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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 26 KB, 500x375, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8893850 No.8893850 [Reply] [Original]

New help thread, old one is auto saging.

Questions that didn't get answered last time:


>> No.8893885

Furfag reporting in. Most suit makers use an airbrush and acrylic paints; either paints formulated specifically for airbrushing or Golden fluid acrylics with the airbrush medium. However it's possible to use regular acrylics to tint the fur. Did you already see Beetlecat's tutorial? http://beetlecat.livejournal.com/188117.html Matrices put out a tutorial recently as well, but it's for doing spot painting http://matrices.tumblr.com/post/139954950913/drybrushing-to-add-details-to-faux-fur

Faux fur is pretty much the same as a wig. It's thin strands of plastic. What has worked for wigs? Try it with faux fur, see what happens. Remember to brush it with a slicker brush as it's drying and never to apply high heat or you will ruin everything. Test test test test test

>> No.8893902

Check out Swandog's fursuit head. 4chan's spam filter is getting sassy with me, so google image search "swandog fursuit" and you'll find it. Another thing to check out (again, sassy spam filter) is the International Crane Foundation on facebook. In their gallery is some WIPs of a whooping crane mascot made for them by the Jim Henson company. If you mount the head away from your face, moisture won't be a concern. You could use papier mache for the beak no problem. However if it's close to your face, consider things like EVA foam or worbla.

>> No.8894054
File: 171 KB, 640x680, Yozakura_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew up how I'm going to build the gauntlets, but I don't know what to make the inside parts out of. Some people make their articulated hands out of wood. But, I don't have the tools for that and I want something that's lightweight and I can easily round out to match the style of the drawings.
I swear, this is my last post for awhile.

>> No.8894658
File: 320 KB, 780x1080, Ep7_2_cur_1_EP7_2_cur_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, how do I make the longer part of the skirt flared out nicely? I was thinking of sewing in channels and slot in boning for support but it won't have the flow that is shown in the picture.

>> No.8894673

The petticoat or hoopskirt under the main skirt should give enough support for the overskirt since there isn't too much of an overhang. You can try adding horsehair braid to the bottom hem of the overskirt to give it a little more structure, but I don't think you'd need to go as far as boning.

>> No.8894902
File: 2.10 MB, 1440x1679, Screenshot_2016-03-04-07-49-52-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a source for Negasonic Teenage Warheads boots. Pic related.

>> No.8894912
File: 40 KB, 326x488, Chi_from_Chobits_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm doing the pink Chobit's dress for an upcoming con, and since I plan to wear it around the con I clearly cant go barefoot, any one got any ideas of what kind of shoe to go with this? I was thinking probably just flats but I worry black will clash too much with the original idea of the costume.

>> No.8894916

I would say take a bit of creative license, and do something like pink flats with ribbons. Then they'll go with the theme, even if they're not an original part of the outfit.

>> No.8894992
File: 171 KB, 700x898, invisible-shoe-tutorial2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also try invisible shoes.

>> No.8895005

What's a good way to pull a zentai suit over my head without smearing my makeup? I need to change costumes midday.

>> No.8895073
File: 58 KB, 600x896, 600px-Harakoni_warhawk_by_diegogisbertllorens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have several questions. First I'd love to cosplay but I don't know where to start, I'm not quite a poor fag but I'm a heavy budget fag. Second I have no idea what cons are good. I live in NYC and I've never been to a con outside of the state. Also I'd love to cosplay pic related, but I think it might be kinda difficult to start out with something like this, also I don't have any freinds who are interested in cons or cosplaying. So in short what are some good cons, should I try and make pic related for first cosplay(if not recommendations appreciated), and if I go to a con alone how do I meet people?

>> No.8895082
File: 31 KB, 506x900, Tinkerbell.Silvermist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a good base dress for silvermist from disneys fairies? I found one but it is 60 dollars. Anything less than that would be freat

>> No.8895085

Honestly, Anon, I would love if you made that dress or use one as a base. It looks like its made of flower-petals and if you could pull that off that'd be amazing. To do that you could probably use giant sheets of worbla, or even two thick, painted on pieces of fabric.
But anyways, you think you can mod this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/151712622035?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true

>> No.8895095

>giant sheets of worbla
are you insane?
not even this anon, but if you're gonna give shit advice dont give advice at all

>> No.8895101

bumping question

>> No.8895113
File: 122 KB, 540x720, tumblr_mutfix3vky1qkb228o7_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Saw this on an Ita thread and I need this dress so much. Anyone knows the source?

>> No.8895114

It has only been an hour since you posted. You're going to need to calm down or no one will want to help you. /cgl/ is a slow board if you're used to browsing anything bigger. People will come in and respond to you if they want but it could be days later, the thread will still be here.
You're asking a bit too much really. Someone from NYC can probably help you with con suggestions but if you want suggestions based on what you can make you need to express your interests and what you look like. There is a cosplay suggestions thread if you want a lot but read the thread carefully before you post. What you posted is incredibly difficult and obviously so. You're way in over your head if you can't deduce that. If you are interested in that area then you would need to study and experiment for a long time before you even create something like that.
Socialising is a whole other issue. If you're confident and socially aware then you can just go up to people if you like their cosplay and talk about the source material or you can try and join groups who are cosplaying from the same source material as you.

>> No.8895137

It's a slow board, You don't need to bump things in under an hour. Calm down.

Also, you don't mention your skill level with sewing or crafts. If you are incompetent with crafting things you may want to try commissions. It looks like a fair-ly simple costume using an large jumpsuit and Eva foam armor parts, but details like painting and weathering can make or break a costume.

>> No.8895147

thanks for trying to help but that dress is not as good as the one i found and its for the same price. I would love to make it, but as i do not have a sewing machine while im at school, it is sort of hard. also i dont think worbla would be the best or cheapest

>> No.8895161

If you don't have a sewing machine then my idea of using a dance/figure skating dress pattern is out :/
Do you have any more info about the type of make-up you'll be wearing? Have you done a trial run of putting on the suit while wearing make-up? When I make costume changes I always remove my lipstick so I don't accidentally smear it on my costumes.

>> No.8895212

You might have to wear the make-up cosplay first then change into the suit--unless you have a shoot or something after

>> No.8895226

Has anyone ever spend an entire day at a con in full armor?

What did you use to keep cool, reduce sweat, and not smell?

>> No.8895235

I used a battery operaded computer fan. Best decision ever. I aded a hidden small switch so I could turn it on and of. For my next project maybe I add a sensor that does this automatically.

>> No.8895366

Iceskating patterns might be awesome for a future remake of it! thanks for the idea

>> No.8895396
File: 271 KB, 700x394, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make or modify a mushroom umbrella for cosplay, pic related. Should I buy a plain umbrella and cover the top and inside with fabric, paint, or what? Leaning towards fabric but wanted to see if there was a better way.

>> No.8895408

definitely fabric, otherwise you cant acheive that nice soft look/feeling (umbrella fabric so scratchy, shiny, and distinctly non-mushroomy)

>> No.8895418

Bunny house is still an okay place to buy from, right?

>> No.8895419

I agree. Thanks!

>> No.8895429
File: 55 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a wadanohara cosplay, should I use knife or box pleats for the skirt?

>> No.8895459

box pleats seem to match her outfit best, so I'd go with those.

>> No.8895505
File: 144 KB, 238x464, lilith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cosplay Lilith from FE, and I'm trying to figure out how to do her wig. If i get a blue base wig, will I be able to dip dye/sharpie dye it red? Will that kind of vivid color even show up on a blue wig, or should I get a white/blonde wig and dye the entire thing?

>> No.8895660

Acrylic paint "dye" is probably more opaque than the other methods. I only know of one person IRL who used it and said it was super stiff but if it's a a braid then I don't imagine that's an issue. I tried a quick search for a premade gradient wig but it doesn't seem to exist in those colors

>> No.8895674

I think white + iDye Poly will give you the best results. I just dip-dyed a wig in iDye Poly and it took really well, only had to hold it in the pot for about a minute to get a really strong color on the submerged part.

>> No.8895682

She appliqued the planets onto a basic black dress. I think the base dress is also handmade.

>> No.8895695

EVA foam, dude. Get yerself a corded rotary tool (I own a Black and Decker that works just fine) and some sanding drums in an assortment of grits. (Dremel makes this quick change sanding drum holder that works OK.) Then pick up some puzzle piece floor mats at your hardware store or Harbor Freight. Get some contact cement while you're there. EVA foam has a learning curve, but it's light and cheap. Wear a dust mask and safety goggles, too.

>> No.8895729

Really? Wow! I really like how it looks! Any idea of what's the pattern for the base dress?

>> No.8895733

I have no experience with armor, but I am involved in the fursuiting community. What fursuiters do is wear tight fitting sweat wicking athletic wear, like Under Armour heat gear or lycra dive suits. The extra layer also keeps you from getting your costume all gross. Take a shower before you gear up and another when you're done for the day. Bring a spray bottle with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water to mist the inside of your costume with it. Hang your costume up with a fan blowing on it to dry it out.

I agree with the other anon about computer fans. Experiment with having air blowing towards your face and away from your face to see what you like better. (That is, if you're wearing a helmet.) Don't stuff your pockets with ice packs, that's dangerous. If you want to get really serious about performing for long hours, you can pick up a phase change cooling vest. They are designed for military, hazmat and rescue sorts of occupations. But they are expensive!

Take breaks, drink water, and don't push yourself.

>> No.8895812

So I should stack small pieces of Eva foam, glue them, and then sand the pieces into the shape I want?

>> No.8895966

Where can I get those velvet folded bows? I've seen the taobao ones but they're quite large compared to the ones I've seen on Cadney

>> No.8895986

Wait wouldnt it turn purple if you dip dyed the end red with a blue base wig?

>> No.8895990

If you are really that stumped, a platinum/ashy blonde from Arda would work fine for Corrin, I think Ash Blonde would be perfect albeit slightly dark. And no, she has zero to no armor, otherwise you wouldn't be able to move your arms or legs. The Nohr Noble design includes armor, but the default does not. Definitely not something you can commission by the end of May without paying out the ass, inaccurate armor or not.

>> No.8896018
File: 36 KB, 470x800, Jeannie-081-FRONT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make a Cinderella wig and I'm planning on buying Arda's Jeannie, but I'm wondering 2 things:

1)anyone knew of any other shops that sell this type of wig? (Like of higher quality fibers? I love arda and I know their wigs are awesome but they're blondes are kinda meh.)

1)anyone ever wear this one, how is the coverage? I have lots of hair to stuff under there and I don't want any wefts visible. Should I buy extra wefts to be safe?

>> No.8896022

the thing is if you look at the model in game the white parts of Kamui's outfit it has a shine to it, so it technically is armor. its not completely matte, but both would be pretty hard to get commissioned in a short time.

>> No.8896023

It has pretty good coverage, but it runs a bit big. Should work out well if you have a lof of hair to shove under it! You'll probably just have to use some spray to keep it in place.
Also, the clip-on gets tangled really easily.

>> No.8896197 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 321x588, Skull_Kid_Artwork_Majoras_Mask[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why but im having hard time finding the right size rings for skull kids waist and hat.

shower curtain rings seem to be too small and the only other rings i found were for wreaths and they were too big.
I did see some wooden ones but the thickness was too small and they were pretty expensive just for one of them.

anyone know where I can find cheap rings like that? or perhaps the easiest way to make them?

>> No.8896201
File: 238 KB, 321x588, Skull_Kid_Artwork_Majoras_Mask[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why but im having hard time finding the right size rings for skull kids waist and hat.

shower curtain rings seem to be too small and the only other rings i found were for wreaths and they were too big.
I did see some wooden ones but the thickness was too small and they were pretty expensive just for one of them.

anyone know where I can find cheap rings like that? or perhaps the easiest way to make them?

>> No.8896206

I had one and I fucking hated it because it was so big and it was a pain in the ass to try and brush back into a high ponytail. I'm tempted to get another one because I saw that they now offer smaller sizes, but I'm really hesitant. Wigs like this also tend to be really heavy and painful so I kinda prefer doing a short wig + extension even if some people think it looks dumb.

>> No.8896216

1) Don't attempt that if it's your first cosplay. Pick something way simpler and build up your skill to get to that level.
2) Expect to spend a lot of money, especially if you're building armor. You need to invest in good tools which will cost you a good chunk of money and then you'll need materials for each project. There's also a learning curve when it comes to making cosplay so expect to throw some materials away as you experiment and learn.
3) Be chill and relaxed at a con and people will naturally come talk to you, especially if they like your costume. Feel free to chat with others too. Just don't be that creeper who makes it obvious they're looking for a hookup or there to gawk at their preferred sex.

>> No.8896232

Was redirected from /fa/. Trying to find the name of a style that uses a lot of pastel colors and is very cute. Like they wear graphic sweatshirts with cute anime or drawings or wear dress shirts under stuff. It's not the super cosplay stuff though like goth lolita but they often wear button shirts under stuff.

>> No.8896233

like what style is this called http://milkclub.storenvy.com/collections/784140-tops

>> No.8896270

Look up Akiba kei/Akihabara kei for anime t-shirts like what you linked. I think soft sister encompasses everything you're looking for though. Try Taobaoing it.

>> No.8896315
File: 50 KB, 704x469, ksAmoau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super stumped on how to make the Lance of Longinus. My plan is to make the long part out of a wooden dowel and carve a spiral into it, but I'm at a loss as to what to do for the top part. I found a tutorial where a girl used paper mache, but I didn't think it looked very good so that would be more of a last resort. I work in a theatre and have access to the setbuilding shop so I have lots of tools and people to help, I just have no idea what to do. Anyone with decent prop experience have any ideas/advice?

>> No.8896321

>Lance of longitude bump

>> No.8896327


>> No.8896378

I was seriously considering the short wig+ attachment for this one myself, it looks great for tinkerbell (they even do it at disneyland) but Ive never seen it done with Cinderella so I'm afraid it'll look weird and obvious. I'm doing it for kids parties and the older kids love poking holes in everything so I best not sigh

The giant fit is perfect for me since my hair is super long and many wigs give me headaches.

I'm thinking of making something to hold my wig head upside down to help with the ponytail, I suck at putting a pony in my own head ugh

Thanks! Luckily I don't need to use the ponytail down, I'm gonna be modifying it heavily and pretry much taking it apart . I actually wish it wasn't so damn long

>> No.8896422

Does anyone know how to dye something that's 96% polyester and 4% spandex? Apparently you have to boil polyester to dye it but heat ruins spandex. Is it possible?

>> No.8896558

Sorry, there wasn't a thread for dumb questions. How do you store a styled wig while travelling? At this point I'm thinking a bit of paper filling and a shoe box.

>> No.8896603

iPoly, bro.

I've personally never had to transport a styled wig but a friend of mine took her crazy Sakizou wig to an out of state on by pinning it on a wig head, stuffing all the nooks and crannies with paper, lowering it all into a large box and then gently stuffing more paper around the head.

>> No.8896697
File: 290 KB, 856x482, aquamakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this "aqua makeup" this girl trots out during this tutorial?


>> No.8896716

It... says it on the package anon. Kryolan Aqua Color.

>> No.8896727

Sorry an advance if this is not the right thread for this question, but does anyone have some good online wig shops they recommend for lace fronts?

>> No.8896778

If you don't like Arda's, try look for for stores that sell to black women. I don't know any off hand, but some black women wear lace fronts daily, so they look great. Obviously they probably won't have crazy colors.

>> No.8896786

If you go for a place that sells to black women, keep in mind that the lace will be dark

>> No.8896950

This feels like a stupid question.

Can I use the same airbrush for fabric and body paints or should I be buying seperate ones?

>> No.8896985
File: 1.36 MB, 250x252, tumblr_ntxzxvsuAb1tt3wuco5_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be better to forego skin makeup for anAshley (pic related) cosplay, because she has natural patchy/pigmented skin? Keeping the eye makeup and lipgloss, of course. I want to look accurately weathered but don't want people to think I'm lazy.

>> No.8896988


>> No.8897013

You need separate ones.

>> No.8897096
File: 131 KB, 512x720, 647Eli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice or a pattern for a shirt like this? I don't know how to tackle the overlapping

>> No.8897252

Nope, she obviously has more prominent areas of pigmentation in some places than others, plus you'll need the foundations as a base for your highlight, contour, blush, thatnose colouring and all your eye makeup.

>> No.8897264

For the love of Christ what is that new dress that's inspired by 9 3/4 from Harry Potter? Sorry I can't find it for the life of me.

>> No.8897293

How would I attach wyvern wings to a spandex bodysuit? As in, where my arms themselves are the wings, as opposed to having the wings separate from them?

Should I just sew up a cloak-like object, paint it accordingly and slip it on like a robe, or should I directly attach it to the suit itself? In the first one, I'm concerned about how convincing it would look, and in the second one, I'm worried that it will be difficult to attach complex objects to very stretchy material.

>> No.8897296

Does anyone have any wig recs for Kotori Minami? I'd prefer something on the thicker side.

>> No.8897352
File: 113 KB, 720x960, 12743800_490931144412816_4229495954773456271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from AaTP, The Wizard's Game Platform: The Steam Engine & The Phantom Town.

>> No.8897365

Shiny =/= armor. If all white parts were armor, it would be physically impossible to move your arms or legs. All Kamui cosplayers so far have made it from fabric. It may look like armor (and even if it was) it would be inexecutable. Fabric would be the way to go.

>> No.8897391
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 2014-07-26 04.50.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question that I never actually thought about asking here. I have been looking for a proper pattern for Barbosa's coat (from PotC), but sadly I can't seem to find a quality one that's worth keeping. I love the style, but not the material and haven't had any luck finding one. Help? Pic semi-related.

>> No.8897394

>I love the style, but not the material
then don't use that material? your pattern doesn't dictate what material you need to use.

>> No.8897411

simple question: is buying cosplay outfits from aliexpress trustworthy and/or a good choice?

>> No.8897416

I ment that I could try to buy one from an online seller, but it would be made to be a replica of his, hence why I made the comment. The only patterns that I've really managed to find were walmart-grade, cheap-costume quality.

>> No.8897417

well, i suppose to eventually get the items you order.

>good choice?
no because they generally tend to use shit fabric.

>> No.8897419

>no because they generally tend to use shit fabric.
like this, i was asking if i should trust their quality too.

would it rip easily? or does it look like shit?

>> No.8897422

draft your own pattern or alter a mccall's costume pattern and then make it out of fabric of your choice. you can get close with premade costumes but making it yourself is the only way to get exactly what you want.

>> No.8897430

And if my skill is not to the level where I am confident enough to take on such an endeavor? This would be a make and keep item. Money is hard for pirates to come by nowadays, so I want to go for gold, so to speak.

>> No.8897431

If the thread is still running tomorrow, I will post some of what I have so far. I'm resorting to purchasing the items needed over time, but I'm afraid that the jacket seems to be the big issue.

>> No.8897434

>Money is hard for pirates to come by nowadays, so I want to go for gold, so to speak.

try commissioning, then. there's a page for people looking for/looking to commission on facebook that's simply called "cosplay commissions" or there's the commissions thread here although it's been really badly derailed.

>> No.8897443
File: 267 KB, 500x500, love_heart_party_colored_contacts__37960.1408826065.1280.1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big dumb idiot and I don't know anything about anything.

Does anyone know anything about "PE" contact lenses?

A couple sites disclaim their lenses as "PE" lenses for "PE" eyes and don't go into any detail about what that means; after digging through fine print, it turns out PE stands for "plastic eyeball" and that they're intended only for use on mannequins and masks.

However, the FAQs are quick to make mention of how they're not to be worn by people who need prescription lenses specifically, and how they're opaque and obscure the color of your iris, etc.

Is it a scheme to get people to buy garbage that genuinely can't/shouldn't be worn, or is it a scheme to avoid legal responsibility?

tl;dr, can they be worn?

If not, does anyone know a source for heart-shaped pupil lenses? (pupil specifically, not iris)

Would greatly appreciate any help in either regard.

>> No.8897453

It's like asking if buying cosplay from eBay is a good idea. It will vary from seller to seller, but it's all Chinese junk in the end

>> No.8897458

I have a costume coming up with ONE thigh high and the other leg is bare. I want to wear dance tights since I'm not confident about my legs. However, now I'm not sure how the one thigh high will stay up since I usually use sock glue. Has anybody tackled this issue before? I also don't want to do anything that will damage my tights

honestly, just get some knee high black boots and make that upper layer with the two bands and the connecting strip with material that matches
I'm 99% sure that planet fabric is from the quilting section of JoAnns
Can you get say a 20" blue wig and then sew in some longer red wefts at the bottom? If you take special care in braiding it, you may be able to disguise the red till the bottom

>> No.8897495

Make it shorter or more otome-like and it will be dream material. With that shape... It does not convince me

>> No.8897726
File: 98 KB, 242x208, 1409864034100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, sorry if this isn't really a good 'help thread' question, but i swear i'm being serious.

how the hell did you guys get through your first cosplay? i've started about 3 different projects and dropped all of them, whether it was me not being interested anymore, not knowing what to do next, or too scared to finish because it'll look like shit.

i'm a bit of a perfectionist, and i hate hearing that 'your first cosplay is always your worst' because well, in my mind, i don't want to have a bad cosplay (even though that's unavoidable for beginners like me)

i also work a lot and am still in school, so i really would like to just commission some cosplays and maybe do the wigs and accessories, props, whatever myself, but some costumes get up to $800 and it kills me every time i read that price haha

so i guess what i'm asking is, how did you guys get through your first few cosplays? it's harder for me i guess cause i'm a perfectionist and won't settle for any mistakes, but they're unavoidable.

>> No.8897733

I know that feeling, as a fellow perfectionist gull. My first cosplay was total garbage, but I was 15 at the time and had a ball wearing it. This is where being a perfectionist gets in the way, I think- you get so wrapped up in making the cosplay exactly right that you forget to enjoy yourself. I think the best strategy for finishing cosplays on time is to set a deadline, and don't allow yourself to get paralyzed by fear. Sometimes it feels good to finish something even when you're not super interested in it anymore, because it's proof that you tried and succeeded.
As for the price thing, you shouldn't pick advanced, expensive outfits for your first few cosplays. Go for simple and clean. Use coupons when buying fabric, shop during sales, and you can definitely keep the price down. Hope this helps a bit.

>> No.8897880

Anyone know where to buy those little combs for hats that help them not fall off and a tutorial on how to attach them? I have a vintage hat but it doesnt have one so it always falls off.

>> No.8897894
File: 97 KB, 593x960, Maridah-Toupee-Clips-Tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are called wig clips. You can find them at beauty/salon stores or online.

>> No.8897906
File: 121 KB, 461x775, OrcBDBrode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get my facemask done for pic related. Been googling for about an hour just looking for a simple blank mask, no eyes or mouth holes. Is there a simple name for this Im just brainfarting on?

>> No.8897910
File: 38 KB, 250x292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needing opinions.

The only thing that's holding me back from doing this cosplay is the wig. Every wig I find is out of my price range and looks low quality.

So should I buy a white wig (with two ponytails) and dye it? Or am I just being a cheapskate and/or its not worth the hassle?

>> No.8897973

I think you'd be able to get that color with black + purple iDye Poly, but you'd have to get a high temp heat-resistant wig, and most cheap wigs are Kanekalon and will melt at the temps needed to set the dye. Purple sharpie dye over gray could also make that color, if you can find a cheap Ciel wig with twintails.

>> No.8898086

Thanks anon!

>> No.8898096

I had help (from my mom, don't laugh) and started with something relatively simple.
The only thing I really needed to make myself was the mask.

The wig was terrible, but was later replaced with a decent one, and I've worn the whole thing 3 years of the same con in a row now.

>> No.8898285

I've got wings, will go under a coat but maybe not, how should I mount then to my back? Backpack rig?
I have no idea

>> No.8898287

Here's a pic

>> No.8898300

I know this is fucked up but can some please translate "Please hide adult comics inside the skirt" to Japanese?
I have to add it as a note to my order.

>> No.8898309
File: 37 KB, 300x300, costume565-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this Bodyline brand costume from? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.8898315
File: 31 KB, 300x300, costume414-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, too.

And I mean what series. I seriously can't find it and I have been googling for a while.

>> No.8898375

wigisfashion does custom wigs and they have a lot of gradient wigs on their site so you could try contacting them

>> No.8898464

thanks for the advice, i'm gonna try and just get through a project and enjoy it for finishing it :)

my mom always helped me with my halloween costumes and other things, i should definitely ask her for help

>> No.8898466
File: 66 KB, 532x750, 54b0687372098e024f6db75e3e815574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the best place to buy yuno gasai's school uniform? i want it to be iron/heat safe and pretty much a replica. i'm not too worried about price, either.

i'm more worried about the accuracy and quality lol

>> No.8898514


>> No.8898525

Oreimo for this one, not sure about the blue one though

>> No.8898530

I guess though as I said before its not completely matte, so pleather or something shiny would be more accurate I guess...

>> No.8898686

Reverse google image search tells me it's from mashiroiro symphony.

>> No.8898730
File: 21 KB, 460x258, ZX9828A001S00567b4f45ac4741.05820949_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys attach the ponytails to a base wig for her? I already have them made and theyre a little heavy, I tried sewing on a ribbon so I can tie it into the wefts but it ends up not even looking attached. Not really sure what kind of tutorial to look up on Google either. I don't really care about having them perky, I just want them to be secure on my head.

>> No.8898838

uhh, why cant you just cut out paper thats a bit bigger than your face and attach elastic to it to hold it place on your head?
thats the kind of facemask youre looking for, right?

>> No.8898847

I'm really bad at Japanese so this is probably broken Japanese but it should convey the message at the least.


Good luck with your porn.

>> No.8898850
File: 175 KB, 1440x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashiro-iro Symphony and Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!.

>> No.8898856

Use a butterfly clip in the middle and make them detachable?

>> No.8898857

I picked something extremely easy, a school uniform, and chose to construct it by following a basic pattern for the skirt and cutting a hole in a store-bought T-shirt + hand-sewing on a collar. The cosplay was from the hottest anime of that year and I picked the lead girl. Looking back now of course it was a laughable attempt at sewing and I had no clue what I was doing, but I think ignorance was really bliss at that point in time and simply doing the best you can without biting off more than you can chew are what you should aim for, even as a perfectionist. Your first costumes are going to be poor compared to your later ones, but that's the natural course of things. No one's grading you (though I did enter the con's cosplay contest that year think I was hot shit, god it was bad) and it's some life-changing decision.

It's a hobby; pick something to have fun in with friends or other fans and enjoy your time in costume.

>> No.8898859


Not the most appropriate depending on the formality needed. I'd say something like this to a friend shipping me stuff.

This is only going to make it more confusing...

>> No.8898882
File: 574 KB, 500x600, 02_745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any busty girls who have worn the Antique Doll OP before? I'm within the measurements, but I'm worried because it's a high waist OP. My bust is about 90cm, and I find that 92cm on a dress is a good fit. But even on high waist JSKs where I have been well within the bust measurements, I've occasionally had to slightly modify the straps so my boobs don't go under the waistline. (Just by moving the button on the straps down a little.) There's no way I could do something like that with an OP, though. But I really love it. Any busty girls that can weigh in on the fit?

>> No.8898886

It's gonna look like shit senpai sorry

>> No.8898894

Looking at other photos, the waist is even higher than I thought. You're probably right. Darn, I figured, but I was holding out hope.

Damn my big boobs for interfering with my love of high waist dresses.

>> No.8898921
File: 169 KB, 392x386, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! I think I'll try the sharpie method.

>> No.8899130
File: 423 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-07-21-44-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about added stripes to some genie pants? And what level of difficulty would it be?

>> No.8899200

How long does on average airmail take to get from Japan to the UK?
I've ordered a bunch of things via buyee that are too big for small package SAL. I'm considering using airmail as I'm pretty sure sending them any other way will involve customs fees. I'm worried it's gonna take about two months though.

>> No.8899518
File: 13 KB, 500x377, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to cosplay Chihiro from Spirited Away soon. I am going to be the version with her ''casual'' attire.(The one with T-Shirt, not pink.) But I was thinking of having an accessory. I found this Haku(pic related) you have around the neck, but it's actually a pillow for the neck. Would it look weird?

>> No.8899797
File: 632 KB, 2032x1524, 20151007_134952_100B6101 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi folks. I'd really like some advice on how to attach straps onto my Majora's Mask.

The body of the mask is modroc (plaster of paris gauze strips).

The interior is sort of hollow: I'll show in the next pic.

I was thinking I could get a long wide strip of elastic (say 2metres, and 6cm wide) and sew in big patches of velcro on the two edges.

Then I can use a strong contact adhesive to glue the centre of this elastic strip into the back cavity of the mask. That way I can close the velcro to wear it.

>> No.8899802
File: 499 KB, 2032x1524, 20150807_215541_100_4110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the interior cavity of the mask.

Should I have one strip of elastic going across the interior of the mask like this?

XXXXXXXX========(glued into mask)========YYYYYY

Or should I try an x shape?

Any advice would be really helpful thanks :)

You need to think of every combination unfortunately: curtain rings, wooden bangles, accessories. On alibaba and stuff, they're sometimes listed as 'wooden circle'.

Making those things by hand is a real REAL pain. Don't do that unless you have to!

>> No.8899845 [DELETED] 

Should I blue buckles into the mask instead, so I can just thread in the elastic strip?

The surface area would be a lot smaller, and I'd be worried about them coming unstuck...

>> No.8899872

Should I glue buckles into the mask instead, so I can just thread in the elastic strip?

The surface area would be a lot smaller, and I'd be worried about them coming unstuck...

>> No.8900042

Bit of a dumb one, bit can anyone tell what Lana's (from Archer) most typical hairstyle is? I can't decide if it's in a ponytail, half an updo, just some kind of bouffant??
The static animation style doesn't help and I've tried looking at other cosplays but they mostly suck dick

I reckon you should get it either way because it's so adorable, but yeah I think that's a very cute idea!

>> No.8900145
File: 283 KB, 1247x638, coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my Plain Doll cosplay and I'm having trouble with her coat. I haven't found anything with the right look that isn't way too thick upholstery fabric. Also the photo on the left is from a girl who says she embroidered the design on. I already do some embroidery as a hobby but I have no idea how she's gotten those long lines. I'm assuming they're machined but I can't tell if it's by a sewing or embroidery machine.

>> No.8900409

What's the best place to buy 1/4" EVA in bulk in Quebec? I can't find any big rolls, only small mats and puzzle pieces and most of those are 1/2". And is there anywhere I can find cross-linked polyethylene foam?

>> No.8900492

I think its parted on the side with a high ponytail that is flipped/curled at the ends.

>> No.8900569
File: 77 KB, 237x530, RefTera2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approximately how much worbla would I need for something like this? It's a dream cosplay and I want to make sure I've got all the funds before I attempt it. Is 4-5 jumbo sheets a good estimate?

>> No.8900746
File: 74 KB, 720x960, ladybug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, do any of you know what type of fabric this is? It's exactly what is needed for a Ladybug cosplay, the closest thing I have ever seen to the show. We asked the cosplayer what fabric it is but she says she just found it in downtown LA. Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.8900750

Sounds like you need to take a trip to downtown LA

>> No.8900752

Would if I could, anon. Stuck in the midwest here.

>> No.8900755
File: 150 KB, 600x900, 1350456343805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure where to put this, but how looked-down upon is it really to buy cosplay?

I just impulse bought one because I've never cosplayed (no sewing skills), and it was on sale.

Is it comparable to wearing replicas in lolita?

Pic related

>> No.8900760

It's not really looked down upon at all, definitely not comparable to replicas. Just don't claim you made it yourself and you're good.

>> No.8900837
File: 21 KB, 400x339, casalguidi-stitch-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're done like pic related.
you set down twin and then do a crap ton of stitches over it. It's gonna take a million hours to finish.

>> No.8900841
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 5a77bfba5d034b9afb6fd0d2373ed73d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A month til Comicon and I need a brown wig like pic related.
I have never bought a cosplay wig before. what's the best online shop that can get it to me in time?
(I've heard to avoid a few shops from the lolita community 'cause of drama etc)

>> No.8900842

This is a super broad question and I apologize, but are there any lolita dresses with lovebirds on them? I found a cute gothic one ages ago and haven't been able to find it since, and lovebirds are my favorite so I'd love to find it again, or another dress with a lovebird print.

>> No.8900870

Anybody know if Fanplusfriend is a good site? I'm new to..um, everything, honestly, but I really like their stuff, I'm just not sure if it's quality or not.

>> No.8900955

What >>8900837 said, but you can cheat by embroidering over 3D fabric paint instead of twin.

>> No.8901033

Its generally not great quality, but everything should look more or less like the pictures.

>> No.8901060

Where can I get shimapan that aren't crazy expensive?

>> No.8901064

Other anons commented on this somewhere some other time, don't get anything actually listed as shimapan. Instead check your local cheapo clothing shops. Target and Forever 21 came up; I saw a thong version in Primark once.

>> No.8901069

I managed to find some mint ones in Aeropostale last year but they stopped making them.

>> No.8901103

Ah jeez that's crazy. I was entertaining the idea since I'm having trouble finding that scalloped lace but I don't have the time for that. Thanks for the help though gulls

>> No.8901218
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_o0g37dPpzb1sn1p2bo4_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find this skirt? What search terms should I be using? I s2g I've seen this skirt in person, but I'm tearing my hair out trying to find it online.

>> No.8901232

Brightlele. There's a Global Rakuten shop which can ship to you directly from japan, or you can use a shopping service like From Japan to buy from their japanese website. As long as you do EMS shipping, it should get to you in like 7-10 days if you're in the US. (I'm not sure about other countries so I can't say but EMS from Japan is quite fast, should definitely get there in less than a month) Arda might have something too, avoid their silky line if you do choose to use them. There's also Epic Cosplay.

>> No.8901254
File: 142 KB, 512x360, Komaeda_design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, I wanted to go as pic related for my first cosplay but need a bit of help with a few things. I already have the tshirt done up with the pattern on it but I still need help with the jacket. Any ideas how I would go about doing the patterns in red? I was thinking spray paint but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.8901271
File: 902 KB, 1151x784, wyvern fur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character I want to cosplay is a dragon, but she has fur in two places, one in the bottom "half" of her wing span, and another wrapping around her feet. It has many distinct, large clumps/strands, and looks very warm.

Additionally, she has hair trailing down from the back of her head to her neck. Once gain, the locks are very well defined.

What fake fur material / hair would work best for the wing/foot fur and the hair?

>> No.8901389

Are you making a fursuit or doing a gijinka design?

>> No.8901393
File: 2.06 MB, 1334x750, IMG_0736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what material this is?

>> No.8901397



Most of it is spandex.

>> No.8901402
File: 59 KB, 204x343, ninja_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Disgaea's Ninja, but I"m not sure how to go about it. What're the names of his clothing?

>> No.8901433
File: 1.30 MB, 632x946, cape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making a shoulder cape like in my picture? I want it to have my family crest

>> No.8901452

For the 55 (SS? kek) logo I would use a stencil and dab on fabric paints with a sponge for that kind of uneven look. The squares you could try do with various degrees of diluted paints? Or just use the same technique, light dabs for the lighter squares, heavy full cover coats for the opaque squares.

You're looking for long pile faux fur. For the neck-fur you could work with dyed wig wefts, since fur tends to not drape like that.

>> No.8901472


Thanks for the quick and accurate response! I'm basically something like this, then? Looks about right.

I did some digging and it looks like I can color it with acrylic, but how should I go about doing it? Should I dilute the acrylic and paint directly, or just dunk it in heavily diluted acrylic but then do detail work?

For wig wefts, googling it pulls up tons of results (and the color choice is absolutely staggering, I'm glad I don't have to dye it myself). Do you have any personal recommendations based on a project like this?

>> No.8901473
File: 150 KB, 239x324, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips for Vi's wig? I was thinking of using a normal, layered pink wig and splicing it with a brown lace front so that the shaved side would be more natural but I'm not sure if it's possible to combine a normal wig and lace front without issues? I've seen videos on putting two wigs together, I'm just wondering if anyone's done it with a lace front and a regular wig and if it's difficult/if theres anything I should know.

>> No.8901508

I would go with something in this length, but straight if you can. You can paint with acrylics, yes.
Open the images in a new tab to have them come up a bit bigger.

Personally for wig wefts I would probably just buy a wig and cut it up into big useable patches; BUT if you have no experience with getting wefts out of wigs you can definitely get the loose wefts and glue them in rows until it somewhat resembles a mane.

>> No.8901510


Gotcha, thanks!

>> No.8901517

I didn't
(Sorry anon)

>> No.8901518

I forgot to add, for the wig/wefts look for heat-resistant fibres, regardless if you go with a wig or just wefts. That way you (or someone who knows how to use them) can style the mane with low-temperature heated hair tools like curling irons, straighteners, blowdryers etc. should the mane need it! If you decide to do styling, always use the tools on the lowest setting they come with so there's less chance of melting the fibers.

>> No.8901520


Understood. Thanks for being patient with my ineptitude.
I've asked quite a few questions across many help threads and I think I have enough to start purchasing materials and get rolling.

>> No.8901533

Looks mori-esque. Check the mori threads in the archives, maybe? And mori sites.

>> No.8901589

Yeah, I've helped you a few other times too. No problem though, if I can help I'm glad to. Good luck, anon, it sounds like a fun and challenging project.

>> No.8901622

How do people with ludicrously elaborate, full body or fursuit costumes... go to the bathroom without getting anything dirty?
Do they just not eat so that they never have to use the bathroom? What about preventing fursuit feet / delicate footwear from stepping on, inevitably, some level of urine in the bathroom or dirt/mud?

>> No.8901661

Look for boho hippie style skirts.
I'd check my local thrift store or even a normal clothing store before I went online.

>> No.8901688

I'm planning to do a mascot style suit next month, the first time I'll be in something like this. Fortunately I'll have someone with me, so we can switch turns going to the bathroom. A lot of my outfit has detachable parts so what I plan to do is take off the shoes, arm glove things and the tail and take some new and clean slippers with me in my bag so I can prevent exactly what you describe.
It might be a bit over the top to bring slippers depending on how clean the convention keeps their bathrooms (I haven't seen any stray piss or poop yet), but hey, better safe than sorry right?

>> No.8901696

Oh I didn't even think about fabric paints! That's a great idea, thanks!

>> No.8901721

What's a good place to buy fabric online? I'm currently looking for pastel jersey

>> No.8902656
File: 92 KB, 530x800, adventure_time__finn_and_beemo_by_sapharia-d5gxavz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the shirt jacket thing and which kind of shirts/jackets should i get for this? How do i make the ears?

>> No.8902861

Could anyone with a size M Dear Celine blouse check the shoulder width and tell me please? I'm thinking of buying one but my shoulders are a bit wide so I'm scared it won't fit.

>> No.8902915

The shirt is literally a t-shirt. Not sure why you'd make it, but I suppose you could if you needed too. The ears are just a hood, I'd pattern it off of a sweatshirt you already own. Google "finn hat pattern" and combine that with a hoodie pattern.

>> No.8903065

How do I draft a sailor collar pattern and how do I attach it to the top? This is my first time making a seifuku and I'm totally lost on the collar.
So far I've only drafted the base v-neck shirt.

>> No.8903101

Pants are brown yamabakama (山袴), the thing around the waist is a brown kimono lined in beige that is tucked into the waist and then shrugged off so it hangs down (like this http://www.iz2.or.jp/fukushoku/buso_img/103-c.gif only shirt-length instead of floor-length). Do whatever for the shirt.

>> No.8903114


Thanks anon

>> No.8903117

What country are you based out of? Assuming the United States, Fabric.com is an option. It has a wide selection. They are legendarily shit with customer service however, so as soon as you get your order in the mail, open it up and inspect it so you can resolve issues before they forget you exist. They also allow you to buy swatches first, which is a REALLY good idea when you're buying fabric online! Syfabrics.com is another option.

>> No.8903123

Furfag here: Fursuiters often take potty breaks in their hotel rooms. This means that the elevators are always super busy, but attendees often wave sweaty fursuiters forward in line so they can get to their rooms faster. A staple at furry conventions is a "headless lounge" stocked with cold water, fans, sewing machines and hot glue guns. It's a safe space for fursuiters to pop their heads and recuperate. It's not uncommon to see unitard-clad people sneaking from the lounge to the bathroom.

>> No.8903255


> furfag here

Here's another question I have.
Fetishistic debate aside, I'm always fucking astonished your costumes. It seems crazy difficult. How do you people do it? Do you have any tips for making them?

>> No.8903287

Different furfag from the previous one here,

There are asstons of tutorials all over the internet on how to make fursuits. It's a bitch and a half. There are fursuit making tutorials, a fursuiting livejournal with tutorials, youtube videos; just google and search for what you need to know how to do, whether it's foaming a head, making a head out of resin, making handpaws, feetpaws, bodysuits, etc, you can find a tutorial for it.

But be warned, working with fur is hell. I'm a fursuit maker and while I love my craft you will get fur everywhere. You essentially eat and drink it for months, even after your suit is finished. Don't use a sewing machine, because it'll get demolished by the fur, buy good fur, because if you use cheap shit it'll literally fall apart at the seams, and expect to spend near $500-600 on materials alone not including all the meticulous hours you spend burning yourself with your glue gun.

>> No.8903290


How long would a reasonable looking fursuit take to make, if you work on it, say, about an hour a day, and maybe 5 hours on both saturday and sunday?

>> No.8903303

I'm looking into making some armour for the first time but I'm struggling to find methods/tutorials on how to attach/wear the leg armour to prevent it from moving around. Does anyone know any good methods?

>> No.8903304

It depends on the complexity of the character, what materials you're considering and how much prior experience you have with sculpting and sewing. My wife can kick out a full bodysuit in roughly a week if she works on it at least 5 hours a day, but she's also been sewing these suits for a couple of years now.

If you're buying optional parts from other makers (silicone pawpads, resin claws from DVC, etc etc) you have to allow for at least 3-5 weeks make time and a week for shipping. Fur orders take a week to ship. Don't give yourself anything less than three months to make your first fursuit or you will kill yourself and it will not be pretty. They take months, sometimes years to make them look right.

Also if you're working with fur, get some shavers and practice on scraps before you attack your head or it'll look like you just got done cutting it up with a lawnmower.

>> No.8903310


What logistical differences are there between "scalie" and "furry" costumes? Which is more difficult?

>> No.8903315

Again depends on the materials you choose. A lot of scalies use minky fur fabrics or fleece. I used fleece for one of my suits and it was hell, 3 out of 10 would not do again. Fur is more forgiving; easier to hide fuckups for example. Minky and fleece however are extremely short or have relatively no pile (fur length) so every single mistake you make will be blatantly obvious. So a lot of scalies will also choose furs to make their suits as well, using short furs or sometimes using specific cutting patterns to make the fur look like scales or feathers.

If it's your first fursuit, do something easy with a lot of references out there for you to use, ie dog fursuits. And use fur.

>> No.8903374

Does anyone know if those super large convention tote bags have a name or where you can buy them?

>> No.8903376

Forgot to add that I'm talking about the ones that you can wear like a backpack

>> No.8903397

You don't mean the promotional ones that We Love Fine gives out, do you? I thought they just give them to you when you make a purchase at their booth. I got one from NYCC when I bought a Miku sweater from them.

My friend went to E3 and brought me back one of those with Teddie from Persona on it. I love it.

>> No.8903415
File: 1.39 MB, 950x1280, tumblr_ntjppnKq5T1sbujivo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could find a tattoo sleeve or something else for Chloe Price's tattoo? Google isn't yielding any results for me.

>> No.8903428
File: 208 KB, 1056x653, 143504805404684505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure who gives them out, but they look like this. Not looking for this one in particular, just a site or company that sells these kind of bags.

>> No.8903445

Usually the conventions themselves give these out for free as swag bags/promotional things
Not sure if people sell them independently

>> No.8903450

Either pant it onto a skin colored sleeve yourself or design the tattoo online and print it out on printable temp tattoo paper. It's not just going to exist already, you have to make one yourself.

>> No.8903629
File: 208 KB, 397x611, housewife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would be a good place to get a wig similar to pic related?
Also, this version of Gumi is set in/from the 1950s so I was debating whether I should do 1950s style makeup or just keep it simple.

>> No.8903656

Already made a thread but deleted it because I didn't realize this thread was a thing. Looking for suggestions/tips for getting a beard/mustash/sideburns like Mark Jefferson. When I grow facial hair, it comes in patches which means self grow is out. Has anyone done something similar? If so, what did you do. Looking for something that can be done in 1 or 2 days as the con I'm going to is this weekend.

>> No.8903719

Is there a way to sew without sewing?
For example, a fabric glue that doesn't make everything look like shit?

I'm making a small jacket that's meant to look stiff and I thought I might be able to get away with it without losing too much quality.

Thoughts or suggestions?

>> No.8903730

>fabric glue
you answered your own question.
But seriously anon, sewing is going to be your best bet no matter how you look at it. If it's meant to look stiff you might be able to get away with glue, but it's always gonna look a little off and never going to be comparable to a sewn piece.

>> No.8903746
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be a really weird question but there was this original music video from like 4 years ago that these cosplayers did and autotuned the hell out of. The cosplayers are yuki godbless and jikai darkness. This is a still from it.

>> No.8903749

That is also not a question.

>> No.8903757

I know at least two people did used to make them, which is why I was asking. But I think I've found an alternative method, so thank you anyway!

>> No.8903776

Can anyone find the video for me or know what I'm referring to?

Sorry I just trailed off there

>> No.8903895
File: 743 KB, 2301x2857, promo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a source where I could find gold applique like on the yoke there? I can do all the other stuff on my own just fine, but I know for certain I wouldn't be able to do that myself. I do not want to paint it with gold fabric paint either, I really want some sort embroidered applique. I know I won't find something exact, but even just a bunch of different pieces that I can put together is fine. I don't know how to find like, a variety of applique pieces that are in the same style but have variation in design. Or do you think I should try to commission it?

>> No.8903913

It's really easy. You use the blouse/jacket top pattern as the base for it, trace out the sailor collar on a new sheet of pattern paper, and sew it on.
Skip past where it talks about how to modify their pattern.

>> No.8903917

>Hot glue/stapling/more glue
It's going to look awful like a kid's craft
>iron-on adhesives/fusible web/Heat 'n Bond
Some adhesives may be absorbed and disappear into the fabric immediately, others might hold for a little while before falling apart, and of course you'll get the stuff on parts of the costume you didn't want on
>Peel 'n Stick/spray adhesives
Good luck

>> No.8903924
File: 32 KB, 254x600, Yellow_13_(Full_Body_Illustration).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best place to order custom-made patches? I'm working on my first cosplay and I need a couple of custom patches. Also, can anyone tell if he's wearing a flight suit or a shirt and slacks under the jacket?

Also, any advice (especially from anyone who knows the source material)? It's a little overwhelming starting off with a character who has very little concept art/screen time.

>> No.8903965

Look on Etsy for shops that make custom patches. I don't know which shops are good for this though since I haven't ever needed any.
I'm not familiar with the source material but the shape of the collar and different colours makes me think it's a shirt and slacks, not a flight suit.

With some styling I think this wig could look okay but quality might be iffy

and 1950's makeup won't make you look very anime so keep it simple imo

>> No.8903975

Patches are going to be your lifeblood because nobody else, even AC fans, will easily recognize you without them.

>> No.8903988
File: 265 KB, 769x1200, Nerine (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a wig like this?

I'm having trouble finding a decent one in that odd blue/purple color

>> No.8904014

Thanks anon! The link was really helpful.

>> No.8904125

I can't really tell how good it looks from the pictures, but it uses materials you have access to in a general store.

>> No.8904162
File: 44 KB, 322x400, cloak_brown3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ could I get some characters that use clothes like this? Preferably as simple? Thank you in advance.

>> No.8904212
File: 137 KB, 900x1237, 2503834-nine_lives_by_studiomia_d4nu39g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best wig-styling shit I can buy?

Just for a simple, spiky style like this.

>> No.8904234

How do I make my wig look like Nagito's hair without it looking ridiculous?

>> No.8904235
File: 81 KB, 480x280, nahgito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8904242
File: 9 KB, 433x548, glued.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people enjoy the Got2Be Glued hairspray and a simple hairdryer.

For Catwoman, I'm sure you can get away with spraying some on a short wig, running through it with your fingers then maybe teasing a few bits into "spikes" (I see this hairstyle as being fairly short wavy locks instead of spikes).
For Nagito, look up wigs others have done and see what style you enjoy. Personally I find his hair ridiculous in-game and bad to translate to real life.
Magazine scans

>> No.8904304
File: 188 KB, 630x752, 0009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what color/cut to get for a Hanten wig. Any recs please?

>> No.8904363

I want to rewear a corset I made a few years ago, but I've lost weight and it doesn't fit my boobs very well right now. What could I use to stuff and push up my boobs that wouldn't show or look weird in a corset? I need to go up 1-2 cup sizes.

>> No.8904369

What you really need is an alpaca wig to imitate the texture and fluffiness, but you'd have to make it from scratch.

>> No.8904404

Chicken cutlets. Silicon inserts meant to stuff bras.

>> No.8904436

If you wanna wear something like that, look into larp. Can't think of any characters that dress like that.

Try dyeing a white wig so you have control over the color instead having to guess from stock photos. There's plenty of tutorials online if you look up "synthetic wig dyeing".

>> No.8904465
File: 191 KB, 410x800, Shen_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would work better as armor for this? EVA foam or Worbla?

>> No.8904565

Make it out of clay, put silicon over it to create a mold.
And then put epoxy in that mold. Then wait and boom you god something really sexy.

Or use warbla or whatever it's called and just form each like and mold till it looks good.

>> No.8904638
File: 585 KB, 700x1216, TB2_MhVaXXXXXXkXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!655734967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a wig like this but cut off a bit at the end to make it the right length?

A wig this long would be difficult to dye evenly. I wouldn't recommend getting a white wig.

>> No.8904830
File: 759 KB, 720x1140, MYXJ_20160310172901_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this was a bad idea from the start but I've put so much time already into it.....
I'm trying to make a tail for my costume (Fire emblem Kinu) and i'm doing the whole yarn tail thing. I bought a crappy halloween cat tail to sew the yarn onto (bad idea). I have 2 questions

1. Is there any way I can get it to stay on me better than that crappy stretchy string?

2. the tail has a crappy little wire in it, I'd like it to be able to bend upward and the wire is definitely not strong enough. So what should i put in it to make it more stable?

>> No.8904840

What is the best method for a wing harness?

>> No.8904908

That all depends on the shape and design and materials used for the wings. You also have to take the costume itself into consideration as different outfits will necessitate different set harnesses.

>> No.8905107

I'd be afraid to do something like that....this is my first time ever cosplaying so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible

>> No.8905134

You gotta try it at some point. Cutting a wig is easy if you get a razor comb. Can't post pics because I'm on phone but it makes the cuts look very natural compared to scissors. If you want practice get a cheap party wig and test cutting and styling on that first.

Cutting a wig of the right color is easier than dyeing by a long shot

>> No.8905149
File: 138 KB, 1500x1430, 71WYLMoKDDS._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to make my first cosplay from scratch this year and I'm a total rookie with zero machine experience. Right now Amazon has the Brother CS6000i for $115.

Is this a good option for a starter machine? Everything I've read about it suggests it's a good (if not the best) choice, but since I'm a rookie I'm not sure if I'm missing anything that might make me consider a different option.

>> No.8905160

13 is almost certainly wearing a tan flight suit under his bomber jacket. Check with /aceg/ on /vg/ for patches - there was a guy there last year who I bought Erusian flag and Yellow Squadron patches from that were pretty high quality, though I don't know if he's still around or even has stock anymore.

Also, as someone who lazy cosplays Blaze on cons when I just want to be comfy, I'll tell you this: be ready to just never be recognized by anyone, regardless of how many accurate unit insignias you're wearing.

>> No.8905161

check gloryshouse.com.

>> No.8905164

As long as the Amazon reviews are good and it's over $100 you should be fine. Watch a lot of youtube videos to learn how to sew or get someone experienced to show you the basics on how to run it.

>> No.8905169

I have that exact one as well as a few friends. it's amazing for a starter one. I've made about 10 novice cosplays with it so far as well as smaller items and it has held up really well. It's probably been at least 5 years and it's still good. If you're looking to make cosplays with a lot of thick fabric, this might not be good though.

>> No.8905180
File: 74 KB, 479x659, Feild_cera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi ppl
I need help with the Centorea's Body
some tutorials of mobility in the legs or something

>> No.8905192

I have the machine and it's fantastic and solid. It's a great beginner to intermediate machine. If you can see yourself sewing a few projects a year, I'd recommend it. The instruction guide book that comes with it is very clear and easy to read. Be sure to reference to it whenever you're not sure about something. Take good care of the machine, such as keeping it clean and using the right needles for the projects, and it will last you years. The only "big" con I have about it is that the space/hole to the right of the needle is relatively small, so you can't cram a lot of fabric into that space while sewing.

>> No.8905193

>first time
Then I really don't recommend dyeing a wig. You'll be learning how to cut, lightly style, and maintain a wig on your first wigs.

>> No.8905201

It's my first time cosplaying, but I've styled a bunch of wigs for lolita before. I'm comfortable cutting and styling, just not dying....
How difficult is it to do?

>> No.8905215


If you're comfortable with cutting and styling a wig already, I don't think dyeing a wig is that big of a leap to take next. If you're worried about getting the color right you can practice on spare wefts first. If the color isn't what you like you can also remove the dye to a certain extent by soaking the wig in an alcohol bath. I've never dyed a wig that long, so I am not sure of other pitfalls that might be associated with that, my guess would be to make sure you make more then enough dye so you don't run out and can keep the color mixture consistent.

>> No.8905243

THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON, I've been going crazy looking over places; this site has exactly what I am looking for.

>> No.8905250

Goddamnit, I went back to buy it just now and it literally sold out as I was trying to add it to cart.

At least I know what I'm looking for now.

>> No.8905258

It's not too difficult but

A) for a long wig like that it will be hard to get the color even across the whole thing.

B) it will take A LOT of dye

C) even with a thorough rinsing dyed wigs tend to rub off onto white costumes pieces and swear necks

So many wig colors are available now it's not worth it unless your character has a truly insane blend of colors or its a short wig that won't touch your neck or costume

That being said if you're trying to achieve that color you get a periwinkle wig and go in with a sharpie and carefully color a few strands here and there grey and lavendar.

>> No.8905270

The Magicka guys wear robes kinda like that

>> No.8905392
File: 19 KB, 210x240, char_159624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first time getting contacts for a cosplay. Hotaru has pretty distinct eyes. Does anyone have recommendations for prescriptions lenses that would suit this. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8905403

Thanks anons, I might try that sharpie method. I ordered a wig today but it's more of a icy blue and I want more purple highlights in it.
Wish me luck!

>> No.8905413

You can just apply better materials. For the tail, if there's space for it, either make belt loops so you can thread a belt through it, or attach thicker and better elastic.
Same for the wire, cut the tail open at the top and replace the weak wire with thicker gauge wire. I can't tell you what gauge is bendable by hand yet keeps it's shape, but it's smaller than you'd think. Play around with wire ends in the hardware shop.
Making a yarn tail is tedious sewing work so there's no fixing that part. Keep at it!

Moving centaur legs will probably look stupid regardless of how you try it, since we're just not used to how 4 legs walk/work.

>> No.8905416

That Bleach centaur cosplay had pretty okay movement for something functional at a con. She used some wire, I think?

>> No.8905434

This? Yeah, you can see the wire at the top. My point still stands, though. The people in these examples did a phenomenal job with it, but it still looks off. Floating horsebutt seems to be the biggest problem. I know I'm being anal about it, but I don't know what level of "it has to be as realistic as possible!!!" >>8905180 wants.

>> No.8905823

This is a dumb question, but I didn't see a stupid question thread, so I'll ask here.
How do you get to be a cosplay guest for a local convention? Do you just wait and hope you get invited, or could you take the initiative and ask by emailing the convention itself if you could be one (granted you have some sort of credentials)? Or would that be too odd?

>> No.8905862

Thank you! Do you recommend any fabrics for the cape itself and the straps?

>> No.8906099

Say I wanted to make a bunch of spikes out of foam. I'm planning on using craft foam or a thin upholstery foam sheet to make them, and I'll sew/glue/button them to the costume, but how would I go about coloring/decorating? I don't want the porous surface to be visible, the "texture" should look right.

>> No.8906101

I'm not even worried about being recognized, I just want a comfy cosplay that I can wear (sans flight suit) outside of a con.
Good advice with /aceg/ though, I mostly stopped going there a while ago but I'll check to see if anyone has the patches. If not I have some hi-res pics of Ace Combat patches someone on reddit posted (I can upload them to mega if anyone wants) that I can go have printed.

>> No.8906104

You can look up tutorials for covering foam with spandex, that should give you the right texture. People do it most often for armor, but it could adapted for spikes.

>> No.8906119


Huh. A lot of the tutorials cover "flat" cut-out foam things being wrapped in spandex. Should I cover my "pieces" in spandex first, then assemble the spikes?

>> No.8906125

I would assemble spikes then cover in foam. Rufflebutt's tutorial covers round pieces, so I think you could it with foam. The only problem I could see would be if your spikes are flimsy and can't maintain their shape when the fabric is stretched over them.

Otherwise you could prime then paint them, just priming with a bunch of coats so the texture is no longer visible.

>> No.8906128


Got it. And I think it would be a good idea to stress test it with stretched-over fabric to ensure their durability.

Thanks a bunch!

>> No.8906129

Best of luck.

>> No.8906131


I saw on her Facebook that Lady Lemon will email conventions she wants to go to and asks to be a guest, will have her fans follow up and ask the convention too. I don't know if this is the norm, but she goes to a lot of conventions so it works for her I guess?

I never personally saw the point in having local cosplayers as guests since they usually show up anyways. You could ask the cosplay department if you could judge the masquerade (if you have the construction skills to back that up) and offer to sponsor an award. They would probably comp your badge at least.

>> No.8906247
File: 59 KB, 284x624, old joseph joestar All stars battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to be ripped in order to even thin about doing a jjba cosplay?

Pic, related, I want to do an old joseph`s cosplay.

>> No.8906251


>> No.8906264


Yes. It's why I will never be able to cosplay anything from Jojo even though it's my favorite and I love making costumes with crazy fabrics. I feel your pain, anon, but if you don't got the bod, you shouldn't do it.

>> No.8906276

I think you could do it if you got a muscle shirt, since he's got gloves it would cover the transition to your hands.

>> No.8906393
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 7962189196_a627ffa2c1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my first time trying to do a cosplay. I have a few ideas of how to start, but I just wanted to hear what some of you had to say. I wanna cosplay my character in Dark Souls when I beat the game for the first time. I'm gonna start with the head piece, The Mask of the Child. I figured it'd be the easiest. Any ideas of how I should go about this? Pic included.

>> No.8906436

Cosplay the fat dead greedy kid from part 4

>> No.8906447
File: 1002 KB, 750x1000, Blitty with blitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm making a Blitty plush and I need help with the face. I'm not sure how to do the eyes, mouth, or whiskers. Not sure about the "rivets" either. I have a plan for the yellow cheek parts, but should I maybe do felt for the other parts? And how should I attach them? The fabric is still detachable from the cube, so no worries there.

Also, I know the ears are a tad big atm, and the yellow is a little light. Ignore my cat.

>> No.8907018
File: 7 KB, 206x206, 12065922_185045528501711_7622997118302658177_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Rikka from Chuunibyou, it's my first cosplay & it's obviously very very simple. My question is, do I need a wig if I could pull off the same hairstyle/color with my current hair? I feel like a wig would look more polished but I also feel it'd be cool to use my natural hair...

>> No.8907020

note: it's currently a few inches longer than it is in this picture. this is how my hair looks without any product.

>> No.8907073
File: 5 KB, 340x340, splitpen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking over it there's a lot of different techniques in this costume. Do you have enough time to make this? Don't try to make this in, let's say, a month.
For the mask, since it's a half-mask easiest would be starting with one of those cheaper plastic masks, then sculpting the features out of paper mache. If you lay down enough layers of it, it becomes sandable.

The whiskers seem thin enough you can do a close-together zig-zag stitch for them (I don't know the technical terms, sorry). You can use the same zig-zag stitch for the eyes: cut out a shape, then go around the edges. See:
Adjust the stitch distances to your own likings.
For rivets you can get pic related, split pins? Easy as balls to push the pins through and the head looks like a little rivet.

Can you show a new picture? It's really too short in that image. Going from that, I would just go with a wig.

>> No.8907077


>> No.8907119
File: 45 KB, 400x525, hen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anons, Im cosplaying picture related and because henry's hair is almost white Im not sure what I can do to make my skin look lighter in contrast to the wig?

I already bought a silver/white wig rather than a pure white one but should I be buying a lighter foundation, what colour should I contour with?

I'm asian with skin slightly to the darker side from being in the sun. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.8907131

Yeah, wig it is.

>> No.8907137
File: 316 KB, 527x449, Garon_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never cosplayed in my life, /cgl/. I love dressing up, though. I would adore the opportunity to attend my local Comic Con as Garon.

I might sound naive, seeing as he's probably very difficult for a first cosplay, but this is something I really want. I am willing to seep money and time into this (I have 8 months.)

Where do I start? What are some do's and don't's?

>> No.8907140

Unless you are really good at crafts/sewing I would not reccomend that as a first cosplay. But, if you are that determined I can't stop you.
Download every reference photo you can and make a list of everything you'll need to make. Once you know what you'll need to make look up tutorial after tutorial.
Be prepared for trial and error. If you aren't comfortable with certain parts do a few trials to make sure you've figured out how a certain material works. If you're like me, you'll get the urge to rush a few things but take it slow.

>> No.8907141

I'm fabulous when it comes to crafting, or so I'm told. Sewing I can do, and I'm willing to learn and improve.

>> No.8907145

Ok, if you are already crafty then you're like me and you'll probably rise to the challenge. I'm just so used to people saying "I've never sewed anything before, can I make this elaborate costume?" Take a week or two to gather up as much info and try to plan everything. I have a pinterest board where I keep all of the tutorials I might need along with the products I plan on buying for a costume.

>> No.8907146

Thanks so much for the advice.

>> No.8907208
File: 234 KB, 871x816, 20160312_101701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dip dyed the bottom of my cosplay last night, but I'm wondering if it's worth it to try and ombre dye the top. I did a bunch of tests last night and they all turned out "meh". A lot more things could go wrong doing the actual top. I'm wondering if it's ok to just not bleach the top at all.

>> No.8907286
File: 254 KB, 1171x1095, Young Cyclops Shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea on how I should go about making these sunglasses. Is anyone able to help?

>> No.8907293

Next time start with white. What are you using to do the bleaching? You should be using Thiox to remove dye evenly, not chlorine bleach.

>> No.8907296

You probably should have started with white.

>> No.8907314
File: 370 KB, 800x800, Free-Shipping-Anime-font-b-Ao-b-font-no-Exorcist-Rin-Okumura-font-b-cosplay-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making a Blue exorcist school uniform. I have the main suiting fabric and lining, but I believe I need some materials that are used on the inside (like shoulder pads, pockets interfacing, etc.).

Does anyone know how to make a suit and what fabric materials I need for it?

PS: I attached a photo as an example of the suit.

>> No.8907358

I realized I messed up by not starting with white. When I was researching things I found plenty of examples that looked like how I wanted my final product to be using bleach. I have plenty of white fabric left if I wanted to start over.

>> No.8907387
File: 226 KB, 415x572, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Charlotte's bra piece, is it armor or fabric? I can't decide what would look better

>> No.8907404

looks like her bra and panties are made of fabric and she's decked in armour otherwise

>> No.8907412


Do yourself a favor and get a suit pattern from Jo Anns or any other retailer. I never make a suit without a base pattern, and mostly for anime you will have to modify the collar. Trying to make a double breasted right now myself and with out a close matching pattern.... too many measurements I'd never make it.

>> No.8907548

I made a horn out of expanding foam, and I'm going to finish it with paper mache and paint.
How wil I attach it to my forehead? It's pretty big. (not super heavy)

>> No.8907635
File: 833 KB, 1280x1280, 568Trubbish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Trubbish gijinka, what would be a good material to replicate the trashbag part that isn't trashbag material? I need something at least a little bit stronger.

>> No.8907810

What kind of paint should I use on Faux leather so it doesn't chip/wash off?

>> No.8907845

I'm planning on taking my time with it. The chest piece in that picture isn't what I'll be wearing, I just wanna start with the mask. But thanks, I was thinking paper mache.

>> No.8907872
File: 60 KB, 417x279, boot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience painting rubber boots? I've heard about Krylon Fusion for Plastic spray paint being used for other plastic items.

>> No.8908072

Spirit gum.

Look up "garnet glasses tutorial"; you'll get some Steven Universe results that'll get the job done. You'll need a piece of thin acrylic (like the plastic off a cheap picture frame) and red window tint.
Alternately, you could use a red plastic folder and cut to size.

Brief tip: Something I do when starting out a cosplay is go head-to-toe of the character and make a list EVERY PART of the outfit. From the ref you've posted, you've already got
>grey makeup?
>furred cape
>fancy collar
>chest armour
It helps me keep track of everything that needs to be done, and having the outfit broken down like that makes it seem less intimidating as you tackle and finish individual pieces.

>> No.8908142
File: 9 KB, 266x190, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im planning to papermache my prop, should I use tissuepaper after a layer of newspaper to make it smooth? i have a time limit and dont really want to go out to buy anything at the moment but i have wall filler and glue. would watering down any of them and applying after the papermache work for a seamless finish? any good tutorials are appreciated very much.

>> No.8908176
File: 1.96 MB, 800x3267, paper_mache_armor_and_prop_tutorial_by_firelilycosplay-d4l4gid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thinking the paper mache is finished after you do newspaper/tissue paper? After you use the hot glue to fill in cracks, you should be using something like gesso + sanding to create a smooth, easily paintable surface. Here's a tutorial.

>> No.8908262

Some kind of lightweight vinyl might be good, it would give off the shiny trashbag look.
Apparently using a 1:1 mixture of acrylic paint and Mod Podge can also work. Liquitex Acrylic is also an option, though I've never tried it myself.

>> No.8908274

I want actual sunglasses, to wear out. So I'll definitely check the Garnet tutorial

>> No.8908293


>> No.8908301

can i use watered down wall filler instead of gesso?

>> No.8908364
File: 3.58 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_1543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should I use nylon or kevlar to stitch together leather with?

>> No.8908427

Watered down will just soak and warp the base and make cracks. Use filler as is, put it on smooth and sand it when dry. Coat it with plastidip or something to keep it from chipping.

>> No.8908494

they dont sell that near me. if so its probably $20 a can. ill try to find a subsitute for gesso or use wall primer or glue. thanks.

>> No.8908533

Rubber boot anon here. Thanks!

>> No.8908609
File: 21 KB, 172x400, James_Buchanan_Barnes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding actual "superhero" gloves are hard as fuck. I keep finding tutorials and sale listings for the slinky skin tight (cheap prom) gloves.
Help please!
pic related

>> No.8908640
File: 41 KB, 650x379, 46841133a5fb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, how do i go about this in the most realistic-looking way possible while possibly attending a con
(the wigs ain't shit m8 i got that)

>> No.8908997

You will have to scale it down heavily or else
>being in EVERYONE'S way
>be uncomfortable from sheer weight
Of course, if you absolutely must make it fuck-off huge, you can stand around in the lobby or at the entrance or whatever to show off a bit, then swap out some indoors version to walk around the con with.

>> No.8909008

Just make your own?
Here's a simple enough tutorial to modify.

>> No.8909025

Double check the rules of your con because some have rules about how big a costume can be.

>> No.8909039
File: 1.75 MB, 1195x1920, tumblr_static_5jd4l5mf304cogoocw00wows8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I make a back strap for Sonic's sword? Preferably an invisible one but his suit is skin tight so I can't really hide anything under and I'd rather not cut through my suit either. Is it even physically possible to make it sit this way?

>> No.8909076

Have a metal plate under your suit and a strong magnet build into the sword sheath.

>> No.8909170
File: 2.01 MB, 2400x3000, Vernon Roche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to try to make these shin guards and elbow guards out of foam. What can I use to strengthen the foam and make it a bit harder?

>> No.8909180

Just get thicker foam. 6 mm foam is pretty sturdy on its own.

>> No.8909678
File: 288 KB, 819x975, makoto_vector_trace_by_spanuel-d73v0bs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't able to find a contact lens thread in the catalog, so I'll post here.

I'm looking for light purple colored contacts like in pic related. (If it matters, I've got blue eyes to begin with!) Does anyone have any recommendations for a pair that'll match the color when worn?

>> No.8909681


>> No.8909683

Look for the lenses that look similar and good search the name and look at the images

>> No.8909836
File: 169 KB, 700x700, Show-by-Rock-anime-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make Aion's guitar, but I want to make it so that I can make it sort of like a bag? like i could store things in it? mostly since carrying a bag and a prop at the same time is a huge hassle. I just don't know how to do this without it looking really stupid, or falling apart or whatever. Especially since it's covered in chains which might make opening it difficult.

>> No.8909987
File: 193 KB, 800x1198, love_live__chinese_dress___maki_by_ruby_hearts-d8grmxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am starting on a cosplay that has a lot of embeded detail such as picture related, how does one go about making it? I want to avoid painting it, any tutorials or links would help. thank you

also pic isnt the costume im making but similar idea

>> No.8910062

> to make decorative pieces or spikes for armor, coat upholstery foam with PVA, then paint with acrylic

Does this really work? I'm a bit concerned about two things:

1. Foam is extremely porous, like a sponge. Will that texture really disappear? How long would it take to dry?
2. How durable/reliable can literal dried Elmer's glue be when applied in layers to foam?

>> No.8910253

Where can I even find men's nude-colored tights that aren't super-expensive?

I'm 6'5"

>> No.8910350
File: 520 KB, 2032x1524, 102_7739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up gluing the centre of the elastic strap to the interior of the mask using Evostik Impact (red) Adhesive and leaving it for 20 hours under pressure.

It's holding up! :D

>> No.8910417

What's the correct fabric for Tifa's OG skirt - wet-look spandex, or stretch vinyl?

>> No.8910720
File: 552 KB, 1920x3069, neiro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any idea on how to do her hood helmet cap thing? Or what to call it, it's like a hood but it's tight around her head. I wanted to make it out of stretch material.

>> No.8910735

What are you planning on making it out of? Because if you did it in sections, you could make the upper half (the section of the body of above the chains) hollow and have it open with a flap like a cupboard in the back. The stuff moving around might make noise though. Does that make any sense?

Alternative idea sew a bunch of pockets into his coat so you don't need a bag.

>> No.8910772

Print you own fabric with the pattern on it or use iron on transfers?

>> No.8913816

might need more than 5 depending.
2 per leg
1 for hands and body
2 for back and shoulders could work
. pattern it out first.