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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8780606 No.8780606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone tell me what's this new photographer fad going around where photographers are saying they will be at so and so conventions? I never thought that shit was important.

>> No.8780622

it's probably so they can book shoots, and I sincerely doubt it's any new fad, get the stick out of your ass

>> No.8780627

Fuck you. This fad is seeming more like how cosplayers are making their own pages and thinking they are some famous person going to a con. Only now photographers are getting this pompous too.

>> No.8780630

Photographers post what cons they're going to so cosplayers can book shoots with them? I've seen this for years from photographers with varying amounts of followers. It's not like a JNig wannabe acting like they're gracing the con with their presence, as a photographer it's the easiest way of getting some nice photos. This is not rocket science. Clearly someone has never done a convention shoot because they're a crap cosplayer, or they would know how it works.

>> No.8780633

It seems more like part of the whole egotistical culture happening around cosplaying. I never felt professional photos were necessary, but it's clear who their targets are now that yu spoke such a thing. Clearly you're one of "them."

>> No.8780638

It's not a fad. Photographers have always announced which conventions they'll be attending so they can book shoots 2 months in advanced. You must of just never paid attention

>> No.8780640

Well I never cared for photorgraphers coming and booking shots. At cons, I merely didn't care who asked for my picture. I see cons way different than some people it seems. I go there for the recreation, but it seems this whole booking stuff is trying to make it into something it isn't. Like some indescript fashion show.

>> No.8780644

It's sad that it's Christmas Eve and you don't have anything better to do than this shit.

>> No.8780645

I guess we both are sad pieces of shit.

I'm actually on a plane flying to San Fran for Christmas faggot.

>> No.8780650

someones sad they cant get anyone but desperate weebs to shoot with them

>> No.8780654

>caring about shooting

>> No.8780660

when a cosplayer works on creating their costume for months on end and spends hundreds of dollars in the process, often with nothing more than a crappy cellphone camera, it's not exactly unreasonable to assume they might be willing to pay for/seek out good quality documentation of their finished product in action

>> No.8780663

Sometimes, when you spend however many hours making a costume and getting it right, you might just want a nice photograph of it, and when you go to a convention to wear your costume, it helps to know which photographers are available. I'm not looking for e-fame, I don't run a facebook page for my hobby, I just want a nice keepsake of an outfit that I worked really hard on and from an event where I make good memories and have fun. This isn't a fad, it's how the community works. Sounds like someone is clearly out of the loop

>> No.8780667

>when a cosplayer works on creating their costume for months on end and spends hundreds of dollars in the process
Sounds more like a personal choice rather than an enforcement of their effort on an otherwise wasteful hobby.

>> No.8780668

>being this desperate to respond to every single comment in the entire thread and defend your saltiness
i pity your sad, sad life

>> No.8780670

why are you even on this board exactly?

>> No.8780671

Who the fuck cares. I made the thread and I'm not a pussy to where I won't talk to so and so post cause they disagree with me. So fucking what. If I got upset at every little thing on the internet, I'd be on tumblr.

>> No.8780673

something tells me you already are

>> No.8780678

>"if I got upset at every little thing on the inert, I'd be on tumblr."
>mad at cosplayers and photos for not doing things your own ~special~ way
>replying to anons getting more mad

Anon sounds hypocritical and egotistical. Go back to /b/

>> No.8780681


That's where you failed to understand the point of my post. I only find it a fruitless endeavor to be doing those types of things. Getting mad over it defeats the purpose faggot.

>> No.8780689

It's more fruitless when you need to make your own thread about it and reply to every anon saying how their wrong. Your not special for thinking this and you seem to get more mad the more anons disagree. Just get over yourself.

>> No.8780693

>seem to get more mad

But you keep assuming shit based on what words I write, which is typical of self concluding self-egotistical cgl. If I was mad, I'd call your hobby shit and you shit for thinking it's worth money putting into it just for a couple of days of attention you can't get anywhere else in your life. But me saying that wouldn't be anywhere near me being mad. That's just straight truth.

>> No.8780702

>but you keep assuming shit based on what words I write

You keep assuming shit about how photogs and cosplayers are egotistical about their hobbies probably based on the few people you have seen display this kind of attitude. Some people aren't in it for e-fame and some are. For some, this might be an escape, a good activity to have fun with friends or meet new people with same interests but for others it's to get cash and recognition.

I wonder who made you so salty. We're you posted in a bad cosplay thread or something?
>inb4 muh cosplays r gr8 they dunt niid recognition cuz I'm special

>> No.8780704

>You keep assuming shit about how photogs and cosplayers are egotistical about their hobbies
>cosplayers specifically looking for photographers to take "good" pics of their costumes they spent hours on
>photographers seeking bookings for said cosplayers so they can promote their own websites

Sounds like both are egotistical faggots.

>> No.8780710
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>how fucking DARE people do SHIT they ENJOY that I don't UNDERSTAND
Dude, it's pathetic that today of all days you're sat on 4chan trying to troll, frantically refreshing to reply to everything with protests of how totally not mad you are, calling everyone a faggot and using big words to make yourself feel more intelligent. Go eat a candy cane, or stick it up your asshole. Relax. Watch Home Alone. Hug your mom. You might call us sad for replying, but sweetheart, we can all tell you've got that finger on f5 breathing heavily waiting for the next reply so you can over think some more political-sounding insults to distract you from tfw no gf. Lighten up, it's Christmas.
>acting like it's not egotistical to try and bait /cgl/ because you have no other way of getting attention, for example, the skills it takes to be a good cosplayer/photographer

>> No.8780711


Ah so you're one of those millennials who believe trolling means disagreeing with your views. I expected as much.

>> No.8780712
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>>8780710 wasn't kidding about OP refreshing. Look how fast they replied >>8780711

>> No.8780715

>posting lolita images
>refreshing in 2015

wew lad

>> No.8780721
File: 63 KB, 400x400, 1404082172631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a photographer. I go to cons and announce it on my page. I consider many cosplayers my friends and just want to hang out and shoot with them. That's it. Not everyone is trying to profit or has secondary motives. Ya'll niggas just getting trolled.

>> No.8780724

You must be 18+ to be on this site, OP

>> No.8780727

Then you're the guys I likely have the most fun talks with. The tryhard photographers normally are off to their next thing or feel like they don't have the time to sit there and speak to you. It's the casual ones that I consider the best people to socialize with.

>> No.8780730

Yes because after pouring thousands into a cosplay people really hate getting back professional shots of their hard work. Someone feeling salty?

>> No.8780736

Anon, literally everyone was saying that throughout the whole thread

>> No.8780739

>back lighting and photoshopping is considered the highlight of good photography

Protip: modern cellphones can do the same thing and are high quality enough to give you hi res and good looking pics. I know that'll upset the photographers who have 1500 cameras, but the subtleties normally just come down to niche details like fov and other post processing effects.

>> No.8780741

Where's the janitor to clean up this mess

>> No.8780743
File: 83 KB, 372x457, 1445217784519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...is OP even serious anymore? Sorry, I'm gonna let go of the bait now. Have fun being salty at others having a good time.

>> No.8780745

Lol fov. Learn your shit, anon

>> No.8780747

Fuck you I know my shit. Ive seen those shitty effects with your typical professional shot. shit looks stupid

>> No.8780748

Putting words into anons mouth is really rude on these boards.

Protip: Cell phone photography is a joke.

>> No.8780751

>I took a really good black and white photo of a cloud once and it got 17 likes on instagram

>> No.8780757

We're not reddit.

>caring for instagratification
top kek

>> No.8780769

That's what you choose to argue? Why you trolling? Photography is a great asset to cosplay and always has been. If you're new to photography and don't understand how to work equipment ask /p/. If you're just fat and angry that no one is taking your picture then please look at yourself before attacking photogs. We're just providing a service that is mutually beneficial. We don't owe anyone anything unless they paid for it, even then if they threw a tantrum like this I'd refund the ungrateful bitch.