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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 490 KB, 493x744, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8897770 No.8897770 [Reply] [Original]

Old one in autosage. This keeps popping up on Otaku Craigslist

>> No.8897774

they all look like someone shat themselves in front of them kek

>> No.8897800

>that Watson

>> No.8898177

my new favourite past time is to look at horrible DIY this girl has a whole bunch of 'edible' things which are horribly executed


>> No.8898182

Ew wtf why would you even do this

>> No.8898187

I checked out her videos since you said there was a lot of them and holy hell I can't cope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_VltPqCj4M

>> No.8898270
File: 45 KB, 435x326, 1436552291307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why

>> No.8898282

I saw this recommended to me randomly, I did not get it then and I do not get it now. If you want to make a giant cookie you don't have to be cutesy about it and make it in a phone shape, cripes.

>> No.8898288

I can't believe that chick is like 29

>> No.8898317

You don't, but that wouldn't bring in the views, would it?

Why else do you think people make giant babylips/edible eos lip balms/other random household items? Because it's popular and relevant right now.

This bitch is milking the shit out of it, she knows she sucks.

>> No.8898353

From the intro to the shitty ass editing to her annoying voice who the fuck thought any of this was a good idea

>> No.8898487


>> No.8898510


>> No.8898541 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1032x774, painted_eye_by_andrew423-d5eqz27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lips are awful but more importantly they need to learn that eyes aren't flat hite nad have shadow and contour just like the rest of the face.

>> No.8898542

at 0:57 it's moitie ita 2.0

>> No.8898544
File: 82 KB, 1032x774, painted_eye_by_andrew423-d5eqz27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lips are awful but more importantly they need to learn that eyes aren't flat white and have shadow and contour just like the rest of the face.

>> No.8898553

i think i have diabetes now

>> No.8898559

Those luscious lips mmmmmm

>> No.8898690
File: 637 KB, 942x772, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u fockin wot mate

>> No.8898724

I thought that was Mr. Bean in the upper right corner at first.

>> No.8898782
File: 189 KB, 746x1098, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have no shame? I wonder if the families would appreciate seeing some chick sprawled out in the nude over grandma's grave. Hope she's taking the photos from the backs of the headstones and blurring out visible names.

>> No.8898812

I looked at the set and desu I dont even think its actually even a graveyard

>> No.8898825

doesn't she do the huge weird EOS balm too?

>> No.8898826

> those power fist throws


>> No.8898834

you're a part of the darkness now


>> No.8899084

Does anyone have a link to that terrible "Valentine!" girl video? She was pretty ugly, white, and at one point she models a bikini.

>> No.8899086

It doesn't count as cringe if it's obvious they're shitting around and being silly on purpose

>> No.8899091


>> No.8899094
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1442, Screenshot_2016-03-04-14-51-21-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was on her "cosplay page"

And just a few posts down is "When you highkey wish people would promote amateur POC cosplayers instead of only popular ones....."

I haven't had a good cringe like that for a while.

>> No.8899102

>selfie stick

Graveyard cringe aside ...

If this was a formal shoot with a photographer, why the fuck didn't she ask them to get a shot of her on her phone for personal use? I'm now going to assume that all other photos were taken with a tripod and timer a la our majestic queen, and there was no photographer.

>> No.8899111
File: 228 KB, 600x369, human.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it make it look a bit more human

>> No.8899112

Thank you so much! I was searching for about an hour.

>> No.8899117

I still can't understand how she puts so much effort into the outfits and everything, but won't wear makeup

>> No.8899162

Oh man, when Willam goes off on her it's amazing. The giant EOS lip balm was so confusing. Why?

>> No.8899169

like...they do alright with the colors and value (alright not good) but the fucking proportions. the fucking angles. it's like this person is an alien and noses are a complete mystery to them

>> No.8899170

>benedict cumblender
>looking human
top kek

>> No.8899174
File: 948 KB, 1075x590, kibsdbsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did well anon but it just no longer looks like benedryl cuminsnatch

also dubdubtrips checked thoroughly and mired

>> No.8899261

if i saw a still from this video, i would this someone shopped a man's face onto hers. her body is so cute, but she couldnt at least put a little makeup on?

>> No.8899262

what's up with her thighs on the left photo?

>> No.8899292
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a decent body, and nice hair. She even dresses pretty well
But.. Her face...

>> No.8899297

Is this song from something else or did she make it?
I tried using google translate on the description but I still have no clue

>> No.8899314

They're back

>> No.8899339

It says its an orginal song

>> No.8899369

I think she uses one of those phone apps that function like a dumbed down photoshop so either that or its just a weird picture.

>> No.8899373
File: 458 KB, 2048x2048, 1456313258534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your existence is so pointless you sit around making videos of "edible" dupes of shit nobody has ever asked for or wanted

>> No.8899375

That's Chantilly btw, not Moitie.

>> No.8899416

probably because the socks are too tight

>> No.8899431

im more concerned about that pricing than anything

>> No.8899455

it's on a fb group so it looks like she just put up a bunch of them in one post and it's a placeholder price.

>> No.8899466

Dude I'd straight up pay you in cummies if you taught me how to draw

>> No.8899469

I love this so much
Fucking terrible and funny

>> No.8899496

>that intro
I already wanted to die. What is this woman doing with her life.

>> No.8899584


I'll just leave this here...

>> No.8899698

I've seen cosplayers who shoot at grave yards and memorial parks. For them there is no shame

>> No.8899727
File: 14 KB, 505x108, 44b914286a8bdfe38ac6fbe320ffeea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayer on my fb posted this last night

>> No.8899742

I think the sailor moon part was actually kinda a cute idea

>> No.8899776

>try to organize your pads by putting them in a container?
>wear knockaround underwear so you won't ruin good underwear?
>set an alarm because you're dumb enough to not know when it's time to switch out tampon or pad?
>hide shit in your boobs?
>buy product at store targeted for cleaning yourself?
>keep a healthy diet?
>clean out your trash bin every now and then?

I can't continue to watch this.
I hope her target audience is for scared 9 year olds, but then why the profanity?

>> No.8899783

I actually liked the Sailor Moon cafe theme, the girls were cute and I liked the themed tables

>> No.8899790

none of them can sing...

>> No.8899816

Half of the shit she says is bad advice or misinformed anyway. Like, keeping a pair of panties in your bathroom cabinet is fine, but keeping one with a pad already applied is a bad idea, because pads come wrapped for a reason--sterilization. Also, periods kill yeast, so idk why she kept talking about yeast and shit. The pad organization part wasn't too bad, but...they already come in boxes??? Idk why she felt the need to make this and say almost nothing useful.

>> No.8899820

She did.

>> No.8899885

It's a joke...

>> No.8899900

She is making mad bank of it probably so I'm not going to fault her too much for exploiting idiocy, but holy shit her voice is irritating.

>> No.8899914
File: 947 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given her skill level, the fact that she thought that wig looked okay enough to be seen in public as a CONVENTION GUEST in.... appalling.

>> No.8899938

This reminds me of high school when scene kids wouldn't wash their hair because they needed the grease to build up volume or some shit.

>> No.8899949

You're so right. It really takes skill to make a wig look greasy.

>> No.8899953

>gummy bers

>> No.8899989

Is she using baby oil to untangle her wigs?

>> No.8899991

Fucking transtrenders.

>> No.8900054 [DELETED] 


>> No.8900062
File: 23 KB, 356x398, 1456259795406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your phone is dirtier than your bathroom. Remember this.

>> No.8900092



Shove Spongebob up your cooter.

>> No.8900113 [DELETED] 


This video is full of really terrible information.

>> No.8900249

Same. I always think I know I'll end up in one of these threads one day when I start doing maid cafe stuff just because some people will think its cringey no matter what you do.

>> No.8900311

I found this in the related videos


>> No.8900328

>"on purpose"

>> No.8900343

Red girl is seriously amazing.

>> No.8900372


Some kind of performance artist...


>> No.8900395

still concerning

>> No.8900454

The yeast makes me think she doesn't wash properly and thinks period smell is yeast+blood. Ugh.

>> No.8900581

There's a Squidward/tentacle porn joke in there somewhere, but I'm too grossed out to make it. Just the thought of shoving a dead animal up my vagina is making me gag, I don't care that it's natural and used by women worldwide.

>> No.8900588

Well chicks also exploit sexual desires to take three dicks in their ass at once, but not everything that makes a profit is a noble accomplishment.

>> No.8900632

She kind of looks like that woman with "3 breasts" surgery who was trying to go viral or whatever.

>> No.8900633

This chick is obsessed with EOS eggs but the videos are supposedly not sponsored.

So what the fuck is with the EOS egg obsession?

>> No.8900656

So nostalgic. Also, someone feed the MC please.

>> No.8900659


>> No.8900725

It's all over diy YouTube, it's not just her. It's just what's popular atm

>> No.8900787

I didn't find it that horrible; just bland and uninteresting, until they started singing solo.
Blue wig is like a good karaoke singer
the other two are out of tune and just can't

>> No.8901194


>stuff your bra with tampons


>> No.8901208
File: 291 KB, 1394x2048, FB_IMG_1457459425848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting here as bad cosplay thread is kill.
Cute bulge on the 'sexy' Riddler

>> No.8901212

that walter white cosplay is SO GOOOD!!!

>> No.8901215


>> No.8901231

But I've been to their cafe. It's not cute in person. It was boring and expensive.

>> No.8901282


My new favorite word.

>> No.8901283

Oh my god just say Vagina.

>> No.8901284

This is probably true, but the theme idea is really nice and the girls looked cute

>> No.8901285
File: 8 KB, 502x168, stop being wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cosplay complaint center is just blowing up over this.

>> No.8901287

>how dare someone assume that I am the gender of the character I'm cosplaying??
I'm usually pretty lax with tumblr shit like this but jesus christ how do you even BE this stupid?

>> No.8901306

I like that they're only looking for $1 for them

>> No.8901315


>mfw people are saying you should always ask for someone's pronouns first

Great, now I can immediately know if people are retards as soon as they open their mouths

>> No.8901330
File: 495 KB, 500x281, bruce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this crying about transphobia

>> No.8901334
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 1794582_352707068251896_8512770935181528504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole picture makes me cringe

>> No.8901347

>people actually believe it's other peoples' responsibilities to ask about pronouns
Uh no? If it's not obvious and they get it wrong then it becomes the person's job to politely tell them what they identify as. Tumblr can kick and scream all they want but it will never, EVER be a norm in casual conversation for strangers to ask for pronouns. Not to mention those questions can be insulting to somebody who feels that their gender identity is obvious, and the person must be asking because they look like the opposite.

>> No.8901352

I feel so bad about girls who get caught up in that "trans ppl r so important ur all loved uwu down with cissies~" bullshit, because they're all just impressionable teens usually, and once they grow up and mature a little, they start to realize that not liking to wear dresses doesn't make you a boy and you can still be female and enjoy things other than what society had deemed masculine. I hate what Tumblr has done, I feel like we've gone back fifty years.

>> No.8901355

desu if someone asked me about my pronouns I'd be so offended. I hope such a trend never really starts.

>> No.8901356

Yeah pretty much this, my aunt is trans (she is in her 50s and transitioned in the 80's, which was hard and people were genuinely really shitty about it unlike half the stuff tumblr people complain about now), and she would be upset by that.

If you want to introduce yourself with your pronouns then whatever, that's on you, but unless its really not obvious dont just straight up ask people at the start of the conversation (even then try to figure it out from name, what others say etc). What youre saying by asking is basically "you dont look like whatever gender you identify as, so can you clarify for me", which most people will find more upsetting that you accidentally saying he instead of she and correcting you.

>> No.8901383

this. i had someone actually ask for my pronouns at a con and i felt pretty insulted, seeing as i was cosplaying a girl and im as girly as someone can look. i know it was being polite in their mind, but it's really not something you should say to people

>> No.8901395

Serious uncanny valley.

>> No.8901426

Wait, periods don't 'kill' yeast. Where did you hear that? If anything, being on your period would make a yeast infection worse, because it's warmer and more moist.

>> No.8901465

Seems that my sides has gone to rescue Matt Damon.

>> No.8901512

You made it worse, to be honest.

>> No.8901524
File: 33 KB, 377x384, 1417986308988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize her, hasn't she been posted before?
And yeah, it's super cringy... That fucking caption

>> No.8901532
File: 36 KB, 636x199, Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 6.03.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related: I went on tumblr for the first time in forever recently and one of the first things I saw was this shit.

>> No.8901539

her septum is pierced too low kek
I bet that it's going to migrate out

>> No.8901545

I must be secretly gender fluid too!

Lol do tumblrinas really believe someone either always wears a dress and makeup or wears pants and no makeup? People are so much more complex than that.

>> No.8901547

this shit is so fucked man. even like old misogynist republicans don't view gender roles as harshly as they do.

>> No.8901553
File: 154 KB, 243x439, Rick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glitter critters

>> No.8901562

it legit looks like someone shopped a different head on her body what is this

>> No.8901583

it doesn't exactly work like that, though it is too low

>> No.8901606

I've actually known two people with horrible pierced septums like hers and they eventually migrated so far they tore out.
But honestly hers must've hurt like a bitch to get pierced through what looks like cartilage

>> No.8901640

Christ, this is such a messed up way of thinking. Sometimes I just wear sweats and no makeup, sometimes I'm in full lolita. Does that make me genderfluid? No, it just reflects how I'm feeling or what I have to do that day. It's so odd how Tumblr has come full circle from allowing people to wear whatever they want regardless of what gender they are, to "If sometimes I wear skirts and sometimes I wear pants, I must operate outside gender"

>> No.8901683


Enjoy more Connie Nakamura.

>> No.8901689

Mmm those shitty eBay wigs.

Did I expect more?

>> No.8901697

I have met him a few times, he is so cringey and a major ita.

>> No.8901698
File: 26 KB, 700x394, zoolander-blue-steel-ben-stiller-today-tease-150720_690101f3edc8f1aa9fc8b8b754527bd5.today-inline-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone else notice this?

>> No.8901700

>that southern accent
>that shitty fake personality
>saying stupid country-esque shit like "make you wanna sing that gummy bear song naked while you eat it."

>> No.8901729

f you're dressed like a girl and look like a girl but are really a boy, stop sobbing about it and be happy that you look good in your cosplay. If you want to have people think you're a guy, dress as a guy. It's a con, and there are some damn convincing crossplayers out there. People aren't being nasty and mean because they hate your trans-ness.
You'd think a transtrender would have understood the basic thought process behind skirt+tits=girl, since they do the opposite on a regular basis.

>> No.8901734

It looks like she used eyeliner on her lips. Everything about this is cringe.

>> No.8901803

How can one fail so much at basic anatomy of the face.

>> No.8901813

/ic/ would be proud.

>> No.8901828

ngl i'm really digging the dance coordinating. It's not too hard to do while singing.
I just got to the part where purple sings solo first and I want to punch her. Pink isn't much better, blue is passable for this sort of style of music. I mean have you heard that shitty albatross song playing in every club these days?

>> No.8901837

desu I always wear old undies when i'm on my period. But how the fuck did she find so many alternative names for vaginas?

>going to the gyno on your period
bitch just don't book your appointment around your period.

>leaky doughnut hole
new fave.

I don't understand the eos thing at all though.

>> No.8901842

>leaky doughnut hole
doughnut holes are assholes, what is she thinking

>> No.8901858

she's a wannabe grav3yardgirl

>> No.8901860
File: 116 KB, 768x598, 15.Jam-Doughnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't some transtrenders call their vaginas 'front bums'or something? idk. I honestly think that she was just trying to be creative in her bullshit.

>> No.8901871

Please no, one is enough

>> No.8901872

>spasm chasm

>> No.8901883

>this person has nearly 2million subs
I'm speechless

>> No.8901969

Omg this was so funny, but also a little sad

>> No.8901987

That's so weird.

I hate those eggs. They dried out my skin and made my lips split really bad.

>> No.8902172

I kinda like grav3yard girl... I like her sense of style and she can be quite charming.

But her fanbase is fucking cringe to the max.

>> No.8902176
File: 302 KB, 1089x1479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just screams TSS

>> No.8902277 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 338x73, received_544743189036797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Cosplays a girl
>>gets mad when someone says she

>> No.8902307

This is mostly just depressing. But sort of beneficial, I guess. Maybe this poor turd will see how unhealthy it is to move to Japan on his parent's dime, and spend all day in maid cafes.

>> No.8902421

jesus christ. then every woman is gender fluid. fucking tumblrtards.

>> No.8902426

sauce on whats whith this disaster?

>> No.8902448
File: 216 KB, 1080x1083, Screenshot_2016-03-08-22-23-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>share my stuff~
Top kek

>> No.8902462 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1440x1599, _20160309_013239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this loser get any cringier?

>> No.8902668

This one may be worse

>> No.8902683

pretty cute

would go to conventions with

>> No.8902697

dubdubs also admired

>> No.8902719

I like that she's really honest in her makeup reviews because it's so hard to find people who aren't terrible, sponsored channels. I'm not a huge fan of her vlogs, but I like her creepy item hauls and some of the as seen on TV reviews -- you know, the ones that are actually as seen on TV items and not just weird things on the internet.

>> No.8902722

why would you do this when tampons are so expensive.
why not just buy cheap, reusable plastic rollers holy shit.

>sage for double

>> No.8902724

the longer i look at it the worse it gets

>> No.8902733

I know someone who goes to graveyards and faceswaps with the memorial portraits when she's bored.

>> No.8902735

Oh yeah she seems like a great person but the girl completely lacks an inside voice and won't stop yelling dumb shit every 5 minutes.
If she talked more quietly I'd watch her videos

>> No.8902745

I feel like this one can be read a different way. Like they're irritated that they can't see who shared the post, rather than irritated that someone shared it.

That makes it less cringe at least.

>> No.8902778

The only benefit I can see to this is the idea of sleeping on cotton vs plastic.

>> No.8903032

There are girls in their 20s and 30s saying this shit. I don't think they'll grow out of it.

>> No.8903057
File: 2.96 MB, 250x188, 1457281673882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903071
File: 1015 KB, 1500x1324, 1456618573959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh..just no...NO.

>> No.8903074

>buy pre-made cookie dough
>put it in your phone case


>> No.8903078


>> No.8903096
File: 37 KB, 250x250, 1441913794651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those euphemisms

I am actually disgusted

>> No.8903104


Do you actually use pronouns that much when talking directly to someone

>> No.8903152

She just gets more and more southern as each video goes on

>> No.8903178

this is so true and i truly hope these kids will grow out of it before they deal with an ass whooping

>> No.8903182

doesn't this just reinforce the "gender binary" tumblr people claim to fight against?

>> No.8903191

of course, anon, tumblrites need to be able to fit into their special snowflake victim hugbox so it doesn't matter if they go against their own shitty beliefs to do so.

>> No.8903211

Nobody really does, but Tumblrinas like to use them because they get more asspats.
Like if you liked someone's hair and they looked pretty androgynous, you'd say 'Hey, I like your hair.'
A Tumblrina would say 'Hello BEAUTIFUL AGENDER I love your expression of NON-BINARY GENDER CODES through your hair which is very NON-CISHET btw :3' and then strut off proudly while the person in question just stood there, confused.
They label themselves 'starsexual' ffs, they can shoehorn gender into any conversation regardless of whether or not it's relevant.

>> No.8903227

holyfuckingkek. I need a gif/vine/webm of the pink girl confused and slowly clapping around everyone.

>> No.8903229


>> No.8903237 [DELETED] 

She's just throwing out random insults to anyone who replies to her, it's really annoying to see every fucking thread but it's not really cringy.

>> No.8903242

who talks like that? im from alabama and that still doesn't sound natural

>> No.8903243 [DELETED] 

The cringe is when you retards fall for it time and time again

>> No.8903246 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one falling for it, anon. The people who screen cap an obvious troll and respond to her are the ones giving her what she wants. Sage for even discussing this absolutely unnecessary situation.

>> No.8903252

i never cringe over this because it looks so fun... i wish i still had the opportunity to play with friends that way

>> No.8903261

I just commented on this video that this tutorial will just introduce more germs into your system. A mobile phone is already infested with 25,000 germs (this can include typical cold/flu viruses, fecal bacteria or e.coli) so imagine now taking a bite of that.

It's right up there on harmful tutorials like Katharine Ward's candy makeup tutorials.

>> No.8903278 [DELETED] 

I never responded, I don't even think it's a girl. I think it's some fat neckbeard roleplaying because of how cringey and lame their shitposting is. Get on here at like 3AM EST and you will see how tryhard that poster is

>> No.8903292

God damn I wish this was available in the U.S.

>> No.8903326 [DELETED] 

I've seen the posts, and you can tell the only reason she does it is because people feed into her and repost what she says. It is clearly a game, and anyone who responds to her is an idiot. You are giving her attention and posting her in other threads and feeding into the game. She does not seem to put effort into her posts and I'm confused as to how you think she does when all she does is insult people. It is far cringier to see everyone obsessing over her and bringing her up when she isn't around because it invites her terrible behavior. If you stopped giving into her childish antics she would almost definitely post less.

>> No.8903339

This. She/he will shrivel and die eventually if people keep on ignoring and reporting. Giving trolls attention is the worst possible thing to do

>> No.8903341

You would think they would realize this but instead /cgl/ is showing the same level of maturity of housewife-chan by reposting her nonsense and bringing her up constantly.

>> No.8903356

I quite like the idea of edible phone cases, as long as they're not actually used as phone cases.
Edible makeup just sounds horrendous though. I can see a Pinteresty mom making edible eyeshadow for her toddler and getting confused when they get an eye infection.

>> No.8903392

They sell really crappy tampons at the dollar store, right next to the pregnancy tests.

>> No.8903394

True, I guess I took the video literally like to actually use it as a phone case rather than just use the case itself as a container for the candy.
Although it'd be better to shape the treat as a phone case then to actually put it into the phone case (since some phone cases could have been made with harmful chemicals like lead)

>> No.8903419

Taken from the San Japan thread. Aparrently he asked on their official group how should he sign up to perform at SJ?


>> No.8903467

I don't like her style at all personally. I like her makeup and item reviews, though I always end up having to skip the first 5-8minutes in order to actually get to the review

>> No.8903482
File: 135 KB, 300x400, E8OeuWK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can barely hear anything over the music. Jesus Christ.

I have a few Favorites


>> No.8903510

How sad is it when you are a kawaii aidoru Japanese girl with the face of a middle-aged businessman? Can she at least put on some fucking makeup?

>> No.8903514

it can get really confusing sometimes too especially because someone may look a lot like a certain gender and be dressed to match how they look but then want completely different pronouns like how is someone suppose to guess and get it correct?

>> No.8903522
File: 40 KB, 536x536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who gives their subscribers/fans nicknames

>> No.8903527

And yet Monika still probably thinks she is god's gift to cosplay

>> No.8903530

Foxy is cute. I wish she wasn't such an attention whore that would do anything for a pair of socks and maybe some eyeliner off of her wish list. I probably would like her if it wasn't for that.

>> No.8903544
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 62982613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. 37 people approved of her lapse in judgment. >>8899262
Because she's a fat whore. Loose skin and all.

>> No.8903546

the fucking fact that they're even willing to cosplay as the gender they're allegedly unwilling to be associated pisses me off so bad. like yes clearly your life and '''transition''' is SO DIFFICULT. you're a national hero for being comfortable enough to wear a skirt and makeup and then get outraged when people don't automatically assume you're a man

>> No.8903620

did you even see her tits? she has tons of full nudes out there, and her tits are horrendous.

>> No.8903623 [DELETED] 

typical /cgl/ fussy britches who can't stand someone else getting compliments so they have to drag the person getting complimented down

stay salty

>> No.8903634


>> No.8903825

Her tits look like saggy old socks. She was called out for having a flat ass the other day and went off saying that's her best feature. Just because you have nudes out there doesn't mean they're good. Lol Her face is cute though. That's why she's so popular with the CD johns.

>> No.8903836

periods don't kill yeast, lots of women unfortunately get yeast infections FROM having their period.

>> No.8903866

have you ever considered others can insult someone without it being personal at all?
look at this saggy shit, tell me you disagree. call me salty again after seeing that.

>> No.8903878

Did Dakota unlock a new level of shoop or is this just someone that looks like one of her shooped personas.

>> No.8903884 [DELETED] 

so salty you could kill a hundred snails

>> No.8903938
File: 78 KB, 320x320, Britney-Spears-Cringe-Face-320x320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903952

I had to search her nudes elsewhere. At first I was like, "That gull is so salty it's sad." Then I saw them from the side and I realized what you were talking about. They don't have a lot of volume, and they're oddly narrow.

>> No.8903956

having bulges there suck man
no matter how much weight you lose its still there whats a nigga to do to hide that shit
genetics suck.jpeg
tfw when you have a vagina "bulge" and people make fun of other chicks with them

>> No.8903957

How do children STILL know about and reference Carmelldansen like?? ... This video was made in 2013 I don't understand.

>> No.8903968

how does she have a perfect body and hair but the face of tiny pale complected mexican gay man?

>> No.8903977

So uh, no one's gonna mention how the beauty blender things on the surface behind her look like an extensive butt plug collection?

>> No.8903979

this is a fine collection you got here.
the italy girl looks like she's gonna grow up to be a soccer mom

>> No.8903987
File: 49 KB, 599x421, 1455664818730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is absolutely painful
why do little weebs do this to themselves

>> No.8904057

i would use the wrong pronoun, just to spite them.

>> No.8904086

I find proposing at a con right in the middle of a panel to be cringe

>> No.8904097

Any kind of proposing in public is cringe and awkward for everyone involved.

>> No.8904167
File: 29 KB, 620x372, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8904268


>> No.8904273

At least link the video, anon.

>> No.8904284

He reminds of a horrible underground version of Jebus

>> No.8904288

In which universe is this better for your health than a menstrual cup.

>> No.8904315
File: 137 KB, 604x469, I3VzA35QEEs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother drawing a Lolita comics when your characters outfits end looking ita-animesque and mostly nothing like real fashion?

>> No.8904321


This is basically the same thing as transtrenders, they copy a few stereotypical mannerisms of their preferred gender/animal and then claim they that's what they are. They're happy to use their hands, eat human food, etc.

>> No.8904339

I'm pretty sure I've seen this girl in exact outfit in one of previous ita threads
must be sad to have this awful double chin while being thin

>> No.8904361

Second from right looks like someone I knew in school, the only thing missing is ~60 kg and black lipstick.
What's with the half-drawn lips though? I used to see them all the time a few years back but it looks like they've been replaced with overly pouty lips nowadays.

>> No.8904373
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>> No.8904374
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>> No.8904385
File: 86 KB, 377x407, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, just use cups, what the fuck

>> No.8904387
File: 10 KB, 429x410, ...awkward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they were a girl, transitioned into a boy, cosplayed a girl...and they're mad because everyone thought they were a girl? Did they feel like all their hard work went out the window?

>> No.8904433

That looks nothing like Pluto's hair. Did she just go "meh, it's green so it's okay, and curly hair suits me better anyways"? Or did she try to dye it using polyester dyes and didn't straighten it afterwards???

>> No.8904444

>green party
>might live in brighton
>maybe near me
>pls no

>> No.8904544

Honestly it just looks like she doesn't care about wearing a bra much, without support they kind of sag and go off to the side and sometimes look pointy. At least her face is kinda cute.

>> No.8904563

If you live in Brighton, you live near weebs. You can't escape them. Don't think you can escape them.

>> No.8904574
File: 184 KB, 198x331, ss (2016-03-10 at 01.18.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step aside, tiny ita

>> No.8904601

Am I the only one imaging a snake eating itself after reading this?

>> No.8904627

ugh I have one and it looks worse the thinner I am. I cant wear form fitting skirts and dresses because my stomach and legs are flat but my vag and hip bones jut out . The girl in the pic doesn't even look that bad or noticable to me...

>> No.8904639

That hairline is really throwing me off. It looks like China from Hetalia but with more eyebrows.

>> No.8904651

Sadly true. I've managed to avoid them thus far, other than being accosted by the animu and mango society when i was a fresher

>> No.8904655

Looks like they just traced over that K-On ero game.

>> No.8904666

Yeah i have that too, im fairly skinny but have quite pronounced bones for whatever reason, and violin hips. form fitting skirts are more flattering for my legs, but look awful there. I was speaking about it with a friend and she wondered aloud about whether you can have the bone shaved down like you can with your jaw. The idea was so horrifying that the problem itself bothers me a bit less in comparison now haha

>> No.8904682

Taken out of context? I think this comic was about a reality type show with a lolita theme or something, hence the itas. I just remembered it being most on egl at some point.

Also, the person clearly drew this on paper. I know you don't draw, but it's really not that easy to put something like ~2014 Angelic Pretty~ prints repeatedly in comic form with colored pencil. It's something that is achieved with layers and tools in Photoshop.

>> No.8904699

>all those medicated wipes
seriously how many yeast infections does she get? i feel like she made half this shit up. and why does she need rubber gloves? just wash your damn hands???

>> No.8904707

This girl is a goldmine, she has two facebook pages for herself.

>> No.8904710

I joined the local cosplay comm for a while. I had to stop going to meets because of the levels of embarrassing shit and weebiness going down.

>> No.8904759
File: 115 KB, 999x655, the lynching of jnigri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inb4 reddit is shit
Has anyone else been keeping up with the /r/jessicanigri drama? It's pretty delicious.

>> No.8904761


that first comment tho

>> No.8904765

God yes. All these dudes hate her so much despite still thinking they have a shot.

>> No.8904795

Them not being able to sing perfectly is part of their charm.

>> No.8904857

SOME of those girls were cute, the idea was cute, the execution is really lame. They couldn't even to their dance.
If you do a maid café, do it right. Look good, wear flattering clothes, don't suck at performances and have good posture.

>> No.8905000
File: 56 KB, 499x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha they really hit the nail on the head.

>> No.8905037

Saw a homestuck gathering (of like 5 people) on The Level once. Took the long way round instead of the diagonal path to stay as far away as possible

>tfw housemate this year is annoying weeb, but luckily not high level

>> No.8905138
File: 50 KB, 556x1064, jessica nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


classic cuck

>> No.8905266

It's times like these where I wish I wasn't banned from that group

>> No.8905278

Man I remember someone asked my bf when I transitioned assuming I was transgender to begin with
May not be related but I'm still salty about it

>> No.8905281

Really conflicted about this. On one hand, the girls are pretty cute. On the other, the song is fucking awful and the voice is cringe.


>> No.8905302
File: 124 KB, 233x236, goingtogivemenightmares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8905304

As someone who crossdresses all the time and my voice instantly shows that I'm a male, I honestly feel offended when people ask for my pronouns. I don't care whatever the fuck you use, jesus.

>> No.8905315


>> No.8905327

>Len wearing a rainbow tie dye shirt
but why?

>> No.8905331
File: 457 KB, 500x375, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8905336

She knows how to pose for her sad tits
It's hard to notice until you see the swimsuit photos..

>> No.8905344
File: 836 KB, 500x250, I'm a lady.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can think of when she talks about feeling like a lady when wearing lolita....

>> No.8905348

>Loki is an escape to hypermasculinity
Shouldn't she be dressing up as Thor for that?

>> No.8905361

Salty because she looks great either way.

>> No.8905419

Holy shit, This rap has some potential, too bad it was badly edited though.

>> No.8905438

>some days I feel masculine
>other days I feel feminine

This is so god damn stupid.

>> No.8905464

not today, baito-chan

>> No.8905467

I hope she doesn't really spend an hour deciding on her gender and then put on full costume makeup every morning. I mean who has the time?

>> No.8905475

jesus, she looks more like a man in lolita than as loki. what an unfortunate face.

>> No.8905493

I feel like that's all her face is good for, being Loki

>> No.8905496
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1457458090223s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All natural tampons
>as if tampons aren't LITERALLY a piece of cotton on a cotton string
Holy Mary Mother of God deliver me from this madness

>> No.8905675

If you're talking about the vulva, puffy vulva are very attractive to guys, so I wouldn't worry about it but any means.

If you're talking about the mons pubis, it's not much of a big deal.

>> No.8905707


thanks nhs

$50 says she's a closet pedo

>> No.8905714
File: 1.15 MB, 250x187, 0f535aec6ed435265d448448536cf4c14b49d11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8905715
File: 391 KB, 480x270, jfc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video triggers me on so many levels

>> No.8905717
File: 74 KB, 500x400, 885618231_15c3188bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Jesus, this is how I find out my friends are really cringey.

>> No.8905737

How the fuck do you manage to have so many embarrassing friends?

>> No.8905741

No disgusting lips in my precious authentic japanese animu drawing style!!

>> No.8905743

Yeah, I have read the whole thing and it seemed to contain a bunch of stereotypes which are frequently used in anime (both in characterisation and visual - colors, outfits, etc.) which is making the comic very ita in deviantart 13 yrs old sort of way.

>> No.8905745

It really is. I'm what you'd consider a SJW but surely categorising arbitrary shit as 'masculine' and 'feminine' contradicts the whole 'gender is just a social construct' thing. To me, thinking that if dressing a certain way, have a certain sexual orientation, not getting on with the other girls and liking certain shit makes you a boy is... Well... Pretty sexist.

>> No.8905751

I can't open the clip but are we talking therianthropes? 90% of the online community is crazy roleplayers who are simultaneous 10 different animals, some mythical beast (or worse, one they made up or a hybrid) and supposedly have 10 past lives as a magical fox prince. The other 10% are actually semi-sane, intelligent, analytical, down-to-earth people with jobs and families.

>> No.8905796

>mfw know a transtrender like that
>came out as trans a year ago
>never wears male clothes
>never corrects their pronouns
>call her out
>"B-but I dress like a girl because when I dress like a man people misgender me and it triggers my anxiety!!"
>Never plays a male in LARPs, ever

>> No.8905910

Isn't Loki gender fluid. Being a shapeshifter and all?

>> No.8905917


It's just some teenager saying she's a cat.

>> No.8905935

It seems like her entire "identity" is based in a performative nature and not really in an orientation.
If she were truly gender neutral then wouldn't she still be able to feel masculine even when dressing in lolita? Can't she feel pretty while presenting as a male superhero? This just reenforces gender categories, imo.
>my gender identity = how I dress based on societal constructs for said gender
>frilly pastel with makeup = girl
>armor dark harsh contour = boy
I don't see how that is progressive or nuanced. Shame on the professor for not seeing through some of this shit and raising questions. I mean Fahr is an attention whore, but it's that prof's job to study this so what's her excuse for dropping the ball, y'know?
I'm not even an SJW, I just did some research in grad school on gender studies and can critically think.

>> No.8905990 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8905992

just saying, sponges are actually really commonly used by porn stars, strippers, hookers, etc. She's not just pulling this outta her cunt.

>> No.8906009
File: 116 KB, 640x907, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8906012

Why sponges though, why not regular tampons

>> No.8906029

The ones in the first video are my brothers friends and the rest are people I met at photoshoots and friended over Facebook. The girl in the wheelchair video is really really nice, but I keep seeing people post her here...

>> No.8906035

Yes god damn the idea of "gendering" things ie dresses= girl, football= boy was one of the first ideas I learned in gender studies and it rustles my jimmies when transtrenders pull this type of faux ~genderfluid~ shit.

Honestly when I was a tweeniebopper I thought I was gender neutral because I both played sports and liked pink, but I realized it is possible to be multi-faceted without compromising your gender identity because I am not a dumbass. I was like 13, Fahr is a grown ass woman and is astoundingly stupid, as is that "professor" for enabling her.

>> No.8906038

Yeah, but they can't have the tampon string showing. You can also use cups.

>> No.8906082

it's kind of okay if you watch it muted

>> No.8906094

I want to try contacts and this scares me, I'm so scared of it hurting.

>> No.8906109

That video is absolutely stupid as there are so many things they're doing absolutely wrong it pisses me off.

Go for it anon, but watch some proper info/care and how to videos first. like https://youtu.be/hAnW1gbbQq4 .

>> No.8906110

reasons I fucking hate her

>> No.8906133

Contacts should not hurt. I've only ever had my contacts hurt and it was because my cornea was scratched.

They'll irritate if they're inside out or the wrong "size" though. My first set bothered my eyes, turned out I had astigmatism that hadn't been noticed at first. My new lenses fit like a dream.

Also they can dry your eyes and might irritate. But should never actually hurt.

>> No.8906431

That Gendo made the video not cringe, sorry.

>> No.8906449
File: 1.17 MB, 1366x606, ythujikuytyuioiuytyuiouyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8906515

The guys in the comments sperghlording out about her being mad someone edited her body and how she has no right to be mad when ppl shop faces onto pornstars (??) are more cringe desu.

>> No.8906532
File: 100 KB, 748x768, YumiKingPussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you can see Yumi King pussycat
my sides

>> No.8906542

totally wearable

>> No.8906545

you didn't even need to say 'Yumi King' somehow I just knew.

>> No.8906551

>Cheap ass lace
>Hot glue

Seeing her tutorials I wonder how people will react when their clothes start tearing up while walking. Getting naked on the middle of street isn't something I would want.

>suppossed to be for rainy days

>> No.8906562

Caps of someone saying that because I don't want to believe it.

>> No.8906580
File: 142 KB, 720x838, _20160312_022508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8906595
File: 55 KB, 210x210, ryukodisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link because NSFW. Is that okay? I don't wanna get banned.



>> No.8906606
File: 189 KB, 470x773, sperghlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More. He's going batshit about mysterious SJWs and Kool Aid now.

>> No.8906608



>> No.8906611


I want to rip my eyes out of my skull holy shit.

>> No.8906612

He has to be baiting...
some anon died today

>> No.8906615

"muh self-esteem"

>> No.8906619
File: 19 KB, 307x212, lolismirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8906623

>not knowing one of the most infamous cosplay shoops ever

>> No.8906628
File: 13 KB, 431x160, fghjkhgfdrgtkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8906649

Wasn't this photoshopped though?

>> No.8906686

The bait worked too, she replied twice instead of just deleting the damn troll. Fedora's throw tantrums on their fanpages so they get attention and fap while she morally outcries. Don't feed trolls kids. Delete, remove, block.

>> No.8906690

wise words

>> No.8906714

sad part is that she does want to be the victim, so people can whiteknight her.

>> No.8906861

christ i can't believe they want to start a patreon for this

>> No.8906878

All I thought about was that one scene in The Fifth Element, desu

>> No.8906885

What does wearing pants have to do with gender?
I understand what theyre trying to say but pants arent a male thing

>> No.8906898


>> No.8906921
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8907010

The looking for a girlfriend video has gotten the most cringe out of me so far in this thread.
He mentioned vampires way too much for a video that shoer.
>fat blowjob lips
ok then

>> No.8907028

Team nobody t b h. I have attention whore-ish cosplay friends who do these soapboxy outcries when someone "objectifies" them aka some random beta orbiter giving her attention when she isn't in the mood and her demanding they be psychic over when she does and doesn't want it. How are these guys supposed to know what's right and wrong with some of these cosplay whore types when they already Photoshop themselves and stick their ass out? I bet whoever edited just wanted to make her a little bit more like the character, not personally "attack" her or something.

>> No.8907037

He seduced a gigantic stallion and subsequently gave birth to Odin's freaky six-legged horse, so yeah I'd say he's not exactly the manliest manly man in the world.

>> No.8907252

People always forget he's Sleipnir's mother. Even manly man Thor had to dress up as Freya to get his hammer back at one point. Honestly, if she wants to dress as a god who is unmistakably a man, why not dress as Priapus?

>> No.8907621


This girl is always a massive cringe fest

And 4Chan thinks it's spam too

>> No.8908078

Anon, this one is worse. She claims this is her real voice.


>> No.8908150

>cosplaying at the mall
why the fuck are there so many of these?!

>> No.8908228
File: 996 KB, 500x375, 1447187567753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ. Why can't they go to the mall without cosplaying. Who thought this was a good idea

>> No.8908231
File: 17 KB, 100x100, internally disturbed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't handle this level of cringe

>> No.8908251

I'm sorry, I spat out my water and cried laughing out loud. I hope you're ok, anon.

>> No.8908296

Here's his better audio version.

>> No.8909070
File: 1.00 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8909639

Yep that's her. she's gone froggy alien now

>> No.8909961
File: 89 KB, 540x425, dafuqma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am going to regret watching this I know it.

>> No.8909975


That is the most empty looking mall I have ever seen. Its almost creepy.

>> No.8909981


Is that an onahole I see back there?

>> No.8910322

>Implying tumblr has any human contact besides their small online hugbox

>> No.8910323

It amazes how much she looks like old Andy Scott