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File: 123 KB, 650x593, 1-thumnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8787154 No.8787154 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see what we all managed to get in our packs! Pictures requested, and not just of the lolita style bags.

and what's still available for sale?

AP USA will be up tomorrow, and there are some general J-Fash bags still on the kera webshop. Some taobao brands are starting to put out packs as well(pic related, infanta packs on my-lolita-dress)

>> No.8787176
File: 441 KB, 1280x1280, listen flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody's Listen Flavor pack from this year.

>> No.8787177
File: 311 KB, 1142x748, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty collage I made of somebody's BTSSB/AATP variety pack from tumblr.

>> No.8787187
File: 524 KB, 2012x788, bab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another collage of another btssb/aatp variety pack. I think it's safe to say the old school jsk and lace tops will be the common factor here.

>> No.8787188

Is this the JSK from last year's aatp lucky pack (Rabbit Paysage or something) that's fairly popular?

>> No.8787190

Milklim has some lucky packs up on OtakuMode and I think Soufflesong's packs are still up.

>> No.8787191

ugh these are so cute. I should have gotten one of these instead of holding out for the aatp pirate cats and ending empty handed.
I hope everyone gets those soon and doesn't for or whatever. I only care about the jsk and heabow...
Similar, but no

>> No.8787192

She mentioned in her tumblr post that it was the lucky pack print from last year,

>> No.8787194

Waiting on AATP to send mine. I was gonna go for AP's but not that motivated to with the lack of a bag.

>> No.8787200
File: 336 KB, 1448x1292, soufflesong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody's soufflesong pack

>> No.8787203

My random pack from AATP has been stuck in Origin post is preparing shipment since the 24th now. Ugh. If tenshishop pulls through on my AP packs, cool, but if not I won't be devastated. Not even going to waste my time trying to get one of the only 10 packs AP USA is bound to have.

>> No.8787205

W-Will those be online or in store?

>> No.8787207

Look on their FB page, they put out some information on a online release tomorrow, but it's pretty vague besides a time :/ It feels like their releases are always a bloodbath on the USA site though.

>> No.8787211

Online with jacked up prices most likely. Feel free to check in store though

>> No.8787236

My meta LP shipped yesterday or Sunday, will let you know what I got tomorrow or Thursday when it arrives.

>> No.8787243

I am surprised that there hasn't been an announcement for instore...I wanted to claw through hungry bitches for a pack.

>> No.8787567
File: 3.12 MB, 2048x3641, PhotoGrid_1451430155983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are already getting the cat packs

>> No.8787569
File: 2.19 MB, 2048x3641, PhotoGrid_1451430090551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Liz Lisa packs as well

>> No.8787640

Wait what LP was this??

>> No.8787660

It was thr AATP cat tea party pack.

>> No.8787811

It's really cute! I avoided looking at lucky packs for a minute to avoid spending extra, so I'm kinda out of the loop.

>> No.8787822

I paid for my IW pack yesterday. Now I wait.

>> No.8787843

Far right dress is from the 2013/14 lucky pack!

>> No.8787860

I still haven't gotten a shipment notification from Meta at this point I doubt I will until they come back from their holiday break in 2016.

Don't forget about me Meta!

>> No.8787883

Anyone know the name of the pink JSK?

>> No.8787924
File: 313 KB, 971x647, babyaatplp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my variety pack, but probably uploading most of this onto lacemarket once I can ID them.

>leopard print
>baby why

>> No.8787933

Wow, I'm surprised they still have that aatp happy pack set left. That style jsk was the more popular one, iirc.

>> No.8787948

In the same boat got the $300 price point.

>> No.8787952

Wth is rabbit paysage?

>> No.8787965

grimoire original LPs got posted, and was notified with this engrish
>This time, Thanks for choosing I received available Grimoire Online Shop. The LUCKY BAG received your order and I was allowed to ship from our company.Products customers I wish from the bottom of my heart that He will call for mind.

no tracking number, though it should be shipped through EMS

>> No.8787971

Does anybody have any information on the Bodyline packs? . I saw that it was supposed to come with a coat, but didn't see any dates, price points, etc.

>> No.8787976

May I ask which variety pack this was? The $200 or $500 one, since the ones posted so far seem pretty similar I'd like to know.

>> No.8788021

That's weird. Every Grimoire purchase I've made in the past came with tracking info, even their LPs.

>> No.8788030

Honestly if you're willing to sell it somewhat cheap, I will grab that leopard print from you.
I don't even like animal prints but something about this is tacky in a cute way for me

>> No.8788040

It's the $200 one. The $500 would have a coat.

I already put it up on lacemarket for $70, but I will take offers.

>> No.8788049
File: 78 KB, 800x533, briarrabbitpaysage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Briar Rabbit's Paysage is pic related, from two years ago. This is last year's print, Wonder Bunny's Magical Cards Party.

>> No.8788085

Quick question since I've never ordered through Tenshi Shop before, I put in my request for any pack (minus the no print one) for AP's LPs with her when they were first announced along with my type and color preferences. She replied back saying my request was noted but I have not heard back since. Is it safe to assume she wasn't able to snag one for me? Or has no one had confirmation from her about what she was able to get quite yet?

>> No.8788086

The packs drop tomorrow as far as i know, she'll email you pretty promptly either way.

>> No.8788090


aatp/btssb blind bags are odd like that, some rare times you'd end up with something that was sold out 3-4 years ago. I always wonder how they ended up in lucky packs, like did a sloppy shopgirl put them on the wrong rack, or did a customer reserve it and then didn't pick it up and it got buried under other people's reserves, or did they just misplace a whole box of something and then discovered it 3-4 years later.

Mind you, the odds are pretty low for getting an actually popular print. I only ever saw one lucky girl actually get Rose Fragrant Memories.

>> No.8788093

really? i'd not ordered from them before, so not sure how grimoire works. did they send you the tracking number in an email or was it somewhere on the order page on the website?

>> No.8788101

People always say this and then poof, flake

>> No.8788107


The packs should go on sale 1st of Jan, and today is still 30th Dec in Japan. I'd say you're looking at a 48-hour wait before you can know what you got.

The last few times I reserved with her, the ones where she doesn't say anything is where she's more likely to be able to fill your slot. I've had her email me "this will be a difficult release" on a couple of releases, and those were the ones I didn't get anything. Since she hasn't said anything to you, I'd say there's a fairly good chance she will get you something, especially since your request is pretty open.

>> No.8788264
File: 583 KB, 1150x2734, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for taobao LPs in January!
Precious Clove posted this on their weibo.

>> No.8788363

Just wondering how hard it's going to be to find that pink Castle Mirage set on the second hand market after this. It's dream tier for me right now but just can't afford it this month.

>> No.8788367

Das because when they say cheap, they mean dirt cheap like $30 shipped.

>> No.8788377

>That single-sided, un-lined waist tie.

Oh AaTP.

>> No.8788381

? how is this possible? I thought they were released on new years?

>> No.8788405

I just got my shipping notification today!

>> No.8788544

online orders ship after christmas i think, physical purchases arrive on new years.

>> No.8788563

How can we go about getting these? Should I tell my SS now that I want it do that they can snag it quick or...?

>> No.8788572

Past BL lucky packs were pretty much full of random junk they weren't able to sell so I wouldn't expect much, but admittedly I don't know if they might have stepped up their game.

How many loose sleeves did that one girl get again?

>> No.8788598

Through email. I haven't ordered from them since last year so it might be diff now? But I don't see why they would change it.

>> No.8788624

I got the shipping notification for the Liz Lisa Lucky Pack. I'm still holding out hope that Tenshi would get the AatP Cat Tea Party but I'm not feeling confident about it

>> No.8788634

Haha yes, that sleeve pack. I will never forget.
Didn't she get around 14 in total?

>> No.8788640

I'm still so fucking bitter I didn't get this.

>> No.8788644

I finally got the confirmation for my IW lucky pack and paid for it about a week ago, now I'm just waiting for it to ship.

>> No.8788654

Can anyone translate what exactly the details are? All I can understand is that you'll get a tote bag, dress and some accessory in your LP.

>> No.8788696

So I don't know Chinese, but I'll try to do what I can with my basic kanji knowledge:
So the thing up top next to the two tote bags are the prints/releases that will be included (singing in the rain is the first one and "Letter to My Dear" is the third, I haven't kept up with Precious Clove's releases enough to guess the others.)
Like you said, you'll have one bag, one dress, and then some accessories, minimum of 3 items in total and max of 5.
Total value will be 700-1750 yuan, price is 499. There's limited quantities.

I hope that at least helps a little. Like I said, I know no Chinese, so this might be a little off, but it's pretty basic, so I think it should be right.

>> No.8788712

Their weibo basically states that in the lucky pack you will receive one of the two totes and random dress from one of their latest five releases (sugary soirée, singing in the rain, letters, unicorn blah blah) and random accessories (ranging between a rosette and a blouse)

Their weibo also mentioned 1/1/16 so you girls might wanna rev up those SSs.

>> No.8788721

Please post the listing. Not that anon but I love animal prints

>> No.8788906

Thank you guys so much, I'm gonna put in a SS request right now!

>> No.8788916


>> No.8788918

I'm guessing you could use Taobao shopping services for this? Do you just send them the link of the post or is there a specific one to use?

>> No.8788986

Is there a listing for this lucky pack? No idea how to order/reserve this lucky pack with an SS without a listing.

>> No.8789003

I'm kind of surprised at the amount of LPs left at AP USAs website. Only the plain jsk set has sold out so far.

>> No.8789007

awwwwww this is a great lucky pack!!!!!!!!

I think I will save up for a baby variety bag next year.

>> No.8789015

Anyone know if Tokyo Rebel still has these in stock? I won't be in NY until Friday.

>> No.8789067

Damn! I wish I would have seen this sooner. I've been wanting this dress.

>> No.8789079

fuck i wanted that sad bad </3 leopard print is my life

>> No.8789082

13, i remember because i almost cried over the fact it was an odd number

>> No.8789117

It was 17. 3 left and 14 right sleeves.

>> No.8789138

I got that cut of that JSK from last year's aatp pack and I was so disappointed. One of the bows was crooked and it just wasn't the quality I'm used to w/ them.

I haven't gotten another lucky pack from btssb/aatp so I wonder if all their lucky pack dresses are lower quality than their regular releases.

>> No.8789155

god damn my memory is bad

>> No.8789198

I'm sorry anon ! I was just so happy. I wear a lot of gyaru and I can't wait to wear it in all its trashy glory. I've never been so excited waiting for a PayPal invoice.
For anyone looking I know listen flavor Still has lucky packs available. Bought mine and I'm hype as Fuck.

>> No.8789211

> listen flavor Still has lucky packs available
Anon please, did you order online or do you mean in store? I'm >>8789015 and I desperately need one.

>> No.8789215

My dark skirt pack from Meta just arrived at my house today. Let's see what luck holds for me today. I'll post pics right after I open em gulls.

>> No.8789216

They are avaible on cdjapan!

>> No.8789226

Bless anon. I hope you are forever blessed in lucky packs.
Listen flavor here I come!

>> No.8789237

Did you see the print ones? They were all kinds of ugly

>> No.8789256

I hope I got to you in time, they are also available at Tokyo otaku mode with free ems for orders 100 or more. I did CD Japan last year and the fee was awful

>> No.8789283

The LP has free shipping for first time customers

>> No.8789305
File: 457 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding to this. There may be only 50-60 LPs available.

>> No.8789313

Are Chinese lolitas even that into Taobao brands?

>> No.8789369

really? Goddamn... should've just gotten it online then

>> No.8789405
File: 37 KB, 430x430, TB2d_a7ipXXXXbmXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!2185535429.jpg_430x430q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys don't care that it's last year's luggage, there's a 3 piece fuku on LIZ Lisa's Tmall page.

>> No.8789583

Please hurry up. I'm very excited to see what's inside

>> No.8789763

I honestly can't wait

>> No.8789887

Should I be worried that AP US hasn't sent me a confirmation email yet?

>> No.8789929
File: 232 KB, 640x960, Meta2016LP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for taking so long gulls, here it is.

The blouse, skirt, tights, and OTKs were so adorable, but unfortunately they weren't really my taste.

>> No.8789933

Fuck, I totally missed AP USA's LP Packs. Is there a chance for me to hire an in-store SS to help me grab Twinkle Doll in Pink?

>> No.8789935

I actually like them! Now I'm excited for mine, hopefully I'll have something similar. I think it's gonna be here tomorrow.

>> No.8789937

Damn, this is so cute! I really wish I ordered a pack now, everything works so well together.

>> No.8789938

Thanks anons, I really like the skirt though. I'm crazy about Moons and Star Prints since my name means the Moon.

>> No.8789942

Is that pentagrams on the socks?

>> No.8789944

Yep. Those are definintely Pentagrams.

>> No.8789975

oh this is an amazing pack! the skirt is so cute and the blouse is really versatile
I can't wait to get mine now

>> No.8789979

I like how they sort-of coordinated the pack with all the purple elements. Loving the Jewel Leopard tights.

>> No.8790022

My soufflesong pack C just shipped, is anyone interested in what's inside when I get it?

>> No.8790034

Sure! I enjoy seeing what other people get.

>> No.8790078

They are indeed but there are so many girls out there with shitty taste.

>> No.8790080

It's called having different tastes, you goddamn newfriend. Pastel vomit isn't my cup of tea but I imagine it could be quite cute coordinated well.

>> No.8790082

That's really cute! Do you know what series that skirt print is from?

>> No.8790090

Oh my god, they're still giving out those ridiculous purple lace.....things...

>> No.8790103

Ok sorry if I offended you.

>> No.8790110

I'm gonna be hella pissed if I get Leopard tights in my pack because I paid full price for them new and they got a hole after 1 wear. I really wanted that long sleeve blouse they showed in the promo.

>> No.8790194

I got my meta dark LP today, I'll be taking pictures later on!

>> No.8790274

i got one of the listen flavour lucky packs. i'm excited - ive never bought a lucky pack before.

>> No.8790412

Please do! I'm anxiously awaiting mine because I want to know what print my skirt is!

>> No.8790482
File: 3.31 MB, 1600x1600, metadarkLP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon from a few posts above, but here's what I got in my LP!

>> No.8790502

The pink socks are super cute!

>> No.8790552
File: 75 KB, 680x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone getting this one?

>> No.8790561

i believe she said noted when i put my request in for the baby pack and then i didnt hear from her until 2 hours after release saying she snagged me one, so I believe unless she says she is full you should have a spot on her list?

>> No.8790566

Would have, but seems like it's already out of stock

>> No.8790572

It's not for sale yet. It's being released in 5 hours

>> No.8790590


Are you sure about that?

>> No.8790748
File: 24 KB, 431x575, 1447924667301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the actual date Swankiss' is released or is it just around this month?

>> No.8790773

Tenshi btssb LP invoice when?????

>> No.8790779
File: 37 KB, 350x350, caf90adadf134a0caa8b96fac807e3b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo otaku mode posted Olive des Olive set!

>> No.8790800

All this is so cute!

>> No.8790810

probably from that one series they did....fuck I forget the name but there were pentagram things on the dress

>> No.8790872
File: 202 KB, 400x613, fuku009-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone can translate this, I think this is what's in it.

>> No.8790877

Bought both Axes Femme lucky packs. They're shit, basically. It seems they've made coats specially for the lucky packs as they're made out of super cheap material.

>> No.8790890

Whoa, didn't know that. I wish I'd had gotten an amavel lp. The reveals are super cute. I got a fint and favorite one reserved so maybe they're cute?

>> No.8790901

One Lolita coat, one popular costume, one useful small item (accessory?)
Doesn't sound like there's too much in it. I'd stay away from it.

>> No.8790902

> Gosurori coat (lolita coat?)
> Popular costume (cosplay?)
> Useful accessory

>> No.8791090

Pics please?

>> No.8791108
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, CXmta1SUoAAaHHy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from twitter.

I also use this site: http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2145130226897431201

>> No.8791117

I was disappointed that I didn't get it together in time to get an AF pack but looking at the reveal pictures has made me feel much better about it

>> No.8791173

Is anyone planning on selling their AATP cat tea party pack? Mainly interested in just the dress and headbow.

>> No.8791385
File: 91 KB, 600x800, CXnXzBqUQAE823V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site has decent pictures of the individual pieces that are in the swankiss fukubukuro.


>> No.8791424

I feel so pathetic holding out that Tenshi would still get me AatP's Cat's Tea Party.

I was also disappointed in the AP special sets. Only cute one was Castle Mirage and I already felt meh about the print.

>> No.8791429

Looking at lucky pack contents is my guilty pleasure, and this website is now my home page for the month of January, Thanks anon, bless.

>> No.8791434

Do they ship international or is it SS?

>> No.8791483

I know she has tons to process but dammit I just want an email already. Do you have any idea of her fees for instore shopping? I'm scared to see the bill if she got my twinkle doll set.

>> No.8791505

I don't think that's the one from this year, if anyone's interested here are links to all the axes LP from this year opened:

>> No.8791507
File: 1.80 MB, 1500x1500, luckypack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my Grimoire LP today (my friend in Japan got it and sent me pics) and here is what I got! Sorta bummed about getting white but maybe it'll work with me somehow, can't find the listing for the necklace but found it for the tights and clip. Most likely will be selling the majority of the pack.

>> No.8791527

Oh it's because it's Amavel's Lp and not Axes Femme.

>> No.8791550

I got a fint pack as well.. mostly on a whim.
But I am nervous because I have no idea what they are usually like.

>> No.8791561

Anyone know if WonderRocket does online lucky packs or only in store? I loved last years (bought it on vacation) and was thinking of getting another.

>> No.8791562

Hmm... https://twitter.com/search?q=%E7%A6%8F%E8%A2%8B%20fint&src=typd
Not that exciting imo. I feel such regret~

>> No.8791564

I was looking for it too, I want one so badly.

>> No.8791572

Hi, this year wonder rocket announced that they weren't doing a lp at all this year. Which is a shame because I did buy one last year and it was so cute.


>> No.8791577

I'm so jealous; I love fint. Please post pics when you get your pack!
Grimoire sold out so quickly. I'm glad a few gulls got packs, though!

>> No.8791581
File: 814 KB, 500x281, tfw no candy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This upsets me.

>> No.8791590

Actually i'm okay with this...haa.
I agree not that exciting.
But I am in desperate need of sweaters.
Hopefully I get some good colors.

I'll def. post pics when I get it.

>> No.8791597

If anyone ends up wanting to sell stuff from their fint (or amavel) packs, please post here! I'm especially interested in stuff from fint's "marjorie" collection and their more granpa-styled stuff.

>> No.8791601

The skirt is Crown Label. Print is Sweet Shooting Star.

>> No.8791612

Seconding this! I'm extremely interested in Amavel as I lost out on getting one ;v; adding my email for good measure just in case.

>> No.8791614

Oh no, they're all really cute to me. The only thing that looks kind of boring is (what I'm assuming is) the skirt.

>> No.8791617

I guess I'll post my email as well then.

>> No.8791703


>> No.8791713

I have the one in white and it is really pretty. You don't realise how much detail is on it til you see it in person. The necklace is really cute too. It's a little heavy then what you expect but I've had it a year now and it's sturdy. I don't have those tights or the clip or can't tell you anything about them.

>> No.8791782
File: 1021 KB, 743x680, lp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my meta dark LP. I got Shooting Star skirt, Mermaid Princess Socks, Wrist Cuffs, a Brown chiffon blouse, and the same lacey bow everyone is getting (not pictured). Selling everything but the bow and the blouse. I'm kind of disappointed in the skirt because if it wasn't for those cracked out bunnies and bears I'd probably keep it, wishing I got the non-border version like >>8789929

>> No.8791831

Wow, it's almost like there are extra fees that she specifically said *aren't calculated yet*

>> No.8791847

I'm waiting for mine still and I really hope I get a non border version as well. Nothing against the print- I think it's cute, but I want something a little more casual.

>> No.8791873

same, the package is in my city for 3 days now but it's still not out of processing ahh

>> No.8791928

I see! I'm hoping it's a lot nicer in person, could you possibly tell me what the necklace is called or what the listing is? I'm curious as to what it actually looks like and I can't find it on the website.

>> No.8791929
File: 170 KB, 358x359, 1420235083328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too Anon, me too.

>> No.8792028

I'm completely new to lolita and have lurked for years. Would the Whip Factory salopette in pink be a good start for a total beginner? Or is the print too tacky? I find it quite generic and sorta unappealing, but I have slim pickings now and really would like to grab something up to finally get my start since it's cute enough for me.

>> No.8792029

don't get something you don't love just because you can. you can get very nice shit for cheap, just lurk secondhand sales

>> No.8792030

Don't do a salp. They are terrible and hard to pull off. Always do op or jsk.

>> No.8792036

Scour around for a dress that you really like and go from there.

>> No.8792038

You should have gone with the plain set AP had. Just wait for people to sell their LP items

>> No.8792041

While I agree, I'd rather buy something that isn't secondhand since I'm not very good at dealing with unofficial online services like facebook. I'm not sure what buying is like on lacemarket, but I assume it's money transfers.
Sadly, $350 is out of my range at the moment.

>> No.8792046

>lurked for years
>this post
lurk more please.

>> No.8792049

i managed to get two packs (one for a friend) and i hope ours are as nice as yours, thanks for posting!

>> No.8792050

What's wrong with it?

>> No.8792061

it's just paypal, which is literally
>link credit card to paypal
>give paypal address
>wait for invoice
>press pay
and there you fucking go, you're done
the same applies for cgl sales

>> No.8792080

I can't use PayPal, I got locked from it for being underage a couple years ago because a bank transfer bounced back. I'd need a place that takes credit cards like the AP USA store.

>> No.8792082

>can't use paypal

just make a new one you goddamn walnut, or do you have the exact same card as before or what

they don't really even care about your deets being right as long as your card numbers check out, as is evident from the amount of scammers using fake names

>> No.8792099

You gotta chill out, I was only trying to be rule-abiding since even the claim of fraud can cause deep shit. I'm just going to get the salo set.

>> No.8792104

You do that, just don't call it lolita

>> No.8792108

Are you trying to say that every salopette coord ever made is not lolita?

>> No.8792124

we're saying that you are probably going to make a super shitty coordinate with it because you clearly have no idea what's going on in any sense.

>> No.8792127

Please stop shitting up the luckypack thread, people.
If you want to argue about this, go do it in the general or somewhere.

Did anyone buy a bag from Katie?

>> No.8792452

Is anybody actually in Tokyo and managed to get one? My ultimate lolita dream is to fly to Japan for the holidays just for lucky pack shopping.

>> No.8792464

Managed to get which one?

I'm in Tokyo right now and while I could have obtained a fukubukuro, I'm a bit chubby and rather tall (178cm) so I usually avoid them and buy specific pieces which fit me well. I got the AATP cat happy pack in navy.

Being in Laforet on Jan 1 will make your ears sore as shopgirls are all yelling details of their shop's fukubukuro. Everything is pretty orderly, with lines for the different brands. There's reservations for many different fukubukuro now.

Other neat things about going in person:
- closet child doesn't have fukubukuro (?) but fills up the sale racks with deep discounts
- meta lets you see the inside of the skirt packs
- many others have other items on sale at the same time and take advantage of it
- the majority of the people shopping for fukubukuro, as always, were wearing full coords which looked amazing, even if they got up super early
- you'll find lots of other foreigners, maybe 5% of the people shopping on Jan 1 were foreign?

>> No.8792481

I really don't believe you've "lurked for years". Your whole conversation made me cringe from how you want a salo first to your issues with PayPal.
I think you should honestly go for some nice Bodyline JSKs to try to coord with first, get comfortable with the fashion instead of just hopping into brand lucky pack insanity for the sake of doing so. The fact you're even asking if the lucky pack print is too tacky just shows you're too green.

>> No.8792548

Wow anon this was really helpful! And we'll any of the packs really. This solidified my savings account for next year. I would just much rather deal with the excitement in person rather than an online bloodbath, plus all thr other perks you listed.

>> No.8792557

My SS missed out on all the Twinkle doll sets :( but managed to get the other ap jsk set for me. Are there already worn pics out? I'm having some doubts already

>> No.8792586
File: 784 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20160102_184723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innocent World LP from the store. Everything is so creamy except the knee highs.

>> No.8792608

That looks like am awesome set

>> No.8792610

Does anybody have any pics of any of the special sets worn yet? (Angelic prettys, babys, Alice and the pirate lucky pack prints)

>> No.8792613

When does tenshishop send out the payment notifications/invoice?

>> No.8792662

>money transfer
>not knowing second hand sites besides FB and lm
You haven't lurked at all. Try a little harder.

>> No.8792685

you really lucked out! congrats!

>> No.8792697

Depends. If it's an instore item, usually a day after she bought the item. If it's a popular reservation item, it can vary. It can take a couple of days in some cases.

>> No.8792722

Would anyone be interested in close up pics and videos on the details of the AATP lucky pack when I get it? (When they fucking ship it)

>> No.8792740

Yes please!

>> No.8792893

My ss missed the twinkle doll set for me as well, but I at least got whip factory. I'm keeping my eye on the second hand market to see it if pops up I really wanted it.

>> No.8792907

Woah, Bambi JSK's in the LP's? Where on earth did they dig those out from... unless it's a LP-only reprint or something like they did with Grazia last year, that looks like an underbust cut??

I'd love to see more IW packs as people get them!

>> No.8792938

I'm still waiting for her to send me something if she had managed to snag one.
Yes, that is my biggest dream too. I don't know how feasible it is to go to AatP and Liz Lisa or even Kyoto afterwards but I want to go there and do that one day too.

>> No.8792940
File: 259 KB, 1280x479, metalight2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got two Meta skirt packs in light. Really happy with the Sweet Shooting Star skirts but getting rid of one of the blouses.

I wish they still came with the totes. Those were so cute and useful.

>> No.8793013

(she snagged sweet cream house lp for me and emailed me last night)

>> No.8793187
File: 1.36 MB, 3120x3772, tmp_26090-0102161759c_HDR~21482096897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the exact same LP as another gull.

>> No.8793329

what the fuck is that fugly lace thing meta keep putting in the skirt bag?

>> No.8793400

It's a shitty bow, I got one as well and I was really hoping I wouldn't.

It looks like complete shit, hopefully I can sell it, but I doubt anyone would want the ugly thing.

>> No.8793432

Where are you from, will you be my SS and look for my dream dress when you're shipping for yourself? Lol

On topic: my meta special set got here today!

>> No.8793651

desperately waiting on my cutlery lucky pack from Ank Rouge lucky

>> No.8793678
File: 8 KB, 400x600, 10413385_10152724850383899_1474802814905925520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celestial Kingdom Choker is it's name

>> No.8793748

Anyone's AatP packs shipped? I saw that one instagram post but that's it so far. I want to put out a wtb pretty early in the game, I feel like the competition might rev up again.

>> No.8793781

So due to some unforseen financial obligations, I won't be able to pay for the IW lucky pack I reserved. If any gulls are interested, I will see if IW will let me "transfer" it over. I reserved Pack B Size L if anyone is interested.

>> No.8793841

When do these ship? How big is large

>> No.8793859
File: 188 KB, 504x321, IW OPs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances of OPs like pic related (not these ones necessarily, just nice, non-print OPs) ending up in the IW packs? I'd really like to pick up one or two secondhand.

>> No.8793865

Usually some of these pop up in less popular colors (like beiges), or if they had a less tailored cut such as the open A-line ones that have just some waistties for shape. Occasionally the nice ones like in your pic do end up in LP's but I think they're more likely to go on normal sale instead.

>> No.8793903

I'm Canadian, and sorry, no, I'm on vacation and am not looking for income on the side from doing this. Save up and come to Tokyo, it's 1000% worth it. I got a mountain of items 30-50% off from IW and AATP today. It amazes me how many amazing pieces, sold out on the website, end up on the discount racks.

>> No.8793918


The cat one? Last thread two or three anons said theirs had shipped, one said it arrived, and someone posted a tumblr image. So it looks like three girls have probably gotten them.

>> No.8793933

I'm so jealous of you. I'm hoping to do what you did within three years

>> No.8794074

All these gulls getting a border printed skirt make me both worried and hopeful that I'll luck out and get just this kind >>8789929

Also, I know you all hate the fugly raschel lace bow, but it is perfect for me. I work in a deli so I can't dress super cute, but I can wear that bow in my ponytail / attach it to the back of my cap. It's fugly enough where I don't care if it got dirty at work, but still kinda cute/ would help customers recognize me in the sea of uniforms.

Do you recommend going to the actual store or the stores in the department buildings (Like Laforet)- I'm going in March so I'm really excited.

>> No.8794088

Someone is selling their set.


>> No.8794096

And gone!

>> No.8794115

Not that anon but outside of sale season the brand stores are less exciting unless you want a specific new release. Closet child, pure sound and other second hand shops are way better.

>> No.8794213

I agree with the anon about second hand shops being more exciting outside of sale season. In Tokyo, most of the brand stores are in department stores, either Laforet or Marui Annex. Innocent World always has to be special and is in a different building nearby in both Harajuku and Shinjuku.

Make sure to visit all the Closet Child locations, each of them have lots of stock which turns over pretty quickly. The Ikebukuro one is a little out of the way compared to the other CC stores, but there is now a Kera Shop in the area too, making the trip more worth it.

>> No.8794319


>> No.8794338

Hey anons. The only LP's I've gotten before are the Innocent world ones and I have a few questions if anyone can answer for me.

So next year I am going to take a break from buying lolita to try and get my spending in check and to avoid distractions during my final year of uni. Also I have quite a big wardrobe and think I should just wear the stuff I have.

Anyways so the plan is, don't buy anything during the year and save up for the sale season to spend up as a graduation present to me :. save money on shipping and sales + motivation to work hard.

So my questions are.

>Do all major brands do the random bag style LP's?
>Can you purchase more than one random bag LP at one store.
>Can you get the special set style LP's and random bags at the same time.
(I ask these Q's because I heard brands are mostly about 1 LP per person)
>Would gulls suggest employing multiple SS's to go to different brand stores instead of just the one SS running around like crazy, to ensure I get something from every store I want?
>where are the special sets normally announced? i.e I couldn't find the British Bear, sweet cream house or holy lantern SpSets on the AP site, and I derping hard?

>> No.8794339

*am I derping hard?

yes, it appears I am.

>> No.8794345

Everything is so cute! I'm so excited for mine to arrive now. Please ship it to me soon, IW.

>> No.8794892

Has anybody posted pictures online yet of Baby's lucky pack with the bunny's and perfume bottles?

>> No.8794958

im wondering the same thing, i havent seen any pictures of it popping up yet

>> No.8794963
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 4484549797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My AP Twinkle Doll LP hasn't updated in it's shipping since the 28th. Should I be worried, or not?

Also, seeing that some of the IW LP's had the bambi JSK in it, I'm regretting not getting it so much :^(

>> No.8795018

Because I know it's shipped out, and it was sold out so.. I'm having second thoughts on mine so I'm just regretting it a bit and trying to make myself feel better about it.

>> No.8795028

ive been feeling the same way anon, im hoping i'll feel better about grabbing it once pictures start surfacing

>> No.8795044

I'd be interested!
Someone's bound to sell theirs soon, don't beat yourself up about it. You could always have gotten something else that you hated instead.

>> No.8795056

I got my Baby LP set on the 28th but I haven't taken any pictures of it yet. I can post detailed pics if anyone wants to see how it looks.

>> No.8795068

where are you from anon? i'm tempted by those cuffs

>> No.8795081

Here's a pic from twitter

>> No.8795087


There are photos from scalpers selling it on yja, go take a look?

>> No.8795091

yes please!!

>> No.8795094

Yes please!!

>> No.8795099

Milkim lucky pack!


>> No.8795114

Will do! Is there a search term that I should use? Sorry I'm really fucking green and a walnut.

>> No.8795127


All of the lolita on yja is in the Angelic Pretty category:

On mbok, btssb/aatp is http://www.mbok.jp/category/categ_100000731.html?&o=8&vt=1

The term for lucky pack is 福袋, on yja this will also pull up AP, IW, amavel etc lucky packs

>> No.8795174

I remember seeing a picture of girls outside of the department store trading their LP content with eachother. It looked like so much fun.

>> No.8795235

Bless you. Found exactly what I was looking for!

>> No.8795257

>>Do all major brands do the random bag style LP's?
Most do but aren't all online. AP is only in-store.

>>Can you purchase more than one random bag LP at one store.
>>Can you get the special set style LP's and random bags at the same time.
>(I ask these Q's because I heard brands are mostly about 1 LP per person)

Varies by brand and they may change the rules at any time.

If you're asking about AP their usual rule is you can only check out one at a time, if you want two you need to go back and do another checkout. As a contrast, with Meta you can check out as many as you want in one go so long as you don't mix regular items in.

>>Would gulls suggest employing multiple SS's to go to different brand stores instead of just the one SS running around like crazy, to ensure I get something from every store I want?
Normally your SS would also be buying stuff for other people. I'd suggest talking things over with them and see which order they're hitting the shops up in, how easy they think they can get certain items, and then go from there.

>>where are the special sets normally announced? i.e I couldn't find the British Bear, sweet cream house or holy lantern SpSets on the AP site, and I derping hard?

Brand blogs and twitter. Baby's is up on their site. Remember to find the one you're specifically after, and fuck AP, the online shop is always "coming soon" or just doesn't update. Remember too that some releases are shop-specific, British Bear was only in a few shops and Holy Lantern was only for Tokyo shop, that's why they're not on the main site, they were never available to buy on the online shop or in other stores.

>> No.8795377


I don't want to attach my face to the pics so I will pic spam some detailed shots if that is okay.

>> No.8795378

go for it!

>> No.8795383
File: 3.78 MB, 5312x2988, 20160103_191420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usakumya coin bag. It is cute and the size of most plush bags but it literally cannot hold anything but some lipstick and maybe an eyeliner.

>> No.8795391
File: 2.90 MB, 2236x2236, 20160103_191439-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otks and headbow, the headbow is okayish, not really fluffg but is more stiff. Otks are white and very soft.

>> No.8795403
File: 3.91 MB, 2017x3582, 2016-01-03 21.04.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for this bad quality shot but it was dark and the only best place for lighting was my dad's garage. The dress came with a plastic bag over it like the ones you get from rhe dey cleaners. Quality wise I can't compare to baby's pieces since this my first but it's not textured however it is pretty well made like my other AP and Meta dresses.

Also some important info, it is a pullover dress, no zipper on the side but it is fully shirred on the back.

>> No.8795408
File: 3.08 MB, 1800x2778, 20160103_191501-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8795414
File: 2.85 MB, 1773x2820, 20160103_191619-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8795417
File: 3.36 MB, 1732x2888, 20160103_191633-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird cat (?) in the back. This print is so weird with all the random animals but they blend together so well.

>> No.8795418

the original pochette sizes are not much bigger. maybe 3-4 lipsticks at most.

>> No.8795422
File: 3.02 MB, 1984x2521, 20160103_191517-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of the print, the piggy. The only reason why I even got the print.

>> No.8795427

could barely fit my phone into the pochette... I can see why most girls have to carry a second bag now

>> No.8795441

That's all that I could take for tonight. Overall, I like the LP a lot! But I wish I knew about the AP LP beforehand but I wanted the normal waist cut which was in the special set but was not willing to buy it cause I have no need for the coat or blouse. If anyone wants to sell their AP LP jsk in sax or even pink, please shoot me a message in my throwaway.

>> No.8795498

My friend just got her grimoire lucky pack in the mail, she isn't too into what she got. It's the white set like what was posted, photos will come later. Is anyone interested in buying it off her?

>> No.8795613

I might be. Depends on the price point, but have her shoot me a message.

>> No.8795815

That owl is so cute! I'd love to see Baby use it as a main theme in a print...

>> No.8795873
File: 1.54 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 3 Meta LPs arrived today!

>> No.8795875
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>> No.8795876
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>> No.8795892

>that print again
Damn wish I'd got one

>> No.8795893

those are all really great packs, well done!

>> No.8795925

Love these skirts anon, good job!

>> No.8795934

So far it seems like the Meta LPs only have short sleeved blouses? Has anyone heard of someone getting a long sleeved shirt?
That was one of the reasons I got the winter LPs, so I hope to end up with a long sleeved blouse but won't be getting my LPs for a while.

>> No.8795948

What is hedgehog owl.

>> No.8795950

Thats all I wanted the baby lp for.
Srapid coin purse.

>> No.8795964

I want that blouse.

>> No.8795966

Mine hasn't updated either, anon. Don't worry, shipping will be slow because it's just gone new year and christmas. Lots of people will be buying things online with christmas money, and buying lucky packs from other shops too.

>> No.8795977

I forwarded your email to her!

>> No.8795982

The more I see this purple bow in various shots, the less I understand what they were trying to do.

>> No.8796003

Sorry anon they sold already

>> No.8796004

anon are you hanging onto that green bow on the bottom left? i have that jsk and would be interested if you're planning to sell

>> No.8796009

You know how on facebook it shows you your posts from previous years every day? Yeah, right before lucky bag season i always say "not buying any lolita for a year" and it's never last that long.

but i wish you good luck. might be easier if you say that IF you buy lolita, you have to get rid of something to make room. that's my plan for this year.

>> No.8796013

I did in mine

>> No.8796026


>that pig
I wish more brands would do pig prints.

>> No.8796108

The dark LPs look so much better than the light ones!
Do you know its name? I might let go of it.

>> No.8796130

Now I'm kicking myself for not getting it

>> No.8796191

Damn, that skirt is gorgeous.

>> No.8796249

These skirts are gorgeous.

>> No.8796294
File: 102 KB, 720x960, 12483524_496750977116429_795243374_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my 2 skirt LPs! here is the light one

>> No.8796296
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 12476054_496750970449763_1415878305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

andddd the dark one
overall really happy!

>> No.8796305

Anon, please make a coord while wearing all three bows.

>> No.8796325

that fucking bear aint wanting none of that pig's shit

>> No.8796372
File: 3.82 MB, 1813x2758, 20160104_120550-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got mine.
SAME exact everything you got.
Haha those pink tights though.

>> No.8796447

So i ordered a lizlisa pack and i didnt get a tenso message saying it arrive to their office yet. What do?

>> No.8796463

Agh those tights, I don't know what to do with them, once I get them they're going onto LM pretty fast.

>> No.8796550

Is anybody selling their white grimoire op?

>> No.8796553

My friend wants to sell the set, as mentioned in...
So leave your email and I'll pass it to her.

>> No.8796564

This is a bit late, but if anyone is interested, Grimoire has put up restocks of their lucky packs over the weekend. The "Original Lucky Bag" with the Celestial dresses are all sold out already, but there's a new "Legwear Lucky Pack" with Verum stuff still up for 9000 + tax yen.

>> No.8796583

Has anyone took pics of meta's special set?

>> No.8796595

I just got my Medium JSK set in black, I can take a picture of it?

>> No.8796602

yes, please. I'm especially interested in the hem since it looks different the original Secret Eden JSK.

>> No.8796617
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the set. It's not a very good picture sorry ahaha. I can try to take detail shots if anyone wants

>> No.8796618

Please! I really want to see the details

>> No.8796626
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea why the picture rotated...
The gold rose buttons are actually clear and painted gold. The top one is missing a little paint :(

>> No.8796668

This is so cute! Can't wait for mine to arrive

>> No.8796714

Hope baby sends my lucky pack soon, it's almost been a month since I ordered. Then again, it is NYC

>> No.8796791

Bodyline luckypacks are now out guys!~

>> No.8796795

Someone buy one, for science.

>> No.8796796

I'm gonna get so many sleeves.

>> No.8796890

Haha yeahh... they might actually look cute with the dress. I'm gonna work them.

I might just pick up a leg pack too.
I just hope they don't pack more of those pink tights in them

>> No.8796896

Is that Tarter Sauce?

>> No.8796905

wait, what cat? or are you talking about the angry-looking teddy bear?

>> No.8796914

I think the tights are really cute! I'd be interested depending on how much you gals would want for them.

>> No.8796989

Meta pack tomorrow or the day after, depending on if I can get home on time...

Taking bets on whether I, too, get a purple lace monster. It's a light pack, so we'll see!

>> No.8797358

Me too anon. Pigs are cute and I can imagine a play on teacup pigs having a tea party or in a field. Hopefully some indie brand gets the idea and make a full on pig print.

>> No.8797420

I want this to happen and I want a debu-chan to wear it in pink.

>> No.8797448

It's a cat. Look at its ears.

>> No.8797463
File: 15 KB, 240x320, baby_rucksack_usakumya-126989_add2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New btssb mascot, the Nekokuma, the cat born in a bear's body. Sassy best friend of Usakumya, the bear pretending to be a bunny, and good friends with Kumuakuma, the bear pretending to be a bear with bigger ears.

You know btssb would totally do it. Pic related, early usakumya that looks like a bear with bunny ears.

>> No.8797472

>>8794074 here, I got mine today. Luckily got the borderless skirt I wanted, two pairs of socks, the blouse, and the raschel bow. I had no idea just how massive it was until now. I knew it was big but pictures weren't doing it justice. (Meta I love you but what the fuck)

I thought this was a yeti at first. This is so cute I want 10 to snuggle with.

>> No.8797865

I won't be getting my pack until mid Feb and I'll probably just put it up on LM and also crosslist into the BST thread if you're willing to wait that long. Email in name field!

>> No.8797879

So, I'm the anon that got this LP, and I just wanted to let you guys know first that I am selling the skirt, pink socks, and that shitty bow.

Drop me an email if you're interested.

>> No.8798435

So anyone that got the Meta secret Eden JSK special set: How large would you say the JSK and blouse would go max? Would they both fit 112cm bust and 90cm waist?

>> No.8798452

I want one of those old Usakumyas so bad. They look ridiculous.

>> No.8798485

my measurements are a 95-100 bust and a 78-84 waist and the Jsk fits me with room to spare as the back is fully shirred. I am considering moving the buttons on the straps so the bodice sits better and there's plenty of room to do so.

>> No.8798632

What about the blouse? And you really think the extra 5 inches wouldn't be a problem?

>> No.8798726

Probably unlikely but what are my chances on getting leftover LPs in store for smaller brands in about a month's time?

>> No.8798775

How small are we talking? Loads of non-lolita brands have small "secret bags" constantly in store.

>> No.8798871

I'm going by cm. The blouse also has shirring. The button directly on my bust does pull a bit but it's covered by the jsk.

>> No.8799033

Looking for jfashion lucky bags.

>> No.8799520

Thanks for all this info anon. I'm looking forward to snagging quite a few and having a massive mystery un boxing. That's the dream anyway weather or not I get all the things I want is a different matter; if it doesn't work out I can just redirect my funds to Yahoo Auctions

>> No.8799763

If you end up selling your lp, or at least the otk's and skirt I'll take them!

>> No.8800500

Did anyone get a Franche Lippee pack?

>> No.8801225
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Listen Flavor lp came today and I really like it all ^^