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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 34 KB, 851x315, 11130200_10153189956325238_7048689867184134333_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8892191 No.8892191 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8837768
Post pictures, outrage, stripper poles, what have you.

>> No.8892221

Does anyone have pics from the Friday morning Love Live meet?

>> No.8892230 [DELETED] 

"Lolita Aesthetic"

>> No.8892332

Con is dead, Jim. Let it go.

>> No.8892411

"Anime Matsuri 2016 (AMX) closed at 30,215 unique attendees." Was just posted on their Facebook page.

>> No.8892427

People were still posting in the dead thread so obviously some people don't want to

>> No.8892479

why must they lie

>> No.8892483

What utter horseshit. They are not suddenly bigger than A-Kon.

>> No.8892572

Is there any kind of audit system for record like this? Or they can just make up any kind of numbers?

>> No.8892589

Hah, definitely bigger than akon. Imo akon is small as shit, hate all you want, but i go to both every year and AM is definitely bigger now. I never liked akon but to each his own i guess.
i imagine they just go by ticket sales.

>> No.8892611
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Relevant, kek

>> No.8892614

SJ so savage i love it

>> No.8892637

Just another reason SJ is my favorite con in TX.

>> No.8892645


You're an idiot if you think AM is anywhere near A-Kon numbers.

>> No.8892655

A-Kon is the 4th biggest anime convention in the US.

>> No.8892688
File: 330 KB, 495x880, Best in Show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you chucklefucks aren't posting, starting a dump of the contest

Pic related: Best in show

>> No.8892690
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Advanced winners

>> No.8892692
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Intermediate winners

>> No.8892695
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Beginners winner

>> No.8892699
File: 416 KB, 880x495, Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Group photo, I'll try to find some other good photos later

>> No.8892702

They all look good and craftsmanship looks awesome, but at the same time they look boring.

>> No.8892852

Is it me or do all of these winners utilize some sort of armor? I'm assuming these are for the "best of" in each category and the group photo is everyone else with judges awards/etc.

>> No.8892859

Yeah like, it's what >>8892702 said: they're not bad by any means, but collectively, it's very boring. Were the judges either normies or armor buffs?

>> No.8892882

I don't believe this shit.

What is the breakdown on paid badges and comp badges? What is the turnstile attendance?

>> No.8892885

Armor seems to be the easy way to show off how complicated things are.

>> No.8892888

They will lie because nobody will contest them openly.

>> No.8892919

What is this thread for $1000 Alex.

Oh wait, we are all anonymous :(

>> No.8892976
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>get a ticket early
>admitted to school across the country
>unable to go
>sell pass to nice person
>person says you need photo ID to pick up
>I email AM about it, no response
>FB message them
>"Read 3:23 PM"
>Eventually take a picture of my ID with info blacked out, and a note saying "I authorize [persons name] to pick up my AM pass"
>take selfie with ID and note
>person prints these pics and goes to pick up badge
>AM still doesn't let her in

Never again

>> No.8892983

Where the fuck do you see armor on that Ermac

>> No.8892986

Don't be down, anon. Your badge purchase helped them reach 30,215 attendees! Without your money, they'd have only been at 30,214. Maybe even less!

>> No.8893004

ohayo john-chan

>> No.8893034

That's always been one of the most stupid rules AM has had. It's like they think they're losing money from a badge even though it's already been paid for.

>John wants to get Babymetal for next year
Oh boy. This should be good.

>> No.8893097

It is flat out rage inducing seeing people boycott the con and then turning around and attending anyway. You're supporting them whether you like the owners or not. Giving them money and attendance helps them more than you know. Stop being so weak that you're bought out by "you may never see this international guest again!". Other cons are trying to be better and get more people so support them instead. Fuck.

>> No.8893101

Can anyone explain how ghosting still helps the con?

>> No.8893110

Should we campaign against him getting Babymetal?

Seriously, I feel it's something that we cannot allow to happen. Any other con.

>> No.8893151

Did they do a skit or walk on?

Looks like armor was favored overall. Same as last year.

>> No.8893156

You stay in the con block at the hotel. You borrow a badge and spend money in the vendors hall. You patron the food trucks. You pay for parking. Your body makes them look successful because you are filling more space.

AM is big enough the city supports them. You spend money in the area, you give the city more reason to give them more stuff.

>> No.8893174

Woah there, there's no need for such harsh language. I was on mobile and the picture appeared tiny. It looked like armor. I don't know the character so I don't know if it was supposed to be armor or not. At the very least, none of them in the "best of" categories look like they took awards for craftsmanship solely on sewing skills because they all incorporate some sort of armors or things requiring armor-type labor to make. I was basically thinking the same things as >>8892885 that it seems like people tend to do armor because it seems to equate difficulty over sewing and that's not always true.

>> No.8893196

But almost ALL of those pictures have a ton of sewing, the Overlord (both Ainz and the Floor Guardian) have a shit ton of frills and fabric, the Diablo monk is a full robe, and that Ermac was being fawned over by the judges for sewing all those leather pieces himself. Hell, God Save the Queen was there, you KNOW they were looking at that sewing, which is why the shittier fabric cosplays didn't even place.

>> No.8893500

>brought food, lifted a ride from a friend
>I contributed nothing to AM's revenue
Feels good m8.

>> No.8893568

For people who went.
Did it look like there were 30k people there?
How did they tea party go?
Was it really full?

>> No.8893601

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8893608

Thinking ghosting doesn't help a cons revenue is like thinking not voting is still going to get you the president you want. It doesn't work that way.
No, there were definitely not 30k there. Maybe at the most 15-20k. I have no doubt they're counting the
Magic tournament and the fucking petroleum convention that happened the day before AM.

>> No.8893809

Didn't seem like that much. Tea party was basically what the videos in the last thread looked like.

>> No.8893845

Honestly I would still call >>8893608 's numbers generous. I spoke to a lot of attendees over the weekend and 90% of them were from Houston, meaning virtually nobody drove in for this con (at least, not like previous years). I'd put the cap at 10k, max.

>> No.8893863


These guys just popped up on the Akon group trying get attention for this cosplay. It looks great, but it just screams desperate for likes when you go to groups asking "should I bring this cosplay to such and such con?" knowing full well people will shower you with attention.

If it's good then let it speak for itself.

>> No.8893951

Got a free badge so I went, but otherwise only spent money on food so whatever.

>> No.8894123

not john, i have an opinion lol. i didn't like akon at all, i liked am better, who cares desu.
shit, really? i went there twice (15 and 14) and i viewed it as lackluster, honestly. but i'm used to bigger cons like sdcc so that might be why.

>> No.8894125
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>> No.8894153

10 bucks the winner is another crony

>> No.8894266

Honestly the Leighs could individually shit on every attendee's head when they pick up their badge and people would still defend this con.

In the last thread we mentioned they said 30,000 people came when they had more like 5 or 6. People tried to say that was just a difference in badge sales vs attendance? Is anyone that stupid?

Vendors, sponsors, guests, and attendees use those numbers to try to gauge if an event is worth going to so yes lying about it sucks.

>> No.8894274

Don't forget you're also saying fuck you to your community.

>> No.8894278

Looks like someone needs money, fast.

>> No.8894280 [DELETED] 

Looks like someone needs money. Fast.

>> No.8894284

Does anyone know if the contestants were actually paid their prize money this year? I'm waiting for the list of people who don't get paid to come out again.

I assume they are still ducking that poor cosplay guest from over seas they landed in holding for a week?

>> No.8894291

Funny you say that. >>8894125 reminds me of their prize at Planet Zero. They had a tournament where the winner go to go on a trip. The Leighs had their own team with their friends enter. They won second place so they found some reason to disqualify first place and send their team.

>> No.8894308

yep. and they chose the Kawaii Ambassador for Misako. there is absolutely no indication they have changed and will play fair with this.

>> No.8894363

Gotta entice more shill

>> No.8894451

Why shill when you have the best convention?

>> No.8894461

>I assume they are still ducking that poor cosplay guest from over seas they landed in holding for a week?

It was proven that issue was because of a south american con she was supposed to guest at.

>> No.8894531

I'd say fuck you to the houston comm anyday.

>> No.8894556

>Houston Comm
Which one?

>> No.8894588

Wrong one.

What was the prize this year for best in show?

>> No.8894656

There was a second guest held in customs?

>> No.8894686

Doesn't matter. Both are cluster fucks of drama.

>> No.8894747

Deets anon. Everyone knows about HLC drama but who is the other comm?

>> No.8894941

Not proven. Separate matters.

AM told guests to get wrong kind of US visa to save cost. I think that is criminal offense? And then ask her to stay quiet to save face.

>> No.8894961

Drama only happens if you make friends with drama whores. HLC can be fun if you pick your friends wisely.

Houston Lolita Society. Branched off from HLC. It's the people who had problems with HLC. Some are elitist, stuck-up, or borderline itas. Some are nice girls in general but they have their own realm of drama that I don't think is worth joining.

>> No.8895034

I joined recently, but I haven't met anyone who seemed mean...yet. Now I'm worried. Anyone specific I should look out for?

>> No.8895291

>Some are elitist, stuck-up, or borderline itas
If anything HLC is at least the better dressed comm

>> No.8895501
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OK This thread got way off track, I'll start uploading pics (which in both threads had none)

>> No.8895502

This is a lie. No one in that group is stuck up or elitist. There are some itas, but there's almost no drama at all.

>> No.8895503
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>> No.8895511
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>> No.8895513
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>> No.8895521
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>> No.8895525
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>> No.8895526
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>> No.8895528
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>> No.8895530

Sad 'cause he has so much potential.

>> No.8895534
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>> No.8895535
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>> No.8895536
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>> No.8895538

I could give you some names but I'm sure they're lurking right now.

>> No.8895539
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>> No.8895542
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>> No.8895544
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>> No.8895547
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>> No.8895549
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>> No.8895550

You are on anon idiot. Who cares if they're lurking? Call them out so they can stop being horrible.

>> No.8895552
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>> No.8895553
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>> No.8895557
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>> No.8895560
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>> No.8895564
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>> No.8895566
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>> No.8895574
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>> No.8895576
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>> No.8895579
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>> No.8895583
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>> No.8895589
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>> No.8895592
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>> No.8895596
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>> No.8895600
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>> No.8895604
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>> No.8895606
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>> No.8895608
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>> No.8895610
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>> No.8895614
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>> No.8895617
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>> No.8895618
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>> No.8895620
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>> No.8895622
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>> No.8895628
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>> No.8895629
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>> No.8895631
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>> No.8895632
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>> No.8895638
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>> No.8895639
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>> No.8895641
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>> No.8895645
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>> No.8895646
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>> No.8895647

These pics, GRB always looks so empty

>> No.8895656

You do realize your anonymous right? Even if they were lurking they'd have no idea who you are.

>> No.8895700

GRB is fairly large. Throw in that its 3 floors, unless you are right in the middle of dealer alley, its fairly open space mostly.

>> No.8895718

Why is Ladybug barefoot?

>> No.8895731
File: 82 KB, 433x276, tumblr_static_47ysy672ztogg8kow8c80ckkw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladybug doesn't really have shoes.

>> No.8895860
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>> No.8895931
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>> No.8895935
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>> No.8895940
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>> No.8895948

With the names I have, they'd know exactly who I am, kek.

>> No.8895949

Yes only because I found out a ton of people I knew went AFTER the con and didn't see any of them. WTF

>> No.8895973
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>> No.8895975
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>> No.8895976
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>> No.8895985

Oh please, you don't have any names. I give you 2/10 for trying to shit stir, but at least make it believable. On the off chance that you are telling the truth, if you're not going to call the bitches out, then why even say anything in the first place?

>> No.8895994
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>> No.8895995
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>> No.8896004

Okay Sara.

>> No.8896013

lol if you're going to try to call me out at least quote something I actually posted in this thread.
(Hint: It wasn't lolita realted!)

>> No.8896037

I don't blame you for not calling out specific people. Everyone in the comm is a piece of shit.

>> No.8896063

Come on you can't just leave us hanging like that. How about just a hint?

>> No.8896333
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>> No.8896721
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Still so surprised at the guest list. Most of those cosplay girls are BIG players in the cosmovement fads (Cosplay Is Not Consent/ Don't Work With Photographers That Make You Uncomfortable/ Respect Yourself/ Protect The Community), but they just turn their head and tee-he's away from actual proof that John is a sleaze.

He probably got them all free swag and another limo ride this year (though he probably learned better than to take them to Victoria's Secret this time).

>> No.8896785

Because no one takes shit like "Cosplay is not Consent" seriously.

>> No.8896788

I think you missed their point but I agree with you Anons. The thing is am has a lot of exposure and it's one of the flashier conventions in the US. For these reasons I don't like it but I can see why the half naked cosplay idols would flock to John senpai

>> No.8896789

Most of the people who are part of cosplay is not consent and what have you are only in on it for the attention they get for being a part of it so of course they'll join up with anyone willing to give them more attention.

>> No.8897090

Oh hey, that sounds like every fucking cosplayer in existence with a facebook/instagram page.

>> No.8897320
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How was it compared to last year? I wasn't able to make it since i'm in uni and half a day's trip a way. Any weird shit happen or anything interesting?

>> No.8898580

The only well dressed one left in that comm is their mod Becky. No one else looks even close to good.

>> No.8898584

i was an exhibitor this year, won't say what booth. i'm getting paid for my help this weekend, and was supposed to be reimbursed my badge for working 16 hours ($70), but apparently my name wasn't on some list, so they juked me out of that.

>30k people?
no fucking way, i was talking to a few other exhibitors friday night after the hall closed and we were discussing how it had been really slow.

>tea party
it was alright. kate hired an organizer to handle everything this year and she fucked it up, so kate and her lieutenant were running around trying to clean up messes the whole time.

as for the really full part, it looked a little empty.

>> No.8898590

>hire an organizer
>still fuck up

On one hand, I had a kek, but on the other hand, that's pretty sad.

How bad was it? Did people even get to eat?

>> No.8898596

Was it as bad a time as when they ran out of food for tea party attendees before or when they forbade anyone to talk to any of the special guests at the tea party or else risk getting kicked out of the tea party they paid to see the guests for?

>> No.8898605

i actually did not attend the tea party, sorry to disappoint. :(

when i talked to kate and asked how it went, she made a face and just went 'eh', and it was kind of upsetting seeing as she was stressing about it the whole weekend.

>> No.8898615

Serves her right

>> No.8898629

you wanna share why you have that opinion?

>> No.8898635

not that anon, but anyone who works with the Leighs is an idiot if they expect things to go well. she can't say she wasn't warned.

>> No.8898649

I had to buy my own food, I don't know about anyone else who volunteered.

They had the guests go around and visit with every table and taking pictures of/with them wasn't an issue like it was in previous years.

>> No.8898650

Another anon here. I feel like she got what she deserved. She should have known it was going to be a clusterfuck because it is always like that working with this convention.

>> No.8898786

Ayyyylmao salty af
Have you even attended a meet up lately? There are a lot of well dressed ladies in the comm

>> No.8898836

You must be one of the itas

>> No.8899312

You're reaching so hard, anon. Please take a nap, you're obviously grumpy.
I'll be honest though, there's about a 7:1 lolita to ita ratio in the comm.

>> No.8899682

This person posted a bunch of pictures of the tea party and fashion show (and is pretty clearly a relative or friend of the Leigh) for people who were asking http://quytranphotography.zenfolio.com/f368278424

>> No.8900142

I'm dying to see Babymetal stateside... anyplace but AM. /boycott

>> No.8900687

Get over it. John literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.8900692

shut up stefan

>> No.8900847

they're going to be in 6 US cities later this year for their world tour

>> No.8900878
File: 177 KB, 640x960, 12801207_10156570782705494_3182166692669528206_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cosplay thread =D, I went as an Ethereal Elder from XCOM 1 & 2

>> No.8903931
