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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8864213 No.8864213 [Reply] [Original]

Just under 6 weeks until Anime Boston!

>What are you cosplaying?
>What are your plans?
>What are you most hyped for?

>> No.8864314

I have two coords for Friday and Saturday, and Sunday I'll be in normie stuff. I do press so depending on how many more guests they announce will affect how many interviews I do. Me and my friends plan on ordering takeout from a restaurant nearby to compensate for the lack of food court. Mostly I'm hyped for friends because I've got about 10 different people flying in that have never been to AB before. Crossing my fingers that I have time for everything haha.

>> No.8864467

Where the fuck are we supposed to eat now that the food court is shut down?

>> No.8864512

>greek place
>ramen place
>now food court
the fuck if i know. i'm just gonna buy from star market and plan one nice dinner.

>> No.8864521

Oh god 6 weeks fuck.

>> No.8864695

mass ave? there's a bunch of places over there around berklee. i hope its not cold that weekend.

desu tho, i'm just gonna eat dosa factory the whole weekend

>> No.8864698


heard thru the grapevine from staffing friends they're hoping to get some food trucks to come in like PAX had. We'll see if it works out

>> No.8864747

that would be awesome but where would they end up setting up that would work for the mall and the con?

>> No.8864772
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>Just under 6 weeks

>> No.8864804


not sure, like I said it was secondhand info. hoping it's true though there's some awesome food trucks in boston

>> No.8864876

Oh sweet, a thread for AB. Christ, six weeks left? I'm back at school and nowhere near my sewing machine, didn't prereg because I had to get books and other school shit. just bought my wig too and hoping it comes in time.

Currently I'm planning on Red from Transistor (I was sybil last year) and doing some couple cosplay with my girlfriend. I don't have a Friday cosplay but I'll pull something together.

>> No.8864976

Right? Thankfully my cosplay is pretty much done! I've posted it a few times so I won't post it again, but I'm so hyped to show if off at AB.

>> No.8865284

There are plenty of good restaurants within walking distance from the convention center.

>> No.8866323

You can do it anon

>> No.8866481

My spring break is the week of so I have at most 5 days to work, I'm just feeling it right now since I'm essentially waiting until I go home to sew.

>> No.8866494

Is the Masquerade generally worth going to? Last year was the first time I wasn't busy with other panels and got to go, and it was pretty lackluster. The costumes were alright but the skits were incredibly boring.

>> No.8866499

>AB is the week right after my spring break
>been going for six years and it's never once synced up with my spring break

Anyway, I wonder if the new gaming room will be any good

>> No.8866661

I only went once and wasn't really impressed. I don't usually go and never feel like I'm missing out on anything. Also the whole thing is usually uploaded to YouTube in HD a few days after the con so I can watch it later and do other things during it.

>> No.8866739

oh fuck FUCK fucking god damn

I wanted to sew something but I'm not sure how long it will take me...I guess I'll have spring break to work on it though.

>> No.8866774

Same here, if my spring break wasn't right before the con, I'd be totally screwed

Do you guys think the weather will hold up enough in order to wear normal, non-winter cosplays or nah?

>> No.8866854


with the way the weather has been lately we probably won't be able to tell until the week before

>> No.8866877

can't get off the wait list
anyone got literally 13" of display space they can spare their table? that is all I need and I will pay for it. fuck, i'll pay for your whole table

>> No.8867682

38 days as of now which sounds a lot closer than 6 weeks haha.

>> No.8868675

Anybody staying in the social block?

>> No.8868689

yeah i got a room.

>> No.8868937

Wanna exchange info? I wanna hang with some people on the block. Make some friends

>> No.8869006

I have nothing ready and I just started my term.

My excuse is that I don't want to bother packing stuff on the bus.

>> No.8869178

they have temp places by the post office, also star market has a hot buffet.

>> No.8869211

And I'm almost ready to fuck!

>> No.8869242
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Looking foward to making some new friends.
Mine bailed on me last minute.
Hoping to have fun none the less!
Pic related is my cosplay lineup.

>> No.8869248

I'm finally gonna be 18 for the 18+ panels.
I have no idea what they are like, but I'm excited to be a part of something I was excluded from for a while!

>> No.8869262

speaking of which, what are some good 18+ panels at AB to go to? there was that hentai dubbing one but it's not there anymore cause the VA who hosted it I think is banned/not welcome at the con anymore (which is fine I guess, it was only funny when people went up there and did something besides moaning)

>> No.8869285

The hentai dubbing one is really gone? For some reason I thought I remembered going to that last year

>> No.8869371

I dunno, was it there last year? One regular VA didn't go to AB last year and I thought he was the one who hosted it so by extension I thought it didn't happen, unless someone else took it over.

>> No.8869377

Nice vendetta. How many threads are you going to post that in?

>> No.8869433

I feel like I remember it but I could be wrong haha

I really appreciate it, Anon, but you can just report and ignore

>> No.8870920

i'm awaiting the schedule to get released and then i'll see what's worth going to, i'm unsure of what panels even got accepted

>> No.8870928

>anyone got literally 13" of display space they can spare their table? that is all I need and I will pay for it. fuck, i'll pay for your whole table

My three friends are splitting 6 feet, otherwise I'd send them your info

>> No.8871077


That VA was the one who did it for years so since he's not coming back to AB I don't know if they'll keep doing the panel or not

>> No.8871182

right, so I'm correct in that there wasn't one last year right, since 2015 was the first time he wasn't there? I just have no idea because I went in 2014, but didn't in 2015 and didn't even check I just knew he wasn't at the con.

are there any other good 18+ panels you guys know of? I feel like panels bring out the cringe in general but that 18+ ones might be extra. 2014 was the first ab I was 18 for and the hentai dubbing panel was literally the only adult panel I've been to but I wanna at least try checking out another one this year. I'll just have to keep my eyes open in the guide I guess

>> No.8871196

They did not do hentai dubbing last year because of an incident with Tom Wayland. I don't think he will be back, and it was his panel so I don't think we will see it again.
He was the VA director on all the hentai they showed clips from.

In my experience, none of the other 18+ panels have been any fun.

>> No.8871569

This is kind of a long shot but last Otakon I met a trap meido while hanging out with some Tohos. I ended up saying that if she wants to go to Anime Boston she can crash at my place. I don't think I actually have a way to reach you, so if you're going, my offer still stands

>> No.8871573

Oh yeah I also want to drink with some seagulls. I know the places for snobby cocktail bars or chill dive bars, hopefully there's gonna be some people interested.

>> No.8871578

I'm procrastinating so hard but all my cosplays are legit too simple so I kinda am just bidding time.

>> No.8871580

How's the Artist Alley?

>> No.8871585

Ehhhh, last year was far too sjw leaning for my tastes

>> No.8871592

Mentioned this in another thread, but I'll be hosting the Christianity in Anime panel, and would love to meet some fellow seagulls. I'll be dressed as an Eldar Harlequin. Hopefully.

>> No.8871972

what does that even mean wrt artist alley

>> No.8872059

It means there was far too many clearly straight off tumblr artists. Way too much SU and quite a few were pushing ideologies with what they had. Girl by the Sheraton exit had her feminist gender something or other comic book and if you even talked to her she'd either glare at you for existing or a string of buzzwords. Cons need a no political or ideology rule. Like sell that shit on tumblr where you have that niche group. People at cons don't need 'free bleeder' pins or art of Sailor Moon with hairy neon colored armpits

>> No.8872065

here's an idea....

don't buy the items

another idea...
walk past the table

seriously, I'm not saying I agree with her or that I want to give her a pass but if AB had a problem with what they were selling they would've kicked her out. At the very least, if she signed up again this year and AB didn't care for her table then they just won't accept her. What's the difference between that and allowing the US Army to have a recruiter's table at AB? That's also pretty political IMO and if that chick can't sell her bullshit the army shouldn't be there trying to get fat weaboos to sign up for the military.

>> No.8872083

The Army isn't presenting a false front though. We know what they are there for. It's no different than the Con pre reg tables. If you sign up to sell things at a con it should be what you said you were selling. No one was touching her tumblr shit. And it was a waste of space as is.

>> No.8872096

In what way was the girl "presenting a false front"? She was there selling her artwork. There's no rule at the AB AA that you need to sell X type of artwork. I've seen plenty of artists at past AAs selling comics that aren't related to anime/manga or video games or japanese media.

>> No.8872103

There's a fine line between selling your nonrelated art and selling an ideology. That's all I'm saying. Because I doubt any of her tumblr crap was on her application as she did have anime related stuff But the majority was tumblr shit.
All I'm saying is put it in a folder like X rated stuff. It did not need to be her main theme. And her attitude didn't help matters.

>> No.8872111
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I'm just modifying my airsoft gear and going as a Diamond Dog, my buddy's going as Biggu Bossu, and my girlfriend's going as Strangelove from Peace Walker. I'm really hoping to find a Vulcanlog Venom Snake and/or Koto Sahelanthropus in the Dealer Room.

My buddy and I are going full-retard and bringing MREs with heating packs. Probably gonna cook them in the central courtyard.

>> No.8872117

Let me guess, you also think that people cosplaying from western series should stay home because anime boston is supposed to be a sanctuary for japanese animation, and other cosplayers "don't belong"?

>> No.8872120

>"Feminist comic book should be hidden in a folder like X rated art"
>To protect muh precious eyes from having to see it

You either win 9/10 at trolling or 1/10 at life.

>> No.8872123

Shaw's too friend. Yea it's not that ideal but if you need a budget it's not bad.

Honest question, is that stupid Italian place even bringing in anything? Any time I've gone it doesn't look all that full. And any review I've read for it says "Oh yea I went there Once."

>> No.8872126

>There's a fine line between selling your nonrelated art and selling an ideology
I guess so? The way I'm looking at this is however, it's not like she was forcing you to buy it. Which is why I'm saying, it was one lousy booth. Just don't buy anything, don't look at it, and just ignore it. If she barely gets any attention or barely breaks even on the cost of the table then she won't come back. Or, if you really are that annoyed by it then complain to the AA head.

I'm just tired of people complaining about omgz SJW artwerk when there's other shitty booths I'm forced to walk past/look at when I'm browsing. I just ignore them and move on. I just get the feeling that you're annoyed in particular because it is an ideology you dislike specifically; if it was something you felt neutral towards or agreed with you probably wouldn't care. Also, she may have had a bad attitude but there's tons of regular fanartists with shitty attitudes; it'd be another thing if she was going up to people and causing problems. I don't see what the big deal is if she's just existing within the realm of her own table and not forcing her stuff on people.

>> No.8872130

Seeing how the only western shit I'm likely gonna see at AB is Undertale former Homestuckers Yea I kinda do.

>> No.8872136

Where did they say the feminist book had to be put in the folder?? They said the ideology shit should be out away. Personally I think the free bleeding anime characters should be put in a folder. It's NSFW as is. Not to be put proudly on display

>> No.8872145

I don't fucking know but I feel like this idea is gonna crash badly. There are other restaurant options within the Pru and around it, sure. But the food court was a.) cheap and b.) had a bit of variety. Now it's just gonna be italian food in what is replacing it. I'm also confused as to what it is - it sounds like it's an italian market with a few areas here and there with food to order?? I love italian food but a lot of the stuff that is pandered to tourists and people not in Italy is kind of similar. I just don't know what Eataly will offer that people can't go to the North End for - most people will rather do that anyway because of the historic and touristy shit. ("Oh, I went to the North End!" is better than "Oh, I went to a tourist trap marketplace in a yuppie mall!")

Is it open yet or will it be for AB? I was under the impression that it was still under construction but someone told me otherwise.

>> No.8872152

Please learn to read. They never said there were free bleeding anime characters, they said there were buttons that said that "free bleed" text on them. I think that button is kind of weird too but I don't see the difference between some of the sexy/sexual buttons people sell? Also the folder thing:
>All I'm saying is put it in a folder like X rated stuff. It did not need to be her main theme.

Main theme = feminism and "it" presumably refers to all her feminist bullshit whether it was "free bleed" pins or pins of sailor moon with hairy armpits. Technically the poster never specified what "it" was but I don't know what else he would be referring to other than all the general feminist-related art she was seling since they are literally talking about not wanting to see ideologically related artwork.

>> No.8872160

I thought it was open already? like January or something. I do know that it has a decade or so contract that I'm guessing the Pru will see maybe 3 to 5 years of before it has to go. I mean they not only cut off shoppers but I'm betting a majority of workers there who now just bring lunch.
It's like a sit down place with market related items surrounding as I understand? But how many people shopping even want to sit for more than 15 minutes at a time? Otherwise they have P.F. and The Cheesecake Factory or like you said North End.
I'm gonna try and get pics of the idiot kids trying to get in thinking it's the food court.

>> No.8872164

OP was talking about some artist's "feminist gender comic" and then started talking about how it needed to be hidden away and now the main feature. Which who fucking cares? An artist is selling art, just walk past it.

>> No.8872169

Hey man, my mistake. I work in a Campus office. I see this kinda shit at the events here. And I can see the worry, It's all about shock value and cons already are cracking down on lewd costumes. You give them even an inch they take a mile. I'd say I agree leave that for related events like god-forbid here at work. I'd rather me and other poor bastards bracing for it than you poor sobs just looking for nice fan art.

>> No.8872170

Ah, okay. I rarely go to the pru when it isn't anime boston and I don't care enough about this place to check so I wasn't sure if it was open or not.

Is anyone here gonna check it out and try eating there?

>> No.8872175

Right. I'm gonna go back to my initial advice:

just walk the fuck past it bruh

If I see something I don't like at a con, that's what I do. I didn't care for her booth either so I just ignored it. Unless she's doing something like trying to instigate a potentially dangerous situation at the convention OR disobeying the rules of the convention and AA, she really isn't doing anything wrong (no matter how much you or I dislike it). Like >>8872164 said, an artist is selling art, just walk past it.

>> No.8872176

I dunno, as I understand it's rather pricey. Plus I'm sure the staff are likely gonna turn nose up at any cosplayers venturing in.

>> No.8872179

Does anyone know if the Pru is gonna pull the No cosplayers allowed shit they did last year?

>> No.8872185

I'm going to fight that shit, even if it gets me kicked out of the con. I live in Boston, shop at the pru, my company headquarters is in Huntington, I paid for my hotel, fuck their shitty mall. It's just a clone of newbury st anyways. Nothing important about it.

>> No.8872189

This. Cosplayers have as much of a right to be there as anyone else - if there's a person or group causing issues in particular then obviously they should be dealt with. But being barred from simply walking through the mall? Like, you literally could not walk through to try and find food or go to your hotel without being yelled at for which way you were walking. It was fucking annoying and inconvenient and totally unnecessary. I know it was all the Pru but I hope AB has maybe been able to talk to them and work something out.

>> No.8872191

Completely with you man. Last year I had room with Copley House. And the pru was the easiest way in. And they nearly pushed us out in the rush to prevent us near their precious tourist trap stores. I went Sheraton this year JUST to avoid it.

>> No.8872193

It's kinda hilarious when by their logic they're saving shoppers. When in relating they're telling potential shoppers "Run Run away as fast as you can."

>> No.8872194

Reality holy shit excuse my butter fingers

>> No.8872202

Yup, I was with copley house also and I remember at one point on saturday when I tried to go to my room they freaked out at me because of the way I was walking. Like, no, sorry, I'm not trying to disturb the shopping experience at your overpriced stores, I'm actually trying to get the fuck out of this place.

Exactly. Plus they're also kind of losing shoppers; I've seen some cosplayers stop in at places to do things like buy an extra set of tights or buy a souvenir or buy some makeup or go to the gamestop. I'm sure cosplayers don't make up much revenue for the shops that weekend but they definitely do at the restaurants at least which you need to uh...walk through the mall to get to.

>> No.8872209

Not to mention the little food carts inside. They probably get a lot of cosplayers wanting sweets. That little cupcake place at the Hynes is always sold out. Teavana must of hated the Pru's antics last year. They get a shit ton of business from weebs

>> No.8873348

who 2hu orgy here? room # will be in an AB thread on here at some point.

>> No.8873456


Dude seriously they kick us out of that courtyard all the time as it is.

>> No.8873461


It will be open at the end of the year / Jan '17. It's under construction now.

Eataly is a combo of high end Italian restaurants and high end Italian farmers market in one giant space. It's all expensive. The only quick serve portion is the panini and pizza bar and even that is more than any of the food court places were.

There's one in New York so you ca n see for yourself what were getting.

>> No.8873719

i still will never understand why the fuck they made this stupid thing. i get north end and shit but the pru is not fucking north end. it sounds like a shitty expensive tourist trap that tourists probably won't even go to. also it's in a mall, people don't want heavy ass italian after or while shopping.

>> No.8873725

>it sounds like a shitty expensive tourist trap

That is exactly what it is... look up the Eataly versions in NYC and Chicago and you'll see that they're primarily flooded by tourists who can't be bothered to find authentic restaurants. The Pru is already mostly tourists so it's the perfect location even if they're screwing over all the local businesses.

>> No.8873979

The most hilarious thing is most Tourists coming know of North End. Nor do I think it's gonna see anything after the first grand opening. Anyone I asked that knew of it said they went once and that was good enough. Pru really shit the bed on it.

>> No.8873993

I think you are underestimating tourists' laziness. A huge amount of people shop in that area and are not going to want to trek down to little italy when they get hungry. Turnover doesn't matter because new tourists are arriving every day, so who cares if tourist 1 only comes to eat there one time. Pretending that this is going to fail and go back to the old foodcourt is wishful thinking.

>> No.8874000

New England has Connecticon, Connecticut Comic-con, Hartford Comic-Con, Boston Comic-con, Rhode Island Comic-con, and NYCC right next door.

So honestly yeah it'd be nice to see more anime at an anime convention than western comics. I don't care about what cosplayers wear but it'd be great for the AA to have an anime focus. The only other anime convention up here is what, Camp Anime in Woodstock?

>> No.8874056

There's Another Anime Con as well.

>> No.8874076

You're overestimating Boston tourists to an extreme my friend. Most coming in don't care to pay outrageous parking to go to some shitty Italian place more than once in the mall they're likely gonna spend 1 day in. People on Vacation tend to want different things. And in off season it's gonna see near no traffic. As much of the Pru's foot traffic in the Food Court were local folk for lunch break outside of cons and meetups. Now they've given that crowd a giant middle finger giving the food trucks much needed exposure. It's gonna see maybe a part of it's contact.
Nor do I think the Food Court is gonna come back. They insulted pretty much all those inside it.

>> No.8874173

Ah, I had no idea. I'll prolly just take them to The Commons, then.

>> No.8874221


The new building they're putting up where the outer patio and stairs used to be is supposed to have a traditional food court in it, so it's coming back in SOME fashion.

Not scheduled to open til like 2020 tho

>> No.8874249
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>> No.8874345

A lot of businesses/etc have to do this now, even colleges so to not offend the special snowflakes.

>> No.8874348

>Thinking that the cosplay or AA culture at a comic-con is remotely the same as Anime Boston's

Oh you :3

>> No.8874461

Yea but the food court at the pru isn't for tourists, neither really is the pru, it's for people working there. Do you have any idea how many businesses are at the pru and huntington? One of my friend's job is headquartered there so she's been pissed at this as are a lot of people.

>> No.8874473

did you even read?

>> No.8874485

I understand what you're saying and I'm sure there will be some lazy tourists that go there to eat, but you also underestimate the North End's pull. There have been many a time where I'm sitting on the green line and people have asked me where to go for the North End, and I've been there even when it's been a cold-ass day in January and the neighborhood was filled with people at 7 PM at night.
If people are in the Pru or that particular Copley sq area and yeah, they might be like, let's check this place out, but I don't think it will be a major point of attraction like they're hoping. I know lots of people like going to the Pru to go to the top floor but I'm unsure of how big of a tourist attraction it really is. Also if we're going by that, North End has the freedom trail running right through it and tons of tourists do that shit. That general Copley/Hynes/Pru area is pretty nice but again, I'm not sure if it's a huge enough tourist area where Eataly will get overflow from all that.

Not saying that Eataly will fail or that I want it to, I'm just saying I don't personally think it's gonna be so successful for a long enough period time that would make the investment worthwhile. However, unless it backfires completely they're gonna need to make it work either way, cause the contract is like 10 years long. My guess is people will live off the hype for about a year or so and it will level off or die down.

Actually, now that I think of it, Eataly probably could get more business if they actually did just find a place in the north end to stick it.

Basically. I go back to what I said earlier - is the pru's mall (not the top floor) even that big of an attraction for tourists?

>> No.8874489


Con is at the end of March, I doubt the garden will even be open by then unless we get consistent warm weather all throughout that month. They pretty much never open it until April.

>> No.8874502

I dunno why I called it a garden but I meant courtyard.

>> No.8874740

Yeah, thanks for clarifying my point you knob.

>> No.8878342
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Not perfect, but it will do.

>> No.8878377

this is a random question but if I'm a lolita, would it be weird to go up to one of y'all dudes with guns and ask to take a pic with you, but with me holding your gun

>> No.8878383

You cosplaying as a Diamond Dogs soldier? Dude I'm going as Ocelot's Unit from MGSV to AB, one of the guys who attempted to apprehend Quiet.

I'm getting some dummy NVGs to complete the cosplay also doing a Umbrella Corp cosplay with it.

Also just nitpicking, maybe try to get an airsoft gun that was time era specific to MGSV? Maybe an AK instead?

>> No.8878400

I'd be perfectly fine with letting you borrow mine for a photo or two.

Fantastic, I love those guys, I can't wait to see that.

Thing is, I actually DO have an AK47U airsoft gun, but do to the fucking ban of "realistic toy guns" in Boston, and how sorta strict AB's rules are (Disabled action/no trigger/blocked barrel), it was just easier for me to be a cheap toy MP5 and Suppressed M9 from WalMart and paint them.

>> No.8878406
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My friend sent me a screenshot about that. You'd fine with airsoft props as long as you make it non-functional. Cut off the trigger, stuff the barrel or remove anything inside that makes it fire and you're good.

We did some of that for katsu, me and my buds. We combined our DD and RE cosplays for a tactical group. I'm the Hunk next to the Vector, I'll be using some of that for my Ocelot Unit cosplay.

>> No.8878442

You absolute madmen.

Thing is, I love this gun, she's my first AEG, so I wouldn't do anything to break her up. My buddy's getting a cheap springer M16, so I MIGHT do that. He also might get v& for it because Marty Walsh pisses himself at the sight of anything big and black, so we'll see.

>> No.8878477

Just get a CYMA AK spring model. Those usually run for 20 bucks, I have one and they fucking rule. They're easy to modify and pretty durable plastic. I got an AK model with a folding stock.

Right now I'm running with the MP5k model in that pic but I may switch to an M4 for AK. I'm working on getting dummy NVGs for my Umbrella corp cosplay.

>> No.8879744

Shit. I made a wooden sword, about half a centimeter thick, out of poplar. I thought it'd be thin enough, but now I'm not sure.

>> No.8880620

anybody have plans for a gull meet up? Current cosplay line up as far as when i'm wearing what is undetermined, but i'm bringing shit from osomatsu-san, undertale, owari no seraph, and persona 3 and 4

>> No.8880662

>What are you cosplaying?
the original tamer from Digimon World.Gonna carry around a Koromon plush with different status effects. (Like, a giant turn, some meat, a band-aid, etc)

>What are your plans.
Walk around aimlessly,somehow run into senpai a few times, try to work up the testicular fortitude to talk to her. Fail miserably, retreat to my hotel room in shame and plan to do better next year.

>What are you most hyped for?
Dunno this year.. I just love going.


Bostons full of great restaurants. Hell, if you cant find anything good within 10 minutes of walking you arent doing it right.

>> No.8880717

It probably won't make it through prop check for inside the Hynes but I'm sure it's fine to have off-premises

>> No.8880724

it's not about the lack of restaurants it's the prices.

>> No.8880728

>buy multicolored zipties
>go down to con without prop
>find someone with prop already checked
>look at their ziptie
>use appropriately colored ziptie
>next day repeat

>> No.8880734

>Basically. I go back to what I said earlier - is the pru's mall (not the top floor) even that big of an attraction for tourists?

real talk: no it's not. they are usually just as busy as any other mall in boston, maybe less so, newbury st serves the same purpose as far as high-end shops go and is more well known as a destination. When my friend from Montreal came to visit me, she wanted to walk newbury st and hadn't really considered the pru at all.

>> No.8880736

Anyone ever been to the formal ball? Thinking of getting a ticket this year.

>> No.8880779


If you're ten minutes away from the Pru in costume you look like a tool. The food court was convenient and easy, because it was indoors and everybody knew what was going on.

>> No.8880826
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>mfw I'll be commuting to and from the con in cosplay
>much more than 10 min away
Sometimes you just gotta suck it up and look out of place being in costume and not at the con, anon

>> No.8880831

no1curr about you claudie you have a weebshit tattoo so we all know you are fine looking like a sperg.

plus some people may work in boston and can risk getting fired if being seen.

>> No.8880839

>can risk getting fired if being seen
Your shitty grammar aside, if you're in full cosplay, wearing makeup and a wig, is a coworker even going to be able to recognize you? And what type of job is even worth having if dressing up on a weekend off is going to get you fired? That's such a ridiculous argument

>> No.8880854

Not that anon but we know you're in college still so you don't understand the real world yet, careers are not 'jobs' and some people do work for companies with stupid rules.

>> No.8880868

Damn, that's rough. However, I still feel like most people look different enough while wearing cosplay in comparison to their "normal" look that even if a coworker did spot them, it'd be a pretty easy claim to deny.

>> No.8881044


Even if you aren't going to get fired, some people don't want the rest of their coworkers knowing they spend weekends dressing up like cartoons. Nothing says "ready for the project manager promotion" like being the cutest girl in a love live group, amirite

>> No.8881078

I know what you're saying but it's still entirely possible a coworker could just so happen to visit the pru that weekend and spot you.

source: I thought I was safe and it happened to me

they called me up like HEY ANON DO U KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON AT THE PRU RIGHT NAO? UR INTO THIS COMIC CON STUFF RITE? it wasn't like, an issue or anything, but I remember just thinking like, "really? of all weekends they had to be here on this one".

either way though, if you really don't want to leave the convention center then pony up for the Hyne's meh food or take the time now to plan out when and where you're going to get your meals.

>> No.8881507

Why even bother then? How do they want people to cosplay any character with a weapon or prop?

>> No.8881573


DESU they don't. Hynes security and the security for the rest of the pru / complex has been increasing in dickishness every year. AB staff is probably just sick of dealing with the problems.

>> No.8881597

What day do you think you'll be cosplaying that? The original Digimon World is a favorite of mine and I'd love to get a picture

>> No.8881619

Friday and Saturday definitely. Maybe Sunday.

>> No.8881701

Help me, gulls. Would bringing in a megaphone prop - with no way of it being able to be powered on - a problem? It doesn't go against any of the rules, but I imagine it could possibly go against sound rules if it *were* to be actually used.

I wouldn't mind risking it but I really don't want to sit through the bag check/weapon check line on a Saturday only to get turned away and have to get through it all over again.

>> No.8881715

Having megaphones is prohibited at cons? I didn't know this

>> No.8881718

Honestly I have no idea but I would probably conform to a rule like the one for toy guns in >>8878406. Just do something to it that makes it non-functional or find one that is non-functional. If it's already non-functional like you said then I don't imagine it would break any rules. With the toy guns thing, the only way they would break any rules if they function in the way the con doesn't allow them to. I figure it would be similar for the megaphone if there are any sound rules that a functioning one goes against.

I dunno exactly how megaphones work but if all you've done is like, remove its power source, you may want to additionally figure out how to like...jam the buttons or something so they can definitely see that it can't be powered on?

>> No.8881720

not that anon but I don't know if any cons have rules against megaphones, but I know AB has a noise pollution rule against people and their fucking personal speakers that they lug around with them all day, forcing people to listen to shitty-ass dubstep and stupid anime theme remixes. I can imagine that something like a megaphone might be included in a technicality or something.

>> No.8881721

Staying with a friend at her apartment a few subway stops away, it's really not worth getting upset over since I avoided hotel insanity. Commuting in cosplay isn't the end of the world, anon.

>> No.8881726

That's what I wanted to do. Like glue the battery compartment close, tape over the buttons or.. something along those lines. But thank you for the input! Just wanted to make sure my thinking totally crazy.

>> No.8881886

The problem is stupid people and they aren't going to stop being stupid just because they lack a fake sword

>> No.8882173

I'm looking for an owari no seraph shoot bringing lacus welt. Also looking for fate/stay or type moon. Bringing caster fate/stay.

>> No.8882641

Same anon, trying to see if there's an OnS shoot going on, bringing Bathory myself

>> No.8882660

If it's a prop they won't care, unless it's so large it could hurt someone if you smacked them with it. If you use it, you will probably be asked to stop.


>> No.8882689

How strict are they with props at ab? I have a bow with foam tipped arrows and I'm afraid they won't let me in and then I have to worry about destringing a bow.

>> No.8882702

I haven't been to AB since 2010 but I am thinking of paying it a visit this year. What have been the biggest changes since then other than the rise and fall of fandom?

>> No.8882710

I know things like signs and skateboards are banned, same with metal props. There's an FAQ/info page on the con website to check what else isn't allowed

>> No.8882747

Bag checks, it got progressively more shit, foodcourt is gone.

Honestly, I don't know if AB is worth it anymore. I've been coming for a long time and it seems to get progressively worse. I'm hoping this year I really enjoy myself or I'm gonna have to say goodbye to my first Con ever.

>> No.8884107

looks like 1pm Sat on con forums.


>> No.8884274

do you think that if I ordered some stuff from taobao I could get it i time for AB?

>> No.8884295

you'd be cutting in close anon. to ensure that it'd get here in time, first of all you'd need to make sure that the item is in stock (not made to order), that the shop is back on a regular schedule (CNY ended but a lot of shops and factories take a long-ass vacation, sometimes they don't resume a normal schedule until march), and consider how long domestic shipping will take from the shop to the shopping service you're using. then, of course, you'd want to EMS shipping or something, whatever is fastest.

what exactly are you trying to get? consider if you need that exact item or if you could compromise and find it from here or within the west. if you're trying to order a full cosplay, from what i've seen most cosplay shops are made to order so you're probably fucked. same with props. if it's just a wig and accessories you might be fine, you'd just need to figure out if the stuff is in stock or not and check with your SS how long it will take.

>> No.8884307

its some accessories and shoes and im will to pay EMS

>> No.8884406

Apparently ab staff doesn't allow bows but bpd does. Its gonna be a crapshoot honestly

>> No.8884447

what kind of accessories and shoes? again, are they something specific or something you could compromise on and find here?

i don't know who your SS is but i would explain that you need X items by the 18th of march (week before the con, don't make the due date any longer than that) and ask if they think it will be possible. like I said, it might be if everything is in stock but since many shops are just starting to come back from their CNY breaks, I dunno if there are any hold-ups or anything. like I said you're really just gonna have to talk to your SS and ask their opinion. i know some of the ss company type sites have dingy english, celestial-delinquent is fluent and has a variety of shipping options so you might want to check with her this time around.

>> No.8884569

Are the security people really that strict about props? I've never brought one to AB before and now I'm concerned that the wooden sword I'm making won't be allowed.

>> No.8884616

Also wondering this, BF wants to get a shotgun prop and after reading this thread I'm worried about it even though it would be an obvious prop/not real.

>> No.8884706

The general and most basic rule that I know for sure of all gun props is it needs to have an orange tip on the end, no matter how obviously fake it is. From >>8878406 he may also want to follow that post and do what the post says to make it non-functional.

I have no idea about this, but I know the general rule is like...it can't be functional and it can't actually have the ability to harm someone. If you were to beat someone with the wood sword how much harm would it do? This sounds like shitty advice but perhaps if you ask in Anime Boston Social (lel) someone who has previously brought a wooden sword to the con could tell you.

In general though try to just read the FAQ on the website about props or do your best to ask around on FB or the AB forums because I know for certain that AB staff does not tell anyone whether something is allowed or not before the convention.

>> No.8884783

Pretty specific, and everything is in stock. it also seems like most of the stores already have had orders so that looks ok. If worst comes to worst im just going to wear lolita anyway.

>> No.8885179

I've brought wooden swords and a spear with no problems.

>> No.8885769

How shit do you think AB is gonna be this year?
I've witnessed AB get worse and worse each year and if this is a shitstorm I think I'll switch cons.
I hope things work out though, I have such nostalgia for this con.

>> No.8886028

anyone doing any resident evil cosplay?

>> No.8886057

Is there a lolita or general jfashion panel/ meetup? I've been looking in the forums but have seen nothing so far.

>> No.8886077

join the comm son - boston lolita society on FB. we only ever have a lolita 101 panel but there's a meetup in the works.

>> No.8886110

Me and my buds are cosplaying Umbrella Security for a meet

>> No.8886556

cool, are you going to the photoshoot?

>> No.8886557

Yup that's the one we're planning to head to. You too?

>> No.8886558

yeah, friday or saturday?

>> No.8886574

Friday, there's one on saturday?

>> No.8886604

I think so, Im going to friday so im not paying that much attention

>> No.8886871

Yeah I'll be checking on facebook to see if there is another RE photoshoot that day. I'm not even sure how many are going to the one on friday.

>> No.8887642

it seems like it would be sort of empty, no one but the organizer has posted about it

>> No.8888838
File: 254 KB, 427x641, 1429802105968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of a stretch but im looking to buy a Persona 4 uniform jacket. I'm a 6' male with somewhat broad shoulders. I'll keep checking here so let me know if you've got one you'd like to sell.

>> No.8888885

why dont you buy it on aliexpress? should arrive before the con.

>> No.8888977

I don't know how to buy from those Chinese sellers. Their pictures are always used by multiple businesses and I can't judge quality from that.

I'm hopeful for a cheaper option where I can see what I'm buying.

If you have one too recommend though I could definitely go off your advice.

>> No.8889191

>Site is literally in english, takes USD
>Big sellers have product ratings/reviews
>Plenty of "recommended" sellers available if you google for reviews for two seconds

You really need your hand held this badly?

>> No.8889245

Buddy its chinese wholesale I know what their costumes look like. Its mostly garbage and they never put a real photo, always looks stock.

>> No.8889248

Have you never seen the whole thread dedicated to AliExpress? Not everyone on there is a scam. Most sellers with a lot of reviews have customer photos of what they recieved.

>> No.8889457

I've bought from aliexpress before and it's fine, you need to use some common sense before buying like you do with any other website.

>> No.8889464

Hey believe what you want since you're determined to think that we don't know what we're talking about. If you think a perfect costume is going to fall into your lap in time for the con, who am I to stop you. Hope you have a plan B for when you're costume-less.

>> No.8889529

Wow have you never shopped online before? And you should have posted in BST.

seriously this >>8889464

>> No.8889699

Anyone know how on top they are on attendee causing shit? I know the annoying now ousted from NECC Rock Lee and his now...I think 4th partner likely will cause drama

>> No.8889822

Hope no one was planning to take the T late at AB. They just voted to end it's weekend late night services.

>> No.8889877

Ah fuck. Well, uber and lyft it is then.

>> No.8889885


The same Rock Lee who cancelled alternicon and stole a bunch of kids' money?

AB isn't fantastic at being proactive but see something, say something, and they will keep an eye on somebody if they're really causing trouble

>> No.8890085

Dude his ball was a total shit show this weekend.

>> No.8890192

spill the beans and tell us what happened cause I wanna know. I'm friends with someone who went but I don't talk to them/she didn't seem to post much about it.

>> No.8890300
File: 25 KB, 252x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why isn't anyone looking for photographers?

I'm in the AB Facebook groups, and the only ones getting attention are the bottom of the barrel people charging $10 a shoot. Is this what you guys are doing now?

>> No.8890306

Because AB is trash.

>I have been attending this goddamn mess since it's inception.
>I just go to make obligatory social appearances and be blackout drunk for four days.

>> No.8890314

Damn... if I knew that before, I would have canceled this whole trip. But now I have a whole crew coming, and I kinda want to hang out with them.


>> No.8890319

Whats the difference between AB and other local cons? Ive thought of traveling but AB seems the biggest and is already boring so ive stuck with it.

>> No.8890324

the other anon is being a little bit dramatic...ab has it's issues like any large con but it's not a "goddamn mess"

>> No.8890338

most of this thread is a bit dramatic...

>> No.8890344

Well there was shitty music cause they fired the guy who used to do it. After you know telling him he was a shit father.
If you payed online it wasn't the 20.00 advertised you'd get hit with a 4.50 fee. Same fee at the door making the ticket 29.50 And if that didn't piss you off enough. He was just throwing them out for free at the end.
No food/Limited Water
Also he ended it at 8 instead of the advertised 10.
Not that it mattered most never came back as I understand looking for food. Or all together ditched for a lower priced dinner.

>> No.8890412

I'm wondering about a gull meetup too, any of you fuckers wanting to meet somewhere at some point during the weekend? I need more people to shittalk with and complain about some of the shitshows I usually see at these cons. The group I usually go with are kinda wet blankets about that sorta thing.

>> No.8890419

Not looking because I don't think I photograph well, and a big factor working against me is my budget. I'd love to book a shoot if budget wasn't an issue

>> No.8891036

Id love to shoot with you, especially if you're not confident in your photogenic-ness. I love finding beauty in places where others can't.

>> No.8891070


AB isn't like Katsu, the venue is ugly and so tightly packed it's hard to take photos. Add in usually unpredictable weather (this year will be nice but last year was godawful) limiting outdoor shoots, and it's just not a major cosplay/photography con.

>> No.8891072

Thanks for the offer, anon, I'm not really into photoshoots unless my friends drag me to them against my will.

>> No.8891097


I understand. :(

Even so, if you change your mind, don't hesitate to try and find me. I have a lot of practice getting great shots in less-than-ideal conditions.

>> No.8891906

anybody know what kind of panels to expect this year?

>> No.8892085

Expect some sports ones to match the theme. Other than that you'll have to wait for the program guide.

>> No.8892222

An Au Bon Pain and Sweetgreens have popped up since last year. Also, Chicken and Rice Guys and a Wok place are in one of the hallways during the day time.

>> No.8892232

I always ask people if they want to hold my lightsaber when they ask for pics. They're almost always extremely excited.

>> No.8892239

Have we confirmed any plans about a meet yet?

>> No.8892374

>An Au Bon Pain and Sweetgreens have popped up since last year

unless there's another one, au bon pain has been there for a long time...I remember it being there since I started attending in 2009. you're talking about the one just outside of the hynes-pru entrance right? next to the salad place?

hot balls anon, I would love to hold your lightsaber
(both of them)

>> No.8892620

i figured as much, it's kind of funny that the field day theme is the year after the boom in sports anime, it's still popular but hopefully there won't be a thousand haikyuu cosplayers everywhere this year.

>> No.8892634

>hopefully there won't be a thousand haikyuu cosplayers everywhere this year.
That is some wishful thinking, friend.

>> No.8892643

i can dream, can't i? i'm a fan of the series but a million volleyball uniforms from taobao and ebay get old fast.

>> No.8892667


>implying volleyball explosion wasn't the whole reason behind the theme

>> No.8894664

I've never gone to a con before, and I'm tempted to go to this one just for Aliproject.
Are the concerts at ab usually put together well?

Any suggestions for a first timer for things to do?

Is there a decent amount of people in their mid-late 20s or is it overwhelmingly adolescent?

>> No.8894671

Wanna post your page anon? I'm always down to get some good shots of my cosplays.

>> No.8895788
File: 197 KB, 348x490, 1388454729501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, for those who haven't heard, the iPhone game Love Live: School Idol Festival is having a big contest at Anime Boston! The winner wins a trip to fucking Tokyo! Is anyone else entering? Me and my irl friend just submitted our applications for entry; I know that if I end up competing I won't win, but it's still so exciting.

>> No.8895790


Sorry, it's for iPhone and Android, not just iPhone.

>> No.8896532

I entered as well! I get a little tense and nervous when people watch me play, so hopefully I can just push through that to get decently high enough!
I really just wanna be a finalist to get a cool hoodie... But good luck to you and your friend!

>> No.8896571

Not that anon, but you still have some time before the con to get some practice playing in front of others!

>> No.8897346

Of the people who have been to BCC, what was it like? Sorry for asking here, but I didn't wanna make a new thread with the con being so far away. I'm just wondering because I remember my friends and I tried to go in like, 2014 but we went on Saturday and didn't prereg. Turned out the con had oversold tickets or something so there was a long-ass wait to get in, we didn't feel like waiting the rumored 3-4 hours or sticking around to wait and see since we probably already had been standing in line for 2 hours. Have they like...straightened that out? Is the con worth going to? Is there any specific day I should try shooting for or is the whole weekend worth it?

>> No.8897358

BCC sort of sucks. not many panels, small venue, badly organized

>> No.8897362

To be honest, unless you really like comics, it's not worth it. It's basically one large hall with a bunch of indie sellers and a theater for the panels, and that's it. If you really want to go then get a day pass, for Sunday, where they have the costume contest. Keep in mind, however, people there are a lot more vocal about wearing anime/manga costumes then western cartoon ones.

>> No.8897372

The only comic I'm really into at the moment is x-men. I was thinking of going cause I want to put a star wars cosplay together but I want to have a long time to make it (rather than trying to cram and make a half-assed one a few weeks before AB). Perhaps just going Sunday would be a good way of feeling it out? I think I'm also just itching to go to another con this year. After AB I generally don't go to anything else. I sometimes go to connecticon.

>badly organized
Yeah, got the feeling from standing in line when I heard someone say "oversold tickets".

>> No.8897400

Is anyone still looking for a room? I have room for 2 more at the Marriott connected to the Hynes, $110 for the whole weekend. I'll post my email if anyone's interested and we can discuss it further there!

>> No.8898885

Where'd you hear about this/how does one enter??

>> No.8899586
File: 952 KB, 1920x1080, 9M0f7e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but it's on the app itself! They had a few announcements about it, all with this header. If you go into the notices, one has rules, one has the entry form, and one is just a general announcement of it.

>> No.8899598

Do you have to have the English version to complete the entry form? I play the Japanese version only

>> No.8899638

Concerts are always great. You have to pick up tickets beforehand, usually the morning of the concert. I'm in my mid 20s and I have a lot of fun. There's often kids, but it's not overwhelming.

>> No.8899868

Just entered! I really hope that my entry is accepted because this seems really fun!

It seems like you have to have the English app in order to submit an entry, I'm not seeing any notice about it on the Japanese app

>> No.8900424

Great, thanks for the info! I just noticed their forums, so now I'm pretty comfortable to get myself registered. thanks again!

>> No.8900456
File: 52 KB, 743x597, Poplin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Toshio Furukawa remembers anything about working in Legend of the Galactic Heroes, or whether all the questions he gets will be about being Piccolo.

>> No.8900463

Huh, really? I remember I went to the Origa/Raj Ramayya concert. I didn't line up cause I didn't care about being close + I was too lazy to, but I just went right over just before or just after the official start time. I guess maybe it was fine cause there was a lot of space left? Cause I just...walked right in and sat down.

Also, RIP Origa.

That was the only concert I've been to at AB, but I had fun. I remember I went to Origa's autograph session the next day, she was cute and nice. Her voice was so pretty!

>> No.8900565

Raj/Origa was definitely a smaller act than some others, though. Incredible concert, though. JAM Project a couple years ago filled. I heard Lisa did too, but I didn't go to that one. I think given how hung up people still are on Code Geass, Ali Project's going to be one you want to get tickets for earlier.

>> No.8900628

The attendance cap countdown got posed on the website and I won't be able to pre-reg until the 18th or 19th, do you think it'll get too low by that point or not?

>> No.8900644

Someone can correct me, but they put an attendance cap last year and I personally don't recall that they were anywhere near hitting it once pre-reg had closed.

>> No.8900648

last year I pre-reg'd early but this year I've had unexpected things to pay for that popped up and took priority over the badge price, so thanks for calming my irrational anxiety.

>> No.8900671

I remember me and some friends were able to get into Jam Projects about halfway through. If we didnt have to take the train home, we would have stayed longer.

>> No.8900693

I think maaaaybe I heard that they were close to hitting the cap on Saturday just due to the day passes but yeah, I think you should be good. I would just keep checking the count and make sure it isn't getting low.

>> No.8900709

it's around ~16,000 currently so i'm just hoping the next paycheck is big enough to offset whatever spending i'm doing.

>> No.8900713

I'm broke for the con thanks to a landwhale who strung us along and then dropped out. But is totally still attending. All the while whining about how mean I was for telling her she actually had to pay.

>> No.8900919


They were about 3k short of hitting cap last year. Their numbers have been going up about a thousand or so every year though so it will be a lot closer this year to hitting.

>> No.8901099

Yeesh, that's good to know. I'm annoyed at the unplanned expenses that happened, but it is what it is.

>> No.8901886

I feel ya man. Had my two roomies drop out less than a month before con. Oh well. I will have a whole room in the Marriott to myself.

>> No.8905256

How do I make Anime Boston fun? I go every year but it's always a mediocre experience.

>> No.8905259

Cancel anon and you can be a 5th with me and my friends at the Hilton. $135 per person Fri-Sat.

>> No.8905301

I make the weekend worth it by having friends to hang out with. And alcohol.

>> No.8906454

Who here got accepted into any of the cosplay games?

>> No.8906527

What's the lolita scene at AB like? Google gave me very few well dressed girls and I have heard the Boston comm is basically a bunch of bitchy spergs who never grew out of their ita phase. Any truth to this?

>> No.8906536

What's everyone's cosplay plans?
Any panels we should definitely hit up?
Is there a planned seagull meet?
This will be my first AB and I'm hoping to make the most out of it!

>> No.8906556

A lot of new people(myself included) joined within the last year and a half and it's very different now; I think that idea is outdated and based off old photos and people who are no longer in the comm anymore or are not regulars anymore. There's a couple odd characters but for the most part everyone is cool, no massive cosplay itas, everyone except for like 1 girl is over the age of 20, if there is any bitchiness or drama people keep it to themselves cause I haven't noticed anything spill out during meets or on the page. Of the people who regularly attend meets right now people are pretty chill and nice. I don't think a whole lot of us are attending AB but we are trying to plan a tiny get-together for the con. There's not a whole lot of lolitas who attend AB in the first place and so the scene is a bit small but I've seen both comm and non-comm lolitas at AB.

>> No.8906684

Pretty much all the gossip you hear about the Boston comm is old and irrelevant

>> No.8906930

I got into chess and set as a standby in the afterdark dating game and the deathmatch

>> No.8906935

All these "is there a gull meetup" posts and still nothing about a gull meetup? I'd try to plan one myself if I wasn't complete shit at that sorta thing.

>> No.8907163

Still have room for 2, just reiterating that it's $110 thurs-sun

>> No.8910386
File: 440 KB, 525x654, 1451341897427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been to AB for the last 4-5 years
>Finally 21
>Don't want to go

Some abstract feels this year

>> No.8910561

Got into Afterdark Dating game and Family Feud. FF is during a group meet time though so not sure if I'll attend.

>> No.8910568

I could try to set something up, if enough people are interested. The meets usually happen at night, would everyone be good with doing something on Friday or Saturday night?

>> No.8911683
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This ain't Rock & Roll

>> No.8911691
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cyкa блядь

>> No.8911741

I'd be down.

>> No.8912189

Down for this plan

>> No.8912340

Definitely down for Saturday, might be able to make an appearance Friday.

>> No.8912456

I'll be there Friday!

>> No.8912567

I got no homies this year to go with
I think I'm just gonna go only to pax this year

>> No.8912628

Damn didn't think there would be so many people interested, haha. So, how about we do a Friday meet and a Saturday meet? We could do the Friday meet in the afternoon, and the Saturday meet at night if that works for people.

>> No.8912668

That sounds ideal, that way if someone misses one they can do the other

>> No.8912821
File: 631 KB, 914x717, 1458017357720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where and when? this sounds like fun!

>> No.8912882

*Checks the Anime Boston social group*

Why is bragging about being over 21 to a bunch of teenagers a thing? It's stuff like this that makes me say that even the Melee community which is the bane of the gaming community is better than the con community.

>> No.8912891

that group is full on cringe. one of the admins is 19 by the way.

>> No.8912907

Why don't they just ban those guys and move on? All they're doing is posturing about how they're adults and how they plan on drinking and shit. I'm just weirded out how it's a thing to brag about drinking? Congrats, you're bringing alcohol to a con and you're going to drink in the evening, so is most people over the legal age and even under who cares?

>> No.8912908


>> No.8913231

Yeah, that was what I figured!

Hmm, last year we had the meet at a bubble tea shop and that seemed to work out pretty well. If people are ok with that, maybe we could do the Friday afternoon meet at Kung Fu Tea? It's only a 10 minute walk from the Hynes. I was thinking maybe meet up around 3 or 4 pm. As for the Saturday night meet up, it depends on whether people want to stay at the con or go somewhere else, and how many of us are over 21 or not.

>> No.8913635

It's next week ;A;

>> No.8913668

come on anon, don't be so ~immature~. you can't deny that drinking is the ~reality~ of conventions. gawd.

>> No.8913748

Yes please.

>> No.8914231


Do I recognize your trip from last year's Otakon? I was there.

I'd meet up, actually having a seagull friend I met at AX last summer fly over as well, he'd probably join too.

>> No.8914276

I'll be there Saturday as Marine or Cyber Nico but I don't wanna bring my shitty Taiga for a gull meet. I'm still mad at myself for missing the meet at Katsu.

>> No.8914279

I know AB has a habit of not releasing their schedule until two days before the con, but is it too much to ask for it at least a week in advance? I need to pack my cosplays soon and it'd be nice to coordinate them depending on the panels.

>> No.8914572
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Yeah, I was at Otakon last year too! If you were there, I was dressed like pic related.

Sounds good, anon! Are you participating in the Klab LL contest?

>> No.8914628

I signed up for it, hopefully I get picked to participate!

>> No.8914631

Do you know if they're going the lottery? I know they said that they would if too many people enter, but I didn't see any notice about it, so I wasn't sure

>> No.8914642

They announced if you were selected through the app today, but I don't think you get a notice if you were not picked.

>> No.8914764

How much do you wanna bet that there will be "Safe Spaces" scattered around the con?

>> No.8914768

There really wasn't any last year. At worst they'll have all gendered bathrooms.

>> No.8914780

Anime Boston is absolute shit for booking photoshoots. I might not ever go to another one of these.

If I wasn't locked into this hotel room, I'd cancel this whole fucking trip.

>> No.8914788


Just wait until you get here. There's about five halfway decent places to take photos, period. At least it may be slightly nice out so there's always Christian Science Center

>> No.8914900
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I will be the mexican wearing this. Not much effort but I was excited to get it in the mail yesterday.

>> No.8914914
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Yeah, where ever can we eat darn it

>> No.8914921

you realize most of that stuff is $15+ per plate. also a few of those are back bay's finest $200 per person restaurants.

>> No.8914922

>Lolita cocina
Who else is down

>> No.8914925

do you wanna spend $25 for cheapass nachos at a pretentious tequila bar, anon?

>> No.8914932
File: 175 KB, 480x718, 1455517781750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the price I pay for loli cooking anon

>> No.8914966


A helpful answer is to point out there's fast-food type options across mass Ave where all the Berkeley kids are. A Wendy's and a BGood etc. Not a fucking map with a shit ton of sit down 20$ entree places who aren't going to want people in cosplay hanging out.

>> No.8915036


I can't remember the cosplay off the top of my head right now, but I recognize your trip. I went both nights but only cosplayed the 2nd, hung out with the touhou bunch there. I had a lot of fun personally, just weirded out by whatever happened to that one girl...

I'd definitely come to a meetup

>> No.8915045

claudie was the one cosplaying the passed out underaged girl a few years ago. :^)

>> No.8915155

Oh, ok! Maybe we did meet then! I wasn't there on Saturday, though

If everyone's good for the Friday meetup being at 4pm, what time would people want the Saturday meet to be?

>> No.8915202

That's strange? They said they would give notice on the 18th

>> No.8915285

so. my credit card company charged back my tickets since i bought one for me and one for my bf one after the other, and i guess they thought it was fraudulent. they didn't tell me but AB emailed me last week saying i needed to pay a chargeback fee and to respond saying i still want the tickets or they'd be cancelled. i promptly responded back but have heard nothing. anything i should do? i don't wanna be screwed out of tickets...

>> No.8915293
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How do you know if someone is straightedge?

Don't worry, they'll tell you.

>> No.8915294

Schedule's up folks.

>> No.8915302


>> No.8915309

yes anon because you either have to inform your peers about your age 100% of the time or you're a straight edge piece of trash.

>> No.8915362

I mean, worst thing that happens is you have to repurchase tickets when you get to the con. A pain in the ass but yeah. Just email them again anon.

>> No.8915456

They have a really bizarre range of anime for the screening room.

>> No.8915460

Forgot to add
>that poor Mushishi fan that got stuck with their panel at 1am

>> No.8915476

This is my first time at AB, how early in advance do people typically line up for panels? Main events?

>> No.8915556

Varies panel to panel, event to event. If it features a guest or is one of the cosplay events, expect to line up 30 minutes to an hour in advance. Debut of a dubbed anime like the one 2 years ago (forget what it was) and youll be waiting for hours. Regular panels are usually only half full

>> No.8916027

Yeah, I was shocked when I opened the app and it had the notification. Hopefully they're still sending out invites! Good luck, anon.

>> No.8916489

Shitgecko No Budget, I think it was.

>> No.8916797

So meetup at Kung Fu Tea at 334 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA 02115, Friday at 4. Right?

>> No.8916810


For the Saturday meet, would 11 pm work?

>> No.8916827


Sounds good if we go drinking

>> No.8916828

It depends who comes and how many people are under 21, so it might be better if we go someplace that does offer alcohol but isn't openly a bar

>> No.8917011

If I may add to this, if it's activity panel like "Make a ____", show up like an hour ahead.

>> No.8917017

You should all check out the person who's hosting the Lolita 101 panel. So much cringe.

>> No.8917082

I could only imagine a panel like that would be anything but avoidable

>> No.8917085

what about them?

>> No.8917212

you mean the thrills of the frills one, not the 101? her description wiith [insert con here]....

>> No.8917227

oh WTF. okay, I'm just a boston comm member, not an admin or the two girls running the panel, but I love the comm so I need to defend it:

thrill of the frills is NOT associated with the comm's official panel, which is titled "Boston Lolita Society Presents: Lolita 101" and is on Saturday at 5:30 PM.

I don't know who "Nyk Creations" is, nor am I sure why the panel coordinator at AB approved 2 lolita intro panels?

If that panel happens to turn out to be a cringefest, please understand that the person running it is in no way associated with the comm.

>> No.8917263
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I assume anon meant this person

>> No.8918095

What kinda everything you want, senpai?

>> No.8918130
File: 46 KB, 500x375, drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any 21+ ppl wanna go boozin?

>> No.8918189

I support the one true panel, Stannis Baratheon

>> No.8918315

Too bad Stannis is dead, famalam

>> No.8919206

can someone tell phil lee to stop being a tard and shitting up ABS? like no nobody cares you have all the original pokemon memorized in order

>> No.8919307

i wouldn't post in the anime boston social page if you paid me, i just can't be bothered to leave the group.

>> No.8919820
File: 137 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mgwmyaQgLb1qdchwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwwwwww shoot, you know it