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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8784772 No.8784772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/

I've recently decided to visit all the boards and see whats up on the other boards. Figured I'd start here, since I'd seen this board (and /fit/) referenced a lot in some drawings. I've got a couple questions for you guys after an hour or two of browsing, the first being what does EGL stand for? What's your favorite cosplay? What's your least favorite? How much time do you devote to cosplay/lolita a week? How often do you guys meetup/go to cons, or do you avoid them all together?

If you have any questions for me, I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

Thanks you filthy weeaboos!

>> No.8784775

>visit all the boards and see whats up on the other boards
inbf autism detected

>> No.8784781

>what does EGL stand for
did you google it you walnut?

>> No.8784782

I googled it and got a lot of company names and a European gaming league. I promise I tried senpai.

>> No.8784784

>How much time do you devote to cosplay/lolita a week?
This is why the board should be split.

>> No.8784785

Walnut-anon, you are a treasure

>> No.8784787

muh nigga, been wondering the same
all i found out is /cgl/ is filled with jelaousy and hormonal imbalances, what a cruel board

>> No.8784789

I'm just trying to get educated on the board that keeps getting referenced in my /fa/ggo'ts paradise. The internet is a cruel place.

>> No.8784790

*sign* Elegant Gothic Lolita.

>> No.8784791
File: 121 KB, 391x500, 2267593674_991dccbdf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time using it desu

Elegant Gothic Lolita, a style popularized by an androgynous Japanese dude named Mana. if you are from /fa/ this is who /cgl/-tan prays to. EGL became shorthand for lolita in general a while ago, but is back to just referring to the specific lolita style usually associated with certain gothic brands.

>> No.8784794

Is this the part where I call you a kind of nut? I'm getting a cashew vibe from you.

>> No.8784796
File: 889 KB, 700x1065, GLB53P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is who /cgl/-tan prays to
*in the Winter Ball comics. previous and current pic related.

>> No.8784797

Kind of cool that this entire style was made popular by some androgynous guy. Never would've guessed.

>> No.8784799
File: 120 KB, 700x1048, 1449773785855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna post more Mana-sama and EGL pics to make some use out of this misguided thread

cause if there's anything /cgl/ loves more than berating crossboarders, it's arguing about gothic lolita

>> No.8784806
File: 19 KB, 261x384, Mana-sama-mana-sama-17844571-261-384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the first wave of major Western interest in lolita was mostly due to Mana, but current lolita is more influenced by girlier styles and female models, such as Misako. newfag lolitas often don't "get" Mana, but androgyny and darkness has fallen out of style in favor of kawaii pop culture.

>> No.8784807

>cause if there's anything /cgl/ loves more than berating crossboarders

what too many /a/ssholes looking for a super kawaii waifu?

>> No.8784810
File: 73 KB, 1023x934, mana_118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana also popularized EGA, or Elegant Gothic Aristocrat, often thought of as a more mature version of EGL.

>> No.8784814

More like fitfags that don't use the recommendation or help threads
>posts a shirtless pic/selfie

>> No.8784815
File: 557 KB, 600x872, tumblr_nucyb3nvJv1ufislwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many attention whores shitting up the board with threads devoted to themselves and their inane newfag questions, selfposting, misogyny, requests for fap material, and/or shilling for various wanna-bes.

EGA has two forms, a feminine and a masculine, with overlap as the male style often involves skirts or skirt-like pants, and long gilets similar to the jumperskirts worn by lolitas but not as full.

>> No.8784816
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EGA is drapier, with straighter lines, than EGL. think more drape, less poof.

>> No.8784817
File: 18 KB, 228x320, tumblr_l8vk6kwcTm1qcizsjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now a pop quiz.

who is in this pic?

what is the style the model is wearing?

>> No.8784819

Holy rage batman. You really struggle with human interaction don't you? Is asking for the best cosplay really fap materail? Maybe its a baller gundam, or some other non sexy entity, some of it might even be male cosplayers. If I wanted to see people shit on each other, I'd go to that lolita potato sack thread. What did I say that was mysoginistic? Fuck off you angry feminazi twat.

>> No.8784820
File: 15 KB, 302x302, cruel summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day is summer vacation on /cgl/

Christmas? Summer.
Spring break? Summer.
Halloween? Summer.
Easter? Summer.
Summer? Summer.

>> No.8784821

/fit/ fags will do anything for poon honestly. Either that or they're trying to mask their raging homo tendencies.

>> No.8784831

dude i have been helping you, i was explaining the type of crossboarders we get, not saying you do those things. except the newfag question part.

is your ego really that fragile?

>> No.8784833

> actually believing some1 will answer that

>> No.8784837

Wow, way to victimize yourself.

This board literally gets fap threads and selfposting crossboarders all the time.

>some of it might even be male cosplayers.
Most of this board is female and end up turning fap threads with girls into fap threads with mostly guys or both because they're tired of shitty Jnig and Yaya wannabees.

There are legitimate criticism and help threads all the time, it's just fun to make fun of people who are too proud to get help.

>> No.8784840

Sorry for the misinterpretation there anon. My post could have been interpreted that way almost exactly, so I thought it was referencing the post.

>> No.8784850

>Fuck off you angry feminazi twat.
and there you go proving our point

take a chill pill bro, stop being so fragile

>> No.8784851

I can understand why it'd be annoying for people to request fap material constantly. That's why I immediately guessed that the main problem was crossboarders trying to find a waifu. I don't get why someone would go into a board and think that posting a picture of yourself would be the best possible way to get poon.

>> No.8784855

I'm a /b/ edgelord. What did you expect exactly?

>> No.8784863

Just chill out and you'll be fine, man, I think your journey is pretty cool. People will jump down your throat because we get a lot of stupid threads here, but this is actually quite interesting.

>> No.8784866

We're a slow board too. So it ends up killing potentially active threads when people make threads with selfies of themselves asking for cosplay suggestions. Kinda fucks up the whole board when people do it constantly.

The life lesson being JUST LURK MOAR NEW FAGS. For the love of god.

>> No.8784868

Well thanks for believing in the idea I guess. Sorry this thread turned into a shitstorm. Time to retreat to /fa/ggot land and cry while looking at clothing prices.

>> No.8784870
File: 64 KB, 625x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is the most interesting thread I've seen in weeks

Mana, deliver me from this purgatory.

>> No.8784872

>So it ends up killing potentially active threads

Off topic, I hate crossboarders as much as the next gull, but lately those "thread killer!" comments are a peeve of mine. We are a slow board, so those threads at the bottom had plenty of time to get bumped back into liveliness. There's no need to defend a discussionless or autosaging thread.

>> No.8784878

Feel bad for you. I've started to view /b/ in the same way, part of the reason I moved to /fa/ and am now doing this tour.

>> No.8784883
File: 2.63 MB, 250x250, mana_sama_gif_by_embracemanasama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before you go, check these two videos out:

"Lolita 101" by Scarfing Scarves, which will help you understand /cgl/ culture: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iFJiXh6LYZ0

and "Cuteness, Escapism, and Lace Monsters", the best lolita documentary made by an outsider (also check out his other vids on that channel, very /fa/): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FwnmGod0OqM

see you around space cowboy, hope my Mana-sama spam enlightened you

dark benedictions for you, anon

>> No.8784886

Thanks, you've been really helpful in newfag education.

>> No.8784890

I definitely agree. I don't mean to defend those threads too. The heart of my point is really that useless threads are useless and I wish the crossboarding "wut should I cosplay" when there's a cosplay suggestion thread always running stuff and the like would stop. More for the sake of it stopping, rather than thread killing. It's just a side effect for sure.

There have been a lot more comments like that recently. I wasn't sure if I'd just not noticed them or not before. But it did get me thinking about that effect. I never thought about the threads it killed before people started going on about it.

>> No.8784893

>/b/ edgelord
you shouldn't take pride in being shit.

>> No.8784900

Never said it was an emblem of pride. Admitting one's faults doesn't mean you take pride in them.

>> No.8784904
File: 507 KB, 872x885, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started the thread-murderer meme

i'm sorry, but also not sorry.

>> No.8784914

Agreed. Oh no, an autosaging thread about a con that happened over a month ago was pushed off by this new one? What a tragedy for the ages! How will we deal with this immense loss?

>> No.8784925
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>> No.8784947

When your tour's done make a review of the boards in one post

>> No.8784954

and maybe post it in /qa/ or link us back to it

>> No.8784963

>/cgl/ in a (wal)nut shell
Sometimes catty, sometimes helpful, sometimes hateful, sometimes insightful, our posts, much like our moods, vary in tone quite frequently. Known as "seagulls", /cgl/ is less a hivemind and more a multiple personality disorder. Probably the most female-dominated board on 4chan, especially for the lolita half of it. We move slowly and boards can stay put for months at a time, so we don't appreciate when threads that could have been a post in an existing thread (ie; the Help thread) get made instead. Hence why you got initially unhelpful responses. More often than not, though, /cgl/ can be a great resource for tips on cosplay, alternative fashions, sewing, makeup, hair care, skin care, and other things that /fa/ and /fit/ don't really support. The advice given is sometimes wrapped in a rude package because lol4chan but this seagull thinks there's almost always more useful info than vitriol.

>> No.8784975

Amazing work anon. I almost felt proud to be a seagull

>> No.8784991

The cosplay community is also pretty diverse. Rarely is a cosplayer interested in both anime, games, comics, cartoons, western movies, books, eastern movies, and extravagant bands, at least not in any bigger capacity. Same goes for techniques. Some people do mainly armour, or mecha, some prefer soft crafts, or sfx make up and wig work, some prefer big, techie builds such as functional daft punk helmets and similar.

There's an underlaying debate about splitting cgl into lolita/jfash/altfash, and cosplay/conventions. Most arguments for this is that even when we both share some interests such as sewing, make up, wigs and conventions, they're applied differently enough that it's not worth it.

Cosplayers on here might seem bitchy, but we're happy to selfpost and ask for critique, and most are happy to give it, as well as geek out over mutual favourites and interesting techniques. We frown upon people who have cosplay as their main source of income, but generally agree that it's mostly because of jealousy.

Good luck on your journey, yo.

>> No.8785019

I might, but if I do I'm gonna take the liberty of ignoring all the pornography focused boards (this includes shit like /h/, /e/, /cm/) because it seems like there's no *real* community or wide spread theme. It's essentially just a bunch of sperglords trying to blow their loads while expanding on their million terabyte collection of porn.

>> No.8785067

> pornography
> /cm/

>> No.8785081

I don't cosplay other than the occasional con with friends just for fun, and then just stuff like 2hu. I spend most of my free time looking at lolita. I like to make my own accessories based on the brand ones I have, it takes a lot of time. I go to cons every few years, meetups monthly, and also wear lolita by myself.

I, too, crossboard (mostly/a/ /jp/ and /v/) and it's quite taboo here, gulls constantly get bootyblasted if you use 4chan memes or emojis. It's fun to include them in your posts because of that.

>> No.8785089

Some of the /d/ threads do seem to have their own sort of community, but it's not exactly outsider-friendly...

>> No.8785107

My phone chanced sigh to sign.

>> No.8785115

why would anyone care to listen to this guy's opinion on different boards?
I doubt he's been here for long (and the boards that he browses suggested he is probably underaged).

>> No.8785149

Hey! I'm the person that you responded to on /fa/. See, it's not so bad~

>> No.8785810

I'm not underaged, but I will say I am young and naive. As to why people would want my opinion, I think it's less than them wanting to hear some random fucks opinion and more the thrill of seeing where the journey goes and how it turns out.
Maybe I made a rushed judgement, but a lot of the threads I saw didn't have any conversation, just pics.
It seems like a lot of 4chan's culture overlaps. It's cool to see that there are people out there who devote time to things like cosplay and lolita as a hobby and not professionally. I feel like a lot of the girls I saw at my first con were either dragged there or doing it professionally.
We've all been there, just giving you some flack, cashew.
I was browsing a lot of threads on /fa/ yesterday, you'll have to link me to it or something.
Guess I'll try a different approach.

>> No.8785812

Elegant Gothic Lolita. I avoid meet-ups because there are too many weebs. I have no interest in con's but maybe if there was a lolita con in my country I would go.

>> No.8785847

Comic cons seem to be friendly to lolita, although a lot of the stuff they showcase will not be related to lolita in any way. I think there's a lolita con in Las Vegas coming soon, might check it out.

>> No.8786061

Where did the whole "seagull" thing come from?

>> No.8786064

>sea gee el