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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8740877 No.8740877 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8740881
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Starting off with a question;
what does /cgl/ think of The sushi times? Love it, hate it?

>> No.8740882

I've always found it rather...annoying...not sure why. But I must admit most articles are well written.

>> No.8740893

I like it, though the typos are annoying.

who else is going to the summer tales teaparty?

>> No.8740899

Did anyone go to Animeres 2nd anniversary party?

>> No.8740908

I like it, they have varied content and I think they write pretty well. I love their convention calendar and come back to it any time I need to know what's coming up. One thing that annoys me to no end, though, is their usage of smileys. It just makes it look so unprofessional... ;)

Anyone know why the previous thread got deleted?

>> No.8740922

I like the Sushi Times. I think it's nice there is a website about Japan/Manga/Anime in Dutch. They write about interesting things and their convention calendar/Japan related calendar is useful.

I'm going to the Summer Tales boutique tea party and I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to see their new collection.

>> No.8740923

The last thread was more than a month old. Maybe it was deleted because of that.

>> No.8740946

Their list of cons is handy, but I do find them a bit weeaboo-ish

>> No.8744098

Wow, this thread is certainly picking up steam.

How are all the Tsunacon artists faring? They've sent me a contract by now, so I assume I've been approved even though they never really confirmed it. Their communication really is abysmal. They only seem to read the first line of my e-mails, and never answer the questions I have.
But it's dirt cheap so I guess I haven't got a right to complain.

Any other conventions that artists are going to soon? I looked into DCC, but they're pricey. On the other hand, the crowd is huge compared to your average con, so it might be worth it.

>> No.8744116

It was deleted? I though that we just maxed out.

>> No.8744181

Is anyone going to osharecon? Was last time worth the money or nah?

>> No.8744182 [DELETED] 

um, that's the french flag...

>> No.8744187 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded

>> No.8744191 [DELETED] 

Can you be even more American?..

>> No.8744195 [DELETED] 

clearly i'm not the retarded one. countries don't use the same colors for their flag

>> No.8744198

Nope, it was just below 300 replies and got deleted according to the archives.

It was fun the first time because it was new, and because it was a gettogether of people that don't normally have the opportunity to see each other. It definitely had a lot of stuff to improve on, which is to be expected of a first edition. But if they don't improve, I don't think it's worth going a second time. A lot of people are on the fence about going, including me.


>> No.8744221 [DELETED] 

Please be a troll.

>> No.8744241 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, luckily they don't, that would be so confusing

>> No.8744247

They are ok. I don't read most of their articles but some are actually quite helpful.

>> No.8744277

all these french flags on facebook, and you still get it wrong.

>> No.8744287

Makes me wonder. How does the Dutch flag look like, according to you?

I'm betting my money on that he/she is going to say 'with a weed plant on it'.

>> No.8744292

I think their articles are decent but goddamn I hate the name.

Orange with a pot-smoking gay-married hooker on a bycicle, maybe?

>> No.8744293


>> No.8744316 [DELETED] 

U got banned a few days ago for posting a GCSC screencap waaay back when the last dutch thread was just created. Doe singling out a person. But the screencap was the Abunai drama screencap that's without names.. and poster months ago. Just how is that bannable? Inb4 I get banned for this post too

>> No.8744317

Oh shit autocorrect fucked my post. So sorry

>> No.8744402 [DELETED] 

i guess both countries coppied off of america colors then

kinda stupid they would make them so similar/confuse people. are they allies or something?

>> No.8744427

Last time wasn't bad. It was okay for the first year. They need to improve many things and I hope they will improve it next year. I was there to meet friends, I wasn't expecting much. I've had a great time, because of my friends. And I think there is a possibility Oshare con will grow in something big.

I'm still not sure myself, especially because the cancellation of Oshare preparty. It depends on my friends, when they decide to go, I will probably go again next year.

>> No.8744447 [DELETED] 

>copied off America
anon you are adorable please stay and entertain us

>> No.8744470 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8744625 [DELETED] 
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why can't dutch have a flag like britain or america....just three stripes exactly like france is pathetic. They seem worthless. i bet their army is bad.

>> No.8744656 [DELETED] 

You must be at least 18 to post here, anon.

>> No.8744667 [DELETED] 

i am 19 how old are you? and where does it say you have to be 18.....? i bet you're 12 since you're defending you're stupid country's flag. derp

>> No.8744845 [DELETED] 
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Dude stop. Everbody knows you're a troll, it's too obvious.

Next time you want to troll, at least read the Wikipedia page about the subject. That way you won't look like a 12 year old twat, who just made baby's first attempt at trolling.

>> No.8745056 [DELETED] 

>getting this mad

>> No.8745713

Anon fuck off and stop wasting precious posts. Trolling is one thing, but you're making me cringe with that horrible attempt.

>> No.8745726

DCC is one huge drama when it comes to getting in contact with them. I tried to get a stand last year, but no success because of them never replying to my mails or on Facebook. I also tried it for a short while for this year, but the same thing and I just gave up.

I know some artists/dealers that went to it last year and the main problem I heard from them was that the vendor's area was so crowded at all times, people would barely look at the stands. Their sales were okay, but not as good as they hoped for the amount of visitors.

>> No.8745775 [DELETED] 

More like irritated, but duhh. People who can't troll are more cringing than Justin Bieber and Chris Klinkers combined.

>> No.8747213

Please don't let this thread get ruined by some failure of a troll...

>> No.8747282

Well there's not a whole lot else going on in here, now is there?

>> No.8747285

Let's go on to a different topic then.
Anyone planning to enter the big cosplay contests of Animecon here?
Last year the sign up started in december and the contests were full after only a few hours. This december is kind of busy for me so I hope I won't miss it.

>> No.8747340

Is eurocosplay replaced by cwm in portugal?

>> No.8747401

I got the form now but honestly I'm wondering if I still want to go.

I'd need to make a lot of new art and as of right now I can't get anyone to go with me and I'd rather not sit behind a table alone all day.
Also their communication is atrocious.

>> No.8747405

You can't get a friend to join you? Not as an extra artist, just an extra... salesperson? If you do end up coming we can hang out during quieter moments, I guess.
I'm a little worried that hardly any artists are gonna come and the Artist "Alley" is gonna be like three tables. If that happens, a big part of the blame is on Tsunacon. Phooey.

>> No.8747410

Nope, all students and we all live pretty far away from Tsunacon so it's hard to get anyone to give up their weekend just to help me sell stuff.

Also I'm just worried that I'll end up investing way more into it then I'll get out of it. So for now I figured it might be better to focus on setting up my online store rather then hope Dutch anime fans will actually start buying prints.

>> No.8747426

honestly, I have no clue:

I know that only one prelim per country is allowed next year for EC so either Animecon or Abunai 'loose' their prelim but I really hoped the prelim would stay at Animecon as Abunai has the C4 prelim now.

I'm not too excited about CWM too be honest. I heard many bad things about that contest and the rules and judging are vague at best.

>> No.8749381

So, is it just me or is the comic store Henk filled with bootlegs?

>> No.8750185

They have a lot of bootleg indeed. There are some official figures, but the rest of the anime apartments is fake. All their western stuff is legit, though.

>> No.8750243

Serious question, is Tsunacon even worth going to as an artist? I'm not particularly well known within the Dutch art community and I don't want to end up making tons of prints and some other stuff and not even break even.

>> No.8750265

You could seriously wonder if ANY Dutch con is worth going to as an artist. It's just a really difficult market. But I think Tsunacon is a good first bet. It's got a pretty large crowd, tables are dirt cheap, and it's a one-day con so you don't need a ton of stock. Don't forget you can take leftover stock to a next con. If Tsunacon ends up disappointing, I think I'll try at Abunai, and if that sucks too, then at least I tried.

>> No.8750302
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>> No.8750320
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No that's the Luxemburg flag

>> No.8750335

True, I really want to try it out but I just don't want to end up selling like shit and being alone at a table all day.

I guess it's just that the first con takes the most preparation since I don't have any stock or know what will sell. I just don't know if I'll be able to get it done within 2 months.

>> No.8750411

That is the prinsenflag, we don't use that for a loooong time now

>> No.8750478
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>> No.8750614

Then why are they allowed to sell their stuff at conventions like Abunai... Don't they have a strict no bootleg policy?

>> No.8750651

That's the old flag of South Africa.

>> No.8750657

Most cons only have an anti-bootleg policy in name. But Henk sales most of their manga's and legal figures at conventions and not really their bootleg stuff.

>> No.8750754
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>> No.8750769

As someone "in the know", it is more than just in name. It is not uncommon that a dealer gets kicked out of a dealer rooms. Happened last Nishicon as well.

>> No.8751412

Henk leaves (most) of his bootlegs at his store and takes (mainly) legit stuff to cons. That's why he doesn't get kicked out there.

>> No.8751619

I said most, not all.

>> No.8751951

Haha oh DCC, please get your shit together.

I signed up for their weird ass dealer system because I wanted to check specs and prices.
I got peeved the fuck out when I saw the artist table description though.
They e-mailed me with how they have tried to call me several times, but WHY IN THE WORLD would you call?! I was at my work, so can't pick up and I need to run the numbers at my own pace when ordering a table. And does this mean they called tens of people, wasting their own time and resources?

Artist table = € 100,- ex. BTW
* Tafel + Stoel
No info on size or anything. Why.

>> No.8752857

So what do you guys think about the secret about Cat? I haven't heard from her for quite a long time... The secret feels a bit random

>> No.8752949

I'm not going to excluded Cat as possible posters (Considering she did it before), but people jumped way to soon on Cat's back before thinking.
Rosalynn has a well known blog within the lolita community, so it isn't strange if a non-Dutch lolita was jealous about her fame.
There was also no privet information given. No real inside information, you could only know if you were in the Dutch comm.
All the pictures that where used were from her blog. Except for one which you could only see if you are Facebook friends with her (which Cat isn't, so if Cat was the original OP, someone else in Rosalynn friends list is agreeing).

So yeah, I think we should keep the possibility open that it's someone else and don't start a witch hunt until we have proof.

>> No.8752955

We all know Cat is crazy though

>> No.8752959

Honestly, I don't really care... It sucks for the girls who are being bullied though

>> No.8752967

But it's always the butler who did it, and not the local village idiot.

But seriously though, we shouldn't jump on conclusions to soon, when there are a lot of possibilities open.

>> No.8752969

She mistreated many lolitas in the community. Most of these girls are too afraid to say anything about this. She tries to involve anyone who doesn't agree with her and she sets up her friends against others. A few of my friends have bad experiences with her. Actually, I have some bad experiences with her myself. Just small things, though.

Maybe she didn't make these secrets, which is highly unlikely. Last years secrets and the years secrets about R are written and made in the same style. Even the same grammar mistakes were made. The picture which was used from her facebook is a tagged picture, so she would be able to see and use that picture. And it's easy to make a fake account. You probably won't believe me, there is proof. The lolitas who have proof will not make it public. And the mods won't ban her no matter what. She knows that.

Who says Cat didn't self post. It's easier to play the victim role then and to blame R or someone else.

>> No.8752977

tagged pictures are only shown to friend of the poster and to friend of the tagged persons (unless the settings are on public of course). But a fake account could be. That's why you should always check who you add, people get warned for that enough.

But I really don't the afraid part. Everybody is against her now, so post the proof (post it here if you don't want to be the snitch) and she's socially dead. No reason to be afraid know, everybody would protect you as soon as they saw the evidence.

>> No.8752988

I just saw a girl browse this thread in my class (joke smit amsterdam), just know you are cute! The chances of you reading this are small since you already left. But if you do, know you have a secret admirer... (what are the chances of us reading the same thread on the same time in the same room right, and me noticing it)

>> No.8753107

some of the anti-Rosalyn comments on btb were written with much better grammar than Cat has ever written, so unless Cat has been faking her bad English the whole time theres at least one other person who hates Rosalyn...
just saying that bad grammar is much easier to fake then good grammar

>> No.8753109
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Wait...thats me.

Wow, this is the last place I expected another seagull (let along, indeed, in the same room). Totally didn't see that one coming hahaha.

>> No.8753142

It's feels like these comments are written by the so called loli police.

>> No.8753157

I'm pretty sure I remember Cat being English. That is why some people expected the earlier secrets were made by her since the grammar was so bad it seemed like it was meant to be a red herring.

>> No.8753231

She is German, at least her mother is.

>> No.8756729

Wtf, I just got the same e-mail. They never called me, though? Why are all Dutch cons so sketchy with their communication, I'm so confused?

>> No.8756891

Shut up, cunt!

>> No.8756961

So, both Serious Cosplay as Cosplay in Actie are going to collect money on 19 december for Serious Request. Am I the only one who thinks this will be problematic?

>> No.8757017

Aren't both of these things run by weebs incapable of actually organising something. I remembered last year that Danicha girl kept spamming my and everyones facebook chats with advertisement for her stupid Serious Cosplay thing, and when I asked her what she was doing she had no clue besides just cosplayers gathering and taking pictures with normies. It was really annoying. But yeah, this whole cosplay charity thing just seems like more attentionwhoring instead of actual charity to me.

>> No.8757287

So what's the Dutch comm like?

>> No.8758406

Cosplay in Actie seams a little bit more organist and it was founded because of Danicha's horrible organizing in SC. Even though Danicha got kick out SC, I can imagine that both parties have bad blood against one other.

>> No.8758409

Fffffuuuuckkkkk, I'm so fucking tired of the drama surrounding Cat. The community was so nice and quiet, almost peaceful after Leyla left. Why couldn't that last? Why are lolita communities doomed to revert to drama again and again?

see >>8756891

>> No.8758422

To me it feels really fake.

>> No.8758443

Large and kind of fractured. There is a core group of older/experienced girls who are for the most part pretty cool but good luck breaking into those established friend groups as a newbie. The younger weeb girls are super accepting as long as you are, too... which means that you either need to put up with a lot of obnoxious weeaboo squealing or be called a meaniepoo bully. Most of the regulars are somewhere in between these extremes, not particularly well dressed but not screaming weeaboos either. We're a large comm, you'll be sure to find someone you click with eventually.

>> No.8758469

How come it feels fake? I haven't noticed that at all.

>> No.8758500

I always feel judged and feel like I should 'behave'. They act nice, but I feel like they are secretly judging everyone by behaviour and appearance.

>> No.8758505

But that's because they're almost all girls...

>> No.8758530

The community is very nice if you just act normal. There are some people who really enjoy making drama.

>> No.8758533

I knew Danicha would be incapable of keeping that thing together. When she begged me to join I said that I won't help her until she organised it better, and then she called me a cunt and blocked me on facebook lel.

>> No.8758534
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That's so cute! I hope we're seeing a love story unfold here.
I'm still shyly waiting for someone to notice me browsing /cgl/

>> No.8758550

I don't know if you are talking about the cosplay comm or the lolita comm, but I don't know what you were expecting when joining a costume or fashion hobby. Appearances are all that it is about. I'm curious what part of having to behave bothers you as well.

>> No.8758562

The lolita community is really nice here :)

>> No.8758666

Hi secret poster, the other ones gave great advice. SO yes you are jumping to conclusions and pointing finger. Read what you write man "other people don't want to talk about it?" Well that is an easy way to not give proof. Your attempt to make others black is not going to work. Until somebody has real proof, the comm is not going to believe it.

>> No.8758674

German and her English is not good.

>> No.8758690
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>make others black
You can't just translate every Dutch sentence to English, anon.

>> No.8758742

Do you know if there is any way to get into contact with a mod if I don't have a Facebook profile?

>> No.8758750

You can send a message to one of the mods.

>> No.8758752

Forgot to say this. There is a email adres: dutchlolitamods@hotmail.com

>> No.8758791

Anyone else having a déjà vu moment of a BTB post?

>> No.8758848

Thanks, guess I'll shoot them an email soon.

>> No.8758856

It sounds very racist in English, but not so much in Dutch.

>> No.8758926

I can relate too much sadly, Not much people with same interests here :C

>> No.8758962

To a English speaking person, it would sound more like they remembered the expression "to paint some black/paint a black picture of someone" wrong.
Which are the English equivalence of "iemand zwart maken".

>> No.8759732

>commenting on bad translation instead of actual comment
okay dear, thanks for the laugh

>> No.8759960

Are you just very easily amused or trying to seem #notbothered?

>> No.8760007

I'm surprised nobody's talk about Anaclara, who just left the comm. Thought some seagulls would jump in joy.

>> No.8760017

Considering she blocked a lot of people it isn't very surprising that people haven't really noticed. Anyway, good riddance.

>> No.8760020

I didnt see anything about this. Why did she leave? I never seem to notice any drama in the dutch comm

>> No.8760027

Please do something about your internalized misogyny

>> No.8760042

Apparently we are all e-fame hungry privileged bitches. Considering she has been the one that spread most of the drama this year, I'd say good riddance.

>> No.8760052

So I looked up her post on why she left. I'm surprised about how much activity she has allegedly seen considering she isn't very active. Barely anyone active in the comm is interested in E-fame and no one is fighting over it.

''The amount of people that I met that are not racist, classist or simply mean girls is miniscule.''

Honestly, I can barely think of anyone in the comm as awful as she describes us. I can only think of one person in the comm who is racist and no one likes her. I have barely seen her attend anything else than Osharecon and Cat's meets, so I'm really curious who she is talking about considering she hasn't even met most people.

She also describes lolita becoming a segregated fashion, but considering how easy it is now to buy quality second hand pieces or taobao there is even less of a divide between poorer and richer lolitas. The active Dutch comm we have now has no problem with people wearing bodyline or indiebrands.

>> No.8760126

I know for a fact I'm jumping in joy. such annoying little shit

>> No.8760233

I find her so hypocritical. She didn't give any shit about the secrets Rosalynn got but as soon as one of her friends got negative attention the entire comm suddenly endorses bullying. And the only reason her friend got that attention was because people suspected her of bullying...

>> No.8760255

My fellow Dutchies: what's up with that Brazilian girl that keeps stirring the pot?

>> No.8760260
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>> No.8760513

I dont understand any of this "drama" in the dutch lolita comm. To me it just seems 1 girl (who I've never met despite I go to 2-3 meets a year) who accuses admins and members of bullying without naming which admins and who got bullied, what happened etc. It makes me a bit distrustful especially if any admin is really involved but I don't want to accept this bullying elitist lolita stereotype without proof. Another thing, as far as I noticed there are very rarely Dutch lolita's posted on btb or cgl.

>> No.8760531

She's just making stuff up, we're a pretty peacefull comm, not the elitist cancerous comm filled with e-fame hungry trash she makes us out to be.

>> No.8760538

Yeah, were just a nice comm and she had to drag this negativity to the entire comm when it is obvious that this is about personal matters.

>> No.8760556

Shouldn't the admins have done something before it escalate? Why do they just ignore it?

>> No.8760560

They tried, but this girl won't even talk over PM with them. Everything needs to be on facebook, out in the open.

>> No.8760586

Oh, I didn't know that. It just seemed odd to me because I thought they didn't defend themselve or clarified nothing happened

>> No.8760601

They try to keep it quiet, but as said, she chucks everything on her (public) facebook and the mods can't exactly tell her not to post certain statuses on her personal page. I don't think anything's really happened though, it was just her kicking up dust and pretending to be the great and mighty savior of bullied lolitas.

>> No.8760629

Are there any good dutch artists beside Loish that are worth following? I don't hear much about us dutchies in the art scene besides Cyarin, and honestly I don't get why she's so popular, her art is very underwelming and she comes of kinda rude on twitter.

>> No.8760678

The good artists started getting real (art/design) jobs

>> No.8760710

She blocked the majority of them because they asked what she was accusing them for.

>> No.8760769

I know plenty from my internship, but they're all concept artists in the games industry, so more realistic stuff. On top of that they don't update regularly because they have an actual job. But if you're curious, take a look at Erik van Helvoirt, Luc de Haan, Michel Voogt, Jorry Rosman, Joseph Noel, Suzanne Helmigh, and of course Jesse van Dijk. They should all have an artstation or deviantart account. Even if they don't update often, they're worth checking out.
I can't help much outside of this corner of the Dutch art world, sorry. I'd be interested in finding out about more Dutch artists as well. Some of the people from Cheesecake Studios do good work, do they perhaps have their own art pages?

>> No.8761648

I can't think of anyone so horrible as she describes "80% of the comm" nor do I see many dutch girls on btb or cgl. What a weird thing to make up. I wonder why there are so many people agreeing with her tough.

>> No.8761674

Sorry for asking, but would you say that game art is a decent enough industry to get into as a dutch artist? I've been thinking of applying to HKU for it but I keep worrying that it'll never amount to anything.

>> No.8761696

I don't think alot of people agree with her or believe her. Most people already knew she was trying to pit people against each other by spreading mean gossips and telling people she and her best friend Cat got 'bullied', for which she had 'evidence'. However, she is unable to show any of that 'evidence' or 'proof' of bullying and expects the admins to remove the people she's accusing from the community once and forever, based upon just her word.

>> No.8761726

But most of us are, even though you might not be aware of it. Some of them have progressed quite far. For instance Marissa (Ward, ex openminded) and Aimee (Snippers, I think she used to be part of Cheese cake).

>> No.8761899

Errrgh that's a really difficult question, I'm not sure I can answer it for you. There's so many freshly graduating gaming students, especially artists, that it's a really competitive market to get a job in. The Dutch market is small. The realistic stuff is as good as limited to Guerrilla, maybe Vanguard or Triumph. If you have a more toony style then you could be useful for a ton of smaller companies. It'll be difficult to get a steady job because small companies of like 6 people aren't going to hire a new artist just like that. But there is also the possibility of starting a company with fellow students/graduates. There's been a few successful student companies lately.
If you've considered going abroad, things should be easier. The Dutch games industry just isn't that big, especially compared to the amount of graduates we're pumping out. If you're willing to travel abroad, you should be fine.
Hope this helps somehow, anon. Are you considering a study related to games?

>> No.8761967

Thanks for answering! You pretty much confirmed my biggest worry, which is my fear that the Dutch market is simply too small. I'd love to study game art or something similar abroad but I simply can't afford it.

I'll have a good hard look at the dutch market and see if I could fit in. I already know I'll have a hard time since my art is rather.. anime.. but it's not like I would draw in that for professional work. But it still makes it more difficult

>> No.8761971

If anyone takes her weird rants seriously they've lost my respect. I'm glad she is gone. She even thought we were meant to dress like little girls, I can't believe she had any people who liked her in the first place.

>> No.8761982

Oh you can still study in the Netherlands! But you could go abroad afterwards. Plenty of people I know interned abroad, as well. Even Germany, France and the UK have enough opportunities.
It's not the easiest path to take, but if you really want it, you should go for it!

>> No.8762038

Thanks! I dragged myself doing something for 2 years I didn't have the passion for, but art is something i've always loved and game art fits even more perfectly.

I'll do some more research and start to work on a portfolio.

>> No.8762100

if anything it's cheaper to study abroad. I'm studying in Barcelona for free lol and my room is 400 euro per month. Some of my friends pay way less than that.

>> No.8764553

Don't think all of her friends agree though, they just tolerate and ignore her drama

>> No.8764875

I based it on all the comments of random people on her posts. Along the lines of "I don't know what you're talking about but I believe you and support you".

>> No.8764884

Yeah, I was really dissappointed by some people...

>> No.8764888

Blind supporting is about the same to me as ignoring.

>> No.8765255

Why is this Efteling bullshit coming up again? Why is it so hard for weebs to understand the basic logic of why an amusement park doesn't want to allow costumed people.

>> No.8765690

Because our knight in shining armor just discovered, this injustice that was taken upon us cosplayers!!!

But seriously, it was a Emo wannabe cosplayer who started the page. It's one of those types who think they can pull down the system and has no knowledge about the real world.

>> No.8766889

Which comm is this? I seem to miss all the drama.

>> No.8767071

I am jumping in joy but considering she's blocked anyone who spoken out against her not that many people who despise her know about her leaving the comm.

Errr you're in the dutch thread so of course it's the dutch comm. She didn't post about it on the comm facebook page though, only on her own timeline.

>> No.8767102

I asked my friend about the Efteling banning cosplay thing and she was confused and said she's been cosplaying at the Efteling every year for a while now and had never heard of any ban. Do they only ban certain costumes? My friend mostly wears traditional Japanese clothing-inspired stuff.

>> No.8767162

They only ban "costumey" costumes. Like fancy dresses, princess dresses, suits, anything that doesn't vaguely look like every day wear. As long as your wig and costume are casual and you can't be mistaken for entertainers from the park you're fine. So lately some cosplay meets have been encouraging hipster versions of characters i.e.

>> No.8767326

I wasn't really planning on cosplaying there myself, just wondering why my friend and her group haven't been kicked out when others apparently have. Are things like kimono and hakama considered less costumey in that context than long gowns and stuff? Idk

>> No.8768438

Traditionele Japanse wear doesn't fit the (European) fairy tale theme the Efteling has, while fancy dresses and ballgowns do. So they get less likely kicked out.

But considering you said she wears inspired clothes. She probably looked to much like a snowflakey emo/alto kid, to be even considered an Efteling entertainer.

>> No.8769114

page is gone now
good riddance

>> No.8769148

What are you talking about? The page is still up. They even made 14 event.

>> No.8769968

look up /EftelingMeeting/ with facebook in front of it and tell me that again

>> No.8770024
File: 969 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-12-17-11-43-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I did. Still exists.

>> No.8770045

hoped they had given up
oh well time to crack down on another piece of shit page

>> No.8770053

Cospaying while visiting a themepark or anything else not convention/photoshoot related. Just seems really stupid to me. look at that photo, it looks retarded

>> No.8770063

it is
and it's in the rules of the park that you cant enter in cosutme
so it has zero point to be organising this

>> No.8770102

>all those Narutards
It's like I'm back in 2007

>> No.8770446

Yes that too. But even if it would be allowed, why?!
I really hope they all end up going anyways and get denied access at the efteling.

>> No.8770462

I would laugh so hard if their wigs come off in one of the Rollercoaster.

>> No.8771500 [DELETED] 

Kunnen we even Nederlands spreken zodat we van die fagooten kunnen afgeraken?

>> No.8771547
File: 21 KB, 450x299, 127095609349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nederlands

> kunnen afgeraken

>> No.8771638

for all you northern-neighbours:

new convention in belgium: comic con brussels (19-20/3)

also, Facts will have a spring edition (2-3/4), antwerpconvention moves to 2-3/7

also Starcom convention: 10/7

>> No.8771843 [DELETED] 

Wablief? Allee da is toch een zot voorbeeld van algemeen beschaafd nederlands

En geef me een goede reden waarom ik ooit naar een belgische con zou willen gaan...

En waarom hebben de belgen niet hun eigen thread?

>> No.8771852 [DELETED] 

Dit. Ze maken maar lekker hun eigen thread aan.

>> No.8771896

Because there are quite lot of Dutch cosplayers going to big Belgium conventions.

>> No.8772589

Already making Americans look better. Keep up the good work.

>> No.8772603

what's the worst weeb situation have you encountered/experienced at a con?

just curious, i am from NA and i wanted to find out if all weebs is the same anywhere

>> No.8773065

Hi Chris

>> No.8773127

Most of the weebs here are your typical fanboys and girls. The ones who squick at fanservice and kiss their senpai (read better cosplayers/artists/etc.) their ass.

But we got some real creepers as well.

>> No.8773282

Im a lolita visiting amsterdam can you please recommend where I should visit?

>> No.8773420

Do whatever you're interested in and make sure you can see it in the time periode of visiting. Google has all the information.

Also, do us locals a favour, don't rent a bicycle.

>> No.8773715

I kinda feel like dutch photogs almost only do shoots with the same popular cosplayers over and over again.
I've made quite elaborate cosplays and even after winning a masquerade I've never had a photog that wanted to do a photoshoot or something with me. I kinda feel awful and cocky for thinking this but I get kinda salty when always seeing the same faces over and over again while I don't have a single pretty picture of my cosplays. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.8773778

Just ask. A lot are willing to shoot aslong as the cosplayer takes the initiative.
I believe one Dutch photographer charge tho.

>> No.8774291

The worst I had was this foot fetish guy (forgot his nicname, lucky me).

He would take pictures of barefooted cosplayers or would ask normal cosplayer to take their shoes off. Afterwards he would upload the pictures to his DA where he only had foot-fetish followers and commenters. He's not welcome anymore at Animecon and Abunai, but still continues to visit every other con.

He used to bother me a lot and always ask for pictures and hugs. It didn't matter how much I refused both of those things, he would continue to ask every con for multiple years, but now it seems like he quit doing this stuff? In the last year or maybe even more I saw him walking alone a lot and talking to his plushies. I also don't see him photograph anymore. (We're safe!)

I make elaborate costumes from mainly unknown characters or original designs, so I barely get asked for pictures and have to ask photographers myself. I ask them a few weeks before a con takes place if they have time to shoot with me during the event. They like working together with me, but I'm 99% sure I wouldn't get a picture from them if I wouldn't ask. So just be bold, anon!

>> No.8774425

so many people are whining about this

They're just hobby photographers, they are not going to bite you. Most of the photographers aren't the most extrovert people either. ( I think it's actually more awkward as a photographer to ask then vice versa since you might come across as a pervy dude)

The only reason you see the same people is because they are already friends, thus easily approachable and less awkward.

>> No.8774723

> The only reason you see the same people is because they are already friends, thus easily approachable and less awkward.
This. I even got drama once for apparently being snobbish because I "would only shoot with one specific photographer" while that person is actually just a good friend and I'd hung out with them all weekend instead of going to multiple photographers.
Just ask them anon, they'll be happy to work with you. Also that one guy who used to charge money for his photo's got a lot of backlash and he's a total douche, any cosplayer would stay miles away from him because of his terrible behaviour. I haven't seen him around lately either, anyway.

>> No.8776372

>Also that one guy who used to charge money for his photo's got a lot of backlash.

Really? I missed that one.

>> No.8777787 [DELETED] 

war zijn de vrouwen :Dd

>> No.8777797 [DELETED] 


Niet in jouw bed.

>> No.8777868 [DELETED] 

Klasse draad, jongens, ga zo door. Zucht.

>> No.8777903

Who did sign up for Animecon's coslay compo?

>> No.8778347
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 1450629174937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl!
Nederkamer op instasynch: http://instasync.com/r/CringeGalore1

-Kijk filmpjes
-Maak nieuwe vrienden
-Post poep

En als je een account maakt (letterlijk een username en wachtwoord maken) dan kan je ook videos delen

>> No.8778698

I did for the international solos! I'm not that great though so I'm kind of scared.

>> No.8779518

no need to be scared. I enter as well but I'm quite sure I'll suck as well.
Just make sure to eat lots of snacks and make some friends backstage!

>> No.8780177

Is the Serious Cosplay thing being taken over by furries?

>> No.8780234

Seems like it. I only saw it pop up because a friends was interested in it. I looked it up just now and I only see furries commenting and they even have made a group called Serious Fur.

>> No.8780542

My lolita friend from USA is visiting me, any recommendations of where to take her as I am not into lolita so don't know where is best to go for that kind of thing

>> No.8780595

How about you just ask her what she wants to see. That's she's a lolita is no garantie that she will like certain things.

>> No.8780669

Im trying to find things like any lolita or cosplay shops?

>> No.8780703

I seriously laughed at the furry guy calling the furries costume performers.

>> No.8781472

WHy does it have to be just lolita? People like to go see normal things too. You're a bad host if you can't even ask what she wants to go see.

>> No.8781503

Try summer tales boutique

>> No.8784778

For lolita we have Summer Tales Boutique.
And Special Edition sales some cosplayers and lolita pieces (mostly bodyline lolita, don't get your hoops up).

That are our only two physical stores we have for cosplay and lolita, next to some stores salling anime/manga merch (which you can find by googleing "city of visiting"+ anime +store).

>> No.8784811 [DELETED] 

I'm visiting this board because of the fa thread referencing cgl and holy shit what the FUCK is this board

>> No.8784919

>don't get your hoops up
did anyone else picture a woman in a hoopskirt comically falling on her butt or is that just me

>> No.8784937

What are you boring us for? This is a dutch thread.

>> No.8784944

*bothering. I really need to get some sleep

>> No.8784952

maybe it would make more sense if i posted it in dutch

>> No.8784980

A little bit... just go here >>8784772

>> No.8785668 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 602x580, closeenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody ever wants a photoshoot done of their cosplays just contact me, I got a pretty kickass canon and photoshop skeels. My portfolio is getting pretty lonely after being out of the biz for a year since I've been focussing on my studies.

Area: North-Holland
Demands: Must have put effort into their cosplay and make up and choice of location.


>> No.8785868

to get a little discussion started:
here are the video's of the wcs prelim on firstlook

what do you think are the strong and weak points of dutch contestants?

>> No.8785919

I don't think firstlook is the best example. Everyone was obviously struggling with that tiny as fuck stage.
Don't you have something from animecon?

>> No.8785942
File: 36 KB, 550x344, 550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greasy men aside, I had this one experience last nishicon (october) which was probably the most frightening I've ever had.
I made an Undertale Frisk sweater the day before the con, and my boyfriend wore a sharpie'd Napstablook tee. It wasn't meant to be a good cosplay at all but more of a subtle way to meet other Undertale fans.
We met a few fans that day, even the cutest Madotsuki cosplayer who all knew about the game. It seemed a succes but near the end of the day, when me and bf were waiting in the halls and getting our pictures taken this Homestuck cosplayer starts running towards me screaming something like 'HOW DARE YOU! YOU AWFUL PERSON!' succesfully blocking the hallway and drawing everyone's attention to us. She wouldn't stop screaming even after we walked away, for about at least 2 full minutes.
At first I thought she was just a triggered Tumblr because I kissed my boyfriend on the cheek for a picture, but it turned out she was focussed on the toy-knife prop I was holding.

We did meet other fans, at least.

>> No.8786099


>> No.8786142

Blank persoon met een plastic mes, bel de politie swa ik word onderdrukt.

>> No.8786349

Spoiler tags don't work here. Post your portfolio or you're a scam.

>> No.8787062
File: 65 KB, 211x202, orly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently my post got deleted so whatev's, I don't really see any point in scamming Dutch cosplayers so you don't HAVE to trust me just like I'm not DYING to take photo's of all you guys.

I'm just offering to help out where family members or friends can't.

>> No.8787248


>> No.8787325

Iemand wat links naar (anime) artiesten uit Nederland of België? Zoveel kan ik er niet vinden, en zoveel gaan er nou ook weer niet naar cons.

>> No.8787350

One of the obvious weaker points is that loads of acts are disney/LoL/whatever non japanese material related

>> No.8788376

I got a DA with some old stuff on it when I still thought turning the saturation up was a good idea and it has some of my first (and only) cosplay pic's of myself.


>> No.8788954

So in short, not worth it.

>> No.8789253

just watching it.
I'd say it's not that bad overall but I feel like a lot of contestants lack dynamic movements. It shows in fightings acts. I understand that cosplay props and costumes are often too fragile to handle them well but I feel it takes away the mood

>> No.8790050
File: 16 KB, 325x336, haruko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such snarky much wow.

>> No.8790287


>> No.8791948

Well, know you mention it hahaha.

>> No.8794698

Sometimes people really lack originality. Just swinging around with their prop or walking from left to right on stage while lip syncing some audio.

>> No.8796173

I want to go, primarily to meet new people. Is this a good con for that?
Also is the deluxe ticket worth it?

>> No.8796200

I met a lot of new people last year! I'm really into mori-kei and found a lot of other mori girls through Osharecon.

but I don't know if a deluxe ticket would be worth it.

>> No.8796375

Talking about Osharecon, is it me or did they neglect to announce the winners of both the outfit contest and the ticket giveaway? They should have ended the second day of Christmas and I see no post about it.

>> No.8796384

Now that you mention it! I do not see anything on their facebook page about it either.

>> No.8796410

If you want to meet new people then you should expect to have to walk up to people. At regular meets people are more closely packed together and are more likelier to introduce themselves. Last year the goodie bag was a bit bland. A regular bow, a cheap ring, a ticket to another con that was too far to even travel to.

>> No.8796423

It's already been about ten days. At this point I am wondering if it even will get announced. It's also not like they can't afford to give tickets away.

>> No.8796902


Why don't you guys just ask on the page? Christmas and New Year are times in which people forget a lot of things *cheers mate*.

>> No.8797219

I'm almost completely new to the con scene. Where can I find information about meetups? Where do these meetups take place? I always found the ones that where held in like a busy shopping street looking pretty cringe-worthy.

>> No.8797646

Depends on what you are looking for there is a Dutch J fashion page and a Dutch Lolitas page on facebook. I wouldn't know about cosplay. Lolita and Jfashion meets are usually teaparties, museums, picknicks or at fairs.

IDK, I always feel like it comes off a bit bad to ask for the results of a contest.

>> No.8797878

The winners are announced now. They gave away extra tickets due to the delay.

>> No.8801525

Animecon 2010 or something? A guy I talked to got into me and started following me around. He kept talking about wanting to give me a feet massage. One time he tried to kidnap me for funsies to his hotelroom with a friend, as in they carried me. My friends rescued me pretty quick. Later I wanted to play guitar hero with my friends in the gameroom and he was there, playing. He asked for a kiss in order to hand over the guitar. I said no and he still went in for it anyway, dodged that one as well.

No worries because I think he's banned now anyway. Never seen him around after that con.

What the hell? I know you and your bf and you were so cute. You're also by far not the first cosplayer to carry a fake knife (all those yume nikki's!).

>> No.8801630

Ah footfetish guy. He's banned from a lot of cons. And otherwise really lowkey because everyone is watching him.

>> No.8801657

Tsunacon is pretty soon, you can meet a shitload of people there.
I met a lot of new people there with whom I still go to cons with and hang out to watch anime a few times a month or so.

>> No.8803667

Holy shit i'm in that picture...

>> No.8803733

Report it.

>> No.8804831


the audio should be improved. like the act of mmmc was great, but the voice acting ruined it

>> No.8805295

How was otakucon btw? Thanks to the holidays I even forgot that it exists.

>> No.8806431

Is it me or is everybody and their mom creating payed meetings calling them conventions? Umbrella does something this month, this weird formula cosplay thing next month?

>> No.8806466

Is everything okay with Osharecon? There are only 150 people going according to facebook. How many of you are going to the con?

>> No.8806614

I'm not sure yet. I went last year, but found it boring. I know they're new and all, but still...

>> No.8806662

I'm getting the same feeling, there's too many small conventions happening for a country like this. I don't mind new things but at least try to organize something decent.
I mean I wouldn't mind have another 'big' con outside of the summer months like Animecon and Abunai are, mostly because I have never been able to attend Animecon since it's always at a date I have some important deadline.