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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 254x71, blackluigi10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8797010 No.8797010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Continue on from the last thread.

>> No.8797035

Jesus Christ, no, delete this and start a thread with an image that won't give me nightmares.

>> No.8797039
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>> No.8797041

Fucking hell that face. Why would you start a thread with that

>> No.8797048

Nice to see you resorting to making memes Stef L Chibi. Grow up! You are 30 years old and creating drama!

>> No.8797057

>Adam confirmed

>> No.8797065
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Let's not turn this into a bash Adam thread, this is supposed to be a Katsucon thread guys. lulz.

>> No.8797112


Adam getting mad that memes

>> No.8797118

Holy shit, I got spooked enough to laugh until I hurt.

>> No.8798050

Just found out one of the guys from 1449 works in my office...

>> No.8798054



>> No.8798065 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1440x1575, Screenshot_2016-01-05-11-28-38-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're being vague and super salty on their group. I think magfeststaff-kun came through. They lost their hotel reservation. LOL

>> No.8798074

Redpill me on these guys. Who are they and how long have they been a thing?

>> No.8798078

They're a bunch of tryhards who go to cons to solely drink and host room parties. Which by itself is not bad, but they go around bragging and showing off on Facebook groups and even on cgl. Apparently they were hosting a party on a boat at Otakon and the coastguard saw their post and made it a mission to shut them down.

They're also scum, they start shit with alot of people at cons.

>> No.8798272

No not that one. Idk if I should put his name out there though.

>> No.8798287

Going for my first Katsu this year. I usually only go to Colossal. This will be the first time I'm not with my usual con crew and not staffing. I'm sure it'll be interesting.

Coastguard-kun is my husbandu.

I'm a little worried about encountering 1449fags, since I don't know their faces to steer clear of them.

>> No.8798348


That's actually a smart decision.

>> No.8798352


It's not like any (or most) of them will find you and zero in on you into their party lifestyle or want to ruin you. Just be mindful of what kind of parties you go to.

Most of 1449 by themselves are just weirdo nerds. I say weirdo kind of playfully since they're relatively harmless outside that 1449 label.

>> No.8798426

Exactly like I wouldn't want someone to put me on blast like that. But one of the chicks in my office asked me if I was going to Katsucon and then she mentioned that a guy over near her side does parties at cons and I jokingly mentioned 1449. She then asked him if he knew what that was and he said that was him and his group of friends... I mean he already linked her the music video so that damage has been done. I am just so tired of the fact that like I someone have like 6 degrees or less of Seperation from all the people in the DMV that people on /CGL/ Talk about.
In Katsucon related stuff though, I am finally able to come up with the idea for my cords... and decided what I am taking to the swap meet. I've got a pair of new otks and a white Meta blouse from their lucky packs so if your interested in a blouse for cheap come to the swap meet!

>> No.8798434

The second girl sitting next to the lipsynching autist looks like she wants to bail right tf out the window. I feel so bad for these girls, but hey, money.

>> No.8798444

Why are you fucking afraid of people you don't know and have never met?

Cosplay people are the weakest, most pussy people on the face of the earth.

>> No.8798451

Is there a time or location yet for a /cgl/ meet up? I'm going to be working in the dealer's room at Katsucon, and want to know if it's while I'll be working.

I'm also super nervous to go to the meet, I'm not sure why.

>> No.8798479

Not yet I think, at least for the official meet, the lolita and swap meets are set iirc, Lilitu will chime in.

Don't worry so much about the meet, I'm sure most people will be nervous as well. I'm not expecting much but it'll be nice if I can meet people and create a con squad.

>> No.8798511
File: 31 KB, 1137x640, 12418847_10153778465231203_6965251477464066123_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on, you don't have to be worried about them. Look they wanna give you a hug.

>> No.8798525


If you're that scared of people, stay at home in your fucking safe space.

Jesus, sometimes you're gonna interact with people you won't like. Be a damn adult and deal with it.

>> No.8798527 [DELETED] 


They're also a bunch of fucking niggers that smell like shit.

>> No.8798534

Super tough internet racist.

I love guys like this

>> No.8798541


You guys are ghetto trash.

>> No.8798552

Hey Internet Racist, I feel your energy.

I say you come meet up with a bro at Katsu and explain your position in person.

>> No.8798561

Lol are they going the black luigi route now? LMAO

>> No.8798566

I think it's cute that any of you even consider that we think about you. Honestly you spend more time in one thread talking about us then we've spent acknowledging your existence in a lifetime. In fact we aren't even aware of these comments until someone from outside of us brings them to our attention at which point we (may) read them, laugh, continue on our way. Feel free to to continue though, don't let. me stop you lol happy new years

>> No.8798571
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>> No.8798574

What a profound response. How long did that one take you big boy :)

>> No.8798590
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Was there for the original thread. Coastguardkun was full of shit and never delivered. Nobody involved with or around 1449 ever even heard of any trouble with anything resembling the coastguard.

Stay salty though.

>> No.8798595
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>> No.8798600

There was never any coast guard and anyone who actually believes that is more dumb then I originally projected lol full of all kinds of surprises.

>> No.8798601

kek saw someone link to this thread in 1449's fb page. bunch of tryhards, the lot.

>> No.8798604

Tryhards who landed a conference room to party in. So I mean that's better than like 95% of seagulls.

>> No.8798606

That thread is just them circle jerking each other. They claim they don't care but they're posturing. XD

>> No.8798609

kill yourself.

>> No.8798610


Massive cringing. That's not something to be proud of.

>> No.8798616

If you don't care so much why are you still responding here? :3

>> No.8798621

ITT: seagulls compensate for their lack of conventional social skills by complaining about people who aren't socially crippled.

>> No.8798626

Awww I'm sorry we hurt you. )))))':

What would make you feel better? Some watermelon? Fried chicken? A lynching?

>> No.8798627

I never said I don't care?
I'm just making fun of you for using XD.
Put the tinfoil hat away.

>> No.8798629

Because your basement dwelling sewer stench is any better?

>> No.8798631


Just another day on /cgl/ really

>> No.8798634


Oh boy you sure showed this thread. Such a tough guy. Are you going to show this to your mommy now so she can give you a gold star and a hug?

>> No.8798640

You speak pretty boldly under the guise of anonymous online but let me ask you this...how many of you would have the balls to say even one word of this to any of them in person...they attend the same cons that you are at and are very public while they are...yet you've said nothing until you're home at your keyboards...as I thought. Carry on.

>> No.8798645

Are you seriously so retarded that you can't figure out how to reply to posts? Lmao

Also, the opinions of antique farm equipment will always be disregarded.

>> No.8798646

>who aren't socially crippled.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. You posting here claiming not to be mad, but are, is invalidating your "point".

>> No.8798650

Enough would in person. Set your meet-up.

>> No.8798651

is it the bell-sleeve elasticized blouse? because girl I will get it from you.

>> No.8798654

Turf War between seagulls and 1449 aside, did anyone get an atrium room? I normally get atrium but this year the need to save was strong. To me though it's definitely worth the premium

>> No.8798656

Yup! We got an atrium room executive suite, and everyone is invited except you weeb!

>> No.8798664

and? i know most of you guys and all of you have the mental capacity of 12yr old boys who think that being in a college frat is the coolest thing ever. most of you have been pathetic autist nerds/borderline neckbeards all through college, and then abandoned your friends to be fake weeb le reddit 'bros' who fuck busted con girls who are 5/10 at best since you can't get hot girls because no one wants to deal with your personalities.

it's almost sad that the only thing you guys look forward to is fake frat parties with 9gag tier weebs and everyones left over scraps. becuase when you're not at cons you're ruining your relationships due to your autism and emotional instabilities.

hell you're so pathetic you have to brag about being better than 4chan...

>> No.8798668
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This is great

>> No.8798672

>you're so pathetic you have to brag about being better than 4chan...
As a regular here, this is really sad. People with something to prove to us are usually bottom of the barrel stupid.

>> No.8798674

ok? I don't care about this 1449 nonsense, but you're a bit full of it if you're calling me a weeb and you're going to an anime con, weeb.

>> No.8798683

>you weeb

>going to con
>going to con to host a room party
>going to con to host a room party and inviting aforementioned weebs

lol ok buddy

>> No.8798687
File: 212 KB, 1440x1095, Screenshot_2016-01-05-22-25-08-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you guy's don't care.

>> No.8798695
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>hitting on BBWs

>> No.8798704


>> No.8798706
File: 54 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitting on BBWs
Lost it right there.

How autistic do you have to be to think a fat girl fetish is cool?

>> No.8798715


>> No.8798723

i'm sure. this kind of lolumadbruh 9gag tier trolling is almost as cringy as your insecurity levels.

>> No.8798725
File: 12 KB, 480x347, FB_IMG_1439909344428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious watching 4chan cry because there are people at cons who know how to talk to girls.

>> No.8798733 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8798738
File: 12 KB, 250x260, haaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize this is a girlboard right?

>> No.8798745
File: 17 KB, 498x320, waitwhatwait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>industrial life style
are people legit just circle jerking themselves about this? is this seriously that much of an honour to them?

>> No.8798758
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>> No.8798759 [DELETED] 

Yes it is. There is a 50 post thread on their group of them just circle jerking each other. It's like they have their own personal hugbox.

>> No.8798762

it's funny because the only other people with this mindset are fat shit cosplayers/lolitas(she's probably both)

>> No.8798764

We're like 80% female here newfag.

>> No.8798765

I'm sorry you don't have friends. Feel free to come to a party sometime and make some. :)

>> No.8798768


Landwhales don't count.

>> No.8798769

her story sounds like it's coming from somewhere personal.

>> No.8798770

that's so sad...do they not have lives? also i love that you capped the token yellow fever tier fat asian chick.

>> No.8798774

clearly they do.

>> No.8798776 [DELETED] 
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Lmao yeah she's a fat bitch

>> No.8798779

please 1449 teach is your ways of the harpoon!

seriously though, is that why you're so infatuated with us? you think we're all fat fucks ready to slob your lame knobs? you're only here to recruit more pussy .

>> No.8798780


You're the ones who called them out, lmao.
Never change /cgl/, never change.

>> No.8798781

Says the BBW chaser.

I guess that means you're gay then.

>> No.8798784

>called them out
and? we're not the ones who ran over to defend our little clubhouse, unlike your pathetic 'i aint even mad' hugbox. no one is exempt from getting shit on /cgl/ not even fragile egoed fratbabbies.

>> No.8798793

how long before this thread gets trashed by the mods?

>> No.8798797

Under 10 minutes

>> No.8798798

I'm really hoping the warmer weather means it won't be freezing this year. Every year the wind seems to get worse and the desperate pizza orders grow in frequency.

>> No.8798813

Are we gonna rumble with these guys or not? I've got my ass kicking boots ready.

>> No.8798816

I'll have to double check when I get home. I haven't even opened the plastic year because I know it won't fit and I have a black dog that sheds like crazy.

>> No.8798817

why? that would just make them think they're cool. i mean they obviously care a lot about our opinion of them.

>> No.8798825

>baaaw we're not mad, you're mad!

Sounds real convincing when you're the ones who keep bitching about dudes throwing parties, lmao.

>> No.8798828

Who goes to a weebcon, spends most of their time in their hotel room complaining about weebs and drinking? Waste of money

>> No.8798834

lol. pls gtfo. no one on /cgl/ is tough.

>> No.8798836

I just wanna rumble, mang. I don't even care who it is. I'll be behind a dumpster rolling dice if you want to get this shit started.

>> No.8798840

if you don't care why are you here?

>> No.8798850

i'll rumble with ya, sure.

>> No.8798857
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>> No.8798859
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>all this bait

>> No.8798865

Now you're speaking my language, mang.

>> No.8798946


>> No.8798971

This isn't even a Katsu or an Adam Wright thread

How did you anons let that happen?

>> No.8798973

You can't post here if you're under 13

>> No.8798974

Wouldn't hold your breathe. It's dipped to low 30s in the NE, at least as far as I know.

>> No.8798980

>grown ass folk

Kek'd to the highest of lels

>> No.8798984


How scum do you have to be to think the only purpose for a convention is to get laid?

>> No.8798988

when you're a fucking loser adult that makes mom and dad pay for your convention debauchery like these guys apparently

>> No.8798989

Dragoncon at night is pretty much hormones and alcohol though.

That con is the exception.

>> No.8798991

If they're "grown ass folk" then they can just go pick up a hooker with the same funds and get something better out of it.

>> No.8798994

half of you idiots still live with your parents. not to mention chumps like rich need to feed off ugly cougars to survive before getting booted back home to mommy.

>> No.8799005
File: 33 KB, 500x888, fight me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your mad levels sure are rising.

>> No.8799023

My keks are on overload.

Don't disappear yet, BBW sperglords!

>> No.8799027

is it true his gf is 'allergic' to pot? or did he fuck it up already by being a pissboy as usual?

>> No.8799029

How many people talking shit about 1449 work dead end retail jobs.
I bet most of you and you live with your parents.
That you for sharing the popcorn.

cgl keeps the world salty