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8804999 No.8804999 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Problems associated with your mori lifestyle

>Allergic to tree pollen

>> No.8805007

>Expensive but yet cute clothes online that end up not fitting when they arrive.

>> No.8805010

Trying to explain that you aren't a hippie.

>> No.8805023

Living in a big city and thus lack much forest to be mori in.

>> No.8805026


>> No.8805054


Twigs and shit sticking to dragging lace/knits


Waiting to get into town to get phone reception to post Kawaii pictures

Must just be me...

>> No.8805070

>Forest fan friends or whatever changing their target audience away from mori into generic fob fashion

>> No.8805086
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There it is. Right on the dot.

>> No.8805107

lyme disease ain't cute friend

Layering making my behind look twice as big as usual. I can avoid this in lolita, because your petticoat is supposed to stick out (it just does more in the back than front.)

>> No.8805117

>have many cute knits
>must hang to dry
>too wet to hang outside
>get covered in dog fur inside

>> No.8805132

This really didn't need it's own thread.
The mori girl thread could use more traffic as it is, and this one certainly isn't going to get enough to warrant it killing another thread.
What is up with people not understanding board/site basics and making all of these totally unnecessary threads lately?

>> No.8805153

A vent thread isnt really going to kill a thread with a much broader discussion.

>> No.8805155

Every time a new thread is created, an old one is kicked off, i.e. "killed". This topic doesn't merit a new thread when it could have easily gone into the mori general.

>> No.8805160

>stop having fun, you killed an already saging thread to have fun

>> No.8805170

do you know what saging means, though?

>> No.8805178

Not being able to wear especially cute outfits when the summer temperatures get really hot. Mori is a fashion of layers.

>> No.8805183

Do you?

>> No.8805187

>stop bumping this shit
anon has a point. this is a stupid topic. you don't see fairy kei, gothic or punk problems. fuck off, snowflake

>> No.8805188

-having no active local community
-having a barely active online community
-dark mori girl vs natural kei vs mori girl battles
-Just wanting to look cute with other girls while drinking tea and crocheting/knitting
-Not knowing how to crochet and knit

>> No.8805192

The mori general is literally just the same pics I've seen a million times before that I don't even check it out anymore. What's wrong with having a mori thread that's a little different?

>> No.8805199

>not enjoying these activities when most other mori girls expect everyone to

>> No.8805206

Yes, it just doesn't seem right for me to not like tea as much as every other mori seems to, and I don't have time to knit.
>Not liking the longer skirts of the fashion

>> No.8805217

You can do it in the general? Don't bitch about the general being shit if you're not working to improve it. I regularly post new (at least to my folder) content. Point is, this thread could have gone in the general with no problems and wouldn't have killed another thread that way. Why do you need your own special thread?

>> No.8805221

>having too many varying fashion interests t give time or wardrobe space to mori
>been admiring it since it popped up
I will never be a forest girl

>> No.8805225

I could never strictly be a mori girl. I got some outfits, but I love my pastels, my skinny jeans, and my graphic tees too much.

>> No.8805226

dude are you okay
maybe fix yourself a nice cup of tea or something

>> No.8805228

>killing another thread i.e. becoming more popular and stealing the traffic
>not getting enough traffic itself
pick one

>> No.8805234

do you know that this is the only board that ever bitches about "killing a thread"

>> No.8805237

If it is the last thread on the last page, it's either saging or it needs to die anyway.

>> No.8805238

This was already covered. Merely creating a new thread kills the last thread on the last page. I'm not talking about killing the other mori thread. Why the fuck don't you people understand how this works?

>> No.8805242

>not being Japanese
>people question why a white girl would take so much interest in a Japanese subculture
>feeling inferior to the Japanese mori girls because I don't feel as cute

>> No.8805251

Could've, should've, would've. The thread is up now, and it has been up for a while, so just let the mori girls have their fun on this thread, it's not like it can be taken back at this rate.

>> No.8805252

It's killing a thread that was already dead. Who cares as long as it's not spam or some short-lived question.

>> No.8805258

This is more of a universal girl problem than a mori girl problem, but runs in tights. Especially when they're your favourite tights and you can't find anymore of them because your online shop took them down.

>> No.8805260

Does anyone else here have trouble finding mori type shoes in stores but not trust buying shoes online?

>> No.8805272

Commitment. I just can't make a commitment to being a mori girl, I'm a fraud! At least it's easier to fet away with than with being a lolita.

>> No.8805291

>My co-worker called my style "like those poor Americans you see on TV". I still have no idea what that looks like. Also she is the one with the bad taste anyways.
>Size EU 40 shoes, too chicken to order online and most aren't in my size anyways.
>will never be as cute as japanese mori girl
>I would love an active community like Lolita fashion has. Local and international.

>> No.8805299


saging is something you do TO a thread.

if it is on the last page, and it is not AUTOSAGING (310+ posts) bump it and reply to it. one reaso we do this is because newfags ask the same shit all the time and it's easier to point them to an earlier post in the thread than tell them to check the archives.

>> No.8805305

to clarify, i like this thread so i am not arguing against its existence. just explaining shit.

>> No.8805306

>The looks I get outside
I get that it's not my culture, but it's not the craziest style.

>> No.8805308

>I've been on 4chan for a whole year now allow me to enlighten you on the proper internet slang to use

>> No.8805312

Yeah I've noticed that.
Many other shops are doing the same, and following the market trends to stay afloat.

>> No.8805315

it's 315 anon, and I'd like to add that just typing 'bump' is pretty fucking lazy, just pick up anything you could add on to in the thread or make up a topic/question
>what is having a conversation

I am shit with coording and my pieces don't want to match with each other. also, weather and fashion appropriate shoes are impossible to find

>> No.8805317

>i don't like facts, let me make up a strawman to deal with it

>> No.8805323

I don't think you know what strawman means.
That's real life slang for a fake argument that's set up to be defeated.
What I did was repeat what you said more simplified to mock you.

>> No.8805330

>it's 315 anon

people keep saying this, so i tested on a dead thread


it's 310

>> No.8805335

>What I did was repeat what you said more simplified to mock you.
go home anon, you're drunk

>> No.8805337

I get that issue, my problem is that I need to be matchy or I feel weird. The fashion doesn't really call for much matching but it just feels complete.

>> No.8805339

Can we talk about OP's pollen allergy, because really any pollen allergy is a struggle with mori

>> No.8805349

damn aight, sorry. I will shoosh myself

I agree I guess, maybe I'm taking it too far/too hard but I'm similar with lolita, everything has to be perfectly matching

>> No.8805351

Even better, pulls in knit tights. You can only cut the string that pulled out, then you have a small hole. Small hole or a long dangly string...

>> No.8805379

do you have anything in particular you want to say about it

>> No.8805385

Just how irritating it gets. When you're stuffy and trying to take cute photos but you gotta keep sniffing all the time, and being directly in the pollen just makes you have to resort to mouth breathing. Can anyone relate?

>> No.8805512

I take antihistamines to keep the symptoms at bay. I also wear a face-mask sometimes which helps but pollen sticking onto clothes means its sorta pointless.

If you know what trees are particularly bad for your allergies just try find parks that don't have a glut of those types of trees.

Pine trees and any type of flowers, especially orchids tear my lungs up, but deciduous trees don't seem to have any affect.

If you aren't deathly allergic to every kind of pollen, try to figure out which ones aren't so bad and tailor your forest walks to suit e.g. if conifers don't set you off, find an evergreen trail, if conifers do set you off, find a largely deciduous forest and go there.

Alternatively, what about visiting a rocky mountain trail which has less greenery but loads of scenery? Or for coastal mori's, beaches and inlets.

I don't know if this is much help, pollen allergies are super annoying, but I find that this is the best way I cope with my allergies.


My Mori girl problem ...
>buy a real nice sweater, absolute dream sweater.
>Wear it once, wash it, sweater quadruples in size.
>Try thrifting for more sweaters, nothing compares to original.

r.i.p Dream sweater you will never be replaced or forgotten.

>> No.8805558

There was this really cute sweater at the thrift store I wanted to buy today, but I knew I would ruin it as soon as I washed it. It was very pretty with the embroidery, but it was scratchy too. I don't know how I would have fixed that.

>> No.8805564

chiggers suck and the only way to get rid of them is to drown those fuckers in the bath

>> No.8805596

>half my wardrobe is knits
>i live with two ferrets
>they destroy knit material with their claws and teeth in 0.2 seconds
>but they fit my mori aesthetic

>> No.8805835

I feel this need to match! I've been trying to do more coords since mori-inspired is the only thing I can wear for my daily work outfits, but I feel like a clusterfuck, and not in a qt magazine girl photoshoot way.

>> No.8805854

i don't mean to turn this into an allergy thread, but i just want to add that i get allergy shots (for pollen as well as other things) and they're extremely helpful, at least in my experience. i've been getting them for only 1 year and it's already done wonders. antihistamines by themselves didn't do much for me.

>> No.8805872

As much as I hate needles, I hate allergies more, so I'll definitely consider that. It would make my fall and spring walks and mini selfie-shooys so much more tolerable.

>> No.8806603

>That cute knit sweater you have that hurts your elbows when you try to rest your head in your hands

>> No.8806619
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This, so much, all the time

>> No.8806657

Please elaborate.

>> No.8806674

The rough surface of knit materials digs into your skin if you rest your elbows on a table.

>> No.8806687

Am I a faker mori if I don't order clothes from Japan but get them from thrift stores/America online stores like ModCloth/mainstream brands instead? I can't really see a difference as long as the items are made of the right materials and look mori, but I feel like such an impostor not having any mori burando

>> No.8806715

I don't see a problem with it, honestly. Most of my mori is Japanese because I prefer online shopping sometimes, but if I see something cute in stores I'm going to get it. Mori isn't really like lolita so I don't think the brands matter.

>> No.8806722

The thing is that I'm ashamed to upload OOTDs or something like that and put in the description where I got the stuff from because none of the shops are Japanese or "cute"...

>> No.8806724

Yeah, I can understand that. Honestly, people even go as far as to make their own clothing for these fashions, so I don't see the big deal with using whatever resources you have available.

>> No.8806730

You don't really have to list where anything is from, right? I don't often see mori OOTDs with lolita-style brand rundowns like that. As long as the coord is cute and suited to the fashion, I think it should be able to stand on its own.