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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8771873 No.8771873 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about breast augmentation, /cgl/. What do you think about it? Y/N? Would you get them/do you have them? Is it okay to get them for the sole purpose of improving cosplay? Why or why not?

>> No.8771875

summary of this thread
>it's okay to get a boob job as long as you don't lie about it
>it's okay to get a boob job as long as you don't lie about it
>I wish I had bigger tits
>I wish I had smaller tits
>it's okay to get a boob job as long as you don't lie about it
>I hate Nigri/Yaya/whoever else for x y and z reasons
>it's okay to get a boob job as long as you don't lie about it

>> No.8771876

i will be removing my tits for the purpose of improving my cosplay

having to shoop them off when i post my yaoi photoshoots is really triggering

>> No.8771881
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>> No.8771885

Personally I'm against them unless the girl had like a mastectomy or something. They look/feel gross 99% of the time and are really unnecessary.

>> No.8771899

If you get like huge distracting tits like JNig, Kelly Jean or Yaya, think it's just incredibly vain. But when you only do cosplays to put them on display, talk about them all the time and then bitch about people focusing on them, you're an attention whore and I don't have respect for you.

>> No.8771913

Idc as long as you didn't kill your husband and steal the money that was donated for his hospital bills and funeral to pay for your tit job.

Also if you had a really good cosplay, you wouldn't need huge fake tits to get yourself noticed.

>> No.8771918

Who cares, really? Judging people for what they do with their own bodies is so petty.

I like my smaller breasts and wouldn't surgically alter them for cosplay. I might consider it if I someday went into a line if work where I could make way more money having huge tits, but I doubt that will ever happen.

>> No.8771924

People who get them aside from medical reasons are shallow.

They either want to call shallow sex related attention to themselves because they aren't good at anything and don't try to be.


They think their self esteem is all or mostly dependent on their body.

You can't get out of it, just admit it.

>> No.8771934

Not calling people on their shallow bullshit is how you get Tumblr.

>> No.8771958

can you all at least post boobs while fighting about them

>> No.8771960


>> No.8771974
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There. Better?

>> No.8771998

Get them if you want them.

Don't get them if you don't want them.

But whatever you do, don't lie about it.


>> No.8772000

Do what you want, don't lie about it because it's tacky and really obvious.

>lol getting a boob job means you're a shallow bitch!!
So does anything else you do to make yourself look better physically, so no makeup for you, I guess.

>> No.8772002

I legit have looked at getting my breasts done, just because I'm insecure with them and don't like them.

The only reason I hold back is because I would have issues with Lolita fitting

I'll just buy a breast plate like what drags use

>> No.8772008

When I'm horny all I can think about is getting gigantic boob impants but as soon as common sense comes rushing back I hate the idea.

>> No.8772011

You're probably not as bad as you think you may be but if you want post pictures and I'll give my 2 scents whether you should or shouldn't

>> No.8772013
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>it's okay to get a boob job as long as you don't lie about it

why cant people lie about it?

I dont see how what someones tits are made of is your business

>> No.8772025

if you can't figure out why idolizing people who've had a couple nip and tucks and claim they're ~ALL NATURAL~ is a bad idea you might need your fucking head checked.
this problem with celebs, youth, and body dysmorphia has been a thing for fucking decades now

>> No.8772030

I'd rather not
I just have A cups, might just splurge for fake ones just to wear with cosplays

>> No.8772059

Basically what >>8772025 said. It sets an impossible standard for young girls to live up to and then they end up thinking they're hideous and their self-esteem takes a shit. Cunts that pretend their body is all natural but in reality is full of plastic are causing way too fucking many image issues. Even Jnig admits to having work done.

>> No.8772062


who on earth idolizes Ai Honey and J-Nig?

>> No.8772064

You'd be surprised.

>> No.8772066

>Cunts that pretend their body is all natural but in reality is full of plastic are causing way too fucking many image issues.
yes. they're basically equivalent to bodybuilders or athletes who cheat. they create a fantasy of a human body that in turn creates distorted self-perception in others.

same deal with photoshop.

>> No.8772067

Like, literally millions of people. Bitches like JNig and Yaya are the "faces" of cosplay because they whore themselves out in it so much on shit like "heroes of cosplay" and so on. The good ones aren't fueled by attention, so they're not known to the world at large.

>> No.8772068

Seconding what anons are saying, when I was like 12 or 13 I thought I was hideous comparing myself to celebs, including online ones, whereas now I'm older I can tell how much make-up they're wearing, and know I can do that too if I want to. When I was younger I thought they were naturally beautiful and saw myself as shit in comparing. That extends to bodies too for some people.

>> No.8772073

God, seeing girls like that breaks my fucking heart. I have a bunch of super pretty friends who could EASILY model all say they're not very attractive enough for it or don't have the right body/face etc. I even have a friend who has some of the biggest tits I've seen on a girl say she needs implants because of how small they are. Shit like this is fucked up.

>> No.8772087


>they create a fantasy of a human body that in turn creates distorted self-perception in others.

There exist people with better natural bodies and bigger natural boobs than J-nig & co.
So I dont see how them having implants affects people when there already exist girls with naturally bigger boobs.


Why do you compare yourself to other women? They are not your competition.

>> No.8772094

God that board has like, THE most specific threads. "amateur lactating girls from Oklahoma!" and they manage to get content

>> No.8772095

You're one of those "I don't get why people are depressed. Just stop being sad!" types, I see.

>> No.8772098

It only bothers me when, like others have said, people claim to have not had work done and they do so when they're in a position of influence. Same with having loads of photoshop in your photos and saying they're unedited. When you know there are impressionable people watching you, you owe it to society as a whole to not stoke the unobtainable body images. Fat or thin, huge boobs or flat chested, long legs or dumpy legs, pretty or ugly, whatever you are you shouldn't lie.

I remember a couple of months ago someone on here was asking how KJ pads to get such oversized and perfectly spherical anime breasts and they even said they'd asked her and she just told them to get better bras. Like what the fuck. So now that poor girl is probably even more disillusioned about her own body and wasting time chasing something in a way which will never do what she expects.

Also I think it's strange that you can be willing to pay a few grand for such an obvious cosmetic change but then want to pretend you didn't.

If you buy huge breasts and show them off and enjoy them and it makes you happy, that's all great. That's brilliant for you.Lots of people don't like things about their bodies and the fact you were successfully able to change yours to a form you prefer is a really positive thing.

If you buy huge breasts and show them off but seem ashamed or feel guilty about it and feel the need to tell people you've not got implants, well, that's really, really sad. If that's you then I hope one day you wake up and realise you spent a lot of money and endured a lot of pain and permanently scarred your body for something you're too scared or ashamed to be honest about. And I hope if that is you that you can afford to have them removed again because I can only imagine how miserable it must be to live with a body modification so obvious and which makes you so unhappy.

>> No.8772101

I feel sorry for people who have such little empathy they can't be bothered to think about why someone might feel differently to them. They must have sad lives.

>> No.8772108

Only other thing I'll say is I've seen a lot of cosplayers going for implants much biger than is healthy for their frame. It's kind of shocking that there would be so many irresponsible surgeons out there who would go along with doing this many dangerous, disfiguring implants. I wonder if a lot of the cosplayers have ended up going to the same few people?

I mean you look at the three famous named examples in this thread so far and you've got Jessica Nigri, Yaya Han and Ai-Honey/KJ. Jessica's implants are large but not that much larger than the average boob job and she's a healthy enough person, she doesn't look like she's in much danger. Then you look at short little Yaya and KJ who already looked very top-heavy with her eating-disorder lower half and above average breasts and they both went for the real giant implants and it just looks worrying. Forget the usual back pain in 20 years, they're going to be in trouble in less than 10 years.

As tempting as it might be to get the biggest breasts possible, it's one of the most dangerous cosmetic modifications around. Yaya's are as wide as her shoulders when she doesn't squeeze them in together and KJ's are visibily stretching out her skin and hanging, really weighing down, off her chest.

I thought people had learnt after all the 90s pornstars got super sick and disfigured that moderation is key with breast implants. Apparently cosplay never got that memo.

>> No.8772121

Except JNig still lies about being all natural. She denies all discussion concerning the implants. She just magically grew like 4 cup sizes bigger.

>> No.8772131

I thought she finally cracked and admitted they were fake?

>> No.8772140


I don't have sympathy for people who idolize people like Kelly Jean and Nigri.
If they feel bad about their bodies, that's a GOOD thing if it stops them following in their footsteps.

Cosplay doesn't need any more attention whores with their tits hanging out of every costume.

>> No.8772145

Not even remotely big enough.

>> No.8772171
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>> No.8772184

Heavens, balloons there. Shouldn't there be a size limit? Larger than JN or Riki is too much, Yaya's are 2 inches larger but all of them contour makeup their boobies larger also.

>> No.8772280
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>> No.8772287
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>> No.8772297

What I find funny about cosplay boobs is the everyday cosplayer was like "Meh fuck it I'll make em myself."

Although in Han's case I believe got hers first when she was still a stripper. She just doesn't seem to have that little voice in her head telling her to stop. And just kept doing it.

>> No.8772300

I personally think they look ugly in the nude. When clothed, they look nice. Is it worth it? Id say not, since they just look so godawful in the nude that it offsets every benefit of their look clothed.

Would I get it? Never. If you do, at least don't lie about their fakeness.

>> No.8772325

I find getting titjobs really pathetic. The people who are going to like fake tits aren't really people who are worth attracting. Plus like, they only look good they don't feel good, and only for a while. I don't get it, and I feel really bad for the people who buy into it. It's such a waste of money for something so useless. And if you're doing it cause you're jelly of anime girls it's even worse, I weep for those types.