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8708101 No.8708101 [Reply] [Original]

Going to Con Alt Delete to see Vic and some other guests. Who else?

>> No.8708116
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>going to a con to see dick mangina

>> No.8708198
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>> No.8708276

low b8

>> No.8708287
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>> No.8709583


U mean masturb8 am I rite?

>> No.8709662

Official Vic Mahamaon name thread.

>> No.8709686


Vic Omnomnomna.

>> No.8709748
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Vic Manamana

>> No.8709750
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not gonna lie, he looks decent for 53
he supplies such excellent con drama as well

>tfw you still haven't met this dilf diva convention whore

>> No.8709753

He looks good for his age.

Shame he sounds like a pre-teen. It's so unsettling.

>> No.8710151

Vic McChicken

>> No.8710741
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Many cons aren't inviting him back due to his drama llama shenanigans and cray cray con church services.

>also, pic related

>> No.8710859

kek, my favourite.
>You'll never sit byside Vic Bacon in church while he steals your twizzlers.

>> No.8715202

How is he still relevant?

>> No.8715236

He's not

>> No.8716363

Hi Vic.

>> No.8718247

>see vic mangina for the first time at small local con
>fangrills squeal when he walks in
>indirectly confirms all stories i've heard about him here
>asks fans to defend him on the internet
>talks about godjesus while eating blueberries instead of panel subject
everything went as expected

>> No.8724496

That's fucking kek
greedy bastard

>> No.8724499

Viz Media

>> No.8724685


>> No.8724807

Vic MicDongalong

>> No.8724863

Vic McNugget

>> No.8724903


vic mcdramallama invited to a kopf con?
I just died of not-surprised

>> No.8728295

I lold

>> No.8728298

Dick Lasagna

>> No.8728304

Sick Eggnog, Ma.

>> No.8728640

and thank god for that, i'm sick of hearing his no-voice-variation ass in every damn anime but thats what I get for having friends that like dubs.

>> No.8729531

vic micnignog

>> No.8729534

Benedict Cumberbatch

>> No.8729535

Vic mcflurry

>> No.8729565

Vic is an absolute arsehole

He came to a con in Ireland a few years ago and one of the conditions of him coming was that the con had to put leaflets advertising his Christian CDs into the conbag.

He was also a complete cock to staff.

>> No.8729570

More deets?

Isn't he voicing someone on that ruby show? Who would even hire him?

>> No.8729574

>Isn't he voicing someone on that ruby show?
>Who would even hire him?
lmao I hope you're not trying to imply there's anyone decent in the english anime dubbing scene

>> No.8729587

There were decent actors in the English anime dubbing scene but they don't stay dubbing anime.

Steve Blum and Scott McNeil come to mind.

Vic's a lot better at live action IMO because he's not constrained by having to match lip flaps, he's still pretty mediocre though.

I hope to fuck that he doesn't get a part in the new Star Trek show.

>> No.8730632
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>> No.8730639

Saw him at Star Trek Con Las Vegas and nobody recognized him. It was pretty funny seeing him sulk at the con. Sorry Vic, you aren't on the level of Patrick Stewart and the old fans hate your abomination of a Star Trek show more than they hate the new movies.

>> No.8730744

Tell us when he inevitably does something hilariously awful.

>> No.8732589

Not gonna be at Con Alt Delete, but he'll be at Sangawa Project in Pittsburgh soon. I'm just wondering how Vic and alcohol will mix. It's 18+ only, so I don't think anyone would take bullshit from him.

>> No.8733307

Reminds me of seeing him at Kitsune Kon in WI some years ago.

>> No.8734255

I'm seeing him at otakon Vegas in January

>> No.8735366

Not any of the above anons but there's not much we could really say other than the dude is a prick. He expects way too much from staff.

>vic: Im hungry
>staff: ok order from this menu(restaurant in hotel)
>vic: Oh, i'll take the steak.
Orders $300 worth of shit off the damn menu for himself and a few other people.

God anon, Don't remind me. I never had to work with him but was fed all the stories. He made a staffer cry. I'm being asked to bring him back. Staff is well aware of his craziness. He showed up 15-20 min late to a panel that year because he wanted to fix his hair. Staff had told him no, he went to do it anyways. I remember being in the audience at the time wondering what was happening. I also remember watching the FMA movie and he made goofy comments the first 10 min and gave up after that.

Overall though, it's just frustrating for staff. I sat and had dinner with a couple prominent VA's this year and had one of them tell me "Vic really needs to scale back his ego." It's pretty telling when even your peers can't back you up.

>> No.8735491


Blum still does anime despite having spent the past yesr doing video games and western stuff. Troy Baker and Laura Bailey have seemingky stopped doing anime. Bailey's last role was returning as Maka for the Soul Eater NOT! dub, and the one before that was Rise in P4 the Animation which was actually Baker's last one

>> No.8735510
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>tfw hearing Vic in every Funimation dub is what killed your interest in dubs

Also I'll never forget this..

>doing scavenger hunt for convention
>earn 10 points for taking picture with guest
>Vic MiccyD's is there
>wearing Ouran costume, this was before he was announced on the dub
>"Oh! You're from Ouran! Is it from ___ episode? I love that one, I was just watching the series!"
>surprised he likes Ouran, gets picture
>expect to just stand beside him
>Vic grabs me and pulls me into tight shoulder hug
>thank him for photo
>he insists on seeing it, doesn't like it
>takes another one with me that passes his approval
>wanders out of the room, fangirls are outside
>starts an impromptu autograph signing right there in the hall
>staffer trying to corral him and tell him he's blocking traffic
>escape while I can

At the time I had no idea but when he got announced as Tamaki in the dub, it all made sense. I was mildly upset about it but I didn't truly rage over Vic until he got announced as Rin in the Free! dub because in what fucking universe is same-voice-Elric-Vic a good choice for Rin?

>> No.8735513

>go to Voice Actors After Dark panel a few years back
>Vic is at the convention but not in attendance
>VA's getting drunk and chugging pixie sticks
>start trash talking Vic
>try to phone him for laughs
>Vic never answers phone
>continue to trash talk him and his ego
>feels good man

>> No.8735524

Who all was on the panel? I wish i could've seen that

That's insane, jesus

>> No.8735542

It was probably back in 2009-2010 so I can't remember but it was mostly other dubbing guests. No one I really knew, I just went with friends and ended up enjoying it more than I thought. Someone handed one of the male guests a jumbo sized pixie stick and he chugged that shit on down between the guests getting refills of their drinks from I guess volunteers or guest relations?

>> No.8736187

I was at a voice actor's panel at DragonCon, after the panel we were talking and I mentioned Vic and the VA trash talked him a bit, he's not the only actor who said Vic had a huge ego, I'm pretty sure one of the actors hasn't worked with him seeing as they work in different countries so the only way he'd have encountered Vic is at cons

>> No.8736377

Oh yea i'm definitely sure more VA's trash talk him too. It's just sort of sad in a way. So many attendees want to see him meanwhile I have to balance the "Do i invite and deal with his idiocy" act. It ruins it for other people.

>> No.8737269

Crispin Freeman is 10/10

>> No.8737302

I dunno why you'd go to a con to see him, if you just go to a few cons for other reasons he'll eventually just be at one. He's everywhere. Like herpes.

>setting up table
>didn't recognize mcnoggin at the table beside me at first
>compliment his pants that I had same pair in the late 90's
>looks at me/my cosplay in slow pan up from my killer boots
>he makes awkward joke about it'd be easier for me to get into them.
>he asks for a hug
>fully lifts me off the ground and swings me around in packed con hallway
>receive death glares from gathering fan squad

I didn't feel harassed by the contact, but I had 0 warning I'm pretty sure the people I almost hit did.

>> No.8739463


vicnedict Cumberbatch

>> No.8740136

Which Vegas Trek con was he at? Did Creation seriously pony up the cash to bring him to the con?

>> No.8740436
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>Roommate's brother's girlfriend is big into Vic
>Has one of his christian albums
>Her parents are kinda strict despite her being 22 years old
>Find out he does "annemay" which is a "corrupting foreign influence" and "not Christian"

I didn't even know he did church songs until that point

>> No.8740472

I dont even know his name anymore ive been calling him this for as long as i can remember. So long if i want to look up shit on him i have to google english anime casts so i can copypaste his real name haha

>> No.8740483

I met him at a con, he seemed like a fun dude. I barely go out of my house so what's the con drama?

>> No.8740484

One time at Anime Boston I was interviewing a VA and he was really cool and we kinda hit it off. Later me and a friend were going to a dif VA's 18+ panel and he showed up behind us on the escalator and chilled with us until the panel started. As we're chatting he pulls out his phone with this huge grin on his face, and shows us that pic of Mgngignogn "cosplaying" Rin from Free. I've had similar experiences with other VAs.

>> No.8740773

Did you read the thread at all?

>> No.8740781
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This was around 2008 but at a convention I went to (and there's video of it online) he borrowed this popular cosplayer's insanely elaborate and award winning Tsubasa cosplay and basically strutted around in it for pictures and for the opening ceremonies, prop included. I cringed so hard because he didn't take any care with it when he wore it and it was pic related.

>> No.8740785
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Found one tiny picture of it. This is her original design while the one in the other picture is the remade one from 2011 I think?

>> No.8740857
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>Why Vic usually insists on seeing pics taken with him. Hilarious.

>> No.8742005

correct me if i'm wrong, but I feel like Vic has this scale where the more attractive you are, the more affectionate he is

You sound like an 8

>> No.8745598

Camp Anawanna

>> No.8745772

It was in August this year at the Rio. Creation didn't give two shits about him so he got himself his own ticket. He kept strutting around the dealers hall day 1 like he expected people to recognize him. No one did but he kept awkwardly making eye contact with me as if he knew that I knew him. He had a group of four other people following him but other than that he received no attention at all.

>> No.8745797
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We will never know

>> No.8745932

Did he fuck off after day 1 or did he strut around another part of the convention?

>> No.8746492

>based Johnny Yong Bosch

>> No.8746550

He would repeatedly return to the dealers hall and try to take pictures with people. He was lost in the sea of people and was never mentioned on stage, called on stage, or even referenced throughout the entire con despite his weird Star Trek web show.

>> No.8746634

I'm curious, though vic mignon does do creepy shit, has he ever had sex with his fans?

>> No.8747253

He seems to be good friends with Todd Haberkorn. Thoughts?

>> No.8748966

I'm not sure. I've heard yes but nothing from a reliable source.
I do have info that todd does have sex with fans. He's apparently done this at many con. This comes from a very reliable source who handled guest stuff for 10+years. I'll call them "A". A actually had problems with Todd at the con they were involved with. Todd did what be wanted to regardless of what he was told to do.

>> No.8748976

>>8747253 same anon as >>8748966

Sorry got click happy. I think what throws me about Todd after finding out that he does bang fans, is that whole rape case that happened earlier this year between a girl and a VA. Todd was defending the VA in question and that he knew the guy "really well". I forget the name of the VA. It wasn't a high profile name but what baffles me is that some va's get away with sleeping around while others can't. Granted, yes, being popular helps but you're still putting your name and job in jeopardy.
I also received word earlier this year that Johnny Yong Bosch had treated staff terribly at one con. He made multiple staff cry. If they weren't physically appealing he would ignore them. He also broke the contract several times by not going to autograph sessions or not going to a certain number of panels. Something along those lines. Most guests are required to do a certain amount of panels and autograph sessions. I was very seriously warned against getting him.

>> No.8748986

It doesn't really surprise me that JYB is an ass, the last panel i saw him on he seem really annoyed and didn't seem like he wanted to be there. Though he kept saying he was sick and he needed to save his voice.

Does anyone have anymore dirt on Johnny Yong Bosch?

>> No.8749020

When does having consensual sex with fans mean rape though?

It seems like he gets away with it because he has permission from the person he's having sex with. Unless they're underage.

>> No.8749087

I'm not pointing out that it's consensual. I'm pointing out that having sex with fans is risky regardless of it being consensual. And yes, I'm aware there's risk in anything. I'm not going to say all fans will know what they're getting involved in but considering how crazy some fans get over some voice actors, I'm just surprised to see that no one else has come out the woodwork talking about any experiences. I have heard of really young girls going after Vic and Todd and vice versa I'm sure.

>> No.8750607

I know a VA that got arrested for statutory rape because he married a 16-year-old student in Vegas. Illich Guardiola or something like that.

>> No.8751145
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>> No.8753415

i want to go to the fairy kei panel