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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8901363 No.8901363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay cosplay pros, what material was the deadpool suit made of?

>> No.8901365

Oh great, another Deadpool cosplayer for the 2016 con season.

>> No.8901364

looks like prime Help Thread material to me, newfag

>> No.8901367

don't be a fucking ass. It's a legitimate question. I'm only here cause I can't seem to find the answer anywhere else

>> No.8901368

probably something you cant afford

>> No.8901370


>> No.8901374

that doesn't stop me from finding out what material it is though

>> No.8901382
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obviously it's a material that's unique and probably really expensive. Maybe you should go with something like this if anyone can tell what it is

>> No.8901405
File: 32 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red denim

>> No.8901420

I think red denim is what was used, if not, it's extremely close. I'd lay like a red leather denim cause it's got more of a shine to it than regular denim

>> No.8901684

>go to the help thread where no body helps you

>> No.8901691

Poor instant-gratification baby, did no one tell you this is one of the slowest boards? Wait it out.

>> No.8901693


Googling gave me the answer very quickly so you're awful at searching for info.

Also did you really need to make a different threads when the help thread will suffice?

>> No.8901695

It looks like leather

>> No.8901703

of course not anon, this person is a very special snowflake, so they need their very own special thread for all their snowflaking needs

>> No.8901707


Ironic considering the fact they want do a character who shows up to every single con

>> No.8901923

yeah but all the deadpools that go to those cons are just morphsuit faggots and their costumes look like shit. I think this anon is planning to really go all out here.

>> No.8901928

nice try OP but we all know you're going to be doing the most used cosplay idea of 2016

>> No.8901933

fyi, I'm not planning on attending any cons this year. You fags won't believe it but I'm actually going to a different country to do charity work for the year of 2016. Fact is, I doubt anyone will see a movie quality deadpool suit at any cons this year and it'll be the same morphsuit shit. But you had to be an ass instead of answering the damn question? Way to go m8

>> No.8901955

I'd say a lightweight Carbon Fiber fabric was used. Couldn't be denim cause denim is too thick. My guess is carbon fiber

>> No.8901958

Holy shit you complete idiot.

It's just some general fabric with a texture painted on it to add dimension.

>> No.8901967

dude you're a fuckin moron, a texture painted on regular cloth fabric wouldn't make the fabric feel different, it would make it just look different

>> No.8902004

tell us more about when you touched ryan reynolds.

it's just fabric painted to look cool.

>> No.8902006


>> No.8902011
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore sideways.
Just a close up shot of texture.

>> No.8902026

>not look
>only feel
that's what adding dimension means you fucking ding dong

>> No.8902129

Am anno told you the answer is in google so go and google it

>> No.8902787
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>tfw lolitas unite