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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8754949 No.8754949 [Reply] [Original]

new larp thread
previous one

now with 110% more shittalking

>> No.8754951
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also marginally related
got a chest today, and while it needs some serious repairs it was piss cheap

>> No.8754969
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Talking about Star Wars got me thinking... are dickswords actually acceptable if you're playing a Jedi?

>> No.8754996

dickswords are never acceptable. Also why would you leave your lightsabre on all the time?

>> No.8755012

Well, there's no way to accurately represent turning a lightsaber off when you're using a boffer. And a dicksword can be made to look like a lightsaber while still technically being a dicksword...

>> No.8755022

>And a dicksword can be made to look like a lightsaber while still technically being a dicksword...
I heard the same argument when people say that cardboard armor can look good. And yet most people who come with this argument will never make a cardboard armor that looks good. Same with leather armour
So I'm kind of cynical about this

>> No.8755060
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once again, any advice on colors?

>> No.8755167

Going to make my own chainmail shirt.
Better to buy wire and roll it myself, or buy rings?
If rings, best place to buy rings?

>> No.8755251

boffer ?

>> No.8755315

Whats your favorite color? Make it in that, or make it in blue and give it to me because blue is my favorite color.

>> No.8755490
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Well this is me. And i think maroon looks decent on me. and also my favorite color is like a forrest green.

>> No.8755499
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>> No.8755515

you should just buy actual riveted chain. even cheap indian chain is better than butted. Butted will split everywhere.

>> No.8755533

there is a subtle but important difference between boffers and dickswords. Namely that dickswords are shit

>> No.8755538

Awesome. How much you pay?

Depends. Butted or riveted? Do you have time or money? Can you make a mandril?

>> No.8755544

6k huf. Which is in pig disgusting capitalist paper money is roughly 20 usd

>> No.8755564

I don't know what that is. I was looking at guides online and the simpler one seems to be 4 in 1. Sorry if thats not what you were asking.
I have all winter. I'd like to keep costs down if possible.
I have a drill and random shit everywhere. I could probably put one together. Is hand spinning not recommended?

>> No.8755573

To add context, my friend invited me to go to his larp with him. Never been to a larp before. The event has some decent costume restrictions, and I want to look pretty good. I figured a chainmail shirt do be a fun project plus something to add realism to my outfit.

>> No.8755650
File: 37 KB, 563x187, RivitedvsButted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainmaille takes a long time to make until you get good at it. A full shirt isn't a super practical thing to start off on.

Butted vs. Riveted refers to how the individual links are closed. 'butted' is where the link opening is just pressed together so the 'butts touch' (no homo). Riveted is where the links' ends are flattened, and then have a small piece of metal driven through it (a rivet). In the pic, the right is butted and the left is riveted. Doing your own rivets is possible, but it is difficult and even more time consuming, and requires more tools.

The 4-in-1 is a method of knitting/weaving/making whatever you want to call it chainmaille. It is both easy and traditional, but more decorative versions exist.

Anticipate spending at least 6 months and maybe $200 (depending on your source) making a butted shirt. You can get stuff from India form Amazon for about $60 for a butted shirt. It'll fall apart eventually, but it works well enough for LARP especially if you aren't certain you'll stick with it.

Then invest in riveted.

>> No.8755664

Well, if we're using the definition that dickswords are automatically shit, then yeah, they're never acceptable. But I was using the word to refer to foam-wrap weapons that don't really look like swords at all--and since lightsabers are supposed to be round, and rarely look like swords, I think a boffer lightsaber could be made in the same style.

>> No.8755693

dickswords aren't just have a round cross section, they are usually wrapped with ductape so hard that it crushes the foam underneath it and may or may not have an additional tip at the end to be truly a dicksword and to be "safe"

>> No.8755841
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here is my lightsaber themed dildo. A bit longer than usual.

It's just pvc inside, foam tube outside, and plastic custom hilt from various shit, including a toy.
It look ok as long as you don't fuck up the handle.

>> No.8755852

>6000 hufflepuffs
You did good.

Spidersocks has it >>8755650. You need to understand, you're still taking on a major project.

Start with something simple, like square patches, then a dice bag or something.

>> No.8755917

To add onto that, there are a lot of things more important that chainmaille to making yourself look good. If the game doesn't *really* care about you wearing armor, I would scratch it in favor of getting a better shirt, better pants, better shoes, or layering pieces.

Layering is the key to making garb look like real clothes. Here is a good visual representation of how layering can make or break a costume: http://larp.guide/2015/08/clothes-not-costume-layering/ (though I don't suggest copying the example costume).

If you have all that shit plus a warm in-genre hat, or you just have tons of money and don't need to save for stuff, feel free to ignore this and buy chainmaille.

>> No.8755974

that really was an awesome guide.

>> No.8756007

I was hoping to play a squire of sorts, thats why I was going with the chain mail.
Thanks for all the advice.
Maybe I'll just do a tunic/tabard deal to make me look more squirely.
I think I'm going to do just that.

>> No.8756029
File: 614 KB, 1200x1600, 1342106340130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a padded jack/gambeson. It looks better, is more believable for a squire or any soldierly type, is more comfortable, and will be used to wear under the maille if you ever get any. They can be made in many different styles, and are found in every culture/tech level.

>> No.8756854
File: 38 KB, 478x359, Moving-Blanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a moving blanket be decent material for a gambeson?

>> No.8756855

is it made out of synthetic material?

>> No.8756858

i didn't even think about that. just by looking up a few they're either Cotton/Poly or nonwoven?

>> No.8756861

if it's mostly synthetic then you will have a bad time in it, although you can probably go up to 10-20% synthetic material in it until you will really hate yourself for using it.

>> No.8756868

thanks! i'll make sure to keep that in mind when i go out to look. assuming i find what i'm looking, is there anything i should be aware of when making gambeson?

>> No.8756872

don't make it too thick.
Armpits will be a clusterfuck.
Do you want to use it for purely larp reasons or do you want it to be more real, actually protecting you, closer to authetnic ones, etc?

>> No.8756880
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Purely for larp. Once I finish up school I'll be looking into what the local SCA scene is like.

but um, should i make the arm pits open like the picture to avoid headaches? or are there other options?

>> No.8756882

there are other options as well, depending on how good is your sewing skills. You can even make the arms detachable. But yeah, open armpits is one of the easiest way

>> No.8756892

anyway a few tips if it's just for larp:
As I said you don't have to make it too thick, as it doesn't have to block actual weapons, etc. Make it good looking, comfy, and durable.
A little plus padding on the top of the shoulders can be always great, especially if you will wear chainmail with it.
About the shoulders: good gambeson shoulders start way more inside than in moder clothing. That's generally true for every period clothing, shoulders start more inside. Like, where your actual shoulder starts that's where the arm part of the cloth start.
Also waist, if you want to be comfy AND stylish, waist should be higher than in normal modern clothing. Make it somewhere around where your ribcage ends.

This is just the top of my head right now if you have more questions ask

>> No.8756910

thanks for your help!

I will be wearing it with chainmail. besides padding and a high waist, got any other comfy tips?

>> No.8756915

don't put too much padding in the arms either, if you overdo it will just restrict your movement. To be more precise: you have to do the elbow part correctly that's where the too much padding can fuck up everything for you.

and the standard pose for it shouldn't be 'arms next to the body' the standard pose when you get measurements for this is a "holding a barrel" pose. That also helps not fucking up the shoulder and the elbows

>> No.8757462

Gonna go to some local Post-Apocalyptic LARP in a few weeks. Any tips on outfits and all that stuff?

>> No.8757524

Get some cheap motorcycle gear and beat the shit out of it.

>> No.8757527

Youtube distressing. then do it to all your clothes

>> No.8757529
File: 2.30 MB, 2560x1920, 20150117_192430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a hole saw set
(something like this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Black-Decker-Hole-Saw-Set/16672630))
Stack the different sizes into each other and hold it in your palm to rip the edges of clothing. and pull threads from the centers.
This makes a rather realistic worn out look.

Spray paint is your friend. Get earthy colors and mist them over your outer clothing in irregular patches. Concentrate on edges and where your joints would be.

For a super grungy mad max desert look, get matte clear coat and finely grated mineral powders and/or soil in different shades.
Saturate an area with the spay coat, then rub in the dirt while it's still wet and seal it with another layer of clear coat.

Use really thick thread to amateurishly stitch over the existing seams. Makes it look like someone patched the clothing up in a hurry.

Take the sleeves off of one shirt and sew them onto another shirt.

Old hoodies make for good hoods (duh). Just cut a semi circle around the shoulder area to get a nice cowl.

wear shoes that are likely to have survived an apocalypse. Used safety boots are perfect.

Depending on your area think of what kinds of clothing would be appropriate to wear without any good shelter, or modern amenities.

>> No.8758131

That is fair! If that's what constitutes a dicksword, then yes, dickswords are uniformly shit.

>> No.8758187
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>> No.8758278

>Get a hole saw set
>(something like this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Black-Decker-Hole-Saw-Set/16672630))
>Stack the different sizes into each other and hold it in your palm to rip the edges of clothing. and pull threads from the centers.
>This makes a rather realistic worn out look.
Actually that can be done with sandpaper or just with one good knife if you are patient enough. Sandpaper takes way more time but gives way better result

what kind of character will you play?

>> No.8758341

I'd like to make a set of like 5 masks avoiding any popculture inspired imagery. Something like Hexadecimal from reboot. The question I ask is how to do it so it will stand up to the rigors of combat and drunken shenanigans innawoods. Granted if.it's paper mache I can just re do them with little effort but I dont care for the raggedy Mike myers slap dash that newspaper offers

>> No.8758349

paper mache can be really sturdy (sturdy enough if you ask me, used it once, got a few hits on the mask, nothing happened) if you make it thick enough, but Esh-Esh will tell you way to make it even more sturdy if you really want to

>> No.8758415




The Grunge!

>> No.8758470

Worst that can happen is I end up using a WHOLE newspaper in trial and error

>> No.8758475

If you want to live dangerously use two, and wallpaper glue

>> No.8758481

Sculpting the mask, making a silicone mould, and then casting it in resin with a layer of fiberglass cloth strips will result in the strongest mask (waterproof, too!). That's a huge investment in materials and parts, though, and as long as you coat the paper mache in stuff to keep the water out and maybe use some chicken wire as a base, it should hold up for a few games.
Thick paper mache can be sanded, though most people don't bother. That removes most of the arts-n-crafts look from it.

>> No.8758636
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I used these tutorials for my post apo suit and it's easy to do and does look very good even if you got no skills in costume creation.

Pic related. its what i ended up with.

like Esh said, dress for the Area you play in.
Thats what i find funny about post-apo in Quebec.

If you want to survive the northern wilderness you better be prepared for the worst.

This year its exceptionally hot for this season its ridiculous we could actually still be larping.
(i know its because of the same warm current that the south is fucked up rigth now but...godamn its nice outside)

But i've seen poeple last year during a post-apo shivering from the cold and without any other clothes than those that were soaked wet.

So if you're playing in california or australia... you're not gonna dress the same.

So you're probably never gonna see a half-naked dude with warpaint here in october.

>> No.8758640

I was toying with the idea of using fiberglass. It would definitly win out in the longitvity contest; assumed you can do mildly fine detailing as well

>> No.8758654

Just dip the paper mache mask in expoy resin

>> No.8758936
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A method I like, that's a lot cheaper than the method Tarantula described, is to start with a sheet of tin foil, form it to the shape of your face, and apply lots of layers of masking tape to it. It takes a few hours, but you can do it while listening to a podcast or something, and it's extremely cheap and easy to customize--you can add a large nose, ears, features, whatever you want by molding foil under several layers of tape.

Eventually you'll get to the point where it's about as pliable as leather, and that's when it can be worn. You probably want to add a couple more layers after that point though, for extra durability. It's not quite as sturdy as something more professionally-made, but it can take a little bit of a beating as long as you avoid slamming your face into things. You may also want to consider lining it with cloth, and possibly giving it a layer of plastidip to prevent any peeling.

>> No.8759310
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beat me to the post.

Paper mache using newspaper, with several layers of gesso. each layer is sanded smooth. How do you think the pros do it?

Finish with a clear epoxy resin for strength and sealing.

You're both mad!

Unf. Venetian and commedia dell'arte masks are love.

>> No.8759329
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Aigth so update on the post apo group i'm starting.

Its a airsoft larp set in the fallout universe.
from the photo i've seen it looks good.

I want to make raiders.
here the kind of group we could make tell me your ideas and we'll probably make it.

We plan on dying a lot.

>Traveling circus
clowns, beast tamer, strongman, bearded lady.
horrible mutants and many more to see!

>Getho wiggas
( white people dressed as ''ganstas'' with too much attitude)

>dangerous transvestites
Dudes in dresses and too much makeup that rob banks

>the ''Turbo Satans''
(Bikers with a 80' retrofuturist look.)

>the 50' house.
( We kidnap people and put them in 50' style clothes in a 50' style house inside a trailer and gun down all those who are saying its not the 50' anymore)

>the dastardly gentlemens
Top hat, moustache and really really wanting to put the lady in distress over train tracks, will the hero arrive on time?

>> No.8759341

I'm ok with the circus, the 50's house, and maybe the gentlemens, others are pretty randumb.

One thing I've wondered about fallout is why no-one post-war tried communism, given how well shallow 50's consumerism worked out for the old world, or because of the forbidden fruit effect. Of course, they'd probably be adding a couple tidbits from Karl's apparent brothers or Vladimir's British cousin.

>> No.8759359
File: 60 KB, 526x526, tumblr_n18achumej1qgerv7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Traveling circus
>clowns, beast tamer, strongman, bearded lady.
>horrible mutants and many more to see!

Anything I can help with?

Also: A suggestion... LARPERS. A "kingdom" of stereotypical fantas larpers, armed with wallhanger swords and shitty armour, hoping to use the apocalypse to finally live their nerdy dreams!

>> No.8759360

>One thing I've wondered about fallout is why no-one post-war tried communism


>> No.8759636
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Commedia is love, commedia is life.

>> No.8759940
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Prety schnazzy mask, lemme countermask. Made out of eva foam though it's getting on in years I was proud of the finished product.

>> No.8759944

If I ever made a post-apo larp I'd make a faction of S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro-esque socialists who horde warsaw pact milsurp and somehow pit them against Mad Max-esque homoerotic raiders (The one problem with Thunderdome and Fury Road was doing away with all the hard gay imagery, it's just not the same...) and not!Brotherhood of steel for maximum genre dysfunction.

>> No.8759947

How about the Turbo Santa's. 50s inspired Kris Kringles who dress in red robes and pointed hats giving the gift of hot lead and taking nuka cola, cookies and loot upon their robo-reindeer sleigh

>> No.8759950


>> No.8759952

The Moptops, faux-british raiders who murderise people with polished hammers, and their legion of slave-women who have to follow them around screaming in exchange for jet.

>> No.8759957

Tried plaster cloth. The mask is still drying I'll bugger with it after work. But I think it's gonna be paper mache from here on out

>> No.8760837

Yeeeaaahhhh. Fuck that plastercloth. It's crumbly as a castle wall besieged by Joan of Arc's trebuchets

>> No.8760841

>Larpers larping as Larpers.
Fund it.

>> No.8760855

I once had to go to a larp while I was larping on a bigger larp and in that smaller larp my character larped

>> No.8760963

Plaster cloth is shit. Just use paper mache.

Make it so.

>> No.8761060

I'm not sure yet. There's a "Survivor" team and a "Looter" team and I cannot decide which one I'd enjoy more in.

Lookin' good!
I live in Israel. Most of the time it's really hot in here, but the winter tends to be hard, so yeah.
Game's in January, so I guess coats and all that.

>> No.8761562

I mean, what will you do during the game? What will be your character about? Are the guns in the game airsoft or nerf ones? What are the combat rules?

>> No.8762190
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I need some help CGL, anyone know where I can get a free pattern for a plague doctor mask?

>> No.8762455

Man come on, boo.
A: Literally the first results when you Google Plauge doctors mask pattern
B: Make a paper mock up until you get one that looks good and works. Copy that over
C: -5 Internets for not googling first
D: -10 Nerd Points for not making your own

I bet you don't even chew basil when dealing with the infected

>> No.8762459

Also I just got b& for that post so make that mask awesome

>> No.8762623

Theres no actual pattern to use in that instructable and it wants me to own a laser cutter which I do not.

>> No.8762666

Literally second page of the instructable, the picture has the pattern in it. Download the picture, crop out the other stuff.

Even if that was beyond your abilities, the second one also has a pattern.
Come on, anon.

Goodnight sweet anon, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! You have done well this day.

>> No.8762943
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Anyone planning to go to Oldtown this year?
Where are you from? What group will you be a part of? What character will you play?

>> No.8763457
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meanwhile we just got home from a local con

>> No.8764012
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Just got home from helping out on a LARP panel for a local convention. I was in my full kit and brought my sword (latex) and shield for the combat demo and for people to look at.

>Panel is over, everyone has left
>Guy walks in as we're packing up, walks over to me, gestures wildly at me and grunts.
>I have no idea what he wants. Finally he sighs, and holds his hand out "Give me the sword please."
>Ignore all the red flags and hand him my sword since we had been letting other people hold/handle them.
>He holds it for a second, staring at me, before thrusting his other hand out and sighing again, loudly "Shield."
>I pass it over to him.
>He strikes a few anime poses with the sword and shield, and makes a few aimless, controless swings around himself while muttering "Yeah... that's it... I still got it... Yes..." under his breath.
>I step forward to take my stuff back and he swings towards me
>The mothafucka shield bashes me in the chest with all the force he can muster
>Dude is luckily a manlet and can barely move me
>He starts wildly swinging the sword at (unarmed) me.
>I'm pissed so I bat his swing out of the way and grab my sword out of his hand. He sighs heavily and hands over my shield as well.
>I tell him "Shield bashes aren't usable in most local games."
>He gives me a horrified look and says (I swear) "But the shield bash is the best defense there is! Nothing compares! Why would you even want a shield if you can't shield bash?"
>I ignored that part and just say "It's for safety reasons."
>He sighs really, really heavily "There are things more important than safety."
>He turns on his heel, sighs once more, and walks out
>He turns back only once to say "By the way- that sword should be made out of wood. No hardcore game uses foam anymore."

I've never met a 'muh full contact' guy in real life before today, and I hope never to do so again.

>> No.8764042
File: 366 KB, 1632x1224, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to say "use freaking google" before other anons did, but look here you mouthbreathing mongoloid: First row of the image search.

>He doesn't chew basil
>MFW he inhales foul vapours
>MFW my face is in a mask.
>Good luck, I'm behind 700 poseys!

Fucking lame, bro.

Just saw on visage grimiore. cool shit. Anyone take you up on it?


>> No.8764057

A little strange request:
Some time ago, at a previous LARP thread, somebody (IIRC it was Tarantula or Esh-Esh?) posted a pic of a Gorget and Bracelets with some sort of 'light-crystals' on them. If the person who made them reads this, may they please upload it again?

>> No.8764069

Sounds like Esh-esh. Try the archives https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/?task=search2&ghost=&search_text=&search_subject=&search_username=+Esh-Esh&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_media_hash=&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post

Are these them?


>> No.8764081

Yeah man, thanks a lot.
Do you think there'd be a problem if I shared those with my group as inspiration and example of good props/accessories?

>> No.8764089

I think you should ask Esh first, but knowing her, as long as credit and a link to her site is added, I think it would be fine.

She does share her secrets here after all.

>> No.8764339
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holy shit

>> No.8764434

Horror stories like this are the reason I can never get my friends who play lightest touch larps to consider trying something different. Shame that faggots like that ruin it for the rest of us.

>> No.8764607
File: 92 KB, 271x233, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I hate to ask, where the fuck are these wooden weapon 'muh full contact' fucks even playing? I imagine it's gotta be informal because of all the safety and legal stuff that most games get bogged down in.
Really all I can imagine is a bunch of pasty manlets in ill-fitting tunics getting together in the woods for the world's most depressing fight club.

>> No.8764617

Wait, actual wood? As in like the kind used in lumber? I wouldn't even use that if I DID want to hurt someone. Rattan or bamboo, sure, that is that the higher quality martial arts practice weapons are made from, but actual wood?

>> No.8764626

That is what* dyac

>> No.8764630

Even HEMA groups and the like use spring steel with rolled edges: Hardwood is for pell work and pell work only.

>> No.8764644
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> Anyone take you up on it?

Oh you have no idea. Several people came back MULTIPLE TIMES to get beaten with sticks.

>> No.8764657

>He turns back only once to say "By the way- that sword should be made out of wood. No hardcore game uses foam anymore."

That's interesting. Around here, wood-cored boffers were the norm up until ~2010, and there were some old-school battlegamers who complained a lot when padding was introduced in the mid-2000s, because "bare wood is safer", and some of them still complain (although don't larp at all) that wood should be brought back. So, no sane game uses wood anymore.

>> No.8764686
File: 168 KB, 1128x981, images-SNLA6802BR_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here use these? I got hit in the thumb during a shitty boffer fighting game last year and I couldn't do anything involving moving my thumb for four months and I'm not keen on repeating the experience.


>> No.8764693

Did the hit in question mangle your thumb in general, or did it fuck up your joint? If it's the latter, then strapping some leather on is not going to do much.
It's better than nothing, but you should look into padded fencing gloves and the like.

>> No.8764696

Hit right on the joint, didn't dislocate anything or break anything. my doctor told me the muscle at the joint swelled up after the hit.

>> No.8764708

I have no idea how, but I've heard of more people getting lasting injuries from boffers than steel.
Maybe it's a control thing.

Regardless I'd recommend padded gloves, but putting just about anything between your hand and the world of pain ahead of it is going to help. If you're paranoid about keeping your digits in order, though, it may be worthwhile to stop looking at things aimed specifically at LARP. I'd look into hand protection used for SCA and the like.

>> No.8764726

>Maybe it's a control thing.
I'd put money on that. The group at my college that does boffer fighting is a massive joke, no rules for weapon construction and no teaching people that even though they're swinging around pool noodles on pvc that can still injure someone if they don't control their strikes.

>> No.8764801
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>Just saw on visage grimiore. cool shit. Anyone take you up on it?
there were a few

>> No.8764809

welcome in the club.

>I imagine it's gotta be informal because of all the safety and legal stuff that most games get bogged down in.
or... you know, they doesn't sue each other. I know it might sound insane but hey, they ARE insane

it's because people THINK that padded weapons are ultimately safe and you don't need any control whatsoever, or dodge the hits, etc. AND you don't use any safety equipment with it.
Meanwhile if you fight with steel swords you are cautious as fuck AND use safety equipment.
That doesn't make steel swords safer, it's just people using it safer. That's what people can't really understand. Plus that every weapon's maximum safety depends on the user

>> No.8765003

I am mostly mad about the shield bash- in what universe is it good etiquette to attack an unarmed person who is just standing there, at a convention?
The key difference between a 'muh full contact' game and a game that uses heavier contact is (imo) the 'muh full contact' game will be sold to you on how 'hardcore' the combat is and how injured you will get. A game with simply harder contact will sell itself as having more accurate/realistic swordplay since there are plenty of things you can do with slightly heavier contact. It also shouldn't be the focus of a game.
I suggest you sell it to your friends as "more realistic combat, but just about as safe." and then talk a lot about the setting and roleplay.

>where the fuck are these wooden weapon 'muh full contact' fucks even playing?
Bob's backyard unless his wife is being a bitch in which case it will be in Jason's basement.
It is always backyard games for insurance reasons, at least here.

In my experience it's shitty wooden bokken from anime conventions. It would be acceptable if it was, say, one of those bamboo kendo training sticks but they always mean the hardwood, unbalanced kind.

>> No.8765009

>in what universe is it good etiquette to attack an unarmed person who is just standing there, at a convention?
wh40k probably

>> No.8765019

Not that related but reminds me of a story.

>Our groups run a fighting arena in a local con, so people can try boffer (I think? That's the closest definition to our weapons I've seen here) fighting etc (pretty common here)
>My friend's in charge of fighting with whoever wants to, training newbies etc
>Some dudes walks up to him with three swords, one in his mouth
>Apparently he's imitating a dude named Zoro (For those who aren't animufags, it's some pirate guy who fights with a sword in his mouth and two in his hands)
>Friend gets concerned, warning him a few times that it's dangerous and not safe to fight like that
>Dude brushes him off, saying he shouldn't worry since he's well-trained in fighting like that
>After a minute of trying to convince him, friend just sighs and they start fighting
>Weeb dude charges at him
>Friend just waits there, when weeb gets in range he just hits downwards the sword that's held horizonally in his mouth
>Weeb yelps in pain, swords drops from his mouth
I hope he at least learned his lesson

>> No.8765567

You know it's weird. The better people are, athletically, the less they brag about it. there's a dude in my local larp group who plays a healer, does barely any combat, and yet, is a collegiate athlete and is one of the best badminton players in the state. I sometimes wonder what he's thinking.

>> No.8765587

Two things:
First, as someone gets better and better at something he realizes how little he knows / how many other peoples out there who are better than them. This to some extend teaches humility.
Secondly, in most things you need a lot of practice to get better and better. If you are really good at something that means you practiced a fuckton. Which means you no longer considered it something special, it's part of your everyday life. Hence it's not a bragging subject for you.

Of course there are always exceptions as with everything but that's the main idea.

>> No.8765659

>I suggest you sell it to your friends as "more realistic combat, but just about as safe.
The problem is my friends who already larp have bought into the "anything I don't like is unsafe" line of thinking.

>> No.8765663

... and they are still your friends?

>> No.8765672
File: 196 KB, 894x894, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys I rp a necromancer where can I get an authentic spell book / skelly minions?

>> No.8765676

>authentic spell book
Ancient burial grounds.

>spell book
Etsy, ren faires (both overpriced), Amazon, Ebay, or make your own.

>skelly minions
Also ancient burial grounds.
Alternatively, your friend Todd in a skeleton suit. Tell him you'll buy him a beer if he obeys your commands.

>> No.8765688

For the spellbook, check the ruins by the side of the lake, that's where I got mine. As for skelly minions, still working on that, I'll let you know when I figure it out.

>> No.8765834

There must be something contagious go around, because I just got public challenged by some new SCA mallninja in the northern most local group.

>Tell him you'll buy him a beer if he obeys your commands.

...Oddly enough, I played a necromancer in a table top who operated the same way with his skellingtons.

>> No.8766246
File: 30 KB, 540x720, 12346630_10153865322412160_1503509556_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> be me
> be holding a shield and a sword
> see one of my friend's arrow
> i'll pick it up i guess
> nowhere to put it
> no combat close
> i'll hold it with my mouth for the moment i guess
> start walking fast
> pass between two small tree
> arrow get stuck
> feel like i just had someone punch me
> i have to take a moment and think
> what the hell just hit me in the face
> realise its the arrow
> feel like the dumbest motherfucker around
> i am not a clever man

Pic unrelated, its a wookie

Thrift shop. find the most old looking book
distress/age it.

>Tell him you'll buy him a beer if he obeys your commands
I used to play a necromancer in...oh god... in 2003-2004
I had candy in my pocket that i gave to dead people.

Put some poop on a stick then hit him with it.

>> No.8768056
File: 18 KB, 323x377, Conrad_von_Soest,_'Brillenapostel'_(1403).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any fun suggestions for vaguely in-genre glasses for fantasy medieval games? Since I don't have to wear fogged up spider lenses anymore, the idea of being able to see as best as I can is very exciting. I can still see *okay* without them so it's not a dire situation.

Obviously the simple answer is just don't sweat it and get fully wired glasses with no plastic.

The more complicated answer is buying prescription lenses and making a frame in the style of pic related.

I'm looking for the middle road of what other people have personally used.

>inb4 contacts
fuck you.

>> No.8768167

Oh dear, I asked this a while ago, and someone linked me to a pdf that was basically about using a lathe on one of your old pairs to cut the lens into a circle before fitting it into a frame. I found the site again, but it's no longer hosted and I never bothered to save the pdf. Sorry spider-sensei.

>> No.8768417


>> No.8768661
File: 16 KB, 570x378, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair like this that I have worn for my faun-alchemist. They looked really good, but I had to wear a cord around the back so they wouldn't fly off in combat, and eventually I went back to my normal glasses because with the cord, and horns, and ears, it was too much pressure on my head. But ANYWAYS, I talked about how I bought them on the glasses thread and I'm too lazy to type it out again, so if you care, you can look there.

>> No.8768670

I was actually looking at the glasses thread which is what reminded me! I really like the round ones and the price cannot be beat. My only worry was that they wouldn't hold up to the dirt and crap of LARPing, since everyone who was posting seemed to be a lolita.

Dorky stuttering scholar time here I come.

>> No.8768915

Lacrosse gloves

>> No.8769036

>Reading interview on that Harry Potter larp
" While Czocha College was founded by three men and one woman, all of whom are white, New World Magischola was founded by two women, one man, and one non-binary gendered person, one of whom is of African descent and another of an indigenous North American tribe. That’s just one example of how the design differs on the world-building level."
>"Being designed by lots of women and non-white people makes our game better"
"Even though we can’t control who plays in the game, we do have a measure of control over who obtains positions of power within it: particularly professors and house presidents. We are actively recruiting people outside of white, male, cisgendered, heterosexual, able-bodied identities for these positions in order to have the embodied game play come close to what we have written in the fiction. That is a measure of our commitment to these goals."
>"If you're a white male you probably won't get a position of power in the school"

I'm beginning to think you were right about it being a SJW wank-fest, Hungarian...

>> No.8769089

technically it's not an SJW wank fest, BUT there are an alarming number of SJW there who do their own wankfest.
Also who did that interview? because I have bad feeling

>> No.8769126

It was Geek Initiative interviewing the creators.

I really don't have a problem with equality/diversity in games, I think it's great to have a diverse group of players with different identities. The runners of this game seem to be taking it a little overboard, though. Seems like everything they post, they have to emphasize how they're the ONLY LARP that's DIVERSE and STANDS UP FOR MINORITIES IN A WHITE CIS MALE DOMINATED WORLD and shit like that. A week or two ago they posted a handful of "memes" (by which I mean image macros) about "fighting the patriarchy at wizard school" and stuff like that.

Just kinda makes me feel depressed, man. I can't afford a ticket, so I was looking forward to applying for a staff position or something, where I can help make sure it's a good experience for everybody. But then I see this PC nonsense about how awful it is for straight white men to be on staff, and I feel like they'd probably just shit on me for being there.

>> No.8769133

You may be surprised. There is usually a lot of talk online, but I expect they are a lot more tolerable in person. Just because they advertise on this particular issue doesn't mean it's their only defining feature.

For sure, the sheer amount of rhetoric in that interview is a warning sign, but it still is probably worth trying.

I mean, if you're an asshole that's a separate issue, but just being white/male/cis *shouldn't* (not 'won't' because I can't guarantee it) result in any abuse in an organization that large.

>> No.8769163

Maybe. Could be I'm getting greater exposure to it because I've been following the project for a while now, and this is a fairly regular thing with them.

>> No.8769177

The internet brings out facets of ourselves and focuses really, really heavily on them, particularly if the topic matters to them. I would anticipate that they are not all misandrists the same way not all 4chan users are insane assholes.
Sure, some of them are, but the vast majority are fairly normal people.

>> No.8769179

remember when I told you the story where people were buttdevastated because the whatever brotherhood was offensive because BROTHERhood. And that said brotherhood had only one male player, the rest were all female. And the leader were female too.
The people who were buttdevasteted weren't even in the game.
But yeah, the polish guys can go overboard with the safety stuff, I mean they are the ones who started to put "trigger warnings" on the larps, which if you read about on a chinese cartoon forum might sounds like a bad idea but actually it's pretty useful about what can you expect on the larp.

> I can't afford a ticket
If you have big enough breasts and like whoring then put up a kickstarter so others can give you money and you can go larping and in return you will tell them how awesome it was. At least one attention whore was successful with this as far as I know and another one tried (and hopefully will fail as things stand now)

>> No.8769229

Who managed to pull that off?

>> No.8769238

her nick starts with an L and ends with arpgirl
Real name starts with a K and ends with aza Marie

>> No.8769283

>If you have big enough breasts and like whoring then put up a kickstarter so others can give you money
Sadly, am a dude in good physical shape, so no boobs to speak of. #ThisIsFemalePrivilege

>> No.8769292

that only means you need a way more specific target audience. It's 2015 after all.
That or actually work for the money but that's insane

>> No.8769296

Haha, I think I'm too proud to go the route of crowdfunding for something like this anyway. Nice thought though.

Unfortunately for the working suggestion, I'm in the process of moving out right now, so most of my job money is going toward that. Otherwise I'd have no problem just sucking it up and making myself broke for a month or two.

>> No.8769317

>Nice thought though.
no it isn't. If you would have failed for this then I had to pack up, find you, drown you in napalm and stab you a few times

>> No.8769329
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>> No.8769340

it was a bait.
Starting a crowfunding for your own amusement and doesn't giving back anything meaningful is a disgusting thing to do, although I can respect it if you manage to get a huge pile of money this way, but you would be still on the fuck you list.
Then again the people who actually giving money for this are even worse.

>> No.8769943
File: 1.27 MB, 1944x2592, 2015-12-17 02.37.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey HLF,

Check it out, the new Shield Esh Esh made for me.

>> No.8769944
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>> No.8769945
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>> No.8769946
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>> No.8769970

Anyone made a guide on drachenfest for foreigners including costs and what airport to go for and stuff?

>> No.8770064

nothing that's reliable/good.
But then again, you doesn't really need a guide for it

pig disgusting heretic

>> No.8770166

would larp actually let you have a weird vagina shield?

>> No.8770499

>let you
What kinda shit games you playing son?

>> No.8770596

>let you
The fuck? I mean, I can see some issues if there are children at game and it is actually a vagina, but wut?

>> No.8770600

Every larp I've attended is 18+
Is this different in the states or something?

>> No.8770609

Depends on the game, but most of the big ones are 18+ or at least 16+

Our game has a couple of babies that their parents bring, and we used to have a 2-year-old who would come with their dad.

>> No.8770637
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my set?

>> No.8770658

honestly? very generic

>> No.8770664

I like 13th/14th century, im always a historical correct character(armour), this time, a man at arms in german ghotic style

>> No.8770679

>im always a historical correct character(armour)
anon... Are you sitting right now? It should be better to sit right now. I have bad news for you

>> No.8770684

Well almost everytime.

>> No.8770688

Dis gone be good.

>> No.8770689

It is generic, but I like it. Better to be generic than shit. It's not supremely historically accurate, but it's not terrible.

Can I get the sauce on the gambeson?

>> No.8770694

to break it down to you: That kit is as far from historical accuracy than your standard DnD night.
And if I has to name a century where it is the closest even then it's more 15th century-ish fantasy.
But mostly fantasy.
The upper clothing that I really don't want to call a doublet is looks like a ripof of some kind of 17th century fantasy stuff and the only gothic thing in that set is the might be sallet but even then it has problems.

So let's just forget this whole historical accuracy thing and german gothic style, pretend it never happened

>> No.8770727

Epic armoury, around 40 euros

>> No.8770730

Ik trying to look a bit historic accurate, just a bit

>> No.8770739

and yet there is nothing on that pic that would be historically accurate to any period apart for 21th century

>> No.8770747
File: 86 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing i need is leg armour, probably these.

>> No.8770782
File: 1.33 MB, 1944x2592, 2015-12-17 02.39.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what kinds of holes you guys have been sticking it in, but thats just a scary maw.

>> No.8770790

truth to be told, he did said it looks like a _weird_ vagina, not a normal one

>> No.8770799
File: 1.15 MB, 1944x2592, 2015-09-23 19.10.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True I guess.

Here's a picture of my old shield.

>> No.8770821

And also to be fair, I was saying that anon was crazy and that it doesn't look like a vagina.

It is not historically accurate, but it is a good start. Is this your first full set of garb? I would suggest looking into getting a proper slashed shirt instead of the striped shirt, it screams babby's first ren-faire.
The problem with historical accuracy is that for the most part, it's all or nothing. No space for significant mistakes (which is part of the reason I stick to fantasy). Unless you have a real passion for history, you may be diving in on the wrong end of the pool.
Thanks for the sauce. I knew I had seen it before!

>> No.8770913

are there any good fantasy-ish (not vampires, please, god) LARPS in southern USA? Like, around Georgia? I know of Dystopia Rising, as my sister plays that, but I'm a little squeamish about zombies. preferably something with good storytellers and administrators who are understanding with health/safety concerns!
any help or suggestions are totally appreciated!

>> No.8770922

Dust to Dust is out there around Atlanta I think? I've never played in it, but it's always looked interesting.

Just google 'LARP Georgia" anon.

>> No.8770925

I never understood why would any larp need storytellers

>> No.8770974

It's just another word for staff/organizers, HLF.

>> No.8770975

Yeah, Storytellers at my event just run the mods.
They want to feel a little more important than just "staff" so storyteller

>> No.8771011

>Buying Epic Anus anything

>> No.8771038

What are 'mods'? Like, I might not the term just not in English. Seen it a few times here but never anywhere else.

>> No.8771121

It's a term specifically used for PvE games (though I suppose big PvP battle games could use it too). 'Mod' stands for 'Module' and is literally just a mission.

If you get some buddies together to clear out rats out of an old lady's cellar, clearing those rats out is called a 'mod.'

It's shorthand that makes it simpler to get NPCs organized and dressed. "We're doing the rat mod." tells you that you need to get people into rat garb and get someone to play an old lady.

A 'mod' is different from a 'plot.' A plot refers to a (usually ongoing, but not always) storyline that has mods within it.

So, say, the rats in the old lady's cellar are coming from the ships down at the docks. The rats are being released by the neighboring country in an effort to introduce plague into the town would be a plot, and clearing them out of the old lady's cellar would be a mod within that plot.

In the long run it's just shorthand to make organizing events easier from a staffing perspective.

>> No.8771164

Yeah, anon nailed it.
Just a quest.
Usually plot or owners run the main story missions but storytellers run the one off mods.

>> No.8771165

There is a steampunk-ish larp in Chattanooga, but no idea if actually any good.

>> No.8771170


>> No.8771174

To be fair, at least it's all fairly sensible and functional stuff. It's just from a mish-mash of different historical periods. Still a step above fantasy armor.

>> No.8771175

It would look less like a vagina but the eye is sitting at the clit + also the orange thing at the bottom looks like a offcentered butthole. It looks neat tho, I wouldn't fuck with nobody who has a genital shield that's too hardcore for me.

>> No.8771180

Nothing wrong with steampunk. It's cogfop you need to watch out for.

>> No.8771189

I know, there's so many areas to work with in that period and it basically boils down to pride and prejudice with copper gears plastered randomly.

>You will never play a game around the 8 hour a day work movement in the states with cartoonishly evil industry barons cyberizing their workforce into compliance against commu-anarcho-luddites trying to blow shit up in scrap armor.
>You will never play a game about the meiji restoration and mow down weebs with a gatling gun arm.
>You will never play a game in colonial Australia where you have to fend off steam-bicycle bushrangers, escaped cannibal convicts terrorizing the land like a zombie apocalypse and more-mutated-than-average australian wildlife.

>> No.8771334
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1a74c606ed2e779d56d749594862b8dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking into account that it isn't historical in the slightest I think this looks like a neat easy to wear breastplate.

>> No.8771420

Well I'm clearly seeing a horrible nightmare demon shield made from the disfigured but still living body of someone. Not really sure where everyone is getting vagina from. I'd probably try and kill anyone I saw using something like this on general principle.

>> No.8771464

Any sites that sell good sci-fi latex weapons? I'm looking for Mass Effect space opera-style stuff, but all I can seem to find is postapoc.

>> No.8771487

well it's not shit that's true, although it's price is more than what it's worth. and I wouldn't say it's a step above of fantasy armour because it is a fantasy armor to some extend. And I've seen better done fantasy armour too.
It's just a generic/basic run off the mill stuf

I can see what they tried to reproduce but without nowing the actual dimensions (and price) it could be either great for larping or borderline shit

>> No.8771497


and it's also a word that heavily implies that that's the guy who will tell you the story so you don't have to do shit, people will put everything under your ass.

>> No.8771513

Small - Base Measurements Fit a 35 Inch Chest and a 27.2 Inch Waist. Straps allow for 8 Inches of adjustment to fit larger sizes
Medium - Base Measurements Fit a 38.6 Inch Chest and a 30.1 Inch Waist. Straps allow for 8 Inches of adjustment to fit larger sizes
Large - Base Measurements Fit a 42.5 Inch Chest and a 35 Inch Waist. Straps allow for 8 Inches of adjustment to fit larger sizes
X-Large - Base Measurements Fit a 47.2 Inch Chest and a 40.2 Inch Waist. Straps allow for 8 Inches adjustment to fit larger sizes

>> No.8771522

price is surprisingly good for a shop armor, shape looks good, although the upper part of it doesn't fit my personal taste but that's my problem.
if you choose the proper size it will be very good for larping.
Just don't believe any of the bullshit they write on their site, like scratch resistant paint or that 1,24 mm steel is awesome for actual protection.

That said it looks like a good buy for larps

>> No.8771524

only the gambeson is epic armoury, i needed a gamebson and this one was 10 euros second hand, so instead of buying a mytholon 50 euro gambeson i bought this one, and btw that is the only epic armoury stuff i have, dont like it either.

>> No.8771525

its epic armoury so mwah,
idk where u live but stahlgilde and mytholon are great and cheap

>> No.8771528

Not cheap when I have to get shipping from Europe to America.

>> No.8771541

that's a problem yeah, i really dislike armour from epic armoury.

>> No.8771542

>mytholon are great and cheap
while mytholon isn't as shit as it used to be you are really stretching it. Especially with the cheap part if we consider the quality of their stuff

>> No.8771561

i made one huge mistake, i bought a hammerkunst weapon, they are so shit..

>> No.8771563

I'm not particuarlly fond of their armor myself, but I think that particular breastplate I posted looks neat. They've got some good leather pouches though.

>> No.8771571


>> No.8771644

We tend to call them linears as an ooc term over here, probably because they are often the combat missions away from the main area that have a defined start and end.

>> No.8771742

I remeber that sheld...I may have seen you before on some distant battlefield

>> No.8771762

Ah, I get it. Thank you!

>> No.8772065

It's fantasy if you're an autist about historical accuracy. But they're all pieces that actually existed and were used. That's demonstrably better than spiky pauldrons and studded leather.

>> No.8772136

they are bad copies of pieces that actually existed. And when I say bad I mean that it hinders the functionality. It doesn't make them unusable but calling them historical accurate is simply lying or being an idiot.
My main problem is that they are low quality stuff that most of the time uncomfortable and sometimes even get damaged during travel

And yes there they are better than spiky pauldrons or studded leather but there is a few more steps between that and historical accuracy.

>> No.8773111

How do you guys come up with kits that are neither too generic nor too special-snowflake-brooding-assassin-drow stuff? Inspiration and examples would be great as well

>> No.8773178

first of all, you dress for the job, secondly you try to do it functionally with as little bullshit as possible. And of course you add creativity, a lot of time, effort and sometimes money.

About inspiration, you have to know what kind of inspiration you want otherwise others will just post what they like

>> No.8773347

Take the persona you have in mind.
What does he or she wear?.how.long have they been wearing it? Whats their favorite peice of armor or garb? What do they do in their hobby? Make potions? Sing? Invade the french? What do they need to accomplish said task?
I try to give each bit of backstory a physical momento that links the event to the character.
He'll I am the dark and broody "drow assassin" type. I just hope that I'm more reasonably founded than a kid who wants to be Kylo Ren .
I put some thought into just who's face is stretched across the Pauldron of my armor and how it got there, and who's faces I wouldn't stretch across the other one.

>> No.8773407

Go ahead. Have fun

>> No.8773515

HLF is right that functionality is the first and most important concern. Making things unique while still being historically accurate takes a lot of research and a deep understanding of fashions of the period (the phrase "You have to understand the rules to break them" applies to costuming as well). I prefer fantasy for this reason, but it's still easy to not go full spiked pauldrons with it.

Functionality just refers to the use of the clothing- stuff thats just made to 'look cool' is rarely something your character would actually wear (with some exceptions). Even impractical pieces of garb can have a *reason* behind them that makes them functional. My ridiculous half gambeson/half cape is a pointless waste of fabric that is not particularly functional, but it represents a specific position/rank within the game and is like a uniform, so it's function is identification.

The easiest way to get a unique look (and a worn, used look) is to layer pieces. I posted a link to an article about this further up in the thread. This may only work for fantasy, but think strategically about it- do each of these layers serve a purpose, even if that purpose is "my character thinks it looks nice"?

Another giant part of garb which I think is sadly ignored is proportioning. This is usually not a problem in historical garb since you're building off things that have already been made, but a lot of fantasy garb looks like crap because of shitty proportioning. Armor that slides down the sides of the arms can make the shoulders look skinnier, which gives people a poorly dressed appearance. Too many belts or pieces of fabric around the waist can make you look fat or at the very least make your midsection look lumpy. A lot of volume/pieces on the top will make you look like a potato with sticks for legs.
It is very helpful to design garb in sketch form, preferably using a pre-rendered outline of a human to avoid warping your design.
Proportion and lines are everything.

>> No.8774244
File: 2.18 MB, 850x4000, Tarantula's guide to garb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my super short guide to basic garb design. Hope it helps someone.

>> No.8774245
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Part 2. Details!
A lot of this is basic stuff and probably not helpful to advanced garb folks.

>> No.8774248
File: 620 KB, 850x3152, Tarantula's guide to garb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And part 3. The end. Hope this helps someone out there.

>> No.8774253
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Woo, nice work. Saved for reference, thx

>> No.8774285
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If you have it in you, make your own clothes. The fact that you'll never bump into anyone wearing the exact same colour, pattern, weave, fabric or cut as you can count for a lot.

Pictured isn't me, but he looks smashing and you could make all of it yourself, barring the belt and shoes.

It is, of course, far more simple to do this with clothes than armour.

>> No.8774490

Dont fucking do it unless you are attempting to correct your posture

>> No.8774681

I must be one of the weird ones that think that period appropriate footwear are one of the last things to worry about.
Modern boots can be covered, or made less noticeable, and provide better grip and ankle protection. It could be because my events are usually 3-4 days long, ground can be uneven, especially if it's been wet, churned up then dried.

>> No.8774700

It is one of the last things to worry about and the graphic explicitly says it, but boot covers often look terrible. It's absolutely possible to get a period (at least period-looking) shoe with the same grip sole as a modern shoe, with the same amount of ankle support.

>> No.8774706

Re-read it, looks like I edited out the 'last thing to get' part. My opinion still holds.

>> No.8774852
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Oh I agree it's possible to get IC footwear that's just as good and safe as modern stuff and that boot covers look terrible.
Luckily my kit involves leg wraps that cover modern ankle supports on my boots.
Pic related, although my leg wraps look like shit there, was heading back to camp to redo them.

>> No.8774859

Another important note- none of the 'rules' in my graphic are set in stone. However, it is the easiest way to get cohesive garb. Before breaking the rules, you have to know the rules. You have to walk before you can run.

The liberal coating of dirt on your shoes helps a lot, and the wraps do a great job of disguising the more modern portions. I like it.


>> No.8774865
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try to get some leather gaiters in military surplus stores, if you happen to find one then they are usually piss cheap, covers most of your boots, comfy as fuck and actually protect your ankle from spraining.
on pic, example

>> No.8774869

And you can even layer them over period footwear, which gives an excellent layering effect instead of trying to hide modern footwear!

>> No.8774870
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I wear a pair of black rigger boots for Fest Larps. They look ok-ish and they keep my feet dry. The are mostly hidden behind a set of greaves anyway.

>> No.8774874
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Keeping feet dry is important because thanks to English weather most UK outdoor larps look like this.

>> No.8774881
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I would rather play in muddy water than in swamps...

>> No.8774889

Little things I would like to say about this guide.
First of all it's not really a good idea to get cloths and armor under the same hat. Armor is an accessory, not clothing and even the garb word could be misleading, although maybe just for me.
Also if I'm not mistaken the first pic is a reenactor, not a lucky choice for a picture about larps

>always design it on paper first
never designed anything cloth related on paper in my entire life :(

About the bad example dude, his upper arm armor with that lower arm... thing is also laughable

>> No.8774892
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We have occassional swamp too. Hopefully new PD site will have better drainage.

>> No.8774895

Marchers love the mud though!

We can but hope. I've not booked any events yet, waiting to see where the new site is.

>> No.8774901

>First of all it's not really a good idea to get cloths and armor under the same hat.
Again, a basic all purpose primer for newbies who keep asking the same questions over and over in the thread. The guide also includes accessories. I think it is just you.

>Also if I'm not mistaken the first pic is a reenactor, not a lucky choice for a picture about larps
It is a reenactor, and I specifically picked it from a reenactor site. However his garb clearly showed the concepts of function, which was the important part.

>About the bad example dude, his upper arm armor with that lower arm... thing is also laughable
The obviously polyester bright red pants are laughable. There is a lot that is laughable. I used the pic to display how important proportion is, but there is a lot to it that is terrible other than that. I'm trying to show concepts to newbs here rather than pick apart specific examples.

>never designed anything cloth related on paper in my entire life :(
You don't have to. It can just help avoiding bad color and garb choices if you are a newb.

It's for newbs, HLF.

>> No.8774904

>The majority of your garb should be neutral toned
>gaudy landsknechts
ahh, alright, everything is fine.

Also if someone is using natural fabric and dying the thing for the color it's VERY HARD to get neon colors. Just a side note.

technically speaking sheep wool is just the most common, but there are other wools from other animals, like goats, camels and sometimes other furry critters.

About belts, people always overlooking it but most people back in the days used only narrow belts, not the wide ones. Not necessarily a problem but looks way better (and sometimes cheaper too)

you know that you can use chainmail, right? I mean you are a larper, no sane person would call you out on that. But chainmaille is just such a horrible abomination of a word that you will called out on it. Like I do it right now.
Also the Indian made chainmails are mostly on Ebay as far as I know. And EVERY butted chainmail will shed it's ring sooner or later. If you don't want that get a riveted one.

Also, everything is shit

>> No.8774909
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you know the worst part about swamps? When you try to be fashionable and bring your slashed shoes. Luckily I brought the lower part of my wool hose too but still, swamp everywhere...
Larp is suffering

>> No.8774913

>I think it is just you.
yay, I'm special!

>It is a reenactor, and I specifically picked it from a reenactor site. However his garb clearly showed the concepts of function, which was the important part.
It would be better to pick a pic of a larper that also have this traits

>> No.8774917

I'm not sure the makeup part is entirely newbie friendly but it adds to the story, that's for sure

>> No.8774918

>gaudy landsknechts
>ahh, alright, everything is fine
I did it for you.

>Also if someone is using natural fabric and dying the thing for the color it's VERY HARD to get neon colors.
Hence why in-genre fabrics are more subdued. This may not be an issue in Europe, but newbs over here have a bad habit of buying horrifically brightly colored fabric for their garb. If you're not dying your own shit, ridiculously bright colors (like the pants) should be avoided.

>technically speaking sheep wool is just the most common, but there are other wools from other animals, like goats, camels and sometimes other furry critters.
True but outside of the scope of basic costuming for newbs. They can barely handle the difference between linen and polyester, let's not confuse them too much.

About belts, people always overlooking it but most people back in the days used only narrow belts, not the wide ones. Not necessarily a problem but looks way better (and sometimes cheaper too)
Depends on the set, sometimes a thicker belt looks better with the whole garb. However the belt should be made out of *thick leather* because otherwise it is a shitty belt and will rip.

Fair'nuff. I'm not editing it, though. Indian made chainmaille is available on Amazon for similar prices as Ebay.
Discussing butted vs. riveted goes outside the scope of a guide for newbs.

>Also, everything is shit
I know, HLF, I know.

>> No.8774919

I could do a whole other page about makeup. I mostly added it for shits and giggles, but I totally could.

>> No.8774923
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>This may not be an issue in Europe, but newbs over here have a bad habit of buying horrifically brightly colored fabric for their garb
you mean shit like this? That's a US monopoly, I've never met anyone with so little fashion sense so far in euro larps. Than again the shit tier persons around here tend to suck in an entirely different way.

>However the belt should be made out of *thick leather* because otherwise it is a shitty belt and will rip.
the thickness and the wideness of a belt is two different thing

>> No.8774930

The most popular US fabric store chain has very, very cheap ($2 per yrd or less) extremely bright (practically day-glo) polyester broadcloth. It's like anthrax. Every new person uses it.

It's the scourge of the Cosplayers as well. Fabric threads here on /cgl/ will always have a few people complaining about shitty cosplayers in the polyester broadcloth.

Bad garb guy's bright red pants appear to be made of the stuff. It's visible a mile away.

>> No.8774939

well, at least he is not in jeans and random metal band tshirt

>> No.8774942

yo, would it be ok if I translated and made this into an article for my country's local larp wiki? if yes, how do you want credit?

>> No.8774946

Go for it.
I actually have no idea how I would want to take credit for it. Just leave in that it was made by Tarantula and leave it at that?

>> No.8774955

aight, cheers!

>> No.8774978

Oh god I hate that stuff so much.
Since I do a lot of custom work, I end up having to buy very specific kinds of colors a lot and ordering them online isn't worth it. And Joann is the only fabric store I kn ow of in the entire county.

Everything about that chain pisses me off, but yeah, the "symphony broadcloth" is very high on the list. And there is a reason is,t so piss cheap. You can literally see through it. I wonder how an actual piece of clothing made from that stuff lasts more than one day.
They have this MASSIVE wall of like 200 different colors of it and each and every one is useless.

/Pet peeve

>> No.8774995

Has clownfag posted any pics of his belshnickle costume yet?

>> No.8775113

My nigguh. Gaiters are the best.

>> No.8775205

I would go as far as calling them the best but definitely among the most cost effective methods. At least when you use them with matching colored boots.

>> No.8775449

If you would post a link afterwards I would appreciate it. I've never had anything I've said translated for anything and it kinda excites me.

I think it's hilarious that I don't even need to name the store or the name they have for it, and you just know that I'm talking about symphony broadcloth from Joanns. That's just how widespread and terrible it is.
The stuff is everywhere.

Oh, and for every American shopping at Joanns, be very careful to read their fibers. Their 'Linen and Linen-like section" is mostly polyester made to look like linen. If you hunt through it they do have some 100% linen and a few 85% linen blends. Same goes for their cotton, a lot of it is blended or 'cotton-like.'
Read yer labels.

>> No.8775457

Hi, I want to get into LARP, do you guys have a sticky or something?

>> No.8775491

What's the first rule of the internet anon? The golden rule? That really important rule that will help you immensely during your time on the internet?

>> No.8775495

Don't talk about LARP club?

>> No.8775499

Nah, it's lurk more.
You aren't really gonna learn much if you aren't willing to dig around a bit to get the information.

>> No.8775520

do not talk about /b/

>> No.8775525

We can't offer you good advice because LARP is hugely varied and complicated hobby. Rules systems, setting, garb requirements, weapons construction, etc. all depends on the game.

What you should do is google "-your general location- LARP" and poke through that until you find a game that looks interesting. Attend that game and see if you like it, or try out a few. We cannot help you find a game or really help you 'get into' LARP.

Also lurk moar.

>> No.8775597

I actually prefer pairing them with a similar but not the same color. Gives a nice flash of color contrast at the feet to help break up a single-colored outfit.

>> No.8775606

I got all my fabric at JoAnn--again, only place around here--and it's help up well enough for six events now. But I did have to be sure I was looking very carefully at the content of what I was buying. Some of the "linen" materials were as little as 15% actual linen, and don't even get me started on the wool section.

>> No.8775621

JoAnns isn't bad... It has a huge variety and is great for people who aren't confident shopping online (or who don't want to take the risk). It has wares if you have coin. The average new person won't spend 10 minutes hunting for the only bolt of 100% linen fabric at the very back of the store under polyester frauds and will instead be seduced by the song of symphony broadcloth for $2.99 p/yrd.

Plus it's horrifically understaffed and if I had a dollar for every time I got hassled by fleece-blanket making soccer moms I could go buy myself a nice lunch.

>don't even get me started on the wool section
May the lord of LARPing protect us from thin polyester 'wool' suiting material. Amen.

>> No.8775843

>if I had a dollar for every time I got hassled by fleece-blanket making soccer moms I could go buy myself a nice lunch.
Sounds like someone has stories they should tell.

>> No.8775989

there is always porn of it?

>> No.8776008
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no that's 34, 1 is 'do not talk about /b/'
they meant 'google it' but it's more fun to prove people wrong

does anyone have any ideas on how to make a nicely fitting hood for
>pic related
? I'm struggling picturing even a shape for one right now

>> No.8776010

yeah but he said the golden rule. rule 34 is more like the golden rule and anyway nobody really cares about rule 1 and 2 nowdays

>> No.8776057

Hoods are surprisingly tough.

The easiest way in my opinion is to trace hoods that you already have, like sweatshirt hoods. By making that bigger you get more of a classic baggy hood look.

I think HLF has a pattern, failing that.

Just to warn you, someone over here made one of those cloaks and it slid around and tried to strangle him at every second. Sewing the straps down the back helps, but it is still irritating.

>> No.8776091

Same, i'm not booking until I get an idea of the site. It is inevitably going to rain so i'd like the opportunity not to drown.

>> No.8776178

When I made mine, I had the bottom strap set lower and deeper into the cloak so that it would wrap around my shoulder. Looked okay and never had problems with it moving while running.

>> No.8776627

I made one of them for my costume, and just used a standard clasp at the corners instead of the straps they recommend, and it works fine. I made it a little short, though, so it kind of looks like a Hobbit cloak.

>> No.8776865

Describe your local LARP community/groups, LARPers. I'm interested to hear about different groups, standarts etc

>> No.8776982

Rule number 1 has always been "lurk more".
It's been that way since the internet was just a thing on college campuses.

>> No.8776985

I live my larping dreams vicariously through stories posted in various larp threads on 4chan.

>> No.8777008

I was going to say that it's too off topic, but we're already pretty off topic with this silly internet rules maymay.
>Scrounging through the 'linen' section at Joanns
>Found black 100% linen for $10 per/yrd because sale
>Muh lucky day. I stand back up with my prize.
>Late 30's woman with bleach blond hair and a cart full of no-sew fleece blanket kits is staring at me.
>Like really giving me the eyeball
>She notices me looking at her "Oh! What are you making?"
>Normally I lie because I don't want to have to explain LARP, but I guess I just forgot in the moment.
>"It's for a shirt."
>The women's brow furrows in concern. "What kind of shirt, sweetie?"
>"A... a medieval shirt. For renaissance fair." Ren fair is very popular here and it's a way faster way to get across what you are doing to mundanes than trying to mention LARP or reenactment.
>She lights up "Oh no honey! You can't use that boring fabric! there's much nicer fabric for that on the other wall! Let me show you!"
>lolsure follow her around the wall
>It's the fucking poly 'costume' satin aisle.
>Shitty shiny jewel tones as far as the eye can see.

People who think they know how to sew are the worst. This lady was clueless but at least she was nice, I've had other times where they've gotten belligerent about 'teaching' me how to sew.

Our local community is very incestuous, everyone plays all the local games and everyone knows each other. There are 5 or 6 'big' games (with actual organization), a million tiny vampire games, and 1 (now dead) revenge game made by people ragequitting one of the big games. There is a SCA kingdom around here somewhere, but there is surprisingly little crossover.

>> No.8777021

You're in commiefornia. The birthplace of the SCA was at Berkley. It is still the second largest SCA group. If they are not crossplaying with your local larp gangbang, its probably a mixture of SCA snobbery and shitty larp folk.

>> No.8777024

There's a large number of ex-SCA players who play in the LARPs, and a lot of ex-LARPers who play in the SCA, there are just very few people around who do both at the same time.

>> No.8777152

Bigcolonline or drongofest?

>> No.8777244

Melbourne, Australia
>sizable crossover with SCA
>in addition to your standard mix of nerds, geeks and, for lack of a better term, dadgamers, there's also a surprising amount of bushy-bearded hipsters and bestubbled blue-collar types, the latter of which despite boganesque vocal mannerisms and somewhat mangy appearance actually have pretty impressive cred.
>Largely dominated by a weekly, battlegame/bi-monthly-ish euro-esque fantasy game, there's also a few other groups, ones that spring to mind is a more nero-like fantasy system, an L5R game (there's an image I've seen floating around of some sullen looking L5R players that comes from Melbourne. Some of those guys in the pic are actually pretty decent) and a recent post-apoc that's a bit more rules-light in sensibilities than what I hear of DR in the states.
>crossover with the psychotic cosplay community, as evidenced in the /cgl/ austhreads causes a little drama, but mostly friendly, if a bit cliquey. Having a couple off-duty cops in the playerbase helps. (Fun tidbit, for some reason tvtropes' page on tonfas mentions, or used to mention, an apparent ban on larp tonfas due to off-duty cops' skill with them. I'm not sure about the truth of that, but the fact someone needed to add that to tvtropes cracks me up endlessly.
>Something I find impressive is how many mundanes I've met that are familiar with the guys in armor in a certain park.

>> No.8777375


There is only one bunch of people who I can really call a group, in every other instances it's just... people who happen to play on the same game at the moment.
Thing is there aren't that much games here. Maybe a dozen fantasy larps that you can actually call larps. And all of them are either once a year or twice a year.
So most people go to several of those. And because of these there aren't really larping groups here. Mostly circle of friends.
Standards are all over the place, although not as much as a few years ago. Luckily the shittiest games died out and so the most problematic peoples stopped or nearly stopped larping. Rule systems are still all around the place, it's a heritage from ye olden day when everyone thought he is the hot shit and made his very own system because obviously that will be the best one ever and there were little to no common ground between different game's rules.
I could go on for pages about this but I would have to explain a fuckton background information to be even slightly interesting

>> No.8777386

there's like one or two longer campaigns running right now countrywide over here, other than that everyone knows everyone and everyone is invited. lots of Nordic style one-offs, recent developments have been summercamp for GMs and mini festivals. American style medieval shit is practically dead apart from historical reenactments and a few badly managed yearly events, which is kinda sad.

>> No.8777736

Same as >>8776985
But I'm finally ready to cave and give amtgard a try since it's down the street from where I live. Anyone know what I can expect, dank memes aside?

>> No.8777744

You'll meet some nice people. Don't expect any costuming, but sometimes individual chapters have nice stuff. Don't expect any roleplay, but again some chapters have different stuff. You'll get really, really good at fighting with foam covered sticks, but you will learn little to no historical combat skills.
Every Amptgard player I have met has either been the nicest, sweetest person in the world or an unrepentant asshole. They don't seem to have middle ground people.

>> No.8777911

Half the community is Dagorhir guys doing some light roleplaying in between battles, and also being the most feared group of warriors in the game. The other half is dippy peaceniks who think any character-vs-character conflict is awful and won't tolerate less than total cooperation at all times. There's a little bit of overlap.

That makes it sound kind of shitty, but honestly, I think it's pretty good and I'm very lucky to have found it considering my area is mostly not very good for LARPs.

>> No.8777966
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Current project for Animatium next year.

>> No.8778027

I'm a Nor-Cal South-Bay resident, and my sig other has been expressing interest in LARPing. we do tabletop rpgs/modelling and stuff, and he wants to try something else. Does anyone know any comms/groups around here?

Also, does anyone have any advice for getting into Larping? we don't actually know any of the rules for games or know where to start.

>> No.8778030

You are in my area. There are a lot of local games. I will post when I get home in a few hours.

>> No.8778053

Cool! Tyvm

>> No.8778152

Okay, you have a lot of local game options. As I posted a little ways up, there are 2 high fantasy games and 2 well organized horror games, plus a pile of Vampire (yes, like the tabletop) LARPs.

Games will have the rules sets on their websites for the most part. They are very different between games.

Send me an email at tarantulalarpsocks@gmail.com and I'll send you links and details. Feel free to use a throwaway.

>> No.8778232

Is he going to be a new sexy hobo?

>> No.8778257

I have sexy hobos?
I mean, he/she can be a sexy hobo if they want. No shame in my game. I'll even pimp them out if they want.

>> No.8778455

For those of you who ever used a gambeson:
How warm is it? How much of a bad idea would be purchasing one, considering the fact I live in a somewhat hot country and the big LARPs usually happen in the summer and take 3-4 days?

>> No.8778776

Artillery officer? Good choice.

>> No.8778777

Unless you need to be in armour at all times, just take the bloody thing off when not needed. At my 3-4 day events, I spend about 80% of my time out of armour.

>> No.8778789


Don't listen to this heretic >>8778777 he don't know nothing!
The only thing you have to know about gambesons (if they made out of natural stuff, so no polyester shits and as little cotton as possible, preferably linen and wool) is that EVERY weather is a gambeson compatible weather. Be it -10 to +40 in celsius every temperature is similarly shit if you have a gambeson on. Just sweat a lot and drink a lot.

>> No.8778892

Fuck wearing my armour all weekend if I bloody well don't have to.
Empire is built for more political and social pvp, not that assassinations and murders don't happen in town, they are just very rare.

>> No.8778894

Are non-natural stuff worse? Better? I mean, did you mention them only because of authenticness or is there anything else I need to know about them?

>> No.8778901

worse. non natural stuff is bascially plastic threads. it doesn't breath so all your sweat has nowhere to go, no evaporation which means it can't cool you off and you get hotter and hotter inside it. at least with natural fibers you can cool off a little, it will still hot inside it and the first half an hour or so will be very bad, but after that you get used to it.

yes but gambeson isn't armor, at least not a standalone one, you can be all comfy in it AND stylish

>> No.8778939


Lurk moar. Any non-natural fabric is not only ugly and hard to disguise, it will make you miserable on top of that.

>> No.8778986

Aaaand I linked the wrong one.
Non natural fabrics will make you overheat, will tear easily, and in the case of gambesons they will get very sticky.

>> No.8779056

Where do you buy your reproductions of historical cutlery and such? Looking for 15/16th century stuff.

>> No.8779065

Fair point.

>> No.8779145

This is the most reasonable description of the Melbourne community I've ever seen.

>> No.8779316

Kult of Athena is the most reliable site for me.

>> No.8779362

I go to our blacksmith and tell him "I want reproductions of historical cutlery and such, 15/16 century stuff" then he will look at me a little funny because I'm vague as fuck but then I throw money at him and he start making stuff instead

>> No.8779422

My character got IC promoted and transferred from Guards to Artillery. So a good excuse for a new uniform.

>> No.8779629

I mean the sacred brotherhood of sexually appealing murderhobos, as named by Frenadian.

The one you're a part of.


>For those of you who ever used a gambeson:
If you're actually going to be hit, it would be stupid to not have one.

>How warm is it?
Mine is linen stuffed with wool and cotton. I wore it regularly in the Louisiana summer. You acclimate.

>How much of a bad idea would be purchasing one, considering the fact I live in a somewhat hot country and the big LARPs usually happen in the summer and take 3-4 days?

Buy natural fibers, and take the time to acclimate to wearing it, and you'll be fine.


No natural fibers do not breath and do not allow heat to escape. Always be 100% sure its nothing but wool/cotton/linen. Nylon and polyester is just plastic. Like a tarp.

Depends. Kult of Athena and Therion has some decent stuff, but if I want real fancy, I make or get it from a historic repro site.

Here you go. Perfect for both periods, well made, and with free shipping!

>> No.8779636

meant to link you to the therion site. http://therionarms.com/reenact/therionarms_c1400.html

>> No.8779652

For all the fighting enthusiasists out there:
How do you deal with Sword&Board without using it?
(Let's say with weapons like Greatswords or Polearms. Or hell, any other weapon that you think might stand a chance.)

>> No.8779654

in a larp? entirely depends on the rules

>> No.8779683

Seconding Hungarian >>8779654

Personally, rules permitting it, kicking it into their body or face, kicking/scooping it out of line, or simple bowling them over is my go-to.

>> No.8780025

>I mean the sacred brotherhood of sexually appealing murderhobos, as named by Frenadian.
Right. The sacred brotherhood. Well obviously anon is not worthy of that distinction yet as they have not emailed me.

Based on a lightest touch game where kicking isn't allowed, I usually go for the legs. Usually they are either not protecting their legs, or they'll protect them opening them up to other people's attack.

If your game has ranged damage that bypasses shields (magic still effects you even if it hits your shield in Alliance, for example) obviously just pick them off from afar. Like the others are saying, it really depends on rules.

Sword+Board is pretty boss.

>> No.8780156

Things like halberds, pikes and dane axes seem pretty effective in the right hands, though be wary of your surroundings as it does make you an easy target for archers so it's best to team up with a shield to protect you. All depends on what LARP really

>> No.8780521
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meanwhile, christmas time

>> No.8780533

I am an appreciator of handsome Christmas Geralt. AHLF looks great.

Good boys and dark elves get calimacil and excellent personal plot under the tree, bad LARPers get a 'muh full contact' guy with a dicksword in their stocking who will pop out and smack them on the ass.

>> No.8780546
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don't forget the scars. The scars are important too

>> No.8780718

I'll take the excellent personal plot and leave the calimacil. Hope everyone has a good time over the holidays.

>> No.8780753

your excellent personal plot is to get beaten by the calimacils

>> No.8780852

what is a quick and cheap alternative for a tunic/tabbard, need it quickly...

>> No.8780853

get linen fabric, cut into upper body size, cut out headhole, add belt
literally done w/ a tabard

>> No.8780855

thanks, i have a new soldier in my clan and we have a larp monday, thanks.

>> No.8780923


It originates from a lot of US LARPs being "live-action D&D" in concept, and since adventures out in the wilds were "modules" (whether aboveground or innadungeon runs), the name stuck to "going outside the town and adventures" in LARP.

The UK "linear" equivalent is from the fact that a lot of the original ones were literally a straight line through the woods/caves of various challenges and monster-battlin'.

>> No.8780931


Kit for me tends to evolve. Start with functional, add for comfy.

If you're gonna be in your gear for most a day, running around, comfy matters. And when you play, things are going to show as being too tight or too loose, awkward or rough, and you'll make little changes as you go along. Maybe you end up carrying a lot of weapons and you get a broader belt with loops you can hook that axe to. Or that holder for your spellbook and ink always rubs against your hip the wrong way, so you end up getting a backpack to tuck it into, and that has a nice side pocket to put your alchemy stuff in.

And so on, and so forth.

>> No.8781144
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Merry Christmas, Larpfags!

>> No.8781207

Amtgard? Why yes indeed. The good: parks everywhere in the US, generally freindly player base and fighting. The bad: A Social structure that sucks for new people, 'Questing' has taken a turn toward Side A will fight Side B. The Ugly: You show up in a tunic, vest and hat and you will be the best dressed nerd, expect jeans and screenprinted tabbards.
The Marvelously Fabulous: v8 rules, Bard, that would be this Anon ( my peice of immortality and bragging rights)

>> No.8781527

Where do you buy your historical cutlery and such? I'm looking for 15/16th century stuff

>> No.8781554
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sallet is indeed best helm :)
Merry christmas

>> No.8781963

This was all just answered a few post ago.

Therion Arms is doing a sale: $30 with free shipping >>8779636

>> No.8782059

This isn't really LARP specific but I didn't know where else to ask.

I bought this really attractive victorian mourning cape off of ebay a little while ago. It goes down to about my waist, with slits for my arms, and there are two lace cage kind of things running from the shoulder blade to a few inches above the bottom of each "sleeve"

I'm afraid to wear it because it looks and feels like it'll fall apart if I do.

Is there anywhere that sells nice capes that'll make me look like my grandma's grandma? Obviously I'll never find the same cape, but I'd like something similar. I did find http://recollections.biz/victorian/111200.html but I don't know if this is a reputable site to buy from.

>> No.8782070

I don't know of any sites that would sell something like that, but if your budget is high enough, you can always commission something like it.

>> No.8782167
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This Etsy shop seems to have a lot of black lacy stuff (though their lace looks dubious): https://www.etsy.com/shop/SomniaRomantica (pic related) but we're not the ideal place to ask and I've never bought from them.

Searching 'capelet' on Etsy brings up a lot of results.

If you're looking for wool capes that look rustic and medieval, we'll probably be better help.

Failing that, seconding anon >>8782070 and you should just commission someone.

>> No.8782265

How well can you see in that thing? Does it work for LARPing?

>> No.8782268

So, who's planning on Drachenfest this year?
What character will you play? What camp will you be in?

Also a couple of questions:
How does the fighting work there? People told me it's very theatrical-centered.
Also, does wearing metal armour give you any perks other than looking like a fucking badass?

>> No.8782389

>How well can you see in that thing?
probably good enough
> Does it work for LARPing?
why wouldn't it work for larping?

I will be in the Landsknecht camp again, doing landsknecht things.
also I would advise you to read the rules but honestly the rules are shit, the newest version isn't even translated to english, the old one is at least 3 years old and the translation isn't good either and most people will play it by ear instead of strictly following rules.

armor gives you mor HP, metal armor gives you more than leather, etc

>> No.8782405

also we got into autosage heavily again so here is a now thread

>> No.8784891
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I though it was an excellent guide.

D-do i buy this.