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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.8733143
File: 112 KB, 1788x694, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered 2 things using the forwarding service, and when I checked only 1 of them has shipped. I don't want to risk having to pay warehouse fees. What's the best course of action here? I just ordered about 36 hours ago.

>> No.8733299

Reposting from last thread:
Does the Pastel Goth style have any certain terms to use on taobao? It's not in the dictionary and combining the terms for pastel and goth doesn't really work. I want to buy some stuff for a friend, so search terms and good shop links would be loved. I tried googling it, but almost all the links lead to dead shops.

Wait longer, it's during a heavy rush season and even outside of that items can take a lot longer to ship. You have 20 free warehouse days per item (the counting only begins once the item is at the warehouse), and the fee charged is 1 yuan per day so it's super minimal if you don't have many things. If after a couple more days they don't ship, you can go to your order management page click 'remind seller to ship'. If they still do nothing after more days, contact the seller and ask when the item will be sent.

Chill out, and take your time to look around your order management pages. If you use google chrome's auto translate and the english guides already published for taobao, you'll become more comfortable and won't panic so easily over nothing. Good luck anon!

>> No.8733312

pastel goth doesn't really exist like it does on tumblr and elsewhere, so there is no catch-all term for the clothing. I'm guessing combinations of soft sister (for the pastels) or ice cream color, and motifs like the crosses, skulls/bones, etc. accessories are pretty easy to search for using the dictionary terms.

>> No.8733314
File: 3.27 MB, 2881x2988, C360_2015-11-23-15-34-59-215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a previous thread, my non-lolita items from forwarding service to usa arrived! Jojo tote bag print quality was kind meh, but it's zipped & lined, so I'll be using it a lot! It came with a free Josuke & stand print. I'll post the mori stuff later.

>> No.8733320

Wig review and source on sailor moon notebooks (are they narrow ruled) please anon!!

>> No.8733479
File: 3.61 MB, 3500x3115, This shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order got worse *sigh*

Things with green dot are being shipped this time, heaps of stuff hasnt come in yet, but unfortunately some of the stuff is needed for a Secret Santa event which needs to arrive ASAP.

Undoubtedly I will find more useless shit to buy while I wait for custom items...

In the mean time... I wait for my bank account to be annihilated by the shipping fee.
On another note, does anyone know what the search terms are for those little mini parfait cups for making simulation foods, I can find the decoden pieces easy enough but Im unsure of what I searched last time to find the little plates and cups...

>> No.8733526

Thanks for the info!

Dayum girl. I'm jealous of everything minus your shipping fee.

>> No.8733633

Thank you guys! I wanted a general idea of how long everything takes to ship and etc - I wanted some items for ILD, but I doubt they're going to get here in time, and it sucks.

>> No.8733639
File: 66 KB, 1084x233, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh...this is a mistake, right? How is a tiny selfie stick almost as heavy as a purse?
More importantly, is there any way to contact customer service for Taobao's forwarding service? I don't speak any Chinese...

>> No.8733641

$136.85 USD.. 11.8kg.. Its a solid effort..

I will probably punch a hole in the wall if any of my bowls get smashed though, seeing as theyre probably half of the damn weight..

>> No.8733645

gurl thats like 400gr or 14.1 oz. Keep in mind the cardboard, the plastic wrap and the dimensions of it

>> No.8733648

Having an item shipped to a warehouse usually takes a week, max two. This doesn't count custom orders, of course, where you have to check production time for yourself.

DHL arrives really quickly (7 business days DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON), but charges so much custom fees. EMS took 4 business days for me when I ordered this month. Airmail takes about a week or two. With SAL, it takes about a month and a half (~33 business days by experience).

But yeah, if you haven't placed an order yet, I doubt it will arrive in time for ILD.

>> No.8733693
File: 836 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151121_171613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think couple people were interested, but here is a quick snap of the bread dress. To be honest I am a little disappointed with the quality especially with the long wait. The waist ribbon is one length with velcro and some bows are just glued not sewn.

>> No.8733745

Any chance of worn pics? Doesn't have to be coorded or anything, just want to see what it looks like on a body instead of a flat surface.
How's the fabric? What bows are glued on?

>> No.8733813

sauce on the little sailor moon wand things and the high waisted purple skirt?

>> No.8734167
File: 1.35 MB, 360x240, tumblr_mtlb91nEAH1sbsacvo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I some how inspired at least five anons to buy CCS selfie sticks

I want to duel you all at some point. Selfie sticks at dawn.

>> No.8734214
File: 46 KB, 570x721, 60mmjinglebell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been all over ebay and I can't find packs of them so I'm hoping someone can help me find them on taobao? I need to find a supplier of 60mm jingle bells in both gold and silver that I can order all year round. I've tried searching on my own but I'm either not using the right term or they're just not available.

Also on a side note can anyone recommend shops that have a large selection of fake flowers without stems?

>> No.8734263
File: 46 KB, 873x246, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is the status of one of my orders, a pair of shoes. I want to ask the warehouse people to check the size of the shoes, or maybe just send me photos of the size tag. How would I go about doing this? Click on something then google translate a message asking for pictures?

>> No.8734304
File: 528 KB, 1462x2048, 10603959_10207010232507601_6704147652386218065_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mori stuff, hopefully I'll have more daily casual mori coords now! I got the plus sized stuff, but the total package was 4.824kg and $54.70 (¥ 334.00) EMS shipping.

Anon from previous thread, this is what I meant. Using the forwarding service and Alipay has less fees somehow? They used a cardboard box for packaging and I'm located in USA though.

>> No.8734552

That anon here. I'm definitely going to try out the forwarding service now that I've got my new debit card.

..they do take debit, don't they? I'll have to read the FAQ/tutorials when I get back tonight since where I'm going for a few hours has nothing but 1x signal on my phone. Utter shit.

>> No.8734560

my debit card is connected to my alipay account and I've had no problems doing forwarding

>> No.8734584

So I tried to use the dictionary and I must have done it wrong BC it doesn't return any results... I'm looking for a burgundy, brown, dark green, or navy beret with a gold crown, rose, or bow embroidery.
I also am looking for a white or gold heart or book bag

>> No.8734598
File: 145 KB, 500x364, faito suru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, really? I'm expecting my order to be pretty heavy anyway, so hopefully it won't add on too much, haha
En garde

>> No.8734780

SK is sold out but is by Magic Potion

Link to Sailor Moon stuff: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-163190478.52.yk0zP9&id=18121251716

Store has a lot of little bits and pieces!

>> No.8734785

Gold heart bag! https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.

Berets: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4004-9023047556.54.l0QrWm&id=524166397977

That store actually has a ton of different styles too if youre not really a fan of that one!

>> No.8734819
File: 3.73 MB, 1157x2002, taobao order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered through Spree Now on the 18th or so, but I don't think it was early enough. I hope I'm wrong though!

>pic related

>> No.8734827

Sauce on the checkered panties and the white ruffled collar?

>> No.8734908


>Shelved, but the store has some other cute ones too!

>> No.8734910

Link to the headdress on the bottom row?

>> No.8734920

thank you so much!!

>> No.8734931

Rectangle Headdress:

It's using stolen photos from Baby, so I doubt it's actually as advertised, but it was the only old school b/w headdress I could find.

>> No.8734959
File: 31 KB, 400x400, tumblr_nv5m03tHIt1szydvjo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what shop this belongs too? Found this on tumblr from some shop.

>> No.8734993

I recognise that coathanger, hold on

try https://521feizhuliu.taobao.com

>> No.8735152

For that one anon looking for a backpack what kind are you looking for design wise? Animu or Mango? Something lolita based or just weird? Cute?

>> No.8735229

that's all over taobao, just reverse image search it
>use regular taobao, not tw or world or whatever else

>> No.8735234

did an image search and got a lot of hits but this store seems to have a good rating


>> No.8735273

That's not too bad then, thanks.

One more thing:
The two shirts I ordered - one of them has shipped out, but the other one hasn't for some reason. When I checked the store page for that particular shirt, the listing had been removed but the store was all still there and fine. I don't have any messages from the seller in the top left of my screen, and the logistics page for the shirt that hasn't been shipped says
>Seller is contacting domestic courier company.
Should I wait a few days, or contact them and ask if they are getting it back in stock or something else?

>> No.8735438

I've tried searching
小铃铛 but since it's small bell I can't seem to find any big enough. So I tried switching it out to 大码铛 but that doesn't show any bells.

>> No.8735443

haha amazing, anon!

>> No.8735603

I wish I could do massive hauls like this, but customs would fuck me over so hard. It's easier to get small orders past them.

>> No.8735645

Damn, thank you guys so much. <3

>> No.8735673

It was right? I just guessed because I ordered something from them last year, I'm surprised myself.

>> No.8735678

Links for the unnatural coloured wigs?

>> No.8735947

Can anyone please help me with this?
I bought a couple of things the other day, and it came to 420 rmb (=$99.90 NZD). I'm borrowing a credit card, and a charge of $156.30 NZD has been made.
What do I do? I've checked Alipay and it only displays the 420 rmb charges, I don't see where the other ~200 rmb of charges came from.

>> No.8735989

Me again, looking at my purchases, one of the items I bought was discounted from 588 RMB to 288 RMB, but when I add the cost of one of the other items and it's shipping I got to the 588 (so 588 + 65 + 9) = 662 RMB which is 157.85 NZD.
What the fuck am I supposed to do here? I don't want to spend 588 on the thing when it said it was 288.

>> No.8736036
File: 8 KB, 749x381, rttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I try to view a store link on taobao I get an error:

This webpage is not available


has anyone else run into this problem?

>> No.8736040

>can't delete
Sorry for sperging out, I was looking at the wrong charge. Ignore me.

>> No.8736053

The SS marks them down significantly if that makes it any different?? Dunno what I will ever do if one of my packages gets opened and is incredibly under valued though.. get my SS to make a fake invoice perhaps?


Pink- https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-11876904044.66.e5E1AP&id=522972911565

Mint- https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-11876904044.63.e5E1AP&id=523000112268

>> No.8736079

I have this problem currently as well!

>> No.8736122

I run into this problem in general browsing Taobao. What I usually do is just wait a minute and then refresh the page or press back, wait a minute then click on the link again.

What's the store? I can check it right now too.

>> No.8736473

Has anyone managed to figure out how to buy directly from Taobao? I made an account, added my address and everything, but I can't figure out how to register my none Chinese credit card on alipay, the guides I've googled haven't helped quite yet

>> No.8736483

There's a guide in the OP. Click the FAQ link and then it's just under the General Overview section.

>> No.8736495

Ah thanks, I didn't realize it was added

>> No.8736506

Every store does this.

I can look at any item, but when i try to view any store it just gives me that error. I've googled but I can't seem to figure out what's going on

>> No.8736605
File: 59 KB, 226x498, Whis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any cosplay of any of the Dragon Ball Super characters yet?

Mainly Whis

>> No.8736721

Maybe try "扁圆铃铛", there are quite a few that are 50mm

>> No.8736741

Can someone help me estimate shipping for each of these: ?





>> No.8736799


>> No.8736822

Why are you so rude??? TwT
I just wanted some help.... ~(;3;)~

>> No.8736825

well 50 is close enough :D thanks anon

>> No.8736928
File: 499 KB, 500x225, Hocus-Pocus-I-Smell-Children.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be at least 18 to use this website.

>> No.8737028

forwarding gulls, how long is too long when you're stuck in the "wait for warehouse receipt" stage? all of my 11/11 purchases have hit the warehouse, but I haven't gotten the all-clear to actually forward them yet. it's been 10-12 days since some of them have arrived... is this just 11/11 slowdown?

>> No.8737035

link to the gold collar? and is the purse from loris?

>> No.8737114

I was >>8733314 and I ordered AFTER 11/11 (like a few days later) and all my stuff arrived besides the custom size an preorder stuff. It was processed at the warehouse within a few days and shipped soon after.

>> No.8737135

Contact the forwarder and see what's up. There may have been some issues with some of your orders.

>> No.8737286

Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.8737329


>> No.8737394

Did you use JCEX?
I used them in early November and I had to tell them to process it (many times for 15kg worth of stuff) so I could consolidate my shit.
They were really tardy -- many things arrived at just about the same time but only half of it was processed for me to consolidate them.
I've used 4px, Lequgo and ZTO before and I've never had to tell these three to do anything; they were always on the ball.

>> No.8737400

You should see a greyed out chat bubble head at the bottom right corner of some My Taobao (account) pages. Click on that and sign in.
Then go to the shop of your forwarding service. Do this by typing/copypasting their name into the Taobao search engine.
You should see the same chat bubble head on their shop page in the info section (hover over the shop name at the top or in the left menu column on the page). Click on the head and a chat window will open up.

>> No.8737404

I forgot to add, sometimes they take days to reply to messages.
So, really, avoid JCEX when you can.

>> No.8737579

Please excuse me for asking again,
Is https://4px-sz.taobao.com/ correct for 4px?
Thank you for your help, though, much appreciated.

>> No.8737630

I used zhongshan. sent them a message on aliwangwang, they replied telling me they don't have any information on one order (??? even though it was marked as received), and for two other orders only one item was received, so now I'm messaging the sellers to see what happened.

annoying, but at least now I know.

>> No.8737636

sorry to double post, but one store got back to me, and their response to my asking "what happened to my order" was this:

google translate gives me:
Pro, hello, you only receive a commodity, is not it
Kiss, hello, in it

...huh? how do I even respond to that?

>> No.8737724

They're trying to be cutesy I think. Sometimes sellers do that. Pisses me off.

>*kiss* hello, you only received one of the things you ordered, right?
>*kiss kiss*, hello, are you there?

>> No.8737784

after a while I kind of figured that's what it was, but it was still a little bewildering, given it was my first time interacting with sellers. they switched to basic english when I told them I was confused, haha. thanks for the help though.

so far zhongshan seems somewhat inept as far as a forwarder goes. I'm having a back and forth with a seller who I think is trying to tell me that the package was in fact not actually signed for, while zhongshan says it was, and yet they have no information about said package or its location.

my package is lost somewhere in parcel limbo, I guess...

>> No.8737840

Officially my package is lost somehow in my city. What's the possibility that someone in charge of a different post office took it and it's in their truck?

>> No.8737853

Could someone please give me a hand interpreting this?
>刚刚这件 我们给您调货了,白色M ,今天给您补发可以吗
>We give you just this transfer cargo, and white M, today you can reissue it

Is he saying that he will send me white, size M, and I don't have to do anything?

>> No.8737858

He just got a white, size M, and he's asking if he can send it to you now.

Just say 可以

>> No.8737863

Thanks anon, this was a few mins ago actually but I just said that that was correct and thanked him. He seemed nice. Thanks for your help

>> No.8737931

Has anyone purchased from Monkeep wigs before and can give me a quickie quality assessment? Thinking of buying this wig

(Also is this a preorder/deposit? I've never purchased one of those before because I'm dumb and always got confused on how to/got scared to do so)

>> No.8738530

It might be; they may have different shops, but this is the one I'm in contact with when I'm having my things forwarded to 4x: http://shop.m.taobao.com/shop/shopIndex.htm?spm=a1z5f.7632052.0.0&shop_id=60355220

>> No.8738553

I'd imagine finding 4px on the list of forwarders and clicking the aliwangwang icon from there would work too. it's how I got in touch with my forwarder.

>> No.8738697

has anyone ever used forwarding service before and gotten a wrong item? I ordered a stuffed animal and they sent one that was half the size (and also half the price). I messaged them but i feel like they'll either a) offer to refund the difference (which is useless because I don't want this tiny thing), or b) offer to resend it (which means I have to pay for international shipping twice, and the item was fucking heavy). Not sure what to do..

>> No.8738879

Does anybody know where I can find a long sleeve hime blouse??? Thankyou

>> No.8738921

Thanks guys, I did
> finding 4px on the list of forwarders and clicking the aliwangwang icon from there
but they're set to away, hopefully they'll reply soonish..

>> No.8739035
File: 560 KB, 1080x620, spreelove.tictail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered from TaobaoSpree recently? Last year I just sent them a spreadsheet order form, pretty straightforward, but I'm trying to start an order right now and the agent says they no longer support sending payment directly to them on Paypal, I have to go to this shop she linked me to and make an order made of random items that totals the same amount as the items that I actually want. In this case I would have to find a way to make an 898 rmb order out of the things in their "store" to pay for the single dress that I'm trying to order from an actual Taobao store. She put these instructions in fine print too for some reason. Is this really their new normal?

>> No.8739049

Did Lucaille wig go under or change websites?

It's not the page I'm used to getting. Though I haven't look it like a year.

>> No.8739193

Look at the links in the OP.

>> No.8739199

Yeah, their Paypal got fucked or something. It is still legit but honestly, it's just a big hassle now.

>> No.8739212

Ah, I see, thank you. I was afraid that maybe they did something shady and Paypal shut down their account or something. Probably just my overactive imagination.

>> No.8739230

>click on hyperlink in doc to taobaospree
>get a webpage that says 'IT WORKS' with a mushroom icon

>> No.8739252

Can anyone link me to the jojo tights?? I can't find them on the spreadsheet.

>> No.8739257

Does anyone know what "there color" or "no color" means in google translated customer reviews?

>> No.8739264

Late but do you have a link for the jojo bag?

>> No.8739275

Taobao spree is really fucking up my order big time this time around and I'm currently out $100 or so because they're not fixing the issues. Their weird site to pay gives me no protection.
So I'm looking for another shopping service. I've been using the same agent for so long that I don't know what's the best service to use these days. Any tips or recommendations?

>> No.8739300

I just started using bhiner and I find it super simple to use, it's the only one I've ever tried, but it seems great

>> No.8739318

Paypal protection doesn't apply even though you can pay through Paypal on that site? Is it because the items you're paying for aren't the ones you're actually buying? I told the TaobaoSpree agent that I'm going to send them a list of items to confirm the final price but I think I'm going to have to back out if that's the case.

>> No.8739536

There color means the items color matches the photos or is as described.
No color means the color of the item is not accurate to the listed description.

>> No.8739588
File: 250 KB, 500x600, TB1Y7BhKFXXXXb9XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of people were asking about replicas of these shoes a while ago and I finally found some!


>> No.8739594

I order from them recently too. its a little weird but my stuff still came and everything is fine so I will still use them again.

>> No.8739597

Here you go! The print quality has really thick lines (not super defined as I would like it) but it looks good from far away.

>> No.8739619

That makes sense, thank you

>> No.8739808

Has anyone ever bought dance clothes on taobao? Like, leaotards, skirts, shrugs, etc?

>> No.8739927

Me again, last time I'll ask for help with this, sorry for being so needy.

4px got back to me, I asked if they could send my pictures for my order to confirm that a pair of shoes I purchased was the correct size. Here's what they said

><order number> 在我们仓库
><order number> in our warehouse

>We can not provide this package size it

Are they saying they are unable to provide photos to confirm the size? I didn't reply because I didn't know what I should say.

>> No.8740578

Taobaoring dropped the ball... Again. 48 hours after I paid for DHL shipping and still no tracking number. It'll probably not go out until Tuesday :/

>> No.8740599

A direct translation is: "We can't provide information on the size of the package", which could either mean they can't give you the package dimensions, or they can't confirm the shoe size for whatever reason.

What exactly did you ask them?

>> No.8740614


>Hey, for the order number 1278734959409171, I could please have a photo of the shoes https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.0.0.TjKhhk&id=520346148274&_u=s2cve5jndceb confirm the size is correct?

I had purchased some shoes in the past, from a different store and got them sent to a person I know through work, but I ended up receiving both the wrong size and color and they've been sitting in their box for the past 4 months.

I'm guessing they don't want to open them because of company policy or something?

>> No.8742074

Looking for a taobao store that sells cheap loliable blouses.
I'm looking for some old school cotton ones specifically.

>> No.8742095

White / Gold Collar:
>was disappointed when the lace was that gold color because i wanted white / white like in the stock photos but w/e
It was really nice of Spree Now to send me a picture of what the item looks like just to confirm I wanted it still.


No problem!

>> No.8742136

My order has been in customs since the 18th, does anyone know how to push the order i;ve used 4px before and their orders are quick but i don't know why it's not moving at all.

>> No.8742160

link to the rilakkuma clip on ears and strawberry purse please?

>> No.8742533
File: 22 KB, 1016x343, ss+(2015-11-30+at+09.25.04).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This notification has been up on Bhiner for a week and a half. Has anyone tried to ship out during this time and how was it?

>> No.8742565

Has anyone used express packet with Spreenow? My package is around 3.83kg so I'm trying to see if I can save a little money on shipping but get my stuff before Christmas.

>> No.8743473

Link to the Luna purse please?

>> No.8743479

Does anyone know of any good fairy-kei or mori girl taobao shops?
I'm new to it and am having some trouble knowing what to search for because I don't know chinese.

>> No.8743489

What country are you in? I only get one option for a forwarding service.

>> No.8743694

Just to be sure, that'd be the ePacket, right? I used that for a package that shipped out on the 18th and arrived today. I think you'll be fine but mail might be moving a little slow because of the holidays.

>> No.8743707

Mine has shipped and is currently in LA customs, but mine was only like $30 or so worth of stuff

>> No.8743745

The Chines translation is a bit garbled, but it gets the point across. For future reference, imperatives usually translate better than questions. It might be policy, or something like their office and warehouse aren't affiliated or something so they can't ask for people in the warehouse to open and photograph packages or something.

>> No.8743754

I was finally thinking of using a forwarding service, but after reading what you guys said about JCEX and zhongshan? Yikes..

Has anyone tried asking the seller to ship internationally? How'd that go for you?

>> No.8743816

zhongshan anon here, I managed to get the sellers to ship me my missing items/have the seller talk to the forwarder directly on my behalf a few days ago, and today when I sent zhongshan a message about there being any updates (as I don't see any on my taobao page), they haven't replied after several hours. I'm going to try not to use them in the future after this... the sellers are all being so damn helpful, too, it's kind of a shame that the forwarder is the one dropping the ball on the customer service end.

as for your question, I haven't tried that personally, but unless it's a big or established shop I get the feeling they wouldn't want to go through the trouble. forwarders and SSs can also offer shipping discounts (albeit mostly for EMS), which smaller shops might not be able to do, so shipping may also wind up being more expensive for you.

>> No.8743834

That's what I was thinking. I asked them and it should take about 7-10 days. As long as it's before Christmas, I'm good.

>> No.8743850
File: 184 KB, 401x397, ojibway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone who has bought these: Is the sizing fairly accurate? I wear a 230 but can get away with 235 with insoles. Should I get a 38 or should a 37 be fine?

>> No.8743879

Link please
I need them on my feet this instant

>> No.8744396


>> No.8744502

It's been 5 days and DHL still hasn't picked up my package from TBR. blah.

>> No.8744524

亲means dear.

>> No.8744540

I've never owned a petticoat before, but now it's time to order one!! I wanted to purchase from victoriagirldresses (i don't remember the name well) but it seems that they're out of business... Do you recommend a shop on taobao for good petticoats? I got experience with taobaoring, so I'll prob use them for SS. But they don't offer service from Classical Puppets since they're a VIP shop...

>> No.8744602

classical puppets has gone to shit now anyway, their quality is really bad.

>> No.8744604
File: 210 KB, 700x1200, shoes274-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've given up on bodyline ever restocking, searching for classic cream heels similar to this style. If anyone has any sources, I would appreciate it.

>> No.8744647

You too, anon?

>Tfw Bodyline will never restock your favorite shoes

>> No.8744884

I want these as well! Maybe we should all message Yanners?

>> No.8744906

Hey where did ciciworks shop go, I heard she often changes url.

Sorry I'm not up-to-date, I haven't been keeping up with taobao threads since I've been to poorfag to order anything

>> No.8744926


Ah wait I answered my own question by using the archives.

This is the correct one ? https://shop137188428.taobao.com/

>> No.8744932

I was just about to place an order for a bell shaped petti..should I be going with somewhere else? I bought 2 pettis from them and they're great, but that was a couple years ago...

>> No.8745050
File: 248 KB, 878x369, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i decided to check out spree


>> No.8745093

>super stupid
I kekked

>> No.8745113

Has anyone tried to buy from any other Chinese store aside from Taobao? I just found out one of the stores I used to buy fabric from uses another site called "jiyoujia"

>> No.8745179


I haven't but maybe email a Taobao ss about it? I would imagine it'd be your best bet since they're already in China

>> No.8745295

I've tried multiple times on fb which people say is where to go. it's been more than a year, fuck it. Definitely message him anyway you can, but I know others have and there's still nothing.

>> No.8745352

So far they've been pretty good. I like their chat feature. Package was mailed out yesterday I think so just have to play the waiting game now.

But if you're looking for petticoats, I ordered this one around april? Still going strong. It's just really poofy, For me at least.


The whole shop has really nice stuff. Also have an underskirt from her.

>> No.8745473

Mine made it through with no difficulties and is in my home state currently

>> No.8745527

Has anyone ordered through taobaospree recently?

I'm trying to make an order, but it takes forever since everything is by mail correspondence. I needed an item in two weeks but I don't think I'll get it in time since I need to confirm everything like twice. Also I can't by directly with PayPal but I have to order random stuff from their shop and pay for them, take a screenshot and then they'll order my stuff??

This is getting ridiculous, what shopping service could I use instead that can order custom sized stuff?

>> No.8745535

Has anyone found any cute nun themed dresses?

>> No.8745648

>only goes up to size 39

>> No.8745799

What's the best taobao agent?

>> No.8745843 [DELETED] 

I haven't used taobao in a while and I was just wondering what people's preferred agents are now. Last time I made an order was a few years back and I used taobaoring. I've since heard they're not as good as they used to.
How do you gulls deal with the exchange rate? I'm Canadian here and man, the rates are awful.

>> No.8745864

Have any anons ever paid for their agent using western union or a bank transfer? I'd prefer to use paypal for protection..But are the rates better if I opt to use one of the above?

>> No.8745867

There is no "best taobao agent" because each one offers something different. Whether it's discount shipping or lower fees.

>> No.8745934

I'd love to have some of those engrish shirts or kaomoji ones, but I can't figure out the right search terms. Does anyone here know what to use?

>> No.8746151

>order 3 items from 2 different stores
>sent as 3 separate packages to the warehouse
>pay for forwarding (4px)
>check taobao just now
>2 of the items are currently in the 'international shipping stage' while one is at the 'arrived in warehouse stage'
what am I supposed to do here
I dont really want to pay an extra 100 RMB just to ship 1 tshirt

>> No.8746218

>pay for DHL shipping 6 days ago
>finally get tracking no. sunday night
>doesnt start working until monday night, just says "shipping info recieved"
>email TBR asking why it took so long
>Sorry for the delay, its on its way, in hong kong
>tracking still says "shipping info recieved"
>email DHL thinking theres some kind of tracking delay?
>DHL says package hasnt even been shipped yet, theres no delay

guess im using another agent next time. im considering filing a paypal claim, i used DHL because i needed it this week - its wednesday and it still hasnt been shipped, meaning it wont get here until next week.

>> No.8746223

TBR took forever to ship my package via Singapore Air Mail as well.

>> No.8746233

I still see their same website. Maybe contact them if you're worried they're not active? They've always gotten back to me relatively fast.

>> No.8746248

Is there something wrong with TBT and TBR email service? I haven't received a reply from TBR since November 11th and TBT since November 20th.

>> No.8746268

TBR replied to me monday night

>> No.8746282

For TBR, try their new TaobaoRing Help Desk?

>> No.8746524

Rilakkuma Ears:

Bought this second hand but hers a similar Strawberry bag: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.16.W4rRnm&id=45503953398&ns=1&abbucket=5#detail

This bag??

>> No.8746552

I live in China and I might be able to help guys!

>> No.8746639

I've asked straight from the help desk and again no reply. I did both reply from my email and reply from the actual help desk website.

I tried it again and no reply either or even a notice that they got my reply. At least on the 11th I got a notice. Thank goodness this isn't time restraint because I wanted to order a custom cosplay and boots.

>> No.8746646
File: 90 KB, 500x750, curry bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know where I can find this bowl on Taobao? Or what terms to use to find it? I found it once and lost the link.

>> No.8746750

I emailed TBR and they replied saying "DHL is lying. We shipped on the 30th. We sent it whether you believe it or not."

Except DHL takes two days from Hong Kong to here, so it would be here by now.

>> No.8746753

wow seriously? who would buy that? between TBR and DHL, who do they think has the sleazier reputation lately?

personally I'd be pissed enough to file the claim, and if they blacklist you, well... it's not like you're going to use them again anyway.

>> No.8746757

Don't they have a receipt for shipping? Sounds pretty sketch either way.

> mfw I have a preorder with TBR

>> No.8746767
File: 210 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I'm super mad. This is what DHL said when I emailed them today about it. The label was created on the 30th. I'm not sure what could have happened beyond TBR either not shipping it at all yet and making excuses, or them losing it somehow before shipping it.

>> No.8747071

Oh man really, I just switched to TaobaoRing from TaobaoSpree since they are having this new policy with buying from their webshop >>8745527
Though I don't have a time restriction anymore I hope they won't screw anything up now...
Is it just me or does all shopping service feel kind of shitty now?

>> No.8747145
File: 12 KB, 937x213, TBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. TBR just closed my conversation like that after waiting since November the 11 for a reply. I asked twice since then and asked again today.

The whole story: I wanted to get a custom cosplay and custom boots along with one other item. They asked two sellers and the one with the boots gave the ok and already set up a space for me. The commissioner said they couldn't do the outfit so I asked them to ask another store. TBR gave me the price for the other store so I asked them how much would it cost to add on one item because I wanted to get it. No reply back. Sent them more pictures and my thanks. No reply back. Asked them did they contact the seller again and I got picture related.

I never ordered from them before but I might go back to Taobaotrends even though they cost more. They answer my emails (except now they are late) and even corrected mistakes when it happened.

Things like that don't get to me but it seems like a warning sign if they randomly close emails as well as what happened to anon >>8746218

>> No.8747176

Yeah I've used TBR for my only 4 orders over the year but after this I won't be using them again. Tbh I'll probably file a claim if it doesn't arrive tomorrow.

>> No.8747232

You know a better SS or a way to get commissions using FS?

>> No.8747339

Guys I have a friend who is about to set up his own Taobao agent website in China. What tips do you guys want to give him? Anything about shipping, customer service or packaging?

>> No.8747365

Don't run off with people's money like that one shopping service.

>> No.8747612

link to the brown blouses please? thanks!

>> No.8747627

I'm going to open a paypal claim, in hopes they get their act together and throw my shit in the mail but...does anyone have any tips for winning, in case they don't mail it? PayPal will side with the seller if they give a tracking number, won't they?

>> No.8747728

Give them all of the information that you provided in this thread.

>> No.8747981

Don't pull a dear lenore. If you're gonna get overwhelmed by a sudden rush in orders and start fucking things up, tell people upfront and pause accepting new orders until you can handle it properly and professionally again.
You may lose a couple individual orders by doing that, but also won't end up with a bunch of pissed off/lost customers and bad reviews everywhere

>> No.8747996

Don't charge ridiculous amounts
Don't lie about package weight
Respond to emails
Be helpful

>> No.8748000

Is it worth it to place a taobao order if I only plan on getting like $70 of stuff (assuming I don't have anything heavy like shoes)? Or should I wait until I have enough money to place an order of more than $100?
Or maybe I can talk to some girls in my comm about doing a group order...
I just wanna order things from taobao but even after reading the guides and spreadsheets I still feel lost

>> No.8748010

your shipping is going to be super expensive until you can build up enough client base to get discounts

>> No.8748075

seconding this. i'm looking at a $100-120 order with 1.2-1.5kg shipping. Is it worth it?

>> No.8748424


Does anyone know how the sizing works? I don't really understand how guy sizing works and I'm trying to shop for someone other than myself.

>> No.8748435

sauce on white lace collar, black shoes with white cross and hand jewellery plz anon!

>> No.8748444

Depends on your location as well as what kind of shipping method you use. I ordered around 70 dollars worth of stuff and only had to pay like 20 dollars in shipping and fees.

>> No.8748452

Both of your orders could be 'worth it' if you minimise SS and shipping fees. My biased opinion is that it is almost always 'worth it' to place an order of any size... but here are some things to consider that make creating an order more worthwhile - buying things that are much much cheaper on taobao, buying things you can only get on taobao, and making orders months ahead of a con/meet deadline. If I make orders in a hurry, they always end up costing more because I don't spend as much time finding the cheapest listing, and faster shipping is usually more expensive.

For small orders: pick an SS with no minimum fee and multiple small parcel shipping options (SAL, etc.), small orders are usually economical if you can wait the 2-4 weeks for your stuff.
For large orders: pick an SS with a low % fee (<8% is great, %10 is alright) and big discounts on EMS. Group orders are great if you have heavy items like shoes and coats.

>> No.8748542

Not the anon who asked but I'm in a similar situation. I have an order of about 150, but I have 3 pairs of shoes. Isn't SAL always more cost effective?

>> No.8748546

Not always? If the EMS discount is big enough, it can rival SAL.

>> No.8748740
File: 719 KB, 293x182, 1430181317657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain anon

>> No.8748787

Is it too late to get something by Christmas with SAL? What about with EMS? Just waiting on one more item to arrive...

>> No.8748789

what ss?
thanks !

>> No.8748837

What do I search for if I want clothes with Junji Ito's art on them?

>> No.8748865

SAL is definitely risky, but EMS should be fine.

>> No.8749415

Using taobaotrends for the first time. I've added about 10 items to my cart and 4 of them are appearing as 0.00$ I submitted the order hoping they would correct it, but the confirmed the items but they still say $0.00. What am I missing here? I readded those items to a new cart and still they're all the same.

>> No.8749426

Does anyone know which brand originally did those kind of skirts, with pumpkin shorts sticking out from the bottom?
So far I can only find knockoffs from very small sellers with no reviews.

>> No.8749436

Aren't those from bonbon21?

>> No.8749457

Really? Thanks. If they were, they are out of stock now on bobon.

>> No.8749498

I would send them an email about it. I've always had good experiences clearing up issues with TBT over email.

>> No.8749504

They'll probably message you and tell you the cost, they always do for me.

>> No.8749522

whats the general weight of shoes?

>> No.8749612


>> No.8749655

do you have any recs for ss with no minimum fees? all the ones i know of are really dodgy

>> No.8749890
File: 1.45 MB, 1000x1000, pics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted my order in the last thread. Just got photos from my SS. Hopefully, it'll be here soon since I'm doing EMS and I can give a review for anything you guys might want to hear about!

>> No.8749926

Thanks, anons. I sent an email off to see what's up.

>> No.8749931

I've used Taobao Trends for a while, I just finished up an order with them. Their English is a little difficult but they're really friendly and they'll try to figure things out.

>> No.8749950

>Looking up Dangan Ronpa stuff on Taobao
>Finds a random picture of Umaru pissing on herself

>> No.8749955

Sounds more like Deviantart..

>> No.8750045
File: 599 KB, 1283x498, wut the hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even joking. Found the same thing looking up Haikyuu which is weird because I didn't put in Umaru?

>> No.8750142

One is from Strawberry Witch: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.197.gKsAe0&id=23627028279&ns=1&abbucket=5detail

One is from Infanta: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-1087129940.43.l4j4us&id=20917423930

>> No.8750283

for SS with service charges, I'm wondering if it charges you service charge for (product + shipping) or products only?

>> No.8750285

It's haunting you.

>> No.8750301

It's an ad. A really weird one... but an ad. Or a suggested item.

>> No.8750340

Did you even read the FAQ? They charge it on Item price+ domestic shipping. International shipping is the second payment.

>> No.8750522

Last month, I placed an order with TBR and shipped via EMS, got it in under a week. But after what you all are saying, I'm not sure if I want to order with them again.

>> No.8750643

Has anyone ever bought that novelty bag that's shaped like a milk carton? I want to know if it's worth buying one.

>> No.8750697

What's with the influx of stupid noobie questions in here? Shouldn't that be a summer thing?

>> No.8750703

I swear this gets asked at least once a month.

>> No.8750715

Another anon who received this same dress yesterday but in mint here.
I'm actually very happy with the quality of it in general. It's a nice, thick fabric (idk about fabrics so I can't say specifically what it is... like canvas but softer?) and the print is crisp. It has pockets too, which is a huge bonus. The construction of it is pretty sturdy and the skirt seems to be fuller than the stock images, but that might be my imagination. The white neckline part is a little shorter than pictured but it's not a huge deal. The tiny bow under that is both sewn and glued on, but the bow clips it comes with are all glued as anon said.
I ordered the blouse it was paired with too and I was extremely pleased with it. It looks exactly like the picture, is made of a nice material. and is constructed very well. That on its own is definitely worth the purchase.

>> No.8750907

I want to find that one blue sweater dress from several taobao threads ago with the milk carton on it but never found it again. Store didn't restock it either.

>> No.8750910

I got one for my friend awhile ago. The 'clasps' were very magnetic, so some of her credit cards stopped working. The rope started fraying after a quite a bit of use, but all in all it was cute, if you don't carry a lot of stuff around

>> No.8750985

So I went over the spreadsheet and I saw the term for false nails is 假指甲 but that also brings up a bunch of the plain kind sold in bulk and stuff to stick on them... Is there a term to specify the already-decorated kind of false nails?

>> No.8751144

Does anyone know a good store for children's dresses?

>> No.8751165

winter break

>> No.8751166

Winter break hasn't started for most people yet though? I feel like it's because of the holiday seasons and more people are searching for gifts online.

>> No.8751305

zhongshan anon, yet again:
>give up on zhongshan finding the one missing order, repurchase items that are still available in the seller's store
>as soon as those get the warehouse's all-clear, ask zhongshan to consolidate everything for forwarding
>"we're still missing items though"
>what the fuck
>tell them sellers reshipped items, give them tracking info that says zhongshan signed for them days ago
>get a spreadsheet screenshot back of the still-missing items

I don't have the time to deal with this shit anymore. just going to cut my losses and take what managed to get through to them and never look back once I get my stuff.

>> No.8751366


>> No.8751367

with everything that has happened is it worth ordering with tbr?

>> No.8751648

So im trying to pay a store extra money for shipping and apparently I cant because my address is a foreign address. Is there any way to attain a throwaway chinese address?

>> No.8751658

When I try to pay for something alipay comes up with this error message.


I've tried using a different card but it keeps coming up with this message, could any gull help me or know why this message keeps occurring?

>> No.8751745

Need halp here, my taobao "similar items" that was located on the very bottom of item page changed and shows irrelevant shit now, how do I change it back? It was so good to find items similar in style...

>> No.8751759

tbr disaster anon here with all the coat problems, i'd still say yes. they ended up going out of their way to fix everything for me, most of which turned out to be the fault of the seller anyways, and it ended up shipping quickly, through the right methods and with no further problems ( i'm using EMS though, a lot of the shipping problems i've been hearing about are with DHL recently so idk)
It should be here by Wednesday, so there's still time for things to go wrong i guess, but not on their end at least

I'm starting a new small order with them now and so far, so good. I have a feeling everything just goes to shit around 11/11 and the time directly afterwards, maybe

>> No.8751957

Can anybody recommend some rocking horse shoes? I stumbled upon a few but they looked of really questionable quality.
I tried Bodyline first but the white ones were sold out in my size.

>> No.8751962

So many cute things, nice taste! Could I get sauce and maybe a review on the pom pom earrings, the Sailor Jupiter two-piece, the underwear and the beret?

>> No.8751990
File: 511 KB, 899x347, Screenshot (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order is out for delivery tomorrow morning. If anyone wants pictures/reviews/links, feel free to ask now and I'll reply tomorrow with the info.

>> No.8752134
File: 912 KB, 918x751, snsso2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my order in today so let me know if y'all want links or a mini review.

Oh you're gonna love those selfie sticks. Got my order today (thnks Canada Post holiday delivery) and my mum was like "omg that is so cute!"

>> No.8752175

review&link on the black and white sweatshirt please?

>> No.8752229

I can't even wait for mine to get here. Gimme a review with those glorious photos, anon.

>only using mine for convention photos anyway

>> No.8752232
File: 254 KB, 1118x644, taobaoorder1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order should finally be coming in within the next few days too (though I've gone and made another one that has yet to be collaged too); last call if anyone wants reviews/links!
(I think someone already wanted a review of the wig, and someone else on the turtleneck, let me know if i've forgotten your request)

how are the fleecy bloomers? I've been considering getting a pair myself

>> No.8752237
File: 121 KB, 600x502, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F0ed45c5c4c510d9fc3da753a9dbf79a7%2Ftumblr_nvchtrZdQP1ufoq44o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how/where to find these? Original link is dead and reverse image search is only giving me floral phone cases and wallets for some reason...

>> No.8752309
File: 198 KB, 651x301, 20151206_194555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there two taobao apps? What's the difference?

>> No.8752310

Link to the rose jewelry please!

>> No.8752315


Thought it would be a bit baggier with the 106 bust listed but it's a comfortable fit. If you have chunky upper arms the sleeves may feel a bit tight. The black 'drips' are kinda faded, not as dark as pictured. Overall, still cute.

I'm charging the batteries in my camera anon so I can do a proper review. Phone's kinda janky and the pictures are coming out really dark :|

But the stick is built really well for the price. The bluetooth remote comes with a battery and it's easy to use. I have an S3 and my phone picks it up as soon as I turn bluetooth on and syncs with it.


So warm. So cute. My mum lost her mind when she saw them so now I probably have to get a pair for her or let her borrow mine. The sewing job is A+ and it fits really well.

>> No.8752320

Wish I had gotten the bluetooth one. I just got the basic model with the button on the stick itself.

>> No.8752333

I think it'll still work. It's just with my model of S3, I didn't get the update where you can use the volume as a flash button with the stock camera app. Had to download camera360 for that. Which is why I opted for the bluetooth remote so my friend wouldn't have to deal with that.

>> No.8752339

not sure if you'll even read this since it's been 10 days ago since, but I own this sweater (bought it off ebay though) and the quality is nice! it's fleece inside, thick material. the white part is glued on though(or like a sticker, dunno how to call it), but I haven't had any cracks or damage yet after washing it.
Thought maybe you'd like to know.

>> No.8752359

Anyone found those cat ear headphone speakers yet on taobao?

>> No.8752413

Dumb question: I've estimated my order to be around 4.4-4.6kg. If I purchase and whatever SS I chose tells me it is a little over 4.5 will I be able to add more things to my order so I don't waste 500g worth of shipping?

>> No.8752416

Is this for the forwarding service? As long as if you stay under 20 packages it should be fine

>> No.8752417

Not yet and even if we did, I doubt they'll be any good.
The real seem to have a lot of problems from what I've been reading, I can only imagine how terrible knock off ones will be.

>> No.8752460

they're both SweetDreamer/CiciWorks, so the original listings aren't up due to the shop change (yet again), but this seems to be the same necklace at least
No luck on the ring, though.

thanks! i'm sure once it gets any colder around here i'll end up snapping and snagging a few then

>> No.8752598

Here you go! I had ordered a pair of these myself not too long ago.

>> No.8752960

Would it be too much to ask for some photos, anon? I've been considering getting the dress for a while now... Also, since they're made to order, how long did yours take?

>> No.8753029

Have you received these yet anon? How thick are they?

>> No.8753114

>waiting for package to be delivered
>get curious and check how much package is
>4650g / 10lbs
>my closest order to date has been 2800g / 6lbs

My poor mail carrier. Delivering a 10lb package on top of the usual eBay packages I get. Definitely getting them a gift card for Christmas.

>> No.8753123

When I first took them out of the package they looked rather small so I was worried, but they actually stretch well and are rather thick!

>> No.8753256

I'm doing a large order via TBR and I noticed they forgot to buy something from the store. Do you think it's OK to tell them or I will sound like a creepy stalker?

>> No.8753261

Uh no? You're paying for a service and it's totally okay to make sure they do it well.
You're supposed to keep an eye on your order as it comes in anyway.

>> No.8753408
File: 297 KB, 800x527, T2I8wPXXxaXXXXXXXX_!!22084008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls I need your help, Google translate is more confusing than helping.
I want to buy pic related in white, but I don't get what material, or to be precise what kind of chiffon it is made of.
The description says following:

> 质地:
>灰粉 --> 仿真丝
> 薄荷绿 --> 100D雪纺
> 漂白、紫 -->乱麻雪纺(偏厚不透)

Can anybody help out?

>> No.8753461

definitely point it out! i had an item not come in despite marked as arrived recently, and they were super quick to look into it, let me know that it had actually been out of stock, and refund me my money. It's literally their job to fix issues like these as they arise

>> No.8753772
File: 121 KB, 640x480, 20151207_143506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Package arrived.. and I'm still stained black from racing through the rain with it. Thanks, SF Express.

>> No.8753778
File: 294 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping some pictures. If anyone wants links to something, just ask!

>> No.8753781
File: 690 KB, 1800x1480, DSCN0143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two shark bags are Christmas gifts for a friend but they're a lot bigger than I had thought and come with three different straps. One is a full size bag and one is a change purse I guess.

>> No.8753785
File: 601 KB, 2050x768, DSCN0147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kpop/jpop merch are also Christmas gifts for friends and the Tiger and Bunny fansign pins were custom order for I think under $2 each.

All the Free! merch is for my ita bags and the pins are smaller than I had hoped but the rubber straps are super cute and have glitter backing. The Natsume's Book of Friends pin and Free! group photo card were shop freebies.

>> No.8753789
File: 1.06 MB, 3084x1576, DSCN0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The school bag and I Heart Candy Sugar tote were from the same shop and the CS one was listed as defective for under $1 so even though it's got pink tinting on the side, I didn't expect much from it. Construction is pretty sturdy though.

The school bag is pretty much perfect except the snap on the inside is insanely hard to snap shut. I tried my hardest and couldn't get it to work so I just gave up since I doubt I could unsnap it without breaking the strap.

The two backpacks were from a 4.7/4.6 rating shop and super cheap so I'm actually surprised how good the construction is. The zippers are very sturdy and the zipper pulls are thick metal instead of the cheap easily bent metal ones I see a lot. They have two sections to unzip and the front decal is I think an iron on? But it's in excellent condition.

>> No.8753797

Link the shark bags?

>> No.8753799
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I got the pink shirt from an anime shop and it's thicker than I expected given that it seems like every time I buy a tshirt off Taobao it's insanely see through, especially pink ones. Also the stock photos didn't show that there was a design on the back so that was a pleasant surprise except the small ink spot on the fabric.

The two baseball/varsity jackets I got were from an anime fukubukuro and I guess I read the listing wrong because I expected a random anime design on the back but both came plain so I guess I had mistakenly ordered their plain version. I haven't tried mine on yet but the fabric was thick and soft feeling so I don't doubt it's going to wear well.

If anyone reads Chinese, could you tell me what the writing on my pink shirt says? I figured the front was probably "cute" or something but I'm at a loss about the back.

>> No.8753806
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And last picture.

The Fairy Tail eyeglass case is a gift but the Kuroshitsuji one is mine. It's really good construction but has a tendency to try and take your finger off when you close it. Big enough to fit my hipster computer glasses.

The selfie wands I got were the basic under $5 models and I'd never used one before so it took a minute or two to put the pieces together and get it adjusted before trying to set my phone to work with it. Once I got it going, it worked great! The button has a handy-dandy camera symbol on it so you know where to press and the holder itself adjusts pretty easily.

The only downside is that so far I haven't figured out how to angle it so it gets the wand itself in the photo since that would be super neat. They make a larger model of this design and I think that's solely designed for being a prop in the photo along with holding your phone.

>> No.8753807

>Shark bags

>> No.8753863


>> No.8753867

One is global, one is regular mobile

>> No.8753905

I have these in black, I love them, but the..."print"(?) wrinkles and falls so easily

>> No.8754044
File: 78 KB, 720x540, 522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Soft Little Sister"
Back: "Today I also want, moe moe da~!"

>> No.8754054
File: 288 KB, 500x281, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is glorious. You'd think I'd recognize the symbols for "soft sister" with how often I search that to find cute stuff. Thank you anon!

>> No.8754106

>Today I also want, moe moe da~!
Could also be "I'm gonna be moe moe today too!"

>> No.8754114
File: 198 KB, 500x600, 03131218_550256f9d8b42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received the holy cross cutsew op replica the other day, was anyone wanting a review before I sell it?
I have the legitimate dress as well, so I could compare the two side by side.

>> No.8754119

>I could compare the two side by side


>> No.8754127

I'd like to see a review of it too please!

>> No.8754779

Does anyone know the term for cage skirts? I found a couple searching for petticoats, but not what I'm looking for.
I want the ones people have been wearing as overskirts, is there any particular term for that?

>> No.8754946

How long does EMS usually take around the holidays?

>> No.8754958

Please do!
>I am in love with this dress

>> No.8755009
File: 2.22 MB, 3524x1848, This shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this all came in today (Bout 6 days for EMS which was nice).. all the other shit in previous pic is waiting for reservation items then I will make another shipment..

Let me know if you want reviews of any of this stuff though!

>> No.8755056

Link to the black top right tshirt please!

>> No.8755067

anon..... isnt that a bag? refer to >>8753789

>> No.8755076

Review for the 3 wigs on the left colum please

>> No.8755138

>> 漂白、紫 -->乱麻雪纺(偏厚不透)
The white and purple blouse ->made of mixed chiffon ( rather thick and not transparent )

This is based off my shitty mandarin skills tho.

>> No.8755151

Actually >>8755067 is right. They're both backpacks.


>> No.8755172

review/link for the ringlet wig?

>> No.8755220
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Okay, here we go.

I was wanting to wear the replica as pyjamas or something, but I ended up receiving the legitimate dress (in a separate package) on the same day and was instantly underwhelmed. The replica doesn't look awful, but it completely pales in comparison to the original.
I got a little carried away with the detail comparisons though, hopefully it's not too long.

The replica is the navy dress on the left, and the original is on the right.

General construction: As a cutsew op, the original OP isn't lined, and neither is the replica. I can't see any significant problems with the sewing. The shape of the dress is a lot larger on the replica. Even without a petticoat, the original dress is more fitted and drapes flatteringly around the waist, whereas the replica looks more like a sack (?)... the cut is generally more generous around the bust, armholes, and waist. Also, I think the collar part's neckhole, shoulder width and length are all slightly larger. The sleeves on the replica are also 2-3 inches shorter.

Material: The original dress is made of thick jersey material, it's not very see through even with black underneath. The cotton used on the sleeves and collar also feel very crisp, probably interfaced. The replica jersey is more smooth and thin, but thick enough to still be opaque. You can tell that it wrinkles more easily. The collar and cuffs are made of a thinner cotton.

More close ups to come.

>> No.8755222
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Has anyone seen this on taobao?

>> No.8755228
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Part 2:

Ribbon pin: The replica bow is not removable, unlike AP's. The cross charms are also different. Surprisingly, the replica uses cotton satin ribbon like the original, however the bow is a lot more sad looking and the ends are not finished. Also, there is a button in the center of the neck hole/collar of the AP dress, but the replica doesn't have this.

Lace: the collar and sleeve lace of the original have a sort of synthetic net with cotton thread (if you've owned an AP piece with narrow tulle lace you probably know what I mean), while the hem lace is cotton tulle. The replica almost has the reverse - the collar is cotton, while the hem is a synthetic lace that is a bit shiny. The lace on the hem is a direct replica of AP's design, except it looks and feels much cheaper. The thread is shinier and the net feels very synthetic. The collar lace looks it's attempting to look like the original lace, but failing.

Cuffs: the star buttons are totally different. The cuffs on the original are functional, while the replica cuffs have the area where the buttons are secured sewn to the lace of the other side of the cuff (I don't really know how to explain it).
The original has gathered lace on the cuffs and collar, but the replica does not.

Honestly, it's not that bad - the jersey is pretty comfortable and the cut mimics the original well enough. Considering that the original sells for a pretty reasonable price these days though, it's probably not worth buying the replica.

If anyone would like some worn pictures/comparisons, let me know.
Oh, and here's the taobao link to keep it relevant: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=44531555884

>> No.8755291
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>> No.8755292

Oops. Didn't write anything. But this is my order. Some of them have arrived and I've shipped them off since I need them ASAP (most of the top row). A good majority of the Love Live stuff are prizes for a panel I'm doing. Though, I might keep some of them hahah.

>> No.8755329

review/link for the luna purse? been wondering what the TB versions were like quality wise.

>> No.8755338

please review the Love Live cosplays and the cardcaptor sakura bag!

>> No.8755363

I'll be able to do that in a week or so! At least if the postal services don't lost my package again.

>> No.8755396


Thank you!

>> No.8755470

Is it normal for a ss to split a really big order into two packages? Rather than have one of 17kg, the ss packed one of 10kg and other of 7kg.

>> No.8755492
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my package randomly showed up today, and the slip says it was mailed Friday.. Which is after I opened my claim.

Everything was okay except the most expensive item, a cosplay tracksuit. It's disgustingly musty, and super damp - like it was left In the rain. Yet the bag it came in wasn't wet at all. I left the jacket and pants hanging in my room In an attempt to dry the out and now my whole room smells musty. Also, the hard wear on the jacket left rust marks. Ugh.

>> No.8755565

sauce on ccs backpack?

>> No.8755581


>> No.8755594

How many kg's worth is a normal order??

>> No.8755707

Thanks! Which is which? As overseas customers, we should use the global one, right?

>> No.8755732
File: 43 KB, 477x293, tumblr_inline_nr5hfsMB4q1qck55p_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the CCS cosplay prop to end all props

>> No.8755740

Anon, I bought a sweater where that exact problem happened to me. The sweater smelled terrible and the material was damp and the inside of the plastic bag was damp but everything else in my order was fine.

Definitely contact TBR about it and show them the photos and tell them about the smell and fabric dampness.

You're going to want to wash the tracksuit asap and then hang it outside to air out for a day or so.

>> No.8755768
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I'm not sure if I can wash it tho, the words are just heat transferred on :( also worried about color bleeding. But I might go for it anyway, the smell is noticeable.

>> No.8755779

Cold wash on delicate cycle and then hang to dry. If you've got those color catcher sheets, that would work too.

>> No.8755791

mix a spray bottle with water and vodka and spray it down with that to see if it helps. That's how I deodorize all my costumes that can't be washed and it works wonders.

>> No.8755861
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Taobao order arrived. I'm not too good at reviewing, but I can give a general idea of any product's quality if you're interested.

>> No.8755866


>> No.8755883

link/review for the pink controller??

>> No.8755920

Link and review for the doujin shirt?

>> No.8755936

Ringlet wig is reeeallly soft! The only thing I noticed about it when I tried it on was when I was trying to pull bits into place lots of flyaways started happening.. It looks like its probably gonna get pretty tangled pretty quickly.. But its decently thick and sits really well on my head, quite impressed with the quality of it!

Link: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.0.Wj8HXo&id=38718312088

I havent actually opened this one up and had a good look as its for my friend, but from the outside, it has a good weight to it, it has a little emblem on the front engraved with Sailor Moon (even spelled correctly which is a plus for Taobao!) Construction looks decent too..! Material isn't as cheap as some of the bags I have bought from there so thats always good.. and I mean.. it was like.. $12? Definitely worth buying for that price in my opinion!

Link: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.IBspYs&id=520640001698&ns=1detail

>> No.8756019

Left one is global

>As overseas customers, we should use the global one, right?
I guess? I don't use mobile and even on pc I use regular taobao

>> No.8756025

there is no such thing as a normal order size or weight anon, it all really depends/varies based on what sort of things you're buying. My last order was about 3.5kg, but i've gotten as small as 1.25kg and i've seen seagulls here get 7kg orders too

>> No.8756028

(and keep in mind that your order's weight for shipping includes all the packaging too)

>> No.8756085

review/link for the mint shoes?

>> No.8756201
File: 542 KB, 960x1280, 15-12-08-23-18-25-164_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back with reviews! my package came in today and I'm really happy with everything I got.
The wig fibers are a little coarse, but good for styling and look very natural. Actually a bit thicker than most of the Arda wigs I own, possibly so much so that i might need to thin it out a bit before using? Overall really satisfied though

The turtleneck is amazingly soft (and really heavy material, will certainly keep me toasty warm in the winter) and fits me like a dream. I love the ruffles! Works great for me, but I feel like the sleeves would be a bit tight/constricting on anyone with average to large arms

Om another non-requested note though, I am absolutely in love with the coat wow. Everything about it is really nice quality, and incredibly well made, down to the tiny details. 100% would recommend

>> No.8756296

I'm not sure if it's too early to ask, but does anyone know which Lolita, Himekaji, and Gyaru stores that are doing a fukubukuro/lucky pack this year?

>> No.8756525

Anyone have experience with this shop?

I wanted to order from them, but then I noticed that they stole photos from To Alice, and now I don't know how to feel about them. I had quite a few items I wanted to buy from them, and I still want them, but I'm not sure if I should.

Lace Collar:

Shoes (suede version; there are other versions in their store):


All the jewelry I bought and that collar still haven't gotten to my S.S., and I ordered on the 18th of November. Just a warning.

>> No.8756667

Couldnt find any in the shops in the shoplist.... anyone know where I can get a decent quality japanese style school bag? Preferably the darker navy blue kind.

>> No.8756689

seconding this, I want to make an order of two items but I don't trust TBR or TBS anymore

>> No.8756737

Im the anon who got screwed by TBR, currently reordered everything with bhiner and its been great so far.

>> No.8756847

I'm >>8753789 and the bag in the picture and another one I own both came from http://world.taobao.com/item/16607079371.htm?fromSite=main and I highly recommend them, especially since their bags are $4-6 depending on the model.

>> No.8756850
File: 497 KB, 312x205, 1443761035451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a good Taobao shopping service with reward points like Yoybuy used to have? I've been using TaobaoRing a lot but I miss earning points for my orders that I could use to buy discounts or coupons.

>tfw I still have $5 worth of coupons on Yoybuy and a few thousand points but I don't want to risk them overcharging my debit card

>> No.8756863
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are they keycaps or is it a whole keyboard?
if caps link pleaaaseeee

>> No.8757323
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The listing made it look like a sweater, but it's really a lot closer to a long sleeved shirt, since the fabric is about as thin as a t-shirt. Not really good for staying warm, but it's really soft.

>> No.8757472


>> No.8757489

Alright gulls, I made a new thread