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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8837768 No.8837768 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't heard much about this Con unlike last year and it's only a month away. Anyone going to it? Are there going to be any big lolita events like last year's?

>> No.8837781

I honestly keep forgetting its happening since they are 2 months earlier this year.

In b 4 scum why are you even going HOW DARE U

>> No.8837794


>> No.8837828

still run by narcissists who lie, cheat, and steal their way through every convention.

you haven't heard much about it this year because most of /cgl/ has already exhausted the topic. nothing has changed.

>> No.8837969

Some people are afraid to admit they're going. Too many people are violently opposed to others even thinking about going.

>> No.8837996

>violently opposed
be real. you can't take the high ground when AM's business practices and mistreatment of others is well-known. framing the issue as a bunch of internet bullies scaring people off is funny, because that is a big part of what the Leighs have done to others.

if you go to AM don't whine about people online snubbing you; at least they're not cheating you out of thousands of dollars or setting up false charities in order to use your money to fluff their egos.

>> No.8838006

>wow, this con is terrible. The owners threaten people, harrased people online, its the worst
>you are going to a convention for Japanese animation I don't like????? I'm going to threaten you, harrass you online, you deserve it.

>> No.8838056

I didn't want to go and I was fine with that but then they announced Morning Musume as a guest and suddenly MORAL CONFLICT. I missed their NYC show because of work and I don't know how many more chances they'll have to perform in the US again.

>> No.8838059

show caps of people being threatened with harm if they attend AM. this is supposedly happening online so there should be plenty of evidence.

>> No.8838061

>then they announced Morning Musume as a guest and suddenly MORAL CONFLICT
integrity's a bitch, huh?

>> No.8838078

Just go search the archives for AM threads, its happened in every single one. I'm not sure what you want from me, the anon I was quoting is the one who said people were beeing threatened.

>> No.8838089

i am the anon you were quoting, and i did not say anyone was being threatened. i said it was funny to frame the issue as "if i go, i will be bullied." the use of phrases like "violently opposed" is just an attempt to paint those who are boycotting AM as bullies, but the fact is that the worst that will happen if you go is people may (MAY) snub you.

there are no threats and no violence. AM defenders quickly run out of excuses so they try to reframe themselves as victims, ignoring the actual victims whose stories led to the boycott.

>> No.8838125

Any idea when the schedule will be posted? Don't they usually have a guidebook app?

>> No.8838128

Lol looking forward to a shorter line at AP this year, thanks guys for not going <3

>> No.8838129

No one's defending AM. No one is saying those not going are bullies. "Violently opposed" is a common expression and probably poorly chosen but look at how quickly you jumped on someone who is saying that there are people who attack those going.
FFS you're just proving their point

>> No.8838138

Doesn't matter. They're notorious for being at least two hours late on everything anyway.

>> No.8838140

enjoy your leftover Twinkle Squiggle stock

>> No.8838179


>> No.8838186
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>> No.8838191
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this is documentation of the infamous Planet Zero debt, btw

wonder where that money went...

>> No.8838197

discussion from the fighting games community over rigged contests and other dirty shenanigans: http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/162125/planet-zero-arcade-closed-down

the rigged contests continue now with the cosplay and lolita communities, who have less of a backbone than gamers when it comes to standing up to this bullshit.

>> No.8838198

and finally, strong evidence that their practices have not changed at all.


in the years the Leighs have been operating, the names and places they impact change; their behavior doesn't.

>> No.8838321
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If anyone wants my pass I'll sell it to you el cheapo, I moved to cali and can't go now

>> No.8838455

I wasn't going to go because I've been saving money to go to better cons, but now that I'm probably going to be laid off this month it's the only one I'll be able to go to for possibly the next few years :/

>> No.8838464

I take it you work in the oil industry?

I'm hearing Houston is hemorrhaging jobs rn.

>> No.8838502

You are correct! I'm pretty lucky in that I haven't been fired already. I was only hired a year ago in accounting, so I'm first up against the wall once they've cleared out operations. It's a cyclical industry, it'll go back up eventually, but unfortunately my timing sucked so I haven't really had enough time to save up enough to ride it out on my own. I'm just lucky my family can help me through it, so many people just starting out are now completely fucked.

>> No.8838528

Is it a BA in accounting?

If I were you, I would go get a master's in accounting or a MSF. You got some work experience and it's time to up your game. Eventually oil will no longer be that important of a resource once renewables becomes dominate and Houston will become another Detroit.

Plus you'll be making more money if you land the right connections and network.

>> No.8838642

Wow how much blue koolaid did you drink?

>> No.8838678

There's more to Houston besides oil bro....

>> No.8838680
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I was hoping this wasn't true, i really was. I never wanted to associate with them again after I was screwed over by John but I'm still a wota p.o.s. and really wan't to see MM

>> No.8839051

I'm going. I know AM's shady as hell but the lineup of guests is just too good to me, man. And I only go to one con a year because money, so it's nice to be at a large con where I live. I can also finally meet up with friends that I haven't seen in a year.

>> No.8839309

>I was screwed over by John
deets pls

both of y'all are weak

>> No.8841977

AP? What AP? AP isn't even a guest on the website anymore. They only have models announced. They claimed all of these big brands before like AP, Triple Fortune, Boz, Putumayo, etc, but there's nothing on their website at all now.

I bet John announced those brands before actually confirming their attendance to pressure the brands into coming, but it backfired and instead of saying that they're not coming, he just quietly removed everything from the website.

>> No.8841994
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Please stop talking out of your ass. Please.

>> No.8842002

Is it at all possible that these brands are being provided by Shop in Wonderland, instead of by the designers? The designers aren't listed as attending at all, and the tea party is sponsored by the Shop in Wonderland store.

>> No.8842012
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The only listed brand guests are Misako and Yui.

Sorry, but, the only thing they are going to have is whatever regular release stuff they were able to buy as private people to resell for their store. It's not going to be anything good and there are no designers listed as attending.

>> No.8842017

I'm going to confirm that these are the exact brands that Shop in Wonderland has for sale minus VM (idk I haven't seen any VM from them).

>> No.8842022

The Angelic Pretty official site lists Anime Matsuri as an upcoming event and says that Maki and Asuka will both be there.

>> No.8842025

I'm just going to admit I'm an idiot, but I don't see that anywhere on the AP japan website. I see the announcement for last year, but nothing for this year. Can you please link me to confirm?

>> No.8842026

That's weird. I feel like AM would be all over announcing AP as a guest.

>> No.8842046

dude i'll take it

>> No.8842931

Hm looks like Kokokim backed out, then? Kimura Yu was at the Royal Tea Party alongside VM and I wanna say John announced 7 brands for the show. Still a damn good lineup, honestly. I'm not going to go because I've no desire to support these people anymore but would shamelessly fawn over nice pictures of the show.

>> No.8842969

KOKOkim is not going.

>> No.8843025

Too be honest family I bought tickets just because of the groupon discount but they still don't have a schedule so I'm regretting it

>> No.8843244

>Still a damn good lineup, honestly
it sounds like it's going to be stock they have for their store, nothing more special than any minor con "fashion show" would do.

>> No.8843288

Went last year and never returned. People seem to not know this, but they do absolutely FUCK ALL for the guestxattendee interaction. They didn't even has decent translators for their fucken guest so all the conversations were 1 way. They do everything to limit your interaction with those guest.
have fun.....

>> No.8843291
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>> No.8843363
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Pretty sure this is what they mean. It's last year's announcement.

>> No.8843390

Man the billboards are so embarrassing. I still can't get over the Kill la Kill one last year.

This is where the attendee money is going. As if normies are going to spend $50+ on some random ass convention.

>> No.8844169

They can pay for a billboard but they can't afford to feed their guests. Damn.

>> No.8844201


yeah. unwise spending is a hallmark of the Leighs. it's all about appearance and prestige.

>> No.8844268

I was thinking about getting those discounted tickets but I just hear so many horror stories about AM.

I mean, it would be really nice since I live in Houston but I don't really want my first major con experience to be shitty.

Plus my cosplay wouldn't even be done in time anyways

>> No.8844614

I laugh at how the Tea Party still has a section and isn't sold out. That's so sad opposed to last year

>> No.8844628

Most cons don't need to advertise. Normies won't attend shit like this.

Leighs love the appearance of having it all, problem is, they have leaks all over. The fact that so many of us know if their shit is proof of that!

>> No.8844666

The ticket is free if you spend $150 at their shop in wonderland. I may actually do that since theyre selling lucky packs tomorrow... but meh.

>> No.8845005

Wow, I guess the scandal really did cause most of the lolitas to stay away. Last year it sold out in minutes.

>> No.8845010

Isn't this the same strip mall as their shop?

>> No.8845305

Went last year, shitty weekend, only highlight was teddyloid, shitfaced the whole time because the staff were being pricks and didn't know jack shit about anything except theit thumbs up their asses missed alot of panels bc of them

>> No.8845379

panels were incredibly delayed or moved around. i volunteered last year and the entire organization of the con is a fucking mess since the con heads don't let anyone else make decisions but can't make good ones themselves. not all staff to blame but especially more fault on that couple. this con isn't worth the money, especially since this year it was much harder for them to keep their staff so it's going to be shittier than AM 2014, if anyone remembers that monstrosity

>> No.8845407

sorry for late reply it really wasn't anything as important or huge as what other people seem to have. I just did shows for them back when they had car meets at PZ. was supposed to be compensated for being their DJ at a few events and never was. I just should have known better after the second time.

>> No.8845408

from the sounds of it, that's just their pattern with people. find someone with talent, charm them into doing things, and reject or run when they need to pay up.

>> No.8845438

So Misako is still John's bitch? kek

>> No.8845825
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straight up, i'm going because it's the first major con less than an hour away from me and i don't have to book a hotel (thank GOD.) i LOVE staying in hotels, but 9/10 times it's always overpriced or a bad location for a better price but i just can't afford the full package. or i just choose to go to a con much past hotel bookings and that's why they're so expensive, aka what i did with this con except no hotel this time.

i'm very excited to be able to sleep in my own bed everynight and take my dealer's junk home. i personally don't really care for any of the guests, i'm not a lolita and i'm not cosplaying, so i'm just going for some panels and maybe the fashion show and maid cafe. OH and the rave, i'm getting shitfaced all weekend.

yay for close cons! boo for the $65 ticket price but that's okay, i'm making enough to afford it!

>> No.8845843

you sound literally 12, but 12 from like 1999

>> No.8845931

sorry i sound like i'm enjoying myself? i don't give a shit about AM drama, soooooo

>> No.8846560

No you sound young because you keep bringing up being frugal and that a 65$ ticket is expensive.....

>> No.8846730

that and the general expressive style reeks of self-conscious immaturity, but weirdly outdated and contrived. like an adult who knows better but is trying to sound innocent.

>> No.8849036

Wait where did this come up? This is the first time I hear of it

>> No.8849166

they have a facebook page for shop in wonderland, it was posted there but since tea party tickets sold out nvm.

Also their lucky packs are worse than shit, friend bought a $200 AP one and it had just the jsk and socks of the whip factory set. Like ????

>> No.8849175
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>their lucky packs are worse than shit, friend bought a $200 AP one and it had just the jsk and socks of the whip factory set
Classic Leighs

>> No.8849251

Are the Leighs still KA?

>> No.8849253

He stepped down amidst the backlash last year, but she still is.

>> No.8849254

read the article upthread or google it, lazy ass

>> No.8849263

Thanks for the reply anon.
So the Leighs are still using Misako-chan and the others KA to make money, uh? That's sad.

>> No.8849357

not all the other KAs, it seems just Daniela is on their side. Most of the other KA who went are completely against the Leighs and AM. Some have since stepped down.

>> No.8849632

Say it right or don't say it at all... Kimura Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu plzkillmekthxbai

>> No.8849635

Just sneak in lol that's what I'd do if I lived near this shit show

>> No.8849636

After "went and never returned", I kind of imagined you were trapped in The Leighs' kawaii dungeon and finally found a cell phone.

>> No.8849684

Daniela and Ann obviously.

>> No.8849770

Ann is a pawn. It's the Leigh's who are using her. Daniela is actively involving herself.

>> No.8849999

>Most cons don't need to advertise. Normies won't attend shit like this.

You are horribly horribly wrong if you think that. Advertising = growth. That's business 101. And normies love "comic cons" as they call them.

>> No.8850026

Yeah, comic cons. They're not going to look at the lolita shit and think "It's just like my Marvel comic books"
Anime barely hits that, but most normies think of it as "Sailor Moon" or "weird Chinese porn"
Either way, they're not going to spend $65 on a pass to a convention they're most likely not going to understand.

>> No.8850085

Maybe 10 years ago but you are lying to yourself if you don't think a 17 year old that saw the SAO dub on toonami won't see that and beg to go. It's smart to advertise, sorry.

>> No.8850291

You understand that a billboard cost money, a lot of money. A conservative estimate would be a couple thousand. So let's say it cost $6,500 for that billboard (bet it cost a shit ton more). That means that billboard alone should attract over 1,000 attendees with an event pass for it to be a positive endeavor. Let's not forget they got several because they know their reputation is hurting and their revenue stream will be smaller this year.

>> No.8850300

so angry they spend money on this but won't give their guests translators or fucking food.

>> No.8850301

Ann hasn't been in any of their posts and she helped out as staff at Ikkicon. I don't think she's with them anymore.I think it's just Daniela who supports them now.

>> No.8850312

That's very conservative. Billboards' costs vary by location, and most companies charge by the time allotted for the use. Some do monthly, quarterly, by the week, or custom contracts, it depends on who you go through; most have a minimum duration that they require you pay for, even if it's not pertinent to your personal schedule, which is another part of why you're seeing more and more "rent me!" empty signs around.

For example, we did a billboard for a local political campaign for a client once. She wanted a big final push, because the numbers were close enough that yard signs weren't going to cut it. Even though the voting was going to happen in less than a month, the company renting the signs required a 12 week contract on the board locations that our client wanted. So her face was on those billboards for nearly an extra eight weeks after she won the election.

>> No.8850329

So I did some poking through the Clear Channel site for rates. Clear Channel's rates for Houston are listed between $4500 and $5300 per four week period. If they are locked into a 12 week contract, like the site says they require for billboards, that's anywhere between $13,500 and $15,900 total per board. Good grief. How many boards have they taken out? Just the one above?

>> No.8850332

My bad. 12 weeks isn't *required* by Clear Channel, it's suggested. It sounds more like four weeks is their bare minimum.

>> No.8850335

I don't remember how long the billboard last year was up, but it was still there for a few weeks after the convention.

>> No.8850355

Last post is right, Ann left AM quietly after shit went down. She doesn't work for them at all anymore. She's still a KA i think but on her own terms.

>> No.8850361
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>anywhere between $13,500 and $15,900 total per board

>> No.8850362

Sorry. It's actually between $4500 and $15,900 per board. I have no idea what their contract length was. The site says that contracts are "typically" 12 weeks and longer, but they may have one as short as 4 weeks considering how recently the board(s?) went up in proximity to the con.

>> No.8850386

Or, you know, maybe the city helps them out with the billboards because they fucking love the money they bring into an area they are trying to build tourism in...

Just a crazy thought

>> No.8850394

Don't they already owe money to the city though?
I might be wrong but I remember some document had the City of Houston seal on it.

>> No.8850860

It has been a long standing rumor that they owe money to the GRB from their first year, but if that were true why would the GRB let them back? No one has ever been able to prove it.

There are also photos that get posted fairly regularly of them getting a notice on PZ, but that would have nothing to do with the city. That was privately owned.

>> No.8850953

Good on her.

>> No.8851647

They have at least two boards.

>> No.8853419

literally read the article upthread

why bother forming an opinion when you're this uninformed?

>> No.8853593
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Does anyone know the full details about this? I think from what I heard she's still upset that Anime Matsuri still has her listed as a guest this year when they were the ones who got her in jail for not issuing the right documents for her flight to America?

>> No.8853658

Someone please bring fighting games to this on, the game room usually sucks.

Thank you black dude from last year that went a couple of rounds with me last year in Third Strike, I had fun.

>> No.8854455

so how is the JFashion booth?

>> No.8856271

I thought Akira was one of the badly treated guests, not fed, etc. Yet she is returning? Ugh.

>> No.8856523

>Lolitas trash and wreck AM's rep
>John and Deniece still cater to Lolitas
Makes total sense.

>> No.8856541

I may have unintentionally guilted a couple friends out of going recently. they talked a bunch of shit when the drama first blew up but started back peddling about it and making excuses for why they were actually going until i said i didn't care what they did, but i would stick with my morals and not support the con. i think they're both trying to sell their tickets now. genuinely wouldn't have cared if they went, but i'm kind of glad to see them showing some integrity after they were so vocal about how awful the con is when it was popular to say so.
>and one of them is a gull, so if you're reading this, ayyyyy

>> No.8856579

Most people I know want to go just to see MornMuse. This year no one gives a fuck about the fashion guests.

>> No.8857024

Yeah, it's sad, but it might be her management that is forcing her to come back. I think if John throws enough money at them ( which is ironic because he usually likes to promise money and never pay like he did to Miyavi and many others ), but I guess Akira's management doesn't care how badly she is treated as long as they profit out of it.

>> No.8857220

Denice cannot give up her frills. How else is she going to get them?

>> No.8857704

i honestly don't care if people want to go to the con in general, but those who talked a bunch of shit about the leighs and "boycotted" when it was the cool thing to do only to lose their integrity because [insert excuses] are pretty pathetic. as long as they didn't act all indignant at the time, i don't care if they go now, and even if that is the case, it doesn't really bother me, but it does show a weakness of character.

>> No.8857945

this 2bh

>> No.8857949

Fuck this con and the fucking people who run it.
Done with it.

>> No.8858157
File: 189 KB, 1440x1575, tmp_20413-Screenshot_2016-02-10-16-37-29~01-973291904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't even tell their guests why they're canceling. How professional.

>> No.8858178

>Tfw your not a lolita
>Tfw your not a panelfag

God these 50 dollar rave tickets for the same tired out acts must be good

>> No.8858183

This might have been something handled through an agent. The negotiations would be between the con and the agent, talent would find out after the fact.

>> No.8858425

any info or reply would be greatly appreciated

>> No.8858536

Their schedule is up and I didn't see AP listed as attending nor Maki and Asuka. They trying to stay quiet about it or something so they can con people into coming.

Wouldn't be surprised if the Jfashion booth is stock from their store.

>> No.8860497
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>> No.8860701

kek'd. anyone else get a warning like this?

>> No.8860818

Actually Akira hasn't tweeted about going... Nor is it on her FB or official site. I guess the Leighs just pulled the same trick all over again.

>> No.8860848

I think you're thinking of Reika. She was treated like shit (dumped at the airport without being told where to go, no translator, and so on), but is going back. Pretty sure Akira isn't going.

>> No.8860857

Most of the guests were treated poorly, Reika wasn't the only one.
Akira didn't get a translator, and they wouldn't let her bring her own. The Leighs only let those they have properly brainwashed be translators for their guests, and good minions are hard to come by these days I guess...

>> No.8860860

Yeah, I know. I just meant that it's Reika returning, not Akira. And I'm not excusing the Leigh's treatment of other guests. As far as I know, no one had anything quite so bad as the airport incident happen though.

Unless you count the guests rumored not to have been paid, but most of them haven't come out in public about that, unlike the food and translator situations, which were easy to just observe as an attendee.

>> No.8860875
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They said that's what they're basically going to do for it. So anything that doesn't sell AM just goes back to the shop.
Look at pic related.

>> No.8860876

Ohshit. Wonder why she isn't talking about it then.

>> No.8861994

bump against spam

>> No.8864813

So who's down to go around the con doing the seagull call thing? My friends and i jokingly did it while walking around but we dont think anyone noticed

Also, Hilton booze meetup? anyone else getting a room?

>> No.8865805

>So who's down to go around the con doing the seagull call thing?

I'm just imaging a group of tipsy people cawwing like birds and flapping their arms like wings and groups of people staring in amazement and confusion.

>> No.8867725


>> No.8868660

Can't you read? They don't know why.

>> No.8869188

I'm ready to fuck.

>> No.8869219

Has Matsuri even been good ever? I've been three times and both times the most fun I had was hanging out with people. How did such a shitty con get such good guests the last few years?

>They don't even tell their guests why they're canceling.
>their guests
read a little more carefully, anon

I think it's weird that they didn't even tell Eyeshine why their performance was cancelled. What the hell.

>> No.8869495

You're not the only one anon. Free room plus fucking my gf every night is the best a con can get.

>> No.8870740

>Has Matsuri even been good ever? I've been three times and both times the most fun I had was hanging out with people.
That's generally how conventions go for me. I'm not entirely sure what a good convention looks like.

Although my first con was when AM shared a hotel with Rodeo attendees. Now that was a shitty first con.

>> No.8874080
File: 355 KB, 1080x1920, beware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the MM goods look so tacky holy shit

>> No.8874122

>muffler towel

that is literally a graphic, not the product. does the product itself look that bad?

>> No.8874182

i'm talking about the design in general, smart guy

>> No.8874195

not disagreeing. what i meant was:

is the product (the towel) so bad they only uploaded the graphic design that would be printed on it instead of the product itself?

i realize now that the tshirts are also mockups, but they at least look plausible. the garish colors of the towel cannot turn out well, towel fibers don't exactly lend themselves to clean lines.

>> No.8875902

Who the fuck is morning musume?

>> No.8875912


>> No.8876245

i am literally only going to this convention just to see MM lol. i wish that i had been able to see the platinum/golden generations but w/e i'll take what i can get

this shirt is god awful but i'm just going to have them autograph it and never wear it out so whatever

>> No.8876247

also slightly ot but does anyone else agree that (besides Miki i guess) that the 12ki gen is awful and talentless/void of personality and a complete waste

>> No.8876841

>talentless/void of personality and a complete waste
So a perfect fit for this sham of a con lol

>> No.8876842

I might go just to drink with my friend and make fun of the kids since iirc he's getting a few free passes, but otherwise I've thought Matsuri was shit for years

>> No.8877067

Anyone have room for two at their hotel? I can pay you up front for our share and I have an extra ticket too

>> No.8878464


>> No.8879410

Whats the saftest/easiest place to park if you're communting daily?

>> No.8879421

Really depends, there's a ton of $5~$10 daily lots around the con. I'm not sure if you're wanting super close to the convention center or not, but as far as safety goes just make sure your car is locked and valuables are outta sight.

>> No.8881407


I can't believe this thread is bombing so hard. Are people still salty over what happened?

>> No.8881533
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Everyone I know that was planning on going isn't going anymore, and looks like I won't either.

>> No.8881548

Is there going to be a swap meet ?? I have a shit of things i need to get rid of

>> No.8881806

Doesn't look like it.

>> No.8881845

the issue is what is happening, not what happened. there is no evidence of accountability and every indication of continued mismanagement.

>> No.8881906

So yes, people are still salty over an issue that can't be solved by pouting on a senegalese basketweaving forum.
Id bet a good 70% of attendees wont know who leigh is, much less any other offender or their offenses. Cash flow dont stop, no matter how much you piss off youre niche groups.

>> No.8881966

It's funny with this thread as dead as it is there will probably be more posting about AM in the drama threads rather than about the actual con

>> No.8882638

In any case, day 0 is tomorrow, who hype/ready?

>> No.8882674

I'm pretty hyped. It's my first year that I'm super confident in my cosplays!

>> No.8882675

Google it, bruh.

>> No.8882706

I'm ready senpai.

>> No.8882741

I'm hype, but fuck if I'm ready

>> No.8884394
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Day 0, first cosplay

>> No.8884984

went there today get my ticket.
they werent' ready so they let me walk inside the convention. literally no fucks given.

it was because a clueless person was outside sitting at the badge booth, but didn't know. so they sent me inside to another booth. they admitted they were running a bit behind.

so just walked around seeing everyone setup.

>> No.8885094

That's a security issue

>> No.8885121
File: 234 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20160225_153515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walked by several.
did the head nod. they head nod back.

>> No.8885303

Another security issue is letting a fucking pedophile host the hentai panel :^)

>> No.8885310

whoa deets needed

>> No.8885312
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>> No.8885313
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>> No.8885322

how old is he?

>> No.8885323

He's 24, about to be 25.

>> No.8885324
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>> No.8885362

This is Mad Thad tier cringe

>> No.8885365
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>> No.8885449

The last gf he had he picked up right after her high school graduation too kek.

He was supposed to be an elementary school teacher but quit right before the school heard news about his sick shit and could fire him.

>> No.8885486

We doin a meetup this weekend or nah?

>> No.8885636

The line for this merch is ridiculous and I'm pretty sure half the fucking line cut in front of us

>> No.8885668

Since I don't know where to ask, is there a One Piece meetup this hear? I thought there was one last year, but I didn't see anything on the AM schedule.

>> No.8885676
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Disorganized as always. Just waiting for a friend, dealer room is okay. I'm betting that the events will be two hours behind as usual though.

>> No.8885883

I thought I'd come by today to see how the convention went. Thankfully I didn't buy a badge as the prices are ridiculous. I just snuck into the dealers room from another door in the back halls.

This seems to be the same shitshow it always was if not a little worse. Nothing starting on time still. Lines for merch was stupid long and nothing great. Construction everywhere. I had to park fifteen minutes away just to find parking under 30 dollars a night.

I hate this convention. Not coming back this weekend. If you're on the fence? don't come to this convention. Just save your money for the next one. They may act like they spend money on this thing but it's in all the wrong places because this con is the exact same.

>> No.8885979

1. What the fuck is this Cosplay Showcase thing in the main hall? Did we have too much space? I dont get the point of it. They arent that well sewn or anything?

2. Did they ever pay back that girl from >>8853593 ? I heard this story. She was a guest from some really far off place. Matsuri wouldnt help her out to get to the con, she spent her own money to get home. Im not sure what exactly went down but I hear they ditched her on the bill too?

3. These wrapped cars are pretty lame. I dont know the point of this either. Or get why its extra for these side events. Is that normal? I dont attend many cons but I dont remember them charging extra for events? Usually its included with everything.

>> No.8885981
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She doesn't look happy.

>> No.8885993

>I dont attend many cons but I dont remember them charging extra for events? Usually its included with everything.
it usually is, but the Leighs are greedy fucks who have been proven time and again to be terrible money managers and crooks.

i am sure they appreciate you guys funding their next vacation to Hawaii, Europe, or Japan. keep that $$ rolling in, it's your only chance to see those rare, great guests and go to a true local Houston con, after all.

>emphasis on con

>> No.8886111

Do you need a pass for everything? I want to just hang out with friends and maybe bum around the dealers room but I know some cons won't even let you in the door without one.

>> No.8886163

Nah security is lax as fuck if there even is any. I don't know about tomorrow though

>> No.8886331
File: 76 KB, 898x752, 1455741485205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you sit through the entire fashion show waiting for the two MM girls advertised to show up
>and then you check and find out they weren't actually in it after all

>> No.8886338

does anyone want to talk about the stripper pole performance?

>> No.8886344

You're welcome

>> No.8886356

How late was the fashion show this year?

>> No.8886367

Does anyone know anything about the maid cafe guest hitomi? What are her events? I'm worried shell never leave Japan again after this fuck up of a con.

>> No.8886385

You weren't kidding

>> No.8886410

Like 20 mins

>> No.8886481

>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke

>> No.8886519

Cuz John prolly decided it by himself and management slapped him with a "lol no"

>> No.8886554
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for what purpose

>> No.8886580



>> No.8886618
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>> No.8886620
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Just came back from "Hentai Fest 2016" I gotta say, it was just awful. Not only did we have the cringe worthy pedophile host "Jebus Matoi", but the autism was just too much for me. PLUS the hentai they did show was just the worst.

>> No.8886649

This. That second one. Dear mother of god. Cannot unsee...

>> No.8886692


>> No.8886694
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Why is no one posting about this convention? I wanted to hear the details but I assume people are just not proud of themselves being there? (And they shouldn't be)

I already hear everything is starting late. I'd also be pissed as a dealer if they were just letting people walk around during set up as my shit isn't secure yet.

I want to hear more about the stripper show?

Why was this done? This seems in poor taste after the con's head has been accused of being sexually inappropriate.

>> No.8886695

In Response #2: No, they never paid that girl back. When you get people from certain places overseas you have to write them a document explaining to their government and ours why you're having them into the country for business. They did this incorrectly and are still refusing to help her out despite her BEGGING for months now.

Someone else already said it but charging extra for side events ISN'T normal. The con owners don't have jobs or careers so this is how they make their money.

>> No.8886697

I hear they had short staff for volunteers this year. Wonder why that is.

>> No.8886700
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I am guessing this is where the stripper-show came from?

The girls looked cracked out and scream low-self esteem. That's bad enough but the cracked out Kuja with her tits hanging out makes me sad on multiple levels.

Their parents must be super proud.

>> No.8886708

Nah, that's the Nerdlesque show. It's basically a strip show/burlesque with slutty cosplay. It doesn't pretend to be anything else. I was entertained last year and most of the girls stripping were pretty damn confident of themselves.

The pole-dancing thing was before the lolita fashion show.The guy that directed the show was smacked for sexual harassment of the lolita community earlier this year. You just gotta wonder wtf he was thinking sticking something with those connotations right before a fashion that basically shuns all sexuality associated with it's misnaming.

>> No.8886711

>You just gotta wonder wtf he was thinking
"I did nothing wrong and I can get away with anything."

>> No.8886717

Wow, that's a huge improvement over the standard 2 hours

>> No.8886762

I think that is more what is bothering me. The connotations along side with the bad press they've been getting seems...really ignorant.

It doesn't seem to be stopping any of the girls from doing it.

I went two years ago to the Nerdlesque thing. It was so cringey that my group had to leave. They may be confident but it's like Tuesday night line-up at an all nude in a bad part of town.

The fact that the stripper pole wasn't part of the programming where they find nerd girls willing to take off their clothes seems weird.

>> No.8886794

missed it this year

>> No.8886815
File: 861 KB, 1319x949, keksforever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not surprised that "CONsent" panel run by "student feminists" had nobody show up to it hahahaha

>> No.8886818

Wait, John didn't show up?

>> No.8886823
File: 48 KB, 290x387, vm_op_classicaldollregimental_worn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM? Do you mean Victorian Maiden?

>> No.8886831

Morning Musume, anon
Two of the girls were supposed to be modeling in the show and their names even appeared in the credits but they never appeared in person

>> No.8886842

I don't give a fuck about Misako, she chose to work with the Leighs after she was made aware of all the shit that went down, she chose to accept their cheap as gifts when she knew about it all.
Misako is a cunt.

>> No.8886900


>not being into shit fetishes
Top kek boys.

>> No.8887004
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Anybody want to buy a press pass?

>> No.8887032

>shit fetishes
... was this Night Shift Nurses?

>> No.8887039

I'm curious to see what kind of bottom of the barrel, efame thirsty lolitas they got to participate in the fashion show this year.

>> No.8887058

How much?

>> No.8887070

How much bro? Can I fuck momusu with it?

>> No.8887096

I was too far away to recognize faces but holy shit half the models were total newbies and looked fucking retarded on stage. A few didn't move their arms as they walked at all, looked so stupid. Obviously didn't rehearsed or something. Another girl was wobbling like crazy. It was hard to watch.

>> No.8887098


We'll start the bidding at $40.

>> No.8887152

I'm sure that well end some time on Sunday. Just name a price or go fuck yourself.

>> No.8887160

Kiwi and his waifu. Didn't know they were on the dark side...

>> No.8887184

Lmao kiwi is known on cgl? I'm late.

>> No.8887186

Apparently the cosplay contest was a mess.

>> No.8887189

The concert organization is a mess as well. Some shit about tickets being reinstated then not reinstated and back again??

>> No.8887194

They told us non-ticket holders to get in the same line as ticket holders, then someone came and told us that we had to get into another line with the other non-ticket holders THEN all of us had to get into another line that pretty much allowed anyone who hauled ass to get in the front of the line. It's ridiculous.

>> No.8887195

did you expect any better?

>> No.8887203

Obviously he would be known in a Texas con thread that has locals here. He's been on their side since he won that heart of gold reward at the tea party last year. He was also in that one picture where the Leighs were posing next to their billboard.

>> No.8887210

Kiwi was nice in person but he says some really dumb things on his Facebook. I'm not surprised he and his wife joined AM's fashion show.

>> No.8887213

Probably mostly cosplayers. 90% of lolita know that it's going to ruin their reputation to even go to the convention.

>> No.8887236

Just wanted to comment. A lot of the lolitas I know who went are also only going in costume too. Like somehow going as a cosplayer saves their reputation kek.

>> No.8887292
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True love.
But coming from a regular it's been an OK con so far, nothing like last year. Feels like the budget was short and the panels weren't exactly interesting, especially WTF were they thinking with the sjw panel shit?

So like 7/10 so far

>> No.8887300

>WTF were they thinking with the sjw panel shit?
trying to demonstrate that John is totally not a creep, but is instead a sex-positive progressive who learned a lot from his online harassment course

>> No.8887310

Maybe they cut rehearsals because of the negative attention they got from last year's event? Either way, sounds like a shit fest.

>> No.8887311

I'm shocked Kiwi is apart of this...

>> No.8887337

*a part


>> No.8887346

So I recorded most of the fashion show. I used my phone and was really far away so it's super shitty quality. I edited the first part but got lazy and just uploaded the rest as is, sorry guys. Just skim through it if you're really interested in it. Also, some parts I was texting my bf so just ignore that, sorry lol.

A lot of their songs in the video has copyright shit going on so just a heads up for random silence or whatever. They were doing a Princess theme for the show and used a lot of Disney shit (as well as James Bond for some reason).


>> No.8887355

Any room parties?

>> No.8887359

Speaking of repeats of last year I really wish they got a couple translators for MM at the concert

>> No.8887362

Who are these people

>> No.8887370
File: 29 KB, 540x960, 12801141_993933613976099_5402284465811452841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexual harassment prevention

oh my god lmfao I just got this from the group

>> No.8887404

Or like a few years back where the translator was just guessing and clearly didn't know Japanese.

>> No.8887468

lmao of course

>> No.8887492

That's appropriate.

>> No.8887512

If I remember correctly, they did pay off the GRB money, but only recently? But I only hear rumors from vendors/programming, not the actual con heads themselves.

>> No.8887516

presidential suite in one of the towers.. the den of evil

>> No.8887616

went all the way up to the 40+ contestants
and people were leaving
the music was off, tech problems, etc
and that last guy that they let him do his routine was long (jack frost)

>> No.8887912
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Anyone else have pics of con damage?

>> No.8888003

haha oh my god you jelly cunt
sounds like you're the one with the low self esteem!

>> No.8888006

Ummm are you literally retarded? The whole convention center was a mess because it's under construction...

>> No.8888011

Pedo Kiwi is married?

>> No.8888032

Wait that shit actually happened I saw people posting that they saw signs it was canceled

>> No.8888113

just came back. was hoping to see some hestia.
think there was only one girl that dressed like her. she had glasses.

did anyone get pics of that 'chel' (front and back) god she was hot.

>> No.8888169

Can we get some actual stories from the convention from people? How did the cosplay show go?

I'm curious to know if they are going to pay people their prize money this year.

>> No.8888191
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Does this look like construction to you?
It happened in a few places.

>> No.8888201

How is he a pedo? What did he do? He got married to this asian, both in jfashion pretty recently.

>> No.8888240

Any photos of Enji Night? She's so pretty

>> No.8888243
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>> No.8888245

they could've done better with 'hiding' the construction or making sure it was safe. i almost fell at the entrance of the car show (the rug was cut and my foot caught part of it and almost fell face first)

>> No.8888250

was there tea?

>> No.8888252

missed a great chance to sue and use the money to build a better convention.

>> No.8888259

If the building was settling at all, the pressure could have caused it to burst like that so yes.

>> No.8888409

The revolving door was on the Hilton, across the street from the center

>> No.8888416

Look at all those fucking twats.

>> No.8888450
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Why is Kate a bearded lady?

>> No.8888454

>add SJW panel
>no one shows up
>proof they don't need to run any future SJW panels

>> No.8888457
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>> No.8888459
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>> No.8888518

deneice's instagram is eerily quiet.. you'd think the ho wouldn't miss an opportunity to show off her ugly in lolita
did she even model in the fashion show this time? because that would make a total 2 farm animals in one show

>> No.8888519

impressed they were letting backpacks into the rave

>> No.8888537
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>> No.8888538

when i came back out the tear in the carpet was still there. the volunteers did nothing to put a cone/or chair/sign to warn/protect people.

>> No.8888545
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>> No.8888550

Attendance looks sparse.....I hope the guest took notice this year.

>> No.8888580

Having the pole dancer was a bit odd, but the performance wasn't sexual at all, and I was kinda impressed with the girl actually. It was one of those artsy things.

>> No.8888588
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>> No.8888595


I have no issue with pole dancing, but it was a very strange choice to put it before the lolita fashion show. Nerdlesque or at the rave or something seems a better fit.

>> No.8888659

Trust me, everyone there noticed. Anyone who was there last year felt it really hard, guests and vendors alike
Someone on the official group is trying to say that they broke 30,000 people this year and that they were bigger than a con but there is no way on gods fucking earth that is true

>> No.8888662

**Bigger than A-Kon, sorry autocorrect

>> No.8888674

As a vendor, we saw very low traffic (especially compared to last year). I won't quote our numbers but others who sold similar merch were reporting a 50%+ drop in sales.

>> No.8888676

Is this brookelle? Considering how many friends of hers are against AM, I'm surprised she went. But then again, she seems pretty bent on being efamous so..

>> No.8888683
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Reminds me of Big Mama

>> No.8888684

This happened while the rave was going on.

>> No.8888743

lol all of the nobodies who walked on the fashion show

>> No.8888756

Who won the cosplay contest? Did they double dip awards again this year?

>> No.8888821

I actually counted and the con can't be more than 7,000 attendees.
animecons.com needs to get on this shit...

>> No.8888828

I don't know the cosplayer but he did Ainz from Overlord. It looked good.

Also, can anyone give details on Delta H Con? Size, management, worth it, etc?

>> No.8888886

Very small size, about 2 halls in a small hotel, management is ok? I guess?, not entirely worth it pricey tickets for not a lot of convention, the venue is nice though its a very nice looking Marriott

>> No.8889200

It got busted by a drunk. You're an idiot. We all saw it Friday.

>> No.8889202

This is about the number I thought. It cant be over 7k. But consider who runs it I'm not shocked that they lie and no one says anything.

>> No.8889205


>> No.8889208

can anyone give us details about the cosplay contest? so far all that we have heard about it is that it was a mess.

>> No.8889266

Best in show: Overlord
First advanced: Diablo pair
First intermediate: League of Legends Headhunters
I don't remember the novice winner.
There were a lot of audio problems but i heard that the judges (Reika, Enji. etc) were chilling with the contestants backstage

>> No.8889270

There might be a big difference in ticket sales and actual attendance

>> No.8889354

I dunno. Maybe he likes the way the beard tickles his dick

>> No.8889580

For an event this big, there always will be. But straight up lying about your numbers is always very obvious.

>> No.8889731

There was tea.

They said this at the tea party, how true it is, I don't know. Dealer's room was pretty slow compared to last year.

Pretty sure she's AM staff, so of course she's there.

>> No.8889734

Hopefully the guest talk amongst themselves a bit.

>> No.8889781

They're talking more than just a bit, even Vic knew about the lolita drama and the sexual harassment.

>> No.8889787

Didn't AM say their tea party tickets sold out? This doesn't look like sold out to me... Tsk tsk.

>> No.8890006

is there a thread about the cosplay pics at anime matsuri
was hoping to see if someone took pics of that 'chel' and a few others that i missed

>> No.8890016

shut the fuck up about Chel you creepy piece of shit

>> No.8890019

okay, he knew about it, but did he say anything?

and did anyone mention the Leighs' criminal mismanagement at all?

>> No.8890037

It took me five seconds to find her facebook through instagram. Try harder, you pathetic pervert.
>ps she's got a nice face for a chubbo

>> No.8890173

People are able to not show up or miss the event you know.

>> No.8890213

But so many?
I think they just lied to make the event seem more popular than it actually was.

>> No.8890425

Nah man its like what >>8890213 said, they inflated the numbers. Half the attendees got multiple gift bags from the leftovers.

>> No.8890444

>Half the attendees got multiple gift bags from the leftovers.

so what money grab will the Laze make to recover from this under-attended con?

>> No.8890446

my guess is that they'll try to move on to the kpop crowd, which is a good market to appeal to atm

>> No.8890547 [DELETED] 

That's bullshit. I was there. Nothing of the sort happened.

Were you there?

>> No.8890552 [DELETED] 

Wasn't "under attended" at all. You obviously weren't there. Unorganized? Yes! Hell yes!

Most of you fags have no idea what you're talking about. Just chumps on 4chan as usual.

Meet me anywhere in Houston and we can talk, ya overweight heavy breathing chumps.

>> No.8890554

Don't you have another venue to duck out on or another funder to steal from?

>> No.8890560 [DELETED] 

I refuse to beat the living shit out of a 12 year old illiterate dumb dumb, soooo fuck off? Maybe?

>> No.8890563
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>> No.8890570 [DELETED] 

So you were at AM? Wanna meet up and talk some navy seals?

Of course not, right?

>> No.8890580
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>> No.8890644

First in Advanced is actually Kadiaa cosplay

>> No.8890842

This year was really fun. I honestly can't wait to go again.

>> No.8890874

Everyone can see from the videos and photos posted that it obviously wasnt sold out, and that most of the people who went were itas or not dressed up at all

>> No.8890895

Does anyone have pictures of the winners??

>> No.8891034

Someone needs to make a new thread for that

>> No.8891342

>mfw girls start unfriending everyone who went to AM
Ending a friendship over going to a con kek

My only beef is that no one even notices that stuff like this happens EVERYWHERE.
At work, at school, at conventions, etc.
The only difference with AM is that someone finally spoke out about it.

>> No.8891385
File: 84 KB, 409x309, 54030097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.8891438

>assuming those friendships are actual friendships

Getting rid of problematic aquaintences is fine. I doubt they are getting rid of good friends.

>> No.8891524

>My only beef is that no one even notices that stuff like this happens EVERYWHERE.
Spotlight won Best Picture at the Oscars this year. Times are changing for exploiters, and when their ugliness becomes known the ethical response is to hold them accountable.

Unfortunately, as the film demonstrates, most people share your attitude. Ignore the bad stuff, protect the institutions, and silence dissent. If misuse of power is normal, that's because people like you let it be normal.

I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who couldn't understand that; not that "Facebook Friends" matter much anyway.

>> No.8891586

sorry to sound like a broken record
couldn't find her instagram
little help

>> No.8891595

Someone let this poor girl know she has a stalker, also when the hell are we gonna post pics?

>> No.8891597

Speaking of, did anyone get pics of the two dudes cosplaying S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? I love it when someone adds a bit of slav to the onslaught of weebs.

>> No.8891733

If idiots deleted me for going, then they weren't my friends to begin with. Good riddance.

>> No.8891855

>deleting someone over something so dumb
>you paid money for this fuckup of a con

Looks like you're both idiots.

>> No.8891860

Luckily no one unfriended me for going. Though I found PLENTY of hypocrites who went even though they said they weren't going to.

>> No.8891888

I didn't pay money for it, but you tried I guess.

>> No.8891990

pig fuckers, what low character

>> No.8892201

New thread >>8892191

>> No.8892510

Yes, they double dipped. I think someone even ended up with 2 judges awards+ a class award.

>> No.8892513
File: 2.44 MB, 5312x2988, 20160227_164332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry its bad quality, anon. Got to see them up close and the award was well deserved though.

>> No.8892875
File: 255 KB, 457x381, 1453859529360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kate didn't put together the tea party this year, they hired an organizer to do it and that person did a terrible job. kate didn't have any control on how it went other than running around and trying to fix the mistakes of the event planner.

trust me, she knows it was shit, and she felt terrible afterwards.

>> No.8892923
File: 67 KB, 624x586, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8892969

>trust me, she knows it was shit, and she felt terrible afterwards.
not like nobody warned her about working with AM.

>> No.8894201

you wanna elaborate faggot?

>> No.8894260


This is the shit I am so sick and tired of. "It could be a difference in ticket sales and attendance". They said 30,000. There were 5k to 7k tops. They lied. Stop defending them.

Vendors, sponsors, guests use these numbers to decide where to go. It's shady AF.

Like people trying to say the busted door was "from pressure".

The Leighs could take a shit on your head when you pick up your badge and you'd still love them and defend them.

>> No.8894261

The Leighs could take a shit on everyone's head when the pick up their badge and these people would still defend that shit.

30,000? Lied when there are only 5 to 7 thousand? "It could be a difference in attendance numbers vs badge sales?"

Broken door? "Oh I'm sure that's pressure related"

You guys need to stop blindly standing up for awful people.

>> No.8894607

No fucking way, dude, you're creepy as fuck. Let if go and hop on over to /gif/ to gain an obsession with a girl who's probably paid for it and not some poor nerd just trying to play dress up, ya nasty. If you ask about her one more time, I WILL message her to let her know that some gross asshole is begging for her info.

>> No.8894910

nobody who works with AM at this point does so ignorantly.