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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8886059 No.8886059 [Reply] [Original]

Brit thread: "The Falklands Are Ours" Edition

Guide to upcoming conventions

>> No.8886128

Why the fuck was the last one deleted?

>> No.8886133

because everyone hates you Limey faggots

>> No.8886634

Hey OP it's Isle of Wight not Isle of White. Can you edit please? We have two or three black people living here now, progress is happening.

>> No.8886635

Someone dropped a hotpocket on the delete button

>> No.8886642

Because the british are too hideous to ever be allowed to cosplay.

It'll ruin the entire hobby for the rest of the world if you continue.

Not that it matters i'm pretty sure cosplay is banned by shariah law

>> No.8886643

The salt is real
the Falklands will never be yours, Argentina.

>> No.8886646

No. This is Japan i swear. As a nation we are collectively excommunicating you from cosplay.

Please cease all conventions immediately. Such concentrations of such bad cosplay will not be forgiven.

>> No.8886651
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>> No.8887173

Caution... Retard Alert!


>> No.8887176

was it because of the Helen Alice banter?

>> No.8887178

... so is anyone working on anything right now?

Anyone doing Minamicon or does cgl not give a fuck about that one?

>> No.8887183

Why would it be about you helen?

>> No.8887214

What Helen Alice Banter?

>> No.8887238

The previous one was deleted because it focused on the guy who cheated on the wife ect. Because it broke the no singling people out rule.

>> No.8887816

who cheated on his wife?

>> No.8887850
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MC Harvey from the So Solid Crew

>> No.8887885

the stuck up photographer So say we all, aka faramon

>> No.8887956
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>> No.8887968

That's not even what anyone said last thread.
Are you just making shit up at this point for needless drama?

>> No.8887971

What con is next for everyone? Some small ones or just mcm may?

>> No.8887983

MCM Birmingham, then Kita

>> No.8888041

Talking from experience

>> No.8888068
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Average /brit/ coord

>> No.8888102

Minamicon, then chilling till Amecon.

>> No.8888140

The guy was still living with with his ex, got an azn wife, then started cheating on her with some Swiss bird..

>> No.8888161

Sounds like someone you can really trust.

>> No.8888177

There was a small Con in Edinburgh today.

Scottish cosplayers are so shit.

>> No.8888184

Yeah actually, I make up shit all the time to watch the fallout on a macro and micro level within the cosplay community.

I have ended at least 2 relationships from rumours here on /cgl/ alone. I don't even do it for fun, I think I might actually have a problem.

>> No.8888196

even by our standards

>> No.8888207

Hi Kyle

>> No.8888246

Try again. One hint, 'indigo'.

>> No.8888308

Curious as to your opinions are.

If I were to buy likes to noticed for bigger cons and opportunities, would it bad in the long run? As in do you think my rep would be tarnished because buying likes in frowned upon. Also bought likes are empty - interaction wise.
I've noticed that Tabby and Stacey have a fuck ton of likes but barely have any interaction anyway?

>> No.8888331

yeah, i'm relieved i decided to skip it after seeing all of the pictures on my facebook feed. it even looks worse than last year's dee-con.

>> No.8888376

Look @ evee and what we think of her. There's your answer.

>> No.8888387

I'm new to this, who's that and what do you think of her?

>> No.8888388

Yer but she's a shit cosplayer, you can tell she hasn't got likes for her skills...

>> No.8888404

how was spring LFCC and dramas?

>> No.8888496

Some girl won the masquerade doing the same skit as one of last week's LSCC contestants apparently

>> No.8888540

One of the guys running it was banned from another Scottish con for being drunk and disorderly. Threatening violent behaviour. Allegedly.

Makes the "code of ethics" stands on the stage much funnier.

>> No.8888542

What was the MCM like? I had in mind that it would be like telford but more shit.

>> No.8888596

Wait, one of the LSCC cosplayers was posting about someone stealing their idea on fb, was it Helen?

>> No.8888614

Don't know, I just saw someone with a really liked up comment on the performance video

>> No.8888618

People can easily notice if you buy likes and it's up to you if you want to come across as someone who does that. It doesn't guarantee opportunities at cons and even then, if you have to buy the likes are you really someone people care to see? Do you have anything of value to offer? If you want a panel, just apply for one. If you want to be more visible, post in appropriate groups, get some coscards.

I mean on the other hand I know cosbabe bought a ton of likes and it seems to have gained her a lot more attention/bookings but she has no real personality and her cosplays are boring and generic. She has the facebook likes but I can't think of anyone I know who has ever brought her up as a good UK cosplayer.

>> No.8888891

Link to video?

>> No.8888904

Man, Scotland is so small there are barely any hardcore anime fans, or at least ones who are going to cosplay.

Only worthwhile events in the UK, imo, are MCM London (which is shit, aside from the odd tat and the people themselves) and Scotland Loves Anime which isn't even a con but, depending on the film, people turn out in cosplay anyway. Out of curiosity, did anyone see/dress up for Love Live?

>> No.8889082

I had no idea she bought likes, well she hasn't been living in the UK long, I just assumed she'd got big in her own country before she moved.

>> No.8889126

RoadToCosplay on facebook

>> No.8889148

I did and there were quite a few others - more than the other films and I expected to see more for Madoka. The handful for that were shit though.

>> No.8889181

Isn't she actually autistic or something? Didn't seem quite right when she spoke to me.

>> No.8889185

Wouldn't surprise me

>> No.8889278

I thought they just did a parody of Just Can't Wait to be King/Queen?

Or did they use Mr Cellophane too?

Otherwise I can't see how using a widely used Disney song is considered skit theft.

>> No.8889311

i think it's more that it's so soon after, and the road to cosplay girl said she came up with the skit after their performance, but won't credit

>> No.8889358

seems the girl has absolutely blown up in the comments on her video. Reeks of guilt

>> No.8889398

Dunno, she seems quite fairly upset at the accusations. It's not like using a Disney song, with or without editing the words, is original. It's all ridiculously stupid.

>> No.8889399

I don't think she's obligated to. Unless Cercei and Margery credit the Lion King for inspiring theirs?

Otherwise surely it's just a lot of butthurt?

>> No.8889411

Seems more like the issue is over her saying she asked for and got approval to use that song after seeing the LSCC performance, when according to the original pair she absolutely didn't.

Ofc it's a Disney song, but it is a bit much to copy (she admitted as much) the same song/skit idea for a comp a week later, without acknowledgement, then lie about having asked for permission.

>> No.8889412

It's more about politeness

>> No.8889415

That's true, but I think the point is 'credit the source of your inspiration' right?
And unless C and M credit Lion King then it's pot-kettle-black?
But I agree, a little mention would have gone a long way.

>> No.8889420

Ask approval? It's a skit using a well known Disney song. If she has to ask for approval there's about a 100 other Cosplayers who want to be asked too. It's not like she entered the same competition and copied the skit. she entered a tiny convention con with a skit loosely related to theirs by the use of a popular well known song. She's gained more fame from the copying scandal that then con, conventiently so have they.

>> No.8889422

Well, they kind of lied about it. First they said they were inspired by his ignorance whilst watching a film, and then a kili who did it last year, and then from a fanart and then from their performance.
Like .. . . a'ight mate. Pick a lie and stick to it.

>> No.8889424

well I don't really think that's the same situation. It's more that the girl actively chose to imitate them, then lied about their inspiration

>> No.8889431

Fili said she was reminded of the fanart from their song. Someone else mentioned a fili doing it before. And the thing about the tv was an example of where they could have been inspired.

>> No.8889434

she's been saying 15 different things all over her personal, which is why the confusion

>> No.8889445

Doesn't really matter though it's still a well used song, It's been used hundreds of times. It's not like she stole their lyric changes. Why hound a minior cosplayer over a skit/song so commonly used?

>> No.8889455

It's their friends that are hounding her to be honest not the two cosplayers

>> No.8889463
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>> No.8889510
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is kean actually being serious with this or is this some joke he's picked up from his 'world tour'?
(This is for shooting at Kita apparently as well, like the fuck? Payinf extra for gels?)

>> No.8889526

Oh hells sake I've been want to shoot some stuff with him for an age and now he pulls this.

It'll flop though.

>> No.8889530

They claimed this would be a revolution? how?

>> No.8889531


Sure focus on gels rather than shooting time or sending original files.

Why shouldn't UK togs charge?

>> No.8889534

I just realised how bitter this sounds when I'm genuinely curious as to why you think good togs shouldn't charge for their time.

>> No.8889540

why shouldn't the cosplayers?

>> No.8889547

you can just read the small print at the bottom, "small skinny azns only" if his examples are anything to go by

>> No.8889549


Are you seriously asking that question?

>> No.8889554

Reminds me of when Lucas tried to charge and he was complaining he had to shoot ugly shit tier cosplayers because they were now paying him.

>> No.8889558

Explain why photographers who are doing it for fun should be paid by cosplayers who are doing it for fun.

>> No.8889566

When I went to Otakon you could go into the photo room and have as many photos as you liked, then you got them all on a momento memory stick for £10 and you could, if you wanted, buy prints and keyrings there or not.

To be honest, the idea of paying for 5 or 10 photos is what really puts me off this model of payment.

A lot of the cosplay community is artistic, learning to use photoshop and how to edit photos is something available to everyone. So the raws are actually more valuable and why should you have to only pick 5?

Like, given the cost of photoshoots, it would cost less for a friend group to invest in a camera, equipment and learn to use it themselves in the long run.

I'm just not seeing why the togs time at a con is more valuable than the cosplayers. Togs can use photos for their portfolios to get work. Cosplayers can sell prints but the majority don't (or rather the majority wouldn't be bought from).

I hear the argument of 'I'm taking time out of my con to shoot, I should be valued for this'. Well cosplayers take time out of their con to attend the masquerade and skit shows and chess, which take up close to a sixth of an event. And attendees take time out of their con to give panels. The con would be bare without everyone in a way. But why are togs paid for their leisure time?

>> No.8889588
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A'ight, I'm just done now. These guys are some of the most mediocre around and yet they feel they can charge 60£ for photos? It just seems slightly extortionate.
I'm kind of pissed now, I've been organising a shoot with Kean for the past month and now he's gonna fucking charge my ass for it.

>> No.8889590

If they could produce the same quality of work as US togs can then I would pay. But at the moment a lot of UK togs who get press passes and claim to be togs don't even edit their photos. So what's the point in paying?

>> No.8889593

Hey if you've been organising shoots with me - you should know that it would be free LMAO this is only for aforementioned circumstances :P

>> No.8889595

Aforementioned circumstances?
If you wouldn't mind explaining your reasons behind it, I'd actually really like to know why/how you're planning to go about this?

(Also why so much?)

>> No.8889596


Because they're providing a skilled service, maybe.

Togs that are shit won't get bookings, average togs will be forced to get better to stay competitive in a market that's bloody oversaturated. Good togs will still be forced to get better to compete with mediocre togs that are getting better.

If you feel like a tog isn't good enough, don't pay them, simple. If you don't think any are currently good enough, then don't buy it? Find a friend or tog that'll shoot you for free. It's not a problem.

>> No.8889597

lol Hi George.

>> No.8889600

I mean i'm not charging anyone I have planned anything with alreadyand for the future off con projects - this part where there is charges is only specific to what it says on the post itself which a one time only thing =)

Its the norm in US for cosplayers to pay for shoots that they want to be done for set amount of style, editing, post processing, speed of return, shooting style, quantity and i get a lot of request to shoot and this is just an option for people should they want to shoot with me at the one time occasion i stated ^^

>> No.8889603

wait its me kean :D :D ayyyyy

>> No.8889614

Skilled cosplayers provide a service by being the subject.
Cosplayers that are skit don't get photographed. Average cos will be forced to get better to stay competitive in a market thats bloody oversaturated. Good cos will still be forced to get better to compete with mediocre cos that are getting better.

>> No.8889616

but, your photos are shit?

>> No.8889620


90% of cosplayers aren't models they're craftspeople, so they're often not trained in being in front of the camera (look at most peoples convention albums and pick out how many look awkward or don't know how to pose with their face). If you think the 'best' cosplayers should charge (how do you define 'best' cosplay- by costume accuracy, facial accuracy, skill at modelling?) then encourage them to charge as long as they act like a model during the shoot, and not someone that demands photos of their costume a day after the con.

Honest to god the uk cos community has such a shit attitude towards photography, I'm surprised there are any cos togs left. Maybe they just think if they start charging they won't have to deal with assholes anymore.

>> No.8889624

Being a cosplay subject isn't a service. Doing commissions is a service (which is paid for). Putting on a panel at an event is a service (which gets you free or discounted entry into said event or the next running dependent on the type).

The only exceptions are paid modeling and the sale of cosplay prints. But cosplayers aren't models, as much as some would like to believe, and if you're selling prints; then a portion of the price should go to the photographer as it's their photograph.

I am a cosplayer and I do commissions. Completing commissions and earning money motivates me to get better at what I do. But as a sewist not a cosplayer.
Photographers have every right to charge for their photos and people will only pay if they're good enough. Having photographers charge will have a positive impact on the community as others will strive to improve.

>> No.8889629

my point is that the photographers aren't that good either.

But if they wanted to shoot cosplayers, and there were none then they can't shoot cosplayers. So why not pay to make sure you get a good one.

don't know if youve noticed how easy it is to find a photographer but it really is

>> No.8889632


Again, if you wanna encourage cosplayers to charge for their time sure. If you really think that's providing a service. A lot of US cosplayers do this I think.

So why are you so against togs charging for their skills?

Most of cosplayer skill happens before the event, and like >>8889624 said, commissions and panels are providing a service- ones that are often paid, so I really don't get your logic as to why togs shouldn't be able to charge.

And like you said, a lot of togs aren't that good, nor are they good enough to charge, and surprise surprise- they won't get bookings.

It's coming across (whether it's your intention or not) that you feel entitled to free photos of your costume.

>> No.8889633

The thing is most of the people taking photos are just pervs with cameras who start to get big egos. Cosplayers aren't making any money and spending lots to make their costumes. These guys will take a shit photo of name cosplayers and then print business cards with it on and try and make money and think they are now a pro photographer who should be paid to do something they started doing mainly because they wanted to take pictures of half naked girls. Cosplayers are just doing it because it's fun. Sure if you get a nice picture you want to sell as a print then the photographer should make something too but these guys start getting stupid ideas of trying to make a living out of broke cosplayers it's just dumb. Become a cheap wedding photographer or something. You're not going to be paid to fly around the world and shoot boobs.

>> No.8889673
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>> No.8889706

jesus christ that girl's giant rant is one of the most entitled things i've ever read

>> No.8889712

form what I'm hearing she never spoke to Beth or Helen about it. hearing that she followed Beth around all LSCC and threw a hissy when she was asked to stop following them all day.

>> No.8889718

just looking at how the girl acts on social media seems to show she has a couple of screws loose

>> No.8889755

If photographers want to charge for shoots like the Americans that's fine, but they need to up their ability. There are superior togs around willing to shoot for free, and not every photographer in America charges, simply because they can't, idiots forget this.

>> No.8889770

fucking preach.
Also, they're charging more than Us togs for worse quality? As long as there are still good togs who are willing to shoot for free/cheaper it's not going to work.

If this was going to work, like all of the best ( or most ) would have to decide to start charging. Need some cartelisation if you want it to work as there's a lower as shit consumer surplus.

Basically, there's currently no market. Whilst people are willing to ask for shoots whilst their free, you have a very elastic demand (As there are so many other togs you have so many other substitutes.) Any changes in price is going to cause a greater shift in demand.

Basically, unless it catches like wild fire, it's not going to work. Theoretically. Fucking ecenomics is always theoretical this shit aint real.

>> No.8889862

So cosplayers can't charge because they're not trained to model but togs can even though 99% do not have any training in photography? If you want to charge and use that argument then show me your photography uni degree.

The UK community has a bad attitude towards togs who think they are US level.

>> No.8889891

>people are upset because a photographer who they would never shoot with anyway is now charging

>> No.8889920

Kyle is the only tog who has voiced his disagreement. Sonesh, Ace and In2theview have publicly voiced their agreement and everyone else had been silent. Which means they all agree because the UK tog community is never this silent when they disagree.

This could be the start of UK togs thinking they deserve money for owning a camera and knowing how to aim it at a cosplayer.

>> No.8889960
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>Which means they all agree

>> No.8889973

In2theview is another tog whose work is tripe. Top Kek

>> No.8890074

Carlos has also publicly denounced, looks like Sneaky are about to too

>> No.8890155

Ace is a fucking perv

>> No.8890196

To think I used to stick up for this guy when people shit on him and his stuff. Seeing shit unfold just makes me think he's an entitled fuck who, now that I think about it has been nothing but rude to me. We had a mutual friend so I guess that's what blinded me.
Probably going to avoid him like he avoids all the cosplayers who aren't a smol azn w/ big titties

>> No.8890548


>> No.8890835

He's a twat, took some photos at Minami con then moaned the whole time about how bad the con was and never posted his photos from it. I'll never shoot with him. At least Nwanzo actually posted his shots and was a really nice dude.

>> No.8890861

what a plonker

>> No.8890865

We're talking about Ace AMP Photography, right? He was nothing but pervy to me the whole time we were trying to set up a shoot and ideas to the point where I decided not to work with him any more.

>> No.8890872

Please elaborate

>> No.8890881

He kept trying to push the idea of a boudoir style shoot for my Mileena cosplay even though I said I wanted it to look cool and not sexy. Every time we talked about ideas he would say he also had a "naughty" idea too despite a lot of the characters being not sexy and always asked me to keep "his cheeky side" just between us.

>> No.8890900

I miss the days of bento dan he was a good tog sad he left.

>> No.8891067


>> No.8891084

What are cons like for people with little anime knowledge? There are fuck all cons in Belfast so my weeb friend wants me to go to MCM London next year.
I could probably pull of a league of legends costume if people still do that, Otherwise its Naruto or some shit.

>> No.8891106

League is massive at MCM
Usually get free skin codes if you wear league costumes.

>> No.8891117

MCM is best suited for you.

>> No.8891135

MCM has a broad mix of stuff so having little anime knowledge won't be a problem. It's crowded as fuck though.

>> No.8891155

which days at MCM London is usually the most and least busy? i've only been to Scotland but we had to leave early on Sunday to get the train home, and it seemed less busy than the day before, but I know London has three days rather than two.

>> No.8891161

Saturday is always the busiest. Sunday is less busy than the Saturday and Friday is the quietest because most people are at work that day.

>> No.8891185
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>> No.8891294

Well like mentioned. No one says you have to pay, if you don't want to pay shoot with someone else. You have to remember if the photographer likes your cosplay he would shoot for free. Welcome to the real world. I bet you Martin Wong doesnt charge J Nig for shoots, but do charge others. The issue is at the moment is there are so many cosplayers running around to every photographer to get shoots for free like they deserve it. They then have shit tonne of new likes because of it, but the actual photographer will get none of the followers. Infact what does the photographer actually get out of it? Almost nothing and have to still shoot cosplayers they would rather not but they can't say no because they would get slanted for it. But if they at least get some reward then its worth their time.

>> No.8891312


If you are cosplaying for fun then none of this affects you so its not your concern if photographers charge or not. Same for photographers who shoot for fun, they can still shoot like they normally do. If cosplayers pay for shoots they are also supporting the photographer just like so many people pay cosplayers with patreons.

>> No.8891323

You cosplayers are willing to spend huge amount of money on your costumes but don't want to pay anything to get nice photos of it. Sure shoot with your friend but i bet you they will get sick of shooting for free every time you make a new costume go to another con.

>> No.8891334

There are also so many togs running around thinking they're Martin Wong.

Geo-san is charging £25 for "light adjustments" which consists of him moving the contrast, exposure, shadow sliders about and pretending to be a professional tog. He has barely any example work on his page and most of it is black and white shots. Should try learning how to photoshop before trying to charge for an edit that takes 3 minutes in lightroom.

>> No.8891337

Same quality as US photographers? Theres a huge difference when it's paid work and US cosplay photographers get paid so stop with this bs of uk togs are rubbish, because it's free you have no saying in the matter, you're not paying anything.

>> No.8891340

Are there any togs you wouldn't mind paying for shoots?

>> No.8891351

How many togs browse here?
I keep seeing shit said her and then people on FB commenting on it, pretending they didn't just read it here.
Just admit it

>> No.8891354


You not notice all these world famous cosplay photographers only shoot with cosfamous cosplayers? Why, because they make his photos popular. Replace any of his photo with a low tier cosplayer and see the likes drop to nothing and see how many likes are actually based on how good his photography is. Just like if jnig posts a crap photo it will still get tons of likes, its all based on how popular the cosplayer is and very small percentage on how good the photo is.

>> No.8891369
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Martin Wong is not my favorite but looking forward to seeing one of the charging UK togs (so Kean or Geo-san) release a photo of this quality or higher.

>> No.8891374

Tesco pays you £7 an hr just to stack tins on a shelf, you don't like it don't pay for it. Hes not pointing a gun to your head. Hes probably got better things to do with his time and he will charge what he thinks is worth while to take out his spare time to work on. Thats the point they are trying to say, its got to be worth their time, not even about the quality of the photos. If you only had 1 free day a week from work you would like to charge more to take that day and work on your set of photos

>> No.8891382

You are just not aware MW only does like 6 shoots a day if that. Uk con togs shoot hundreds of different cosplayers a day and are expected to have the photos all up within a week. For free.

>> No.8891393

Ask the cosplayer how much she had to pay. MW has been paid for shoots for over good 3 years now so of course his quality would be better.

>> No.8891401

So photoshopped its no longer a true representation of the cosplay. Why not just paid sakimichan to draw it for you? You do know its much harder to produce a good true looking photo then ones thats been processed digitally so much right?

>> No.8891412

Friday is Priority only so that's the quietest day.

>> No.8891426

False. I've hung with MW at more than a couple of US cons now.

Dude is like The Flash with a camera. Takes 100's of photos and sets up quite a few dedicated shoots.

>> No.8891613
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>> No.8891626

honestly, Helen is fucking insane so no wonder she'd have delusions of owning a Disney song>
about this

>> No.8891987

Source? Because Helen Alice hasn't said a word about it, but MegaBeth's been blowing up

>> No.8892032

Keeping quiet about it really isn't doing herself any favours either

>> No.8892048

The issue of these particular togs charging comes from how salty they are about not being able to work with top tier cosplayers. Smile250 and Nwanzo are doing alright for themselves but George Chrismas (Geo-San) is a bitter cunt who is desperate to be noticed as an artist. He rants about how great his work is and why no one pays attention to his stuff. He even says he's willing to pay for cosplayer's time but that's still not enough to convince people to work with him. So now he's saying "pay me." Do you honestly think top cosplayers will pay him when they can work with Carlos and MattEleven for free. His best bet is to go to the Fox and become drinking buddies with these cosplayers and climb the popularity ranks like Kyle. Ace is a big disappointment and the stories are true - fucking shame to be honest.

>> No.8892097

Explain how this is true

>> No.8892108

Smile250 and Nwanzo are doing well with their Videography, not their photography. It is pretty weak, Geo-san is weaker still, Ace's work is probably the best of the bunch but nothing to write home about. Would Kean and Curtis start charging to feature cosplayers in their videos? If the answers no then they need to reassess charging for their photographs which don't compare.

Everyone knows these same togs cream themselves and bend over backwards to shoot the cosfamous, circlejerk and popular, most of which don't give them the time of day.

The charging for photos by these low level togs encourages a two tier system. Once a cosplayer pays for a shoot they easily fall into the 'expected to pay' category
people with more likes/better genetics will continue to have the choice of togs without having to pay. Small fry don't tend to be comfortable asking the better guys for shots as is

If these togs could bring something worth the money to the table there would be no issue. But they're full on shit tier, struggling to think of worse photographers.

Looking forward to watching them go up to various cosplayers asking for shoots when their bookings are completely dry and/or consist only of landwhales, perhaps cosplayers should arrange a cartel base rate in return

>> No.8892114

gulls let's settle this
List of UK photographers in rank from who you think is best to worst, based on personal experience, what you've heard or assumed from photos (including attitude/creep factor/Skill - so yes, include people like Lucas)

It'd be interesting to see where people land generally, aside from those trying to charge, and also it'd be good reference

>> No.8892121

Out of interest who are all the cosplayers people here think are the ones all the togs want to work with or have their name attached to

>> No.8892123

Such vendetta

>> No.8892127

Stacey Rebecca, Hollita and Tabitha Lyons are the only UK cosfamous people I can think of. Kelly Jean doesnt really count anymore since she doesnt do anything desu

>> No.8892156

One vary sane comment on that girl's massive rant is hardly blowing up

>> No.8892178

She didn't make a comment

>> No.8892182

Minus Hollita whose an odd mention, I've never noticed many of the good togs shooting the e famous bunch so much, tends to be the fellow fame hungry bunch

>> No.8892187

a screenshot was posted >>8889463

>> No.8892192

Honestly I think smile250 and geo-san are nothing in comparison to togs like matteleven. People like Carlos, MattEleven and a few select uk togs should be charging for the stuff they do at cons, but they dont. People take photos/cosplay at cons for fun as a hobby, it should stay as that rather than suck the love out of it by trying to make money.

>> No.8892194

My bad I got the names mixed up.
Still spurring the drama on.

>> No.8892197

eh it's all that was said though

>> No.8892202

Thats it?

>> No.8892205

yeah the road to cosplay girl has been the only one blowing up about it. Should see her instagram it's an absolute mess

>> No.8892240

This thread doesn't help togs or vogs. You all rip people apart for their efforts and worship a select few yet want more opportunities to have your craft represented. It doesn't help that there are politics and infighting between togs and this creates monsters out of people. Geo-san foams at the mouth for not being able to work with Angelina, Holita, Emmy. Carlos, Lucas and even Kyle have access to these models because of who they know. While you all rip into Geo-san etc. Sneaky Zebra are laughing all the way to the bank becuase they are profiteering from their popularity and views. So they don't have to charge 'cause you all made them rich. And now you want to put together a list. Fuck that shit 'cause I think the togs and vogs you don't know about or care about are probably glad that their name ain't being dragged through the gutter. At least two cosplayers have said that Ace has pestered them with unwanted calls and messages and he gets very touchy feely once he manages a private shoot. The guy's narrative is about being downtrodden but he's just as rotten as that arrogant faramon prick.

>> No.8892243

Who wouldn't get pissed when the popular crowd practically ambush her Facebook page with their high and mighty attitudes and comments. So much for the community eh.

>> No.8892246

Only one person commented before her rant tho

>> No.8892263

Welcome to 4chan, if you don't like it, there's always the anime league forums, you'll need to remove a rib to head there though, as a requirement for registration is that you can blow yourself off.

>> No.8892267

>popular crowd


>> No.8892277

Have you considered that togs like carlos, lucas and kyle have access to bigger cosplayers because they've made an effort to be friends with them?? And sneaky Zebra profit from their videos not just because they get shared by bigger cosplayers, but because the videos are good. You dont see big cosplayers sharing shit videos. Also ace might be just as much of a dick as faramon is but faramon still delivers better photos.

>> No.8892285


Cool, Cheers for the response.
I'll make an effort to watch a few shows and lurk between here and MCM.

It will be interesting to see these "togs" etc. in action, Sounds like a kind of awkward circle-jerk trying to make it big documenting others hard work.

>> No.8892291


SZ are part of the Nerdist, that games them a "in" and desu their past videos have been dull and bland both in colouring, composure, song choice and the fact they keep working with the same people is getting somewhat tiresome.

All these criticisms have been labeled at videograhers before, even at the mighty AcksonL and I don't really know how one can avoid that because they need to chase the popularity to stay relevant.

>> No.8892292

Oh dear is someone upset on cgl

>> No.8892295

If at least two people have said they're getting harassed it makes you wonder how many more there are. Shame. Real shame.

>> No.8892300

Made an effort to be friends? Whoever you are that is so naive. You still don't get the point. I have observed these people deliberately snub other togs and cut their conversations short by ganging up on them so that they can't establish common ground. Some of them are very good. Just look around and you will find great work. Not gonna drag their name through the mud. Sneaky Zebra are just phoning it in. They haven;'t made anything decent since 2014. Their last vid was awful technically. Bad framing, bad grading. Filler based around two big name set pieces. They got the attention of the Nerdist 'cause you all shared their early stuff but not other vogs.Same with some great togs. Kyle is where he's at not 'cause of skill but who he knows. You give the other togs half the chance and they will deliver. You have created monsters. Swapping sexual favours for popularity. You don't need to pay Geo-san. You have all paid with your souls.

>> No.8892307
File: 291 KB, 640x960, 1428933641860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know that British cosplayers will always pale in comparison to the superior Irish pedigree of cosplayer?

>> No.8892311
File: 76 KB, 681x960, Menopausal Rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy King is pretty, gracious and beaming with personality, give it up Britbongs

>> No.8892333

Sounds like someone doesn't got shot by good photographers because they're so fugly and are sad. Boohoo, go pay for your shit photos if you're that narcissistic.
And m8, when have the 'other' togs ever delivered, they're the 'other' togs for a reason -- their work is fucking shite.

>> No.8892339

Besides I dont think geo-san or smile250's stuff is anything worth paying for.
sure the lighting is good, but its easy to create an aesthetically pleasing photograph when the model is aesthetically pleasing. Thats why their stuff looks good.
But I dont think they should charge because their stuff isn't anywhere near on a good enough level.
I'm seriously confused as to why anyone is going to pay to shoot with them now.

>> No.8892355

It's been said, by applying a cost they don't get hounded by cosplayers who want free stuff all the time and expect them to deliver. Etc

>> No.8892358

This sounds just like pk snap snap. Wasn't he liked baned from hyper japans because some kind of harrasement and the use of that pole attached to his camera to shoot underskirt whilst walking past?

>> No.8892361

Could not give two fucks about Geo-San or Smile250. Geo-San is self centred and deluded and fancies himself an asian connoisseur. But there are other good togs out there. Again won't drag names through here but you guys do give some people a free pass. Ian Blyth is treated like a God and his photos aren't all that. The guy is a white knight and on the internet 24/7 so he must be a regular on here. Same with Faramon. You all reek of hypocrisy. You're saying that Faramon can sleep around and be a perv and that's ok 'cause he takes good photos. Come on then. Where is the list? Same fuckin' names are always there. Good thing is decent togs operate under the radar making awesome work and avoiding drama queen big names and getting their work out there. You still have not said anything about other big name togs sabotaging other smaller togs attempts at networking. That's just cold and calculated. Kyle's first photos were crap. At one point Ace was better with cool flash photography and wide angle lenses. Just look at his work with that Daywalker guy. Then Ace loses views on his page and word gets out he ain't been playin' straight and decent. Now his name is dragged through the mud. But you circlejerks give Ian Blytrh and Faramon a freed pass. It's fucked up. Couldn't give a fuck about Kyle anymore 'cause the guy won. You let him sleep, cheat and lie his way to the top. He's untouchable. But Geo-San and everyone else fumes.

>> No.8892365

While you all argue amongst yourselves Rob Parker has just uploaded another gallery to expo photographers...talk about desperate for attention. Thats like his 50th time since lscc.

>> No.8892381

god I cant stand his work, its so irritating and all looks the same. Completely unflattering too.

>> No.8892382

Im laughing so hard at nick of SZ opinion on this whole subject. He of all people are making money from you cosplayers and yet you like it because you get to be in his video for 2 seconds. Thats ok because its sz right? If there was no money for him he would be gone from the scene tomorrow. He is making money from your cosplay, simple as.

>> No.8892384

Its the fact he posts twice even three times a day into cosplay groups. It's just not necssary if you already have a page. Infact this just makes people unlike him for being annoying ass fuck.

>> No.8892387

Lol Kyle is at the top of what? Imaginary pedestal that doesnt exist? You do know alot of cosplayers actually actively avoid him right because of his history?

>> No.8892403

We dont care because we don't pay him for it and if no one was in there videos then they wouldn't make anything anyway

>> No.8892407

You cosplayers are so fame hungry you would let him make money from you then let someone genuine photographer who likes and admire your cosplay.

>> No.8892412

So is it ok if a photographer takes photos of you and makes prints or sells your photo to stock images and you get nothing. Oh no thats not allowed. Same thing what zs is doing.

>> No.8892421

You can admire without taking a picture

>> No.8892431

Name one.

>> No.8892492

Sheesh if you're not happy just vote with your wallet!

>> No.8892500

You literally sound like a salty vendetta as a person.

>> No.8892505

I'm pretty sure I know who you are and I just want to let you know you're pathetic

>> No.8892523

See Ian B, Faramon, Kyle, Carlos, MattEleven, etc etc etc aren't trying to charge cosplayers for shit con photos that's for a start. What they do in their personal lives doesn't affect the fact they aren't charging for con photos

You can't hold the moral high ground when you're trying to rip people off, you can be the nicest person ever, but if you start asking for money for things that are available at a better standard, and free you will get judged poorly.

Also there are plenty of cosplayers who will happily shoot with the small time unknown togs, however as a not-shit-not-great cosplayer I've seen it time and time again at conventions, most of these togs only want to shoot the cosplayers with the best costumes - the looks - the likes.

They queue and mill around, or half arse someone else's shoot whilst waiting for a break to shoot someone notable. And I'm fairness a lot of these cosplayers do give them the opportunity to get some shots

But guess what, they're con photos, so they come out crap, mixture of bad lighting, background, lack of experience, which puts off the 'better' cosplayers from working with you outside of cons.
They'll stick with the old faithful togs who can guarantee them good photos and not waste their time

>> No.8892531

Small time togs snub cosplayers with less likes or less popular cosplays all the time, but then moan about how none of the bigger cosplayers want to work with them but have no work to encourage it.

>> No.8892639
File: 71 KB, 800x600, gulper-eel-15579-sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll shoot anyone for half an hour for a box of lidl fake guylian seashells, hmu.

>> No.8892886

>wahhhh, why dont people want photographs of me in my shitty cosplay

>> No.8893162

But heres the thing. Some cosplayers wouldn't mind paying a small fee to support photographers who are genuine then those of people like Kyle, so say we all etc etc etc. Same i wouldnt mind paying to shoot cosplayers with no drama.

>> No.8893201

There seems to be serveral conflicts being discussed in this matter..togs who want to charge (not for profit but to reduce shit tier cosplayers wasting their time). Better but not necessay drama free cosplayers who only post or advertise well known photographers (even if their photos are technically shit so giving them more views.) Shit togs who want to shoot the efamous but dont get the look in. Well known cosplayers totally ignoring lesser known togs even when their photos are amazing. I know some togs who take amazing con photos, not always easy given the rules at cons but do produce great photos given a chance but yet get totally ignored. In the US, togs and cosplayers have total freedom where and how they shoot while in the UK, the rules for what you can and cant do is getting stupid. Lastly the issue of booth togs who shoot crap photos, charge a fee for it and complain to the event because they are not getting business, so in turn shit togs get even worse and good togs drop down a notch and alot of you guys always compare uk to us and wonder why theres no contest? This can be said for you uk cosplayers compared to the US.

>> No.8893215
File: 303 KB, 500x586, eijgorijg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who saw the shitstorm in the bad cosplay thread- looks like we're getting a couple of real treats for Kita.

>> No.8893377

GeoSan fumes. Petits Pois cries. Kyle laughs. You guys don't know what you want. The Kyle boycott ain't real. He shot with everyone worth shooting with. He gone the Michael Jackson route. Like Lucas he got himself a redhead girlfriend and cleaned up his image. Is a "pro" in his day job and you all lap it up. Like other top tier he sabotages shoots. Dives in and acts all jokey when someone manages to set up a shoot and steals the cosplayer away. He gets more time 'cause he drinks and schmoozes to the top. SZ give these guys a shout out 'cause they work for them for free on shorts. GeoSan only dreams of making it this big. He fumes.

>> No.8893881

why what happened? can't see this in the bad cosplay thread?

>> No.8893884

Anyone going to Cardiff this weekend?

>> No.8893908
File: 49 KB, 960x640, 12715742_10153318253917823_5347109577742815150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably got deleted by the mods. Don't worry, I got the highlights right here

>> No.8893932
File: 48 KB, 960x640, 12744687_10153318249942823_4365471463883374648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8893933
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>> No.8893953
File: 69 KB, 946x960, 12496481_1666456873594803_2202062579607613692_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus what am I looking at

>> No.8893975

This vendetta is getting really boring, how many times is someone going to post them in multiple threads?

>> No.8893992

Theres Q-Con going on in the summer in Belfast, theres gonna be anime but games and the stuff as well.

>> No.8894012

No vendetta of mine, I just find the pictures eye-blisteringly gross and am kind of appalled that he's doing more crossplay.

>> No.8894036


Absolutely disgusting landwhale

>> No.8894052

I'm going with some friends on Saturady, deliberating whether or not I should wear a costume (it's gonna be pretty cold)

>> No.8894135

What's going on in the CFCC Facebook page at the moment, something about bullying? Also fancy a meet up. I'm going alone, would be nice to chill with a fellow seagull.

>> No.8894234

Anyone attending RaiCon?

>> No.8894268

she deleted a status on her personal fb about the whole thing, it was really passive aggressive and I wish I'd got caps

>> No.8894318
File: 65 KB, 900x506, yuno_will_watching_you____by_lelouch_erika-d5j30e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get really pissed off with seeing Mike Towers shitposting his bullshit events all over the northern cosplay groups on FB because nobody up here really knows what a shitbag he and his events are.
Nobody really knows who he is up here and there isn't really enough sufficient evidence against him to make a call out post, I'm friends with quite a few in the comm and don't want people wasting their time or money on him. But of course with no solid evidence it'd be pointless.

I believe he's hosting an AL event in Manchester in the coming months.

>> No.8894379

Wasn't there a cosplayer who was going to call him out or was that just false hope?

>> No.8894504

well that's a lie

>> No.8894592


>tomoko kuroki trying to be cute

>> No.8894720

>posting things from someone's personal on cgl
That's a shitty thing to do. Obviously your a vendetta if you think its acceptable to do that.

>> No.8894784

i will be anon, unfortunately not sure if i'll have a cosplay ready in time though.

>> No.8894810
File: 9 KB, 193x211, disapproving beartato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your first day on /cgl/?


wait, of course it is, why did I even ask. Kindly fuck off back to facebook if you can't handle the way we do things here.

>> No.8894873

Wotever happened with big guy slim. All dat drama hasn't effected him

>> No.8894928

You lot still don't get it. That circle jerk will always look out for each other. Big Guy Slim is the biggest pervert of them all. He man handles everyone in broad daylight and gets away with 'cause he has a "larger than life" personality. He's tight with Ace and Tobinijafox. He's friends with Spider Sissophone. The're all friends with Nick Acott. They look out for each other. Not about the quality of work produced never has been. Sneaky Zebra's last vid still ain't got 100k views 'cause people are realising it's shit. There's better work out there being cut off 'cause the circle jerk ignore it. Ali, Kyle etc etc hang on the coat tails of the Five Guys Burger clan. Geo-San fumes 'cause he wants in. Geo-San is a brown nosing little fucker who talks behind everyone's back including Nick Acott's but then suck his dick 'cause he thinks it will lead to opportunities. The whole community is messed up. Do something radical and boycott the circle jerk and this will all go away. Don't work with them, don't share their stuff, don't give them views. It already half worked with Kyle. He ain't makin' videos 'cause after two years he realised it wasn't worth his time and effort. He didn't get the views and the Acott money.

>> No.8894945

yeah, no. It's common knowledge that you don't post people's personal accounts on cgl

>> No.8894957
File: 156 KB, 451x387, 1442122980099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they keep popping up on my feed as Sponsored posts

>> No.8894958

There was? I seriously hope they do, but like you say it's probably false hope.

>> No.8894980

We're on the same boat then, I haven't even had the time to start mine. Kinda want to try and get it done this next week since it's simple but I'd rather not have to rush it..

>> No.8895032

Don't worry, everyone get's burnt once with an AL event, it's the only way you find out that being chemically castrated is more fun

>> No.8895060

I think he just decided some time ago that he is in with the circle jerk so he can do what he likes and get away with it

>> No.8895093

Utter vile piece of shit. Overheard him several times with Ace going on about how they should double team a cosplayer and give her a good seeing to. Then these guys pretend to be white knights. Fucking cunt gets away with everything and you call him top tier. Geo san fumes.

>> No.8895098

>actually typing anon as a name


>> No.8895105

same here, i only actually started working on it earlier today, even if it was just a little bit of fabric painting. i've just been collecting the stuff i'd need before now, and i'm about to go out and get the last few things in an hour or so. here's hoping i can pull it off well enough in a week, haha. good luck to you for doing this too anon, you're gonna need it

>> No.8895120


who pissed in your cornflakes? or are you just salty he doesnt want to shoot your crappy weeboo cosplay?

ali is a really nice guy, ive shot with him a few times and hes never been creepy or inappropriate around me.

>> No.8895160

Without revealing who you are there's no way to vouch for Ali. He's nice to a select few. Angelina, Holita, etc etc. He's nice to that lot 'cause they're a means to an end. Who cares? Kyle, Ali, you've made them untouchable. Good luck with it. Karma is a bitch.

>> No.8895189

I see words but all I'm hearing is salt.

>> No.8895201

People just choose to ignore his behaviour. He's an annoying creep with a camera and it's pretty disgusting how he acts. There is actual evidence of him harassing people for no good reason other than he is a nasty selfish prick who for some reason thinks he is a big name now. But go ahead call it salty bitching and just ignore it all.

>> No.8895208

i literally have never heard another cosplayer complain about him IN REAL LIFE. only on cgl. go figure.

>> No.8895211

He's always out with that Catlin girl taking pics of her.

Did you guys see his Uber taxi service page on FB? kek. probably all he is to them.

>> No.8895233

thats because you're part of the circle jerk, LOADS complain.

>> No.8895236

Look the politics are obvious. Act nice get with the in crowd. But they mess up every now and then. Look at Ace and you can see the cracks showing. He's harrassed more than one person now. Ali is the same. Kyle has slept with so many cosplayers with that ugly mug of his that the only ones you can blame are those that fell for his act. If you like their work fair enough. But they do sabotage other togs attempts at improving. Kyle and Ali do this a lot. The only decent guys in that group are Carlos and Sonesh.

>> No.8895237

Big Guy Slim is a two faced pervert and has been blacklisted from cons for threatening people.
Are there any actual togs who are good and decent human beings or do we just have all these creeps with cameras

>> No.8895244

And without revealing who you are, and showing proof, there is no reason to believe someone on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.8895247

There are nice guys but I won't drag their name through the mud by mentioning here. Carlos and Sonesh are big enough to handle themselves and are genuine. Couldn't sgree more about Ali. He is two faced and glad that some people are realising this. He's actually paying for his images to reach an audience now. So maybe karma is finally catching up. Carlos never advertises 'cause there's no ill will and the work is good. Come on people. Revolt and Geo Sans bollocks pay crap will evaporate or he will fuck off too. We need fresh talent in the community.

>> No.8895250

Kelly Jean once touched my nono place, pls ban from conventions thnx

>> No.8895251

Not really needed. Common sense and an established pattern of behaviour is all that's needed to reach a fair conclusion of what is true. You are self-serving. ou just want decent photos to keep your popularity high and benefit from Ali's taxi service.

>> No.8895254

>Believe me, he's bad
>Just look at what this other anonymous person who totally isn't me has to say

>> No.8895262

It's not anonymous thou is it? "Cause you circle jerks all skype each other asking who said what. You all get pissed when there's a voice of dissent 'cause you want to keep the plebs in check. Guess what? No one cares about your shitty little group and five guys burger clan. Geo San fumes.

>> No.8895271

Hahaha what the fuck?
Please continue with your conspiracy theories, I am legitimately enjoying this

>> No.8895294

It's hardly a conspiracy theory is it? It's obvious the circle jerk post on here

>> No.8895297

Unless they can post some proof of the claims, yeah it pretty much is.

>> No.8895331

You all already forgoten how Ali tried to blackmailed into getting a press pass from the girl trying to do her job? Ali is manipulative as proven by the chat that was posted up. So you already had proof what hes like behind the scenes.

>> No.8895358

Thank you and good luck to you as well, anon!

>> No.8895363

So that proves everything else?
Yeah, okay.

>> No.8895377

Ayo I heard Blue pushed his girlfriend down the stairs.
I mean I did once watch him swat a fly, so I can believe he's stoop to it.

>> No.8895393

All ali does is bitch behind everyones back 'reason why people tolerate him is because of free lifts free food and photos. Im glad I'm not the only one who feels the same way about him.

>> No.8895434

Yet here you are bitching behind his back

>> No.8895446

>bitches about someone behind their back for saying they bitch behind people's back
congratulations, you played yourself.

>> No.8895492

>Kyle has slept with so many cosplayers
doubt that. I've seen him come onto girls and guys many times at a con and afterwards in the fox, but it doesnt lead anywhere because...its kyle

>> No.8895516

You'd be surprised to be honest. Not any decent cosplayers though. The rabble

>> No.8895580

Who are the cosplayers everyone wants a piece of then that no one can touch?

>> No.8895591

sure. Name one.

>> No.8895598

see >>8894945

>> No.8895615

Lmao okay kid

>> No.8895648

But it's okay to name people you don't like and make shit up about them?

>> No.8895663

whats been made up about who

>> No.8895664

Scroll up nerd

>> No.8895679

>calling someone nerd
We are on cgl try harder nerd

>> No.8895820

Pretty assured 'Anon' and 'Akash' are the same person. Their linguistic patterns have the same nuances, not to mention the same spelling mistakes.

When you're that desperate to make your agenda real with doubled up opinions. all the keks

>> No.8896264

Akash anon is a salty loserfag who's just bitter that they're not relevant and needs to bitch about all the people in the comm with more relevancy. Which in turn makes them relevant.

Chatting shit on the titled anon, thinking they're hard when they're too pussy to voice their opinions irl
Akash lacks conviction
Akash fumes
Akash cries

>> No.8896364

haha man, I'm off to the Manchester event just to watch the shitfest. With legendary godtier cosplay judge Eevee how could I not

>> No.8896416
File: 87 KB, 960x960, eevee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of Eevee getting help on her latest costume? idk what is meant to be but it already looks 1000x better than anything else she's went near.
I'm kinda glad someone is schooling her, hopefully she will take something from it.

>> No.8896418

>says sonesh is a decent guy
>does not see his blatant flirting with every cosplay girl on facebook
>does not see the messages he sends some girls

get out.

>> No.8896429


>> No.8896503
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1453, Pyrrha_concept_fall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shocking how its still shit and she hasn't even made it herself though. The character is Pyrrha from Rwby. Hers is so wrong.

>> No.8896619

Who gives a shit who Akash is?
Ali is a creepy scumbag
Kyle is an arrogant cunt

>> No.8896620

Not fooling anyone Akash :^)

>> No.8896666

i don't want her to butcher my waifu

>> No.8896677

Not just one person who knows Ali and Kyle are dickheads :^)

>> No.8896694

God that top is ugly. Why is made from that? I thought it was a Batman inspired outfit at first.

>> No.8896706

I might trust you more if you learn to speak english

>> No.8896713

That's racist

>> No.8896738


>> No.8896770

That's 4chan

>> No.8896771

That's so raven

>> No.8896787
File: 69 KB, 640x386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8896810

i feel the same. Have her planned for the future and just... no

>> No.8896814

can we just make eevee stop. For the love of fucking god.

>> No.8896898
File: 179 KB, 750x1090, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kerry getting more help on her ECG cosplay.

>> No.8897038

>blue having a girlfriend

>> No.8897058

He's with PT again

>> No.8897101
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>> No.8897140
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>> No.8897420

I was out drinking with a non-weeb friend last night who mentioned a Kyle she'd slept with at Expo in 2009 who, to this day, will not stop sending her endless dick pics. I would laff if that was the same Kyle.

>> No.8897433
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What/who is even left in the UK con scene? Everything has gone to shit and all the sound people have moved on to better things. Nothing but empty events and arrogant bitch slags left.

>> No.8897442

Shouldn't they be disqualified for that?

>> No.8897470
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IDK were to post this other than here.
I was wondering if anyone here would know we're to get this bag for a seller that does world wide shipping.

>> No.8897480

Silk Road

>> No.8897487

Literally what

>> No.8897524

For most competitions though, only the majority (normally 80%) of the cosplay has to be self made. So getting some help, although it would be frowned upon and probably lose her points, isn't grounds for disqualification. Unless it can be proven that the amount of help she is getting is more than what is allowed.

>> No.8897538

Looks like a lot more than 20%

>> No.8897546

What's wrong with the eBay, aliexpress or taobao threads

>> No.8897588

What about the time tabby made her props then judged the competition?

>> No.8897594

yeah i think so too. but will the ecg judges check?
tabby didn't help her with her props for that skit, but kenny's sword was made at the artyfakes workshop

>> No.8897606

Haven't seen Kerry make a single part of that cosplay outside of Artyfake's workshop.

>> No.8897608
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who dis

>> No.8897682

thing is though it probably is self made. Tabby guiding her through it doesn't mean kerry hasn't done the work herself, meaning she'd get round that rule

>> No.8897695

People aren't going to see that, they are going to see the photos of her making it in a studio that sells and makes props as a living. Damage is already done really.

>> No.8897715
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>> No.8897718


>> No.8897720

where's his belly button

>> No.8897754

What, for someone drawing around you?

>> No.8897755
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Ahh the one that was outside? What went on? Anything of interest or just the usual AL shitfest schedule ?

>> No.8897757

some cunt

>> No.8897773

They've done a lot more than that, artyfakes built some huge wearable structure for them

>> No.8897818

Compare the work Kerry does at home to the work she does with Tabby and notice the difference in skill level. She's clearly getting a fair bit of help.

>> No.8897840

true, but she could probably do it by herself, though it would take her longer. she's just trying to suck up to artyfakes becuase she wants to make props for living.

>> No.8897865


>> No.8897892

Make cons great again

>> No.8897917

Used to trip here as Felix. She stopped posting literally years ago though so why are you posting her? It's not like the cosplay is anything all that notable so I'm guessing there's some kind of agenda going on.

>> No.8897926

These threads are always such funs thing to read when you're bored

>> No.8897981

The character in the TV show didn't have one.

>> No.8897985

Kyle has slept with Lady Noctis. I don't know who to feel more sorry for.

>> No.8898122

Please don't tell my you believe everything people say on cgl. Things on here has a degree of truth and people will make up things and exaggerate to make others look worse than they seem. I can confirm because I was there for three topics that has been discussed on here and 3 of them has some truth in it but I would say 60% of the "facts" were made up

>> No.8898134

Can confirm.

Sonesh will like every post, comment on every other post and dm you if you have a rack and is above average looking.

>> No.8898141

Well why not share the truth with us honest anon

>> No.8898145

i've heard that too actually, from multiple people. agree, both are at a loss

>> No.8898150

Because I just want to watch people burn for fun. I and a few others know the truth and plus, who would believe me anyways so what is the point of correcting and arguing with people on here?

Just sit back, relax and watch the shitstorm from a distance and have a glass of wine with it.

>> No.8898206

Another victim of kyles aggressive "flirting" over here. Let's say I know more about his sex life then I EVER wanted to know. He just...tells you everything :/

>> No.8898340

Who is kyle?

>> No.8898355

you dont want to know

>> No.8898364

shades on wanker

>> No.8898367

>shades on wanker
What does that mean?

>> No.8898372

He is the 'shades on' wanker

>> No.8898376

Please explain.

>> No.8898379

jesus just go look through the archives. He's a twatty photographer who's page was called 'shades on'

>> No.8898389
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Why is his face fucking tiny?

>> No.8898394

We should start a support group. He does this far too much.

>> No.8898398

cgl is the support group

>> No.8898765

And likes to step in between other photographers and cosplayers when he sees them talking at the Fox because i mean how dare you arrange a shoot with cosplayers hes shot before.

>> No.8898938

Kyle is a nobody. I am so bored of hearing the same bullshit over.

>> No.8899087

Kyle might be a cunt but this is some seriously salty bullshit.
Sounds like you were interrupted yourself, perhaps you're a complete creeper and his interruption was a way for her to get out of it.
Can confirm as a girl, many a twat though a twat had stepped up when I've needed an excuse to get away from some perv

>> No.8899095

Akash rises from the ashes like a phoenix. Does not take a genius to know that Akash and recent Anon were one and the same. Akash adopt true form 'cause you all got angry for use of Anon. Now time for business.
GeoSan schemes. GeoSan had burger and chips feast with Ali and TobiNinja at weekend. He plans to make a move this year to rival Sneaky Zebra. He is taking the Kyle route to schmooze with circle jerk. Before he even launches GeoSan is compromised. His work is self indulgent crap. GeoSan just wants asian girlfriend. Akash stands corrected about Sonesh. Sonesh also compromised. But you all still lap it up 'cause you all want pretty pictures. Akash sees that term Acott Money is popular on FB. Well done clever cloggs. Nice way to give up ID. Akash wants this community to focus on love for geek culture. Not fake bullshit rhetoric of Sneaky Zebra's "hey let's really put UK cosplay on map and keep sharing." They don't care about that shit and just want money from your shares. Akash merely holds mirror up to UK scene. You all know there is truth in these words. Look at all said after Akash burned before rebirth. Ali can take good pictures but his agenda is creepy. The pictures are a way for him to access pretty girls he wishes he can fuck. Same with Ace AMP sadly :( Ace AMP cry about tough childhood to gain sympathy. Now truth come out about Ace. LP Photography compromised too. There are decent togs you just have to look around and share their work. Message their page and they will respond. Fuck the circle jerk Fox culture. Fuck Kyle's sabotage. Kyle will stop people from working with you. Avoid his bullshit. He don't care 'cause he now has portfolio to make pro work. He doesn't need to charge you 'cause he makes money from pro photo work. GeoSan Schemes. You will all play into GeoSan's hands. Fucking shame.

>> No.8899144
File: 161 KB, 493x584, 3901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha what the fuck

>> No.8899146

What the fuck

>> No.8899149

Paragraphs! PLEASE!

Also, remove that tin foil hat.

>> No.8899188

I'd love to know who this is in person
But then it's probably spooner
Reeks of autism

>> No.8899218

Akash's role is to put blood in the water so that the sharks can come. Be serious about Akash's mission. Akash is big part of community. Akash's final persona must be this to protect anon status. Akash is a role that we can all adopt like Spartacus to reveal the injustice in UK Cosplay.

You think these people are "nice" when Holita, Heidi and Angelina snigger behind overweight cosplayers and call them land whales. You think Ali is gentleman when he shoots with Heidi and does nothing pervy but all through shoot he dreams of boning her. There is two faced bollocks all around you.

Akash will spark debate. Akash will revolt. You all fuck the miscasts like Spooner but never hold the mirror up. Karma is a bitch. Sad lonely individuals vying for importance and relevancy when Acott and Kyle fuck you up da ass. GeoSan will do the same.

>> No.8899220
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This is incredible

>> No.8899223

Im with Akash on this one people need to be called out.

>> No.8899228

Gib proof

>> No.8899230

Agree about hollita and heidi, all they do is bitch, never met Angelina.

Geo San fumes!

>> No.8899248

As someone pretty new to cosplay stuff I found holita really nice when I met her, fair people bitch but so does everyone it's pretty normal. I'm no tall stick thin model and she was nothing but nice to me.


>> No.8899266

GeoSan schemes. He will make you all pay or he will go bankrupt and leave UK Cosplay. That bitter twat has been around for years and not made waves. He is bitter. The reason is that your "nice" Holitas does not give him the kind of shoot he craves.

Your "nice" Holita will be nice in public. They all will to some degree. Do not be fooled. The truth is in between cracks. If you think this is just people being people and we all bitch then no problem. They will never let you in to their Five Guys burger clan. That's where the real face shows up. Go to Holita's parties and you will see the true face of UK cosplay. The sting operation get togethers to blow everything on 4Chan. Do not believe their lies. They just want popularity and to make living from that.

If you think making money this way is ok then no problem. But some of you are unhappy. You are unhappy how UK cosplay has been mined for profit. There is genuine work being made for pure homage. There is good work. Support it. Some of these people have listened. They do not post on mutli forums or groups they do not sponsor. They are proud. But you have to find them. Otherwise you are welcome to Rob Parker and Petits Pois.

>> No.8899307

They are nasty fake bitches. Hollita is the worst and she posts on here a lot bitching about other cosplayers. Heidi just goes along with her. Ali follows them both around and is basically their servant and pervs over them despite being old enough to be their Dad. Just avoid all of that lot.

>> No.8899344

so salty.

>> No.8899347

Mods can you ban this turbo autist?

>> No.8899370

All I'm reading is salty vendetta cause some people meet up for dinner frequently and some broad has a few parties. My question is do you get invited to these things, which would make you a fake friend cunt or are you some wierdo stalker hanging in on the edge watching them all? don't know which is more peak.

>> No.8899383

Akash has tired from the community and two faced nature of so called friends. Akash has no vendetta. Akash wants the truth to come out. Akash wants UK cosplay to be free of agenda. You want to ban Akash. Who cares, Akash will speak to those who will listen and already know what the truth is. UK cosplay will never change. So go back to your bullying ways. Bully Eevee, bully Spooner. Worship Acott and Kyle. Pay GeoSan the schemer (and his girlfriends Nwanzo and Smile250). Akash out. Blood in water. Sharks have come. Time to swim to shore.

>> No.8899384
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Okay lad, put your tinfoil back on.

>> No.8899394

Hi Geosan! Nice try to make yourself seem important and someone people should give a shit about.

>> No.8899401

At kita when a strap on my costume broke right before a photoshoot she came over and fixed it I saw her again in the fox at lscc she was walking past recognised me and stopped to ask about how my shoot went. I read lots of bad on her here, to me she was nice also

>> No.8899405

You still need how to learn to respond to posts m8

>> No.8899406

It would help if you were replying to someone or told us who you're talking about...

>> No.8899436

Shot with geo before. Took him months to send me any photos and hated the ones he did send. Definitely would not pay to shoot with him, however if a cosplayer thinks a photographer is good enough to pay for then so be it. But theres plenty of togs who will shoot for free still, who are of a much higher standard.

>> No.8899440
File: 99 KB, 640x960, 12771867_588529281300033_8760334033060208631_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 15 dolla Geosan will paint you like his Geisha girls

>> No.8899640

This is a really pretty costume. Just wish it was on a prettier girl.

>> No.8899695

Called it

>> No.8899813

I heard this girl called Jassassin is trying to steal Stevie Dee's away from family... WTF

>> No.8899817

Obviously Hollita... Start engaging your half a brain cell

>> No.8899839

That Chloe W, dat ass man is like pow. That ass could end wars and cure cancer!

>> No.8899855


>> No.8899856

Kenny is a cute cunt he has a better ass than Chloe W. Have you see his ass!!!!!

>> No.8899865

Ok as much as I hate to agree with the spastic above, sneaky zebra has lost anything that made them good. More interested in sponsored trips then quality content. They used to put other people in thier videos before they looked at themselves and went "oh hell yeah we can act! Let's just make videos with us in it. Dripping with charisma!!" And became boring and cringe. They used to be different but now they is it copy themselves. The bearded hobo had no money, the holes in his clothes attest to that, do it's obvious whatever they make off YouTube is being blown on some shit. The ex fat fucker spends more time taking selfies and whining about making videos then anything else and just seriously. Can they move on or away? Can people try new shit? These 2 had ther 15 seconds of fame and came out douches

>> No.8899911

Just click on the number above the post you want to reply to, it's not hard love.

>> No.8899971

Alienqueen, get it right dude!

>> No.8899981

Checked out her page, she's done a shoot with Sonesh. She says she's 16 - I'm worried for her safety if I'm honest. Her Rey cosplay looks alright, but I don't know what she is doing about that belly dancing costume, might be a bit risqué for her age. That's just my 2 cents.

>> No.8900034


I love you anon

>> No.8900041

I would like to hear your descriptions of other people in the community.

>> No.8900050 [DELETED] 

I've been in the bathroom at the nova when holita was full on bitching out her cosplay partner to anyone who walked in. Awkward

>> No.8900052

Hit me with names

>> No.8900056

Those listed in comments above

>> No.8900072

just make your way through the thread friend

>> No.8900079

Not asking much are you. I Don't know everyone but of those I do. Guess

Everest Nose
Tall blonde and shitty
Reject writer
Alien face

>> No.8900083

who is who?

>> No.8900114


Kyle seems the obvious nose
Reject writer is probs sonesh? He's got that comic he can never sell.
I'm hoping to high hell flubber is Ali because a) yes and b) I forgot about that movie thank you

>> No.8900682

this is the most entertaining thing that's happened in these threads for a long time desu

>> No.8900737

Okay I have a question for you all.

Given the amount of whining and bitching seen here, are there actually any cosplayers/togs out there that you like, or is everyone in the UK cosplay scene just universally hated?

>> No.8900762

We don't post people we like as there's no doubt someone will find something to shit on them about and we don't want them to come under fire. /cgl/ isn't a hive mind and everyone has their own likes and dislikes so it's not worth the risk.

It comes under the same things as "friends don't post friends on 4Chan"

>> No.8900767

Loads are liked but seconding >>8900762

>> No.8900777


>> No.8900791

everyone is hated by somebody, and a lot of people mentioned here are loved by more people than hate them. If you choose to believe 4chan fags and their claims on people, you have to think why are they so affected by the people they post about.

>> No.8900795

Isn't Kenny paying Tabitha's Dad with sexual favours for help with their ECG costumes?

>> No.8900813

I heard Kenny is going to go full retard and Artyfakes are going use him as a guinea pig to give him a caucasionplasty. As payment he will be setting up a patreon so he can pay Artyfakes then sue them on Judge Rinder

>> No.8900825 [DELETED] 

Didnt Holly get caught having a 4 some with Caitlin, Sonesh and Ali?

Apparently to get into their next photoshoots it had to happen.

There are apparent photos of said 4some but Kyle Soldin has them and is currently blackmailing them all.

>> No.8900834

Holly only has women in her bed
Can confirm
Been there

>> No.8900836

So we are saying she is a lesbian now?
I doubt that, I have been balls deep.
Can Confirm
Been there

No I am not Kyle

>> No.8900840

Pics or it never happened

>> No.8900843

In your dreams.
If you'd actually been there you would know

>> No.8900846

This is 4chan not fanfiction.net

>> No.8900850


Don't be a silly cunt, ask Kyle Soldin.

>> No.8900867

Ali has been trying to get a sympathy fuck for ages but he's just the driver and no one would go near him so he just pervs and talks about spit roasting cosplayers with other creepy togs but in reality he has to pay for it.

>> No.8900879

Perhaps you turned her gay

>> No.8900915

This has descended into petty shit-flinging and I lov eit

>> No.8900916

Big Guy Slim shouldn't have to pay for that. He should get a free Pros-Pass

>> No.8900957

me too. can't decide if this thread is cancer or gold but it's great to read, whatever it is.

>> No.8900967

This thread is now gold!

It has delved into the disgusting vile depths of cancer and bitching, just like the cosplay scene!

>> No.8900980

We're all so lucky to be a part of a wonderful, growing community that we put so much money and time and effort into, that's full of so many shitty people.

>> No.8901152

Loads of fake smug twats. They all post on here and love the attention

>> No.8901155

ah yes, all these anonymous people

>> No.8901245

They all repost stuff to each other and it makes them feel special everyone bitching about them so they love it. Whatever keeps them cosfamous.
The same names come up again and again and they think it makes them relevant.

>> No.8901255

How things change. This use to be the place cosplayers hated to be posted on. Now the new scene practically gloats about it on Facebook.

>> No.8901290


>> No.8901399

People get posted about and ripped apart on here regardless of whether they're good/bad, and the more likes the more hate. everyone has haters and the U.K. Is full of salty vendetta-fags, no one supports anyone else here and lots of people have come on here, responded to comments being made about them and gulls used it as more ammunition. Looks to me more like people are trolling 4chan for bringing them up rather than being upset about the negative attention. You can't stop self post but if you bring people up you validate them.

>> No.8901418

Britfag gettin salty cause people aren't crying about being posted here
Top Kek

>> No.8901424

I think its the case where those who are targets of vendettas and hate have figured out how to play it so they get posted less or how to spin it in their favour so its not a problem anymore if they get posted

>> No.8901579

Tabby, if you're going to cosplay Harley, please wear a god damn wig

>> No.8901585

please pictures

>> No.8902781
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>> No.8902790


>> No.8902794

She gets this amazing photographer then just meh, why on earth people look up to he, I don't know.
Although she's lost a lot of people from being so attention desperate.

>> No.8902808

Who the hell looks up to her?!

>> No.8902815

Well that photographer for one, and then I saw a few cosplayers suggesting to guest at at AL event.
I think she expects to paid though, most events in the UK are too small for her

>> No.8902877

She has already guested at a few AL events

>> No.8902878

In the past yes, now she won't attend unless they pay

>> No.8902879

paid something like £300 a day

>> No.8902880

isn't she like, 600 quid a day or something undeserved?

>> No.8902884

Yes but Anon she has a huge Like count, so that must mean she's talented, although she can't deliver on her patreon, making a single new costume in a year and piss off a lot of people

>> No.8902892

What was the big deal with her and patreon? A few months ago she went on some massive Internet strop and wouldn't talk about what was happening?

>> No.8902957

Because people called her out on not delivering. She got upset.

>> No.8902958

£300 a day?! For doing what?!

>> No.8902961

Except all she can manage is painting stuff her Dad's workshop has made her.
Have you ever seen her sew a costume that wasn't pre bought or not a bra?

>> No.8902972

She can't make anything she just does half arsed paint jobs on things her dad builds

>> No.8902973


Not only that but she got sulky coz LSCC didn't have her a featured guest and supposedly asked her to attend at the last minute. Now she's only going to international cons nobody's heard of (to have a nice holiday, I suppose) and titchy little UK cons.

I remember a time when Tabby would attend cons just for the fun of it and wouldn't even have a table. How times change.

>> No.8902986

She sold out. That's why some friends won't pair up to cosplay with her. Too much drama associated with her.

>> No.8903006

Amazing? hes god awful.

>> No.8903035

I think using a blonde wig here would have helped the hairstyle stand out helping to recognise the character better. It feels very lazy for such a simple idea.

>> No.8903367

Did anyone go to Minamicon? Any photos or drama?

>> No.8903511

Only drama you'll find at Minami is the occasional complaint from the elderly that no one remembers decades old anime shows.