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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8872048 No.8872048 [Reply] [Original]

Old one: >>8855913

Let's keep them lewd stories coming.

What's the lewdest cosplay you have done?
What was the lewdest thing you have done in cosplay or lolita?
Would do again or rather not?

>> No.8872357

>What's the lewdest cosplay you have done?
Shirtless Big Boss. I didn't feel lewd because I'm still working on getting /fit/.
>What was the lewdest thing you have done in cosplay?
I grappled/wrestled once with a Boss cosplayer, thought it was pretty hot afterwards.
>Would do again or rather not?
Sure would.

>> No.8872476
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>lewdest cosplay
Gaius' swimsuit from fire emblem. Almost had a nip slip.
>lewdest experience?
None yet. If I was a braver gull I'd try and find some rando 7/10 for some face riding/ femdom or pegging. Or make some hellishly hot Bermuda Triangle of oral with a grill and a guy but, yeah...live the dream for me, people!

>> No.8873106

I shouldn't have read all of those, all it did was fill me with a need that can never be fulfilled.

>> No.8873117

>my two biggest fetishes
>tfw only 5/10 at best

>> No.8873128

>tfw gf is also into cosplay but lives in a different country
>tfw no lewds
I should not be reading through these threads but here I am, planning a Kamina cosplay because who needs shirts anyway.

>> No.8873140

>lewdest cosplay
Quistis, I guess.
>lewdest thing you have done in cosplay or lolita?
Striptease and shibari sex. I think that was also the time that we didn't think to put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the hotel door and we got housekeeping trying to come in without knocking (twice!) and got an alarming (for them, neither of us cared too much beyond the interruption) eyeful
>Would do again or rather not?
Would do again and again.

>> No.8873228

Ugh. I wish I had kinky + weeby friends.

Closest thing was when my best friend and I (both girls) would act as the characters for our favorite pairing in Hetalia in her room. We would tussle a lot, cuddle, and sexted pretty much constantly. A lot of sexual tension. It had to end because she developed feelings for me and I wasn't into her (a huge component of the sexiness for me was imagining us as those characters).

I don't like very many shows besides flavor of the month anime (I don't have much time to watch), so I'm just-not-weeby enough to, say, go to conventions and feel like I fit in. I just need friends who find that being in character and pounding it is hot.

>tfw had an ex who hid his power level but eventually revealed he liked messed up hentai and asked me to peg him
>but super clingy and proposed like 3 months in
>.... still should've pegged him once

>> No.8873231

I'm likely going to cosplay as miku and get fucked senseless a few cons from now. probably going to do her romeo and cinderella outfit for that.

>> No.8873244

And who will be giving you this "senseless fucking"? Just out of curiosity.

>> No.8873247

he will likely be cosplaying kaito so OTP as fuck. trying to coordinate cosplay sex is hard.

>> No.8873252
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Outlewd this, seagulls!

>> No.8873254

I see, best of luck!

>> No.8873263
File: 38 KB, 139x173, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think there's some secret to getting laid at conventions?

>> No.8873265

>sluts talking about being sluts

why does this need a thread?

>> No.8873269
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just BEE urself friend :)

>> No.8873271

Because there is. I could have never guessed this much happened at a con that I've ever been to. Everyone always looks so guarded.

>> No.8873275

My boyfriend and I wore sexy pokemon gijinkas to a nerd club night.
After a few drinks we left to fuck in an alley. Like a true pokemon daycare, people were walking past down the other end. My wig fell in a puddle and I got my knees grazed up on the concrete pretty bad.

>> No.8873279

Depends on the con if you ask me. I'm an east coast con-goer so the usual cons where people are more lax to me are Katsu, Ota or Animenext (I've heard AB is on that list too). I've found it easy to approach people and just strike up a conversation with them about random shit. Haven't gotten laid from it yet but really helps with the social skills.

>> No.8873283
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>totally into the idea of group sex, me and a bunch of other dudes
>I guess the cosplay wouldn't matter exactly, something that lends itself to a gangbang setting maybe, something from an eroge

Pretty sure my boyfriend isn't into the idea of sharing me, plus I wouldn't even know how to go about setting it up, I'm way too timid. Probably gonna cosplay pic related at some point in the future, no one will recognize me but it would be funny finding at least one person who did.

>> No.8873343

I'm assuming you don't have guy friends you want to ask (oh wouldn't that be the dream). I bet getting involved in your local kink community would be the best way to do it safely, seek out interested peeps once you're used to the scene, and then have it at a play party in a private room (so that you can yell something and have a dungeon monitor come to your aid if needed). Otherwise, like, Craigslist. If you go that route be careful because kink comms typically have some vetting process, but Craiglist is a gamble. If you do make sure you meet with the people involved beforehand and take every precaution to be safe (and not just STD-wise, like, schedule regular check-ins with someone and don't meet somewhere shady).

Also I'm in the same situation as you, but it's only guys he's uncomfortable with. It's so easy to find a straight guy willing to let you mess around/have threesomes with a girl, but impossible to find one wiling to let you do that with a guy. Not like I have the time/energy to go through all the effort to schedule a gangbang, though.
>but one day

>> No.8873371


I do have a guy friends, but again, waaaaaay too shy to ever consider asking them. It would have to be with (safe) randoms. Though the idea of banging some of my close male friends would be really hot.

T-thanks anon, glad I'm not the only gross girl out there into this kind of thing...we'll make our dreams come true one day.

>> No.8873387


Same, i just have wannabe weeby friends, who are soooo totally into anime but not really. And current GF tried to convince me really hard how kinky she is while being the least kinky person i know.


Nothing lewd about Hentai Kamen. He is a true hero.

>> No.8873453
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Guess I need to update my views on cons. Last time I was on one (Dokomi) gave more the feel of a flea market and not like some venue to smack the pitch up or a ground for wild parties. Guess you can't go by the looks of the visitor kek.

On the other hand, cons in middleyurop might be different.

>> No.8873464

One time a cosplayer in a skimpy outfit clung onto me and I could feel her bare belly/sideboob on my arm. She then let me take her photo and I kneeled to get a lower angle and she stuck her ass out for uncomfortably long ever after I got a picture. I think she was drunk.
Closest I've ever gotten to having sex.

>> No.8873612

With all this 'Cosplay is not Consent' shit that's going around, it always feels like girls are on edge.
They're either unapproachable, with their friends, are in a shoot with their boyfriends, and overall it's intimidating.

This greatly increases the barrier of entry in the market.

You need to have friends so you can get the hookup with the drinks. When you have the drink, infiltrate woman is more possible. You cannot be the boy who has curfew to return home by before midnight.

>> No.8873618

I hope you have good stamina, I decided to have a con foursome in a morning because I was hoteling with them and couldn't get my self out of the hotel room till like 3pm because it knackered me out
Its so much more work getting fucked and sucking a bunch of dicks than you think

>> No.8873633


>> No.8873643

All friends or randoms? I want to run across a roomie like that when I host rooms hah.

>> No.8873706

>calling people sluts because of some casual fun

/pol/ is the other way kid

>> No.8873711

Threesome with a couple who wanted to do it while roleplaying Homestuck characters. I was Dave with a John and a Jade.

>> No.8873715


fucking newfags robots aren't on /pol/

>> No.8873729


>> No.8873735

Now you know.
Cosplayers are cock-hungry semen demons.

But, that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Just hit it and quit it, dude. They crazy anyway.

>> No.8873740

I'm not a robot for thinking this is slut behavior

because it actually IS slut behavior. if I said you were sluts for wearing short skirts that would be robot behavior, but talking about lewd things you did dressed up for your exhibitionist fetish is slut behavior

I already knew, I just don't see why they needed to kill a thread for this horse shit

>> No.8873853


>> No.8874037

stop taking the bait

>> No.8874307

He's not wrong. If wearing barely any clothes in public to satisfy your exhibitionism fetish, or cheating on your boyfriend to have sex with strangers at a convention isn't slutty then what is?

>> No.8874322

No one was talking about cheating, anon.

>> No.8874390

We've definitely had some cheaters post in the previous thread, though.

Makes me wonder if it's common for cosplayers' boyfriends to be massive cucks.

>> No.8874403

The most lewd thing I've done in cosplay was let a cosplay friend cosplaying as the purple haired dude from D.N. Angel go under my Garterbelt (PSG) robe like he was gonna blow me.

>> No.8874413

Everyone cheats, not just cosplayers. That's why I don't deal with relationships, people are so disloyal these days you never know what they're doing when you're not there.

>> No.8874455
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Crossplayer here, how do I get some fellow boypussy /cgl/. I've always had the fantasy of doing lewd things with another crossplayer but too beta to ask anything. Are most other crossplayers at cons thirsty for boypussy? Anyone have stories with lewd crossdressers? n-no homo of course.

>> No.8874484
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 12717316_10208660874262186_3294664215353976369_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I (kind of) cosplayed Quiet from MGSV (with the boyfriend as Venom Snake)

A friend of mine is a huge MGS fan and was holding a costume party and we had a last minute idea to dress up from the new game. We threw these together in about a week's time. I definitely wouldn't wear this to a con, but for a party it did the job and made him happy. It was cold as fuck.

I want to legitimately cosplay Quiet one day but not while I'm still a fattychan.

>> No.8874694

Nice rack.

>> No.8874700

>blurs out face.
>doesn't blur out BF
Confirm for suck gf.

>> No.8874704

if you know what I mean

>> No.8874711
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His face is fine. I am a self-aware butterface that saved you from having to look at my mug. You're welcome.

>> No.8874716

A few times my gf has cosplayed my favorite character and let me bang her. It's fucking awesome but she basically has to have two sets of wigs and head accessories. Cum doesn't help remove makeup if anyone was wondering, actually makes it worse if it dries at all.

>> No.8874718

How do I cook sex?

>> No.8874729

It's so people don't recognize her when she's trying to have an affair at a con.

>> No.8874747


>> No.8874755

>implying anyone else wants to sleep with me
You're funny anon

>> No.8874775

Please think better of yourself anon.

>> No.8874824

I wouldn't say no if you asked.

Also I concur with >>8874694 nice rack

>> No.8874963

>go to maid cafe
>chowing down on fudge and ice water
>suddenly hear a crash
>guy two tables down is having a seizure
>paramedics called
>they try to pin the guy down
>everyone evacuates the area
>I was wearing tiny pants as Donald from Free!
>everyone commented on how lewd my outfit was

>> No.8875084

I know I would, which is why I suggested that.

>> No.8875130


>> No.8875254

Even if you got butterface, as long as you got tiddy you're good. You won't believe how thirsty some men are.

And a paper bag solves most problems anyway.

>> No.8875255


>> No.8875286


>> No.8875295

So you're all saying I should bring handcuffs and a blindfold and hope to get freaky at my next con?

>> No.8875487

Trust me don't get your hopes up, it's an unlikely situation.

>> No.8875489

If you're a chick, not really.

>> No.8875494

I got tied up and fucked in a maid outfit. Keeping clothes on can be surprisingly sexy. My headband kept falling off though.

>> No.8875499

Well most (including myself) don't have that luxury.

>> No.8875506

>being a girl

>> No.8875518

I knew someone was going to say that. There are pros and cons to being both male and female.

>> No.8875701
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I have that chart on hand

>> No.8875721

No need to start derailing threads, now.

>> No.8876074


Whoever wrote that sounds like a pretty bitter person.

Besides, all you need to do to get dates as a girl or a boy is to know how to make spaghetti.

>> No.8876104
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careful your fedora doesnt fall off your head while youre tipping it that far

>> No.8876106

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.8876133

>know how to make spaghetti.

How should some awkward spaghetti help getting dates. Pls explain anon.

>> No.8876139

You just need to watch out you don't spill it everywhere.

>> No.8876197
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Kek. While a lot of this is true, the author really need a to examine the sex live of more than the lowest betas to get a full picture.

>lewdest cosplay
The main character in Planescape Torment. Worked really well actually.
>lewdest thing done in cosplay
A miku who loved anal handcuffed herself to my hotel rooms bed without me knowing.
I walked back in with a friend to find a naked miku spread across my bed.
My friend still fucks with me for it.

>> No.8876318

It's "true" in that the stuff is probably stuff that somebody has said before, and they try to reinforce it as universal fact by waiting for somebody to post a refutation, then posting maybe a survey of 50-200 people at best, or else just a bunch of tweets or quotes from shallow assholes, then say "See? It's true in regards to some people, so therefore all people of their gender must be exactly the same as them."

It's like saying that cats love water, so just be a type of fish, and when people point out that they don't, they respond with a handful of 10 videos of the rare cat that likes water. Even more ironic is that when somebody refutes it by counter example, they usually call it an exception that proves the rule, or else will say "that carry probably actually loves water and is just pretending not to like it."

It's sophistry of the highest order, and the main reason it's gone so far is because it's easier for them to blame their problems on women, or SJW, or Niggers or Jews or Liberals than to take responsibility for their own decadence, laziness, and venomous personalities.

>> No.8876431

How did you know the Miku? I must know if you somehow met her randomly if she was your friend.

>> No.8876757

I more mean the ones about how much more a guy needs to do to be in a relationship.

Friend of a friend. Met her at a con.

>> No.8876803

i so would

>> No.8876806

well, when I was 18 I would basically just sleep with people for alcohol and bedspace, so I guess that's the lewdest thing I've done. Would do it again, but I'm 1000% more self conscious these days.
As for lewdest cosplay, eh I used to make some showgirl gijinkas, I guess?

>> No.8876982

Thanks, I've had sex with girlfriends at cons but I really want to have a random hookup with a cosplayer at some point.

Were you doing this at cons or just in general?

>> No.8877156

>implying niggas wouldn't hit that
you are awakining my inner blackness

>> No.8877166
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Looks like I've got a harem on my hands

>> No.8877210
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This really updated my journal.

>> No.8877261

Somewhat related to >>8874455

I'll go to my first con this summer, wearing a lewd Shimakaze crossplay.
I'm not gonna lie, I do it because I'm an attention whore.
How do I get people to "interact" with me without putting a tag on my thighs that reads "cosplay is not consent, but this sticker is"?

>> No.8877269

Just at cons. I didn't really need money or anything, coulda afforded my own room...but it was more fun this way for me, haha.

>> No.8877273

IDK that sounds like a great idea that I might utilize in the future.

>> No.8877279

Grab their junk. Smile knowingly. Engage eyebrows

>> No.8877289

I sincerely hope everyone in this thread gets the clap and or HPV

>> No.8877295

But then I might as well write "slut" across my forehead.

But before that, everyone in the other thread made it sound like they wouldn't even come close enough for a picture or a chat.
Also, getting myself reported instead?

>> No.8877304

You could put an anonymous request in on your cons Cgl thread, or on line Craigslist, I guess. Alternatively, you could just "accidentally" back into people's hands and or crotches. Maybe grind a little

>> No.8877306

Do what >>8877304 said, but make sure you have something that sticks out on your costume from other Shimakazes, so they know it's -you-.

Something like a bow on your waist or something.

>> No.8877319

Alright, the con is in Austria, I'm note sure there'll be a thread here, but I'll look into that.

>> No.8877395

Aninite or Nippon Nation?

>> No.8877503

Aninite. Will you be there? Are you into slutty boys?

>> No.8878370

>Everyone cheats
woah nice projection

>> No.8878432

Every [sort of person can] cheat, not every [individual person].

>> No.8878579
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Reading this thread and the previous one was a mistake, I'm really feeling depressed right now.

>> No.8878667

>Not doing body writing on thigh instead
Anon pls

>> No.8878695

It's complicated, I can think of four or five different valid reasons but don't really want to explain them in detail. I guess I can say, though, that I've had my adventures and sampled the chocolates in my time, but that time is over.

>> No.8878704

Burn it all down, friend

>> No.8878710

>tfw virgin

>> No.8878711

I... kinda did. I can't convention anymore.

>> No.8878733

Let me clarify that the reason I can't go to conventions has nothing to do with anything that happened at conventions, it's because I moved to the middle of nowhere and can't spare either the time or money with my job being what it is.
What did happen is a pretty terrible experience that I'm not going to relate, but it completely killed any desire to play hook-up ever again. It's not worth it when the consequences can be so socially devastating.

>> No.8878764

>tfw virgin
>tfw seeing all these sluts
I'm kinda scared of getting a girlfriend now, let alone a cosplaying one, if she's just going to pull shit like this when I'm not looking.
>inb4 "you couldn't get one even if you tried!"

>> No.8878771

most of these are guys roleplaying as women, get over yourself

>> No.8878781

There's nothing wrong with dating, just don't do it at conventions, don't do it with cosplayers, and especially don't do it inside your friends circle.

>> No.8878815


Most of the posters have been saying "I did X with my [significant other]", and most of the others have been implying that they either didn't have a significant other at the time, or were in a threesome/orgy that their SO was involved in.

Keep in mind that there are less than like 20 stories in this thread, several of them by the same person, which is absolutely not a damning sample size. Plus, that's the entire point of the thread, so it will draw an inordinate amount of people who are into lewd stuff. The many people who /don't/ have any lewd stories will not, of course, be posting in this thread.

Besides, you may be a virgin, but surely you aren't enough of an idiot to really assume that just because some people do something, all people in one of many groups they fall into does the same thing?

Do you meet a person who works in food service who plays guitar and go "Gee, I guess I can't work at McDonalds, I don't know how to play guitar!"

Please don't be a dumb, anonymous. Finding a good girlfriend is as easy as finding a good person.

So, uh. Good luck I guess.

>> No.8878821
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>Do you meet a person who works in food service who plays guitar and go "Gee, I guess I can't work at McDonalds, I don't know how to play guitar!"
10/10 don't leave this board

>> No.8878822
File: 47 KB, 179x158, WHAT A QUEER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lewdest thing you have done in cosplay
i've sucked dick twice and made out with three different people while cosplaying johnny joestar

>> No.8878833

If you see me with the kanji "correct" written several times across my legs, you'll know it was a successful convention.

>> No.8878842


>Do you meet a person who works in food service who plays guitar and go "Gee, I guess I can't work at McDonalds, I don't know how to play guitar!"

You are fucking killing my sides anon.

>> No.8878844


>> No.8878959

But did you like it?

>> No.8879228

Hot if the presses.

No lewd cosplays, I don't have the chissled bod.
Lewdest act was drunken cosplay sex at the Gaylord over the weekend. I tied up an Undyne and make sure I didn't get my safety deposit back.

>> No.8879241

>made sure didn't get deposit back
Wh-what did you do to your room anon? How trashed was it?

>> No.8879253


Common problem with cosplay sex. Hairpins definitely a friend in cases like that.

My lewdest moment was quickie sex with someone playing a dark elf- borrowed a side room, breeches went down, decency panties came off and bunny-fun-time happened.

Everything she wore stayed on, even the white wig. Legs wrapped around my hips, missionary with her on top of a desk.

The bad news: She'd used bodypaint all the way up her legs to the panty line. I ended up with a serious case of black crotch and cock from the sweat and other fluids making it run. Still totally worth it, and that's what baby wipes are for but that's one thing to watch out for if you're going to get lewd in makeup. Condoms definitely a good idea regardless simply because as noted, cum all over many outfits isn't a good plan. If you're a girl, wear underwear you aren't going to mind losing.

>> No.8879257


Would dress in cute maid outfit and happily commit acts of paizuri with.

>> No.8879259


Grats on the Katsusexyness.

>> No.8879261

How do I get groped?

>> No.8879267

Well hey if you want to relive your past days, let me know what cons you're going to haha.

Anyways to all the people who lewd at cons, when you pick people up are they normally in cosplay or nah when you fuck?

>> No.8879282


Private room party.

>> No.8879283

I spilled a half bottle of bourbon on the floor. I didnt see it until the morning when she stepped in it.
MAGfest sexyness.
Ask. Nobodys gonna just do it and get arrested.

>> No.8879295

That depends. I think as others have said try to put yourself in that position, like in a crowded area and rub yourself on someone "accidentally"

>bourbon on the floor
Yep, that'll do it. Probably stained and smelled up the whole room something strong.

>> No.8879305

Yup. I told them when I checked out and they at least were flat about it. Not surprised but some people just dont tell them.

>> No.8879402
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Not a lewd story but
>join a fb group
>everyone is collectively 5 years old

>> No.8879405

Did she suplex you then peg you?

>> No.8879406

local con group* meant to say

>> No.8879430

We tried the suplex joke. Then I tied her up on the bedpost. I do remember using a blue condom and I still giggle about that.

>> No.8879466
File: 1 KB, 180x173, 1449196729551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style

Thought I think Muffet would be more suited to being tied up
>mfw getting ideas now

>> No.8879480

Muffet would be more suited to being the one tying people up, imo.

>> No.8879483

Embrace those ideas, it's how these hookups happen. I just wish she was into more stuff, but after explaining it she was into light choking.

>tfw no more cons until the end of summer

>> No.8879572

Two of the people i made out with were gyro cosplayers and one was a polnareff.
Ended up blowing one of the gyros so i can say it was 10/10 anon

>> No.8879831

Oh my god

That sounds beautiful, anon

>> No.8879843

lewdest cosplay- Quiet from MGSV
lewdist thing I've done- sucked my husband's dick while in Quiet cosplay on top of a mountain. I shit you not, it was amazing.

>> No.8879852
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I got groped multiple times in this. I have no idea why.

>> No.8879867

maybe because it dosent look like you can fight back or even talk at all?
you look super cool though

>> No.8879880

>tfw want to bang an Undyne or Toriel cosplayer
>don't know shit about Undertale so no ammo for conversation if encountering one

Guess I have to play it just for the research of getting laid.

>> No.8879881

Someone grabbed my chest when I was wearing my MEGA MILK shirt.
Unfortunately I'm a guy and I forgot my fake boobs.

>> No.8879884

Thanks, yea I guess so. Most of my older cosplays were skin tight creature suits so I guess that's a bit lewd?

>> No.8879899
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Do it. Its a good game, and you'll be able to get laid. They're all awkward.

>> No.8879922

Hey anything is worth a try at least once, I've had a copy sitting in my backlog for a month.

I mostly cosplay obscure game characters, military stuff but I'm breaking into superhero cosplays recently. Hoping at least the hero cosplays will give a better topic to bring up if our outfits are from the same series.

>they're all awkward
Oh yes I've seen this first hand during magfest when I stuck around at their meet. Too bad I was in a cosplay that I couldn't hear all that well.

>> No.8880215

Having sex on top of mountains is fucking amazing!
Great view(s).
You go, girl!

>> No.8880219
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Just don't end up like this guy

>> No.8880220

That's copypasta anyhow, with the names changed

>> No.8881071

>first time cosplaying
>get propositioned for hotel sex by 6/10 Ramona Flowers
>politely decline


>> No.8881126

>It's so easy to find a straight guy willing to let you mess around/have threesomes with a girl, but impossible to find one wiling to let you do that with a guy
I never particularly understood this.
I've been to swinger/sex parties, you aren't there for the dudes (unless that's your taste), you are there for the women, so get to it.
Shit, I used to bring girls with me to these parties, including my gf+side woman at the time, and we all had a good fucking time, literally.
Pussy ass dudes afraid of another guy's dick.

>> No.8881137

There are some mixed signals coming out of this, along with a generally more reserved, walled off feel.

>> No.8881183
File: 39 KB, 384x313, 1396829010589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly do con hookups happen? I'm thinking of trying to make one happen, but I don't know how to go about it.

>> No.8881197

By being remotely sociable, and not EXPECTING it to happen.
Just roll in, get chatty, give not a fuck. If it goes that way, cool. If it doesn't, don't sweat it.
>Lewdest Cosplay
N/A, most of my cosplay is full suits and such.
>lewdest thing
Had a SHIELD hookup. Being boss has perks.
>do it again?
I plan to.

>> No.8881209

>and not EXPECTING it to happen
This 10000x
People can smell thirst from a mile away

>> No.8881225

Once ended up almost having sex in my cosplay with this girl from the same series but her roommate shoo'd me away because she supposedly was tasked with the job to keep her friend safe and apparently having sex is super unsafe.
Eye contact is always very flirty with her at cons but her friend never leaves her side at cons and makes up some excuse so they leave.

>> No.8881395

I've got no problem with not being thirsty, but how do hookups happen? Do people find each other at meetups?

>> No.8881398

if youre asking how hookups happen youre doing it wrong.

>> No.8881399

>meet person
>if they don't have a partner and you dig eachother, go back to hotel room for Boku no Pico and chill

>> No.8881403

>One time I said "Hi" to this one girl
>She said "Hi" back

>> No.8881406

Very attractive

>> No.8881413

Omg you slut.
I'll have you know this is a strict "pure waifu" board. Get out of here!

>> No.8881448

How? lol I seriously have to know this.

>> No.8881450

We obviously don't have the same fetishes.

>> No.8881455

So you left her alone forever?

>> No.8881461
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I can see it that way, it just boggles my mind how much girls just straight up grabbed my crotch.

>> No.8881478

>tfw really want random con hookups with those shirtless con himbos
>tfw in a relationship with a vanilla normalfag who would not be down for group sex
Oh well.

>> No.8881486

do it

>> No.8881497

Nah, I would neither cheat nor pressure my SO, but if I ever find myself single at a con and hit it off with an attractive male cosplay slut, I'll hop right on.
>still think about a sexy Snake from Dragon Con a few years ago
>was in a gray area with current partner
>attending con with two friends who would have made a huge deal about me slipping off to fuck a rando
>made eyes at him, he was approaching, let said friends drag me away to a panel
>should have gone for it

>> No.8881520

Sounds like your friends saved you from doing something you might regret more. I've been in your shoes before were the opportunity to hook up with a random came up but I turned them down. Part of me wishes I had gone through with it because it would have been so hot, but a larger part of me is glad I didn't.

>> No.8881577

>What was the lewdest thing you have done in cosplay or lolita?
I phone sex'd with my fuck buddy about a fantasy I/we had with one of my dresses. Before I describe the fantasy, let me note he has an incredibly quick recharge time (can usually cum twice in 20 minutes, most was four times).

So here it is: He would come home from work, and I would be there waiting for him at the door in a full coord. I'd welcome him home, then bend over and ashamedly pull aside my panties to show him I was wearing a princess plug. I'd be wet already and ask if he would fuck me, but he would only care about getting himself off. He'd make me get on my knees and fold my arms behind my back so I couldn't touch myself. I'd suck his cock and let him jack off his first load onto my face, then he'd face-fuck me/make me choke until he came down my throat. After that, he'd grab my hair and force me to walk to his bedroom. I would ask him to fuck me in my pussy, but he'd refuse again. He'd instead make me lay with my face in the mattress and my ass in the air. He'd pull my panties down to my thighs and use his hands to make sure my arms stayed folded behind my back. To tease me, he'd rub his cock on my pussy until I was begging. Then, without warning, he'd ram his cock in my ass and fuck me until he came inside me as many times as he could. When his balls were drained, he'd leave to do whatever without caring whether or not I got off.

... But unfortunately, I can't bring myself to fuck in my dresses. I'm certain I could avoid getting cum on it (maybe not in that fantasy, but in a diff sex scenario), but I hate sweating in them.

>> No.8881643

Do it, no balls.

That's one detailed fantasy though. Reminds me of my own scenarios I'd come up with. It's always a lot easier to think of em then to actually do it when the chance occurs though!

>> No.8881712

I think one major factor is doing a cosplay that shows your face. I'm doing my first cosplay that will have my face revealed at my next con and my friends have said that improves your chances of hooking up.

>> No.8881728

I got asked once during a speed dating event if I would consider leaving my helmet on during sex. We didn't end up hooking up.

>> No.8881730

helmets are a turn on for a lot of people. we had a thread about it a while ago and tons of people agreed mask hookups would be great

>> No.8881731

I guess it just varies on taste then. Some people prefer to know what you look like under the mask while others don't.

My next cosplay is also gonna be the first time I'm wearing a bodysuit too. I'm somewhat a lean built guy as well but I'm not gonna make the same mistake as most deadpool cosplayers, I'm gonna buy a fuckin dancer's belt.

>> No.8881767

Lewdest thing I've ever done at a con is in 2014 while having lunch, I see a cosplayer girl staring at me, I smiled at her and left shortly after.
Pretty deviant for me.

>> No.8881810

Whoah, this is hot.

>> No.8881830

>What's the lewdest cosplay you have done?
The lewdest cosplay I've made was Noel from Blazblue. Of course I made the cosplay <a week before the con. I ended up making the costume waaay to short and didn't have time to fix it. Too many people probably saw my ass that weekend.
>What was the lewdest thing you have done in cosplay?
My bf was a Hazama cosplayer so I kinda forced him into cosplay sex. Since my Noel cosplay was screwed from the beginning I didn't care about it being dirtied or destroyed. Surprisingly only the hat got killed. Sex was 10/10 I'm thinking about redoing the Noel cosplay soon.

>> No.8881841

Just talk. Compliment a cosplay, talk about a charm on their phone or something, chat about games and series you like. You might not get laid but you'll have made a nice con friend. If you don't get laid, ffs don't be a euphoric sperglord. Find someone else to bang and keep them as a friend.

More generally, be chill. Don't be desperate. Jerk off beforehand if you can't control your raging thirst. Don't creep on people either, if you're following them around have a reason for it (photo of cosplay, for example) and don't do it for more than a few seconds or you go into creeper territory. Oh, and don't be degrading. The reason neckbeards are single is because they think saying 'Bend over cheating cumwhore I shall make you my maiden' is an acceptable way to talk. Never talk about crazy exes or friendzoning, either, that's a sure sign you're a fedora to be avoided at all costs. Basic hygiene helps, too. Wear deodorant and wash.

Always ask what they're into before you get naked. Discussing what you want to do isn't going to take long and it's hardly boring, and it'll give you a much better experience overall. Even if you're into wildly different things you can find some fun ways to compromise, and you can both try out something new.

That's it, really.

>> No.8881892

Don't worry anon, one day you can be lewd too!

>> No.8881928

dang I wish I could finish once in 20 minutes.

I have learned that not women like to long duration sex. It blew my mind when a girlfriend told me that I take to long to finish.

>> No.8881984

If sex lasts too long, it gets to a point where the girl actually gets dry. Or at least thats what happened with one of my exes. Went at it for a good 45 min. without cumming and she said it started hurting because her juices ran out.

Funnily enough it only took her 20 minutes to recharge, she forcibly stripped my pants off and rode me when I was trying to play dark souls. Sadly we were not cosplaying at the time.

>> No.8881987

Little bit of lube and changing positions goes a long way, anon.
If a girl is into it, I've found anal play gets them dripping again.
Slim vibe + clit teasing = bucking orgasm, then proceed with dick once more for profiteering.

>> No.8881996

>tfw have a quick reload like that, sometimes even zero downtime
>cum at least twice consecutively every fap session
>still a virgin at 24
>probably going to lose that virility before I can share it with anyone, if ever

>> No.8882023

idk, as a female I can't handle much more than 10 minutes because it just starts to hurt too fucking much, but I guess I'm abnormally small down there or some shit

almost con related I guess
>long distance boyfriend
>invites me to go to MCM with him
>agree, second time we're meeting
>lost virginity the night before MCM at his friends' who we were staying with
>sore throughout the con

>> No.8882026


Trust me m8, fapping is not sex. But then again, i have sometimes quick reload, and sometimes quite a downtime. And sometimes i can last forever, and sometimes barely 2 minutes.

Different situations give different results. At least you still have a shot at wizardry.

>> No.8882033

Well I do remember reading about this condition that makes it hard for a girl to have sex bc it hurts a lot to have a dick in them or something along those lines. At least you can take it for 10 minutes. Or you could try anal lol

To add to the con stories, I once fucked my now-ex while her previous ex was sleeping in the same room.

>> No.8882038

Of course. I'm not entirely delusional, I know I'd probably blast too quick and be exhausted. But at least if I got comfortable with a girl I know I'm capable of cumming several times in a short period.

>> No.8882107
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>> No.8882127

On the money. Last girlfriend I had, we would go at it for half an hour before we were done, and when I hooked up at MAG, I barely lasted five minutes. I also also excessively drunk at the con but it completely depends on the situation at hand.

>> No.8882128
File: 56 KB, 680x383, Nisekoi-Onodera-blushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is hot as fuck.

>> No.8882133

You gotta fuckin' pace yourself for the first 15 minutes or so, that's the dangerzone where you can pop like a fucking balloon without even see it coming.

>> No.8882163

Unf. I want this badly.

>> No.8882166

You're 100% right. We had no such chill. She pulled it out from my pants and jerked me off for a while while we made out and i fingered her. I guess with that it amounted to ten or so minutes? I was inside for just about five before I didn't even realize it was about to happen. Worst part is i need like a half hour for round two.

>> No.8882176

Tell your man?
Or a fellow you fancy and trust?
Well, it was a quicky, so it's not like it should be held against you. I usually go for oral and shit afterwards, but if I'm still worked up, gimme 10 minutes and I'm back on the horse.

>> No.8882224

never done lewd stuff in cons, but i'd like to cosplay Filia without panties to bang with my bf

>> No.8882256

Yeah, oral and the like is the usual for afterwards. It was a bit of a blessing that it was quick however, a few minutes after we showered and fooled around a bit more the roommates came back in. If the room didnt smell like booze and pot already, the shame would be clear as day. I would kill for a ten minute pickup though, oh well. Im still young, it'll eventually happen.

>> No.8882258

Make him a Beowolf dominating you for maximum points.

>> No.8882270
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>thinking you're too good for a 6/10

wew lad

>> No.8882330

I don't care about sex, so yeah, a 6/10 isn't that enticing to me.

>> No.8882746
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More lewd stories damnit

>> No.8882777

What about an incident I thought was lewd but ended up not being lewd?
>First night of con, rooming with two friends who are newly dating
>It's sleepy time and they are in a bed while I'm in my own
>Expected shuffling of blankets while we all get comfy
>About to fall asleep when I hear the male breathing heavy
>The breathing gets heavier and heavier
>Assume she's doing something lewd to him
>A little uncomfortable for me but whatever, fall asleep
>Next day
>Hanging out in hotel room, taking a break from con
>Male takes a nap
>The same exact heavy breathing begins
>Hey wait a sec
>Female friend says he has some respiratory problem and always sounds like that sleeping
>Don't mention my assumption from the night before
I've never brought it up in the year since and I'm not sure I will

>> No.8882840

sleep apnea?

>> No.8882907

Where are you located Anon?

>> No.8883019

>Friends host party in our hotel room
>We have a couple of stragglers after the party ends
>One of them is pretty hot so I let him sleep in the bed with me, nothing lewd
>Wake up in the morning feeling a little hung over
>Suck his dick for semen proteins
>Hang over is a little less worse

I know semen as a humectant or having enough protein to be anything of value is sort of a myth but I swear it worked this one time. It could just be a snake oil thing where if you believe enough that it works, it will work.

>> No.8883027

Hah, I remember you from the time someone attempted a con hookup thread. Still a hot story

>tfw not hot enough for girls to make the first move on

>> No.8883034

I can't recover quite that fast most of the time. I can occasionally got twice in one fap but I usually have about 5 min of downtime.

As for lewd stuff at cons it hasn't worked out for me yet. Hopefully I meet qt cosplayer this year. Other than that I am thinking about possibly wearing a little butt plug to some late night panels just for a little bit of fun. Maybe they will have a kinks panel I can go to?

>> No.8883039

Finally 18 and ready to ride weeaboo cock until my cosplay is soaked in cum.

>> No.8883060

Yep, I'm the same one.

I should also mention before doing this, make sure the guy you're getting your protein shot from is clean. Thankfully my guy was but I didn't know him well beforehand. Make sure he's clean and has a good diet so you're getting a quality cummy.

>> No.8883097

Wait no I'm the guy here, I want the head not giving it! I just like the random factor of it. The dream is to have cosplay sex with a random cosplayer i meet at a con. Hopefully I'll meet someone like you at a party on my next con. Like >>8883039
For example.

>> No.8883160

I need somebody like you in my life

>> No.8883224


>> No.8883271

In that case Anon, make sure your partner is clean too since obviously no condoms are involved here and you don't want to go home with something nasty.
The best piece of advise I could give here is be at the right place at the right time. It's all about fate if you believe in it. As shallow as it sounds, you do need to be good looking to pull this off. Hit the gym and get to work on that six pack. Even if you can't do anything about your face, just wear a wig that resembles an anime boy and use it to cover most of your face. Girls won't care at that point if you look like their husbando and you have a great body.

>> No.8883295

Yeah, I'm trying to motivate myself to workout in the hopes of attracting girls. Not even to get laid since I have a gf, but yknow, just have that confidence boost since I've struggled with appearance issues since I was a kid. Also helps that I've got colossalcon in June and I have a super revealing cosplay that would look great if I had at least the signs of a buff body.

Thanks for the encouragement anon!

>> No.8883329

>cosplaying as Tohsaka Rin and boyfriend is Shirou
>went back to room early to have a rest, boyfriend went and do some errands before heading back to the room
>kinda in the mood, decided to do some roleplay for him
>took off the red top and panties, only bra, skirt & thigh high remained, wig and makeup still intact
>he walked into the room & I covered his eyes from behind
>blindfold him and tie up his hands
>instructed him to sit on the bed, proceed to tease him and then give him a blowjob
>he beg to have his restraints taken off, will not respond to him until he calls me Rin
>took them off for him, he pushed me down & fucked me while in costume and all
>surprisingly nothing much is stained, went to lunch after an hour or so

It's really fun, will do that with him again in different characters

>> No.8883332

I've been lifting for a month now for a shirtless Big Boss cosplay in the summer, and I'm enjoying lifting on its own merits now and I feel great seeing the gains I've made. If you haven't done so already, go to /fit/ and read the sticky. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.8883350

Have any of you conceived at a con?

>> No.8883354
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I've conceived about a million toilet babies if that counts.

>> No.8883369

I'm doing my part to help prevent unwanted con babies by swallowing.

>> No.8883389
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Bob Barker approves, anon.

>> No.8883392

>Secretly want to have con sex, maybe con threesome
>Boyfriend hates going to cons

why live

>> No.8883400

Find some people who are good at keeping secrets.

>> No.8883648


No anon. Just no. Cheating can ruin relationships really fucking fast. So if she cares about her bf at all she probably shouldn't do that.

>> No.8883654

Really, any anon up for a threesome at AX?
Must be cosplay related.

>> No.8883663


My boyfriend really likes Rin too and she's been on my list for awhile...this sounds super hot.

>> No.8884751

>Lewdest Cosplay
I didn't cosplay at this point in time of doing this

>Lewdest thing done to/in cosplay
Fucked my SO who was cosplaying as KanColle Haruna in a convention washroom

>> No.8884842
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Thankfully, this isn't my story, but it fits the theme.

>> No.8884890


So bring friends along for the hookup attempt am I correct? Never fly solo?

>> No.8885115
File: 109 KB, 540x750, turning into a fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a one nighter with a guy at a con a few months ago and not a day goes by where I don't think about how delicious his dick and cum were. Is this what it feels like to be a cock hungry slut?

>> No.8885146
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Thats hot, anon. I cosplay Jin and my bf cosplays Ragna, I finally convinced him to fuck me in his Ragna cosplay while I call him nii-san. He said he'd do it to the next con we cosplay them at, needless to say i'm really excited! Yay for Blazblue cosplay sex!

>> No.8885186


I have an ex who calls me when shes drunk and demands I tell her the secret to my supposedly tasty cum.
I don't know what shes on about. but she is a cock hungry slut so there is that

>> No.8885204


Do you eat a lot of spicy/sour food and fruits?

>> No.8885207

not really.
almost all what I eat is home grown or killed tho.

>> No.8885375


Man, i can only afford home grown during summers. Gotta say im a bit jelly.

>> No.8885520

Is spicy/sour foods and fruits the secret to tasty cum? I remember hearing about fruits, pineapple especially.

>> No.8885536

I wish to know this also. My boyfriend smokes and it makes his cum taste awful. Anything to make it taste better would be a win/win.

>> No.8885538

Yes, it's true. Junk food will kill the taste as well as smoking.

>> No.8885541

good cum dude here as well
the trick is a healthy diet. if you work out and have a diet regiment of healthy proteins, fresh dark green veg, some good (not too sweet) fruits and lots of fiber/nuts then itll taste great.
My exes have all complimented on how great my jizz tastes.

Good Cum Guy

>> No.8885557

This is really good to know. Us semen demons will be on the look out for guys who probably con crunched and hit the gym hard a month beforehand for those shirtless cosplays. Guys with the hot bods will also have the better tasting cum, this is a win-win situation if you ask me.

And the anons talking about spicy/sour foods. The only spicy sour food that comes to mind right now is kimchi, so find a korean or a guy who loves KBBQ.

>> No.8885559

Thank you good cum guy

>> No.8885631

>summer con having a bad time just kinda moping around now.
>see a friend I've known from cons nearby and say hi since we don't usually say more than hi.
>ask how he's doing
>"eh. The worse thing is this case of blue balls"
>he tries to laugh it off but fuck that and fuck this con
>offer to help him out.
>he figured it's better than what we're doing now.
>Gives me his hotel room number and we part ways
>go to get a snack and head back to his room
>forgot the room number.
>fucking casual friends so I don't have his number.
>run into him later and apologize
>turns out it's fine because his buddy was having a session with his gf in the room.

We ended up hooking up after the con but it woulda made that con so much better.

>> No.8885635

eh I wouldn't go exclusively for guys that work out. It's mainly your diet. So if someone eats really well but doesnt really exercise, itll be fine as well.

>> No.8885646
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>>offer to help him out


In all seriousness, was it really worded that way?

>> No.8885664

Thank you, good cum guy.
No homo

>> No.8885677

>pineapple especially

yes, pineapples does alter the taste.

>> No.8885678

peanut butter is also good

>> No.8885682

I'm no good at flirting so yeah I literally went "I'm not doing anything I could help you with that." And it rolled on from there.

>> No.8885697

Question for anon semen demon, will having a good body partially offset not having a 8+/10 girls want to make move on you face? I'm thin from years of cross country and have the setup to build muscle but girls normally haven't come up and hit on me.

>> No.8885761


As a male anon, i feel the attitude means a lot, and posture. Feel good, feel confident, and have a confident posture, and it will make people notice you a lot more. Also it helps if you dont sperg out when someone starts talking to you.

>> No.8885786
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i guess its time for me to get on a pineapple peanut butter diet then.

>> No.8885788

nah dude, pinneaple and peanutbutter alone wont help you if you eat like shit.
Itll just make it taste really grossly sweet.
Try doing yourself a favor and eating well.

>> No.8885890


Wont help you if your ugly as fuck and a sperg on top of it. You need some charm at least to attract the semen demons.

>> No.8885957

I love lewd seagull threads, I feel like I'm learning so much from you all. Here is hoping I can make something happen in 2016 so I can share a lewd story some day.

>> No.8885960
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your time will come, anon

>> No.8886045

Oh nah I've learned to not sperg out of necessity. Its more the appearance factor I'm worried about.

>> No.8886138

Okay HornGulls, my BD likes to have his face ridden but I want to taste good for him. Do these mystical pinaps and butter of peanut work for girlies too or is there something more made for the other gender?
Also what do you guys enjoy most about having your face ridden? I'm trying to make the next time better for him.

>> No.8886139

Where can you usually find local kink communities? I've been wanting to fuck another girl for a long ass time now but I've been having trouble finding anyone close enough to me that's not super creepy or just actually wants to fuck my boyfriend or something. Honestly I don't even want anything that freaky I just want to fuck a girl or two.

>> No.8886161

1 month gym do almost nothing
At least 3 moths for some results

>> No.8886237


>> No.8886284

yeah youre right. i guess ill just have to adjust my diet first, theeeeen i can get on that pineapple peanut butter diet.

im a girl, i am the semen demon.

>> No.8886355

what happened anon?

>> No.8886361

>What's the lewdest cosplay you have done?
Hestia, not that lewd but low back, lots of cleavage and thigh i guess.
>What was the lewdest thing you have done in cosplay?
Never had a chance, always commuted by train to the con so never stayed around with over con-goers. However I'd definitely like to fuck one of the people in my cosplay group, we're doing a pair cosplay, my character wears thigh-high boots, his character wears a full-body leather motorcyle suit. dream fuck

>> No.8886420

My story ain't as grand as a lot of you guys' but I think it's a little comical.
>Cosplay as Red Hood
>Pretty good if I do say so myself
>Raven and Starfire wanna take a picture with me
>They ask my gf if she can take the picture
>Feels kinda shitty but her visible jealousy is cute
>Drop con badge trying to take it off for the picture
>Starfire picks it up and shoves it in my pocket
>Accidentally touches my dong
>Proceeds to purposely touch dong
>I can see gf trying to hide obvious fury through my helmet
>Panic turns to terror
>Terror turns to unimaginable shame
>Starfire and Raven leave after the picture
>Expecting gf to tear me a cosmos of new ones and feel the tears welling up inside me
>Thank god for that helmet
>We did the lewd really hard that night because she wanted to "establish territorial ownership of me"

>> No.8886431
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Then why not just have me, Anon?

>> No.8886446

What state do you go to cons in?

>> No.8886450

Are you clean?

>> No.8886500

Yeah, who are you cosplaying as? I'm a grill.

>> No.8886726


>> No.8886788

Boston/New York/ Maine

But my mind is dirty lol.

>> No.8886792
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>> No.8886874

If a girl was DTF and posted where she is in a con thread would you have the balls to check it out?
Why would/wouldn't you?

>> No.8886877

No because I'd be afraid of having my kidneys harvested. Plus I'm the kind of guy who has to get to know someone first before doing the deed.

>> No.8886886

Same as this guy

Wanna know what you're getting into before that. Just going with DTF has alot of risks with it without talking first.

>> No.8886901

Damn too far away. Good luck finding weeaboo dick

>> No.8886909

No because I know it'd be a trap (in both senses of the word)

>> No.8886914

>all these delish kinky gulls
>want to arrange a meetup
>everyone's too paranoid to attend
>myself including because what if hidden clap

>> No.8886915

What state do you go to cons in, Anon?

>> No.8886917

(Not that that's a bad thing)

>> No.8886924
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>> No.8886986
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Think of the adventure.
No story is a bad story even if it's a horror /cringe story.

>> No.8887013

What if it ends up being a guy and they assrape you?

>> No.8887017

A story's a story, anon.

>> No.8887028

What this anon said.

>> No.8887078

Yes I would. Go hard or go home. There's risk every time you pick up a girl in a bar so not much difference.

>> No.8887082

Nice, im near new york. I'll post stories once I meet up with femanon

>> No.8887130
File: 487 KB, 500x281, subtle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't going to post this because I think people will accuse me of being bait, but dammit I'm horny so I may as well make other people suffer a bit.
>It happened last weekend
>I live in a student village
>Hear about a board game night going down about half an hour away and decide to go out and meet new people.
>Want to leave a good impression so wear a super casual coord
>Dream V shirt, Bodyline skirt, cheap petticoat so I don't have tons of poof.
>Board game night is a total failure.
>Hostess is one of the sloppiest girls I ever met, didn't even bother getting out of her sweatpants suit.
>Only one other guy.
>Total sperg, tries to engage us in a conversation about population numbers of each country.
>Did you know Indonesia is the forth most populated country in the world? I do now.
>3 bottles of warm beer and a bag of chips as party food.
>Decide to make a escape plan and text a FWB in the area
>"You know how you've always wanted to do me in lolita? Come save me and I'm yours"
>He arrives in about 15 minutes
>Calls me and I pretend something happened and I have to leave so I don't hurt their feelings
>Jump into FWBs car and drive back to my apartment
>Luckily roommates are out doing their own weekend plans.
>The moment we walk in FWB grabs me by my hair and leads me to my room
>Makes me get on my knees and blow him while I'm still fully dressed
>Once he's had enough he pulls me up, pulls my tights down and starts ramming me from behind
>After a while we switch and I start riding him
>Need to hold petticoat out of the way,
>Probably look a bit ridiculous, but he likes the view
>Already decided in the car that he'll be finishing in my mouth
>I may be a slut, but I'm a lazy one and swallowing means less clean up
>So once he's ready we switch position and he cums in my mouth
>10/10 sex
>Decide to get more Bodyline stuff just for sexy times.
>Gonna make Mr.Yan proud.

>> No.8887165


Then he will have a tale to tell.


Pretty much. Been to worse places to pick up people than a con as well.

>> No.8887187
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>best friend since fourth grade has always had a thing for trap / genderbend manga
>she's used to make me wear her clothes in middle school when Id go to her house and was never really comfortable with
>asked to dress me up in lolita for years, finally agreed to do it for her birthday three years ago
>she does us both in sweet lolita and we go to con
>embarassed to death but surprisingly get compliments from everyone
>never had attention and flattery like this, feels really good
>says how perfect i am for this and that i make a better girl than a boy
>still feel weird about it but say I wouldnt mind doing it again, especially since she provided all the clothes and everything
>been to six cons since and shes dressed me up every time
>she buys new things for me
>keep dressing up because ive fallen in love with her
>at dragoncon last year
>she tells me that i should 'take the next step'
>gets me semidrunk in our hotel room and brings in some guy we met earlier at the con
>pressures me to suck him off, too beta to say no
>he doesnt know im a guy because im still in full lolita dress (or at least he pretended not to know)
>she holds the back of my head on him while she fingers herself, then tells me to go down on her when he finishes, all while we're both in full dress
>still don't know how I feel this
>she wants me to watch me do it again and go further
>try to tell her im not gay
>she says its not gay if im a girl


>> No.8887196

Uh say...NOOOOOOO! If you can't do that then get ready to take it up the ass cause that's what it's going to escalate into.

>> No.8887205

This reads like some femdon shit where the woman grooms the little boy to be her trap sex slave.

There's nothing to help if you can't even respect yourself honestly.

>> No.8887206
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>>I may be a slut, but I'm a lazy one and swallowing means less clean up

That's my girl, get those semen proteins! Mr. Yan and I are proud of you.

>> No.8887211
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>get sexually abused
>ask /cgl/ for help
Anon... no. Please tell someone about this.

>> No.8887225

Your gf sounds very cute, Starfire sounds like a cunt.

>> No.8887230

>>pressures me to suck him off, too beta to say no

Jesus christ, grow a spine or just admit that you're straight up gay.

>> No.8887252

>Tfw you wish you had stories for these threads, but all your lewd con acts are tame

>> No.8887253

>tfw you have no stories to share because all your cosplays involved armor or things that fucked with vision/hearing

>> No.8887256

fuck off beanie, i heard the story about doing lines off a guys dick

>> No.8887258


>> No.8887276

I am also interested in the latter part of this question.

>> No.8887284

Tfw when never able to have a FWB because I don't know how to set it up

>> No.8887285
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Tag teaming Asian cosplay guys was new and exciting in 2014, but it's just a standard part of going to cons now.

>> No.8887287

Suffocate him with your crotch

>> No.8887353

stop eating like shit. you are what you eat, especially on your crotch region

>> No.8887454

>dungeon monitor
How are they not called dungeon masters? Such a shame.

>> No.8887472

Tell us a story anyways, even if it's tame I'm curious now.

>> No.8887474


>> No.8887497
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>You want to wait till marriage to have sex

Wait a sec, do girls like this exist anymore? And this is a more serious question than I wish it was. Every girl I've ever known who's had a boyfriend goes for it. In fact I can't think of any female friends I still have that are virgin. In fact I can't really think of any guys either. Even my own straight-edged brother who seemed determined to wait now regularly fugs his GF, starting on the very week we moved out of our parents' house.

I'm amazed there's a regular opinion on either gender there. I mean, in the case of my brother and his girl, she said she respected him for going abstinent, but then a month later they did it anyway.

Most of the rest is either annoyingly true or clearly butthurt. I wish to be the little girl.

>> No.8887543

I want to have either a threesome or an orgy at a local con soon. FWB is down for it. Plus we may have a suite so they increases the chance for success.

Can't wait!

Also anyone going to Naka-Kon want to hook up?


>> No.8887600

>I want to have either a threesome or an orgy at a local con soon. FWB is down for it. Plus we may have a suite so they increases the chance for success.
>Can't wait!
>Also anyone going to Naka-Kon want to hook up?


>> No.8887640

Mormons, bro.

while they do wait until marriage, they get married like 3 months after they first meet each other so they can fuck. the social standards in utah are weird because of them.

>> No.8887650

There's nothing special or interesting tho. I spend like 75% of every con split between getting dick and getting fucked up.

>Squadding around to parties with a group of three qt grills
>We're all pretty wasted
>Run into a guy we know and ask to see his dick
>He shows us his dick
>'Lol this actually works'
>Spend the rest of the con asking random guys at parties to show us their dick
>Tfw casual sexual harassment

>Some con, drinking in my room with friends of friends
>Gushing over one guy's pecs
>Ask if we can see his dick
>'Lol really? I'll show you tomorrow if you want'
>Tomorrow happens, it's 2:00 AM and we're turning down
>'Wtf we didn't see his dick'
>Text him to come over
>He comes over
>Qt grill and I take him to the bathroom and make him jizz in a cup

And then there are a bunch of generic 'took turns blowing some Asian guys with a girl friend' scenarios.

>> No.8887654

Okay Anon, OP of that story here. Here's a FWB 101. I'm a girl but I guess the basics will work for males as well.
>First, do some serous thinking on if you're ready for a FWB.
Do you get attached emotionally quickly? Understand that FWB are for fun times and the other side may not want things to ever be serious. So if you fall in love easily/need things to be romantic this probably isn't the right path.
>Find someone you're sexually, but NOT romantically, attracted to and get to know them.
Either someone you already know or just go out and meet people. Try and find a sexually open/kinky community in your area.
>Remember that the friend part is important!
Not only is sex more fun when both sides know each other, it helps in making sure you aren't getting involved with crazy.
>Once you've chosen a person, try checking if they're attracted to you and into the idea.
Talking and making things clear is very important. Be as open as possible, so what if it get's embarrassing. Best case you find mutual kinks worst case you get rejected and move on to someone else.
>Set boundaries
Not only sexual ones. Make sure you both know how to treat each other socially and how involved you want to be in each others life.
>Have the sexy times and see if it feels right
>Set a date to meet up again for future sexy times
>Congratulations! You have a FWB.
Be sure to keep communicating a lot. Try not to fall in love with them and keep safe if either one of you have multiple partners. If you find that you aren't attracted to them anymore and don't want to continue being FWB tell them that nicely and decide if you want to continue being friends.

>> No.8887690

How hard would it be to find lolitas who'll let me snort lines off their asses?

Not in a lesbian way, just like a girl's night out way.

>> No.8887691

Probably very, I don't think I know any lolita who would be into either part of that.

>> No.8887701

"babe I can't see, this parts hard... shit! Get off I'm being invaded!"

>> No.8887713

Use Fetlife.

>> No.8887748
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Good advice right here

Why don't we make a /cgl/ fetlife group? Then we can continue talking there if this thread gets deleted. We're already in autosage.

>> No.8887785


>Why don't we make a /cgl/ fetlife group?
Because /cgl/ is all bark no bite.

>> No.8887815

Being a lesbian at a con is literally the best. A lot of girls are just doing it for attention anyway, so it's EZ pussy ladies.

>> No.8888123

Seconding this.

I do a lot of male crossplay and its SO easy to roll in pussy. A LOT of straight girls like the appearance of a man while knowing that I'm actually woman. I guess it's non-threatening. In my experience a lot of them are skiddish about eating girls out, but they're more than happy to ride my face which is more than fine by me.

The only big downside is that I get a lot of awkward bi-curious guys who want to hit it because they're too beta to actually hook up with a dude.

>> No.8888167

We need a new thread

>> No.8888289

Prove it, sexy.

>> No.8888500
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>> No.8888592

Kik: Slick_Weeb_420.

Ignore the bad kik name was stoned af when I made it.

>> No.8888831

When should we make a new lewd thread? I think everyone is finished posting here now that we're autosaged.

>> No.8888917
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>Run into a guy we know and ask to see his dick
>He shows us his dick
>'Lol this actually works'

>> No.8888979

Sooner the better as it'll 404 soon

>> No.8889289

Kill her

>> No.8889909

NEW THREAD >>8889907

NEW THREAD >>8889907

NEW THREAD >>8889907

>> No.8889916

New threads get shot down almost right away. Just leave it for a few days.

>> No.8890309

What's the best way to grope a girl's ass and not get caught? Do it around a crowd so she can't immediately tell who did it? Find a cosplay that would make it really easy (not sure what)?

>> No.8891612
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0/10 poor bait at best

Here's your >you

>> No.8891629


True as fuck, easy to get girls on your silicone dick at cons. I don't mind beating up the beta dudes a lil as well, but I won't fuck 'em.