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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8873063 No.8873063 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread about brolitas.

These questions are for the brolitas.

How did you get into the fashion?
Why do you like wearing the fashion?
How many main pieces do you have?
Do members in your Comm accept you?

These questions are for the females.

Does your Comm have a brolita?
Does your brolita coord properly?
Is the brolita fun to hang out with?

>> No.8873864

These questions are for the brolitas.

>How did you get into the fashion?
I saw it and liked it and bought a dress

>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
It makes me feel pretty

>How many main pieces do you have?
Around 22 brand dresses, around 6 offbrand pieces

>Do members in your Comm accept you?
Yes, but many of them didn't even know I was brolita until I told them

>> No.8873870

what's the source on that picture OP, is it really a brolita?

>> No.8873877

It's from CoF. Unfortunately, the brolita deleted the pic because he overreacted that it was posted on here.

>> No.8873886

How does one know that someone is a brolita? I mean are you suppose to flaunt it like veganism or feminism?

>> No.8873911

> How did you get into the fashion?
I have always loved feminine fashion, frills and dresses. But i didn't find lolita until more recently.

>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
It makes me feel pretty and it makes me feel like the person i want to be, rather than the person people expect me to be.

>How many main pieces do you have?
Im just starting out. At the moment i have 2 offbrand pieces. Would love to get brand, however im to tall for most dresses from the major brands.

>Do members in your Comm accept you?
I haven't tried joining one yet. I want to make sure i look as good as possible before i try.

Do anyone have some advice about getting feedback and building confidence? I feel that it is hard to judge my own appearance. Most of my friends are male and not into fashion. Therefore they aren't able to give me much valuable feedback.

>> No.8873991


try to find some other brolitas to talk to, tumblr has a bunch of them and I think there are some youtubers too :)

>> No.8873992

we have coord help threads and selfpost threads. you can even post in this thread.

>> No.8873995


akira is it you?

>> No.8873999

He's so cute! It didn't cross my mind that he might not be a girl!

>> No.8874006


His legs look really girly though, and it even looks like there is a bit chest going on. Is it a FTM? or a dude wearing a brah?

>> No.8874127

just ask, duh

>> No.8874170

Thanks for helpful reply :)


I think the best thing to do for me, is to get in contact with another brolita. Here is some pictures, if someone feel like helping me out http://imgur.com/a/xbzhH I know that there is a lot i could improve. But im bit of a beginner after all. At this point im mostly concerned about my potential.

>> No.8874213

looks really cute, but is your jaw shooped? there is some blur around the cheeks which makes it difficult to give concrit outside of how to shoop better. not sure how much is good makeup and how much is image editing.

your wig and basic coord game is solid.it looks like you pick items that fit you well. the shoes in the mirror coord seem a bit out of place for that coord because i see no other gold, and you could use some matching wrist accessories (wristcuffs, bracelets). all in all it's pretty adorable, ngl, would not be embarrassed to have you in a comm photo.

>> No.8874220

further notes: i like the simplicity of your style. everything looks clean and wearable, not sloppy, frumpy, or too OTT to be practical. definitely look into jewelry, but keep this simple look if you can. things loke a cute necklace made of faux pearl chain with a resin charm, simple rings, etc.

the blonde wig looks a bit too wiglike; see if a conditioning treatment or simple, gentle combing might help the fibers lay together more naturally.

>> No.8874225


You are really cute dude :D

Just a personal opinion/tip. Anyway you would be able to just pluck or shape your brows a little bit? I think with a bit more feminine eyebrows I wouldn't even have guessed you were a guy

>> No.8874357

Prolly one of those attention whores claiming to be a male. She must be a fakeboi from tumblr.

>> No.8874377
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Thanks a lot guys :D

Regarding shoop, the photos are not edited. However i know my phone camera likes to add blur to faces and stuff, i should probably disable that. My jaw is untouched, probably seems a little off due to light and angle.

I should have mentioned that the shoes is atm placeholders, i bought them with my other dress when i first started out. Im trying to find some light blue shoes. However i use size 27,0 (japanese female size) so finding good shoes is bit of a struggle. Considering pic related but im a little concerned the blues wont match.

You are right about my brows. I should try to shape them and make them look more feminine.

For now my plan is: get new shoes, look more into accessories, get a better petticoat, improve brows and makeup in general. And get a new wig, being a beginner i managed to damage my brown wig (it looks somewhat ratty from behind) im not sure about the color thought. I have naturally brown hair, one shade darker than the wig.

>> No.8874432

Just a question, are you from Eastern Europe by any chance?

>> No.8874449


>> No.8874450

It is definitely a fakeboi. They proclaimed for everyone to call them by he/him pronouns.

>> No.8874459

Any link to this person? I don't really care what it is i like the coord.

What would you say is the difference between the problems a brolita hs versus a regular female lolita?

>> No.8874477
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Not gonna lie, you look damn cute!

I was also thinking about getting into lolita fashion for quite some time now, but I am still very self conscious about my body eventhough I get some benefits from being half asian and should have a fair chance to pass.

Would love to see more of you!

>> No.8874478

Im from scandinavia :)

>> No.8874479

come on guys seriously show your pretty selfs :^)

>> No.8874480


Är du svensk :)?

>> No.8874521
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Soon (Tm).

I will definetly give it a try. But not before I managed to fix my face first.

>> No.8874531

Im the guy from >>8874170

I have huge problems with self confidence aswell. Im feeling somewhat better about it now thought. In my opinion, just go for it! When i first started to get into lolita i composed a "starter kit" from bodyline. Somewhat cheap and very convenient to be able to order everything from one place. Some of the bodyline stuff is obsolete now, but i still don't regret buying it. It was great way to get a feeling for the fashion. Remeber makeup and hair makes a huge difference, clothes alone won't get you very far.

I want to start a Instagram or tumblr, but atm my wardrobe consist of two dresses and im not member of a comm. So it wont be very interesting. Maybe i will start one as i progress.

jag är norsk

>> No.8874541

You really should get a tumblr or something, even if you just have 2 dresses now, you sound like you will be getting more in the future. How old are you btw?

>> No.8874556

Height, shoulder width, shoe size, head size, hand size, manface, body hair.

I propose we exclude ftm brolitas from future brolita threads unless they're deep enough into transition to need to worry about the concerns listed above. Otherwise their circumstances don't really apply to the discussion.

>> No.8874644

Im about 20 years old.

>> No.8874932

I am way to shy, especially when people keep getting posted to 4chan.

>> No.8874934

Someone who is a brolita is usually easy to recognize.

>> No.8874937

I am a brolita also. I totally love the frills and the affection that it brings out of me. I have 22 brand dresses also. My comm? Not anymore.

>> No.8875014

You're really cute. I'm a brolita and I'd be your friend if you lived close.
Work on your eyebrows and cute face expressions.

>> No.8875017

Brolitas seem rather gay to be quite honest

>> No.8875021

>Saw a picture of the HL jsk in lavender like 3 years ago, but never had the means to buy dresses I actually liked.
>It is fun and is a great creative outlet. Doesn't hurt that it's cute and I enjoy the look.
>I have 7 pieces now. I had more, but I really cut back because I didn't need pieces I only *sorta* liked.
>Yeah, at least the people I actually like in my comm. It's pretty shit aside from the well dressed girls, which I am a part of. So yes.

>> No.8875038

>These questions are for the females.
>Does your Comm have a brolita?
Yes, he's a well-liked mod.
>Does your brolita coord properly?
Also yes, he's clearly in it for the fashion! That's why he's accepted.
>Is the brolita fun to hang out with?
Yep, cool normal person and not creepy at all. He has good social skills and shares interests outside of the fashion with people so he's cool to chat to.

>> No.8875054

Have you thought about buying from Antaina? They do custom size and to some extent, colors which usually tend to match better than BL shoes in my experience.

>> No.8875324

All brolitas I've met have been straight.

>> No.8875347

Dress sauce? Also how would one avoid that weird petit flareout?

>> No.8875381

Stella OP by Angelic Pretty. As for the petticoat, I think it looks odd in the lower right shot because the person was twirling/spinning, the silhouette looks fine in the other pictures; but in any case, you get awkward shapes like that when your petticoat is too short for the dress. You want it to be about two inches shorter than the dress - long enough to not create an awkward shape but short enough to not peek.

>> No.8875529

Oh god
You're so cute

>> No.8875865

Antaina has many nice designs and a broad selection. Also it seems like size wont be a problem, i use 42 eu size. I honestly didn't know about Antaina, probably because i have been focusing on dresses when researching. Where is a good place to order? I found a taobao shop and a shopping service website. Anyway, thanks for the advice :)

Thanks again for all the nice feedback, and constructive advice. Means a whole lot to me :D

>> No.8875895

You can actually email them directly to avoid shopping service fees.

You can find taobao resources on the taobao thread or refer to the Lolitaguidebook tumblr.

We really need a sticky

>> No.8876037

I'm 22 years old, 1.70 tall, wearing lolita fashion is a pleasure for me. I love the pink dresses. Use lolita and feel a special boy.

>> No.8876262


>> No.8876973

Acess: OK7.IN

>> No.8876975

Give me your luck, anon.

>> No.8877003

>These questions are for the females.

>Does your Comm have a brolita?
I'm in a few different comms, two have a brolita, another has a transmale brolita.

>Does your brolita coord properly?
One coords pretty well but his make-up is terrible, needs a lot of work improving it to not look like a dude in a dress. The other is 2edgy and annoying wearing beards with lolita but I've never met him in person. Haven't seen any of the transman's coords so can't comment further.

>Is the brolita fun to hang out with?
The one who coords decently is a really nice guy from what I know, he's a similar age to most of the girls in the comm and they get on well. Haven't met the others.

>> No.8877242


Hi, >>8874477 here.
Eventhough I didn't planning to buy from bodyline, it still might be a good idea to get a "starter kit" to practise and mess around with until I learned the basics on a decent level.
I like their sailor jsk series they are selling at the moment.

Which items did you get as part of your personal starter kit?

>> No.8877662
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I was most satisfied with the shoes and wig. Imo the shoes got great build quality and is very comfortable to walk inn. I can wear them all day if i want to.

I bought the most expensive bodyline dress. It is a decent dress but imo not entirely worth the price. The sailor dress seems to be more worth it thought.

Remember that dress length is super important, my first dress was a little short on me. It was about 96 cm long, i'm about 185 cm high. The petticoat i ordered works very well with my bodyline dress. Always look for reviews on the specific items you are planning to buy, since quality seems to vary widely among bodyline products.

Are you going for a classic look?

>> No.8877951

Well they are all straight and in steady relationships. That's how I knew they were straight.

>> No.8877993

That's the reason why I am playing with the idea to get a decent beginner dress from TaoBao. But in terms of quality, I guess it might be hit and miss either way, eventhough it depends on the TaoBao shop you chose to buy from. I am also often lurking on clobba and glitzywonderland for potential babby's firsts

In terms of dress length, I shouldn't struggle that much since I am 170cm tall. And if it turns out to be shorter than expected, I am sure that an underskirt will fix the issue. You balanced it out quite well on your full mirror shot. I expected you to be around my height kek.

I'm not 100% sure with which style I want to start, but in a long term I mainly want to stay between Gothic and Classic. There are alot of coords I like on either side. So keeping it 100% to one substyle might not work out for me. But generally I would say, I might feel comfortable on the more elegant side of Classic and Gothic.

Sweet is mostly no option for me since I don't like pastel colors that much. On the other hand I could imagine to do a country coord once or so. But that's something I want think about when the time is right.

>> No.8878019

Hey can I ask you guys some questions? I'm a transgirl trying to get into lolita and I want to know how you guys felt going into the fashion.

How tall are all of you?

How well do you "pass" as a girl?

>> No.8878955

>How did you get into the fashion?
Been sort of a weeb and hanging around 4chan long enough to have known about the fashion for a while. Always wanted to try it and finally met a friend who was into it who convinced me.
>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
The dresses are just too cute. I'm a sucker for cute clothes.
>How many main pieces do you have?
13? I think. Mostly AP.
>Do members in your Comm accept you?
Yeah. I think they know I'm in it for the fashion so they're all really nice.

>How tall are all of you?
>How well do you "pass" as a girl?
Well the first time I went to a meetup my comm thought I was a girl until I spoke so...

>> No.8878992

I just don't understand how brolitas are a thing, like where does a man get coord sense from or learn anything about fashion? I guess it makes sense that most brolita are boring or simple coords, they don't really pave the way for new style or do inspirational things.

Its just not suitable for their nature as men

>> No.8879051

What's the name of this OP?
sage for ot

>> No.8879056
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>> No.8879067

no one gets mad when you wear jeans, anon.

>> No.8879068

Stella OP

>> No.8880941

>How did you get into the fashion?
Knew about it through an Anime series called Princess Princess and Mana. The prints won me over.

>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
Because it makes be feel like a rococo princess and I want to look cute.

>How many main pieces do you have?
~10 main pieces. All brand.

>Do members in your Comm accept you?
They do and I always try my best to coord, keep up-to-date on lolita prints, and put in effort to make a good appearance. It's difficult and I'm finally getting the hang of it. Unfortunately, I've been on a hiatus from my Comm for a year while I try to work things out on some private matters.

>> No.8883049

>How did you get into the fashion?
Paradise Kiss.

>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
Because I like the aesthetic and menswear is boring.

>How many main pieces do you have?
20-ish maybe? I'm only missing one or two wishlist pieces at this point, so that number's probably going to cap soon. Also thinking about getting rid of some filler pieces some time this year.

>Do members in your Comm accept you?
Lone lolita so not really applicable. Social media sites and /cgl/ seem to be pretty okay with me, though.

>> No.8884362
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So I've been looking to get into lolita. But I have two problems; one, I'm tall, like 6'3", so I don't know if they make dresses that fit that size. Two, my face is pretty masculine. I'm told I have pretty eyes by a lot of people, and I believe I'm handsome as far as guys go, but it's just blocky to the point that I'm not sure if I could look enough like a girl. My skull just feels too big and my eyes don't take up enough space on it.

However, I know that girls exist who have rather masculine-looking facial structures, but end up looking pretty cute. So what I'm asking is, does anyone have pictures of larger-faced brolitas who somehow make it work? Sorry for being vague about it.

You are fucking CUTE. And I love your eyebrows, my opinion would be to not shave them, but I'm not experienced like the other anons here.

>> No.8884383

You're so cute holy fuck

>> No.8885307

>>8874932 This is exactly how I feel. I want to post a picture and ask for advice, but then that picture's on the internet forever. So I can't unless I'm 100% it's good, which I know it's not :v

>> No.8886042

Sadly there is many dresses that simply is too short for taller people. But there is dresses that works well for persons over 6 feet. I am 6'1'' and i use 97cm as minimum dress length. You should be able to find dresses in your size, you just have to search more for them.

Regarding face. Makeup can be amazing, using a wig and makeup you can alter the appearance of your face considerably. The first time i showed a picture of myself all dressed up, my friends didn't recognize me. I think its better to experiment then to spend lots of time speculating. Beauty is very abstract therefore its hard to be analytical.

Im not planning to do anything drastic to my eyebrows. But i think making them somewhat thinner and more arched, will help me to look more like a girl.

Thanks once again for all the positive comments everyone. Its truly heartwarming :D

>> No.8886205
File: 54 KB, 350x302, yj22Oz6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look great! I wouldn't do too much to your brows if anything at all, as it stands you kinda have that trendy thick 'Korean' straight eyebrow style. Only thing I would perhaps recommend to try brow-wise is just very carefully trimming the very top part of your brows where the hairs are quite long and a tiny amount off the bottom just so the very end of your brows are slightly narrower (pic related paint tier illustration to show you what I mean). The potential 'bonus' of this brow style is that it doesn’t really stand out as overtly 'done' or feminine should you wish to look more masculine/neutral or whatever on other occasions.

I think the side bangs work for you and look quite good on a slightly square face like yours, they are a little heavy looking though, not quite 'emo comb-over' but they could perhaps be softened and styled to look a little lighter and less obviously wig-like. If you do ever go for straight bangs I would recommend going for a slightly textured or choppy look that hits just at the brows - super straight, thick and blunt only serves to emphasise a square jawline.

I think that although you totally pull off the thick, high twintails, bear in mind that styles like this will really exaggerate and emphasise the width of your face. If you want to soften your look even further, go for hairstyles that fall across your jawline with a few soft subtle layers, without being super heavy or thick at the sides. I would also suggest looking at feminine hairstyles recommended for square faces, then you can track down suitable wigs in similar styles.

Make-up wise a pinky or rose-pink blush applied on the higher apples of your cheeks (think the typical 'larme' look) would really suit you. Also I think you could get away with a less thick eye line on top, then perhaps a bit of white or pale shimmer at the inner corners of your eyes. Pinky-beige subtle shimmer eye shadows are great too for an extra feminine look.

>> No.8886212
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>> No.8886226
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>> No.8886228
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>> No.8886233
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>> No.8886816
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When i first decided to go for twintails. My thought was that the large twintails could make my face appear smaller. And they have a very iconic sweet look to them. However, recently i have been experimenting more without them. Because, as you said it gives me a softer look.

> Fall across your jawline with a few soft subtle layers
This is often referred to as a layered cut?

I ordered a new wig a few days ago. It has straight bangs and is the same color as my twintail wig. I plan to style the bangs somewhat like >>8886228 Maybe try to cut layers that can help my jawline.

Pic related is my current makeup palette. I will look into white shimmer and maybe try to find a blush that looks fresher. Hopefully i will be able to do my eyeliner better as i get more experience

Thanks for the in-depth feedback. I find it really interesting :)

>> No.8887087

>How did you get into the fashion?
Saw an Angelic Pretty ad

>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
Better than boring men's clothes (evem though men's fashion has gotten better lately)

>How many main pieces do you have?
Like all in all? Well including bodyline and skirts and stuff I think it's aorund 30

>Do members in your Comm accept you?
Yes, but they didn't even notice I was a guy to begin with so I think it made it easier for them to accept me. Also I'm in a very commited relationship 8+ years so I don't think I'm giving off any creep factor.

I'd be very intrested in getting some male lolita buddies though since my comm is all females and I don't really have anyone to talk to

>> No.8890567

bump to find you friends, m8E

>> No.8891488

What area are you in?

>> No.8891538

I've kinda got manly/andro features for a girl and would love a brolita fiend.

>I help brolita friend with hairstyles/makeup
>brolita friend helps me with clothes

I hate sissies (only the ones that push their fetishes into lolita) though with a damn passion

>> No.8891735

As much as I would like to be a brolita, I don't want to offend anyone so I've tried to avoid it.

>> No.8891879

Aw I'll be your friend. We can be like Tsukimi and Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish.

>> No.8891917
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You look very cute, I have always thought of crossdressing and am waiting for my stuff to be delivered at the moment.
There is one concern though, can I cover up leg hair with knee socks or is it just best to shave it? Because I do still live with my parents because of my age(18) and if they see I shaved my legs they might feel like something is up.

Pic related it is a shitty picture of my first and only main piece I got atm

>> No.8891919

Maybe trim it if it's too thick, otherwise, wear OTKs or tights.

>> No.8891926

You sound like a guy friend I have who wants to get into it, but we live pretty apart now. It doesn't help that most of the comm in his state are filled with forever itas. I wonder what kind of advice I could give him about his situation with wanting to wear lolita, but dealing with an otherwise normie gf.

Aw. Well, I hope you're able to give lolita a try someday. I think that part in not offending people is going the extra mile to pass, both as a (need I say) cis-normative female and lolita-wise. I've noticed that most of the offenders are at fault for lack of research and wearing ita coords.

>> No.8891938

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it'd be like.

>> No.8892058


I live in europe

Does anyone know if there is any community like I dunno, like egl but for brolitas that's actually active? Thinking about starting some forum but like it'd be pretty boring if it was just one guy ative.

>> No.8892172

So can we form a brolita clique now?

>> No.8892209

A clique of sissy itas.

>> No.8892255

yes please

go away, noone wants you

>> No.8892274


Not the asking anon from above, but won't leghair pierce through the fabric of OTK or tights?

>> No.8892451

Well you can add my skype if you want! It's harajukucrackwhore ! I'd love to have more lolita friends outside of my comm!

>> No.8892477

can other anons add you too?

>> No.8892495

Sure thing!

>> No.8892770

So does anyone want to start a skype group or something?

>> No.8892796

Does your Comm have a brolita?

It does.

Does your brolita coord properly?

I wish he'd put more effort into hair and makeup. He either just wears his hair the way it is or puts on what looks like a party city wig. Otherwise he's not bad, other than a cat tight mishap that he soon corrected.

Is the brolita fun to hang out with?

Yeah, he's pretty chill, not creepy or anything like that. He spends a lot of time playing Love Live at meets though.

>> No.8893018

I'd be interested in a skype group for brolita things too.

>> No.8893287


yeah that'd be awesome

>> No.8894943

I'm a very tall woman and have size 9 U.K feet, it took me four tries to get shoes in the right size but when I did they were perfect, I love them. I highly recommend Antaina!

>> No.8894948

Wig sauce?

>> No.8895723

Bodyline w088 in darkbrown 8

In my opinion it's a good wig for the price. Sadly the wig i was wearing in the picture is very worn now. I added a picture of my new wig in my imgur if anyone is interested.

>> No.8895902
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> the picture

Sauce for your new wig?

And ty for your BL advice. I started to lurk for other decent dresses and they're definetly the better option to play around with and won't hurt my wallet that much if I decide otherwise (compared to taobao stuff).

>> No.8895916

ergh, you have a point. Might as well stick with otks/thigh highs and thick tights.

>> No.8896753

I want to be lolita, I have 20 years old and live with my mother. Did she take it?

>> No.8898050

New wig is bodyline aswell, w118 to be exact. I dont want to buy a more expensive wig before im sure that i suit the hairstyle.

Good luck getting your first dress :D

I used to be in your situation, i just waited by shaving until i moved from home. (About half a year after starting out). Before that tried covering leg hair by using tights, it works to a decent degree. You should probably go for dark colors and/or thick tights. Shaved legs feel much better thought.

>> No.8902752


>> No.8905229

Does anyone know any brolita blogs on Tumblr or Instagram or etc. I'm interested to see how everyone else is doing. Cheers.

>> No.8905237

Akira's Tumblr is devoncuppycakes and Instagram is angelicmacarons.

Isabella's Tumblr is isabellaichi.

Anna's Tumblr is anaphrodisiacs.

Jordy's Tumblr is orgasmicyogurt.

There's also a gothic brolita who goes by skeletonmajesty.

>> No.8905244

Adding to the other anon's list, there's also Cuteinsecret, Killingwithfish, and Oliviainlace. Not sure how active they are though.

Does anyone know what happened to Trumaine?

>> No.8905677
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>tfw you like the fashion but you will never wear any of it because you have fairly good taste and know better.
>tfw you know that your manly face and features do not even remotely make it possible to look good even with all the makeup in the world.

Good thing I like a lot of different fashion styles from Japan. There are plenty of men's fashion that I can rock.

It still sucks though. I really do like the Lolita fashion. It would be super fun if it was physically possible for me to be cute and not look like an american football player. Maybe in another life though.

To those guys that can look like both sexes, you're lucky. It's pretty cool.

>> No.8905684


Why do they have girlnames?


>> No.8905695


Idk. They are dressed up in clothes that are feminine in nature so it's ok to adopt female names and to hide their real names from others. Guys are looked down upon if they dress up in clothes geared for females.

>> No.8905703

Any brolitas without manface? And who also don't look like bitches?

Like are there any genuinely cute brolitas out there? I know I've seen cute guys that could pull off the look but it feels like the fashion attracts only the beta males :/

>> No.8905708

Except you can clearly see that they are male. It makes me think they are MTF rather

>> No.8905755

It's cool that so many guys are going out in full coord. A couple of them seem to live in Tokyo too which probably helps.

>> No.8906004

>Anna's Tumblr is anaphrodisiacs.

sorry, but I don't refer to myself as anna

>> No.8906020

desperate for fap material or...?
seriously, go away.

>> No.8907462

>Stop hitting on me silly girls!

>> No.8910704
File: 147 KB, 500x749, bd_snap5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it at least once if you can afford it. you can stick to your other jfash but give lolita a twirl at least one time.

>> No.8914081

Another thing that came to my mind:

How do you handle Brolita as a hobby and friends or having a gf?
Do you wear it secretly and leave normal friends and lolita friends separated without telling your normal friends? Or are you even open about this hobby of yours?
If you do it in secret, did you ever come into a situation where someone (loli friends or gf) tried to blackmail you by telling your friends about it?

>> No.8914703


I'm thinking about simply "coming out" to my father next time I dress up, although he's very homophobic and while I'm not [completely] gay I doubt he'd see a distinction. My thinking is that if I'm confident when I tell him it might go down okay when he's sober, otherwise I may have to find somewhere else to live. I told my best friend when we were out drinking before and he was fairly supportive, which surprised me because while he is quite open minded, almost to a fault, but he finds the idea of gay men quite disgusting.

I think if anyone blackmails you then you need to immediately call them out on it unless you're in real danger, that's really not cool.

>> No.8914749

My parents know, but I think for my dad it's more important that I'm straight than what I wear. My girlfriend has a bit of a problem with it since she really wants a man but I really can't help myself. I love those dresses too much.

>> No.8914872 [DELETED] 

My bf recently told me he wants to try crossplaying and I'm pretty excited since I've always liked it when guys crossplay! I will be helping him out with everything, I believe I can make him look pretty cute hair/make-up wise. Problem is, he's fairly fit/buff because he used to lift. I'm a bit stumped when it comes to finding a flattering dress silhouette for him. He's short, but he has broad shoulders with beefy arms, slim waist, bubble butt and beefy thighs. Help?

>> No.8914891

This is the brolita thread. If you are looking for crossplay advice, use the crossplay thread. Crossplay and brolita are two totally different things.

>> No.8915873

sorry, your gf sounds like an ass.
don't stop if the frills make you happy, anon.

>> No.8916651

>My girlfriend has a bit of a problem with it since she really wants a man but I really can't help myself. I love those dresses too much.

Dump her.

You want to wear dresses, she wants a man. Those two things aren't alike.

>> No.8916722

you can be a man and wear dresses in your freetime, your gf is nasty if she really has a serious problem with that.

>> No.8916964

Dump them. If they're not supportive then they were never your friend or significant other in the first place.

>> No.8916985


I think you're jumping to conclusions, you can't suggest they break up based on a few sentences without knowing the people at all. That said, anon should do want makes them happy, whatever that is.

>> No.8917030

>Does your Comm have a brolita?
>Does your brolita coord properly?
No, and he knows it but can't be bothered to get things that fit and look good. He's too big for most brand pieces but tries to wear them anyway cause he thinks wearing brand is important and he wears cheap, messy wigs because he 'doesn't lie to style them'. Makeup is not good, but again, lazy by own admission to do beard cover, etc.
>Is the brolita fun to hang out with?
No, he's very awkward and brings up random and inappropriate topics.

He's not super young. I don't think he's a sissy but he is a fetishist. Because he told me at a meet. I'm not friends with him and I'm not sitting by him again.

I don't like brolitas but will tolerate them if they are trying. This is not that. Bye Felicia.

>> No.8917044

>I don't like brolitas but will tolerate them if they are trying.

What is it that you don't like about them?

>> No.8917064

The ones I've met expect too much attention and aren't willing to put in enough effort. They ask lots of advice from everyone who will pay attention to them but then little of it gets put into practice so to me that is a waste of time and a form of attention-whore behavior. My personal experience. They surely are not all like that. I judge on a person to person basis, how people act. But these are my general impressions I've gotten from the ones I've met/interacted with. (5 total)

>> No.8917070


Mm, I can imagine the kind of people it would attract and how they'd put anyone off. One thing to keep in mind is that this is a fairly taboo thing, even in 2016, and most guys have no experience in being frilly when compared to girls. Not that inexperience excuses being creepy.

>> No.8917288

I do understand. And if they are taking the advice they are asking (which is basically asking for someone's time, knowledge, effort, etc) and improving, then that would be cool. But the ones I have met are far more interested in just talking about it and idealizing it and gaining attention than they are on working on their skills, coords, etc, like the rest of us do. That makes it feel more than a bit awkward, like they are fantasizing and the other person in the conversation is feeding into it. I don't like that. So when asked advice now (if they are not currently dressed Lolita), I ask in return, "can you style a wig and do your beard cover skillfully yet?" And if their answer is any variation of 'no' then I tell them to start there and practice and quickly find a polite way to excuse myself.

>> No.8917436

I would work on contouring your jawline and a little bit of making your nose look more pointier and slimmer. Other than that, just a little clean up of your eyebrows would be nice and adding fake lashes to your routine would make you go from cute girl to super duper cute girl.

>> No.8917782


Anon, mate, get yourself some GLB's or Fruit's magazine and look at the street snaps. So many dog ugly Japanese girls with teeth like a 50yo picket fence and ears like dumbo. Bonus points for bow leggedness.

My point is, outside of Japan most of our lolita news, media etc. is highly selective, meaning we see mostly "the pretty bits" and only on the internet. In reality, lolita fashion, is a street fashion; it was not made for one type of person, figure or face. Wear it because you like it, wear it how you like it. Express yourself and have fun.

Don't let your perceptions of 'what looks good' be dictated by what you see on the internet. It is soooo far from reality.

>> No.8917792

>Don't let your perceptions of 'what looks good' be dictated by what you see on the internet. It is soooo far from reality.

This goes for everything, never compare yourself to others because, as cruel as it may sound, there will always be someone who is better at something than you. You can only try your best, and try to be happy with that.

>> No.8922123

>I hate sissies (only the ones that push their fetishes into lolita) though with a damn passion
Everyone in the entire jfash community hates those types.

>> No.8925008

Does anyone have problems with sissy blogs reblogging their posts? I've stopped identifying myself as a brolita anywhere on Tumblr to escape them, because it's disgusting.

>> No.8925069


I don't know about problems, but at least one guy I follow felt it was a complement when it happened.

>> No.8925077

One dude asked me on Tumblr if I would suck his cock in lolita. I turned off asks a question for Anonymous after that.

>> No.8925105

It used to happen to me all the time until I stopped using the tag and went on a follower blocking spree. I still end up having to go through my follower list occasionally to block the new blogs...

>> No.8925120

>want to brolita
>have to many eyes on me so it would ruin me

Quick question, would comms accept me into their closed fb groups if im just a fan of lolita fashion? Idont dress up but id love to date a lolita to watch her pick cords and buy dresses for her. I feel that ill be labeled a creep. If i join one without already dressing up.

>> No.8925207

That is so creepy anon

>> No.8925285


What do you think the reaction would be if you announced that you were an just an admirer of the fashion, and were looking for a girlfriend when you joined a comm?

>> No.8925310

I'd let you buy me stuff anon. A comm probably wouldn't you around though, because they are on high creep alert.

>> No.8925326

I wouldnt announce it , idk why i mentioned it in my post lol dun goofed

I just admire the fashion im not out hunting for a lolita gf

>> No.8926193

Do you know anyone in a comm now? Maybe ask them about the specific comm you want to join.

>> No.8926400


If the group is closed, your chances are pretty low. Heck mine is open and we still specify "no fans, no photographers, strictly lolita dress code only" for every meetup.

Better option might be to go to a con and play the numbers game. Hopefully if you have *some* social skills not all the lolitas will be creeped out and blow you off.

>> No.8926797

Please don't try to join a comm. Creepers make life difficult for the rest of us brolitas who are actually wearing the fashion. That you mention you're looking for a girlfriend reveals that you have bad intentions and don't belong in a comm.

If you're in a position where you're worried about being exposed, then practice making coord collages, follow lolita blogs, or buy lolita to wear in your own home.

>> No.8929341

What the actual fuck, you are damn cute.

Oh my god I wish I could look like that, but I have my doubts that I can achieve this.

I got a rather manly nose and my feet size is fucking 12.

How does one test if you can look feminine?
Should I buy a wig to find out?

>> No.8929387

Anon, no offense but that dress is pretty terrible.

>> No.8929420 [DELETED] 

Let's say I would fap to your pics what would you think about that?

>> No.8929853
File: 1.64 MB, 400x226, 15703+-+animated_gif+hakase+nichijou+shinonome_nano+tantrum[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curse these damn shoulders.

>> No.8930833

What make up you use? give me some tip I want a flowless face like you.

>> No.8931819
File: 63 KB, 640x960, i cant pose for shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! This is my first attempt at lolita and I'm looking for constructive criticism. I know I need to work on my eyebrows and posing/getting comfortable in lolita but any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8931838

Drive by comment but
>those shoes
You are a brave person with feet of iron. I had those in black and wore them with lolita and was limping after an hour and that's with shoe insoles in them. I finally just gave them to a friend and let them do what they wanted with them.

>> No.8931848

You're the guy who thinks he can cross dress aren't you. You're too manly, Ouji might work, but you're never going to look feminine enough for lolita unless you want to have work done.

>> No.8931899

>guy who thinks he can cross dress
Pretty sure he just did, anon. Who cares if he's not overly feminine looking? He dressed well and that's all that matters when it comes down to it. Doesn't matter how girly you look if you're wearing a goddamn lace monster.

>> No.8931938

If it counts for anything I think you look gorgeous. Maybe practice some poses that will make your shoulders look smaller for example. one arm up and one arm down.

Have you also tried wearing blouses without puffly sleeves?

>> No.8931954

Thank you so much :) um yes I will definitely work on poses for next time I really really nervous in that picture lol. And that was my first blouse but what do you think would work better?

>> No.8931971

You've got a big jaw, tilt your head down to minimalise it and try and see if you can work on smiling less tight-lipped, because you have a big chin too.

I'm surprised this is your first attempt at lolita, because I see so many first timers failing to put their feet together and standing like, well, men.

Seconding >>8931938 about less puffy blouses and your shoulders. Check your posture, stand straight, then push your shoulders down. Holding your bag low and directly in front of you is not only a common lolita pose, but it forces your shoulders in and makes them look smaller, just make sure that you don't hunch.

Also, if all else fails face-wise, a choker to cover up your adam's apple may be advised. You need to tone something down on/around your face, sorry anon. Probably a really good call getting a wig with bangs. Maybe some shorter layers around your cheeks could work too.

>> No.8931980

I will definitely work on all that :) thank you so much for pointing all this out to me :)

>> No.8932321


>How did you get into the fashion?
Was lucky enough to have a shop selling Kera and GLB near home, as well as meeting people through friends and events.

>Why do you like wearing the fashion?
It appeals to my love of cute things and I admire so many people that wear it too.

>How many main pieces do you have?
3 OPs, 2 JSKs and 1 skirt a mix of Baby and AP so far.

>Do members of your Comm accept you?
I was a bit of a surprise to others at the first meet as I went to, but they have been very welcoming and friendly. They're a lovely Comm

And the question by >>8914081

>How do you handle Brolita as a hobby and friends or having a gf?
My previous gf didn't like super masculine men but she wasn't as interested in makeup and dressing up as I was so I put the hobby aside for other things. My family sees it as me being young and having fun for the most part. My friends are and have been more supportive than I could've ever asked for.

My first coord was last August for SMASH, I've done a few more since then and there's still lots that I want to improve but gosh it's fun to dress up, go to events and talk to others in person

>> No.8932485

*Crossplay I meant. I'm pretty sure I've seen him self post a few times.
All I'm saying is he'll never look very good in lolita, and ouji might be a better way to go. At least his manface can be excused and his man legs and man arms can be hidden more than in lolita.

>> No.8932621

Or, you know, he can wear his frilly dresses like the rest of us like he wants? That's like saying "Oh you're too feminine looking for ouji. You should try lolita because that can excuse away your skinny arms and legs and your knobby knees won't show under all that poof."

As long as they're dressing well and putting effort into how they look instead of showing up in a ragged beard and Milanoo dress, who the fuck would care?

>> No.8932626

Sorry, I guess I just run under the assumption that people want to look the best they can. My mistake, though,

>> No.8933145

I think the only way to find out is to try it. With some basic makeup, a wig and some clothes with a feminine look to them. You should be able to get a clearer idea.

Not all women have perfect noses. It's rather normal to feel insecure about your nose. Try to find out if it's just something that you're feeling or if it will actually give you a hard time looking feminine.

High heeled shoes can help your feet look smaller, however in return they will make you taller.


I am by no means an expert! This is just what i do. Shower every other day. When i apply makeup i start by applying contour at imperfections in the skin. I also like to use contour under my eyes, at the edges of my nose and in a w under my mouth. This is to soften my face. Then I apply liquid foundation to my face and finish with powder highlight, bronzer and blush to finish the look. I use cheap drugstore makeup only, i don't think the brand make too much of a difference.

Watch makeup tutorials and try to find what works for you.

In my opinion you look cute. Would love to see a picture of you from a different angle or with another facial expression. Personally a tight-lipped smile always looks unflattering on me.

I received my new shoes recently. I made a short update if anyone is interested http://imgur.com/a/z0C9S I know that my outfit still needs some work, concrit still highly appreciated.

>> No.8933153

I think that if they take the giant bow off the front and remove the black sleeve ribbons it would look a little more streamlined.

>> No.8933341

anon, are you ok? do you want to talk about it?

>> No.8933563

Try long sleeves, cuter makeup, cuter facial expressions, and a better pose.

>> No.8934232

I like your pose in the first picture, the bag and shoes match quite nicely with the dress.

Your eye makeup is really good and the wig makes your face look smaller too. It looks a bit to me like you've taken inspiration from Misako Aoki's makeup style which works really well for you.

Some more accessories would bring the coord to life, some options would be:
- Wrist cuffs
- A mini crown to go next to the headbow
- other rings with designs that feature rabbits bows or baked goods

>> No.8935454

I think just the headbow is fine as the only hair accessory since the coord is simpler, but agree on hand/wrist accessories. Maybe something that matches the color of the shoes.

Get socks/tights that match the color of the blouse.

>> No.8935504

i'm 6'0 and pretty thin, where can I buy a maid outfit?

>> No.8935514

Maid =\= Lolita. Bodyline is cheap. Or taobao.