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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8882789 No.8882789 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for some good warm fuzzy nostalgic feels. Be it stories from your sugoi weaboo days or old /cgl/.
Kiddy weeb phase:
>returning home from elementary school in summer and have a snack watching sailor moon or reading it or another manga in the garden
>Play Spyro or whatever game with little brother on Playstation
>Use the computer to play "kawaii games" and play on GaiaOnline/HabboHotel/...
>reading manga and playing DS (Animal Crossing,Harvest Moon,...) under bedsheet late at night hiding from parents

Emo weeb phase:
>MSN roleplay while watching some Lucky Star
>Nightcore in my playlist and HareHare Yukai as my ringtone
>Excitment of the first con and having fun like there's no tomorrow,spending all my money and coming back home with full bags
>Wearing a seifuku and cat ears at costume day to school and feeling cool
>Make a terrible "decora" outfit from Claire's things and be proud of it

14-16yo phase
>The scent of my first lolita dress as i opened my Bodyline package
>Dreaming to be a "living doll" while watching 14yo venus angelic
>Pretending to do hair tutorial in front of my mirror with music and imitating Dakota's pose pretending to do an outfit video in front of my mirror
>reading the drama on /cgl/ and PULL tumblr and feel badass because "hurr i'm underage durr"
>summer days spent dreaming about a kawaii life and being popular on the internet
(but i was too shy to do that, i don't regret anything though, i saved myself some embarassment)

>> No.8882797

Whatever happened to the "girls on cgl are gross" meme? The only reason I started coming to this board back in 2010 was because I wanted to see what the complaints and jokes were about. Apparently there were a ton of secrets about girls farting in pettis and not washing dresses and stuff like that?
I don't remember much but it would sometimes come up on other boards that yes there were girls on 4chan but they were on cgl which meant they were gross. Thought it was kind of funny back then but that was before I knew anything about lolita.

>> No.8882808

Aaah i remember this, with the screen with girls on /cgl/ talking about their period (in a weird way though i remember one saying she smeared the blood on her leg before washing it off? Ehhh whatever floats your boat.) and then guys from the other boards were flabbergasted that girls aren't pure creatures who pee glitters and fart butterflies and therefore decided that all girls on cgl were gross.
I'm kind of immature because i always found "farting in a petticoat" funny for some reason just like "i can't wait until the meetup is over so i can go home and fart". It was stupid jokes taken to seriously usually.

>> No.8882828

I used to watch Sailor Moon when it first started airing on channel 13. I was so disappointed when they eventually replaced it with Samurai Pizza Cats.

>> No.8882832

for me, it was being excited whenever we had guests over because they'd stay in my room so i'd get to sleep in the basement where the tv was and stay up all night watching the animus they'd show on adult swim at 3 in the morning

>> No.8882833

YES! oh my god I'm glad someone else knows about this. I forgot about the tampon thing!!

>> No.8882842

People still post the compilation image of those threads all the time on other boards. I still see it occasionally on /a/ when someone mentions they think a 3DPD grill is cute.

>> No.8882864

Was there someone who posted a picture of a period clot net to their foot in the bathtub? That's what I remember from that. Now I feel like we're more known for being efame whores who fall for bait... which isn't necessarily wrong.

Some old things I'm nostalgic about are:
>got a get here once that was >>2222222
>cosplay rage comics
>19 types of anime fans cosplay ver. picture
>Katie Bair being recommended for anything wigs
>stubbing wigs for pigtails with caulk

>> No.8882874

13 y/o weeb phase
>got into anime from clicking a link on Seventh Sanctum
>fell head over heels in love with Tokyo Mew Mew
>desperately wanted to be as cute as Ichigo
>found Violet LeBeaux while looking for lip scrub recipes
>omg himegyaru is so pretty
>so many crappy attempts at hime
>get obsessed with mahou shoujo
>then came the vocaloid/KPP obsession
>find lolita through Violet and Pinterest
>omg it's so fancy and pretty
>try so hard not to be ita
>wear first dress without a petti

Sorry for the blog post, I'm feeling feelsy today.

>> No.8882875

Whatever happened to Curious Bear and the competitions? I think the last one I can remember was in like 2013.

>> No.8883134

Oh god the caulk wigs. I used to comb through those tutorials for hours when I was too young and poor to afford any sort of cosplay, dreaming about being the real-life Sailor Moon. I once bought a bunch of pound shop dolls and dyed their hair with acrylics, which turned out okay enough for me to be happy and shit enough for me to know not to do it on actual wigs.

>> No.8883581

I'm so embarrassed to think back to how I cried when I got in my parents car after my first con ended…it was such a highlight to my life because I had fun with people who liked things that I liked and I got to dress up and hear nice things about my outfit. I got merch of things I loved like Bleach pins and Furuba bags with Kyo's face on it. Played DDR with someone who was much older than me and was super cool even though I was so young. Getting to update old fb's little text box blurb about what cons you would be attending next. Going to the raves and being such a crappy dancer but loving the environment anyway. Man I miss those days…

>> No.8883795


>> No.8883808

>bumping without contributing

you devil, i thought there was new content to read.

sage for not contributing

>> No.8883820

>learning to set the VCR to record Sailor Moon on VHS because my bus didn't get me home in time for the first ten minutes of the episode
>VHS swaps with randoms online, buying fansubs from a dodgy website given to me by the local comic guy
>buying Sailor Moon "MIXX COMIX" from Hot Topic
>those Sailor Venus socks my volleyball friends and I had, and wore to every game under our team socks for secret powers
>fantasies about being a Dragonrider from Pern, who jumped 'home' to Earth with a massive swarm of fire lizard pets and a hot bronze-rider boyfriend
>hand-written fanfics in a journal passed between friends, all the terrible fanfics about our crushes
>watching Fushigi Yuugi rented from the comic shop, and missing chunks of episodes such that a certain death was EXTRA TRAUMATISING

I was a shamefully imaginative little nerd, but I was so happy before I hit high school and all my friends ended up at different schools.

>> No.8884137

Ugh same i love thread like these

>sneaking out my room to watch anime on adult swim at night
>writing bad fanfictions with weeb friends during recess at lunch
>having private jokes about our weeb stuff
>terrible manga drawing i made and they fawned over it saying i should be mangaka
>when no one was home i would DDR hard on that song, you know the "Butterfly" one
>watch and fawn over AMVs and watch sad ones when i was depressed
>roleplaying errday
>drooling over lolita,decora/fruit,visual kei...
>having a massive crush on Lelouch Lamperouge and hiding behind my hands when he appeared on screen because i was actually a shy weeb

>> No.8884146

>be 14
>be into "teh hawt YAOIZ!!! xD"
>trade BL manga between friends at school
>be retarded enough to read them at school
>be unaware that having pornography on school grounds was an expellable offense
>get caught

Good times. :^)

>> No.8884158
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>having a massive crush on Lelouch Lamperouge and hiding behind my hands when he appeared on screen because i was actually a shy weeb

christ, anon, I wish we had be friends.

>> No.8884167

They expelled a 14 year old for having softcore anime porn? Jesus Christ.

Also I feel so much younger than everyone else on here. I'm 19 though
>was homeschooled for middle school
>online program so I had a shit ton of free time because it was so easy
>would spend all my time on the computer browsing through vocaloid videos on youtube
>had a YouTube account where I would make AMVs and really bad vocaloid covers
>communicating through the comments on people's channels instead of private messages on youtube
>also used to roleplay hetalia and vocaloid on Gaia Online and Tinier Me
>doing all sorts of shady trial things just to get enough gacha coins to play the collaboration gachas on tinier me
>attending "events" with wannabe idols on tinier me
>wishing I could go to a con and watching videos weebs make at cons wishing I could be there
>spending all of my money at the booth at the flea market that sold bootleg anime merch
Man the list of weeb nostalgia just goes on and on but I feel like the stuff i sit here and talk about is so different from everyone else's

>> No.8884252
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>be me, Dir en grey fan
>fashion style influenced by Kyo
>scour thift stores for things to replicate what he wore in different photoshoots or PVs
>want to get piercings beneath lips like he has on Ain't Afraid to Die
>realize my face is too acneful to do this
>imagine myself a musician, lead singer like him
>realize i lack musical ability and cannot even sing in key like my friends can
>realize i am not at all the person i want to be
>shame over not being an edgy sexy androgyne vocalist makes me hide more and more
>as Diru grows out of visual kei and i struggle with adulthood and poverty, lose myself in World of Warcraft (paid for by friends), spiral into depression over the gap between fantasy self and real self
>grow out of weeb phase and into self-loathing phase

>love lolita and boystyle
>realize my fashion is once again influenced by good old Kyo
>pic related, boy wore Boz-ish/alice auaa-ish shit on the regular
>tfw coming full circle, this time without the acne

>> No.8884284

Oh my gosh you too!!
I could be super hyper at conventions and stuff because happiness but christ was i awkward (and shy)
I would feel tinglies in my stomach just seeing him ;_;

>> No.8884285

I STILL see that getting posted in /a/ a lot, it's like they're terrified of women, despite how much they love little girls.

>> No.8884287

I got something similar happening to me anon,it feels really good in a way. Like you granted your old's self wishes. You go!

>> No.8884289

Pfueh they are neckbeards,betas,or weirdo outcasts that probably were bullied by some bitches in high school (not that it makes it ok, it's actually a terrible thing to happen whether they are dudes or gals) and now they associate real women with bad things. Little girls are more innocent and kawaiidesoo and probably makes them feel more powerful, eh.

>> No.8884292


>sneaking out of my room to watch anime on adult swim at night

Holy shit, I did this too. FMA was on after my bed time, so I would sneak downstairs when everyone was asleep and turn on the tv super quiet and watch it on the floor under my blanket. But then FMA was on at the same time as Last Exile, so I started to record FMA on my VCR. I'd then watch Last Exile, and get up early on Sunday morning to watch the FMA and Detective Conan episodes I taped the night before.

>> No.8884294

It's just so funny to me because as soon as that /cgl/ period photo gets posted the thread will be derailed. Half of the thread is them crying about how disgusting it is, and then the other half is super normal "have none of you ever interacted with a girl before?"

>> No.8884297
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It's kind of funny:

>watch anime since forever
>that girl who watched okane ga nai when she was 9 years old
>that girl who wrote yaoiz rape fanfics and crazy fetishes like tight underwear
>fanfics that i showed to the few friends i had
>they actually loved them
>Thank God for kids shit taste
>the same girl who trembled in excitement when she went to her first convention
>the place where she bought her ita staple mini top hat, cat ears and tail
>the girl who dragged her parents to a con and after a few awkward moments she bonded with them
>used to sing all the time
>wanted to be like Hatsune miku desu
>make retarded animu dances
>that girl who wrote nya on messenger and such
>used to be into petplay because "I'm totes a totem caguai neko desu"
>hated it when she understood how petplay works
>now is a dom
>got to horribly sing a song from death note and published it on youtube
>thank God the girl who was with me probably erased it
>dress up horribly
>gross ita

The funniest thing is that my parents kind of were condescending about my hobbies, specially lolita and vocaloid.

>they let me buy stuff i considered lolita
>mother explained to everyone what was lolita or vocaloid
>she still kind of talks about that

But i don't want to be a lolita anymore, they tend to look beautiful and all of that stuff, but just thinking about wearing j-fash makes me feel a lot lf pain amd guilt.

>> No.8884299

you too anon, please accept this internet high-five

>no pic, use your imagination

>> No.8884425

Okay every time I read these threads I'm thrown away by how much access you Anons had to Anime and Manga. I had no internet no cable and no game consoles. The only Anime I got to watch was poke'mon and dragonball Z every week day at 3 and 4 o'clock and the local comic book store I didn't discover until 2005 only started stocking Manga in 2013. You guys can just buy it at bookstores!

>> No.8884432

I remember walking home from school around 2003-2004-ish and watching Anime on Demand in the living room while my parents were still out of the house (despite us having tvs in our rooms, we could only afford one fancy cable box.) I got to watch nearly all of Chobits and Martian Successor Nadesico that way.

Also staying up late under my parents' noses to watch FLCL on Adult Swim late at night, then downloading the soundtrack and burning it to CD-R and toting it around school on a Discman. The salad days ;_;

>> No.8884433

Regular bookstores didn't start stocking it in my area until I was in high school. You could get some of them at the local comic shop, and Hot Topic had some MIXX shit, but otherwise, it was an hour's drive to the import comic shop, and all their (untranslated) manga.

I have stacks from that place, and tried to translate them with a (really basic) dictionary. Not even a kanji dictionary, either. So it was spectacularly slow-going if there was a character that didn't have furigana.

>> No.8884441

Damn, in 2005, the Barnes and Noble near my house totally stocked manga in English. It wasn't super big at my school, but my friend's school absolutely went crazy for it.

>> No.8884445

Ahhh KunZoi, my first OTP.
My first cosplay was Zoisite dressed as Sailor Moon.

>> No.8884452

I think around 2002-2004ish, a few places started carrying stuff. Nothing like now, though. You'd get maybe a couple of books mixed in with the regular comics section. Now, they have whole aisles of just manga/manhwa.

We also had a ghetto ass "anime" store in the mall for a while, but they mostly had bootleg merch and Chinese translations of manga. I remember it was like 2000, and I was went there to buy a subbed copy of Tenchi Muyo because my friends and I split series up (we'd each buy like one VHS a month, and eventually watch it all together). The guy at the counter said "this is going to be on Toonami, aren't you excited!" And I, in all my snobby teenage glory, pointed to the fact that the VHS was subbed, not dubbed. As if I'd watch that censored garbage. Phah!

But mostly, we went to Chinatown for bootlegs, or to the comic place an hour away for Japanese stuff. My friend's big sister was THE COOLEST EVER! because she was in college when we were in middle school, and would drive us around during the summer. And unlike our parents, she wasn't judgemental about it.

>> No.8884466
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anyone remember the /cgl idol contest?
I think this girl won because everyone else dropped out.
Also, that Ophelia chick was a popular choice, until the pics/vid whatever of her playing with and licking a used tampon came out.
Aaah, those were the days

>> No.8884476

B&N used to be the biggest bookstore chain that sold manga, when they went out of business it actually hurt a lot of manga publishers because the stores carried so much of their product. I didn't have anywhere to go besides a used bookstore that was a 45 minute drive from where I live after they closed the two stores I used to go to.

The bankruptcy sale was nice though, I bought a ton of manga volumes for $2-4 each.

I've been wondering, does anyone remember who it was that bought thousands of dollars worth of lolita dresses secondhand and did charge backs on all the sellers after the packages were sent out? That shit was insane.

>> No.8884481

There have been a few. I think the most recent was maikodolly about two years ago, before the big shift to LM happened.

She hit people mostly through egl sales, I believe.

>> No.8884489

>been a few. I think the most recent was maikodolly about two years ago
Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of!

>> No.8884501

>met first other "otaku" friend
>he was the coolest person in the world
>"fujoshi" and "chibi" as middle names on Facebook
>discovering yaoi for the first time
>reading loveless in the town library
>watching Junjou Romantica on my dad's laptop in the front room with a growing group of new weebs
>squealing at the sex scenes
>"I'm nosebleeding!!"
>underage and trying to buy yaoi from con stalls

I miss the simpler times.

>> No.8884534

> meet first true weeaboo friend freshman year of high school
> likes visual kei , likes weird anime like me. bond over morning musume. Have Lolita tea parties in her backyard
> Have lots of weeb experiences together like going to the local obon, taking purikura, even saw mucc concert.
> senior year she starts hanging out with some other people. One makes up some shit because they were pretty much bored.
> was bullied by them for a few months. Lost friend

Few years later
> she messages me and applogizes.
> I'm crazy as Fuck happy cause no one liked the shit we liked together
> invited her to my wedding and she rsvps
> was so excited to see her.
> she doesn't show
> I see her at our local con and we chat a little.
> more time passes and she deletes her Facebook ( she publicly warned she was going to )
> I follow her twitter but I don't use mine so she stopped following me
> it makes me happy to watch her succeed
> I don't have the guts to talk to her even though she has a new fb and we both go to the same con.

I miss the old days a lot. The subbed vhs tapes, and then even the years of watching Japanese dramas on youtube like perfect girl revolution or whatever it was with the Kat tun guy
Also shoujo beat which got me into junko mizuno

>> No.8884540

Mid 2000's weeb phase
>first convention ever
>people selling cosplay at the con
>first cosplay was a too-big vampire knight uniform with my school shoes
>con was in a tiny hotel conference room
>Newbie weeb me was starstruck with all the people in cosplay

I remember thinking everything was so amazing back then, and now I see all these huge cons with Japanese guests and think how far we've come.

I still miss the good old times with YouTube Cascada and SmileDK AMVs.

>> No.8884549

B&N didn't go out of business though? Are you thinking of Borders?

>> No.8884550

You mean Borders, right? B&N is still around, there are a couple within a 15 minute drive from me.
Doesn't mean I don't miss Borders, though. The one closest to where I used to live got turned into a 4-wheeler store after they all closed down and I'm still bitter about that.

>> No.8884554

The days when we said "sandy" in reference to an anon's genitals instead of "salty"
I'm not sure if those days were better or not.

>> No.8884556

The biggest one in my area converted to a bargain bin book shop (they only used half the floor space). When that failed, the building turned into a mattress shop.

>> No.8884557

B&N is still around, though? I know they closed a lot of stores, but my local (huge) one is still open.
Sad that Borders is totally gone, though.

I only had Toonami and 4kids or whatever the hell it was back then growing up, and since we were poor, our cable (and my Toonami access) was hit or miss. I used to sneak out to watch Toonami's Midnight Run in my living room until my mom found out and started just letting me do it.
I remember loving Tenchi as a kid, but I can't stand that kind of stuff now. Thankfully Toonami also introduced me to a lot of classics, like Sailor Moon, YYH, Gundam, and Cowboy Bebop. I think I stopped watching around 2004, or whenever it was that shit like Rave Master and Bobobo plus a lot of non-anime cartoons started being broadcasted.
As far as manga/books go, I only had my sister's boyfriends old Animerica magazines and some shonen jump scholastic bs. Occasionally I'd find a volume at the book store in a nearby town or my friend would get something, but it wasn't until I could buy stuff online (late middle school) that I was able to get more stuff. I wish I had known about VHS and manga trades or had had better internet to get in on scanlations and whatnot.
In a way, though, I think if I had unlimited access (as I do now) as a kid I wouldn't have been as interested or developed as much taste and would've ended up as total weeb trash.
My elementary school years were truly blessed.

>> No.8884572

other lost lingo:

>wank instead of drama
>pairing instead of ship
>looking bishounen instead of looking shota

the shota one confuses me so much, how did this become an acceptable thing to use outside of porn?

>> No.8884593

Aw man..."wank communities". Anyone remember lolita_wank on livejournal? Those were the days.

>> No.8884595

wank was such a more apt term than "drama" for the shit that goes down and the response it merits.

let's bring back "wank."

>> No.8884600

>the response it merits
Especially the response it merits. I swear there were girls actually getting off to that shit in the literal rather than figurative sense sometimes.

Then again, I feel like a lot of the wank had ramifications that were a lot less damning back then. People saying snarky things online or having silly rivalries with one another, rather than the vicious shit you see now.

>> No.8884879

Well who hasn't farted in their petti? It's just a fart; It won't ruin your stuff.

>> No.8884884

Plus, surely you're wearing underwear and bloomers, maybe even stockings too.

>> No.8884891

That's kind of the point. The secrets were poking fun at the whole 'lolitas must be ladylike!' thing that makes a cycle through every so often when the concept of being a lifestyler gains popularity again, by taking it to an extreme.

The way I see it, 'I would never fart in lolita!' kind of takes a stab at people who modify their behaviour when they put on the clothes. Like girls who say 'I would never swear/smoke/drink/whatever in lolita! It's not in keeping with the aesthetic!'

>> No.8884912


>> No.8884922

Mine was pretty similar except while I knew about 4chin through older friends, I didn't go here until much later (although I regret feeding my curiosity of what the big deal /b/ was).

>come back home after school for snack and Hamtaro
>doing Quizilla quizzes
>going on yahoo chat (I frequented the Harry Potter and anime group)
>going on Gaia
>playing doll dress up and pixel art home decorating games (like eLouai)
>using the school's printer to print out qt anime grills on advanced anime
>participating on bb roleplaying boards as an OC
>getting up early on Saturdays to watch anime
(and other cartoons) and trying to stay up late as allowed for Toonami
>weekends were for playing DDR at the local Aladdin's Castle and sitting on the floor reading manga at Border's or Barnes and Noble
>playing pokemon on my gb at night under the blankets

I got into lolita early on in high school - around the time when scene queens were a thing, and I remember for a while people were comparing gyarus - mostly manba and yamanba gals - shit , but anyone who was into J-fashion felt that compared to scenesters, gals were the lesser of the two evils.

I miss coming back from school to see what was posted on EGL.

yass. I remember lolita_fucks (terrible name in retrospect) before it got pulled down. Sometimes I don't get why lolita_secrets was replaced with btb. And getoffegl is still around somehow.

>> No.8884923


Barnes and Noble is still around. Books a Million, Borders, and their sister brand Waldenbooks is gone. I hate that the local Borders became a Home Goods store and Waldenbooks is now some sports apparel shop; you can still see where the old shelving units used to be.

>> No.8884938

Hah, all this talk about VHSs reminded me how I on weekend nights, my parents used to take me to video rental places and I naturally gravitated to the kid's section since they had some anime. I almost always picked out Sailor Moon even though I had seen them in previous weeks. It didn't really matter to my parents since I watched them on my own time and they were free or cheap to rent.

I also remember being terrified of Little Nemo and also renting it countless of times. No wonder I'm fucked up today.

>> No.8884940

How would stockings protect you from farts, though?

>> No.8884944

Books a million is still around where I live.

>> No.8884960


>13 yo Country bumpkin
>Loved Cats the musical
>Snuck out of bed to watch it on TV when I saw it for the first time
>Wore a tail to school for a few days cos I wanted to be a cat
>Only anime on TV was Sailor Moon
>Became obsessed
>When the time slot changed from 6:30am to 5am, would wake up to put VHS tapes in and then go back to bed
>Mum didn't like that
>Show eventually finished with out me seeing the ending
>Badgered my friends at school until they were sick to death to know what happened
>Wrote my own manga heavily influenced by Sailor Moon
>Sister and cousin read and liked it
>Learnt Japanese in school
>Loved drawing "anime"

17 yo
>Went to university to study Japanese
>Found himegyaru while searching for Japanese fashion on the internet
>Fell in love with Liz Lisa brand
>Also found Lolita but it was too "out-there" to take the plunge
>Eventually went to study in Japan
>Found out that Liz Lisa was too sexy for my personal taste but still bought a dress
>Came back to own country and invited to party by high-school friend
>Two actual lolitas there.
>Loved their outfits so much I decided I couldn't die without trying Lolita.
>Buy a black and white skirt and Petticoat from Milanoo (derp) cos it was cheap and simple
>First outfit was skirt and off-brand striped off shoulder top. NOOO
First year and a half of lolita was OTT sweet and mostly ita

25 yo
>Went to work in Japan
>Started to transition over to classical lolita
>Favourite brand BtSSB now, not AP
>Worked as a translator - dream come true
>Met Misako Aoki in the last week I was there - dream come true

Present Day
>Came back home and move back to country town to make money and have to work in unrelated job
>How flacid

I hope to work on getting a job that's a little more related to Japanese language in the near future.

Thanks for all the great stories gulls.

>> No.8884963

They don't protect you from farts, they protect others from farts.
It's a kind of containment chamber.

>> No.8884966
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When I was like 11, my parents got a tiny table, so I made a headband out of an old sock and kneeled to eat rice on it. I got chopsticks and everything. I tried to find a bamboo farmer hat at Walmart, but there were none.

Fuck me.

>> No.8884974

aw lucky. I thought they were a goner.

>> No.8884978

Stockings only cover your legs, though. Don't most lolitas fart out of their butts? I do.

Jesus fuck, oniisan.

>> No.8884982
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damn son, you went full weeaboo.

I remember doing family portraits and being the weeb I was, I was enamored by the Japanese costume quality kimonos and I asked if I could try them on for a photo.

I wish my mom said no.

>> No.8884983

Ah anon the feels.
I gotta send her a message now.

>> No.8884990

I don't think you know what stockings are

>> No.8884997

Pajama pajama jazama pajama!

That movie didn't scare me too badly, but goddamn was the NES game hard.

>> No.8884998
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>> No.8885029

watching animes, loving the opening songs, downloading them, picturing the openings in your head as you listen to em.

>> No.8885051

>those Sailor Venus socks my volleyball friends and I had, and wore to every game under our team socks for secret powers

That's cute as hell anon

For me, it was finally finding like mind weebs friends in middle school
>Sailor moon all day every day
>Ran like a Naruto ninja
>Broken Japanese all around
>Manga, manga, manga
>Horribly written fanfiction, Mary Sues, self inserts.
>Staying up til 5 am to watch Yu Yu Hakusho.
>Attend first con with weebs friends and have a blast

In truth, I miss though days. We've all pretty much gone our separate ways. It would be nice to get the entire gang back together and weeb out one last time.

>> No.8885113

Hi alys, good to see you here,
You should try to become popular on the internet now.
You could if you wanted to.

>> No.8885127

..Who are you and how do you know my name?
But nah, not my cup of tea, i used to want it because i was young and stuff but now i really wouldnt want to. Being at peace with some good friends is way better. As the saying says "To live happy, live hidden"?

>> No.8885436


>> No.8885439

>tfw still have a picture of ugly teen me in awful weaboo attire in the living room and parents wont take it off because muh memories
thankfully it's tiny

>> No.8885454

>tfw you were a teenage youtube voice actress

>> No.8885495
File: 96 KB, 506x339, oregonlolitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this appropriate for the nostalgia thread.

I've been interested lately in what happened to the Oregon lolita comm circa 2007-2008. Maybe it's because that was before I got into the fashion, but the idea of incredibly bitchy, boldly elitist group of lolita friends who were apparently on top and then suddenly went to shambles is fascinating. Been trying to piece together some of the details, but most of it seems to be under friend-locked LJs, especially what happened to Caroline which I guess mostly went down on 4chan before archiving was really a thing (In-fighting? Nudes? Throwing up in the shower?). I don't know if it is because getting brand is now super easy or because most lolitas are older and more conscientious of what they air online, but you don't really see girls who act like that now. From what I've seen, that's probably a good thing.

>> No.8885558

I totally understand you i feel weirdly excited and interested about old drama

>> No.8885584


>tfw your voice is somewhere on youtube in someone's badly written ~abridged~ series

I tried to help the poor guy out, I really did. Offered to help edit, did the intro, voiced a couple people. But he wouldn't let me touch the script. Ohhh that script.

>> No.8885630

Oh man, I totally looked up to them too. I remember Ashlee and her fake-boi phase on Gaia.

>> No.8886043

Basically, it was a combination of being able to get brand and not taking shit seriously. After they realised that going around taking photos of itas at conventions holding "Hi LMFKII!" signs was actually really cunty behaviour, most of them grew up.

Short version:
They were behind the original lolita fucks and eatfuckingcake, but Victoria/swdpunk was the founder of Daily_Lolita and created the no cross-posting rule (I think).

They were known for their close friendship, decadent meets, and brand, but the friendship didn't hold up when they went to Japan. Something happened on the trip (accounts vary, one being that Alice cheated on her boyfriend with a host, another being that they ditched someone to go back to their hotel, and blahblahblah. No one's really going to ever know the truth there I think).

Caroline was the youngest of the group and had a bit of a melt-down when things fell apart. Her nudes were posted around, then hastily removed because people figured out they'd been taken when she was like 16 or some shit. She now wears vintage/rockabilly stuff, and still has the "fuck off" attitude, but has toned it down so that she's less offensive than defensive (by which I mean she tells people off when they get in her face, rather than going to pick a fight like she used to).

Victoria shut down La Dauphine pretty suddenly and just kind of disappeared. I'm not sure what happened there other than she had a kid and got more involved in being a wife/mother, since her friends group dissolved.

Ashlee/Faunkegin is pretty hipster these days, and occasionally resurfaces on lookbook and similar sites. Other than that, I don't know what she's been up to for the last few years.

Alice moved to Japan, is still (somewhat?) involved in lolita so far as I know, but is a lot less public with her posts. The last time I saw anything from her was a couple of years ago when LJ was still kicking. She may no longer be in Japan or involved in lolita at this point.

>> No.8886054


>They were known for their close friendship, decadent meets, and brand, but the friendship didn't hold up when they went to Japan. Something happened on the trip (accounts vary, one being that Alice cheated on her boyfriend with a host, another being that they ditched someone to go back to their hotel, and blahblahblah. No one's really going to ever know the truth there I think).

This is seriously some shojo manga tier shit. I don't think it happened, but the sheer ridiculousness of the sentence made me giggle.

I feel like back then with the wank communities it was very easy to get into people's wank. And in some ways it was like reading that terrible story and pretend that this drama is real.

>> No.8886058

Yeah, I have no idea what actually happened and I doubt it was that dramatic. Long trips abroad are taxing on even good relationships, so it's more likely that they just got on one anothers' nerves and someone fucking snapped. Then everyone snapped.

>> No.8886078
File: 95 KB, 720x960, 1235190_890440777641_1077593361_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-4 years ago I went through an intense nostalgia phase so I decided to make one of the first costumes I ever said I'd do

>makes a costume from an obscure 7-volume manga that had ended ten years before
>could have been a sailor scout, but no, I had to fulfill my middle school dreams
>pic related; it me

>> No.8886102

You're a cutie anon
Also your arms are so nicely slim i'm jealous

>> No.8886422

Aw, that's so sweet! Nice cosplay, as well!

>> No.8886427


Is that some fucking Demon Diary cosplay? Your dick anon, I would suck it.

>> No.8886469

>Get into anime, realise I prefer manga by far, read it on laptop instead of doing homework
>Touhou and Vocaloid become the soundtrack to my life, actually genuinely helping me along really tough moments, from helping me through borderline suicidal depression to randomly helping me remember answers in an exam
>Too poorfag for manga but mangafox was there for me always, led to YAOIZ XD
>Develop nun and bondage fetishes, which somehow led to me becoming a decent seamstress and designing/making my own non-anime-inspired prom dress, a Cinderella moment I'll never forget and which was probably the only time I showed my work to people at school
>Actually learn Japanese, pretty shit but good enough for me to understand a lot of food names and about 1/3 of manga
>Hare Hare Yukai ftw, fell in love with weeby dancing after finding it, kept my lazy ass in shape
>Weeby enough to read about Japanese culture and get genuinely interested, bought Pillow Book, started dressing better b/c what would Sei Shonagon say about my shitty wardrobe if she could see it
>Cherry blossom everything, from food to bath bombs to hairclips, became obsessed with tea and noodles
>Eyeing figmas and nendos online
>Youtube nightcore shipping videos, holy shit
>Pretending to be in an anime made me get over my fear of presentations in class, because if I sperged out people would love me as I would be quirky XD and not a human disaster, still use it as a coping method when I'm in a bad situation

Holy fuck was I weeby, thank god my powerlevels were hidden from everyone but my immediate family. I still do most of this shit in private though...

>> No.8886664

This is pretty cute.
I used Lucky Star and Suzumiya Haruhi soundtrack like all the time or nearly. Even in class discretly with an earphone at low volume in my sleeve. To make it as if my life was an anime.
Vocaloid also helped me lots and fuck i danced tl hare hare yukai more times than i can remember
>tfw have bondage fetish too
I...also have a tentacle fetish...sort of.

>> No.8886665

>too poor for manga
I used to borrow it from the library as they had some (Unico,detective conan,sailor moon, princess sapphire,..)
And for the rest...bless the internet.
That or i would go to bookstores and read it.

>> No.8886844

My school library had nothing and my local library's 'manga section' had like three volumes of Naruto and Bleach and a couple of random shoujo volumes. It was almost always blocked by neckbeards in the making sitting in a circle reading religiously and I was too shy to ask them to move, but one day I managed to get there before they did and there was basically fuck all on the shelves. A couple of months later, there were still no other manga volumes, so they couldn't have been taken out. They were either sitting and reading their own shit or they really loved Naruto Vol 15 in particular. I always envy the people who talk about reading manga in the library while growing up.

>> No.8886856

yeah, the thread was a collection of gross toilet stories when OP posted the shit canal pic "do girls really do this?"
i remember something about a blood clot but specifically i remember most fondly the post made about vomiting, bleeding, shitting and pissing at the same time

>> No.8886858
File: 159 KB, 414x457, RaenefV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally is Anon, it was my first love

My end goal is to get a group and do a very nice photoshoot using the backdrop of some fancy hotel like the Gaylord (when there's no con going on) but I'm the only one of my friends who knows or cares about Demon Diary
Sad day

>> No.8886896

Tinierme and Gaia online. I remember the absolutely disgraceful profile I had on tinierme, spewing my love of anime everywhere. My background was a shitty image of Levan Polka Miku.

>> No.8887626

Man, I miss those days, I could unashamedly act like a tit and not cringe at the painful levels of weeb. So much shitty roleplay and drama back there, thank fuck I forgot my password.

>> No.8887772

Gonna be honest senpai, /a/ is full of little girls. Little girls don't have periods so it is totes weird.

>> No.8887779

My parents still have a shitty pencil drawing 15 yr old me did of the Harry Potter characters doing the haruhi dance on their fridge. Its cute they're proud of it I guess but I wish they'd chosen a less cringy crossover esque piece of weeaboo art.

>> No.8887786
File: 120 KB, 647x410, xanga-logo-texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else roleplay on Xanga? That was the highlight of my middle school weeb life.

>> No.8887796
File: 220 KB, 500x280, tumblr_lipm8lmlzn1qaiaf5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching Pokemon and Card Captor Sakura on TV when I was a kid, I rediscovered anime when I was 12 and became a huge weeb.

I thought I was a real life Haruhi and would bully my (Mikuru) best friend and a guy I had a crush on (which obviously was Kyon).
I convinced my Mikuru friend to learn Hare Hare Yukai so we would practice during school lunch time. Sadly Kyon was too shy and I didn't managed to convince him to practice with us.

I'd go home and obsessively play Neopets all day. When I got older I got into MMORPGs such as Ragnarok and MapleStory, which I would play til my late teens even after they went to shit.

I also thought I was totes loli kawaii desu since I was short and flat chested, so I'd play innocent and kyaa'd at things.
Did that until I was 16 or so, and messed me up a lot since I couldn't cope with getting older and more womanly, which led me to binding and developing an eating disorder.

Nowadays even though I still look way younger than I am, I grew out of trying to look like a kid.

>> No.8887797

>>8887796 Ended up venting a little, so to stay on topic... Couple days ago I went looking for old AMV's I used to watch and rediscovered this gem.


Does anyone remember watching cool AMV's? I miss it a lot, it was so fun.

>> No.8888028

>Anon, it was my first love
>My end goal is to get a group and do a very nice photoshoot using the backdrop of some fancy hotel like the Gaylord (when there's no con going on) but I'm the only one of my friends who knows or cares about Demon Diary
>Sad day

I completely understand, anon. I can't say it was my first love but it was definitely one of the first English series I bought and probably reread like fucking crazy and holds a special place in my heart.

Thanks for doing the same and I hope you can get your group to happen one day.

>> No.8888179

a true relic of our time

>> No.8888300

Isn't Alice super involved with the Tokyo lolita comm now?

>> No.8888317

> be awkward and insecure 14 year old
> literally type 'how to be confident' in youtube Search bar
> find shelbycloud's video about confidence and lolita fashion
> wishing to be as confident and pretty as her
> start getting into lolita
> didn't have Paypal, didn't know about second hand sites
> first lolita dress bought from ap website, expensive shipping+customs

I thought every lolita wardrobe took at least 5 years to build because of that

>> No.8888358

Ah those were the days.
>live next door to a Bandai employee and watch kimba the white lion as first exposure to anime.
>mom watches neighbor girl a lot so even though I'm older by four years it's not weird we hang out and watch power rangers (the project her dad works on, America version), sailor moon, ect. Eventually they moved to my great sadness because it's a Podunk town with only my neighbor totoro at the local blockbuster.
Fast forward to Jr high:
>more of a book nerd with limited resources for anime because can't afford cartoon network due to father abandonment and then literally dropping dead.
>miss school for grieving and can't catch up because ass hole teachers won't spend lunch times filling me in. The science teacher cared enough to teach me while being designated anime club host: all dbz, all the time.
>finally get transfer to other teachers and meet friends who share manga at reading time, also diagnosed ADD so goodbye electives and hello Saturday school for how much I missed. This is when Saturday was pokemon so I was vhs recording that first season.
>got really into Zelda OOT and finally found out how to beat gannon while sitting in math, summer school before hs freshman.
High school
> so 9/11 happened early freshman but I was still grieving so I didn't really care then and I was known as the goth girl but I was really depressed until finally finishing all of the Lord of the Rings because it's something me and dad shared. Movies happened, life got better and I was going to anime club as a member. Harry potter also happens but pales to my love of the others.
>took my bro and cousin to ax , our first con in 05. Bro dressed like Alucard because we're both edgy emo shits.
>go across country to FL to see grandma and find the first anime I'm super passionate about: vampire Hunter D ova at blockbuster.
>get into the novels and super happy.
>go on art trip to Japan
>author of vhd comes out to ax in 09 and promised an anime, confirmed in 2015.

>> No.8888369

>spend time at college in anime and videogames group while earning degree in art and taking everything under the sun. Love theatre costuming too.
Now I take care of elders in my family and help mom with daycare while costuming for extra money for Lolita... The fashion I was too poor for when I saw it at ax 05 and Japan 08 because I was already using inheritance to be there.

>> No.8888375

I have no clue. I know she moved there and was involved with them, but I haven't seen her post anything in a while, and I don't know her new social media/account names. Like I said, last I saw was on LJ, and I haven't bothered to keep up past that.

>> No.8888380

I remember Faunkegin moving to hipster fashion, but I also remember her making this big post about how she didn't "feel ready to work" and that it "didn't suit her lifestyle" so she was either leeching off someone else, had a lot of savings, or was getting by off the state.

>> No.8888501

Oh boy eLouai...i spent sooo much time playing their fun little pixel games especially the MiniHompy korean miniroom maker and the CandyBar Dollmaker and WhuddleWorld dollmaker (rip whuddleworld ;_;)
Now half of the stuff there doesnt work anymore.

I also remember taking Quizilla (rip again
;_;) quizzes myself and also printing cute anime girls on school printer to put on my bedroom walls. So much fun was had on these days.

Also used to hide under blankets to play the GB and read cgl or lolita forums back home after school and daydreaming on the bus ride back home about having a lifestyler life

>> No.8888532

This might be an east coast weeb-y memory, but I used to wake up at 4am back in middle school to watch Sailor Moon on Channel 11. It never got as far as the Sailor Stars, but if memory served me right, it got pretty far into the Mistress 9 episodes.

>> No.8888558

DEMON DIARY, bless you

>> No.8888714
File: 15 KB, 150x290, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elouai was the best I spent hours on there making my OCs. Does anyone remember 'Doll Palace' it was another pixel doll maker.

>> No.8888806
File: 467 KB, 2092x1586, 273659_4838118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking about this, it still gets posted on /a/ every so often whenever the general subject of "women" comes up.

It's part of the reason I came here

>> No.8888826

Oh I remember the doll palace! I loved their Princess and Sailor Moon dress up games the most.

>> No.8888839

Doll Palace was my shiiiiiit back in the day.

It's still around and it brings back good memories.

>> No.8888862
File: 205 KB, 431x417, feelsbadmayng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasss. I also remembered a less popular site, Miss Bimbo that ended up on EGL because they had fairly accurate and cute lolita pieces. It looks like it was taken down along with Poupée Girl.

>tfw you're finally old enough to buy brand regularly, but no ribbons to show it

>> No.8888863

with dial up it took like 20-40mins for all the items to load lol.

>> No.8888907

>summers in Mexico, used to watch Sailor Moon and Cardcaptors in Spanish.
>rest of the time Yu-Gi-Oh was the last thing I would watch every night before bed.
> Christmas everyone else would fall asleep and I would watch Blood + and Trinity Blood on Toonami at my cousins house before I had cable.
>2006-2008 obsessed with AMV. I think that was the medium's peak, too.
>the rest of the time, my middle school self was pretty much consumed with Fruits Basket and Code Gease.
>early highschool spent a summer watching 175 episodes of sailor moon with my sister in our room.
There so many more memories in between like renting Howls Moving Castle from Blockbuster every chance I had. Now in higher edu I can't fathom ever having had the free time. But still have hope I will one day again. Maybe after MCAT

Ah wow, I used to wake up at 5 am to watch Inuyasha but would keep it all on mute and just read the captions. I still don't really know what their voices sound like.

>> No.8888954

Oh man, I used to spend hours watching those things. I'd forgotten all about this one, thanks for bringing back those memories.
Shit anon, that's rough. Are things better now?

>> No.8888974

they definitely went overboard, but it's not worse than anything some dudes talk about in /b/

>> No.8888992

I'd say life has it's ups and downs. I was in a great up for a while and now I'm down again but nowhere near the days of depression.
Now I'm in the days of regret and would like to spread the ashes after one last Harrah but getting family together is hard so it'll be me and my friends at the last party before I make my brother travel to the ocean. I plan to have the biggest send off I can think of: taking the urn to wasteland weekend where his spirit can live his favorite thing before we release him.

>> No.8889009

That's really sweet. It's horrible having to go through something so traumatic at such an early age, especially if people expect you to get over it already and move on with your studies because you can totally just do that. I hope you continue to get better, and I hope the send-off is as epic as possible.

>> No.8889719

Aw man anon i hope you're ok now
I was heavily bullied (like, really violently, harassed even out of school or on the internet by them and stuff) at school and nearly killed myself (that and muh eating disorder/body dysmorphia).
But anime helped me stay alive,that and all the weeb shit,it made me daydream quite a lot, that and jfashion and that whole kawaiidesoo universe. I would find things to make my life less shitty like listening to anime ost all day everyday or when i go out to stay calm and not have a panic attack, make some j fashion collages when i was depressed,...
Now those days are over,i'm all better,i have some days where i feel too self conscious about stuff but nothing more.
I have lolita,a wonderful visual kei girlfriend,some cool friends,an appartment and two cats.
Even if things seems shitty,they'll eventually become less shitty.

>> No.8889807

Yeah, I'm okay. It's been seventeen years and I finally forgave him for being a drunken abusive shithead. I finally realized it was a sickness and not a choice.

>> No.8889863

I wouldn't mind tasting Ophelia's period blood.

>> No.8890009

MaBimbo, the French original, still exists, and an official English version was made called Like a Fashionista, which gets updates and support from the main French site. Miss Bimbo was on its own.

>> No.8890011

>I used to wake up at 5 am to watch Inuyasha but would keep it all on mute and just read the captions. I still don't really know what their voices sound like.
i would do similar on the computer before i had headphones. visual kei probably appealed to me because the theatricality meant i could enjoy it even on mute.

>> No.8891094

> be 11
> get a set of clow cards and carry them around in this awesome little pouch
> friend at the time tells me that her family is having a pizza and ice cream party
> why not?
> have a good time
> suddenly "now that you have accepted this ice cream, you can accept our lord and savior..."
> realize I've been tricked but try to play along
> one of the adults sees my clow cards
> takes them away because sin
> try not to cry
> friend wonders why I don't want to hang out with her anymore after that

>> No.8891160

You should have told them you would call the police for your property and see them wrestle with their faith over the laws of the land. It's great fun.
My mom did the same with mine...

>> No.8893912


>> No.8898049


>> No.8898093
File: 320 KB, 1920x1440, Misa-Amane-Wallpaper-death-note-18908280-1920-1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents framed and hung a picture of me in a shitty JC Penny's schoolgirl outfit holding a Death Note. It's some photo that this kid requested I'd let him take for a photo contest, and apparently he won with it.

>> No.8898965

I found myself going back to egl and using the search engine to see if there were any other stationery art worth sharing, and I stumbled upon posts about Baby's San Fran opening (because stationery things were part of the goody bags), and it was kind of a trip remembering what a big deal that was and how far the Bay Area comm got with their coord game.

I wasn't sure if I ought to post this on the confessions thread or here, but I got kind of giddy seeing Prince-Saru 's old pics. I remember having a pretty big crush on him (I kind of suspect that he's gay though). Wasn't there some minor drama involved with him working at the Baby store? It seems like he dropped off the Earth.

>> No.8898967
File: 141 KB, 800x533, btssb sf opening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't. If you're going to bump, at least contribute.

>> No.8898971
File: 82 KB, 489x800, nanakitade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell off the face of the Earth

wtf. I can't into idioms this late.

Have some Nana Kitade

>> No.8898979

The other I was thinking about when derpy chan was created. Does anyone have that collage of the story?

I also realized that we don't really seem to have tutorial threads anymore. The last couple years I've moved from cosplay to pretty much exclusively lolita. So I haven't been looking at cosplay threads
But now this year I'm doing the first cosplay in a while, and I didn't see any tutorial threads.

I lost my external harddrive where I filled up folders and folders of carefully organized tutorials. I'll probably scour the archive a bit. Try to recreate some of its glory.

>> No.8898999
File: 193 KB, 255x144, 1432554853676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14yo weeb
>bullied at school
>Watching naruto online, decide I wanna learn japanese because it's edgy and different
>downloading shitty Jrock songs to my mp3 player, listening to it whilst taking long walks in the rain and imagining I was in Tokyo
>get really into dumb BL animes like Okane Ga Nai and Loveless, ironically mostly because the atmosphere of anime-Tokyo felt nice and cosy to me for some reason
>move all the way to another city just to study Japanese
>live on the internet, real life sux
>dress like a retard, smell
16-17yo weeb
>caught up with the rest of my japanese class super fast, became best in class, won a contest
>turned into a shitty competitive bastard
>made some friends
>transitioned from anime to dramas, got into (poorly executed) jfash but too poor to afford makeup
>download all the magazine scans
>discovered lolita and gyaru
>everyone at new school is making fun of me behind my back for being a weird looking weeb
>eventually get my first Asian makeup
>calmed down
>find out best friends have been making fun of me behind my back too
>now alone, but also less autistic
>start looking better
>start cosplaying
>stop cosplaying
>get into college
>get decent at gyaru
>drop out
>move away from home
>get into a better college (in retrospect, dropping out was a good call), meet SO
>kind of depressed and fucked up at this stage
>attempt gyaru again but eventually drop it
>descend into normie hell with no normie clothes but no weeaboo tastes anymore
>lonely normie in a new place with no friends other than SO
>things gradually improve
>decide to get some closure and start planning a trip for japan next year
>fall in love all over again, like a majestic phoenix rising from its wapanese ashes
>scared to show SO my final form but he wants to come with me

And that's my weeb timeline. I'm only still here because nerd/weeb culture is the only one I know.

>> No.8899064
File: 507 KB, 2048x1337, 1394619335169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, maybe?

>> No.8899073

Oh God handwritten fanfics.
I had an original yaoi story that I wrote and my friends liked it so it was passed around until I wrote new pages.
I used to write them in English classes because I was done with the program mid year so they just allowed me to do whatever as long as it was in English, hence the prolific fanfic writing.

I think I still have it but parts are missing and I'm pretty some of my friends have the missing parts.

>> No.8899202

because the atmosphere of anime-Tokyo felt nice and cosy to me for some reason
Same i wonder why

>> No.8899236

Borders had the old English G&LB and then Tokyo Pop went under

>> No.8899245
File: 153 KB, 730x1025, gmahou_shoujo_ore_v001_ch001_p022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the saga of my quick rise and fall from weebdom.

Middle School phase:
>would sometimes fake sick to stay home and watch Sailor Moon on the public access channels in the morning
>remember being so pissed when emergency news was on for 9/11 because "I'm missing muh Sailor Moon!!!" because the gravity didn't hit me as a kid that young
>used to color streaks in my hair in marker because I couldn't dye it
>was a Toonami after school addict, went and actually bought Sailor Moon manga from Books a Million
>spent an entire Saturday each week in there catching up on Peach Girl, Shounen Jump volumes, and other late mid/late 2000's popular mangas
>got into gyaru/kogal/ganguro through GALS!
>become obsessed with the kogal/ganguro look back in the days of panda makeup and tropical fashion
>did ParaPara nearly every day, would go to the mall and do ParaPara dances to my other weeb friends doing DDR in the arcade
>got so fucking sick of the Where's My Samurai and Captain Jack songs, jfc
>girls in group would LARP Sailor Moon, I always wanted to do the Amazoness Quartet
>raged that their stuff supposedly got censored because "Kids would see them using the pool sticks and hurt other children with them!" as was the rumor at the time
>listened to them old school anime MIDI files online
>would get recorded Sailor Moon movies from friends on VHS
>dem awful subbed Tenchi in Tokyo VHS I got for my birthday and thought were TRULY FROM THE ANIME MOTHERLAND!!

High School phase:
>was into shounen-ai in middle school, didn't realize it was a thing but I KNEW that Tai and Matt from Digimon were together because they were always holding hands and when they'd fight they'd roll around on top of each other and straddle each other
>was content to read 'Taito' and 'Yamachi' fic for that pairing, everything was rated Lime and Lemon
>then, Gravitation comes out and blows my mind


>> No.8899256

>find the real life bands behind the show, from there spread out to Jrock in general
>first bands found were Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, and Miyavi
>become a Visual Kei fanatic
>burn DVDs of torrented PVs and concert footage
>download every song I can find
>become that edgy Dir en Grey fangirl that always wears black and tries to get V-Kei haircuts that always go bad
>is less into anime, more into Jrock
>never leave the fujoshit ways behind
>even write Gravitation and Gundam Wing yaoi fanfiction in a notebook and then go retype it up on Fanfiction.net
>join Neopets and start roleplaying there, get iced so many times for my roleplaying the gay on their strictly hetero forums
>graduate from high school and immediately go to my first convention
>cosplaying in an overpriced Bodyline seifuku that's a size too small because I had no concept of Asian sizes

Young Adult (up to 20) Phase:
>get into Kingdom Hearts, cosplay shitty closet cosplay Larxene
>still all about dem yaois but can't cosplay worth shit
>weeb friends are total enablers because they all suck and have no sense of how to behave in public so I learned from them
>didn't find out until three conventions later how truly awful they were
>come to my senses
>start hanging out instead with new friends
>meet new Jrock friends, all of us go to multiple conventions just to hear our favorite bands
>hardcore follower of Tainted Reality, utterly starstruck that I can get THAT close to jrockers through their 'manager'
>still on Cosplay.com thinking I'm the shit because I'm known on the forums and I had one set of props that got me mini-famous at a con
>my shitty cosplays get multiple "Cute! Kawaii!" comments on Coscom because of cosplaying a popular show
>completely blind to how bad I suck
>friend introduces me to /cgl/ because of Pixyteri hilarious drama
>become a total drama whore and follow everything the lolcows do
>mostly watch Pixyteri stuff but finally get active during the Asherbee reign


>> No.8899263
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>wise up about how bad I am as a cosplayer
>feel really embarrassed about it and upset because /cgl/ pretty much made my world crash down around me
>see myself in Asherbee and get raged over how she can brag so much when her stuff sucked and her house was so damn filthy
>do a LOT of stuff I'm not proud of regarding Asherbee, mostly stalking her online stuff to report back to /cgl/ over it and ratting her out to a convention's online group so they turned on her and she changed her mind about going there for the first time

Adult (20+) Phase:
>realize I'm in too deep, really glad janitors cracked down on drama
>reign it all in, just watch and enjoy well deserved drama now like scammers and that shit with Margo and Venus (you go, Venus!)
>give up trying to do gyaru/V-Kei
>fall out of V-Kei scene and then most of Jrock
>fall out of most of the anime scene, start watching live action and dramas instead
>cosplaying improves because I buy my stuff now instead of half-assing it through closet cosplay
>accept I'll never be super famous or popular and just enjoy being asked for photos in general
>turn my love of /cgl/ into trying to be more helpful and start up a blog that gets super popular
>now trying out nanchatte and itabags as a creative outlet
>a lot happier than I used to be
>still have a weakness for drama but never going back to the levels I was before
>still a hardcore fujoshit that hides her power levels in public
>still roleplaying dem yaois on Omegle

And that was way longer than I thought it would be. Sorry, all!

>> No.8899310

Like a week later I'm remembering that I was a severe elfaboo. I thought I was an elf, (wayyy too short, although I believe I'm poised enough) and wanted to grow my hair out so I could be just like Arwen. I tried learning Elvish so I could get "closer to my roots" and got mad at anyone who couldn't understand me.
I also said itadakimasu before eating, to bring it back to weeby.

>> No.8899560

I was home sick the day 9/11 happened in the states and I remember being equally dissapointed I couldn't watch morning cartoons.

>> No.8899963

Stars was never dubbed under the early dub projects. :(

>> No.8900920

Alice's name is really Saba. She changed her name to be more "rori".

>> No.8900977

My weeaboo life:

>2nd grade learn about JP. Think it is cool, but then forget.

>3rd move to new school. Learn about JP again. Remember how intresting I thought it was and wanting to try sushi. Never did because I lived in a very white area. Start watching SM before school bus to school.. Love it w/o Japanese connection.

>4th FoSM=canceled forget it. Forget JP culture class. Videogames, drawing always, quiet = socail outcast

>5th SM is on Toonami! Start SM fanclub w/friends. Learn it's "Japanese AH-NA-MEE" according to my friend's AOL dialup.

6th> Switch schools, no internet but use libary to look up S.O.S (Save our Sailors) Saved allowance for books at Waldenbooks/Hot Topic Get bullied/beat b/c moved to rural area. Transfer again in suburbs, bullied less for liking SM/Pokemon.

7th>Homeschool, hardly any internet access. Read a shit ton of teen magizines. Remember Cosmogirl and Teen people? Sanrio stuff was cool I started my collection. SM=cancled and only liked PKMN Gameboy. That summer I got yellow (fever) version.

>8th: G/S PKMN is out&get Pikachu N64 for xmas. Moved again and no friends. Worst year of school ever. At least SM was back on & finally got internet @home

>9th gain some people skills and got my first BF that year. Dated for 6-8 months and didn't end up nice=jelous of guys I met playing DDR randomly. friend shows me the FRUiTs book and told me it was Jfashion. Awestruck.

10-12th> Moved to the city. Wear shitty HT decora. Date guys I met playing DDR and that could drive cars. DDR gal pal shows me W-inds and Miyavi. I'm out from my yellow fever closet now. Maybe that is why BF #1 didn't work out.

>After DDR was active in local anime con's comm. Meet college BF (#3 for 2 years. I felt superior twards my HS friends b/c he was in college.)Stop doing shitty decora 18-19 b/c of work.

20s-now Start Gyaru b/c practical/low key weeb&less drama than LOLita. Made JP friends/visit JP often. Joined lolita b/c I moved and GAL died after 2010 RIP

>> No.8900991

OP here.
I didn't have enough charaters but I was totally getting underage drunk at cons/house parties from the anime con community. Totally with out my mom knowing. I was like "Yeah mom, I'm going to an anime con with all my nerdy friends." Maybe she suspected, but never asked

At those parties I was the youngest at 16 and the oldest was 30ish.

Looking back it was crazy and thank god I learned how to drink/handle my shit from the party hosts/guests rather than taken advantage of. I'm still really good friends with a large handful of those people. Oh, and also my "college boyfriend' at the time. I've defiently lost my taste for schnapps.

I'm more of a sipping on Johnny Walker Blue label, Double Black neet or a shot of12 year old Jameson type of girl. If there is bad whiskey I like to mix it with gingerale because that is what Japanese or a good weeaboo does. Japanese wiskey is terrible tho.

>> No.8900999

Its so nice to not be the only one that grew up around MIXX and Tokyopop in Hot topic back in the day. Everyone here seems too young for that. :/

>> No.8902097

I still watch AMVs, but now I'm such an elitest about it (has to be nicely synced, can't have overblown effects everywhere, ect) that it's kind of a pain to look for ones I like.

>> No.8902378

>That's cute as hell anon
I had lovely friends. I was the biggest weaboo ever, but they all indulged me and played along. haha

I had a friend who did a bunch of fanfics for English comp classes in middle school. I was in a different academic track, so we never got away with that kind of thing. I did make anime/fandom websites in my HTML/graphics course in Freshman year though. Some kid sitting behind me caught on and tried to talk to me about DBZ. Which I didn't really watch. Ever.

I still have them in a box somewhere. Little individual chapters of Sailor Moon with artwork from the manga as the covers. Good times. They were so cheap, too. Like $1 per or something? There was one girl who worked at Hot Topic who knew me, and she'd keep new ones under the counter for me whenever they came in.

>> No.8903195
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I'm so thankful I was self-conscious enough in middle school to not be a weeb outwardly (I fucking hated when my friends would wear kawaii uguu~ shirts or blatantly read manga in class, keep that shit in your lap), but you bet your ass I was online and alone with friends.

>RPing on Neopets and Gaia
>Anime magazines like Animerica and Newtype
>Introduction to smut via badly written lemon fanfics
>My friend used to write self-insert FMA fanfiction in a composition book and make us all characters
>claiming and arguing about husbandos with friends
>Feeling so cultured for watching shit in Japanese and listening to OPs/EDs
>Burning DVDs of several individually-downloaded episodes to share with friends
>Pocky and Ramune! Also other Asian snacks like Botan Rice Candy and Koala's March
>Never got into Sailor Moon much but Inuyasha, Bleach, and Naruto, aw yeah
>Threw a party when Naruto started airing on Toonami

Most of my middle/high school friends either grew out of anime or mellowed out to be much more casual. I kind of drifted out of it halfway through high school until freshman year of college got me back into the saddle, and Attack on Titan dragged me back into seasonal hell where I've been ever since.

Out of all the things I'm grateful for in my life, one of the biggest is that I have close friends I can go 100% weeb with. My college buddies, we can be actual functioning adults around other people, and rabid bitches together. Talking about fanfiction, deep discussions on characters and shipping bullshit, complaining about other people's shitty taste, going to cons, cosplaying, and doing Artist Alleys together. Shit's amazing.

I'm a little sad kids these days don't really do weeaboo phases, now it's RACIST HOW DARE YOU, JAPAN IS PROBLEMATIC. The times, they are a-changing.

>> No.8903370

Kek felt the same when the news reports about Princess Dianas death intruded on Sailor Moons air time.

>> No.8903465

kind of proud of your journey

>> No.8903501

>Introduction to smut via badly written lemon fanfics
This. So much 'and then he moaned and took out his YOU KNOW XD *looks around* *blushes* and put it in her ummmm places'. It was one of the things that made me want to write good porn.

I miss being a weeb. It was so fun spending hours on Quizilla, discovering which element I was and which Sailor Scout I fought like and which husbando would woo me into a horrifyingly abusive yaoi relationship. I'd trawl through DA looking for bad porn, genuinely thought dorito-faced yaois were hot as hell, and spent hours dreaming up anime-inspired prom dresses which I thankfully never made.
You'll find that kids these days are just as weeby; it's just that they now have rivals in the form of SJWs with an inferiority complex and too much free time.
And if you want to find out what happens next in AOT, read the manga. It's horrifying at times, but it's not like you're going to be spared when the next season rolls around.

>> No.8903551

I just remember being really mad that she was all that was ever on the news and I didn't get why they had to keep talking about it for so long after the fact. I was like, 5.

I just remember the absolute wonder I felt when I went to my first convention, but all we did was go to the dealers' room. It wasn't until I was in high school when we started staying all 3 days at our one big con and actually started going to panels. I still get super fucking giddy when I walk in the convention center that first day, though.

>> No.8903552

>in elementary school
>obsessively into Pokemon and Yugioh
>I watch them every day after school and every Saturday morning on the WB
>only know one girl who likes Pokemon and no girls in my school like Yugioh so I learn early on to hide my powerlevels and I turn to the internet
>discover godawful geocities shrines with Linkin Park autoplay music
>I email the shrine owners sometimes and they don't seem to realize that I'm like 9 years old so I talk about which guys from Yugioh I have crushes on with adults
>I print out pictures of my anime crushes and store them in my nightstand drawer
>every night I look at the pictures and imagine I'm in their shows
>I fantasize about chilling on the couch with them and battling them and stuff
>the game Hey You, Pikachu! prompts this huge outpouring of autism from me
>I create an AU in my head in which all the human characters in Pokemon and Yugioh are turned into the species of Pokemon that can be found in the Hey You, Pikachu! game areas
>I proceed to play the game religiously with the Pokemon all representing characters from the shows I like
>Ruby/Sapphire come out and I gain a new obsession, which is making this bush in our back yard into a real life secret base (it didn't work out and I eventually gave up but I had fun trying)
>Still one of the most fulfilling periods in my life to this day
I miss being a kid.

>> No.8903738

Thank you anon. I'm still working on myself but I'm really glad I'm not an adult weeb or delusional.

>> No.8903758
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I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, but luckily my parents/family were pretty supportive

> dad and uncle get me into sailor moon
> dad records all the toonami episodes on VHS tapes for me
> dad also bought me all the fancy VHS tapes from F.Y.E.
> used to play pretend sailor moon; i was always usagi and my dad was always mamoru

> almost every sunday mom would take me to Barnes and Noble to pick out a manga
> she took me to see the live-action Death Note movies and ended up really liking the series herself
> fond memories of her taking me to little shitty anime stores around our home city and helping me pick out anime movies and manga
> she would listen to me ramble about naruto characters or whatever i was into at the time

> dad drove me to first con
> mom helped me make my first cosplay

also, i worked at Barnes and Noble over the summer and the growth of their manga section was amazing to see. i remember back in the day they only had maybe 2 full bookcases and you'd always have to order stuff in when they ran out. now it's like, 4 or 5 full bookcases and tons in the back room. young kids have it so easy these days

>> No.8903788

That tugged the heartstrings, anon

>> No.8904287
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Different countries different meanings anon

>> No.8904785

It's things like this that make me miss being a delusional weeb, so much of the weird shit I did was hilarious. I had a secret base too, where me and the magical girls I'd collected (Sailor Moon and Tokyo Mew Mew, mostly) would get together to discuss people I hated at school and plan days out together. God I was a sad kid.
This is so sweet! I got my parents to watch the live-action Death Note on TV, dad was fascinated by how Light and L tried to out-gambit each other and mum developed a massively embarrassing crush on Light, who was also my crush at the time. Snapped me out of that pretty quick.

>> No.8905734
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I still make AMVs. It lead to work where I got to meet some really cool people and go behind the scenes at a film studio but left because my boss treated me like shit. The other staff and clients were awesome though.

I was about 7 when I first read Ironfist Chinmi; my mother's cousins were big into comics. My parents watched Akira, GITS, Evangelion etc. though my Dad is now a super militant Christian but still watches DBZ. When my ma was studying, her friend Akiko would bring me Pokemon stuff from Japan. My Dad's boss gave me his duplicate DBZ/Pokemon cards and I was allowed to watch Toonami when I came to work with him.

When staying at my Grandma's, she had cable so I'd get up early to watch CCS, Pokemon, Flint the Time Detective, Digimon, Monster Rancher etc.

Going to a girl's high school, I joined the anime club but was the only one who actually brought anything in- I'm still missing my GLB volume 1 and a few issues of Shojo Beat... I rented A LOT of manga from the local library like D.N.Angel and Naruto.

I LARPED and was HEAVILY into my fanfic/doujin and still am, which is why I'm a keen artist and writer. I love me some yaoi. Still have printouts of Baku/Thief/Tendershipping from over a decade ago on my bookshelf. I submitted fanfics for English schoolwork.

I became obsessed with JRPGs and taught myself 5 instruments in a year because I loved FF soundtracks. I took Music GCSE out of nowhere, performing two pieces from FFX and convinced the school orchestra to play Tifa's Theme at a concert.

I got into Lolita around 2004 and bought disgusting shit from Cosmates. I had no knowledge of a lolita 'community' so I didn't know how to SS/auction. I didn't even know about Bodyline. I still have babby's first extremely overpriced offbrand dresses, one of which I modified for oldschool. I kept telling myself I was going to cut it up, sell or or give it away but it has too many memories attached.

Have a weeby collage

>> No.8906013

Oh fuck are you the one who wore lolita to that wedding?
Either way, a lot of this sounds really sweet.

>> No.8906023

My first real anime was Sailor Moon, and as a kid I did a lot of Sailor Moon related stuff. I would go online to this chat room called Sailor Moon Chat, which we shortened to "The SMC". We would roleplay, but god moding was against the rules there. I had a sailormoon.com email address. I had bad Chuunibyou syndrome in late elementary school spurred on by my older sister. It was Sailor Moon themed, of course, though we wrote a fanfic with our friends as a group that was DBZ themed. I paired up with my best friend who I later realized I was super gay for to be the twin sisters Sailor Eternity and Sailor Infinity. I started going around as Eienai online for awhile after that, or Eienai Tenshi.

>> No.8906032

You can't have chuunibyou syndrome when you're not even in middle school yet, the term itself literally means middle schooler

>> No.8906036

You're taking it too literally. It's called that because it refers to behaviors that commonly occur during that time, but you don't have to be in your second year of middle school (which is what it actually means).

>> No.8906040

Exactly my point, it's normal for kids that age and younger to act stupid. Which is why it's used to refer to adult manchildren, not dumb kids and younger teenagers.

>> No.8906041

Oh wow, when I got to work this morning, one of my coworkers told me about how he's been laughing about old Family Guy jokes, and has been shouting "BUTTSCRATCHER!" every now and then for a few hours now. Makes me think of cons.

>> No.8906050

You are completely misunderstanding the term. It is used to refer to people that are actually around that age as well, not just people who are older but act that age. There's even an anime about it set in middle school.

>> No.8906051

You can't be a chuuni if you're that young. It is literally "8th grade syndrome" or whatever. If you're that young you're just a baby weeb. Chuunis are like highschoolers and adults who still act like they are whatever self-insert OC. Kids are expected to be immature and do dumb shit.

>> No.8906053
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Chuunibyou is set in highschool, anon

>> No.8906057


It makes me so happy to hear about kids whose parents were nerdy themselves, or who encouraged their children's nerdiness/weebiness.

My parents definitely weren't nerds, and they're still accepting me coming out of the nerd closet. They're happy that I'm happy, but they don't understand.

>> No.8906065

Oops, misunderstood the thing I watched (looked up the anime since I've heard about it, but haven't watched). It still says the main character dude who is normal now had it in middle school, though. Otherwise I'm done debating because you make fair points and I can't keep on getting distracted from learning Python to check for replies here. I just wanted to tell my silly little story of the goofy shit I did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XdxdePNzog

>> No.8906067


>teehee i'm a programmer btw

you're cancer

>> No.8906068

Chuuni is basically edgy behaviour. Not social retarded adult, just edgy kid. My brother is currently a chuuni; he's in 9th grade right now but it has been going on for a year and a half or so.

>> No.8906071

I'm not a programmer, I'm studying to be an engineer. And learning Python is actually what I'm doing right now since it's one of the suggested programs that I learn and I'm already about two years in so I want to go ahead and get to it. So defensive, Anon.

>> No.8906081


tell us more about what makes you so special and smart anon

>> No.8906088

>>be me, Dir en grey fan
>>fashion style influenced by Kyo
I'm so glad I didn't get into Dir en grey until after I was past my weeb phase. Otherwise I would have been such an embarrassment.

>> No.8906222

Derpy chan's spoonflower has some pretty good stuff. Currently saving for some because I thought a derp skirt would be fun.

>> No.8906230

A lot of our tutorial threads were the same things over and over again anyway. The tutorials are gathered together on a website now, as well. http://www.cosplaytutorial.com/

>> No.8907655
