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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 105 KB, 500x421, decophone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8843333 No.8843333 [Reply] [Original]

Deco den general thread, seems like all the decoden threads are archived.

-photos of stuff you made or admire

-advice/questions on where to buy supplies

-questions/reccomendatiosn for indie shops etsy/storeenvy/etc

>> No.8843348

Is it deco den or decoden?

>> No.8843370

Has anyone bought wholesale cabochons from Gets.com? I usualy buy from sellers the US, but am starting to think ordering overseas might be a better value overall.

>> No.8843401

I guess its either?

>> No.8843416
File: 163 KB, 800x533, deco_DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843448

This so simple and cute. Unlike 99.9% of the deco shit you see in Artist Alleys. God, why is it so hard to put together a nice clean design? Why do so many people assume Deco is randomly slapping shit willy nilly into caulk without any thought?

>> No.8843525

Fake frosting is such an easy way out when making deco cases. It almost always looks like shit.

>> No.8844443
File: 61 KB, 800x530, decoden_1.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Totally agree. Like wtf is this shit right here?! I cant believe this is from a tutorial.


>> No.8844467
File: 23 KB, 354x354, 3243rfeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of a cool concept.

>> No.8844524

Can anyone tell me if the Sophie&Toffee creams/jellies are any good? Silicone makes me feel really sick, even after its aired out for a few days.

>> No.8844983
File: 745 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_15401-20160202_203055-1390767921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet the decoden thread is back! Just wrapped up working on an UtaPri one for the night for another anon.

Has anyone worked with e6000 jewelry and bead glue and have any suggestions for cleaning dried glue out of the nozzles? It takes me 15 minutes of digging with tweezers to get them unclogged.

>> No.8845032

That's already looking so damn good keep with the progress shots!

>> No.8845194

Really like this idea, especially if it's a Starbucks themed one.

Thanks anon! I hope it looks as good when I remove the guide from the bottom since it's adding color into the gaps.

>> No.8845611

Your work looks so neat! Good job anon!

>> No.8845765
File: 19 KB, 600x600, bf492_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! The motivation definitely helps since it's pretty time consuming.

So I ended up Googling the e6000 glue issue and it says to use acetone based nail polish remover. Not sure how well it'll work on gunked up syringe nozzles but I'll give it a shot, otherwise I'll just start buying bulk.

If anyone else does bead decoden, I definitely recommend pic related! My e6000 glue came with four little syringe nozzles like these and they're fantastic to use and when I was googling I noticed it's a fairly new thing so not a lot of people had known about it? So yeah, definitely invest in some of these! I think it suggested you use a 15gauge/1.4mm for e6000 thick glues and smaller for more thinner glues.


>> No.8847593

Thanks anon! I hadn't seen these before either. They look really useful.

>> No.8847595

My mother does nail art and decoden for some of my lolita coords and uses these types of nozzles for glues, especially the small tipped one. They are really useful when needing to use glue on smaller items.

Also nice job so far! Looks really neat and pretty clean!

>> No.8847695

Your mother sounds cool. What kind of stuff does she deco?

>> No.8847960

Can you post pictures? I'd love to see some lolita themed stuff.

>> No.8847965
File: 235 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_o1zormesY81v4ah2io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! This is as far as I can do until my 4mm white rhinestones arrive so I'm switching to another case to do a Handsome Jack design on it for another anon.

Someday I'll get to do my own case but I'm trying to get as many done as possible before Valentines is over.

Shameless tumblr sideblog plug below and I'd love to follow anyone else here that's doing decoden/crafting in general since I follow exactly 0 craft blogs and these decoden threads don't pop up regularly here.

>> No.8848523
File: 3.21 MB, 2988x5312, KakaoTalk_20160204_181136720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just received the Love Live case from >>8847965 and I thought I'd share a picture -- it's so cute and I'm so happy that deco anon was kind enough to make it, along with everybody else who is getting one!

>> No.8849011

Just followed you, my blog is absolute unfocused bullshit but it does have some craft stuff on there sometimes if you're at all interested.

>> No.8849087
File: 938 KB, 500x220, a1b5ce574ab648be32c6d378c288891e860da47e_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're the puppet named one, I've just followed you via my main.

And just throwing this out here because clearly I don't have enough to do already, if anyone wants a Holy Lantern themed lolita phone case and you have a Samsung Galaxy s5, I'm totally using the spare case I have from an anon that never contacted me to make the print into a decoden case. Not sure if I'll use pearls or rhinestones but I'll figure it out in the morning. So yeah, if you want that when I'm done with it, totally hit me up on my blog since I need to work on something while I wait for my rhinestone orders to come in so I can finish the other three phones I need to do.

>> No.8849241

Usually she decorates cabochon bows which she uses rhinestones and swarovskis, makes slightly bigger pieces and decorates biscuits with bears and makes candy pieces out of clay to add onto it, she was able to find those acrylic bow bracelets and decorated them for fun which I have.

If I can get some good lighting and the time this upcoming week (most likely sunday) I will try to post some pictures of nail polish bottles and little things she has made for me.

>> No.8849459

This sounds super cute. I'm looking forwards to the pics!

>> No.8849467

Followed you on my main when you first did it, but my craft blog (fucking eventually, I have to finish some tutorials to start it up) is http://itacraft.tumblr.com because my main is horseshit

>> No.8849483

Oh gosh all of that sounds so damn cute!


>> No.8851214

shop link?

>> No.8851230

see >>8847965 is doing commissions

>> No.8852267

weird question, but do you think the fact I'm a baker and know how to ice cupcakes and cakes would give me better control over being able to do icing based deco stuff? or does it handle too different from butter/regular cream to be an advantage

>> No.8852333

I would think even if the material itself was different, you'd do better since you know piping technique while most decoden people just know one method.

>> No.8852831

It'd give you a good advantage imo. People whose work you see in the regretsy threads are usually completely and utterly incompetent with icing, and make a lot of simple mistakes, which doesn't do their pieces any favours. Even if you're total shit at decorating you'd at least have a solid foundation to build on.

>> No.8854430

Is anyone else working on projects or have projects they've recently finished? Need some inspiration to start working on stuff.

>> No.8854556

Omg that's so cute! I love it

>> No.8854558

Ooooh that sounds cool, I might be interested!

>> No.8855509

Thanks and if I ever get it done I'll post it here to be claimed. Currently having to wait cny out for supplies.

>> No.8855619

This is hella awesome, but... can you actually use your phone with a case this big? Or is it just an ornament?

>> No.8855624

Looks like a game console case to me, anon.

>> No.8855638

>deco DS case in a decoden thread
>I don't know why this was posted

I put up a review for LoveTheKawaiiShop on my blog. Is there any one who would be interested?

>> No.8855640

Oh, youre right, I didnt notice.

But what I was refering to was to the accesories, arent they too big for the case to be handled normally?

>> No.8855641

Because it's a tutorial? Plus it's all deco, doesn't matter if it's a phone or not.

>> No.8855644
File: 260 KB, 1600x974, IMG_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were a phone it would be a bit tricky but you can always hold it near the bottom where there's less decoration. I'd be more concerned about having this as a phone case.

>> No.8855684

I see now, thank you for answering, anon!

>> No.8855808

Wow chill. Why are you so assblasted over the word decoden? The DS case picture is a tutorial that could be applied to phone cases too. Plus in previous deco threads, we had deco items that weren't phones like 3DS cases and boxes.

>> No.8855820

I don't think misusing "decoden" is why "western style deco is fucking garbage" either. It's more likely because there are western deco-ers don't understand kawaii and how to made deco look good.
Western misunderstanding of kawaii is how you end up with ugly shit like that "whip case" kit from Michaels.

>> No.8855821

Understanding what decoden means doesnt magically grants you crafts skills, jesus.

>> No.8855828
File: 97 KB, 640x480, sassygulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill, bruv. We're just here to have a good time, alright? We can't exactly have a decoden thread and then a deco-everything-else thread. If you put beads, whip, or cabos on something then it belongs here.

>> No.8855838
File: 17 KB, 236x276, 99229cc35a36e4433991238d24f7b41b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping some general deco stuff to combat the salt.

>> No.8855839
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>> No.8855841
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>> No.8855845
File: 141 KB, 900x611, chocolate_decoden_iphone_4_cases_by_lessthan3chrissy-d4hxo5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855846

This is ugly af.

>> No.8855851

I don't like the wierd lollipop in the corner. It throws the colour balance off. Other than that, pretty cute.

>> No.8855853
File: 29 KB, 470x324, decoden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855855
File: 192 KB, 1024x736, decoden__bentou_box_3_by_beckybachii-d5ciwrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855857
File: 137 KB, 900x675, decoden_cookie_mirrors_by_lessthan3chrissy-d32ytf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855858
File: 129 KB, 900x647, decoden_mini_box_15_15_by_kpcharms-d5ddbyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855859
File: 85 KB, 600x462, decoden_necklaces_2__by_decoland-d5ak0ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855863
File: 91 KB, 500x379, Decoden-Hello-Kitty-Bow-Iphone-Case-Kawaii-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like how simple and elegant this one is.

>> No.8855877
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>> No.8855881
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>> No.8855884
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>> No.8855885
File: 385 KB, 900x871, May nail inspiration, nail art and decoden 01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8855901
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>> No.8855903
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And a nightmare fuel one to finish it off.

>> No.8855930

Sewing/work rooms are organized and decorated differently from bedrooms though. We could have an EGA general and an separate ouji thread but that's besides the point.
Decoden is a subcategory of deco so why would you need a different thread just for decoden when it uses the same techniques and materials as deco mirrors, boxes, etc.? Separating this thread into deco general and then specifically decoden is a waste of threads. Starting a kawaii phone (including wallpapers, ringtones, themes, etc.) thread would be way more useful than having both a deco AND a decoden thread.

>> No.8856058

Dear lord what is up with her eyes

>> No.8856144
File: 127 KB, 750x932, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok that's cool. Stop shitting up the deco thread.

>> No.8856167
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Dumping some photos

>> No.8856217

Love the colors in this one.

>> No.8856234
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>> No.8856235
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>> No.8856236
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>> No.8856238
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>> No.8856242
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>> No.8856244
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>> No.8856288

Are beads on the side like this a good idea? I've just gotten into deco and have avoided it because I'm worried they'll risk popping off or being broken off quicker.

>> No.8856326

While I'm also not a fan of fake frosting, you gotta chill

>> No.8856451
File: 704 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_4098-20160209_213200273776333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else got progress updates to share? Feeling all by myself but I'm excited that I can finish this one tonight and work on an identical one for another UtaPri anon with the same husbando who wanted the same design.

>> No.8856597
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1152, tmp_4098-20160209_224020-343401642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished finally!

>> No.8856631

Wait have you actually seen the kit? It's a kit for little kids with whip that deflates so much while it dries that it's flat when it's fully dry and the cabochons are like the animals on the Miss Manga mascara ad.
It's great if you have a little kid who wants to have some fun but it's just not actual decoden if you know what I mean.

>> No.8856665
File: 42 KB, 354x354, x354-q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're buying Taobao brand, I see a lot of already colored ones. I don't use whip but I see it a ton when buying supplies on Taobao and it seems like they've got every color under the sun for their generic non-Japan imported stuff.

>> No.8856670
File: 108 KB, 540x448, tumblr_inline_npfkafvrAr1sc5bbg_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That random ass black piece of licorice(?)
Why did they think that was a good idea

>> No.8856671

anyone using taobao stuff make sure to atleast spray seal it, a lot is known to be water soluble.

>> No.8856702

I think it's a chocolate biscuit but yeah, agreed.

>> No.8856705
File: 62 KB, 260x200, tumblr_lgxna3QgG71qafrh6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see preview screencap
>How to make Decoden!
>spraying shaving cream into a container

>> No.8856724

You know what you have to do for science, anon.

>> No.8859723

They're more at risk of popping off, but if you embed them well and use decent materials it won't be as likely. I think it makes the case look neater, but I prefer fake icing/cream.
Looks great! Congrats on finishing.
You can buy coloured whip. It's not that hard to find, but there's not a lot to choose from. If you want pale pink or brown, you're fine. If you want something that's not pastel or pastry toned, good luck finding something decent.

>> No.8859730

I'll have to try putting them on the sides then. I use some hardcore California cancer glue and once it dries everything is pretty sturdy but I'm still a little worried.

>> No.8859739

Please let us know how it turns out. I'm not sure if this is secretly brilliant or a worse idea than it looks.

>> No.8859904

please let us know how it goes! I'm interested if it sets with some movement like a silicone or kinda hard

For you anons that dont buy the stuff designed for whip, do you use the caulk type silicone, i've heard you should get the the stuff that says silicon e II is that true?

>> No.8861005

If anon who wanted to try the shaving cream + glue method doesn't reply back by today, I'd be willing to try it for science if I can find some Elmers glue in the house. Even got a spare phone case I can glob some on.

>> No.8861059

please do. i'm super curious about it because it sounds like a shit idea but a lot of things that turned out good sounded like shit ideas at first too.

>> No.8861252
File: 737 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_2490-20160212_1329571908119384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw fuck. Just noticed i messed the colors up for the middle. I have to pry all of them up and redo it. RIP me

>> No.8861280
File: 699 KB, 2048x1152, 2016-02-12 13.53.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sharp tweezer tips just stabbed me in the thumb really bad but luckily no blood on anything.

>> No.8861302

I really hope someone reports back on this because my wallet just started weeping at the possibilities.

>> No.8861404
File: 723 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_4682-20160212_1546031908119384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished finally. Doing a Holy Lantern one next as a weekend project before I start another commission on monday.

>> No.8861590
File: 685 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_26903-20160212_183656273776333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final spam for today. Not sure if lolita decoden is even a thing but I thought the design was gorgeous. Not sure what I'll do with the finished case.

>> No.8861603

The space between one star and the chandelier is bigger than the other one, it somehow bugs me

>> No.8861614

Not too sure on quality of other whipple types, but whipple itself has a pretty watered down consistency. After more investigation, I see a lot of people are using silicone and adding pigment.
I've already tested whipple and did not like it, I will try to test out regular silicone tonight like I've seen in several youtube tuts.

>> No.8861670

Yep, it totally is. Don't worry, it's going to get removed and redone since my eyes were so tired by the end of it that I didn't even notice.

>> No.8862519

It's alright, anon. I'll poke around the craft storage and see if we've got any Elmers.

>> No.8864020

Maybe try coating them with something like resin?

>> No.8864319

Does that work for phone cases?

>> No.8864340
File: 88 KB, 844x547, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the comments, this doesn't work at all.

Probably should have read them before I volunteered to try it out but I guess that saves me a trip to Walmart to get glue.

>> No.8865631
File: 59 KB, 750x500, DSC_2146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept reading for a while and most people said it didn't work or came out looking like puffy paint.

Which yeah, I take one look at pic related and immediately see why they said that. Her mixture did look just like that.

>> No.8866424

Oh wow, this looks terrible. I wonder how it looks when it's dry, I'm guessing it'd look like a multicoloured bagworm.

>> No.8869485


How to do two tone clear glitter color whips.

>> No.8869486


how to make clear glitter whips.

>> No.8869493


Another tutorial by the same person here

but this one is interesting for making phone cases with a framed section. This tutorial uses both resin and silicon whip for decoden, so it's pretty interesting to see!

>> No.8869767

Thanks for the links! I don't whip my phones (jeez that sounds weird) but I like watching the process anyway.

>> No.8872361

These are pretty cool, thanks for linking them!

>> No.8872869

for people wanting to try this, there are such things as dual colour piping bags these days you could use instead!

>> No.8872988

it looks like a fun activity for kids in the bath

>> No.8873264

I did not know that. Thanks anon, you've made my life and decoing activities easier.

>> No.8873415

you're welcome anon! my baking knowledge seems to come in handy in a variety of places aha
Oh forgot to ask this question last night, is it better to use plastic tips for piping? 90% of tutorials seem to use them, but my favourite set of icing nozzles that are a great size are metal (I'd buy new ones obvs )

>> No.8873540

I think metal would be fine? I think people just use plastic because either they're cheap and disposable? But yeah, if I can reuse metal tips for my harsh craft glue then I don't see why you couldn't use metal tips for whip.

>> No.8874797

I've seen some people say that silicone won't come off the metal tips or something like that. Anything water soluble though obviously will be fine.

>> No.8874839

Surely there's something you can soak them in to at least help get the gunk off?

>> No.8874910

I think if you are able to chip most of it off through elbow grease and a sharp tip you can soak silicone in white vinegar to help soften it and remove the rest.

>> No.8875018

I've heard that people use plastic because if the silicone dries in the tip, they can yank it out in one piece vs it being permanently stuck in a metal tip.

>> No.8875395

Aah, okay. See, I've never worked with silicone so I figured at the very least there could be something you could soak it in to make it easier to clean the tips out. Hopefully this helps baking-anon!

>> No.8877435

Plastic is better.
It should do, if you brush it on when the resin is super thick.

>> No.8877945

<3 thank you so much guys!

>> No.8877946

So I absolutely need a caulking gun to use silicone? cause I can't get my tube open.

>> No.8879799

As far as I know, yes.

>> No.8879853

If its a cardboard/harder plastic tube, yes. I think the squishy plastic ones can be squeezed by hand but not 100% on that

>> No.8879953

Thanks guys, I don't know why I thought I could just forgo it. Always do your research.

>> No.8881629

Lol, it's not the stupidest thing someone's done when it comes to deco, just look at the depressed marshmallow thing. At least you're using silicone instead of shaving cream and glue.

>> No.8882999

I just made the mistake of searching resin cabochons on ebay.

Help me, seagulls. The mind is willing but the wallet is weak.

>> No.8883088

Do auctions! You'll get a better deal.

>> No.8883106

P+P lowest-highest, or auctions ending soon. I've gotten so many great deals on deco stuff this way. Also, have a budget and stick to it, and if there's a piece you like but can't justify buying check back every week or so, it's pretty likely you'll find it for way cheaper on auction.

>> No.8883554

>just look at the depressed marshmallow thing
lol I know. I bought some whipple awhile back and oh god. It is so sad looking when it dries and doesn't hold a shape at all.

>shaving cream and glue
my boyfriend and I were going through youtube videos to try and find the best way to do it and were laughing at people who were using shaving cream and some people were using air dry clay? we had some air dry clay laying around and tried it and it doesn't even budge let alone make a shape of any kind, nor can you squeeze it out of a tube easily.

>> No.8883564

the center one looks like some new species of bug... it's awesome.

>> No.8883585

I've tried using air dry clay, back when I was a very young and poor tween. I didn't try to squeeze it out of a piping bag though, I just sort of made a lump and carved bits out with a cocktail stick.
I'm really tempted to make tutorials of the terrible ideas I had, just to show people how shit they are and why molds are a thing.

>> No.8883706

Oh it wasn't just air dry clay, they added something to it and even in the video, their piping didn't look that good.

Air dry clay on its own is great for things that aren't decoden.

>> No.8883959
File: 62 KB, 610x459, 39eq51-l-610x610-phone+cover-pink-pastel-pastel+pink-pastel+phone+case-decoration-decora-decoden-roses-heart-studs-pearl-cute-kawaii-asian+fashion-japanese+fashion-japanese+inspiration-japanese+ins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've got three phone cases to do but supplies won't arrive until March at the earliest
Buying 1000 rhinestones/pearls from China for $0.68 is fantastic but the wait is not.

Have some spam to share in my suffering.

>> No.8883961
File: 41 KB, 570x507, 69fc4c1a8ea82ff5a0589179f694b3df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883965
File: 227 KB, 800x600, Bling-Rainbow-Pearl-Jelly-Rhinestones-Little-Pony-DIY-Deco-Kit-Decoden-Kit-Cabochon-Deco-Kit-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883966
File: 58 KB, 495x524, il_570xN.435556687_k2va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883967
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>> No.8883969
File: 209 KB, 800x600, -Popular-Polka-Dot-Sticker-Bowknot-Pearl-DIY-Deco-Kit-Decoden-Kit-Cabochon-Deco-Kit-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883971
File: 111 KB, 630x462, Skull-Square-Rivet-Bling-Crystal-Metal-DIY-Cell-Phone-Case-shell-Cover-Deco-Den-Kit-l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883973
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>> No.8883975
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>> No.8883978
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>> No.8883980
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>> No.8883986

i feel like i need to deco my camera now

>> No.8884014
File: 13 KB, 125x124, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried the help thread but maybe it would be better to ask here. Does anyone know where I can buy/make this type of colored gel deco cream? I can't find anything but the normal opaque white while googling. Before anyone tells me to just add glitter and color, in the photo it looks gel-like and translucent. Is there a clear deco gel I don't know about?

>> No.8884015
File: 497 KB, 589x588, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last photo was for ants, sorry.

>> No.8884017

looks like the kind of stuff that
>>8869486 is using. See if that's what you're going for?

>> No.8884020


See these videos

Basically mix glitter/colour with clear silicone instead of the white stuff

>> No.8884112

Just curious, how do you gulls take care of your deco phone cases? They're so cute, but they look awfully spiky and fragile and like they would catch on everything when chucked in a purse. Do you have a special slipcover or something for them? Is a decoden case pretty much destroyed if you drop it once?

This is a whole different world for me. I've got my poor little phone in a heavy-duty case for a reason.

>> No.8884197

I use that a lot. When you go to put it away, fill the cap with vaseline. It will keep any extra glue from gluing the cap on and keep anything around the nozzle pliant so you can just peel away any other stuff around without too much trouble.

>> No.8884202
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Sorry, I think we're talking about two different things? You mean the cap that goes on the glue tube, right?
I'm talking about pic related. I've just resorted to soaking them in nail polish remover overnight and getting a big bag of 110 disposable ones.

>> No.8884349

Exactly what I was looking for! I missed it the first time I looked at the thread for some reason. Thank you!

>> No.8884967

Idk about other anons but my purse has a pocket on the inside that my phone slides right into. I haven't dropped it though and imagine that would probably be the end of it.

>> No.8884976

What >>8884967 said. My purse has two pockets on the inside so my phone goes in one and my pens and lint roller in another.

>> No.8885772
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>> No.8885773
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Going to attempt some kind of shoujo phone case. Pray to the decoden spirits for me because I have no idea what to make.

>> No.8886061

I was just looking up general deco tutorials and I saw to get the air dry clay method to work you need to dry it quickly (using a hairdryer on cool for instance) which prevents the outside from flattening
Idk why anyone would bother when you can get sillicone for so cheap but what ever

>> No.8886691

I'm pretty hyped to try this out for the first time, which brand of silicon do UK gulls use though? Literally just looking at the ones on homebase, wanting to make a red glitter whip first

>> No.8887233

Anyone have any tips for working with the Sophie&Toffee jelly whip? All the tutorials I see it seems to pipe smoothly but its really thick and sticky for me. Since its water based, is it possible for me to add a tiny bit of water to make it easier to squeeze?

>> No.8889172

Good luck with that, anon.
Because people are convinced that making shit out of other shit is more economical and clever. See glue and shaving foam example.

>> No.8890986

this is ugly and tumblrcore as fuck.

try it out with a little bit of jelly on the side piped onto scrap paper. if it doesn't work, then idk.

>> No.8891969

In the same boat as you anon. Try googling the different brands+deco and see if any warning pop up.

>> No.8892654

they seem all right, but now my main problem is finding good cabochon suppliers because I want to make a creepy cute decoden style case

>> No.8894156
File: 581 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_10798-20160303_171853217835760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you work over an hour and then rip it all out

Losing motivation, gulls. How the hell do you all do this with that deco whip stuff when you can't just wipe it off and start over?

>> No.8894158

Honestly you just suck it up and keep on trying. As a saying from my mom, "You won't learn how to do something if you don't mess up and lose product and material while practicing."

Which is true in all hobbies and crafts, you just have to roll with it and hope for the best until you get the hang of it. Don't lose hope itaphone anon! You can do it, just keep on pushing!

>> No.8894162

Thanks. Decided to start up again tomorrow. First time doing a face so three different skintoned stones are fucking with me.

Seriously though, how do correct mistakes with that deco cream stuff? Can you scrape it off or do you have to just cram extra cabochons on there and hope no one notices?

>> No.8894171

When I used to do decoden, I would just try to save the cabochons and scrap some of the whip if it's still clean and not messed up to reuse it but honestly, it just becomes a bigger mess and I believe most would just save the cabochons and call the rest a lost cause.

Adding more cabochons makes the mess look more noticeable .

>> No.8894176

Thanks for the explanation, anon! Never have used the stuff before but like how it looks (when it's not the terrible Etsy stuff).

>> No.8894262
File: 1.75 MB, 245x164, 1455375315244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweet jesus I am sorry

>> No.8894294

It's alright, anon. I think I just got over ambitious. I'm going to try with a new picture of Handsome Jack tomorrow that looks a bit easier to achieve.

>> No.8894585

I enjoy doing both.
decowhip is a lot easier

>> No.8896763
File: 25 KB, 499x491, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep wanting to do a bag, but it's a bit ambitious for me at the moment. I was looking at this one for it, might be useful to someone else!


>> No.8896887

Wrong thread?

>> No.8896900

She wants to deco a bag, how is it a wrong thread?

>> No.8896911

Sorry, I read it and saw it was a clear bag and thought she accidentally posted here thinking it was the itabag thread.

>> No.8897730

I might give it a go. Thanks for the link, anon!

>> No.8899724
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_o3ou5lDC491v4ah2io3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding some content to bump! Started working on my Holy Lantern unusable phone case again today and already fearing I'll run out of pearls. 2,000pcs in 2mm size is not a lot, I've realized.

Also took anon advice and redid the left star trail that was wonky last time. It may be fixed again, depending on how things go.

>> No.8899729
File: 163 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_o3ou5lDC491v4ah2io2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And better chandelier angle.

>> No.8901010

a lot better! i love it!
your patience is super admirable

I'm thinking of making acrylic jewelry with rhine stone elements, what glue to you recommend, there's like 4 types of e6000 d6000 etcetc ive been told about but I have noo idea what one to go for

>> No.8901087

Thanks! Personally, I use e6000 because it said it stuck to plastics, metal, and a bunch of other things. Usually if you search the glue type, it'll give you a list of what it will and won't work with and I'm not sure which category acrylic falls into.

>> No.8901090

And I did a quick google and found exactly what you're looking for! Shows you what color it dries, how long it takes, what it works on, etc.


>> No.8901126

ahhh awesome! thank you so much

>> No.8901582

This is great!It really does look a lot better now, you did a good job fixing the star trail.

>> No.8901806
File: 649 KB, 2048x1152, 20160308_193545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up having to alter the right one now since I added more pink rows so I think everything black in the end will have to be moved.

>tfw I only have around 1,000 pearls left
It's going to take a month to get another order of 2,000 in to finish what's left when I run out.

>> No.8901894

this looks great!

>> No.8901935

Thanks! It actually doesn't fit my phone so once I finish it, I guess I'll photograph it for my future Artist Alley portfolio and then see if anyone wants to buy it.

Since I discovered that the new Dollar Tree we just got has phone cases for sale, I'm royally screwed because I want to make ALL the designs but my phone won't fit any of them.

>> No.8903314

Start an Etsy. Everything you've posted so far is a hundred times better than the kawaii silicon diarrhea Etsy sellers are so fond of making.

>> No.8903347
File: 675 KB, 746x488, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will once I finish up the two commissions I still owe to gulls. Waiting up to a month for bead supplies has put me really behind so I don't think I can sell commissions but it'd be nice to just raid the Dollar Tree for iphone/samsung cases and make them whenever I've got time and sell them for about $10 + I guess the $3 for shipping?

>inb4 you're charging too little!
Just starting out so yeah, ain't charging them outrageous kawaii prices

>> No.8903954

>I want to make ALL the designs but my phone won't fit any of them
I know that feel. I have a ZTE Reef (job is really hard on phones so cheap + waterproof) and all I can ever find are rubber cases.

>> No.8903995

>inb4 you're charging too little!
charge whatever you want but don't undercut the market.
that's what causes people to think that they can get x good for cheap so why can't you make yours the same price as that one?

>> No.8904022

>better than the kawaii silicon diarrhea Etsy sellers are so fond of making.
Oh, are people already sick of it? I was just getting into it.

>> No.8904199
File: 97 KB, 570x855, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, if it's good there's a market for it. I meant stuff like pic related.

>> No.8904249

>don't undercut the market
Yikes, I didn't even think about it. Honestly? I cringe at the idea of charging $20 like I see the decowhip cases asking. I mean, I paid $1 for the case and probably $3 for all the pearls/rhinestones going on the case and it's more stress relief than moneymaker for me so I just feel bad asking that much for something I'm doing for fun.

That and I got a bad case of "Your stuff sucks, no one would even buy it for $10" for most of what I make, that Holy Lantern one excluded because I think that's the first one I've had that is actually turning out pretty damn good so far.

I don't know, maybe I need to just kick myself in the ass and make myself charge more because if it doesn't sell then all I gotta do is lower the price a few dollars until someone buys it.

That's the issue I had with my phone as well! 95% of the clear cases were that new flexible rubber crap (I bought two by mistake) so now I've resorted to buying cheap $1 cases off Ali with tumblr designs/sayings on them and I soak them in water + dish soap and then scrape all the paint off to make my own hard shell plastic case to decorate.

That yellow is like piss in snow..

>> No.8904353

You're charging for the time, too. Those cases look like they take forever to make. Charge $15 and if nobody buys them have a sale and sell them for $10. I imagine you'll be able to sell a few at full price though.
And I'm glad you liked my deco example, lol. I stared at it for five minutes trying to work out if the yellow was photoshopped on or if it was highlighter. I still haven't figured out what the hell it is.

>> No.8904368
File: 22 KB, 430x286, IMG_0363-430x286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Holy Lantern case is closing in on five hours total so far, spread out over a few weeks because of bead supplies taking forever to come in. That's definitely what I'll do though, start out around $15 and then just discount after a few weeks if they don't sell since as long as I get back what I paid for them with a few dollars extra to buy more supplies, that's good enough for me.

It does look like highlighter fluid but I'm not sure how they'd pull that off (then again shaving cream + elmers glue = deco whip apparently) so it's probably some cheap neon yellow fabric paint? The line looks too thin and controlled to be acrylic from those bigger opening bottles.

>> No.8904458

Don't underprice yourself, anon. Your work is worth more than $13 because they actually look good.
And yeah I think you should "overprice" and then say you're having a sale if no one buys. You can make your price lower and no one will complain but if you raise it, you'll lose business.

>> No.8904501

Thanks for the link, anon! I'm going to keep an eye on the AA thread for more wisdom, especially for pricing.

>> No.8904703
File: 670 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_31353-20160310_172052217835760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just might be able to pull this off with the supplies I have left!

If i get it done today, gulls you get first dibs on it. It's for Samsung Galaxy s5.

>> No.8904909
File: 1.64 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here do those photo frame decoden cases like pic related? If so, I'd be interested in commissioning one to match my ita bag.

Also dump of awful cases coming up.

>> No.8904912
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>> No.8904913
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>> No.8904916
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>> No.8904917
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>> No.8904921
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>> No.8904924
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>> No.8904925

Love those photo frame cases but I couldn't make one even if I knew how they did it. Probably involves resin?

>> No.8904926
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>> No.8904930
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I honestly have no idea how they do it either. It might just be a card stock insert under a clear case.

>> No.8904933

This is the definition of clusterfuck.

>> No.8904935
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>> No.8904937
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This person's entire Instagram is filled with cases like these.

>> No.8904941

But for what purpose? I'm so baffled right now.

>> No.8904942
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>> No.8904948
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Because why not, I guess? Here's one of Betty Boop with a coke bottle, a cowboy, a giant M&M, a cross, a Star of David, and a crucifix among other things.

>> No.8904953
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>> No.8904956
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Featuring a large bootleg Nendoroid.

>> No.8904959
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Bonus: deco pad- for the days when you feel like wasting a bunch of materials for no reason.

>> No.8904989

This is it. This is the ultimate form of deco that shall ever be.. aside from deco tampons.

>> No.8905004

This clearly makes sense as a work of art because it shows religion and all things good being corrupted and overtaken by the devil and the sins of lust, perversion, greed, and commercialism.

>> No.8905022

I feel like this could sell on etsy as a head-piece

>> No.8905027

My favorite atrocities are things that aren't awful due to ignorance but instead awful due to arrogance

>> No.8905101

You generally laminate your picture and set it and coat it with resin to keep it safe

>> No.8905104

Glue picture to case, seal it, dome with resin and pipe the silicon around it when it's cured.

>> No.8905113


Do you have a source for this anon? I tried typing in the logo at the bottom but just got some random woman's pintrist. :(

>> No.8905118

Nothing says AOT like fucking watermelon and a turtle.
This reminds me of those overpriced make-your-own kits that came with cheap plastic beads and a lot of glitter and some bottlecaps. It looks like disappointment feels.

>> No.8905129

Try google searching the image itself and see if that helps.

>> No.8905137


Ah, thanks anon! Don't know why I didn't think of that. Here's the link to the artist's DA page, it doesn't seem like she's got a storefront but I'll keep digging


>> No.8905140

it was even tagged #contemporaryart. i had a good giggle when i found it.

that... actually makes a lot of sense...
good job anon.

>> No.8905153

I just pulled it right out my arse, like the person who created it.

>> No.8905433

Nice. I been following your tumblr for updates and I must say, I was worried that you might of not made it with all the beads you had on hand but it looks like you can finish it!

>> No.8905436

>>8904909 in this post >>8869493 there is a tutorial on how to do these types of cases and I believe that same person takes commission as well. Check out their youtube page because I am sure they have an etsy or a blog to contact them through.

>> No.8906268
File: 363 KB, 1024x1820, CdS_yHKXIAAc16c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank goodness I'm finally done but now looking at it I realize I forgot to replace the little black beads that make up the chain that goes from the heart's wings to the chandelier itself. Should I go back and pop some pearls off to replace them or keep as is?

Also if anyone wants this either as is or with the bead chains replaced (it's like six black beads so not that big of a change but I'm too exhausted to do it right now), shoot me an email and I can have it shipped out either tomorrow or Monday depending on if you want the extra beads. I'm asking $15 because anons said I should ask around there but I'm including free USA shipping in the price. It's for a Samsung Galaxy S5.

Throwaway email attached.
Thanks anons for keeping me motivated through all this. Going to take a few days break and then start on the next one.

>> No.8907007

It really bugs me when the glue is visible in deco paces...I just want to go to Japan and drop $100 on a pro made case.

>> No.8907229
File: 416 KB, 500x279, tumblr_o3aekeeEHr1r6n1mto1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shots fired.

>> No.8907340

This looks really good! Congrats anon!

>> No.8909735

This is really good I think your placement and design have gotten much Bette the more you do! I'm excited to see how much you progress with each case

>> No.8910346
File: 57 KB, 700x689, bunny phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so cute, and I admire your patience!

I love this (not sure if its really deco den though since most deco den seems to be things stuck on? Im new to this), but its so cute!

>> No.8910396

That's not decoden.

>> No.8911552

No, that's not decoden, though I can see why you might think it is if you're new to it. Decoden is when you stick things directly onto the item instead of fitting a sleeve over it, you don't really see fluffy or furry items much because people prefer to stick to plastic.

>> No.8912998

Diggin' these anon, thanks for sharing!

>> No.8913009

You can charge what you want as it is your shop but not for the sake of undercutting the makret, but I honestly believe you deserve more for the quality of your work. I would be happy to pay for +$5-10 than what you're currently charging without shipping included. Your stuff is great, even if you're just starting out, don't undersell yourself!

>> No.8913116

This one is really cute

>> No.8913256

Amen, undercharging does more harm than good.

>> No.8913334
File: 508 KB, 578x543, Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 7.13.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about different colored whips?

Pic related, I always see this shop in instagram and there's something that really irks me about her cases. Like i just feel the colors never coordinate well, the whip is kinda parse. etc.

>> No.8913341

My own case has mint whip to match the theme of the case (all lavender and mint). I personally like colored whip as long as it fits in with the case. A lot of yykawaii's cases have colored whip to try to make them interesting but it ends up just looking messy.

>> No.8913348

yeah, i feel with a lot of the translucent whips, you lose a lot of the shape and it looks more like a bodily fluid than whip cream.

>> No.8913379

I got my case from LoveTheKawaii and I'm not sure if it's the silicone she's using or what but her clear whip has a nice shape and it looks like whip instead of a blobby clear mess.

>> No.8913436 [DELETED] 

So I was thinking of making an ita-bag inspired outfit to match my ita bag. Has this been done before? Like a jacket covered in merch for example.

>> No.8913439 [DELETED] 

Shit wrong thread sorry

>> No.8914643

Fuck my luck. Buy two things of e6000 glue and neither works with the tips I bought. Now I have to sell them both because they're useless to me and have to buy a third tube of e6000, this time the kind with the tips included to make sure I get the right one.

>> No.8915660

It can work but you need to make sure it doesn't clash. Like with most decora-related things, the vast majority of examples are terrible.
The case you posted is a bad example. Like you said the whip's way too sparse, the placement of the cabochons looks off, and the whole thing looks cheap. However, having normal whip wouldn't make it look any better.

>> No.8917371

I think it's just that everything is too big/all roughly the same size. If she'd used some smaller cabochons here and there, it would work out better.

>> No.8918093
File: 21 KB, 256x256, e03c6a_125f80b8746f4cdcb1d1c3782419e5ce.jpg_256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recs for what to put on a yu-gi-oh themed deco case? I have the Yuugi charm from the image, and wanted to have the theme look consistent but i'm stumped so far

>> No.8919993

Pick another couple of charms related to the character, use a whip color that won't clash (I don't think white is the best option here), and lay everything out on the phone case before you whip it. If anything looks awkward or cramped, rearrange it or replace it with something else.

>> No.8921779


where do people get these large anime figure canchubons? Is there a search term I'm using not correctly?

>> No.8921787

They're not cabochons, they're figures like nendo petites and charms. Most of them are knockoffs and you can get them cheap on eBay or Ali, if you want to practice making cases before using the real thing.

>> No.8922243

My vagina hurts looking at this

>> No.8922484

Gold/purple or gold/black 2 tone whip might look cool. You've got me stumped on cabochons too though. Maybe gold/metallic charms like gold stars?

Basically what >>8921787 said but also if you want to sell the case, I suggest you invest in real figures because anyone worth their salt can spot a bootleg Nendoroid from miles away. You might be able to get away with other figures though. For practice, stick to bootlegs since real figures can easily run you ¥500 a pop while bootlegs are around $1.

>> No.8923070
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1440, 1458591558003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decorated a couple of things last night, I still have to Glaze them though. any critiques? I don't feel like I'm good with shading specifically for cookies

>> No.8923077

I thought it was a real cookie

>> No.8923084

T-thank you

>> No.8923122

Oh wow, I thought some of that was real food. A lot of it could use some shadings to make them not so flat (like the nuts and the round cookie) but the two big cookies look really good!

>> No.8923284

your short bread/sugar cookies are awesome! the smaller things like the almonds could use some shading the the lines etc, and the pocky looks kinda rough, chocolate is smooth! and some lil yellow dots in the strawberries :)

>> No.8923368

Damn your almonds had me fooled. I thought this was gonna be like the almond version of that story where a gull got a biscuit accessory that turned out to be a real biscuit that was encased in resin.

>> No.8925743

well that's one way to do it.

>> No.8925757

I feel bad that no one is giving you real concrit...not terrible very novice though.

>> No.8925924

They look a bit cluttered and not very coherent, and you should get the fingerprints off the cookie before glazing it. The individual pieces are pretty great overall, though the strawberries need some work.

>> No.8926182

One of the review anons here. I've never worked with this kind of stuff so there wasn't much concrit to give other than "Shade yo nuts" because I can only see it as a prospective buyer rather than a fellow artist.

>> No.8926414

>I feel bad that no one is giving you real concrit
>doesnt give real concrit

>> No.8926835

Thanks everyone I was decodening for fun I mean is a feta cheese container after all. (Into the craft grave yard it goes) I really like making pieces but I don't seem to be advancing. Thanks for tips and suggestions they're much appreciated. I've got some cool ideas..it's just getting them done sucks because it doesn't work out as plan.

Can you tell that one cookie is a Meido dress? ;-;

>> No.8927326

Which one's the maid dress? I can make out the bunny and some generic cookie shapes.

>> No.8927434

I think the "bunny" is supposed to be the maid dress?

If that one is the maid dress, it would translate better if you painted "royal icing" onto the cookie to make it more apparent that it's a maid dress.

>> No.8930178

Yea naw, it looks like a faun or bunny. The skirt needs to be wider than the top half and rounder

>> No.8930837

this is bait right?

>> No.8930873

Oh shit, now I see it! Yeah, it needs to look more like a dress, the skirt is super narrow. Maybe make it wavy/frilly at the bottom.

>> No.8931507
File: 79 KB, 960x960, decoCase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has inspired me to have a go at deco again. I think the silicone needs more colour and my piping could do with being a bit less chunky

>> No.8931519

Liking the color of that silicone, anon! Always did like the clear ones better.

>> No.8931520

Is there anyway that I could print images onto a phone case? I don't like drawing/painting on the actual case.

>> No.8931532

You could do the lamination/resin trick of you are talking about a small picture or you could go with a cowcow/ect custom order for your own personal case

>> No.8931542

lamination/resin? never heard of it, I don't spend a lot of time here. I basically want to cover the entire back of the case, will it work?

>> No.8931720

just read the rest of the thread before asking questions

>> No.8932228

I think it looks super cute! You could cover the middle with resin to make it more durable.

>> No.8932317

Thanks! The middle bit is covered with resin

>> No.8932398

I just wanted to say that even though most seagulls are 2salty4me, your originality/ingenuity when it comes to creating or crafting is fucking top notch, bar none. Be proud of your salty hateful asses, cgl. <3

>> No.8933373

Are those top right ones the liquid snowglobe type things? How do you go about making one? I really want one, but I keep seeing reviews saying that they crack easily and the liquid inside burns skin and I really don't want to deal with that.

>> No.8933442

You can get one for like $5 on Aliexpress. My coworker has one and she's one of those people prone to dropping her phone, but her's hasn't broken or cracked yet.

>> No.8938345

>if I want a gloss over my phone, do I need that resin, or could I use an crystal acrylic spray?
> where can I find a good wholesale store for blank cases that actually fit

>> No.8938350


>> No.8938394

cute, but actually answers nothing, as google can't attest to quality.

>> No.8938421

>doesn't say what phone
>Expect others to do the research for her AND be mind readers

>> No.8938441

alright you got me
> iPhone 5
> iPhone 6 too

>> No.8939872
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x2560, case1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished making a case for myself ( iphone6), photo is bad sorry ^^ what do u guys think?

>> No.8939891

Item/store reviews

>> No.8939895

looks like complete shite

>> No.8940082

-Resin would be best imo, it's more durable and it keeps things like rhinestones and glitter firmly in place
-Ali is your friend, as are eBay and Taobao
Read the thread and similar threads (AA and resin and indie crafts threads, for example, will tell you a lot about where to get shit) before posting.

>> No.8940084

It could do with a bit more decoration imo.

>> No.8940337

I like the sparkle stuff on the letters.

>> No.8940626

Unrelated, but for anyone who is selling their decoden, how do you get people to buy "handmade" instead of fucking off to aliexpress for a $5 chocolate cake case? I guess, you'll always have hipsters, but I don't see why anyone would want to wait.

Appreciate it, thank you.

>> No.8940630

I don't deco but I buy deco cases from etsy sellers because i have customization options with things like cabochons, whip color, placement of things, etc. There's also a sort of quality guarantee where you know they won't sell you a bad quality product because small businesses need a good rep to stay afloat.
Plus I honestly think most of the cheapo deco cases that I've seen on Ali look like complete garbage.

>> No.8940797

If you're good or sell lots of harder to find phone cases you won't have that much competition, honestly. If you deco like a blind clown wearing boxing gloves, there's still a lot of tweens making their first foray into the world of Internet shopping who would be glad to buy it off you. A lot of the people who use Ali just want something super cheap, so unless your country has a mega shit exchange rate or you severely underprice your work you won't be able to match them anyway. Just focus on making something good and it'll stand out amid the masses of rancid shit Etsy pukes out on a regular basis.

>> No.8940831

thread is about to hit auto sage, made a new thread >>8940786