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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8748564 No.8748564 [Reply] [Original]

Since the gyaru thread specified that they don't want himekaji posted, let's get our own thread started!

I heard that Liz Lisa isn't going to do a box this year. Do you think there will be any other Liz Lisa/Lizmelo lucky packs? Think you'll get one? Any details yet?

>> No.8748575
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The fuck. They just announced the lucky packs and the largest one will be a LizMelo one.

>> No.8748576

ohh thank you! Sorry for the misinformation. Is that on TKL?

>> No.8748619
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dumping some inspo pictures for winter

>> No.8748626
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>> No.8748632
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>> No.8748635

I thought about getting the lucky bag but then I remembered that Liz Lisa sizing is very iffy for me. I fit into some of their smaller items but most are going to be too big. I don't think I want to take chances with a bag of stuff where I can only wear 1 out of the bunch.

>> No.8748636
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>> No.8748644
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>> No.8748647
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>> No.8748650
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>> No.8748652
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>> No.8748654
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>> No.8748656
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>> No.8748657
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>> No.8748659
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>> No.8748660
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>> No.8748662
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>> No.8748675
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>> No.8748695

Has anyone ever gotten a Fi.n.t. lucky pack before? I missed the Amavel
one and I am curious about fint.

>> No.8748705

Hell yeah I'm getting one. I'll probably go with the one with the cutest bag design.

Just sell it. People eat that shit up in the second hand LL market and if you play your cards right, you could earn a lot of the money you spent back.

>> No.8748726

Didn't even know what himekaji was until a few days ago but holy fuck Jesus is it cute

I have a mighty need

>> No.8748732

What's a good place to sell it, if I may ask?

>> No.8748736

you could try the gyaru sales community on LJ

There are a few facebook groups I'm a part of for sales including a Liz Lisa sales group

>> No.8748738

I use Storenvy mainly because it's so easy, but a few people I know also sell on gyaru sales in LJ and through facebook albums.

>> No.8748814

I'm graduating soon, my last final is the day before the lucky bags drop. I'm definitely going to try and get one as my graduation present to myself. Do they go fast?

>> No.8748833

Really new to this, how would I order the lucky packs? Through a SS?

>> No.8748870

Ugh, I regret not getting that skirt while I had the chance.

>> No.8749711

Through Google.

>> No.8749736

They usually go pretty fast but last year the blind lucky pack so unpopular that it lasted way into Janurary and they sold the trunk separately for half price afterwards.

I think the My Melody one will go quick, though. It's the first time a LLxMM pack will be available online.

>> No.8749909

Where'd you get the information on the lucky packs? I'm looking on TLK and see nothing

>> No.8749935

It should be the last slide on the home page. If your subscribed to their mail list you should've gotten the email a couple days ago.

>> No.8749954

Does anyone know if BoBon21 is having an LP this year? if yes, then do they give size options?

Also, which other himekaji brands offer sizing choices for LPs?

>> No.8750300
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Reposting here for good measure. These seem to be the lucky packs this year. I'm upset about the lack of a trunks but at least shipping won't be a total bitch.

>> No.8750509

Whaaat, that's everything? That's kind of a bummer. I was so set on getting a trunk, too.

>> No.8750532

That's too bad, the rose trunk from last year is absolutely gorgeous.

>> No.8750649

Oh, the mail was sent to my junk box for some reason. Thank you!!

Are there any pictures of what the clothes will look like yet??

>> No.8750653

Damn it, I want that whole outfit but if Kawaii Gyaru Shop is stocking one of those pieces, all of them are probably pretty old.

>> No.8750728
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Not into this fashion but I felt in love with this boots, anyone knows when they were released? Are they too hard to find in the second hand market?

>> No.8750803

I don't know what year they were released anon, but they aren't easy to find second-hand. I've been looking for them too.

>> No.8750857

They are at least 4-5 years old, the chances of finding them is pretty impossible.

>> No.8750880

That's sucks, they're so cute. Thanks anons.

>> No.8750965

So what would you say differentiates himekaji from general 'cute' J-fashion? Does it have to be LL or a similar brand? Is it just the pastel/beige color scheme? Are there clothes you can buy in normalfag stores that you can consider himekaji?

>> No.8751222

To me the defining traits of himekaji is florals/pastels, curly hair, and skirts/dresses. The difference in himekaji from Larme, for example, would be the texture. Both are centered around being very girly, the difference is Larme give off a fluffy almost innocent feel. On the other hand, himekaji is spring-like, feminine, but more mature than larme. That's not to say that more and more himekaji outfits aren't picking up on styles like Larme. I think this goes back to brands like Liz Lisa that produce fad items as well as their trademark items.

>> No.8751706

I'd ask in the luckypack thread, there's a good chance someone on there will be able to help you.

>> No.8751714

>more mature than larme

Do you actually know anything about either fashion or are you just talking out of your ass?

>> No.8751721

Stop shitting up this thread please.

>> No.8751730

Ok then, why don't you answer the question.

>> No.8752199

Guys, chill. They were just answering the question as far as what it means to them. Neither Larme nor Himekaji are styles with strict rules, so the exact definition might vary from one person to the next.

In some ways I think it is fair to say that Himekaji is more mature, since Larme incorporates more styles that I could see actual kids wearing as well. It seems like the point of larme is to be tailored to a girl in her 20's who's not entirely grown up yet but still not entirely childish, so it would make sense to incorporate styles that a girl in her 20's might be nostalgic over from her youth.

On the other hand, himekaji usually has many more ruffles and frills and lace than Larme typically does, so it can sometimes evoke a less mature style since we associate those things more with children's clothing, even if you probably wouldn't see an average kid running around in Liz Lisa style clothing these days.

In any case, since Larme is more of a compilation of existing styles to begin with, rather than a very structured and unique one, it's always going to be hard to make hard and fast statememnts about it. Likewise, himekaji is a style which at least in the western community seems to be rejected by it's gyaru roots (though I don't know if Japanese gals feel the same way) and is included in other magazines such as Larme occassionally, it's also going to be hard to make broad statements about it.

To answer the original question, to me Himekaji is what happens when you take the spirit of Lolita (especially classic and toned down sweet) and then tone it way way way down to be something casual that you can wear on a daily basis. I know that the styles are technically unrelated, but after many years of admiring Lolita and trying to figure out how to incorporate that feeling into a casual outfit, when I found out about himekaji it was exactly what I was trying to picture. Maybe that essence has to do with femininity and poise, or something.

>> No.8752312

Love what she did with her hair. It gets so boring to see everyone in jfashion with the same bangs

>> No.8752316

>Himekaji is what happens when you take the spirit of Lolita (the fashion) and then tone it way way way down to be something casual that you can wear on a daily basis.
>Larme is what happens when you take the spirit of Lolita (the book) and then tone it way way way down to be something casual that you can wear on a daily basis.
Finally it clicks. Thank you anon.

>> No.8752539

Ehh I thought that about larme at first too because I happened to pick up the lolita (honestly, not the book or the fashion, but the movie) edition first. But I don't think it's about ageplay or anything... It's not even aiming to make you look younger than you are.
Growing up is hard to do. There are a lot of people in their 20's who know they are adults and know they have to present and act that way... But still feel really unprepared for adulthood at heart. I think that feeling is really the essence of larme. It's not about girls who grew up too fast (lolita) but rather about girls who aren't growing up quite fast enough. So stylistically there will be a lot of overlap, but if anything the story of lolita and the story larme strives to communicate are opposites, I think.

>> No.8752971

You do know lolita the fashion and the character are unrelated?

>> No.8752974

You lack reading comprehension

>> No.8753169

Jesus Christ did you even fucking read? Are Lolitas actually this retarded?

>> No.8753583

what >>8752974 and >>8753169 said

And anyway I think it's naive to say that they're totally uncorrelated, but I do agree it's annoying when you specify that you are talking about lolita fashion and normies completely derail the conversation spewing bullshit about both the fashion AND the book and don't know the first thing about either.
There's got to be some tenuous connection between the story and the fashion, though I've never really heard a straight answer as to that connection.

>> No.8757543
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Question for you guys/gals:
Does himekaji ping as gyaru specifically or fall under general cute fashion?
Himekaji used to be very gyaru style-specific to me, but recently I feel it's moved to be more general cute fashion.

>> No.8757545
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>> No.8757546
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>> No.8758132

Well, himekaji came out of Gyaru... it has always been a part of gyaru. Different gyaru styles look very different from each other, so I don't understand when people get buttmad and try to say it can't be gyaru if it looks too different.

At the same time, I think a lot of himekaji fans don't always wear other gyaru styles, so to say it's become it's own thing isn't bad either.

>> No.8762160
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I recently bought pic related on eBay and I'm trying to figure out what else to get to go with the outfit. I'm thinking of getting some shoes and a bag, maybe a sweater of some sort as well. What do you guys think?

>> No.8762202

Cute, if you get a cream cardigan it'll be good.

Are there any announcements about the mymelo lucky pack to restock?