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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8908768 No.8908768 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread in autosage

Let's discuss this monstrosity

>> No.8908769
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>> No.8908771 [DELETED] 

my favourite thing is this woman is 40 but can't type a coherent sentence
>I went to the spring Avalon faery fayre. And did a. Fairy Lolita cood
Dress soufflé song
Wing head accessory belt and gloves. Latex by amstatik found and bring and buy sale
Rose garland can't recall
Shoes dreamy bows
flower details on shoe crochet by me made a matching hair band

>> No.8908773

What was she hoping to achieve

>> No.8908774

Love her nails!

>> No.8908775
File: 49 KB, 528x960, 12814334_939773719012_2198083398464288980_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she would get better lighting

>> No.8908778

My favourite thing is this woman is 40 but can't type a coherent sentence
>I went to the spring Avalon faery fayre. And did a. Fairy Lolita cood
>Dress soufflé song
>Wing head accessory belt and gloves. Latex by amstatik found and bring and buy sale
>Rose garland can't recall
>Shoes dreamy bows
>flower details on shoe crochet by me made a matching hair band

reposting because I'm a dumb fuck who can't greentext

>> No.8908780
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I think this one is pretty cute

>> No.8908786
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If she took the cardigan off and slapped on a wig and some makeup, this might not be half bad.

>> No.8908787

why do people not wearing makeup insist on showing a close up of their face? what exactly are you showing off here??

>> No.8908789

Not to mention the ass-backwards lighting for a closeup.

>> No.8908791
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>> No.8908794
File: 141 KB, 960x1280, 1933331_10207142592577351_8327459874048417636_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do fatties insist on wearing full shirring dresses with nothing to cover their bust? Like at least throw a cardigan on so nobody has to see how ugly your boobs look.

>> No.8908795
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I don't like the bag but everything else looks good, even if it is just a set.

>> No.8908804

One of my dream dresses being coorded this way. Why do people do that?

>> No.8908814
File: 107 KB, 838x720, 10646758_1864417480451525_332829574619443948_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing about that left photo is flattering.

>> No.8908829

Why is her bonnet so floppy? I have the Celestial bonnet and it's not supposed to be that floppy.

>> No.8908839

>Implying you could find a cardigan that would fit any better

>> No.8908840


they look like john travolta in the left lmao

>> No.8908842

I love the shape of that poof!

>> No.8908844

she is wearing pretty obvious make-up, though… pink eyeshadow under her eyes, something darker on the upper lid and mascara.

it's just what happens when someone that doesn't usually wear make-up tries to do the cult party / fary kei thing

>> No.8908855

That girl looks like my friend's ex-boyfriend in that left photo. People need to learn not to post selfies if they're crappy. There's no rule to add a face close-up anyway, so why add something as unflattering as this?

>> No.8908860

I was talking about

>> No.8908867


>> No.8908868
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>> No.8908946
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>> No.8908960

She looks really good here, though. It seems like she's lost a good amount of weight and the dress looks like it fits pretty nice.

>> No.8908961
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>> No.8908967

The bonnet looks terrible and the white looks so out of place

>> No.8908969

I'm irritated by the star clip, it doesn't belong in this coord.

>> No.8908976

I swear I thought she was Wonderbitch at first.

>> No.8909028

the thumb looks awful, maybe it's the light, but it's at such a weird angle. The design is lovely though.

>> No.8909035

Beautiful coord but that face is unfortunate.

>> No.8909037

holy shit she looks like shrek in that close-up picture

>> No.8909046

I know, ugh, the lighting in my house is crap. I just ordered some natural light bulbs for my closet, I'm hoping that helps.

Thanks anon! I've lost about 40lbs since November, I'm really glad it shows

>> No.8909049

That's amazing, congrats anon!

>> No.8909110

Congratulations! I can really see your progress and you should certainly be proud of it. You look great, keep it up!

>> No.8909546

The flowers and star clip look so cheap and tacky

>> No.8909549

Lol, she is wearing a wig and makeup though

Those pearls bother me the most, they look like they cost 20c

>> No.8909563
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>> No.8909564

The headdress actually makes me think of She-Ra and its various side characters. A bunch of them had headdresses like that.

Basically, weird choice

>> No.8909579

Those socks make no sense.

>> No.8909629
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>> No.8909638

She's cute but god damn, can IW get any more tube-like? You know it's bad when it unflatters even small-chested girls. This is a fashion primarily for women...

>> No.8909650
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There is no way this monstrosity isn't a replica. What is with the influx of posts claiming they're wearing brand when they're obviously not...?

>> No.8909654

When did this happen? I didn't see that
That hat is fucking ridiculous and looks costumey
The tights are off
The fuck is on her head

>> No.8909660

Sigh... Sometimes I wish less fatties would join the fashion.

>> No.8909700

I saw a replica of DDC in that cut and colourway on ebay recently, too so its probably that.
Even without the sad replica the coord would be trash.

>> No.8909709


I don't think she's wearing a petti. She look nice though.

>> No.8909713
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Oh honey no.

>> No.8909714

I honestly believe this is a solid outfit. She needs a better fitting blouse and her skirt should be higher on her waist to prevent that muffin top, but she clearly has a grasp on the fashion.

>> No.8909718

This is me. Concrit please. I thought about just wearing all white and pink but it seemed boring

>> No.8909725

Why is this thread being treated as a glorified ita thread?

>> No.8909727

The socks are an ita cliche so if I were you I'd 86 those. The shoes aren't really fancy enough either. Don't necessarily need tea parties but they should be dress shoes. The hair bow looks pretty awkward too like it's not really meant to be a hair bow. Also makeup isn't great. Good luck anon.

>> No.8909728

Why on earth are you wearing those black and white striped socks. Those are not suitable for lolita at all.

>> No.8909733

The bow on your head looks silly sitting like that. The socks don't go and you need actual lolita shoes, not just ballet flats.
Try finding tights or socks that match the color scheme better. Mint would be really nice.

>> No.8909736

Yeah sorry about the makeup. I did fuck that up pretty bad, I got ready in 15 minutes so didn't have time to do my usual hair and makeup. I really wanted to put together a loud experimental coord, though. I've been wearing a lot of classic lately

>> No.8909737

They're AP, I like to wear them with all black usually
Mint could be nice, thanks

>> No.8909743
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Sage for double posting but here you go

>> No.8909751

I will never understand why Meta puts halter ties on necklines that high. Eesh (not your fault, but it's just such an odd design choice).

In addition to what everyone else said, I'd personally take off the wispy organdie bits and use a wide, solid ribbon at the waist instead. Perhaps in the purple-blue colour or mint that matches the print. Also, maybe find or make a dickie for a fancier neckline in place of the halter straps?

>> No.8909757

Just bc its brand doesn't mean it's not ita.

>> No.8909762

Too much eyeliner. Nude/ light pink lipstick, a little rouge, and filled in eyebrows would do wonders.

>> No.8909763

The neck ties aren't detachable. Maybe I should just sell this, it was my dream dress but it would definitely look better on someone smaller

>> No.8909777

Try wearing the halter straps as cross ties instead if you can, it might look nicer. Or tuck them inside the bodice. I like your hairstyle a lot - it looks great - but it might be too elegant and mature for that dress.

>> No.8909791

I will have to try that! Yeah, I ordered a wig specifically for days like today but the seller took forever to ship and I still don't have it. I made a joke coord a couple days ago to mourn the lack of my wig but didn't post it because I knew someone would get assblasted about it

>> No.8909798

The stripes on the socks are a different direction and color than the ones on the dress, if you want striped socks, I'd suggest finding ones that match the print. With that hairstyle, I'd suggest a different headpiece because the bow just sits flat and awkward on your head. Get some nicer shoes, even small heels over the chunky flats would look way better. Also, I'd leave one big earring in the bottom hole and put smaller stud or hoops in the other holes because the chunky mismatched dangle ones just look awkward.

>> No.8909799

Aw i dont agree, she looks pleasant enough
>maybe i just have sympathy for other people with facial lines in bad lighting since im getting old

>> No.8909803

This might not sound like concrit but I think if you held your neck higher (instead of craning your head forward) in the second picture you would instantly look more graceful.

>> No.8909807

With a gut this big she will never look good in lolita

>> No.8909808

If you don't want to use all white and pink pull out other colours in the print, like the mint, the navy and the dark pink (personally I'd avoid the yellow because I think bright yellow and pink look tacky).

People sin striped socks the most when they're black and white. Something more subtle, like mint and white or pink and white isn't so bad. Ones where the stripes are diagonal can also be more acceptable than horizontal ones that have the hot topic and cosplay associations.

>> No.8909809

You sound jealous

They're not even wrinkles, it's that weird puffy thing

>> No.8909811

I think she looks fine as well.

>> No.8909816

You sound ita. Striped socks are not inherently ita. Dated, but not ita.

>> No.8909817

It's not that striped socks are inherently bad, but that the striped socks don't at all match the dress.

>> No.8909822

Thanks. I will wear plain legwear next time. And good call on the earrings, I was trying to make this more punk (but still fancy) than I should have, just because the print is so creepy
I have a long, ugly face and was hoping to offset that... Will have to try more poses to balance it out

>> No.8909825

She needs shape wear and better shoes. Plain black flats always look like hooves to me, regardless of size.

>> No.8909852



Meta has non detachable dress parts? That's odd, they're usually the ones doing silly things like detachable frills as well as detachable collars and putting their skirt bows on pin backs instead of permanently sewn on.

Any way, if you don't like the halter, you can tuck them inside the dress instead, doesn't have to be detachable for you to not wear them.

As far as coording goes, what really happened is that this isn't coherent. The top half of you is so light and fluffy and modern lolita. The bottom half of you is so old school lolita in heavy black and white. None of these descriptions overlap at all. So the outfit looks bad because your top and bottom look like two different outfits. What you really need is to do an outfit that's coherently a single style throughout, eg - use socks/lace stockings in a lighter colour and more modern style to match the OP. Save the striped socks and the black shoes for your more old school bxw lolita dresses.

As for mixing black in with this dress, it's doable, but there's the problem of balance again. You'll want to distribute black throughout the whole outfit, not just suddenly change at the knees as if you swapped out your legs with someone else's. To wear black with this dress, do a black bolero or cardi, and find socks that have the dress's pink on them instead of using random black socks (you may have to hunt down the matching OTKs, this pink looks difficult to match). Swap out the waist bow for a black belt or wait ribbon as well to add more black. Then you can wear the black shoes and bag and not look so jarring.

Uh, and the headbow is really dumb. But your hair is really nice and I dig your earrings.

>> No.8909857
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>> No.8909861
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>> No.8909862
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>> No.8909867
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>> No.8909868
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>> No.8909887

Haha thanks, you have given me a lot of good stuff to work with. Yeah this dress is a trip, it's so much different than anything else I have so I thought I'd do something crazy with it. I guess I'll leave the experimentation for giant-wig-chan, that's where I got the idea of putting random detachable shit in my hair

>> No.8909910

It looks like she didn't even do up the fucking dress. It looks awful and huge. There's no way that's AP.

>> No.8909919

I think you have a pretty gorgeous face and it doesn't look ugly or long! Posing is just about learning your best angles. You can do it!

>> No.8909964

I thought this coord was very pretty. I like the how the ombre in the dress is reflected in the headress, I think she's cute. The photo on the left just isn't a super flattering angle.

>> No.8909989

She probably bought a custom made dress second hand off a fatty

>> No.8910009

It would be nice to some different shoes but overall classy for her size.

>> No.8910043

I think this looks really good.

I agree with >>8909549 The pearls look cheap, but other than that it's an alright coord.

I've seen shirring streatched out much more than that. The fact that she's not wearing a petti is what's bothering me the most.

I'm a fattychan myself. But at least i know where my waist is and what complements my shape. 100% agree with >>8909714

I normally hate this much underskirt. but I think with the blouse, it works.

>> No.8910055

This is pretty dapper. I like it.

>> No.8910061

It's been so long since I've seen anyone wear these shoes! This is really cute.

>> No.8910072

This is better in the second picture without the babushka blanket... but there's still room for improvement.

>> No.8910081

I actually love the tube look, it's pretty much the only thing about innocent world I like

>> No.8910119

I hate this. It looks like she's wearing a peplum top over a long white dress.

>> No.8910141

There are far more thin itas than chubby or fat ones.

>> No.8910161

That bodyline dress is the ugliest effing printed dress i've ever seen

>> No.8910180

I don't understand
why do you look so upset when on pictures
if you don't like the pictures don't take pictures or cover your face or something

that dress reminds me of a babushka's scarf thing, and it's kinda cute

decent coord, awful posing, and the natural hair isn't really helping. her pose is ruining the slim-tall-lean look ouji is meant to have

>> No.8910193

because the people who use it say nice things on FB and come here to say whatever they're too chicken to say off anon.

>> No.8910195

>her pose is ruining the slim-tall-lean look ouji is meant to have
ouji isn't meant to have that kind of look. you find short, curvy (but thin!) looks often, especially in feminine sweet ouji.

why would you even think that?

>> No.8910210
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Wow..... this thread dissolved into a whole lot of Saltiness fast.

>> No.8910252

That would be me. Since someone pointed out my face... Actually, posing for photos is one of those things I'm really not good at. I'm just one of those people who look average irl, but look awful in nearly every single photo taken. Do you have any photo/posing tips, anons?

>> No.8910275

alright, but that there isn't sweet ouji, is it? I feel it'd look a lot better if she wasn't, for example, breaking up the lines of her coat with her hands, and to add the angle the picture's been taken from isn't really the greatest imo.

but maybe I'm just used to my tall ouji vampire prince daydreams. I have to admit I don't know much about the fashion besides casually investigating it for a previous SO (who was really tall and male), but something in that posing is really not working for me. please feel free to correct/lecture me!

>> No.8910300

You obviously miss my point. The way she coorded them is ita.

>> No.8910301


Don't worry, your face isn't unfortunate; you just look a bit dour.

>> No.8910313
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Sorry for the corniness of this reference, but a smile really can change a picture

>> No.8910335

Roald Dahl references are almost always appropriate. Carry on.

>> No.8910512

I posted you and I stand by my comment of lovely. A smile wouldn't hurt, but I think you and your coord are very pretty.

>> No.8910632

Not as unfortunate as >>8908814

>> No.8910674

but you chose a single, shitty, non-matching bow. I wouldn't even admit that 2009-deco-loli-bigwig-chan was my inspo--just adds another aspect you failed at imo

>> No.8910684
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i agree the posing could be better (her hands are really poorly placed), and no, it is not sweet ouji! my point is, ouji is not restricted to the type of dashing vampire you describe, so using that as a basis for concrit is naive.

>incoming random lecture but only because you asked!
brands that release ouji items make clothes promarily for young girls, and they are made to flatter Japanese teenage female bodies. even gothic ouji can be quite feminine. there are brands that make more androgynous or masculine styles, and there are grown men and androgynous women who wear ouji, but the market is mostly young girls, and even AatP seems to be cutting back on how much menswear it offers. height and manliness are low priorities for the Japanese brands and wearers! (to the chagrin of masculine oujis everywhere...)

certain body and personality types gravitate toward certain ouji aesthetics. my point is there is no specific way ouji is "supposed to" be, as far as personality type goes. i don't disagree with anything else you have critiqued about the ouji in question, but just be careful not to mistake your own preferences for general guidelines.

>pic related, super girly ouji for illustration purposes

>> No.8910796

I've met her and she's OK from what I can tell, but her husband(?) really creeps me out.

>> No.8910908

Is putting your hands in your pockets in ouji always bad posing, or only in some cases, like with the coat in the picture?

>> No.8910921

it's not always bad. i imagine with looser pants, and a kind of shrugging, "who, me?" gesture, hands in pockets could be cute or charming. but in that pic, their pants are too tight to fit both hands without silhouette distortion. the pants are also nothing special, so why not show off the coat instead?

>> No.8910935

That makes sense to me. Thanks for the explanation!

>> No.8910981
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>> No.8910984
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>> No.8910989
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This post timer is killing me, why is it so long

>> No.8910993
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>> No.8911003

I love this. It has a simplistic EGA feel to it.

>> No.8911028

She's batshit but harmless just a little embarrassing, husband is creepy and makes people uncomfortable
she'll be fine in the end but needs to learn basic etiquette like not boasting about all the things she's brought (no1curr) and asking to bring a +1 instead of just assuming it's okay (it's not)

adore this it's perfection

>> No.8911037

This is a really unflattering coord. She's obviously not fat, but she looks fat. Those boots make everyone look stocky. The neckline of that cutsew is all wrong. It brings the attention to the straps that look like they're slipping off? The waist looks really tight too. Very cute face though.

>> No.8911047

i love the coord but i don't love it on her
also it looks like that blouse is too small for her

>> No.8911050

Perhaps, but at least you don't have to hear arguments like
>muh curves
>lolita fashion promotes fat shaming
>why can't brands cater to meee~
Etc, etc

>> No.8911057

I sincerely love this.

>> No.8911073

Look at those sleeves, it looks like a can of biscuits about to pop. The wings are just tacky

>> No.8911077
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OP question asker here, thank you! I guess that's personal preference yeah. I don't really have a good overview of the substyles, should I go and dive through buttcape's blog in the archives or is there some other site that does an overview of different types/aesthetics of ouji?

>height and manliness are low priorities for the Japanese brands and wearers! (to the chagrin of masculine oujis everywhere...)
>pic related

such a lovely dress, such a plain coord. why blue-black shoes with a brown dress? why the weird wispy headpiece?

I almost want to start arguing this is pushing the line on lolita, but I still love it. this is probably one of those girls who could pull off wa.

>> No.8911080

I believe she actually is the one who made that wa lolita outfit everyone was mad about a while ago. So yeah, not far off.

>> No.8911087
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This irks me, I hate the mismatched blues and the shoehorned black and the hair
The shoes
The distorted bodice
Even the eyebrows bug me

>> No.8911090
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>> No.8911093

This haircut is not good for people on the chunkier side, she needs more volume really

>> No.8911094
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Not a fan of this, it's so random and messy

>> No.8911100

I really like this she looks very elegant

>> No.8911108

In what world? This is so messy.

>> No.8911121

I'm not sure that's black... I think it's dark blue, judging from the legs, they give off a blue shade where the light hits. And I assume the blouse would be the same color. From personal experience I can say, when I take outfit shots, dark blues often turn out to look like black in photos.
That being said, the blues ARE mismatched...

>> No.8911198

OK. But does that make it any better? The darkest parts of the print are so small, I still think white blouse and legwear would look better

>> No.8911265
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>> No.8911269
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>> No.8911274
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>> No.8911281
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>> No.8911285
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>> No.8911288
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>> No.8911292
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>> No.8911306

That bonnet is all sorts of unfortunate and the short hair only makes it worse. I was going to leave it at that but then I noticed that pretty much nothing in this coord matches. Oh boy.

>> No.8911312

Those shoes are unfortunate
Pretty standard tumblrina
I love those tights, what brand are they

>> No.8911321

I want to like this but all the reds look pretty mismatched. Might just be the different lightingin the pictures. Black accessories would have been a bit safer and made more sense.

>> No.8911335

I suspect it is a lighting issue. You can really tell when you compare the pic on the right to the pic on the left. I think all black might have been a little boring.

>> No.8911499

Kek no

>> No.8911509

her haircut makes me angry and has for a while. she always has the same facial expression and hair and it just bugs me

>> No.8911523

>I don't really have a good overview of the substyles, should I go and dive through buttcape's blog in the archives or is there some other site that does an overview of different types/aesthetics of ouji?
unfortunately nothing truly definitive and factual exists in English for the different types. ouji isn't as established as lolita and there is a lot of misinformation. still, it follows the main subtypes (gothic, sweet, classic, and punk is hanging in there). i have some scans depicting substyles, can post em if you ask about them in the boystyle thread

>> No.8911537

has there ever been a coordinate that /cgl/ has actually liked?

>> No.8911560

We aren't a hive mind. We all have different tastes. There's been plenty of coords that a large amount of guild have loved and one person will think it's ugly, or vice versa. There's plenty that makes a coord considered good, but beyond that it's fairly subjective.

>> No.8911561

Everyone admitted that Kota or whoever e-fame whore it was looked pretty cute in the red coord she posted recently

>> No.8911658

True. I personally hate that shit along with all the "real women have curves" trash.

>> No.8911668

I think you just realized that you sound like an idiot and are now trying to turn it around and justify your initial statement. Next time be more clear and state that the coord itself is ita rather than the socks.

>> No.8911694

The colours just don't go at all
The main colours of this dress are pink and white so it's normal to think "only pink and white" with accessories
But it has elements of mint, dark blue, and purple (also colours like orange, red, and yellow but they are hard to coordinate). If a dress doesn't have black in chances are black accessories won't go

>> No.8911726 [DELETED] 

I thought the bottom print had black in it, I couldn't tell it was navy until I went out, that's why I did that. Anyway, I'm over it and won't try to do anything experimental again, I didn't realize people would shit all over me for it

>> No.8911733 [DELETED] 

Also I think the stripes in the bottom are lime and bright yellow, not sure why people keep saying mint other than it would complement the pink and fuschia in the top print.

>> No.8911755

There is no mint anywhere in the print. The stripes are blue and bright yellow. There is some bright green. I didn't realize the dark parts were navy until I got outside, that's why I wore black. They looked black in my house

>> No.8911765
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Don't get butthurt and then decide that you still want to play in the sandbox anon. If you can't handle concrit, don't come on cgl

>> No.8911769

This has neaely 300 likes, last I checked. I... I don't understand. It's such a lackluster coord, barely complete. I had to double check to find her headwear, it seems to be a thin gold headband? Such a detailed print really deserves more effort. And say what you want about glasses and lolita, but there's no way thick black plastic frames can fit the look and feel of that dress. She needs a more neutral color, a more elegant frame shape, and preferably both.

>> No.8911815 [DELETED] 

Lol sorry, I didn't mean to bother you but had double posted and wanted to consolidate. Refresh the page, I fixed it

>> No.8911822

Lol sorry, I didn't mean to bother you but had double posted and wanted to consolidate so the thread wouldn't sage as fast. Refresh the page, I fixed it.

Are you using clover? Should I get it?

>> No.8911957
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Getting this back on track

>> No.8911989
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>> No.8911992

OT but what's the name of this print? I'm not in CoF so I can't ask her directly

>> No.8912032

>the cardigan

>> No.8912033

Remove the bears and it's an alright coord. But why would you shoehorn bears into a chess print?

>> No.8912038

IW's Marionette Theater

>> No.8912051
File: 97 KB, 586x960, IMG_3567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The floppy heart headdress thing and the dumpy bow at the bottom of the dress are doing RRL zero favours.

>> No.8912074

She said something about it being a rikkaluma anniversary...
Yeah that heart thing is awful but what's up with her face in the closeup? So creepy

>> No.8912094

I wouldn't mind the heart thing if she wore it as a proper hat on top of her head without the flowers.

>> No.8912118

Still, why with Chess Chocolate? Unless, of course, she doesn't have any bear prints. Maybe that's the case.

>> No.8912198

Then she should wear a bear print. That girl can barely dress herself.

>> No.8912211


The bear is from Musee du Chocolat series. So I guess she may have been doing chocolates x chocolates thing.

I mean I get that it's not obvious that the bear is supposed to be a chocolate bear unless you're an AP fan and know all their plush bags by heart, and a chocolate bear has nothing to do with chocolate chess much less the mascot of a lazy bear that only wants to relax, I just posit this as a thing she may have been thinking while deciding what to wear.

That, or she has a brown bear and no other brown dresses. Which would be really odd, but lolitas are kinda known for weird impulse shopping.

>> No.8912221

I agree with other anon, it's not messy at all
Maybe the hair accessories a bit, but otherwise it looks good

>> No.8912241

I fucking hate OTT.

>> No.8912242

Maybe give us something more than messy to go off of.

>> No.8912245

Not that anon but I use clover at work... it's nothing special.

>> No.8912363


Did she write on her bag in GREEN?

Wow that's really tacky and a waste of a perfectly good bag

>> No.8912418

It's just your expression, really. You kinda look traumatized here, since you have that kind of blank stare. Just loose up your face by making grimaces beforehand and smile a little. I think you are pretty.

>> No.8912451

Haenuli is a newb magnet for some reason.

>> No.8912502
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>> No.8912505
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>> No.8912506
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>> No.8912508
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>> No.8912510
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(I actually like this a lot but gotta continue)

>> No.8912513
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>> No.8912516
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>> No.8912517

Are those bow tattoos on her wrists? Those are shitty, faded, and flat looking. I'd slap my artist if they put something that shitty on me for life.
I pray for her that they are just marker drawn on.

>> No.8912520

Oh god, I was thinking they were temporary tattoos. She's still really cute but that would be ridiculous

>> No.8912564

This is so lovely but the mismatched shoes are killing me and I want to slap them off her.

>> No.8912619

What the hell. I just noticed the mismatched shoes..... why?

>> No.8912635

I know there's one person who does in fact have AP bows tattooed on her wrists, and I believe this is her.

This is really cute but I wish she hadn't mixed her shoes. This wig is much cuter than her regular one.

>> No.8912647

Next time I post a coord I'm slapping about x20 extra accessories on mine just to see if it does get more attention.

>> No.8912649

I loathe all of this girl's coords but she somehow managed not to look like a train wreck this time. Good job.

>> No.8912674

Her hear is a mess I cant even tell whats going on with it

>> No.8912675

Jfc meant hair*

>> No.8912693
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 1920196_581032045378530_807332050975970976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OT but this person was caught stealing from the Lolita Collective and banned from the dealer's room. Can't believe she would post on CoF instead of lying low.

>> No.8912696

It looks like a fried chicken leg is sticking out from the back of her head?

>> No.8912701

Guess she thinks people don't know or just forgot.

>> No.8912703

looks familiar, might sadly know her, where is she based?

>> No.8912704

What did she try to steal?

>> No.8912714

You actually have a really lovely face! I feel you on looking nicer irl though, my face always looks so bad in pictures. I think you are quite pretty though, maybe a smile would help!

>> No.8912729
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>> No.8912732

lmao at these people using angry reactions
enjoy your bans

>> No.8912744
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Blurred all names but oh boy. Now they're denying it

>> No.8912746

Her hair looks so bad..

>> No.8912748 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1132x817, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were discussing it in the artist group. Stuffing lolita merch in your parasol. Real classy.

>> No.8912749

really pretty but damn that white washing in the other two pictures. obv filter

>> No.8912750

Helen, I know it's you. Stop trying to stir up drama. The post was deleted from CoF thanks a lot. Focus on the coord, not on events.

>> No.8912755

>implying I know any of these people
>implying this entire board isn't so finely tuned to drama that any public spat isn't going to get posted within 30 seconds of it happening

>> No.8912758

I don't think she would like her own comment?

>> No.8912759
File: 222 KB, 1132x817, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to derail the thread but here's screenshots from the artist alley group. Apparently she was caught stuffing items in her parasol.

Someone mentioned a rumor about her stealing from swap meets as well. Idk if there's any proof of that.

>> No.8912760

"Two people post, must be samefag who has a vendetta"


>> No.8912771


>> No.8912780

>OP + blouse = wtf
>Erwin brows with lolita??
>Failed himecut that explodes into a ratty mess at the back

seriously what the fuck is that wig? it looks like an octopus's tentacle got caught up in it and brought a fishing net with it. would be much better if it was a bob

>> No.8912788

She's not wearing a blouse.
That OP has detachable long sleeves.

>> No.8912795

Those are detachable sleeves but the coord still sucks really bad.

>> No.8912807
File: 461 KB, 1333x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey there
Girl in the photo here.
Yes they're real bow tattoos taken from the AP tag, with the AP logo removed (literally my tattoo artist scanned my Dream Sky tag and traced over it and adjusted accordingly.)

If you have ANY tattoos, you should know that certain colors are hard to keep.
Pink is one of those colors, I have come to find unfortunately.
I might end up changing the color of the tattoo next time I go in because I'm tired of them fading so quick. (No. Not my tattoo artist. Because my leg tattoos are fine. And he said this is normal for light colors such as pink.)

Attached is a some what better photo from the same event.

As far as I know, I'm the only person who has AP bows tattooed on my wrists.
(Not that I claim that my own SUPER ORIGINAL IDEA!!!!11!!11! I just haven't seen anyone online post that before.)

I love my wrist bows and frequently get compliments on them, lolitas and not.

My wardrobe is pretty much all AP and I love them to DEATH.

Thank you!
And for the record to everyone here: I am open to concrit.

>> No.8912812

You being the only person you know with AP bows on their wrist doesn't change that they're bad tattoos. Sorry.

>> No.8912829

If I was ballsy, I really wanted to comment "Is this the coord you wore to go shoplifting at Lolita Collective?" Though I heard some other chick already gave her shit for it which made the girl in the pic delete her post.

Some Belladonna wristcuffs and jewelry that she tried to drop into her parasol when she thought no one was looking.

>> No.8912830

Her lips annoy me so much

>> No.8912839

nah they totally look like shit. i would go to a different artist if i were you. it looks like whoever did it originally was just lazy about it because colors don't generally fade unless you fuck it up.

in any case i think it's hilarious that you got them since you're so mediocre.

>> No.8913031

Pink shouldn't fade that bad. I have some pink roses on my arm that are a little over a year old and still vibrant.

>> No.8913043

I like them anon
>but DESU the most lolita related tattoo I would get is a quote from Kamikaze Girls or Mihara Mitsukazu

>> No.8913049

I mean. The inks are probably different.
I use Fusion.

I also wonder if because they're on my wrist if that's part of the problem?
Constant washing and movement and such.
I know friends who have wrist tattoos in black that fade quick because of the placement on the wrist.

I'm probably going to get an arm piece soon done by another tattoo artist, and I might ask her to touch them up since she'll be in the area and see if that works better.

>> No.8913050

Those seriously look like complete shit. It looks like when high schoolers get bored and draw on themselves with permanent marker during class.

>> No.8913055

that's not how that works. that's not how any of this works...

>> No.8913056

She looks so nice here! It's great to see her try something different besides her normal stuff. This looks much more well coordinated and cohesive.

>> No.8913058

Thank you!
I realize it's kind of tacky to get a brand logo tattooed on you, but lolita has changed my life for better or for worse and I don't want to forget that.

I also wanted to pick something subtle enough to where no one would be like "Oh. That's obviously a logo." If they didn't know the fashion.

Most normies think they're Hello Kitty bows, which is annoying and dumb. But whatever.

>> No.8913076

Yes. It is very tacky.

>> No.8913081

The placement isn't very good either. It makes your wrists look huge and blocky.

>> No.8913087

Sorry I don't have a hate boner for tattoos...? Ya'll are being harsh lmao

>> No.8913095
File: 33 KB, 470x403, 734957_10153448340686099_4552566100706536360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the nicer coords posted recently.

>> No.8913096

Nobody's said anything about blanket-hating all tattoos on everybody, m8. Just that these particular tattoos are really bad.

>> No.8913098
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>> No.8913101

Glasses aren't exactly cheap... To get glasses just to match your coords is a bit absurd in my opinion...

>> No.8913104
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>> No.8913111
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>> No.8913112

Is it just me or is this print showing up a lot recently? Not complaining though, it's adorable!

>> No.8913114
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>> No.8913117

is that a guy?

>> No.8913120

Also because everyone (myself included) has a hate-boner for Dom and Batty for being complete psychos.

Also those particular tattoos are really just terrible

>> No.8913128

Is this a jsk on top of an OP?

>> No.8913139

I think it's an overdress/apron.

>> No.8913150

The only one sounding like a psycho is you right now, ngl.

>> No.8913156

>I don't like this girl because she's crazy
nice argument, babe

>> No.8913160
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>> No.8913162

>"This tattoo is bad"
>wow you sound like a psycho

>> No.8913169

Read the top portion of the post, dummy.

>> No.8913170

>everyone (myself included) has a hate-boner for Dom and Batty for being complete psychos.
That's pretty psycho to take lies on cgl for face value. Nyoron~

>> No.8913175

I think the shoes are fine, but this lighting is godawful.

>> No.8913179

I meant you're shit quoting.

>> No.8913187

I know Dom in person. She's legitimately crazy, like I'm sure she has some sort of mental health problem.

>sage for off topic and no one caring

>> No.8913230

I second that.

>> No.8913438
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>> No.8913445
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>> No.8913448



>> No.8913453

shes also a passive-aggressive massive bitch

>> No.8913527

I really fucking hate pants with jsks. Religion sucks.

>> No.8913556


these have to be dudes

>> No.8913564

In a fashion where we have an obscene amount of cute socks and stockings to choose from, why are there so many girls shoehorning black or solid stockings into their coords? This has bugged me for so long, but now I think I'm going completely mental because it's driving me up the fucking wall.

>> No.8913580

I don't understand why you'd wear the plainest of plain kneesocks with a hime-styled coord. Did something happen to a better pair of legwear and she had to sub those in, or was that what she decided to go with from the start?

>> No.8913591

Too fucking cheap to buy legwear specifically for coords or afraid to take risks
She was experimenting with styles according to her but I don't know if it's supposed to be sweet or classic. I think she changed it from one to the other in the post

>> No.8913609


People spend all the money on the dress and then cheap out with the rest of the outfit. If you can't afford good socks/tights, don't buy the dress.

>> No.8913639

Love it but I hate when girls do this pose.

>> No.8913656

This girl is so pretty but I don't know if I would wear those socks with that colorway. I think they would be okay for other colors of Dolly Cat but not the black one..

>> No.8913688


I think the socks are fine but she needs black shoes. Her color balance is off if she wants this to be a tri-color coord, but I think it works best as pink x black.

>> No.8913822

To be fair, I'm 6 feet tall and most printed tights do not fit me at all. I have huge calves from being a runner as well and OTKs don't stretch enough for me. I tend to go with sparkly or solid legwear for that reason.

>> No.8913875

Same. I don't really like hijabs in Lolita either but that's more of an unpopular opinion...

>> No.8913882

Disliking hijabs in lolita is a pretty common opinion. I'm not that much of a fan either because most of them can't style them for shit.

Does anyone have that picture of Misako where she went to some country in the Middle East and wore a giant frilly chador, or did I make that up in my head?

>> No.8913887

I see what she was trying to do wearing skinny jeans. I think it would've been better if she wore knee-high boots like with what that other hijabi girl from the SF? comm does. I mean honestly, if she can make it work anyone can, if you're a hijabi lolita you should try to just...do whatever she does. Say what you want but she does look cute and makes it work.

Relatedly, but I'm so glad we've moved past the people literally wearing hijabs for extra attention...specifically thinking of that unfortunate looking 30 year old...I forget her name, but the one who wore an awful white hijab with sugar dream dome. I remember she wore it a couple times with her coords, didn't get any attention/as much attention as she probably hoped, then stopped wearing them.

>> No.8913897

Forgive me for showing ignorance, but do Muslims HAVE to wear pants with lolita? I know they have to cover up every part of their skin except their face, but don't tights achieve that same effect when it comes to legwear?

>> No.8913911


Tights are for sluts.

>> No.8913920


Depends how conservative they are. I had a muslim friend and she basically dressed in jeggings and a shirt every day. Her parents are moderate.

And this goes for every religion. Mildly ticks me off when people on this board are always like "OMG MUSLIMS CAN'T WEAR TIGHTS." I don't even like the religion that much and I know it has shades of varying craziness from 'decent' to 'ALAHAMUAKHABAREFIDJ."

>> No.8913952

Is this the same girl as the hijabi lolita who was running around on tumblr talking about how skater dresses are loliable? If not, their photo style and eye for poofless dresses and skinny jeans are quite similar.

>> No.8913955

This, one of my Muslim friends dresses like your average basic bitch and wears crop tops and shit. It's like asking why some Catholics drink, party and have anal whilst others wear long frumpy skirts and abstain until marriage, obviously there's gonna be differences within a religious group.

>> No.8913968

>but that's an unpopular opinion
Welcome, newfag.

>> No.8913975

It has to do with the shape of the leg/body. Like, tights are skin tight sorta so you can very clearly see the shape of the leg. Consider how some women wear very loose pants. People with more modern or liberal views of the religion wear different things so that's why some are able to wear things like skinny jeans with not much of a problem. I went to school with a girl who moved here from Saudis Arabia and she wore skinny jeans pretty often.

>> No.8913985

I hope she didn't try to pass that off as the real VR

>> No.8913990

Even so, blouses under OPs can work well.

>> No.8913993

Those solid poo brown stockings are nagl

>> No.8914032

I like them anon, but agree, perhaps shelling out more for a better tattoo artist in the future would be a good idea.

>> No.8914041

I meant unpopular outside of 4chan. Should have been more clear.

>> No.8914063

Yup, one in the same. Good to see that she still has shit tastes and thinks sneakers are appropriate for lolita. Never change.

>> No.8914095

Anon didn't sound like she was demanding that lolitas wear different frames for every coord, but can we at least agree that lolitas who wear glasses should keep their usual style in mind when they select frames so they can get something versatile and tasteful? I have thin metal frames with a bronze finish and they match the vast majority of my coords, but I'm not going to go out and get black frames just because I have a handful of coords with black as the neutral. The girl in question here may have gotten those frames before getting into lolita, sure, but it's still a valid critique because it's something she can keep in mind the next time she needs new glasses.

>> No.8914102

Read your post again, I seem to have misunderstood you slightly. I agree that it's economically impractical to out of the blue get new glasses just because of lolita, but she should still consider a different style when the time comes for another pair.

>> No.8914119
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, big_1416153107_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I can see is this

>> No.8914124
File: 296 KB, 2048x1150, 12828301_1050290205044545_8494772918967556220_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would be kabedonned by

>> No.8914141

The face is awful too goddamn

>> No.8914145

I really dislike that blouse and how her hat rests on her head, but I think I like the rest of it.

>> No.8914208

hnng hot as hell, like ero ouji, I do approve

>> No.8914214

This one is cute. It just needs more work, perhaps the wig needs more styling and finding more solid tigths. The photo is not so flattering in her, I bet she looked great irl

>> No.8914253

... I actually liked this print but missed out on the release. The cut looks like it would be flattering on a smaller girl, but it looks like she bought a size too small for her

>> No.8914338

to be fair there's nothing wrong with buying a dress that you like, but if you get it and don't spend effort or money on the rest of the outfit just don't bother calling it lolita, say it's an outfit with a lolita dress.

>> No.8914343

It's not even that impractical though... you can get prescription glasses for very cheap online. Granted they won't be great but I think cheap but matching glasses is still better than designer glasses that stand out; since typically glasses are a necessity I think people are less likely to judge glasses that look cheap as long as they match, right?

>> No.8914381

I'm tired of people saying this. It's not economically possible for some people to get "le cheap new frames" out of the blue. Some lenses can cost upwards of $300 and that's not including frames. It depends on what kind of eye condition you may have. Remember that glasses are still medical equipment and some people have varying levels of need for them.

That being said you can always take the glasses off for photos, unless you have a problem with a crossed eye or something. I've been doing this for years because I'd rather not cough up $300 for a new lens that'll probably be too heavy for kawaii frames anyway. The world may never know my true level of blindness.

>> No.8914479
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>> No.8914482

Have a mediocre coord? Just make a "joke" post!

>> No.8914484

I think it's pretty cute. The donuts are a bit gross but I like the coord

>> No.8914497

The bright yellow clashes with you skintone, I think a milk tea or medium brown color would match better. The bows may fade less and match more of your things if you redid them in lavender?

>> No.8914502


kinda agreeing with >>8911769
if you've been in the fashion at least a year, your yearly appointment should be coming and might be time to get something elegant for your face. Block plastic frames are never elegant, no matter what expense excuses you want to make about why, they DO look like shit.

>> No.8914505

Anon I have the biggest hard on for cutesy tattoos, but that looks awful.

>> No.8914508

If she was standing it would look like a basic bitch ita coord. She's either mad that she couldn't get her dream dress or is trying to pass off her cruddy coord as a joke.

>> No.8914510

does anyone else find it unbelievably cringey when people start their CoF posts with "Hello beautiful ladies!" or "Hello Lolitas of the world~"

I don't know if it's a language barrier thing or what but it really rustles my ruffles

>> No.8914511

Can we make a pact to report shitty joke coords?

>> No.8914512

Could I get some concrit on this coord?

I always request for some on CoF, but I always get crickets.

>> No.8914513

Ha, thinking the main cost of glasses is the frame
Like >>8914381 said, lenses cost a tonne. Sure, you can get a £15 frame on those sites...but if your eyesight is actually shit then your £15 glasses quickly cost £215. Often by the point that your prescription is substantial you can't even get particular frames (mine are at the point where the lenses can't be curved at all, so nice Lolita appropriate glasses are no longer a thing)
And even if you go to a company that's doing cheap lenses, the effect that that inaccurate prescription can have on your eyes is mad. My eyesight deteriorated 2dioptres in a year just from poor positioning of the lense. So yeah, coordinate matching the glasses arent exactly worth it for many people

>> No.8914522

Your legwear doesn't really work, it looks cheap and it doesn't match anything you're wearing. You'd be better off with plain black tights/OTKs than those, or maybe black with a subtle straight-line flower pattern, IW-style.

The headbow doesn't really match the red of the dress (it's a bit pink in the photo because god forbid brands would have consistent colours), but maybe a smaller red bow or a sliightly more pink-toned red would make this less apparent.
Lose the wristcuffs, they don't match at all. Maybe try a simple bracelet if it feels too bare without them.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, hope it's helpful! CoF is pretty dire for concrit, part of why I stopped posting there.

>> No.8914523

Seconding that frames can be cheap, but prescription lenses are not. Just my lenses alone put me at the $400-$500 point. I'm blind af.

>> No.8914531

The reds do match much better in person, but the print on the dress is the biggest pain to color balance.

I have an ivory or black headbow I'll swap out for next time until I can obtain a smaller red hairpiece. I'll take note on finding different legwear, it was between those tights or solid white and it didn't do the coord any justice. I'll swap for black wrist-cuffs or tea-stain those ones for next time, I'm not big on jewelry.

Would you say I'm heading in a good direction style-wise for old-school?

>> No.8914539

The eyebrows are the real crime here. Eww.

>> No.8914541

It's terrible though?
She's wearing red combat boots with no signs of any other red accents, plus a blatant purple wig that clashes with everything. Studded jewelry I guess to show how "bad" she is even though those also make no thematic sense. The otks are ugly and again, if she was going with a monochromatic theme she kinda ruined that by introducing other colors.
All she got right was putting a dress on herself and finding a matching headbow. She didn't even try in all other aspects.

>> No.8914543

Yes we can.

>> No.8914546

>This has neaely 300 likes

Because people really fucking like that print, and Haenuli has always attracted the underdog types in lolita who would support sub par coordinates anyway.
The trans ageplayer from Atlanta comm who always wears Haenuli prints is another good example that you don't have to look nice or put effort into a coord to get likes under the right circumstances. .

>> No.8914554

No, she's a woman

>> No.8914564

To add to what this anon said, a lot of times you can fix the way the bow is sitting by playing around with bobby pins and maybe pulling half your hair up or something.

>> No.8914708


Maybe it's to balance the outfit for casual purposes . When the print is already (really) busy, it's nice to tone it down in other parts to make it more friendly for everyday purposes (going to work, uni, whatever)

>> No.8914930


I can understand that, but you can get ones with subtle patterns of some type of texture to help give it more visual interest. A lot of lolita tights/socks have the design on the outside of the leg, too, not up the front, so that can help create interest, but not make it too busy when looking at the outfit headlong.

>> No.8914942

Dif anon but I agree, this coord is really messy. It's a mix of completely unrelated themes and items that just don't look good together, despite looking ok on their own.
It's like she couldn't decide on what style she wants to wear: the shoes are classic-sweet, the skist is elegant gothic, the OTKs are gothic-classic, the headdress is gothic, but it doesn't have the elegant vibe to go with the skirt. Instead of limiting herself to the building/city theme, she shoehorned a skull ring, star brancelet a few crosses etc into the outfit.
It looks like she started with a decent idea of a gothic coord with the skirt, but then stopped thinking about a balance and just threw everything that could be labeled as "goth" on herself.
Plus the weird angle doesn't complements her at all, it makes her bust look strange and out of place.

>> No.8915517

I don't think most people fall under this category? I'm -2.5 ish and got prescription glasses for like $10 and the vast majority can too

>> No.8915549

Congratulations! Your eyesight is apparently bad enough to wear whatever you want guilt-free! You won't be able to see your coord anyway!!

>> No.8915569

Go to bed

>> No.8915571

Pretty coordinate!
I don't care for the bag with it, but almost perfect

>> No.8915574

But often by the point that your prescription is that bad you can't even find your bed

>> No.8915585

This is one of those cases where I want to tell the girl to not put her weight on her back foot.

>> No.8915591

I don't care for the color blocking (sudden pop of red).
seems less Lolita and more aristo

>> No.8915599

Cute coord, but something about her expression here is uncomfortable/forced?

>> No.8915884

I'd love a better look at that peignoir. it must be gorgeous! I love the golden lace at cuffs.

If the bag was dark brown I'd love this more, since the hair accessories aren't the warm brown in that print.

>> No.8915890

I'm a fattychan, patterned tights look terrible on my legs.

>> No.8915929

This. I've also go huge calves from running when I was younger. The print on tights stretches out and looks like crap. I know cgl likes to get salty about plain colored tights but I know what patterns look like on me.

>> No.8916992

We kept having old ladies come up asking for photos.
2/4 of us didn't want photos by outside sources. So I politely declined all photos while Kat was having her photos taken.
One lady still took photos when I told her not to.
When I politely asked her to stop, she still kept taking photos. So one of these photos could have come from that moment.