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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 170 KB, 851x254, ikkicon-logo16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8749809 No.8749809 [Reply] [Original]

only a month left!
Who's going?
What do you expect?
Why is there no schedule?
Why you reading all these questions?

>> No.8749812
File: 11 KB, 239x287, S__6930443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offical Gull Line Chat

>> No.8749852

>What do you expect?
At this point nothing cause there's no schedule.

Hell, they aren't selling tickets for the tea party yet

>> No.8749876

lol same
>imagines showing up to the con and just seeing tumbleweeds

>> No.8749898

It's late, but should I hit this con up? I mean I love in Austin so it isn't going to be a big commotion, but I have only ever heard meh opinions on it.

>> No.8749915

I've never been, but, from what I'm hearing, it's only really worth it if you have friends going

>> No.8749920

All of my confusion and mingled rage over this.

>> No.8749946

I hope you don't get a tea party ticket.

>> No.8749974

It's super meh.

I don't know why everyone's freaking out over the lack of schedule this year, it's always been like this. It's a small con, never draws much of a crowd... Is it because of the lolita guests?

>> No.8749978

I think it's really just drawing more crowds this year because J.Hart is gonna be there.

>> No.8750024

It's meh because it isn't much more than a husk of a con. It like... GenericCon. The main service it provides is being a con, being the event that brings people out to it. The vendors are meh, the programming is meh, the cosplay contest isn't anything special. It's not terrible, it just isn't fun unless you have people there to make it fun. I've had some great Ikkicons, but it's never been Ikkicon itself that made my time great.
Does that make sense?
It is meh, but if you have friends that will be there and you like Austin, go for it.

>> No.8751157

who all got tea party tickets?

>> No.8751820
File: 18 KB, 285x88, Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 11.55.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen the day badge prices? Thoughts on those? I feel like it's extremely overpried for a con like Ikkicon.

>> No.8751825

I'm glad I wasnt the only one thinking about this

>> No.8751848

That's ikkicon for you. ANT was pretty pricy for the lack of anything of substance too.

>> No.8751867

I guess I can't complain about ANT because I managed to get in on the Groupon deal so I don't know much about the prices for that. But I find it crazy when small(er) cons hike up the prices especially for day badges.

I'd expect $40-45 a day for a con like A-kon (talk about lack of anything substantial though) but not Ikkicon.

>> No.8751888

I did. Pretty pumped. Make sure you tell them about dietary or allergen concerns since those fields weren't on the original page to purchase tickets!

>> No.8751967

Cons hike up day prices to try to convince you it's a better deal to just buy the whole weekend.

>> No.8752145

That is true, but I've never seen prices hiked up that much before for such a smaller convention.

Like I said. I can expect that from a con like A-kon, but not Ikkicon.

>> No.8752223

How small so you think it is? AKon makes the top 10 in terms of attendance for cons in the US.

The Saturday price is 10 dollars less than a weekend, which is something I've seen from several other cons, not just A-kon. It's becoming standard.

>> No.8752603

Ikkicon is definitely not as big as A-kon in terms of attendance. I wasn't calling A-kon the smaller con.

>> No.8753095

Maybe I wasn't clear. My point was that it's silly to compare anyone else to a-kon because it dwarfs everyone else by like 10k people.

>> No.8753240

Hey guys, ikkicon staff here. I have a lot of juicy goodness as to why ikki has been shit for years and I have some dirt that yall may like. I know those fucking nerds who run it are on here, but fuck it I don't care anymore.

First thing yall need to know is that the con is run by beta males and autists. There's a chick who is 2nd in command and she is a complete retard who tries to make the con cater to herself and her children.

They have been trying to make it more and more kid friendly which is one of the reasons it's at the new hotel. Not only that, but they want to go full nazi on rules this year just for that reason. The security team has always been bad and made up of jrotc nerds, so get ready for them to have SS power.

>> No.8753255

>cater to children
Oh no.
Most cons are already too child-friendly for my taste. That's not good.

>JROTC as security
What sort of rules are they going to nazi about?

Why bother to have a con over New Years if they don't want/expect it to be a big booze party convention?

>> No.8753277

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8753298

Do tell nerd. Prove me wrong, don't just say it.

They are making it to where you can't have a cosplay revealing too much skin. Guys have to always have a shirt on and girls arnt allowed to show off their goods. Other rules that have yet to be discussed that I'm trying my hardest to push back against.

The con security this year, much like last year and the year before are going to be like hawks on dress code and any thing that might be used as a weapon. Usually standard fair for cons, but the security team they hire is made up of the biggest asshole in the world.
Last year they kicked a girl out just for being kind of drunk and high. They smelled pot and took her badge.

One of the security team guys I always have beef with is the manley douche bag who carries around a pipe he never actually smokes from and always wears these silly call of duty esqe jesus shirts

>> No.8753303


>> No.8753314
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-07-11-20-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dealers room, from unflattering angle

>> No.8753322

They moved to the renaissance hotel which is the classiest hotel in the city.
Ikkicon is just trying to stay classy.

>> No.8753325
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-07-11-23-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some panel room.

>> No.8753328
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-07-11-24-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another room.

>> No.8753339
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-07-11-33-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main floor was too big to capture on my phone. The stairs on the bottom left hand corner of the pic lead to the dealers and panels.

Do you see that big black area? It's mirrored on the other half. And on the other half there is another area like that. They have also recently expanded the restaurant onto the floor.
There will not be a lot of room to walk.

>> No.8753354

Continued. Armadillocon 34 was hosted here. 500 people max, and it still felt stuffy.

However, there are plenty of nice photoshoot locations inside and outside.

>> No.8753357
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-07-11-47-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shot of dealers, standing in a corner.

>> No.8753370

LOL wait, you're mad because they revoked the badge of someone participating in illegal activities? Good on them, I don't want to be around a bunch of high socially inept nerds.

I'm also willing to bet money the stiffer dress code is due to the venue. If the hotel says no shirtless bros then they have to comply.

I really have no idea where kids get the mentality that they can do whatever they want because they are at an Anime convention. You are still in a public space, sorry you have to follow some rules.

>> No.8753401


Spoiled self-entitlement

>> No.8753793
File: 44 KB, 550x404, 1447478062712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So not only are you a white night, but also a sober person who misses out on the fun

>getting mad at pot

>> No.8753808

>believing you need to take substances to have fun

I'm sorry your life sucks that much.

>> No.8753823

Personal views of pot aside, it is illegal in the state of Texas. Explain to me why you believe the convention should not revoke the badge of an attendee participating in illegal activities?

>> No.8753824


>riding a noble high horse of sobriety
>thinking that you are superior to anyone because you don't use substances
>caring about what other people put into their body's
>feeling the need to be a rat at cons

Have fun never being invited to party's or having fun :^)

I'm sure you are probably the most fun person to be around, nothing screams fun like holding a moral high ground.


>> No.8753829


So is underage drinking and sex, but the cons don't do much about that

>> No.8753845

Sex isn't illegal? I am pretty sure if people were banging in the middle of the dealers room they would be kicked out.

I've seen badges pulled for intoxication. Conventions can't come after you for what you are doing in your hotel room. The issues is when you are visibly doing the activity on the con floor. So, you are drinking and the hotel doesn't allow open bottles, or you are intoxicated.

>> No.8753848

I wouldn't want to go to a party where all people did was smoke. I'm fine. Thanks for the concern.

I'm not sure what your point is. Pot is still illegal in Austin.

>> No.8753866

Pot is illegal on a Federal level, you fuck. As in, it's illegal EVERYWHERE, no matter what your state laws are.

>> No.8754084

I've got a bad feeling about Ikki this year. If the new hotel is as small as anon is saying, it's gonna end up being hell.

>> No.8754200

Holy shit, are y'll that dumb? For one pot isn't a federal issue it's a state issue, haven't you heard it's legal in quite a few states now or have you been living under a rock?

Austin is home to Marley Fest http://austinreggaefest.com which is a bunch if pot heads in a park smoking weed and listening to shitty music. Also, the cops do nothing, they actually just stand around and watch.

Guess pot isn't so illegal in Austin now huh? Cops don't do shit cause its not harming anyone, other than making a few people butthurt.

>> No.8754389



Maybe you fried your brain too much to understand how laws work?

>> No.8754453

I don't think you even read the website you linked to, it clearly says weed is legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington state, which proves that it is a states issue and not a federal issue. Unless you were trying to prove something else? In which case you really didn't elaborate on that.

If you were trying to prove it is illegal in Austin, I kow it is, never said it wasnt, I only stated that the cops don't care.

Come back when you know how to debate shit properly.

>> No.8754577

>It is important to recognize that these state marijuana laws do not change the fact that using marijuana continues to be an offense under Federal law.

Do you know how to read?

>> No.8754921

Yo, fuck all the other stuff, who's down for some Third Strike at Ikki?

>> No.8755152

They do if you get caught.

>> No.8755154

Lol, this guy doesn't even know how the staff is actually structured.

>> No.8755161

Yes I do, but apparently you don't since the sentence you quoted was in relation to the use of medical marijuana and the fact that even if it is prescribed by a doctor it's still not legal in your state.

Regardless nothing of what you're trying to prove makes sense. Are you trying to prove that weed isn't legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington?or the fact that it's illegal everywhere else? Cause I already stated that it is illegal everywhere else.

Please make clear what the fuck you're even trying to prove as your stance in this "debate" is totally blurred. Otherwise I'm done, since I'm apparently arguing with an infant.

>> No.8755254

Do yourself a favor and read the memorandum. It is illegal on the federal level. The DOJ is choosing to defer to local law enforcement to enforce the laws, so in states where it is "legal" obviously no one is going to be arrested.

You can argue that it is effectively legal in certain states, but it is technically illegal on a federal level. There is a law against it. No vote has taken place to remove or overturn that law, ergo it is still illegal. States don't have the power to over ride federal laws, like you seem to think.

>> No.8755368

Anyone got extra space in their room for 1 more?

>> No.8755388

Since the schedule is kind of a mystery still beyond a handful of lolita things, is anyone here hosting a panel? If so, what time/day/room? I will probably have a ton of free time and kinda wanna hear what y'all are bringing to the table.

>> No.8755428

Having weed is not a federal offense unless you're stupid enough to have it on federal property.

you want a memorandum? Here: justice.gov/iso/opa/resources/3052013829132756857467.pdf

This clearly states the federal laws on weed, as well as stating that these federal laws only apply to federal property (national parks, and military bases) other than those areas it's a state's issue.

So it's not a federal offense to have weed in Austin, and the non-federal justice system in Austin doesn't give a flying fuck about whether or not you're high. They only care if you have a lot of weed, otherwise it's just a bunch of paperwork that they don't want to deal with.

>> No.8755437

I know someone posted like 3 Hetalia panels. Don't know which ones, if any, are gonna be accepted though.

>> No.8755455

some are on the draft schedule

>> No.8755562


Did you miss the last paragraph where it says the memorandum does not alter in any way the departments authority to enforce federal law, regardless of state law?

You clearly have no concept of what you are talking about so I'm done. I hope you have fun smoking I guess?

>> No.8755585

Care to shareb the draft schedule, please?

>> No.8756004

Someone is finally calling out Melissa? Nice.

>> No.8756727

Why do you guys even care?
so what if people participate in smoking weed while on duty or off duty at the con, it like a cigarette break man, I smoke to help me eat. I also volunteer because i have fun at cons, so.....i think as long as the person smoking doesnt act like a complete ass i dont see the problem

>> No.8756780

there had been issues with people smoking pot in the stairwells

>> No.8756866

Cigarettes don't alter your mental state...
Do you think you can show up to work drunk? That's a better comparison.

>> No.8756997


Just thought I'd do that.

>> No.8757717

anyone excited or signed up for the BSSB fashion show?

>> No.8757904

San Antone cosplayer here. I've been getting my stuff ready for the last 4 months- mostly squaring away finances, tickets, transportation, and lodging. Do we have a new gull chat/meetup line?

>> No.8758708

I'm not in the show but I'm excited to see it. Super pumped for tea party as well.

>> No.8762803

Is anyone else afraid this is gonna just end up being Undertalecon? Seems like every other person I hear talking about their cosplay plans wants to be Mettaton Ex.

>> No.8763170

Seconding. I just got my tickets today and would love to start planning and talking to gulls.

>> No.8763921

We started a new chat! Message tsunderelolita on line to get added into the group.

>> No.8764075

If anything the biggest cosplay group is going to be One piece there

>> No.8764313

Thanks anon!

>> No.8764378

No. Cause stupid Ikkicon had to schedule themselves the weekend of my wedding.

>> No.8764660

Ikkicon is has always been on New years weekend you just didn't think about it when you scheduled your wedding.

>> No.8764762

It has been on or right by New Years weekend for 6 years now. You're just terrible at planning.

>> No.8765226

Don't blame a con for your bad planning. Ikki has has the new years weekend for years. Looks like Ikkicon isn't the only Icky thing.

>> No.8765449

I'm coming out from California and hooking up with my /k/rew. Will see you guys there, look for all the faggots in HCLI gear.

>> No.8767333

do you want a cookie?

>> No.8767348

New Year's weekend is honestly a terrible time for any event, but it seems particularly stupid and selfish to have a wedding then and expect anyone to plan one of the biggest holidays of the year around you, let alone a convention that has been on that weekend for years.

>> No.8768060

This. Who the fuck does that to everyone, do you really think they all want to go to some crappy wedding when they could actually be out having fun?

>> No.8768828

having a con on NYE is kinda ehh yeah it sucks that your occupied with the con but for people that dont have a lot of friends/ wouldnt go out and do stuff normally the con a pretty ideal thing to do

>> No.8771099

Mah nigga! I'll ft5 ya

>> No.8772496

Everything I need to finish my coord for the tea party has shipped, and I'm so excited about it! How are you guys' coords/cosplays coming along?

>> No.8773638

Has anyone ever been to the new year's party? Is it any good?

>> No.8773721

Oh I'm jealous. I'm still waiting on shoes and tights for my tea party coord. Other coords are okay though. I'm very excited to see other coordinates and cosplays!

>> No.8774828

Bumping to second this question; my friends are thinking about going but we aren't sure yet. Any past experiences gulls?

>> No.8775822

I know that lady in question, and she does a fantastic job. She also has organized the best panels in the last couple of years with GREAT turn out. Also kid friendly is fine. Adult panels can be later at night and labeled 18 plus. FFS sake most of the fan base is for younger kids. >>8756004
wrong name

gonna go, gonna go have fun there, and little cry babies like you cannot stop me.

>> No.8776812

Doesn't matter anyway. I know where the train is headed. It isn't pretty.

Hello hawk watchers from the top.

>> No.8777601

I'm going.. alone. A friend was coming with me but cancelled a few days ago. Not sure I'll have fun at this point but I have 4 cosplays that I won't let go to waste

>> No.8777669

You can use this chance to make new friends and have fun with them.

>> No.8777742

You'll have fun, anon. Ikki is a social con more than anything. The programming historically hasn't been too stellar and we don't even have a schedule right now haha. I'm always down to make new friends.

>> No.8777747

Thanks. I went to San Japan alone and only went one day because I hated being by myself haha. You cosplaying?

>> No.8777757

I don't cosplay, actually. Just do the lolita thing. What're your plans? I haven't checked the FB page in a minute but I imagine people are posting their plan sheets (not sure what those are called haha sorry) there. I always like seeing good cosplays!

>> No.8777762

Have they even posted the schedule yet?

>> No.8777773

Oh okay! I would wear lolita but I'm still a baby and don't have a completed coord. I'm gonna cosplay 4 characters over the course of the 3 days, attend whatever panels look promising, no real solid plans. I do want to watch the btssb fashion show though!

>> No.8777777

4 cosplays is legit. If you have line, feel free to add me. It'd be cool to run into you at the show or just around! I've no plans aside from the tea party/fashion show and will probably spend 90% of the time just hanging out haha. Line ID is gh0ulprincess.

>> No.8778266

The con is in a week and a half and I only just cut my fabric. Any other gulls sewing over Christmas?

>> No.8778288

Yep. Been trying to work on stuff all week but not getting much done cause of family and stuff. Next week looks even worse, I don't know if I'll finish.

Also, anyone working the day before Ikkicon? I wanted to go to the New Years party but I'm bummed because I got a shift late that day, oh well.

>> No.8778314

Considering starting on the 27th after I'm home from the holidays, just a simple costume or two, but we'll see. Good luck to you both!

>> No.8778316

Good luck to you too anon, starting on the 27th is like nightmare mode, hope it goes well and easily.

>> No.8778357

if your going alone and hate being by yourself try volunteering

>> No.8778450


There is no schedule until 5 days or less.

This is Ikkicon.
This is how they get things done.

>> No.8778887

Last minute costume here too. Sill waiting on fabric and tried to dye some resin charms last night, with little success. I haven't finished christmas presents or started actually sewing fml.

>> No.8779471

Good luck anon, you can do it. I'm screwed as well but maybe if we keep at it.

>> No.8779833

Schedule's finally up. Merry Christmas.

>> No.8779899

>first panel
>1.5 hours long
>sailor Moon eye makeup

Jesus Christ

>> No.8779913

Yeah, it's pretty dismal. especially disappointed in the lack of lolita programming since Baby's a major guest.

>> No.8779944

There's at least a baby panel.

I don't see any of jharts stuff on there, and he was even posting about his panels on social media.

>> No.8780742

They are on there, he has one each day but they're practically the first panel of each day.

>> No.8780884

I saw that. Really not sure what to make if it but sounds potentially lulzy.

Ugh, same. I'm really disappointed as well. I'm not wearing lolita on Friday but still want to attend the Baby panel and the autograph session if I'm able to.

>> No.8780888

Not surprised. This is Ikkicon first time Lolita guest.

>> No.8782867

Is there gonna be a swap meet?

>> No.8782871

Will there be a swap meet?

>> No.8782872 [DELETED] 

is a swap meet happening?

>> No.8782875

Is a swap meet happening?

>> No.8782879

Sorry I screwed up, my phone wasn't loading properly.

>> No.8782996

There's a Lolita swap meet on the 31st but since a lot of people can't make it to that I was hoping to help coordinate an additional swap meet. If you're looking for one that's not Lolita, I have no idea.
Sorry anon.

>> No.8783030

I didn't see one but I was really hoping for a generic animu swap meet. Maybe one could be organized last minute?

>> No.8783143

Aw man that's not my forte, anon. If you haven't already, I would suggest posting on the Ikki FB page to garner interest! Good luck.

>> No.8783148

31st is the worst day for people coming out of town.
No, def a Lolita swap meet. But I guess we could combine both?

>> No.8783152

Yeah I've been seeing a lot of people asking for one during the con. My friends and I are interested in it too. Is anyone else interested in helping out to host one? I'll help but I can't be the main coordinator since I'm not an austin local.

>> No.8783157


I'm local but unfortunately I'm not staying at the con hotel, otherwise I would be very happy to host it. I'm perfectly fine with combining. I'll even post on the FB page if nobody else wants to. Maybe there will be an empty room we could use for a 1-2 hour block?

>> No.8783213

I've already posted on the fb page and event haha. If you would like, maybe we'd all could work together to make it happen! T.b.h im hoping there's a room we could use. There seems to be a lot of empty gaps in the schedule too.

Speaking of, the guidebook wasn't working earlier so maybe the schedule is getting updated. It's last second but maybe we could try getting it added once we show there's enough support for it.

>> No.8784127

anyone who is an austin local will just go to the one on the 31st though, lol.

>> No.8784133

Lame. Seriously, no one from the local comm can step up here? There isn't anywhere to meet up during the con itself? Most hotels have a spare lounge area we could use to swap.

>> No.8784380

Well since I am local I'm not staying in the hotel, otherwise I would gladly offer a room. Some of us are trying to coordinate something. We've messaged people who are handling the meet on the 31st to see if they know of any gaps in programming/available open rooms. Or, if you would prefer to do it an a lounge, that's fine too. I haven't seen the hotel yet so I've no idea what it looks like. I've just heard it's a pretty small space so I think trying to get a room booked might be a better option.

>> No.8785858

Yo, anyone have any idea how the game room will be?

>> No.8786169

Most every local is just staying in their own house/dorm/etc

>> No.8786536

You must be the dumbass who keeps asking around on the IKKI page/group. You can't find shit because its going to be the same crappy setups like every past year.

>> No.8786578

I'm going with a friend, is it true they changed the hotel this year?

>> No.8786638

Yes. You'll look like a retard if you show up at Hilton because you can't bother to look at the website.

>> No.8786646

It's at the Renaissance (sp?) right?

>> No.8786707

look at the website lol

>> No.8786730

Just get here on Thursday, or offer up your own fucking hotel room to do the swap meet. The people running the lolita programming already set up a swap meet and are planning and setting up and catering everything else the con is putting together.
Step up, or sit down and shut up.

>> No.8786749

Looks like we found the retard who can't even bother to look at the thread orginal image.

>> No.8786780

This. Don't know why everyone is demanding a swap now. It was mentioned on the meet up page that the swap was happening right after for many months now.

>> No.8786973

I will not be arriving a day early just because your staff can't plan ahead and end up scheduling events poorly, that is not my responsibility. Is this how the Austin comm runs things at this con?

Personally, I'm more interested in the swap to meet lolitas. Besides the Baby stuff and Lolita 101 there isn't a chance to mingle.

>> No.8786995

90% of the con will be locals just saying. If you can't come that's your fault for not planning ahead because everything does not revolve around you, princess.

>> No.8787000 [DELETED] 

>"not planning ahead"
>scheduling events outside convention days

Keep Austin Shitty friends.

>> No.8787036

The swap meet was planned wayyyy ahead the con didn't announce anything though. Shit was together but getting verification from the con has been hell. Have something in your hotel room or something. A majority of people will not be staying in the hotel and are arriving Thursday.

>> No.8787063

I know a huge influx of lolitas there are going to be out-of-towners willing to give the con a chance because of BTSSB and to avoid supporting AM. Many of these don't know how ikki is run and therefore wanted to wait until the schedule is up to see if there was a swap meet scheduled, like how it was at SJ. Plus I know other lolita locals won't be able to attend the Thursday meets since they already had New Years Eve planned with family and friends beforehand. I don't think it's a bad idea to just try and get something set up. If the effort all goes to waste, there's no harm done you know?

Fortunately it seems like a mini swap meet is in the works during the con. Maybe next year they'll keep it in mind and have it planned better.

>> No.8787067

Anon, I don't know where you are from but Texas cons are notorious for awful planning. AM, Akon, Oni, and Ikki will never be on time for scheduling even if panelists submit their panels many months in advance. Demanding the swap meet to fit your needs and the 5 out of towners is ridiculous. Instead of being an awful twat why don't you open up your room and have a swap instead of complaining.

>> No.8787125

Ah yes I wanna say my friends got a response back about a 30 minute meet. Very short but perhaps we can spill it out into the lobby or somebody's room. Personally I'm very glad that so many lolitas from out of town are coming. I hope the lolita programming all goes smoothly and that I'm able to meet a lot of new people!

>> No.8787465

Schedule has been updated! Seems like the swap meet is 30 mins before the Baby panel but it's whatever, props to them for getting this done last second anyways!

Let's just stop being catty and be hyped for ikki now. Let's talk about the schedule, the maid panel, food, etc!

>> No.8787721

Any good sushi places near the con?

>> No.8787732

Youre gonna get a lot of chains in that area of Austin. I recommend Kome in central Austin about 15 min away.

>> No.8787841

Kome is amazing, especially at lunch time. If you want top notch sushi (that isn't too far away) check out Musashino on Mopac. Expect a wait on weekends.

>> No.8787898

>Let's just stop being catty and be hyped for ikki now.
All these Lolita bitches whining and complaining about AM and now they're invading Ikkicon and the swapmeet bullshit makes me actually miss the steampunk fuckers.

>> No.8787916


>> No.8787920

I'm an out-of-towner coming in and trust me, your con has a reputation up here too. It's still better than AM given it's not run by the shittiest folks on earth, but it's also kind of known as the snorefest party-con. I'm hoping I make more lolita friends before I end up getting drunk off cheap drinks.

>> No.8787926

>not going to Ikkicon to get drunk off your ass
>not going so you can sit at home or go to work
>2016 and still being smoker

>> No.8787993

Kome is pretty top, would also agree it's way worth the drive.
If you want mediocre sushi, but want to walk around the south congress area there's Lucky Robot. Their stuff is very americanized but tasty lol.
There's REAL lolita programming this year though. And the people running it are working hard, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes this year!

>> No.8788018
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>> No.8788037

Nah, reread the thread, these lolis are the salty ones.

>> No.8788047

Is the ramen shop Tatsu-ya any good? The guidebook has it listed nearby.

>> No.8788121

Who else is up scrambling to complete cosplays?

>> No.8788122

Yep. I can already tell Im not gonna finish entirely but gonna wear what I have finished so far anyway.

>> No.8788147
File: 245 KB, 528x960, really wishing I'd had more time to do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about 2/3rds done with my shit. I was in the middle of moving and put off getting started and now I'm cutting corners trying to get this BS finished.

>> No.8788152

It's looking good but yeah you've got a good amount of work ahead of you, good luck man.

>> No.8788157

I just finished spray painting my sword. I'm really hoping it doesn't dry sticky come tomorrow, or I'll cry.

>> No.8788200

It's delicious. Be ready to wait in line outside though, and don't even think about trying to go in a huge group. Max of 4.

>> No.8788203

I have maybe 2-3 hours of sewing left, a wig to style and some small accessories to finish. I think I'll make it!

>> No.8788235

For once I can actually say I am done with everything early. Thank you not taking winter semester in college.

>> No.8788260

Two long strips of bias tape to hand sew. I think I can get it done tomorrow, then I'm done.

>> No.8788283

Geisha, Piranha killer, Revival Public House (although that one is half sushi), Bar Chi, Maiko, Fukumoto, and Kyoten

For all nearby

>> No.8788331

Personally, Daruma ramen on 6th street is better and has less of a crowd, but Tatsuya is good too. Would not really recommend Michi or Fukuya though.

>> No.8788399 [DELETED] 

Fukuya, Daruma, and Tatsu-ya

>> No.8788530

>time to attack

>> No.8788559

Are you being serious? Chicken broth? Really?

>> No.8788749

I have a bluetooth speaker ready

>> No.8788765

>Lucky Robot
Do the waitresses still dress in seifuku?

>> No.8788958

I am excited. Made my cosplay this year by myself. Probably shit, but still fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Gonna drink a ton. Hosting my room party as always, ditching cross play this year because wearing a dress is too hard. I feel bad for Lolita peeps because makeup and wigs are suck.

>> No.8789668

I'm so behind and I got so nervous I gave myself diarrhea. How's everyone elses' last minute cosplays going?

>> No.8789730

Swap meet info for lolitas
Friday 3:30-4pm @ Panel Room 3
Link on fb-com-events-1713154575570926

Just letting you know the swap meet isn't like that anymore.

>> No.8789775

Does anyone know of an LL photoshoot happening? I'm surprised I don't see one.

>> No.8789793

Velcro is refusing to glue to my foam and it's the only way the waist pieces on my cosplay can be held shut. My head hurts and I'm ridiculously tired and I'm ready to give up and say screw it.

>> No.8789804

sewing type craft glue with stick it to craft foam, like if you have the "Ok to Wash It" type or other similar ones
E6000 will also work but it melts some types of foam so thats kinda risky

>> No.8789916

where the firecrackers at? :D

>> No.8789946

Theres gonna be an idol meet on saturday. Some of the LL people are heading to that.

>> No.8790000

When on Saturday?

>> No.8790014
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Swap meet now says 5-6:30? I guess it changed again.

Would it be frowned upon to bring some general jfash stuff or is this going to be strictly Lolita?

>> No.8790140

It should be changed. I'm not sure what's going on but officially we have 3:30-4

>> No.8790250

asked the organizer and they said Ikki staff is slow or too swamped to update the changes right now. Ikki promised 3:30 - 4 so it doesn't conflict with baby panels.

>> No.8790465

This is my first time attending Ikkicon, I'm looking at the map and Im baffled by the lack of videogame room.
I think I'll stick to SJ from now on.

>> No.8790479

If it's the event on Facebook, it should be at 4PM near the tabletop gaming area.

>> No.8790745
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Someone hung their fucking dakimakura in thei room window

>> No.8790751
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Party hard

>> No.8790757

Fucking hell man, you should have stopped for lunch when you drove through town.

>> No.8790761

I can already tell this is going to be a great weekend

>> No.8790767

So >>8790745 is you?

>> No.8790770

Yeah and four other autists

>> No.8790775
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>tfw still at work, 200 miles away

>> No.8790780

I have some M2Ks in the car

>> No.8790825
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Lookin ugly as sin hmu

>> No.8790842

nah you look great

>> No.8790855

lookin qt, science grandpa

>> No.8790856

6/10, would bone

>> No.8790864
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Ayy lmao from the Daki crew

>> No.8790865

Australian gtfo

>> No.8790868 [DELETED] 
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Daki crew rep reporting in

>> No.8790888

What's the name of the line group.? Looking for something to do

>> No.8790904

Daki crew here

We're going to play hammer janken somewhere in the common area in a couple minutes

>> No.8790912
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>> No.8790935

Come see me, I'm wearing the American flag on my back cause America has my back

>> No.8790936

How bad were the badge lines?

>> No.8790948

All these posts from the daki crew are showing up on my FB and I feel so cucked that I'm sitting at home and not at a con right now.

>> No.8790980

God damn it

>> No.8791008





>> No.8791023

were you at ANT....?

>> No.8791050
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would seeing a clownpiece triggger you?

>> No.8791075

Happy New Years faggots

Join us for hammer janken tomorrow night after you've had a couple drinks

>> No.8791171

Who's hosting a room party ? I wanna meet some of you autists.

>> No.8791289

Nah, never been.

Anybody else fighting hangovers this morning?

>> No.8791296

You know you're in the south when

>> No.8791616

Anyone who is 21+ wanna drink with me tonight? Me and buddies wanna party. So free booze.

>> No.8791674

Swap meet was 2:3-3? What happened to 3:30-4?

>> No.8791677

Drinks/party? Sure dude where at

>> No.8791747
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Nice creamy memes for /cgl/

>> No.8791829

Daki squad is considering, where and when

>> No.8791845

So low key tv and booze party room 432 at 10:30. Who is down.

>> No.8791878


A friend and I will come. Need any extra booze?

>> No.8791888

Brought my daughter along today and it was alright. She's obsessed with Miku cosplayers and was disappointed there weren't too many Miku cosplayers today.
Hopefully it's better tomorrow.

>> No.8791910

Im down, bringing a bit of booze

>> No.8791950

Nah we good

>> No.8792091

It's so dead after merchants closes down

>> No.8792305

Hey that's me

>> No.8792392

There is a game room at the end of the hallway of panel rooms

>> No.8792397

> Below average panels.
> Game room is rather small/lacking.
> Barely any space for people to go.
> Food locations nearby are lackluster

I give Day 1 a 6/10. The only thing I found redeeming were the people and their willingness to hang out and be good sports about it.

>> No.8792407

You guys still up? Left my bottle

>> No.8792434

I heard the DJ sucked tonight. Deets?

>> No.8792629

It wasnt good at all, the music that was being played didn't have any omph. There were way too many moments where the whole room would just stand there waiting for a bass drop. It was whack.

>> No.8792638
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>> No.8792657

Hey. Yeah you did. I would be happy to hand it back to you. :)

>> No.8792724

Is any part of ikkicon free/available without registration? I really just want to check out the dealer room. I know AX has free dealer room entry after 3.

>> No.8792746

If you want to chill out and check out cosplay you could just hang out in the lobby. The dealer room probably has the strictest badge-checkers.

>> No.8792792

thanks for the heads up. I'll probably do that. After hearing about how things are going down hill, I was a little hesitant to buy a $45 day pass.

>> No.8792873

Knocked on your door a bit ago with no answer. You know our room if you want to just drop it off

>> No.8792922

I've been roaming, if you see me round lemme know. I'll be camped in the game room after 4 pm for smash so you can find me there.

>> No.8793009
File: 817 KB, 2688x1520, tmp_27279-IMAG03402084544108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls here's some bssb fashion show photos from ikki

>> No.8793011
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>> No.8793020
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>> No.8793044

Now I'm a little sad I couldn't get off work, but I hope everyone had a good time at the con

>> No.8793047
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>> No.8793142

Any alcoholics got booze?
Running low and need some more

>> No.8793239

Anyone down for a /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.8793406 [DELETED] 

I just wanna get my dick wet. Anyone wanna fuck?

>> No.8793415

Would anyone be up for drinks at my room and light conversation. Last night's crowd was fun.

>> No.8793484

Same time same place?

>> No.8793499


>> No.8793562

The cosplay is major boring after skits. The halftime was shit and then officials tell cringe cosplay stories no one cares about.

>> No.8793732


Who won?

>> No.8793768

Bob dole

>> No.8793777

Mario twins were getting it down in the main floor, if anyone saw. Pretty decent dance crowd.

Sadly, that was better than anything in rave last night.

>> No.8793888

Any parties with alcohol me and some friends bought some beer

>> No.8793913

432 bring girls

>> No.8793952


>> No.8793966

Rave is live right now. Saw some dude passing out Molly's.

>> No.8794060

That's what's up so are there any after parties?

>> No.8794067

Let me know, I'll come thru. I got some beer.

>> No.8794077

Same thing m down if theres a room number

>> No.8794091

Anyone know what's left at the Baby booth? Only showing up tomorrow for the tea party and I guess to shop a little.

>> No.8794140 [DELETED] 

Any traps down to fuck

>> No.8794150

Thx 4 the memories 432

Last un there at midday, but several dresses, blouses, accessories (many headwear), and some socks and parasols were left. Probably worth checking out of any of that interests you ad none of the stock seemed to change much between Friday and Saturday.

>> No.8794155 [DELETED] 

Hey anons im fuckin horney, anyone wanna come over and give me extra cummies, if you get dubs I'll give you my room number

>> No.8794162 [DELETED] 

Chick or dude?

>> No.8794174 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8794333

>someone throws a bottle from one of the balcony's
>everyone forced to go into their rooms
10/10, totally fucked with everyone's night.

>> No.8794334 [DELETED] 

You got dubs so you have to give yourself your room number

>> No.8794356

Was amazing and so glad to meet more itas.

>> No.8794378

Thanks again for letting us come hang out with y'all.

>> No.8794498

Anyone have deets on the "ikkicon promotes rape culture" dramu going on on the Facebook page? Something about greg ayers "friend" pushing a girl off the stage at the rave apparently?

>> No.8794530

Also the twitter war between ProJared and HioshiJackson/SamuraiTitans

Shit is bonafide gold

>> No.8794557

I overheard some photogs talking about that Hioshi guy. He's so damn scummy and always looks skeevy.
Any deets on this guy? I swear to god, I see him at every convention I attend and it's annoying because he's so full of himself despite looking like ass in all of his cosplays.

>> No.8794571


His company pays the con to be a sponsor. Part of the deal is he has to be a "cosplay guest". Cons just see money thrown at them and agree. No background check or see if he is legit.

>> No.8794596

he seems to be trying to piggyback off Monty oum's fame and the RWBY crowd is shredding him over on twitter lel

>> No.8794606


Looked over his resume. He wasn't a guest at Akon. He was sitting near me in the contest holding area. He didn't win anything.

>> No.8794668

The only experience I have with him is at Delta H Con 2015 when he showed up 3 hours early for his panel because he overslept and didn't pay attention to the time. Then when the VA guests who were ACTUALLY scheduled to have a panel at that time showed up, he wouldn't get off the stage and let them do their panel until con security got involved and made him leave so they could do their panel.

>> No.8794711

So gulls, how was the tea party?

>> No.8794722

People with SMB soundboards and speakers should die in a fire.

Like holy shit.

>> No.8794735

I should have listened to the warnings about this con. Not a lot really went down and only a few of the panels were enjoyable.

Going to the feedback panel since I'm going to let the staff know what went wrong.

> all of it

>> No.8794763

It was surprisingly good! Everyone got some time with the guests, there was plenty of food, the butlers and hosts were chatty, and the setup/atmosphere was really lovely. 10/10 would attend next year.

>> No.8794828

It was surprisingly great. I honestly have nothing bad to say about it.

>> No.8794858


>Sadly, that was better than anything in the rave last night.

>> No.8794908

It was really well paced, the food was good and the butlers were soo pleasant.
10/10 can't wait for next year's.

>> No.8794933

This. It's their 10 year anniversary and having been to ALL the Ikkicon, this one sucked ass. It was a combination of no good foof nearby besides the Five Guys, nothing to do, the dealers hall closed way too damn early, the panels were lack luster, the 4 elevators plus the one pool elevator were nowhere near enough and while the parking was free and thats nice, getting stuff to and from the car sucked ass- especially if you were in the parking garage.

>> No.8794942

out of all the panels that were provided, the only ones anyone in my group enjoyed were scheduled WAY too late at night and/or scheduled at the same time as the rave so we had to pick one or the other. (although from what I hear the rave wasn't anything to write home about...)

>> No.8794950

Yeah the rave was fairly boring too although I didn't stay for the whole thing so that's why I didn't comment on it.

>> No.8794985

laughing at all the dumbasses who ate at drunk fish thinking it was authentic ramen

it's literally maruchan instant ramen and random vegetables in a bowl

>> No.8795029


Looks like RT and Monty's family are pissed and getting involved. But guy is trying to backtrack and blame others for the misunderstanding. Claims he never saw bios on all the con websites where he was a guest and his manager sent them.

>> No.8795117

the fuck who threw that shit also fucked this super drunk girl who was def too drunk to be okay with that

>> No.8795145

Panels 0/10
Friday rave 8/10
Saturday rave 2/10
Maid cafe 9/10
Cosplay 6.5/10
Location 5/10

>> No.8795159


I was one of the butlers (blue flower). I was honestly scared to death beforehand from what I've seen on this site, but you all were so nice! You have such a great community here. Thank you all for being patient

>> No.8795175

Any pics from the cosplay contest?

>> No.8795210

Where is RT saying stuff?

>> No.8795218

Swap meet 2/10
Lolita fashion show 9/10
Tea party 10/10

>> No.8795226

The bulgogi was kinda off too, but I was really hungry so I didn't care

>> No.8795230

I went. It was ok, but it was only my second con so I can't really judge.

>> No.8795239

My biggest issue with the fashion show was the music. Horrible choices and even worse transitions. The coords were gorgeous though.

>> No.8795241

>variety of merch in the dealers hall 4/10
>otakushop sweets and drink choices 7/10
>food choices besides Five Guys 1/10 (call in some food trucks like Akon does you asshats)
>the parking situation 3/10

>> No.8795245

I dont know why I greentext that wtf

>> No.8795252

>promoting rape culture
>girl gets pushed off stage
>not even suppose to be on stage in first place

Sounds like alot of tumblr. Anyone got more deets on this?

>> No.8795259

Couldn't ever get a clear story, but from what I read and saw..

>girl on stage at rave when she wasn't supposed to be
>con staff allegedly "pushed her" off stage
>all of girls friends get very shitty obscure phone pictures of the situation as "evidence"
>girl and her friends spam the shit out of the Ikkicon Facebook pages about how much of a shit lord greg ayers is (even though he wasn't the one who allegedly pushed the girl)
>when no one from the con responds to them bitching on the fb page they all start spamming that "ikkicon promotes rape culture" because they didn't give her asspats about getting removed from the stage she wasn't supposed to be on anyway

For the god damned life of me, I don't understand what ANY of that has to do with "rape culture" or how greg ayers is to blame for con staff doing their job.

I haven't found any more details since then.

>> No.8795312
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I had 83 tickets and I still got cucked by the giveaway at the end

>> No.8795319

I don't care how you got them but how did you get that many?

>> No.8795322


Hi, yes, I know what happened. Greg's BOYFRIEND put his hand on a land whale's sholder and yelled at her to get off stage because she wasn't supposed to be up there. He yelled because it was loud up there.

The girl had a bitch fit.

>> No.8795327

So... I'm guessing there are no missing details that somehow justify the "rape culture" shit they all keep going off about? ESPECIALLY seeing as how the "assaulter" doesn't even like women and there was no sexual contact.

>> No.8795333

It was awesome! I'm really proud of my comm. They did a great job. It was so nice getting to interact with the guests and ask them questions. Delicious food too. I'm glad to see positive feedback from others. I'm glad so many people came from out of town/out of the state!

>> No.8795335

>doesn't even like women
Clearly then the woman and her friends are homophobic bigots, and they're the ones who need to check their privelege

>> No.8795337

It really seemed like there were far more attendees from out of town than the Austin area, do you think he same thing? Is it that most people from Austin don't like Ikki?

>> No.8795343

Anyone else see the skidmarked panties someone left on the sidewalk next to the garage? Real classy, Ikkicon.

>> No.8795344

>I don't care but I care enough to ask
I was really drunk in the lobby at 3 am and this person basically handed them off to me because they were leaving early iirc. It could've been a guest or volunteer or something but even I don't know how they got them

>> No.8795362


Look, I have personal beef against him... but I don't think he or his NON STAFF boyfriend did anything wrong. I was at the rave, feet away from it, direct line of sight. I would also say I was sober, but you don't need to know how lame I am.

>> No.8795363

haha baby always chooses the music though, so you have to live with their terrible choices

>> No.8795364
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>> No.8795371

Same person...

I also talked to a guy who manages the rave at a rival convention about it, and he also confirmed that Greg Ayre's boyfriend simply placed his hand on this girl's sholder.

I will also add that after Greg Ayre's boyfriend (who is not staff) placed his hand on her sholder, she violently ripped around and screamed something to the effect of "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME"

Also found it funny that they happened to have their phones out in time to snap photos, because it lasted seconds.

>> No.8795374

Tea Party staff here- Just wanted to say I'm SO happy everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves. The team worked really hard on the event, so I'm glad that it was a high point of your weekend. <3

>> No.8795376
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>> No.8795382
File: 215 KB, 1440x982, Screenshot_2016-01-03-22-51-32-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm assuming this is rape culture post in question

>> No.8795384
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x2265, Screenshot_2016-01-03-22-50-42-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stellar photos, at that.

>> No.8795389

Getting bounced has nothing to do with rape culture. Or are only men allowed to get bounced from places? The few women that are like this are what get MRAs acting like we're all shitlords that want to cut off their dicks.

>> No.8795398

That font is atrocious.

>> No.8795401


currently watching this unfold on the ikkicon page

(this is the "sexual assault victim" btw)

>> No.8795402
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Oops dropped pic

>> No.8795404

What a total cunt. She needs to take her ego down a few notches and stop causing drama.

>> No.8795406
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>> No.8795409

I saw a lot of people from the comm at the con but not as many at the tea party. This was my first year going but I had heard from a few people that Ikki was just a con to hang out with friends at because it's never had a particularly stellar set up for panels, apparently. If Baby wasn't a guest I doubt there would be much of a lolita presence at the con. But honestly it was cool meeting so many new people from other comms. It seems like some parts of the con were a letdown, which sucks, but I'm glad that wasn't the case for the tea party at least.

>> No.8795410
File: 413 KB, 678x720, 1450995232366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I, as a bisexual woman

I want this fucking meme to end. When will the trend of teenage girls thinking that telling people they're bisexual to garner attention cease? Tumblr has ruined everything.

>> No.8795412

It's actually bodily autonomy and you forfeit a part of it when violating certain social and legal contracts like trespassing. People are allowed to touch you in certain ways to get you to leave.

>> No.8795415
File: 311 KB, 1440x1787, Screenshot_2016-01-03-23-12-07-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've gone up on stage at MANY cons. I look good. Sorry."

I'm actually sort of confused how she DIDN'T get assaulted. She's one of the worst human beings I've witnessed recently.

>> No.8795416

This is embarrassing. If you're not supposed to be on a stage, staff will intervene because if your dumb ass falls off and gets injured, the con could get shit for it. I highly doubt there was any inappropriate touching and I'm disgusted at her trying to act like this is "rape culture." What an insult to people who have been assaulted.

>> No.8795419

Oh, I'm dumb. Didn't realize it wasn't staff. Still sounds like a load of shit and a pathetic attempt at sympathy points.

>> No.8795420

That's pretty much 100% of what rational people have been commenting on the post. But, cuntosaurus Rex and her merry band of tumblristas are just being rude and nasty to anyone who tries to interject logically or tries to get more information to form a more reliable opinion on the situation.

>> No.8795421

>look it up
Typical far left "I ain't got to explain shit" attitude

>> No.8795429
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The more I read her comments on the post, the more I wish she HAD been thrown off the stage.

>> No.8795430

Did this get deleted? I can't find it happening anywhere.

>> No.8795437

Petition to get her banned from all Texas cons?

>> No.8795439
File: 46 KB, 438x893, f64b9dc1de00f0561b9a0744abab978a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl Martin of Heroes of Cosplay made a massive post about the scam guy tried to fit all in a one pic but will make collage if needed

>> No.8795446
File: 444 KB, 1440x1886, Screenshot_2016-01-03-23-29-44-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you, based Erin.

>> No.8795447

HAHAHA THEY CALLED THE CON OWNERS WIFE A BITCH... it over. They are dead. She scares the shit out of me.

>> No.8795449

Fuck off shithead. And put your name back on, we all know it's you.

Enemy of my enemy does not apply to faggots who stir up shit every other day just because Katherine and Hioshi are the current FOTM drama targets

>> No.8795456


Someone needs to spam the navy seals copypasta in the thread or something it's become a real shit show

>> No.8795457

Screenshot poster here. I don't... really know if the shit head comment is directed at me??? Or at someone who is in the screenshot??? Or...if you're one of the people in the screenshot??? I don't understand any part of your response, actually.

>> No.8795460

Well you're clearly not Erin. As much of a drama whore as he is at least he's not dumb enough to use ellipses on 4chan.

So you can fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.8795461

it's going on in the "Ikkicon Official Group" page/group on facebook.

>> No.8795463

You apparently hit a nerve somehow and they got "triggered" by your upholding rape culture.

>> No.8795470

Why would I self post I have nothing to gain from that shit and you are right I don't use ellipses ever actually.

>> No.8795471
File: 111 KB, 531x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8795477
File: 93 KB, 1440x303, Screenshot_2016-01-03-23-48-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not super sure where you got the impression where I claimed to be Erin.

But gathering from the comments I am under the impression that Erin is a woman? lmao I'm also going to assume that based on your sudden explosive outburst that you are most likely one of the people on the Facebook post who is currently defending the shitty "assault victim" (or ARE that person) and someone tipped you off to this thread.

>> No.8795480

Erin is a man. And everyone here hates him for creating drama every few days in the Texas threads.

Katherine is a cunt. And everyone here with any sort of logical reasoning hates her for trying to create drama over a clear lie.

It's not mutually exclusive.

>> No.8795487

And you need to lower your salt intake implying I post here more than once a month is laughable

>> No.8795490

Well to be honest, I don't really know anything about ANY of the people posting on the Facebook post but the fact that the person going around claiming "rape culture" is a cunt who is just being awful to everyone is what prompted my posts.

Out of curiosity then.. I'm guess Erin saying "I am a woman" in my last screenshot is some kind of bizarre blatant lie? I don't have any history or context to claim that Erin is or isn't a woman, I just didn't have a reason to question it until now lmao

>> No.8795500

Screenshot anon here.

Update: I just went to Erin's Facebook page and saw a few photographs and now I am more unclear on whether or not they are indeed a woman.

>> No.8795501
File: 209 KB, 688x431, Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 12.59.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shoot with Mineralblu Photography and now you think you're famous and the inspiration for Monty Oum.

>> No.8795512

Oh god. I was in the cosplay contest, and he sounded so unprofessional when he was giving away his special snowflake awards.

>> No.8795569

I actually have a high quality video of the rave, and I stated it to Katherine, but she was a bitch so I didn't give it to her, and I blocked her.

Tldr of video, she goes up to the stage, she looks drunk, she's asked to leave

>> No.8795573

Any chance of posting?

>> No.8795632

i knew i wasnt the only one who felt that way about them

>> No.8795696

Does anyone have a video of the cosplay contest?

>> No.8796195

Erin's a man. He's going through a trans phase. Maybe he'll grow out of it, maybe he won't. Generally people don't give bullshitters like him the benefit of the doubt and so we call him what he is, not what he wants to be called.

>> No.8796581

If you post that video and she actually did file charges, wouldn't that cause her to be arrested for filing a false report?

>> No.8796861

this, post that shit man

>> No.8799476

Well it is Mineralblu, and he's the best