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8740191 No.8740191 [Reply] [Original]

I thought I'd start a thread for the little things roommates do that annoy you.

Being noisy on the toilet in the morning. Yes I realise you probably thought I was still asleep but I could have done without hearing you groaning on the toilet as you strained to take a dump

Snoring, enough said.

>> No.8740226

My worst con roommate experience was at Katsucon 2015 when I shared a room with a semi-famous cosplayer and her super awkward boyfriend.

>>out until 3am or later every night, made a ton of noise coming in each time and woke everyone up
>>turned off the air conditioner at night because "it's February!!" Even though there were 6 people in the room, literally woke up in a puddle of sweat each morning
>>spent the whole time bitching about how shitty other people's costumes looked while saying "oh but you look cute anon"
>>bragged about how she was friends with jnig and how she ~could have~ roomed with them
>>boyfriend literally said zero words the entire time they were here, even when spoken to

...yeah. I'm never rooming with them again. That was my first (and probably last) Katsucon.

>> No.8740234

>big group of friends maybe 12
>have two rooms next to each other at big con
>One designated quiet room one designated party night owl room
>group splits about 5 to quiet 7 to party
>couple in party room causes such drama that by the end of the weekend it was 2 to the party room and 10 in the quiet room

>> No.8740238

What sort of drama?

>> No.8740261

Things like:
> Dropping out from the convention too late for me to find replacements, or for a bullshit reason - had someone tell me, "I can't afford the convention" and then 2 days later I see they got a huge tattoo.

> Being disrespectful to the room/the person renting the room. Wasn't in my name but I felt so bad for the guy who rented it, people partied in the room and spilled drinks, wrecked furniture, smoked in a non-smoking room (to the point it was obvious), had strangers in the room where everyone's belongings were, etc.

> Being overly unreasonable while staying in a room with other people. It kind of goes both ways- don't be super loud at 6am while everyone is still sleeping, but don't be a jerk and go to bed at 9pm and get overly mad at people quietly coming in late. Don't hog the bathroom in the morning, try to get things done reasonably so everyone has a turn. If you're that particular/sensitive, it's probably best to room alone or with less people.

>> No.8740271

>room with friend for first (and only) time
>friend has sleep apnea, doesn't tell anyone beforehand, doesn't bring that machine that helps him breathe
>snores absurdly loudly, sounds like an upset baby dinosaur
>fire alarm goes off, takes four minutes of shaking him and yelling in his ear before he wakes up
>doesn't get up when he wakes up, grunts and roll over flat on his face
>spend another two minutes trying to get him to move before throwing my hands up and saying, "fine, hope you don't die in a fire, I'm out"
>false alarm thankfully
>next day of con, brings a fat woman back to the room
>I come into the hotel room to find her walking around naked
>half-eaten pizza in the bathroom sink for some fucking reason
>room reeks like nothing I have ever smelled before

Dear god, never again. Never ever again. The pizza in the sink was the final straw. Why? Why would anyone put half eaten pizza in the goddamn sink? I don't understand. There was a trashcan near the sink. It wasn't full.

>> No.8740292

>let three girls into my room for Fanime a few years ago because I had space and they needed it
>they're the nastiest, dirtiest hippies I've ever had to be around
>stank like patchouli oil and BO and cosplayed from the Lorax
>One was on her period
>Bled all over the bed and didn't wrap up her tampons when she put them in the trash
>They all peaced out early and left the remaining three of us to clean the room
>Welp you're never rooming with me again

>> No.8740297

My #1 annoyance is people trimming wigs somewhere other than above a garbage can. It's a huge mess, and the little wig trimmings get stuck everywhere.

At this point, I only room with people who I've previously roomed with. I can't be bothered to deal with randoms anymore.

>> No.8740299

Oh god. A guy I know has sleep apnoea and I slept in the same room as him after a party. It was like trying to sleep next to a deflating bouncy castle with two determined fat kids in it and half asleep me was terrified he wasn't going to make it to the next breath.

>> No.8740301

It's hard to trim wigs above a garbage can. But yeah, I usually trim in the bathroom and lay down some newspaper for easy clean-up.

>> No.8740325

my usual roomies are awesome but once a friend of a friend somehow ended up rooming with us. none of us knew her very well because she was only really friends with the person who booked the room, who ended up not being able to make it for health reasons. anyways our room was REALLY small -- like, two queen beds and barely any floor space. all of us except her got there on thursday, got our badges, settled in, etc. we had five or six people i don't remember and that first night we were all pretty comfortabe, all got bed space, etc.

so she shows up friday, none of us have her number or any idea what time she's getting there so we have basically no way of letting her in the room. FINALLY we work that out. but the next problem: she's a... bigger girl. and it was immediately apparent someone would have to sleep on the floor. all of us, including her, settled on the rule that whoever got back to the room last at night got the floor. fine, okay.

that night:
>"does anyone have a water bottle i can use?"
>"uh just the hotel ones but they might not be free"
>"whatever i'll pay for it if it isn't"
>dumps out the water, pulls out a fifth of malibu and pours it in
>(who tf willingly drinks straight malibu anyways shit's nasty)

that alone is whatever. she was out super late, last to get back, and whines a little but agrees to follow our agreed upon rule and sleeps on the floor.

entire next day will NOT SHUT UP about how bad her back hurts, whining about it constantly, spends most of the day in the room constructing a cosplay out of trash bags for some contest (????). the contest was on the internet mind you not the con

that night basically a repeat, goes out and comes back like two hours after everyone else and is super wasted, pitches a total fit over having to sleep on the floor again. the rest of us are tired, one of my friends had a really bad night, none of us want to fucking hear it. (cont.)

>> No.8740329


a pet brush can help clump any trimmed hair up if you rub it over the carpet, making it easy to clean!

>> No.8740331

I think one of my worse was the one where the room holder jacked our prices so her friend could stay for free. Of which was a freeloading absolutely good for nothing. And at the time homeless. But yea sure she should come to the con!
Blamed me the whole time cause I brought my therapy dog.
Then got huffy when I brought up I have a disability and needed a bed not the floor. (got a cot hurt all weekend but I was so upset the entire con from how i was treated)
Then the room holder brought the girl from Canada to stay over for a night. Of whom she wanted to sleep with the entire weekend. And would try to kick us out for it. (never happened the canadian girl even asked for my number because dealing with the room holder was such a strain on her. That she needed me to text where we were so she could avoid her.)
2 of the guys likely brought drugs in the other room and were so shady I think the maid reported them.
I just after that ALWAYS got my own room.

>> No.8740340

SO my one friend, the one who had a bad night and is the most pissed off, just gives in and offers to take the floor. this one friend is very small, and has been sharing the bed with me (also very small) and my gf (normal sized) the past two nights.

she collapses into bed next to me and the gf and is immediately taking up like half the space. it's ridiculous. i don't think i got more than four hours total sleep that night, i was practically laying on top of my girlfriend the entire night so it was just super uncomfortable.

next morning, we all get up, get in our lazy sunday cosplays getting ready to check out of the hotel etc. she's still in bed. me and the rest of my usual roomies are pretty on top of checkout because we don't want to get charged extra fuck that. everyone's ready to go, almost time for checkout, and... she's still in bed. complaining to be sick and doesn't want to get up. and we're all just rolling our eyes super hard because we know you're not sick you're fucking hungover suck it up you did this to yourself. so she refuses to leave and my friend in charge of the room ends up having to ask for a later checkout, which THANKFULLY they didn't charge us for but we were all understandably annoyed.

well the roomies and i headed to the con and most of us travelled home together so we had a pretty good day after that but the whole weekend was just one annoyance after another, i think all of us have kind of silently agreed we're never rooming with her again

i still kind of lowkey side-eye her when i see her around cons/the comm not gonna lie

>> No.8740342

Did any of you say you weren't paying a higher price so her friend could stay for free?

>> No.8740351

Happened a couple of years back at Pax East

I took the single bed in the room, there was one single, and two doubles.

Person who booked the room arrived back later than us and told me that she was supposed to be sleeping in the single bed and that she'd was paying $100 more than the rest of us (we were paying $50 each) to guarantee she'd get the single bed.


There were 3 people in each of the doubles and 1 person on the floor.

If she wanted the single bed she should have said it when we arrived.

I even had to clear her stuff off the bed before I could use it, everyone else had their stuff on the floor.

>> No.8740356

That's the thing, was told AFTER the con. That she'd raised the prices. But that it was ok cause we were all 'friends'

>> No.8740361

- coming back super late and being loud when people are trying to sleep
- leaving shit all over the room and making a mess
- being messy in the bathroom
- hogging the bathroom so others can't get in
- bringing strangers and other randos up to our room
- and have to strongly agree on the snoring.

>> No.8740366

>reserve a con suite for the weekend of ACen
>5 ladies staying
>4 of them are on their period that weekend
>1 bathroom

There was lots of chocolate and wine consumed that weekend. Our trash can was constantly full with blood.

>> No.8740379

I have one friend who...is pretty annoying in regular life, but during cons she gets really fucking annoying to deal with. I didn't have to room with her at my last main con, and hopefully I don't have to room with her again at the next one. She pretty much becomes a diva.

>wakes up wicked early (5-6 AM) even though con doesn't normally get going until 9
>not many places in the area even open for breakfast so she eats weird gross health food for breakfast cause who knows why, but makes SO MUCH NOISE eating and wakes everyone up
>one day she wakes us up chomping on rice cakes a friend brought to share with the room, ask her if she could eat more quietly
>wake up and get ready around 8-9, notice there's a whole rice cake with 1 bite taken out of it in the garbage
>"who took one bite out of a rice cake and threw it away?"
>"well, you told me to stop eating" no we didn't. she doesn't understand she's being wasteful either
>after this, asks to try a bite of another snack the same friend brought. takes 1 bite and puts it back in friends purse without saying anything, half unwrapped.
>she finds crumbs all inside her backpack later when she tried to get her camera out

other weird things she's done
>brought a blender to a con and spilled it all over the bathroom
she cleaned her own shit up but not everyone elses or the rest of the counter

>we all buy a pizza, ask if she wants some so she can chip in some cash but declines and says she isn't hungry
>we all start eating it and suddenly she starts asking us if we're going to "eat that" and picks at our leftover crusts and half eaten slices???

>> No.8740381

>she cleaned her own shit up but not everyone elses or the rest of the counter

Uh why is she obligated to pick up after other people?

>> No.8740382

another time
>just got back from a funimation premiere, she didn't come cause she wasn't into it
>we all were bonding over it in the hotel room, laughing, begin looking up funny stuff related to it on someone's phone
>she just sits in the corner and refuses to interact with us even when we invite her to come look
>suddenly goes "can you guys stop doing that? i'm feeling really left out right now and you guys aren't doing anything with me."
>thought one of our friends was gonna jump off the bed and smack her in the mouth
>instead she gets confronted about how all day we kept inviting her to things but she just kept refusing because she wasn't into it, even though she drags us to things we aren't interested in all the time

she's my friend and I enjoy her company from time to time but when she gets into cosplay mode she is such a diva. it's really annoying. she forgets that there are people around her and she acts like everyone needs to stop what they're doing and give her attention. i'm just sick of her making everyone else try to make accomodations for her but she refuses to help anyone else out.

>> No.8740385

did you miss the part that said
>brought a blender and spilled it all over the bathroom

if she's the one who made the mess, SHE's the one who needs to clean it up.

>> No.8740386

you sound high maintenance

>> No.8740391

how am I high maintenance? I agree that some of the stuff is petty but this is an annoyance thread. are you telling me that some of the stuff she does isn't the slightest bit annoying?

>> No.8740392

I think what happened was she spilled on everyone's stuff but only cleaned the stuff that was her's.

>> No.8740395


Are you the person this anon is writing about or something?

>> No.8740399

i think i visited this room. lmao

>> No.8740410

I have a friend who has medical needs. this is her story but I was so livid at it. She needs a room key to get in the room for medication. The room holder was a humongous cunt about it. Even bitching about the rule she made that she'd let her in after given my friend's medical history.
Any time my friend would need her meds she'd bitch and moan about having to leave whatever event she was at. Just berating her for pretty much breathing in her existence.

I've since told her if I'm attending the con she is. Come to my room. like holy shit hotels don't hoard the keys even? I once had 7 cards for a family visit because my ailing great aunt kept losing it.

>> No.8740413

You sound like someone who eats fucking loud.

>> No.8740438

what the actual fuck

>> No.8740464

The ones who are absolute terrible snorers. You thought Fred Flintstone was bad. Better to see the doctor for that. Maybe take some salt cave therapies to loosen the mucus and open up the bronchial tubes.
Or ones being just loud awake obnoxious immature groups thinking about posting something embarrassing online and not being respectful to those who are first-shift workers sleeping.

>> No.8740507

For me it has to be those who do costumes in the room then whine about not attending the con

>> No.8740531

All of them seem like a complain except for the last one.

>> No.8740543

>be at con about a week ago
>never roomed with these people before
>room is set up where the sink is in the main part of the room instead of being in the bathroom
>soon realize that I am the only one that washes their hands after going to the bathroom
>only one person other than myself brushes their teeth
>wake up one morning on the very edge of my side of the bed
>"what is this incredible pressure on my head and back???"
>bedmate is spread diagonally across bed and is partially on top of me
>next night
>get back to room kind of late
>try to get into bed in the dark
>"why can't I get under these goddamn blankets???"
>bedmate brought her own blanket
>decided that if she wasn't using the hotel blankets she might as well sleep directly on top of them so no one else could fucking use them
>try to pull the blankets out from under her/wake her up
>she sleeps like a fucking brick
>lay awake until 6 am listening to her occasionally grinding her teeth

>> No.8740549

It's hard to trim wigs over a garbage can anon. I'm not sure why that would be a problem to see a few hairs as long as they are not all over the bathroom floor and everywhere.

I really hate people who drink. I can stand snorers because I have relatives who snore but I can't stand drunk people. Almost every single person who drinks booze I've roomed up with and/or smoked weed always made it difficult to the point that if I have to room up with someone I announce "Do not room up with me if you can't control your booze consumption." It wouldn't be so bad if most people who go to anime conventions go there to get trashed if they drink. I know I sound like a tight ass but I had to deal with:
>Someone getting sick in the bathroom
>Someone spilling or using red dye in the tube for no reason.
>Already have a phobia of vomit
>Drink to the point of vomit and hungover all day at the con in the bathroom that we share with five other people
>Plugging up the toilet with stuff to the point that it overflows
>Molesting other roommates

>> No.8740563
File: 456 KB, 480x361, 1448766204319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to be the best roomie I can but I always feel like a hindrance

>Replace old towels and get new ones for everyone
>Get extra pillows for everyone
>try to take up as little space as possible

>Get blamed for shit I didn't do
>Have arguments for minor gripes

I know it's just the people I room with and this has only (thankfully) happened once but it's like fuck man

>Been walking all day
>Be night time
>Me and pals walked blocks back to the hotel
>Carrying mexican food in hand
>Can't wait to fall on bed and sleep after all this
>Come back
>30 something person party happening in room
>Roommate apologizes profusely
>We wait outside for what seemed like 30 minutes
>Everyone leaves
>Somebody puked in the room and passed out on our bed

>> No.8740569

>rooming for a con with husband's friends
>there's another couple so I won't be the only girl in the group
>make usual party room/quiet room
>both couples wanted quiet room because we had to wake up early all 3 days
>two of the dudes who wanted to sleep in the quiet room beta'd out and splurged way too much money for another room because omg girls
>they later complain that they're broke at the con
>never again.jpg

I didn't think that kind of shit happened in real life? I though stories of dudes getting mom's spaghetti were mostly fake.

>> No.8740577

>room with close friends that i haven't roomed with before
>sleep fairly early for a con but don't really care if there's light/normal amount of noise
>1 am, asleep in bed
>roommates come back briefly from partying
>bring an obnoxious mutual friend in with them
>mutual friend is noisy as fuck
>holy shit why

>> No.8740589

I don't really get why people who party room with people who don't party. It just seems all around bad for everyone.

>Tfw no stories because you only room with people you're sleeping with, in all meanings of the phrase.

>> No.8740594

Please don't bring people I don't know into the room while I am still asleep.

I do not care if it is the last day of the con.
I do not care that I am the "odd man out" who sleeps on the chair/floor.
I do not care that the guy you're bringing in is a nice person everyone else already knows.

Don't fucking do it.

>> No.8740808

There are only 2 things wrong with this

>after this, asks to try a bite of another snack the same friend brought. takes 1 bite and puts it back in friends purse without saying anything, half unwrapped.


>she cleaned her own shit up but not everyone elses or the rest of the counter

Even then, she sounds nice enough that she would have cleaned the stuff up if you had just asked her.

The rest of it makes you seem like a cunt.

>> No.8740809

Be the only guy in a hotel room full of females who happen to be cosplay senpais.
Became friends after the con.

>> No.8740827

I can see why someone would pay more at the con itself because you need the place to sleep/put your stuff. But afterward? Fuck that. You're getting the agreed amount and not a penny more.

>> No.8740861

>muh "therapy" dog (not service dog).
>muh disability so minor I need to mention it.
You actually sound pretty obnoxious

>> No.8740873

>Person booked the room AND paid more than you guys
>Calling her a bitch because you didn't get the sweet single
Go cry more, you sound like a brat. The room booker should get their choice of beds even IF she wasn't paying extra (which was way more than she needed to imo). Oh no boohoo you had to move your stuff off the bed, the ~horror~ what a total bitch... book your own room next time if you don't like it.

>> No.8740875

Hindsight is 20/20, this happened when I was young, naive and had way too much trust in people.

>First 'big' con, out of town, I was going to be rooming with a group of about twenty, split up between three rooms.
>I was in with the group because of a girl I'll call 'A'.
>A seemed nice, she was in charge of the rooms, had set everything up and knew everyone in the whole group, at least at an acquaintance level.
>Also was an opportunist and super bad with money.
>We get there, check in, her check hasn't cleared (so she says). Puts rooms on one of the guy's card. I don't know this, I was watching the stuff.
>Two of A's out of town friends insist that A quoted them $20 for the whole weekend, that's all they can pay.
>A says ok, and asks me and a few others for $40 more each to make up for her fuck up.
>I'm new to cons, don't want to get thrown out, do it.

Fast forward 5 years, I'm dating the guy the guy who put the room on his card, we're talking about the con with friends, someone asks if A ever paid him her share. He said no, because A insisted she was broke, her check didn't cover it, yadda yadda. I'm pretty sure she pocketed the money she collected from the newbs and I and never paid my boyfriend that either. I'm beyond pissed, even now.

>> No.8740880

Forgot to mention, the room cost for us was $150.

>> No.8740885

Why do cosplayers do this? Why trim your wigs in the hotel? Why not do it prior to the convention???

>> No.8740910

> sounds like an upset baby dinosaur
m'keked loud

>> No.8740918

Because if you're behind with your costume, trimming a wig is something that can easily be done anywhere without the sewing machine you left at home. And most people clean the wig hair up when they're done, anyone who doesn't cut a wig in the corner and clean up is inconsiderate.

>> No.8740929

In what way does she sound nice?

>> No.8740955

Why not stop spending all your Money in a half assed attempt to fulfill your "I want to be a princess " fantasy and put it towards being able to afford your own place? Oh that's right, your priorities are fucked up and you'd rather sit here and bitch over being an overgrown child playing dress up and playing the victim role. Get over yourself and grow the fuck up. If you're bitching about roommates you probably shouldn't be spending Money on expensive clothes and accessories, you should put it towards being an adult and taking care of your own shit.
Btw YOU sound like you'd be an obnoxious roomate

>> No.8740959

unless you're the head of the room, stfu.

>> No.8740961

oh my god, people like that are the worst. you're not 5 and im not your parent- you dont need my attention 24/7. the whole sulking in the corner thing drives me up the wall, but im glad you guys didnt coddle her.

>> No.8740967
File: 101 KB, 900x900, bad time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ anon, who shit in your cornflakes?

>> No.8740968

Same. I only room with good friends.
The absolute worst story I have is just when I didn't have a roomkey and ended up wasting a good 4 hours because my friend didn't tell me it was okay to head back to the room.

Slightly jealous that I don't have good drama, but at the same time, I don't want to experience that level of cringe and pain.

>> No.8740974

If you have any allergies let your roommates know.
Don't intentionally poison your roommates

>stay with 2 friends
> Friend A has food allergy that makes it hard for her to breathe and gives her sweats and hives
>We order takeout
>She specifies to them not to put Xfood in.
>Food arrives
>B has food with really nice sauce in it, tells people to try
>A asks whats in it to make sure she can eat it
>B says she can
>Fast forward an hour A is having allergy attack
>Forgot to bring her meds because it's rare that an attack happens because she normally doesn't ingest any of the food. It's not airborne so not a total nightmare.
>Turns out B's sauce had Xfood in it and she "forgot" to tell A
>A needs to sleep by open window to recover
>B complains about the window being open because it's cold and you can hear the con party
>B is sleeping by heater but doesn't want to turn it on.
>I hear A suffering all night long
>A has to have her parents come pick her up 7am next morning and misses 2 con days.
>B says shes glad A is gone because her faking being ill was "such a downer" because B was cold all night.

I get A should have bright her meds but she would have been fine if B didn't lie about what was in the food. A normally checks packets but there were none because it was takeout.

SO I have a new rule of no food that anyone has allergies to is allowed in the room.

>> No.8740975

Did you know the Dead Sea is the 2nd saltiest place on Earth, closely following your salty cunt?

>> No.8740977

Sounds like B had a grudge against A to begin with, honestly.

>> No.8740980


Please tell me you bitched B out.

>> No.8740984

Well thing is
A and B were both competing in the cosplay contest on the Sunday.
I don't know if it were intentional but I think B might have tried to get A to drop out.

But this happened on Friday and a sensible poisoner would do it the night before so A would have less chance of recovering in time.

B didn't win because she's not good at sewing and is a armour build, whereas A wins a lot because she's a good seamstress.

>> No.8740985

>>I even had to clear her stuff off the bed before I could use it, everyone else had their stuff on the floor.

You mean... she had claimed the bed with her stuff and you moved it so you could sleep on it? Are you autistic or something?

>> No.8740987

Her stuff was on the bed, you're an asshole, not her. She put her stuff there to claim the space--just because she didn't verbally announce her intentions doesn't mean you should have just assumed. And you're still holding a fucking grudge over it? You're the nightmare roommate.

>> No.8740991

Talking of competing

>If a roommate has early pre-judging don't shit on them for going to bed early
>They should get up earlier to get ready without rush
>If you happen to get into conflict over something like the mirror, let them have it. They'll props be gone soon
>Don't cause drama on competition mornings.
>If they need help let them

>> No.8740994

THIS. THIS SO MUCH. I hear the vomiting in the bathroom and it ruins my entire experience. I held my pee for the rest of the night.

>> No.8741010

>having roommates

>> No.8741014

Oh that was definitely intentional.

>> No.8741017

i feel bad now with everyone complaining people snoring because i used to snore pretty bad. but i knew it was a problem for me, and i felt bad about it at the time even. but at least i always warned my roommates beforehand, and i stay with the same group give or take a few at every con so i guess after the first time they knew what they were getting into. they always assured me it was no problem but i still felt super guilty about it.

thank god i got my fucking enormous tonsils out and don't have that problem anymore.

>> No.8741032

I always get very excited when a friend asks me to help with their last-minute fixes. It's like a sleepover.

>> No.8741036

You sound like a wonderful friend and an awesome roommate DESU.

>> No.8741125

>taking all of my food and snacks when they know I have a medical problem
>giving 14 and 16 year olds shots in the room (I told them previously that if caught, I can get fired since I'm a bartender)
>throwing my merch around while drunk
>cutting wigs on the carpet and not picking up the clippings
>painting boots in the hotel room with no newspaper down

I'm so leery to room with people my friends suggest, all of the above happened at one con

>> No.8741127


>don't cause drama on competition mornings

This so fucking much. If you're gonna pick a stupid fight, pick it after the competition. If I'm being a pain in the ass, by all means tell me, but please wait until after judging.

>> No.8741129

I never really had problems with rooming with my friends. There were instances at room parties but I was just as drunk so I don't count that hah.

Once though, my friends and I decided to splurge and stay at the con hotel, and the head of the room planned it out perfectly and we all chipped in money on time. Except last minute, an old former friend of hers showed up out of nowhere and asked if she could room with us. We were okay with it but unfortunately she'd have to sleep on the floor since we had no room.

She agrees and is just an annoying fucktard at the con. A total normie so she's taking pics of people without permission, screaming KOWAYYY, and whining about the con in general. She pretends to act cute in front of our guy friends but is super snobby in front of us girls, and tries to get the guys to buy her everything. Becomes obvious she's just a free loader since the room head admitted her family is rich and spoils her.

The girl also starts whining how the room head doesn't spend enough time with her when this girl showed up out of nowhere after no contact for a long time and room head already made plans with us. Proceeds to have fun at the rave and then comes in super late around 3am making noise as she gets ready for bed and then whine about having the floor. In the morning she whines about breakfast and tries to make us fetch us her things for her. Also does this later again and bosses room head around to get her backpack and shit when room head had a photo shoot to attend. (1/2)

>> No.8741130

Room head is a bit of a pushover so anything that goes wrong, the girl blames it on her. Apparently the girl needs to leave early so she needs to get her stuff and tries to make the room head pack for her. We tell her no, she needs to do that shit herself. She finally gives in and does it but she then blames our room head for being late since she wouldn't help her. Eventually verbally berates the roomhead into crying so we get fed up at this point.

Eventually we all agreed to make her pay $40 for all the food and stuff she freeloaded from us and make it feel at least worth dealing with her shrill ass. Once room head tries to talk to her about it, girl throws a tantrum and tries to guiltrip room head but we have our friend's back. The girl starts crying and literally throws the money on the floor before walking away. And since then, we never interact with that brat. (2/2)

>> No.8741152

>Tries to make the room head pack for her

What the everliving fuck? I've heard of spoiled brats being demanding and childish but that's RIDICULOUS.

>> No.8741164

>put it towards being able to afford your own place?
the thread is about convention roommates, not flatmates. please see me after class to work on your reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.8741166

this is for con roommates, like in a hotel room not for house ones...

>> No.8741167

sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.8741173

All of these reasons and more are why my rooms are no alcohol/no drugs.
> usual room crew is super chill with it because they don't want the stress of running the room and dealing with cleanup
> one year, everyone was out of town or unable to attend for whatever reason, found a different group of friends and acquaintances
> lay out rules and make sure everyone in the group is okay with them, they all agree
> get to con, meet up, everything seems cool until the first night
> three snorers, one bad case of BO, and LOTS of mess
> deep breaths, I can handle this
> get back from con Saturday night to find them trying to hide handles from me
> one roomie comes back hammered and starts harassing me
I survived without blowing up at anyone and I probably sound like a total killjoy but rules are rules. Don't agree to then if you're going to flaunt them and lie to my face.

>> No.8741198
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i will never understand rich people. all of those cartoonish stereotypes are right on the money apparently.

>> No.8741242

It's honestly pretty hard to follow those types of rules at cons. I personally tell myself "no drinking" every con I go to, and I always end up shitfaced within 30 minutes of arriving at the con.
Not saying it's okay, just that it's easy to agree to things beforehand and then drop it as soon as you get into it.

Thankfully I only ever share with people who either drink as much as I do or people who think drunk people are absolutely hilarious. We're all adults who know how to control ourselves when drunk and all of my many mutuals know each other so there's never any forbidden room paties happening that any potential roommate wouldn't be okay with. Good times.

And thankfully I'm also one of those few people who don't give a shit if anyone in the room snores. My dad snores really loudly in the room next to me every night, so I guess I'm just used to it. Only time it bothered me was my former con-roomie whose snoring changed in rythm and type of noise every 10 seconds, only time I ever wanted to punch someone at a convention. A shame cause he's fun to share with, but never again do I want to deal with that snoring.

I do have two horror stories, but it's mostly just boring internal drama.
Came back to the room that had been booked in my name, on the last day of the con only to hear my roomies, one of them my kind-of-boyfriend, talking mad shit about me after they had been giving me the cold shoulder from morning till evening all weekend. That was a bad weekend.

>> No.8741256

And you sound retarded. Op stated disability because they needed a bed for it. Stop being a salty cunt. Bet you're the annoying freeloader

>> No.8741265

It was, by far, the worst con experience I have ever had the displeasure of going through

It was god awful and they never apologized

The room was trashed and I knew we were going to be charged extra for cleaning, so I packed the night before and dipped out early in the morning so I wouldn't have to pay extra.

>> No.8741266

These threads are exactly why it's just me and my brother in a 2 bed hotel room at every con.

The only problem we've ever had was he brought some girl back to hookup with last con and didn't lock the door. I opened the door and saw 2 sets of feet then turned around and went back to the lobby for a while until I got the all clear text.

>> No.8741271
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I have a large cosplay group, and for awhile we all roomed together (11 of us) but lately that stopped because some members of the group were sloppy hoes.
>Moving people's stuff and not putting it back
>Using up all my goddamn makeup wipes without asking
>Smearing makeup all over the bathroom counter/floors
>Not cleaning up their bedding in the morning so people trip over it all day
>Inviting random friends up to the room without clearing it with everyone else.
>Eating my food without asking

I'm honestly a pretty chill room mate but some things drive me nuts.

>> No.8741281

Wow you're an assole. Bet you're that one friend that freeloaded.
Like seriously how can you shit on therapy dogs. For all we know OP has severe Anxieties that bring on panic attacks that aggravate a disability. Like what you need a full medical history before you're satisfied?

>> No.8741288

>Eating my food without asking
This happens so often to people in these threads and I just can. not. comprehend it. Just fucking ask before you eat other people's food! I don't understand HOW these people think it's okay to just take people's shit without asking? I don't get it at all. Is there ANY possible explanation for their line of thinking? Honestly.

>> No.8741292

I think a lot of it is they don't see it as anon's food. They see it as it's in the hotel and we all paid so I can eat what I want. That's how it was 'explained' to me. When I confronted about all my fruit bars being gone as I had a sensitive stomach that weekend and didn't want heavy fast foods

>> No.8741295

Yeah, and the thing is, I'm usually perfectly fine sharing my food if people ask, bu the worst fucking thing is when you go to the room ready for a specific snack and find out someone's fucking ate it.

>> No.8741298

I pretty much stopped sharing food with other people after realizing how easy it is to get shit like herpes. A lot of people aren't even aware of it when they have it.

>> No.8741300

Wow has that happened at a con?

>> No.8741302

the fun ones are when people have it in their luggage and it still gets eaten

>> No.8741319

oh god yea. Had dried snacks in mine. gone and stuffed under the bed.

>> No.8741320

I travelled with my friends to a convention that was out of state and we have 2 rooms to share amongst ourselves.

Room A is the room my boyfriend & I were in, along with another couple. Other friends jokingly called our room 'the flashbang room'
>pretty tidy & clean all the time as the boyfriends are quite a clean freak
>only one person does midnight rushing for costume, so we all helped her out & cleaned up for her
>all belongings laid out nicely and separated so they do not get mixed up
Even though my closer friends are in the other room, I'm so happy to be in this room, no fuss no mess no issue. Everyone is so chill it's relaxing.

On the other hand...
Room B has 3 girls and 1 guy, all of them are rushing costumes throughout the convention. So it gets pretty messy...
>tools lying all over the place, with paint tubs on the floor and all
>beds are covered by items, no time for tidying and all
>luggages are littered around as one of the girls are quite notorious in not knowing how to organize her stuffs
As much as we will like to help them, we can't tidy things up without their help. So it is messy throughout the stay.

And our room somehow turns to a safety harbour when things happened at room B. We once had the guy at room B came hiding in our room as one of the girls decided to come out naked after showering. She was giving the excuse of forgetting to bring her change of clothes in & took her own sweet time in finding clothes. At the end my boyfriend & I escorted him back to room B to check things out.

>> No.8741330


This is why I always make clear that the food I bring in is for the room, and if there's anything else brought in I make sure to designate it as either mine or "ours". I think it should be up to room heads to remember to make the distinction, honestly. It's not hard.

>> No.8741336

Sounds like she claimed the bed after it had already been taken by anon. The girl who booked the room didn't say anything about having the single bed and just ousted anon without warning if I read correctly.

>> No.8741342

I thought of one. We had a really mopey girl in the room. And she just wouldn't really tell us what's wrong. But if we were talking to ourselves. She'd sigh in a really exasperated way. As if we were purposely ignoring her. It went on for a few minutes. When we asked she looked to her friend of the group and just went in on her. That she knew she was upset about her boyfriend. And how dare she not comfort her. She ended up making the friend cry. No one really knew what to do. It ended with her going on fb after. And just tearing into that friend again. She has since been removed. But god it was just so petty.
And for the boyfriend drama. Apparently he dumped her for being a drama queen.

>> No.8741345

>I don't know if it were intentional but I think B might have tried to get A to drop out.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that she did

>> No.8741354

Stuff on a bed means that a bed has been claimed, it's not the room booker's fault if anon is too thick to realise that

>> No.8741360


Just because you have no self control, doesn't make it hard.

Don't agree to a non drinking room and then break the rule. There are plenty of rooms with other drinkers

>> No.8741363

OP here, my cosplay this year cost less than 10e, white shirt + orange dye + cheapo dessert glasses + green jelly + a pair of my shorts + my father's baseball cap = Jimmy Buffett/Jurassic World's margarita man

>> No.8741369

So let me get this straight
>room head lets you pay a cheaper price since it's a floor spot
>doesn't explicitly state it's a floor spot
>someone has the single bed claimed while six people are trying to share two doubles
>anon doesn't like people so wants the single
>sees shit on the single, removes it
>room head later shows up and remembers that you paid the normal amount and forgot to mention that the single bed is off limits to you
>anon realizes that they have to either share breathing space with other humans or sleep on the floor
>cries about the horrific experience on 4chan

You paid $50 for a place to sleep during the whole con and keep your shit there. That's a steal. If you really wanted that single, you should have offered the girl $100 to buy out her spot.

>> No.8741370

Don't hog the bathroom for an hour putting on make up, some of us need to shit

>> No.8741388

I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.8741394

The issue I had is that someone drinking in a non drinking room. I don't mind people drinking but honestly who would want to pay for the extra money of cleaning out vomit from a bed or an A/C? The person who did it isn't going to do it. I know two friends who had to pay out of pocket for costs of other friends and one who straight up left the hotel before the staff could find out that they trashed the room. Didn't even tip the housekeeping service.

>> No.8741397

>He brought some girl back to hook up with
You should honestly just room up by yourself. What if your brother brings back some other people who steal your stuff among other things? Unless you set ground rules and all.

>> No.8741414

I always bring cash because it seems Congoers either don't tip or when they do, figure the accumulated loose change is enough (it's kind of rude). I mean as a regular business traveler I know that but even as a child I was taught the generally accepted ways to leave a tip.

>4 people to a 2 bed room
>share bed with a friend I've known for about 5 years
>the one teenager in the group is convinced I'm gonna sleepfuck my bedmate

Christ I haven't humped anything in my sleep since I was 12.

>> No.8741425

It seemed pretty damn intentional to me.

>> No.8741426

I don't get that either. People are just raised spoiled and without manners. Just ask before you use something that isn't yours - people should've learned this in kindergarten but apparently didn't. You'd think this was just people who are teenagers and it's their first time out of mommy & daddy's house - no, sometimes it's grown adults in their late 20s/early 30s doing this!!

I stayed at a convention awhile back. Friend A was driving up so she brought a case of water, groceries, a cooler, booze, etc. I chipped in a bunch of money for it and ended up not eating much of it. Friend B didn't contribute anything to it and ate a whole bunch of it. That annoyed me. I can understand being tight on money, but you don't stick your friends with the bill. The worst thing was - it was one of those situations where on the one hand she's complaining about how she's broke, but mysteriously can buy a bunch of expensive items at the convention.

I won't be rooming with Friend B again, although there are additional reasons for that - just a bunch of selfish things she did that I don't feel like dealing with when I just want to enjoy a convention. She's a nice person otherwise, but I don't want to share a living space with her.

>> No.8741436

You're not on tumblr right now, you know.

>> No.8741450

Dif anon but
Is that your best hit really?
>This person called me out for being a shitstain
>Must insult with tumblr ha ya that showed

Go be a salty cunt elsewhere you were being a dick and nitpicking a decent con horror story.

>> No.8741453

I don't leave valuables laying out in hotel rooms just in case (its surprisingly easy to hack those keycard locks). I keep my money and such with me or well hidden. Besides I'm pretty sure they were never out of each others sight and she left right after.

>> No.8741459

Nah. Stop defending "therapy dogs". It's just a dog. You don't need it for any legitimate reason that you could just take meds for instead. Unless you're using it as a guide dog because your vision is impaired, it's just a regular fucking dog.

>> No.8741468

Wow you are a salty retard. Therapy dogs are used for mental disorders, and for soldiers with PTSD. They are proven to ease better and help with stress related disorders.

Go be a failure in life elsewhere retard. Better yet go put a plastic bag on your head.

>> No.8741480

Yeah but why bother going to a convention if you have a disorder so bad that you need a dog?

>> No.8741482

It's just a dog.

>> No.8741488

The 'lady' in charge of the room I was supposed to be staying in at Dragon Con was a huge epic thundertwat.

When I showed up she flipped her shit and said 'you didn't say you were bringing a baby with you!' and booted us from the room because she has 'sound sensitivities' and can't cope with babies crying so some such bullshit

I wish she had us pay with paypal before the con like some other people do instead of asking people to pay in cash at the con, that way I could have opened a pay pal dispute with her.

>> No.8741489

>muh mental disorders!!!!!!!
>calling me a retard
Uh huh, you sure do care about people with mental disorders and disabilities.

>> No.8741490

Did you not listen? Therapy dogs are used to prevent attacks. They can stop a person with Asperger's from attacking themselves. Can ease a soldier out of flashback.
Like we don't know OP's issues. For all we know the dog helps with attacks.
And really? That's your logic stay home never have fun never rise above your issues. You sound miserable as fuck.

>> No.8741493

And you're just a salty cunt over a con horror story on cgl. So I think the dog trumps you.

>> No.8741495

Well, did you state that you were bringing a baby with you? Because I could understand why someone wouldn't want to room with a fucking infant in the room. Her flipping her shit is kinda unwarranted though.

>> No.8741496
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>And she just wouldn't really tell us what's wrong
>She'd sigh in a really exasperated way
Up the fucking wall

>> No.8741499

>It's just a dog
>it's just a regular fucking dog
You really don't know what you're talking about do you?

>> No.8741500

I love that people are focusing on dog Op bringing the dog to a con. Rather than the fact they were overcharged for a freeloader. Ya'll are idiots, I'd take a dog that if trained likely is gonna leave me alone. Over some freeloading bitch anyday.

>> No.8741506

No I didn't state I'd be bringing my baby with me cuz I didn't realise she'd be a baby hating cunt and refused to allow him in the room

When I told her I was from out of town and couldn't afford to pay for a room by myself (it was really short hotice to find other roomies) she said 'not my problem'

We ended up going home, fuck that bitch for making us waste a $120 con ticket

>> No.8741511

>No I didn't state I'd be bringing my baby with me
You shouldn't bring babies to conventions in the first place

>> No.8741512

Some hotels are dicks with excessive cleaning charges. I won't tip the maids if I know the hotel is like that.

I've never gotten one, but I know friends who have gotten a $200 charge for ridiculous things like having a few crumbs on the floor.

>> No.8741514


Why the fuck not? Babies belong wherever the mother wants to take them

>> No.8741519

Well, I feel for you, but for future reference you should probably state that you're bringing your baby with you.

Eh, I disagree. I definitely don't think you should take them into panels though, fuck that.

>> No.8741520

I wanted to make the joke that so many virgins go to conventions that it wouldn't happen but then I remembered how many guys think of them as three-day orgies.

>> No.8741521

Ehhh I disagree. I think a convention is fine, but what if they were to bring the baby to a lolita meet or something? That can make people uncomfortable. It's up to the mother to assess the situation to ensure that her baby and those around her are comfortable.

>> No.8741523

Anon please get real. While I agree mothers and their children have the right to go anywhere they please there are just some places that babies simply do not belong. "Anywhere" the mother wants to take them is a complete overstatement - do you think it's chill if a mom wants to bring her baby into the mosh pit at a concert? Obviously not because that isn't a very ideal environment for a baby. Depending on the age, conventions kind of aren't either. It's like people who bring their babies to sporting events. Unless you couldn't find a sitter, what's the point? I hope you were just being facetious anon.

>> No.8741524

monika lee's room?

>> No.8741525

So you thought it'd be okay to room with a bunch of people without telling them you'd be bringing a baby?
Come on now, have some common sense. You sound so fucking stupid.

>> No.8741527

I wouldn't want to bring an infant into an area filled with thousands of loud obnoxious people that have no concept of hygiene or personal space, where they could easily be injured or catch something. On the other side of the coin the baby could act up during a panel or other event, which would be a huge irritant to other people attending the con.

>> No.8741529

gr8 b8 m8, no one can really be this dumb.

>> No.8741530

Plus why get a con ticket if the baby is an infant? Like kids need structure. a Con isn't that

>> No.8741533

People get this way from the hormonal changes they have after giving birth

>> No.8741534

She shouldn't have flipped her shit and that sucks she dumped you with no room but you really should have mentioned you were bringing your baby. It's one thing to have a person come stay in a room with you, it's another to have them plus one without telling you, and it's another when that plus one is a baby, even if you're the one taking care of it. Next time be very clear about that. If it was me I would've let you said but I definitely would be annoyed that you didn't mention anything till you showed up.

>> No.8741537

>all medication works all the time for every single person
>what is combination therapy

>> No.8741538

I hope to god this is bait, but I'm going to respond as though it isn't, just in case.

As someone who HAS a baby, you're being ridiculously disrespectful. Often, people who do not have babies are not prepared to deal with rooming with a baby. I know the it can feel like he/she is an extension of you, but ihe/she isn't, and it isn't fair to others for you to surprise them with that. A baby's cry is the most attention-grabbing sound, it frustrates and irritates people. Usually at a con, the hotel room is a sanctuary; most people will not want to come back to the room, exhausted, and be greeted by a baby's cry. No one wants to be kept up late when your overstimulated baby has trouble getting to sleep, no one wants to be woken up in the middle of the night by it, and no one wants to have to tiptoe around the room in the middle of the day while the little one naps. A pack 'n play takes up a good deal of room, you're going to be filling the trashcan with dirty diapers faster than the maid can take the bags out.

I probably would've kicked your silly ass out, too. If you want to bring the baby, find someone to room with who is okay with babies, or pay for your own room. Surprising someone with a baby is poor form.

>> No.8741541


Please be a better mother and a more considerate roommate. And learn to spell.

>> No.8741546

From the way the OP is acting in their posts I'd say the other woman didn't 'flip her shit'

>> No.8741551

AYRT sounds like a teen

>> No.8741552

I think some people just don't listen to themselves talk, or in this case pay attention to what they're writing. Regardless, I agree that they're both stupid and a hypocrite.

>> No.8741565

Great self talking there anon.

>> No.8741597

I have one from my friend who stayed with a truly awful couple. That she swore never to room with again
>They arrive smelly and generally unpleasant but they are the rooms holders so what can you do
>He is really flirty with the other girls when his gf is away. Even when she's puking on the toilet
>She's appearing to have a bug constantly sick and no one really wants to return to the room as she's there nearly the whole con sick
>he's downstairs flirting with some girl nearly the whole con
>Friend fears they broke up at the con dreads going up and dealing with that drama.
>Returns to find they are booting people claiming someone smoked weed
>She ends up having to fork over extra to cover those who left
>Turns out after the con the gf is still sick and her mom takes her to the ER.
>Turns out she's pregnant
tldr version. Stinky Asshole kicked people from the room with no proof any did anything wrong. And was at con flirting and generally being a dog over other girls. While preggers gf is puking upstairs.

>> No.8741611

nope. I just know special snowflakes like the poster. The type who gets attention by being a frail and sensitive drama queen while making everyone around him pick up that slack. A therapy dog is not a service/guide dog and if he/she can go to a con, cosplay, etc. but suddenly at night has a disability so severe it requires the most comfortable sleeping place available its bullshit. Here's your trigger warning.

>> No.8741642


I stayed with someone once who didn't tip the bellhop and I was so fucking mortified

>> No.8741648

Ho OP here. Since you really just are dying to know because you can't seem to let anything go.
I have cerebral palsy and have spasms due to it. Sleeping on a floor makes them worse.

Do hope you can move on with your life though? you sound like a very crass and awful person.

>> No.8741651

Ausfag here.
I'm scared to do international conventions, because I know I'll forget to do this kinda shit.

>> No.8741652

most con hotels don't have a bellhop. just carry your own bags and you will be fine.

>> No.8741655

Get rekt holy shit.

>> No.8741662

Nah, I mean like, tipping in general.
Like, I think I'll either forget to do it at all and become an unintended gigantic asshole, or I'll get super self conscious about it, and overtip to the point where I forget to have anything left for merch.

>> No.8741666


Mortified anon here
I carry my own shit at literally every convention except this one. We got there and the room wasn't ready, and the hotel was in a major city's downtown area, so the parking was a bit of a walk, so they "checked" our stuff while we waited and got our badges. They automatically brought it up to the room when it was done, and I was organizing the stuff in the room when I heard the door close and realized her purse was on the bed. I asked "did you tip?" and she responded really snarky "uh, no."
It was bad, especially because you don't even really have to tip much. Depending on how much crap there was you can just give the person a few bucks, or if it was a lot you can give them a $10 and call it a day.

>> No.8741667

15%. Would you have friends you would meet up with at these foreign cons? You could just ask them beforehand and/or during the trip. It's not that big a of a deal. People forget to tip all the time. It's not the end of the world.

>> No.8741669

dude if you expected the special sleeping arrangement you should have worked that out in advance, especially as a non room holder. FFS. If your spastics are so bad then plan ahead.

>> No.8741670

you can actually Google what an appropriate tip is. i think it's only necessary to tip waitstaff, since most of their wages come from tips due to absurd wage laws. so just make sure you do that and you're fine.

>> No.8741674

I did? Like do you seriously think I just randomly showed up assuming? I'm sorry I'm not you and making vast assumptions based on my lack of knowledge.
I asked and was ensured a bed for my issues. They are mild, but I can hurt myself if under great distress IE being blamed for the guys bringing shit in that somehow is my fault.

>> No.8741675

This seems kind of like a really unusual situation, but both were in the wrong. By not saying you were bringing a baby with you, you were hiding it. Why wouldn't you tell potential roommates that? The room-holder shouldn't have just put you out and kept your money either, though, that's just not right. She should have gotten to know you better before rooming with you.

I don't think conventions are an appropriate place for babies or small children:
- Tons of germs.
- Noisy, hard for baby to sleep
- Children could get easily lost/hurt in the crowd
- They aren't going to remember it or care.
- Crying babies are disruptive to panels
- Carriages are really tough to navigate through the con/ cause congestion in places like the vendor hall.

Maybe just for a brief day visit it's fine but really, its better to leave the small kids/babies with a sitter/relative or just not go until the kids grow up a little bit. Once they're a bit older I'm sure they'd have an awesome time in age-appropriate activities.

... What a world we live in today. Wow.

>> No.8741679

Please refrain from arguing with someone who is clearly wrong.
He is being stubborn in his perspective and you gain nothing from this.

>> No.8741680


Seriously anon give it up. you were being a cunt, got called on it by a few people including the OP. And have been at this for a few hours. Go be a salty shitstain elsewhere.

>> No.8741685

I only posted 2-3 times mang. The rest was other folks.
Can't we just be nice to each other? Stop cyber bullying me. Jesus.

>> No.8741686

Oh I see, thank you. I didn't think my story was irrelevant to roommate annoyances.

>> No.8741690

Nice backpedaling

>> No.8741691

There was a scam website that tumblr circulated for 2 or 3 years. It claimed you could register any animal as a therapy animal if you gave them $80. Since then tons of people have fallen for it and forced their medically untrained pets into crowded, stressful situations that only make those pets anxious and afraid.
Please OP tell me a doctor gave you a trained animal and you aren't selfishly dragging a normal pet around for tumblr brownie points.

>> No.8741693

She is trained for my purposes. (OP here) I'd never bring a untrained animal anywhere. Normal pet or not. i've had my share of nasty ill mannered animals working at petco.
(small dog owners are the worse. your snarling rabid little ankle biting isn't cute.)

>> No.8741695

Has anyone had roommates that bring cosplay not for that con to work on? I had one roommate spend all 3 days sewing for another con. While whining she'd not see the one she was at. I just *internal screaming*

>> No.8741696 [DELETED] 

>trained for my purposes
There is a difference between a service animal and a "therapy" animal. A service animal as defined by the ADA is specially trained to provide a service like a seeing eye dog or opening doors etc. It dpes something because you can't.
What does yours do?

>> No.8741697

Things that annoy me:
>people who habitually say that they can't afford the room fee, yet still go to a bunch of cons
>people who don't clean up the room trash when there are many people rooming together
>people who bring their normie SOs and then making everyone deal with them not having a good time

This all happened last time I went to a con and I'm still salty.

>> No.8741699 [DELETED] 

She alerts me when I'm going to have a muscle spasm
As well as calms me when I'm beginning to hyperventilate. Because she's so calm in high stress areas My doctor filled out a form and she took Therapy classes to be certified.
It's really not all that uncommon with mild mannered dogs. Many of which are pibbles from shelters.

>> No.8741700

Hi, ed

>> No.8741704 [DELETED] 

I love that this thread has devolved into interrogating Dog op.

>> No.8741707

I didn't witness this happen, but one of the guys who was hanging out in our room one night this past Katsucon said he once roomed with a Tumblr weeb who stole his disabled brother's service dog out of their room so she could attention whore with it.

I wish I had more details but at the time I was too tired and drunk to take in much information. It's amazing what lengths Tumblr fucks will take to be seen as special snowflakes.

>> No.8741708 [DELETED] 


>> No.8741711 [DELETED] 

dogs are calming for most people OP. That isn't a special skill.

>> No.8741713

I have a friend who always tries to get me to join her room of 10+ people so they can all pay $40 each for the weekend. I refuse to take her up on that shit. Then when one or two people drop out they cry that they can't afford to pick up the slack and that it's a con-ruining situation.
We're all in our 20s. This is not acceptable behavior.

>> No.8741715 [DELETED] 

Serious though lol. The one thing that gets these nits in a frenzy. Isn't the booze hounds, isn't the horrid roomies that make the con miserable. It's the one that brought a fucking therapy dog to a con
All in an a thread that would be appropriate for the story told.

>> No.8741716 [DELETED] 

It's not a service dog though. It's an ESA/therapy dog. There's a difference.

>> No.8741720 [DELETED] 

Seriously though wtf is your point. If op has the form who the fuck are you to bitch about it. Unless you really are the freeloader discussed in the story.

>> No.8741724

> rooming with an acquaintance and a bunch of their friends
> the only one not hanging with anyone else in the group/room
> the only one who doesn't get a key, despite asking for one.
> have to wait to get into the room on every one else's schedule, even if it conflicted with mine

It was just a huge hassle, especially when I had to leave bright and early Sunday morning, and couldn't even get in the room to get ready for bed until pushing 3 AM.

>> No.8741726

so this is more like a horror story

>go to a convention with friend, asks if it's okay if a person from her college's anime club stays with us
>sure fine whatever
>ends up being a super cringey weeb. i'm a lolita and when she saw me she could not stop squealing and fawning over me. thank you for the compliments but also please settle down, friend
>for the first day can't stop talking about "kawaii" i look
>"anon-senpai, you're like a real life anime princess!"
>is this bitch really in college?

but that's not the main event here

>by friday night she gets kinda weird
>"anon-senpai, I really really wish I was like you! how do you lolita?"
>basic explanation, try to send her links and stuff from my phone
>she asks to see the clothes I brought
>"wow so kawaii anon. you have so many outfits...c-can I h-have one??"
>"what do you mean?"
>"I really like THIS one anon, can I have it?"
>bitch has her dirty weaboo paws on my first release black misty sky JSK
>"no weeb-chan. i don't just give my clothes to people, and that one isn't for sale either."
>goes to retrieve wallet, pulls out $95 "you can have the rest of my money!"
>my friend tries to talk some sense to into her. after about ten minutes or so she backs down
>i explain that i have some things i brought with me to go to a swap meet the comm is hosting at the convention, she could come with and buy the stuff i have for sale then or i could help her find stuff


>> No.8741728 [DELETED] 


>alerts me when I'm going to have a muscle spasm

That is a clearly defined special skill, not unlike service animals that are trained to alert owners to seizures



>> No.8741730

next day

>go to con, do our shit, in the afternoon i go back up to the room to grab stuff for the swap meet and go meet weeb-chan there
>say hello to comm members, introduce weeb-chan + explain to her how this works
>one comm member has some nice stuff up for sale - one of them being a crystal dream carnival jsk in navy
>comm member has tied a price tag to the shoulder strap with the price on it
>"whoa! that's quite a lot of money..."
>comm member grins and bears it, tries to explain the price
>"well...can I try it on first?"
>20 mins later. "hey anon, do you know where weeb-chan is?"
>oh boy
>go to nearest bathroom, can't find her
>go back to hotel room, she isn't there either
>obviously too much of a chore to try and find her in the convention center on our own
>tell people who were at the swap meet to keep an eye out for her and to call us immediately if they see her
>comm member is distressed of course, but try to reassure her that i'll get her jsk back if i have to pry it off weeb-chan's back
>4.5 hours later someone spots weeb-chan in a group of furries having a mini-rave in a hotel courtyard

to wrap this story up quicker, we had to awkwardly confront her in this group of furries who thought we were a bunch of meanies trying to "bully" her. she tried to pretend that the comm member had sold it to her, except weeb-chan is a fucking moron and left the tag tucked into the dress. told the furries to fuck off, threatened to kick her out of the room and leave her shit in the hallway, finally concedes and goes to a bathroom where she takes the dress off from over her hatsune miku t-shirt, leggings, and converse. she broke down when she gave it back to the comm member blubbering "i just wanted to look cute and kawaii like you anon-senpai!!" called my friend and explained and we kicked her out of our room anyways lol my friend's anime club had few rooms so she went and stayed with a different group of people for the rest of the con.

>> No.8741729

I've never understood things like this. Hotels really don't care how many keys are asked for.
They know most con goers are gonna stuff the rooms as much as they can. They want the sales. They could care less as long as the room is presentable when the maid service is finally let in to clean.

>> No.8741731

>bellhop shows up during checkout when I didn't even ask for it
>begrudgingly let him take my stuff to the car because I felt bad that he was already here
>tipped him like $2 because that's all I had in cash
I'm usually supportive of tipping but I can handle my own bags, jesus christ.

>> No.8741737 [DELETED] 

This is where we choose to spend our free time, among a crowd of unpredictable, whiny bellends obsessed with the titles of dogs.

>> No.8741738 [DELETED] 

This might help:
>It is important to note that, despite thorough training, certification and the therapeutic benefits therapy dogs provide, they do not have the same jobs or legal designation as service dogs.
Case in point is that OP is acting like a special snowflake about her therapy dog even though she didn't need to bring it.

It's not unreasonable for someone to not want a dog in their hotel room when it's clearly not a service dog.

>> No.8741739

Idk your annoyances are kind of petty.
Person waited until they thought you were asleep to take a dump instead of taking up the bathroom when people were awake, doesn't sound like they're trying to annoy you at all. They were trying to be considerate. Also people can't really control if they need to shit or not.

Snoring can be annoying, but it's not entirely something they can control. Take earmuffs if you're a light sleeper.

Like, a lot of these posts on this thread are absolutely things to be annoyed over. These.. really aren't though.

>> No.8741744 [DELETED] 

Alerts how? And more to the point, what is done with the information. I have a cat that sits on command. That doesn't mean everyone should genuflect if I choose to bring it with me.

>> No.8741745


It's so irritating when they show up without being asked for. I can handle my own shit and I'm also probably trying to wrangle everyone else's shit, and it's probably going to 3 different cars, and they probably weren't valet.
It's even worse when they won't let you just take a cart for yourself. There's only been one or two hotels who wouldn't and every time it's been because I'm moving a big prop or a big costume, not my bags.

>> No.8741746 [DELETED] 

Op states issues
States room knew prior
States what dog does
States Doctor form
>Hurp a durrrrr you is bad don't be special snowflake
>dont bully mee when i be mean!!!

>> No.8741748 [DELETED] 


I'm not sure how OPs dog does it, but the seizure dogs that I have seen are trained to paw at their owners in a specific way or to sit in front of them so they cannot keep walking. The owner is then supposed to get somewhere safe, in the case of seizures. The middle of a convention floor isn't a safe place to drop and have an epileptic seizure, so when the dog alerts they usually have 10 min to get somewhere that isn't dangerous.
Maybe anon's muscle spasms affect their movement and it would be unsafe for them to be in a crowd when one comes on?

>> No.8741750 [DELETED] 

Muscle spasms aren't serious, and are probably brought on by the stress OP was complaining about. I really hope you're not this retarded.

>> No.8741751 [DELETED] 

To be fair, >>8741691 had a point about Tumblrinas and their weird little "wow dogs are so great my dog helps with my anxiety attacks just by existing!!" tirades.
I'm not the salt anon but I was skeptical as well, until the OP went into detail about it.

Speaking of which, any stories about rooming with Tumblr chans? Those are always great.

>> No.8741752 [DELETED] 

Didn't some homestuck cosplayer drag her cat to a con last year because she said it was her emotional therapy animal? And the thing was freaked the fuck out the whole time.

>> No.8741753 [DELETED] 

And how often is that even necessary?
You don't see a differnce between a seeing eye dog and a dog that is soothing (oh and who alerts - not cures- an occasional seizure).
Its a well trained pet. That is fine, but stop trying to make its sound like something else.

>> No.8741754 [DELETED] 


>maybe anon's muscle spasms affect their movement

shit anon I don't know anything about muscle spasms, I don't have them. I'm only speculating because OP mentioned that their dog alerts them, which seems like would only be a behavior necessary if they WERE bad enough to affect movement.

>> No.8741756

I didn't know the name of the person who had the reservation. I asked her several times to go with me to get an extra key but it never happened. And getting ahold of her was a pain in the ass, anyway, so I pretty much had to rely on the acquaintance that pulled me into the room anyway.

>> No.8741757 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8741759 [DELETED] 

OP openly stated that it was a therapy animal, meaning it calms stress. If it was actually a service dog, don't you think the handler of said service dog would be knowledgable enough to call it that instead of a therapy animal?

>> No.8741760 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 351x342, HeresAnotherPictureFromGoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8741762 [DELETED] 

1-that is circular logic ad 2-affectng movement =/= so bad that it requires an animal.
Whiteknights pls.

>> No.8741763 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 600x400, IThoughThisAsianKidWasCuteSoIChoseToUseThisPictureNext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8741764 [DELETED] 

I''m guessing none of ya'll have ever met someone with even mild cerebral palsy. It's not a pretty thing. Even mild it can really affect someone's mobility. Having a therapy dog likely helps OP keep in mind limitations.

>> No.8741765 [DELETED] 

Well dogs who detect seizures are service dogs.

But I can't help but chuckle at the idiots ITT who think muscle twitching caused by stress is a disability.

>> No.8741768 [DELETED] 

Hey retard. OP said cerebral palsy which can be affected by stress like trying to keep up with others. And panic attacks

>> No.8741769 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 800x600, IDontHaveAnythingBetterToDoButPostThesePicturesInAnAtteptAtIronicHumor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8741771 [DELETED] 


Anon also said that the dog alerts to muscle spasms though, and that's a behavior that is trained. ESA animals don't get special alert behavior training.

This is all really stupid and speculative and off topic though so I'm gonna stop responding.

>> No.8741772
File: 496 KB, 500x260, PlsNoFeedTrollAyyLmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>off topic though so I'm gonna stop responding.

Thank you for making such a decision.
We are one step closer to getting back to hilarious stories.

>> No.8741774

Moving away from the dog drama (great stupidity there cgl)

I had a girl apply her homestuck makeup in the hotel and not seal it. Then lay down in the bed smearing the grey all over it. I had to wash out as best I could before asking maid service for another comforter.

>> No.8741776

Never done a hotel thing, do you get a denied a deposit if your room is messy or something?

>> No.8741779

I have one from a month ago. Girl tried to sneak her bf in the room for sex. And never told anyone. So I walk in on her blowing his tiny ass dick.

>> No.8741780

At all the hotels I've been to, they have at least one person's credit card on file and if there are any damages found after you check out, they bill you for it. (I've never had that happen to me, so I don't know if they contact you about it first or just charge you.)

>> No.8741784

I would not have tolerated someone bringing a fucking baby without warning. How self-centered do you have to be to not mention another HUMAN BEING in the room, especially a needy, smelly, loud one.

>> No.8741785

Depends I think? I wasn't changed when my friend had a rage out and kicked a hole in the hotel bathroom door.
But I think I got lucky as they were renovating at the same time and likely just thought a workman did it.

>> No.8741788

>ass dick
ok, so I know it's offtopic, but using 'ass' as an exaggerator is a very consistently bad idea.
The man ain't a dickbutt.

>> No.8741789


I already feel stupid enough for being sucked into it. You live and you learn.
To atone for my sins, here is some relevant greentext

>big con, going with the usual squad + one friend who isn't in the usual group
>first outing with "the usual squad", first con for two of them. Their names are unimportant, the only person who matters in this story is A.
>A has been to anime cons before, but to my knowledge has never stayed overnight
>A started the weekend by complaining that we didn't wanna go to every panel with him, since we're all adults we figured we could go off on our own
>back at the room friday night, A was complaining that no one wanted to go to the burlesque show that night with him
>A goes into the bathroom in a huff to put his pajamas on
>changes into his pajama SHIRT in the bathroom, comes out still wearing pants. Walks to his side of the room (far side on the floor), and then begins to change his pants there
>A is shocked when we are all remarkably not ok with this
>Next day
>A buys $200 of non-refundable rave gear from the dealer's hall, is extremely upset to hear from all of us that only one member of the group was even considering going to the rave
>Night rolls around, he leaves at like 8 to go to the rave/some panel, thank god
>we put on casual cosplay and go to the bar to drink
>he's texting the whole time, none of us wanna go to the rave but he won't shut up so we go
>we're in line, can't find him, didn't see him in the line as we walked to the end of it, text him to see where he is
>"I think I'm in the rave, but I'm not sure"
>"I don't think I'm there I'm gonna leave"
>He comes and finds us in line, whatever, we get to the front
>"Oh, yeah I was in there."

>> No.8741790

I really wonder how the op thought it'd go down. Like yea totally bring this baby into the room! I'd rather the dog from the other story any day.

>> No.8741796

I've brought my dog to cons before always dog friendly hotels and never have an issue. Granted I'm always the room holder and everyone knows I'm bringing her and don't care. She just hangs out and rests. And it's cheaper than boarding. Only had one issue with a roomie trying to steal her to the con because "Kawaii corgi cowboy bebop!!!"

Like can you not? It's cringy enough when I constantly get asked why I didn't call her Ein.

>> No.8741804
File: 75 KB, 451x412, ITookTheEffortToGoogleThisAsAVisualRepresentationOfHowBasedYouAre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got lucky as they were renovating

Your friend's foot of iron-boned rage probably saved a demolisher 0.1 second.
The hotel should of been thanking them!


Why u no call doge ein tho?!?!
-pukes everywhere-

>> No.8741807

I had a girl buy one of those llamas that was really popular last year. Except hers was bootleg and she payed high. She returned and demanded one of us buy it off her so she could get a real one. Just dumbfounding.

>> No.8741813

The funniest thing is I didn't get her because I started liking corgis because of anime. One of my favorite (now passed away) artists had them her whole life.
I grew up with her illustrated children's books with corgis illustrated everywhere and how she had I believe 11 throughout her life. So when I'd get that "OMG EIN weeb I just insta cringe.

>> No.8741814

>people with disabilities aren't allowed to have fun!

I bet you're a blast at parties

>> No.8741817

Like other anon said, her belongings were on the bed, so not only was anon assmad that he had to move her things, he only "had" to move them because he was too thick to realize it was her damn bed. Clearly he didn't "claim" the bed before con either, or she obviously would have told him the bed was hers as the room-booker who was paying more... I guess he just thought that if he rushed in and sprawled out first it was his.

It's really sad he's still mad about it "years" later, yikes.

>> No.8741818

Fun times from an already shit con
>"Yeah anon, there will only be 6 people in the room!"
>16 people show up to a hotel room with two beds and one room
>people sleeping in chairs, in the closet, in the tub, I'm sharing a bed with my boyfriend and two other friends. Keep falling off the bed all night and finally give up and sleep on the floor.
I can't fucking believe this
>In the hot tub chilling day one, get a call from room holder
>SOBBING HER FUCKING EYES OUT because every person she asked in the room said no or some shit
>Says we hate her
>'For what room holder, fucking speak. What's the actual issue?'
>Finally get it out of her that she wanted a literal fucking orgy with a bunch of homestuck cosplayers in our room. Who of course, wouldn't pay though everyone else paid.
>Someone has to go talk her down from cutting over the 'embarrassment' of being told no.
>Shit goes missing all weekend, it's a fucking mess. You can't go anywhere without tripping over a human being. There is constantly people sleeping no matter the hour. Random people show up and it's no wonder all my bobby pins, some makeup, a wig head and all my wig caps go missing as well as my entire jumbo hairspray gets used without permission. Towels stained and wet no matter how many we get in the room it's never enough. Someone dyed their hair in the tub, some homestuck paint got deposited around.
>Fucking kill me.
>Best friend 1 tries to score with best friend 2, not knowing she was married. Still awkward years later.
>Best friend 3 doesn't have room key, avoided crowded room (who can fucking blame them) and knocks to get let in at 2 a.m. before last day. Knocks for half an hour before giving up and sleeping just outside the door, cries themselves to sleep in the hallway. Still feel guilty to this day.
>People try on my costumes without permission, smell like B.O. and weeb.

We ended up not paying, and I honestly don't feel guilty at all. BAKA. What a fucking train wreck. I agreed to 6 or 7 people

>> No.8741824

Hate to break it to you, but you probably already have oral herpes. Most of the population does.

>> No.8741826

I'm kinda the same, I have a Japanese Akita.
She absolutely loves meeting people, but I the people that meet her, because it's the same 'epik doge meme' bullshit every time.

>> No.8741833

*pained not weeb dog owner high five* I hate it when they only refer to her as Ein. Like no that's not her name? Can you not confuse her for your weebness

>> No.8741837

And you deserved it. Did you not think to mention the extra person you were bringing to the room? Do you think you would have magically not gotten in trouble if you just showed up with a friend and said "oh yeah they're staying with me for free lol hope you don't mind the extra cramped space." On what planet do you not mention that to the room owner, especially if it's a baby that obviously doesn't follow the usual convention hours (especially at Dragoncon which heavily features late night partying and drinking).

If this isn't bait, I'm glad she took your cash - hopefully she went and bought some drinks with it.

>> No.8741846

You'd be surprised how entitled immature congoers can act when they don't want to change their usual con funtimes to accommodate their new children.

>Browsing roomshare forum for local anime con, find hilarious post
>"Looking for roomspace for me, husband, 2 year old, and infant. Must have bed space and crib space"
>"Baby doesn't cry I swear!!"
>"Can't pay but can provide snacks for room :D"
>After 4 days and no reply, mother replies to her own post, angry that nobody is willing to help her out. She can't afford a room on her own and doesn't want to drive down each day, so her con will be ruined if nobody offers her space.

>> No.8741850

I had a guy attempt to seduce the room holder once. Even stole another roommate's con buy to present to her like "I got you this."
All the while that roommate is standing there like "Uhm ya no I bought it."
Turned out he'd not had the money to pay (was claiming to pay at con) And ended up being kicked out.
I think he was drunk or at least on something to think it'd work.

>> No.8741861
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>not telling people you were bringing a fucking baby with you
Uh, anon... that's definitely something you should do. Especially if said baby is staying in the room for 3-4 whole nights.

People DO NOT want to be woken by a screaming babby on a con night, and even if your baby doesn't, they don't know that it won't.

>> No.8741870

I think the worse are the parents who drag the kid all dressed up out for the same amount of time they'd go without the kid.
I remember back in the day there was a Bleach couple who'd constantly bring their kid. That child always looked exhausted But the parents would always shove him in people's arms for 'Teh cuteness'
I can't imagine the hotel horror stories if they roomed with anyone. Just imagine a cranky has been completely uprooted for parents pleasure kid in a hotel.

>> No.8741880
File: 22 KB, 555x462, scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get it out of her that she wanted a literal fucking orgy with a bunch of homestuck cosplayers in our room

>> No.8741898

Unless it's a seeing eye dog you don't need to bring it with you.

>> No.8741899

Makes me think of the story from AnimeLA. The homestucker who apparently went in the hot tub with grey paint on. Destroying the fighting costing the hotel thousands in repairs.

>> No.8741912

The thread has moved on from this, please stop.

>> No.8741913

I swear I've heard this one on /cgl/ too as a big greentext image.

>> No.8741918

Trolls never stop especially when beat. Just ignore salty.

>> No.8741920

That depends on the hotel. I was super worried that I'd get charged because my recent red hair dyed bled everywhere but there were no charges. The staff were probably just glad it wasn't any kind of bodily fluid.

>> No.8741930

Those who leave the bathroom covered in glitter I think has been my worse. Like I sure do love just being covered in your shitty makeup cause you can't clean up.

>> No.8741932

Agreed, most times it's can cleaning supplies fix it? Then no issue. Maid staff tend to just be grateful when the room is cleanable.
Sales department just want that money. A lot of them have contests of who can book the most for events

>> No.8741946

The ones that won't shut up after lights are out and everyone is trying to sleep. Can you not giggle and swap stories when others are trying to rest please?
I think once when I was with a really obnoxious group one of the guys asked if they could at least whisper (as one was the room holder) She threaten to make him sleep in the hallway. Then her and her friends proceeded to passive aggressively attack him in their conversation. He just ended up leaving and crashing with another party.

>> No.8741958

I'm glad everyone still remembers the ALA homestuck hot tub incident. I was there that year when it happened.

>> No.8741963

>Maybe just for a brief day visit it's fine
Agreeing, my friend has been taking her kid to cons for years but didn't start until the kid was pre-school age and only for a few hours at first. That way the kid can actually enjoy seeing all the characters, but won't get overloaded. Around age 8 or so she started being allowed to stay all of Saturday (with some cool-down breaks outside if needed), and I know her first two day con was when she was 12. We roomed together when she was about 13 or 14 and she was actually really well behaved. Probably because she's gotten used to it and doesn't get as hyped as the average weeb of the same age.

>> No.8741964

How does one forget. AnimeLA has to be the most tragic of the party cons.

>> No.8741968

I feel like they're one of those "my children are angels" parents.

>> No.8741973

That one sick person who insists they're tots ok and ends up making you all sick come sunday.

>> No.8741975

A person I shared a bed with insisted she just had allergies, but wouldn't you know, the next day I had a sore throat.

>> No.8741978

Best advice is bring that airborne or related vitamins for close contact. It lessens your risk and you are usually good for the con.

>> No.8741984

>10x40- = $400
>8x50 = $400
>oh noooooo we can't afford $10 for the weekend!
are your friends poor college kids with no job?

>> No.8741986

Yeah I stocked up on zinc lozenges and vit C for next year. I refuse to get sick again.

>> No.8741990

Was this post from Acen?

>> No.8741994

If she can't pay why isn't the hubby? ugh lazy ass likely jobless twats.

>> No.8741996


This.. this is horrible. I almost hope it's not real.

>> No.8741999

the two rooms next to you and maybe the one across the hall would probably hear it too
four rooms woken for the price of one baby! what a deal!

>> No.8742010

I honestly don't understand people who insist on bringing their kids under 4. They aren't going to enjoy it, if you're rooming the roomies are gonna be miserable.
If you can't handle giving up your con fun don't have kids?

>> No.8742016

I'm dreading a new mom in my comm because of dumb parent shit. Already throwing money down for a con when she's just had a baby a month prior. I'm thinking She'll be a subject in a thread like this soon.

>> No.8742017

Gosh, this sounds exactly like someone I know. Complains about being left out, but doesn't even try to be part of the conversation. She's not even shy. Just a drama queen.

>> No.8742023

OHHHH MAN~!! Here goes!

So my "Roomates" are friends of mine who got married, i was a bridesmaid in their wedding. They bought a house and invited me to live in one of their 3 spare bedrooms! i was excited because the rent was cheap and closer to school for me. Problem is, they treat me more like a subhuman than a roommate or even a tenant. Between their 4 animals which consist of 2 cats, a large dog (a mix of a few things) and a turtle that is kept in their room, i am drowning in craziness. It smells every day sans my room and bathroom. the dog shits and pisses everywhere from the kitchen to the hallway. The cats are ok but one of them is plotting to kill me i swear! and no comment on absentee turtle-san, poor thing could be dead. they don't care for their animals and didn't notice an ongoing infection on one of the cats butts until he scratched all the fur off of it. The dog is untrained and howls day and night for attention. he spends most of his days looking miserable while they are at work. They let the dog eat from their bowls and leave them scattered around the floor all day for him to lick, yet they expect me to share dishes. i get my own and they continuously ask me why i have my own. I give generic answers so that i don't have to offend but they keep probing.

They expect me to inform me when my long term girlfriend comes over (i am bisexual) but they never tell me when they have parties planned unless they notify me via facebook.

i want to leave but now is not quite the time. I'm here sipping on a beer trying to be quiet by myself while they sleep but they are always loud when they wake up early morning. I work nights baking at our local deli 2 nights a week and go to class in the evening most days of the week. They can't be bothered to not stomp and sing around the house at 8am.

sadly, this has ruined our friendship. i am completely withdrawing and keeping contact to a minimum. as much as i can. I've kept quiet as much as i can!

>> No.8742024

holy shit, shut up.

>> No.8742031
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Please visit: >>>/trash/

>> No.8742037

That's not really con/cosplay/lolita related. Also it sounds like just a normal bad rooming situation. They aren't treating you as a subhuman, and you seem to be oversensitive because you don't like living there. Leave after your lease is up.

>> No.8742039

not bait. i'm actually completely serious. minus my stupid typos.

>> No.8742040

i think this thread is for convention roommates but uh that sucks anon

>> No.8742041

i read roommate thread and went with it. give a drunk girl a break. they are cosplayers as well. just cosplayers of the non hygienic variety.

>> No.8742044

i'm a little drunk. i didn't realize.
Gomen nasai
Lo siento
German for I sorry...

>> No.8742050

i could be oversensitive. i'll reflect on that. thanks actually..

>> No.8742051

Go to bed, anon.

>> No.8742054

You don't need to stay there.
In fact, staying with newlyweds is typically a bad idea, because they're only just now rediscovering themselves through a "Now married" identity.

Just leave.

>> No.8742065

>>8742051 ...i will i really will
>>8742054 They needed money, i needed a room. i may just move in with my GF. My parents are oddly "traditional." They are cool with me dating a woman, but not cool with us moving in together. I assume they expect children after marriage as well. I think i need to leave.

Sorry i posted stupidly but, you're all kinda sweet. thanks.

>> No.8742068

The person who refuses to shower the entire con. I'd taken to spraying the room with my perfume.

>> No.8742070

We're sweet but this topic in unsavoury at best.
You already know the answers to your problem but you're too scared to do it.
Grow up.

>> No.8742071

the person who has sex while their roomies are still in the room, can I join?

>> No.8742072

Possibly, every now and then we need to hear it said (or written) be someone else to believe it.

>> No.8742075

Is it at least in the bathroom?

>> No.8742077

N-No Anon-san. No.

>> No.8742081

Man, it is my favorite fucking thing when roomies have sex in the hotel room while others are sleeping and think no one will hear it.
It always wakes everyone else up. Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.8742082


>> No.8742083

Nope, Anime Boston.

>> No.8742085

sorry friend, but this is a convention roommate thread, not a regular roommate thread.

>> No.8742086

Just why though. Like do people get off to it?

>> No.8742088

Bruh you're speaking my con I'm sad I missed this wonder.

>> No.8742089

This is the stories I came here to read.

>> No.8742093

Some do. Most of them are just stupid.

>> No.8742100

I have a roommate related in a way story. Friend came up mortified that on the elevator the couple had a vibrator on. Guy had the control and the girl was failing miserably at hiding it. Asked her why she'd not went to security. She just said. "I was so embarrassed for them I hit open door and ran up here."

>> No.8742113

We literally facepalmed. And promptly told her hell fucking no.

>> No.8742115

is it odd that i find it kinda hott? unless i find neither of them attractive. in that case just leave.

>> No.8742158
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Con roommate horror story that I'm a part of.
>Room up with about six people at a con all associates and friends. It's a two bed, two room with a pull out bed in the other room
>Most of them are heavy drinkers (which I hate with a passion) but ex bf at the time doesn't want to room by himself because he's a poor faggot and that's his friends
>I don't really care much nothing bad happened
>I'm the boring bitch because I don't smoke weed and drink. Everyone in the room bought 500 dollars of booze but no food at all. Lunch meat but no bread. Nothing so I just wing it on Mcdonalds or whatever
>I provide money or whatever regardless though and don't even bitch when people bug me for pizza when I buy it
>Randomly sleeping whatever. Nobody claims beds or anything just do what you want party room
>Come back from looking around the con in cosplay with ex and find everyone but the two heads in the other room crammed watching tv
>Other door is closed so I ask what's going on
>Find out two heads are fucking in the other room
>We can all hear screams and loud moans and stuff
>Hear wet slapping noises every once in a while too
>"Come on bitch!" You name it
>I say fuck it and leave I don't have time for dat
>Wait it out several hours later by going to the rave and coming back
>Everyone sleep but one friend and me/ex bf
>Try to get my badge and money stuck in the other room because I forgot it
>Step on condoms and something wet The whole room smells like shit

Same con
>Next day everyone is drinking and whatever
>Ex bf wants me to give him a blow job really badly
>I don't want to really do shit
>He was turned on by what happened the other day and really wants to have sex
>I'm not really into it but he molests me anyway
>People are LITERALLY there in front of us while he's doing this
>He doesn't care he's that horny
This is why I'm not friends with them and this is why my ex bf is my ex bf.

>> No.8742185

Eugh sounds awful.

>> No.8742193
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Damn son. Just damn.

>> No.8742201

I used to room with "friends" who only spoke cordially to me until the room was paid for then they'd leave me to roam the con alone (I was really, really green to cons and wanted to have a good time with friends). Thankfully, I enjoy my own company.

Next year get invited to same con but with another person added to the party who:
-lugged her sewing machine with her as well as a huge ass suitcase of wigs
-hogged the bathroom
-did I mention she sewed for a large portion of her cosplay at the con and complained when she couldn't hang out with her other con friends "bwuhhh my cosplay isn't readyyy"

Just the general bad treatment and crappy new people made me start paying for my own room as soon as I got a full time job lol

>> No.8742239
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a simple one, starts off even before we get to the con
>always single-handedly arrange con plans,reservations and transport, help out newbies get stuff together,etc
>on this occasion, the new recruit doesnt get his stuff together like I planned out for him ahead of time.
>end up helping him pack last second while loading up my bags in the car, already late and rushing
>keeps asking if he can borrow this or that,"grab what you need and hop in", he takes another 45 mins to close up
>In the haste I forget the bag with main pieces of my cosplay fml, my fault but still steaming, tempted to make the 8 hour round trip to get it
>newbie is a hot mess, help him get all tidied up.We all leave, I come back up hours later and find him sleeping mid day
>ask him if he is tired,tells me he kept being mistaken for another character so decided to quit. Proceeds to just eat in bed and not move.
>hogs the whole bed, everyone else is either sharing and sleeping on the floor, everyone was told we would be sharing beds, pretends he cant hear us in his sleep.
>Con ends and he keeps dodging to pay his share of the hotel,gas,food,booze since to him it wasnt worth it.
>Tells me he will, just to wait a week or two for his paycheck, then heard he moved away a week later.
I will find you....

>> No.8742250

How can anyone be so entitled.

>> No.8742376

were these all honry 14-year olds or something, amazed that their friends were having sex in the first place and turned on by the idea? none of my con friends are younger than 25 and we have an expressly spoken rule that nobody has sex in shared rooms. hell even when we started going to cons almost 10 years ago we had that rule, not that any of us needed it then. if you want to bang at a con plan ahead and get your own room, find someone else's room, a janitor's closet, a car, a fast food bathroom nearby, whatever, but absolutely no banging in shared rooms. that's just common courtesy.

at bare minimum i'd expect other people to limit their own rule to shower sex only, but blocking off and stinking up an entire room then leaving your nasty ass used condoms all over the floor... fucking disgusting.

>> No.8742408
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Oh I know you're going to hear it. That's what makes it hot

>> No.8742410

She didn't keep our money, she booted us from the room without asking for payment

>> No.8742416

Ugh, untrained small dogs, someone brought her emotional support dog to a UK con, it looked like a yorkshire terrier. She was also a volunteer and in charge of cosplay repairs (which was at the back of a panel room), the little yap would run up to people when they entered the room and bark randomly during panels.

Someone on the forums said it was clear the dog wasn't a properly trained dog and she was just bringing her ordinary dog which she uses for emotional support.

When I feeling stressed I take out some of my animals for handling but I wouldn't dream of bringing them to con (as much as I'd like too) due to:
1) They need heated enclosures (one of them was called Sergeant Slithers so you can guess what they are)
2) They can sense vibrations in the air and through the ground despite being deaf so the vibrations from the voices of screaming weebs and the vibrations from weebs thundering around like a herd of elephants could stress them and cause them to bite someone (they're pretty chill animals most of the time though)
3) One of them weighs 32lbs so I'd kill my back from carrying her all day

Someone in the US used to bring a burmese python to Transformers cons, her name was Raksha, I thought it was pretty cool then I later discovered she was considered a whack job (not because of the snake but because she was a shitty person and hated Beast Wars Megatron to the extent that she stalked his voice actor David Kaye)

>> No.8742422

Not in Ireland they don't!

Someone at a con I was attending got her entire room booted for having 7 people in a room when they only should have had 4.

It's down to health and safety, something to do with fire regulations.

I've heard of one hotel (Park Inn in Northampton, not a great hotel for a con, staff weren't the friendliest, stayed there two weekends apart for cons, one was Fushicon (Andrea Libman was main (only?) guest), the other was one of Massive Events Stargate cons) doing the same, they'd ask the maids to take note of how many large bags were in the room.

Taking note of how many large bags are in the room isn't necessarily an indication of how many people are in the room. 7 large bags/suitcases doesn't mean there are 7 people in the room.
I had a suitcase for clothes and my FemShep Mass Effect armour required it's own suitcase as it didn't fold due to being made of eva foam.

>> No.8742423

>she was a shitty person and hated Beast Wars Megatron to the extent that she stalked his voice actor David Kaye)

Who hates beast wars Megatron though? He's so delightfully hammy.

And Kaye seems like a chill guy.

>> No.8742424

It's because she was being loud and noisy and groaning at the top of her voice, it's not because she was shitting it was because the rest of us could hear her groans as she was straining to take a shit.

And snoring IS something to be annoyed over, I literally cannot sleep is someone is snoring loudly.

>> No.8742427

I heard entitled mothers and their children being referred to as Bitchius Entitleus and Brattus Horribulus

>> No.8742430

I thought the 'epik doge meme' dog was a Shiba Inu and not an Akita though?

>> No.8742432

Is your favourite artist The Queen?

>> No.8742438

Shit like this infuriates me for a few reasons. For one, it gives actual TRAINED service animals a bad name. So many people don't understand the difference between a service animal and an emotional support animal, and will blindly allow any animal in if the owner pulls out the magical "support" word because it's better than a lawsuit. Good on you if you took the effort to properly train your emotional support dog, but so many people don't because they don't want to spend the cash.

But mostly: Some special snowflakes will drag their emotional support animal everywhere even if their pet is completely miserable. Their fee-fees and need to attend a convention are more important than their pets' well-being, and nobody is going to stop them if they slap a "support animal" sticker on the side of their pet's carrier. I've posted this story before but it still pisses me off something fierce:

>At Katsucon 2015. Constantly see girl probably 18 or so carrying cat around the halls both Fri and Sat.
>Girl keeps approaching huge photoshoots and groups of people and then taking out the cat, passing it around and getting praise.
>"He's my emotional support animal, Katsucon gave me special permission to bring him."
>Cat is scared to death - visibly trembling, trying to hide in owner's arms.
>Question her about it. "Oh he's just scared of the fountain in the main room."
>Continue to grill her. "He's fine, anon, he's not eating any food but that's because he's so worried about me. See how he keeps hugging me?"

Just leave your poor pet at home ffs.

>> No.8742439

What about epilepsy dogs? Dogs that people in wheelchairs use to retrieve things for them? Autism dogs for autistic kids?

>> No.8742445

Don't really give a shit if my kid bothers other people in the panel DESU

>> No.8742446

OMG, please tell me you have a link to this post

>> No.8742457

Entitled parents are the worst. Please have some consideration for your fellow man. Do you also bring infants to movie theaters?

>> No.8742459

Sadly their forums prune the old roomshare threads year to year... I think it was from 2013.

>> No.8742461

Her name was Raksha, she was obsessed with the G1 decepticons and G1 Megatron and referred to BW Megs at 'The Pretender to the throne'

>> No.8742484

You're an awful person and I want you to know that.

>> No.8742485

They look similar to your average con goer.
Shibas are actually pretty small but a lot of people don't know that.

>> No.8742496

What I gather from this thread....

>People are too fucking stupid to bring an air mattress when they think 50 dollars gets you a bed
>People are entitled out the ass
>People are surprised that room heads are not cool with unexpected pets and BABIES (literally what) coming into the room
>People get mad when a friend of a friend gets a cheaper rate or privileges for being a friend
>People get mad when they room with a bunch of people they DO NOT KNOW and the experience is less then good
>People get mad when someone they don't know even ENTERS the room
>People on /cgl/ are apparently the most disabled subgroup ever to fucking exist, whether it be self diagnosed bullshit, general autism, or apparently real medical conditions
>Theres no middle ground, their either straight edge as fuck or plastered. No one ever just has a couple drinks socially.
>Entitlement out the ass from everyone at a con
>Everyones too cheap to get their own room, or split with a friend/SO
>People are liars
>People are dumbasses
>People blow up over tiny shit
>People will commonly fuck up the room

Thank god I only go to my local con, or get a solo bedroom or with one of my mates.

>> No.8742498

You're making a whole lot of generalizations from a horror thread. People obviously aren't going to document their good experiences here, but they do exist.

>> No.8742508

Actually, I've encountered one time when this was for the better.

>Be at larp
>Talked with three girls, two I know. Been linked to FB convo, but am unfamiliar with FB so no idea about scrolling upwards.
>Meet everyone, holy smokes are they late.
>Miscommunication about time, mostly my fault for misunderstanding
>I brought sandwiches, all rejoices.
>My crew is a bunch of catgirls, nice.
>Wait wat
>This tiny tiny catgirl
>Who is this
>"Ohh, that's Mimmy, my baby. She'll be Mittens at the LARP!"
>Oh, uhm, hi there, Mimmy... You're cute
>It's gonna need feeding and shit and argh could have done with some warning, did I miss something about the info? I must have, fuck...
>Baby lady starts setting up bigger tent
>But we already have a (tiny) tents for sleeping and supplies!?
>"Oh, this tent is for me. Since I brought a baby along."
>Turns out the sun fucks with our tenting
>Mfw she lets us sleep in the big tent, we have a tiny tent for supplies
>Larping mommy is legit awesome, takes us to a swimming pool on the second day, and her baby is really well-behaved and cute.
>Mfw baby makes high-status character go 'Oookie ookie who'da good goil'
>Best LARPing mommy
>Best larping parent

>> No.8742512

So which story were you the subject of?

Nah in all honesty, these are like 20% of con hotel experiences at most. I've never had a single horror story, so I never post in threads like this.

>> No.8742522

This thread makes me feel a lot better about myself as a new parent, if only because I have the common fucking decency to not surprise people with an infant. Not that I'd take my son to a convention yet, anyway. An overstimulated baby is a difficult baby, and I don't want him catching the con gunk.

>> No.8742531

The one where I room alone and jerk off to internet pornography, then go to bed at a reasonable hour.

>> No.8742538

Rock on, brother

>> No.8742544


Sounds like Newcon a couple years ago???

>> No.8742639

It really blows my mind how many parents drag their unhappy children to conventions. I've seen my fair share of babies at cons but the one that sticks with me is the children at PAX East. That con is the height of over-stimulation and filth even for an adult because everything takes place in a gigantic room so it's just nonstop noise and crowds of people standing in huge lines. It attracts a lot more casuals so you get TONS of unhappy kids, many with earplugs or headphones on to delay the meltdown while mommy and daddy stand in line for three hours to play the new demo.

>> No.8742663

No, Tasha Tudor sweet little old lady who lived like it was early 19th century

>> No.8742696

A girl I know got tickets for it and is already telling people inquiring about what happens with the new baby "We'll see when it comes." Like WHY did you buy tickets for PAX East of all things without a plan for your bouncing brat?

>> No.8742721

A lot of it is immature idiots breeding. Most of 'em still live on parents dimes. The parents don't protest because they think a baby will wisen them up. Only to be saddled with a brat while the new parents fuck off and party at the cons. Or watch them all trample off to the con, only to have them return whining about how the baby won't behave.

>> No.8742742

feel bad for your kid. please mature for his or her sake.

>> No.8742754

Holy shit

>> No.8742778 [DELETED] 


This has nothing to do with cosplay.

Reporting it.

>> No.8742792

Nightmare roommate threads having happened on /cgl/ before

And it does have something to do with cosplay, cosplay happens at cons and this is about convention roommates

>> No.8742797

Aww was some's bs reported in the thread?

Like seriously dude this has everything to do with cosplay. Hotel horror stories have their own panels even.

>> No.8742801

you're not the brightest bulb in the box senpai

>> No.8742820

Anyone had a couple break up in the middle of the weekend and demand their money back?
>she wants to leave
>demands I give back her deposit
>threatens to claim her bf raped her in the room if we don't
>They go out in the hallway to hash it out
>End up making out and returning to the con??
>Never again will room even though they asked next con

>> No.8743059

I have never roomed with a couple.

The closest was one of my friend brought her boyfriend to our room (we had a group in there) and they just stood against the wall. They looked really awkward together.

>> No.8743075

Holy hell that sounds awful. My SO isn't into cons so he's never gone with me, but if for some reason he ever wanted to, we would definitely just get our own room. That's such an uncomfortable situation, ehhhh.

>> No.8743083

This is a bad thread to see what it's like to room with people at a convention. I've roomed with strangers about 50% of the time I've gone to conventions, and everyone has been cool or way better than expected. But we're also all mature, stable adults who can afford to take a vacation and enjoy a convention.

But you can definitely learn from it, and yeah people can be super shitty when rooming with them in a small space. I really think a lot of this is teenagers, people who are immature/have issues, or it's their first overnight away from home.

>> No.8743124

Oh my god, I remember that lady. She was a bane of various Transformers forums through the early 00's.

>> No.8743155

Op here. This was back when I was 19 or 20. All of my friends were over 20 and the head rooms were around 24-25. To make it worse we had teenagers go in and out and drink booze with the adults. I was the only adult outside of my ex bf (and I suspect he took sips of booze anyway) to not get wasted or drunk that weekend.


>> No.8743161

Rooming with people who drink different amounts is what gets me.

I'm a social drinker but I mostly drink soft drinks for various reasons. So I'm 90% sober all con. But I've lost track of the number of times I've been called to retrieve wasted room mates and had to hold their heads above toilets and bins before literally hauling their asses into bed.

>Get call, friend is apparently murmuring on the floor curled around a bottle outside. Response level varies between babbling and lashing out with wobbly arms.
>Go to where friend is, with help of the caller manage to get her up and pseudo walking
>Long story short got her upstairs and comfortable but she kept almost rolling out of the bed.
>Thought she was done but ended up being sick in the bin by the bed side, some gets on the sheets.
>Clean up as best I can because that stuff is gunna stink if left till morning.
>Friend is awake next day and apparently okay in the morning (hung over though). I have to get off early to do a panel.
>We have one person over the maximum room occupancy so normally we'd just get toiletries from the maid and clean the room ourselves but because of the sick I ask room mates to let house keeping in while I'm gone
>Come back. House keeping have not been let in. They've been drinking again in the middle of the day and the room is literally a tip.
>Fucking pissed spend an hour cleaning that shit up
>They come back half cut. Not even sorry.

Like I don't mind people drinking and I don't want to be the person that says 'can you slow down?' just because I'm not a big drinker. But seriously that was gross.

>> No.8743170
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>People blow up over tiny shit
>People get mad when a friend of a friend gets a cheaper rate
Sorry but if someone vomits on my cosplay and doesn't have an excuse or even offers to pay for it in full that's not tiny shit to me. And if your friend is paying nothing and you're paying 100-200 dollars I hardly think that's fair. I had to deal with this with my ex bf and my ex friends. I had to pay half of the room including the vomit damages and I didn't drink any booze or was told in advance about me paying half. I was literally told on Sunday I had to pay my ex bf's share as well as my share of the room. And I slept on the floor.

I usually get my own room but paying 600 dollars (or 800 dollars since they jacked up the prices in 2016) is a no go not including con prices. I have no friends after what happened before so I get roommates now. Never had problems since then because my roommates were from /cgl/

I'm the anon in the party room with the people who kept having sex.

>> No.8743197

Why was it your responsibility to pay your ex's share?

>> No.8743218
File: 3.05 MB, 446x360, anigif_enhanced-3228-1393391313-20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offered a chance to roomshare with friends of friends
>i dont personally know these girls but friend vouches for them
>since theres two of them i am told we'll split 3 ways
>get to con, they claim they said they'd both pay one half and I'd do other since I'm getting a bed to myself
>whatever, its only $40 more for the weekend and still a way better deal than the shitty motels in town (they got the discounted advance rate)
>every time i enter room its either empty of people but full of room service trays and wine bottles all over the bed or they're both passed out in their cosplay
>they don't come in to sleep until 5 am, and both scream and crash around as they try to find way to their bed
>they slept well past 2 pm on Saturday and I had to wake them on Sunday for checkout
>as i'm putting my bags back in my car i get a text from them
>"hey so you're gonna pay your share right"
>i already did, I gave you $100 in cash already
>"no anon the bill is like $430, you owe us still"
>they want to charge me for their multiple meals and booze
>no fuck that I lived off fruit and lean cuisines all weekend
>tell them i've already left and am on the highway
>proceed to move car to shopping center in adjoining lot
>hedge my bets that these girls won't even go to the rest of the con
>only spot them once in the entirety of sunday, and it was while they were passed out on a couch in the lobby
>tell friend who arranged whole thing about this since it will inevitably cause drama
>friend admits she's never met them and has only spoke over skype before
>never trusting her again

>> No.8743250

I roomied with someone at Eirtakon who was OBSESSED with Jurassic World and lizards, I have PTSD after that weekend.

>> No.8743263

This is why I'm glad my industry has regulations that, while not really putting anyone with a disability out, they're annoying to people who just want to snowflake around, and its all for the animal's safety and well being. We just have to be notified a certain amount of time beforehand depending on the service done, so we can properly clean everything and do minor rearranging to make sure your animal is safe during the appointment. Most people with a legitimate need for the animals understand this perfectly and since they're making appointments for us anyway they're fine with booking slightly in advance. But since most special snowflakers are also huge bitches in general, they will throw fits over being told they can't come in for anywhere between an hour to a day and will screech discrimination. We always very kindly and politely say we're perfectly happy to have them come in but we need to make sure their dog doesn't get chemical burns or a sharp instrument dropped on them.

As an aside I had someone try to bring a betta fish in a bowl once. Like just straight up carrying him around in an open glass bowl. I understand that fish are incredibly soothing to watch (thats why I had mine in a tank near my bed) but nothing about that situation is healthy for the fish.

>> No.8743334

>As an aside I had someone try to bring a betta fish in a bowl once. Like just straight up carrying him around in an open glass bowl. I understand that fish are incredibly soothing to watch (thats why I had mine in a tank near my bed) but nothing about that situation is healthy for the fish.
Yeah really, holy shit. I felt bad as it is when I had to move and take my betta fish with me on the hour and a half car ride, I would never want to bring it to like a con or something.

>> No.8743377

Oh Hai Grainne
I can't wait to see you soon :)

>> No.8743392

>earlier in the year go to a big con hours away from my city
>everyone's super hyped, there's a group of about 12 of us going, though theres a few certain people that aren't as well-liked as everyone else
>one guy in particular is generally infamous for being a drama magnet in my local scene
>none of us want to spend time with him at all, but he's one of these people that try and twist your words when you try to tell them you don't wanna hang with them
>rooming with my ex, we broke up just before the con but we were still fine with rooming, we're both big partiers so we have the designated room for predrinks before the con parties
>we invite a couple people over for some drinks on the thursday night before the con starts on the friday
>drama friend invites himself, drinks almost the entire bottle of expensive liqueur that my friend got for christmas on the first night, which was brought with the intentions of sharing in moderation over the course of the weekend with a small group
>manages to start drama within the first 30 minutes of being in the room, fucks off eventually after pining for attention for a bit
>comes back next again night with half a bottle of shitty store-brand vodka that tastes like paint thinner to "return the favor"

what a great start to a con that was.

he ended up ruining the weekend for a whole lot of my friends and i, some of which had been first-timers looking forward to this con for a year, we've only just washed our hands of him. here's to a better con in 2016.

>> No.8743408

Someone at the first Steampunk World's Fair convention had a betta fish in a ghostbusters-esque tank on his back as part of his costume. It was a cool concept but I was shocked that the poor thing was even alive by the end.

>> No.8743434

My ex friends were assholes and enablers. Ex bf is lazy and a moocher and as stated a poor faggot. I don't mean any old moocher but a supreme moocher as in friends used to pay for his ticket/room/food at anime conventions out of state. They liked his personality as well as his 'con cred' or whatever. He had a lot of charisma so he used to get away with things like kidnapping girls at cons and bringing him to his room as part of his 'cosplay.'

I was the boring person because I didn't say much, didn't drink, didn't smoke weed and they felt that I only knew them through him even though we went to the same high school together. Since they knew he wasn't going to pay his share of the room (even though he had money) they went to me because I'm the 'loyal girlfriend.' I argued about it for a while (because I didn't drink and nobody paid for the vomit damage because said asshole vanished) but there wasn't a lot I could do at the time because I stayed there. That's why we are no longer friends.

More roommate drama: My other friend wanted to room up with me instead of me going with my ex bf and the party room but changed his mind at the last minute because of something my ex bf told him and other drama with his friends.

>> No.8743437

God I would totally give my friend the stink eye after that. Sorry to hear.

>> No.8743465

If she didn't keep your money why would you have opened a paypal dispute if you'd paid via PP?

>> No.8743474

I think I know who you're talking about and whilst she did mention JW a lot this past Eirtakon she's normally not like that.

I was talking to her and she mentioned she was suffering from sleep deprivation (she looked exhausted to me), she's also autistic so her autism was probably worse due to the lack of sleep.

She's usually OK, there are a lot worse people to room with at cons. I roomed with The Beast once and that was fucking awful (go to kiwifarms and do a search for 'wetflame', she used to be a major lolcow in the Irish con scene)

>> No.8743505

To get back at her for being a salt baby hating cunt

>> No.8743876

I'm guilty of this, anon, and I've learned my lesson, and try never to make a mess with wig hair ever again. Sorry there are folks like me out there, and I hope they learn as well.

>> No.8743895

Complete cunts why even.

>> No.8744053

So she did exactly nothing wrong, and you did everything wrong.

>> No.8744058

This makes me angry. The temperature isn't stable, the water's moving all around. Bettas like warm water with very little disturbance. Even a filter that's too strong can stress them to the point of illness.

I feel so bad for bettas. They're used as accessories/decoration so often and are almost never properly cared for.

>> No.8744107


>> No.8744130

Some of the things I hate

>People getting their makeup mixed in with mine on the bathroom sink, even though I had a designated area.
>Really loud talking late at night.
>People who are loud and don't go to bed until 5am, and then wake up and be loud again at 8am.
>My stuff going missing/not being where I last put it.
>People who "need" a bed to themselves, when they're not even the person in charge of the room and they're paying the same as everyone else, and there's multiple people on the floor.
>Bathroom hogs/people who need to get ready and do their makeup in the bathroom with the door closed so nobody else can use it.
>Leaving lights on when there's multiple people trying to sleep.

>> No.8744154

>Our trash can was constantly full with blood.

Thats pretty fucking metal.

>> No.8744440

>People who "need" a bed to themselves
Some people have medical conditions and do need a bed. Unless you or the people on the floor have something similar or worse I have no idea why this would be a problem.
>People getting their makeup mixed in with mine on the bathroom sink, even though I had a designated area.
You know what's your make up right so does it really matter? What if the sink is really tiny?

>do their makeup in the bathroom with the door closed so nobody else can use it.
Would you really want someone in there taking a dump at the same time you are putting on your make up? It's a sense of privacy also the person might be getting naked???

Some of these make sense but some of them seem really petty and sound high strung/you don't need roommates at all.

>> No.8744443
File: 8 KB, 200x200, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling another anon a prude because they don't want to have sex in front of other people

>> No.8744891

I've had ADHD pills go missing (yes, I count them out)

If ya want them, pay up

>> No.8745022

I bring a bunch of high quality painkillers with me to cons because chronic migraine and cluster headache problems. I've never roomed with anyone yet admittedly, but I'm scared for when I do room and that same thing happening to me.

>> No.8745125

You are a shitty shitty person

Seriously, I would rather have been aborted if the only other option was having you as a mother

>> No.8745447

Shhh don't take the bait.

>> No.8745603

Hide them or carry them with you. Set ground rules if you are the head person on the room.

I bring extra medication and never had anything stolen yet.

>> No.8745796

Nope. Last day of the con I got curious because this girl promised the room head she was going to share the bed with someone the night before, and it turns out she never did. She told me she only "needed" a bed to herself because she flew in from another part of the country.

And no, the sink had plenty of room. People just have little disregard to other people's spaces.

Earth to fucktard, I said people who are doing their makeup privately as if it were some luxury, not being naked or taking shits.

I've just had pretty bad luck with roommates this past year and need to find a different group.

>> No.8745939

Stop defending that bitch

>> No.8746119

Except how do you know they won't take a shit after? I used to do my makeup and shower and keep the door close as a sense of respect for my roommates. If I'm not doing that I leave it open. Don't even care if another person joins me.

Seriously it sounds like you just need a room by yourself so save money and pay up then?

>> No.8747354

>Con about 4 years ago
>Got off the waiting list about 2 weeks before the con, all hotel rooms were booked
>Looked to room with someone, nobody I knew was going
>Person from Twitter I vaguely knew, Lemon, asked if I wanted to share with them
>"it's cool, we're really relaxed, my friend Peach is going too!"
>Get to con, Lemon seems okay IRL, Peach is really fun and sweet
>Lemon asks me"Can you put glow paint on me and take photos of me"
>I do but I have the shakes so the pictures don't come out well
>Lemon: "I'm bipolar and I have hallucinations and I forgot to take my tablets with me this weekend because they don't work lel"
>the dumbest thing I've ever heard
>Lemon: "I heard this convention is great for parties so I'm taking speed"
>no wait, THAT'S the dumbest thing I've ever heard
>Peach is nervous but really easily swayed and doesn't know how to say no, so they both take speed. Peach doesn't enjoy it, hangs out with me instead
>Lemon is up all night partying and acting bizarrely, gets angry when we're not dancing maniacally with them
>Next day Peach and I get up about 10 and get ready for the con. Lemon still in bed
>Hey Lemon we're going to the convention, coming with us?
>Lemon tells us they can see a demon at the end of her bed
>Definitely doesn't have meds with them
>They goes back to sleep, we decide to wait around to make sure they're ok
>Gets to 1pm, we've missed so much and Lemon keeps growling whenever we try to wake them
> Write a note to say where we are, our phone numbers, and what events we expect to be at and when. Leave it under their glasses
> Phone rings, it's Lemon
>we're at the con of course, Lemon
>we waited for several hours for you

>> No.8747355

> We left you a note under your glasses next to your bed, we figured you'd see it when you went to wear them
>Lemon apparently hasn't put on their glasses and finds the idea of putting them on preposterous (they have very poor eyesight)
>We go to find another hotel room, find one in another hotel a bit further from the con but at least it's affordable
>After the con
>Lemon starts chasing me for the photos I took of them
> I literally got my DSLR a few weekends ago so was learning about exposure, ISO and aperture still, and the photos I took of them were in low light (for their glow paint) so all you see are some neon streaks. They're terrible pictures. I upload the good ones I took for the convention but there's like one of them and that's it
>They starts posting everywhere on the internet that I'm a lesbian paedophile who takes photos of congoers and keeps them to wank over
>because apparently if you send someone a copy of a photo you took you won't have a copy still????
>this is exhausting, cuts ties, tell her not to contact me till she's sorted out her head
>a few years later
>see them at a convention again
>Apologises to me and Peach for their behaviour, wants to start again
> we accept, we hang out a bit at conventions and reconnect on Facebook
>They're always complaining about people and events and starting little wars with people
>People tell me that they're uncomfortable hanging out when Lemon is around
>It all comes to a head when Lemon screams at Peach because she doesn't belong to any political party
>fucking hell Lemon

>> No.8747357

>Lemon gets a girlfriend, pressures her to quit university, move across the country, get a job
>At this point the bipolar is now borderline personality disorder, and there's like 50 000 other diseases to go with it
> All of them suspiciously flare up whenever the GF is out of the house or Lemon hasn't had attention in a while
>GF gives up, leaves after Lemon threatens to an hero
>Lemon says that it's my fault because I made friends with GF
>GF comes to sofa surf because she knows nobody else in the area
>Lemon makes creepy facebook posts about me
>creates a fake account with my name and pictures in to send messages to people
>calls me and gets his parents to call me daily
>I call the police, they call Lemon, Lemon laughs in their face and accuses them of being some of my friends put up to it
>Literally crazy
>Blacklists everything, resurfaces every once in a while
>Have to go on anti-anxiety medications and therapy
>Nervous about going to conventions that he's also attending now
>Never roomsharing with anybody except for my husband and select friends ever again

>> No.8747366

What always gets me on some stories is about how these people seem really normal first off and not immediately crazy, it makes me kind of paranoid.

I wish I had a weird roomate story to share but all my friends stopped liking anime and video games now that we're older and most of us have jobs and can actually afford to stay at a hotel, and stay up late for the fun things like the masquerades and raves. All my friends turned into normies...

>> No.8747411

I think some people are just inexperienced desu.

Look for the warning signs. If someone seems immature or keeps trying to cross your boundaries, that's often a sign to back off.

>> No.8747675

Yeah, I typically carry my painkillers with me, but I suppose I should just carry my nightly prescriptions as well.