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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 335 KB, 1280x960, 1450904608812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8799642 No.8799642 [Reply] [Original]

Hiatus is over!
Anyone planning homeworld gem cosplays? (Blue Diamond, BD's Pearl, Yellow Diamond, Big Ruby, etc)

>> No.8799645

Forgot to post it in the description, but I'll do a tag dump shortly to start the thread off

>> No.8799665
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>> No.8799667
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>> No.8799669
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>> No.8799671
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this would be really close to great without the prosthetic nose.

>> No.8799672
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>> No.8799674
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>> No.8799675
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>> No.8799677
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>> No.8799679
File: 425 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o0berlAsTA1ujb09co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone's making Pearl armor

>> No.8799680
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>> No.8799682
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>> No.8799684
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>> No.8799686
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>> No.8799687
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>> No.8799690
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>> No.8799693
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>> No.8799694
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>> No.8799695
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>> No.8799696

Lost my shit at the Pearl on the left.

>> No.8799698
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>> No.8799699
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>> No.8799700
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>> No.8799701
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>> No.8799703
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>> No.8799704

I really want to do the cotton candy garnet but

>> No.8799705
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>> No.8799712
File: 247 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_o0ie5fTxZh1u5kc39o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, follow your dreams. Just paint your skin a deep purple/pink. The only controversy I've seen over white people cosplaying Garnet was when that one cosplayer painted her skin to actually look like a black person, which doesn't even match Garnet's tone at all. But let's not go into that again

>> No.8799717
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>> No.8799719
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>> No.8799721
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>> No.8799723
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>> No.8799724
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>> No.8799726
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>> No.8799727
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>> No.8799729
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end of dump

>> No.8799771

I have a question for you guys.

Do you think it's acceptable to leave extra parts off of fusion cosplays if you know it'd look better off without them?

For example, if you cosplayed Opal but didn't do her second pair of arms, or cosplayed Rainbow Quartz without the second pair of eyes. I feel like most of them don't translate to reality well and even the most well-constructed extra limbs end up looking off.

>> No.8799777

Does anyone have the picture of that scary sapphire cosplay with the giant one eye?

>> No.8799783
File: 68 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.895468271_i4by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been more than one huge, terrifying eye, but this one tops the list for me. They're selling it on Etsy

>> No.8799789

In my honestly opinion, if I saw a cosplay like that irl, I probably wouldn't ask for their photo. I feel like part of cosplaying fusions is that they are complicated, and just completely omitting limbs/eyes just seems like avoiding it because it's hard. Not saying that it makes the cosplay bad, just incomplete and not as good as someone who attempted arms/extra eyes. There are so many tutorials on how to have extra sets of arms and eyes.

>> No.8799794

But I feel like they never end up looking good. Even on the absolute BEST fusion cosplay I've seen, the extra arms looked slightly okay, but they were nowhere near even being good.

Same with Malachites, Garnets, and Rainbow Quartzes. I've seen painted-on eyes that look almost photorealistic, but they still just look awkward on a human body.

>> No.8799796

>yellow diamond
>red lipstick

would a closed eye look better? i know it does in the rainbow quartz cosplays

>> No.8799797

if the rest of the cosplay is top-tier i wouldn't mind much

>> No.8799798

Do you have a source on this? I think I know her!

>> No.8799799
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, exrmni2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to your own opinions and to do your own cosplay, but it just loses a lot of impact to have a key part of the character missing. A lot of fusions have great arms (pic related), and it sounds like you're falling into uncanny valley when you say extra eyes look awkward. Of course they're never going to look 100% perfect because there's only so much that prosthetics/makeup can do, but it looks better than a Rainbow Quartz who simply skipped out on doing a difficult part of the cosplay.

>> No.8799800

Just got it off tumblr, sorry anon. I don't save usernames

>> No.8799804

True. It wouldn't automatically make the cosplay terrible, but it's similar to when people just have a round/natural afro for Garnet. Sure, it might look good, but at the end of the day it doesn't resemble her actual hair and it's pretty obvious that the cosplayer skipped styling it because it was hard.

>> No.8799833

This is the second pair of plastic Lapis wings I've seen that stick straight out. Why do people not angle them slightly backward? imo they'd look more natural.

>> No.8800038
File: 310 KB, 553x379, Lapis_healed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because her wings do stick straight out. id agree that theyd look more natural bent back if they were bird wings, but water can basically do whatever it wants

>> No.8800085

I agree with >>8799712
You cosplay that alien and have a great time, just choose an appropriate paint and tell anyone screaming blackface to go eat a bucket of clods.

>> No.8800090

It's not that they aren't angled back enough, it's that the cosplayer didn't bother to bend the plastic at all. It would look more like flowing water if it wasn't a stick straight sheet of acrylic.

>> No.8800201

Too bad she won't get to wear that after today

>> No.8800208

she actually claimed in her post that she made her cosplay really accurate to how YD actually looks. yikes

>> No.8800359

Lapis and steven look so bad oh my god.

>> No.8800362

JFC that amethyst... nooooo

>> No.8800363

i totally agree with you on steven, but lapis looks alright to me. not super great, but also not too bad

>> No.8800371

The wig is shit, and from what I see, she wasn't even painted. She was photoshopped blue.

>> No.8800408


>> No.8800468

hi im actually the steven in the photo ya i agree tho my cosplay is bad do you have suggestions that i could make it better? i have a different wig for it now and i have the sandals too

>> No.8800480

not the anon youre responding to, but the skinny jeans make you look really feminine since they accentuate your hips/thighs a lot, and dont seem much like steven at all. also, something weird seems to be going on with the sleeves of your t shirt

>> No.8800499

ya the skinny jeans were last minute thing i didnt expect to be doing a photo shoot and i never noticed the sleeves are weird im think im going to redo the whole cosplay

>> No.8800591

She's so full of herself it's astounding. I follow her on a couple of her social media accounts for laughs and she never fails to disappoint.

>> No.8800626

The wig is flat and straight, and your body is too feminine. The skinny jeans do not help with this but you already know. You're wearing sneakers instead of sandals. The shirt would be okay if you could fill it out but the sleeves are too big for you.

>> No.8800677

Neck too short/10

>> No.8800717

Why does Lapis have such a high hem? That's like a foot of extra fabric.

>> No.8800726

requesting good rainbow quartzes or opals? they're my favorite fusions and i need inspiration to finish my cosplays of them

>> No.8800729

She certainly is full of herself. She posted one of my cosplays in a collage on her Instagram comparing me and two others to one of her costumes. She deleted the photo, but it was a pathetic ego trip.

>> No.8800764

don't forget that one time she made a twitter ONLY to tag the crewniverse in a shit ton of posts because a peridot cosplayer she knows got liked by deedee or so and she got jealous

>> No.8800788

Can you link to one of her accounts, like her tumblr or something? I want to see if it's the girl I know IRL because it would be crazy, but plausible

>> No.8800791

thatbitchfreddykrueger or so on instagram. but she always changes accounts

>> No.8801193

i took a look and.. fakebois. edgy fakeboi everywhere

>> No.8801246

Forever angry of Pearl's wrong length socks.

>> No.8801595

This is actually a really cute concept

>> No.8801676

How long would you all guess Sadie's hair is on a person with an actual neck?

>> No.8801684
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 86619-d29cdf08f2d37ab66702fdd8c4a58f82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guess would be shoulder length, like this cosplayer, but maybe a tiny bit longer

>> No.8801697

Holy shit, what did she do while sewing that costume to make the seams so weird?

>> No.8801707

she probably ended up stretching one of the layers while sewing, which makes this "effect".

It's something hard to avoid if it's your first time sewing stretch fabric.

>> No.8801734
File: 94 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.875338265_fo9q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone's selling a rose wig on etsy- i feel like it would look nice if they used a bubblegum colored wig instead of hot pink

>> No.8801746

>hot mess express

>> No.8801805

...That is an in-progress photo that CBC posted a long time ago.


Wow this whole gallery is full of stolen images. I'm willing to bet that blue mess is the only one she's made herself.

>> No.8801823

Oh, wow. I thought it was just a ripoff of her wig- Is this grounds for reporting on Etsy? I don't think this is CBC's store

>> No.8801825

I think etsy rules are only the owner can report photo/IP theft

>> No.8801834
File: 319 KB, 468x551, yellowdiamond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow Diamond when?

>> No.8801866
File: 118 KB, 1956x3479, Rose_Quartz_Steven_Universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would bridal satin be a good material for rose's dress, or should it be something more matte?

>> No.8801875

also related, but forgot to put it in my post- i want to go for a really bombshell type figure, which i dont really have (im a size US 8-10, which isn't super thin, but also isnt quite as big as her). would a pushup bra+hip padding give the right shape, or is there something else you guys would recommend to give her figure? thanks!

>> No.8801890
File: 53 KB, 960x536, 1918162_969532903114056_2439818364937838194_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty spot on, if you ask me.

>> No.8801908

How should I go about making the wig for this? The outfit seems rather simple.

>> No.8801914

is it a wig? looks kind of like a helmet to me

>> No.8801924

looks like we're heading right back into peridot territory when she was first introduced. helmet vs. hair. but anyways, >>8801908, i would look up pompadour tutorials to start out with. youll probably have to add some wefts to create the double pompadour she has, but it should be a good start

>> No.8801987

no yellow diamond plans for me, but i love yellow diamond's pearl.

>> No.8801996

Let SU die

>> No.8802011

Not ironing seams

>> No.8802015

Use the other side of bridal satin, it's matte and looks better

>> No.8802040

how long does it take to stretch your neck out like that?

>> No.8802041
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>> No.8802087

Are those all men?

>> No.8802114
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>> No.8802124

yesss. im not doing it for the 'first!!!11!!!' kind of recognition, since i probably wont be finishing her for a while, but i do really like her design and her personality was so great

>> No.8802143

Doesn't matter

>> No.8802163

the pearl of lemongrab

>> No.8802195
File: 328 KB, 849x476, 1452209596121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802210

I really like that Rose.

>> No.8802233


Those plus a corset will do you good, anon

>> No.8802353
File: 95 KB, 480x640, tumblr_o0lvtpiKpp1rfnqyno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The newest wave of shitty "me-firsters" has begun.
This chick sells cosplay shit too. Think she made those sleeves that could be used in lieu of body paint that were so popular for a while. I was kinda interested in getting some for a future Sapphire cosplay, but if she thinks something like this is worth posting anywhere, I think I'm better off with PAX...

>> No.8802357

Lmao lion looks so pissed off.

>> No.8802359

Dat raw edge. Ugh.

>> No.8802555

Called it!

>> No.8802568

I didn't realize Yellow Diamond's Pearl was wearing such a skimpy outfit. It doesn't look too bad in cartoon form, but if you think about how this would translate to real life that's a lot of skin showing and the neckline is hella low.

>> No.8802594

For the figure add a corset along with the padding, it will really help. If you can look up drag queen tutorials on padding you can find a lot of good tips.

>> No.8802596

do you guys think her skin is actually this color or is it just lighting? fml i cant tell

>> No.8802600

It looks like the end of a bedsheet.

>> No.8802604
File: 826 KB, 1100x1100, roseshapewear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much, anons! Pic related is what I'm planning so far: bombshell bra (going to remove the straps), corset (with steel boning), and hip padding. Should I go with the full lace up corset, though? The one in the pic is a more lightweight corset, but I could always opt for a more heavy duty one as well.

>> No.8802605

Yellow as hobo snow.

>> No.8802618

Here, watch the episode again and see if it helps.

>> No.8802653

that's not a corset. That's a shitty rubber thing that will not only be extremely uncomfortable but will be super hot, will roll, and look bad.
IMO you should use a corset, but a real one, because anything less will look and feel horrible. So first you should familiarize yourself with what a real corset is, and where to find them.

How to tell what a real corset is:



Where to buy:
Honestly for what you are doing you will not need anything better than an Orchard Corset cs-411 or cs-426 https://www.orchardcorset.com/ but good lists can be found here(make sure to read and watch reviews)


how to lace up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZKlPnLZ1m0
How to hide your laces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lutao5cX3Z4

For further reading if you are interested check out http://lucycorsetry.com/

>> No.8802771

Oh my god, she's cute and all but imagine all the fatties trying to pull this off with their hog bodies.
Especially those who go with their own skin colour or use paint on legs and chest.
This will be a disaster.

>> No.8802793

Timeless Trends is shit.

>> No.8802818

agreed. I was on the "it's hair" side in peridot's case from the start but this looks a lot like a helmet.

>> No.8803108

I'm surprised I kind of like the fact that she used faux fur for hair here. But I wonder if it's just because the photograph is super flattering.

>> No.8803243
File: 114 KB, 2000x4158, Yellow_Diamond_by_Lenhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Yellow Diamond is going to be a trend/meme cosplay now that we've seen her in her entirety?

She's the first SU character that I actually resemble enough to feel right doing a cosplay of but I don't want to do it and then be in a sea of shitty bandwagon cosplays of her at a con or on tumblr.

>> No.8803248

a few people might cosplay her, but havent seen a ton of people saying they plan to. and those who do will likely do it shitty, so power to you, anon! make a nice looking YD

>> No.8803254
File: 355 KB, 727x696, tumblr_o0lvvetm8x1ugu79go3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's hair and not a helmet, because of her Pearl. Her Pearl's hair matches the shape and style of Yellow Diamond's. I don't see her making her Pearl match something she (Yellow Diamond that is) can take off.

>> No.8803258

Her outfit is complicated enough that all the bandwagoners will keep doing simple outfits. I think we're going to get a lot of shitty blue and yellow pearls with inaccurate storebought leotards but not a lot of Yellow Diamonds. Bandwagon cosplays usually require similar items to be easily purchased.

If you do her right, anon, you'll stand out even if there does end up being a bunch of shitty bandwagoners.

>> No.8803289

I hope some good cosplayers go for it. It doesn't look like much but so much to fuck up and I want to see someone doing it right.
Will this wig be the next level of peridot?

>> No.8803343
File: 242 KB, 640x360, garnet_vs_jasper_by_super_ninja14-d8m3voh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not outlined in black, similarly to jasper's helmet, but it sort of looks like 80s power hair.

>> No.8803356
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 1918340_870605986370532_1833530521714669848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this would look great, if it wasn't for that choice in fabric.

>> No.8803362

I love her wig though!

>> No.8803366

were you here last thread? please dont ruin this thread by posting that here again. it was endless arguments between shitty whiteknight/selfposter and criticizers

>> No.8803439

this is going hanari / gekroent level

>> No.8803479
File: 408 KB, 662x1000, L1000171-Timeless-Trends-Burgundy-Hourglass-Corset-Victoria-Dagger-Alyxander-Ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they were but they have been improving lately which you would know if you bothered to keep up at all with literally ANY corset blog or group. And this cosplayer doesn't need a great one they just need an alright one that isn't uncomfortable, the new hourglass corset by TT is firmly in the area of "fairly good" when it comes to off the rack corsets. I personally prefer mystic city and orchard corset, but timeless trends has been making very good improvements.

>> No.8803480

No? I actually just saw this on my feed before I posted it. Didn't realize it even came up in the last thread.

>> No.8803513
File: 63 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nhdoo7TdeV1qfua5to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH SHIT I forgot!
You will need to season or "break in" any corset you get before wearing it, and ideally before fitting your costume to it. This helps shape the corset to you and is an absolutely necessary step, if you don't do it you will run the risk of the corset breaking, being uncomfortable, and ruining the shape. Seasoning generally takes at least two weeks.


>> No.8803840

She's so wearing thigh highs I didn't even notice at first holy shit.

>> No.8803844
File: 382 KB, 720x960, rosequ_meitu_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the superior version

>> No.8803849

How long until we see Peridot in boxers cosplay?

>> No.8803853

aka the reference im using for my cosplay (but with an actual cutout). thanks to whichever anon made this edit, i hope i can match up to it pretty well

>> No.8803907

Give me two days to remake my wig and I'll do it.

>> No.8803919

props to you for the actual cutout. I hate it when Rose cosplayers just stick a star on

>> No.8803929

thanks, anon! i did a reverse applique for my last rose dress, think it turned out nice. going to go for that again in my rose 2.0

>> No.8803967
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x1210, tumblr_o0nr25jeiC1ra6bb8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8803968

Poor boobs ;o;

>> No.8803969

for a moment I wondered if we would see peridot fuse with someone. I guess it will take a few more episodes.
Did the cosplay hype for this show die down already?

>> No.8803970

you can always count on this girl to do the 'first!!!!' cosplays

also the helmet looks.. really bad. im even more convinced that its supposed to be hair now

>> No.8803971


everyone's tired

>> No.8803972

i would give it a few weeks for people to cosplay YD, YD's pearl, BD, and BD's pearl

>> No.8803978
File: 127 KB, 540x675, 1452300049388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Peridot in May and I hope that they give her a new design soon. If not I'm really tempted to try a fan design of her Crystal Gem outfit. I'm not sure if it's a terrible idea though.

>> No.8803986

i wouldnt do the fan design, as it seems that she's going to get an actual crystal gem outfit sometime soon and it would instantly make your cosplay weirdly off canon. i know how you feel, though- i want to do a uncorrupted centipeetle cosplay but i just KNOW the instant i do, theyre going to bring her back in an uncorrupted way. murphy's law, sort of.

>> No.8804001
File: 1.66 MB, 652x878, 1436827575647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. But I'd hate to wait too long and make a crappy last-minute costume. But I can feel that when I actually start making things they'll show her new, canon design.

>> No.8804191

No thanks.

>> No.8804210

jesus christ, waifu material

>> No.8804333

Fuck, so do I. I love the top. I'm so sick of flat shitty Rose wigs.

>> No.8804516

I'll probably make them soon. Won't be wearing Peridot until late March though

>> No.8804522

I want to make them for the giggles and because I love little aliens on everything.

>> No.8804525

maybe not soon, considering the storyline the leaked promo wraps up.

>> No.8804768
File: 510 KB, 696x939, yzGlC1Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8804859
File: 120 KB, 1000x538, ydscreenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really tryhard and also wrong imo. Why would anyone think that the middle "adjusted" colors for Pearl and Yellow Diamond are remotely correct? YD is a bold yellow like in the undoctored screenshot, not a muddled orange. You can even see this in the few seconds before the camera zooms out to include Pearl.

>> No.8804870
File: 278 KB, 1280x647, theanswer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the beauty of this, anon.. they can deal with it. Have some tones.


>> No.8804873
File: 106 KB, 500x273, TAGR316-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TAG's berry wine (third in attached pic) looks like a great color for garnet. i have it for an unrelated cosplay and its really nice

>> No.8804895

Even before seeing the "adjusted" colors in this thread, I read yellow pearl as wearing a purple-toned leotard and pink socks. I don't agree with the adjusted colors seen here, but the colors are clearly filtered through yellow light here and I find it believable that yellow pearl's colors are more purple and pink toned than straight up yellow.

>> No.8804978
File: 49 KB, 430x181, yellowpearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her colors definitely have more of a blue/pink tint to them in that screen, which is strange considering how yellow toned she is in the other shot that isn't viewed through the communicator. Hopefully RS will release a character sheet of the new homeworld gems soon.

>> No.8805541

That Berry wine would do very well! You could even use the pearl wine if you wanted to give things a bit a 'gem edge'.. your call though, if you're a glutton for glitter.

>> No.8806309
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 12508961_814463512014347_825881012055237821_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on FB.

>> No.8806692
File: 1.52 MB, 1172x1180, Screen Shot 2016-01-10 at 12.28.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YD/Yellow Pearls are already coming in

>> No.8806694
File: 1.81 MB, 1190x1060, Screen Shot 2016-01-10 at 12.28.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8806698
File: 1.57 MB, 1192x1194, Screen Shot 2016-01-10 at 12.29.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8806702
File: 1.41 MB, 1192x1080, Screen Shot 2016-01-10 at 12.29.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
