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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 957 KB, 2048x1365, maid6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8854954 No.8854954 [Reply] [Original]

Is their cafe worth going to?

>> No.8854959

Good luck, reservations are all sold out.

>> No.8854963

I know, my friend got a reservation for friday but I'm wondering if it's gonna be worth it.

>> No.8855023

>starts a thread instead of posting to the convention thread
>doesn't know how to reply

newfag shill pls go

>> No.8855031

General Maid cafe thread?
I want to discuss cafes in the US

>> No.8855188

we just had one and the consensus was they will never work outside of asia
check the archives, there's not much left to discuss.

>> No.8855753

I know, I just wanted to talk about the already existing cafes that happens at cons (Like the katsucon one)
The last thread was more like having a real restaurant

>> No.8855755

Food is expensive and not good, maids barely did anything. Best part was meeting people at my table, but you can do that anywhere.

>> No.8855786
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Can we actually make this a general? We all know con cafes won't phase out for a long while, if ever.

I'm looking for an apron design that's actually interesting and balanced that's not the typical quad button design @home started, any ideas?

>> No.8855799
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Yeah, there are tons of con cafes that would be interesting to talk about. I agree that a standalone cafe wouldn't work, but talking about and seeing photos of con cafes is interesting. The good, bad, and ugly, for example. (Pic very much related- Youmacon cafe in 2012)

>> No.8855805

the only one I like is the DZ maid outfit but only because of the outfit

>> No.8855824

Isn't the Katsucon maid cafe doing something different this year? I have been a couple times but I liked it in the VIP lounge more.

>> No.8855834
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Not sure if this helps but I'm really enjoying my patissier jsk with six buttons, a big bow, and that cute frilly round collar. It's not intended for maid cafes but it's the only apron design I've ever really liked.

>> No.8855866

I can't decide how I feel about that DBZ maid. I kind of love it for a con cafe.

I've always wanted to go to one of these, but i've never actually bothered. I wonder if they're ever any good.

>> No.8855873

I'd love the idea of going to a cosplay cafe where the maids and butlers act in character and have some defining accessories, but I feel like it would attract the worst weebs

>> No.8855909

Why have only fatty maids?
Whats the point?

>> No.8855933

Actually, I was wondering if there was any underbust maid dresses out there that were of good quality. I would love a more solid resource for those looking to get a nice quality maid dress and attempting to get the whole "look" down, proper pannier, accessories, and all that stuff. It would be great to have some reputable info regarding etiquette as well, maybe even some common dances and stuff like that. I understand this is such a varying type of thing but I think even just a list of quality dress sellers would be helpful.

>> No.8855937
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I guess I can see what inspo pics i have on my phone, I'm getting a free meal at Denny's right now.....

>> No.8855957

congrats on the food bro

>> No.8855966

I wanted that Jsk so bad but I'm six feet just kill me senpai

>> No.8856006

There's a page on FB called maid cafe resource that has pretty solid info. I know most cafes learn the dances Mune Mune Kyun, Hapi Hapi Morningu, and pretty much anything Vocaloid. As for manners, I prefer if all the maids have their own personality as in not everyone is going KYAAAAA NYA NYA~ or whatever. However, everyone should be nice and address their customers as Goshujinsama/Ojousama or My lord/lady. Bodyline is usually the go-to place for uniforms too

>> No.8856057
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Similar to >>8855873's idea

If we're turning this into a con-cafe discussion one that has always seemed from the facebook page to go well is that league one? (Summoners' cafe, I think?)
Designs are cute but still very simple, and I like the idea of changing whose involved/champions yearly to keep it fresh.
No clue on any actual experiences from it as I don't live in the U.S.
Have heard though that everything is supposed to be characterised so they act like their champion, and you can be served by said fave champion.

I'd really be interested if anyone knew anything about said summoners cafe. (Believe it's on west coast?)

>> No.8856077


I wouldn't go to a maid cafe and pay extra money to be waited on by maids that aren't gorgeous.

Just saying.

>> No.8856080

Exactly. I feel mean saying it, but people don't want to be waited on in a maid cafe by unattractive people. I feel like there should be a photo/video required to be accepted

>> No.8856083
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The marshmallow girls maid cafe is quite cute. It's a shame very few of the plus sized maids in western cafes put in the effort to still look cute at their size

>> No.8856096
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Otakon's Cafe

>> No.8856109
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Con+Alt+Delete's Cafe. This one has pretty hit or miss maids and butlers. Some are cute, some not so much. I hope the guests at least get to pick their maid.

>> No.8856172
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Thank you so much for the info!

>> No.8856175


>> No.8856177
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Thanks! I turn 23 today so I got a free meal. :')

>> No.8856179

Don't feel bad.
If I wanted to be waited on by uggos I'd go to Denny's. The point of the maid cafe is to feel beautiful and attractive even though I'm not.

>> No.8856184

>Hit or miss
Mostly just 2. Maybe 2 cute maids, but none of those butlers are anything above average.

>> No.8856187

Anyone actually been to a con cafe that can talk about being served or interacting with staff? Looking at photos is nice, but it's hard to judge service based on photos. Though this thread could use some more photos as well, I'll try to find some

>> No.8856195
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I'll do a small dump of photos from US maid cafes, though I haven't been to any of them. I'd like to go to one someday, but I have to do some research beforehand to make sure that it isn't sloppy weaboos

>> No.8856197
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Whoops, brain poot. Western cafes, not just US ones

>> No.8856203
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>> No.8856206
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>> No.8856207
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>> No.8856212
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>> No.8856214
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>> No.8856218
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>> No.8856219
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>> No.8856222
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>> No.8856224
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>> No.8856226

i like the idea of a maid having their own specific color. makes the cafe look more colorful and playful while still uniform.

>> No.8856228
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>> No.8856230
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>> No.8856233

I agree it would be good for smaller cafes, but would get harder if you had more than, say, a dozen maids

>> No.8856237
File: 182 KB, 625x469, enhanced-buzz-19346-1345129595-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending dump with 'The Anime Cafe' of Detroit. They have their own storefront, apparently

>> No.8856243
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 705126_454274891336444_1339317717_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think there a correlation with appearances and the service the cafe has when it comes to convention maid cafes. If a cafe has cute girls that put some type of effort in their appearance, they all have matching uniforms, and their information is organized well, there's hope. Unless the girls are trying to be aidorus. Now, if it's all the opposite and the girls look like weebs who think putting on a maid dress and cat ears makes them super uguu. Avoid at all cost. Don't bother.

Honestly, just set your standards on average for appearances and performance/service because maid cafes don't attract too many top tier cuties who are in it to give the full maid cafe experience. Something to keep in mind about the service, remember that most convention maid cafes are "trying their best" with convention limitations which is something that is mentioned every maid cafe thread.

>> No.8856253

>The girl in the pink in the front with her titty sheep

>> No.8856257

Yeah, I get what you're talking about. I'd hate to get served by a girl who's more concerned with being kawaii aidoru than actually doing her job of servine people. On a similar note, I can't imagine being served by someone using a squeaky annoying moe-moe voice, I think I would have to leave

>> No.8856263



>> No.8856347
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>> No.8856355

Bottom left of the middle is a qt. The uniform is also very cute

>> No.8856360

is that supposed to be varus on the far right? lol. There's casual cosplay and there's 'no effort'.... also maid annie is kind of uncomfortable. even if it's not with the creep atmosphere of a usual maid cafe, isn't being waited on by someone acting like an 8 year old uncomfortable...

>> No.8856376

Looks like? No other character i can think of wears a purple scarf.

That jinx and Vi tho.

>> No.8856396

why do Western butlers always look terribad, even when the maids are okay?

>> No.8856404

because western raised/socialized asian men (who 95% of the time are the only ones who apply to maid cafes) don't try to look cute or pretty-handsome, since it's 'embarassing' to be that way in the west. They also tend to be too lazy/weebish to go for the nice chiseled masculine look.. I wouldn't mind a maid cafe with cute maids and beefy manly men.

>> No.8856408

This is Katsucon's maid cafe. I have the same dress but sadly I was late to audition ;_;

>> No.8856412

Oh no does the red one on the right end have stuffing in her apron?

>> No.8856420

This isn't Katsucon's maid cafe but a pop up group that's working with Katsucon's cafe I think?

>> No.8856421
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>> No.8856448
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The uniform is cute but too bad they're using an actual maid cafe's (Maidreamin) uniform. It's better than the generic ebay ones though.

You're right. The pop up group, Lovely Heart, is working with Katsu's maid cafe (Cherry Tea).

>> No.8856617

I went to one of Lovely Heart's events in December it was pretty nice. None of them tried putting on the annoying cutesy voice and they even sing if you get a special drink. AND WHEN THEY DANCE THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE SHIT Holy fuck I hate seeing maids who can't dance in sync

>> No.8857651

I imagine it must be difficult to get a group of girls together to practice the dance. Even if everyone learns the same dance from the same video, getting the group to dance in sync is another issue entirely.

>> No.8857972
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>> No.8857999

It's Malzahar

I've been to this one and in person it's not too great; the maids just ignore you and talk among themselves

>> No.8858213

If it's hard to get the girls together then they shouldn't be in the cafe IMO

>> No.8858218

jesus christ, that's even lazier. Couldn't do a hood? (or even just a headscarf.)

>> No.8858221

I agree practicing is important but when there's more than 15 girls it gets hard to find a time that works for everyone to practice, and do it enough to be perfect. Especially since cafes dont have the kind of funds to reserve dance studios/practice areas for multiple times a month

>> No.8858223
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Is it just me or do you hate seeing frumpy petticoats that are longer than their maid skirts showing?

>> No.8858227

I guess you're right. Maybe I'm just an ass cuz I'm a dancer and have an above average standard

>> No.8858229

by how loose the uniforms look, i'm guessing their petticoats were also too big and are slipping down while they dance. not sure why you wouldnt notice that beforehand and at least pin it to size

>> No.8858636

this looks like awkard

>> No.8858670

Then as a dancer you should know more than anyone how difficult it is to get people who aren't trained at dancing to be coordinated and synchronized.

>> No.8858810


Really? I heard they closed down like a year or so ago

>> No.8859188

Yeah iirc

>> No.8861582

maybe they just see it as an extra layer of frill

>> No.8862093
File: 307 KB, 1204x804, Generate_Katsucon2016_CuteMaid_Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have some cute ones there.

>> No.8862853


>> No.8862943

4th girl looks kind of like a cute pug. Everyone else (I'm looking at you, mustache-pigtail-chan) isn't someone I'd pay to serve me.

>> No.8862961

is that third one a man or a women? that nasty stare... i feel as if i approach her(?) ill get the shit beaten out of me.

>> No.8863562

My local con, Naka, is having a maid cafe this year and I was wondering if it's be worth it at all. Shit, I don't even know if anyone on this board is going, but I kinda have to since my store is a vendor. Apparently, 3 maids just dropped out from it so if anyone wants to join and has a black meido dress, they could.

>> No.8863740

Idk the maid we had at Katsu had the orangest foundation shade I've ever seen which went with her mustache perfectly.

>> No.8863826

At katsucon lovely heart was the blue and pink uniforms and Katsucons original cafe was the black ones. HUGE DIFFERENCE IN APPERENCES

>> No.8864335

That says a LOTTTT

>> No.8864630

They were both pretty different in how they work too. I had a cherry tea maid and she was alright, but the lovely heart maids were much more exciting and fun one even came over to make us do this spell. It was kinda cute and fun

>> No.8864900

lmao there was a fire at the maid cafe

>> No.8865495

Spells are kind of expected though. Sounds like a shit tier cafe

>> No.8865508

He go that "The fuck you lookin' at bitch?" look on his face

>> No.8866096

I really liked how they had a service where you could try on a maid uniform and get a picture. I made my boyfriend do it and it was worth it.

>> No.8866329

Anime Weekend Atlanta has the worst maid cafe which is saying something. The outfits are so frumpy and unflattering on anyone.

>> No.8866382
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baka senpai

>> No.8866395

I have a mighty need for that maid uniform. Most I've seen are shitty ones but this is great. Does anybody know where to get that one or a similar?

>> No.8866572

So is this place being shut down for next year since they caused the fire?

>> No.8866580

I mean it was at the maid cafe, but I heard it was a gas leak caused by the kitchen staff. So no blaming them for that.

>> No.8866605

I heard it was a grease fire.

>> No.8866625

my question is what is the demographic for people who attend these things. is it filled with a bunch of young weebs, or really awkward fat whale men

>> No.8866667

It seems to be a mixture of "15-23" then it jumps to be about "30-45"

>> No.8866948

I think they get together to practice once a month. They probably practice on their own between then and use that time to work on syncing, I'm guessing.

My friend and I went and had a Lovely Heart maid. The maids were supposed to work in pairs of one Lovely Heart maid and one Cherry Tea maid, but something happened and they started each taking a table. The Cherry Tea maid that was working with our Lovely Heart maid seemed sweet and came over a couple times as well.

So, it wasn't my intention to go to the maid cafe. My friend wanted to go, and I had gone there to hang out with her (I'm semi-local), so I was down for whatever. They wanted us to make cat paws and say "nyan nyan" if we needed their attention when away. I don't know if that's a thing in a lot of places, but I was not about that life. I just can't bring myself to do things like that. Putting the spell on the food with them was right at my limit.


>> No.8866966

But the food is what I want to talk about. So, I ordered a salmon filled onigiri. I usually make mine with umeboshi in the middle, so it's been a long time since I've had a good fish filled one. Well, about that... They brought me a single, regular sized rice ball (for $11). There with this triangle of rice with a few sesame seeds scattered sparsely upon its surface was a dollop of wasabi and some ginger. I sat there having a WTF moment. I couldn't even and then tried to scoot the rice ball away from them, since wasabi is not kind to me. My maid tried to stop me, since we hadn't put the spell on our food, but was understanding and apologetic when I explained.

I think the rice ball needed a few more magic spells before it could taste good. The salmon seemed like it had gone straight from a can to the inside of the rice ball. Isn't the fish usually seasoned? I swear it is in all of the ones I've had. The rice on the outside was plain too, but I know there are varying ways to form rice balls and not all of them use a little bit of salt. The wasabi and ginger got me the most though...just...why? I even LINEd a Japanese friend to ask if she had ever seen that done before. She was shocked and thought it was so weird and a bit funny. She said that is never the way it's served.

So, the maids were fine, and their service was fine, but the food, for me at least, was pretty damn sad. I think I would be wary of maid cafes just because I don't know what runs the risk of being very disappointing.


>> No.8867070

I've worked at a maid cafe before and while we didn't require anyone to do anything like the cat calling thing (pun not intended?), we did do the spell casting and tried to interact with customers as best as we could.
One guy would not stop complaining about how he hated that and how he just wanted to eat in peace. Of course we didn't do the spell at his request but he wouldn't stop complaining afterwards either.
I know you were only there because of a friend but this guy had gone in there by himself. I'm not sure why people go into maid cafes and not expect to do maid cafe shit.
$11? That's terrible.

>> No.8867076
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>$11 for pitiful salmon filled onigiri

>> No.8867103

I'd love to see cons take survey's of its attendees.

Age and occupation between various con goers would be interesting to see.

>> No.8867128

I'm a professional chef and your story kills me. I think about running a maid cafe at cons sometimes, and I would make sure that proper food was served for a good price.

>> No.8867133

They're cute. It's a shame the majority of the uniforms look like shit.

>> No.8868177

Only on years they try to burn the place down.

>> No.8868468

I've never heard of this cafe but looking at pictures it looks like you'd at the very lest be entertained by the shenanigans that would happen there

>> No.8868473

I had a crossdressing/trans/whichever woman named Koneko serve me at Katsu, she acts like a normal weeb that things she's a cat

>> No.8868546

Given all the logistical problems of running a kitchen at a con, keeping costs low will probably be pretty difficult.

>> No.8869112

I mumbled to my friend but never complained to our maid's face. That seemed like it would be a downer for her. I just told my friend that she would have to do any nyan nyan summoning. Yeah, my friend also paid, which is why I was less bothered. Otherwise, I might have actually said something about how bad it was. She gave no fucks and wanted to pay and enjoy seeing what all the maids were up to, so I did my best to give no fucks with her. I mostly succeeded.

Yep. That's pretty much the face I wanted to make when one, small rice ball arrived.

I would go to your cafe, even if the maids made me nyan, if the food were good, and I'm sure your food would be good. This was like the "white people don't season their food" thing to the extreme. I really do wonder who was back there making those things. Was there no one whose weeb levels were low enough and whose culinary skills were high enough to stop them?

>> No.8869664

I work for the Fleur Royale Maid Cafe and honestly it's just full of cringe. There are a handful of cute maids and butlers but they don't do much to bring up the average of the group

>> No.8873723

bumping just to save thread from oblivion, will post pictures of more maid cafes later

>> No.8877656

I'd love to go there! I heard the food is better than most maid cafés!

>> No.8877671
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>> No.8878061

2nd and 4th are qts, would befriend

>> No.8878153

These all have a couple cuties, but I would not go for fear of all the other "maids"

This looks like a pretty quality cafe crew

What's the deal with maid cafes in America (or the west in general)?
I've never heard the inside scoop on what goes on behind the scenes of these places.
Are they just trying to be all-inclusive or something? Why? You don't see Hooters hiring ugly girls, and there's a reason for that.
And whenever I find a maid cafe without whales on legs, the maids/butlers are always so cold. Are they not getting paid or something?
This is a job; they should be acting like it.

>> No.8878184

A couple of threads ago people did a cute/maybe/no edits on maids and butlers from Maid Cafe photos. Anyone want to do some again?

>> No.8878199

None of the cafe's pay their staff, they are all there as volunteers working for con badges and hotel rooms.

if a maid cafe member is saying they are being paid, they are lying. these cafes pull in MAYBE 200 per event

>> No.8878324

If the head maid is fugly she will let fugly girls in. This is usually the case, and then there's the few pretty girls that really just want to be cute maidos but not deal with actually forming their own cafe, so they settle for what they can.

If a cafe has a pretty head maid, she usually knows it and will probably be a total self absorbed person. This is why cafes full of pretty girls tend to not feel as welcoming.

>> No.8878490


>> No.8878936

Katsucon is over and nobody is interested in this thread anymore. Let it die.

>> No.8878970
File: 82 KB, 888x447, 54654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from Candy Fruit? Their dresses are really cute...

>> No.8878988

And yet, you're posting on here. We're discussing western maid cafes, not just katsucon's

>> No.8878993

This is pretty much it. I'm in a cafe myself and can confirm this. You'll get a pretty head maid (or even mediocre) and if they are full of themselves, it has an effect on the other maids. A group is typically as efficient as their leader in these settings.

>> No.8878998

I divide whatever my cafe makes with the other maids...
Our cafe pulls around 800 or more. Granted once we divide it we don't make much more than 80 each but, I like rewarding the maids and butlers in my cafe for their hard work as best as I can.

>> No.8879007

If people are still interested, the thread will stay alive naturally. If it goes days without a post and would fall off the board without you bumping it to save it, maybe you should consider creating a more engaging thread.

>> No.8879018

Spammer-chan was kicking threads off the board and this one wasn't completely dead. I bumped it to keep it from dying

>> No.8879070
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There was more than one person bumping. Also, here's a maid cafe with an interesting idea but not that great execution.

>> No.8879121

I remember when this was posted in the maid cafe resource (rolling eyes at a few of the girls know it all responses)
The idea is cute but the uniform still bothers me.

>> No.8879324

>know it all responses

If you mean telling them to not use short as fuck skater dresses instead of actual uniforms as know it all, idk what to tell you

>> No.8879326

Oh no, we all knew that and that needed to be said. I just get irritated when someone has the need to repeat what someone else said but make it a paragraph longer, and include themselves in it instead of the issue of the actual uniform being crap.

>> No.8879438

I'd be interested in a punk/gothic themed maid cafe but maid stuff is general anime related so

>> No.8885991

The Lovely Hearts maids actually seem really put together from their page. I work at a cafe and its mostly just a bunch of weebs who dont know how to do their makeup or put on a wig. I had a LH maid at katsu and they all seemed like they knew what they were doing. other group not so much

>> No.8887400

Has anyone ever really enjoyed working at a maid café? Most people seem to complain about the other maids and butlers. Especially the ugly ones.

>> No.8887447

I work in a maid cafe before & I got bashed quite badly by the other girls because some customers prefer me to serve them. They complained to the manager & she dismissed their complains on the basis that the customers get to choose who they want as their maid. I left afterwards as the atmosphere gets too toxic.

>> No.8888715

I've worked in two different cafes before and I love being a maid. I really love getting a chance to make a unique con experience for people and meet lots of new faces. It's literally all of the good parts of food service without any of the bad shit. It's a great experience for really social people.

As for internal affairs, the first cafe I worked at was okay. I liked working the cafe itself but I never really fit in among the girls. It felt a bit too clique-y. There wasn't a lot of talking shit but there was definitely an "in-crowd" and stigma. So I joined a cafe closer to my house and honestly it's been one of the best experiences of my life. It's like a nerdy sorority. I've been there for 2 years now and I'm now close friends with people I would have never seen myself getting along with. I love them all. Nothing is perfect and there are always bumps but I think if the leaders are careful in their selection of girls and focus on building a team, you avoid a lot of that bashing and toxic atmosphere.

>> No.8888784

Having worked in a cafe for five years, this is why I refuse to eat out anymore, even if the food is good.

You'd be surprised about the amount of "decent" cafes that use the cheapest ingredients in most circumstances. Like, fuck paying £3.50 for a sandwich that cost 50p to make.

>> No.8888820

Also in the same boat, but I want to do an English style one and that also serves teas
honestly if you handle all your costs right its shouldn't be too hard, its just make sure your cost per person is reasonable enough that people won't hate it or find it unreasonable for what they are getting
generally most maid cafes are made in the spur of the moment, so its not treated as a business and most people aren't paid since "its a fun thing to do"