-end brands do very original pieces (even similar to jfashion sometimes from the shops i saw) but no one neither the wealthy wear them in streets.
I saw this brand somewhere but first hand is too much, going second hand isn't that bad (but i never bought used shoes)These are really cute, flats with a small heel, very diffcult to find in normie cheap shops.
This style look very similar to otome, some of their dresses are good to be used as Jsk!Thank you anon.
Me too ugh, i remember i was just hoodies and jeans and hated skirts. I was also a hateful radical fem. Now things changed, toxic people is out and i love dresses, still feminist but not that extreme or misantropic and avoiding any femtumblr or similar, just my ideas and not anymore political. It's just a lie we should be manly to be strong infact.
I loved to hear your story anon, our society is so misogynistic we don't realize it, but it's also damaging men's minds to hate the opposite gender without realizing. I always hated BL to be honest, almost everyone who was into was bashing girls and also themselves. I always loved more yuri. There are many yuri or shoujo-ai manga/anime (like Puella Magi Magica Madoka) where finally girls are strong like their shounen male counterparts.

>> No.8909378

I'm going to Italy in a while and I was wondering how acceptable jfashion is in the cities because that is literally all my wardrobe is.

>> No.8909411
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Thanks a lot. Sadly, all my female role models (from grandma to eldest sister) are bra-burning slut-walking man-hating feminist extremists. So while they are interested in men, they dress as unisex and practical as they can, only dressing up to wedding-tier events. They don't really tell me off for liking girly stuff but I always feel disencouraged.
Plus, I'm REALLY into games. "Boy-territory" games as referred to by my friend's husband, like Dark Souls, meaning I have 10 male friends to 2 female friends, and before I knew it basically everyone saw me as a genderless entity. I was always "the bro". Girls at school constantly called me a dyke and avoided me, resulting in a very warped self-image and, to some extent, resentment towards lesbians which I got over when I got to uni.
I'm 24 and so far I've never felt comfortable in a skirt/dress even wearing spats underneath. This sucks.
Here's another outfit as thanks for your kind response and sorry for the blog post.

>> No.8909412

Wanna post more?
I'll make a google doc's spreadsheet and we can work together.
Anyone can join
>if they have physical store
>Direct shipping or SS
t-thanks for your time

>> No.8909425

I'm loving all these outfit posts! I'm going to Japan for a study abroad this summer and I was really curious about what the average Japanese young woman might dress like. This socks and sandal/wedge thing is kind of boggling my mind though.
Ah, I just finished reading Naomi and Mogal stuff is so interesting. Thanks for bringing that up.

>> No.8909446

If you wear stuff like in this topic, himekaji that is less flashy you are pretty ok. But neutral colors like navy with beige/browns /creams, dusty pink, black, wine red, grey and tartans would be a better choice compared to bright pastels or red. Really... wear what you love don't mind the people, i dress everyday in a sorta otome/larme style and no one bat an eye or they stop me saying weird stuff.
These>>8908919 would be really appropriate.
or black larme kei >>8908745.

>> No.8909461

Don't want to derail the thread, but curiosity persists:
A lot of "high fashion" brands like Chloe, Miu Miu and Red Valentino have very cutesy details like the ones in this thread. Lots of romantic and not necessarily sexy elements. We've listed elements like big bows, lace, oversized collars as elements of cute jfashion, but these are employed by several high end brands. So what exactly is the distinction for casual clothing like this? Isn't it just toned down versions of high fashions, just from Japan instead of US/Europe? (like how gyaru brands take major inspiration from gucci, etc)

>> No.8909473
File: 206 KB, 700x466, 177a810f78f08459e1aa7b1407ed4496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also dumping whatever casual stuff I have

>> No.8909476
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>> No.8909477
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>> No.8909479
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>> No.8909482
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>> No.8909483
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>> No.8909485
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Isn't this Korean? In any case it's a pretty thin line.
Pic related is also Korean.

>> No.8909488

Styling is a major part in what makes something jfash, 'high fashion' brands aren't the ones that make up what you actually see people wearing.

>> No.8909744

Ah, I know exactly what you're talking about.

Those are usually new money daddy's girls who go to the UK to study because they can't get into any proper university back home. Their family has probably been involved in some illegal activity or another at least once, and 5 times out of 10 they'll also be part gypsy. There's so many of them in Sweden and Austria I wouldn't even consider studying there, and they usually study dumb shit like diplomacy or polisci.

Speaking of Irish Gypsies, there's a lot of them in my country for some reason. I actually prefer them to regular gypsies desu, not that they're much of an improvement.

>> No.8909991
File: 161 KB, 600x901, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very casual, but I didn't knew how else to name this. Found it on CC, didn't knew such thing was humanly possible

>> No.8909997

As a mexican, you can't imagine how strange this is to me

>> No.8910025

This looks like something you could find at the Mexican Market in downtown SATX

>> No.8910065

Sure thing anon
I'll post some more casual (but still cute) brands

earth, music & ecology
>yes, several (you can find them on their website), also in Thailand (and a Thai webshop too)
>No idea, but they also have a tmall store
>Decent quality, frequent sales
Misch Masch
>no idea
>more pricey than em&e, lots of cutesy feminine dresses but not too jfashiony
>Yes, in Shibuya 109
>no idea
Majestic Legon
>yes, in Japan and Hong Kong
>http://majesticlegon.jp/ (their website is really nice)

I'm doing my weeaboo hajj in February, and I was interested if any anons knew any brands that pull more natural kei (but still mostly normie). em&e is the only one I know of. Also if any anons will be there around then, let's meet up and go shopping! I speak conversational-level Japanese so it'll be easy.

>> No.8910341

I miss Yumetenbo's old clothes

>> No.8910394
File: 103 KB, 564x789, 7f6e2f01dffcea2d5a9fd39a15d15e2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a small magazine scan dump

>> No.8910397
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>> No.8910399
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>> No.8910401
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>> No.8910402
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>> No.8910404
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>> No.8910405
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>> No.8910410
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>> No.8910413
File: 698 KB, 500x719, tumblr_n1jy5q2mZp1r9pu6wo1_r2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8910416
File: 395 KB, 500x647, tumblr_n1s1hpt8aj1qg3b1wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it for now

>> No.8910575

right? i love the styling of the blue dress so much.

>> No.8911010

Mori in general seems like a good style for not looking too weird around the normies

>> No.8911063

Here's some stuff I've saved on my inspiration folder (yes, these are LL seiyuus)

>> No.8911069
File: 973 KB, 1280x1817, DengekiGMagAug2014_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And of course I drop the pic lol

>> No.8911072
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>> No.8911074
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>> No.8911078
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>> No.8911118
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>> No.8911123
File: 729 KB, 1280x1852, Love_Live_Muse_Special_Talk_Session_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8911129

No, not really. More western stuff shows more shoulder and chest than thigh. You rarely see girls in mini skirts on campus, especially for "chilly" outfits. I do agree that the outfits are very muted compared to loud jfashion, though.

>> No.8911139

this this this. Im starting to love vintage fashion and motifs and mixing it with larme, expecially. Its just so girly and doll-like and cute.

>> No.8911622

It's odd not many women don't wear skirts in winter, i use two pair of legwear both black and i feel warmer than having leggings or jeans. I don't understand why they don't wear skirts in winter but chest showing/low cut tops in winter, i feel freezing if i don't have all my chest and neck warm with a turtleneck or a collared blouse+sweater.
Larme kei takes a lot from vintage and i love it, too bad i don't like pencil skirts. But retro vibes jfashion is so awesome.

>> No.8911664

When I taught in Japan, I was shocked by how many woman wore short skirts in the winter. I even asked my high school students if they were cold. They chuckled and said they were fine.

The other culture shock was how nice everyone dressed. Even someone who would be a size 16 over here, dressed to her size and looked really adorable. It's a weird peer pressure. When I first went to Japan, I was still very boyish. By the time I left, I was mori girl/otome kei/everyday girly fashion. Now, not everyone dressed up nicely, but a lot of people did. I hear even more in Korea. Now that I am back in the US, I feel really weird wearing things that were normal in Japan, but I can't give up the clothes I fell in love with.

>> No.8911667

Honestly, as long as you have a good sense of style you'll be fine. I've always gotten nothing but positive compliments from women when I wear J-fashion. Men tend not to care or like it too much, but who cares.

>> No.8911682


good taste

>> No.8911861

I live in NYC, and I remember back in college, there was an older woman, maybe towards her mid-30s, who was on my train every morning.

I remember her because she uses to always wear the same suit/skirts that Jackie Kennedy did. Did her hair the same way too. Stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all the black business suits, but honestly, I completely respected her game. She looked fucking awesome.

It actually motivated me for a little while to play with my style and dress while in college.

>> No.8912390

Anyone have ideas for more casual/adult fairy kei? I love the style and colors, but I'm 23 and I'm pretty sure I look too old for it.

>> No.8912407

I dont know them that well, but they nailed those outfits.

>> No.8912617
File: 582 KB, 570x750, tumblr_mzvjk8h3EW1qg3b1wo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8912623
File: 657 KB, 570x750, tumblr_mzvjk8h3EW1qg3b1wo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always go for more muted pastels. Ditch the colorful hair and oversized hair ornaments, go for a cutesy hairstyle.
I'd also say to ditch the baggy tops, but maybe you can make it work? Maybe not TOO baggy. The key here is be less flashy.

also >>8912617 other half of the spread

>> No.8912768


I posted them hoping someone would recognise them.

Good taste to you too, anon.

>> No.8912923

While I particularly hate the socks with sandals look, sometimes the socks help put the outfit together. If that shoe didn't have a toe opening I'd totally wear it.

>> No.8913377

Tbh I'd wear it if only to make a vintage inspire outfit. You know, pompous patterns with something simple and equally eye-catching shoes.

>> No.8914165

As a mexican, you can't imagine how I want this.
>dad and sister are hardcore catholics
>grandma had Virgen de Guadalupe stamps everywhere.
It's like wearing a piece of home.

>> No.8914518

Seeing this makes me wish it was still chilly out. This is so cute. I'm so bad at coordinating warm weather outfits. It sounds absurd, but its always been something I've just plain out sucked at.

>> No.8914565
File: 168 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nvzd6oOBJp1twd2hso2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here, I got a couple more pictures from this set! I love winter coords, these would look so cute with a pair of warm tights.

>> No.8914568
File: 196 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nvzd6oOBJp1twd2hso3_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914573
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>> No.8914589
File: 531 KB, 1172x1600, SCAN1049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also dumping a few scans I saved, they're larme but I think they're great inspiration for cute casual fashion!!

>> No.8914591
File: 480 KB, 1223x1600, SCAN1042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914594
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>> No.8914596
File: 588 KB, 1177x1600, SCAN1053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love these cause they teach how how to change the same coordinate according to the weather! For winter anon

>> No.8914600
File: 531 KB, 1171x1600, SCAN1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914603
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>> No.8914612
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>> No.8914615
File: 529 KB, 1196x1600, SCAN1077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't wanna spam the thread so I'm gonna stop here!! Please let me know if you'd like more. I tend to save a lot of scans from different magazines.

>> No.8914711
File: 909 KB, 800x1103, -819620035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can pull off cutesy fashion anymore so I'm leaning towards trendy but a bit more mature, "cleaner" looks, does anyone know any jmagazines like that?
Pic related, from Jelly

>> No.8914814

OP pic is old af fashion, get with the times. That shit was popular here in japan like 2-3 years ago lmao

>> No.8914852


This set isn't jfashion, but images from that tumblr photographer Jessica's eshop, isn't it? I recognize the clothes, she's got great taste.

>> No.8914863

I'm preeeeeeetty sure that's not really a fad fashion. But hey you seem to be in with the last-second trends, right? I'd better burn my wardrobe now and get with the times, I bought some pieces last month, for shame!

>> No.8914867

>here in japan

Weeb detected

>> No.8914873


Correct! Just posted them here since I thought they fit the cute aesthetic of the thread, really.

>> No.8914882


I agree! Her style really reminds me of the way characters in retro shojo dressed--but the silhouette, not the colors. Lots of fitted turtlenecks and circle skirts. Kind of reminds me of a more twin peaks-esque version. Come to think, that whole retro shoujo look used to be way more popular, and I miss it. I know snipernyan or whatever tumblr name she used was hella awful and not cute at all, but she used to put together some coords like that that I liked.

>> No.8914907


Yeah, kinda like what they wear in Sailor Moon when they're not being magical girls. I miss it too, it's such a lovely look.

>> No.8914940

I feel the same. It looks so feminine and comfy.

>> No.8915025

you live in Japan, huh?

>> No.8915043
File: 84 KB, 851x500, rei fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to actually have my wardrobe be clothing all inspired by the Sailor Scouts off duty fashion.

>> No.8915123
File: 75 KB, 700x875, TB2hvQxcXXXXXX3XpXXXXXXXXXX_!!666475850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was very boyish too years ago but when i started to see jfashion online i left any tomboyish clothing for just skirts and dressed coordinated in jfashion ways. I'm glad to hear in Japan and Korea women (i have heard also men) dress very nicely everyday compared to western countries. Anon, don't give up to dress in jfash also in your country, do what makes you happy. If i can't dress lolita for everyday in my case at least i can wear something that remind me of lolita or just frilly jfashion.
You aren't too old for fairy kei!I'm almost 26 and i don't care to dress a bit childish, if you feel to tone down you can wear some pastel larme kei with peterpan collared dresses and no prints for example. It looks similar to fairy kei when it's in pastel colors like pink or sax blue, ginghams and whites with sheer fabrics.Pic related is what i mean more or less but in pastel colors.

>> No.8915141

/r/ing some black centered outfits? granted i need to get more pieces but i have mostly black blouses and skirts. Would like to upgrade from black and white coords.

>> No.8915227
File: 326 KB, 389x750, tumblr_inline_mx0inulUit1qdmskj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought I would drop off my favorite rei outfit

>> No.8915232
File: 724 KB, 1280x868, 1427173304459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres more

>> No.8915299

Here's an interesting blog I came across that posts current Japanese fashion trends.
The styles are very normal looking, but still well put together.


Harajuku women

>> No.8915315

Sometimes I forget just how nineties this show was.

>> No.8915507

That's what I love about it though.

>> No.8916585
File: 27 KB, 564x562, 34c50442822f5134b3dd5d5b0dfbaca9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on k-fashion?

>> No.8916705

Yes to Rei's pink overalls.

I also like Hotaru's turtleneck black dress. The all black silhouette is lovely.


I'm sort of getting into that sort of style. I love jumper dresses and sweater so I'm finding some good vintage picks.

I want to pick up on some japanese brands that also have a style like this. I find that Larme is too dressy for me and I'm looking for something simpler. Anyone have any favs?

>> No.8916963
File: 924 KB, 1155x899, Screenshot_2015-08-17-01-43-06-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hotaru's black turtleneck dress
Yes! It fit her so elegantly.

I also like Naru's casual outfit (all the details are on the back).

>> No.8916983

Hnnng long skirts. I'd love to see more like this, maybe less country vibe. I'm going to Japan soon and don't have the legs for mini skirts or cute rompers

>> No.8917008


>tfw i kinda dress like that
its usually the only thing i can get my hands on
I usually wear half-zipped oversized hoodies, though.

sweet jesus this
im humiliated by the idea of wearing PJ bottoms up to the drugstore for milk, let alone actually going somewhere where im going to know people
its just kind of disrespectful, imo. like, is the world not good enough for you to put .25 seconds into wearing something that isn't meant to be slept or exercised in?

>> No.8917025
File: 1.85 MB, 435x326, tumblr_ng16gqn9hU1qlfy4ko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said it was a bad thing, friend!

>> No.8917266

I personally love it, but I work with a lot of clients so it works for me because it can be very business appropriate but also very trendy looking.

However, I feel like general k-fashion lacks a lot of the femininity and cutesy-ness that j-fashion has. (That or you could argue it's just more mature)

>> No.8917267

Oh goodness, I really love all their outfits.

Anyone know if there is any sort of compilation of all the Sailor Moon outfits from the show? If not, I'll have to rewatch it and keep track of all the outfits as inspiration.

>> No.8917286

Lots, man
Anecan, Mina, Inred, Precious, Domani, Classy

>> No.8917306
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>> No.8917309
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>> No.8917312
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>> No.8917318


Best Mamamoo outfits since AAH OOP!

>> No.8917324

I want to wear more jfash but I'm fat, any advice?
>inb4 lose weight
Working on that.

>> No.8917326
File: 38 KB, 379x568, 0312d632b80b2f1e1480b8db90c6a4c9f44fa074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917329
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>> No.8917330
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>> No.8917335

Have you heard of La Farfa, the "marshmallow girls" magazine? Shows lots of cute stuff for chubbier people.

>> No.8917336
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>> No.8917338
File: 89 KB, 480x720, resize_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends if you're top or bottom heavy

For top heavy flattering tailored tops and jackets. Avoid the huge sweater look if you have large breasts, but this could look good if you have nice legs and a bust that won't tent out the sweater too much.

For bottom heavy emphasize your waist with a fitted top and long or a-line skirts

>> No.8917341
File: 42 KB, 600x800, tumblr_nv8stpCwv51ro5bwro4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8917342

Oooh, I'll have to look into them more.

I'm all over heavy, sadly. Huge tits and stomach so I've got the worst of both worlds.

>> No.8917542
File: 102 KB, 256x256, 55a2d9cc0ee61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im humiliated by the idea of wearing PJ bottoms up to the drugstore for milk, let alone actually going somewhere where im going to know people
Seriously! I throw on sweats or pj bottoms as soon as I get home but if I need to leave I'll put my jeans or canvas shorts back on. I've worn yoga capris to Walmart once and while they were beyond comfortable, I felt like I was being judged. I was wearing a presentable workout shirt and running shoes so I guess I could have just left the gym but it was still odd. Funny how I felt like such an outcast in a very common outfit.

I also seriously judge students when I see them in pj's on campus. I had an entire year of 7:30 am classes and I never showed up in pj's because I was on campus until lunch time. Maybe they live on campus and can change during a break but I would be grossed out if I was wearing pj's as I ate my lunch on campus.

>> No.8917585

Pjs are supposed to be kept from the outdoors, because you're taking all that gross bacteria and shit from the bus, the train, the classrooms, the cafeteria, the store, aaaaall into yout bed and you'll sleep breathing it for god knows how long?
Going out in pjs is so unsanitary. Not just sloppy and inconsiderate. I confess I'm not one to dress up unless there's an occasion, but at least a clean t-shirt and jeans.

>> No.8917617
File: 73 KB, 388x560, rnsakmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've always thought Minako was rocking a mild pink house look.

>> No.8917688

Naru is one of my biggest fashion inspirations, I even got my hair cut and colored like hers

>> No.8917690

It's on hiatus now but I recommend sailormoonoutfits.tumblr.com/, and also fukufashion.tumblr.com/

>> No.8917699

I'm not that anon but I've got March's issue. I'll try to scan some or take a few pics of a few outfits to show you.

>> No.8917704

Thank you! I'll look into it.

>> No.8917751
File: 41 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nsoj92cfaj1ro5bwro3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely check out Plumprimo! They have a store on Rakuten. Their prices are higher than stuff you'll find on TaoBao, but in my experience the quality is also better. Very soft fabrics, sturdy stitching. Shame you have to pay through the nose for shipping...

PS: If you're taller than 5'5", watch out for the dresses. At 5'8" I should've known better, but I ended up with a couple that I could wear as peplum tops!

>> No.8917755
File: 727 KB, 1302x2015, Kino.Makoto.full.15650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Mako could pull off a hoodie + blazer combo.

>> No.8917760
File: 260 KB, 500x440, tumblr_nsmju6cqJJ1svpn19o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I do think it's more mature, I like it how it's more toned down while still retaining a soft vibe. I'm really shy, so discreet clothing is the way to go, at least for me.

>> No.8917766
File: 63 KB, 271x267, Hudnr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ended up with a couple that I could wear as peplum tops!

Hello darkness, my old friend.

>> No.8917870

I never saw people in actual bottom pj around (thank god) but i'm Italy anon and even if some at times are dressed badly, it's at least sweatpants/tracksuit.
My pj are cute (one is similar to a kigurumi with a pink bear ears hood) but i would never wear outside to not look sloppy, i just want to be cute and confy when i sleep not outside.
>i also coordinate my pj with socks/slippers and my home clothing with kawaii sweaters
It feels good to dress as you love at home, also coordinating everything with pink and black themes.
I see many times pencil skirts in Larme, i'm not that fond of them but i want to try one. I saw a stretchy frilly pencil skirt in a normie shop, maybe i should try it, i'm not fat but i'm short and not slender at all more petite bodied with some... hips/butt, ugh. I look awful in tight dresses infact due to violin hips.

>> No.8917880


Same. Not to mention it's super disrespectful to the poor professor. They're almost always dressed nicely and come in even earlier than you to teach classes all day, and you can't bother to look like you care? It's just so rude to dress like a slob all the time. I wonder if these people would wear jeans to a wedding.

>> No.8918366
File: 826 KB, 1274x558, bootsideamaybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys not sure exactly which thread this belongs in.

I've been doing a massive wardrobe purge lately to get my daily wardrobe down to strictly himekaji/larme styles. Most things have been easy for me to either put into storage or get rid of, but there's one item causing me trouble.
I got a pair of doc martens as a graduation present years ago and they just mean too much to me to give up. It's a shame to keep them in storage all the time, since they were pretty expensive and they take up a lot of space. I know that generally trying to shoehorn something in when it has nothing to do with the style is a terrible idea, but maybe just this once, if it's only one item in my whole wardrobe, maybe it can still work out?
Is it possible to cute these up with the appropriate outfit, or maybe with a little modding?
I've been thinking of adding scalloped edges and bows like I see on some lolita boots but I'm afraid that it will just look out of place because the sole is so thick compared to lolita boots and with the bright yellow doc threading.
What do you guys think? Pic related are the boots and some ideas I had to make them cuter.

>> No.8918421

Ditch that nasty, cheap-looking fur.
You could go ask the help thread. >>8910564

>> No.8918432

all I own is the shoes anon. I'll be buying higher quality boot toppers, sure, but you're kind of missing the point of my post if that's all you have to say about it...

>> No.8918450

The issue is that the model of the shoe is not that cute. Putting bows and fut and whatever else wont hide the clunkiness of what they are. Besides the them being wide they have no heel so your whole foot looks big.

>> No.8918454

yeah, that's what my concern is.... so you think even with cute shit placed over it it still won't look cute, huh?

>> No.8918494

Is there any jfashion style that would be good for a cruise?

>> No.8918605 [DELETED] 

I'm not missing the point, you're trying to lolify something which always looks terrible, plus you're asking in the wrong thread.
>I know that generally trying to shoehorn something in when it has nothing to do with the style is a terrible idea, but maybe just this once, if it's only one item in my whole wardrobe, maybe it can still work out?
You've answered your own stupid questio. Sticking random stuff on Doc Martens will only give you a free ticket straight to the Ita thread. Just sell them boots to some tumblr activist and use the money to buy actual lolita shoes.

>> No.8918607

I'm not missing the point, you're trying to turn something into kawaii shit which always looks terrible, plus you're asking in the wrong thread.
>I know that generally trying to shoehorn something in when it has nothing to do with the style is a terrible idea, but maybe just this once, if it's only one item in my whole wardrobe, maybe it can still work out?
You've answered your own stupid questio. Sticking random stuff on Doc Martens will only give you a free ticket straight to the Ita thread. Just sell them boots to some tumblr activist and use the money to buy actual cute shoes.

Note to self tho proofread before posting jfc it's too late in the night. Sorry.

>> No.8918628

>ita thread
maybe I didn't make it clear enough that I'm not trying to wear this with lolita?

And anyway, I don't think taking normie things and modifying it to be cute is always bad? It's just bad if it's done badly. I'm not sure if this particular shoe can be made cute, but you're getting seriously salty over this for no apparent reason desu

>> No.8918641

If saying you're ruining a pair of boots by throwing random shit at it is being salty, you need to taste some real salt. All I said was that the fur looked horrible and putting cute stuff in something that's not made to be cute always ends up being terrible.
But be my guest, honey. Oh and while you're at it go look up what "salty" means.

>> No.8918648

The fur looking horrible was besides the point though, since I wasn't ever thinking of using that exact fur. I was just asking for suggestions on how it might be possible to make it work for certain casual outfits. I wasn't trying to turn it into a lolita outfit or anything.

>> No.8918765

Docs are very clunky (and not in a cute way) with a wide, bulbous toebox. Trying to cute them up with fur and lace will probably be disastrous no matter how good the quality of your materials is.

>> No.8918775

that's fair. Are there any cute casual outfits that incorporate even just undecorated docs? I swear I've seen it with ankle length docs somewhere but never calf length. I know it won't be himekaji but I'm willing to fudge it for these boots if it has some similarities (like pastel color schemes, crochet lace textures, or florals, etc). They were such an expensive gift I'm unwilling to let them go until they get their fair wear. Until that day they're really just going to keep taking up space in my closet.

>> No.8918959

Just wear whatever is comfy, man. You don't need to dress up for a cruise.

>> No.8918973

Look up lukaruna on tumblr, idk if she uses plain doc marten but she uses chunky bootlike shoes in a lot of larme coords.

Also I personally love boots with slip dresses

>> No.8918997

Hmm thanks! I looked through her blog and didn't really see any shoes that are quite similar, but it seems like chunky boots could maybe work in some situations?

I feel like these outfits would all look ok with chunky boots in suitable cold weather maybe?

>> No.8919014
File: 56 KB, 480x640, ZYJ2VCFl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got around to taking photos
this album has some of the more interesting outfits/coords from the November 2014 issue of Sweet

there are some which are irrelevant to this thread (kimono, hair) but i couldn't be bothered to separate them

open the images you want in a new tab to view to zoom in, most of the text should still be readable

>> No.8919223

Thanks so much kind Anon!

>> No.8919234
File: 243 KB, 400x400, SRT_5BXE_7DAD_40A_24_5BQL_40VU_7DGPMM_400sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obligatory Sailor.

Besides that, I think something light and breezy would be nice.

>> No.8920643

I saw this outfit on AliExpress. It was dirt cheap so I'm not trusting it one bit. Do you have sauce, Anon?

>> No.8920644

*sauce on the original one. Sorry.

>> No.8920670

Yumentebo (DreamV), they don't sell it there anymore

>> No.8921620

Ahh I see, thanks.

>> No.8922588
File: 172 KB, 210x545, Immagine-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that trying to cute up a pair of Doc Martens is probably a exercise in futility. But don't toss them either! Personally, I love the contrast of pretty dress + huge stompy boots. Get your River Tam on. Even if you don't wear them with your jfashion stuff, it's just good sense to have a pair of tough, reliable boots around.

>> No.8922719

>Get your River Tam on.

Love ya for the Firefly ref.
High five my bro/sis

>> No.8922844

Echoing >>8922588, you just gotta learn how to rock that shit. Personally I love badassing an outfit by throwing on a pair of military boots. They are my go-to footwear for concerts. If you have any outfits where you wear hightops (eg converse) then those kinds of boots substitute very nicely.

>> No.8922861

that's kind of the look I had in mind when I thought it might work... I can't really pin down what about those dresses work with combat boots. If I could understand that, I'd be closer to being able to fit my jfashoin pieces in with it I think.

hmm that's a good point since high tops and boots have a similar silhouette. Although my bigger concern is the black color honestly... I'm going for a mix of larme and himekaji lately. I think that himekaji is a defined enough style that it could hold up docs if the rest of the outfit was planned carefully, but there's very little black in himekaji at all.
On the other hand the black color wouldn't be a problem for larme but I'm worried that since the balance of delicate/bitter is so precarious there that a statement as bold as combat boots might really ruin it.
I can't get rid of them anyway so I'll just experiment with it I suppose.

Thanks for the advice guys!

>> No.8922907

I'm late to this discussion but I feel like the change must have happened before riot grrrl took off in the US in the 90's--otherwise wearing baby doll dresses wouldn't have been part of the more iconic looks around the time. Maybe it was the big shoulder pantsuit trend that every working woman in the 80s conformed to that really split western women's fashions off from girlier styles? Or maybe the loose, almost mori seeming trends following the hippie era and into the 1970s?

>> No.8922922

looks like we reached the image limit, I'm going to make a new thread.

>> No.8922926

Here's the new thread

>> No.8922978

I loved Jackie Kennedy's style. She is still an icon and I'd love to see some Lolita inspired by this, especially the trims and fabric.

>> No.8925750

this is cute

>> No.8926113

it can be cute, but I feel like it's very boring compared to jfashion -- and that's my opinion as I live in Korea. Korean girls these days don't tend to actually dress like this, since the mature look is much more popular.