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File: 48 KB, 600x450, B0eHmC_CQAAWLeY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8876008 No.8876008 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosaging

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.8876012
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>> No.8876013

I love this bag, and I am totally going to steal that bow idea it is adorable

>> No.8876015
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>> No.8876018
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>> No.8876022
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>> No.8876023
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Ending twitter dump with itty bitty babby bag

>> No.8876217

I love this! He's one of my husbands too, I would have never thought to try a coffin bag.

>> No.8876470
File: 700 KB, 900x1001, kotori1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with my itabag! Just want to fill in the smaller gaps but overall im pretty happy with it

>> No.8876485

omg that's really cute!!!

>> No.8876487

Where did you get the backpack? Is it the same one from the link in the last thread (wego)?

>> No.8876492
File: 567 KB, 675x900, kotori3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its a wego bag! I got it off taobao not sure why I did that but its definitely legit.


I think it would be nice if there were rings on the side to attach stuff to. I have so many plushes but I put them anywhere...


>> No.8876597

I'm new to Itabags; are Western characters frowned upon? I'd love to make one for my waifu but I have enough merch of some western characters I could practice with those...

>> No.8876615

It's fine, there are people who made bags for video game characters, actors and kpop idols. Itabags have no limits.

>> No.8876714

Looks great, anon! I like the little ribbon you added on top.

>> No.8876747
File: 77 KB, 641x960, 1443502767080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Pearl anon pic.

Yeah there are bags and ita-anything for video game characters, western TV shows, comics, Disney, kpop, even maids from maid cafés...as >>8876615
said, there are no limitations, really.

>> No.8877287

>YYH OTP bag
All my yes.

>> No.8877697

Those anyone have a picture of the white/cream heart shaped bag? It had the character but also a fair amount of lace and other decorations.

>> No.8877715

I thought I had it but I don't. I know it was a Diabolik Lovers bag though.

>> No.8877720
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1455088719229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Subaru from Diabolik Lovers

>> No.8877730
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, B1NBXsdCIAE-L_C.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else really want to see what the rest of that shrine/room looks like? Because I think it's going to be like pic related. I ended up following this person on Twitter just because of their updates on their collecting.

>> No.8877744

Thank you so much!
God that bag is so perfect

>> No.8877817

Oh god I need that link

>> No.8877962
File: 56 KB, 599x337, B-dprzbCQAAz2rH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon: https://twitter.com/rikuka_tw

They also have a massive badge collection.

>> No.8878032

Man, I wish we could do a group order on these bags. They are perfect for ita bags. I am not seeing anything from Wego I want (or fit into) right now though...
Found a tote bag version too:

>> No.8878122

hmm if there's serious interest in doing a GO i'd be happy to host one.i'm based in california if that matters? I'm already planning to order another bag so i could just add everyone's orders to it.

>> No.8878129

I would totally be down to do a group order. I was gonna order one through FJ sometime this week to get with the rest of my itabag stuff but if people are gonna do a GO I'd be down to join it. (esp if you're gonna do it through tenso, I don't think they have so many fees as FJ?) i'm based in massachusetts

>> No.8878264


Had to share this because it's both a horror dream come true and utterly hysterical.

>> No.8878267
File: 56 KB, 540x720, tumblr_inline_o2o9w7Dn0t1r5dkjv_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the aftermath.

>> No.8878288

I hope they make an itabag shrine for this keychain masterpiece.

>> No.8878830

holy shit, topkek

>> No.8878836

I saw this being shared on FB. I couldn't stop laughing at work.

>> No.8878849
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>> No.8878865

Every time I see this picture and/or the video, I cant stop laughing for a solid 10 minutes. This figure series is kinda shoddily made, I have Kenma and Shouyou and while Shou's head sits in there pretty firmly, Ken's was actually so loose it wouldn't sit in there properly without me super gluing it in.

>> No.8879795

I'd be interested in the group order! Also from Cali.

>> No.8879898
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some bags I came across while I was looking for inspiration for my hakuoki bag

>> No.8879904
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>> No.8879913
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>> No.8879916
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>> No.8879920
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>> No.8879924
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And one that's still in progress!

>> No.8880035

Oh dear. I literally just got the Noya figure. But, I won it for $12 so I didn't really break the bank over it.

>> No.8880041

Third, also from CA!

>> No.8880077
File: 358 KB, 1216x720, IMG_20160222_224432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pearl anon here!!! Got a bunch of new stuff from ALA recently so I'm planning to do another shoot with all of them again! Planning on ordering another batch of pins since we've gotten two Stevenbombs since the last time.

Thinking about starting a Jasper collection since my thirst for her is unquenchable, but Pearl is already killing my wallet and she's priority waifu.
Also, thought I'd mention that we recently adopted two cats! Named them Jasper and Pearl HAHA

>> No.8880123

I can't even bring myself to utter "Pearl's my girl" anymore because I'll just think about you and how much my affection pales in compared to yours.

One might even call you

Mother of Pearl

>> No.8880140


>> No.8880142

Has anyone been to an itabag meetup at a con or in general? I'm curious how they turn out.

>> No.8880262

Does anyone have the photo of someone's nails with a bunch of kurobas pins on it?

>> No.8880318

i love the idea of hanging pearl charms on a pearl necklace, so smart but still relevant

>> No.8880365

gonna do the same thing as I did in the last thread and ask for pics of some DIY itabag stuff you guys have made!

I'm in the process of making a completely diy bag myself, so I'd really like to see other people's work and process.

>> No.8880387

Glad to see you're back, Pearl-anon! Can't wait to see the new shoot.

>> No.8880388

Not yet but there are some planned for the upcoming months..

>> No.8880425

nice, there seems to be a good amount of interest! I can use FJ or my personal ss (latter may be cheaper contingent on volume of our order). i believe the backpacks will fit in a flat-rate box, so that should also simplify some domestic shipping concerns.

dropping my email so we can make this happen- i can send over lots of positive feedback as a buyer/seller/trader before anyone commits!

>> No.8880456
File: 2.96 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jojo bag anon here, I got a pretty big bag haul in this week. I ordered a few more straps, and my new POMMOP tote came in from AmiAmi! I'm so excited to properly display everything, as well as not lose anything/get it dirty.

I'm really only sad now because this bag is getting close to max, I guess I'll be a bit more picky with what I buy for it now.

>> No.8880475

Okay guys. I am the person who mentioned the group order. My throw away email is grouporderchan@gmail.com.
I will do it all through my normal paypal so you're covered if I mess up.
Lets get some cute ita bags!

>> No.8880532

I love your bag! Have you read the manga? Since so far it looks kinda anime-centric, if yes you should add some merch from the other parts!

Where did you get the can badges?

I'm also adding to the jjba merch I already have, I was planning a dialovers bag but I think I'll do JoJo first. Still waiting for some storenvy stores to open again after cons to get stuff...

>> No.8880576

Thank you! I started to read the manga! I'm sure I'll have another Jojo's bag eventually when I'm done with it all. Polnareff is my husbando so I kinda just went with a lot of Stardust Crusaders in the hopes I can find more Polnareff merch. I'd love to have a bag specific to him one day!

Can badges I got from eBay! I just searched like Jojo's badges or something.

Good luck on yours, anon!

>> No.8880691
File: 114 KB, 760x760, 0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody here have the "pink-red" zakkamart tote? or seen pics of it specifically anywhere? I want to make sure it's the right shade of red before I commit to getting it.

>> No.8880806
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1456264485592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, no. That's makes me feel so awkward HAHA

Yeah! The string of pearls was actually the only thing I had that would be able to hold my charms and it worked out perfectly.

Thanks!!! I've got some new outfits too! I made a Pearl themed seifuku and Im currently working on a kigurumi of her space suit. Its my first time satin stitching, didn't know about the stabilizer paper so the stitches are all curvy, but still feels good to have it.

>> No.8880873

>Pearl themed seifuku
That is adorable as hell! I only hope my Rin (Free!) themed school coord is half as cute.

>> No.8880899
File: 78 KB, 426x640, 16_2_14_318_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god. I'm making a hakuoki bag too and when I was browsing yja just to see what was up there, I saw that closetchild was selling a heisuke bag from gouk, went to the cc site and bought that as fast as I could.

I noticed there is also a bag for Toshizo:

someone get it!

>> No.8880984
File: 428 KB, 1024x768, SAM_7024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not quite a rosette (or is it?), but I have a lot yarn and went for it, especially since it was pretty boring on its own. Also glad I had star beads, so if I can track down the same keychain of the other two characters for my bag, I can make a matching set!

I'm also thinking of pouring resin over it since the sticker looks pretty beat...

>> No.8881002

this is absolutely adorable, anon!

>> No.8881066

Can you do some sort of tutorial of how to do the rosette? It looks so cute and it honestly looks better than the ribbon rosettes (it's hard to work with ribbon).

>> No.8881111

Handsome Jack anon here, stabilizer really just helps with pulling but I am sure yoir at in stitching is lovely! Did you do padded or just straight? Your dedication always inspires me hot damn

>> No.8881117

Not that anon, but just look for crochet or knit flowers and make two sizes it seems

>> No.8881147

darn sideways picture....

I pretty much just did this with 6 petals:

>> No.8881153

Do you have the taobao link?

>> No.8881169

Good find! Mine just has one of the group promotional shots because I can't decide between Heisuke and Saito as my #1 husbando.

>> No.8881200
File: 188 KB, 540x720, tumblr_o2oy0oAtrO1qfvrzvo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeny tiny dump

>> No.8881204
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>> No.8881206
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>> No.8881212
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>> No.8881213
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>> No.8881230
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>> No.8881231
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Even for an itabag this one just looks bad.

End of dump.

>> No.8881300

i think that that one's supposed to be kind of a joke. i agree though, the lack of size variation and the base bag is kind of jarring.

>> No.8881301

I know what the point of this one is but even still having this huge myriad of buttons does make it kind of clear it's just a bunch of stolen images and has no visual harmony or gestalt.

>> No.8881347

My husbando

>> No.8881417

I like the base bag, the buttons could be better of they were higher quality

>> No.8881449
File: 179 KB, 500x413, tumblr_inline_na5d7maTGx1r9lhsj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bag looks like it could be good for a Lisia bag or maybe one of the SideM or UtaPri guys. For Jyushimatsu I feel like it needs something purple or black fake leather with studs.

>> No.8881466

Yeah from here

>> No.8881469
File: 449 KB, 720x720, 1455438596348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swear to god theres at least one new piece of osomatsu merch up for PO every single day.

>> No.8881475
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting my first bag! Not really sure about this arrangement but have some more merch on the way! All the minifigs keep flipping backwards too. Any suggestions?

>> No.8881500

Omg yes!!! I love this, anon. I love Kanji and glad someone is giving him ita love! This looks really good!

If you're having trouble with your figures, maybe add a pin back to them if you don't mind ruining them? Or perhaps like magnets? Kek idk

>> No.8881509

For the mini figures I actually saw someone who used thread to basically sew over the middle of the figure to hold it in place?

>> No.8881546

How long is the usual wait time for artsmoo products? I was thinking of making an ita-shirt but the con's pretty soon and I'm not sure if it'll make it in time.

>> No.8881556

BLESS YOU ANON. I've been after that royal blue bag for AGES but it sold out on the Wego site so I was really upset. I can finally redo my Blackwall bag! Backpacks are way easier to carry for me than totes so this is a godsend!

>> No.8881561

For my experience, a pretty good amount of time. I ordered a phone case one time and it took about a month in total for it, from ordering to getting it. Ordered a set of buttons at the end of January, shipped on Feb. 11th, still haven't gotten them in yet. If your con is less than a month or so away, you're too late.

>> No.8881563

I like this idea! You could even use fishing line for that so it's transparent and not noticeable.

>> No.8881566

Oh my god, I want to meet you one day and hug you and never let you go Kanji is love Kanji is life

>> No.8881582

A month? Geez that's way longer than I expected. Thanks for the info, think I'll skip out on the upcoming con then.

>> No.8881625

sewing them with fishing line sounds perfect! thanks anons.

yesssss, kanji is the best girl. i love him so much.

>> No.8881675

Yeah, they're in China so it's a long process.
Sorry to disappoint, anon! At least you know for the future now.

>> No.8881699

Love it!
Makes me wanna make an Adachi/Yu one. Didn't realize Persona had so much merch.

>> No.8881723


that's Karamatsu anon. Look at the tackiness >>8881231

>> No.8881727
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, kanji best boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg anon! I really love the idea of the sleeping mask as a focal point! Can I ask where you got it?

>> No.8881755

oh my god, anon, why didn't i think of a persona ita bag?! this is tempting me to make one for trash boyfriendo yosuke

>> No.8881803

Do it!!! There needs to be more persona love. There was an adachi anon quite a few threads back who inspired me!

I got it from yahoo auctions. It's under happy kuji item E or something

>> No.8881831
File: 292 KB, 1600x1600, 20160223171401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unnnnf great job on the Kanji bag! Love it so much!!!

I'm just getting on with my Ace Attorney one, need a whole bunch of safety pins!

>> No.8881834

I am currently gathering merch for a brosuke/yu bag. Yahoo auctions have a lot of persona merch for yosuke for sale at a good price.

Thanks anon! Hopefully there's one for everyone in the P4 crew.

This is your bag anon? It looks amazing! Btw I love that badge in the middle.

>> No.8881843

Did adachi anon have a bag, and is there a pic of it by any chance? I want to see it.

>> No.8881854

Yes! And thank you, its the best badge, friend makes the best art for AA! Got too excited when the bag arrived in the mail! Finally have a space to showcase all the lawyers.

>> No.8881885

Got a link because that art is fantastic. Was at a con this weekend and pretty disappointed by all the buttons of just character profiles looking slightly to the left.

>> No.8881898

Aah I'm working on an ace attorney bag too, anon! I'm trying to do it for just one character though so I've been ordering a lot from artsmoo.

I love how neatly arranged your bag is and props for DGS.

>> No.8881910

as far as I can remember, they didn't posted any pics, but did share links to taobao stores with merch. i have them saved if you're interested!

>> No.8881922

It is tempting, but I recently dropped so much cash on Haikyuu shit. Feel free to link for others though.

>> No.8881930

oh my god other AA ita bags?? i'm making a nick one soon so we'll see how that goes. i haven't had any luck finding the rubber straps.

>> No.8881931

search term for persona is 女神异闻录. there's lots of fandoms with merch at these stores too!

just ordered a ton of merch from here.


>> No.8882180

Reading this reminded me of when I went to a con last year.

>huge artist alley
>friend is total awesome and points out Tiger&Bunny stuff for me
>two booths out of whole room
>one booth has good art but Kotetsu is pretty much white, no Lunatic stuff
>other booth has not so good art and Lunatic merch but it's so awkward looking and badly proportioned
>tfw I had to walk away from both empty handed

>> No.8882395
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if anyone's interested, but just finished my first tries with shrink plastic charms for my bag! I used clear plastic, then sanded and painted the backside with white acrylic paint, since I'm doing a monochrome bag. The top-right one didn't come out right since I didn't flatten it properly, so it looks a bit wonky, but the other two came out pretty well. The chibi head is drawn by me, and the other two I traced from manga caps! Using shrink plastic was pretty easy, but it's really important to flatten them with, for example, a heavy book straight after taking them out of the oven.

Now I'll just have to sew my bag and wait for stuff to come in the mail! tomorrow I'm thinking of making a Kakihara plushie for my bag.

>> No.8882413

Damn these look great anon! I love it, I'll have to give it a try too

>> No.8882420

that looks pretty cool! I wanna try it now.

>> No.8882450

The plastic is supposed to flatten itself in the oven after awhile. Did you just put the sheet through the printer?

>> No.8882478

Thanks for the compliments guys! ;;

Mine didn't flatten for some reason? The one I didn't properly flat ended up bumpy and bended. I might have had some cheaper plastic, don't know. And no, I traced the pictures with a permanent marker and colored them in! The printable plastic was much more expensive and I knew I was doing only black and white, so the plastic that you draw on worked well for me.

>> No.8882485

Anon, I love how they turned out! I love manga style/monochrome stuff, I can't wait to see how your bag turns out.
Did you buy the shrink plastic online by any chance? I'm also European and they don't sell it where I live.

>> No.8882492

Thank you! I love that stuff too! I actually bought it from a local craft store unfortunately.. I did look for it online and found some on ebay with shipping from UK though!

>> No.8882522

Those look really good!

>> No.8882547
File: 704 KB, 597x598, yasunarir - insta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, do you (or anyone) know what the kind/brand that you can draw on is called? Or can you draw on any, really? I never used that stuff!

Sorry for off topic, have some inspiration (I love this bag!)

>> No.8882555

These are great! So cool, anon! Thanks for the tips. I'm excited to see your finished bag!

I want to start a new bag for Vega from Street Fighter but he has literal no merch. Maybe I'll use this technique!

>> No.8882559

Okay, that is seriously creative.

>> No.8882560

I think that the basic shrink plastic is the one that you can draw on, and then there's separate ones for printing! Like if you search for shrink plastic, the results will be 99% the regular, drawable one and 1% the printable one.

Also damn that's an amazing bag!

>> No.8882565

Browsing through this thread made me really want to make my own itabag.
Can itabags have a design? Like planning out buttons and stickers so its still ugly but not "let me just stick 30 of the same exact buttons in a row and tack on a plush"

>> No.8882567

Don't know what this series is but that looks awesome.

>> No.8882613

Itabags are whatever you want to make them. They can be artistic like >>8882547 or purely to show off rare merch like >>8876015 where there are a lot of multiples.

>> No.8882630

Fuck this makes me so happy.

Litchi Hikari Club. Good shit mang.

>> No.8882637
File: 848 KB, 588x590, ruby0060 - insta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much for the help! I'll try this soon.

Yeah, I love Litchi Hikari Club, hope that with the live action movie and stuff we get more merch haha, there are those figures announced at wonfes that aren't all that great but, well, it's something.

Another pic for the backpack anons

>> No.8882669

>mfw I just got these two in the game in the past few days

>> No.8883003

Friend is based in Australia though and doesn't have an online shop iirc.

Thanks!! Please do take pictures of your bag when you are done too!!
Am planning to get a JP 3ds to play DGS, since there doesn't seem to be any news of its localization.

Finding any merch is difficult!! Hopefully the anime in April will give the series a boost.

>> No.8883267

Different anon, but I knew that badge was from chancake! The art style is just that unique.

>> No.8883282

Hoping for tons of AA merch in April too. The anime is coming out just in time for my birthday too!

>> No.8883362


Can you please post your Handsome Jack stuff? I am really interested in seeing it!

>> No.8883421

Thanks senpai, now I know what to read next!

Also I will dump some bags I found in twitter and end it with one of the most amazing room ever.

>> No.8883425
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>> No.8883428
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>> No.8883478
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>> No.8883481
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>> No.8883493
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>> No.8883498
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>> No.8883499
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>> No.8883500
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Does anyone know what series this is? It looks interesting.

>> No.8883503
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>> No.8883506
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>> No.8883507

It says Show by Rock anon

>> No.8883509
File: 67 KB, 600x450, CbLvqCHVAAAVfoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this person deco'd their buttons. It looks really nice.

>> No.8883515

Is it Show By Rock? The artstyle seems similar.

>> No.8883518
File: 68 KB, 600x450, CbLvqCpUEAQl2NK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anon


>> No.8883521
File: 125 KB, 600x800, Ca7LUQzUcAE8V29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to end this dump with someone's affection and love going above and beyond

>> No.8883524
File: 93 KB, 600x445, Ca7LUQzVAAAjhVn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These last pictures are all by one person, will dump their twitter in the last picture.

>> No.8883525
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>> No.8883527
File: 165 KB, 600x800, CUbKSInUwAQL1Vu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you feel the love anons?

>> No.8883528
File: 156 KB, 600x800, CUbKSI2U8AEShDa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883535

Forgot to mention that I believe this character is from Marginal Prince in case anyone wants to know.

>> No.8883537

>Kaitou Joker
Fuck yeah, good to see some love for this fantastic show.

It's actually Marginal #4

>> No.8883568

Really? Damn thanks for correcting me, google translate gave me the wrong name then.

>> No.8883788

That band (the characters you were asking about) isn't actually in the show by rock anime as far as I know. They're in the game tho, and the animes having a second season soon.

>> No.8883853

Moi. :^D

>> No.8883869

Congrats anon! It's like a birthday present for you.

Tfw your fav is Athena so the anime won't help with the lack of merch, I'll prob snap a pic when artsmoo finally send my order.

I hope you get to play it, anon! DGS is really good, I considered an Asougi itabag since DGS has good merch too but like all AA merch they sold out so fast..

>> No.8883982

Ah. I was wondering when I'd see a bag for the Touken Ranbu's version of Saint Seiya dude.

>> No.8883985
File: 70 KB, 599x544, CKJzca6VEAIWSQw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a band from Show By Rock!! which is a mobile rhythm game where you join a band and try to be the best in Midi City while also beating up monsters trying to steal the 'souls' from band members. There's also an anime.

Pic related is my fave band, ShinganCrimsonz

>> No.8883988

How would you even walk? This is husbando love to the extreme.

>> No.8883991
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>> No.8883993
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>> No.8884070

This is wonderful.

>> No.8884091
File: 187 KB, 600x845, CYMkd7zUkAAIR3Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a musical out now too!

>> No.8884113
File: 2.79 MB, 3771x2121, 2016-02-25 09.29.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to update with my bag atm since I've updated it a lot since my last post here.
I had purchased one of the clear bags from the link that used to be in the sticky (?), but it was extremely blocky and would sit higher up on my arm than a tote (and it ended up breaking) so I scraped it. Haven't lost anything (safety pin method) and it's more comfortable, but I "clink" a lot.
I originally had all the charms separated by series, but it looked really strange, so recently I started separating them by type (rubber, acrylic, etc), and liked the organization more. It's a pretty liberal bag anyway.

Have had inner debates about making separate bags for my waifus and color-coding the extra series, and having all the bags be a different type of bag (tote, satchel, clutch).

Cgl spoiler, I wanna make an Ichimatsu bag too for shits and giggles.

>> No.8884133

I like the mix too for some reason. Maybe it's because they're mostly charms? Also except for the green haired girl you have a triadic red, yellow, blue color scheme.

Thinking of applying for an itabag panel at my local con. Should we try to start a Google slides presentation or spreadsheet of some kind that we can all use for such panels? We can the just make personal copies and tweak them for our different languages, adding our own stuff local flavors etc.

>> No.8884156

Good lord, I'm trying to get that WEGO bag in blue from a bunch of different taobao sellers but the agent I'm using keeps telling me that the sellers told them they're sold out.

I've had two orders cancelled already. Hopefully third time will be the charm.

If anyone can point me into the direction of a blue heart window bag that I can actually purchase, I'll be grateful forever.

>> No.8884162

We are doing a group order from Japan if you want to get in.

>> No.8884267

did anyone email?

I'm calianon, I want to order by the weekend- but I haven't received any emails from other anons yet

>> No.8884304

Oh shoot. Can I get the email if possible? I haven't checked the itabag threads in a while. I'd love to get in on it

>> No.8884791
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this today using your advice, anon! I'm so pleased with how these came out! I didn't print these ones on, I traced images from the manga with a fine-point sharpie. I also painted the backs white.

I'm so excited to make more! The Joseph I'll probably give to my boyfriend, and I'll keep Polnareff for myself. Polnareff is a little too narrow for a pin-back like I intended, so I might make him into a rosette!

>> No.8884980

Should I go for those cutesy chunky plastic chains for my bag or metal? Most of my things are handmade so I think plastic might look better, but I have no clue where to look for it.

>> No.8885045
File: 1.30 MB, 2829x2829, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest birthday present!

Oh man, I actually had a D4 Athena rubber strap for agessss and only just sold it to a local buyer!! Would have loved to contribute to your bag!!! Damnnnnn

Ohhh now you got me too excited for DGS! Amiami has the DGS D4 rubber straps for preorder if you did not know about them!!

Also just an update after getting smallish safety pins from daiso and pinning everything up, its a bit cramped but hell I'm just too pleased with it to care

>> No.8885234

(the anon here) Those look really great!! Well done! I'm still thinking of what to do with the ones I made.. I might make them into pins, or just sew on my bag, I'll have to see what works best when I get my pins

>> No.8885424

Congrats on the pinning! It's looking really good.

>tfw all I can do is stare at my eBay purchase history and will my DIY supplies to arrive faster
I bought two chains, some nautical charms, and jump rings to transfer all my Free! merch onto the chains but it looks like they won't get here until mid-March at the earliest.

>> No.8885481

I feel you anon... Ordered some brooches a few days ago and the estimated arrival is in April....sigh

>> No.8885491

>tfw your bid gets cancelled again

I always have a max bid way, way higher than these listings end at, too. stop being so fucking xenophobic, japan.

>> No.8885535

what's the most extreme/ridiculous thing you've done for an itabag, gulls? disproportionate costs count.

>> No.8885552

Sucked a dick for a rare Comiket exclusive can badge.

Sorry, someone had to make that terrible joke.

The most ridiculous thing I've done so far is make two orders for merch in the same week because "You know, I really don't have enough as it is.." and it was all from the same shop.

That or paid 3x the cost for a tiny figure keychain in a dealers room.

>> No.8885565

This is a fun question! I don't have many interesting anecdotes, but..

>paid $40 for ONE button
(my deepest shame, but i do love it)

>blinded by husbando merch overload and failed to realize I was accidentally overcharged by a 3-digit number
>ended up having to take a train for two hours to go back to the store at opening the next day to get it fixed

>played/thought about a claw machine for hours and hours until i got a limited clear bag
>tfw never exerted so much effort even in school

>> No.8885566
File: 384 KB, 300x169, tumblr_nqu28hmSpL1r5pjb3o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i wear my ita-outfit i put a canadian flag bar in my [spoiler]apadravya[/nospoilersoncgl] because my husbando is delicious canadian bacon

>> No.8885590
File: 679 KB, 320x200, 2w39f1t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played a claw machine for hours
I am a total claw machine addict, anon. I salute you and you have all my jelly right now.

>tfw my greatest weeb dream is to go play claw machines in Japan

>> No.8885595

The reaction the Japanese have to the idea of shipping something out of Japan must be their equivalent of "I just can't even you guys"

>see tons of rare animate cafe button of husbando on twitter trade groups
>ask "do you ship to US?" In japanese every time the person posts them
>no response ever

>> No.8885598

where can i find some of these twitter groups? new to twitter, can i search it?

i think they just don't want to deal with international shipping and buyers, i guess the extra work isn't worthwhile for most of them. it's silyl and i don't agree with it, but sometimes i understand where they are coming from since i've encountered a fair amount of annoying international buyers.

>> No.8885609


Thirding getting in on this. I'm a little dissapointed that they only have teal and not a solid green, but I can work around that

>> No.8885629

Aw man. Ordered some inkjet shrink paper off Amazon, anxiously awaiting its arrival cause I really wanna do this, the results look really cool. Perhaps I should've ordered the drawing kind too, to experiment but I guess I can just buy it if the other stuff isn't working out. Or can I draw on the inkjet paper too?

>> No.8885647
File: 288 KB, 1280x720, politabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polnareff anon here again! I jumped on the trend of those heart cut out backpacks and I think I'm going to transfer my stuff to it and attach the Iggy back I have here as a little companion bag or something. What do you guys think? I'll probably use my current bag as the backing for the heart cut out. I'm also waiting on a ton of of other pins + ita clothing from arts bovine in the mail.

I also stumbled across a custom name necklace website where you can have acrylic Jewlwery of a name of your choice (+added charms if you want) printed, I got a polnareff one with a heart charm attached. I can review it when it gets here if anyone is interested!

Another question, does anyone have any idea on decorating the outside of the backpack?

I love those anon! I'll probably make some Polnareff ones myself!

>> No.8885696

This is so great anon, I can't wait to see what you do with it!

This thread has convinced me I need to pick up one of those heart backpacks when I'm in Japan - I know this is totally not the point of an itabag but I still like how they tend look a bit more put-together and toned down while still expressing the love. Considering doing a Joseph bag. I wish there was decent official merch for Diego Brando but he doesn't even have a proper fig yet.

>> No.8885698

Ah, I meant to reply to >>8885647 but the sentiment actually applies equally to both posts, haha.

>> No.8885749
File: 28 KB, 500x497, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree! Go for it anon! I really wish Jojos hard more buttons, pin charms ect in general.
(Pic related is a bag I wanted to use to make a Weather Report itabag but alas he has literally NO merch..)

Yes, I'm a fan of these backpacks! Theyre so cute and I like wearing backpacks instead anyway.

>> No.8885839

> acrylic names

please do!

>> No.8885859

That's really really cute, Anon

>> No.8885861
File: 51 KB, 800x450, gudetama-011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone posted this last thread
has anyone bought these from ebay? the seller feedback is pretty positive, I'm very tempted to buy one
but I might just end up saving for a WEGO one


>> No.8885868

That looks so cool, Anon! I want to try it now!

>> No.8885873

buying a lot of 200+ gachapon and getting duplicates of everything because i'm scared of losing or damaging things

>> No.8885891

Yeah! This is my bag in >>8885647
I bought it from ebay. It's legit.

>> No.8885896

Dang it, meant to reply to

>> No.8885959
File: 45 KB, 200x200, 8f41a9c93244132e05d7c46bab98c3761441971727_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah thank you anon!!
everyones ita heart backpacks looked so cute, I'm glad I can finally get my hands on one!

>> No.8885966

So it's got the little front pocket window like the legit ones? Good to know then for the future~

>> No.8885971

>Sorry, should word that better. I mean the little flap behind the window that obscures the actual contents inside the bag. Like you can attach your stuff in the front and then put your actual belongings behind it?

>> No.8885987

Sort of, it has an inner pocket that I believe is what people have been attaching the pins to. However I'm adding my own fabric pocket thing to attach the pins to myself. (and that way you can make it a contrasting color if you want or something)

>> No.8886087

i think the ebay ones don't have the lining right behind the clear heart? there is a pocker on the back panel instead. can anon confirm?

>> No.8886107

>almost paid $20 for a badge and i thought that was bad
Thank god I looked around before I bought it. In the end I paid about $12 for it.

>> No.8886113

I just searched twitter with husbandos kanji name

>> No.8886114

I think the main difference is the Ebay ones have the clear heart and the WEGO ones have a glitter/shimmer like >>8885045 and >>8876492

>> No.8886116

not all of the wego bags have glitter though, i think the main difference is the lining position. i'm still waiting for mine in the mail so i can't verify yet

>> No.8886136

Ahh, thank you, anon. But I'm looking for the royal/darker blue one. It's okay though, the one I wanted went on preorder through WEGO so I was able to snag one yesterday. Hopefully I entered my Tenso address correctly!

>> No.8886173
File: 479 KB, 1448x900, itried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is from eBay and has the glitter.
So I finished redoing my Polnareff itabag with companion Iggy bag. I'm waiting on a ton of official merch in the mail I'll probably re organize and swap around with what I have currently as I'm still not fully happy with it.

>> No.8886241

Lavender AA bag anon here. Got the black and lavender heart bags directly from wego (through an ss of course) and the black one didn't have sparkles on the clear pvc. The front area is like a pocket, so you can pin stuff on the fabric and your internal items are hidden! Hth!

>> No.8886433
File: 113 KB, 400x400, 99171326_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing this almost makes me sad that I'm not huge into osomatsu because I love these kinds of school bags. but if anybody wants to join the scramble to get one on the 29th:


>> No.8886462

Would it be shitty of me to post a picture of a charm I bought at a con about a month ago in Cali in hopes to find the artist's name/store here or in the AA thread? I honestly regret not getting more of the charm I got for my itabag and can't find them online at all.

>> No.8886463

Only certain colors from the WEGO shop have glitter.

>> No.8886506

Why would that be shitty?

>> No.8886511

Cause I have done it before (not here but somewhere else but on tumblr) and was told I shouldn't do that cause it could cause art theft for the artist. Idk I found it weird but I want to be cautious before doing it.

>> No.8886528

Just don't upload super high res photos and you should be good, anon!

>> No.8886543

>but on tumblr
There's your problem. They freak out about not sourcing even if it's someone extremely well known or you just plain don't know the source.

>> No.8886560
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 20160215_134248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that reasurance anon

You are right but I just want to make sure it's not going to someone spazz out here or anything

But here is the picture of the charm I am looking for. I bought it at anime los angeles here in California but can't find the source/artist for it. If anyone knows who it is and/or knows their shop please let me know!

>bf visits me during valentine's day weekend since we live far away from each other
>shows him everything I got at the AA at ALA
>he loves everything but looks at pic related like he has never seen anything like it before
>hears him whisper under his breath
>"this is fucking adorable"
>he isn't into shipping characters especially two male characters since he doesn't like ships
>asks shyly if I know source, sadly I don't
>finds out he literally ships gon and killua like no other
>tries to deny he ships them but can't hide it
>Cause of this charm he wants to make an ita bag of gon and killua
>now we both are making hxh bags and mines will be hisoka.

Sorry if my story sounds boring but I found it hilarious that someone who hates shipping and junk suddenly ships two characters so much.

>> No.8886682

Oh man thats so cute

>> No.8886701

I really dont like this because its just a normal schoolbag which you can get off tb for $10 with a matsu logo + some plastic keychain. Unless youre really keen on the keychain i dont see much of a reason to buy it

>> No.8886719
File: 108 KB, 250x265, tumblr_nzkpvogLeV1qj5cbfo3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some searching out of boredom; m-managed to find who its by, surprisingly.
Their storenvy is down right now, but I'm sure it'll reopen at some point. Send your boyfriend my best regards, by the way, he has damn good taste in anime boy ships.

>> No.8886783

Would have loved an extra one but no worries, anon! I already have one which is my only official Athena merch, sadly,

I only want Asougi + Ryuu so I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to get them individually later.

That looks great, anon! All of these heart itabags is tempting me to get it in purple for murasakibara/ichimatsu, my current base is a tote bag + clear bag that doesn't work so great.

>> No.8886947

Omg thank you anon! And I will let him know your regards.

Itabag goals will be reached soon!

>> No.8886966
File: 268 KB, 982x461, 394e13416fdf625c97712a4e80ca9a6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on auction a while ago. I only wish I one day have this kind of cash to throw around on keychains.

as for myself personally, I've paid $120 before shipping for a really tacky official shirt, but that's more on the fandom fashion side.

>> No.8886979

Holy shit. What in the world makes this worth that much?!

>> No.8886985

I remember the seller posting a proof photo of some kind of fancy official letter that they received from Lawson at the time they got those charms, so I guess they're ultra rare? but that aside, I still can't fathom being willing to shell out $1000 for ONE charm...

>> No.8886987

The only way I can see it being worth that much is if there's only like.. 10 of them made or something.

>> No.8886995

>hxh itabags
God speed, anon. I learned the hard way that Hisoka stuff is expensive as hell. Glad you're making a Gon/Killua bag though; they're my favorite pair in any anime haha.

>> No.8887006
File: 291 KB, 887x734, 20160227_195032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a itty bitty tiny bag for Ayato from Diabolik Lovers. I still want to make a bigger one with a plastic cover for both Ayato and Shu, but I wanted to put some of the merch I had to use.

>> No.8887008

>that print
I would kill to have that on a bag.

>> No.8887020

Speaking of which, found this and figured I'd push it your way.

>> No.8887050

this looks cute anon! ahh, i've been looking for that glasses badge forever. seeing it here renews my motivation!

>> No.8887092

I found a listing where it got 170,000 yen with 102 bids. It was for a lottery but it was only prize C so I'm not sure why there aren't more circulating for the price to be lower.

>> No.8887107

>>>8884162 (You)
Yeah, I got a few emails already. I am going to order on Wednesday.

>> No.8887175

Bought some stuff off Amazon to try this! I got inkjet paper, some straps, and a heart hole punch. I dunno how well that will work out once it shrinks but we'll see. I'll try it tonight and report back, gonna be a bit though cause I'm going out in an hour but I will definitely post results.

>> No.8887193
File: 25 KB, 1000x750, 39560081_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on the fandom-fashion side of things, but I found an artist on pixiv with some fun Sengoku Basara designs - pic is their Motochika bag, which I may try actually sewing for a friend.

>> No.8887365
File: 12 KB, 314x92, nvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw teddie has more merch suited for itabag than yosuke

>> No.8887471

I don't know what this series is but the little felt character head pins are adorable!! Taking this idea into consideration.

>> No.8887603
File: 27 KB, 480x269, Hisoka_and_schwing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that out the hard way. I mean like he is best boy.

Damn that's actually a good badge for my bag

>Found a charm of hisoka with pic related image
>there is a star shooting out from this crotch that says "Censored"
>Sadly only one is left

Leaving link up here just in case anyone wants it. Hopefully the shop owner makes more since they sold fairly well at the con I went and saw it there.

>> No.8888136

Thanks! I got mine on mandarake, I've seen it pop up there on other occasions, you might want to check it out there.

Does anyone have any fandom fashion outfits, selfpost, or otherwise? I'm using artsc to make some JoJo manga leggings

>> No.8888374

I didn't even know there was such thing as Buddyfight merch

>> No.8888419
File: 493 KB, 256x144, 1347844629282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I'm excited.
I put off making a bag for months because it was too hard to find a cute black/dark bag for my danron/komaeda shit.
Thank you based /cgl/ for posting links to those heart bags. I ordered a black one.

>> No.8888563
File: 2.03 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the ita bags I'm currently working on. It's a hatoful boyfriend themed bag.

>> No.8888564
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>> No.8888565
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this bag before. I added some stuff since then.

>> No.8888567
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other side of bag

>> No.8888576

I'm making a Monomi bag!! Yay for more DR bags

>> No.8888583

That should be really cute. Do you have any pics?

>> No.8888608

That Karamatsu one is awesome.

>> No.8888616

Not yet! I haven't gotten my base bag in. I have a good amount of merch though (years of casually collecting before itabags became a thing) and more stuff coming in the mail as well along with the base bag. When I have something showable I'll totally post it here and in the FB group.

>> No.8888622

Do you have any of the Danganronpa x Listen Flavor items? They're quite cute but more so on the pastel side so they might clash with what you already have.

>> No.8888696
File: 38 KB, 600x450, sasayan491213-img600x450-145123704699wpyd29262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do! I have one of the straps (Monomi's dripping face) and I have one of the buttons ordered (pic related). Might cop the button Tokyo Otaku Mode has if I find some other stuff on their site that I'd want to justify shipping costs. I know they have another strap as well that has Monokuma fighting Monomi that I might get as well!

>> No.8888704
File: 259 KB, 1024x777, tumblr_o2wzy1OuB01qecdljo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to itabags but incredibly interested in making some! Everybody's bags look great here. Just curious but are any of these... functional? Like I'd love to have an itabag as a fun convention bag/conversation starter at a con but if they're too fragile I'd just make them for display/sharing purposes otherwise.

Pic is some Haikyuu!! itabags from katsu.

>> No.8888708
File: 413 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nywl7zDmd31s0o4xuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hq and... baseball. sorry my sports anime knowledge is limited haha...

Here's another one to make up for it.

>> No.8888710

Has anyone ordered a bag from WEGO before?? How long did it take for it to get to you?

>> No.8888717

Most are, yes! The items are just hooked on the front of the bag, so the inside of the bag is perfectly functional. Clear plastic coverings like in your pictures protect the merch. There are some that just are clear totes, and then merch pinned on like, a big pillow or something, and those aren't really functional as bags. They're not seen as much though, probably because people are looking for more functionality.

I got one of the heart bags, and it took less than a week from shipment to get to my SS (Tenso), and then from Tenso it took a little less than a week via EMS. I did however wait a while for the bag to be shipped to Tenso in the first place, since I preordered it a couple weeks before the actual release.

>> No.8888729

you could totally wear it out wth some of Listen Flavor's monomi hoodies, I love their dangan crossover stuff

>> No.8888745

Aah maybe!! For some reason I'm dumb and can't justify a $60+ hoodie in my head (but can justify itabags in general...you figure that one out) but I might splurge one of these days. Bunny waifu is best waifu.

>> No.8888750

Ahh! Thank you! I preordered one too recently in a color that was out of stock but open for preorder. I was wondering about the time frame so that's exactly what I wanted to know!

This is my first time using Tenso so I'm a little nervous.

>> No.8888753

They're also on CD Japan so if you don't find anything on TOM you can check for other things there. I think TOM has another badge that they don't have though. There's also http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1023774946&ref=list if you want to balance out some Monokuma if you get the strap. You might have http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1026779415&ref=list too but there's two of them from the same Mandarake store if you were to order something.

>> No.8888757

If you translate the page out it'll say a rough estimate on when the bags will be available! I looked and I know some are for April and May, so just double check to make sure.
As for Tenso, honestly as long as you put in your JP address in correctly, you'll be ok. Tenso will notify you when they get a package for you.

>> No.8888777

Aw thanks anon! I have the second badge you linked to actually so I'm good on that. I think the first one would clash too much with the rest of my color scheme though; maybe I'll go try to find some buttons with just his face on it or something.

>> No.8888804

I feel differently I guess because most my stuff is handmade and I don't have the opportunity to attend conventions right now, but I use my bag as an everyday bag. but just act carefully. I tried to make sure I secured everything really tight to avoid anything dropping off and keep an inventory after going some place. I still relegate it to places it could strike up conversation though (not to the library, yes to the comics shop for example)

>> No.8888805

Oh man, you're right! It does say delivery will be in early May. Ahhh, so long to wait I'm so antsy, haha.

>> No.8888807

im trying to decide wether to get an offical wego bag or just get a knockoff

>> No.8888834

Same really. Has anyone gotten a knockoff and can review it?

>> No.8888835

>3rd Gym Dick Squad
I'm incredibly jealous of this bag.

>> No.8888976

I just ordered one on ebay the other day, when I get it I'll definitely post about it here

>> No.8889023


Oh man it looks great. Did you do the merch yourself ?

>> No.8889157

Seconding reviewing once I get mine. I ordered from the eBay seller posted ITT last night and already got a tracking number.

>> No.8889197

tfw you were suppose to win the auction on y!a but they deleted your bid =__=

>> No.8889246

nice one! i want to make a bag for based junko. gonna attach monobear and mukuro stuff too if i come across it.

>> No.8889251

sorry to hear that. is this the first time that's happened to you?

>> No.8889263


Oh cute.

Finally a character I recognize and give half a crap about.

The sports animes aren't catching my gaze for some reason.

>> No.8889286

Not the first time sorry to say :/

>> No.8889586
File: 168 KB, 960x960, 12814123_10153375051081752_491273636420662648_n.jpg?oh=1dde1a4cd4284f02f879f0bb35e8c653&oe=57683B38&__gda__=1466636060_0fb1f2e4d1f2c9d219b91268c939246f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889589
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>> No.8889591
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>> No.8890428
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x2560, 16-03-01-18-04-58-081_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently making an itabag of the bae! I bought a cute clear messenger bag off eBay and I'm going to sew a inner pouch for it.

I didn't plan things properly and I think I bought too much for a little bag, but I'm just so excited anons. It's my first time doing this (I got inspired by these threads) and it's all coming along swimmingly

>> No.8890433

Ahhh that looks so cute anon! I can't wait to see the finished product. May I ask where you got the star chains from? Those are so cute.

>> No.8890447

If any of you are looking for Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Franziska, or Emma Skye, the full set of rubber straps with those characters in it is up on Y!JA for 2000 yen the last time I checked.
Unfortunately I haven't had any luck with finding the other sets and I was hoping for Phoenix and Apollo.

>> No.8890451

Dear lord that photo turned out to be potato quality on my computer.

Those are Taito Kuji Marine Morning Charms! I got them off Yahoo! Auctions, but I'm seeing surugaya have some as well.

>> No.8890474

Free! has the cutest merch and I really love your base bag, anon! It's a really good start, I'm looking forward for the finished ver.

>> No.8890478

where is your base bag from? i love the shape!

>> No.8890481

This where I got it from! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/381471641187?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

It's pretty cheap for a bag, but man the chinese plastic smells coming from it are stronk

>> No.8890486
File: 407 KB, 1591x895, 20160301_000649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S.E.M bag pretty close to done! Thanks for the bow suggestion I love it though the fabric was super thick to work with. Waiting on a few more keychains from tumblr and hope they make it before I go to Japan at the end of March. Also random Ichiban Kuji towel though not sure what to do with it?

>> No.8890498

Looking cute, anon! That bow totally matches the bag. Can I ask where the star clips are from?

>> No.8890502
File: 616 KB, 500x455, oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought their merch in a physical store? I went through a huge K-ON phase a few years ago and it was great because it was quickly getting taken out by Idolm@ster and Love Live and everything was cheap as fuck in secondhand/treasure shops. It was still pretty significant about 2011, and then by 2013 it wasn't even in big stores like Animate anymore. I hope I can still find some stuff this year. Is Free! in this stage yet or is it still going strong?
I've been following these threads and I'm drooling over the thought of a pink Yui bag and a burgundy Rin one, but I'd rather pick up stuff in person in a few months than fuck with an auction and SS then wait for shipping.

>> No.8890505

Just asking but do you think you would be willing to be a SS while in Japan?

>> No.8890509

Free! is still hanging on (partly due to the recent movie?) but honestly their section in stores like Animate are tiny compared to other series/games.

>> No.8890512

Got them super cheap through here


If it's nothing too crazy and big then I can try for my fellow gulls. Throughaway email at top if anyone is interested.

>> No.8890532

>$1 AUD


>> No.8890588
File: 110 KB, 445x500, 6uRGobKe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these at Daiso, could be good for people who want something prettier than a corkboard for displaying straps

>> No.8890750

Animate US had a K-ON lucky pack for $50 last Christmas and it had well over $250 worth of merch inside. I can dig through what I have left and sell you the Yui merch if you like.

>> No.8890886

>tfw no Daiso on the East Coast
I would spend so much money on them.

>> No.8891372
File: 161 KB, 800x450, phone case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks to itaphone anon; love the new phone case!

>> No.8891490

Really cute anon!
I wish I could do a beit one but sidem has been annoying me lately with how money grabby it is, even for a mobage.

>> No.8891526

I don't play the game luckily but I love the music and characters. I tried the game but I'd rather play a rhythm game like Love Live. The merch is getting kinda silly though but in the grand scheme of idolmaster it's tame so far

>> No.8891547
File: 187 KB, 600x1067, CaS90AiUkAEOG4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather play a rhythm game like Love Live
Have you tried Ichuu or Idolish7 yet?

>> No.8891550

Yes. I am awaiting a Ryouta and Nageki plush and keychains from the plush project kickstarter to add to my bag as well.

>> No.8891555

thanks! I think sports animes (or really any fujoshi-related anime) are done too much and they're not my thing anyway. It may have been a bit harder to make an armin bag, but it was worth it because armin is my favorite and it feels more special having a less popular character featured on an ita bag.

>> No.8891556

an ita bag lover AND a lolita! Nice.

>> No.8891558

The ones in the link don't seem to have glitter on them, is there a bag with glitter? Can I get that link?

>> No.8891559

i love the star chains!

>> No.8891567
File: 242 KB, 800x800, tumblr_nkyqt2hIEq1u4fc68o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme rephrase I want to keep playing Love Live and not get addicted to a new game and new set of boys and abandon my well built LL accounts

>> No.8891568

anyone ever done a crack ita bag? Like a character you do a bag for ironically because they're a meme or something? I am planning to do a shrek-themed ita bag

>> No.8891570

Yeah, I tend to fall off the mobage every couple months, only to get sucked back. I wish i would have just spent the money I did on the mobage on actual merch, but damn, I did it for my frog prince husbando. ;_;
((Also just throwing it out there because I'm desperate as fuck, if you feel up for helping me verify my sidem account when your in Japan, I'd pay you just to get the stupid SMS text.))

>> No.8891578

You say that like it's a shock. Most lolitas are nerds, I feel like I saw more lolitas in Ikebukuro than Harajuku.

>> No.8891603
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A couple threads back I posted some things I was waiting for in the mail. The last two items arrived recently so I decided to put it all together. This is the first ita bag I've ever
made. I plan to get a clear bag to put over but I'd love some feedback otherwise~

>> No.8891654

Oh lord those heart pins are just precious.

>> No.8891834
File: 95 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.686573412_jitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of doing a small itabag for Batgirl/Barbara Gordon and the local comic book store sells different designs of pins for her but I'm stuck on what kind of bag to use?

>> No.8892069
File: 1.48 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my artsmoo pins today and I'm pretty pissed... I'm not a native English speaker so I might've understood something wrong, but I thought I understood that in the picture inserting part of making a pin there, the part that stays outside the red circle will be the "excess" part of the picture that goes to the backside of the pin. But clearly I either understood it completely wrong (which is pretty unlikely) or artsmoo has some false instructions/fucked up my order. And now I have these nice white blocks of color on the edges of some of my pins....

Well anyway, I'm gonna make these work! I'm pretty close to finishing my bag right now, I'm just still waiting for the rosettes I ordered and then all that's left is the assembly and decoration of my bag.

>> No.8892100

I have a fuckton of K-ON merch already but if you're in the US and you have any pins/keychains/ita-bag potential items I'm interested!

Hah, just what I wanted to hear. I hope I can find some cute stuff.

>> No.8892137

Sure thing! Feel free to shoot me a message and I can show you a picture of what I have.

>> No.8892183

Black is always a good choice, or purple. If you're good at painting, try painting her mask onto the bag and putting the pins around it?

>> No.8892196

They still look good though, anon.

>> No.8892212

Where'd you get your rosettes from?

>> No.8892228

I ordered some "groom to be" rosettes from ebay-- they happened to be the right color and size, and pretty cheap too! there's a button on it that says the "groom to be", so I'm gonna get rid of it and replace it with the bigger pins I ordered! I just hope it'll be as easy as it sounds

>> No.8892231
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 11856847_612556885550499_678292271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"groom to be" rosettes from ebay
Aw shit, anon. I just bid on some of those and the white bride ones!
I also found some pink baby ones that sell in 2x bulk with cute star ribbons.

>tfw bag character wears black and white but badge is Valentine themed
Both should look good then!

Also sharing a bag (not mine) to contribute.

>> No.8892236

These still look really cool and you can try to collor them in with a little sharpie or a black paint marker.

>> No.8892244

Yeah they're okay, thankfully! I thought that maybe I'll glue some black decorative ribbon on the button to frame the picture, but I'm not sure if that'd work out. I'll have to try it out

>> No.8892344

You can always make a black bow maybe hang charms to draw a bit of attention away from the worst and color tje borders black and try to overlap while laying the smaller buttons

>> No.8892376

theres a diy rosette kit


>> No.8892466

That's actually really handy looking, thanks!

>> No.8892576
File: 1.30 MB, 2169x2169, gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry to hear about that
i actually just received the pins i made on camaloon's site, since my waifu has no official merch but a shirt. the site was easy to use and they're really nice quality. can't wait until my bag arrives!

>> No.8892581

I don't even know what that would entail and I don't plan on using a cellphone with data while I'm there just pocket wifi

>> No.8892892

Dropping this in case anyone needs some cutesy rosettes! Thought I'd get the pink ones for my Rin Valentine badges but figured I'd stick with black/white to match my theme.

>> No.8892895
File: 28 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And dropped my pic. You can also get bulk deals if you search "Rosette Badge x2" or "Rosette Badge 2pcs"

>> No.8893044

Would it be silly to get the pastel purple WEGO-style bag for an Ichi itabag? I like the pastel one more since it matches with his hoodie more.

>> No.8893076

i don't think it's silly if you prefer the color! i've made a few itabags all with pink base bags even though the character's color isn't pink since i wear that color the most.

>> No.8893126

i bought that one for my ichi bag! i haven't gotten it yet, though, so i don't know how it looks yet.
if you're worried about it, i'm gonna post a pic of mine when i get it, you can see if you think mine works well with my ichi merch?

>> No.8893540

Yes please! I look forward to it.

>> No.8893652

Does anyone have any miku itabags? I'm sorta interested on seeing some.

>> No.8893784
File: 777 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one are you?

>> No.8893802
File: 207 KB, 625x460, Screenshot (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the translations!

>> No.8893805
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>> No.8894114

Oops I linked to something I found on the ita Lolita thread. Sorry lol!

>> No.8894190

I'm the Altar type

>> No.8894410

I was wondering for you all who look for giant lots of your series to decorate your bags, what are the key words for "LOT" as you would find on an english ebay listing.

I mostly use buyee but what other sites do you guys use?

>> No.8894678
File: 156 KB, 263x376, Kai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saving up money to commission a bunch of Kai Shiden pins, along with possibly building a second Guncanon for my bag. Anyone have a suggestion for a bag that would hold a gunpla?

>> No.8895454

How big a gunpla? If it's like a 1/144 I think you'd have to either sacrifice using the inside of the bag for holding other stuff, or like, build a false bottom/side so you'd have a big enough pocket for it to fit comfortably.

(meanwhile my AmiAmi order of TouRabu stuff has been sitting at international dispatch in Tokyo for like a week augh)

>> No.8895461
File: 21 KB, 342x426, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I had a thought and poked Amazon for clear backpacks - the outside pockets on something like this might be big enough for a gunpla without it getting squashed. You'd have to get some sort of liner bag for the big pocket though.

>> No.8895522

I might use an older gunpla model I have on the shelf if anything. Though this back pack looks pretty cool for what I'm going for! Was thinking of doing a greyish purple lining for the bag, damn old anime budgets for having changing hair color.

>> No.8895554

I'd like to know as well.