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8744550 No.8744550 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>8716442

ILD is coming up. Any cute winter/holiday meet-ups your comms are doing (for ILD or otherwise)?

>> No.8744552

whoops, sorry for humongous image

>> No.8744614

not as humongous as tartan-chick's arm

>> No.8744632

Some people have no experience hosting events and don't feel comfortable taking on all that responsibility by themselves the first time, anon. There's no need to insult them for it. I really hope you're not my comm's mod.

>> No.8744665

I think anon has a point, though - if you're new or shy, ask a mod or someone more experienced to co-host it with you. You shouldn't just expect them to make meets that you're interested in.

>> No.8744672

But apparently asking for help makes you an autist now.

>> No.8744683

I don't think that poster was complaining about people asking for help, it's people that whine about meets and don't do anything (like approach a mod) about it. In my comm the mods don't mind co-hosting but it's not fair to ask them to take full responsibility for your idea.

>> No.8744976

What are your thoughts on 21+ meets? I think they're great but I feel like anytime a meet that would be 21+ gets brought up, everyone under 21 needs to chime in about how they can't go, which is kind of weird.

>> No.8745001

I don't have an issue with them, as a minor. Unless they're happening more often than the regular meets.

>> No.8745009

The mods of my comm posted this big thing saying they were too busy to put together a Christmas meet this year. Meanwhile everybody on Facebook can see that they're going to Christmas meets for comms in other states. Useless idiots.

>> No.8745010

Id love a wine tasting meet honestly. I don't care if the minors cant come or complain about it. I want to do fancy fun adult things with other fancy frilly adults that i get along with. Making a comm event would make it easier then individually pricate messaging all the ilder gals in the comm who might be interested just to tey and spare some 16 year olds fee fees

>> No.8745032

My comm had a wine tasting meet once, and it was fantastic. We're lucky in that most of our members are already 21+, and the under-21s didn't make a stink. I think minors can understand wanting to have an adult only event; your meets don't always have to be all-inclusive. Sometimes people just want to get dressy and go drink wine with friends.

>> No.8745047

So make your own Christmas meet?

>> No.8745160

I think that still falls under the category of being too busy. Besides, it's much easier to attend a meet than plan one.

>> No.8745206

I would, except the last time I tried putting together a meetup a few months ago, I got chewed out by the main mod for "not putting enough effort in", "not taking it seriously enough", and "not doing enough for this community". Even though I was the only person in the comm who had set up any meetups this year outside of cons. I also put together the spring ILD meetup despite being horribly busy, with no thanks from anybody. So it's annoying to see the mods not contributing anything while they're off hanging out with other comms instead.

>> No.8745213

how does one deal with going to a meetup when someone you dislike immensely will also be going?

i do not cause a stink at all, i try to be very polite. but this person grinds my gears like no other. and it almost makes me not want to go to meetups anymore.

how do you deal with it?

>> No.8745221

Just dont talk to thems of hang near them? The bigger the meet, the easier it is to ignore people.
Though there is one girl who occasionally goes to meets that i absolutely can not stand because she's always desperate to be the center of attention and is always either loudly complaining about wherever we are, other randos around us, or if we are lucky enough to be out of the public eye, she loudly complains about how she cat stand fatties, itas, etc. Not many in the comm care for her, so fortunately she doesn't go to many meets, so when she does plan to go, i, and many others just opt out. It isnt that big a deal.

>> No.8745222


When I was in a comm with people I didn't like, I just went to meets anyway and they dropped out if they saw I was going lol

>> No.8746140

If they're just generally annoying then I think just continue to be polite, but don't interact much. Unless it's a super small meet, you shouldn't have to be near them much.

What about them do you dislike?

>> No.8746157

Zero eye contact, have a better time than them.

>> No.8750753

Since the ILD thread is a mess, how was everyone's ILD?

>> No.8750786

It was good went to tea party in my comm

>> No.8750789

It was Sinterklaas here in the Netherlands so basically spent the day with my family and ofc in lolita. It was pretty fun !

>> No.8750796

10 years in lolita and I've never in my life celebrated ILD. I was there when it was actually invented and I though the whole thing was cringy and I haven't stopped cringing since.

>> No.8750831

I ran an 18+ event (UK here) this year and it wasn't an issue at all. We made sure nobody felt left out by doing other activities in the afternoon, and drinking in the evening.

>> No.8750832

What was the original purpose of ILD? Just to make comms all over the world have events on the same day?

>> No.8750836

Post here with some history on it. It's just a day to celebrate the fashion. Not sure what's so cringe about it (other than some of the terminology used, but that's how it was in 2005. http://egl.livejournal.com/11404991.html

>> No.8750920

My comm went to a museum for part of the day and the people working there were kind of really rude (like noticeably more rude than people usually are) regarding our clothes, I was super uncomfortable almost the entire time we were there. Otherwise it was a really nice day!

>> No.8752689

Kek I know what comm you're in

>> No.8753088

Haha, I figured someone would recognize it because I think everyone who was there kinda felt the same about it. Unless there was another comm that got yelled at while they were leaving a museum... Still had a good time though.

>> No.8753265

how long before an event is proper to make the post, especially if it's a larger event. And how much is too much to charge. I'm planning a 30+ event for The second weekend in February and last year when it was done the head hostess didn't make the post until January and I feel like that's too late but would this week be too early?

>> No.8753270

No do it and then post a reminder after christmas. Then one more at the end of january. I host a lot of meets so i know people are forgetful. Fuck im forgetful. Give them plenty of notice. 1-2 months notice is best especially for a larger scale event

>> No.8753274

Mine was nice. Our comm did eve tying in Sunday. They rented out a theater and did a screening of Kamikaze Girls. My biggest complaint is that we heart colors donated stripped rights for the goody bags and not solid colored tights. So I have no use for what I got in mine. I just am going to stick it in my 15 year old sister's Christmas stocking they're her school colors and she could use it for spirit day.

>> No.8753279

That's what I thought, thank you. This is my first year as the head hostess and my helpers are all in school.

>> No.8753493

What really got me was that one Filipino guy who lurked in the exhibit when we first got in there. I ran into him at the entrance and he kept trying to take my picture without asking. I just flat out told him he was being rude and told him to ASK next time. Assholes.

>> No.8753494

Oh dang, We Love Colors sponsored our comm too and I know one girl got blue and green tie dye tights and another got black and white striped ones. Good to know they sent other comms gross patterns too!

>> No.8753543

Where was this? I don't recall but I was also trying to avoid speaking to people the entire time

>> No.8753555

Which comm are you referring to? My comm went to a museum as part of the ILD plans, but I skipped the museum part and met them later. From what they said the historical museum was okay though??

>> No.8753567

I'm >>8750920 and I'm referring to the Michigan comm. The museum itself was fine and we had a good time but the people there were just more nosy and abrasive than people usually are.

>> No.8753630

I'm >>8753493 and we are not in the same comm at all! My apologise!

>> No.8753636

I'm so glad "Loliday" didn't catch on

>> No.8753639

No worries anon, but that does explain why I was so perturbed by your Filipino man. Thought maybe I totally missed something... I'm sorry you also had an uncomfortable museum experience!

>> No.8753712

I'm sorry you guys were also heckled! You would think attending a museum would bring out cultured people.

>> No.8753718

As someone who works in museums... this is so far from reality.

>> No.8753743

From another frequently bemused museum worker.

>> No.8753757

Ah yeah you're in my comm - I skipped the museum bit, as previously mentioned. Kind of wish I'd gone since the photos looked interesting! Sorry it was rough going afterwards. From what I heard though, the museum staff themselves were very nice.

>> No.8753811

It was a good time, just a cute little historical museum. The staff were overall nice but quite nosy and one woman just had some comments that I thought were rude, but maybe no one else noticed or thought so, haha

>> No.8755361

What are some good winter-time meet ideas? I live in an area that tends to get a lot of snow so I want to plan something that wouldn't require too much travel or being outside for long periods of time, but I'm lost for ideas. Are you comms doing anything interesting in the upcoming weeks/months?

>> No.8755366

I dunno how close you are to comm in terms of friendship, but if you are then:

>go ice skating and later to someone's house for hot chocolate in front of the fireplace--if you have one.

If you have the patience,
>organize a small secret santa thing

other than that....I can't really think of a lot of things that can be done safely while wearing lolita or things that aren't just winter-time snack eating.

>> No.8755401


Go to a tree lighting if there's one close by.

Go caroling if your group can stand it, preferably at a retirement home if you can organize it because the elderly really appreciate things like that.

Then after caroling go curl up by the fire, see if you can find a fancy place that has one.

If you're near Disneyland the Grand Californian Hotel has several amaaazing fireplaces you can meet by, no room or ticket required.

>> No.8755485

I'm in the same comm. I agree about the tights thing but that's a pretty minor complaint. Overall I think the organizers did a good job putting tkgether the event and I had a lot of fun at it.

>> No.8757831

Stupid question but where is the spreadsheet for comms all over the world?
And how much luck have you had contacting comms when going overseas?

>> No.8757840

Are Valentine's Day meets a thing?

>> No.8757845

Pretty sure you're talking about a certain southern comm, where one of the girls is getting married this month and doesn't have time to plan anything. Several of the comm members also said they couldn't attend a meet in December. They've said they're putting together a meet for January because of it. But nice salt, A.

>> No.8757859

I'm pretty sure at least one of the mods in my comm were planning on trying to facilitate a Valentine's swap, but it may or may not involve an actual irl meetup.

>> No.8757938

It could have been so much worse. At first they were trying to send us leotards for the goodie bags.

>> No.8757975

Why not? I think my comm has at least one or two Valentine meets, so there is usually some sort of favors/card exchange. Last time I think it was at a chocolate fondue place and I went home with a whole bag filled with chocolate and valentines.

>> No.8758440

This might be because Im on the only comm in a tiny European Country, but how and why do you get welovecolors to sponsor you? And how many members do you have, since you can rent a teatre?

>> No.8758703
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Maybe that one girl shouldn't have stepped up to be a mod then, if she's soooo busy but can still prioritize another comm's meets :) :) :)

<3, not A

>> No.8758720

Jesus, I'm in this comm too, but it was a pretty even split on who could go and who couldn't and our comm has a history of flakes so stop with the salt. Aren't they having a small meetup for those who wanted to have a December meetup anyway?

>> No.8758730

>I live in an area that tends to get a lot of snow
>If you're near Disneyland


>> No.8758799

nice samefag lol. the saltiest one here is you, get over yourself. this thread was dead until you came in here bitching, there's been two new comm threads since this one. not sure why you're so determined to defend the mods when the last meetup was in june and they've done fuck all since then except make posts about how busy they are.

>> No.8758807
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not a samefag, sorry for giant image. The thread was at the top of the catalog when I posted so sorry for newfag. Not sure how saying they're having a small meetup is salty.

>> No.8758812

There was this girl in my comm who had a really weebish name on fb so I was dreading her coming to our meet but she turned out to the best dressed one there and really nice (although her makeup needs work, the false eyelashes she chose look weird and her foundation looked a little crusty) and i want to get to know her better

>> No.8758825


It does seem kind of shitty that they would post pictures of ILD in another comm but not organize anything, even something small, for those of us who wanted to celebrate.

>> No.8758832

I can agree with that, and I'm not sure why but I was convinced that they were doing something small at the end of the month? Maybe they aren't anymore I'm not sure. If the people who could go are really upset about it why not talk to the mods and see if something small could be planned with the help of those wanting to go? I'm going to be out of town but if I wasn't I would help.

>> No.8758889

Maybe doing something like a crafting meet for holiday decorations would be fun. And I really like the other anon's caroling idea, though I know my comm wouldn't go for it.

I'm not sure if this is a thing, but if you could find someone that does, like, Christmas light viewing tours in a vehicle large enough to hold a small group, that could be cute. I know in the richer neighborhoods of my city, you can hire things like that to look at the lights on all of the huge houses, and the biggest church around does a massive display with carriage rides available.

>> No.8758942

I find it funny you criticize her and then say you want to get to know her.

>> No.8758946

Let me guess is it chocolate chan?

>> No.8758948

Jumping on this, but in my area around the holidays there are mansion tours where you buy a ticket and a trolley takes you to a few manions or something that are all decked out for xmas.

>> No.8759869

It's kind of pitiful to dread someone you don't even know yet going to a meet.
Based on a name?
I'm glad you're at least a good enough person to give her a chance once meeting her, but you shouldn't just jump to conclusions like that. You might screw yourself out of making a good friend!

Also, maybe you can help her with makeup in a nice way when you get to know her.
(Or maybe she just had an off day with makeup that day.)
Anyways, don't be too judgey to make a friend. Go get to know her!

>> No.8759877

Down here there's a rich people neighbourhood that does a sort of christmas light tour. You can drive through, or if you don't mind paying you can ride in a horse-drawn carriage. It's very pretty to look at, and they usually have blankets to help keep warm. I'd love to get together and do that sometime for a meet.

>> No.8759923


Our comm recently had a wine and cheese tasting meet. I drank bit too much but it was best meet ever.

>> No.8760218

>have chronic illness
>recently discovered that partner also has this condition and requires fairly extreme treatment
>haven't been to a meet in ages due to stress related to both of us being fucking sick all the time
>finally getting to feel ok for a bit
>RSVP to meet this weekend
>first comm meet in like a year I've felt up to attending
>two nights before meet
>horrible bowel spasms and cramping
>feel like vomiting and shitting my brains out at the same time
>still determined to go to meet, but terrified of getting sick while there and embarrassing myself