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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8746606 No.8746606 [Reply] [Original]

The old one reached its image limit.

>> No.8746724
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>> No.8746890
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>> No.8746892
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>> No.8746895
File: 62 KB, 600x659, hellokitty fairy kei bondage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8746897
File: 151 KB, 499x750, this is decora but ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my faves

>> No.8746899
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>> No.8747486

I love this outfit too desu.

>> No.8747787
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>> No.8747799

I miss mio's old outfits and videos :(

>> No.8747868

what would it be called to make a more wearable version of fairy kei? I know fairy kei includes shorts but all the accessories scream impracticality to me.

>> No.8747880

Want dis coat!!!

>> No.8748098

It doesn't need a name just do it

>> No.8748110
File: 72 KB, 600x800, 20151120_5daeec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, there is a shitton of fairy kei outfits where there aren't any accessories. Ever looked at Milklim's shop coords?

>> No.8748114
File: 153 KB, 600x900, teddy bear tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I tried fewer accessories and was told it was no longer fairy kei but I never got a response as to what it was... oh well.

I just thought I had a grip on this fashion.

>> No.8748120
File: 111 KB, 600x900, why can't this be fairy kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this fairy key? I remember it being posted and people saying it wasn't.

>> No.8748125

That's either cpk or larme. It doesn't have the cute pastel fluffy feel to it.

>> No.8748126

Oh god, that hat. I want it.
Whatever this is, it's adorable and you should wear it.

>> No.8748147

haha, I wish I could - that is hat is adorable!

also guys is there a list of really good fairy kei shops on taobao somewhere?

>> No.8748331
File: 25 KB, 236x367, 283e7ae3e3ec3283c28f0b52166b242e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were told that fewer accessories made your outfit no longer fairy kei, it most likely was because the clothing itself was borderline and you needed the accessories to push it from pastel norm clothes to actual jfash related fairy kei.
I will dump some pictures that are more casual.

The taobao spreadsheet has some, and fairy-tips on taobao also has a list. If you would like searching for a particular item/theme, I can help you search.

>> No.8748335
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>> No.8748338
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>> No.8748343
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Pic related has jewelry, but it's only two rings and a necklace

>> No.8748346
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>> No.8748350
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last one

The trend to using few accessories/jewelry and still looking obviously fairy kei seems to be based on whether or not the clothing pieces themselves, if not put into a coordinate, can be seen as fairy kei. Having staple items and/or having good coordinate skills can make fairy kei without accessories very easy.

>> No.8748368

Whats a good online place to get bulk of those plastic accessories?

>> No.8748385
File: 42 KB, 350x696, 9f54e9a183564af0bb6678db7e2a4921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't even very hard, pastel graphic tree (prefered with 80s motifs)+poofy pastel rainbow skirt and done.

>> No.8748481
File: 1.06 MB, 740x940, so what am I doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the clothing itself was borderline and you needed the accessories to push it from pastel norm clothes to actual jfash related fairy kei
I got the clothes from taobao resellers - I thought they qualified for it?

>> No.8748633

Me too anon. She left in such a weird way that never really sat well with me, but I loved her when she was really into it.

>> No.8748670

>not cute at all
>no pink
>religious stuff
>use black
>that makeup

>> No.8748673

She's using tights and socks?

>> No.8748677

Best places for a fairy kei beginner to check out?

>> No.8748823

is pink always a requirement?
and what's wrong with her make up?

>> No.8748835

>That's either cpk or larme.

Please leave.

It's Spank kei, equally.

>> No.8748838

Pink or pastel colors, but pink is an important part in fairy kei.
Also, her eyes and lips are too dark

>> No.8749440


Who is she? Spill the juice if there is some

>> No.8749444

Spank calls their style Yumekawaii these days tho, that's what they changed their shop image for and that in the picture is still Larme.

>> No.8749453


>> No.8749731

Spank! hasn't changed their shop image at all. What people are calling their "image change" is that moved their shop, and obviously remodeled it in the process. This was mentioned in a certain article about yumekawaii, and people have misunderstood it entirely. What the article was saying is that girls who like yumekawa style will like Spank!, that's all. I don't think I've ever seen Spank! say their style is now yumekawaii or yumekawa kei. In fact, if you search #spank! (the tag they use on all their twitter posts) and ゆめかわいい on twitter you won't find anything apart from when they happened to say yume and kawaii in the same tweet... Which means they don't even intend to shill their shit directly to yumekawa girls. Not that this is anything new; Spank! never called their style fairy kei, so why would they call it yumekawa?

This girl is shop staff at BUBBLES. It's worth mentioning that if you look up "BUBBLES ゆめかわいい" in twitter you get plenty of results. Not quite larme, but at the same time not quite fairy kei... Yes, this is definitely yumekawa kei. Though the term is used for plenty of outfits that would fall under the "fairy" term, "fairy" is just not a popular word anymore, and hasn't been for some time.

>> No.8749808 [DELETED] 

They never called it Spank! Kei either and they advertise it as Yumekawaii in magazines.

>> No.8749815

>Not quite larme, but at the same time not quite fairy kei...
It isn't even fairy kei in any aspect, it doesn't look like 80's children's clothing at all nor does it have 80's popculture motifs.

>> No.8749841
File: 59 KB, 600x800, CKppI3LUAAAf0nV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fairy kei is more than just 80's stuff... like Kokokim.

>> No.8750406

why not? it doesn't look bad

>> No.8750528
File: 211 KB, 444x750, tumblr_n8m5nzprzL1tsxc00o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between Spank, Yumekawaii and Fairy Kei? I think is just the same but with other name.

>> No.8750539

Spank! is the name of a shop, calling something Spank! Kei is like calling something Angelic Pretty Kei, meaning you wear a brand outfit. Yumekawaii is an aesthetics and umbrella term that involves everything that looks girly and dreamy (fluffy, childhood nostalgia), see > https://twitter.com/hashtag/%E3%82%86%E3%82%81%E3%81%8B%E3%82%8F%E3%81%84%E3%81%84?f=images&vertical=default&src=hash

>> No.8750545

>fairy kei is more than just 80's stuff... like Kokokim.
Kokokim goods may be used for Fairy Kei but Kokokim isn't a fairy kei brand, try again and wearing lingerie, like in the pic the post was an answer to, is the opposite of what Fairy Kei is about, more so the religious motifs and goth makeup.

>> No.8750561

Question: What are your favorite fairy kei tights? I just realized I have no cute pastel tights for the winter. I've just got legwarmers and a ton of ankle socks.

Most of my tights are Grimoire or dark colors/patterns, but some days I just want to be marshmallowy and cute.

>> No.8750597

Is that you? If so, very cute hair and clothing. The multiple neckalces you have on are not needed and don't contribute much to the outfit, so there's no need for them. Your clothes are fine, and together they work, but I'd suggest tucking in your shirt and layering the cardigan over it if only for a more flattering silhouette.

Fairy-tips on tumblr

Spank! = brand
Yumekawaii = cloudy cute things. Think AP's dreamy sky as an aesthetic
Fairy Kei = this thread, a mix of Spank! style and pastel colors in a yumekawaii (dreamy) presentation

Taobao is good for bulk cute pastel tights, though some may be majorly washed out. Mu-fish's strawberry tights are adorable.

>> No.8750894

Thanks, I thought my hair wasn't that great and I hate those necklaces now, I've been told to not use them before, but I thought the blue matched the shoes, but it doesn't so they're useless. I need better accessories. Also I was supposed to get the pink version of those shoes, but tbr sent the wrong ones (I assume the others sold out and they didn't tell me).

Also I tried tucking in the shirt but I hate how tucked in clothes look on me. Makes me look way fatter than I actually am.

>> No.8750898

Also thank you for the concrit, I will take it into consideration and I'm not trying to brush off what you said, in fact I want to try it again your way when I get home.

Just don't want to seem stubborn.

>> No.8750904
File: 32 KB, 352x503, madonna-white-lingerie-outfit-w352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty 80's to me. Not childish, but more adult looks, like Larme, are trendy right now.

>> No.8750914

I'd fuck a fairy kei

Also what's the male equivalent to fairy kei (if there is one)?

>> No.8751232

You have bro-tier humor.

I don't know what the male equivalent is called, but the style already includes shorts, and sometimes even pants if they are fluffy enough.
Are you a guy wanting to dress up as this? Dudes do decora all the time... I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to just translate the style for males, you know?

>> No.8751636


>doesn't know how Cult party kei looks like
>doesn't know how Larme looks like
>calls 80s fashion (especially what was popular in Japan), non 80s fashion
>think 80s fashion is a must in Fairy kei fashion.

Good trolling, I almost feel for it.

>> No.8751703

Anyone else mistake OP for a picture of a dog's head on a girl's body from the thumbnail?

Camera snout. Pigtail ears. I can't unsee it no matter how hard I try.

>> No.8751789
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>> No.8751790

It's called, you know, fairy kei because 80s children's clothing weren't limited to girls but considering you probably don't want to wear pastels you would go for pop kei which is pretty much the same but includes every kind of bright color.

>> No.8751851

>Men always need a more manly name for a girly ass hobby fashion because how dare we conform to using the same term!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.8751857

Cannot unsee

>> No.8751862

what is seen cannot be unseen

>> No.8751885

I didn't take it that way at all anon! Actually, I was worried I sounded rude, haha.

It's a cute outfit! The trapeze shape just usually doesn't work well, but if you can pull it off, do it!

>> No.8752747
File: 86 KB, 648x431, DUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking bag is this?
And can we talk about using polly pockets as accessories, is that a thing?
Can I make it a thing if it's not?

>> No.8752842
File: 184 KB, 500x614, Seashell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's just a DIYed Barbie toy. (Since it says Mermadia on the side).
Polly Pocket could totally work as accessories though.

>> No.8752844

Looks so heavy

>> No.8754250

Polly pocket accessories are totally a thing. Using toys in your outfit, like that carebear, are quite common.

Stores like Bubbles sell things like that.

>> No.8754430

Oh! I have a picture saved of one of the Bubbles shop workers!

I'm glad you can read it, I was trying to but wasn't familiar with the word .

I'm gonna go buy a bunch of polly pocket on ebay. I miss the ones I had as a kid and now I finally have a reason to have them again!

>> No.8754498

Shes been pretty depressing ever since she left the fashion I feel really bad for her, but I rember she used to have a journal with her eating disorder back when she was a decora so she probbly just shows her true self now.... :(

>> No.8755882

> Bubbles shop workers
please post anon

>> No.8756576

Spank is actually a branch that focuses more on 80s style. Fairy kei is all things pastel and soft, Spank is more of a retro twist on it, with logos and toy pieces.

>> No.8757558

Wasn't there something on the last thread about Spank! changing their style?

>> No.8757612

Reading is fundamental, anon. Look upthread.

>> No.8757632

I will when I get home, but a lot of people here think her outfit is more larme? She's super cute tho..

>> No.8757635

Here is it. Thought it was last thread,ignore my other comment

>> No.8757637

Fairy Kei was always about the 80s, have you never read the articles about it in japanese magazines? Even the owner of Spank! said they aren't 80s...

>> No.8757824
File: 151 KB, 600x900, SPANK-Tokyo-Kawaii-Fashion-Party-2013-06-044-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going after fukus for fairy kei brands?

>> No.8757965

I tried googling it, but didn't find anything related - is that a brand or a type of dress?

>> No.8760504
File: 74 KB, 599x598, rikarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to find the plastic star hairclips like in pic related? I've been searching for so long but that specific type never comes up...

>> No.8760512

Lucky packs/fukubukuro? I didn't really know there were LPs for fairy-kei, though...

>> No.8760525

Milklim and Listen Flavor are currently offering some. The contents might not be strictly fairy-kei,but thats the risk with LPs.

>> No.8760532

http://decotrand.ocnk.net/ had some but idk if they still do.

>> No.8760559

I can't find them but they have some really cute stuff. Thanks!

>> No.8760562
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>> No.8760567
File: 10 KB, 150x150, CVtk_DLVEAA8WyR.jpg thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decora seems to rise again because of the whole Yumekawaii thing, so far al makeup tutorials on youtube are about covering your face in tons of deco.

>> No.8760572
File: 98 KB, 600x719, CVtrIOfUsAAV3yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pff why is the image so small

>> No.8760578
File: 50 KB, 599x447, CVslZxpU4AExiLO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls and the boy featured in the show were

>> No.8761258

Check fairy-tips on tumblr because someone asked about lucky packs there!
I know LF has some, and last year KOKOKIM had some. I believe Spank! has some, but uncertain.

>> No.8761376

OH! Fuck. Holidays is when I'm broke usually.

>> No.8762139

Speaking of lucky packs, any etsy/storenvy jewelry/accessory fairy kei lucky packs? I want a NLS one personally, just to try out their quality.

>> No.8765738
File: 162 KB, 600x900, Twintails-6DOKIDOKI-Kawaii-Harajuku-20150103DSC5776-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8766644

If you can find someone to go there, 6%dokidoki sells those plastic star clips, though they're only like 80 yen each. If you have a friend traveling there in the holidays you can ask them to stop by? They come in other styles, like ovals, bows, etc.