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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8778623 No.8778623 [Reply] [Original]

‘I’m Dreaming of a Brand Christmas’ Edition
Old Thread >>8771220

Closet of Frills >>8778601
Coord Help >>8738411
Comm Thread >>8776741
Dream Dress Thread >>8751124
Dumb Questions >>8768622
Lucky Packs >>8768902
Oldschool Thread >>8753341
Online Comm Thread >>8760101
Price Check Thread >>8768105
Wardrobe Thread >>8759616

Lolita Guidebook

>> No.8778626
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>Related threads
Christmas Coords >>8744059
Gothic Lolita >>8762207
Invent New Substyles >>8765908
Lace Market Thread >>8773792
Nun/Religious Coords >>8768352
OTT Sweet >>8763478
Ugly Dresses >>8759905
Wa-Lolita >>8763513
Brolita Thread >>8713032
Boystyle Thread >>8761165
EGA Thread >>8729403

>> No.8778644

Man, my first Angelic Pretty release/purchase whatsoever and I managed to get exactly what I wanted. I'm crazy happy, even if I missed out on the Meta packs!

>> No.8778654

Congratulations anon! If I may ask, what did you end up getting?

>> No.8778663

I got a Twinkle Doll set in Lavender! I was mega worried, as I had forgotten about making accounts, so I had to go through AP's and Tenso's, but it was more simple than it originally seemed.

The feeling when I got that confirmation email was bliss.

>> No.8778666

Lucky you! Glad it all worked out for you in the end. You've earned your first "I survived AP's bloodbath" badge, heh. Enjoy your frills!

>> No.8778667

PS Apparently over in the lucky pack thread Meta restocked some packs, so if you were still interested it might be worth checking that out!

>> No.8778675

I actually just went and got the Dark Lucky Pack....man, this went so surprisingly well.

>> No.8778720

That board has been gone for years now. All we can do is just keep emailing and hope someone reads it

>> No.8778725

Fuck yes!! Wasn't able to get the matching navy socks when I first got Chess Emblem from the Japanese AP site, but just now saw that they restocked only the navy. Was able to finally get them and decided to pick me up a cute bracelet too that I was looking at 2 weeks ago.

>> No.8778726



Still there.

>> No.8778773

Would someone start a thread for Chinese Gossip anon? Could we get her unbanned?

>> No.8778886

I would support this.
But everyone, please don't give in on emailing whenever a Janitor is out of bounds etc. Take a screencap of the archive too to show what they've done.
I'm thankful for our janitors for doing what they do, it's probably just one that's got such a hard on for purging whole threads.

>> No.8778896 [DELETED] 

to keep this thread from derailing, here is a link to the thread anon began about /cgl/: >>389037

>> No.8778897

>janitors killed it already

So did anyone here ever buy Horror Garden? I'm curious about the quality, I like the print but it looks so cheap in photos.

>> No.8778898


to keep this thread from becoming derailed, i will try to link to the thread anon began:


>> No.8778900

no, i just had to learn to properly link a crossboard thread.

>> No.8778907

I have it and it looks better irl. yhe actual print looks good, crisp and has glitter. But the overlay hides it. The vest is awkward because the material is not stiff and there isn't any boning or interfacing to help. This leads it to move too much with you and isn't supportive like most similar garments.

>> No.8778921

How can I get out of the habit of buying dresses one after the other without stopping to buy stuff to coord it with? I see some good deals and just go for it without sometimes stopping to think about accessories and all.

>> No.8778922

Agreed. The print is gorgeous but I really could do without the overlay. I have the OP instead of the JSK and it's super comfy. The sleeves are very breathable and it hits at a nice length on me when I wear heels.

>> No.8778934

>it hits at a nice length on me when I wear heels
Please explain how heels change the length of the dress?

>> No.8778936

Thanks for the input! Trying to decide if I want to buy it or not.

The trick is to buy pieces that all more or less go together. For instance, I always look for bargains on black colorways first because all of my accessories go with them. That way I have a diverse wardrobe without having to have a whole collection of accessories for every dress I own.

>> No.8778973

So I just read through APUSA's new lottery bullshit since Holy Lantern was my last release with them. How are tje odds of getting your preferred dress? I want to try and get the red ChocoRosette JSK but I don't know if it's worth trying.

>> No.8778981

Have you thought about registering with Tenso and AP Japan to cut out the middleman known as APUSA?

>> No.8778983

Did you even read their post? They're going for Chocolate Rosette, AP USA is everyone's last shot at it.

>> No.8778997

FUCK i forgot about meta LP last night! I really wanted that OP set in wine and a dark lp skirt set. I just went on the website via my phone and there is some weird mobile site for meta? It's kind of difficult to navigate and not i cant even find any op the lp listings to see if there is anything left in stock.

>> No.8779003

The only thing sold out is the dark skirt set. Everything else is still available.

>> No.8779028

I have a Tenso account but as >>8778983 said it's no use for Chocolate Rosette.

>> No.8779053
File: 102 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1450895744819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on how to fix this? I love this dress, but the damage is ridiculously bad. I haven't bought it.
It seems like the stain is too dark to just be lifted at this point, and it seems like it's been through several hands with the stain.
My first idea was to remove the skirt, sew a seam to envelope the stain on, and resew it on backwards but the zipper is unfortunately in the back.
I could sew a seam straight down the front but that seems like it would look pretty silly.
I also had the idea of sewing in a new white panel in the front but I kind of hoped to retain the original design.
Worst idea: carefully mix and apply fabric paint in the appropriate color with a tiny paintbrush
Any ideas, gulls?

>> No.8779073

I think I got charged customs once on an Infanta dress I bought off AE, and they just took it straight out of my account. No emails or letters or anything. If I remember correctly, it was only five dollars or so.

>> No.8779084

Where are the stains other than the one that looks like two small dots in the middle of the skirt?
Maybe my screen is shit, but from this photo it doesn't look like it's in that bad of shape, just wrinkly.
Also wtf 4chan, this connection error bs is annoying.

>> No.8779092

Fabric paint sounds like a really bad idea.
You could always do embroidery all over the front.

>> No.8779142

Here's the photo the seller provided of the stain. Apparently she washed it several times with no luck.
It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't smack dab in the middle. Other than that, it seems fine.
>Fabric paint sounds like a really bad idea.
It's a good idea, but I'm not very good at embroidery or designs for embroidery. I also wanted this dress so I could pretend to be Momoko. Though theoretically, fixing it with embroidery would be the most Momoko approach.

>> No.8779146
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Dropped pic

>> No.8779168


I agree with the embroidery idea. maybe see if there's someone in your comm who does embroidery decently?

>> No.8779187

Have you tried using oxyclean or tide to go on the stain?

>> No.8779192

God damn it does someone have a link? I cant seem to get it to come up on the website. I click the lp sets icon and it brings me to a page listing what the sets are and prices along with when they will be released, but no actual listings to buy them

>> No.8779200

I was also eyeing this, with embroidery being my plan to fix it. Alternatively, this same dress is on Alice&Furunun for like 7000 yen
Actually, upon further inspection, its not the same dress, but a different dress listed under the same name. Still cute though! >http://www.fururun.com/sa_az/shop.cgi?order=&class=all&keyword=BABY%2CTHE&FF=30&price_sort=&pic_only=&mode=p_wide&id=60590&superkey=1
Link if you care

>> No.8779204

Obviously you have no way of knowing, but the stain looks like iodine or turmeric. In which case, it's never coming out.

>> No.8779205
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I have a stupid idea. Bring it to the store and buy little gingham ribbons and tie it into bows and attach it by sewing them on. Like so.

>> No.8779252

you can also buy a sewing machine that has a computer in it that you can just tell it what to embroider and it'll put it on most fabrics.

I used to have one... I miss it so.

>> No.8779277

Turn the stain into a polka dot pattern, no one will ever know ~

>> No.8779281

Dessert op has the noisiest crinkly sleeves, I had to sell mine.

>> No.8779291

Which year? I have the 2008 release and dont have that issue.

>> No.8779292

I started a lolita blog recently and I often post pictures I've found while browsing /cgl/.
Now I'm getting messages from various people to ask me to delete these pictures and reblog them from their original owner. Is this like, "you need to give me credit" or is it more like "I need the attention, I don't want you to get notes on my picture" type of thing?

>> No.8779339

It's probably a mixture of both. I'd say unless it's a scan from a magazine or something not to post picture you don't have a source to if you don't want to get messages like that anymore.

>> No.8779350

Let me rant for a sec..
>posted a picture of my home interior on tumblr once
>about 500 notes
>some popular cunt steals my picture
>close to 100.000 notes
>no credit at all
>Stealing blog is gone and no way to have it removed.

>> No.8779358

>be nsfw artist on tumblr
>put relatively non-obtrusive watermarks with my url on every picture i make
>get whiny piss-shits saying it "ruins the picture a bloo bloo i cant get off to this"
>yeah well guess what its worse when it ruins my fucking income you cunt

one of them started insulting the characters i draw after i said no and explained the reasons why i put watermarks on there. and then asked for a commission. cheeky git.

>lolita related
fuck having 47cm shoulders, man. nothing fits me right and i look as wide as a barge unless i stand sideways.

>> No.8779408

That makes sense. I wouldn't want that either, I guess. But I think to me it's more the fact that it's pictures of people I'm posting, and they want their face to get notes that kind of bugs me.
If someone else posted my face somewhere and it got a ton of notes, I'd be flattered either way. Unless it was all porn blogs or something.

>> No.8779413

what? You draw NSFW art and you don't understand why a watermark would ruin someone's boner? I don't get off to art but if there's a fucking ad on my porn, I don't watch it.

Why do you put the watermarks exactly? Because people have stolen your art?

>> No.8779417

Seems to be a western artist thing entirely. I'm also an artist and I never put watermarks on my art. If someone wants to find out who drew something, google image search it. Completely ruins the image.

The worst offenders are the ones with that transparent url/name bullshit on the characters themselves.

>> No.8779418

Different anon, but then pay for a commission or buy your own print without a watermark you cheap ass twat

>> No.8779420

Oh I see. Also like I said, I don't do that sort of thing?
And fuck no I'm not paying to watch whores get millions for getting fucked in the ass. I have brand to buy.

>> No.8779462

As someone who had their pictures stolen constantly, please stop. It's rude first and foremost and it's theft. I don't get why people seem to have this entitlement complex when it comes to images online, but it doesn't matter where you found them, that someone else did it first or whatever else excuse you can think of. You're stealing something that doesn't belong to you and capitalising off another's hardwork and you don't understand why they have a problem with that?

Tumblr also has a three strikes rule and you'll be permabanned if three people decide they don't want their pictures on your blog.

>inb4 mad
damn right I'm mad.

>> No.8779467

this. use reverse google image search to track down the source. if you can't find it, mention in the post that you are unsure of the pic's source and would appreciate being told if anyone knows.

it's good practice to cite sources in general since it makes you more credible. citations aren't just for school.

>> No.8779475

>Tumblr also has a three strikes rule and you'll be permabanned if three people decide they don't want their pictures on your blog.
I didn't know about this.

Also, I recently took down an image before posting here and I reblogged the girls stuff.
I realize you're not attacking me directly, though. I'm sorry people took your stuff.

I mean more like the fact that I post girls faces and stuff. Like wow you took a selfie, that is some hard work... I don't know I think a part of it plays into "I want to be efamous don't post my pictures and steal my fame"

>> No.8779483

>more like the fact that I post girls faces and stuff.
Stealing selfies is right up there in creepy-level with sissies putting erotic text on coord photos.

>> No.8779661


Girl. You don't get ownership rights to photos based on your judgement of what is "hard work" or not. Same as you don't get to take a Jackson Pollock painting from some gallery home and hang it on your wall without asking because "it's not hard work, all he did was drip paint on canvas".

"hard work" or not, these photos aren't yours. You didn't take them, you aren't the person in them.

A good chunk of the annoyance probably comes from the fact that you think so lowly of them, yet you build your entire blog around these things that you think are trash. If you think so lowly of selfies, delete your blog, it's full of nothing but worthless things that aren't "hard work".

On top of which. You're running a blog where you randomly post other people's selfies. That's creepy. What is the point of such a blog?

>> No.8779688

I'm nit sure if I want to wear lolita for chirstmas eve tonight, because my dad's side of the family is German we are having them over and on one hand, its going to stay 30 degrees practically all night, my Oma is going to ask me if I made my dress and I am going to have to say no shame faced and for the majority of the night we are going to be eating and I don't want to get food on my burando, on the other hand, I think my coord is cute and I haven't worn lolita is ages.

>> No.8779705

So long as that stain hasn't been hit with hot water, I'd say you do have a good chance of getting it out still! I cut my arm really bad in lolita once and thought I was totally fucked on one of my favorite blouses; cotton, white, huge dried bloodstain. I tried washing it and the stain didn't budge at all, so I threw it in a drawer for months until I was ready to try again. I looked into a bunch of washing methods and ended up getting it out entirely; not a shadow of it or tiny speck remains. This is what I did:

1. ran cold water through the back of the fabric to try and loosing the stain
2. let it soak in cold water and dumped Tide ride onto the stain (from the side the blood touched)
3. Put the fabric up against the sink wall (porcelain), held it tight, and just scratched at the top of the stain with my fingernail. The blood lifted right out and there is literally no trace of it.

Hope you can find something to remove the stain! I love getting stained burando cheap because I've always found a washing method to remove whatever. So long as the stain hasn't been set by hot water, then almost anything can be removed.

>> No.8779708

Sharing in case others haven't seen it.


I could use a parasol like that.

>> No.8779714

So, anyone hyped for the rerelease of Castle Mirage? I'm gonna see if I can pick up some tights in lavender, hopefully it won't be too difficult to do. No one but me seems to like that colourway much.

>> No.8779715

Oh my god, a lolita parody of the scene from Kingsman? I think I'm in love <3

>> No.8779759
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>> No.8779770

>diff but
>these people are on cgl and don't seem to understand how the internet works

>> No.8779904

I have no idea what they are referencing. But it was a fun video.

>> No.8779928


Says the person who doesn't seem to grasp the subtleties of greentext.

>> No.8779953

I highly doubt you're an artist then. At least, not a good one.

>> No.8779959

I might actually have money for this, but I'm not sure if I want this or one of the spring prints. AP releases are way too fast for me.

What is the most popular colorway to the least popular?

>> No.8780044

Is buyee cheaper now than fj? Why is shipping with fj always so expensive, my last order the shipping was $30 without the other fees when usually from somewhere like cc it's $18-20?

>> No.8780132


Their boxes are fucking heavy. I weighed mine when I got suspicious about shipping charges and it was under a kilo.

>> No.8780176

Heads up, Meta's webshop is going on holiday from December 31st to January 1st, and IW from December 26 through January 3rd. I don't see a similar announcement on AP's site.

>> No.8780184

I don't actually recommend using buyee, shipping always ends up being 100$+ even if there are multiple non-heavy items and its SAL
I only use buyee uf I want to bid now, but pay a few days after winning

>> No.8780283

>shipping always ends up being 100$+
What are you ordering? I've never paid more than 25$ for registered AIR shipping, and a little more for EMS. I've used buyee maybe 20 times and never had any problems besides a seller cancelling my bid once.

>> No.8780287

Don't be a fucking jackass and repost pictures without people's permission. It's different from magazine scans or stock photos, and it seems more like you're the one who needs attention and is trying to get it through other people's photos.

>> No.8780291

They're obviously not great actors, but I love this so much.

>> No.8780348

Do it. My family is German also and they thought it was cool my dress came from Japan even though I didn't make it. If your family has a really nice Christmas tree, then you can get bonus coord pics as well!

>> No.8780356

for future reference, anyone who gets blood on anything - spit on it. The enzymes in your saliva will break down the blood without being strong enough to damage the material. You can wash it out with gentle soap and cold water easily if you use this method straight away.

>> No.8780403

Lolita Kingsman? Yes please.
>Using frills to save the world!

>> No.8780437

AP USA is releasing Chocolate Rosette this Saturday. I hate that I don't have that funds for it right now but, still going to email asking for an MTO.

I really hope that they do decide to have an MTO for it

>> No.8780588

I noticed this too! It's like double corrugated cardboard, what the fuck are they thinking?? This has happened twice now, I thought by asking them not to change the packaging it arrived in it would help the price a bit, but it's still really spendy!

Did anyone have any better alternatives?

>> No.8780690
File: 24 KB, 640x430, so much for selca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet there is an artist who completely got away with reposting people's instagram photos and he made quite a chunk of money off it...

I also don't take pictures of Rihanna, and I'm not her, but I can post her picture and no one is gonna message me about how I should take it down and only she can post her own photos.
So I guess in a way, you can't be famous if you're gonna just not let anyone post your photos of yourself, besides you.

I don't think lowly of them, and like I said, I deleted a picture and reblogged it. I like them, which is why I want to post the pictures I find here that I can not always just reverse image search the credit for. I don't know if you guys know this, but google's reverse image isn't that good even though you guys always recommend it. I rarely have luck with it.

I don't think they are trash, either - I'm simply trying to discuss what is the difference between someone trying to get notes, and having their photo posted elsewhere and not getting those notes? Clearly they want their notifications to blow up instead of someone else posting their picture and getting a ton of notes, which didn't happen in my case because my blog is not popular by any means. And like I said, I took their picture down and reblogged it.

My blog is not creepy, it's a pretty generic lolita blog.

Sometimes lolitas take selfies, which can include more than just their face - and I post those.
So far, only one complaint.

Not sure why you felt the need to be rude? I'm just trying to have a discussion. You seemed to assume quite a bit though.

>> No.8780692

>At least, not a good one.
No, I'm not, and you need to stop projecting your anger about this onto random strangers on the internet, because it makes you look extremely bitter. Maybe you are, but that's not the best light to put yourself in.

>> No.8780740

Of course celebrities are not going to come after random people for reposting their pictures, they have better things to do, and they don't own the pictures, the photographer does. It would just be a huge waste of time for them.

As a general rule, if you can't find a source for an image, don't post it. If you find the source, reblog it from there if it's a tumblr, or ask. It's really not that difficult.

Personally, I get really ticked off by people just reposting my pictures. Why would you do that? I also get weirded out by blogs that run solely by reposting pictures of JP or CN lolitas from their blogs, because I know that they didn't ask for permission, there is a high chance that these girls will never find out that it happened.
>inb4 "If you don't want people taking your stuff, don't post online!!"
No, that's not how that works.

>> No.8780749

>Tumblr also has a three strikes rule and you'll be permabanned if three people decide they don't want their pictures on your blog.
Off topic, but wow. That's not at all exploitable.
I thought Youtube was bad about false claims. These social mediums really need someone to evaluate things to see if it's legitimate or just people harassing someone. Automatically hammering a ban on someone because they "stole pictures" could easily be a few people trolling someone. Makes me worried about a few lolita tumblrs I run.

>> No.8780754

You have to be the owner to get pics removed. I tried reporting someone I hated who was posting stolen shit and pretending it was there's but tumblr told me they won't do anything if the person making the report isn't the OP.
Etsy is the same way.

>> No.8780755

Alright, good. That was mostly what I was worried about. It's understandable if it's like that.

>> No.8780758

>if you can't find a source for an image, don't post it
i hate this argument desu.
the internet is for fucking sharing.
no one typically claims ownership of your fucking photos, and if they post it without a source, typically they say "source not found/not mine" or whatever the hell.
hell, here on cgl shit is reposted all the fucking time without credit, and do you bitches complain then? no, because it gives you e-fame or you simply can't do shit or don't care because ha ha it's 4chan. so why can you not care when it's reposted elsewhere too?
by the way, finding worn photos, especially of oldschool and rare dresses, are a huge fucking hassle. sometimes shit comes up on google without a source, and people repost that. how the fuck are we supposed to know it came from your oh-so-personal blog or facebook and somehow it got onto google? you do know there's tons of unsearchable shit where true sources can't be found, right? how do we know they're not from some brand shop's blog themselves, or from old egl entries or blogs where they typically didn't give a fuck about credit or not?
if you don't want your images shared on the internet without credit: a) put a fucking watermark on it, you could even put a huge DO NOT REPOST but of course you don't want to do that because of e-fame and it'd ruin your pretty face and beautiful coord ugu~ b) don't fucking post them in the first place, in which case you cry IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT but it fucking does and you know it. simple as that.

>> No.8780768

OK let's put on our reasonable hats here and use this middle ground:
If you can easily find a source or google reverse image search the pic, source it.
If it's some obscure japanese street snap from 2009, don't worry about it.
I personally hate unsourced shit because the people posting the pics don't give a fuck about anything other than the attention. They don't give print names, brands, years, nothing. So when I'm trying to research something all I find are dozens of shitty pinterest and polyvore posts that link to each other and lead me nowhere.

>> No.8780793

>Entitlement to other people's belongings, the post

When you see people's belongings lying unattended or an empty house do you think it's justifiable to run over and take what you like because they shouldn't have left it unattended or had nice belongings if they didn't want them to get stolen? It's up to you not to commit crimes or be a massive dickhead to other people, not up to them to prevent you from doing it.

>> No.8780804

>not up to them to prevent you from doing it
This sounds like the beginning of a rape argument. But anyways, yes, you shouldn't steal. No, you shouldn't leave that shiny new laptop lying around in a busy public area because you know people are going to steal it. There is an inherent risk with putting pictures up on the internet and you either have to find a way of dealing with it or just not post it. There's a reason we have locks on our doors and it's because we know there are shitty people out there.

>> No.8780813

>all these people missing the fact that
>most don't claim ownership of your images anyway
>unsourcable shit because google can definitely be shit when it comes to returning sources, reverse image searching included
when did all the tumblr sjws come to cgl?

>> No.8780816
File: 24 KB, 421x399, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've been infecting us for a while, anon. it's only a matter of time.

>> No.8780817

Why is everyone so damn angry across the board? It's Christmas Eve, seagulls. Peace on Earth, goodwill to people, all that shit. Damn.

>> No.8780818

Yes, but OP mentioned that a bunch of people came asking them to please source certain images or give them (the original owners) credit, to which OP protested.
This didn't start out as a "hey, what do you do about hard to source images?" thing, it started out with OP being an ass about taking other people's images and not crediting them because they "didn't want to give those attention seekers more attention!"

>> No.8780820

>"They don't give print names, brands, years, nothing"
>what is searching lolibrary
>"So when I'm trying to research something all I find are dozens of shitty pinterest and polyvore posts that link to each other and lead me nowhere."
>proving both a) researching shit is hard as fuck, which is made even harder when bitches bitch about not reposting shit and b) lack of sources doesn't help anyway
>in the end it helps those who are searching for worn pics even if it doesn't help those who want or demand sources
personally, i don't give a fuck about credit because i'd be glad if my images at least help SOMEONE searching for info or worn photos of a dress.

>> No.8780821

You can't compare objects with online content. There is no loss that occurs when content is "stolen". Content online is reproducable while objects when stolen are gone.

>> No.8780823

apparently not reposting shit is more important, even if it's shit

>> No.8780825

I think most of us can agree that particular OP was being an ass. What we're not agreeing with is the demand that "if you don't have a source, don't repost it". But generally, even if that's the case, most are compliant when it comes to removing images per someone's request.

>> No.8780826

>missing the point of my post
>thinking it's SJW telling people that there's an inherent risk of posting things online
I don't think you've even read my post. I wasn't replying to anyone but >>8780793.

>> No.8780827

this is not even a real fucking problem.

>> No.8780831

>>8780825 Here. That was my first post, and although I wanted to just throw my 2cents in, it seems like everyone thinks anyone posting about this is super booty bothered.
Most stuff on here isn't? If anything, I'd say digital property rights are more relevant/important than whether some girl's pinks match perfectly.
I don't care about reposting if you try to source/don't blatantly steal shit and then refuse to credit. It seemed like most people defending OP/reposting were basically arguing that if it was on the internet, you lost any/all ownership of it.
Having credit taken isn't cool, but I'm especially against this mindset because I've had my photo taken and reposted on porn/fetish blogs, who also argued along these lines (not that I'd want to be credited there, though...)

On another note, how do people feel about wearing Christmas-y coords after the actual holiday? I can't wear mine for actual Christmas, but I'd still like to wear it sometime.

>> No.8780832

If you're putting any real information so people can actually find the post you made to begin with you're doing more than most of these shitty kawaii bloggers who are just ripping off people's pics until they can get enough followers for a spreepicky sponsorship.
Posting to tumblr to create a resource is almost completely useless though. Only the first 5 tags work, their "blog search" function turns up tons of junk results, and if you google something and get a tumblr page as a result google generally links to blogname.tumblr.com/page/2 which is no longer where the post even is anymore.

>> No.8780833

Sorry, >>8780818, not 025.
I should go to bed already.

>> No.8780838

Speaking of spreepicky doesn't it do the same shit?

Like why is this any different then when bitches start defending shitty resellers for shit? How is taking pictures and not sourcing them for no money better than shitty overpriced dropshippers?

>inb4 muh digital rights and muh capitalism

Bitches don't baww till shit affects them directly.

>> No.8780841

The more stolen art gets passed around the more likely china is to pick it up and use it for prints/stock photos. Hot Topic or its supplier likes to rip off popular art too.

>> No.8780845

Who cares do it. I just got my AB order in so im wearing a spoopy coord to see my relatives for christmas eve tonight.

>> No.8780846

pics of people aren't art though, but still it's the same issue. people buy stolen shit all the time. also notes on tumblr is the same thing, it still shows popularity.

>> No.8780886

Is anyone else having problems accessing the rebeccablacktech archive?

>> No.8780904

Yeah it seems to be down

>> No.8780938

Everyone is stupid.

If OP is not directly profiting from the tumblr (ads etc) they can pretty much post what they like, but also have to accept they might have to take it down for various reasons.
However, a good blog owner would always provide source where possible but have a generic "source unknown" text to past under orphaned images, and would have a clear route for people to submit sources or takedown requests. That's enough.

>> No.8781076

I just don't understand why can't OP just follow the site rules. It's not that hard to reblog from the original source and OP making this a bigger deal than what it is.

Tumblr people don't like it when someone steals their shit. It's not that hard to respect that. Its no different than when the gulls jump on someone because they created a new general thread before the old one reached 300 replies.

>> No.8781137

Seriously. If they legitimately don't know or somehow can't find the source, I get it. But if someone says, "Hey that post is mine" or "Hey you posted my friend. Can you take it down or at least give her credit?" That's not "attention seeking" at all. It's their post. It's a picture of THEM so it's their content. If OP is too salty about that, they should just create a blog where they only post their own shit. You can reblog from other people and still gain followers. It really does sound like OP just wants all the notes for themself.

>> No.8781143
File: 698 KB, 479x601, automatichoneychrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preview of Automatic Honey's new release.


>> No.8781154

Holy hell do I have a mighty need

>> No.8781156

oh shit

>> No.8781229

First gold ap star bag goes up on LM and sells in 2 minutes... im crying gulls why is it so hard to find

>> No.8781232

Lol >>8781155

>> No.8781238
File: 171 KB, 400x400, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8781243

Seller should have placed it up for auction instead of a DS. Seller lost a good chunk of money.

>> No.8781306

So, every year my friends and I always went to AM but we no longer want to support them.
What would be a good convention with lolita events that we could attend this coming year instead?

>> No.8781312

I remember seeing some gulls talk about BTSSB and AP having their garments made in Chinese factories. Does anyone know the conditions of workers in those factories? Has anyone ever researched it? I would assume Lolita fashion companies would have more ethical practices because even big brands are smaller than giants like F21 and the clothing requires skilled labor. But I don't know if anyone has ever looked into it.

>> No.8781315

It's obvious you aren't an artist because you think it's no biggie to steal people's shit. Or you are an artist and no one steals your stuff because it sucks, hence you don't know the frustration of it happening. And you know it's okay to seem bitter about art theft, right?

>> No.8781329

Argh, I wanted to link you to a video showing Baby's factory but it looks like the YT account got deleted. But it's been proven their clothing is made in Japan- I can't speak for Angelic Pretty.

>> No.8781341

>help SOMEONE searching for info or worn photos of a dress.
Thankyou, that's why I was doing it. Not to take attention away from some girl - I care about the outfit not who is wearing it.

>> No.8781380

Except when you put a watermark, people will bitch and whine about it (Like >>8779358 said), and then repost it with the watermark cropped out. It's different on cgl because there is no way to find out who posted it or contact them, and it's really not worth the hassle to contact the janitors about it because they won't do shit. The fact that people do it constantly doesn't mean it's okay. It's one thing if it's about sharing information or you earnestly *try* to source images properly, but some people just have this fucking sense of entitlement when it comes to things on the internet, and don't even bother.

That video is a few years old though. Some of their newer things say Made in China on the tags.

>> No.8781458

Proof of these tags? I have boots that say made in China and other shoes, but never any of their clothing.

>> No.8781548

I'm personally gonna try to go to Mechacon this year. It's in Louisiana so it's a bit of a drive for me, but the pictures from last year looked really great!

>> No.8781641

Comicpalooza is becoming lolita focused I think. I know a lot of lolitas went to Onicon this year, and delta h con is small and sucky but you'll still see them there. Outside of Houston, there's Ikkicon rn with BTSSB, and SJ also has an influx of lolitas. Akon isn't that focused on lolita itself but is another option.

>> No.8781644

So I'm planning to attempt to grab the Chocolate Rosette re-release from AP USA. When do the tickets start going up?

>> No.8781647
File: 586 KB, 668x452, Screen Shot 2015-12-25 at 11.59.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this Cat Festival stuff at JetJ? Are they just releasing a couple of old cat items?

>> No.8781667

Merry Christmas to all you salty seagulls, hope you all got what you wanted for the holidays!

>> No.8781958

they went up three hours ago anon, jfc. they're gone already. better suck it up and save for scalper prices

>> No.8782028

Really? Even though the release is tomorrow? That's really fucked up

>> No.8782320

Has anyone ever tried giving Meta special shipping instructions like not shipping until two weeks after the order is placed? I'm afraid that something I want is going to go out of stock but none of my housemates are around and I'm travelling and not going to be in one place long enough to feel safe designating any of them as a shipping address. Worst case scenario I'll see which of my friends are willing to have the items delivered to them and mailed to me later. I'll give them a gift to make up for the trouble.

>> No.8782322

Fucking shit, all I wanted for Christmas was that.

>> No.8782327

E-mail them and ask. Or you could ask your post office to hold your mail for those two weeks.

>> No.8782350

What are you on anon, the release isn't until noon tomorrow. Are you sure you're not thinking of Castle Mirage?
Speaking of Castle Mirage, most of it seems to be still up on the website. I'm not entirely sure why it got a rerelease...

>> No.8782448

No. AP USA, as what the first post said, is releasing Chocolate Rosette tomorrow. AP Japan is releasing Castle Mirage.

>> No.8782452

Yeah, I thought the anon I was replying to was confusing the release dates for castle mirage and chocolate rosette.

>> No.8782455 [DELETED] 

Welp holy shit folks, old moot met Misako Aoki today. I was walking down to Q-Pot and saw the two inside from the window. I didn't go in cause I had a huge ladyboner for moot. At least he didn't take her to McDonald's.

I wonder what they were talking about...

>> No.8782605

Well, it's good you will come to Mecha, but I'm actually NOLA comm, so that wouldn't really be the vacation I'd be looking for lol
Thank you for the response though! It's nice to know our local con is growing.

>> No.8782609

Thanks! We'll take a look at those for sure.

>> No.8782612

How much merchandise do brands take to conventions? If there's something I like on the website (say, a bag and not like a new release) what are the chances they'll bring it to their booth?

>> No.8782652

They can definitely do that.they've changed addresses, shipping date etc when I've asked before

>> No.8782700


Just in case they can't.

You can sign up for a Tenso account and send your parcel there, Tenso in turn can hold your parcel up to 60 days (consolidation must be within 30 days though). You do have to pay their service/shipping fee, but it's certainly an option to keep in mind.

>> No.8782706
File: 104 KB, 300x400, 271-0102_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The surplus Antoinette dresses are up! Get them while you can:

>> No.8782717

I would just ask your local post office to hold your mail. If you're in the US all you do is go to the post office, ask how to have your mail held, and they'll give you a form to fill out.

>> No.8782974
File: 168 KB, 686x950, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to win a yja auction bidding war(at least I'm expecting one since there's 20 other bidders) / how to win fierce auctions with the time extension?

>> No.8782979

Have more money than all the other bitches

But really, there's nothing else you can really do.

>> No.8783007

So where is this "Special Events" section on the APUSA site where the tickets should be sold?
Any experiences with this new ticket section?

>> No.8783017

Are they more likely to go through with it if I use the physical paper form? I've requested it online before and the mail came anyway.

>> No.8783055

Considering it's USPS, it's probably a crapshoot of if the clerk that gets it cares or not. Or if your mailperson cares or not.

>> No.8783131

C'mon, AP, you rat bastards.

>> No.8783156

What is up with this... Fuck me. I wish AP would just do an MTO and suck my bank account dry already.

>> No.8783159

I would fucking love an MTO. If they gave us more time/an ACTUAL opportunity, they'd have so much money.

>> No.8783160

They would make SO much money if they did more MTOs. Would take care of the scalper problem too, or would at least lessen the blow. Lolita is such a niche market that you would think they would capitalize whenever possible.

>> No.8783165

MTO are a pain in the ass. There needs to be enough demand and you have to wait 6 months until you get it. Chocolate Rosette doesn't seem to be popular enough for an MTO anyway.

>> No.8783166

It seems like companies, especially Japanese ones, like to stick with "what's already working" rather than go with "what we could do to make a shit load more money".

>> No.8783168

My soul fucking burns for this print. I'm praying anyway.

>> No.8783172

Me too anon, but just compare it to Holy Lantern. The craze was unreal. But this is what it takes for an MTO.

>> No.8783176

Are you serious? I thought Chocolate Rosette was even more popular than HL, in China at least if not everywhere else... Maybe Loyal Rosette killed that a little but judging from auctions, I doubt that.

Yup, just look at Japanese video game companies.

>> No.8783178

Fuck Loyal Rosette tho, desu. I flip that print the bird every time I think about it. It's just not as cute and the shape is just...bigger and wider.

>> No.8783193


>> No.8783210

Still haven't received my AP email. I'm anxious as fuck.

>> No.8783212

I put in all my billing info and the page refreshed to "your cart is empty"--I don't think I made it and I'm really fucking bummed now.

>> No.8783230


>> No.8783233

Red JSK is gone, I got one, wohoo!

>> No.8783236

I'm sorry anon. I still haven't got my email, so we can be bummed together.

>> No.8783239

Really boring this week...

>> No.8783242

Check the comment section of the ticket purchase on your account

>> No.8783244

It just says "processing"?

>> No.8783245

Don't check your email, go to My Account on the AP site and click View next to your ticket purchase. They'll give you the link there faster than through email.

>> No.8783247

Diff anon, but mine still says "Processing". Anyone have a status update on theirs?

>> No.8783248

Thanks anons! I think I must have drawn an unlucky number. We'll see in 3 minutes.

>> No.8783252

Anyone get in yet? Whats left?

>> No.8783254

Looks like I didn't make it. Thanks, guys.

>> No.8783257

Wtf, still processing. Seriously? I am disappoint AP.

>> No.8783259

Good luck! There's still a lot of stuff available!

>> No.8783266

specifics pls

>> No.8783269

What the hell! I tried to purchase the damn ticket and it says its not available!

>> No.8783270

Did you try to purchase the ticket just now? They released at 12:00 and sold out within minutes.

>> No.8783271

the tickets went out yesterday, lurkmore

>> No.8783272

Received my update. ETA for link is 1pm. Proceeding to bite my nails.

>> No.8783273

Same thing happened to me only a minute after they went up. Mine got yanked out of my cart, but I think they're just flat out gone at this point, anon.

>> No.8783274

There was nothing there at 12! The was literally no link to the tickets at 12!

>> No.8783278

2 p.m. EST, friend.

>> No.8783279

I'm in the same boat. Anyone know if 1pm is Group A, B, or C?

>> No.8783280


>> No.8783281

Fuck. Well, let's see what's left.

>> No.8783282

No they didn't, they just were sold out a minute after 12.
Jsk,Salo all colors but red are left, skirt all colors, OTK only pink and all headbows.

>> No.8783283

Good luck anon! I just want a damn salopette. I hope it's super unpopular.

>> No.8783284

god bless

>> No.8783287

Praying the salo pops up secondhand. Good luck to all of you that managed to get your tickets!

>> No.8783289

sorry, I haven't been following that hard since I'm an eurofag, and I honestly can't tell what day it is at this point. I just know the tickets were sometime earlier than the release
sage for ot

>> No.8783292

Navy headbow is gone now. Rest is still up.

>> No.8783294

Bursting into treats.

>> No.8783295

I did!

I lurked all day nearly til the storm rolled through

JFC! I pretty much got screwed out my dream dress, 'cause AP didn't bother to put up a time for ticket sales when they happened yesterday! And yeah I'm salty!

>> No.8783296

Damn, I just want to get a headbow...Is that even possible without a ticket?

>> No.8783298

Yeah it was really confusing. They wrote PDT which is GMT-7, but they used PST which is GMT-8. So I was an hour early, but trust me, the tickets went up at like 12:07 and were gone super quick.

>> No.8783300

The tickets went up today at 12PM PST. Well... probably more like 12:03PST because they put them up a few minutes late and gave me the biggest heart attack ever.

>> No.8783305

Who spread this lie? The tickets were sold a few minutes after 12 pm, today. I got one, I should know.

Oh, and navy and ivory JSK are gone as well.

>> No.8783306

The restrictions were **limit is one main garment per household and 2 complimenting accessories**

So you have to buy at least a main piece to get an accessory, until tomorrow.

>> No.8783307

I think you need to buy a main garment for the initial release. I think once they lift the limits, you can buy one if there's one left.

>> No.8783308

Yeah, I was terrified that the tickets had completely sold out in 2 seconds or some extreme shit. Took me a while to find them, but thankfully still snagged one.

>> No.8783315

Only pink JSK and socks left. Wine and pink headbows, all salos except red, and all skirts. Good luck 1pm anons!

>> No.8783318

Pretty much this. It was 15 minutes after the launch when that link appeared and yet I could not buy it! And was refreshing like hell!

>> No.8783320

Does AP usa combine orders? Like if I already got the main piece and want the headbow afterwards, do they combine it?

>> No.8783324

Thank you blessed anon!

>> No.8783325

Check their terms: http://angelicpretty-usa.com/shopping/index.php?main_page=shippinginfo

$10 fee per order to combine.

>> No.8783326

Not for new releases as far as I know.

>> No.8783328

If anyone (for any reason, idk why or in what universe this would happen to you) manages to snag a blue salopette and ends up not wanting it, hmu.

>> No.8783329

Alright, thanks, it's not worth it then.

>> No.8783331

I think the last group is on now and the blue salo is still up.All socks are gone though.

>> No.8783336

Just got the blue salo. Thank you to all the anon who gave info! Now I just pray there's no "we oversold" email.

>> No.8783338

That's left: Red headbow, ivory and pink salo, all skirts.

>> No.8783339

Thanks, anon. The salopette's my dream piece so I'm crossing my fingers it'll still be there once everyone has their pick.

Also, ty to everyone providing live updates. Good looking out, seagulls!

>> No.8783340

Yes, they'll combine it. Just email them and let them know. It's $5 per combined order, or at least that's how it was when I got HL.

>> No.8783367
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-26-22-24-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the groups are through now, this is left.

>> No.8783373

I think I just let a forlorn sigh out that reached the fucking moon.

>> No.8783382

Anyone else planning to email AP for an MTO? I mean, I would much rather be a part of it and try to get it that way.

>> No.8783386

Not happening. Just because Chocolate Rosette was scalped doesn't mean the demand is anywhere high enough. They didn't even make one for Misty Sky.

>> No.8783395

Is the restriction over? I want the wine headbow by itself.

>> No.8783400

No. "Any restrictions will be lifted on 12/27/15 (SUN)"

>> No.8783409

Same was said for HL. Worth a try especially with the latest rereleases

>> No.8783439
File: 30 KB, 500x600, 67c170d963b26a0666f477332f1e64e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking here since there's no worn thread:
Does anyone have photos saved of the Lucienne Dream cutsew being worn under a JSK?

>> No.8783446

Who said this about HL? The day the rerelease was annouced we had tons of newbies flooding the board and had like 4 consecutive threads just for this release. The thirst for CR is a lot below this.

>> No.8783452

Right, but how many people in those threads were popping in just to express thirst for CR? A lot. How do I know? I was among them. It's also the day after Christmas and while some people are wealthier with Christmas cash, most people are flat broke. This still had a really good turn out. Despite the ticket mess (and it fucking was, AP), despite the sudden announcement, despite thousands of people JUST draining their disposable income on family and friends.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but this also comes on the heels of Lucky Packs and a few other new items, so honestly, the fact that so many spent is a good indicator for an MTO.

>> No.8783478


If I grab what's left at the stroke of midnight Pacific time would that be fine?

>> No.8783485

I guess you habe to wait for them to open the collection to the public. Now a 'normal' customer can't access CR, unless someones shares the link.

>> No.8783499

Yes, remember that it's PST midnight not your own time zone. That is what I did during the Holy Lantern USA 1st release. If people try to buy the head bow by itself before then, AP will cancel your order and warn you/ban you. It will be reupdated around midnight. Stock was at least 15 minutes late and there were other girls with the same plan. Good luck!

>> No.8783507

Anyone have any idea if chibi will let someone in line for a new series drop out? I have a front row spot in line for a new series, no release date has been announced yet but as more pictures pop up, I don't think I'm interested anymore.

>> No.8783517

She will if the release is popular enough and there's someone next in line who wants the same thing as you. Otherwise just sell it off.

>> No.8783975
File: 995 KB, 500x220, tumblr_ly65riUvmo1qce332o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hormonal acne flare up the day before a meetup
>huge breakout along my chin and jaw

t-that's okay.. i didn't want to look pretty, anyway..

>> No.8784006

Same here. Got a big sucker right in the middle of my forehead but thankfully I can fix my hair tomorrow to cover it up. It always happens to me too though, especially when I helped plan the meetup. I think the stress makes me breakout.

>> No.8784013

Aw man, that's brutal. I'm glad you can cover it up (with bangs, right?) I hope it goes away soon.

Mine is three big painful guys on the side of my face. I think it's because I started a new birth control. Ugh. I will never be a kawaii Lolita.

>> No.8784027

Guys, just go get neosporin and be careful not to pop them. (Do it without a bandaid too cause that'll squish it)

>> No.8784036

Semi related i guess? Years ago i was linked to Jay Chou's Pricess Syndrome pv on youtube with english subtitles. I can not find it for the lige of me. Can anyone help?

>> No.8784044

Neosporin for cystic acne? How does that help? Do you just put neosporin on it and it will eat away the bacteria, or?

I've heard about those neosporin bandaid thingys for acne.

>> No.8784045

...you don't know what hormonal acne is, do you anon?
Neosporin won't do shit for a cyst that's deep inside your face.

>> No.8784051

Uh...I did BIN on a white AP headbow last night on LM and its not in my bid history, haven't heard from the seller, and I can't find the bow though searching the site. Could the seller have taken it down after I already bought it?

>> No.8784052

Not for cysts. Neosporin on cysts does jack shit until you get them to a head because they're so deep, bring them to a head with hot compresses and anything that increases skin turnover (basically you are trying to get it to the surface) and then use your neosporin, benzoyl peroxide etc

>> No.8784284

I plan all my purchases by tailoring my wishlist to set colorschemes, themes, materials and theoretical occasions they could be worn at. Most accessories will go with more than one or two dresses and I stick to the finite list (unless there is a cheap, cute Taobao dress release that doesn't require a set of accessories on its own) I'm either actively searching for what is on the list or I am not browsing sales AT ALL to avoid being tempted by something I'm going to have to buy a bunch more shit for in order to wear it.

>> No.8784285

Oh, honey. If I could hug you, I would. I know that pain far too well. It's always my hairline and my chin. Every goddamn time. And those things hurt like a mother.

>> No.8784357

I had something like this happen about a month ago. I BIN'd a cardigan, but the listing was still up (that I had bought it was in my bid history but not the seller's or anything). It freaked me out so I immediately messaged the seller, who basically had to take down the listing for me. They might have sold the bow elsewhere and taken it down, but if you remember their username I would shoot them a message.

>> No.8784360

Don't remember their username, hopefully once I get on my laptop later today I can find the listing in my history. I don't mind if I don't get it I just don't want to have to hold on to 30some dollars indefinitely just in case they do send me an invoice.

>> No.8784437

Has anybody received their baby/aatp packs yet? Mine shipped out a couple of days ago and it's taking forever.

>> No.8784465

What release, anon?

>> No.8784485

It shipped out? Yay! I got mine from New York so I'm sure it's going to take a long time

>> No.8784494

Yeah it was accepted on the 24th, I'm just really impatient because I've never ordered a blind pack before this. I figured New York would have been faster! (Unless they don't have the actual packs in New York yet)

>> No.8784585

Really? Huh, it should work because it'll get rid of the bacteria. They still have bacteria in them, yea?

I mean I helped someone get rid of their adult acne with Neosporin.. I figured it'd get rid of all of it.
Unless there's no bacteria in hormonal acne.

>> No.8784586

>hormonal acne
the cause is literally there in the name. it's caused by hormones. your skin produces too much shit, it clogs up pores and shit swells up.

>> No.8784598

Also don't abuse that, I got mrsa and folliculitus after years of using antibiotics for acne

>> No.8784774

Neosporin isn't an antibiotic you fucking retard

>> No.8784786

>Neosporin isn't an antibiotic you fucking retard
I think you need to look in a mirror to find the retard.

>> No.8784801

It's called "hormonal acne" for a reason, anon.

>> No.8785085

To my other seafulls in Canadaland or other places with shit currency, where do you prefer to buy your lolita stuff? I've given up on Lacemarket since I usually find things cheaper on Japanese auction sites. How do you cope?

>> No.8785090

I buy from local lolitas or just refrain from buying anything at all.

>> No.8785095

I'm dumb because I still use lm. But besides that I stalk cc, wunderwelt and sometimes yj. Heck even buying from brands directly is better then lm.

>> No.8785139

>What type of active ingredients are in NEOSPORIN® First Aid Antibiotics?
>Neomycin Sulfate is in the aminoglycoside family of antibiotics active against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Polymyxin B is a cationic polypeptide antibiotic active against gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

>> No.8785144

Local lolitas, Japanese auctions and secondhand sites. LM just plain doesn't load for me most of the time, anyway.

>> No.8785236

Question to people who've bought from MLD before:
If you buy something that was "in stock" and it arrives with damages/defects, is it okay to bring it up and ask for a refund? Normally I'm pretty easy on my SS, but because this was a stock item, I assumed they wouldn't send me something with defects.

>> No.8785402

So, I'm breaking my head what to so about a meet that will take place a couple of days.
It's our first meet and its a secret santa. One o the girls from the comm didn't sign up before we fid tha name drawing and therefore has no SS.
I know thats what she gets but at the same time I don't want her to feel excluded.

>> No.8785406

If you're worried about her being upset maybe you could do something small for her, like a little goodie bag with some cookies or something. Like an "I saw you weren't on the secret santa list so I made you this" sort of thing.

>> No.8785411

There will be cookies at the meet won't that feel... Odd?

>> No.8785421

Give her a stupid gift card or smth

>> No.8785424

Even just a card with a nice message would be nice if you want her to feel included. It's a small gesture, but I bet it would make her feel warm and happy.

>> No.8785449

I didn't see any information on this in the Lolita handbook so hopefully this is the correct place to ask. Can anyone recommend a seamstress that can do custom lolita commissions? I went through every link on that livejournal post listing all the lolita seamstresses and every one of them no longer exists. Thanks in advance for any recs!

>> No.8785458


The Floral Notebook, Glittertale and Lady Sloth.

Floral Notebook went on hiatus a while ago though, not sure if they came back.

>> No.8785470

Also Elegy. There's another American seamstress whose name I'm forgetting, too.

>> No.8785490

That makes sense but I've yet to experience either of those things,and if I do, I'll go to a doctor.

>> No.8785511

maybe a box of chocolates and a small giftcard to starbucks or something?

>> No.8785540

Thanks so much! I'm gonna look at all these guys. Y'all are lifesavers!

>> No.8785609

lol if we just get iodine and put it on the entire dress...

>> No.8785621

if they didn't notify of any damages, I would def. bring it up. MLD has quite good customer service

>> No.8785638

Yes, I asked and they gave me half my money back ($35)

>> No.8785678


I'm getting mine soon, it's arrived in my country. I got the kitten set, though, so I don't think anyone is interested in photos.

>> No.8785860

I'm interested for sure, please post!

>> No.8785886

Okay, thanks. I'll send Linda a message, I guess.
It sucks, but little pulls all over a chiffon dress are kindof a big deal.

>> No.8785954

Has anyone handwashed a dream v cardigan? I'd like to wear one of mine but don't have time to take it to the dry cleaner before the meet up.

>> No.8785978

I just throw mine in the wash (cool cycle) and they all came out fine. You should be able to handwash it.

>> No.8786010
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There's No ID/QTDDTOT thread
Does anyone remember the name of this dress? The AP housekeeping one?

>> No.8786019

It's the Ice Cream Shop set/OP.
I'd link to lolibrary, but it's down right now, so have an old sales post:

>> No.8786033


5 seconds on the Googles.

>> No.8786068
File: 950 KB, 500x282, https%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Fe9fc608cc96531dfc3ba6f7e22d41586%2Ftumblr_nto67dSHgX1r0klrdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon!

>> No.8786857

Oh boy oh boy, my Meta LPs will arrive tomorrow!

>> No.8787374

How accurate is the sizing on Innocent World blouses? If I buy a size L and my bust is 2 cm below, how is that going to work? I want to splurge and get myself one as a new years present.

>> No.8787417

Help me out, /cgl/ - I've forgotten the name of the ebay user who sells good quality petticoats at a reasonable price.

Also, if you have any other tips on where to get a good set of petticoats on a budget, I'm all ears.

>> No.8787421

victoriangirlsdress ?

>> No.8787424

That's it! Thanks anon.

>> No.8787430

I think their store is closed, last time I checked they had nothing in stock.

>> No.8787471

Should be good. I don't have any new blouses but mine date from around 2008-2010 and usually they're roomier than I expect

>> No.8787893

So lacebook is starting up again. According to the page, they have unlimited space now and can send more invites. Hopefully it won't be a big clusterfuck like last time

>> No.8787897

I am actually excited about this. I would gladly donate a bit of money to have a lolita-only website/community/sns.

>> No.8787907

Same here. As fun as it is on /cgl/, I'm tired of the fit fags and robots barging in and derailing threads and the cosplayers complaining about how we're taking over. It'd be nice to have a lolita-exclusive space for a change.

>> No.8787911

for a change? LJ never went away

>> No.8787914

Myspace didn't go away either, but almost nobody uses it

>> No.8787954
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How upset are you guys about this?

>> No.8787956
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not at all.
nice projection, though.

>> No.8787957

Hey, I follow her on instagram and the only problem I have with her is her make up.

You're really reaching if you're trying to say other gulls don't have some issue with her however.

>> No.8787962

not really upset at all since her coords aren't really terrible or anything. her makeup and personality is up for debates but if it was some jap girl wearing this same shit no one would give a fuck.

>> No.8787972

>if it was some jap girl wearing this same shit no one would give a fuck.
Exactly. I wouldn't have posted it if that were the case, but we're not talking about what ifs here.

>> No.8787977
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>> No.8787979

Thank god this thread is almost at its limit, this is about to turn into a clusterfuck.

>> No.8787986

I'd be really surprised if she had been walking around there all day and didn't get stopped, that level of OTT is unreal by Japanese street fashion standards, plus she's white so naturally she was going to attract the attention of everyone in the area with a camera. It's really not that hard to get into street snap magazines like this.

Nobody should be upset by her receiving positive attention, it's her arrogance that's unacceptable.

>> No.8788114

By space, I meant an entire site that's exclusively for lolitas. LJ itself isn't, obviously, same as how FB isn't either. This is more semantics on my part though, I guess.

>> No.8788133
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>that level of OTT is unreal by Japanese street fashion standards
the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.8788135

>enjoying a tina fey movie

>> No.8788166

Yes, because everyone on Takeshita Street is walking around as OTT as GH or the girl you linked.
Oh wait, that's not true. Hence why they're being photographed in the first place. There's a reason apps like WEAR are gaining more traction in Jfash communities; magazines like KERA generally pander to the crowd that wants to see OTT streetwear which is all fine and dandy, but there's a huge crowd of street fashion aficionados in Japan that thirst for easier and more everyday looks.

>> No.8788168

Adding to this, Tokyo Fashion gets the majority of its clicks from Western users who want to see ~super quirky Japanese fashion~, not people who want to see casual looks.

>> No.8788179

Okay I know this is probably useless and I'm gonna get shit because anyone can say anything here and yeah, people lie on the internet.
But my friend has been to Japan and she saw OTT lolitas fucking everywhere, she said there was one like at every train station.

I've also seen a lot of photos posted here to cgl in the past of random girls in crowds wearing casual lolita without petti's.

But whatever. What do I know, I've never been to Japan, I only have second hand knowledge.

>> No.8788194

I spent about three weeks there visiting a friend last summer. During the time I spent in Tokyo, I did see quite a few, but they really only frequent certain areas.

Out in 'the rest of Japan' like the regular, everyday countryside, you simply do not see this. So while it isn't 'a OTT lolita at every train station' there ARE more than I think western gulls would be used to seeing in public.

And it bares mentioning that many of the people dressing like this very well may be doing it not just because, but rather out of a specific desire to get snapped in the first place.

>> No.8788198

I lived in Tokyo (arguably area w/ the most OTT) for 2 years, and your friend is lying out her ass. On a Sunday in Harajuku you might see a good bit of OTT, but it's pretty casual compared to even basic coords here.

>> No.8788205

Tokyo Fashion usually only snaps ott people, and they get their contact info/set up times to shoot a large amount of people specifically dressed up for just that occasion

>> No.8788208

>one at every train station
Out of how many people at the station, anon? And of those, how many people were wearing alternate fashion of some other variety (and probably to a lesser intensity)? Even though OTT definitely has a presence on Japanese streets, it simply doesn't exist to the degree that more casual (but still distinctively alternative) looks will have, which is why OTT is what it is. Calling a look "over the top" naturally suggests that it's outside of the norm, and to take it to the level that GH or >>8788133
chose is still extreme, even if more people are doing it now than what we used to see before.
Not saying any of this to give you shit, just here to point out the fact that there's a reason why OTT is so attractive: its nature and intention is to stand out.

>> No.8788211

Anon's friend probably perceived what they saw as "OTT lolitas fucking everywhere" because they obviously stand out more than someone in, say, otome or larme. Kinda like Red Car Syndrome, but with frilly dresses.

>> No.8788226

>your friend is lying out her ass
more like that's how she perceived it.

She always describes some girl who was carrying a prop that she saw and it was like a lolipop that she said looked really realistic. She only knows a little bit about lolita but she does know of it. She always talks about the big poofy dresses they wore as well.

>> No.8788232

So naturally, since seeing OTT lolita was unusual for her, she was going to have an easier time remembering when and what she saw. Still doesn't add any weight to the argument, though I'm not sure if that's what you were trying to do.

>> No.8788243

Yeah, the way she talks about it, mostly that she did say she saw one everytime she went to a train station (idk how many or which ones), made it sound like she was seeing them A LOT.

I don't know, and sorry but I have to take my friend's word for it because she doesn't lie to me.

>> No.8788284


Well, there's three people (myself a fourth) already telling you you're not going to see "a lolita at every train station", let alone "an OTT lolita at nearly every train station". This simply isn't true, typing it on the internet won't make it true.

Even without calling her veracity into question, you have to admit,
- the number of train stations is unknown
- which train station is unknown
- so if she went to harajuku the same day minori makes an appearance and happens to arrive and leave at the same time, then "minori appeared every time i was at the train station" is certainly true
- the untruth is where you now stretch the thing to become "minori appears at every train station", see how this now becomes an untruth?

- she isn't a lolita, and we only rely on you to say she can identify anything properly
- she only describes a giant lollipop, which may or may not be a costume prop, the person she's describing can be other things besides lolita (eg a promo mascot or just someone carrying a prop)

>> No.8788341
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I hope it turns out well.

>> No.8788385


>> No.8788389

So you know for a fact that there aren't a ton of OTT lolitas, where is your proof besides "I'm saying what everyone else is saying so you should believe us strangers on the internet"?
Like do you have stats or I should just take your word for it because?

>> No.8788476


New thread

>> No.8788925


...........you're seriously choosing to argue over this, in a saging thread.

Okay. Go to Japan yourself and look for those lolitas. No feather off my back whether you find them or not.