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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 96 KB, 706x960, zneZain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8727479 No.8727479 [Reply] [Original]

I find this really inspiring and I want to try something similar on my next shoot. Let's have a cosplay photo before and after thread.

>> No.8727483
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>> No.8727485
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>> No.8727490
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>> No.8727491

You Tried.

>> No.8727493
File: 66 KB, 720x420, 148681_115360245196003_1208582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727496
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>> No.8727503

I love these

>> No.8727523
File: 400 KB, 2048x1675, peck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727525
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>> No.8727526

This looks kinda bad though? That bird is so obviously pasted in...

>> No.8727527

Bottom parts/edges of the draping parts look like shit

Everything else looks decent though

>> No.8727529
File: 169 KB, 960x919, peck3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727530
File: 114 KB, 960x919, peck4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727533
File: 303 KB, 2048x1558, 10273305_441007629370114_4082992228164652868_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727553

Impressive edit, but would have saved the editor so much trouble if it wasn't done with that fucking ceiling light there

>> No.8727602
File: 48 KB, 600x432, 11262124_1629736503926707_8403078491230114261_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who needs Photoshop when you have some buds

>> No.8727606
File: 135 KB, 500x642, tumblr_ni4px3mbMv1r5x8nzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8727609
File: 98 KB, 600x447, cosplay_behind_the_scenes_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8727613
File: 362 KB, 2000x1012, dizzy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727644

I was thinking this too. The lighting is really poor as well, but the end result looks great.

>> No.8727657

Damn I can't find this guy's work but we was amazing for being able to edit in an entire futuristic control room for a cosplayer who was just sitting in a chair.

The crazy part was that he actually took the time to adjust the lighting and shadows so everything looked super believable.

>> No.8727678

Pretty sure that was Peck Photography, same guy as a lot of pictures in this thread.

>> No.8727680
File: 86 KB, 960x731, controlroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8727717
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>> No.8727719
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x919, DSC_1996saas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8727827

Do people really like this garbage? It's so unrelentingly unrealistic, why even bother to cosplay in the first place? Just shoop the model in.

>> No.8727872

why? He obviously just extracted the girl, and he didn't even need to bother with her hand with the wrench. It's all hidden by the robot head so he just cut it all off.

>> No.8727878

I was just going to say this, all of these look really badly done. The first one in particular. Somehow the person editing the picture made her hair look like a cheapo party city wig

>> No.8727890

Not reaally????

>> No.8727896

Yeah this might just be my personal taste but photos that are SO over processed just make me assume that the costume itself is fake too. Add all the backgrounds that you want but ffs stop adding shiny lights all over the model.

>>8727493 is probably my favorite in this thread so far just because the photog didn't mess with the cosplayer that much, and it actually fits the movie aesthetic.

>> No.8727900

This was actually a really cool pic to begin with, I think showing some restraint with the editing would do it a lot more justice.

>> No.8727915

I like that they actually made the effects instead of just doing Photoshop/CG for it

>> No.8727940

This is so shitty, why do all this and not photoshop those horrible wrinkles from the cloth (that's obviously sewn badly to produce said wrinkles)

>> No.8727942

Bitch, please

>> No.8727964

Everyone is online co-signing the hell out of this photo, and I'm not seeing what's so amazing about it.

>> No.8727984

It bothers me that she's looking out of the sights while flying (backward?). Something about that seems off.

>> No.8727999

The photo really here looks good

>> No.8728008
File: 240 KB, 1365x2048, 11894056_482073698619292_8257959749439437845_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's at his best when he takes care of the lighting and backgrounds before he edits. He can get some really killer edits but I do love his subtle work

>> No.8728012

all that shoop and he couldn't un-square her ass?

>> No.8728016

It doesn't look like a blurry glowy video game background, maybe that's it. Considering the rest of the examples here.

>> No.8728022

I don't get this style of lighting. Looks more like Tron than Spirited Away.

>> No.8728087


>> No.8728129

This is the best thread we've had in a while.

>> No.8728422

Why is everyone losing their shit over Beethys photo? It's hardly a new idea, but everyones like, whoa what a good idea...really? He photoshoped out a chair, theres togs out there that make the background of the composition from a 3D created background which takes huge more amount of time. I don't understand, but i guess it's like cosplayers who take months to make a costume and doesn't get a look in and some fake gamurgurl comes around with a store bought bikini and gets thousands of likes?

>> No.8728428

Also the before photo is already edited...

>> No.8728454

THANK YOU. Yes it is. Her face, her body... yep. Also see:

>> No.8728457

Her face looks so dead though
Not stoic like 18, just like nothing

>> No.8728506

Why would they make a gun that has that much kickback, doesn't make sense. Doesn't that gun fire like lasers, or is it it can only fire once?

>> No.8728559

it only has that much kickback when a woman handles it

>> No.8728603

>tie color's not even remotely accurate
what the fuck? how is it even possible to make a harry potter cosplay this inaccurate when there's so many places you can buy a proper Gryffindor tie online and IRL

>> No.8728614

The first one doesn't make sense...they're not even the same books.

>> No.8728619

This I consider photography.
This I consider graphic design.

>> No.8728634

I'm more baffled by the wand desu.
I'm not even sure what character it's supposed to be...

>> No.8728665

This is accurate. It just depends on what the model wants really because I can do either.

>> No.8728666


But she's hot as fuck, so sorry, your argument becomes invalid, you sound like just another jellie bitch.

>> No.8728687

oh shit I didn't even notice the wand, man that shit just looks like a twig
also I think she's supposed to be Hermione?
how does her being "hot" invalidate the fact that her costume is inaccurate due to the tie colors being completely wrong
>sage for OT

>> No.8728713

noice bait mate

>> No.8728754
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 1437518071617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Stop talking like that.

>> No.8728766

Yes I enjoy all these photos.

>> No.8728927

Oh man I love Dragon Z Ball!

>> No.8728936

This looks awesome

>> No.8728954
File: 53 KB, 342x960, 1432126372807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8728962

This is amazing holy fuck

>> No.8729021

This is what you like? Doesn't seem a little overdone?

>> No.8729157

I also enjoy these. These are kind of more like cosplay + art and not just regular cosplay pictures. Photomanipulation and such is very popular with other subjects, why not do it with cosplay too if it makes an interesting photo?

>> No.8729158

Where do people learn to do stuff like this other than school? Any good tutorials or books people know of? I just love it.

>> No.8729164

I'm a sucker for things that look like movie posters. I love big dramatic stuff

>> No.8729180

You can literally google anything these days

>> No.8729181

You sound fat.

>> No.8729191

anon...the point is that she can't reach the one she needs. that's why the guy is getting it for her.

>> No.8729194

I don't why the cosplayer didn't just do cracked makeup? There are tons of good tutorials out there by great sfx artists.

>> No.8729271

Probably because they weren't cosplaying for that scene and instead was a second thought during the shoot.

>> No.8729298
File: 54 KB, 960x440, be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8729302

You wouldn't learn shit like that in school.

>> No.8729314

Kek ! it looks so ridiculous

>> No.8729316

depends on if school has a class about composites
if it's a multi-major school they probably would (film/tv)

>> No.8729318

Quick, someone post the one with the race queen with the water effect made by two camera guys spitting in front of the lense.

>> No.8729332

I think it'd be fun to have a few super photoshopped cosplay pics of myself. Just for fun, it's like you're actually in the game, anime etc.

>> No.8729353

I wouldn't see a movie with a poster this trash.

>> No.8729354

Not in a basic photography class, but in a school with a Photography degree you would learn most of the skills needed to key out an image and swap backgrounds in composites. Even better if the school also offers Graphic Design.

>> No.8729356

Lies. I'm sure you've seen Avengers, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and other tent pole movies

>> No.8729365
File: 989 KB, 936x1428, Star-Wars-ep1-alle-star-war-filme-in-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I haven't seen Avengers. I have seen Lord of the Rings and Star Wars which have completely different styles of posters.

>> No.8729586
File: 117 KB, 440x732, 1432060293756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8729764
File: 1.79 MB, 384x216, BzH96Tr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only see movies with "your preferred" movie poster style? Virgin fatty detected. Noone would invite you to the movies with that attitude kek.

>> No.8729873

That is awesome

>> No.8729878

To the people saying 'who even likes this?!' the answer is a lot of people. A lot of people like this.

>> No.8729899

That's alright anon, we all have our opinions and I respect yours

>> No.8729919


This isn't graphic design though. Maybe a graphic designer knows enough about Photoshop to do this, but this is really more in the photography realm than it is design.

>> No.8729930

No, you wouldn't learn exactly how to make a picture like that. But you would learn the basics in school and then you apply the basics to do more outstanding things. That's what creativity is.

This for example. School teaches you lens flare, you then take it to the next level and use that on the end of the broom. They teach you dodge & burn, and you use that to make her prop look like the "real" thing. Teach you to overlay color, you then make her hair realistically purple.

You could pick apart all of these pictures and point out what parts you'd be taught in school. All the stuff I mentioned are things I learned in the classes I took in high school, kek. It just depends on if you're good at them or not.

>> No.8730441
File: 83 KB, 600x818, 1432053635150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8730445
File: 87 KB, 591x960, 1432076613522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8730951

You.. you like the worst image in the thread..?

>> No.8733253

Manlets, when will they learn.

>> No.8733313

Its fucking movie posters. Shut up.

>> No.8733407

How can girls be manlets?

>> No.8734505

The whole joke is that they're the same height because they're both girls.

>> No.8735285

Wh...where are his pants?

>> No.8735485

Her, and it looks like she's wearing black shorts.

>> No.8735496

They probably don't want their pants to get stained, since they're white.

>> No.8735507

This is a cool idea, but now I'm confused as to why the water would even be there? It doesn't look like rain...

>> No.8735583

Like others said, due to stains. Plus if the lower half is not in the shot then why bother?

>> No.8735668

Most people won't notice the rain isn't right though. Just like with Beethy's photo, the hair flip is all wrong for what the image is trying to portray.

>> No.8738614

w-what if he cuts his hand?

>> No.8738616

Unsharpened blade most likely, cuts can still happen, but harder to get cut from just holding it still

>> No.8738630
File: 564 KB, 667x740, hayleyelise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another article where Hayley Elise had to steal all her content from a 4chan thread. Bitch cant you find your own material and do your own research?
>bragging about cosplaying for so long
>still relying on 4chan to spoon feed you material and opinions

>> No.8738648

holy shit that photo is awful

>> No.8738766

Half those photos were crap in her article, and I see she was smart not to mention Anna FIscher helping in that Norway shoot

>> No.8739218

funny Beethy's photo didn't make it. Ron Gejon's copy cat version is better than the original?

>> No.8739238

Hayley hates Beethy. You will never see her use one of his images. Mark my words.

>> No.8739362

Gejon can't edit for shit, all his good edits are done by others

>> No.8739372
File: 190 KB, 1920x1040, Spirited Away 1080p HDTV Eng Jap 5.1.mp4_snapshot_00.17.27_[2015.11.28_11.59.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, especially considering almost all the bathhouse scenes have WARM colours, not cold ones.

>> No.8739422

Yeah they seem more like artistic photography editing than cosplay photography to me. Half of the costume and the whole background are shooped in and they look more like a painting than a photo.

>> No.8739562


Um.... Beethy's photo got a whole article including video.


>> No.8739668

apparently she hates Lyz by association then, she's the only cosplayer not credited in that article. Kek.

>> No.8739676
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1408545674850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at all

>> No.8740400

Because it's probably literally a cheap arse costume made from clothes already in her wardrobe/her father's tie

>> No.8740402

Uh, the book the guy is getting for her in the first pic isn't even in the second pic though

>> No.8740420

Uh maybe because this looks more realistic?

I suppose you think the orcs in The Hobbit are superior to the ones in Lord of the Rings because they were CGI instead of makeup effects

>> No.8741139

It's probably a behind the scene pic from a few different takes so they probably grabbed a few different books.

Pretty sure they're bitching because it's a simple trick, not because how realistic it is. The article makes it seem like it's a time intensive process when it's really only a few minutes in Photoshop. It's like saying someone is fantastic in an article when all they do is stick some flashlights into a chest piece compared to someone who wires up a LED system from scratch, complete with a programmable sequence.