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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 16 KB, 236x353, 11f7081a5506c9a8d4af2ed4b36e59fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8786087 No.8786087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8786131

a meme that needs to die

>> No.8786739

>tfw 100% out of the loop from not lurking enough

>> No.8786742

>opening thread with low-res pinterest thumbnail

OP pls

>> No.8787690


>> No.8790086

oh this
screw this

>> No.8790426
File: 136 KB, 600x899, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it but I can't image anyone doing this in the USA.

>> No.8790431
File: 51 KB, 437x768, Purple Candy Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8790470

Racist, white people are not NOT allowed to cosplay black characters using blackface makeup. Either they do a white version of the character, or don't cosplay it at all.

Blackface makeup is always racist, always offensive. Fuck the dutch and their sinterklaus bullshit, they know its racist and they just cry for sympathy points that its not.

>> No.8790474

Not sure if irony or actual tumblr SJW bullshit, sure fooled me man.

>> No.8790483

are you serious? this looks like dog shit. it never looks good on people. like maybe save blackface for when you need to look like rachel dolezal

>> No.8790492

How many black people have you seen try to cosplay a pale character with "whiteface" makeup? Oh that's right, 0. Not even for shit like traditional japanese ghosts or such.

>> No.8790498

The anon's wording was pretty SJW, but honestly, you just shouldn't use makeup to look black when you are white. It looks bad every time.

>> No.8790499
File: 19 KB, 575x323, 46387654327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking "blackface" is just people putting dark makeup on
>thinking it's anything other than looking bad
>being this retarded
sage for probably bait

>> No.8790500

I'm sure it looks like shit, but I'm not gonna be offended by people wearing white face either. Never meant to imply it looks good, just saying who gives a fuck. Sorry if you didn't understand that.

>> No.8790514
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>> No.8790516
File: 24 KB, 191x234, twoblackcrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you woudln't be offended....

you dont have a history of your race being cruelly mocked by this kind of makeup.

>> No.8790532

I get extremely offended when Turks use skin whittening cream because it reminds me of my Icelandic ancestors kidnapped by the Ottomans during the Barbary slave trade. Please be offended for me.

>> No.8790555

holy shit, is that a nose prosthetic?

>> No.8790560


You weren't even alive then

>> No.8790592

if she was, would you actually respect their post more or would you just laugh at them for being a fossilized remains browsing /cgl/ at age 90-100?

>> No.8790614
File: 25 KB, 600x337, gotg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her cosplay is as racist as this persons' is towards people with green skin color

>> No.8790623

I wanted to do /pol/ board-tan with a ss uniform and a /pol/ armband sadly it would have cost way to much

>> No.8790626

You are mad because you cant look white. Bye.

>> No.8790629
File: 65 KB, 263x361, harry_dann[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, nobody has EVER parodied or mocked ANY other race with that kind of makeup.

>> No.8790634

until I see someone who has legit green skin in this universe I will consider it.

prove me wrong atheists

>> No.8790637

Clown makeup isn't about mocking race, it's going for a specific reaction, such as red mouth = larger smile. Not even that anon, but how retarded can you be?

>> No.8790644

There is nothing to respect about an old tumblrina looking to troll 4chan who still hasn't grown up.

>> No.8790652

none pizza with salty beef detected

>> No.8790656

>The English word clown is first recorded c. 1560 (as clowne, cloyne) in the generic meaning "rustic, boor, peasant"

There was some SJW that made the argument into a whole tirade about the word clown being offensive to make fun of I think the Romanians?

>> No.8790659

actually modern american clowns were mocking the irish back in the day. the whiteface was classical but the addition of curly red hair was for that purpose.

in any case, blackface, whiteface whatever are neutral terms. they don't denote anything racist unless stereotyping is associated. plus skin color does not belong to anyone and defining yourself by it is pathetic.

>> No.8790687

Someone actually cosplayed as a Nazi at sakuracon last year, I think he got kicked out though. You don't get away with doing offensive shit in Seattle

>> No.8790768

The moral of the story being, if you want to deal with a derogative slur or practice, don't fight against it, reapproriate such that it loses its original meaning.

I understand how minstrels etc. are a lamentable part of American history, but isn't doing blackface in cosplay to show your appreciation for a black character the very opposite of that, and therefore a positive thing?

(I'm probably being baited so hard, but wth)

>> No.8790785
File: 982 KB, 1279x717, NNStorm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eveille cosplay

>> No.8790789

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.8790795
File: 63 KB, 600x300, marlon_wayans_72335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the outrage?

>> No.8790804

Racism is Prejudice+Power, since black people are oppressed in most countries and even have to put up with white beauty standards in our own african countries, we can't be racist so fuck off.

>> No.8790806

Oh shut the fuck up already, nobody gives a shit

>> No.8790813

mad whitey detected, and yes lots of people give a shit, at least 75% of the worlds population infact

>> No.8790814
File: 308 KB, 546x700, be gone demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8790817

75% of the worlds population should be grateful the other 25% is feeding them. Catgirls could be real with all that waste welfare money.

>> No.8790820

Be gone tumblrina with your false definitions

>> No.8790827

>25% of the world exploits 75% of the world
read a book.
ugh, great argument!

>> No.8790829

are you fucking retarded

>> No.8790833

this cosplay is fucking shit

>> No.8790835
File: 48 KB, 500x335, tumblr_inline_n5bvstqqXB1qcfn1u[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8790841

I hate self-hating white people like you the most. Everyone can be racist regardless of power or position. If you hate someone based on their race, congrats, that's racism.

>> No.8790844

>75% of the world population
>still can't figure their shit out

Inb4 we wuz kaaaangs

>> No.8790846
File: 573 KB, 799x1200, fuck all deez stupid white assholios lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wehh wehh begone tumblrina )': )': youre callign me out on my racist, classist etc bullshittery and im so offended >.< >.< wehh i cant read for shit and i just pooped my pants five times :< anyways guiz heres me hitler-chan cospley ;] ow i scraped myself on my own edge Deal with it B)

>> No.8790847

>you can't change your skin color for cosplay!
>just stay your color or don't at all
>omg you're whitewashing!

Pick something for fucks sake

>> No.8790851

someone: calls out racism
you: ugh fatty dickbutt mexicans can suck my ass were helping them they need US
someone: [mentions white people]
you: woah buddy..............hey there no need to be racist....i hate racistss.... sccum of the fuckenging earth... i hate u . Jack ass

>> No.8790878

Congrats on ignoring my point.

Let me dumb it down since you're fucking braindead.

If a white guy called me, a mexican, "a fatty dickbutt mexican" he's racist.

You still following? Here's where it gets tricky!

Now if I were to call a white guy a "braindead hillbilly cracker" that makes me a racist as well, because I attacked his race. That's what makes people racist. Attacking another race. You fucking idiot.

>> No.8790882

People aren't a conglomerate that submit their opinions for approval before airing them. There are people who say "don't cosplay outside your skin color" and others who say "cosplay whoever, just don't paint your skin to look like a race." I see posts like this that say "pick one" all the time and it's completely mystifying. Do you not understand that individuals have differing opinions? Do you think everyone with brown eyes likes the same type of food?

>> No.8790885

Because opinions are opinions, right? Not facts? But then, people shove their opinions in other people's faces and pressure them to change their way of cosplaying. It's fine if you personally don't want to paint your skin another colour for cosplay, but it's another thing to not allow other people to do it because it hurts your feefees.

>> No.8790892

youre a golem made of mashed potatoes brought to life by ancient celtic ruins. lick my piss you cretin

>> No.8790893

You just picked that out randomly, congrats.

Pick one, pick the position, stick with it. Same flipflopping is just your own pitiful excuse to be mad at anything and everything.

But that's ok, those of you with that much stress don't live long anyways.

>> No.8790922


And you're a disgusting creature whose only talent is trying to police peoples thoughts on an taiwanese image forum. Fucking white people, I swear man.

>> No.8790940

this is taiwanese?

>> No.8790944
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8790946

i think you would be pretty talented at eating my ass

>> No.8790959

Her cosplay is as racist as people who put on grey facepaint for trolls and white facepaaint for Pearl.

>> No.8790970

are you really this dense

>> No.8790986

I don't know why people keep throwing out the racism is prejudice + power line. I hate to be that guy, but if you take even just a 101 class, you'll know that power does not preclude racism. It often helps allow it, yes, but you don't have to be in a higher division with power to exhibit racism. People will say anything to justify their actions, I guess.

(also if you're gonna talk about racism, you should know that equating black people with africans itself is racist because you're saying that every one with dark colored skin is african when that's just not true. What about the light skinned africans, or the dark skinned people who come from countries that are not part of Africa (like the Jamaicans, the Aetas, etc)? Or are they just not part of your black vs. white mindview?)

>> No.8790987

this thread is a mess.

can we all agree that using makeup to look like another race looks bad? so it's a good thing if people think it's racist, because that will discourage people from doing it.

>> No.8790999

Is fake tan racist then?

>> No.8791001

did this cosplay cause drama? Seems okay to me.

But anon, everyone thought that movie was absolute shit.

>> No.8791003

>that file name
I love you, anon.

Idgaf about people changing their skin color but when people try to use their makeup to look kawaii ulzzang azn desu, it just looks just looks dumb as hell.
Do you want to look like Ahripop?

>> No.8791051

It personally bothers the hell out of me how when someone isn't being racist, someone who is of another race will find a way to use their 'race card' against them. Black people especially. They talk all high and mighty about everyone being equal, but when given the chance they pull their 'race card' to try and go above the system and then you have to bend over backwards because you don't want this bitch yelling at you for 'being racist' no matter how neutral you are.

This pisses me off so much. So many people don't give a fuck about race, but when the chance comes to use your minority against someone else, they do it. Its bullshit. Its not helping you OR your stereotypes.

>> No.8791053

Ok seriously this.
Whenever a non-black person wants to cosplay a black character but they don't change their skin tone, they're erasing the character's blackness.
If they do change their skin tone, they're racist and blackfacing.
You literally cannot satisfy these people either way.

>> No.8791059

Special snowflakes

>> No.8791062

I work in customer service in a fairly minority driven neighborhood. I am white. I don't care what race you are, but when you come into my store and complain that I'm white and the reason I'm not going to honor your expired coupons is because you're black? Fuck you. They say youre racist just to get what they want and frankly I know WAY more black people who are racist as fuck than white people.

>> No.8791064
File: 1.57 MB, 500x278, https%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2Fb8876508d9f987c103449c97f5c1b6e0%2Ftumblr_ns5gxxa6GJ1s192rno3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though back in African wastelands they slave their own like its a daily bread and butter. I like how blacks forget to bring that up.

>> No.8791065


This I will agree with.

>> No.8791068

This reminds me of the Daddy's Home movie where any time Will Ferral said anything to Will Hannibal, Will Hannibal would respond, "Is it because I'm black?" Nice to see the movies even realizing how fucking stupid minorities act a lot of the time.

>> No.8791072

They are only attacking you because you're white which makes them racist but they pull the racist card so others side with them.

>> No.8791079


>> No.8791112
File: 434 KB, 498x750, rinrincosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Controversial Cosplay
I guess Rin Kokonoe could be a bit "controversial" along with Pico and the "POMF =3" girl. If somethings controversial, and you cosplay it, then the cosplay will be too.
But in my personal opinion, I really don't care. Anybody can cosplay anything. If you don't like it then oh well, you don't have to like it. People will make a big deal about everything.

>> No.8791141

God, I remember that! What possesses someone to think that's a good idea is beyond me

>> No.8791142

All drama aside she looks like shit

>> No.8791143

nobody naturally has green skin though you idiot

>> No.8791154

Racism is overrated.

>> No.8791210

Did wonderfinch find cgl or something?