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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 600x600, CbFXSTRUYAAiRvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8894375 No.8894375 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosaging

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.8894378
File: 104 KB, 600x800, CcifSQMUAAAVHPO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see a OP bag, let alone Sanji!

>> No.8894381

>thought the otter was a fetus.

how awkward.

>> No.8894387
File: 162 KB, 960x720, CcEpOv5UEAASRBK.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Osomatsu-san bag (these are very prominent lately...)

>> No.8894388
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>> No.8894391
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>> No.8894394

its not hard to make one with the amount of merch thats being shat out.

>> No.8894396
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>> No.8894399
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Very true.

>> No.8894402
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End dump.

Also, seems that an artist is making some itabags of their own. I love the white base with the colored details, rather than the bag being all one color. Very cute.

>> No.8894404
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>> No.8894412

Has anyone made a miku one?

>> No.8894454

Ok so I've searched the guides and cant figure this out:

I'm looking for a term similar to "LOT" as used in english ebay listings. Is there a similar japanese term to finding a group of items rather than just one?

>> No.8894467

YaJ! Uses セット a lot

>> No.8894474 [DELETED] 

Can someone please explain to me wtf is an itabag? (sorry I've been away for like.. a year )

>> No.8894493
File: 1.46 MB, 2914x2086, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if image quality is shit & huge. Saw two people at AM with itabags and took a pic. I really like the Kogitsunemaru one.

>> No.8894498
File: 1.27 MB, 1808x3000, itabags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry this image is huge and all over the place but here are my itabags so far, taking a break right now to save up for a particular one. i started making itabags from my visits to tokyo disney resort so that's why there are more of them.

>> No.8894502

I hope people here get to the level on the right. Some people don't like the clutter but that's what I imagine when I think of an itabag. It's just hard if you're interested in an older character so you can't order merch as it's released and you can't check through physical stores like you could in Japan.

>> No.8894513

I knew I wasn't the only one!

>> No.8894600

Kogitsunemaru person actually is here in this thread frequently! They really are incredible.

>> No.8894611

Your Disney bags give me so much life. The Goofy one makes me so happy, especially since you got a little picture of him with it!!
I really like the idea of putting doujins in the heart bags too, and the cute charms you put on the zippers. Can you tell me where you found those?

>> No.8894643

I'm looking for a brown base bag but I am having trouble finding one. If anyone spots one please link me.

>> No.8894724
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg im the one with the sayo bag
I actually just got a bunch more stuff toda and added, so here's a fresh picture of what my bag looks like now. Sorry if the pic is huge, I'm on mobile

>> No.8894744
File: 782 KB, 1263x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm not sure if anyone would be interested, but I put together a collage of my progress with my bag. It took about 5 months? But I'm still not ready to say I'm done ((despite not having much space left)). Now I'm debating if I should get a second bag or go onto the back side.

>> No.8894888

>touken ranbu bag
>Tiger & Bunny doujin
All my yes.

>> No.8895004

holy shit, literal bag goals. how long have you been making itabags?
not only good taste in bags, but good taste in perfume

>> No.8895185

After multiple attempts of trying to use my own clear bag + tote bag I give up and decide to just get an actual base itabag to stop making my life hard.

I want to get the heart wego back and thinking of getting a neutral colour. I'm leaning more to white but does the bag get dirty easily?

>> No.8895661
File: 681 KB, 1920x1920, 2016-03-04 18.27.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby's first itabag is done!
I really wished that there were more Fate/Stay Night bags, but it feels good to know that I'm probably the first person to make one for Archer and Shirou.
I have a couple more items coming in, but other than that it's pretty much done. Gonna replace the messed up artsmoo button when I can, too.

>> No.8895672
File: 23 KB, 530x313, sudoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw want to make an itabag of an over 10 years old character who got a limited and rare amount of merch

kill me

>> No.8895687

the character i'm making an itabag for has literally no merchandise so i've made custom badges and i'm going to look into making a plush or commissioning one. you can get very DIY with this sort of thing.

>> No.8895710

A lpt of people have itabag fo characters with no merch, so dit and get what you can.

>> No.8895724

I want to make a Yu-Gi-Oh one and i feel you so bad right now

>popular anime/card game
>expensive/little to no merch

>> No.8895858

If they're in a manga then it's really easy to make a nice cohesive bag with shrinky dinks and badges like we saw in the past thread. If you want to make something with colour then it's not too hard to design some things in Photoshop for print. Who is it?

>> No.8895862

oh anon your ARIEL stuff!!! I just finished working a 6 month period at Disney and with Ariel being my absolute favorite princess I just completely shat myself with how much I bought for her. I didn't even realize Disney itas were a thing, heavily considering one now...

>> No.8895961

anything can be ita if you believe, anon.

my everyday bag is looking more ita than some of the bags i see in these threads, but it isn't for a specific character/series so in a way that just makes it even more painful to look at kek. i wish i wasn't just getting into itabagging because the character i really want to make a bag for is from a series that's starting to fade merch-wise, i didn't see any new merch of him at the last con i went to which was a first

>> No.8896101


The doujin bags area cool idea, especially for those that have limited merch of their husbandos and/or are on a budget.

>> No.8896227

Any ideas on how to attach figures to bags? Not big ones or anything, just like...5-6 inches?

I'm making a bag for N from Pokemon and his merch is limited, but I was already planning to get the figures so I figured maybe I could turn them into keychains or something.

I'm actually kind of excited figuring out how to make this bag. Probably going to end up getting keychains and cards for Zorua, Reshiram, and Zekrom since they're the pokemon usually associated with him. Hopefully it won't end up looking like a trainwreck haha.

>> No.8896304

Self-adhesive velcro maybe? Not sure if it'll peel away completely cleanly though.

>> No.8896344

This fuels my need for a Jyushimatsu ita bag..

>> No.8896368
File: 1.12 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bag progress! Obviously the decoration isn't done, but I just wanted to show you guys the bag I made. I sew the tote using one of my favorite tote bags as a pattern, then bought some pvc-plastic "fabric" from a local fabric store (it cost 3€/m so that was nice) and sewed a pouch for my bag. And today I attached some snap fasteners on the clear pouch and the tote, so that they stay together but can be removed if I want to. Pretty pleased with this! I just wish the post would deliver my rosettes and new pins I ordered already...

>> No.8896371
File: 1.24 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some decoration test I did a while back with the stuff I now have. Way too empty for my liking, but I just ordered ten new pins! Also I once mentioned in an old thread that I'm making a plushie for my bag, so here's that too-- it came out okay for my first plushie ever

>> No.8896385

Someone last thread (or the thread before) suggested sewing them on with a bit of fishing line. Like around the limbs and stuff

>> No.8896518

Hey fellow YGO itabag anon! I'm starting on one of Jounouchi and I'm getting a few cell phone straps from auctions, then might make my own custom badges. Maybe you want to try that too? Which character were you thinking of?

>> No.8896597

Looking good anon! The plushie is adorable.

>> No.8896625

I really love the look of this. The black and white is really chic, makes me tempted to do a manga style bag too. I just keep lurking these threads because I like too many characters and I am having a hard time choosing one for my first bag.

>> No.8896838

How do you guys attach your inner bag to the clear outer layer? Or do you just carry both of the bags' straps at the same time?

>> No.8896873

The straps go through the bag in the zakkamart tote.

>> No.8896879
File: 321 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1456529069599377401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dropped pic

>> No.8896888

I'm probably asking a stupid question but, where did you get those transparent heart bags from?

>> No.8896891

I was just gonna ask if anyone has a taobao link for them.

>> No.8896893

Different anon but Wego for official, eBay for knockoffs.

>> No.8896894

Is it still for sale on Wego? inb4 out of stock.

>> No.8896897

Not a clue, anon. You'll have to check.

>> No.8896901

certain colors are still in stock. the last time i checked, pink, lavender, and white were still in stock whereas sax and the darker colors are sold out.

thanks for the info, anon!

>> No.8896984


My google skills are failing me tonight but there was that pic of Kageyama goods off a phone and one of them was a pic of a fig with a mini backpack keychain strapped so maybe you could try something like that?

>> No.8897045

I'm working on it.. must endure the painful wait for preorders to come in.

>> No.8897088

Requested a quote from Buynosaur a couple days before CNY and they still haven't gotten back. Even with their disclaimer this is getting ridiculous

>> No.8897098
File: 17 KB, 216x262, 5121877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Juice bag as well!

>> No.8897104

That perler-esque karamatsu is fueling me to make an ichi out of perlers

>> No.8897138

How can I know for sure that I got a knockoff? I bought the Wego bag off eBay via a link someone posted in the last thread, but I'd like a couple things to look for to know for sure if the bag is a knockoff or not.

>> No.8897184

What's the most cost-efficient way to send small character keychains through the mail? I've got a few leftovers from sets I've been trying to get rid of locally but want to try to do it online now (they're relatively less popular characters than the ones that went already).

>> No.8897246

Bubble envelopes.

>> No.8897274

does anyone know any good base bags for pedals? (Hakogaku specifically?)

>> No.8897281

I sell on ebay, and I've either been using small bubble mailers or the clasp envelopes and wrapping the charms in bubble wrap myself because I have too much of it lying around.
What are you selling?

>> No.8897282

>What are you selling?

I want to know too anon.

>> No.8897321
File: 82 KB, 600x600, FIG-COL-7669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftovers from a full set of P3 and P4 Puchibitto, among other small things. I was thinking of posting on Tumblr or ebay but didn't know what's best method of sending them out.

>> No.8897367

Send them a message anon. I got mine back a day later, this was probably a week ago.

I'm liking Buynosaur so far. Nicest people to deal with

>> No.8897374

which ones? I'd be hella interested. honestly i'd be interested in seeing everything you're selling.

>> No.8897502
File: 281 KB, 800x544, 6797557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess any bag would work? Something blue if you want a Hakogaku one. Unless you want the base bag to be officially licensed Yowapeda-product.
I went to Mandarake to search for official Yowapeda-bags and found this http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1023395229&ref=list Seems like a pretty good base bag. Obviously it doesn't come with a protective clear pouch, but you could make one yourself like >>8896368 did. Mandarake has plenty of other official bags as well.

>pic related to my aching heart because I want to make a T2 bag but I'm still hestitating

>> No.8897587

I use these,
If you sell via ebay you can just print the labels straight from there and slap it on the bubbler, it's pretty easy.

>> No.8897591

Ph who do you have left if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.8897595

Is this an early teenager thing?

>> No.8897609

Do you think tweens would have enough dosh for this much merch on one bag?

>> No.8897618
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>> No.8897619
File: 80 KB, 600x600, CcikUMiVAAAyeeR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these osomatsu bags make me want to make one, but I can't decide on who.

>> No.8897621

No. I've probably spent at least $300 on mech for my bag.

>> No.8897627

>Is that bag sold on Wego's website?
If no, it's a knockoff.

>Is it surprisingly cheap, like under $25?
If yes, it's a knockoff.

>> No.8897630

If you're a young teenager that just happens to get $50 every time you wash dishes or clean your room.

>> No.8897634

Now this is a work of art. How the heck did they get the picture frame up there?

>> No.8897659

God, I feel you fellow Yu-Gi-Oh anon.... my fave is in GX and there is just no merch of him at all. I'm planning a bag anyway though, I've just got to make all the merch from scratch. What are you thinking of making a bag of?

>> No.8897696
File: 532 KB, 1066x1600, 1448699568525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're looking for this one, anon?

I'd honestly try to avoid putting large/non chibi-gashapon figures in my itabag unless it's the nendo in a sleeping bag like the tourabu one, but if you're not clumsy like me and can pull it off, go for it!

>> No.8897699
File: 519 KB, 666x720, 1451953709912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 60 dollars worth of Todo/Ichi merch in my amiami cart and I can't decide if I should hit pre-order or not.

>> No.8897817

I made a Neko Atsume ita phone. I just ordered 8 more straps for it since they just released more. I only buy cats I like though so I don't collect them all. I'm trying to figure out how to take a picture of the straps on my phone though, lol. Might have to borrow my bf's phone!

Currently have: Two plushies
10 cat straps
1 donut chain (for Tubbs).

>> No.8897826

I desperately need pics of this. Use webcam or something?

>> No.8897832

Yes that's it!

I can't wait to see it!

>> No.8897884

Guess who just did the same damn thing

>> No.8897889
File: 216 KB, 1005x756, tripledeluxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P3: Yukari, Junpei, Ken
P4: Nanako, Yukiko, Kanji
#9, 10 of pic related (Magolor and Taranza)

>> No.8897954
File: 803 KB, 780x1040, IMG_20160306_122158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shitty pic. Bf's phone doesn't have the best camera and our apartment has shitty lighting.

I'll take another when I get the 8 other straps in sometime this week.

Also apologize for saying "though" a lot, just woke up.

>> No.8897959

Looking cute so far. I love the donut charms.

>> No.8897976

I'm doing the same for Ichi and Jyushi but I'm trying to contain myself and only have about 30 dollars worth of stuff already preordered, trying really hard not to keep adding stuff to my order.

>> No.8897980

Oops, hit post before getting to reply to the other comments I was going to.

What kind of bag are you going for? Kinda tempted to get a custom tote with some picture on it as a bg for the merch but hnn..

>> No.8897984

Anyone seen any bags this size with a window?
I'm this tempted to just trying to DM the girl's twitter and ask in Japanese.

>> No.8897994

Not that anon but I'm purchasing mainly fanmade Ichi merch, as most of the official stuff just seems to be the same 4-5 pieces of art for Ichi.

>> No.8898099

> tfw just confirmed four pre-orders of merch
> tfw calculate the total cost without shipping is $1,000
> tfw only one piece is itabag related
I am in deep animus, hold me.

>> No.8898113
File: 1.18 MB, 300x200, 24508kh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living the dream, anon.

>> No.8898116
File: 142 KB, 500x735, tumblr_o0tevcPDqm1shlsjko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even commit to a character? After the longest time I'm finally about to buy some Koujaku badges in bulk(going for that repeated badge/charms look) but I'm so scared I'll regret it, because that's a lot of the same junk to have laying around.

>> No.8898118
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1335999716383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I pray is that you and the other buyf/a/gs have a full-time jobs, anon.
>tfw only working part time but can easily drop a benjamin on fucking keychains and tin cans when I have 6 months until my student loan grace period ends

>> No.8898130

That's POMMOP's Mise Pochette. Or there's the six-way bag by Movic that's about the same size, that's not out yet though.

>> No.8898138

I get you anon.
Ever since I learned about these bags I want to make one for X,Y and Z character, but shit, it's a lot of stuff to buy.
I think it's just better to sleep on it and really ask yourself if you like the character, or if you just want a cute new bag.

>> No.8898152
File: 1.07 MB, 640x360, 1361194075448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh! Thanks a ton anon, I didn't know about the brand.

>> No.8898212

I don't know what the average age of an itabagger is but I'm 23 lol

>> No.8898222
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my base bag for a butters themed bag. Butters has a surprising amount of ita bag suitable merchandise. I am very excited about this project!

>> No.8898227

>Butters bag
Bless you, anon.

>> No.8898232

I have this same problem so I'm considering either getting a smaller bag to fit less merch and swap characters when I feel like it or get one to fit all my merch of different characters/series

>> No.8898237

Your doing the Lord's work

>> No.8898240

I'm considering looking for fanmade merch too, a couple items I preordered can't even be used for an ita bag (hairbrush, file case, etc). Do you have any particular artists you'd recommend?
I draw too and I'm looking into making a few badges and shrinkydinks for myself whenever I have the chance to pick up my tablet back home, too either way.

Holy fucking shit, anon..!

>> No.8898241

trips confirm

>> No.8898247

anon, please marry me

>> No.8898248
File: 188 KB, 540x720, tumblr_o2oy0oAtrO1qfvrzvo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only does this look amazing but they also have great taste too

>> No.8898320

I can only wish my total was this low just for ichi...last time i checked i think i was at 60k yen just for april

>> No.8898326

No one immediately pops up but there is a lot of nice Ichi fanmade stuff on storenvy, such as buttons, phone charms etc. One store has a preorder up for Oso tsumtsums, but I can't remember if they're the small ones or not.

>> No.8898339

Thanks a bunch! I'll be sure to look around

>> No.8898431

I don't even know what this anime is but I keep seeing it on ita bags and it looks really cute

>> No.8898434


>> No.8898436

Sorry but me and butters are engaged.

>> No.8898440

Nice! Maybe someday I'll do a Disney bag. A big hero 6 one would be cool

>> No.8898445
File: 1.48 MB, 540x304, osomatsu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Osomatsu-san. Cehck it out its pretty different from a lot of shows these days and even the seiyuus have commented it's refreshing to work on instead of the same old action or fujobait shows. The first episode had to be taken down from Crunchyroll because it violated too much copyright law because it makes fun of practically every popular anime.

>> No.8898454

i understand, anon. i'm heartbroken, but i understand. please continue to share progress of your bag as you work on it!

>> No.8898456

Ok I will

>> No.8898458
File: 212 KB, 340x384, Clare_Profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What characters would those be? I'm tempted to make one of Clare from Claymore but I'm in the same boat. Pic related is her.

>> No.8898470

I find it funny how it actually is full of fujobait, it's just used to make a mockery of it. And it works, since I keep seeing people on my social media feeds going insane over the "shipping", without realizing how the show itself makes fun of it.
Haven't had this much fun with an anime in a while.

>> No.8898491

The Ichimatsu Incident episode caused everyone around me to go into maximum overship and them not getting why I keep having to stifle my laughter when they talk about their KaraIchi things

>> No.8898508
File: 365 KB, 624x1444, 未命名_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to make multiple bags for Juice.
I have this tote,

and this yellow bag and his back pack.

I definitely recommend Yahoo jp auctions and BOOTH for good merch, official / fan made.
Here are a few things I've ordered/own.





I'm also on the look out for Osomatsu x Samurai Japan goods with him.
I also have tsumtsum Juice coming in a few animate cafe goods and some valentines mech I paid way to much for.

(And of course hundreds of dollars pre ordered with Amico. I have no idea why I can't stop.)

>> No.8898513
File: 1.01 MB, 687x708, kjg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poster here >>8898445 summed it up nicely. It's a very funny show and honestly the shipping can be ignored very easily since there isn't really much fanservice. There is undertones but if shipping isn't your thing it's very easily ignored and what you're left with is one of the best shows of its season. I highly recommend it since it's honestly so refreshing and creative compared to the rest of the shit that's been pumping out recently.

>> No.8898536

Woah, that's some love for Jyu, anon! All my envy for all that nice merch and praise for the dedication.
I can't really justify spending a lot of money on merch + SS + shipping fees but those are really nice and I'll keep them in my saved links. Thank you very much! I didn't know of BOOTH before but I'm not sure why didn't I remember to take a look at Y!JP already. You were certainly very helpful.

>> No.8898539

Did you need a proxy for the Booth sites?

>> No.8898554

Fujoshi will latch onto anything with men in it, even if it wasn't intended to happen. Like Death Note for example. Light was supposed to be the bishie and L was supposed to be like the opposite of bishie yet there are so many L fangirls (including me at one point). But at least I never shipped LxLight, that's just weird.

>> No.8898561

The incest shipping in Osomatsu always weirded me out. I don't know, to me, the episodes just come across as brotherly interactions.

>> No.8898571

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.8898573

You are aware that incest shippings are extremely common in yaoi (and porn in general)?

>> No.8898575

as long as 2 male characters exist in an anime, fujos will ship them and porn will exist. it dosent matter the context of the anime, it just happens.

>> No.8898577

When you are in too deep it just happens I personally don't "get" it per say or even get shipping at all in Osomatsu-san, but I think that is mostly because I've been reading and watch Osomatsu-kun since I was a kid. It is just... fujoshit happens.

>> No.8898579

It doesn't really help that girls don't really get as much fanservice as guys get in general so we have to make our own with what we have.

>> No.8898591
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, iwa owikawa kuroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel anon. im actually a fujo myself, i ship everything. theres so much fanservice animes with big tits and panties everywhere, not that theres anything wrong with that, but male characters dont really seem to get the same treatment most the time. although currently theres more fanservicery things for meant for females then what once was. ever since Free! its gotten more popular. makes my heart flutter!

anyway to stay on topic, im currently trying to piece together my kuroo tetsurou x kenma kozume ita bag. id like to display my larger figures on it, does anyone have any idea of how to do this? the thing im the most scared of it dropping somehow and me not noticing.
pics not mine.

>> No.8898594

Yes I'm aware, just isn't my thing is all. And it's just really prevalent in a large majority of fan stuff for Osomatsu-san.

Maybe not so much in merchandise, but in fanart.

>> No.8898620

>tfw your two favorite characters from a series have the same color scheme meaning you could do one bag for both of them
>tfw that color is the only color you look awful in
Yellow against any of my skin instantly makes me look sick/washed out and I hate it.

>> No.8898668

In the previous thread, an anon suggested just picking a color base you like, if the colors for a character don't work for you.

>> No.8898682
File: 251 KB, 530x400, 53939257_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm crazy about him.
I understand.
It's nice that so many of the booth artists products are so cheap and USD is strong. Which is why I'm going nutty probably.

Yes just like >>8898571 said.
But if you do have an artist you like you can buy their digital doujin.

>> No.8898712

Who did you happen to use if you don't mind me asking? BOOTH PM has a ton of merch I'm now eyeing for the two bags I'm planning.

>> No.8898748


they have iphones and no taste?

>> No.8898774

I know it's ridiculous but I do use Zen Market.
They are prompt polite and very professional.
300 JPY fee for each item is why it's painful.

I also have a friend that I send most of my amazon jp orders to her house then she sends them to me.

>> No.8898875

There's a lot of Karaichi merch desu, they know their fanbase.

I'm suffering because I want to make a bag for both of them since they're my top 2 matsus but I don't want people to think I ship them.
>tfw I usually don't like crack pairings but ships Ichinyan to escape the incest

>> No.8898951
File: 325 KB, 566x474, bab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8897045 here
I have a bunch of official merchandise on my way, including a simple tote with the pine logo in yellow. I'm just going for a collage styled bag with maybe a few handmade pieces here and there. This will be my first time putting a bag together. I think I ordered about $200 worth of Jyushi/Matsu merch so far....

>> No.8898977

>implying kids buy their own phones

>> No.8899145

I always scratch my head when /a/ complains about the fujo ruining their anime when there's 200 threads of male otaku/lolicon pandering anime threads on the front page.
Fujo get one decently animated/budgeted show a season that panders to them if they're lucky... And half the time it's just based on a otome game anyway.
Probably why there's still so many utapri bags around.

>> No.8899154

Hey anon, could I buy the Kanji one from you? Email is in field

>> No.8899167


dam um jim

>> No.8899206
File: 153 KB, 600x594, 55370137_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make ichi bag
>always hated purple
I feel you anon.
I ended buying a grape colored bag anyway just in the hopes it'll grow on me once I put merch on it.

>> No.8899273
File: 262 KB, 700x573, 1450565273133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well esp kitty normally comes with Ichi, so you can look at it as purple and orange

>> No.8899336
File: 27 KB, 350x350, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god I just changed my glasses so I'm not tempted to get these. The graduation pendants, on the other hand....

>> No.8899350
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, ygo bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do not despair, fellow YGO anons! My finacee and are I living out in Japan at the moment and we're getting a LOT of new merch from the new movie coming out, and not only DM stuff.

At the very least, you should be able to find the new badge sets that came out in the arcades. Hit up yahoo auctions and see what you can get

>> No.8899352
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, ygo bag 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is the other side of the bag

>> No.8900027

I love it!! Good to see GX get more merch, and I really like that Rua and Ruka pin too.

>> No.8900061

>in the process of making an itabag for a character licensed by Disney
>find official pin on the Disney website for $10 USD
>sweeeee- Forty Fucking USD Shipping
>live ten thousand miles away from any kind of Disney park or resort so I can't get it in person either

S-someday ;_;

>> No.8900164

P L S!

>> No.8900167


I feel you.

> Want a gaston ita bag
> he has likes 3 pins out right now
> they're all blind bags

>> No.8900470

What's the japanese term for pinback buttons/badges? I'm looking to buy from yahoo! japan for the first time but I don't think I've seen it mentioned anywhere.

>> No.8900489

バッジ is "badge". 缶バッジ is "can badge".
Next time read the FAQ.

>> No.8900525

Where do you live anon?

>> No.8900534

I'm so tempted to make a Kaiba itabag, good to know there's going to be some new merch for him.

>> No.8900538
File: 93 KB, 636x358, v9kq2ef1bpngshzna2ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I was in Ikebukuro this summer I accidentally ran into an itabag meetup, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever!

My only question- where do you guys use yours? Do you bring them out to do errands and stuff, or are they mostly just for decoration? I really want to get into making them, but I'm not sure what I'd do with it beyond hang it up in my room.

>> No.8900554

Still in the process of making mine, but I imagine I'll be wearing it to anime conventions and Japanese festivals.

I wish there were itabag meetups in Melbourne. It would be so nice to meet people with similar interests.

>> No.8900706

New Zealand. Pretty good for Japanese merch, absolute rubbish for western stuff.

>> No.8900728

I started watching osomatsu-san because of you guys, this is my first time in an ita bag thread bc I was curious to see what this was all about

Now I have a new favorite show. You gulls are the best.

>> No.8900738
File: 1.74 MB, 1249x768, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SideM merch train gaining speed
>Beautiful obnoxious all over print shirts are go
>Nothing for S.E.M

>> No.8900742

This makes me happy. Enjoy the Matsumadness!

>> No.8900797
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 1435723563311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey senpai

>> No.8900822
File: 15 KB, 236x243, 1420179015767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be buyf/a/g as all get out with a weakness for rubber straps
>have enough straps to make at least four solid character bags
>can't bring self to buy a bag/make a clear outer bag for existing character bags to display straps

I wanna join the fun, but when I could buy the Wego bag or grab an old rubber strap off my wishlist, I go for the strap.

Not to mention the mere thought about taking some of my rare/old/exclusive straps outside the relative safety of my place makes my blood pressure skyrocket

>> No.8900877
File: 31 KB, 500x313, Lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel any better, my fave High x Joker, looks like absolute shit.

>> No.8900971

Haha, I was the same way.
Eventually I said "fuck it" and decided to start carrying around some of my favorite straps. I felt they deserved to see the outside world instead of being stuck inside my room for eternity.
You could try getting a cheaper bag than the wego one just to test the waters too.

>> No.8900978
File: 45 KB, 500x400, GOODS-00079234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really wanted this keychain for my Jyushi bag and kept seeing it listen as exclusive on Y!JP auctions and didn't grab it in time, the other listings were still still days away and I get itchy waiting... checked Amiami just for the sake of it and there it was, for cheaper, on pre-order.. kinda want to slap myself.
On another note, I'm actually gathering enough character merch for an ita bag, at last, and I'm so excited!

>> No.8900983

desu if you dont mind waiting im sure a shittonne of merch will start popping up on surugaya or mandarake cos the hype will die down (I think), and you can pull yourself a nice bag withoiut killing your wallet.

>> No.8901005

Isn't the series ending in a few episodes? The hype depending on that should maybe hold on for another 3-4 months before falling of there is no talk of another potential season 2bh.

>> No.8901019

Yeah, I'm considering doing that, just pre-ordering some keychains for now, I'm mainly looking through Y!JP because I really want one or two of the animate cafe keychains. But like anon >>8901005 mentioned, the hype is still gonna be there for a few more months and in case it gets a second season, it won't be very soon (considering how popular it is in Japan, I can see them making another season, t bh).
I'm also considering getting custom made badges and charms so my wallet doesn't die.

>> No.8901028

*it won't be very soon until the hype dies out
Apologies for messy writting, how to english

>> No.8901054
File: 277 KB, 600x450, kwwwsho-img600x450-1457099172yhipoq13439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few of the can badges(and some of the animate cafe goods) but left the key-chain alone, after reading your post I pre-ordered it on Amico.
Thank you for the heads up!
And good luck with your bag.

>> No.8901083
File: 36 KB, 450x600, 2b18e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble grabbing the animate cafe keychains I want, so far I only got pic related. Really want to try and grab the one in your pic and the matching Ichimatsu.
Glad I could be of help!
And good luck with your bag as well.

>> No.8901105

Beef up your bag security, anon. They have some bags where you have to unsnap buttons or undo straps just to get the plastic protective cover off. That way nothing happens to your merch and no one can steal stuff.

>> No.8901166

AmiAmi has been doing some restocks on merch. I found out yesterday after I spent $40 on the two ichi coaster keychains off eBay...

>> No.8901214

I've been after those too but I completely missed them on Amiami and orders are closed now.. just wanted an Ichi and a Jyu though, not sure how easy would be to sell the other ones afterwards?
I'll be on the lookout and see if they restock those too, thanks for the warning!
And sorry you spent your money before finding out, anon.

>> No.8901243

Wow, they go fast then. It was just in stock last night. Good luck! And no worries, it's a lesson learned.

>> No.8901327
File: 277 KB, 1280x1214, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic, but there are a lot of matsu merch buying experience itt. I am trying to pre-order basically all of the homegoods for Osomatsu, but missed hard on AmiAmi's spots. Should I try hlj or is it really not worth it?

>> No.8901567
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1457323361017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, I love this. I kind of want to make a Sawatari one now.

Glad to see there's fellow seagulls who still love YGO as much as I do.

>> No.8901748

You mean just preordering with hlj?
They're fine, just a bit more expensive than amiami.

>> No.8901793

it already had 2 seasons though... Unless they somehow whip up a 3rd or some sort of campaign it'll be gone by the end of the year id say.

>> No.8901835

Not really sure you can consider that "2 seasons", considering they were just planning on dividing the series by two cours, the second one to be out by the end of this year but that due to the unexpected success of the series, decided to just air the second part sooner.
Considering the smashing success it was in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised they made another full season.

>> No.8901843
File: 34 KB, 450x600, tomos09306904-img450x600-1457447830anqk9u25245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any anons who want to do a Jyushi bag, I just saw this on Buyee.

>> No.8901856

So tempting.. if only I hadn't bought one of those heart bags already. I got black instead so I can wear it more often, considering 90% of my wardrobe is black anyway.
I hope it can be useful to the other Jyushi anons! Thank you for leaving us a link.

On another note, it'd be awesome to see everyone's Jyushi bags from this thread at some point.

>> No.8901857

Does zakkamart ship overseas or would I have to go through Tenso to buy from them? Also would anyone be interested in a zakkamart group order?

>> No.8901895
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the spirit of all the Osomatsu talk, I thought I'd drop a pic of my Todomatsu bag I recently completed in time for a local con. I ordered most of everything in sets from Y!Auctions, but I have at least an additional 20 items on preorder from AmiAmi this month (and even more for April/May)... I wish they'd stop releasing goods everyday (and I wish I would stop ordering even more.)

>> No.8901903

Aaand the image flipped. Sorry about that, posting from mobile.

I ordered mine from zakka but had it shipped through Tenso. I didn't see anything about allowing overseas delivery so I just assumed they wouldn't.

>> No.8901927
File: 92 KB, 234x233, 1455069816031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute!!
I'm working on a Todo/Ichi bag but just have a few things off amiami. The flow of merch is too ridiculous, I'm trying not to look anywhere else so I don't spend too much, but damn I'm jealous of dat bag anon.

>> No.8901940

Todo best boyyyy!! I really want the angry Starbucks totty plush blob, but exclusive store purchase....

Now I want to make a Totty bag damn it anon. I actually was pretty impartial on the show, like i enjoyed it but felt like because everyone else was. But now I really do love it.

>> No.8901952
File: 225 KB, 751x556, 55032494_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome thank you !
I'll definitely post mine soon, probably towards the end of the month.
Holy crap this is beautiful. Seriously. I love Tots and your bag is definitely going in my inspiration folder.

>> No.8901959

That looks great anon. I love the variety of items in your bag, great picks!

>> No.8902009
File: 51 KB, 400x900, 69e28398-6665-446c-b59a-4e6228c41a78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I had a plan to make a Kakyoin bag since he's the king of my heart, but Capcom put out the new Ace Attorney trailer and Maya is back, so now I'm so torn between making a Kakyoin bag or a Maya bag. Why must god hurt me so.

>> No.8902038

Is there even merch for Maya? I never really found that much AA merch to begin with and I'm genuinely curious because I'd kill to make a bag for Blackquill. Even fanmade there isn't that much.
Kakyoin is also a great choice though, good luck choosing..!

>> No.8902041

Why not both? :^)

>> No.8902082

Capcom never put out much merch to begin with desu but with the anime coming out theres already some stuff out for PO on amiami for the original PW cast.

like >>8902041 said why not both

>> No.8902189


Maya and trilogy characters have way more merchandise desu, they're just really hard to find because Capcom produce them in small quantities :(. I recommend checking the maya tag in FromJapan frequently since they pop up in auctions from time to time.

If you want to make one for Blackquill, fanmade and artsmoo is the way to go. I'm making one for Athena and yeah, AA5 chars unfortunately don't have that much luck.

>> No.8902304

I definitely want to make both, but since I'm in school right now/only working part-time and shelling out almost $200 for my train pass every month I don't have a huge amount to spend. I might get the bags for both and just do them a little at a time.

My biggest hope is that the anime next month will spawn more merch, like a lot of other anons are hoping!

>> No.8902322

p-please make a Maya bag to match my PW bag! I love Maya to death too.

if y'all want to split boxes of PW stuff, I'd be happy to do some orders.

>> No.8902339

Depends where you live anon, shipping/exchange rate always scare me when it comes to splitting stuff on cgl. I'm after edgeworth stuff tho mainly.

>> No.8902384

Oh man, I'm just waiting on some itabag stuff to be shipped and I told myself I was gonna stop for now, cause literally over the past 2 months I have gotten stuff off YJA for 3 complete or near-complete itabags. But then I started planning a Padme cosplay for later on this year, and I thought about how cute/funny it would be to make an Anakin/Darth Vader itabag.

Goddamn it. How many itabags do people have? Putting them together is just so much fun, but I don't wanna have like 10 of them because ow my wallet...I seriously need to cut myself off after this one.

>> No.8902389

I'm in the US.

I've gotten really addicted to making ita bags too.
So far I'm working on 2 simultaneously (Phoenix Wright and Gilgamesh) but I'm putting the Gilgamesh one on hold to focus on PW first.

>> No.8902401

Ive only got one so far cos im pretty picky about bags (Im not a big tote fan , more of a backpack person) so finding a bag I like is the hardest part.

Looking for merch is enjoyable and I prefer buying different designs rather than all of the same thing. Which takes me longer to put together a bag. So i guess that helps me save.

Im in australia so dont know if people are okay with splitting internationally ....

>> No.8902414
File: 246 KB, 550x550, 97572831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zakkamart why so pricey

>> No.8902433
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-09-01-17-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you ever purchase a pre-made itabag?

I feel like the process of making it is even more than half the fun.

>> No.8902482

God I hope you're talking about FSN Gilgamesh. I need more Type Moon bags in my life.

>> No.8902489

I'd buy pre-used base bags and used merch of course, but a pre-made bag...kinda rubs me the wrong way. It takes the arts and crafts aspect out of the hobby.

>> No.8902558

Yep! That's the Gilgamesh! So far I just have a couple keychains but I'm slowly amassing Gilgamerch.

I'd be ok with splitting internationally! The dai gyakuten saiban rubber strap set is up for preorder if there's any characters you want from there.

>> No.8902586

Bless you. I'm >>8895661 so obviously I have...quite the affinity for the series haha. With our powers combined, we can have two sassy trash boys.

>> No.8902639

I guess if you were lazy and didnt care all that much about the process of making them.

Though id totally buy it if the total of the merch was cheaper than me putting it together and maybe add more stuff to it

>> No.8902682

Damn that price is ridiculous considering those are almost all available on taobao for 1$ each

>> No.8902703

>>8902682 i don't want to start a fake merch vs authentic merch debate but these seem like legit authentic merch which can cost up to $10 per item depending on where she bought it from. The bag itself could already be $50 alone.

>> No.8902710

Though the tb ones are just faulty straps. but its not hard to get second hand items for less than $10 for one, even if you dont buy the TB ones.

>> No.8902795

I checked Amiami, there's really very little new and the vast majority of PW merch in general is sold out..

I'll take a look at FromJapan like you mentioned, thank you! Though I'm not really looking for Maya merch (even though I like her a lot), I was just genuinely curious about the amount of merch the Maya anon was finding.

As for Blackquill, I figured that'd be the way to go but even fanmade there's not a lot, unfortunately. I've only ever got a 99 cent tank top from artsmoo, are their other products any good? I keep hearing either good or terribad about them. Also, good luck with your Athena bag! She deserves more love.

Thank you for the offer anon! I personally will pass since I'm already shelling out some money on Osomatsu merch atm and have JJBA merch on the lookout, so those are my priorities atm. But good luck for you guys! Share away your PW loot whenever you get it.

>> No.8902863

Yeah, I'm glad they're bringing out more stuff for all the series, it's nice to get more YGO love.

It's getting easier and easier to make the bags now. Live your dream! Especially with the plushes that came out, though they can get pricey.

Go for it! Arc V isn't actually getting as much merch as the others at the moment, but hopefully there will be more soon. There's a lot more fanmade stuff for this series

If you gulls ever want YGO stuff, I can provide an email and we can talk a shopping service. I can get a lot of this stuff second hand in Tokyo.
Oh, some of the stuff on the bag is fanmade, I don't think I mentioned that before. Plenty of fan events around if you don't mind non-official stuff.

>> No.8903119

i'm in the middle of making my first ita bag, and what i'm most excited about is the process of collecting my merch and arranging everything to suit me.
i'm not sure what would be fun about buying a premade bag, unless you're looking to go to a meet and fish for compliments for something you didn't make. and i don't know anyone who would admit to buying a premade bag.
>"wow, i love your bag!"
>"thanks, i bought it!"

>> No.8903156

Oh wow I love your bag! Yeah, I've seen the new GX merch but my fave is Saiou Takuma so it's... pretty rough. Thanks for the advice tho I'll defo check yahoo auctions some more and try and get some Edo and Kaiba merch!

>> No.8903253

That's how I feel. Honestly, I was super surprised to find this listing.

>> No.8903265
File: 585 KB, 590x391, makeshift shrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anons! i'm working on a madoka bag (pic related is all the merch i've amassed so far on a placeholder bag) and i want to get one of the heart backpacks, but... i'm not really sure what color to get

do you guys think that i should get a pink, or white one? sorry for the dumb question! i'm really indecisive

>> No.8903270

i can see the benefit of buying it to use as a starting point or to get a bunch of merch in one go. considering how much time / effort goes into scrounging up individual items it could be easier to start this way?

>> No.8903271

I think a white bag would be best

>> No.8903323


Agree with >>8903271 I think it'll help the pink merch to stand out plus you can use the bag for a diff character if you want.

>> No.8903333

ah, okay! thanks anons. i'll probably be picking up a white one then

>> No.8903677
File: 48 KB, 637x823, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently, I'm in a battle for one of these on yahoo auctions to make my first-ish itabag.

First-ish only because in trying to make my first one I had an idea that I could make a seiyuu itabag too. I haven't really seen many itabags for a specific seiyuu though so idk???

>> No.8903737

I've always really adored these bags. What key words did you use to find it?

>> No.8903793

うたプリ クリアコートバッグ

It helps to look under what character color you want for the bag. Google Uta no Prince-sama Clear Coat Bag too see them

>> No.8903939

Thank you!

>> No.8904205

Hey anon, what's your email? I'd definitely be interested in a shopping service for YGO merch, specifically of Jounouchi.

>> No.8904222

Anyone buy through Buyee that can tell me how's the shipping calculated? Or that can recommend a better service?

>> No.8904238


>Kotetsu and Basch bags
10/10 taste

>> No.8904289

Thanks! My fiancee took a while in putting it all together. I can tell you I became VERY good at the damned crane machines in the arcades... Damn, I know the pain of characters with no merch. There's definitely a bunch of Kaiba and Edo stuff, though, so good hunting on that!

Throwaway is up there. Send me an email and we can talk about goods and shit. Jounouchi is pretty easy to get stuff for at the moment.

>> No.8904480

Thank you! Sent you an email.

>> No.8904481

I've never used Buyee but I regularly use Japonica Market.

>> No.8904698
File: 182 KB, 486x768, 20150512_a76211 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you my savior anon? I'm looking for YGO stuff too. Specifically of pic related. Would you mind if I contacted you too?

>> No.8904811

I don't know if you're in the FB group bought someone just posted today that they just received that same keychain.

>> No.8904826
File: 668 KB, 533x595, 1442719783308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Handsome Jack-anon, if you're here, please check your throwaway mail!
>Hakuouki's Souji Okita- anon, I've sent you an update as well!

Adding festival fashion to be on topic.

>> No.8904831

>husband that appeared in one game
>dissapeared for good (confirmed from the new game trailer)
>only poop fanart to make anything with


>> No.8904841

I feel you deeply, anon.
Commissions are the way, I suppose.

>> No.8904848

YGO anon I need ur help

>> No.8904877

Handsome Jack anon here to let you know I replied!
On topic though, I just got all my supplies and have finished another patch technique so itacraft will actually get a post I am sorry about the lack of content!

>> No.8904898

Sorry for potential silly question, I'm very recent to the thread. Is 'itacraft' a blog you run? Because I'm interested in following itabag related blogs!

>> No.8904934
File: 64 KB, 627x346, Kiki_103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that same person actually. I meant of the character. Should have posted just a pic of him. I'm looking for his badge and his one coin figure. Maybe even anything Ra related.

>> No.8904977
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won my base bag! Yes, I'm going to turn it into Maeno bag or make it my Camus/Maeno bag and turn my other into my everything else bag because I've collected a lot over the years? I'm not sure yet.

Oh yeah so here is the bag I was working on till I changed my mind.

>> No.8905048

Yeah itacraft is going to be a homemade/bag sprucing blog for ideas and tutorials! I just haven't updated it yet due to lack of content/migrating from tumblr so I am trying really hard to get it up

>> No.8905052

Please link when you get it going!

>> No.8905054

Sounds great! I just wasn't sure since I dropped the name on google quickly and all it came up were italian minecrafts forums and such.
Please do drop a link whenever you get the chance to work on it! I'd love to follow.

>> No.8905389

>Buyee has to have your items shipped from the seller with registered shipping
>has to have each item shipped one by one and refuses to combine them from the same seller.

This is why I refused to use Buyee. I use FromJapan - you can combine items from the same seller (providedf they're bought within the same day) and you can also opt for cheaper shipping. Shipping was still pretty up there though, I might go find a new buying service.

>> No.8905504

I am here to spread the ygo love! I can certainly help you out with Yami Malik stuff, I know exactly where to go in the secondhand stores for ygo now, haha. Send me an email!

Go right ahead! Email is in the top again

>> No.8905606
File: 54 KB, 320x320, tumblr_mpn1yuS3A51qmgjlyo2_400-7194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emailed you kind savior anon.

>> No.8905629

I was unaware, I thought the shipping from the seller was what the seller itself stipulated, since some of the listings I bid on had that specification. I'll be more attentive to that! All items I'm purchasing are all from different sellers (and auctions ending on different days) as well so I also didn't know they didn't combine orders. Just waiting for it all to attive their warehouse to ask for combined shipping of it all and hope the shipping cost won't be absurd.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll take a lot at FromJapan as well.

I'll check them out, thanks!

>> No.8905631

Not attive. Can't even type

>> No.8905700

gdi anons, i accidentally clicked this thread and now i'm planning a fucking neko atsume itabag. and maybe a gundam one or star wars.

>> No.8905718
File: 789 KB, 635x757, qq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru is so cute in this badge, but gdi japanese fujos ;_;

>> No.8905719

Welcome and enjoy your stay! Make sure to post progress pics!

>> No.8905753

This stuff always just reminds me how jealous I am of people in Tokyo who can actually go to these events and get things for a few bucks.
Sometimes I just want to go full weeb and move to glorious Nippon so I can enjoy animate and anime cafes to my hearts content.

>> No.8905771

Didn't an anon who met a Japanese guest at a con who had an itabag say the guest was stunned by how much we pay for the same merch that only costs them about $5?

>> No.8905802

i've just discovered that neko atsume has a /lot/ of merch so i think i'll probably end up making a neko atsume itabag too.
a-after i finish my current bag, i mean...

>> No.8905869

I believe it...
They don't have to deal with stupid shipping costs /always/ paying extra for popular shit, middlemen taxes... Add on physical stores have sales and deals, also the biggest advantage imo is they can easily swap chara merch from gacha/prize merch/event items. Pretty much every animate hall video has them setting aside time at the end asking for swaps and almost always getting them.

>> No.8905877

the swapping is definitely a huge advantage, but i don't think it's always that easy either.

when i was living in japan, i definitely didn't have time to go over to a specific part of tokyo for every event and the food / misc expenses on top of getting the merch does add up over time. i guess it's still more rewarding to spend your money on those things vs a middle man/shipping though.

i wish i got into itabagging while i was still there, everything is so much harder to find over here.

>> No.8905879

Can these bags be found on aliexpress or ebay?

>> No.8905894

Yes, there are replicas of it on eBay for $24, but only in 4 colors.

>> No.8905902

What searchterms do you use for it?

>> No.8905919
File: 1014 KB, 500x291, all my happiness just died.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gonna be in Japan while a Free! cafe is open
>It's for the shota happy times movie not the whole franchise

>> No.8905923

"WEGO bag"

>> No.8905932

How do you attach the badges to the inside of the bag? I looked up pics of the empty bag and there doesn't seem to be anything there to pin them too. This person seems to have put a piece of fabric there?

>> No.8905942

anon, the free! eternal summer cafe is still around until april. they just happen to sell both the winter goods and the high speed ones I think

>> No.8906003

As far as I understood, the pins are attached to sort of a "pocket" that there is inside the bag. The pins go on the front, between the plastic heart and the front of the pocket and your belongings go inside it.

>> No.8906315

there is SO MUCH neko atsume merch....mostly the flat rubber keychain things, but i give no fucks. MANZOKU SAN THEMED BAG IT IS.

now just to get that base bag. has anyone reviewed the zakka-mart ones? i like the tote style and the price is good.

>> No.8906441

Og good. Do you know what the deal is with the lottery admission? Is that still a thing?

>> No.8906467

I wish I was you anon. P-please consider me for any unwanted Haru merchandise

>> No.8906490

Yeah, I went to animate in Akiba and my dad waited outside the store for me, afterwards he told me that he was literally surrounded by crowds of girls swapping their merch.

Japanese fandoms seem fun as fuck. I've gone to idol concerts too, people bring suitcases to fill with merch. They're hardcore.

>> No.8906554

Not the same anon but yes lottery is still a thing. I will also be there when the cafe is ongoing. They usually have a board outside that shows whether seats are still available or not for a particular time. if you're there and they have seats, you can snag one right up instead of going through the lottery.

Or you can just go one floor down to buy the goods without having to eat at the cafe.

>> No.8906564
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I have some haru merch from cafes and just in general if you're interested

>> No.8906567

>see sousuke merch
anon stop

>> No.8906570

>that storage bin
All I can picture is anon approaching a fan in an alley and opening their briefcase like "I got the goods if you got the cash"

>> No.8906592

Please send me an email!

>> No.8906594

And I dropped my email

>> No.8906659
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I won my bag! I can't wait to get it. I have a lot of stuff to transfer on to it but here is my bag now after a shipment of stuff came in.

>> No.8906661

There seems to be not as much sanji merch as I thought there would be... Thought I might try to make one as my first it's bag

>> No.8906674

Congrats anon! What are you going to do with the tote you have now though?

>> No.8906697

Try looking on yahoo jp!! I'm working on a Law bag and I've been finding great merch on there. Ebay too.

>> No.8906788
File: 81 KB, 640x358, trash king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having a tough time trying to find a bag for my second bias. It's Atobe from Tenipuri and I originally wanted to do a crown shaped bag but all the ones I've found have been more of a princess crown style instead of a king style. I though about using my old tennis racquet bag but it wouldn't be very functional. Any suggestions? Pic related is the chara in question

>> No.8906821

clarification, this bag would be my casual/ aesthetic itabag. I already ordered tote and clear cover bag for a more traditional itabag.

>> No.8906871
File: 830 KB, 943x697, chorobag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Choromatsu bag

I aspire to be like you one day.

>> No.8906876

I'm so glad, Choro needs more love

>> No.8906962
File: 90 KB, 541x960, based gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will any anons happen to be in Tokyo from April 1-5? I'd love to have a gaijin bag-buddy in Akiba

>> No.8906968

Oh god anon don't tempt me. I'll be there from 1-10 april

>> No.8906993

Do you mean that the rare plushies cost 6-10 k in dollars? Or yen?

Either way, that's a lot of money for a single bag! Mirin that Goofy one.

>> No.8907099

A small tip for those of you who like to put bows on your bags!
Get custom made cheer bows. They're super cheap(usually about $10) and hold up well because they're made for sports. + the sellers are open to do custom designs since they often do team orders.
>pic related

>> No.8907100
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dropped pic

>> No.8907105

oh my god, those are really cute. have you bought one? if so, where from?

>> No.8907238
File: 29 KB, 640x480, fishseesall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gokaiger crows nest
Fuck you living out my dreams.

>> No.8907239

Pretty sure they mean yen. Disney (from what it sounds like) is a collecting level all on its own.

>> No.8907250

Love it! Is all your stuff official merch? If not, can I ask where you got some of the non-official stuff? Lot of the official I wanted is sold out and being resold at ridiculous prices.

>> No.8907276

I am thinking of making it a bag for all the other Maeno merch I own?

>> No.8907295

Different anon but I considered an Ichimatsu itabag and found a lot of cheaper merch in taobao.

>> No.8907307

What search term did you use? I'm still pretty new to TB.

>> No.8907332

Yeah majority of it is official except two items.
and this

>> No.8907349

To anons who've preordred stuff from Amiami, do you pay when you preorder or when the item releases? I'm looking at a preorder and trying to decide when I want to place the order.

>> No.8907350

When the item releases.

>> No.8907470

are you melondrink_ from twitter?

>> No.8907496
File: 1.32 MB, 2156x2875, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jojo bag anon here! By some weird fate, I just met Polnareff bag anon at a convention! ...And it was literally the only time I didn't have my bag with me. I would have loved to get a picture together!

I hope to meet other ita bag gulls at conventions!

>> No.8907567
File: 131 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some anons were curious about the inner of the knockoff wego bag so here it is,
it's basically one small pocket, and a ton of space between the actual window and the fabric.

>> No.8907569

Thanks for letting us know, anon! I still need to get one of these.

>> No.8907572

Is anyone here going to any conventions anytime soon and planning on bringing their itabags?

>> No.8907588

I might bring one of my Undertaker bags to Sakuracon but i'm not certain since I'm flying in.

>> No.8907593

On this subject, anyone here attends UK cons? I would love to meet other itabag anons as well!

Super awesome that you got to meet Polnareff's anon! I hope you guys get the chance again to take a photo with your bags together.

>> No.8907600

Going to Animazement in May with my Free! bags. Another anon is as well but I don't know what they're bringing.

>> No.8907612

Me too! If Polnareff anon sees this, I will have my bag with me the rest of the weekend and I'll be at my booth in dealer's!

I'll be bringing mine to Tekko and Momo in the next couple of months. Hopefully I'll have my Raidou Kuzunoha bag started by then as well!

>> No.8907615

i was going to go to MCM May but something came up. will be going in October though, by then my itabag will surely be done. otherwise my only UK cons are in Scotland.

>> No.8907630

Best of luck, I'll be rooting for you guys to bump into eachother again!

That is one hell of a coincidence because I'm located in Scotland!
I'm going to MCM in May but if I can, I'm planning on attending in October as well.

>> No.8907634
File: 154 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DR bag wip?
I was planning on just putting the big monokumas on the outside but I liked them too much on the inside. Hard to work around them though.

>> No.8907636

no way, you're in Scotland too? do you go to any Scottish cons? i'll be at september's MCM too.

>> No.8907642

I've actually been to a con just today haha. I'm not very acquainted with the Scottish con scene, just happened to find out there was one happening in my city. Do you recommend any particular cons?
I hope I get to go in September, I'll have my bag more than ready by that time!

>> No.8907643

ahh i love this so much! is the general theme here hope vs despair? (naegi and komaeda vs monobeat)

>> No.8907646
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bear* fml

>> No.8907652
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 12797683_224573707893782_1383001918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MCM Scotland, Dee-con in Dundee (been going 5 years, was kind of disappointing the past 2), a bunch of smaller conventions in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, etc.
just so we don't keep derailing, do you have a throwaway email you want to exchange? hard to find Scottish gulls.

>> No.8907654

Haha, I guess that's the theme.
Most of my merch happens to be those three.

>> No.8907673

Made up one just now!

>> No.8907775

Going to Sakura con. It'd be cool if there was enough of us in one place for a meet up.

>> No.8907785

>Free! bags
You have my interest piqued.

>> No.8907803

This looks great! The Choro cutout you used is super cute.

Todomatsu anon here. I'll also be at Sakuracon (looks like there's three of us going so far).

>> No.8907823

If I can get mine done in time (who knows), I'm looking at going to Liberty con this year.

>> No.8907861
File: 762 KB, 2456x1172, 1447514516310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing Rin and Nagisa themed nanchatte uniforms so I bought two school bags and I'm about 50% done decorating the two of them. Just waiting on rosettes and charms to come before I do a WIP update.

Also 50% done with the nanchatte themed outfits so there's no itafashion progress to show either. Have an old collage pic I posted months ago, sorry!

>> No.8907870

I'm going to AnimeBoston and Zenkaikon this year, and I'm hoping to have my Haikyuu!! bag ready by then. Need to sew my own clear vinyl piece onto a messenger bag flap and it's a little frustrating.

>> No.8907927

Anime North and/or Otakuthon. Also Animaritime, but I'm sure I'm the only one. I know there were some Canada anons in a previous thread, it'd be great to have a meet or something. (I guess I have a reason to go to a /cgl/ meet-up for once.)

>> No.8907930

UK here! Attending all the England based MCM's and Amecon
I have Nozomi, Aoba Johsai/Haikyuu and Monogatari series bags and my friends have a Honoka and Umi bag

>> No.8907938

Does the black knockoff have glitter on the window? I'd prefer no glitter

>> No.8907946

All his convention talk has me a lottle jealous my work doesn't allow time to go! Any seagull itabaggers come to Austin and hang around comic and game shops might definitely bump into me though!

>> No.8907952

There's glitter

>> No.8907958
File: 180 KB, 1242x1242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thought I'd share some good news on my new bag's front- my other husbando (other than Jojo's) has literal no merchandise besides 2 very large figures (have both, neither will fit in a bag), and a plushie (own). But I did a little searching today and I found these adorable acrylic charms for him from an artist on Storenvy! (Pic related) Now I'm even more excited to start my new bag! I got one of the black knock-off heart bags for this one. Now to get some pins made!

Sending good luck over to you guys! Anons with hard to find husbando merch, don't give up!

>> No.8907960

I'll be at Anime North with my itabag!

>> No.8907964

Kkon but other then that not sure.

>> No.8907982

Would you mind posting you bags if you have pictures? I would like to see them.

>> No.8908007


>> No.8908081

Love your bag anon! I'm also making one of Choro myself however none of the merch has arrived yet, but I'm super excited to start! Thanks for the inspiration!

>> No.8908244

I will be going to Anime Boston as well. I will bring my Butters bag with me. It still needs a lot of work but since i will be cosplaying Butters as part of a south park group cosplay I thought it would be a good idea to bring the bag with me anyway. I may also bring my Armin Arlert and hatoful boyfriend bags depending on who else I decide to cosplay as (I often cosplay as Armin and sometimes Nageki).

>> No.8908286

Skirt sauce?

>> No.8908381

Can I ask for a link? I'm not making an itabag for him but Devil Summoner is my most fave SMT game.

>> No.8909017

They're both from Bodyline

>> No.8910776

ps there's some Great Eastern Entertainment pins of the chibi Polnareff version that you have too! I just bought some from the vendor hall at AMKE AA

>> No.8910791

Any links for good base bags?