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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 65 KB, 800x533, 1386914792820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8871341 No.8871341 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>8802189

> Cosplay Masterpost: http://pastebin.com/ekZP1fhg
- Tutorials and links that can help with Homestuck cosplays. Refer to it if you need help. Any contributions welcome.

> Crunchy Cosplay List: http://i.imgur.com/Yp1XFFe.jpg
- A list of suggested Homestuck cosplayers to follow and check out, as they have great cosplays and some also have good tutorials on their blogs.

To discuss:
> What's one last HS cosplay you want to do before the comic ends?
> What do you think HS cosplay will be like after the comic ends?

>> No.8871389

(just fyi thats the outdated version of the list in the op. not a big issue i guess since its mostly the same)

> What's one last HS cosplay you want to do before the comic ends?
the one im doing now!
> What do you think HS cosplay will be like after the comic ends
i wana see some new outfits! dave's coment about wearing normal outfits post sburb gave me some hope. but i doubt we'll get any to be real.

>> No.8871428
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I believe this is the most recent version, but VM asked to be removed and this isn't updated to reflect that.

>> No.8871449

Whoops, my bad. When the next thread rolls around (so like... idk, next month or so) I'll try to remember to use this one.

>> No.8871459

I'm kinda sad that most of the fanbase jumped ship before the comic ended. Imagine how much more exciting the end would've been if the fanbase was still there at full force.

>> No.8871490

yeah, i cant blame ppl tho. out of the past 3 years 2 have been hiatus. hiveswap was just such a bad idea in retrospect. but im still excited to see the end.

>> No.8871826
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My next con isn't until well after 4/13, so my last con cosplays might be the it before it ends. That being said, there are still a handful of HS costumes I'd like to make and wear over the next year or two.

I think in general HS cosplay will continue to slow down at the rate it is now. It won't completely die because there seems to be a constant inflow new and young fans. Sadly, it seems like most BNFs are pretty much done with HS cosplay. I doubt most of them will be active Homestucks in a year or so.

>> No.8871878

are we selfposting again?

>> No.8871948

God these two were cute. Gray on the Sunday too.

>> No.8872014

You start

>> No.8872294

what is mspa general, but a miserable pile of selfposts?

>> No.8872462
File: 204 KB, 960x1280, 1358648081180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey hsg, i found a folder with a bunch of old pics i saved a couple years back so i decided since we're getting closer to the end i would do a commemorative dump. salut

>> No.8872472
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>> No.8872475
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>> No.8872480
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gotta throw this in there, the shit with this chick was (the kanaya) one hell of a time

>> No.8872485
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>> No.8872491
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>> No.8872503
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>> No.8872511
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>> No.8872521
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end dump

>> No.8872580

I love this Feferi but I wish she'd worn black lipstick.

>> No.8874371

Selfpost general: the grey edition.>>8871948

>> No.8874447

That's a good Nep coat. I don't know if it's the image or what but the horns look a bit off. Like the left one isn't on correctly or something.

>> No.8876265
File: 121 KB, 500x696, tumblr_mqr3p8xVbO1rnduxco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what's the general feeling on ginger Strider cosplays? I might do a Dirk soon, and I was thinking of going ginger for him because that's my natural hair color and blonde generally looks really ass with my pale skin.

>> No.8876289

Oh hey is that Dexter.

I wanted to do ginger Dirk (I posted in the past thread) and had a bad time trying to find good ginger wigs. But then again I also wanted a lace front so my options were limited. I ended up with a more gingerish blonde, which looked well enough on me. It's not quite ginger enough that people take note of it as a Thing, though.
If you're really set on ginger then go for it, and as usually, coordinate if you're in a group. There will be people bitching, probably, but ginger striders isn't really less canon than brunette prospit kids. Just be prepared to run into a lot of issues with finding a good wig in a nice tone. Sometimes you luck out, but if not, then looking for character specific wigs from other series might help.

>> No.8876401

You're probably using the wrong shade of blonde. Find one with an undertone that works for you.

>> No.8876452

Go for it, I love ginger striders.

And man, I feel you with not doing well with blonde wigs. I've tried so many different shades of blonde, and every single time I just look gross.

>> No.8876665

would you still use a wig? generally a wig is always going to be better regardless. if your wig is half decently styled i dont think anyone here would care about it being ginger.

>> No.8878504

If you can pull off gingery tones, why not a strawberry blonde as a compromise?

>> No.8879164
File: 630 KB, 1125x2418, 1455777921951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a version without VM in it.

>> No.8879300
File: 1.07 MB, 1125x2418, list fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a version without those 2 weird marks next to crowmunist. (sorry, im not list anon but my ocd made me do it)

>> No.8879304

Bless you, anon.

>> No.8879325
File: 99 KB, 636x319, baystuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyropi's new JJ log is online.


>> No.8879343

Nah man that's Ryan, NCS 2013

>> No.8879377

Yeah I thought that as I went back to look at my post lmao.
They were both pretty neat Daves, and I kinda miss having them (along with a bunch of other folks) in the fandom. I don't blame them, but it seems the comm is just getting younger which is a bit... Tiresome? Idk.


>> No.8879425

The comments on this video are truly pathetic, and I'm not even being mean.

>> No.8879659

I have to agree with you there. When attending cons and meetups, and even just being online on various social networks, I keep running into people a lot younger than me. Seems like most of those in my age group (20s) have moved on to other fandoms.

Obviously there's nothing wrong with young people in the fandom! New blood is good etc. But I don't really feel comfortable surrounded by 14 year olds, and I'm pretty sure a lot of them aren't very comfortable with hanging out with people 10 years their senior

>> No.8880306

>why don't I do this with my friends oh yeah I'm 14
>I'm almost 21, I just don't have friends


>> No.8880395

Just throwing this out there, but I enjoy these logs. People genuinely having fun and being nerds, it's refreshing amidst all the cattiness I see on Tumblr and Facebook.

>> No.8880402

I know someone always says this but fuck this looks fun. Also
>that giant roomparty

>> No.8880412

I've actually had the opposite. I've sat with folks closer to my age, talking about grownup things (Rent vs. Owning a home, job markets, etc) and kids come flop down next to us all the time and start chatting and telling us all their high school problems and so on and how they fight with their parents. It's awkward. We've started sneaking off and having Barstucks by ourselves. It's kind of a relief. Kids are fun, but it's nice to relax.

>> No.8880679

This, loads of times. I can be having a chill conversation about apartment hunting, and then some 14 year old jumps in about highschool bullshit and wanting to live in 'a giant house with all their homestuck friends'.
Makes me actually consider hosting more barstucks in my area.

>> No.8880687

I've never been to a Barstuck or anything like that. For one there's not many people my age in my community, and secondly those who are are very "Alcohol is bad!!!!!!!!!!!".

Maybe there are more Homestucks my age in my community than I know of, but how do I find them amongst all these 14 year olds?

>> No.8880695

i suggested a barstuck for the older members of my comm a while ago and it started such a shitstorm you would not even believe. my comm is awful and i want nothing to do with them, all the homestucks i meet nowadays are usually friends of friends.

>> No.8880833


The rules for our barstucks are you don't have to drink but you do have to buy something, and NO KIDS. It's great.

>> No.8880836

I'm OP of >>8880412, I organize barstucks and don't drink a drop. It's just a really good way to be sure to keep things 21+ without having to explicitly spell out "no kids."

Sometimes we've tacked it onto the end of normal meetups just so some of the younger ones won't feel like they're missing the whole party. Keeps shitstorms at bay.

>> No.8880883

I've had this happen at barstucks too, like ones that are hotel bars and allow kids in.

>> No.8880911

I really want to attend Barstucks but every time I do they fall through or the venue tries to charge out the ass for "cover charges" on a party where everyone bought drinks.

How do you host these? Do you call the bar ahead of time and tell them a bunch of freaks in grey will show up to sit around? How do you avoid getting your asses reamed by cover charges? Maybe I just don't have enough experience with bars in general, I'm not social or rich enough to go out drinking regularly.

>> No.8880948


if they're at cons, pick a bar at one of the quieter overflow hotels. they'll be seeing people in costume all weekend but won't be slammed.

if just as a meetup, depends on the size of your group. groups show up to rando bars all the time, unannounced (afterparties, after fun runs, etc), so I don't see the point in organizing ahead of time. any bar that would be too crowded or have a problem with a well paying group of weirdos is a bad choice for a venue to start with.

but bar culture is different everywhere.

>> No.8880988

Isn't going all grey to a bar a kinda bad idea though? The paint and the horns will most likely draw very unwanted attention from overly drunk idiots

>> No.8881819

God that Aradia's so hot.

>> No.8882018

I generally call ahead. There's actually one pub in particular we've gone to a few times now, and they like having us. We looked for bars that had specials during local comic cons and clearly didn't mind funny looking patrons. I always make sure everyone tips really well, and my group is pretty well behaved. We've not left so much as a smudge of grey paint on anything.

As for other patrons, we've only had one or two really weird experiences. Last time an entire herd of drunk white wine moms came over, and one actually started petting a person's cheek, saying, "how'd you get all that shit on your face??" Over and over, and then tried to pull their horns off. I intervened and said they were fragile, and not to touch them. Because really, who goes and yanks on other people but drunk wine moms. They were trying to get us to come out and party with them at other bars.

Other than that, it was just a few curious onlookers. Most were friendly and just ask what we're up to. We've got our answer down to "it's a costume party for a comic we like" and that covers all our bases.

>> No.8885420

Bumpin. Anyone going to Wondercon this year?

>> No.8885427

regarding homestuck cosplays ill most likely be eridan

>> No.8885455

Very nice. I'm looking at wigs for a Dave rn. Gonna be there all weekend, hbu?

>> No.8886195

yep all three days
im bringing faygo too
also where are you looking at for wigs i got a shitty one at party city and i cant find any good ones for a good price around here

>> No.8886218

that's why the internet exists, anon

>> No.8886221

>party city wig
oh anon
try arda wigs

>> No.8886271

Did you try looking at cosplay sites with reviews of wig companies?
Arda is quite good, but there are other good wig shops around, depending what kind of wig you're looking for.

>> No.8886289

Arda Wigs are excellent, MatchWigs are good but have limited selection (they have the same fibers as Arda but PAY FOR SHIPPING or else itll take like two months to get to you, otherwise paid shipping is pretty fast), amphigory and rockstar wigs are also nice. all are based in the US except for matchwigs, but i would go for arda, especially if you are a beginner; they're very nice and easy to work with.

>> No.8886661

>Wants to cosplay Eridan
>At the level where they don't know online wig shops and actually even bother with literal party city

Honey no.

>> No.8886663
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>> No.8886668
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>> No.8886670
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Guess the character/AU.

>> No.8886674
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>> No.8886675
File: 462 KB, 1000x1064, tumblr_o2v47hIXx01u56kq6o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the AU.

>> No.8886677
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>> No.8886685
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not sure what's going on with those horns, but the Ahab's is looking clean and neatly proportioned.

>> No.8886693
File: 250 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_o22blfE9QF1rmh16go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8886850

Human Vriska?

>> No.8886866

these two are so cute!! not sure if real freckles or makeup on that roxy but either way she's adorable

>> No.8886882

>Freckles way too large and look like chickenpox
>"Not sure if real or makeup"
I hope this is selfpost

>> No.8886895

Nah, I honestly think the exaggerated freckles can look cute on a few people.

>> No.8886904

i figured it was probably makeup, but i'm on mobile so it was a little hard to tell, geez. and they don't look nearly as awful as most makeup-freckles i see people do

>> No.8886925

samefagging is unbecoming

>> No.8886926

Something wannabe Star Trek ish, or just generally bad fashion choices

>> No.8886927

damn, i normally love cbc work but that karkat design is just... eh

>> No.8886929

/R/ing Vriska cosplays?

>> No.8886936
File: 80 KB, 540x600, Screenshot_2016-02-27-10-56-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it must be really uncomfortable! Go get that sand out of your vag before you hurt yourself.

Though really it's not uncommon for people to like the fake freckles. That's the reason people keep attempting them.

>> No.8886940
File: 21 KB, 480x270, XksEtVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>party city eridan
>fake freckles are cute!
You must be 18 or older to use 4chan.

>> No.8886953
File: 144 KB, 640x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one person can possibly like thing i don't like!!!!
please relax

some vriska cosplays for anon

>> No.8886954
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>> No.8886956
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>> No.8887044

no no i mean for dave i got a shitty blonde wig cuz i was in a bit of a rush
but for eridan im planning on dying the front bit of my hair purple ive done it before just for fun and it looked good

>> No.8887045

>yellow eyes
i might be retarded for asking but is this real or fake

>> No.8887052


>> No.8887056
File: 386 KB, 998x1000, tumblr_ns4jqkrzbk1uc9zo8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8887220

>not using a wig
please stop cosplaying

>> No.8887279

No they look pretty awful.

>> No.8887342

Have you ever seen more than one single freckled person? The size is fine, really. It's not super realistic, no, but for freckle make up it looks alright and it's definitely clean enough.

>> No.8887448

Just because it looks better than most shitty freckle makeup doesn't make it "good." Like you said, it doesn't look realistic. Some of the "freckles" are lines, ffs.

>> No.8887900

Nope, not a troll.

Cyberpunkstuck. I could not tell which troll either Captor or Ampora was, it's not a very interesting design.

>> No.8887911

Rapper Rose?

>> No.8887936

>Still posting these even though next to nobody participates
I vote for a new game.

>> No.8887949

The Cyberpunkstuck cosplayers only got a shitton of attention because the Latula has thousands of followers on instagram.
Their designs/outfits are pretty boring and flat, doesn't really scream "cyberpunk"

>> No.8887953

honestly if it wasn't for the Latula you wouldn't know what Captor/Ampora the others are supposed to be

>> No.8887954


considering half the ancestors are dressed in some kind of Tron style bodysuits, it shouldn't be that hard to do actual cyberpunk style homestuck. but laziness wins again.

>> No.8887955

..yea i didnt really think this through

>> No.8887961

For all the focus we put on homestuck cosplayers in this thread, we barely keep track of instagram at all.

>> No.8887963

Because every worthwhile cosplayer has a tumblr. "Instafamous" cosplayers are typically little more than shoop spam, an infinite supply of sponsored cos tests, or pandering to an infantile demographic. Sometimes all of the above.

>> No.8887987

i would have but i just honestly had no idea
jade? going of the space shirt, at least i think its a spacey shirt.

>> No.8888192

Thug/punk Kanaya

>> No.8888543

Punkstuck Jane

>> No.8889324


>> No.8889370

Unrelated, but I hate when people talk in gifs. Do they know we can't hear them?

>> No.8889377

I just loathe tumblr gifs, fucking half second of animation with subtitles in a set with eight other images to complete the single line. The stupid character flapping their mouth at you as you read through each image doesn't add anything at all to the images which could all just be one still with the line under it. Fuck.

>> No.8889414

Good for you

>> No.8889500
File: 355 KB, 1280x1836, 331326ba-738b-4488-a288-218ab42bb611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to THAT: What are you guys working on right now? Do you guys have plans to do certain cosplays soon?

>> No.8889688

There are always irons in the fire. It's just a matter of gathering motivation to work on them.

>> No.8889724

I was thinking of doing Rufioh? I already have his horns since I cosplay Tavros, I'm just not too sure if I want to deal with his wings. I also don't want to make new cosplays until I've lost weight because seeing how chunky I'm getting is kinda dragging me down so in the meantime I'm fixing up cosplays I already have.

>> No.8889736

Kind of tempted to make a cmv. any suggestions to work around the fact that my camera work is decent at best with the fact that I've a pretty good grip on the editing process?

>> No.8889793


Have a plan. Mix up the shots.

>> No.8889796

oh hey, i've been waiting for this question. i'm pumping out a god tier rose for 4/13 and acen. the ending hype is hitting me strong

>> No.8889930

Don't get down, anon. There aren't enough good Rufioh's out there and I'm sure it will be great.
That sounds exciting! Do you have music picked out already?
Dude I feel that. I almost want to do Mindfang but I can't figure out how to make the coat look good.

>> No.8890107

im working on a little cosplay project i'll hopefully be done with by 4/13, nothing huge tho.

>> No.8890109

I'm trying to finish my god tier Jade but i keep struggling with the hood. Got a lil while until the con but I'm still really stressed over it

>> No.8890134

Godtier Latula is slowly coming together. Hoping my girlfriend will do Godtier Mituna with me when I wear her.
Aside from that, I just plan on touching up my more recent stuff that I'm not 100% happy with.

>> No.8890453

I've been wanting to get into it for a while, but it's pretty intimidating. So I found a song with a music video I felt like I could emulate into a CMV without struggling TOO much to get me started. It got a very distinct feel so while it may turn out kinda predictable and not super exciting, it's also a relatively easy project to start with and a song I really love.

>> No.8892913

Had been working on a mookie desing for katsucon but it ultimately hit a roadblock in the last lap so I'm gonna take a step back and take more time with it. Considered starting calliope soon even though I probably won't wear her until next year regardless.

>> No.8892941
File: 9 KB, 650x450, take a selfie like one of your french girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar problem – I want to do ginger Dave, but my skin tone is weird as hell (I'm Asian so it's some weird desaturated light tan color)

What undertone would be the best in that scenario?

>> No.8893064
File: 272 KB, 384x584, my inner pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo, i'm this anon and i had kind of a major cutting incident while trying to hem my back panel -- pic related is my attempt to salvage it. does having the back panel of the seer robe shorter than the front panel look totally stupid and -- should i redo it? i'm really anal about details, but i hate going back on my work, so this is conflicting as fuck.

>> No.8893184

You could always hem the front up to match it.

>> No.8893659

Doesn't look so bad to me. But even it out if it really gets your goat, its not too short in the back.

>> No.8894482
File: 342 KB, 560x752, progress pics are alright when the thread is completely dead i hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i thought about that but then i realized that it might look dumb to have both sides really short... thanks for the suggestion, though!

thanks, i think i'm more chill with it actually, putting everything together kind of made my fears go away i appreciate the reply though

>> No.8896521
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>> No.8896536


good lord that's unfortunate. I feel bad for her.

>> No.8896607

did they photoshop their eyes yellow? why?

>> No.8896612

Tumblr out

>> No.8896627
File: 87 KB, 500x370, NicWhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Telling Tumblr to leave in cgl MSPA thread

>> No.8898011
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>> No.8898025

Eh, not a fan of the body paint theyve got going on. Itd look better if they were all just white instead. Other than that everyone other than Pearl looks pretty average-low tier. Nothing really special.

>> No.8898137

looks good imo, i like this better then when people do white makeup. but thats just my preference.

>> No.8898266

i wish they'd gone all or none with the tails, it looks awkward for two with and two without.

also really not digging the tavris, especially that wig just. does not look good.

but i think the other three did a pretty good job

>> No.8898360

I like the paint because it's well-applied and -incredible within Homestuck cosplay- is colour-matched to the fabrics used.

Beyond that, it's mostly nitpick points on my part:
>Photog really should have edited out the wrinkles on Tavris's and Pearlgirl's armsocks/gloves, though the Erisol and Arquius seem to have smooth, well-fitted armsocks.
>Not a fan of the tails - they make the cosplayers look like giant, lumpy worms.
>Erisol did a neat job on the ombre dying on their pants (but they could do with some shapewear to smooth out their midsection silhouette).
>Arquius needs a better-fitting tank that doesn't look like a pillowcase.

>> No.8898726

why does lily look SO fat in this costume? she looked fine in her star cosplay the same weekend...

>> No.8898750

fefeta and erisol are just knockoffs of saccharinesylph and kisbe

>> No.8898828

i think that it's a combination of her having gained some weight and the skirt being so poofy.

>> No.8898989

It's not a very flattering cut.

>> No.8899217

It's arguably also a poor posing decision. Her arms are covering her midsection, so your eye imagines the line of her silhouette to transition straight from her bust to her incredibly poofy skirt (instead of curving into where her waist would be). If she had lifted her elbows out of the way (which would have covered up her bust detailling, but you gotta sacrifice some things to get a decent shot), the silhouette would have been more flattering.

>> No.8899530

I'm not sure that follows

>> No.8900510
File: 202 KB, 1200x675, avatar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 me :^}

>> No.8900629

So not only did you post this obvious vendetta, you fucked up and downloaded the photo from her page multiple times and didn't bother to change the filename.

>> No.8901865
File: 154 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m8d6kztx2p1r4x5xjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm curious: what were some homestuck cosplays you guys really wanted to do and never ended up doing? and are you going to do them in honor of the comic ending? pic kinda related because disciple was one of prominent plans and now I'm not really sure what to do with her.

>> No.8903538

God Tier Cronus. Still haven't given up on it entirely, biut this summer it will have been hanging in my closet for two years.

I really want to finish it and wear it, and I still DO cosplay HS so it's not out there. I've just lost motivation to finish the last, itsy-bitsy parts of it. It's also a matter of no longer having easy access to some spaces I need to finish the wings.

And shitty memories, I guess.

>> No.8903585

I've always wanted to be the Mayor, just once. But man, with all these summer cons coming up, I really don't want to cover my whole self up and cook. The other issue is... I'm a photographer. So that cosplay really isn't practical for me.

>> No.8903609

anyone going to sakuracon later this month? my friend and i are doing godtier roxy and john

>> No.8903611

So I haven't been in the general for a good long while (nor have I been on Tumblr for even longer), but I'm trying to finish Roxy's purple dress for Sakura and was wondering if you guys would be willing to post some for inspo!

>> No.8903631
File: 314 KB, 1280x1839, tumblr_mvhbx36vyi1riehw1o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you anon -- i'll post whatever good stuff i can scrounge up from acp/etc

>> No.8903636
File: 786 KB, 1000x667, 53187-8fe579c33e30804842990a9290ec4040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903653
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>> No.8905710

>Any of these

>> No.8905904

>not contributing

>> No.8905969

disciple was one of mine too, along with aradiabot. i'm probably never going to get around to them t b h

i think for 4/13 i'll fix up my dress of eclectica and wear that again, because it's probably one of the best (if not the best) hs cosplays i've ever done, and it'd be nice to wear it more than once hah

>> No.8906185

in my defense there are like 0 cosplays for that outfit, these were the 'less than completely terrible' ones

>> No.8906220
File: 383 KB, 1067x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8907744
File: 782 KB, 1280x1912, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here been doing Omeglestucknight?

>> No.8907763

ah yes, another cis male without a wig. always disappointing.

No, I follow a few people on instagram who do it and judging by the pictures they post, there's only a handful of semi-decent cosplayers on there each time.
Kind of seems like something more fun for younger kids who cant afford to go to cons, honestly.

>> No.8908451

>cis male
Irrelevant to quality of costume
>without a wig
Pretty much the worst

>> No.8909006

Pretty sure anon's point was that for some reason male cosplayers consistently feel that they don't need a wig or makeup. Seeing a cis male without a wig is like seeing a Jake cosplayer at a photoshoot with their leg hiked up a Dirk cosplayer's waist. It's the kind of garbage you aren't surprised by any more.

>> No.8909336 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder your tastes are terrible and everyone hates your faggy community.

>> No.8909342 [DELETED] 

>Un-ironically using the word "cis male"

This is why nobody takes you fags seriously.
> A comm of Fat Fuckin faggoty-ass tumblrinas.

>> No.8909387 [DELETED] 

samefag a little harder pls

>> No.8909452 [DELETED] 

sounds like you dont use wig or makeup....

>> No.8909933

exactly what I meant.

I've been cosplaying this crap for 5+ years and god, you start to just get so frustrated about how common it is.

It's like the goddamn 3D movie glasses with the lenses popped out on every 3rd John under the age of 18. or Kanayas in red pants instead of a skirt for real reason.

... or more recently, literally every character with black eyeliner freckles.

>> No.8909949
File: 36 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanayas in pants instead of skirt
.........so anyway,

On the topic of things we don't like: can we stop with these painted upper lips? For everything but legit concept make up it looks fucking dumb. The Leijon's don't even have muzzles.

>> No.8910045

now that i think of it i dont see flower crowns anymore. i feel like i used to see those a lot. never understood that trend.

>> No.8910076

Its been a long while since I've seen hordes of Fawn!Daves at cons and I'm so thankful. >>8909949
*for no real reason
but yeah no, i'm really not a fan of it either. that or kids drawing a line right up to their nose.

>> No.8910144
File: 131 KB, 800x900, badhomestuckbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i miss any good ones

>> No.8910298
File: 160 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What-the-hell-ampora horns.

>> No.8910325
File: 604 KB, 1280x877, tumblr_mrt5fgQDCJ1qfmk4go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, someone once put a flower crown on me at a meetup, and I felt cute as fuck. I died a little inside since I knew I was contributing to that trend, but I can see why people like wearing them casually.

Then again, shit like pic related still looks pretty stupid.

>> No.8910442

This list makes me nostalgic because I haven't seen most of these since 2013.

But god damn. Back then I would've blacked out that card in a single convention.

>> No.8910445

Don't forget Steel Gray Sollux.

>> No.8910446

>character x character love child

>horror flashbacks to when i cosplayed as kidswap dave egbert and some 13 year old came running up to me to tell me all about their sollux x karkat love child character, clearly assuming i was supposed to be johndave demon spawn

>> No.8910455

I've got 2013 stories for almost all of these, so I had to put some of them in.

I miss the good old days so much. I was just talking to my comm about how back in 2012 or 2013, 20 of us arranged sushi lunch on the fly one convention, but now i'm the only one left from that group. And i'm arranging an AYCE sushi trip for the same con this weekend, 3 years later.

I miss the days of coming home to 30+ friend requests and having spent the entire day with new people who were just so happy to make a friend, but i'm so grateful for my well behaved comm.

>> No.8910461

Oh noooo I forgot steel snazaroo!! What do I take out though?
God i'm so sorry. I feel your pain though.
Everyone in my comm knows my main ship, and one girl's OC was a 'child of one, dating the other'. She would not fuck off the entire photoshoot. Stuck to my side like glue.

>> No.8910517
File: 435 KB, 1400x1041, shittybeards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty sharpie beard god is still one of my favorite things.

Also on a personal pet peeve level:
>"Sexy" Strider gifs with mouth-licking

>> No.8910587

Do people even still make those?

>> No.8910635

i kinda wish my comm was still around sometimes. but like without all the constant drama. it makes me sad to think most of them probably wont bother to watch the end and will toss their hiveswap copies without ever playing it even if they do get it someday.

>> No.8910757

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.8911166

There was one in the top results of the tag just the other day.
Didn't post it 'cause phone.

>> No.8911205 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder you're trash and everyone hates you.

>> No.8911206

did you learn nothing from the janitor's work yesterday

>> No.8911222

We know, and if you read even the last handful of posts, you'd know we hate us too.

>> No.8911230 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 822x653, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually sucking the janni's cock

And your faggy comm has reached a new low, can't even handle the bants.
Stay identifiable so everyone can avoid you

>> No.8911293

still mad about us saying guys should wear wigs too? lmao

>> No.8914048

I need enlightening on this.

>> No.8914103

Not sure if there's a definite story for this but.
Snazaroo bodypaint has a grey and a silver... and if you dont read labels or look closely, you can mix them up. But, some people straight up picked up the silver and then really painstakingly greyed up for cons. It was pretty common for a while to see people completely silver. I mean, I seen one at Katsu this year and had to do a double take.

Was there a specific Sollux who did this and got pictures done? or just, picking a character?

>> No.8914586

I'm talking about the Sollux cosplayers that messing smear Ben Nye Steel Grey on their face. It's a pretty dark gray, and looks terrible especially when they ignore their lips and eyes. I swear. Back in 2012-2014, I used to see one at every con.

>> No.8914640
File: 60 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lkl15fpfVy1qf0z3vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google provided me with this. The one on the far right is definitely steel grey. I mean finding the right grey was a struggle for a while for people but that one was the continuous mistake.

>> No.8915411
File: 271 KB, 960x960, tumblr_nukjud1fWO1t14oeeo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget 'casual' homestuck cosplays. they're already in fucking casual clothing. how much lazier can you get

>> No.8915429

>What do I take out though?
My vote's on the "Love Child" square, but only because I've personally yet to see one of those (though it sounds like yall got some horrifying stories). The "young girl in XL Dave shirt" could alternately go, since "casual" Daves are a dime a dozen and it may as well be a free space.

>tfw you have a convention in a week and are lowkey considering printing this out to bring along

>> No.8915508

Latula for ACEN. I have everything and never finished it, so why not?

Hopefully the Homestuck presence there will be less obnoxious now that the peak hype is over.

>> No.8915962

I'll fix it when i'm not on mobile
... AB though? if so i'll be keeping an eye out too.

>> No.8915991

Nah, Wondercon.

>> No.8916270


AB? Come to barstuck, friend

>> No.8916307

Oh good is that happening? I haven't seen any announcements on facebook.

>> No.8916721

God I remember doing omeglestuck when I was in college. Like freshman year of college. To put it in perspective I'm nearly a year out of undergrad. I can't believe it's still going on.

Question for the thread: how do we feel about genderbends? I have favorite female characters I've cosplayed before but my absolute favorites are guys (read: Striders). Are they frowned upon or does nobody really care one way or another if you do the outfit nicely?

>> No.8916734

It's all about having a good/thought through design. In actuality, Dave and Dirk probably wouldn't look all that different if they were girls, so doing a big design overhaul in fanart or fic would seem out of place or silly. In cosplay, though? If you're just going to make your lady Dave look like canon Dave but with boobs, then why even bother?

Personally I kinda want to do a gal Dirk with Yoko hair and shades to match canon Dirk's Kamina hair/shades, but I'm way too chicken to crossplay, and especially a non-canon design.

Subtler changes are still fine. I imagine a Dave with lipstick and shorts instead would work, especially if you've a more feminine body or is in a group.

>> No.8916875

Saturday night, Hilton bar. The same as previous years.

>> No.8916896

Wouldnt miss it for the world

>> No.8916905


Had a girlfriend do a femdave one year for a massive 18 person genderbend group. She'd been cosplaying regular Dave for a while, so really all she did was cute makeup, a little black bow in her hair,and an off the shoulder croptop over a black tanktop instead.
I'd been doubting it, but it actually turned out really cute? Too bad my female Sollux was fucking garbage, I'd been hoping for cute pictures.

>> No.8916913

I don't mind casual clothing if it's done well, but usually it's an excuse to be lazy. There's only so many times you can wear a kid's starter outfit before it's boring, so interesting casual options can bring a little variety to a small meetup or Sunday of the con.

>> No.8916929
File: 120 KB, 800x900, badhomestuckbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaced XLtshirt+no pants Dave with Steel Gray Sollux.

Not sure if I'll be wearing homestuck during the day at AB or if I'll just be throwing someone on for Barstuck. A week before the con and I'm still humming and hawing over a lineup.

>> No.8916933
File: 446 KB, 600x900, tumblr_ml9s58oUIz1qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem is a lot of times genderbends are either an excuse to be really lazy, or slut up a character needlessly. The key is to do it in a way that the outfit is very in character for the character. Femdaves with long, wavy, tousled hair drive me crazy, for example - he swordfights and roughhouses all the time with his bro, so why would long hair make sense? I'd imagine it to be more like Rose's hair, if not shorter. Etc, etc.

I know I've done genderbend dumps before but got a new computer recently and lost all my files; will post the few that I have

>> No.8916935
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>> No.8916936
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male kanayas tend to work well

>> No.8916937

My sibling specifically went with one of those blond wigs for genderbent Dave once because 'ironic southern Texas belle'. I dunno.

My point is there's justifications for everything and anything under the sun.

>> No.8916940
File: 2.55 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mb1l3a3zC21qe4fcso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8916943


your sibling is a dumbass. that would only make sense if dave played up "ironic southern gentleman" in canon.

pic related, more shitty femdave

>> No.8916946
File: 630 KB, 502x1000, ya_by_daetsni-d5fak77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it would help if I posted my picture

anyway a lot of shitty daves justify their bad cosplay with "the ironiez"

>> No.8916957
File: 554 KB, 1280x736, tumblr_n1240t2T6u1s9id8ho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not cosplay but middle version is cute without being slutty / ooc

>> No.8916962
File: 50 KB, 317x477, fem_eridan_3_0_by_spasmodiccosplay-d6qq4jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fem eridan with tousled hair on the other hand...

>> No.8917036
File: 54 KB, 250x375, tumblr_may2ow0L0E1qe4fcso3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it amazes me that this still gets posted more than 3 years later. There were other pictures of him that didn't have wonky leg poses, but no, this is the one that always comes back.

pic related, the same kid did a genderbent Jane the next day of that con.

>> No.8917049

Yet another subpar Eridan, surprise surprise.

>> No.8917069
File: 458 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mocmz5nryd1qe4fcso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917071

I very clearly remember there being another malefef at least a year ago with a fem Eridan, but of course I didn't save the image.

>> No.8917088
File: 1.56 MB, 688x1000, male_kanaya_maryam_and_rose_lalonde_cosplay_by_joeyeldridge-d5isnir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917098
File: 68 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mdinjt0Et01qm31tjo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917101
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>> No.8917106
File: 106 KB, 512x792, genderbent_erifef_by_spasmodiccosplay-d5gp6h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe??? I remember them being better than this. though, I might have just, gotten better standards with time.

>> No.8917109
File: 392 KB, 400x604, tumblr_m3kt8pTO3Z1rty4wyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917110
File: 119 KB, 600x900, male_feferi_3_by_gamzeedattebayo-d62i5rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this is the best male Fef I've seen so far

>> No.8917113
File: 87 KB, 500x332, tumblr_ms94uaDwJZ1qejo01o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you mean Ceri and Violet? it's more akin to 3 years now. (and of course I couldn't find a good pic)

>> No.8917114
File: 448 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nqbzecNDw31tm2w4po5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917126
File: 99 KB, 651x946, d208e71e41e1e9036a27e353252bca88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah, thats them!

>> No.8917130
File: 80 KB, 803x995, female_equius_zahhak_cosplay_by_sophiawang-d7lb2i4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917139
File: 100 KB, 900x599, rule_63_homestuck_at_megacon_by_evermorepandemic-d4ztkbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure this male vriska could pick me up and toss me

>> No.8917143
File: 374 KB, 467x700, 1378529405493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright. I'm done wading through heaps of awful pics just to find a few good ones.

>> No.8917147
File: 111 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mj3cepJEUx1qfu6zso1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah, that was actually from phillystuck's march meet up in 2013. It was a cold as hell day too. Those were the days :') Nother photo of the whole outfit

>> No.8917258
File: 448 KB, 478x720, tumblr_m3zoejf0HQ1r0js8no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genderbend OP here, thanks for all the posts!

Between Dirk and Dave, I figured for Dave I would be doing one of his suits and then a ponytail wig probably medium length because I don't think he'd keep it terribly long for reasons already stated. For Dirk I was thinking of doing the tanktop outfit with his mask and maybe using an Arda Jareth I have in his hair color? Spiky side pony/just trim it down and keep it loose? Something like that.

I really don't want to change the outfits too much. Even with Dave's suits I don't know if I could really see him doing what he does with a business skirt on like Jade wears in one of her getups. Crop tops on either of them is also an absolute no.

Offering a Dave I found earlier and liked.

>> No.8917340

I get stupid amounts of happy every time i see someone actually bring a sord to a con. Was this from this years Katsu?

>> No.8917378

A full cherub Calliope. I was never sure if I needed a prosthetic to pull off the cheekbones or if getting creative with makeup would suffice (one test leaned that way but I really loved her skull look and wanted to go all-out), and I had no confidence in my ability to apply a bald-cap without it looking like lumpy shit, let alone to paint the whole thing green. I just wanted to do her proud.

I don't know if I can pull it off by next month, but I'd love to get it together by my next con.

>> No.8917385

I remember an extraordinarily handsome male Feferi. I'll go hunting around on my old computer for it.

>> No.8917501
File: 337 KB, 1280x960, hztuWj8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, trick of the memory, he's well-built but only moderately handsome. The cosplay's alright, probably should have gone for beach trunks. Much older than a year.

>> No.8917661

>That Fef
The shitty bead god is pleased.

>> No.8917687

Definitely go with a prosthetic or a whole mask. Makeup can be alright but having actual bones sticking out just looks better. Also baldcaps suck, try and find a skull mask that fits over your whole head. It's way more comfortable.

>> No.8917689

Porrim and Latula are the only good ones here, Cronus is nice in concept but I'm really not a fan of the execution.

Should cosplay Aurora with that waist.

>> No.8917738

Is it a rule that anyone willing and able to cosplay homestuck is invariably a walking atrocity?
Though I do have a slight thing for bottom left girl in green because of that natural retard-face.
I wonder if she'd even know to fight back or just make confused squeels?

>> No.8917756
File: 57 KB, 389x259, 1126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you see someone try so hard at a shitpost that they end up making no sense

>> No.8918048

>miniskirt and thigh highs

>> No.8918108
File: 374 KB, 478x720, tumblr_m3zoejf0HQ1r0js8no3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Katsu 2012 apparently!

They're shorts which are ehh but not as bad as a skirt imo. But I don't like the thigh highs either.

I found another pic and I'm liking this less and less but the top half + sord looks good.

>> No.8918415

why jeans

>> No.8920672
File: 62 KB, 400x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff from the tag of varying quality.

>> No.8920680
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on the topic of genderbends.

>> No.8920682
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>> No.8920683
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>> No.8920685
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>> No.8920687
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>> No.8920689
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>> No.8920692
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>> No.8920695
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>> No.8920697
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Not sure what's happening here.

>> No.8920698
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>> No.8920699
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>> No.8920700
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>> No.8920749

It's on tumblr. Saturday at 9: http://cowbuttcrunchies.tumblr.com/post/141171928895/for-any-older-homestucks-attending-anime-boston

>> No.8922799

>one last HS cosplay

Did anyone ever do the robo horse Rufioh in a full horse suit?

>> No.8923020

Nope, and doing so qualifies you for your own, honourary tier on the list.

>> No.8923109

Robohorse Tier. I like it.

>> No.8924569

I want better photos of this

She's pretty cute

Also cute, but where's her glasses?

Pretty cool idea, actually

This Condy is still impressive as shit

What's the deal with all the Kanayas doing mermaid skirts as of late?

>> No.8926194

Aside from robohorserufioh, which Homestuck cosplay is the most challenging? Canon only.

>> No.8926379

cis men cant cosplay for shit most of the time

>> No.8927058

has anyone else noticed they've stoped gaining followers or been losing followers? i still cosplay homestuck and i was on a pretty steady rise until last month then i just flatlined. is homestuck finally kill?
condy or handmaid with accurate horns?

>> No.8927074

I'd disagree about the Handmaid/HIC horns, personally i'd include things like an accurate Lord English, muscles, general size and all.

Bonus points for detachable jaw.

>> No.8927097

oh true. be amazing if someone could make changing pool ball eyes, but i dont see how you would do that. you would need a screen programed to flash between all them somehow fit into your mask.

>> No.8927265

I was losing them like crazy for about the last month? It was weird and a little distressing, because I was still posting regular content. Like, I'd post, and immediately lose a handful? It was getting to the point where I wanted to hide the counter because it made me not want to be productive.

Bounced right back this week though, and I'm not sure why. I gained twice what I lost in only 3 days, and I've not even posted anything so I'm not sure how they're finding me.

>> No.8927410

I get a certain amount of followers within a certain timeframe but lately that number has dropped to almost half of what I normally get and I've been losing followers too? My blog is strictly only homestuck so it's not like I'm posting content they didn't follow me for. I'm assuming everybody is losing followers because more and more people just don't do hs anymore and are getting tired of seeing it on their dashes.

>> No.8927411

Accurately-sized Condy horns really don't take much. In the comic, they reach from about the top of her head to her waist. I just measured on myself, and that ends up being almost 6" shorter than my Cody horns.

An accurate Condy wig would be more impressive, if utterly unwearable.

>> No.8927736


These are really good.



>> No.8928707

well good to know its not just me...

>> No.8928922

I haven't really been gaining followers since I've been focusing on other things in life and haven't been doing crazy amounts of new photoshoots like I used to but I have noticed my numbers falling slightly and I try not to let it get to me but somewhere in the back of my mind it makes me anxious.

>> No.8931800

Followers on like, what, Tumblr or Instagram?

>> No.8931981

on tumblr. i still dont have an instagram.

>> No.8932311

AB barstuck was fun. Lots of people this year. Every year theres less actual HS cosplay though.

Bar guys were pricks this year though. Guess they dont want our money. Regret not getting the number or tumblr of a qt 3.14 before they left.

>> No.8932373


Who was it? Somebody might know them

>> No.8932618

The most fun I had all con. the rest of AB was kind of a let down, but barstuck was a really good time.

though yeah, agreed about the bar guys. super slow to order anything, they ran out of many mixers, and were real eager to get us out of there. and I KNOW we were all tipping rather well.

>> No.8932648

Y'all better keep the barstucks going, because one day I will be able to fly my european ass over there, but it will probably not be this year.

>> No.8932664

tfw didnt go to AB, oh well. colossal's in a few months.
katsucon 2017?

>> No.8932669

I wish, but don't bet on it.

Also, I just remembered that US drinking laws are different from my local ones. We'll see.

In other news, a little over two weeks left. Anyone planning on hosting any funerals or anything like that?

>> No.8932882

Who was qt? I probably know them and can give you their tumblr or something

>> No.8932936
File: 413 KB, 720x526, IMG_00001943_edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on crying

>> No.8932992

Holy shit its 413KB in size, that was unplanned and very spooky.

>> No.8933143

I'm sure someone knows them, but it makes me feel kind of sketch asking for their info on cgl. I was just grumpy I guess when I made that post since I don't even know who they were cosplaying. Thanks for offering though.

These guys were huge assholes. At around 50 minutes before the bar closed they announced last call and turned on all the lights to full. Someone went to ask what what was about and the guy was like "I dont know, god did it" or some shit. What the fuck.

>> No.8933168 [DELETED] 

wtf lmao

>> No.8933282

Speaking of barstucks; Is there any/definite plans for an Otakon barstuck this year?

Sorry if there's already been talk of it (or if its still too early to plan, also this year would be my first and i'm not in any groups and stressing sorrysorry)

>> No.8933292


It's still pretty early, nobodys going to make any plans until after colossal

>> No.8933293

Okay, thank you for telling me!

>> No.8933492

if there is im in

>> No.8933674

there likely will be one, though maybe not in the same bar as last year...
Just keep an eye out here or on tumblr closer to the con, there'll likely be a post made that gets boosted by the usual attendees.

just over two months away and I'm already hype for Colossal. Now here's hoping cosplay plans all fall into place...

>> No.8934931


>> No.8934985
File: 1.06 MB, 245x245, tumblr_inline_o41gituASf1r8sbjv_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8935007

Looks like the end of the comic is in sight.

Think we'll get more HS cosplays at cons because of it or do people still not care?

>> No.8935027


probably a lot of celebrating the end at any con right around april, and then people using this summer to wrap up the half finished ones they've had laying around for years.

>> No.8935188

im working on something for 4/13, idk if we'll actually see any increase in homestuck at cons tho

>> No.8938431
File: 6 KB, 111x256, upd8 roxy copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one bothered by this.

>> No.8938444

Holy shit it's almost at the end

There'll be one big push of cosplayers and then I think it'll start dying down. Very slowly.

>> No.8938508

Whats wrong? I've noticed the style as a whole is a bit different, but besides her void symbol being left out, whats wrong with it.

>sorry in advance, i may just be blind

>> No.8938518


>> No.8938566

Well fuck me and call me Roger, i should've seen that.

Side note, am i the only one who doesn't really like black lipstick on Roxy? In panels like >>8938431 it always shows her features as grey'd out (same for rose) and it makes me wonder why people don't give her like her pink colour?

Idk, i'm sure this is a topic no one cares about, lol.

>> No.8938898

Didn't Hussie say a bunch of panels were drawn by various guest artists? There's probably going to be a lot of inconsistency in terms of canon appearances (See: Everything in that Vriskagram flash).

>> No.8939196

yeah these upd8's are all by guest artists i think

>> No.8940540
File: 9 KB, 281x366, crowbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably gonna do a crowbar cosplay, which means I gotta once again brave the murky depths of the internet in search of a real fedora, not a fucking trilby. and it's gotta be triangular as fuck.

>> No.8940575

Maybe you could DIY it?

>> No.8940577

Make it with cardboard, hot glue and felt.

>> No.8940599

you make a compelling point, and it's been an hour of searching with no results anyway so i'm probably gonna do that

>> No.8940947

I was joking about the cardboard and felt. Though at the same time, people have done amazing things with cardboard. You just have to make it look like its not made with cardboard.

Basically, best of luck.

>> No.8942140
File: 32 KB, 170x210, MS Paint Adventures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically a double post but; I guess Karkat officially dual wields now?

>> No.8942351

i was thinking the same thing. it was a guest artist who drew that tho. its not weird tho since we've seen john and dave duel wield their weapons before.
also looks like its time for a new thread. (dont forget to use the right list in the op, not that its actually important. i guess this >>8879300?)

>> No.8942725

We still got like, nine more posts, so not quite yet.

But yeah, the next one should hopefully have the updated list.

>> No.8942769
File: 728 KB, 848x384, megido horns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to tackle the Megido horn shape? There've been many different interpretations (pic related), but what do you think looks best?

>> No.8942879

Party City horns

>> No.8943031

Yeah you're right, i just think karkat double wielding looks like shit, so i'm biased.

Position wise, i like the middle, not flat against the head, and not sticking straight out.

The texture and size of the party city horns are pretty assy, but if you cut them down and cover the texture they make for a really good base.

>> No.8944495

I kinda like the middle ones.

>> No.8944507

Technically it's a tricorne. I think there's a tumblr post somewhere that labels all of the felt hats and what they are.

>> No.8944742

How are an actual ram's horns positioned? That could be a good start.

>> No.8945832
File: 36 KB, 462x171, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean most people model after the male Ram's horns cause the females look weird in comparison to canon art (understatment). I mean as awful as it it, the Party City horns are pretty accurate to an actual Ram. But we all know that they look awful and that their horns would not be that large anyway for multiple reasons. So yeah. There's that. That's all I got.

>> No.8946359

I've seen them attached more towards the crown of the head (kinda Peixes) a few times and I kinda prefer that in all honesty. It's less canonically supported, but just more attractive aesthetically.

But then again, the Megido horns shift directions, proportions and placement all over the place. A better measurement of what'd be canon would probably be to look at the Handmaid's horns and scale them back a few centuries.

>> No.8946435

New thread, with the updated list.


>> No.8950383

I remember seeing this in person, like fucking 2013 Saboten? Lmao at Azstuck

>> No.8950387

More of