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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8714405 No.8714405 [Reply] [Original]

So, a friend of mine is kinda dragging me to this con and it's my first time going so I have to ask:

>What to expect at this convention?
>What events are worth going to at said con?
>Who to avoid at this con, be it photog or congoer?

>> No.8714464


>>Who to avoid at this con, be it photog or congoer? Travis Photography goes every year. Avoid him.

>> No.8714520

whats wrong with travis? I always thought he was nice.

>> No.8714653

Yep, I'd definitely avoid Travis.

>> No.8714721

He groped my ass at a con one year when I first met him and we hugged. Other than that he was nice enough I guess (he apologized when I told him I was not okay with him touching me in that way) but I would still avoid.

>> No.8714899

First time as well.

Going in with no expectations.

>> No.8714960

Holiday Matsuri is in my opinion one of the only good cons in Florida. Staff is nice, owner is nice, overall good guests and not the typical "sexy" florida cosplay girls every con hires, a lot of awesome events for cosplay and lolita, and finally, not so much drama because everyone is in holiday spirit. Seriously, if you decide a Florida con, this is the one to go to.

>> No.8714991

Though I saw they got NoFlutter, Aloutte (Sp?), Indra, and Leaping Lizard again

Should any of them be avoided too?

I heard of him. Also apparently a guy named Sanchez kept popping up when I looked up Holiday Matsuri. Anything on him?

>> No.8715219

I think the theme is a cute novelty but it is really only good if you go with friends and low expectations.

>> No.8715351

It's Florida. Low expectations are the norm.

>> No.8715828

They aren't hired for every Florida con. I've never had a bad experience with them either. Maybe people are just in good spirits at this time of year.

>> No.8715848

>Who to avoid at this con

Alychu. Always avoid her. You'll know she's coming by the rumbling ground and loud drunken yelling.

>> No.8716562

>photogs to avoid
michael iacca and travis scotka or wtf ever his last name is. Iacca is a creepy middle aged guy with a gray beard and wears his hair in a top bun. Travis is a gross, autistic looking titan who touches you inappropriately and pretends to be sorry like nigga no, its common sense not to grope someone.
jonathen sanchez is just a shit looking mongrel who was probably an orphan raised by ants in the dumpsters. He literally has no idea what ''no'' means. Tries to act like he's a know it all, but right away he sounds so retarded that you can't help but ask jesus for strength not to beat his ass on the spot. He probably lives with random neckbeards from craigslist and sleeps with a semen drenched body pillow.

The con itself is insanely fun. At least, I had a blast the past 2 years I went. Everyone was so into the holiday spirit that I felt it was easier to make friends. It's a super chill con with good events. I'm not going this year cause I'll be in South Korea.

>> No.8716564

Yeah I was at a room party with her last year. I was drunk and I shared some booze with her from my cup and then when I was sober I was scared that i got herpes or something from sharing my cup with her.

>> No.8716626

Doesn't like, her drinking buddy, Milk Drop, hang with her still?

>> No.8716998

Doubtful, Aly alienates all of her "friends".

>> No.8717738

You mean like with Shelbie Savage? She has a new Ciel for her show.

>> No.8717825

Aly wasn't ever in that garbage.

But, Aly and Shelbie were friends until Aly got jealous of Shelbie's popularity and started shit talking her.

>> No.8717938

I heard about that. Aly was supposed to be Elizabeth and then got the boot. Then Shelbie and her now ex had a fight and now she has a new Ciel.

But I recommend avoiding her too. Avoid anyone associated with Pleasure Pixels too.

>> No.8717974

You realize it's been the same (heterosexual) Ciel since day one? Shelbie is engaged now to someone who doesn't cosplay or anything.

>> No.8717982

Any lolitas going to the tea party or know if it will be worth it? I need to decide asap if I want to ask for work off to go. I'll probably be going alone and I live about 3-4hrs away.

>> No.8717989

It's hosted by Angelic Pretty, so I'm going to assume so. Expect no less than half of the attendance to be your typical Florida ita trash, though.

>> No.8718002

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I want the goody bags and the chance to win more stuff but idk if it will be a worthwhile social experience. I am a new lolita so I'm not super snobby but I want to avoid the immature circles.
Ugh if I didn't work on weekends it wouldn't be a big deal

>> No.8718005

If you're still new to lolita, I would advise against entering any sort of coord contest since there will be a few very good and experienced lolitas there.

>> No.8718010

Oh, are the contests coord based? i didnt realize that. Thats helpful

>> No.8718014

Tbh I'm going to their show to see if felin's ass is real. They slutted up that pink gown into some lingerie and her ass is everywhere. I'm assuming it's shopped because she's looks skinny but damn.

>> No.8718017

Most tea parties have a coord contest, or where the hosts will choose the best coords from the audience for a larger prize.

>> No.8718185

Whaaa? This is the first I have heard of this. Who she engaged ro?

>> No.8718198

But they got Chokelate going though, would be fun to see her in person and see how much she shoops in comparison? (Note: she doesn't shoop too much)

>> No.8718230

What's a "felin"?

>> No.8718866

A cosplayer anon

>> No.8718964

a feline felon

>> No.8719745

Yes, but who is she? Is she popular? What is she known for?

Deets man, deets.

>> No.8720501

She's a cosplayer who is popular, because she performs in a drag show based around Black Butler with Shelbie Savage.

In reality, she's a drama monger who got where she is by talking shit. Her and Shelbie are cancer in the Florida community, as though there wasn't already enough of that.

>> No.8720510

Aly is a fucking scam artist. She owed me money from a commission and she never sent me the commission and instead of owning up to her mistake and sending my money back, she sent me a sob story about her being broke and then she blocked me.

All she does now is cosplay for money, I can't wait until that shit finally comes crashing down.

>> No.8720659

Curious if there aren't more deets about this. From the times I've encountered them they seemed pretty nice but just your average weeb

>> No.8720677

Fucking Christ, the only drama they ever had was with Alychu and her ex who was wasted off their ass. They left them at the con and since then Alychu tried to set other cosplayers against them. Months later Alychu was caught in her bullshit and had to back down. Besides this, the only shit talking they've done is complain about metrocon, but lets face it, Metrocon was a fucking joke.

Seriously though can we go back to relevant shit like what are the events most looked forward too? The con has a lot more to offer than last year.

>> No.8720680


>> No.8720691

Has anyone stayed at holmats hotel? First year going and wasn't sure if it's worth it

>> No.8720816

I was there last year man, good place.

>> No.8720829

You mean about metrocon? They complained about the director apparently saying some things out of line to them, and being harassed at the con. I'm not suprised though, there were plenty of girls that were harassed at the con. They vow that they won't return to metrocon because of the director. And as for Alychu, she did what she's always done, which be an ass to any friend and then cry wolf when they drop her.

>> No.8720873

Nah I knew about metro I just didnt know the new drama between alychu and other cosplayers.

>> No.8720884

Apparently one of them left Aly at a con and she didnt have a ride back and bitched. there. end of story.

>> No.8720913

Which director was it?

You mean like thier 20 different shitty rwby panels they're gonna have?

>> No.8721009

I've known Michael Iacca for many years and I have no reason to believe he's anything but a good photographer. If being older than most of the attendees and looking a little scruffy makes him "creepy", guess you can call me that, too.

I attended the first two Matsuris, but haven't gone the last two and am looking forward to going this year and doing my first panel at the event on Friday.

>> No.8721225

According to her Facebook it's her manager at work, which has almost gotten her fired a number of times. From what I gather, she's also a lot older than Shelby and they've only been together for a few months. I'd be surprised if it lasted through the holidays.

>> No.8721556

Are there any good prizes for the contests at Holmat? New to Florida and was thinking about going and competing possibly.

>> No.8722075

So Angelica WASN'T her gf? Whaaat?

Yo, anyone know if Rocky Rivera and her tumblr hoard are showing up?

>> No.8722106

She's straight and has been with her boyfriend longer than they have been doing their show. For you to know her name, how did you not even see that her profile picture is her and her boyfriend?

>> No.8722114

I have only heard of her in name.only and from what people had said of her through here. I never checked her fb cause I honestly had no reason too. WhenI saw her with Shelbie, I legit thought the rumor was true that they were a couple and had a nasty breakup after Metrocon.

>> No.8722275

Literally who is Rocky???

>> No.8722318

ಠ_ಠ Ahh 4chan, once a source for straight talk, now ever the playground of vengence and complete bullshittery. In the spirit of the old days, here's a little honesty for you OP.

! warning honesty ahead ! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
All Florida cons are all fun if you go for the right reason. Holmat has a cool theme, and chances are if you like anime, lolita, and Christmas, you'll enjoy it.
As far as people to avoid, here's my take on it, if I was told to avoid someone, I'd probably make a point to interact with them just because someone told me not to. Visit every booth and talk to anyone you want, that is the whole point of going. We do have our share of flowing salt and weepy queens, but all that nonsense ain't gonna stop me from having a fun weekend at a con. You won't know if you like something until you just go, so just go.

If you're not going to a con because of a cosplayer's drama with another cosplayer, then you should probably quit the con scene alltogether and see a therapist.


>> No.8722341

OP's greentext is not about avoiding the con completely, just about avoiding predators/creeps. Maybe you should put a hold on the typing long enough to actually read.

>> No.8722477

He stalked one of my friends and showed up at her school/workplace with gifts.

For all the photos he takes, none of them really ever appear online.

If you're implying you also do that, anon, OP should probably avoid you too.

>> No.8722559

Girl/whatever they identify as nowadays who used to post here, then something happened, denies ever posting here and now she's considered an lolcow. I don't know the details but it's probably just typical con dramu.

I personally hope to make it out to the con. I kept forgetting it existed and never went the past few years, and I recently moved out of FL, but I should be back by then visiting family for the holidays and it might be a fun trip

>> No.8722678

Yeah I heard Shelbie left Felin for Trash Prince at Metro because a few of my friends saw them kissing and cuddling and holding hands and shit at the con and Felin got jealous

>> No.8722807

This thread majorly derailed. Let's steer it back! What are we most looking forward to at Holmat? What are your Cosplay plans?

>> No.8722909

Rocky Rivera

Biggest drama starter in Florida. Has a cult under her/he/it's command, claims to be a transgender lesbian, but backhands even the lgbt community to pressure young teens into transgenderimg and other sordid activities.

Her cult is the cancer of the con scene. The true cancer.

She used to go by Kiwi on CGL

>> No.8722923

Shirou from Fate/Stay Night
Dotachin from Durarara

I'm keeping it very chill this year.

>> No.8723267

The judges for the contest look pretty legit this time. Will we see a fair judging seagulls?

>> No.8723306

They've given cash prizes the last few years.

>> No.8723314

Well yea, they have that China Cosplay Summit this year.

>> No.8723373

(crosses fingers) heres hoping anon

>> No.8723386

Are the entrants at matsuri usually good? I've heard mixed things

>> No.8723399

you trollin? you trollin.

>> No.8723475

It's Florida, so Steven Universe, League, and Trash.

Yeah no. Not by a long shot.

>> No.8723653


The contest is on youtube. The winner last year was Tiana from Princess and the Frog. She sang a song from the movie and her dress was well crafted. There were good entrants last year imo.

>> No.8723680

>a signature
Is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.8723689
File: 916 KB, 490x367, 1444132898809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to be mad at the people who hate us, because all of y'all are this level of fucking stupid.

>> No.8723767

Just saw her performance. My ears are bleeding desu

>> No.8723807

Anyone looking for a roomie?

I'd rather not drive 25 miles back and forth via I4 every day

>> No.8723951

You mean Ashe Iverk who never made any of her shit?

>> No.8723954

us? care to elaborate?

>> No.8723960

That bad huh?

>> No.8723961

The girl from last year who was Tiana was Fudgie whom I believe does make her costumes

>> No.8724028

Definitely going just for the tea party. It should be a good time.

>> No.8724039

Yeah, i know she does. Good stuff too.

>> No.8724151

any panels or events anyone is looking forward to? also a little horrified/curious to hear that the pleasure pixels show is JoJo themed this year. hopefully it'll be something funny but oh boy.

>> No.8724362

Ehhhh it's pleasure pixels. That would be a no.

There's a fuckton of rwby panels ugh

>> No.8724609

The panels this year look kinda lame desu

>> No.8724738

I am really considering it... will be a alone if I go though since the people I will room with are primarily cosplayers

>> No.8725224

first time going as well. Havent been to a con in a year, so hopefully this goes well

>> No.8725537

Super excited for this year! My friend and I are going to room together, first con she's been to since AFO 2014. Going to have fun and drink all weekend. Treating her to a mini spa day at the hotel Sunday afternoon as a Christmas gift.

We're going to attempt uchuu-kei, hopefully it goes well.

>> No.8726362

Kinda is an understatement in FL

>> No.8727682

As am I. Finally gonna be meeting some of my FB friends.

>> No.8729220

> mostly a drama lama thread
> lame desu

So who is wearing what?
If I have enough time I wanna make a Eli xmas LoveLive cosplay and a Chat Noir cosplay.
I also want to do a snow queen coord for the Winter Wonderland Tea Party

>> No.8729555

To be fair I've seen a lot of people complaining that desu has been added to the end of their posts
But back on topic probably going as Ariel or rapunzel
>I know I'm lame

>> No.8730347

Do you think we'll see some outstanding cosplays because of this? Or just the typical central Florida bullshit?

>> No.8730606

The qualifiers at megacon for it a few years ago wasn't anything special. Just normal florida cosplays. Yaya picked her friend from heroes of Cosplay as the winners but honestly their stuff was much better than most of the other peoples. We might see one stand out but I'm not expecting a lot.

>> No.8730874

Who's competing?

>> No.8731531

How should I know? I'm onky guessing based on what I saw at mega.

>> No.8731535


>> No.8732290

Chat Noir? From Ladybug?

> All Florida threads are drama threads
We have some of the worsr

Typical Central Florida Bullshit

>> No.8732604

HolMat is only fun if you have a big group of friends, but I guess that's the same with every con. The arcade room is really nice, I liked that taxi game they had last year.
I looked at the panel schedule, shame the panels I'm interested in are all Friday :( but I'm glad they have the schedule up so early, and only 1 (I think) home stuck panel this year, thank god. Used to be cluttered with them.
Their official Magical Girl & Dance Cover contests are not that great. Was in the dance cover contests two years ago, they made us wait for an hour because the judges didn't want to come.
Also, male maid cafe? Interested in seeing how that is.

>> No.8733138

>Also, male maid cafe? Interested in seeing how that is.
Wish I could see a preview of the guys

that'll determine if it is worth it

>> No.8734777

Brennen Hill Jr. is prolly in it. Guy thinks he's "hot" enough to be a Cosplay Deviant.

I would stay away.

>> No.8737769

fuck up some commas

>> No.8737779
File: 197 KB, 1200x900, holmatmalemaids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here y' go bud.

>> No.8740515

Going as a small Evangelion group as Misato. Come say hi and shotgun some beers with me

>> No.8740783

I just requested off work and it'll probably take a week or so before I find out if I'm approved. Do you think there will still be tea party tickets available around then? And is the timing of the tea party strict, like if I get there at noon instead of 11 will I look rude, or will people be coming and going? I work till 3am on Saturday and live 3 or so hours away so I'm going to be cutting it close

>> No.8741124

Since there's a food service it would probably be a bad idea not to show up on time, and last I heard there's less than 10 tickets left, but that was about a week or so ago.

>> No.8741446

I can only go for one day and their pre-reg price is $45 for Saturday only. The 3 day pass is $50. Are they brain damaged? This is really discouraging for people that haven't been before and don't know what to expect.

>> No.8741592

Welp...guess I should just buy it and hope for the best. Is there a place to check on how many spots are left?

I requested to get off early Friday night too so now as long as I get the time off I want I can definitely get there in time...

>> No.8741682

Nvm, I just bought it. I think I'm just being paranoid about not being able to get off work. I guess worse comes to worse I'll try to sell it to someone or something

>> No.8742829

why avoid the Pleasure Pixels kids? Did they fuck up or something?

>> No.8745165

I'd be down for that. What day and hopefully this doesn't turn out badly?

I mean...it's Misato after all.

>> No.8745310

Saturday most likely. My plan is to get as drunk as possible. It probably won't be the worst experience for you, maybe

>> No.8745311

Fake a pass with construction paper the same band color. Or wait around for someone to give you theirs. This has happened to me numerous times at past cons. Three people willingly gave me their badge at Shado this year.

>> No.8745496

Last year I walked up to the ticket sales in cosplay and sadly told them that I lost my badge. They let me get a replacement for $15. Probably won't try it again this year since I'm horrible at lying and I'm don't even know how I pulled it off honestly.

>> No.8745746

Well, I'll prolly either be Shirou or Dotachin....prolly Dotachin. But yeah, I'm down for some drinks. What time Saturday?

>> No.8748476


>> No.8748917

ithink anon wanted to know exact time on that Saturday.

>> No.8749003

Is this the right place to talk about the recent release of megacon prices? God damn they are steep this year. Even Awa had them at 60 or 65 for all four days.

>> No.8749728

Megacon is a joke. Just like the FL cosplay community amirite?

>> No.8751045

Meet up this year? Florida meets are always fantastic!

>> No.8751068

I'm down! If i get to go i'll probably be in lolita though.

>> No.8751081

I don't think anyone would have it any other way!

>> No.8751117

Yes please! Usually I'm fine with waiting for our Megacon meetups but... I can't wait six more months to hang with the squad.

>> No.8751129
File: 263 KB, 1080x750, tbcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first con in....4 years I think? going mainly for the tea party but if i have time might try to make Tokyo Black Cat Girl.
Pretty excited!

>> No.8751136

I've never read this before, looks super cute though!

>> No.8751601

I had more fun wandering around for 3 hours on Saturday night trying to find a party than going to the actual con all weekend.

Mfw all hotels won't let congoers party after midnight for some reason anymore.
Mfw I have no face.

>> No.8751604

>for some reason
Probably because they're a hotel and the people staying and not attending the con complain when they get stuck on the same floor as 3 room parties.

>> No.8751612

If you've known Iacca for years, you should know all the wildly inappropriate things he asks girls to do.

>> No.8751824 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 493x853, rocky_is_crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Rocky

>> No.8751842

Any itabag enthusiasts going? Apparently on Sunday there's a panel. I had planned on bringing mine along that day.

>> No.8751999
File: 147 KB, 540x367, tumblr_nsocmiDSpG1swm6rso1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my package comes in time, I'll be changing into Umaru when I start drinking.

Cool to see itabags catching on. I wore mine to a few local cons and thought about not bringing it to holmat since it was physically 'ita' on my spaghetti arms (ended up carrying tons of other people's belongings in there too). If there's a panel I'm tempted to bring it again. Who is your itabag based on, anon?

>> No.8752090

Oh gosh is there? I don't have one but I'd love to see some in person

I want to make one but I'm torn between a waifu or rilakkuma...

>> No.8752100

Aoba from Dramatical Murder. Actually I should have a whole outfit provided things arrive in time.

>> No.8752765

Rocky is a cancer that needs to be torn out. The Cult of Rivera has gotta go. It is an attention whore on a grand scale, with multiple victims left in its wake.

Brace yourselves at Matsuri.

>> No.8754878

Well aside from the drama bomba , you've guys convinced me to go. Sounds like fun.

>> No.8755520

I want to make pudding shots and bring them to the seagull meetup, but would I get in trouble? I'd make sure the people I'm giving them to are 21+, but is there a no alcohol rule for the convention center?

I don't really want to bring people up to the room...

>> No.8755543


>> No.8755836

Just don't make it obvious that they're alcoholic?
And try not to give it to obvious minors.

>> No.8756418

Yeah I think TMM volume 1 was the first manga I ever read so this definitely brings back "feels" for me. I have a little masha plushie that i could carry around too. I just haven't sewn anything serious for a while so I"m a little worried, but her outfit is pretty simple!

>> No.8756604

I only saw one itabag at shadocon and would lvo to see more even if i dont have the finances to do it right now. please come anon!

>> No.8756744

When and where is the seagull meetup?

>> No.8756896

No idea but there's been talk of one, I just assume the details would come out closer to the con lol

>> No.8758616 [DELETED] 
File: 543 KB, 1280x800, 1448952439373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you can go to a FL thread and there's always shit about Alychu. Sleep well knowing people pay for this shit?

Anyway, holmats has always been a small, cute con. Just go with a few friends and avoid the local fl cosplay shitshows.

>> No.8758765

I'm actually going to be in Orlando during this con and itabags and seagull meet up might be enough to get me to show up. I don't really want to buy a badge but I'd love to see some other seagulls and itabag enthusiasts.

>> No.8758769

>fighting against the bakas in tokyo

>> No.8758792

Yeahhhh definitely avoid, it was a few years ago but he groped my (then) underage friend.

>> No.8758797

bakus actually but this made me laugh 10/10

>> No.8758803

No I know but I misread it at first, haha

>> No.8759072

It just occurred to me that Holmat is next week and not two weeks from now and I'm simultaneously excited and mildly panicked because nothing's done yet.

>> No.8759079

>tfw im going to be working all of a sudden so I can't go
have fun without me gulls. Going up to orlando on a saturday night just to come back down sunday isn't worth it for me sadly.

>> No.8759678

Oh god I haven't seen her in months. I thought the asexual liar was gone.

This is gonna be fuuuuuun.

Don't worry, Travis will have his lips glued to Leaping Lizard's ass all weekend.

>> No.8759679

If someone can give me their badge Saturday night/Sunday Morning or scan me a bootleg one, I'll being you cactus candy from Arizona. Or a scorpion in a lolipop, idk what do you guys want?

>> No.8759693

Are we having a meet? Has anyone made an event?

>> No.8759701

Yeah I took a break from /cgl/ for a while because I got nothing but shit here and I decided I wanted to have fun cosplaying again. I'm stoked for Holmat though. Third favourite con right here.

>> No.8759927

Yet some of us had to leave cons entirely because rumors were started by FL cosplayers such as yourself that assassinated our character and forced us to quit cosplay, cons, and social media.

Let me guess, you got shit on because of Steven Universe? How does it feel t o be part of a fandom that tries to force people to kill themselves and is constantly triggered by EVERYTHING!?

>> No.8760037


>> No.8760284

>Who to avoid at this con, be it photog or congoer?

a guy named Seer Photos is going, avoid him at all costs.

he's roofied two of my friends in the past and is really forcible and allegedly molested girls at other events

>> No.8760287

can someone at this con please find Ahripop and take photos of her/with her?

>> No.8760292

Oh yeah and as for togs to avoid, zimperium photography. takes shitty photos and doesn't give you photos without his huge, ugly watermark on the bottom. yeah he returns the photos quickly and iirc his shoots are free, but it's a waste of time for you to shoot with him.

>> No.8760299

Anyone knows what she's wearing? I'll keep an eye out for her lmao

>> No.8760553
File: 7 KB, 78x82, Screenshot_11 (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I want to fucking fight, i'm going to be cosplaying morty (rick and morty) and just give me a good beating. Bring your best floridafags.

>> No.8760569

I'll fight you and take your badge
I'll fight her too.

Meet me at HolMats next week if you want an ass kicking.

>> No.8760730

You sound really upset about that last part. I didn't do any of that shit. Calm down and take a walk or something buddy.

I left because I didn't feel like putting my stuff out there to cater to people who were never going to be impressed. It seemed dumb after a while. I didn't want to think about the negativity. I got shit on because people didn't like me for things that I did but won't tell me what I did so I could fix the problem. It was just an endless cycle of negativity and nothing getting resolved and I just didn't want a part in it.

Like I said, i'm here for Holmat. I'm excited about the con and I can't wait to see my friends. I have a feeling it's going to be a good one.

I'll take you on bro, set a time.

>> No.8760830
File: 306 KB, 480x640, pewpew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and I are doing uchuu/cute space girls on Friday and I had to buy water "laser" guns in bulk to get the colors we needed. I have a bunch of them so if you see me hmu, I'll give you one.

Join our mission to make the galaxy cute or something, idk


>> No.8761670

Someone needs to give Ahripoop a dose of reality.

I'll verbally fight you. Or at the very least, sit you down and talk this shit out. Cause I'm tired of all of this bullshit.

Got any proof? Cause that's fucked up.

Anyone know what Rocky will be wearing? The skins of her followers perhaps?

>> No.8761725

Ehhh, anyone know a Shannon Whalen? If so, is she one to avoid as well?

>> No.8762754

One of her followers asked her and yeah, she says she's going all three days. No word on what she's going to wear yet.

>> No.8765112
File: 481 KB, 533x800, IMG_2918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a boys bathroom meet up ;))

>> No.8766116

i'm down

>> No.8766759

which bathroom? I dont wanna show up to the wrong one and look like an idiot

>> No.8766895

what if I'm not a boy? :((

>> No.8767571

I'd rather we refer to it as the "Men's Room"
Cmon lads, maturity.

>> No.8767712
File: 79 KB, 1280x961, 939377_10208201961187145_777240340_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too excited about the panels this year. There are only a few I'm actually going out of my way for like MonHun.

The majority of the con for me is chilling with the people who have the holiday spirit and hanging in the dealer room. I had a really good time last year doing those things.

>> No.8768017

I did the same thing. I went to two panels and the JoJo one was silly but the RWBY one was fucking boring.

>> No.8768074

tf is with that girl in the group suddenly complaining that she's fat and ugly after posting her lineup and shitty selfies

are you mad because no one commented on your posts before or what

>> No.8768077

I'm cosplaying Misato and I would love to beat up another 14 year old boy

>> No.8768195
File: 127 KB, 500x750, 1449894806597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to the winter woodland angelic pretty tea party?

It's my first time going alone so I'm pretty nervous.

>> No.8768202

I'm going with my friend

I'm a little sad because it seems not a lot of girls from the local comm are going?

>> No.8768204

There's some girl going as Shinji all three days.

You could always beat up on her.

>> No.8768206

i hear from people the jojo panel might be better this year since there's gonna be trivia and prizes given out.

>> No.8768224

I'll be going alone too, this will be my first time wearing lolita out in public so I'm pretty nervous too. Do you know if theres gonna be like assigned seating? I really hope so lol I don't want to be like the last person sitting all by herself.

>> No.8768466

I heard Alychu and her gay ass roommates might start a fight with people. I hope that she gets banned from the con.

>> No.8768484


I'm pretty sure Travis Faps to all the girls he takes pictures of. I really feel bad for them

>> No.8768485


You know...... That would explain why he takes so many photos and why the angle are quite awkward

>> No.8768486

What will you be wearing? My friend and I will sit with you guys if there's no assigned seating, I totally understand that feeling and I love chatting with seagulls

>> No.8768553

I'll be wearing a blue velveteen jsk in a witch themed coord, that's nice of you!

>> No.8768575

That's cause they all wasted their money on DFT.

>> No.8768621

Have you asked him to remove the watermark? I'm confused, usually people don't complain about watermarks.

>> No.8770278

Uchuu anon from before, I also have bracelets (again bulk order) so squawk/caw at me and I'll give you some, tis the season, join our cuteness mission, etc. (Don't caw at green space girl though she will be scared and confused.)

Of course! <3

I really wanted to go to DFT because I wanted to support the comm, but I ended up going all out for Holmat. There's always Summer ILD, I guess.

>> No.8770283 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 750x1166, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wanna find her? Lol.

>> No.8770311

>there's always summer ILD

You know, I went to this past summers tea that DFT hosted and it was terrible. I also want to support Florida comms being a Floridian myself, but I'd rather save my money and go to tea at the Grand Floridian for less money and better food and tea than what was at the ILD tea. Most people at these meets clique up anyway so there's little point in being in a large group with people you're probably not going to talk to, especially if literally everything - aside from the even space which you could not take photos in cause the lighting was shit - was lack luster.

>> No.8771060

Is anyone seeing this girl's posts craving for some fucking attention on the Facebook Group?

>> No.8771064

Yup. It's killing me.

>> No.8771065


"So close yet... I'm sad. All these cosplayers are too good.. Then you see that one very awful girl. Me! I'm too fat and ugly... Cons make me scared. No one hangs out with me and I'm just way way way too fat.

HolMat has the people who make me nervous.."

"I appreciate all the kindness that you all gave, I can't reply to all you because it's a bit troublesome todo so. So... Thank you... And to all that said I could hang out with you, I'll be Yui Komori on Saturday from Diabolik lovers~
Really... Thank you."

"Oh god... No, No, no. HolMat your sending me nervous jitters.
I'm still frightened you see, I don't know what todo when I get there. I'm not gonna get a ticket so I'm gonna roam around but I don't know where I'm allowed too and I'm still looking for peeps to be with. My negativity is still there and HolMat is literally tomorrow. (Even though I'm not going Friday.)

"So... Last try... I guess.
Saturday I will be really lonely and sad. XD I need some people to hang out with and if any cosplayer wants to be with me... Please do.
My Yui Komori will be lonely.. I'm bringing a teddy as well, a teddy bear with a eyepatch. (Still hoping for Diabolik Lovers cosplayers to go) but I guess it can't be helped."


>> No.8771090

I haven't been following the group but this bitch better be land whale tier fat.

>> No.8771103

I'm going to make it my mission and >>8771065 too Lmao

>> No.8771123

>Diabetic Lovers

>> No.8771145

Based anon.
No idea what Ahripoop is gonna wear but it's probably going to be her ugly, overpriced black fox ears and like 5 bras in an attempt to make it look like she has boobs.
Please take plenty of pics for lolcow.

>> No.8771155

Wait did she say she's not getting a ticket and is just gonna hang around and expects people to join her

>> No.8771157 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 960x960, ^^^^.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she wasn't lying about being ugly

>> No.8771163


Don't understand how she begs for attention then says it is too troublesome to reply to people who went out of their way to help her. Kinda pisses me off.

>> No.8771185

More like average/kinda below average. Just seems like a run of the mill attention whore.

>> No.8771246

Pretty sure it will be a piece of cake

>> No.8771294

>that fat girl photo angle

>> No.8771470

>So close yet... I'm sad. All these cosplayers are too good.. Then you see that one very awful girl. Me! I'm too fat and ugly... Cons make me scared. No one hangs out with me and I'm just way way way too fat.

This sounds like a fucking copypasta to me

>> No.8771979
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meetup tonight?

>> No.8772005

Is she wearing a love live cosplay? I keep thinking I see her around but I can't tell if it's her or another white girl trying to look asian

>> No.8772071

It's probably her. Just take pics and someone will be able to confirm if it's her or not.

>> No.8772111

Yup just saw her anon

>> No.8772185

Dammit I haven't seen her since this afternoon then, next time

>> No.8772366

She was Hestia today. Just take pics of every white girl who tries to look Asian and you're bound to end up with at least one picture of her.

>> No.8772390

pics of ahri?

>> No.8772431

i dont know how many of these are the same person but im also going to the tea party alone since im not active in the comm and would really love some florida seagull friends on top of that. ive only ever met one other confirmed seagull and it was a couple years ago
ill be in a wine cameo window coord!
i normally have a seagull pin hiding on my person somewhere but i forgot to bring one this time

>> No.8772445

What's a good spot for the meet up tomorrow night?
Looking forward to a round of villager!

>> No.8772451

Take your vendetta and gfto

>> No.8772467

We've got some gulls in the pre judging room right now where the Lolita swap is happening. Mini meetup and then werewolf tomorrow? Don't know how long we'll be here tho

>> No.8772652

I'm >>8768486, I'll keep an eye out for you and blue velvet anon!

I asked around and no one really knows if it's assigned seating or first come first serve, so I'll be there a bit earlier to find everyone.

>> No.8772779

Meet up tomorrow night at 7 at the Christmas tree in the main lobby

>> No.8772812
File: 37 KB, 1000x563, received_916863151732674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We make diamonds from their ashes. Take them into battle with us. A shining light, to our brothers in arms.

Good night, Diamond Dogs.

>> No.8772819

Also yes. Christmas tree meetup is ideal. 7pm.

>> No.8772862

Hey of you wanna get drunk and you see a big boss just say "gimme a drink boss" and we'll get drunk
Srsly lets party

>> No.8772982

Who is boss

>> No.8773044
File: 1.08 MB, 2560x1536, 20151219_084439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see someone dressed as venom snake and actually wearing golden tiger stripe its probably me

>> No.8773068

Hey, I had an awesome time hanging out with a few of you guys last night, can't wait for the meetup tonight.

>> No.8773082

> tfw the alcohol has you up at the crack of dawn but the vendor hall isn't open until 12

>> No.8773107

Day two gulls
Tea and biscuits.

>> No.8773141

Didnt set my alarm !

>> No.8773153

Anyone have a badge for the day?

>> No.8773396



>> No.8773525

Hey has anyone seen a nikon d5100 lying around? I think I put it down when someone asked for a photo and I forgot about, send help!

>> No.8773599

Will there be metal gear cosplayers at the panel?

>> No.8773600

Obvious, but talk to registration and let that be known.

>> No.8773697
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey nerds, here in an hour

>> No.8773716

That was the wrong photo oh lord I didn't mean to post those girls

But yeah over here

>> No.8773743

Waiting nearby. Looks like a ton of photography is going down.

>> No.8773749

Friend and I ended up eating at the sit down restaurant right over there, gonna be late senpai

stay frosty

>> No.8773771

Hey where s everyone at the meetup desu senpai. We've got like 8 people.

>> No.8773783

I'm holding a leak

>> No.8773793

Most are grabbing food

>> No.8773873

Hi Stan

>> No.8773890


>> No.8773922

The Jojo Christmas panel was great. A lot of laughs and holiday spirit.

HolMat has been fun.

>> No.8773936

It was super fun moderating the Werewolf game. Punk rock in Suite E at 10:30

>> No.8774059

Hottest men in anime is a lot lewder than I thought

>> No.8774132
File: 39 KB, 411x356, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did no one see her? is she so shooped that no one recognized her irl?

>> No.8774141

Maybe that was her plan all along

>> No.8774210

good day strong day

really happy that pleasure pixels was condensed into a single show, is that how their friday night shows usually are? I've only ever gone to peppermint parlor in previous years

>> No.8774230

I found this awesome Booth with Figma, Figuarts and Gunpla and pick up some stuff and I MET MODERATLY OKAY


This con is going great.

>> No.8774240

To the No Thank You!! Panel host, sorry I had to leave early but I had a wonderful time!

>> No.8774354

Good shit.

>> No.8774530

Great time. Sorry I couldn't come to the meetup, got roped into helping set up for the Hottest Men of Anime Panel. Maybe next time, gulls.

>> No.8774546

Friday Undertale shoot was a hot pile of shit. Babies shouldn't organize shoots. Wish I could have stayed for the next day's. Looked a fuck ton better.

>> No.8774547

Well it is a fandom of babies and Homestucks.

>> No.8774587


>> No.8774638

Are there pics I need more inspiration

>> No.8774985

I imagine they post in the itabag thread, and they also have a Facebook group. I'll post them when I get home

>> No.8775075

Somebody post who won the China contest please

>> No.8775159

The Over the Garden Wall skit.

>> No.8775195

I hope videos come up soon. I wanna see the skits.

>> No.8775289

Clever Disguises.

>> No.8775343 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 642x960, Card Eater Hambeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was incredibly rude and had a fucking awful smell to her the entire weekend.

Why are fat chicks so bad?

>> No.8775359

Did anyone see a girl in a brown with white poka dot 'lita dress saturday? Does anyone know her?

>> No.8775369
File: 113 KB, 600x1067, 1450636281647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. She looks like she ate the entire cast of CCS. How many yards of fabric did it even take her to make the bodice of her dress? 3 yards?

>> No.8775382

Yeah their shows are normally condensed. Parlor is the only one that isn't.

>> No.8775387

> got so drunk I accidentally made out with a trap

>> No.8775399
File: 432 KB, 2500x1500, JvVj9tS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were they quiet about it?

>> No.8775544
File: 31 KB, 372x351, 1448220667415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahri wig, ears, tail, makeup
>EXO jersey

Is she cosplaying herself?

>> No.8775721
File: 147 KB, 750x1118, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8775734
File: 734 KB, 500x511, 1378684551007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she cosplaying herself?

>> No.8775810

Fuzzythesypder really? What a stupid name.

>> No.8775980
File: 664 KB, 680x386, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sat in front of a pachinko machine for two hours yesterday, had people giving me their trays.

I should have worn lolita, I would have felt like a real Momoko.

>> No.8776018
File: 2.89 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20151220_210234564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8776052


>> No.8776374

I just saw AhriPop as I was walking out of Macy's at Florida mall. She was wearing the fluffy wolf ears.

>> No.8776440
File: 2.57 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8776445

Lolita gulls, did I/we just miss it or was there no tea at the tea party? cant remember if there were tea bags on the table or not. All i know is I didn't drink any tea.

>> No.8776450

The hotel didn't bring it. They were Spanish and asked everyone of they wanted coffee. : /

>> No.8776458

I remember waitstaff at my table but didn't get asked about coffee nor tea :( I'll live without it obviously lol, but wish the con would have emphasized this to the hotel staff before hand!

>> No.8776464

No but honestly I didn't miss it. I love me some orange juice. Also I don't think they came to our table and asked us about coffee.


>> No.8776477

Should've taken pics, anon.

Also is anyone following the PULL drama where someone tried to provoke a fight with Ahri just so she would get mad at them and they could post out of context caps to make her look bad?

>> No.8776713
File: 28 KB, 500x580, 10384377_1428951224033725_5822769851166516197_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm friends with Jonathan Sanchez, Travis (lastname here), and Allychu.

Ya'll seem to love throwing salt and shade. Jon is a shy gay baby who is still learning to flirt properly. If anything said makes you uncomfortable literally address it. Instead of shit-talking. We get along great, and I have already been flirted with.

Travis? I saw and hung around him for at least an hour at the con around hundreds of cute cosplayers of both genders. No disrespect said or done. I can't vouch for his past.

Ally literally opened her room to con goers offering alcohol, and atmosphere. Very few people love conventions enough to do that. Yes, she can get emotional, but anyone can when they're dealing with personal issues.

Nice to see 12 year olds and jealous, weeby, asexuals slutshaming.

Holmat is fun, it was my first year, and I'm a shy babbu. few panels, higher price tag apparently, but giant balls at a sports rave made it an actual fun rave, plenty of sexy night life events (sexiest men of anime panel was so well done despite the judges not really judging properly), the hotel is lovely and keeps congoers in each others company, room parties abound, and every cosplay is xmas themed cuteness.

I made some new friends, am now borderline pansexual from that all male burlesque, and will definitely go next year and try to make a more christmas-themed cosplay.

>> No.8776747

Hello friend.

I think you accidentally posted this on 4chan instead of tumblr.

>> No.8776844

I was wearing lolita and missed the opportunity to play pachinko, now I'm sad

>> No.8776894

The girl with long black hair? I think I know who you're talking about. What happened?

>> No.8776909

Your writing is incredibly annoying tumblr tier. Either way, a good chunk of people dont like her, doing this only makes it worse.

>> No.8776923

>friends with Allychu
You mean Alychu right? Because if you were actually friends with her you would probably be able to get her cosplay name right. You must be some troll trying to bring these people up to feed drama. Your bait is bad.

>> No.8776929


Yes, I was working at a booth in gamer room and we talked for a little bit and 30 minute later as people were getting kicked out she waved at me but I couldnt leave the booth so I wasnt able to give her my contact info

>> No.8776942

You must be new.

Also you mean Scotka? Friends should know friends' last names.

I went the whole con without experiencing the earthquake that is Fatchu. Praise Santa.

>> No.8776946

Looking on tumblr at the holmat tag....so much Undertale cosplay. Some good, some bad, but man I'm already so over this. I enjoyed undertale, too, but I never want to see another frisk or sans again.

>> No.8776961

I played for a little bit Saturday when I was still wearing it, but I sucked.

Sunday I had some time, so I bought a tray and tried again at a different machine. Every time I got another tray I just felt the shame pouring over me but I couldn't stop, shit's addictive

>> No.8776999

>Got my first ever bought Keroro plush signed by Todd Haberkorn
>Played Meme Jeopardy
>Played Quiplash for two hours straight
>Had a blast at the UT shoot on saturday
>Derped around with Papyrus all day
>Roomed with a friend I missed a lot and hadn't seen in a while
>Got christmas presents for the senpai
>Fell asleep behind the AA booth I was sharing on Sunday for a half hour
>Got some good shoots of some great cosplays I still need to edit

Wish I could have danced to more random music with friends but all in all, good con. Can't wait for next year.

>> No.8777044

yeah the Undertale cosplays are really starting to pick up
>thats why I really want to cosplay it before it all completely goes to shit

>> No.8777091

Saw you once. Asked how ya were. Wanted to have a private chat with you about some shit but you were too busy.

>> No.8777092

Saaaaame. I loved the goat moms who gave out food. They were life savers!

>> No.8777098

Hey Tumblr, are ya done with that weak ass baitpost?

Run along back to your hugbox.

>> No.8777196

Oh yeah, I saw her in the Holiday Runway contest.

Wasn't close enough to smell her, tho, thank goodness.

>> No.8777450

Speaking of contests, who won the holiday themed one and the main one?

>> No.8777469

I heard she was screaming at her ex for some random shit. It was apparently a huge fucking scene.

>> No.8777501
File: 39 KB, 600x900, such lust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was awesome meeting you fellas.

And for those who stuck around, hope everyone enjoyed those slim jims from the panel.

>> No.8777502
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1386934006023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: It's apparently not acceptable to respond "FUCK YOU" when someone says the words DMC: Devil May Cry during their panel.

>> No.8777538

Holiday Runway winners were a big borderlands group. They looked amazing, I think it was deserved.

CICAF winners were Clever Disguises.

Cosplay Super Show winners were a group that that had an Alice in it. And another girl with a crazy detailed hoop dress and staff. I don't know their names or what they were from.

>> No.8777568

Was that Alice and angel thing from a videogame?

>> No.8777711
File: 136 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korin Cosplay and Technically Toki. The not-Alice is Sakizou.

>> No.8777721

Do we have pics of the winner's costumes?

>> No.8777726

I was busy almost all weekend friend. I'm sorry I couldn't have stayed and talked more. Omni I won't be doing anything except shoots though so, if you're going we can have that sit down.

>> No.8777733
File: 205 KB, 960x642, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the borderlands group

>> No.8777774

Those are amazing! It's so hard to get a group that big to coordinate that well.

Anyone got pics of the CICAF winners?

>> No.8777776

Oh, then Alice is just an original concept design then?

>> No.8777786
File: 223 KB, 1026x1027, Screenshot_20151222-164026~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CICAF winners. Apparently they just got married! So sweet!

>> No.8777804

How did that
Beat this?

>> No.8777833


>> No.8777835

I don't know, both skits were kinda bad. They were judged for performance, right?

>> No.8777846

Alice is Sakizou as well

>> No.8777860

I saw her in a crowd walking down to the dealers room but didnt get a picture. Its obvious that its her when you see her.

>> No.8777881

Craftsmanship counted as well but most important was personality. They judged on personality during personal interviews.

>> No.8777894

Umm...What are they? Any other shots of their cosplays?

>> No.8777923

Lurk moar.

>> No.8777935

Because I don't recognize them from a blurry cellphone pic? I saw they're from Over the Garden Wall but I wanted more pictures. I can't tell if the girl is supposed to be Beatrice or the Woodsman's daughter or what. They don't look like anything.

>> No.8778010


Link to winning Over The Garden Wall Skit

>> No.8778167


What a shitty skit

>> No.8778193

Must not have been that shitty since it won.

>> No.8778199

I was surprised there were decent quality skits especially for a Florida con, but this one was one of the weakest. They weren't the best performance OR the best costume.

>> No.8778210

Nah, it was pretty shitty. They had a nice idea with the changing backgrounds but they didn't execute it well and the costumes are just okay. The Woodsman's is the only one that looks remotely good to me. The Beast wasn't impressive at all and I could see exposed skin on his/her neck the whole time. Also what the fuck was that green thing in the front of the stage?

>> No.8778270

Did anyone else notice they had people holding up their background?

>> No.8778289

Their video said it broke right before the performance but it broke hours before the show in multiple places. Poorly made

>> No.8778367

all of this groups skits are cringy as fuck holy shit

>> No.8778732

Anyone notice Ashe Iverk there? She got invited to be a "cosplay guest" at Omni Con.

>> No.8778796

Summing up American cosplay. Boy, we're going to make some impression in China with these two.

>> No.8778978

Sometimes I wonder if they pick the group that is the most cringe because muh America. Can't have anythig decent represent us.

In all fairness though, I haven't seen the other skits yet

>> No.8779004

Host here, no worries! We didn't get a chance to do anything after you left because security was pushing everyone out of the convention hall but I had a great time with the three of you that showed up haha!

>> No.8779353

Did anyone else notice GLW using the Holiday Matsuri tag on IG because Lockshop was a guest? Fucking hilarious.

>> No.8780426
File: 186 KB, 480x360, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a great time! But that's mainly because I was with a pretty great group of friends. I was the lanky fuck cosplaying Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes. This is my third time going as him because he's like one of my all-time favorite characters but I think this was one of my best runs. I added a bit more to the costume and got the hair fucking PERFECT this time.

Anyway this was my first time at holmat and I thought the Christmas theme was cute and stupid and fun, I loved it. Yeah it was small but at the end of the day I was able to make this so it was all worth it.

>> No.8780722
File: 62 KB, 640x360, xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems the con is moving next year.

Unrelated note, why do people care about Dancing Kakashi? He seems like he has fun but also kinda doesn't act like Kakashi all that much, if my memory of the character is right.

What's the dealio? What's the history of Dancing Kakashi in the local scene?

>> No.8780896

He just kind of exists. I heard he's a massive tool.

>> No.8780950

He got the name because he used to dress up like Kakashi and dance everywhere. Now he doesn't dress up like him and people still call him that. I mean, it sounds a hell of a lot cooler than Chuck so I see why. He's been around the fl scene for awhile and been with a lot of the girls.

>> No.8780996

Chuck is well...meh. He's fine at a distance , but has a massive ego at times. He fucked up some Kaneki cosplayers' pole at the Hot Man of Animu panel.

>> No.8781141

That upsets me a lot. I get really mad about people ruining cosplays/props by being irresponsible. I feel really bad for the cosplayers.

>> No.8781172



The Kaneki placed second though, so the pole didn't break while he performed.

>> No.8781936

Anyone go to that Bro Cafe? I wanted to go, but didn't wanna pay 10 bucks extra.

>> No.8782252

It was shit as usual. More to stroke Rage Gear's Ego.

>> No.8782459

She, actually.

>> No.8782692

Eh? What do ya mean?