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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8767463 No.8767463 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone recognize these suckers?

>> No.8767486

> harmful illegal contacts
> why would you narrate it that way

>> No.8767504

Cannot wait for this train wreck. Already set the DVR.

Who's the dude in this episode? I know I've seen him posted before.

>> No.8767505

>who look like they stepped out of a japanese anime every single day
>white people

>> No.8767511

Couldn't they get good cosplayers, or were the decent ones too smart to go for it?

>> No.8767516

After the slew of shit shows cosplayers have been featured in. Are you really surprised they went for the bottom of the barrel?

>> No.8767553

Good cosplayers don't usually go around in public and at home all day every day in cosplay, like these people (or was it just the girl?) I guess.

>> No.8767579

When is it coming out?

>> No.8767583

Tomorrow night. 10:30 central I think

>> No.8767608

At least the dude's work seems pretty decent. Some of those wigs were really high quality.

But holy shit, I don't know if I'm going to be able to sit through the parts about the girl. Let's hope she actually fucking goes through with her ~*~animu plastic surgery dream~*~

>> No.8767639

The cringe thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8767651
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Hopefully there'll be a sticky so we can all cringe together. The Living Doll fiasco last year was glorious.

>> No.8767666

MTV does this, advertises some off the wall subject matter calling for participants, that or the producers went around looking for the degenerates thatll do a show for a buck.

>> No.8767670

I recognize the chick that wanted plastic surgery, i think she used to be a PULL user who would constantly promote her shitty instagram. Pretty sure they booted her off the site for being a snowflake herself.

>> No.8767680

>I'm Living Anime
what the fuck does that even mean? You can't be anime, you CAN be an anime character.

>> No.8767682

Fuk I won't have access to this. Someone pleassee upload this somewhere afterward, it looks cringey af

>> No.8767706

Actual good cosplay wouldn't get them any ratings. People want to see freak shows.

>> No.8767718

The only reason the guy ended up on this show is because he works for a princess party company, along with the split second seen girl in black with the tits, and the other guy.

>> No.8767729
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>Steven Universe
>The chick doesn't even look Annie May she looks like she is going to a Hallowing party

u wot m8?

Reminds me of these clusterfucks only Latinfags will remember:


>> No.8767743

I think they purposefully go for the awkward shit ones for the drama and even if there were a couple okay people in there, the crazy editing will still try to over exaggerate them.

>> No.8767746


Lmao, the rosa de guadalupe writers were obviously having fun with the episode, it's terrible but the references are above normalfag leve.

>> No.8767747

kinda reminds me of a TLC show about addictions and they had this segment about these people wanted to be real life dolls. One of them i know was venus angelic, another was a lolita, and there was this dude who legit wanted to look like a ken doll and had plastic surgery to accomplish that. Its definietley trying to go for that shock factor, if they were filming people who did this as a hobby and not a lifestyle it wouldn't get any views.

>> No.8767776

Omg what? It looks amazing too bad its blocked in the US.

I fucking love La Rosa de Guadalupe, I only just discovered it last year. My favorite episodes are the emo episode and the Justin beiber fan episode, I've never laughed so hard in my life. I have to figure out a way to see this one.

>> No.8767782

My Strange Addiction. They had that nutty furry girl who traced her 'sona on it too.

This isn't the first time MTV's gone at weebs though. They had a self proclaimed otaku on MTV I Want to be or something named like that. She wanted to be a Fashion designer/and or model The planner assigned to her threw out her collection, posters, and other such. Then used her cosplays as her 'designs' for the dumb show they set up at the end.

>> No.8767783 [DELETED] 

>I have to figure out a way to see this one.
use Hola! for Google Chrome set proxy to any Latin country

>> No.8767785

>I have to figure out a way to see this one.

Use Hola! extension for Chrome :3

>> No.8767809

Ah thank you so much!!

>> No.8767814

Lol this is the show they were hitting up all the lolita comms to interview for and people in my community told them to fuck off.

>> No.8768178

The guy on the show got in trouble on Facebook for saying how they treated him and his friends badly during the filming. He even said something about how the show wasn't even about Anime at one point. But was forced to say things by the producers.

>> No.8768182

>what is scripted reality

>> No.8768197

For anyone wondering.... no one gets paid for these things. The comment about being chosen for working for a princess party company was my favorite comment so far..... LOL Come on.
I'm barely shown in this preview (I'm not one of the main people on it), but a group of us will be posting vlogs about out experience and what really happened.

>> No.8768227

I do feel sad for the guy. I think they portrayed him in the wrong light. He has talent, those wigs look amazing.. I mean feck, if I had money I'd get one xD ! But also to be placed together with a girl like her isn't really doing you good. Atleast he has passion and drive and skills. That girl doesn't even look like anything from an anime if you'd ask me. That black eyeshadow she shades on her upper eyes.. Urfgh, more goth than anime.

>> No.8768253

>harmful illegal contacts

I get so pissed off has a circle lens wear who has been using these lenses for years. They're not harmful if you take care of them and wear them right. I'm so tired of the American media shitting all over circle lenses.

>> No.8768308

It rather triggered me, too, anon. How dare they say it so nonchalantly.

>> No.8768333

Isn't he the dude that did that cool Mario Cosplay a couple years back on Kotaku.com? Oh and did anyone else notice that huge pokemon collection when he was dead on the ground? Can I have them if he's actually dead?

>> No.8768343
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I found him. He also did Luigi

>> No.8768346

Why wasn't Charisma star the main person instead of the girl? I'm watching just to see her.

>> No.8768347

Looking forward to it, anon. I always like to see the other side of what happened during filming of these shitty shows.

>> No.8768349

This sounds horrible. Have we learned nothing from Heroes of Cosplay? I beg to the Anime gods that Yaya Han doesn't make a cameo in this. This sounds like something she would put her old hands on.

>> No.8768353

Least HoC made for a laugh at how staged it was. She might be mentioned in passing but after SyFy. She'll be avoiding media outlets besides her sewing deals.

>> No.8768425

they filmed at Anime california, i was in the masq with a group, and he was there with his SU group, their skit was alright (better then who placed first) they placed third i think, MTV was nice while they were there, they said they wouldn't alter, just document but that loooooks like they lied, i'll be looking for myself in the episode (Bravely Default Group!)

>> No.8768444

honestly it looks like the two mains knew what this was about.

>> No.8768488

btw i recognised the girl, its Ecaterina Doll

>> No.8768497

"harmful illegal contacts"
My mother actually spoke to our optometrist about my circle lenses out of curiosity once. The doctor didn't say anything bad about it and said they should be okay for short periods of time as long as they're the right prescription.

>> No.8768521

Man fuck La Rosa de Guadalupe, I coylsnt watch that ep in one sitting, yeah the lesson at the end nice and comforting but the characters were still borderline autistic.

>> No.8768524


>> No.8768612
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 1425100689942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm a makeup artist and a mermaid.
>I am the Living Doll Ambassador of the U.S. for To be a Doll

This bitch

>> No.8768641

Please don't use Hola.
There are plenty of other reliavle VPN's out there, many of which offer free trials if you are wanting to just an episode or two of content otherwise not avaliable to you.

>> No.8768657

On ILD our comm went out to eat and the hostess asked us if we were "American Girl Dolls like that show" and then described Venus from My Strange Addiction. We had a laugh afterwards.

>> No.8768662

Its almost like its all fucking scripted. Why do people still do this shit. You hear horror stories about these shows and yet people still sign up. You dont even vet paid.

>> No.8768669

Different anon, but what would you personally recommend?

>> No.8769696

who's watching?

>> No.8769700

im so embarrassed for these people

>> No.8769701

>extreme diet
>eats a banana
>is fat

>> No.8769707

>using lights to lose weight

>> No.8769712

this girl is already worse than the guy

>> No.8769721

Can someone post the episode if its ever available online? I dont have cable tv

>> No.8769723
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>> No.8769731

Anyone streaming? I don't have a telly.

>> No.8769737
File: 37 KB, 247x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know a girl who wants to be like a horse. She like shaved her hair to look like a mane and everything. Do you think she has like, a future?

>> No.8769740

Soooo ... she has a really narrow mohawk?

>> No.8769741

>tries to build a brand through Steven Universe cosplays

>> No.8769765

I'm a lolita, and have only gone to about three cons in my life, so excuse me if its a stupid question.

But how normal is it to go to a con and wear a random costume? I was under the impression everyone there was cosplaying a character from something. But this girl just went to a con as a random dragon, some weird "fairy", and some kind of bloody mess like it's a Halloween party. Is that normal?

>> No.8769768

Its not necessarily uncommon to see people cosplaying an OC but most people generally stick to cosplaying a character from something

>> No.8769772

How the fuck did Barry make enough to hire an assistant?

I'm sorry, but he was way more painful for me to watch than the girl.

>> No.8769774


The guy is a little eccentric but pretty cool. I'm not gonna lie, I'm crushing on him a bit.

The girl is a mess and her makeup is shit.

>> No.8769779

Any links up yet?

>> No.8769794

It's not "normal" but doesn't look that outlandish compared to everything else at a con, hence fursuits, steampunks, renfaire clothes, etc..

>> No.8769806

So we have a 'living anime' episode about a group dressing as not-anime Steven Universe and a girl who is really bad at goth makeup. Cool.

Also, did anyone notice the catty tones in the SU group? That little chunker (Barry, I think) sounded like a tyrant about some stupid shit. I want the dirt on that.

>> No.8769818

she just posted on her blog about how she's reading this thread and is open to questions so here's one for you: why did you even agree to do something like this? it just seems humiliating and not worth whatever money you get from it

>> No.8769823

Shes reading?

Do you still live with your mom?

>> No.8769824

What's with the Harley Quinn makeup look?

>> No.8769839

According to her twitter she's wanted the surgery since she was 14.
And the tension between her and her mom 'isn't that bad'

>> No.8769840

Most people usually cosplay from a character. The ones I usually see who wear random costumes tend to be normies or first timers who want to get in on it. It's pretty tacky when you see them wearing a flimsy corset, dyed hair, and mismatched colors.

Original designs are allowed at conventions, although if you're competing at masquerades and certain events, they tend to be series specific. But there's also people who make really well-thought out outfits.

>> No.8769851

She's somehow surprised they lured her in with a false sense of security it seems.

>> No.8769860

Pretty sure he has aspergers or autism. He seemed to have that kinda vibe desu

>> No.8769870

Waiting on links myself.

>> No.8769879

Makes sense.

Kinda makes you feel bad for the people clinging to him for some spill over of whatever he is going for (wasn't it YouTube views and weeb praise?).

Must be cool to be on MTV.

>> No.8769882

Apparently the producer told them "you are doing steven universe" about 2 weeks before the con. they weren't even given a choice from what I had heard.

>> No.8769890


>> No.8769913


Holy fuck you guys are ridiculous.
I smell vendetta all over this.

>> No.8769929

But I thought everyone was supposed to be nice on 4chan.

>> No.8769935

Someone's butt hurt. I don't see how any of the comments you linked suggest a vendetta. Maybe you should go back to a different site anon. Simple conversation on 4chan is clearly too offensive for you

>> No.8769942

Samefag harder hater chan

>> No.8769948

I feel like at least the guy make decent wigs and puts effort into his cosplays. A lot of it was obviously overblown, especially during the judging portion, but he wasn't as cringy to look like than the girl. She looked like a sad leftover wannabe goth, and her makeup has absolutely nothing to do with anime.

I wasn't really expecting this to attempt an accurate portrayal at anime, starting with how they used it in the title. but honestly, the second girl was such a mess of a choice. This is exactly the kind of stereotypical girl that normies think about when you tell them you cosplay and like anime.

>> No.8769949

Different fag here and I gotta agree 4chans not the place for you mate

>> No.8769952

I agree. I've been following the guy on Instagram for some time now and most of the work he puts out is fairly solid and creative. But the girl was a complete mess.

>> No.8769957

Well I mean it's not like many cosplayers out there would touch any cable network after HoC, Call to Cosplay and that drama fest that was on crunchyroll.

>> No.8769959

I agree, the accusations of tyrant and autism are coming from nowhere and reek of vendetta.

I thought the guy was pretty cool, typical cosplayer but that girl was a bit insane.

I loled so hard, was she trying to fuck with her?

>> No.8769967

Anon who posted about the possibility of autism or aspergers here. The only reason that I said that was because of what other anon said pertaining to his "tyrant" like attitude. I know people with both disorders and people that don't know them think they are offensive, bossy, or get flustered very easily. To me, he acted ( or was edited to act) very similar to people I know with both disorders.
Actual think he's a talented dude so no vendetta from me.

>> No.8769983

Commenting on how someone was acting like on TV =/= Vendetta

Noticing that people hanging out with said person were bossed around and said basically nothing while he gave orders =/= Vendetta

TV distorts things, I get that, but not knowing them personally I am just pointing out what MTV shows since we have a thread going on about, ya know, the episode of True Life.

Hence the request for 'the dirt'. Sorry for your butthurt.

>> No.8769989

Remember when MTV had that show called I want to be or I want to make it or something like that, and one of them was I want to date someone and the girl they picked was a very shy and awkward timid anime weeboo and then they paired her up with all of these football jocks and popular guys who had nothing in common with her, and it destroyed her self-esteem because none of them called her back? Yeah that was pretty pitiful on MTV's part. I felt really bad for her. I hope she grew up to realize she needs to find other dorks like her.

>> No.8770001

i am not sure if it is from the same eipsode
but i remenber that girl who used to do those cringy naruto random animation videos on youtube was on a show like that on mtv. She apperantly wanted to be a beauty queen and she wore a akatsuki robe to school.

>> No.8770003

I'm sure he has a little fat butt. I would plow him so hard.

>> No.8770008

When is the premier of this trainwreck? We should have some kind of /cgl/ movie night.

>> No.8770020

Oh yeah her. The one where the planner tossed all her shit out when she was in Japan. To 'beautify' her room. Then used her bought cosplay as her "designs"

>> No.8770022

Was last night friend.

>> No.8770026

I wish they would have shown more San Japan instead of the crappy plastic surgery angle.

>> No.8770038

Aw, shucks. I guess I'll have my own movie night.

>> No.8770081

It is the same fucking girl. She tried to ride Kota's tail so fucking hard and kiss ass on PULL.

>> No.8770087

I regularly wear Lolita, but have never done serious cosplay, and somehow I ended up with the email from MTV scouting for this. It was amazingly cringe-worthy, and IIRC there was no pay or compensation for it. Why waste time on something you know is just going to be a shitshow? If you're too nice or down to earth they'll just edit you into cringe material anyway.

>> No.8770088

At western anime cons it's not super common but certainly not frowned up. It can be weird to see a costume that's clearly from leg Avenue or party city. Weeb staples like cat girls and maids with no attached characters are still pretty common. Also larger show up in their gear sometimes.

>> No.8770093

Why would anyone agree to this? Are they at least getting paid? Do they have no self awareness? Do they just not care about all the negative attention as long as it's attention? It's like those people who dress in lolita getting a spot on television or make-over shows. Everyone knows they'll just be made fun of and be the butt of the joke.

>> No.8770095

anyone else know the source of this? I really wanna watch that episode now. Was it Made?


>> No.8770141

How is/cgl/ not ripping this guy apart? Aside from the one "commission" wig nothing he did was good.

>sweat out all my fat sitting in front of "really hot" lamps
>treat myself to a few grapes a day, that's it
>shop for my costume at a Halloween costume store
>boss everyone in the group around
>talk with a fake lisp so people know you're gay
>tell the judges about your amazing business plan instead of your construction
>paint shitty shiny Anime blush on your face every day

The girl was cringy, but in a sad and unconfident PT kind of way that makes you feel bad for her. The guy was just a self important, self entitled asshole.

>> No.8770145

Yes it was on MTV Made, the episode is at least 2 years old

>> No.8770176

I can almost guarantee MTV really pushed her into at least getting a consultation on camera to add to the dramu. Probably offered to pay for it. What job does this weeb have where she actually makes enough money to consider expensive surgery, spend $300 on her shitty OC costumes that in the end aren't even worth $10, and be prepare for the possibility of being kicked out on her ass at any moment?

>> No.8770204

I know jack shit about Stephen universe but why did he put all of those stupid stars in his wig?
>this masquerade is going to get my business out there!
*doesn't practice before con whatsoever*
Was anyone there to actually see the skit? It looked like they were all running around stage.

>> No.8770211

The hoo dude looked good, though.

>> No.8770253

My favorite was that Made episode where the girl was super in love with Edward Elric and it would play opera music whenever the camera would zoom in on her poster of him. And then they took all her anime stuff away and it pissed me off. They essentially forced the girl to change everything about herself to be a beauty queen or whatever. They could have just taught her how to hide her powerlevel and dress, do makeup, etc without getting rid of all of her stuff.

>> No.8770259

Why do all weebs think going to Japan is going to solve all of their problems?
>Japan has anime! They will have to understand me more than these ignorant Americans!
They are not going to give chubby white gaijin the time of day to do their makeup. Especially when it looks like they took a stick of liquid eye liner and drew a circle around their eye. It's hard to find even a small bit of success in Japan unless you're teaching some kind of English. You will never really fit in, you will always be gaijin even if you've lived there for years. I can't believe this girl is 21 and is still having the delusional aspirations of a 14 year old. Keep your day job hon.

>> No.8770285

Honestly someone like that will be even less accepted in Japan. Japan is extreamly conservative and doesn't really have a positive view of otakus and alt people. She'll be even more of a laughing stock there than she is here. America is considerably more tolerant when it comes to wierdos. It'll be worse than her home town since they are less tolerant and she can't speak the language.

>> No.8770396

thaaaank you

>> No.8770427

I wish they would have shown more of him and less of her. I've seen his cosplays before and they pretty cool. And I'm sure it was all edited to make him look bad since it's Mtv. But he didn't look that bad. That thing he did with the lamps and grapes sounds so scripted and you can tell when it's scripted becuase he sounded sarcastic. But I wonder what else they filmed of him that was actually real. Either way I much rather see him then any of the people from Heroes of Cosplay. Those people are soo boring and couldn't act, and they all die? Nobody has heard from any of them since.

>> No.8770431

The fuck you talking about. Besides the randos on the second part and blonde whiner on first part. Near all on HoC are still big name cosplayers.

>> No.8770433

The only one with sort of a career is Yaya Han now a days. But I agree he was more interesting then any of them. The guys from Heroes of Cosplay are forgettable. He would have been a better choice.

>> No.8770441

Trolol. Someone doesn't seem know their fame whores well. Victoria runs a geek fashion line, Riki does cosplay and cons often enough. Monika still in the game and actually got the blizzard internship. Chloe still an attention whore and using star wars to get onto stuff, but the butterfly buddy brigade of Holly and Jessica have since parted.

>> No.8770445

Are you Barry? Seriously who else would say this shit? She was just as scripted as he was, but we have no problem shitting all over her. They are both nutjobs with low level skills and neither of them will ever really gain anything substantial out of the hobby.

>> No.8770471

Is anyone really taking this seriously? Even if it wasn't obvious what a joke this was, the guy and his friends are all laughing and joking on their social media about it all.

This guy tried to rope in a friend of mine for this by telling him all they had to do was make up a sob story and exaggerate everything and act over the top.

>> No.8770488

not that anon but at the very least MTV had a pretty hard time spinning the guys story into something extremely negative to me. My sister watched it along with me (she knows im a weeb and i go to these conventions). And she was far more disturbed with the girl versus the guy. She just said the guy seemed like an extremely flaming gay guy who instead of being just flamboyant, hes flamboyant with anime shit.

the girl just seemed very unaware and sad, wanting surgery since she was a kid, having issues with her mom, ultimately being depressed. and then on top of that her makeup skills were just bad. So not only did she have all these issues but god damn her SKILLS when it comes to "the makeup that made her so happy" were garbage. She seemed legitimately mentally ill.

>> No.8770494

It's a trap for efame hungry hippo's.

>> No.8770502

Barry is such, "a gentleman". Why is there so much hate? Him and his friends all looked amazing. I was hoping to see more of there story.

>> No.8770514

But his skills were just as shitty, that's what I'm not getting. He looked just as nuts as she did. He looked like he was trying desperately to always look like a chubby prepubescent boy. It's disturbing. The pink nose and over blushed cheeks, his makeup skills were on par with hers. His costuming skills seemed to be too. How do you make an I'll fitted Steven universe costume? It's a T-shirt and jeans.

>> No.8770531

his skills were certainly not good. But I'm looking at it through my sisters eyes, She's just a normal person who has no idea what anime is outside of "those chinese cartoons you like"

We're extra judgey because we know what cosplayers are capable of. the guy at least had friends, and seemed kind of ambitious even though he was a bit awkward and weird. The girl just made me sad.

>> No.8770533

To me it came off more like he had some people he bossed around and mooched off of. They both came off in a bad light.

>> No.8770548
File: 119 KB, 390x308, Troubled-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the media and TV will ever have a genuine interest in documenting sub-cultures instead of portraying them as something to gawk at? I just think convention culture in the west and lolita fashion are really unique and have a lot of genuinely interesting things about them, but no one ever does more than the most basic of googling and then twists it on top of picking the most wacky, fame hungry characters.

Someone, please actually properly do a show or documentary on cosplay or lolita.

>> No.8770549

Any links for gulls with no cable up yet?

>> No.8770565
File: 27 KB, 472x177, Screen Shot 2015-12-17 at 12.43.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a "where are they now" article on the site already. This gave me a laugh.

>> No.8770570

This is actually a really smart businesses decision.

>> No.8770571

Walmart of wigs So full of crap and fat?

>> No.8770575
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Doesn't help that the majority are delusional adults living off their parents. Hard to take these hobbies seriously when you're all desperately trying to be something you're not.

>> No.8770588

You're too young to remember Springer-esque trash TV shows parading goth kids around, having the crowd laugh at them, then giving them "makeovers" to make them look "normal" in the late 90's.

>> No.8770592


Barry must be in here with all of his friends because there is no reason this many people would be defending him unless he recruited white knights.

>> No.8770616

This is what got me. Fucking fatty.
Extreme dieting, hes got a gut and no muscle mass.

To be fair though, eating a fruit in America is extreme dieting.

>> No.8770620

The diet was fake.
So painfully obvious, you could see him trying not to laugh when he made the grape comment

>> No.8770716

No one cares Barry. You knew people would see this and talk about it, you agreed to be filmed so deal with the consequences.

>> No.8770778

I just think sub-cultures are unique and some of them fade away really quickly. What you said is just part of the problem.
>ur 2 young 2 remember
Kek. Maybe you'll have an interest in society when you get into college.

>> No.8770823

No one who works on MTV's True life cares about your personal interests enough to put the time and money in to do them justice.
If you think something is unique and should be documented you should do it yourself, or hope someone else in the community with the resources to do so does. The media, especially TV just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.8770909

What's up chunky? Mad that your TV debut is not so well received?

>> No.8770914

I lol'd that they inserted Steven Universe and Monster High into the show. Neither of which having anything to do with Anime besides influences.

>> No.8770928

I'm not him, paranoia-chan.

>> No.8770969

where can I watch this?

>> No.8770981

So I missed the episode cause my DVR fucked up while I was at work. Is there anywhere I can watch it besides MTV's website? It keeps asking me for my provider and password.

>> No.8770982

Or was he out of breath because he ran around the block once?

>> No.8770988
File: 1.91 MB, 360x202, cumface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kawa-eek girls would like a word with you


>> No.8771001

I don't doubt what she's saying about MTV trying to paint her mom and her as enemies to be false. MTV does this for all their reality type shows. For My Super Sweet 16 they wouldn't even let my friend sign the contract unless she guaranteed to have a fight with one of her parents.

>> No.8771002

But that came after, nor is Invisi Billy on it.

>> No.8771003

Isn't there a guy on youtube who did a proper documentary of lolita? I can't remember his name but he was very respectful. Most of the documentaries he does is about fashion.

>> No.8771055

I was in that masq their skit was them passing a love letter around then they mimicked the shows opening theme it was alright. He did the stars because he said its like "stevens universe" or something

>> No.8771093

The girls doing an interview with something called "fightbait"?

>> No.8771342


LOL They are trying to make excuses for how bad they all looked and posted it to facebook

>> No.8771544

... Since when are costume contacts illegal?

>> No.8771548

I will never understand people who act like whites look less like anime characters than Japanese people. They all have massive eyes and mostly come in a variety of hair colors.

>> No.8771550

These shows do literally no research into these specials. As evidenced by everything about them.

>> No.8771555

I remember that! Yeah, that guy was awesome. He actually cared about properly teaching his viewers about the fashion and IIRC even had a small bit that debunked people's usual misconceptions. He also chose people to interview who were more interested in talking about the fashion instead of how special they are.

>> No.8771587

Circle lenses have always been illegal. In the US it's illegal to sell prescription lenses without seeing the persons prescription.

It's why pinky paradise has started requiring one and why there are issues you hear from people getting their orders held at customs.

>> No.8771608

That was more painful than watching the episode.

Pretty much confirms they've been in here trying to defend themselves though.

>> No.8771610

What about lenses that aren't prescription? Like, just normal clear costume contacts?

>> No.8771626

To my understanding those are legal.

>> No.8772357

you gotta defend yourself when no one else will

>> No.8772360

Leave them alone. This is clearly the only thing they have in their lives. They can milk it if they want to.

Keep doing what you're doing guys. no one thinks you're desperate and sad and this response video proves it!!!

>> No.8772372

Can you try a little harder not to be a samefag white night?

>> No.8772379

>thread is dying
>white knight revives to screech

>> No.8772615

Am I the only one who read the sarcasm in these?

>> No.8772632

Please stop posting, now it's just sad

>> No.8772636

No, I read it too it's pretty balant. But you forget that half the board is autistic and can't pick up on things like that.

>> No.8772704

I rather watch them then YaYa's saggy tits. You can tell the dudes side is all staged.

>> No.8772708

Now that's a white knight.

>> No.8772728

> states an opinion that isn't negitive.
>automatically a white knight

God forbid anyone have an opinion.

>> No.8772766

Don't feel bad anon. Even I got called that when I was being sarcastic.

>> No.8772943

Probally a same fag who has some dumb fuck vendetta against the dude.

>> No.8773027

Does anyone have a link up for this yet?

>> No.8773053

I find it interesting how both of them have handled the aftermath. The girl seems really chill about everything, started answering questions from /cgl/ on her tumblr and basically said they edit things to make it look worse than it is but it was a learning experience.

The guy and his friends have posted sarcastic comments, explanation videos, white knighted themselves in the thread and basically complained about how terrible everything was while simultaneously milking it for as much attention as possible.

>> No.8773070
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1448221801278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something Japanese
>picks out a cheongsam
>"That's TOO Japanese haha!"

>jimmies RUSTLED

>> No.8773112

So where can I watch this? I'm from Europe so I can't watch it on mtv's site

>> No.8773135

Funny how the one who had the worse showing is handling it more gracefully.

>> No.8773144

Isn't there a photo set comparing how most anime characters look compared to how they would look with Japanese features?

>> No.8773145

Probably says a lot about how much they twisted each story. For making her out to be really socially awkward she seems to have far better people skills and a better grasp on her reality than he does.

>> No.8773163

Lol did you not see her socialising with those people? I cringed hard.
>I have a friend who thinks she a horse
>tell her to be herself and forget about the rest!!
THAT HORSE CHILD NEEDS MEDICAL HELP. why would you even say that? Not to mention I'm 100% sure that person was fucking with her, and she's too socially inept to pick up on it.

>> No.8773242

I am positive MTV told them to tell the horse story. Want to talk about scripted shit, that was the most obvious one in the whole episode. Her interactions with everyone else in the episode seemed pretty normal.

>> No.8773248

In all honesty I though she was fucking with me too or the producers sent her over with the story. They did that a lot. The producer was even told people which questions to ask and what to say and how to respond. I wasn't sure how to respond to her story. I honestly think it was fake/staged. If it's real then I agree, she needs to go to a doctor, but I really don't think it is and didn't at the time. I sort of just went with it because I didn't want to be rude since the girl seem so supported of her friend.

>> No.8773250

Youre missing the point. It's not so much the horse story, it's her reaction to the horse story.

>> No.8773253


>> No.8773277

0:58 all I can think of is "dang i have the same lenses"

>> No.8773278

They also edited out the other 30 minutes of the conversation where I told her that the girl needs to get out of homeschooling, get some friends, join some clubs, and find hobbies outside of the "horse thing". The part when I said "screw the rest of them" we weren't even talking about the horse girl anymore, it's edited in there to make is sound like that was my response to her horse story.

>> No.8773289

lol that's great

>> No.8773291

Arent you the same girl who use to jump on the Kota/living doll bandwagon? And post on PULL alot?

>> No.8773294

Wait, is that fat chick the one from PULL who made all those cringy videos (one of which she "apologized" to the Ostrengas in)? Can't remember her username, but that disgusting makeup is very familiar.

>> No.8773299

Sadly, yes. It was around 3 years ago and I regret that so much and it makes me cringe to think about it. I was young and stupid and I wish I'd never done that stuff.

>> No.8773307

Yes, I am that "fat chick". The video actually was an apology to a tumblr user who went by the username "mamaostrenga" not the actual Ostrengas. Everyone made that mistake though.

>> No.8773310

omg anyone who does anything anime/lolita/cosplay related on tv for any reason (lied to, tricked, paid w/e) is a fucking attention whore moron. do they not watch tv at all? there's no way these people actually believe they're not being put on some sensationalist bs reality garbage show unless they have no brains at all (which is totally possible). pathetic.

>> No.8773313

i know that people say this alot, me included, but you should actually seriously kill yourself. you're a pathetic disgusting excuse for a human who deserves to live even less than anyone else.

>> No.8773322


>> No.8773327

Not that anon but why are you even here? Defending this is probably the worst idea, we're just going to dig into you more and you already seem to hate yourself quite a bit. You should leave before you get in too deep.

>> No.8773332

You should try to improve your makeup skills before you ruin what ever new face a doctor decides to give you.

>> No.8773336

I'm not trying to defend myself. I just got tired of answering everything on my tumblr. I don't hate myself and you can dig into me all you want, it doesn't affect me at this point.

>> No.8773337
File: 37 KB, 468x704, 130854__468x_scarlet-hiiro-precure-cosplay-terror-016[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol anon how can she ruin it, it's gonna be nightmare fuel! she's pretty much trying to look like pic related. what a sad excuse for a person.

>> No.8773338

I'm actually not getting any surgery. That was all fake and done by the show.

>> No.8773340
File: 1.38 MB, 400x225, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants plastic surgery
>~animu plastic surgery~
>doesn't hate themselves
>expects us to believe this

>> No.8773343

you need lipo tho.

>> No.8773345

So then why did you go along with it? That desperate for fame? You can't just claim you were tricked now by meanies editing. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.8773348

Why would you agree to do something that would so obviously warp you into something that's totally different than what you think you are? You had to have heard about all of the drama from HoC and the "living doll" episode of my strange addiction. What did you think was going to happen? Your story isn't really unique in any way. They obviously picked whoever they were going to get the most cringe out of.

>> No.8773357

Seriously this. I almost feel bad for her before I realize that she did this knowingly, then I just cringe. She must be really unhappy though.

>> No.8773359

Yeah but it's kind of misleading. The Asian examples used are particularly ugly with exaggerated characterized features and the western examples used are particularly good looking. Bottom line, anime characters (unless stated otherwise within any anime) are Japanese whether you like it or not, this whole "B-but they look more like white people" shit is bull. Not all Japanese people have tiny or slanted eyes in the same way as not all white people have large or round eyes. In general, most anime characters don't tend to look white or Asian they all have exactly the same over-cute giant eyes, dot nose and alternately tiny mouth or over sized giant mouth. Also there's alot of anime/manga actually do have character designs that look Japanese (albeit idealized/cute) and not Caucasian. Depends on the animation/studio/mangaka etc.

>> No.8773361

Ehat you did was pretty stupid. Were you hoping to get some sort of 15 minutes of fame. You arent unique in your style. And like >>8773348 said these never go well. You werent gonna get paid. You obivously did it for attenion so are you proud of the attention youre getting. The weird girl who wants to get surgery to look like anime.

>> No.8773365

>this argument again
Looking white doesn't mean they can't be from japan. The art style originally was inspired by disney(mickey mouse in particular) and evolved eventually into this modern style. Most people using this argument ignore the fact that the art was meant to mimic disney which means they took features of white cartoons at the time. Moeblob shit is totally different because it's a marketing thing. The characters are rarely meant to mimic real life in the first place, so saying "THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE JAPANESE" is just as stupid as saying "THEY'RE CLEARLY WHITE!" it's just an art style.

>> No.8773371

Go back and read what I wrote but this time remove the "this person is clearly a weeb" filter you have set up on your brain and try not to translate "anime characters don't look white or Japanese" as THEY ALL LOOK JAPANESE which I clearly didn't state. Learn how to understand what the words "some" and "not all" and "in general" mean while your at it. I actually knew about the Disney thing, so that's no big revelation either.

>> No.8773374

I also didn't state that they all -look- japanese. Why don't you reread what I said. Point is your argument is exactly the same as what you're bitching about.

>> No.8773376

can we all just shut the fuck up? who cares, anime isn't real.

>> No.8773378

this. can we go back to bashing marissa?

>> No.8773415

can some motherfucker in the US get the damn episode uploaded somewhere jeez

>> No.8773495

Ha-ha, you lazy fat fucks can see it if you pay $2. Of course all of you are pretentious fuckers who think everything aired on US TV should be free.

>> No.8773564

Hey Jimmy!

>> No.8773612

Fuck off schlomo, why should anyone pay to watch a single reality TV episode for keks?

>> No.8774076

My kingdom, my kingdom for a link!

>> No.8774128

Fucking upload it, you cuck. I'm not going to pay a cent for this.

>> No.8774234

I was promised tits in the preview.

>> No.8775718


"I am gonna be using loads of pink." *sees zero pink.* This bitch :x

Laughing so hard about this tutorial.. If you guys wanna rock this look I am sure you can get some great advice on how to contour with black eyepencil. LOL

>> No.8776074

Into the trash it goes

>> No.8776153

Wow Jimmy, you better hurry and rip the video for YouTube, it seems like people are loosing interest in you.

>> No.8776212
File: 25 KB, 293x282, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is bad.

>> No.8776245

Does she honestly think that looks good for every day wear?

>> No.8776260

This made me physically ill.

>> No.8776352


That was her right?
Damn, this show even aired here in Germany.. wish I could at least find that episode, but oh well.

>> No.8776416
File: 86 KB, 736x736, 3266f45d0fdaa218441042e00421be96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG she's a shit-tier Toshi copy-cat. This is embarrassing.

>> No.8777068
File: 290 KB, 680x680, 461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Marissa reaching for internet fame and attention so hard that she is trying to get it by being awful?
I wish she was self aware enough to realize this and bank on it but she entered this contest seriously and this poor girl. She's never going to live this down and her bad choices and tastes are going to follow her forever. Even three years later people still remember her from PULL. She needs to go into the witness protection program.

mfw watching this "tutorial"

>> No.8777149

I'm pretty sure Jimmy has stated that this was all fake...

>> No.8777176

Why did she just go sit in a mall? The people around her look so uncomfortable.

>> No.8777182

this is terrible

why do people like toshi? i honeslty dont get it, i saw her walking around a convention i went to and i thought her look was total weeb trash, i had no idea she was popular. how do people actually like this?

>> No.8777264

Yes, over and over and over again including ITT, trying to milk as much attention and sympathy from it as he can.

>> No.8777279

Someone take one for the team and buy this episode and upload it to vimeo or something.

>> No.8777291

Because this thread is full of the guy's friends trying to deflect the shade onto the girl instead
We know she's a mess, it doesn't make you any better though Barry

>> No.8777297

I think it's really funny how the guy came off as relatively sane on the show but is kicking up such a childish fuss now whereas the girl came off as a complete lunatic but is dealing with the aftermath seemingly really well. Makes me wonder how much of the girl's footage was edited vs. the guy's.

>> No.8777304

>Midland, TX

And NO ONE was surprised.

Holy shit what do they put in the water there that makes people batshit crazy?

>> No.8777483

I'm betting 10 years from now this girl will have grown out of her belated rebellious teenager phase and have a pretty normal existence while the guy will still be a chubby gay kid desperately seeking validation and attention from anyone who will look his way. He'll probably move past cosplay but never past his shitty attitude.

>> No.8777485

Does she have a blog or something? I want to see her response to all this.

>> No.8777529

see >>8768488

>> No.8777539

the girl fucking came in here and told us she did it all on purpose are you blind? neither seem sane and the girl is especially not after her responses since she either knowingly lied about wanting plastic surgery or actually wants it.

>> No.8777550

What are you talking about? She's said in several places she has wanted surgery since she was a teen, but never because of Anime. She wanted surgery before she even knew what Anime was. MTV paid for her consultation and offered to pay for a procedure, but she turned it down because she wanted to wait until she was older.

>> No.8777551

read the fucking thread you white knight shit.

>> No.8777599

I'm amazed Jimmy hasn't shown up here yet to link the video he ripped and posted to Facebook

>> No.8777602


>> No.8777608

Wow thanks Jim...

>> No.8777613

I have. Also read her responses to questions on tumblr. My understanding was that the consultation was all fake for the show, not her at some point considering surgery.

>> No.8777621

I never thought I'd see Marzanna again after what happened on PULL lol

>> No.8777649


>> No.8777662
File: 77 KB, 798x445, b7b1cce94308e2568b81e403d51b0fc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just one cap I found on my computer. But she started out as a huge flake, got talked about for wearing makeup and lenses to the gym, came on and gave an apology for doing stupid stuff when she was younger (sound familar?) and became a normal ish member.
Until she started a thread asking for money to go to Japan, promoting her blogs and youtube everywhere (she had a lovely fake "british" type accent, I'm not sure what she was going for) and just generally being an annoyance. Then somehow another snowflake "hacked" all of her accounts. or so she claims. Luxilux and her were shit talking each other on tumblr/PULL and then suddenly all of her accounts are gone and she has no control over them anymore due to him. He'd told her or something like that is what she said. Nobody believed her, she got called out, she then vanished from PULL and went on to other platforms where she'd be accepted, like tumblr. I'm sure I can dig up more info on my other computer.

>> No.8777723

Still not uploaded on any of my TV watching sites? Wtf?

>> No.8777749


It's a Facebook page video. He's so desperate for attention he bought it on iTunes so he could rip it and upload it on Facebook.

>> No.8777750


You are a wonderful person. Thank you.

>> No.8777751

>she had a lovely fake "british" type accent, I'm not sure what she was going for
how do you know it was fake? she a yank?

jw because people have told me my accent sounded fake as well in America, and I'm Norn Irish, you couldn't fake this accent if you tried.

>> No.8777754

>He's so desperate for attention h

You think so? Feels to me like he's using the free publicity to spread his wig business around. Man's gotta eat though.

>> No.8777769

Yes, I'm sure they're all booked up thanks to this horrible representation of them and the fact no business is ever named in the episode! They're rich!

>> No.8777778

Not that anon, but in the episode it said she's from Midland, Texas. I looked at her youtube channel and found these where she has an accent. It sounds put on to me

>> No.8777780

Because she's not got a single hint of accent in the MTV episode, and it shows she lives in Texas with a seemingly native Texan mother. Her accent was inconsistent and shoddy, and if I recall correctly I think she used to hint she wasn't American on PULL so that way her accent would seem authentic.

>> No.8777783


Oh, beautiful, thank you. Those are the videos I was talking about, I just didn't have the links with me when making that response. But yeah, that's what I meant. No accent in MTV but really bad accent on YT.

>> No.8777788

Im surprised there isnt a new thread about her on PULL. She tried so hard to kiss ass on there amd got butthurt whenwe told her to stop trying so hard. She used to be anti Kota and suddenly she started to do the whole living doll thing but she wasnt the same kind.
Maybe other memebrs remember her. i

>> No.8777798

For the most part there's no drama anymore except this. it's all such old dirt that it'd be hard to dig up a lot of details since all of her activities went down with the ship when ff deleted PULL.

>> No.8778268

Why all the hate for these two? Good on the girl for having the actual courage for going out all the time looking like that? I know I wouldn't be able to.

>> No.8778295


Well I was going to side with her at first, when I started watching it. She just wanted her mom to not be so judgmental, ect, let her express herself. That's fine. But then she said she was 21, and my opinion changed immensity. I went from "awww, poor thing doesn't have anyone in her corner" to "Bitch, move out, get your own place, get a job, do your own shit in your own time and if you go out with your mom for coffee or something, dress normally for her sake."

>> No.8778297

UGGH on the guy for "dieting" . You stupid person. You can't not eat and only have 2 grapes a day if you want to get skinny. Don't you know how fat cells work!? People like this make me so mad. If you just drink protein shakes, jog a little, AND eat veggies, you'll lose weight right away. Starving yourself makes it take forever cause you're body suddenly thinks it's going to die and preserves the fat you have. OMG, how stupid are you!...Sorry, I hang out in /fit/ a lot.

>> No.8778299

>They practice for the first time in the hotel room 10 minutes before the show.


>> No.8778305

How can these two people claim to love cosplay THIS much, but they aren't that good at actually doing it? Guy's wigs are pretty good, but sheesh, this girl can't sow. Or craft. Or make up right.

>> No.8778366

The girl's makeup sucks. The only thing of hers i liked was the orange/green fairy-goblin thing she had goin...and they way she pronounces her name, i went 20 minuets into the show thinking her name was MRSA and was legitimately grossed out.

>> No.8778406

Weird Threads?

>> No.8778543

That's bullshit. If that myth were true, intermittent fasting wouldn't be an efficient system, anorexics wouldn't be skellymode, etc. "Starvation mode" takes like 72 hours to kick in.
I'm pretty sure the human body isn't actually required to eat every single day, or else we would've all died off back when we had to hunt food because meals weren't 100% guaranteed.

>> No.8778972
File: 32 KB, 1047x194, 33529b35a562ee6ff25ecca242281139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a makeup artist, professional mermaid
She's so delusional

>> No.8779000

>while others are busy trolling the internet, trying to dim a light they couldn't even come close to touching... We work our butts off to make our dreams and goals a reality.

LOL this episode wasn't even about you, why are so desperate for attention?

>> No.8779025

So. 4chan is a person. Right?

>> No.8782845

When will there be links! ?

>> No.8783024

Read the fucking thread


>> No.8783552
File: 82 KB, 211x185, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What character is this? My first thought was Gongenzaka from Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V, but I don't think that's right.

>> No.8783561

Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates

It's from the princess party company that him, Jimmy and Danielle all work for

>> No.8783572

fuuuck I remember being a young weeb back then and being so embarrassed of this ep

>> No.8785167

You seem to know them personally.

>> No.8785184

You clearly don't spend enough time in /fit/ or you're all just as blockheaded as I've suspected if you think "starvation mode" is a thing. It's calories in, calories out you goon.

>> No.8786246

He stated hundreds of times this show is all staged.

>> No.8786313

Please leave Barry. Staged or not you sure came off as a moron who would try to crash diet to loose 3 pounds.

>> No.8788140

Damn, so close

>> No.8792957

This was my favorite show.

>> No.8793012

If you look carefully at that avatar I think she's actually contoured her nasolabial folds