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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.8786137

>mfw pruany decides to do extensive maintenance that keeps me from logging in for days without any prior warnings right before giving me my tracking number

>> No.8786156

bonnet anon, try Elpress L or infanta? or just search "lolita bonnet," for whatever reason a lot of places just tag it in english.

did you order anything that could have been flagged as something dangerous?

I doubt you'll find the exact cosplay readily available. you might just have to search through kimono cosplay (和服 cos) and find something you can modify yourself. I believe there are cosplay shops that will reproduce something if you provide them reference images, but that might be a bit risky for something with so many pieces.

>> No.8786158

TBR anon. No, I've ordered a bunch of stationary stuff, like pens, stickers and rulers.

>> No.8786298


I have shit I need to get shipped out preferably BEFORE the clusterfuck that is Chinese New Year..

>> No.8786319

Ugh I'm worried about shipping it now I have a huge order I need to get out

>> No.8786531

You realize Chinese New Year is in February, right? This is just regular New Years.

>> No.8786622

Yeah, I have stuff on reserve which is due to arrive around February..

No matter what I do, EVERY year I end up getting stuck in the middle of it..

>> No.8786767
File: 47 KB, 696x298, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do an order, but when I submit after putting in my payment info, it just goes to this page and the order gets canceled. In my order history of the transaction, the bottom part of pic is shown, anyone know whats up? I just did a couple other ordered that went fine, but this one isn't working.

>> No.8786943

Did you order an item listing that the seller left up to just show off the item? Sometimes the seller automatically cancels when you order items that aren't actually in stock.

>> No.8787044
File: 5 KB, 223x174, 1422196639420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've extended it until Wednesday

>> No.8787103
File: 1.06 MB, 1250x884, tao2612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just placed my annual Taobao order and I'm kind of excited for stuff to arrive. I've got a feeling the blouses might not be that great but for how cheap they were I shouldn't complain.

Definitely think the seifuku might be dog shit but it was about $4 and is only for some dumb cosplay to drink in. I can do reviews when things have arrived if anyone's interested!

>> No.8787106
File: 33 KB, 540x811, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using pruany after last year

>> No.8787107

Are there any other SS's, besides Celestial Delinquent, who don't charge in USD?

>> No.8787132
File: 2.83 MB, 2000x2000, Small things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered a bunch of small things. Some of which are prizes at the panel I'm doing in a con in January. About half of this stuff should be coming in today.

>> No.8787134

Sauce on the pink blouse and the baret?

>> No.8787136

Sauce on the love live! rubber straps please!!

>> No.8787137

I saw, gdi. I wanted to make a new order so I might end up switching SS's now.

What happened?
Before this incident, everything worked fine for me. And it's not like other SS's have perfect records either...

>> No.8787151


>> No.8787189
File: 309 KB, 646x360, TB2F4PZiXXXXXc0XpXXXXXXXXXX_!!13321002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a classic with a hint of sweet and I'm looking to order an XL, but I'm having trouble which blouse to buy. I like the fact that the one on the right has detachable sleeves, but I'm not sure if the left blouse does the same too.

Which one of them would work best?

>Blouse on the left

>Blouse on the right

>> No.8787219

nice taste! I'm actually on my way to pick up that same cckids wig (and the rest of my taobao order) from the post office in a few mins haha

Also when you get it in, would you mind reviewing the replica bag? i've had it on my wishlist for a while too and been trying to decide whether to get it or not

>> No.8787223

Here you go anon


Thank you! Would you mind uploading a photo of the wig when it arrives? I'm curious as to what it looks like in different light sources. And I can definitely do that for you!

>> No.8787228

Really love that blouse on the left, I wish I'd seen it before I made my order.

Other than that I think it's just personal preference and what blouse would fit your measurements best. My only worry about the blouse on the left is the fit of the sleeves as I usually find them to run a bit small. The sleeves on the right look a little more roomy.

>> No.8787230

Sauce on the right blouse?

>> No.8787298


>> No.8787359

Source on fluffy thing in the bottom row and wings (?) In 3rd row please.

>> No.8787373

I've never seen that gradient hoodie before or any gradient hoodie, can you link it?

>> No.8787382

Well it's never too late anon, I think I'll go ahead and buy the one on the left and buy this blouse anon mentioned >>8787298.

I've sold my blouse because I didn't grow fond of them, so I'm sure these two will go well with my tastes. Thanks anon!

>> No.8787387
File: 1.25 MB, 1284x1886, TBHaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive shopping spree
I really can't wait for the package to arrive
Obviously I was really in need for legwear and blouses.....

>> No.8787392

Link to the blouses, and the both solid white tights with designs?

>> No.8787404

The majority of them charge in CNY or HKD. Read the spreadsheet.

>> No.8787473

Sauce on those puff things with ribbons on them

>> No.8787478

Has anyone bought anything from this store before, https://shop108075468.world.taobao.com/?spm=a312a.7728556.2015080705.3.Iznrde
They have a replica of AP's University OP for
¥ 49 that I think would look cute as normie wear or even lolita if the skirt's full enough to accomodate a petti

>> No.8787513
File: 27 KB, 400x400, TB1AH0vKXXXXXa0XFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking about pic related, it's not really a replica so much as an inspired piece, I'd say.
Reviews seem okay, although some are saying the material is a little thin.
It also looks short (girl in pic is 151 cm), and you're right, the skirt wouldn't fit much of a petticoat.
When something has almost 2k reviews with a lot of pictures, I don't think you really need to ask cgl so much as just wade through all of the on-site stuff.

>> No.8787530

Not a replica/inspired even, it's been out for much longer than AP's university op and is meant to be otome/'soft sister' not lolita

>> No.8787601

Plush http://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=44013458507

Wings http://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=44802468959

Not sure if they have any of the wings left though. When I ordered mine they said there were only 2 left.

>> No.8787681

can anyone buy from taobao? i'm european

>> No.8787700

no, they check your passport, only americans and norwegians are allowed.

wtf is this question, did all the summerfags wake up because of global warming?

>> No.8787797
File: 25 KB, 1214x137, 2015-12-30_3-18-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least for my small orders (few items, total ~$100) Pruany have worked well, better service than with TBR.
I even had lucky with SAL shipping

>> No.8788033

shuuu let them all think pruany sucks, we don't need it to get popular and become shitty.

>> No.8788078

Sauce on those white and gold tights?

>> No.8788178

I found some fukubukuros for cheap, as I need some simple cute clothes for classes, should I grab them? They're probably all around 100-300yuan for 3-5 articles of clothing and 2-3 accessories. (And, thankfully, all have season and size categories.)

I'm making a huge ass accessory haul, and I wanted to get stuff that I could actually wear on a daily basis.

>> No.8788239



White socks & tights with designs:


You should totally check yidhra and mu-fish for tights & socks.

>> No.8788274

Anyone here have experience ordering straight from Taobao? Because the store I want to buy from ships internationally (i cant find where the shipping cost is) and I'm stuck on:
"Method of buying:
[] Find Somebody to Pay
[] anonymous purchase"

>> No.8788314

You don't need to check either box to check out.
I believe "find somebody to pay" is if you want someone else to pay for you, and "anonymous purchase" is just whether your username is anonymous or not for others on the item's transaction record page.

>> No.8788424

May as well. Life's too short to not wear cute clothes. Link?

>> No.8788778

Thank you Anon!

>> No.8788801

Link please anon? I could use some cute stuff.

>> No.8788817

I can't figure out what the little charms at the bottom of the waist bow are? http://world.taobao.com/item/525635673993.htm?spm=a1z3o.7406521.0.0.Vyw76s

>> No.8788818


Adding this shop, shopped with them while in china and they're legit. They have super cute bags.

>> No.8788871
File: 5 KB, 460x166, ciphers1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell because the images are so far away, but they're probably alchemical symbols.

>> No.8788985

I didn't see this using ctrl+f

I'm looking to buy more Antaina shoes and possibly doing a group order over the winter, but the translations are wonky.

Are they back in business or not taking in orders from Jan 20th-25th? Am I allowed to make an order up until the 20th?

Thanks anon(s). .

>> No.8789193

oh my god thank you, i've been looking for this shop for ages after seeing a not-so-reputable reseller trying to sell one of the same bags off for the better part of $100
Now, to choose which to buy first....

>> No.8789207
File: 132 KB, 653x594, IMG_20151230_170245_528[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao order came in! (with bonus Honeycolor order whoops)

No problems whatsoever with TBR this time around despite the disaster of my last order. Really happy with everything; one of the sellers even tossed in an adorable little foldup comb/mirror/keychain that I'm rather fond of. Will gladly review anything here, just let me know (and wig anon, I'll have your pics up in a second!)

>> No.8789234
File: 149 KB, 678x601, IMG_20151230_165215_024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my phone camera is notoriously bad at capturing colours correctly, but i'm really in love with this wig. the whole thing is a soft mousy brown with faint hints of reddish undertones whe the light hits it right, but then there's a really soft gradient to hints of almost greyish lavender towards the bottom ends? It's all really subtle even in person and rather hard to describe, but either way I think you're gonna love it anon. Super soft and thick, and the curls don't get messed up easily compared to any others I own.

>> No.8789262

link to the nekoatsume(?) bottle please? is it glass?? I'm glad it survived shipping.

>> No.8789355
File: 2.55 MB, 1750x1571, my haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anons. Fukubukuros


Also, my huge-ass haul in pic related. Whew.

>> No.8789358
File: 2.45 MB, 2048x2048, 1451520102514[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my taobao order came in recently and I found this thing in one of the bags. I guess one seller put it in there as gift but what does it mean? Anyone here who could translate it? I guess it's something like a lucky charm.
I'm sorry if this question doesn't really fit in here but I just don't know where I could go and ask instead. Thanks!

>> No.8789367

Can I get a link for the strawberry beret and the purple bow with the gold star?

>> No.8789395

My guess is peaceful life.
Thank you, anon!

>> No.8789396

Is it possible to get a custom done with this cosplay? Can't really understand it fully: http://tw.taobao.com/item/3378704869.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-13137053634.42.FNPMqk#

>> No.8789411

Yep it's neko atsume, made of a really tough borosilicate glass and surprisingly great quality; i'm really impressed. Here's the link!

>> No.8789861
File: 49 KB, 167x253, Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 7.20.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like a piece of shit on a string

>> No.8790113

I made a deposit on a reservation item directly from taobao, and the item was shipped immediately after. It still hasn't arrived to the forwarding warehouse (4px), and there's a timer counting down to the "confirm receipt" thingy (I assume that when it finishes, it pays the remainder automatically). I check the tracking and on another page all It says is apparently the seller has only contacted the shipping company? Might the seller be expecting me to "confirm receipt" and pay the rest before actually shipping it? Or am I just being paranoid? Should I try to extend the receipt time if it doesn't update soon? I probably bit off more than I could chew on this purchase...

>> No.8790129
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x729, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put in my order, let me know if any of y'all are interested in reviews or want links

>> No.8790138

I'd love a link to the grey sweater and the horn piece please!

>> No.8790148

No problem~
Grey Sweater

Horn Piece

>> No.8790157


I have that same headress... it arrived with one of the horns off. An easy fix, but it was pretty annoying.

>> No.8790165


Sorry for the late reply anon. It's actually just a fluffy jumper but here's the link anyway http://world.taobao.com/item/522766340916.htm?fromSite=main

It looks lovely anon! I'm really glad I decided to pick it up now. From your pictures it looks quite natural so I'm definitely excited for it to come.

>> No.8790169

here you go! http://world.taobao.com/item/524246025714.htm?fromSite=main

>> No.8790183

Oh no, I'm sorry that happened to you. hopefully I'll have a bit better luck with P&H

>> No.8790191

Link to round glasses please?

>> No.8790192

That wig is so cute! May I ask which shop it's from?

>> No.8790201

Link to the face mask and the rose choker please?

>> No.8790228

Link to the shorts?

>> No.8790259

Any experiences with Heather & Iris for lolita? They have a kind of cute blouse I'm considering but I've honestly never heard of them before ((And I don't see them on the spreadsheet))


>> No.8790298

Sure thing, it's from here! https://shop34589339.m.taobao.com

>> No.8790327

If your shit looks like that I'd go to a doctor.

>> No.8790330
File: 159 KB, 600x600, TB19eCkJVXXXXbbXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping this here:

>> No.8790346
File: 2.30 MB, 1626x2000, Taobao order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have my order in. And most of them are coming. I splurged quite a bit in a store that I found, but they have amazing gradient wigs.

>> No.8790488

Here you go, anon!
>strawberry beret
>bow with gold star

>> No.8790511

How's the bag? Could I also have a link to it?

>> No.8790517

I've always wanted to make that Sakura dress

>> No.8790548

I did too, but I really wanted a cosplay of Sakura for next year, and don't have the time to be doing that. So buying that and the Ruby Moon inspired Sakura dress too.

>> No.8790808

Not sure which ones you mean so I'll link both here!


Rose Choker


>> No.8790874
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, 1448816339729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on spreenow? I'm trying to get into getting stuff from Tao for the first time since I'm tired of Storeenvy price gauging. I'm debating if it's even worth the effort at the end, though.

I can find some coat on an Store Envy reseller for $80 when it's $40 on Tao. If I'm calculating properly, I'd probably pay ~$60 after all the fees and such.

I'm just a little intimidated by all the SS options I have. Seems like spreenow is one of the more expensive but easier to use ones? I'm okay with something a bit more middle ground.

>> No.8790886

The staff at spreenow are nice. The system is easy to use. It's a bit more expensive than other SSs though. They can be a bit slow with ordering at times.

>> No.8790889

>>8790886 here, clicked send before reading the whole post. There's not that big of a difference between SSs in terms of service, I find. Maybe that's because I don't need a lot of hand-holding while ordering and make sure my shit is in the right place and at the right place by myself. If you're nervous about ordering, then spreenow is a good crutch. It's more expensive and they don't ship SAL, but if you're not a cheapskate like me, then there's nothing to worry about imo.

>> No.8790898
File: 721 KB, 615x540, 2_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a bit of a cheapskate so I think I'll actually use other options for SAL. I mean, the whole reason I'm doing this is because I find too many cute things from resellers and don't want to deal with the markups, so I may as well not half-ass it and go with something cheaper.

Thanks for the info, Anon. Time to order some cute stuff!

>> No.8790981

What does "商家正通知快递公司揽件" mean on taobao tracking? Google says "Businesses are courier companies embrace the pieces of notification". Does that mean theyve received the package or have just been notified or something?

>> No.8791006

DAT TUBBS PLUSH link/review?

>> No.8791011

link and review of the blue hooded coat, please?

>> No.8791012

argh, should link to >>8790346

>> No.8791249
File: 61 KB, 195x290, TB1hrj3GXXXXXc5XVXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_290x290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will give an anon who will help me find this damn scarf 5$ as a gift of gratitude
Only replica please, I love it but dropping 230+ dollars on authentic is a bit too much now
So far all I've found is two dead listings http://world.taobao.com/item/42670891465.htm?fromSite=main

>> No.8791293

This is the best I could find but I wouldn't trust something with just 2 hearts imo.

>> No.8791589

> cny

what, no they don't. They convert cny to usd.

>> No.8791664

Do you need a shopping service if your buying from Mufish?

>> No.8791842
File: 222 KB, 800x450, finalfantasyviisilverpendantcloud800_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any knockoffs of this? I love it but I can't afford silver. All I can find is Cloudy Wolf nonsense.

>> No.8791846


>> No.8791962

Sorry been busy with New Years things. Haven't received the items yet but will review when I can!


This one?

>> No.8791989

link to the gradient blue wig please and taiga wig ??

>> No.8792180
File: 817 KB, 998x506, Kittensplaypen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how I would search "cat collar" or something similar? I'm going for stuff like this:

>> No.8792271
File: 68 KB, 666x550, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So excited for this to come!

>> No.8792278

Sauce on the hat, anon? I really need more hats.

>> No.8792289
File: 406 KB, 500x500, 1450217981543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I'm going to break the bank for the new year. Please help my wallet.

>> No.8792300

The hat! Also they have other cute ones

>> No.8792410

ughhh i really want that star ccs dress >.<

>> No.8792414

Could I please get a link to the hat?

>> No.8792587

About to place my annual Taobao order, submitted my quote to a few SS, stumbled upon this new SS called Buynosaur, they're pretty helpful and fast but anyone can confirm if they're legit?

>> No.8792596

Why don't you just buy from them?

>> No.8792634

There's one on AliExpress but it says 'CLOUD STRIV'. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Final-fantasy-Necklace-cosplay-Act-the-role-ofing-is-tasted-free-shipping/1638834178.html

>> No.8792639

Not that anon, but they're lazy shits.

I waited 4 months PAST the 6 month 'processing period' for my order and the status never changed from 'payment accepted'. They never started on any orders, but made plenty of new products to list.

>And, with no explanation for their delay, they demanded a 20% 'admin fee' from my refund.

But it turns out that their items took a serious quality dive over the past year and a bit, so whatever.

>> No.8792664

>Ravenclaw gear
Yes, anon. Link?

>> No.8792678

Just bought from Buynosaur, waiting for my parcel to arrive but in terms of customer service they're tremendous!

>> No.8792681

They sound interesting, do they charge a paypal fee?

>> No.8792718
File: 51 KB, 400x380, biscuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any taobao shops make accessories similar to Qpot? I'm especially interested in their macaron and biscuit stuff.

>> No.8792764

They have you wait past the PayPal Claim time period. Sounds super sketch.

>> No.8792773
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1000, wintershop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some New Year + cosplay shopping, opened taobao today to find out that one of the clothes that I have been eyeing is sold out sigh

>> No.8792780

link to shirts and wig please

>> No.8792833

So Pruany is still borked for me and I can't even access my order info, which is a problem because my most recent order hasn't shown up in the mail yet and the updates on the tracking number are worrying me. I chose SAL because it was so fucking heavy (shoe-chan and trim-chan with the 50lb box, if you remember me) and the tracking number JUST updated the other day with "delivery attempted in China" on Dec 01. That was straight up a month ago. I'm understandably worried. Has anyone else had issues with heavy packages possibly being returned to sender??? Because that's what this seems like.

>> No.8792899

Sauce on wrist cuffs, blue purse pag, pink-with-white beret and strawberry straw hat?

I also wonder if the wig the wig-head which models the blue strawberry headband is a real wig and where it's from... It's so pretty~


>> No.8792936

Kitten-Sightings is really in over their heads right now. They way under projected how popular they'd get with a little advertising, and what was once a one woman project is now clumsily trying to get onto its feet as a small company in the span of a few months.

Kitten-Playpen is alright, but I'd just like to see if there are any cute ones that maybe Taobao has.

I already own 2 from Kitten Playpen and 3 from Kitten-sightings, while waiting for some customs from Kitten-sightings that I placed back in May.

>> No.8792945
File: 108 KB, 485x500, 1450213622152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what the hell, their fee is only 4%? There has to be some hidden fees to that shit for it to be so cheap. I just sent my order in to Taobaotrends and was planning to Paypal gift them for the discounted rate. If Buynosaur is really that cheap without any drawbacks then I'll just cancel my order with Taobaotrends and give them a shot instead.

>> No.8792948

Oh, nevermind. I think the 4% fee I saw was their paypal fee.

>12% per order
>We accept Paypal and it is our default payment system. We charge a flat 4% service fee for all payments done through Paypal.

That's pretty expensive.

>> No.8792971
File: 2.16 MB, 1531x823, Anon Starts 2016 with debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time ordering from Taobao. Can't wait to be disappointed by stock images being photoshopped to hell and back and not looking like what I purchased!

Anything you seagulls think I should know for my first time that isn't already discussed in the spreadsheets?

>> No.8792991

Not only will everything look totally different or be of weird synthetic fabrics, but expect sizing to just be weird. Such as totally perfect except for the wrists or something.
At this point I'm a taobao veteran and I usually hate like a third of what I get.

>> No.8792997

> taobao veteran
> not looking a picture reviews

>> No.8793015
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, 1451008148341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I do have a cat hoodie I got from Fantasy Sheep a few months ago from a reseller that wasn't bad. I'm hoping that the rest of their store is of the same quality. Some of those coats I picked are pretty pricey and from the actual sellers, so hopefully the quality on those are good and I didn't just blow like $45 on a coat that's made out of fabric softener sheets and glue.

>> No.8793027

sauce on the Kotori beret please!

>> No.8793035

That's from Fantasy Sheep.


>> No.8793041

can you please link the Taiga cosplay, I can't find one!

>> No.8793283

I thought those were the Ice Climbers at first

>> No.8793288

Would you mind doing a review of the Taiga costume and wig once you get it?

>> No.8793393

You might be a little disappointed if you're looking for everyday clothes. Most of the things you purchased are cosplay quality. You can tell right from the stock photos. If that's what you're going for then that's ok.

Honestly if you just did your research and checked out the reviews on stores and items, you'll be fine. I usually only have one or two items I'm disappointed with per order, and my orders are usually 30+ things.

>> No.8793401

link to white.gold tights please?

>> No.8793649
File: 62 KB, 554x390, 1369100638915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I underestimated the shipping fees of a shipment through a forwarding service and ended up spending hundreds more.

>> No.8793683

Yeah I guess, been reading other SS reviews and thought I'd give them a try. I like their customer service though, pretty fast response and most importantly, THEY UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!

>> No.8793733

Sorry about the late reply! Was out of the state for the weekend.

Blue: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.20141001.3.1Yrtt5&id=525447946570&scm=1007.10115.20356.100200300000000&pvid=fc131ffd-2b86-4620-83ea-04779b78f89d

Taiga: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=40059510983&sku_properties=134942334:28383


Yeah! I can do that!


>> No.8793872
File: 72 KB, 1016x406, FORFUCKSSAKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I am not even wanting to add more shit to my order.. I just want to see what I have ordered and ship it out..

Surely it can't take them THAT long to fix it, they have changed the date 3 times now?

>> No.8793890
File: 43 KB, 520x479, frill feel bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the option of paying the rest of a reservation item's price in the shipping fees and got mollywhopped with 250 dollar shipping.

>> No.8793905
File: 2.36 MB, 420x428, 1449614692532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered everything for everyday purposes, but I'll see how they come. At the very least I'm expecting the shirts on the bottom right to be good quality. I expect the pink and navy skirts to be bad quality though. I'll review some stuff when I get a chance.

I also got this, but it was from an Aliexpress seller. Hopefully it's good.

>> No.8793908
File: 568 KB, 458x606, Hopefully good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misclicked image, but fitting.

Got this from Aliepxpress and hoping it isn't ass quality. Dunno where it originally came from.

>> No.8793924

I'm glad my order with them was small and not urgent, just to use up leftover credit.

I really hope they still have all the order information, and that it's some kind of connection problem rather than data loss.

>> No.8793977

V castle is pretty good, the coats will likely also be fine, but the other stuff is obviously not great quality. Still cute and you might like it well enough, but the quality is actually pretty apparent from the stock photos. It has that weird "sheen" going on. You'll get better at spotting that stuff in time. Good luck.

>> No.8793980

It has fucking organza over it you dunce. That 'sheen' is from that.

>> No.8793999
File: 844 KB, 750x4203, 185_zpsf261efac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, V Castle stuff looks very good. I know Fantasy Sheep is good from the hoodie I got from their prior. I don't mind if they're not top quality, and the review images for most of the stuff didn't look bad.

Just overly anxious. I just want cute clothes, and I'm excited to have a boyfriend that finally likes the pastel wardrobe I like wearing.

This is from ebay, on the fence about it because I have no review images to work with.

>> No.8794007

makes me think they're a scam desu

>> No.8794018

I don't know about that, people have used them for years (I think they got popular when most other SSs had 10%) so they have plenty of users. Why would they need to shut up shop at the busiest time of year?

>> No.8794043

I wasn't just talking about that one picture. Learn to follow a conversation, "dunce."

When I started looking at taobao stuff I was looking at stuff similar to what you're looking at, but my tastes have evolved a bit. Even that dress looks a little cosplay ish. I feel like I've seen people wear it before and again not the greatest quality but ok.

>> No.8794065
File: 22 KB, 430x430, T1kd._FsldXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_430x430q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I based my math on what another store said it weighed, but somehow 8 of these motherfuckers ended up weighing 23lbs. 330$ shipping when combined with my two other ordered (3lbs together)

>> No.8794072

That doesn't sound right... unless they were filled with gold or something. Like 8 pieces or 8 sets of your pic related?

>> No.8794075

2 sets of 4. 4 larger ones (40cmx40cm) and 4 small ones (25x25).

>> No.8794081

They could be really dense maybe?
Probably not, but it's a guess.
I know some stuffing makes things heavy as balls.
For me it was a dress, a blouse, a headbow, tights, and shoes. All reservation.
I hope they're worth it holy hell.
My order itself was about 330...It was intended to be a cheap accessory order.
Let my suffering be a warning.

>> No.8794099

link to the cat and paw dresses?

>> No.8794107

Are you using the forwarding service? Sometimes if the item is really voluminous, they charge by volumetric weight. Although recently I've been ordering really long items and the weights have been reasonable, so I thought maybe they stopped doing that...

>> No.8794114
File: 129 KB, 800x800, TB2EzUGhXXXXXaNXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8794139

Maybe it was the price by object size/ volumetric? I know where I am they weigh and measure the dimensions of the item, and they charge whichever is greater.

>> No.8794145 [DELETED] 

Yeah that is what I am looking at.

the 40cm ones have a volumetric weight of 6.5kg which would put them at 26kg by themselves. Small are 2kg which would bring the total to 34kg.

The shipment was ~24kg total, with one other item that was ~1kg, which left 23 kg for these things. Im going to try talking to the store to see if they can tell me the weight of them.

>> No.8794158

I just talked with the store and they said in total they should weigh ~4kg, the volumetric weight for the 40x40x22 ones is 30kg alone, 38kg all together.

I am trying to talk to the warehouse, but whenever I click on the contact button it just sends me to the login screen, anyone know whats up?

>> No.8794193

I've used them for around 4 years now and though they have pissed me off in the past, I have a lot of trust in them.

But the way the date keeps changing definitely has me shitting bricks at the moment..

I have a good $500USD worth of stuff waiting.. Thankfully I have been making a collage and sharing a lot of links with a friend so if anything goes wrong I know mostly what I should have had..

Either way.. Ima be mega pissed if it gets screwed up that bad.. Though I have had connection issues with their site a fair bit recently, unsure if its them or me though.. and a couple of issues with their website not reading links properly and such.. hoping its connection problems and not anything else..!!

>> No.8794198

$330 shipping!? Are these even worth that to you?? My god, I would have abandoned them..

Surely you could have asked your SS to open them and rip all the stuffing out and you could have restuffed them later?? SURELY that would have been a cheaper option..??

I'm sorry, Anon.. but thank you.. I am definitely taking into account to never order large plushies.. And for that price, I really hope they're everything you dreamed..

>> No.8794206

Wait a minute, it says 8% service fee!

>> No.8794207

$330 shipping? That's definitely overpriced big time..

>> No.8794217
File: 43 KB, 350x350, 47628645444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever ordered from "Bobon21" ? Is the quality good ?

>> No.8794437

I'm using bhiner, and I put two items into my cart that are on sale. One is showing the sales price and the other is showing the normal price, will they give me the sales price after I send in the order?

>> No.8794439

Has anyone ever just searched Google or the archives? Come on now.

>> No.8794442


Wig (This is the first time I buy a wig from this store but the reviews seems okay):

>> No.8794524

I ordered from Spreenow and everything went super smooth, other then the fact that I paid for EMS and it's been 4 days and the tracking still says it doesn't exists.
I've sent them 3 messages and they still haven't responded.
This is the first time I've used Spreenow and I've really liked them up until now.

I was wondering if anyone has used them or is experience things like this with tracking right now?

>> No.8794531

Link to the bag charms (nozomi, rin and kotori please) and the arylic keychains please

>> No.8794542 [DELETED] 

Question: Does anyone know if SpreeNow will accept payment from your account balance for shipping?

also where can I actually view how much international shipping is going to cost? I can't find it

>> No.8794664

When did you message them? I don't think they work on the weekends. Sometimes EMS takes a while to update. I've had some packages arrive without even updating at all, and wouldn't be surprised if that happened due to yay, holidays.

>> No.8794665

Yeah that happened to me with my current order, it's just because of postal system delays. Give it a few more days and it'll show up.

Yep they usually fix it after submitting the cart for approval, just leave them a note about it in the remarks.

$500... that awful, they'd better get their shit together. In the worst case scenario that they lose everything paypal should back you up.

>> No.8794741

would love it if you can review these when they arrive!

>> No.8794751

Does spreenow offer reffunds if you put extra yen into your account you don't need (it's too little to buy anything)??

>> No.8794762

Thanks! I've never bought things one sale so I was clueless.

>> No.8794808

I did look around before and comparable plushes cost around 50$
I couldn't find any of the ones I wanted outside of Taobao. The other piilow orders I did didn't weigh much at all, and some of the stuff is a gift so I didn't want to waste time being mired in refund/ repurchasing things with chinese new year a month away. Also its CAD not USD. Yeah I am rationalizing to make it feel not as bad, it still sucks but I think I will just cry myself to sleep for a week and it will be okay.

>> No.8795800

Hi, so I'm just starting to use taobao
I'm trying too search for an item based on the pics but there's no option to upload the image on the search bar?

Not to mention, imagine taobao (for searching items based on pictures) is now no longer online?

>> No.8795862

not sure what you mean by the second part, but if the image search isn't showing up, make sure you're on the normal chinese taobao and not world.taobao or any other global variation (sometimes it redirects you without you realising it)

>> No.8795918

Thanks anon!

>> No.8795956
File: 119 KB, 205x245, 1451840860269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do, anon!

>> No.8795986

Has anyone been in contact with Pruany's customer service ever since the servers were down? If they extend the maintenance again and nobody's heard from them I'm filing a damn claim.

>> No.8796019

I am considering to file mine. They're absolutely ridiculous...

>> No.8796029

Says on the spreadsheet that Taobao Trends gives you a discount on the service fee if you gift them on Paypal. Do you just email them and tell them that you're aware of the offer and want to send them a paypal gift instead of paying the total they have with the 10% fee?

Are they reliable enough to trust with a Paypal gift? Caus if I'm not mistaken, they could just take the paypal gift money and not give you anything and you can't file a claim since it was a "gift," correct?

>> No.8796074 [DELETED] 

huh, interesting.

guy studying abroad in china here. didn't realize taobao extended outside of China like this.

would read all the links in OP, but right now studying for finals.

>> No.8796081 [DELETED] 


also, hoped you guys took advantage of the 11/11 sale

>> No.8796186

Considering asking the rep in an email, but I don't wanna look like a moron or some kind of shady person if I just out of the blue ask "Hey, I read I can lower the service fee if I paypal gift. Is that true?"

>> No.8796534


You guys are making me worry!!!!

Im concerned for my money, but I had so many pretty things on reserve which I will literally cry if I end up having to claim for..

>> No.8796657

Man are you behind on the times.

>> No.8796686

So, I'm trying to buy something on Taobao, and for some reason, the order is immediately canceled before I can even pay for it right after. The reason is listed as not paying soon enough, but it happens /literally/ immediately after I go to Alipay's website.

The item I'm buying was said to be in low stock, but I'm only trying to buy one and it says there's 5 more in stock. Trying to message the seller, but they haven't been online in a while. Anybody had this issue before?

>> No.8796697

Also, this is the listing:

>> No.8796713

A life full of peace / peaceful life

>> No.8796749

I've...also gotten something like this before and thought it was a poop charm. I was so confused.

>> No.8796758

The last time I received one of these was in a package of rings from Aliexpress that had broken, and the poop charm was missing so it was just the string.
So sad.

>> No.8797096

It's my first time using TaobaoNow (switching from Pruany), and they told me they only invoice in HKD. Is that the norm? I don't want to pay an extra conversion fee or pay more due to the exchange rate...

>> No.8797124

I stupidly ordered hair gel in the same order as my wig and it's considered as prohibited item and got rejected by the forwarding service.

Taobao told me to ask for a refund and I did but I'm not sure where the package is right now and how it will be delivered back to seller, I tried contacting the seller but it's still not clear.

>> No.8797157

Yes the costume can be custom sized, as it goes S M L XL Size(custom). Google translate basically says they can't alter already sized outfits such as S or M, so please choose custom size if you'd like specific measurements

>> No.8797233

The listing specifies that the mint green colorways are limited edition and will not restock.

>> No.8797474

Trying to search for those Japanese gym uniforms but I can't figure out the wording for it. Does anyone know how you would say that?

>> No.8797477

I saw, but are they completely out of stock? If that's the case, then that's fine, it just says, on both gold and silver listings, that they have 4-5 in stock left. I get that it's limited, but if there is supposedly still some stock left, I'm not sure why I can't purchase it, unless it states wrong and is actually completely out of stock.

>> No.8797499

I'm guessing the seller just left up the listing (with 5 stock) to show off the item. It's definitely an unusual and misleading number...but the description text for the mint definitively says (twice) the item is out of stock, with no chance of restock. This plus the fact that your purchase is being rejected (I have had this happen to me before, the seller sets the error this way) implies that the item is not available.

>> No.8797505

Ah, alright. It translated for me as: "Light green + mint is limited, sold out does not help", which I just took to mean it was limited and near sold out, so that's my bad, I suppose.

I've never had it happen to me, so I wasn't entirely sure. Damn.

>> No.8797506

I'm done using TaobaoNow, I'll try switching to buynosaur and see how they are.

>> No.8797604
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 697a4700cb489a266bc05f7ad91939afa439c9ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will bhiner not ship/let you order replicas and knockoffs? I found what I think might actually be factory rejects of this bag, and I ordered it, along with some cosplay stuff, but I noticed now that on the bhiner listing it says "Notice
These products may infringes the intellectual property rights of relevant brand, we MAY NOT process for this item after verification."

Has anyone bought items like this or straight up replicas through bhiner?

>> No.8797630

How far can mufish tights stretch? I'm too small for plus sized tights but I feel like I'd be too big for most tights on taobao. I know they're a good brand but I don't want to drop a bunch of money on tights I can't fit into.

>> No.8797632

I put a lot of "replica" rings in a group order using bhiner and I don't think the girl running the GO had any problems since I got them in my shipment. I think if it's a clear brand replica of a really expensive item they'd kick it, but lolita things they probably wouldn't.

>> No.8797729
File: 137 KB, 465x996, 1451919045600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sent a gift payment to Taobaotrends. I'm so nervous about the possibility of getting scammed. The spreadsheet and everyone on the archives go on about getting a lower rate when gifting them, but I don't see any posts of people actually reviewing their transaction via gifting versus just paying through Paypal.

Will let you seagalls know if I kill myself tomorrow or not!

>> No.8797730

On the flipside, I will of course give them outstanding appraisal up if they go through with honoring my gift payment and not giving me the short end of the stick just because they know I don't have buyer protection anymore. They seem reputable enough.

R-right? God I wish I still was on antianxiety meds, too bad I'm here spending money on clothes instead of psychiatric help!

>> No.8797732

I always pay them by gift and they haven't run away with my money. I always make sure that I'm paying exactly the required amount, but when I overpay, they don't kick up a fuss and easily let me transfer my funds to cover shipping.

>> No.8797742

Thanks for the reassurance. They emailed me like immediately. Wasn't expecting that fast of a reply from them.

>> No.8797749

tbtrends isn't a scammer....have been using them for a long time, though i don't do gift, but i'd like to give it a try to get the lower rate.

>> No.8797756
File: 40 KB, 719x398, admin dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever had an instance where one of your items in your cart were priced 5x higher on their site? It seems they flagged it during processing, but I'm waiting on their reply to see what comes of it.

Actually, disregard that, they just emailed me a reply literally just as I was about to hit "submit" and informed me that the original price was a deposit but 150 is the full price. I thought it was overly cheap, makes sense. Just submitting this post anyway since I think it's a plus for them reputation wise.

So far they're really good at quick replies and have a good grasp of English.

>> No.8797768

It says that every time you process a listing. Don't worry abou tit.

>> No.8797775

Hanayo: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40745892652

Nozomi: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40807774982

Rin: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40746024595

Acrylic: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=521035898834

>> No.8797786

I noticed everything lolita related will get labeled as potential infringement.

Usually it's fine and it will be processed normally (it really only prevents direct checkout), but they did once reject my knock-off item.

>> No.8797839

They are called bloomers, anon, search term is 日本体操服.

>> No.8797845
File: 48 KB, 403x404, ss+(2016-01-05+at+10.52.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone come across anything similar to this?

I tried looking up holster bags but to no avail.

>> No.8797999

And my order is all arrived and intact, thank god.

>> No.8798947

Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.8798981

For the taobao forwarding service, I looked at the guides but they seem a little outdated and I wasn't sure if there were options as to how the warehouse would ship it to you or if it is just that one quote they give you and that's it.

>> No.8798993


For you anon!

Just recently bought mine after waiting for taobao to catch up. It's great quality too!


>> No.8799041

Thank you!! I hope you have a nice day!

>> No.8799112
File: 3.88 MB, 5300x2459, JPEG Order Number 2! SMALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on a few custom made items and a dress on reservation.. and then.. THEN I will face the shipping charge which undoubtedly will fuck my bank acc harder than ever before. Thankfully splitting the order with a friend, but 5 pairs of shoes is never good.

>> No.8799118

sauce on the navy dress in the middle?

>> No.8799134

Sorry, it was a reserve item.. Heres the link anyways: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4004-12540976894.2.vMRFeG&id=524074074333

You may be able to find it in 2.Taobao when it starts shipping out!

>> No.8799247


Bag and shorts sauce pls

>> No.8799857
File: 263 KB, 413x495, 98787489748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with a term or something, anything, for an aviator hat like this? I already tried the obvious and got nothing.

>> No.8799940

Hey what's the search term for Neko Atsume?

>> No.8799955

This: 猫咪后院

>> No.8800122

>Neko Atsume

>> No.8800158


what do you mean? you pick the method of shipment (SAL, EMS, DHL, whatever) before you purchase, because not all forwarders offer all types. once you select a forwarder, you can make payment for your items, forwarder receives the items, weighs everything and gives you a shipping charge.

>> No.8800173

Has anyone used the taobao forwarding service with reserves? I understand how to buy items directly, but not for the deposit -> final payment thing.

>> No.8800256

kerakerak on taobao (aka cake love)

>> No.8800351

k thanks.

>> No.8800446

oh my goodness, i hope you're still here anon, i didnt notice this until now. i've been using the bag all week so far for my textbooks and laptop (disclaimer: i have a tiny netbook, not a full size laptop) and it's been surprisingly great! Not quite as dark navy as the stock pictures, but not by a lot, and it's been amazingly sturdy. Strong magnets in the snaps too, really handy. I'll probably get another colour as well, especially since they're so cheap (37¥ plus free domestic shipping)

Herr's the link!

>> No.8800862

First time taobao user; so the shop I want to buy from is in English. Can I try to order directly on page or should I message the owner first. Also it's quite expensive item is it OK to ask them to lower value so I won't get taxed for 3/4 of price? I live in less popular part of Europe. Also how much should I expect to pay in addition to item price?

>> No.8800921

What the shit does the "remind seller shipped" button do? I've been waiting a week for 3 sellers to ship things, and all my other shit is ready to be merged. It just comes up with a popup talking about waiting 72hrs.

>> No.8800963

I'm ordering from Spree Now for the first time - they have a few shipping options, but I'm a tad confused.

Options are:
Singapore Post EMS
China Post EMS (Guangdong)
Hong Kong Post EMS
China Post Air Parcel (GZ)

Do you guys have any suggestions on which would be best to use? I was going to go with EMS, but there are three kinds, and I don't quite understand why.

>> No.8800971

Just go with the cheapest EMS (usually china post), they all have the same estimated delivery time.

>> No.8800976

They are probably charged by volume, those things look similar to extremely light things I've touched irl.

If that is the case there is nothing you can do, as they are being charged per bay they rent out for the shipment, which is a volumetric cost, not a weight cost.

>> No.8800978

the rent is a flat cost for a set amount of space, so volume of shipments is important.

>> No.8800994

Singapore is cheapest. That one will be fine? I didn't realize they had so many mail carrier options.

>> No.8801090

Using buynosaur for the first time, they're friendly and willing to customize my orders which is good! Is Hong Kong post reliable though?

>> No.8801127

Source on the crab/shell jewelry set? They're so adorable.

>> No.8801135

Taobaotrends upped my shipping from SAL to EMS because Coco fucked my shipping costs up. Got refunded the money I didn't owe and yeah, voila.
TTrends are pretty chill and very understanding.

>> No.8801168

So I ordered some plushies via TBR and they arrived today "exploded" due to getting squished in a parcel way smaller than them (the fabric ripped everywhere and no, not at seams). Can I expect anything from having them contacted about it with photos?

>> No.8801289
File: 35 KB, 720x477, FB_IMG_1452185960108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to the shop that sell this replica? I'm on my phone so can't use image search.

>> No.8801310

You can use saucenao on the phone, don't be lazy.

>> No.8801360
File: 1000 KB, 431x405, tumblr_mvxvt8vVRy1qzvtljo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting stores that sells gurokawaii/creepy cute/menhera type clothes?
Or any stores that sells holographic/space type clothes?
>inb4 spoonfeed me
I'm a bit slow, so sometimes I have a hard time finding stuff. I was just asking in case anyone had anything saved that they'd stumbled upon or something

>> No.8801364
File: 311 KB, 720x946, Screenshot_2016-01-08-00-45-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, got so close.

>> No.8801408
File: 48 KB, 500x432, 1452104656431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?
It's a different website.

>> No.8801540

I also reserved that navy dress in the middle, hoping it's ready soon and the quality is good!

>> No.8801577

I can only help for the first part:

>> No.8801709

Although some of the models look super weird and awkward their stuff seems pretty cool! Found some stuff I like and it's not super overpriced!
Thank you anon!
Thank you so much anon, I'll look through those stores!

>> No.8801730
File: 1.25 MB, 750x3558, TB2oi1AXFXXXXbkXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!115308690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, holy shit. Time to make my boyfriend crack up when he lifts my skirt next time.

>> No.8801766
File: 181 KB, 646x671, grandma ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I was thinking of ordering this dress, and I was gonna check feedback, when I saw this
I know it's partially weird because google translate, but I just wanted to share with you gulls because I had a nice chuckle

>> No.8801777

Drill my grandma ass in with your chicken anon ;))

>> No.8801790

Her boss is her grandma.

>> No.8801809
File: 38 KB, 595x394, 11898938_955950767782239_8067666970198692454_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it
>I'm so boss ten me.

>> No.8801815
File: 27 KB, 220x293, t02200293_0480064011850636552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cookie/biscuit print dresses, anyone know any good search terms for them...?

>> No.8801824
File: 1.13 MB, 343x194, lol6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm more of a man to Japan
>wear every day to see my grandma ass
I understand the mistranslation of "chicken" when she means "cock" but the fuck are these lines about?

>> No.8801841

I just had a huge taobao order come in that I used forwarding service for, and one of the items that they were supposed to include was a set of accessories, shoes, and cosplay. They included only the shoes and accesories; the cosplay is missing. Has anyone had this or something similar happen before? Where part of a package coming from a single store was missing?

>> No.8801842

I'm wondering if anyone has links for larger sized platform mary janes or rhs?

Bodyline is out of stock in my size.

>> No.8802024

Necklace: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-4780687906.60.a7tYnD&id=45416509900
Bracelet: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-4780687906.63.a7tYnD&id=45474676340
Earrings: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-4780687906.36.a7tYnD&id=45378227534

I thought they were supposed to be shipping late December, so hopefully they will have them sent out soon! Also praying to Taobao gods that the quality is good, I mean it looks good in the picture, but who knows what we will receive..?

>> No.8802292


>> No.8802451

Can I get some reviews on that CCS selfie stick a lot of you got from 11/11? Don't want to bother if it's not going to last.

>> No.8802526
File: 2.53 MB, 1260x1250, love live trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my second time buying from Taobao, it's not much.

>> No.8802693

What would be the search term for a two slit maxi skirt?

Google translate isn't going so well for me.

>> No.8802757


one anon did post theirs in an old thread, you can look it up in the archives: >>8753806

>> No.8802759

Thanks so much!

>> No.8802817

They certainly do accept foreign buyers, but it's not explained if it's over the website or over mail, but the most important is if taobao sellers are ok with marking down prices.

>> No.8802898

review on the ivory shoes when they arrive?

>> No.8802903

Sure thing! Itll probably be a while, but Ill probably repost this collage later when stuff arrives anyways.

>> No.8802951

Thank you!
My next taobao order is going to be filled with so many crackers

>> No.8803484

Anyone know why or how long pumpkincat will be out of commission?

>> No.8803565
File: 3.97 MB, 1348x1424, taobao for review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got everything from my summer order (A few things were preorder and some were custom sized so it took a while.) I'd be happy to review/link anything. The stuff that are crossed out are things that were out of stock when I ordered so they were cancelled.

>> No.8803585

Link for 32 please?

>> No.8803590

link & review for 25 & 27?

>> No.8803615



It's really nice, the fit is good and there's nice silver braiding around the edges. The sleeves are also a good length.


Sadly it really isn't great. The fabric is cheap and the fit is a bit odd around the sleeves (It's very loose for some reason.) I think I'll keep it as a "lend out" item or something to wear when I'm afraid of getting dirty but that's it. I knew it was a replica from the start so I wasn't expecting much, but 23-26 from the same store are pretty good.

>> No.8803651

wow, im sorry anon but you have amazing taste and id like to see a LOT of reviews for these, im going to be asking for so many so please know you don't have to do them all, provide photos, or say more than a sentence. just whether the material and stitching are good is enough, you can even say "__/10" instead if that's too much. Id like the links too (if things are from the same store just the store link is fine) but if that's too much don't feel compelled!

review for:

& just the link to #32, no reviews necessary.

>> No.8803652

oop while i was typing that a bunch of stuff got posted, no need to re-do I'll check your other posts!

>> No.8803691

Thanks Anon! It's a bit too late to take pictures but I'll try to post some tomorrow.


Sorry but it's out of stock. They had a few other JM style replicas though. The dress is pretty good, the print is nice but not super clear (as in, you can tell it's replica-ish if you know JMs usual quality but a normie won't be able to tell.)



It's really cute! The quality is good and I'm planning to wear it a lot in the summer. The chiffon is nice and it's pretty long (and I'm a plus sized girl, not the usual Asian size.)


Sorry it's out of stock and I can't find the store link. But it's really good thick fabric, the skirt has little shorts in it and the fake fur is nice quality.



Also out of stock with no store link. Sorry. It's an okay shirt, nice, simple and light.



I like this one a lot. The print is crisp and the fabric is nice and velvety. My only issue is that the bodice is a strange so I'll probably end up turning it into a skirt.



It was a preorder, so here's the actual store link. It's a very nice skirt: The print is nice and clear, the fabric is a light kind of chiffon and the lace is just beautiful.



It's okay. The shirt fits well and the sleeves are strechy so they fit well. The lace isn't amazing, and the bow needs to be replaced/retied into a less derpy one, but pretty good for a replica.


>> No.8803695



It's a pretty good shirt but a bit thin and stiff (the stiffness will probably be solved by a good wash.) I really like the style and the fit is good but I don't see it lasting too long.



It's really nice, the fit is good and there's nice silver braiding around the edges. The sleeves are also a good length.



This dress is really really great! Best one I bought from this store. The fabric is really thick and the dress fits really well. It'd make a great daily item. Only thing I'm going to do to improve it is to replace the buttons to something nicer.



Sadly it really isn't great. The fabric is cheap and the fit is a bit odd around the sleeves (It's very loose for some reason.) I think I'll keep it as a "lend out" item or something to wear when I'm afraid of getting dirty but that's it. I knew it was a replica from the start so I wasn't expecting much, but 23-26 from the same store are pretty good.



>> No.8803704

Sauce on those phone cases please

I own the blouse on the left and it's definitely my favourite blouse. I wear a lot of classic sweet if that helps.

Good taste anon! Sauce on the white lacey tights?

Link for 8, 30 and 22 please!!!

>> No.8803786


This was terrible quality. Wouldn't recommend getting it.


As posted above itt was a preorder, so here's the actual store link.


Out of stock, but they had tons of printed shirts and they're alright.

>> No.8803798


>> No.8803800

This is an magnificent order anon, I need reviews and links to 2, 7 and 34

>> No.8803814

Really sorry but it's sold out and no shop link.


It really was, it was my last order before becoming a university student and quitting my job.


It's nice but not super amazing and could probably be used as a normie dress as well.


I'm in love with this dress! It's the closest thing I've gotten to big brand quality on Taobao. The fabric is great, clear print, good zipper... everything about it is just perfect.


I bought all the cat things from this store. They're very pretty and I should stop being lazy and hang them up in my window like I planned.

>> No.8803861

I think I saw one, I was just wondering if there were more that could comment on it since a lot of you seemed to have ordered it.

>> No.8803895

about 26, is the fabric shiny? have the length for lolita or is too short?
Thank you

>> No.8803913

The fabric of the dress isn't shiny at all, the only thing that's shiny is the ribbon that comes with it as a belt but that's easily replaced. I'm about 1.64 and it reaches to just under my knees so it's a perfect length for lolita.

>> No.8803932

thank you so much

>> No.8803990

Link for 18?

>> No.8804551


It's a really nice underskirt, a bit heavy but good lace and ruffles.

>> No.8804565

Link to #29 please anon?

>> No.8804571

Sorry but it's out of stock.

>> No.8804730

How long is Bhiner's DHL usually? Would EMS be faster?

I placed a dress order two weeks ago but it still hasn't been delivered to the warehouse. I really needed that dress for an event next week so idk if international shipping would make a difference.

>> No.8804753

The fastest I've recieved a package through EMS was 6 days and DHL was 4 days using Bhiner. It may be a little less if you don't live on the East Coast though.

>> No.8805133
File: 24 KB, 420x560, 8855e58a2fc9311d76874ef3464cc94a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone found any dark-colored heart salopettes/dresses on Taobao, or know search terms for them? Pic related.
I've tried every term from "heart dress" to "heart apron" and even some terms for lolita salopettes. So far I've seen only lighter colored ones.

>> No.8805414

Does Yolanda normally take forever? Is everything made to order? Last time it took more than 2 months to get to spreenow. I foolishly decided to try from them again and it has been 3 weeks so far.

>> No.8805844
File: 50 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, how do you guys figure out what bra size to order off taobao? I'm a 30D, which I can barely find here, so I figure I'm not gonna find it there, which is fine, so I'm considering 32c if possible?
I'm just having a difficult time figuring this out (I'm probably making this harder than it should be)
What size are you and what size do you order?
I really appreciate any help you're willing to give in this.

>> No.8805860

chinese sizes are smaller than US sizes, C cup = D cup in chinese sizing so you may be out of luck.

>> No.8805868

If so that sucks but 30d and 32c is small. My under bust is 30inches and my bust is 34 inches. I was really hoping to be able to snag a few things

>> No.8805903

there are plenty of bras for smaller sizes on taobao, but they tend to come with ridiculous padding a lot of the time. just search 胸罩 75D, which is probably the closest approximation to a 30D, and read whatever accompanying size charts very closely. if they're cheap enough you can always get a couple in different/sister sizes and just bookmark the store for future reference.

>> No.8805926

Source on the star bag? :3 did they have other colors?

>> No.8805942

would love to hear some reviews (and links) for #2,3,6, and 7 please! an excellent order, anon!

>> No.8805961
File: 67 KB, 750x198, TB29kCMaXXXXXbeXXXXXXXXXXXX-82458350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i figured it out, i'm just dumb haha. If i'm reading this char right (this chart that was hidden in a lot of other charts on the page).
I'm 76cm x 85cm so that makes me a size 75A for the specific page I'm looking at. or something like that.
here's hoping it works out.
thanks for the help tho!

>> No.8806161
File: 3.24 MB, 1492x1226, taobao order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a while ago, but my order grew a lot. It's going to be shipped Monday, probably, since Spree Now doesn't work weekends iirc.

>> No.8806230

Link to white collar with gold trim and blouse?

>> No.8806271

Link for 29-31 please?

>> No.8806278

Just got them to translate a list of items, thanks anon!

>> No.8806284

Great choice anon! How much was your shipping?

>> No.8806287

Could I please have I link to those gray bow shoes?

>> No.8806313

I see some of you have bought from To Alice. Can you give me an overview, please?

>> No.8806323
File: 257 KB, 1257x1481, toalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bought pic related and thought they were about right for the price. The skirt has been fine in the machine, has two pockets which is a luxury for me, and the seal stuff looked as pictured and has held up fine with very light usage so far - the bag has two zip pockets but only really fits phone and keys

>> No.8806328

I wear a 28C-D/30B-C (ribcage 27.5, bust 31.5 but 28C is impossible to find and usually gives me quadboob; 28D is ALWAYS too damn big) and usually order a 70B which I find fantastically supportive in the band but tend to quadboob in if they have lots of padding. I would be ordering 75C or D at least if I were you, definitely not a 75A!

>> No.8806455

First time ordering on Taobao, is $50 shipping to USA for a 3 kg order expensive? I'm using buynosaur as my agent.

>> No.8806589

I don't think you're doing that correctly at all. I calculated your size, you should be a 28D, which means your sister sizes are 30C followed by 32B.

When you go up in band size, you go down in cup size.