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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8890647 No.8890647 [Reply] [Original]

Post/Discuss CoF Coordinates
Old thread:

>> No.8890651
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Dumping recent coordinates

>> No.8890653
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>> No.8890655
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>> No.8890658
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>> No.8890660
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>> No.8890702

Meh, not a fan of the shoes, but it's not bad. I wish she would have brought out the other colors in the print a little bit more.

Not a fan of the gold, it feels shoehorned in, even though I think she did a good job of evenly distributing it. I do like the glasses.


>> No.8890736
File: 181 KB, 875x768, 12806102_10208581627080490_2529244475860498713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some I think are cute

>> No.8890738
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>> No.8890740
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>> No.8890742
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>> No.8890745
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>> No.8890748
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>> No.8890783

These two are my favorites right now. I love how simple and elegant they look.

>> No.8890804

I think this one looks especially nice compared to the girl who coorded this dress so awfully in the last thread.

>> No.8890985

Any coord would look nice compared to that. I just really don't like brown with this at all because of how bold the color is, I think it should just be with white, cream, or pink

>> No.8891004

Why does this have less than 100 likes when this >>8890658 has like 450? It's a full set with nothing really creative or interesting about it in a terribad picture where you can't see half the damn coord. Do people hate gothic that much? I will never understand why CoF fauns over what they do.

These are nice though. They look wearable.

>> No.8891029

She might just be popular on fb anon. Those 450 likes aren't necessarily from strangers, and I've definitely 'liked' coords before just for the principle of supporting my friends, not because I actually thought their coords were really good.

>> No.8891039

The nipple brooches are so awkward. Why did she place them so far down on the bodice like that?

>> No.8891053

I love this and and I love her legs

>> No.8891090

This is hideous

>> No.8891096

I will be appriciative of any concrit to make this more creative next time!

>> No.8891123

Wew lad, you might want to check your blood pressure with all that extra salt :^)

>> No.8891165
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The poor thing is so stretched. At first glance I was convinced it was a replica because no way it'd fit someone so big, but guess I was wrong.

>> No.8891167

It is, though. I'm not even that anon. That girl's wig is ugly, shoes are hideous, dress is ugly and makes her look pregnant, makeup is bad, and it's not even gothic, it's like dark classic with fugly shoes. Nothing good about it

>> No.8891175

almost looks like she's in here defending herself calling people salty for pointing out how bad this looks. Black blob, crappy wig(unstyled bonus points), nothing interesting and resting bitch face. No wonder it had less than 100. IT's bad and you're bad for defending it.

>> No.8891191

I held back tho? So here's my coma inducing sodium level concrit since you so obviously thrive on negativity.
That wig looks cheap. Not taobao cheap, party city cheap. If that's your real hair, you need some leave in conditioner cause it's pretty obvious your hair is fried. The choker doesn't really compliment your round face and makes your neck look really short. I'd suggest something less bold, especially if you are brave enough to wear black lipstick with this coord again. I don't know if you were trying to go for goth but you look like Debbie from American Dad. The solid black tights and shoes make you look like you have no legs. Try a sheer black tight instead.
The only nice thing about this is the fact that it shows that a good quality photo will not automatically get you a lot of likes on CoF. Especially if your coord lacks luster. I'd definitely suggest you try to expand your colors next time as well. All this black does you no favors, and it's extremely boring.

>> No.8891192

Hi! This is actually me. I appreciate the comments, even if they are a bit brutal lol. I agree that my posing was...not great. I had about 30 seconds with the photographer to take the picture. My arm up on my chest like that kind of cuts off my waist with all the black I guess? My wig was actually in a rolled updo and wish I had a better picture. The dress is older Moitie, so I don't know how I'd wear it not in a gothic coord. I like Mana inspired gothic and I love my platforms, but if you have better suggestions I'd really appreciate it! I never really mind getting posted in these threads because I get better concrit than I ever would on CoF, which is none. Thanks guys!

>> No.8891199

Thanks for the suggestions, anon! I'm definitely trying this dress out with pink or creme next time. Maybe in the summer!

>> No.8891204

My lipstick was actually a dark red. Is it really that bad? I'll switch to nude next time! What other colors should I use? If I switched stuff out for the mauve and ivory in the dress would that help? My entire wardrobe, even my normie clothes, is nearly all black with some red, navy, and neutrals thrown in. I guess I do need to branch out a bit.

>> No.8891229
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>> No.8891234
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>> No.8891236
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>> No.8891237

Yea man fuck anyone who isn't a titless wonder

>> No.8891238
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>> No.8891239
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>> No.8891240

I'd love this if she moved at least one of the brooches and ditched the bear-esque hairstyle. It's more suited for a sweet coord or at least something with fucking bears on it.

>> No.8891243

Are her legs bare? Also the brooches look like nipples kek

>> No.8891266

There's a difference between being busty and being a disgusting fatass.

>> No.8891274

Those shoes are too sweet and the head chain looks awkward.

>> No.8891278

I don't understand what the problem is here. The dress seems to fit her alright, boobies and all, and her coord is cute, so why are you still angry about it? She doesn't even look squeezed into it. It just looks like the dress is bigger. Maybe she got it altered.

>> No.8891292

This is so cute ! I need those glasses!

>> No.8891293

Not a part of this argument but she does have some mad boobloaf and it is not cute. Just look at the way the dress tucks in at her waist. Bodices shouldn't do that. This isn't an issue of "weh weh she has boobs", she's just fat.
Why the hell has /cgl/ gotten so defensive about weight anyway? Here's a reality check: fat girls are gonna have to try a helluva lot harder to look good and well-fitted in lolita. Not saying they can't, just saying it's going to be a lot harder and people still won't like it because of their weight.
>inb4 salty ana-chan

>> No.8891307

Not the anon you're replying to but the dress clearly does not fit her properly. If you think this is how it is supposed to look and fit, you are not buying the proper size for yourself. I don't think there's anything wrong with being busty or a big bigger, but it is so so very important to wear clothes that fit properly or it makes you look bad, period. Regardless of size.

>> No.8891310

I think the idea for the jsk is cute but I hate everything about this.

>> No.8891339

Lol girl in picture isn't even a disgusting fatass. There's a difference between someone chubby/bigger than someone who's ducking obese and too immobile to even wash out their own asshole.

There's really nothing wrong with this girl or her size. I wonder if you're just some poorfag that's mad some fattychan can fork over the cash you'll never have for a stupid dress. Shit, if you want it THAT bad then I'd suggest working somewhere were you aren't flipping burgers.

>> No.8891341

Same. Plus the tiered version of this dress fits plus sizes pretty well. Anon is just salty.

>> No.8891355

Now I'd like to know which facial expression you would consider more suitable for gothic.

>> No.8891358
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Alright Fatty-chan

>> No.8891384

Mmmmm nothing gets me off like a classic, bitter response. So wet right now.

>> No.8891386

The picture has ok quality, it just doesn't do your outfit any favours. Take some pictures in a much brighter area with more light next time to avoid the "black blob, no legs" comments.
If you like black, wear black. Using the colours of the print - e.g. flowers in hair, brooch - as someone mentioned above, is a nice idea.

The wig plus styling is indeed unfortunate.

>> No.8891387


I'm not being defensive, I'm just saying that it's not THAT bad, and the rest of the coordinate is cute. At least she doesn't look ita af like a lot of bigger girls.

>> No.8891435


Not a bad coord but the lack of petti makes her look like a blob. Also you can see that it's a replica with crap quality.
Posing with her chins down just gives her massive underchin volume.

>> No.8891445

Nothing is pulling this co-ord together for me. Other than the headbow, shoes, and the jsk, it all seems kind of thrown together. The socks are definitely throwing it off for me.

>> No.8891446

Maybe you could incorporate some ivory or white to compliment the print more. Do you have a close up of the print?

>> No.8891449

sorry you got posted, fat

>> No.8891455

That pairing of shoes and tights triggers me lol. Someone get her some tea parties pronto, they are stylistically wrong and the floating pearls are creepy

>> No.8891456
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>> No.8891458

Try a nude lip with an even darker eye, maybe it's just the wig fucking up the shape of your face but the red lip makes you look bloated

>> No.8891461

this is so fucking retarded

>> No.8891462

Terrible idea for makeup aside, her outfit is alright.
Also it looks like she has a soul patch.

>> No.8891464

>implying your post wasn't the most bitter of all

>> No.8891465

The coord itself is really cute, I just don't know why in God's name she did that awful makeup. It completely ruins the outfit and just looks so bad. I thought she was doing an Undertale cosplay at first? It's really a shame.

>> No.8891469

I'm really fucking into that coord (obviously besides the tryhard faggot makeup), does anyone know what brand that jsk is

>> No.8891470

I really don't have anything against fatty-chans, your health and body are your own business, but she's clearly obese. If you think she's a healthy weight, you have a very distorted view of what a healthy body looks like.

>> No.8891503
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Her post says it's the Bodyline AtPi knock off skirt. Jacket is this one from RQ:BL, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8891507

the pic isn't great but for the record i like your style. Moitie florals are underused in gothic and i will always love chunky shoes.

t. oldfag

>> No.8891529

Sauce on wig pls

>> No.8891539

I got the wig from Dreamholic on Etsy in the color linen gold. It's called Miss Dorothy. I don't think they are selling it right now but ,hey, they are having a sale!

>> No.8891590

Tfw you see one of your top three prints looking frumpy af. Sigh.

>> No.8891591
File: 30 KB, 494x477, barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg that septum piercing looks like a big booger

>> No.8891601


>> No.8892015

Thank you, it looks divine.

>> No.8892020

Is this a brolita?

>> No.8892021

The newfags don't even know the OP is Moitie, don't take them too seriously. I personally don't like the wig or headwear, and the jewelery while Moitie is a bit too modern for the OP in my opinion. But they lap up other people's coords when they wear Moitie with straight up sweet stuff.

>> No.8892044

This is very obviously a girl, anon.

>> No.8892055

Take a closer look at the jaw, arms, legs (these especially), and also the nose and hands. It's a very feminine looking boy, but a boy.

>> No.8892091

I agree that 90% of the time Septum rings end up looking like a huge hanging booger. This is not an exception. and she need some makeup to look less jaundiced or drink more water.

>> No.8892093

her petticoat is clearly dying a slow death.

>> No.8892094

Actually the only thing you need to look at is the throat.

>> No.8892155

I don't think this is terrible I just have a few nitpicks about it.
The cross motif is too shoehorned.
The hair needs more volume to balance out the headbow.
The blouse sort of works, but the collar also consumes her neck so it makes her look bigger. She needs a more open bodice.

I don't like the septum thing but it's a preference. Also I disagree with others about the pearls. To me the pearls make sense because the jsk bows and headbow have them. I just think more of them need to be incorporated somehow, like with bracelets or a necklace. Or maybe a pearl ring.

>> No.8892158

...is that a falsie glued to her forehead?

Also it looks like she's wearing completely different makeup in the left picture. The right doesn't look nearly as tumblr, her headdress also ran away.

>> No.8892316

I didn't even see it until people pointed it out.

I've never really understood this argument but I've been hearing it since I was a kid, that all nose piercings along with upper lip piercings all look like boogers.

Has no one actually seen what it looks like when you have snot running out of your nostrils. As someone who has major year round allergies that can't be taken care of with meds (I've tried them, they do jack shit) I can tell you right now, that is not what that looks like.

>> No.8892319

The pearls cut off her legs and make them look stumpy though

>> No.8892368

She needs to pick either the shoes or the tights, in my opinion. With brighter tights the shoes would have been fine. As it is, she looks stumpy.

Also I don't understand how people can't tell they're stretching out a dress like this. Doesn't it feel painful to wear?

>> No.8892517
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>> No.8892549
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>> No.8892558

You're really reaching here, you can't even see a few of those details very closely in this photo. She looks petite which would explain the lack of defined bust or waist but no boy who has passed puberty would look like this.

>> No.8892564


Boy or girl it doesn't matter, would still bang 10/10

>> No.8892828
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This is a mess.

>> No.8892834

Oh no...

>> No.8892954

Sometimes I wonder if people actually look at their photos before posting them to cof

>> No.8893006

The fuck is that top.

>> No.8893041
File: 210 KB, 879x960, 12814718_1252837361400185_4257994469140495201_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to AM

>> No.8893043
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>> No.8893045
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>> No.8893046
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>> No.8893049
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>> No.8893051
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>> No.8893052

>that hair
>those shoes
>those tights
pls stop

>> No.8893053
File: 54 KB, 717x960, 12802938_10208215399118809_5758202716422498081_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the more recent ones which might be interesting
Did I really just sit here for 7 minutes dumping these

>> No.8893058

What a godawful wig

>> No.8893063

I like this one, feels a bit Christmas-y in an odd sort of way.

>> No.8893077

It looked a lot better in person.

>> No.8893086


>> No.8893087

This is really ita.

>> No.8893096

Burn those pants now.

>> No.8893112

Cute! Just needs some headwear and a bit more poof. I really like the Anne of Green Gables vibe the picture is giving off.

>> No.8893175

Plenty of guys are waifish past puberty. It looks extremely mannish to be a girl, what's the big deal?

>> No.8893179

What print is this, does anyone know?

It looks like it's 2010 on daily_lolita again kek

>> No.8893182

this. we all hate fakebois but some people are androgynous as adults.

>> No.8893192

Romantic Kimono Print, Pinafore JSK from Metamorphose (2014's kimono print).

Also came in the tucked/gored JSK style that the last two have had.

>> No.8893194

Cute! I feel like she'd improve this by switching to some sax shoes.
That hat would've looked 100 times better if it matched the color of the dress. there's too much white.
I can se the effort from this girl, but her pose is awkward, that petti peeking underneath is not helping either.
Bodyline JSK, put on whatever blouse, and a cardi for double modesty, done!
Those clashing golds ew..
This is a perfect example of why I hate blouses/OTKs in bright colors most of the time.

>> No.8893268

Is that Janice?
If so she is damn good at ouji.

>> No.8894013

As somebody with a septum piercing, yes they can very easily look bad. Most people have ugly, too big, too ornate jewelry. They can resemble boogers, especially if you have a big yellow bullring as jewelry.

>> No.8894014
File: 98 KB, 640x960, 12799267_10154013413742375_4582614719522603048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this. I wish she'd just stop since she never improves.

>> No.8894015
File: 172 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's back.

>> No.8894022

I hate, hate, hate that underskirt. It just doesn't flow with that dress

>> No.8894102

I want her and PT to have a chin-off.

>> No.8894107



>> No.8894130

I don't think it's that bad, the hair is hat bothers me and short sleeves would've looked better.

>> No.8894168

I really don't think there's anything wrong with this except the face looks a bit overshooped. It's all blurry on some parts and the eyebrows look drawn on and there seems to be heavy blur around the neck and inner arms. I actually really like the wig and all that velvet.

It's cute but would work better with a less busy dress. She tried to dress something down that's way too elaborate for it.

I hate those glasses with lolita as they remind me of the lolita movie and a completely wrong time period to pair the look with.

I feel the bag pushes this into grandma kei which doesn't go too well with her cutesy head styling.

Love the dress, looks good on her body but there's something really weird about wearing short sleeves, a thin blouse like that, a straw hat and then a fur collar.

The white and offwhite/beige aren't working here I think. I like the top half of her, cut off the rest.

Makeup isn't completely awful. It has some circus/fair/gypsy charm to it because of the jacket. It's more like a costume for a con.

That wig is too fancy for the coord and shoot.

Aaaah, that print. Hate the red tights under the socks and I don't like the blouse with it. Something with an actual collar and less witch sleeves would fit the aesthetic.

Simple but perfect.

>> No.8894236

This is one of those AP dresses with a bit of petticoat built in, you can't use underskirts with them or there'll be that weird gap!

>> No.8894242

Almost all AP dresses have built in petticoats - you just wear the underskirt higher up, or put it between the print fabric and lining fabric.

>> No.8894247

the gigantic bows on the socks are tacky, plus the poor girl looks like she can't breathe. from one fattychan to another: just ditch the brand and get something you can actually exhale in.

I have so many problems with this that I just don't even know where to start.

>> No.8894253

>witch sleeves
I suppose everyone has different eyes, but to me I think otherwise - I like this blouse because the sleeves are reminiscent of kimono sleeves to me.

>> No.8894257

The way the underskirt stops at the fattest part of her calf makes her look even bigger

>> No.8894327

Agree to disagree, but to me, those round kind of sleeves have more of a hime vibe to them. I see them used most often in styles like that of the Sweetie Chandelier OP. I think it would be cool to have a blouse with furisode-style rectangular sleeves, though!
These kimono inspired meta prints were just made to be styled in the westernized-traditional way. I think standing collar blouses with long cuffed sleeves are perfect for this style.

>> No.8894416

>tfw I have legs like this cause I work out
>I'm very much female

Feels bad, man

>> No.8894447
File: 391 KB, 640x445, waloli3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that she's going for that but I don't think it works with the fabric. Yes, it's a wide big sleeve but it all the other details such as shape and texture are off. I also agree with the other anon that the westernized styling works best for these releases. Kind of what the styled pic with the black/white colorway is already going for with the hat and boots.

>legs (these especially)
You mean the fact that there is muscles on them? They aren't even lean (low body fat on legs suggesting masculinity).

>> No.8894538

It looks like she wore an almost coherent coord and then threw the red JSK over it for no fucking reason.

>> No.8894555
File: 622 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_o3dyglNst41qgotqjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has to be a guy, the person has a mega masculine nose.

>> No.8894557

You should probably get a fucking life if you honestly care that much lmao

>> No.8894580

>because girls never have big noses, ever!
Barbara Streisand would like a word with you.

>> No.8894587

Do you have some sort of vendetta against this girl? She's obviously not a brolita, now let it go.

>> No.8894601

the only true way to tell a persons gender is by their nose, if it's not cute and upturned they're a boy.

>> No.8894631

Someone/the person in question is samefagging so hard. There's nothing wrong with him being a boy, what does it matter?

>> No.8894639

Profile says female and she doesn't look like a guy anyway.

>> No.8894699

Considering you've gone to the effort to stalk her blog or whatever I'm calling vendetta. Nobody gives this much of a fuck about this but you yet keep insisting.

>> No.8894716

They must be trans then

As the person who first pointed it out (not the anon you replied to), not a vendetta. Confused as to why someone is so in denial though.

>> No.8894721

Jesus christ you are one creepy fucker.

>> No.8894725

She doesn't look like a guy, though? Do I need to tell all my female friends with big noses to get nose jobs or they won't really be girls? I seriously doubt she's trans or anything.

>> No.8894732

Who fucking cares?

>> No.8894734

I don't see the big deal, this isn't the first time someone questions a girls gender. There are plenty of people who think LovelyLor is a guy and she is often made of for her manly face. Lor doesn't even get this many white knights.

>> No.8894761

She has really nice skin.

>> No.8894792

I didn't say it on the basis of the nose alone. I am a girl with a big nose myself. It's the combination of features.

>> No.8894800

What's with this recent trend of accusing girls of being boys/MTFs? It happened to Ukraine in the selfpost thread too. Not having traditional feminine features doesn't make someone a boy.

Also it's like we can never win
>thick legs
>thin legs

>> No.8894801

This, it's not just his/her nose. Her/His jaw is also really square, the thin lips and smallish eyes also contribute to the masculine appearance.

>> No.8894809

I like her floordinates much better, her face always looks bad in photos and she has this horrible habit of putting a certain filter on her IG photos which makes it look kind of grey and dirty.

>> No.8894826

what handles does she use or what are her social media accounts?

>> No.8894870

That coord is frumpy af

>> No.8895038

1. I like this
2. Some of her dresses are altered but at least she's making that effort
3. For the ones who are talking shit, you're just a bunch of salty assholes
4. Say what you want, I'm not gonna stay silent when people talk shit about my friends or comm
You cunts have the same shit to say on every single one of these threads and it's getting really old lol. You're behind a computer screen and you're nothing.

>> No.8895046

>I know her so that makes her special and like fuck if u beyotches have stuff to say about a coord she posted publicly!!!!

Are you trying to make it worse for her by not only showing she makes questionable fashion choices, but also 'friend' choices as well?

>> No.8895069
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>> No.8895152

Ewww. Is the blush shopped? it even reaches her ear.

>> No.8895272
File: 52 KB, 720x718, FB_IMG_1457116193639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895274

Tell her to lose weight.

>> No.8895275

The shoes are nitpick but overall very adorbs

>> No.8895288

Don't you know anon, women don't have legs. The only true women are the hoverlolis.

>> No.8895312

MTE anon. Let's be real, if you look at some of the nitpicks and random shit that people make a big deal over in these threads, most anons are just fucking bored and have nothing better to do.

>> No.8895320

Those shoes are ugly as fuck. Everything else is cute though.

>> No.8895335

josinemaaike on Instagram, not aware of any other handles.

>> No.8895411

cute but
>retarded uguu expression

>> No.8895456

A response involving her weight would be your only comeback of course.

>> No.8895458

So it makes me a better friend if I don't say anything and let people talk shit? Sorry I actually care about people and how they feel. *shrugs*

>> No.8895463

The coord is unbalanced, boring and the bag simply doesn't fit the theme.
It's not horrible, but it's not good, either.

>> No.8895469

If you want people to stop talking shit just ignore them. Coming here to defend your friend does nothing but fuel the fire.

>> No.8895475

honestly when will fat lolitas learn that their weight automatically brings down their coord

>> No.8895657
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>> No.8895659
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>> No.8895665
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>> No.8895667
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>> No.8895678

She always looks nice but I'm also getting kind of bored bc her coords/photos all look exactly the same.

>> No.8895776
File: 61 KB, 480x480, 12801428_10156618829545230_366519380965302951_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8895786

I think so too, whenever I see the thumbnail I just wonder if it's a previous coord that's been bumped up
I think it's just her "winning formula", since I remember the first few times she posted she got a pile of likes

>> No.8895838
File: 461 KB, 2048x1538, 12823350_10207104988075510_3503655481119359575_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8895845

The whole bottom half is hideous.

>> No.8895848
File: 1.68 MB, 970x1368, Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 6.25.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so kawaii.

>> No.8895850

I fucking love how fat that cat is

>> No.8895856


I wonder if maybe that's just a flattering angle for her and she doesn't know how else to take photos. I have to be careful because sometimes, I will suddenly realize the past few selfies I've taken across a month or two all have the same angle, or I'll notice some of the mirror shots I take all have the same pose. Someone should write a blog post with pose ideas and spelling out how to pick flattering angles beyond our usual (I mean, we all have that one best angle but everyone notices if you keep using it over and over)

>> No.8895904

Oh sweetheart.

>> No.8895905

Dumpy hair, dumpy face

>> No.8895909

This is sad.

>> No.8895933

I want that cat

>> No.8895953

That cat is fucking awesome

>> No.8895957

I would like this if she had actually tried when it came to her hair and makeup. I feel like this dress has so many details and is so elegant, so why would you ruin it by not matching up your physical appearance? And fuck that dumb beret.

>> No.8895959

This makes you sound really ignorant. I bet you're secretly fat and probably hate yourself for it.

>> No.8895960
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>> No.8896047

I want to like her outfits, I really do, but she never hits the mark and always ends up looking mismatched and snowflakey.

>> No.8896117

I'm a size 4 don't project your weight issues on me lol

I wasn't joking but I realize that totally read as a joke, my bad. I genuinely dislike fat people.

>> No.8896237

tfw someone co-ords one of your dream dresses so crappily

>> No.8896238

fucking lol'd

>> No.8896330


Your friend is an ugly landwhale. If you were a proper friend you'd be honest with her and help her loose weight or at least tell her she would be healthier loosing all those pounds.

At least then she can stop ruining brand by stretching or altering it.

>> No.8896396

>from the front
oh so cute!

>from the mirror reflection
oh god she looks so dumpy

>> No.8896463

That's me. Do you have any suggestions for posing? I am an awkward creature and I just sort of freeze up when someone points a camera at me, haha.

>> No.8896481

I don't even know this person, to be honest but holy shit are you one disgusting individual. I'm sorry your life is horrible and you're such a sad person. Good luck to you, hope you find some inner peace.

>> No.8896516

I think your shoulders look weird... When I'm posing I like to shake off my arms and shoulders and then rotate the shoulders back and let them hang. I don't know if you can understand my awesome explanation, but this helps to loosen up the posture, making it more natural... Imho.

>> No.8896520

I hold all my tension in my shoulders so that actually makes total sense. Thanks, anon!

>> No.8896630
File: 27 KB, 256x395, 12512287_851467934975624_3033289206741081377_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some recent coords

>> No.8896632
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>> No.8896634
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>> No.8896636
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>> No.8896638
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>> No.8896641
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>> No.8896643
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>> No.8896648


>> No.8896650


>> No.8896651

That lace thing is absolutely awful

>> No.8896678

I quite like this, but the bag really breaks it up. Definitely needs a cream or very light pink bag

>> No.8896679

The hat and shoes look far too dark, not sure why she's wearing that belt either. Makes her torso look oddly long.

>> No.8896686
File: 23 KB, 153x92, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like it might be cute but I can't really tell because of how small it is.

>> No.8896696

Huh, didn't think I'd be posted so soon. Either way I really am looking for ways to improve so I don't mind being posted, at least the poster could've made sure to post the picture properly.
Here's a link to the full sized image (Does it count as a self post if I'm the second person posting me?) https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/12778872_10206954669039336_6970485624071356822_o.jpg

>> No.8896701

>posting a link on an image board
anon why

>> No.8896709
File: 2.49 MB, 269x240, Because.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my reasoning process
>Figured the poster just downloaded and posted the image from CoF without resizing
>Tried it for myself, the file is pretty big
>Guess images that are too big get resized automatically
>Resizing it means losing details
>Posting a link to the image means I can post the picture full sized so that I can get proper concrit

>> No.8896719

The bow kinda blends in with your hair, but it's otherwise very cute.

>> No.8896730
File: 104 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1457211755904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is starting to become that other girl who wears the same dress in different colors and nothing else.

>> No.8896746

Her and Agnes are two girls that I'm tired of seeing, something about them irks me.

>> No.8896795

OK, I may just have crappy taste, but I think this is a nice example of steam lolita

>> No.8896797
File: 618 KB, 1440x1943, _20160305_173142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this was OK, other than the tights not looking pink enough in that lighting and being a bit unbalanced because of that...

Until I saw she was making that fucking retarded misako sausage lip expression and now I'm dying

>> No.8896799

You have crappy taste, the goggles and cage skirt look super cheap and costumey, the makeup is disturbing, and the hair needs to have more volume to balance her out. I actually really like steam lolita when they make it look elegant and interesting instead of just cheap (more velvet, real leather, NO GOGGLES, nice silk or velvet hats, lots of very nice cream lace)

>> No.8896812

She looks really cute

>> No.8896853

Because they have grating online personas, think they're above criticism, and are only liked for their stupid hair?

>> No.8896863

Some people don't have a lot of dresses anon. It's not a crime to wear the same dress multiple times. It's actually rather normal to wear the same piece in different ways. Though I must say, she doesn't have to feel the need to share each time online.

>> No.8896876

I love you!

>> No.8896925

Her leg wear always seems to unintentionally emphasize how short the skirt looks on her. Not a good look.

>> No.8896932

>she doesn't have to feel the need to share each time online

This so much. We get it, you own Dreamy Planetarium. We don't need to see you wear it twice a week.

>> No.8896949

In her defense she is tall and leggy.

>> No.8896964

Yup. Agnes has a shit attitude and terrible execution with the same wig and Claire uses the same dress and brings nothing new to the table.

>> No.8897008

How could she think a sweets dress looked good covered in granny lace

>> No.8897030

Stepford Waifus.

>> No.8897036

Reminds me of Miss Lillith

>> No.8897037

I hate this.

>> No.8897046

I l love love the Alice Auaa blouse.

>> No.8897057

That shooping, though...

>> No.8897168

I love this. It's super-cute, wearable, and fun. Don't like the side swept bangs, though.

>> No.8897224

The stuffy huge collared cotton blouses with the light and fluffy dresses #triggers me every time. There's not even any other white in the coord, why? This would be so cute with a lightweight navy or pink chiffon blouse.
Also yeah she should probably stop posting so much if her coords all look the same. Some girls think they need to photograph and post on CoF every damn time they wear lolita.

>> No.8897287
File: 52 KB, 540x960, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8897292

oh goodness

>> No.8897295

~so edgy~

>> No.8897309

This girl's face makes me feel physically ill.

>> No.8897318

sorry your face is so gross :^)

>> No.8897338

She does sometimes look like Misako.
I'm not a fan of the sausage lips either but she's cute and well dressed all the time.
I hate that /cgl/ is finally tearing up her coords now when she used to be looked up to here.

>> No.8897349

Yeah I like it too.
She's got several colorways and cuts of the dress and I don't see why it's not okay to post different coords with them all even though they're the same print??

I'm jealous that she's got more than one of them. I want to buy some of the other JSK's from that print.. I only have the sax one.

>> No.8897351

>someone disagrees
>everyone is anonymous

>> No.8897406

again, sorry you're gross

>> No.8897612
File: 51 KB, 473x414, 12805988_10102389805847328_41401625539053800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8897616
File: 54 KB, 480x480, 12800390_1097350356989685_4492362573721102703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8897626

She's so pretty!

>> No.8897640
File: 76 KB, 655x960, cof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8897642
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>> No.8897643
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>> No.8897644
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>> No.8897649


>> No.8897656
File: 95 KB, 720x960, cof3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic oops

>> No.8897660
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>> No.8897666


(In all seriousness she has a pretty face and I'm hoping to high heaven she improves, because she could be stunning someday)

>> No.8897673
File: 105 KB, 960x960, cof6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8897678


I like these. Would just change the second one's tights for something less busy and the shoes for heeled ones.

>> No.8897684

The umbrella is in the same print of the dress!!

>> No.8897690

I'm bothered , and jelly, that everyone has this same cardigan.

>> No.8897692

I really didn't think I liked ouji but this did something to me. I love all the patterns and textures.

Not the best but when it came up on my feed I "aww" -ed

>> No.8897698

Never liked this dress but this coord is cute and now i kind of want it...

>> No.8897712

She's really beautiful, and I love her in darker coords.

>> No.8897727

cgl can only look up to people for a short period at a time, once they get bored they start tearing the person apart instead. Quite sad desu

>> No.8897744

She's got such a cute face omg

>> No.8897793

This is cute but I really wish it was less busy around the neck esp. The IW jabot is a little too feminine and idk what's going on with that...tiny...lace...cape?
I do like the necklace/vest but I think they could have swapped the necktrimmings for maybe a nice floral corsage or some brooches and still gotten the same 'clustered' look. The shorts & boots are real cute together, though.

>> No.8897814

Do you even poster count?
Is this the only phrase you know?

>> No.8897815

Is it just me or does she look really different here? I follow her on instagram and I didn't recognize her at first.

>> No.8897822

I'm surprised people like this, esp on here. The different patterns and textures look so gaudy as an ouji coord to me. As some other outfit it looks neat but as ouji it looks awful and the first thought in my head when I saw this and the amount of likes was "How come guys can half-ass ouji and become CoF pussyslayers?" probably cause we're all thirsty af for

>> No.8897893
File: 194 KB, 1639x2048, 12772007_10208890202198734_4579319936762413500_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YouTube Creator Day

Your last video was in November, you're hardly a creator. Also is it just me or does the skirt part of her dress seem off?

>> No.8897915

All the flavours in the world available, but you picked salty.
She looks cute and happy. Who cares when she uploaded, it's about how she dresses.

>> No.8897932

She is always a train wreck.

>> No.8897966

What is wrong with you guys? She looks fine.

>> No.8897974


Granny doiley vest and granny sofa shorts.

>> No.8897996

Bottom half doesn't match the top at all.

>> No.8897997

It looks like she just turned from her right and part of her skirt is caught on her bag.
some folks on /cgl/ have hated Fahr for a really long time ever since some dumb cosplay photoshop fiasco. There was a troll for a while posing as her too but she started getting Fahr's prticular brand of ESL a bit off and people started noticing, so I haven't seen her posting fake Engrish compliments on Fahr's pics in a while.

That being said this is cute, she looks super excited and I bet Youtube Creator's Day was awesome. Not the best outfit out there but not really bad either.

>> No.8897998

Yea she does. Could be that wig though. Plus I think she's wearing lenses.

>> No.8898028

I commented on the fucking lighting in the shot, you seriously consider leaving the internet if you consider that "tearing up" her coord

>> No.8898034

Her blurry photos piss me off so much.

>> No.8898041

She looks nothing like misako, who came up with that?

>> No.8898214

There's a pic on her insta where she looks exactly like her.

>> No.8898231
File: 96 KB, 960x818, 12791021_1074099212611933_4551669780115635291_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8898246

I can appreciate the creativity but the star crown just looks so excessive like "look at me I'm a special snowflake"

>> No.8898251

Yeah same I can see this working in a fashion show but if someone showed up to a regular meetup like that I'd be really embarrassed honestly.

>> No.8898252


why is it a bad thing that she looks like a model tho? I bet half the frilly bitches in here wish they looked like lolita models (myself included)

>> No.8898254

Bless beautycam!

>> No.8898256

THANK FUCKING GOD she dumped that frosted wig, the one that made her look like some kind of gross between a soccer mom, a porn star, and a washed up sorority girl.

Seriously, the solid colored wig looks nice on her and she looks really cute here. I think with the headpiece she was trying to go for the same thing that that one girl did where she made a bonnet-type structure with constellations. I think it's interesting as an OTT piece, though I would prefer if the stars were smaller. Other than that, the rest of it is a bit of a "safe" coord but it's cute, I like it. That style seems to work for her. Hopefully she continues to stay away from the "glam" kinda hair/makeup she did in previous coords.

>> No.8898257

She doesn't though ?!!!!

>> No.8898260

She's an old Latina , she won't be able to shake that off.

>> No.8898283

It looks a bit edited at her chin, which if it is, is silly since she's pretty flawless.

>> No.8898291

I really like this and think she looks nice here. This is coming from someone who usually really hates her co-ords.

>> No.8898292

Then you aren't seeing what other people are seeing.
We've had this exact discussion before and if I remember correctly, it was in a fucking CoF thread.

>> No.8898293


>> No.8898298

Can I have the name of that JSK please.
You can feast on my sorry noob ass as thanks.

>> No.8898301

she looks like a complete jackass

>> No.8898302

The circle lenses make her eyes look creepy as fuck.

Do circle lenses ever look good? I feel like whenever I see them they just look terrifying.

>> No.8898316

ditch the arm things and fix her hair a bit more and maybe size down on the shoes

>> No.8898325

Some people should realize fashion requires a particular body type and natural beauty... I feel really mean saying that, but she wasn't born with it. Might be the nicest girl in the world too.

>> No.8898327

Three cheers for the happy fat cat. Someone send her some tights and shoes stat.

>> No.8898331

I like how casual this one looks. I'd surely wear it to school.

>> No.8898334

Even with her awkward features she can find fashion that would work for her. Mori would be something good for her to try, but until then, this shit looks bad...

>> No.8898358


I honestly think she could do better at lolita, but just doesn't pick dresses that suit her. She always goes for high-waisted cuts which is obviously a bad idea for her. She should get things custom made so they actually fit her body.

>> No.8898369

Wait, is her body really that wonky? I just thought it was a really awkward petti or something

>> No.8898393

Merry making in rhe ghost town by aatp

>> No.8898396

She seems to push her boobs under the waist of dresses a lot. It isn't that her body is wonky, just the trying to fit into things that don't fit is wonky.

>> No.8898400

I saw that blouse for sale but wasn't sure about whether it would fit.

>> No.8898405

>wearing a wire halo with paper stars on your head
>Lolitas in 2016 everyone

>> No.8898406

But it's not just that.. the color choices, the bonnet, the makeup, the underskirt... it's all bad. It wouldn't matter if the dress fit her, she wouldn't probably want those proportions anyway.

It feels like she wants to look like a giant baby.

>> No.8898415
File: 446 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like the clone of a bad copy of misako.

>> No.8898417
File: 37 KB, 392x395, 12805665_1103824146335356_5348161293917442036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really wish she would have worn OTKS or tights to cover her tattoos.

>> No.8898419
File: 532 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She aims for the same make up.

>> No.8898420

It's the shoes I hate the most.

>> No.8898427

Her description was even more pretentious and attention seeking than the crown. I cringed.

>> No.8898430

Sorry, but I can only see her penis nose. She is pretty, sure thing, but far from Misako Aoki!

>> No.8898443

I don't think anyone is saying that she looks nice like Misako, people are saying she looks like she is desperately trying to emulate Misako.

>> No.8898457

I don't think she's ugly. I think she has a cute face. I think the problem is, some people just don't have a fashion sense of what looks good together and I think that's the case here.

>> No.8898467

Don't we all try that at some point? That's still no reason to give her the satisfaction of repeating it when ever she pops up somewhere.

>> No.8898479

How butthurt do you have to be to derail a thread about how much a person doesn't look like a model jfc

>> No.8898480

New thread, y'all; I'm gearing up for a dump

>> No.8898517

Finally somebody said it!

>> No.8898538
File: 70 KB, 249x699, face palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita tries to look like a Lolita model

>> No.8898546

I could never put my finger on it until now. I really don't think she suits sweet. I don't know if it's because she wears a lot of make up, but something she'd doing to her face makes her look very mature, not haggard...just momish. I think a chin/shoulder length wig would look better on her, too.

>> No.8898549

I fear I'll become like her in the near future
>old-looking yet trying too hard to pull off sweet
>abusing photoshop to fake youthness
>get extra salty for being pointed about PS abuse
I love Lolita and my passion for it has yet to lower, but with my growing age I'm afraid I'll just look more ridiculous than I already do...

>> No.8898583

She looks great for her age and normal-tier as a Lolita. But good for you clinging to your passion, anon.

>> No.8898849


>> No.8899173

who. fucking. cares m8
vendetta much?

>> No.8900583

Not loving the sheer tights here.

So fat lolita should just wear potato sacks or something? Most of the fat girls I know are trying to lose weight, but that shit doesn't happen overnight boredhousewifeshitpostchan.

Why are these all so small?

Fireball, so kawaii>>8897673

What is going on with her legs? What an awkward pose.

underrated comment.

Please tell me she only wore that stupid thing for photos and didn't actually leave the house with it on.

>> No.8904173


I think she has potential to become a great classic lolita. Her face is very pretty, just use some foundation.